OCR Interpretation

The Birmingham age-herald. [volume] (Birmingham, Ala.) 1902-1950, July 10, 1914, Image 1

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Administration Meets De
i feat in First Stage of
Fight on.Appointments
to Reserve Board
' Only Hope for Confirmation of Wil
son Appointees Is That Senate
Will Overrule Committee’s
Action—May Delay the
Trust Action
Washington, July 10.—The admlaln
trntinn met defeat today In the first
I stage of Its fight to have the Senate
confirm the nomination of Thomas I>.
Jones of Chieago and Paul M. Warburg
of New York an members of the fed
eral reserve board. The banking and
currency committee voted 7 to 4 to re
port unfavorably the nomination of Mr.
Jones and postponed Indefinitely fur
ther consideration of the nomination of
Mr. Warburg.
The Jones report will be submitted
early next week and debate' over his
confirmation will bo resumed on the
floor of the Senate In executive ses
sions. The committee will take no fur
ther action on the Warburg appoint
ment unless the New York banker de
cides to accept the committee's invi
tation to submit to questioning. The
next move, according to committee
members, must come from Mr. War
Will Keep Up Fight
The committee’s action was taken in
the face of the President's determined
effort to have the appointments ap
proved. In his conference with news
paper men today the President made it
clear he would keep up the fight.
Senator Lewis of Illinois is conduct
ing the fight for Jones' confirmation.
It was understood he counts on a ma
jority of two to put tne nomination
through, but a half dozen senators
might delay confirmation for many
weeks if not defeat it entirely. A real
campaign to put the Jones nomination
through might cause the Senate to
abandon Ls work on antitrust legisla
Opposition to Jones was based on the
fact that ho is a director of the In
tel national Harvester company, now
being sued under the Sherman anti
trust act. Senators Lee of Maryland,
Hollis, JPomerene and Shafroth, all
democrats, voted for favorable report
on this nomination, while Senators
Hitchcock and Heed, democrats, and
Bristow, Nelson, Crawford, Weeks and
McLean, republicans, voted for an un
favorable report. There was little crit
icism of Mr. Jones other than that he
was a director of the harvester com
Objection to Warburg
Objection to Mr. Warburg so far is
based on the fact that he has refused
the committee’s request to appear and
submit to questions about his business
> collections. Committee members hold
that unless the Senate has an oppor
tunity to gain necessary Information
about nominees it hardly can be expect
ed to mal>' confirmations.
The first test of strength on the
Warburg nomination may come Mon
day when a resolution will be report
ed from the Senate rules committee In
creasing the membership of the bank
ing committee. This resolution’s ap
pearnnte may lead to debate which will
disclose some of the feeling in the Sen
ate toward the nomination.
Quebec. July 9.—The finding of the Em
press of Ireland wreck commission has
been decided on by Lord Mersey and his
co-commissioners. It will be delivered
Saturday. The document is upwards of
11,000 words. It will be signed by the
three commissioners and on the margin
the four nautical assessors will sign: “We
Though the commissioners have the
power, they will take no action in re
gard to the punishment of those blamed
for the wreck, it is understood, but will
leave that for the federal authorities.
Washington, July 9,—A proposed Increase
In carload rates on Blackstrap molasses
from New Orleans to Knoxville, Tenn„
today were held by the Intersrate com
merce commission to be justified, except
In so far as they may violate the long
and short haul provision in comparison
with the rate from New Orleans to Bris
tol, Tenn.
Carriers were authorized to publish a
rate to Knoxville not In excess of 33
cents a hundred pounds while the rate
obtaining on all other molasses and not
In violation of tire long and short haul
clause are operative.
A rate from New Orleans to Bristol
la 32 cents.
Honolulu. July 9.—The American ship
iCdward Sewall, 264 days out from Phila
delphia for Seattle, touching at the Ha
waiians, arrived here short of provisions
yesterday. She was badly damaged from
an encounter with a typhoon.
A series of severe storms was met by
the Edward Sewall, after leaving Bahia
Blanca, Argentina, February 27.
Steamer Damaged
Queenstown, July 9.—The Allan Line
Jteamer Sicilian’s machinery broke down
when she was two days out from Havre,
whence she sailed on July^3 Montreal.
She has been forced to put back to this
port with 250 passengers, who will be
transferred to another Allan liner. The
Sicilian left Londay July 2 and called only
at Havre on Bar voyage to Canada.
t . v t ...s.
George F. Williams of Massachusetts
resigned as minister to Greece and
Montenegro. It is believed that his res
ignation had been requested by Presi
dent Wilson, following the administra
tion’s disavowal of the Williams crlt
clsms of the actions of European pow
ers in Albania. No statement regarding
the matter has been given from the
President. One may be issued later,
although the present understanding is
that if possible the matter will be al
lowed to drop with the resignation.
Attorney Levy Tells District
Attorney Testimony Partly
Repudiated—The Accused
Woman Breaks Down
Mineola, N. Y., July 9.—The battle to
free Mrs. Florence i Conklin Carman, a
prisoner in the Nassau county jail here
accused of the murder of Airs. Lotuu
Beiley, was started todny by Georg*
Levy, her attorney. Levy began by in
forming District Attorney Smith that
ho had an affidavit from George Gold
er, in which he repudiated a part of
his testimony at the inquest. Then he
at tacked El wood T. Bardes, the in
surance agent, whose story of seeing
outside Dr. Carman’s office window a
tall woman dressed in a dark skirt
and a white shirtwaist, was directly re
sponsible for Mrs. Carman's arrest.
Both these efforts Were anticipated
by the district attorney, who tonight
issued the following statement:
“I heard the story of Golder before
he appeared on the witness stand. He
told me the same story he told at the
inquest, which was that when he called
at the Carman home the night of the
murder he saw a woman dressed In
white sitting on the porch and that lie
later saw this same woman in Dr.
Carman’s office. He told me he was
sure he knew Mrs, Carman when he
saw her.
“I told Golder he was mistaken. 1
knew he was then and J know his
now. It was Airs. Powell, Airs. Car
man's sister, who was on the porch
and in the office.
“As for Bardes, his story stands up
well. I believe he is telling the truth.”
Airs. Carman broke down today. The
Jail physician prescribed a nerve sed
ative and by the time her husband
arrived to assist the physician she was
calm once more.
Saltillo, Mex., July 9.—The resigna
tion of President Huerta would cause
no change in the military programme
of the constitutionalists, according to a
statement issued today by high offi
cials at Uhe headquarters of General
Carranza. This declaration was
brought forth by a dispatch from con
stitutionalist agents at Vera Cruz trans
mitting a report that General Huerta
had presented his resignation. Such ac
tion, it was stated at. constitutional
ist headquarters, would be regarded as
sirrply a makeshift with Huerta con
trolling the actions of his successor,
previously appointed by him as min
ister of foreign relations. The Mex
ican constitution provides that the
minister of foreign relations succeed
to the presidency in event that office
becomes vacant.
St. Louis, July 9.—The Missouri, Kan
sas and Texas “Katy Flyer,” was held
up by train robbers and the safe dyna
mited at Matson, Mo., 40 miles southwest
of here, according to a report which
reached the St. Louis police late tonight.
A telephone message to the chief of po
lice here from the sheriff of St. Charles
county gald tW6 men held up the train,
cut loose, the express and baggage cars,
took them down the track several hun
dred yards and • dynamited the express
car safe. How much the men obtained
was not mCn’ti'oh^d.
Washington, July President Wilson
RDfl his trust programme were sharply
criticized in the Senate today by Sen
ators Townsend and Clapp. Both attacked
general conditions In the Senate sur
runding the trust bills, and Senator Clapp
declared a "power outside of the cham
ber" was responsible for the failure of
the Senate to attend to business.
Senator Townseml said the people want
ed Congress to quit and go home,
Federals Utterly Routed,
I Reports Obregon, and 5000
Prisoners Taken by the
News of Victory Received With
Utmost Elation at General Car
ranza's Headquarters — No
Figures of Fate-4'es
Are Availa*
* ‘ *•? *
} Washington/ * ^.—General Vtl- ♦
{ la has voted O ^ t Informal con- $
$ ferences be/ q ^constitutionalists i
4 and Huertr tentative* as pro- ♦
• posed by tht ith American min- ♦
* isters. His attitude was revealed $
♦ In a telegram sent to General Car- $
$ ranza. \
♦ ♦
Saltillo, July 9.—(ileneral Carmuca
wn" officially advlneil lute today of
the fall of (aundnlnJiirn before the eou
stltiitlonallnt force* tVednenday at noon.
The new* tvai received with the utmont
elation at eoiiNtltutlonnll*t henriquar
ter*, where It wn* regarded a* pre
liminary to the occupation of Mexico
City lt*elf.
General Alvaro Obregon. constitutional
ist commander, In a dispatch to General
Carranza, reported that the federals had
been completely routed and that he was
in complete control of the city. Five
thousand had been taken prisoners, ac
cording to Obiegons report, and the re
treat toward Mexico City of thoHe who
escaped had been cut off by troops
of General Blanco, detoured from Anieca
to destroy the federal lines of communi
cation. Much ammunition, arms and
supplies were captured.
Federals Scattered
The federals were reported scattered in
all directions and great punishment in
flicted on them in retreat, but no figures
of losses on either side were available.
Tlu! line ot cotfibat, it is stated, ex
tended over b& miles, with General Blan
co in command of Obregon’s advance
guard. General Obregon personally led
the main attack.
For several days the constitutionalists
hammered the Guadalajara garrison,
which came out of their defences in an
effort to scatter the beseigelfs. After a
disastrous conflict Tuesday in which {he
federals lost Jo troop trains and more
than 600 prisoners, they retreated, leaving
an unobstructed road to the second
largest city of Mexico, which offered lit
tle resistance when the constitutionalists
Tells of Capture
Douglas, Ariz., July 9.—Telegraphing
from the governor’s palace In the city
of Guadalajara, Gen. Alvaro Obregon to
day Informed F. S. Ellas, border repre
sentative of the constitutionalist that hail
captured the city Wednesday morning and
routed 12,000 federals, commanded by Gen
eral Mlei, federal governor of the state
of Jalisco.
In a fierce battle, extending over a
zone of 80 miles, the federal army was
cut to pieces by Obregon’s forces of less
than 10,000 men. Five thousand federals
were captured, Obregon said, along with
all the artillery and ammunition of the i
enemy. Those who escaped are being
pursued by constitutionalist cavalry. Gen- I
oral IJaeno was sent to cut oft all com
munication with Mexico City. He tore'
up the railroad line and prevented the,
federals moving stores from the city.
Few of the attacking force were killed
or wounded, Obregon reported. He In-1
formed Ellas that he led his forces per
sonally into Guadalajara. The city went |
wild w ith enthusiasm over the entrance j
of the revolutionary forces, and it is |
estimated here Obregon will get 15,000 re- j
emits In the city before marching on
Irapuato, the railroad junction on the
Mexican Central railroad connecting the
city of Mexico with northern and western
Obregon’s Telegram
General Obregon's telegram to General i
Carranza reporting his victory to the con- j
stitutionalist chief follows:
"At this moment, 11 a. m., T telegraph !
you from the governor’s palace in this
city. The column sent out by the federals j
to meet us was disastrously destroyed.
General Blanco was sent to cut off all
communication with Mexico City. The
losses of the federals r am unable to com- ;
j pute as yet. The battle covered a distance*
I of over 100 kilometres and the dead are
j scattered all over this territory.
"Those who escaped are In flight or
j dispersed entirely. For three days wre
| fought with more than 12,000 of the
j enemy. Have virtually captured all ar
tillery and ammunition held by enemy
and 5000 prisoners. Others coming all the
time and surrendering. Very few of our
men are wounded or killed. No officers.
Enthusiasm reigns in city."
Celehrations are going on tonight in
all the towns of northern Sonora, where
news of the* victory was received.
! Guaymas, which has held out against
' the constitutionalists for more than a
j year, is about to be evacuated, accord
| Ing to information received by officials
i at Nogales, Sonora, today. The federals
j have most of their impedimenta loaded
on boats and it is expected they will
! evacuate as soon as their position be
j comes untenable
New Orleans, July 9.—Officers to
night are guarding A. G. Felder at a
local hospital at the request of W.
H_ Bates, sheriff at Magnolia, MIsh.,
who asked that the man be held on a
charge of murdering Bee Felder, his
The Felders conducted a general
store at Goldberg, Miss., 18 miles from
Magnolia. ‘L«ast week Bee Felder was
found dead in bed from gunshot wounds
which his brother said were Inflicted
by unknown persons wha had fired
through a window after robbing the
I FeMt* store. A. G. Felder, wounded
In the side and arms, was rushed here 1
for treatment.
Now Our Pig Is In Our Neighbor's Melon Patch
■ — — - - ■ --- '•■■■ — ■ — - i
Public and Private Morality
Impaired by Practice,Says
Report—L. & N. Road
Liberal With Passes
Washington, July 9.—Liberal distri
bution of railroad passes to federal
and state officials, judges, newspaper
men and others by the Louisville and
Nashville, and Nashville, Chattanooga
and St. Louis railroads was reported
to the Senate today by the interstate
commerce commission.
More than 84,000 passes val
ued at more than $340,000, were shown
to have been Issued last year to indi
viduals, ranging from a United States
senator, whose pass showed no mile
age traveled, to county sheriffs and
local politicians.
The commission sharply criticized the
“lack of morality revealed by these
facts" as a menace to the institutions
of a free people and announced Its in
tention to issue an order dealing with
the situation.
“The financial magnttures Involved,”
said the report, “are as nothing com
pared with the impairment of public
and private morality shown to have re
sulted from this giving and receiving
of passes.”
The commission’s report is a prelim
inary document in response to a reso
lution of inquiry passed by the Sen
ate at the instance of Senator Lea of
Tennessee. The Senate asked for data
as to passes issued in the years 1911,
1912 and 1913, but the commission sug
gests that there is no necessity for
compiling statistics other than those for
The commission said it was not pre
pared to report on financial relations,
rates and practices of the railroads in
question, as requested in the Senate
Chicago, July 9.—Fred A. Busse, former
mayor of Chicago, and for years a well
known republican politician, died today
at his residence. He had been sick for
many weeks and was taken to his home
from Mercy hospital yesterday.
Fred Busse was a prominent person in
republican politics in Chicago and Illi
nois for more than a score of years. He
was borrt in Chicago March 3, 18f»G. In
1905 he was appointed postmaster of Chi
cago by President Roosevelt.
Two years later he was elected mayor
of the city.
Authorize Bridge Construction
Washington, July 9.—The Senate to
night passed a bill authorizing the
Baton Rouge Bridge and Terminal com
pany to construct a bridge across the
Mississippi river near the city of Baton
Rouge. The bill provides that reason
able tolls may l>e charged on the
bridge but that no rates for a single
passenger bn a railroad train shall ex
ceed 25 cents. The measure already
has passed the House.
1— Senate committee refuses to confirm
Guadalajara falls Into hunds of the
Adjustment of freight rates contem
Bilbo found not guilty.
2— Bar association meetB today.
3— New Haven still expects to avoid suit.
♦—Editorial comment.
5— Tilton explains bolt of Malone.
University fund near 3J00.000 mark.
How Gill won fight after 18 months.
Boy hurt In auto accident.
6— Society.
7— Sports.
8— Unique Fourth at Vera Cru*.
0— Weatherly says his advice honest and
11— Markets. * |
12— Georgia-Alabama league.
• - *
♦ Seward, Alaska, July 9. All the ♦
4 volcanoes along the Alaska penin- 4
4 aula west of Seward to the Aleu- 4
4 tian Islands are In action, accord- 4
4 lng to a report brought by Cap- 4
4 tain McMullen, of the steamship 4
4 Dirigo, which arrived today from 4
4 Dutch Harbor. 4
L . ,, ♦
__ L _ __
N. E. A. Passes Resolution
Indorsing Suffrage and
Equal Pay for Teachers
Regardless of Sex
St. Paul, July 9.—Women'* rigid*
were reeognlxed today to the fullest
extent by J he National Kduentlon asso
ciation, which pnsMcil resolutions In
dorsing iToman suffrage and equal |»oy
for teachers regardless of sex, and al
lotted five of Its ten vice president* to
The delegation of active suffragists left
the hall with broad smiles.
"We were given everything we asked,”
they sal«2.
Without a dissenting vote, Dr. David
Starr Jordan of Iceland Stanford was
elected president of the association. South
Carolina members, who were active In
beliall of Dr. D. B. Johnson, were first
to present Dr. Jordan’s name. Dr. John
son withdrew' two days ago.
Oakland, Col., was chosen as the 1915
meeting place.
Resolutions adopted today Indorse pen
sions for teachers, increased salaries, va
cations to permit teachers to travel, sim
plified spelling, International peace, physi
cal inspection of children and co-opera
tion of parents in teaching sex hygiene.
President Wilson's attitude in the Mex
ican situation was indorsed. I
Education in a democracy was the topic
of discussion at tonight's general session.
Tiie convention will adjourn tomorrow
Only one incident marred the harmony
of today's meeting. When H. O. Thomp
son, University of Ohio, chairman of the
I resolutions committee, had finished read
! Ing the report pertaining to woman suf
frage, W. M. Sheets of Florida leaped to
his feet.
“I want to know what the committee
means by 'political equality of the
sexes.' ” he shouted.
“Any man that does not know what po
litical equality means is In the kinder
g&rden of American politics,” retorted
Thompson with heat.
"As a representative of the south, I can
not but present the protest of two-thirds
of southern women against woman's suf
frage.” persisted Sheets. His last words
died amid a storm of laughs and loud ap
plause greeted the passage of the reso
Pittsburg. July 9.—Seventeen months
from the time he was admitted to a
hospital here, Everly Jacobs of Charleroi,
Pa., *today was discharged wdth 80 square
inches of new skin obtained.
Jacobs while employed in a mill was
frightfully burned. His father and nine
friends gave the cuticle which saved ills
life. Surgeons regard the rase as one
of the most remarkable In the history of
composed grafting of skin.
Washington, July 9.—President Wilson
today nominated Murphy J. Foster of
Franklin, La., to be soliciting collector
of customs for the district of New Or
Mississippi Lieutenant Gov
ernor Found Not Guilty
After Day and Night
Deliberation by Jury
Jneknon, Minn.. July I).—Tlieo. G. 1111
Im>, lieutenant governor of WInmInnI|»|>I,
won acquitted here Int'e thlM ottcriu»ou
of the chnrge of nollcltlng nnil nceept
Ing a hrlhe. The Jury had hern out
Mince late IunI night.
Bilbo and State Senator G. A. Hobbs
were jointly indicted in connection with
the proposed formation of a new county
by the legislature of 1912. Steve Castle
man, who was active In promoting the
passage of the new county bill, testified
at both trials that he had agreed to
pay the sum of $2000 for the support and
influence of Bilbo and Hobbs, and that
he had given Hobbs $200 of the money In
a Vicksburg hotel. Hobbs, who was
tried sometime ago, was also acquitted
While Hobbs, who was a witness In
tiie Bilbo trial, admitted negotiating with
Castlemau, be contended that he hud
done so in an effort to entrap lnm.
The trial of Bilbo was featured by the
introduction of evidence not offered at
the trial of Hobbs. Ira Sample, a Chicago
attorney, testified that he had been ap
proached by both Bilbo and Hobbs and
hud been advised that for the payment
of large sums lie could secure the dis
missal of suits brought by the state of j
Mississippi against the Edward Hines1
Lumber company, an Illinois corporation, j
Bilbo, Sample charged, asked $50,000 for
his services and proposed as lieutenant 1
governor to have the Knits dismissed dur- j
ing the absence of the governor from the i
state. Various Hums were to be paid '
others and the stat<* was to receive $25,
000 for compromising the cases, accord
ing to Sample's testimony.
The trial began here nearly three weeks
ago and attracted wide attention through
out the state. Bilbo is a candidate for
governor of Mississippi.
Vancouver, B. (’., July 9.—The only ob
stacle that now stands In the way of
the departure of the 275 Hindus aboard
the Japanese steamer Komagata is the
one of cost. The Hindus having been
denied admission to Canada, have ap
pealed to the dominion government at
Ottawa for financial assistance in order
to provision the vessel for her return
Last night they made a similar appeal
to the Vancouver city authorities in a
petition to Mayor Baxter.
"As far as I am concerned personally,
1 have no intention of granting such a
request,” the mayor said, "but of course
it is a matter that the city council will i
have to decide.”
Slemp Renominated
Bristol, Va., July 9.—Representative
C. B. Slemp was renominated by re
publicans of the Ninth Congressional
district of Virginia in convention here
today. Progressives who met in district
convention also nominated J. L. Ross
of Abingdon after approximately half
of the delegates had refused to be
bound by the action and left to join !
the republican convention. The repub
licans gave them seats and allowed
them to vote.
Railroads Destroyed
Matamoros. July 9.—Railroad com
munication south of San Luis Potosi
lias been entirely destroyed by the
constitutionalists according to A. Wild,
an electrician of Ebano, In the state
of San Luis Potosi, who reached the
border today. Wild said that the major
portion of the federal troops left San
Luis Potosi for Queretaro some duys
ago but that the city Is still protect
ed by a good sized garrison.
Revision of Freight Rates on
Every Article Handled Be
tween Points in Ala
bama Probable
(ireal Saving to People of State Con
templated in Compromise About
to Be Reached With Rail
roads, According to Sam
P. Kennedy
Hr 1,. S. HETTY
Montgomery, July ft.—< Special.)—R*‘
> InIoii of freight rate* on every article
hauled between point* In Alabama, the
removal of the rate question’ from »tate
politic* nod an amicable iidhintment
of all litigation covering the freight
rule question are contemplated In a
compromise noon to he perfected be
tween the stale railroad eominlaalon
and I he rnllrondN which eontewled the
establishment of the legislative made
rat cm of I POT. Announcement to this ef
fect warn made thl* afternoon by Sam
I*. Kennedy, secretary to the contml*
*loit. and l»y prominent attorney* for
I lie railroad*.
The railroads which will be parties to
the compromise are the Louisville and
Nashville, the Central of Georgia and
the Western of Alabama. These roads
uro the principal carriers which fought the
2Mrcent passenger rate and the 110-com
modlty freight rates, which were inau
gurated by what is now' known as tfiuqjp |
Comer legislature. By an agreement en- J
tered Into several months ago, the rail
roads re-established the 2V4-oent passen
ger rate, and at that time promised to
revise the freight tariff on all commod
ities hauled between points In Alabama.
Even Greater Compromise
The freight rate reduction contemplates
an even greater compromise than made
by the establishment of the lower pas
senger rates, and will result In a much
greater saving to the people of the state.
The new rate schedule contemplates a
revision of rates not only on the 110
commodities as specified by the legisla
ture of 1907, but also a revision of rates
on the 3500 other articles hauled between
points In Alabama.
It Is known that the railroad commis
sion and the railroads have been hard
at work for the past several months In
preparing a new freight tariff. The com
mission has made a careful study of
the freight rates on every commodity,
or article hauled In Alabama, and has *
endeavored In a painstaking way to sub
mit u schedule which would he satlsfae-,
tory to the carriers. As a result*of the
labors of the commission, and the appar
ent willingness of the roads to co-operate
In making a new freight turltY, th^ re
vised schedule la now nearing completion,
and It is expected that within the ne k
few weeks a.thorough agreement will be t
reached. I
Constantly Cost poned
Owing to the efforts of the commission
and the railroads to reach some amicable
adjustment of the freight rate question,
the hearings before the commission on
the subject of ordering the establishment
of * lower freight rates have been con
stantly postponed. The rate question has
from time to time been set to come up
before the commission on special dates,
but each time It has been deferred to
a later date, In the hope that an ami
cable adjustment of the whole question
might be reached In the Interim.
The latest date set by the commission
for a hearing of the freight rate question
whs today, when the Central of Georgia
and the Western of Alabama rates were
to have been considered.* Postponement
was asked by attorneys for the two roads
on the grounds that the carriers were not
prepared to accept all of the commission
made rates, and the request was granted.
The hearing was deferred until July 22. ,
At the same time the commission post
poned the Louisville and Nashville freight
rnte case until July 15.
it is contemplated that an agreement
will he reached before the date of the
first hearing. Members of the commis
sion and attorneys for the railroads are
In constant communication relative to the
new freight tariff, and there Is every
ground for believing that before two
weeks have passed the entire question )
will have been settled upon an amicable
The new rate agreement, ns proposed
by the commission and attorneys for the
railroads, contemplates the permanent re
moval of the question from politics. The
entire plan has been to reach some ami
cable basis of settlement, without coer
cion from either side, and with the In
terest of the shippers of the state In
view. The railroads will agree to try the
new rates, and, If not satisfactory, will
appeal to the commission for relief.
From all that can be learned of tha
contemplated compromise, the freight rate
reduction will cover not only most of the
110 commodity rates, as established by
the Comer legislature, but also most of
the other 3500 articles huuled between
points In the state.
* Washington, JJuly 9.—Rates on pig Iron
from Virginia furnaces to destinations In
the New’ England and middle Atlantia
states were held unreasonable today by
the Interstate commerce commission.
It was ordered that the rate per ton
should not exceed $2.25 to Baltimore; $2.75
to Philadelphia, $3 to New York, and $3.28
to Boston.
Congratulates Argentina
Washington, July 9.—President Wllso*
sent the following telegram today to thtl
President of Argentina; “On this mem*
orable Ninth of July, the anniversary of
the independence of the Argentine nation,
I offer you In behalf of* this government
end people, and In my own name, cordial
felicitations and sincere good wishes for
the continued prosperity of the great ro*
public over which you preside.’*

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