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THE BIRMINGHAM AGE-HERALD _ VOLUME XXXXTV BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1914 -- *--" " - SPORTING SECTION NUMBER 214 f^HEEN Pros. f^HFEN ^ros. Ask For Brown Trading Stamps QheEN^ROS (AHEEN {^ROS. 'T’HAT question is easily answered here, for it is not only our great stock of special values, but it is our A attractive prices that will help you to decide and enjoy the spirit of Christmas giving. For you know that it is characteristic of the Caheens’ Store, at Xmas time, to help you solve every difficult problem. Men's Christmas —JZJL. ijllts here-S . BUNCH Stna A special showing of 4', liandHome new ^ Men's Bath Robes, extra heavy quality, in beau- d»r ao OF TOYS suits received bv Saturday’s express. I liege ! Uf'll Indian patterns. Special for..JpD.I/O If ever wa had anythin* in Stock that mesas hoars of fun tor the suits were made up to retail foi' $.'50,00. A Men’s Bath. Robes, trimmed with silk cord, (PQ QO U the wonderful new toy. the Myeto Erecter. which had such hiokv TMirphftgp fiimhlfiR in tn offpr tllPlll " excellent values and patterns. Special for .. «pOe«/0 wonderful sale la all the bl* citiea of the oountry darin* last aeaaon 1UCKV purinase eilllUJeS US 10 Otter Ilieill Men’s Bath Robes, in beautiful designs, a well dt(l no -Usded that this I. on. ofth. moat attractive play thin*, that Monday at your choice, (2*1 A ft A <. «— •*"»»• “»• "wiwt, to «.« $2.98 . ©ly.OU Men s pure I„inen Handkerchiefs, with assorted colored J&y initials; packed one-half dozen to the box. ETA TT 1i 1 0 1 / 0il1 t Men „ „ Jr „ h. f .$1.50 Holiday Sale of Silk and Mens all linen Handkerchiefs, with plain initials; j»-a J , __ one-half dozen to »he box, for, box.. «bl.UU ij| WOOl E/F0SS6S Men's extra good quality Cambric Handkerchiefs, with Initials, nr JQm TT a ■ _ __ colored or plain; one-half dozen to the box, for, box . /DC ValllCS tO S15 00 NOW Men’s Combination Sets, with silk tie, sox, handkerchief, pin and tie clasp- tft-| rn (He*flrVmUk*ttrHfanfJlnl) ^ comes in round, imitation leather collar box, in all colors, for, box. .$1.DU «u>>u..a»u^^bell<n,Ul„n<,b.,a„4lt,jiamiUHj CO QQ Mens Combination Sets, with silk handkerchief, tie and socks; comes (Pt nn 2522.? UPO.VO Men’sVui\TUtifn s0t1'layit)°Xh8’lL,C°i w’f°a b°X ..ipl.OO MAKES A DANDY PRESENT I **{••<* etiiw«i.h»ndfoei*ifaaidwd. hmiwo Special holiday sale of Silk and Wool Dresses. Splen fnd tie in holliav kand 1 and 8o0k<! or handkerchief 2Q„ t™Sdid Dresses lor Xmas offering. About 85 Dresses in ttAsssisA'z-s-^ieii-jSs ™ —“*-* srawssra:» i “ ““ *— “ a*- T°y ™"» Fl°°r joo'ehok-.of.n.v Dr... In the ^ QR M,„-. Gloves sod oto, an, to. 50C 'I . ^ I Crepe de Chine Waists $1.98 Another lot of crepe de chine waists for Monday’s selling, in white, flesh and maize, all sizes. Regular $3.50 values, $1.98 Xmas Novelties It Is to your advantage, wise shop per, to select your Xmas presents now, bile the stock Is new and free- III our Novelty Department, first aisle, will find Choice selections. Fancy s(lk covered (Pi A A Codt Hangers, each tPAe'J'f Cretonne covered Cljp ^Cushions, each . .... Jap Pin Holders, Part A and blue, each .... Hair Receivers,' made of flowered ribbons. In various {PA — colors, each . tlvl/ Sewing Sets, all colors, 50c Deerfoot Ink Stands, (PI AQ each. $2.50 and . Kewpie Pin Cushions, AQ — each .wOv Sweet Grass Baskets, (PI AQ each, $6.98 and . V-leafO Fancy Cretonne Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, OJP — each, $3.98 down to.tdOK* Dainty Xmas Gifts A beauty is this old rose Desk Set with gilt trim- (CIA AA mfngs at . spJLw.W Sweet Grass Glove Boxes, lined with pink and blue silk, ornament ed with large silk d»0 PA roses, each . Ladies’ Work Boxes on stands, lined and fitted, (PI QQ each, $6.98 and . tJ/X.t/O Ladies’ Work Baskets on stands, lined and fitted, $25.00 Tie Racks, cretonne OPk/s covered, each.SdfJ\y Collar Boxes, cretonne PA* j covered, each . UvL Shaving Pads and Market QP* Lists, each .MUV A book for PA* addresses . OUC See these Telephone Pads JPA * at, each . uUC See these Telephone JPA — each ..OUC Useful Gifts ; New line of quadruple plate J Tea Set* from MM to 612.91 Water Sets $5.0* to S12.M l Bread Tray. SI.50 to S3-M Sutter Dishes Me to MM yrup Stands SIM to 64M German Sliver Toilet Sets ' Jtanleuring Sets .*. BO. to Toilet and Manicuring Sets com bined, up to 626.M Jewel Cases from lOe to M.M Novelties of all kinds 25e aad BOe Colonial Silver Frames (guaran teed) Me aad IX.OC Writing Desk Sets to 612M Cut Glass In Vases. Pilchers, Bowls, Relish Dishes, Comports, Cel ery Trays s-» -- to Christmas Gifts That Are Useful leather Library Runners and Pil lows to match.$3.98 to $8.98 Pillow Tops with emblems of va rious lodges .$2.98 Cluny Centers.98c up Stamped Gowns .50c Stamped Guest Towels, 2 for..25c Holly Paper.5c roll Dennison’s Tissue Paper..25c roll Dennison's Cards and Seals. f Gifts For Men Men's fine Leather Collar Boxes, in all colors, for .50c Men's fine Seal .Leather Collar Boxes, with attachment for collar buttons, all colors .. 98c Men’s extra fine Suede Leather Col lar Boxes for .. $1.49 Pullman Slippers, an Ideal gift for men and ladies, all sizes _$1.50 Nice Crochet Slippers for.49e Leather Match Holders.25c Slllc Jewel Bags with chamois lin ing .98c Pretty Garters, in all styles and colors, from.50c to $2.00 S, —-- ■' ' Christmas Glove Sale Ladies' P. K Seam Gloves, In white and tan (P-| nr at, pair. «pJL»£9 Ladles’ 2-button Kid Gloves, in brown, gray, navy, black d»1 OP and white, at, pair. Ladies' lclasp Kid Gloves, contrast stitching, in green, gray, navy and srs,.$2.00 $1.50 Children’s Wash Dresses $1.19 Holiday sale of Children’s Wash Dresses for Monday's selling. Made of splendid quality of ginghams and Percales, plaids and stripes, also solid colors, sizes 8 to 14 »1.50S value ..$1.19 $5.00 and $6.00 Skirts $1.98 A special clean up sale of a lot of odd skirts in serges and fancy mixtures ancl black and white checks, all sizes, formerly selling up to $6.00. Monday QO Colored Wash Goods For Christmas Robing—Heavy Robing for bath robes, smoking jack ets and sacques. This fabric is extra heavy, same color on both sides. The best nn patterns. Per yard .^.Mt/C Black Satean—Fast black, extra heavy quality, high ly mercerized. The Ideal goods for bloomers, aprons, under skirts, shirts and dresses. -fl rx Per yard .Xl/C Dress and Waiat Goods to be cleared out—This table is composed of ends of lots of goods valued up to 35c. We must close out. these odd lots before stock taking. Beautiful Brocaded Pongee. Brocade Pique, Ottoman Cloth, Stripe Poplins, Shoe Peg Suiting and Silk Stripe Poplins in this lot -| J* Apron Gingham—Good quality Apron Gingham, jr Moi per yard . DC Eiderdown—36 Inches, plain, or 27-inch Bed ford Cord, in all colors. Per yard.Di/C Devonshire Cloth—Guaranteed tub proof and suu proof colors, 32 Inches wide. 3hown in neat patterns. The fabric is a 20c value. -j r Monday special, per yard . XDC $15 Silk Comforts $12.50 Extra quality Silk Comforts, covered with elegant quality silk, all the new colors and designs and filled with renovated geese down. A beautiful Xmas gift. flJ'l O C A Special for Monday at. V $5 Robe Blankets For $2.98 The dependable Beacon Robe Blankets, heavy, soft wool nap finish. Very desir able for making bath robes, lounging robes and couch covers. A useful Xmas gift for ladies or gentlemen. Girdle cord, neck piece and frog to match. <1*0 QQ Set complete for. Silk Dresses $10 Values $5 One lot of Silk Dresses, about 75 in this lot, all colors and black. 'Phis season’s best styles. Go on sale for a <J*f? AA quick disposal, choice. Silk Kimonos; $7.50 Values, $4.98 Holiday sale of silk ki nonos for Monday’s shop >ers, all colors in floral and Japanese designs, regular ?7.50 values, ... $4.98 Children’sCoats $5.00 Values $2.98 A special lpt of children’s •oats, sizes 4 to 7 years of ige, all good styles and col •rs, choice, .... $2.98 i Infants' Knitted Sacques $1.98 Holiday Bale of infants’ knit ted sacques, colors white with colored crochet d*-! AQ edges, special .... V A *JO Children’s Bath Rohes I $1.00 I A special showing of child ren’s bath robes, solid blue? and reds, with white figures sizes 1 to 4 years, d**| A A special. tpA.vHJ Holiday Sale of Aprons 25c A holiday sale of one thou sand white aprons, all kinds and styles, specially priced for the holiday sale. «Uv Holiday Waists Values to $1.50 Now 95c A splendid showing of Holiday Waists for Monday’s selling. Over 50 dozen crisp, new Waists, in all the latest modes. Materials are soft lingeries, voiles and crepes, all very dainty ar.d easily worth np to $1.50. Monday, QP special . G - Suggestions From Toilet Goods Plnand's Ellac Vegetal, In holiday 5TS**... 59c Richard Hudnut’s celebrated Toilet Water, h!1 odors, In holiday WP boxes, per bottle . I uC Palmer's*fine extracts in holiday boxes; ounce bottles 50c; np one-half ounce bottles .... mDC Richard HiuTnut's Extracts in hol iday boxes; 2 ounce bottles PQ $1.00; 1 ounce bottles.DUC Dandy little Manicure Sets, in leather cases, containing buffer, scissors, nail polish in case f»n and nail file, for .DUC Vanity Manicure Sets, in burnt wood boxes, containing large buffer, nail polish, enamel, file, ponilce stone, etc., p/1 for.,. 50C Military Brushes with ebony back, hand drawn bristles, In leather cases. (£-| qq Per pair . tpl.UO Girls’ Hats 25c One lot of Girls’ Hats. In velvet and felts, go on sale for a quick sale; worth up to $1.50. OP Choice . j£DC Boys’ Blouses, 35c Values 19c Boys’ Blouses, made of good quality percale, gingham and niadras, white and all colors, sizes 8 to -f q 16 years; 35c value.J.«/C Boys’ Sweater Sets $198 A special sale of Boys’ Sweater Sets. Colors are white and red. These have the waist length leg gins. (SI QQ Special . <pJL*«70 150 Embroider ed Pillow Cases at 98c Extra quality soft finished linen, nicely embroidered, wreath and initial, looks like real linen, very desirable Xmas gifts. Special QQ ~ for Monday, pnir HOC _____ * $1.25 and $1.50 Paul Jones Middies 95c You know the Paul Jones Middies, the best known, the best wearing Middy to be had, in all sizes and colors, all our $1.25 and $1.50 qual ities. Spe- OK/* cial.Htlv 40c Linen Tray Cloths at 19c 18x27 ail linen hemstitched try cloths, made of good quality soft satin finish da mask, sells regular i Q ~ for 40c, special . . AHC 50c Brassieres 39c A special sale of 25 dozen Bras sieres. lare and embroidery trim- i med; regular 50c qq value . Oi/C 75c All Linen Towels For 59c Extra large, heavy weight Towels, hemstitched and embroidered. Made of excellent quality, soft sat in finish damask and birdseye buck. A gift that is an- jtq predated. Special at.Oi/C Boys’ Hats, $1.00 'Values 39c We are forced to dose out all Boys’ Hats for the want of space. Therefore we offer all Boys’ Hats, formerly selling at $1.00, In sizes 2 to 10 years. QQ*» Monday special .Oa/C 0 | j ' ^_