Newspaper Page Text
TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ___ THIS WEEK AT I.ETAWS BEAUTIFUL THREE-PIECE SET GENUINE PARISIAN IVORY ONLY IS •2 brushes, $1.50 mirror, 50c comb. Show ing the largest and finest stock of Parisian Ivory In the city. We have made special reductions on every piece to clear our shelves at once. Call and Inspect our display. INITIAL STATIONERY Gold Initial stationery, fine quality linen, any Initial in stock, regular 60c value, 25c. Correspondence cards to match, gold Initials with envel opes, BOc value, 25c. HUDNUT’S PERFUMES 49C OZ. Lily of the Valley, Gudenla, Virginia Rose. Almee, Sweet Peas and Napol eon Violet are the odors from which you upsy choose. Remember, these are Hudnut’s extracts. HAIR BRUSHES White enameled sanitary hair brush, acceptable to anyone, durable and yet pretty: usually sold for 75c; 3 days only, 49c. FOUNTAIN PENS Neatly boxed, 14-carat gold pens, war ranted, $1 value, 49c. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES $1 fountain syringe; two quarts, com plete, seamless rubber, 49c. COUPONS Bring all your Liggett & Myers coupons and tags to us. This Is the Birmingham premium depot; premiums In stock. LBTAWS PHARMACY City Hall Bldg. Phones Main 1610 and 9100 f'OR SALE—Pointer puppies. 1814 SOth st., Ensley. Thono 855. W. S. Slze more. FOR RENT _ ~ FOR RENT—Six very deslrablo~"'com neotlng or single, unfurnished rooms; nice location. 1600*4 N. 6th ave. Price reasonable. Apply John W. O'Neill Co., 2020 2d ave. Phone Main 88. ^OR RENT OR SALE—5-room cottage, Blst st, 2d ave., N., Woodlawn; this Is modern and up-to-date; also 6-room cottage Ave. I and 23st. will put In good repair for good tenant. Apply Peter fllnszer's Mam moth Furniture House, 2115 2d ave. Phone 973._ 12-6-3t ONE large front room and back roonh connecting; furnished for light house keeping, with all conveniences and the privilege of a phone. Also other rooms. 713 N. 19th st.12-6-3t FOR RENT—Desirable storeroom for grocery, pressing club or any cash business; rent $20 per month; good location. 609 N. 16th st. Apply John W. O'Neill Co., 2020 2d ave. Phone Main 88, ^ WANTr'IJ—bEMALE HELP A WHITE widower wants a whitfTwIdow to cook and keep house for three; good home for right party. Give your phone ami home number. 0-94, care Age-Herald. WaThTED—Colored woman to cook~and do general housework; references re quired. 829 Tuscaloosa ave., West End. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILE BAHGAIN^Twmlpassem ger Hupmoblle In good shape; top, windshield, tools complete; the first man who shows me $150 gets it; need the money. Call Main 1180-J or 6435-W. _ LOSr-r-8TRAYED--STQLEN Co§T^WhiTte~7cow^wMth extra ~*whTte face; mark in left ear. Call Main 4938 and receive reward. HARVARD PROFESSOR IS HELD FOR JURY Boston. December 6.—Fitzroy Carring ton of the Harvard university faculty, arrested a few days ago for alleged vio lation of the radio laws, was hold for the federal grand Jury by United States Com missioner Hayes today. A similar com plaint against Gilbert R. Pay son, Jr.. 13 years old, a neighbor of Professor Car rington, was dismissed. It is alleged Pro fessor Carrington allowed the Payson boy to practice on a wireless equipment the professor had Installed In his homo for the benefit of his own son. Radio Inspector Gawler testified that messages from the Carrington apparatus interfered with commercial operators ovar a wide area. II "' " . - " . == BIRMINGHAM Business Directory ABSTRACTORS Alabama Abstract Co., land titles. 2109-2111 8d ave. Phone.380 BAKERIES Esslg gt Busenlehner Bakery The home of Butternut bread. 411 14th st.. N. Phone Main.6230 BUSINESS COLLEGES Wheeler Business College, 1909 1917 1st ave. Oldest, largest, best. Sessions day and night. $50 pays for complete course. Call, write, or phone. Main .1119 BICYCLES Bryan Brothers. Bicycles and re pairing: 3 stores. Bessemer, Fair field and Elnsley. 114 19th st. Phone Bessemer .103 CARPET, RUG AND MATTRESS CLEANING Hammel Mattress and Carpet Reno vating Co., 700 S. 23d gt., make over all kinds of mattresses, steam clean carpets, rugs, feath ers; first class work. Phone... .1330 CIGARS—WHOLESALE R. D. Burnett Cigar Co. Wholesale department, 1816 2d ave. Phone.. 301 COAL—RETAIL Guarantee Coal Co. Yards, South side, West End and Norwood. Main .0334 DAIRY SUPPLIES Gorman-Gammill Seed and Dhlry Supply Co. "Everything in dairy supplies." 2328-30 2d ave., N. Phone Main .3230 CORSETIER The Spirella Corset Shop, 1029 Glen Iris ave. Phone .2809-J DENTISTS Dr. A. J. Massey, Dentist, JefTerson County Bank Bldg. “Tallest build ing south." Rooms 523-524. Phone .. 1844 DETECTIVE AGENCIES Bodeker's National Detective Agency. 839, 340, 341 Brown Marx Bldg. Phone . 2241 DISTILLERS Jack Daniels Distilling Co. 1216 Ave. B. Phone .. DRUGS Lelaw's Pharmacy. City Hall Bldg. Main .1610 ELECTRIC AND MACHINERY Miller Electric & Machine Co. 222 N. 22d st. Main .6020 ENGINE BUILDERS Hardie-Tynes Mfg. Co. 28th st and 8th ave., N. Main .0740-888 FLORISTS A. J. Koenig, florist. 318 N. 21st st. Phone .3690 John A. Lambert, florist, 2014 1st ave. Phone, Main .1637 GASOLINE ENGINES White-Blakeslee Mfg. Co., gaso line, gas and oil engines for pumping, ginning, grinding, sawing and all purposes. We repair all makes of gasoline engines. Phone Woodlawn .. 10 GROCERY STORES Shropshlre-Danlels Grocery Co. 1028 S. 20th st. Main .4230-4237-1180 T. F. Thornton, Fancy groceries. 1800 4th ave., N. Phones ... W4H-W4U HARNESS AND SADDLERY William Reckling. Manufacturer of saddles, harness, carriage and auto trimmings. Barkeepers F. & Brass polish. 1811 2d ave. Phone 500 HOTELS The Avalon Hotel. zlOO 5th ave., N. Phone . 468°* The Hotel Mason. 2016 6th ave. N. Phone .00*8 Reliance hotel. Near Terminal de pot. 6th ave. and 26th st. Phone. 1946 LAUNDRIES Imperial Laundry Co. 2316 4th ave. Phone .7080 LUMBER DEALERS W. D. Wood Lumber Co. 8th ave. and 13th st. Phones.4090-4001 MERCHANDISE BROKER G. E. Brooks. 2117 Morris ave. Phone . 2397 PHOTOGRAPHERS Stephenson Studio. M. H. Wilson, Mgr. 416 N. 21st st. Phone.4937 RENTALS For a house or business location, and, espe» Ily, if you are a stranger in the city, see us. Ma lone-McConneU Co. Phone.. RUBBER TIRES Exclusive Rubber Tire Co. Lowest prices on carriage rubber. 2d ave. and 16th st. Phone.3768 STATIONERS Zac Smith Stationery *Co. Archi tect and high school supplies. Loose leaf ledgers. 2024 1st ave. Phone . 929 REAL ESTATE Jas. B. Drake. Real estate and farm lands. 26 N. 19th st., ground floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main .2417 E. J. Burns Co. Sales, loans and rentals. 406 American Trust Bldg. Phone .766 Bethea Real Estate & Insurance Co* 2027 3d ave., N. Phone. 116 SEED STORES Gorman-Gammill Seed Co. "Seed which succeed." 2328-80 2d ave., N. Phone Main .8236 SHOES We buy second hand clothes, shoes; also expert repairing. Will make free half soles and heels with ev ery $3.50 pair shoes. Dave Cop Ion. Main .1081 -=r=-~l ————”' CHRISTMAS REFLECTIONS ABOUT FAIRFIELD In what better way could you show your Interest and affection for your wife or married son or daughter at this Christmas sea son than by giving a lot at Fairfield? What more beautiful spot could you select for a home than Fairfield? What better neighbors could you find? What city with such model streets and varied Improvements at every hand? What investment could be made that is fortified with Industrial plants costing many millions, where over 2500 men earn good wages every week and spend It freely for the luxuries of life? What other city of Its size has such a rosy future forecast as Fairfield; where other millions will doubtless soon be spent on plants to manufacture finished steel products? Let This Christmas Be A Fairfield Christmas i A gift of Fairfield lots would be a royal Christ qias gift. It s would be an Investment for self or family that will make good profits. It would be a home site equaled by few. It could be Im proved right now at the lowest possible coBt on account of the cheapness of labor and materials. Don’t wait. Look Into this at once. Now is the Time to Buy Fairfield Lots Jemison Real Estate & Insurance Go. Ground Floor 1st National Bank Bldg. Fairfield Office In Bank of Fairfield / TO M. E. CONFERENCE Interesting Talk Made by Bishop—Usual Services Followed Andalusia, December 5.—(Special.)—The eighty-second session of the Alabama an nual conference of the Methodist Episco pal church, south, opened Saturday morn ing with the usual devotional exercises conducted by the bishop. Taking his text from the tenth cliapter of St. Matthew, Bishop Candler’s talk Saturday morning was especially interesting. Dr. O. C. Me Gehee lead In prayer, after which the conference got down to business. Ques tion 22: “Are all the preachers blameless in their life and administration?” was taken up, which consumed the morning session of the conference. This question called for reports of the following dis tricts: Dothan, Eufaula, Greensboro, Mo bile, Montgomery, Pensacola, Prattville, Selma and Troy. Credentials of C. H. Webster was received and he was with drawn from the ministry. P. S. Hudson withdrew and surreneder his credentials, finding himself out of harmony with the church’s government and doubting the correctness of some of its doctrines. Shofner Introduced Dr. Shofner of the Downing Industrial school, of which he 1b president, was In troduced to ths conference and made an Interesting oral report on the progress of his Bchool. Dr, A. J. Lamar, one of the agents of the publishing house of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, which Is located In Nashville. Tenn., with branches In Richmond, Va„ Dallas, Tex., and Shang hai, China, made a very interesting talk on the progress that Institution was mak ing. The following were received Into full connection of the conference: J. I* White, H. Llzenby, J. C. Farrles, A. G. Ellisor. J. A. Whltsett, C. T. Martin and R. P. Cochran. An Interesting letter was read from W. G. Isaacs, chaplain In the United States navy, showing the work he had done. Adjournment Taken The conference adjourned at 12:30 and will meet again at 3:30, this being the first day during the present session that the conference has helfl an afternoon session. There is a great deal of work yet to be disposed of and both the conference and the various committees are working hard. The following is SundayBs programme: Annual lore feast, 9.S' a. m., Mathodlat church; preaching at the opera house. 11 I o’clock. Bishop IV, A. Candler; Baptist church, !:•), E C. Moore; 7:S0, J. M. Shofner; Methodist church. 3:W. Dr. O. C. MeQehee; Farmers1 school house, 3:30. J. F. Phenlx. CARDINAL dTpIETRO IS REPORTED DEAD London. December 6.—flJ.l* p. m,>—The Central News has received a dispatch from Its Rome correspondent saying that Cardinal Angelo dl Pietro, doyen of tne Sacred college, died this morning. Cardinal dl Pietro was bom May 26. 1828. Has papal nuncio at Madrid In 1837, and he was created and proclaimed a cardinal priest In 1*93. WHO’S GOING TO BE ROBBED NEXT And wake up to find they neglected to buy a Burglary Insurance Policy at the small cost of $12.50. It Is seldom that a burglar or his pals can carry away in one haul more than $1000.00, therefore a $1000,00 policy gives you ample protection. We can write this policy for you on a few minutes' notice, covering everything in your house to the extent of $1000.00 for one year at the small cost of $12.50. . What Family Can Afford to Be Without This Protection? Don’t have any policy except an F. & D., the best, most liberal and swiftest on settlements. Call us on the phone tomorrow and place your policy. Meyer, Goldman & Terry GENERAL AGENTS Phone 5906 2109 1st Avenue Published Weekly by the Birmingham Realty Co. Vol. 10. Birmingham, Ala., December 6, 1914. No. 37. No. 5 Swings Into Line We announce that the construction of the FIFTH residence on NORWOOD BOULEVARD will begin as soon as plans can he drawn. This home, like Its four predecessors, will be a mod ern house beautiful, in every way worthy of its set ting on the bosom of the "twin sister of Highland avenue.” NORWOOD BOULEVARD is going to grow as naturally as the rose tree grows and blooms. The beauty and convenience of the locality and our policy of lending money at 6 per cent straight to purchasers of our property for actual home building purposes, appeal potently- to the most desirable class of hopw builders. Birmingham Realty Co. 2118 First Avenue . Guesswork System From the Pittsburg Post. "You seem to have no trouble In finding your way about the Intricate streets of Boston." "That is true. X must, however, admit that my system Is purely guesswork.” "What do you mean by guesswork?" "I always go in the opposite direction of what I think Is right." - - - ■ ***' . if — 11 r. . " -..; ■ .-u Will Solve Your ' i i V Shopping Problem • s---,. ;l-. - X-..; - No finer expression of the Christmas spirit can be made than by means of Electrical Gifts—they have beauty, cheer, charm and novelty—promote comfort, lessen toil. There is an Electrical Gift for every one at prices for ev ery purse—a long list to select from, all suitable and in good taste and form. Here are a few suggestions showing a wide range Toasters Electric Irons Table Grills ; Percolators Chafing Dishes Room Heaters Curling Irons Shaving Mirrors Hair Dryers Vacuum Cleaners Sewing Machine Motors Prices this year are exceptionally low. Bargains await the purchaser who shops without delay The Gift Practical Is the Gift Electrical ———-,hi,,1m,,v * (0 frtfc?'#< r, i* P. CO. __I