Newspaper Page Text
ONE CENT A WORD KATES—One cent - word « d«yf «» ad. taken for lean than S5e for flrat Inser tion, fVi.h ni’i«< m»pnwpwnT order. * WAMbD fcJiAviiHi juc al iy_y -itii ave. 11-29-tf ,W£ enarptn eafety razor blades better than new, 25c dozen. Send them parcel post. Robert Prowell Stove Co., Birming ham, Ala. 6-14-tf WE buy second hand clothes, shoes, for cash. Phone 1581. 2116 Second. 1-20-tf FREE dental work, 1 to 4 p. m. Dental College. Ave. F and 20th at. 10-8-ti V\' HY accept Inferior service when you can get the best by experts as it costs no more and results in money saving to you plus Vetter satisfaction; It matters not in what part of the city you live, phone your orders; we make prompt calls and deliveries; men’s and women's apparel cleaned, dyed, pressed, repaired, altered and relined; hats cleaned, blocked and retrirmned. Gluck's Clean ing Co., 1713 3rd ave. Phone 2372. Al most opposite Bijou theatre. WANTED—To lease, furnished hotel in live town by experienced hotel man; must be good proposition. Address J. B. Litesey, Borden Springs, Ala. 12-5-3t ORDERS taken for beaten biscuits at any time on abort notive. Mrs. Jack W. Johnson, 2177 Highland ave. Phone 2598-.J Main. 12-5-3t ir6~ buy. sell or exchange property or business, any kind, anywhere, address Northwestern Business Agency, Dept. 1, Minneapolis, Minn. __ 5t-ll-l 12-6 1-:; 2-7 3-7 Wan TED—To exchange, unincumbered income Birmingham property for a farm; good trade for well located farm. Address owner, P-85, care Age-Herald. ll-8-16t-su-tu-th-fr WANTED—Everybody to get wise to the big drop in tlie price of vehicles. Now Listen: TOP BUGGIES, $45.00. SPRING WAGONS. $42.50. We are here to stay. Come and see us and we will save you money. EXCLUSIVE RUBBER TIRE CO., 1600 2d ave. 12-3-6t-thu-frl-su-tu-thu-su tYE have a few dozen Imported velour hat8 which we offer at $3.50 each; they are the same quality that sell at ?f> I and $7; a call will convince you. Gluck! Hat Co.. 1713 3rd ave. j WANTED—To buy 50 Leghorn hens; any color. Call Main 7080 or address W. T. Womack, 821 Talullah st:, city. WANTED—To take orders for home made fruit cake. Call Mrs. Clayton, Main 5815-W._12-6-3t-cod V A NT E D—To buy from owner, house and large lot; North Birmingham pre ferred; part cash; will assume; must be bargain and in city limits. Address L-93, care Age-Herald. WANTED—First class carpenter or con tractor owning vacant property In Greater Birmingham to phone 611 West _ End. WANTED—A party that will invest some money in a good paying business; must be reliable, of good financial standing and capable of holding office in the company. Address B-94, care Age-Her ald. PLUMBING—Material furnished anyone; plumber to do repairs or put in new work at half the regular price; cash -r monthly payments. Main 207, W. P. Brew'er. OLD”COINsFwANTED-^$50~paid for*l853 half dollar, no arrows: $5 for 1879 half, 8. Mint.; $100 for 1894 Dime, 8. Mint. Many \aluable coins circulating; send now 4c, get our coin circular; may mean large protits to you. Numismatic Bank, Dept. 10, Fort Worth, Tex. GREAT MONEY RAISING SALE ON SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN; $3 AND $3.50 LADIES' SHOES WE WILL SELL MONDAY FOR 91.95: MEN’S $4 SHOES ON SALE FOR $2.46; MISSES’ $2.98 SHOES WE ARE SELLING FOR 9L75; CHIL MEN'S $1.75 SHOES, ARE NOW GO ING FOR 98 CENTS. HURRY TO THE REMNANT STORE, 2017 2d AVE. Wanted—To” buy Oil fall payment a good team of mules or horses; can give good security. Address Y-93, care Age Iierald. Wantsd-to rent over the win ter FURNISHED APARTMENT OK SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE ON SOUTHSIDE. ADDRESS S. 1403 AMER ICAN TRUST BLDG. WANTED—To exchange, desirable, im proved city property; suburban acre age; pergonal property; or mortgage notes, for mules, horses or automo biles. Apply 628 Jefferson County Bank Bldg._ WANTED-—-Reliable, experienced farm ers with stock and some means to take charge on shares, large or small, desirable farms. Reference* required. Addles* Farm, Box 845, ONE CENT A WOOD HATES—One cent a word a d«ri at ad ♦*p*«n for lenn than 25c for fl**t Cawh winwt accompany nMw. . __ WANTED FREE dental work, 1 to 4 p. m. Dental College. Ave. F and 20th st. 10-8-tf W A NTKD—Good automobile; will ex change modern 6 or 8-room residences, splendidly located; suburban acreage, or lots; will give bargain. 628 Jefferson County Bank Bldg. WANTED—To borrow, Monday, $1500 on improved city property worth $4000 and $1700 improved property worth $6000, Farm Realty Co. Phone Main 1413. 828 Jefferson County Bank Bldg. WANTED—To buy for cash old gold, silver and platinum, also old watch eases and broken movements. Call I or write. G. J. Morrison, 323 Cham lior of Commerce Bldg. _ WANTED—FEMALE HELP FREE d’entaT'workTTTo'T’pT m. Dental College. Ave. F and 20th st. 10-8-tf WANTED—Experienced chocolate and bonbon dippers. Heber Candy Co.. 2408 N. 3d ave. 12-5-2t | WANTED—Solicitors, canvassers or agents, ladles who have bad experience In house to house soliciting. Apply after 0 a. m.. Mr. Malone, 6th floor Age-Her ald Bldg. 12-5-2t BIRMINGHAM MILLINERY TRAINING SCHOOL Gives a practical course In millinery for a reasonable tuition fee. The very latest methods In conatrueting, designing and trimming are taught. This course Is valuable to ladies wishing to make their own hats as well as those desiring to learn a profitable vocation. For Infor mation, address 14 Watts Bldg. __ 12-l-12t-tu-thu-su LADIES can make $10 to $15 weekly copying, addressing and mailing sam ples. Particulars for stamp. Hugo Sup ply Co., 2117 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind._____ll-l-4t-su A NICE position to offer high class dress makers and ladles of good appearance and personality; all or part time; pay received each week. Apply Brown Marx Bldg. Rooms 842-3. Phone M. 3775. SALESLADIES—Sell new, elastic top pet ticoats; make $30 weekly; write for par ticulars. The Fox Garment Co., Lan sing, Mich. FACTS GIRLS SHOULD KNOW Our valuable book mailed on receipt of 25c. A. F. Malinowski & Co., Suite 910 Monadnock block, Chicago. WRITE motion picture plays; )60 to $100 paid; correspondence course unneces sary; details free. New Writers, 1122 Victoria bldg., St. Louis. DO you want another $2 dally? No ex perlencc; constant spare time work knit ting lujsiery; machines furnished on contract; we take product. Helping Hand Stores (Inc.), Dept. 855, Chicago. SALE! SALE! SALE—ON MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. MEN’S $19.50 SUITS, $9.95; BOYS’ $8 SUITS, $2.95; BOYS’ $8.50 OVERCOATS. $3.46. DON’T FAIL TO SEE MONDAY THE REMNANT STORE, 2017 2d AVE. i-ADIES—Immediately, filling and label ing boxes; home work; evenings; steady; no experlepce; $12 weekly; no canvass ing; excellent opportunity; enclose stamp. Erina Specialty Co., Toronto, Ont. $ls WEEKLY, expenses advanced women to travel and appoint agents for con cent! ated food flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., Como bldg.. Chicago. MADAM—Earn $15 to $25 weekly co-op erate with me evenings at home; no canvassing; everything furnished; don’t worry about capital; I will help you. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb. MONEY making information; Business Woman’s Magazine; 100 pages monthly: subscriptions easily secured,on credit plan: good commissions; big ChrtBtraas number Just out; write at once. P. O. Box 119, Birmingham, '*k LADIES—Make plain aprons, home, all or sparo time; good money; exper ience unnecessary; dime for begin ners’ outfit. Howard Edwards Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Dept. 48. LADIES can make $10 to $15 weekly copying. addressing and mailing samples; particulars for stamp. Rex Co., 258 Glenwood ave., Buffalo, N.Y. WOMEN to sew at home, all material furnished and delivered prepaid to your door; we want reliable workers; to such we offer good money; steady work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices we pay. Univer sal Co.. Dept. 1, Walnut st.. Phil adelphia, Pa. WE want you to represent us In your locality, $15 weekly during spare time: experience unnecessary; splen did opportunity. Co-operative Pur chasing Association, Port Huron, Mich. DOGS _ COON^fOTJNDS and combination hunters for coons, cats, possums, squirrels, etc.; thoroughly trained; will send on trial; write for descriptive list. J. E. Wil liams Selmer, Tenn. \ I ONE CENT Jl WORD RATE9->jOne eeat a ward a dart na ad. !•"* tKao 2fw» for fflrat flaaar _WANTED—MALE HELP YESrwPwTrrteacJTyouTheTarTTerTrade and give you a position in our shops in a few weeks, all for $30; terms $15 down and $15 in 10 days; tools free; you make , money while learning; write us today. Jacksonville Barber College, 822 West Bay st., Jacksonville, Fla. _ll-29-8t-su-tu-th-sa ANTED—Solicitors, canvassers! agents, men with book, newspaper, installment experience preferred. Call Mr. Malone, 5th floor Age-Herald Bldg., after 9 a. m. __ i2-5-2t MECHANICS of many trades are'em ployed in the navy at good pay. Ser vice calls for highly skilled work men. Navy has its trade schools where young men with mechanical aptitude are taught their trades. Offers excellent career to young Americans over 17. Nayy Recruiting _Station, Hood Building. Birmingham. WANTED—Ambitious man over 21 and employed, to study law about six hours per week; easy, thorough. Address X-76, care Age-Herald. ll-26-12t-thu-sun-tue WANTED—Men to learn the barber trade; few weeks completes; position open; tuition $25; free catalog, Birmingham Barber College, Birmingham. __ 2-2-tf-frl-su-wed. USE your spare time to build up a mall order business of your own; we help you start for a share In profits; 27 op portunities; particulars free. Opportun itles Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. RAILROAD firemen, brakemen, $120; ex perience unnecessary; send age, post age. Railway, care Age-Herald. _«_ll-22-6t-su-mo BE a detective; earn $60 to $Ton weekly; travel all over the world. Write Dept. 18. United States Detective and Adjust ing Agency, Railway Exchange, St. Louie, Mo. WANTED—Cotton weaving room super intendent, engineers, firemen, $2.60; cot ton oil mill superintendent, $125; Ameri can loaderman. $3.50; sash and door men, box factory foreman, filers, sawyers, office manager, rip sawyers, millwright, ISC; bread baker, blocksetters, edgermen, night watchman, stave Jointers, travel ing salesmen; good salaries to compe tent men; If you are a sawmill me chanic get with us for future openings. Address Mack's, Meridian, Miss. 1 WILL pay honest men up to |50 month ly; spare time; home work; no can vassing: no capital; mail order busl nesB. Voorhles. Desk 1, Ortialm, Neb. $2500 ANNUALLY; co-operate with me evenings at home; everything furnished; don’t worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb. INTELLIGENT person may earn $8~to $20 weekly during spare time auhome, writing for newspapers; send for^tartlo ulars. Press Syndicate, 160 Washington, P. C. $5 PER day for laborers and big easy money for you telling them about it by mail; fascinating work; full particulars and sample outfit, 10 cents. American Sales Co.. S3 Chamberlain bldg., Chat tanooga, Tenn. MEN—Representatives, correspondents; spare time; no canvassing; straight sal ary. Amoa, 1331 G st.. Washington. D. C. GOVERNMENT positions arc easy to get. My free booklet, Y-209, tells how. Write today—now. Earl Hopkins, Wash tngton, D. C. U-l-18t-su-wo WANTED—A white man to take charge of Wholesale grocers' warehouse; ex pected to do heavy work. Address _ E-94. care Age-Herald. WANTED—Men In every locality to open a cleaning, dyeing and pressing shop; big profits; no experience or capital re quired. LaMar Specialty Co., Alliance, Ohio. INVE.STIGATOR8 work in every county In the United States; be ene; earn $16 to $76 weekly to start. Write Fidelity Secret Service, Wheeling, W. Va. __ 12-6-4t-su MEN-WOMEN—J25 weekly collecting all kinds names and addresses; no canvass ing; send stamp. Superba Co., X-155, Baltimore, Md. 12-0 2t-su GOVERNMENT positions in postoffice, railway mail and other branches are good; prepare for “exams" under for mer U. S. civil service secretary-ex aminer. Booklet G-l free. Write to day. Patterson Civil Service School. Rochester, N. Y. EVERYWHERE—MenTvTTTlng to dli trlbute circulars, samples, tack signs, collect names, etc.; no can vassing. Continental Register, Cbl .cago. ANYBODY ran Increase their Income $8 to $40 weekly raising mushrooms In cellars, sheds, boxes; free illus trated booklet. Hiram Barton, 338 W. 48th st.. New York. WANTED—Buyer for oldest cleaning] pressing, alteration and suit order business In a fast growing Alabama town of about 10,000. Does the best business and has the best location on Main st.; only one competitor; will sell on easy terms, accounts wife’s health; will stand any kind of Investigation and will guarantee the shop to pay for Itself. Address Box J-93, care of Age-Herald. EVERY ambitious man will be Interested in learning how a certain man made $10 grow to $260,000 In a few years In a business that you can start In your home. Booklet mailed free tells you. McDonnell, K-700, Marden Bldg., Wash ington. D. C. 12-2-9t-we-su WANTED—Bricklayers to take small job Monday morning. Call Phone Main 3268-J. WANTED—HELP MTsfTT’ women! ^gef^governrnenT'joltarToo to $160 month; 2000 appointments month ly; write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3-T, Rochester, N. Y. 10-80-lmo-except mo-tu-th GOVERNMENT JOBS open to men and women; $65 to $160 month. Write'Imme diately for positions list. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 3-W, Rochester, N. Y. 12-2-lm-ex-mo-tu-thu WAN*tEf>—Railway mall and postal clerks; examinations aoon; over 2000 appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for plan No. 36 of pay ment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College, Civil Service Dept., Philadelphia, Pa. 12-4-30t COPY Tetter's; persons writing and copying letters make $10 to $26 weekly following directions; stamped envelope for particulars. Brooks Copy Co., 809 Pennsylvania ave., Washington, D. C. ll-29-2t-su A TALENTED person may earn as high as $600 a year writing verses for popu lar songs in spare time; send samples of -your poems; Instructive book free. Dugdale Co., Studio A, Washington, D. C. IF you want to make money at home addressing envelops, postals, inclosing and mailing advertising letters send stamped return addressed envelope. Royal Sales Co., Macon, Oh. POSITIONS secured; we can secure a position for you. If out of work or want a better position, we can help you. Car ter Employment Service. 822 Empire Bldg. Phone 69B6. STOP working for a boss; sample of Oso and particulars, 26 cents; no canvassing. Ozo Mfg. Co., Dept A, Greenfield, O, BECOME railway mall clerks; Blruiing ham mail carriers, $66 to $160 month. Pull unnecessary; schsduls of win ter and spring examinations free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 1-W, Ro Franklin Institute. Dept. 1-W, Ro chester, N. Y. 12-6-6t-su IlAKE $15 to 1100 weekly evenings In your spare time with my successful mall order system; no experience necessary. E. Hoffner, Box 193, Mln neapolls, Minn. DIAMONDS — SPECIAL '4-carat diamond, $23.50; H-carat dia mond, $85. Larger slses In proportion, i. R. RUBEN8TEIN. ll-l-st-au i I ONE CENT A WORD KATIES—-On• cent • word m day« no a* taken tor lea* than 2fie for flrat Inner nm.u w>rnw.l.»»»r «nU. _business1 ch an ces_ WANTED—Ideas; write for list of in dentions wanted by manufacturers and prizes offered for inventions; our four books sent free; patent secured or foe returned. Victor J. Evans 6c Co., Dept. 1. Washington, D. C. 9-20-6t-su $5,000,000 AVAILABLE for immediate investment in industrial, mining, railway enterprises. Address Bank ers’ Alliance, 11 Southampton Row, London, England. fc 11-15-10-su SALES manager wanted to handle an all year, no competition article; de mand universal; wonderful seller, re peat businc»ss; article guaranteed*; $100 In cash and $1000 in energy needed; first applications given pref erence. Address the Marac Co., Inc., 46 E. 23rd st., New York city. _ ll-29-2t-su A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants reliable party to establish office and manage salesmen. Should pay $3000 to $15,000 annually; $300 to $700 will finance business; you handle your own money. References exchanged. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, 111. __ 9-6-su/i-tf ADVERTISE—21 wrords in 55 family week lles, $1. Cope Agency, St. Louis, Mo. GOOD business well established in Bir mingham wants partner with $1600; can be officer on full time and full salary or part time and part salary. Address W-93. care Age-Herald. YOUR 25-word advertisement placed In 100 monthly magazines one month for $1.25; three months for $2.60; write for list. F. L. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y. ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants j state manager; high class article; should pay $10,000 annually; $500 to $1000 capi tal; will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man we want; references. East burne, 207 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. OWN a business; make $2500 to $6000; here's your chance, co-operate with me evenings at home in a big money propo sition; everything furnished; don’t worry about capital; write quick. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. E, Omaha, Neb. $20 INVESTED now may make $2000; terms, $1 monthly; interest in land and oil development. Address Bennett Co., 342 First National Bank Bldg., Hous ton, Tex. GROW ricli in business of your own; get out of the wageearner's class; your co operation with our factory starts you with little capital during spare time in your own home; we manufacture ex clusive articles; no canvassing; expe rience unnecessary; write for booklet and proposition. Address Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. LM, Buffalo, N. Y. GOING concern needs $10,000 for expan sion; legitimate business and will stand investigation; annual profits above 30 per cent; excellent opening for young man of unmatured business plans who would take active part in management. Address C-94, care Age-Hereld. ONE CENT A WOOD RATE?—Onf cent ■ ward a iayi ■« a& taken f«ir lean thn»i 25* for flrat luanr tl^ll r imi«f wponmutinv order. _WANTED—SALESMEN_ SALESMAN wanted; $25 per week and traveling expenses, to sell our cigars; experience not necessary. Royal Cigar Co., 110 State St., Boston, Mass. 11-26-lt-thu; 7t-sun-wed-fri W A NTED—Salesm en to sell high-class residence lots in fast growing West Texas city; 40 acres of land with every lot; big commissions. F. C. Bennett & Co., Dallas, Tex. 12-5-2t-su WANTED—High class, experienced, lubricating oil, grease and specialty salesman by largest refiner; best sal cry and expenses paid; give experi ence and several references first let ter. Address E-69, care Age-Herald. 9-27-14t-su SALESMAN WANTED—Salary ami traveling expenses to sell cigars, cig arettes, tobacco, etc.; experience un necessary. Regie Cigar Co., Dept. 12, Boston, Mass. 11-22-St-su-tu FORD STARTER—Inexpensive; gives you the starting convenience of the latest high priced car. Get particu lars. Representatives wranted in your locality. Housel Sales Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ll-29-3t-su GAST BANKNOTE CO., oldest* calendar house, want reliable calendar salesman, exclusive or side line, this city, state and vicinity; finest line good sellers, imported and domestic calendars, wall pockets, blotters, fans, leather, alumi num, novelties, metal and waterproof signs, etc. Largest commissions, prompt payments. Also all other calendar salesmen special selected side snaps re quiring little space; extra big commis-i Bion; increase your earnings; sales be gin lively January 1. Address particu lars The Gast Banknote Co., St- Loui«, Mo.___: WANTED-Hustler as district manager in this territory for biggest money making specialty ever offered; experience un necessary; write at once. National _ Magnetic Sign Co., Reserve Bldg., Cleve r land, O._ WANTED—Salesman with some knowl edge of automobiles. Gulf States Sup ply Co., Atlanta. Ga~_ SALESMEN WANTED—To sell the most complete and fastest selling line of cal endars and advertising specialties at popular prices; all the year line; good for $75 to $100 weekly; exclusive terri tory. Caxton Co., Louisville. Ky._ SALESMAN WANTED—Experience un necessary, easy work, big pay; write for large list of openings offering opportu nities to earn $100 to $500 a month while you learn; address nearest office, Dept. 163. National Salesmen’s Training As sociation, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San F*ranclsco. __ SALESMEN—Big-money for your spare moments selling the greatest line of business stimulators; dealers eager to install; field unlimited; repeat orders come fast. Act quick. Cawood Nov elty Co., Danville, 111. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. BIRMINGHAM The following sehedule figure# are published only as information, and are not guaranteed. Southern Railway No. Arrive fro®— No. Depart to— 23 New York 12:20 pm 30 New York 9:00 am 29 New York 5:45 pm 24 New York 4:00 pm 11 Atlanta R :00 am 12 Atlanta 12:15 am 28 Atlanta 11:20 pm 40 Atlanta 6:30 am 29 Atlanta 5:45 pm 30 Atlanta 9:00 am 39 Atlanta 10:00 pro 24 Atlanta 4:00 pm 10 Columbus 11:15 am 11 Greenville 6:45 am 12 Greenville 7:55 pm 19 Mobile-Selma 7:00 am 28 Selma 11:96 am 27 Selma 4:40 pm 20 Mnblle-Selnja 7:00 pm 15 Columbus 3 :45 pro 28 Jacksonville 12:20 pm 24 Jacksonville4 :00 pm Queen Si Crescent Route A. G. S. R. R. No. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 1 Cincinnati 10:25 pm IN. O. Sc Shr'pt 10:3a pm 2 New Orleans 6 :20 am 2 Cln. St N. Y. 6:30 am 3 Cincinnati 10:50 am 3 New Orleans 11:05 arn 4 New Orleans 7:00 pm 4 Cincinnati 7:10 pm 5 Chattanooga 11:43 am 5 Meridian 4:10 pm 21 Chattanocga 9:00 pm 6 Chattanooga 4:00 pm 6 Meridian 10:50 am 22 Chattanooga 5:05 am 12 Meridian 11:40 pm 11 Meridian 5:10am Frisco lines' Ne. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 105 Kansas City 8:50 pm 106 Ksnssi City 12:10 pm 103 Kansas City 6:15 am 104 Kansas City 10:30 pm 925 Amory 10:15 am 026 Amory 8:23 pm 92^ Memphis 5:55 pm 929 Memphis7:00 nna Ccbffj-of ca. ny.- ~ No. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 1 Macon 10:10 pm 2 Macon 7:00 am 2 Jacksonville 12:15 pm 10 Jacksonville 4:36 pm 3 Savannah 12:01pm 4 Savannah 3:50 pm HIH311 A(■HAM TF,K>U*AL STATION Seaboard Air Line Ry. No. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 5 New York 10:00 pm 6 New York 7:15 am 11 New York 13:15 pm 12 New York 3:00 pm 23 Atlanta 9:20 pm 23 Atlanta8:00 am Illinois Central Ry. No. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 0 (’hlcago 4:05 pm 10 Chicago 1^:45 cm COl ISilLLK A NASHVILLE STATION L. & N. R. R. No. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 1 Cincinnati 8:52 am 1 New Orleans 9:00 am 2 New Orleans 12:10 pm 2 Cincinnati 12:22 pm 3 Cincinnati 3:25 pm 3 New Orleans 3:40 pm 4 New Orleans 8:37 pm 4 Cincinnati 8:45 pm , *5 Decatur T :30 pm *6 Decatur 6:45 am | 7 Cincinnati 3:50 am 7 Montgomery 1:05 am l 8 New Orleans 11:53 pm 8 Cincinnati 12:01 am 10 Montgomery 7:15 pm 9 Montgomery 6:20 am 12 Montgomery 10:45 am 11 Montgomery S :50 pm *15 Decatur10:15 am 14 Decatur 4:00 pm Ulrmiuisbam Mineral No. Arrive from — No. Depart to— 39 Praco 8:15 pm 88 Ptaco 8:25 am 48 Tuscaloosa 11:10 am 41 Blocton 6:30 am 42 Blocton 7:25 pm 49 Blocton 2:54 am 45 Anniston 10:40 am 44 Anniston 3:40 pm 47 Anniston 6:50 pm 46 Anniston 8:35 am 102 Tuscaloosa 5:30 pm 101 Tuscaloosa 7:00 a.m. ; A., it. A A. No. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 23 Roanoke 11:30 am 26 Manchester 7:30 am 25 Manchester 6 .00 nm 24 Roanoke 4:15 pm ■ Trains marked thus (•) run daily except Sunday. Other trains run daily. Central time. BUSINESS CHANCES_ WANTED—Agency for manufacturer of huck and Turkish towels, bedspreads, absorbent cotton, other textile fabrics. Robert Findlay, 42 White st., New York. _ 12-6-3t MY business outgrown Its capacity; need progresive partner with money to Join me in live undertaking; excellent chnnce for right party. Asa Co., Frankfort, O. MEN and women; Do you wish to better your condition making a fortune in strictly honest and legitimate way? Get our plan, nothing alike. New Era Co.. Westfield, Mass. HAVE you $100 or more to Invest? Will guarantee 10 per cent dividends and ex pect to pay as high as 200 per cent with in 3 years; investment fully secured. C. Moore. P. O. Box 741, Park City, Utah. WE want a manufacturer's representa tive in every community for some thing new. Get in on the ground floor. Address Efma Mfg. Co., Indian apolis, Ind. BUSINESS man wanted, with capital, to promote invention which will bring big returns. L'homme, Gloucester road, Worcester, Mass. WANTED—BOARDERS ~~ BOARD, room and board; high corner lot; beautiful location; all modern con veniences; $50 per couple. 1600 10th ave.. S._12-4-3t WANTED—Young man to board with pri vate family In West End; all conven iences; price $17.60 per month with 1 meals per day. Address N-83, care Age-Herald._ FOR one or two young men who wish to save; two blocks of Five Points, south; good board and comfortable room cheap. Call Main 2471-J. WILL board 2 gentlemen In strictly pri vate home; clean rooms and good cook lng. Call West End 706. NORWOOD—Two beautifully furnished front rooms, modern conveniences, hot water, furnace heat, walking distance, on 3 car lines; good board; private borne. Cali Main 7028. FRONT room and good board; also want roommate for gentleman In house with congenial people; walking distance; modern. furnace heated house. 720 N. 21st Bt. BOOMS—WANTED—BOARD, ~ ROOM RENTAL EXCHANGE We need your vacant rooms; good peo ple waiting; no advance charges. 610 First National Bank. Phone 8239. WANTED—A furnished apartment of 2 or 3 rooms and bath for about 1 month from Dec. 16; give location, particulars and terms; references. Address G-84, care Age-Herald. FRUIT CAKE M’GOUGH'S BAKERY. 2123 2ND AVE. FIVE or 6-room house or apartment, furnished, for three or four months. Address N-B4, care Age-Herald. FARM LANDS ynaanQOfWfiBiorTsrjsatBAgA for Itlt by INGRAM REALTY COMPANY. Empire EM* Phone Mete 11*1. $»U WANTED—SALESMEN FORD SHOCK EASER—Complete set, $4; special trial offer; Money re turned If dlssatlBfled. Write today. Desirable representatives wanted In your locajlty. Housel Sales Co., Buf falo, N. Y. ll-29-3t-su WANTED—Experienced salesman to sell classiest line of calendars published In the country; write at once for territory; begin work January 1. Smith-Hecht Co., Indianapolis, Ind. SALESMEN to handle new Invention In uncrowded field; greatest selling propo sition on the market; large commission and exclusive territory; write for Infor mation today. Progress Machine Co., 302-3 Mercantile Library Bldg., Clncin ' natl, O. WANTED—Cigar salesman to sell cigars, cigarettes, tobacco to dealers; $100 per month. $5 per day traveling expenses. Amber Tobacco Co., Boston, Mass. WE WANT A\ RELIABLE MAN TO HANDLE Ol’R 1915 MODEL MECH. SELF-STARTER FOR FORDS IN THIS TERRITORY. IT IS NOT THE CHEAPEST. BUT THE BEST MADE. SELL READILY AND FULLY GUAR ANTEED. RIGHT MAN CAN ESTAB LISH PROFITABLE BUSINESS WITH PRACTICALLY NO INVEST MENT. ASK FOR PARTICULARS. STANDARD AUTO STARTER CO., CLEVELAND. O. CAPABLE specialty salesman and sales manager for 1915 by $150,000 corporation; retail experience desirable; genuine op portunity; must first sell, then organise efficient sales force; other men now earning $300 to $500 monthly; proposition Indorsed by mllllon-dollar firms; refer ences; bond required. The Ingle System Co,, Dayton, O. SALESMAN—Capable specialty man for Alabama; staple line on new and ex ceptional terms; vacancy now; attrac tive commission contract for 1915; $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co.. 2-49 Carlin Bldg., Cleveland, O. WANTED—Salesmen to sell plain and ad vertising wagon umbrellas, carpenter aprons, horse covers, swings, etc. Can call on every merchant in a town. The Perfection Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN wanted for special line dry goods; spring and summer trade; fac tory to retailer; liberal commission; splendid side line. Bryn Mawr Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED-—For coming year, two experienced traveling salesmen ac quainted with drug, dry goods or spe cial lines; positions permanent; well known house; staple line; will pay good men $3000 per year or better. Address H-98, oare Age-Herald. SIDE line men: electric sign; outselling everything at $10; flashes changeable wording In radiant beams of electric light; terms 80 days; free sample; ex clusive territory. Flashtrlc Sign Co., Chicago. HOTELS -hotklmason 301$ 5th Ave. Cleanest and brightest rooms In city. Hot and eold running water. Baths froe. BOMB COMFORTS—HOTEL SERVICE l-27-tf MISCELLANEOUS CKaMdiSavErE—Hvorfor IkkaPstTfte rermere bekjendtskaber. Den bedste plads er Frlthjof Lee's Colonial cafe eg bar. Her treffer man Dlstrlktest bedste. Frlthjof Lee. Colonial hotel. Slst St, between 2d and 3d aves. ■U-29-su-tf 'ONE CENT A WORD R ATES—On* rent m n«fd n «lwjr? no ■& taken far Imh than JiBc for firat Inner* tfon. CbwIi miwt accompany or<ler. WANTED AGENTS 'water'“3Eraim ers, sell themselves; experience unneces sary; no talking; dally profits $5 up wards. Send 2c (mailing cost). M-2 Seed Filter Co., New York. ll-28-4t-su AGENTS—Make $25 to $50 a week selling Biack Diamond, self;Jlghting gas man tles and Simplex gas lighters. No matches required; just turn on gas; lights itself. Sells on sight; send for proposition before it is too late. Au tomatic Gas Appliance Co.. 1 Union Square, New York. U-16-gt-su-tu UARTSJDE S Iron Rust Soap Co., 405! Lancaster ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Gart slde’s Iron Rust Soap (U. S. registered patent No. 3477) removes iron rust, ink and all unwashable stains from cloth ing, marble, etc., with magical effect; good seller, big margins. House-to house agents and store salesmen wanted. The original, 25c a tube. Beware of in fringements and the penalty for making, selling and using an infringed article. _ U-22-7t-an USE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own; we help you start for a share in profits; 27 op portunities; particulars free. Opportuni ties Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. ll-29-2t-sun CALIFORNIA hotel accommodation cer tiflcates for use during fair year; large commission; strong company; write at once. California Hotel Reservation Co., Llssner bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. EVERY HOUSEHOLD ON FARM ' IN SMALL TOWN OR SUBURBS Where oil lamps are used, needs and will buy the wonderful Aladdin mantle lamp; burns common coal oil (kerosene); gives a light five times as bright as electrio; one farmer cleared over $500 In six weeks; hundreds with rigs earning $100 to $300 per month; no cash required; we furnish capital to reliable men; write quick for wholesale prices, territory and sample lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 701 Aladdin bldg., Chloago, III. AGENTS—If you want to control terri tory on an article without competition, selling to everybody using knives and scissors, write us at once; we are in troducing Kwicksharp, the only machine made that anybody can properly sharp en knives and scissors with; absolutely no experience needed; field for sale enormous; price low; your profit large; Investigate. Spengler-Loomis Mfg. Co., 30 E. Randolph st., Chicago, III. AGENTS make big money and become sales managers for our goods; fast of fice seller; fine profits; particular and sample free. One Dip Pen Co., 707, ^Daily Record, Baltimore, Md. AGENTS—New, mighty, money making marvel; world startled; new, marvel ous clothes washing crystal; clothes washing ideas revolutionized; positively abolishes rubbing, washboards, washing machines; women astounded, wild over it; absolutely harmless; $1000 guarantee goes with it; $00 to $126 weekly, repeat order business easy; exclusive territory; no experience necessary; credit granted; magic silver cleaner, polisher, no labor; nature’s mighty elements do the work; write today, get overwhelming proof all free. Equitable Sales Corporation, Dept. 89, Manhattan bldg., Chicago. PORTRAIT agents, here is your oppor tunity to see all the newest styles of portraits and frames; why buy from catalogues when you can see the real goods? Our traveling salesman will visit the principal cities in your state in January with a full line of samples; write for an appointment and meeting place. Independent Portrait and Frame Go.. 829-31 S. State st., Chicago. AGENTS—Get particulars of one of the best paying propositions ever put on the murket; something no one rise sells; make $4000 yearly. Address E. M. Felt man. sales manager. 1669 3rd st., Cin cinnati^_ AGENTS—Smashing commissions; whirl wind sales in new device salable every where; take orders to equip offices, hotels, factories, homes; demonstration sells; no experience; no capital; $25 up weekly. E. A. Gervals Co., Drawer 400, Columbia, S. C. BIG Kansas company wants you to co operate with them evenings at home; make $3000 and more yearly; no can vassing; no experience; fast growing business; we furnish everything; write for unique selling plan; free. C. W. Kyestone, Pres., 1 E. oth, Pittsburg, Kas. DON'T be an agent; make $50 weekly; eo-operate with me evenings at home; others are growing rich; I will help you and furnish everything; don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. 10. Omaha, Neb. MAKE $21 next Saturday; brand new proposition; patented last "January; amazing invention, compressed air washing machine, weighs but 2 pounds; excels work of high priced machines; customers excited; agents coining money; a sale at every house; price only $1.60; 200 per cent profit; cleans tub of clothes in 3 minutes; works like magic. F. Hughes made $21 first 8 hours; no charge for territory; business supplies the capital; investigate- write now. Wendell Co., 486 Oak st., Leipsic Ohio. SNAP up a red-hot seller] needed in every home. B. W. Briggs, 22 Chestnut Ft., Dubuque, la. AGENTS—Big 24x28 complete framed art religious, war and copyrighted negro pictures. 12c; sensational sellers; 3t4l per (eut profit; sample free; also portraits convex work, pillow tops; lowest prices’ People’s Portrait, Dept, 51, Chicago., ' AGENTS—Make easy money selling household necessity; 25c for sample and instructions. Detroit Sales Co "09 __Equlty Bldg., Detroit, Mich. AGENTS-George Blrt."Russell ave.,'In dianapolls. is wholesaling changeable signs at 5c each; retails at 65c. Par ticulars free. AGENTS—Sell heatless trouser press; greatest proposition on the market. Mu tual Specialty Co., 446 Powers Bldg., Rochester, NeY. EARN extraTchristmas money furnishing Christinas gifts; profitable spare time employment selling useful articles ab solutely necessary in every family; write quick. Dept. A, Southern Trade. Bridge port, Ala. 12-6-2t-su eXrnTST w"eekly readily; our four-in-one ladies’ handbag attracts every woman; showing means selling. Mattbes Co., 3150 Indiana, Chicago, III. AGENTS WANTED—Men and women, at last the best seller just out, used in every home where gas is used; good commis sions paid; write for particulars. Ross Specialty Co., Dept. 1, Box 875, New Or leans, La. AGENTS make big profits handling our "fast selling holiday post cards,” "Novelty signs,” "holiday decora tions,” "pennants,” etc.: 6000 varie ties. Demand unlimited. Write today for free catalog. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Buren st., Chicago. AGENTS—Positively the best combina tlon vacuum cleaner and sweeper made. Adjustable brush, three bel lows, new dumping device. Agents' price $3.75. Calumet Co., 2937 Walnut, Chicago. AGENTS—Make $100 to $300 per month easy selling our new triplicate sauce pan. Cooking three different foods on one burner. Saves gas; 400 specialties— all whirlwind sellers. Write quick for territory and large catalog. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Dlv. 3045 Lemont, 111. CHEWING GUM—Sell to dealers, blg gest line manufactured; meet any competition; send for price list and samples. The Helmet Gum Co.,(Cin cinnati. XgENTS-100 per cent profit selling our Klean Pipe; only pipe of Its kind In the world; novelty alone sells It; bottom pushes up to feed tobacco, keeps fire ex posed to air, smoke cool and removes to clean pipe; retails 60c; agents' sam ple, 26c, postpaid. Gates Klean Pipe ONE CENT A WORD 1 RATES—One wnt ■ word ■ dnyi "• ■!* *nr !•»» thou 25c 1 or flroi In»or- M , tton. C-h ton*# oprompmiy order. mb WANTED AGENTS :*v invention startles world; agents amased; M Inexperienced men divide $40,000; Kor- .j stad, a farmer, did $2200 in 14 days; "M, Schleicher, a minister, $195 In first 12 hours; $1200 cold cash made, paid, banked .jl by Stoneman In 30 days; $15,000 to date; jP •a hot or cold running water bath equip ment for any home at only $6.50; self 9 heating; no plumbing or waterworks re- J||| quired; investigate; exclusive sale; credit j|| given; send no money; write letter or IS I>oslal today. Allen Mfg. Co.. 3980 Allen 'M Bldg., Toledo, O. S RESPONSIBLE manufacturer desires 1 placing valuable agency, sure repeater, J permanent income, business builder, ]§ easy, no competition, protected territory 9 guaranteed. Perfection Co., 13 West B 3lst st., New York. 'j STOP—Go no further until you get in 3 touch with us. We can show you how I to make $30 to $100 per week. All 1 you need is get-up in you; have you got this. It cost nothing to write, so m get busy. Stevens, 3659 Broadway, jj Chicago. Ill AGENTS—You have been looking for -fj something to sell colored people. We have it! “Negro Angels Entering S Heaven." Home Supply Co., Jackson, fl Miss. jj AGENTS—Salary or commission. Great- If est seller yet. Every user pen and ink I buys on sight; 200 to 600 per cent Jp profit. One agent's sales $620 In six M days; another $32 in two hours. Mon- 3 roe Mfg, Co., X 476, LaCrosse, Wls. 9 SITUATION WANTED 9 THE City Employment Bureau wifi be S glad to furnish free any class of help S wanted. We Investigate all applicants, B the record of all applicants for post- 9 tions of responsibility. This bureau is Jj under the auspices of churches of Bir- B mlngham. We earnestly ask your co- B operation. Phone Main 1870. 310 Lyrio B Theatre Bldg. 7-18»tf LICENSED DRUGGIST wants position, 9 experienced; good references; will start fa at reasonable salary. Address D-93, care 9 Age-Herald. 12-4-3t § THOMAS NELSON would like to have ||| work; will work at anything; In need jgj of work very badly. Apply K-93. care jSj Age-Herald. 12-6-2t ||j ! Ail a lone widow and have no present B means; please aasist me by giving me B house cleaning, scrubbing, washing win- B dows or washing bed clothes. Address * T-93, care Age-Herald. 13-6-3t B REGISTERED druggist wants position: B 18 years’ experience; unmarried, of good B personal address; a good salesman and B prescriptionist of ability; best refer- jjjj ences. Address “Capsule," care Age- Sgl Herald._12-6-3t B EXPERIENCED hotel keeper, or linen H room woman. In or out of the city. B Phone Main 6881-W or address House- |||| keeper, 2316 6th ave., N. 12-6-3t '||| FRENCHMAN and wife, first class cooks. fl want situation; gfnod references; was B chef at Rldgely apartments for six Jjjj months; French cooking is very eco- jjjj nomical; can run hotel or restaurant. B Chrlstlnet, 12746 20th st.. 8. 12-6-3t «g EXPERT accountant and bookkeeper do- B sires change; 10 years' experience; in- B terview solicited. Answer Immediately, B F-94, care Age-Herald._ 'B YOUNG man bookkeeper and stenogra- jS| plier wants a position; best of refer- WM ences and experience; salary no object. 1|| Address Box 865. Birmingham. 12-6-3t B A-l window dresser, card writer, sales- B man that can get up sales, manage jB help, wishes position out of city'; best jB references. Address A-94, care Age-Her- B aid. B YOUNG lady stenographer desires light B position or work as typist; no objections :B to leaving city. Address Stenographer. jgj 602 N. 19th st., city. 12-6-3t j§j| YOUNG lady of refinement and good so- B clal standing desires position as com- jB panion for elderly lady; out of town pre ferred. Address Miss W., care 602 N. Ijjj 19th st.. city. * 12-6-3t B POULTRY M Leghorn cocks, combs slightly bitten by \mi cold snap, were $5 birds, now only $1.50. Cockerels 7 months old $1; best laying 'Up strain. Mrs. J. C. Moses, Route 2, East Lake, Ala. JB| _AUTOMOBILES BIG WAR SACRIFICE. For sale, trade or exchange, Overland rodHster, cut down, newly upholstered, good tires, engine in A-l condition. Must go at once, REX SALES CO.. Main 7301. 110 S. 23d. 11-26-tf LOOK! AUTO BUYERS One 1914 Hupp roadster, one 1914 Buick tonring ear, axcellent condition: cheap for cash or negotiable paper. Address X-93. care Age-Herald. FOR SALE—Mltchell roadster, first class condition, fully equipped: $150 for quick sale. Apply Monday morning 1427 Jef ferson County Bank bldg. Phone Main 4972. FOR SALE. TRADE OR EXCHANGE Hupmobile, Overland, Cadillac, Fords and others: $125 and up: now is the time to get your car. REX SALES CO. 110 8. 22nd St. Main 7304. POPULAR Christmas gift; If you own a Ford car, send number and 25c for large ! panorama picture of Ford factory, showing 12,000 employes; largest, ever be- j fore camera; one picture only to each car number; 25 cents, prepaid; 50 cents without car number. Ford Panorama Co., Box 611. Detroit, Mich. LOST—STRAYED—STOLEN LOST—Between First Baptist church and Norwood, gold bar pin, raised scroll worKVon top. Finder phone 3389-W and receive reward. 12-5-2t ! LOST—One red fox neck piece on Mt. Lake road. Return to Will Monjot, j Pratt City. Phone 350 Ensley. 12-5-3t LOST—Pointer dog, color liver and white. Name M. W. Parsons, Birmingham, Ala on collar. Phone Main 5558 or 2989 and get reward.__ LOST—In Morris hotel, pjeketbook con taining 2 $30 notes and notes of smaller denominations, together with business cards belonging to owner; $5 reward If returned to Libby, McNeil & Libby, 1617 1st ave. _ LOST^November-IST-pointer dog, large, white and liver spots.' head and ears almost solid liver color; split toe on one rear foot: liberal reward bo anyone who can assist In locating same. Phone Woodlawn 106-J, or address C-"a «w. Age-Herald^___ LOST—Pointer dog, medium slse; small liver head, largo Uver spots on one side. Telephone M. 8061-J. Reward for return or Information. KODAKS kodak developing Is now free; prints 2c, 6c, 4c, 6c and up; enlargement free with IS worth of kodak work. Wilson 8tudlo, 2e9V* N. 19th st- Birmingham, Aim. 4-16-au-U FULL line Eastman kodaks and supplies; bring your films hsrs to be developed and pictures printed; bast work In the I city; prices right. T. W. Bromberg. it, Mgn tf