OCR Interpretation

The Birmingham age-herald. [volume] (Birmingham, Ala.) 1902-1950, December 06, 1914, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Alabama Libraries, Tuscaloosa, AL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038485/1914-12-06/ed-1/seq-12/

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Loveman, Joseph & Loeb Loveman, Joseph & Loeb ' Loveman, Joseph & Loeb Loveman, Joseph & Loeb I 1
We make this request because we believe that our store de
serves it.
Many of our plans were made months ago, but we believe
that the best things that we have done to give you the best
possible Holiday Service have been done within the past few
weeks. .
This is not an ordinary year—people have been thinking differently from
what they have thought in former years, aud we believe that our store most
carefully expresses it.
The gift thought is in evidence everywhere.
Practical and useful gifts are here and displayed in a manner that will def
initely help those seeking gifts for young and old.
The children will he delighted with a visit, and we want you to bring them
as often as you will.
It will take several visits for them to decide just what they want Santa
Claus to bring, and we will welcome them just the same as though a purchase
was made on every visit.
This Is a Hospitable Store
It is our desire that it should be the most accommodating store to you al
ways. We want it to be the most helpful store that you have ever known at
Christmas time. All of our salespeople are fully impressed with the spirit of
our whole organization; they will gladly answer vour questions, if you will
make known just, what kind of a gift you wish to secure, or something about
the person for whom you wish to purchase it, they can be very helpful to you.
Start your gift seeking early so that nothing will have to be done in a rush.
Let us help you to make this the most comfortable and happy Christmas sea
son you have ever known.
Resolve—To Do Your Xmas Shopping Be
fore December 15th—This Week If Possible
Acceptable Gifts From
the Knit Goods Store
What better gift could you think of for mother, or aunt, or grandmother
than a beautiful knitted Breakfast Sacque, Shawl or Sweater? These are gifts
that give comfort—bodily comfort—and are, therefore, gifts which will be
more appreciated than anything else you could possibly give.
Knitted Breakfast Sacques, in gray and white, 3.00.
Shawls *1.50 to $7.50 Sweaters 75c to $18.50
Shawls an, displayed here in the ™ h, ~„ TOlh„ ^
Kllit Goods Store in cashmeres, wool- begin until about Christmas time, so think of
,, 1 -n„. ml,, oemetmonta nro the comfort and warmth and protection that the
ens and silks. 1 lie assortments are Sweater you give si8ter or mother will give.
large and choosing is, therefore, sat- Our Sweater stocks offer an almost unlimited
• , , . choice as to price, as to colors and as to Bizes.
asraetoiv . Women’s Woolen Sweaters, 2.50 to 18.50.
White Wool Knit Shawls, 1.50 to 2.00. Women’s Silk Knitted Sweaters 12.50.
White Wool Silk Knit Shawls, 3.50 to 6.00. Women’s Fibre Silk Knitted Sweaters 6.50.
Cashmere Shawls 5.00 (72x72). Girls’ Sweaters, up to 14 years, of wool, 75c
Gray Woolen Knit Shawls, 3.50 to 7.50. to 5.00.
First Lady. You’ve just been to Loveman’s, haven’t you?
Second Lady. How did you know?
First Lady. By the Red Cross Seal on your package.
Second Lady. That Red Cross Seal makes me proud of every purchase I
make there.
First Lady. Yes, indeed; isn’t it fine to feel that we are all contribut
ing to the Anti-Tuberculosis Association, simply by do
ing all of our buying at Loveman’s, and no additional
cost to us?
The True Xmas Spirit On
Our Fourth Floor
On the fourth floor of this great, great Christmas
Store is much that is beautiful, practical and econom
ical for gift giving.
For instance, a genuine “Hot Point" KlecLric Per
colator, beautifully constructed of aluminum, is only
5.00 Could you choose a more useful, a more inter
esting gift?
Then there are Japanese Gardens. Ever hear of
them? If you haven’t that’s a sure sign they will
make unusual gifts. Japanese Gardens range from 50c
Carving Sets are useful—Reading Lamps, Electric
Shaving Mugs, Tea and Chocolate Sets, Plated Table
Ware and so on. We could keep on naming gift
after gift suggestions, practical gifts, and all at mod
erate prices.
Austrian China Cake Sets
As a gift suggestion we tender a quantity
of Austrian China Cake Sets, Salad and
Berry Sets, which have just been received.
These sets are decorated in blue line bord
ers, the imitation of Dresden china.
Cake Sets $1.95
Consists of one large Cake Plate and six
small individual Plates, a total of seven
• Salad or Berry Sets $1.35
j Consisting of seven pieces; -sure to please
Step Ladder Chair at $1.48
An Interesting Gift Sugges
The Chair is neat and strong. A sulistan
! tial article which will come irf handy many
l times during the day in every household.
| Nothing about it to suggest that it is uny
, thing other than a chair, but one simple
movement converts it into a step ladder. At
1.48 it is a practical, economical gift for the
Smoked Bamboo Scrap Bas
kets Reduced
A new shipment of Smoked Bamboo Bas
kets which have Just arrived are displayed
in several sizes, with roll top brims. These
wear better than any other kind of basket.
Are marked to sell for more, but are spe
cial in price for tomorrow.
Small size Baskets, regular 60c; special
Medium size Baskets, 75c; special 45c.
Large size Baskets, regular 1.00; special
69c. (4th Floor)
300 Mayonaise Sets Just Re- \
ceived, 98c Per Set
An Importation of Japanese China which
has just been received Includes three hun
dred Mayonaise Sets, consisting of Bowls,
Plates and Ladels. There are six different
decorations, all beautiful and distinctive.
As a Christinas gift these are delightful.
Special 98c per set.
Wizard Mops at Special
Demonstrations of Wizard Triangle Mops
will continue another week. Factory rep
resentative will show the advantage of the
Wizard Triangle Mop with the human elbow
During Demonstration
Special Prices
1.60 Mop and can of
Polish, total value
2.60. Special
1.00 Mop and 60c can
of Polish, total value
1.60. Special
Special Wizard Mop for hardwood floora
Wizard Wall Bruehea 1.00.
Wizard Dust Cloths 25c.
Wizard Handle Dusters 1.00.
Celebrated Wizard Mop Cleaner 25c boxes.
Works like magic.
Three 15c Packages Lively OQ _
Sally Washing Powder
A package of this very excellent house
hold cleaning powder, weight 3 3-4 pounds.
Lively Sally Is as efflciefit as any cleaning
powder on the market. No telephone or C.
O. D. orders taken. (4th Floor)
Santa Glaus Gomes to
Loveman, Joseph & Loeb’s
And Opens a Prize
Package Store
Here is the most wonderful news that we have ever told.
It will make the hearts of little folks jump and their eyes
Here is Santa Claus, alive and jolly, working out his won
derful plans to make all his little friends happy.
lie has come bundling into our store with great big eases
of toys and Christmas gifts such as little people like.
But he is not going to let anybody know what’s in the
packages. He thinks he knows better than anybody else
what little folks like, so he has wrapped them all up and
the bundles in pink paper are for boys, those in blue paper
are for girls and those in white paper are for the very little
All of Santa Claus’ >rizes are to be sold at two prices:
25c and 50c Each
We guarantee that everyone will get a big .quarter’s
worth or a big half dollar’s worth, and every child will be
happy when the prize package is opened; but you must not
know what you are buying, because that would spoil the fun.
He thinks you will take your prize package home and not
open it until Christmas morning. How many boys and girls
can keep their curiosity that long?
Santa Claus Store is on the fourth floor and is already as
you read.
Come and see Santa Claus and get your prize package.
Give the 25c to Santa Claus or the 50c to Santa Claus and
he will pick out something wonderfully nice for you.
(4th Floor)
A Very Acceptable Gift
This Year
More people than ever are giving
useful things for Christmas gifts
this year.
What could be handsomer than a
beautiful snow white, pure Linen
Set of Table Cloth and Napkins—
a gift that will be remembered for
a great many years.
Then we have beautiful Towels to
show you. A dozen will make an t
elaborate gift, a fair and artistic
and sensible holiday remembrance.
Here are some suggestions at sav
ing prices:
Fancy Guest Towels, with red. pink, blue,
lavender and yellow borders, at 25c, 35c, 50c
and 75c each.
Mercerized Bureau Scarfs, size 18x54,
hemstitched ends, 25c each.
Pure linen, hand embroidered, scalloped
Pillow Covers, put up one pair In a box.
Lot No. 1 sold for 3.00, special 2.50.
Lot No. 2 sold for 4.00, special 2.98.
Lot No. 3 sold for 5.00, special 3.98.
All Linen Table Cloth, 2 yards wide and
8 yards long, of handsome quality, that us
ually sells for 1.25 a yard. n
Special at
Two yards wide and two and a half yards
long, 2.50. Two yards wide and three yards
long, 30.0. (Linens. Main Floor)
(5x9 heavy Tapestry Rugs, 5.95.
8-3x10-6 heavy Tapestry Rugs,
9x12 heavy Tapestry Rugs, 12.95.
9x12 Axminister Rugs, 15.95.
9x12 Velvet Rugs, 15.95.
9x12 Wilton Rugs, 28.50.
These Rugs are all new,
fresh and clean, and are
one-fourth to one-third less
than regular prices.
Christmas Sugges
tions From the Art
Laundry and shoe bags of linen
or cretonne for 50c and 1.00.
Stocking bags and work bags 50c
to 2.00.
Sweet grass baskets 25c to 2.25.
Fancy Pillow Tops to be embroid
ered, 50c and up.
It took all of page 36 to tell
the news of the Christmas Book |
Store in today’s paper.
Special Sale of Oriental Rugs—the Gift Royal!
in some instances the prices are half, and besides the*^
knowledge of choosing from the greatest stocks of Oriental
Rugs in the South.
Included are Moussouls, C'erebands, Ivarabaughs, Cabis
tatifts and Tabrizs.
Note the sizes and compare the following reductions:
150.00 rug, size 11- 125.00 rug, size 8
7 by 8-8, 97.00. 10 by 12, 75.00.
300.00 rug, size 13- 212.50 rug, size
8 by 10, 157.50. 11 by 10, 116.00.
250.00 rug, size 10- 150.00 rug, size
-/by 14-9, 134.50. 1 by 10-8, 75.00.
162.00 rug, size 10 Don’t miss these
by 13-8, 127.50. ?reat rug economies.
104 of Our $30, $32.50 & $10.50
$35 Tailored Suits for AO
The choicest ot. our stocks, suits which we would eventually sell out
at the original prices are to be hurried out in a one-dav sale tomorrow
for 18.50.
In these suits there is a quality which women admire—individuality.
Tailored in the most Rproved manner in broadcloths, crepe poplins,
gaberdines; some new suits of the season are displayed with the 45-inch
coats in navy blue, black Russian green, nigger brown.
The sizes are 16, 18, 36 to 44.
A Christmas Sale of Silk Underwear
Prices are reduced on our choicest Silk Underwear and for that rea
son are limited to‘Monday’s and Tuesday’s selling only. Underwear of
this quality makes a most practical and artistic gift.
1.50 and 1.75 Plain Silk Vesta; wh'te, pink or blue 1.29,
2.50 and 3.00 Embroidered Bilk Vests, lacs trimmed, 1.95.
4.00 Silk Union _
Buits 2.96 See Our Fur Ad on Page 13 Other Iteme on Page 36 1
6,BO Silk Union - --—--—J |
Saits B.00 . » V /ij
3.96 Silk Teddy 1/1 f I AAR' 1
Bmts S.3B ttUUGlI
(•Ilk IMftwm, Id VlMr) ~ y
A service statiorm
for the wrappincml
and packing oM
Christmas parcelsm
in the rear of the I
Gift Shop.
(Main Floor) :||
x ^B
Clt? Gift ghops 1
i4re Daily Solving Many Dif- flf
ficult Gift Problems 'Mj
If the Gift Shops rendered no greater SB
service than to offer suggestions to those
? tvho are perplexed over their Christmas HjE
list., it would justify its timely existence. IB
But the convenience of being able to 1
choose Furniture or Books or Bric-a-brac
or leather Goods or Glassware all In one ^B
department is overwhelming this depart
ment with popular response. ^B
Please 'remember that the only kind of ^B
gifts that are allowed in the Gift Shops Mg.
are those gifts that are different, that ^B
are unique, that, are unusual—gifts that ^B
are never commonplace. ^B
(Main Floor, Roar) B|
j in the L., J. 6f L. Jewelry [jB
j Store Are Suggested to Solve B
Many Gift Problems B
Bracelet Watches have ceased B
to be novelties and fads—their ^B
use as reliable timepieces has B|
been proved, and combining that B
with their attractiveness has B
gained them a place among H
jj clever gift suggestions. B
' Bracelet Watches here are car- IH
ried in great variety, and range IB
in price from 10.00 to 30.00. Jfl
Silver Bracelet 'Watch $10 I
This Watch has a reliable seven jewel ; j|
movement and Is guaranteed to keep good H
time for a reasonable period- The Brace- 1
let Is attractively wrought In spring links. ■
A dandy outfit, and as a gift must prove j B
satisfactory. "f
Gold Wristlet Watch $13.50 M
The watch case and bracelet are gold JH
filled, and guaranteed for 20 years. The H
j movement is guaranteed seven Jewel—a ■
dandy timepiece. The watch it> chased ■
design, the back Is plain. A beautiful | ft
Solid Gold Wristlet Watch ft
$20 1
A gift par excellence. It
The Bracelet and Watch in this ta- ft
stance are solid gold. The Watch is die- I
tlviguished from the commonplace by a j ft
j sliver etched dial. The movement to j ft
Swiss and can be relied upon to keep ex- ft
cellent time, ft
Hexagon Shape, Solid Gold 1
Bracelet Watch $30 A
This Wristlet affects a most novel ^B
shape, the Watch being hexagon shaped, j S
Both Watch and Bracelet are 14 karat ' ffl
sojid gold. Watch having a gold dial and j ft
artistically wrought Wristlet. Is so un- I
usual you might give it to someone who I
already has a Wristlet Watch and we are ij 9
| quite certain they -would discard it fpr S
this new and very different one. V
Cameo Brooches $12.30 Up \
Cameo Brooches since the days of ’76 jK
have never ceased to be popular. Now |
there seems to be an Increasing demand 1
for them. It may be caused by Fashion’s I
recalling several decade old styles. 1
Our display of Cameo Brooches in- j 1
l eludes both pink shell with genuine onyx j 9
j atones, many bordered with real pearls. 1
j All are made with pins and links, to be J
attached to ehatn and worn as pendants. ft
The 12.50 onea are beautiful. j
(Jewelry, Main Floor) 1

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