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$3.75 Tumblers $1.95
A richly cut Tumbler of ex
tra quality. Crystal clear
glass, medium heavy, bright
ly polished. Perfect shapes
and finished. A Tumbler
we sell regularly at $7.50 per
dozen. A set of 6 will make
a very acceptable (PI AP
gift, and cost but
(Third Floor Annex)
8He Gingham 6Hc
Apron Ginghams in all
staple cheeks and plaids in
wanted colors. 27 inches
wide, soft, smooth finished.
As near fast colors as is pos
sible. Full regular PI «
8^c value. Per yard t
(Second Floor)
j $1.99 Sweaters $1.25
In all regular sizes for chil
dren. A very smart coat
style, with high-buttoning
military collar, plain or turn
back cliffs. Fancy knitted
imitation belt band. Red or
white with color trim. Full
$1.99 values. (P"| OC
Each .*. *LdO
(Fourth Floor) -
$1 Union Suits 79c
Medium heavy, fine ribbed,
full bleached and fleece
lined. Silk crochet trimmed.
All regular siaes. Knitted
to fit. Slight seconds of an
extra good $1.00
number. Per suit.. ■ vt
(Fourth Floor)
35c Window Shades 25c
Opaqued water color Shades,
3 feet wide and 7 feet long.
Mounted on good spring rol
lers. Dark green only. 'Com
plete with slats and brack
ets, ready to hang. Slight
seconds of a good 35c OP
seller. Monday only
(Fifth Vlo«r>’
50c Child’s Gowns 39c
Of a splendid quality flannel
ette ,nicely made and fin
ished. Cut full width and
length in all sizes, 4 to 14
years. Neat stripe patterns
in good colors. Full 50c and
59c value. QQ/»
(Fourth Floor)
Bread Stick Pans 29c
Of cast iron, smooth, pol
ished cooking surface. 11
stick size for general home
use. Medium heavy weight.
The most successful sort of
bread-stick pan sold. Some
stores call them 50c values.
Very extra OQ ~
(Third Floor Annex)
50c Corset Covers 39c
Knit garments in medium
and light -weights. With or
without taped waist. Tape
run crochet beading trim
med. Nicely finished. Full
bleached. All regular sizes.
Full 50c value. QO/»
Each. OiJC
(Fourth Floor)
\ 25c Dress Linen 18c
Full 36 inches wide. Nat
ural color only. Medium
weight for blouses, dresses,
etc. All pure linen. Perfect
quality. A cloth that will
soon be practically unobtain
able. A splendid 1
25c seller. Yard.... AOL
h- (Second Floor)
Coats’ Thread 3%c
Genuine J. & P. Coats thread
in 200-yard spools. Black
and white, in all numbers.
> Perfect quality — the best
sold. The sort you’ve al
ways paid 5c the spool for.
Extra special O l/>
per spool...U2 v
(First Floor)
’ * -
" “Strcle-Smllh Dry Good* Co., A. W. B. Johnson, Pronldrnt, 11*13 nnd 1B15 Second Ait"— “Steele-Smlth Brj- Good* Co., A. W. R. Johnson, Prealdent, IBIS and 1913 Second Are.” —————
A Christmas Sale of 1000 Pieces of Solid
Gold Jewelry-Prices An Average Half Less
The Result of a Purchase of the Entire Sample Line, From An Eastern Manufacturer
“Samples” is a magic word in merchandising—and every up-and-doing mercantile concern is constantly on the qui-vive for
merchandise samples. Because, firstly: Samples can always be purchased at 25 to 50 per cent less than the prices asked for
regular stock merchandise. Secondly: Samples usually are of a bit better quality than the merchandise they are supposed to
represent. Thirdly, and mainly: From the customers’ standpoint, they offer better values and a more diversified selection
than is possible in regular stocks. With the best interests of our customers always a first consideration, this store is con
tinually on the alert for desirable “Sample” lines. This time we bought Jewelry Samples.
This particular lot of fancy Jewelry is the best we have ever offered. 1000 pieces, all new, all desirable—and no two pieces
alike. The entire sample line from an eastern manufacturer, purchased at an average of one-half value—and offered our
customers on the same basis.
Your One Best Opportunity for the Selection of Acceptable Christmas Gifts
Each piece is guaranteed solid gold, and strictly first quality. The assortment includes items for men, women and child
ren, which if purchased in a regular way would cost you 75 to 100 per cent more than the prices we ask. The sale starts
promptly at 8:30 Monday morning. Each piece is an exclusive design, and you will do well to be among the first on hand.
Acceptable Jewelry
Christmas Novelties
Gifts for of the
Men and Better Sort
Womfcn at
for a Lowered
Small Cost Prices
At 9Sf Regular $1-50 and $2 Values
-Ml including tie clasps with
plain and fancy tops, 2 cuff pin sets, ear
screws in fancy shapes and with many
different stone settings, scarf pins in
many tasty designs, hat pins, neck
chains and signet and stone set rings.
Each piece an acceptable gift piece, and
extraordinary values at this Q r _
At $2 SO an^ ^a^ues
l a very choice assortment of
caineo set Scarf Pins; plain and fancy Cuff Links;
dainty Pendant Lavaliieres; Shirtwaist Pins; Tie
Clasps; Pendant Crosses; Beauty Pins; Neck
Chains and Lockets. Each item in many different
styles. Splendid regular $4.00 QO PC A
and $4.50 values. Each.
At 154 9S $8 and $8.50 Values
llX ^ gift piece selected from this
lot will be greatly appreciated by any recipient.
High quality novelties of character, splendidly
fashioned. Dainty filigree Veil Pins; elaborately
set Lavellieres; Heart Lockets; Shirtwaist Pins;
Brooches; plain Band Bracelets and Coat Chains.
$7.50, $8 and $8.50 values. $4 95
At HI SO ^ues *° $2-50 and $3.00
ill t|)l«uu You can select attrac
tive gift pieces for men, women and
children from this lot—and rest assured
that every piece will prove satisfactory
in every respect. Neat signet and
stone set rings, solid head hat pins, 2
cuff pin sets, tie clasps, cuff links, neck
chains and ear screws. | C A
At H? QH $4-50 an(l $5.00 Values
I'll Handsome filigree back
Brooches with many different stone settings;
smart Dinner Bing; Band Bracelets; Neck Chains;
Lavallieres; Cuff Links; beautiful Scarf Pins;
Shirtwaist Pins; Ear Screws and Pendant Crosses.
Polished and Roman finished. Actual (1*0 QC
$4.50 and $5.00 values. Each.
(UCCQC $8.50 and $10.00 Values
III We might almost have listed
this lot as single pieces, for there are but 2, 3 and
4 of each item. All different styles and exception-/
ally desirable from every viewpoint. Bracelets,
Dinner Rings; Cameo Brooches; Lavellieres and
Waldemar Vest Chains. Anv jeweler would mark
them $8.50 and $10.
Per piece .VUti/U
\i fljl QC $3, $3.50 and $1 Values
rl.1 Valued on a basis of actual
worth. Shirt waist pins, shirt stud sets,
signet and stone set rings, tie clasps, cuff
links, scarf pins, hat pins, pendant
crosses, heart lockets on chains and baby
pin sets. Compare these with items
quoted by jewelry concerns at $3.00 $3.50
and $4.00. Extra special, dM Q C
each. .
\i QC $5, $6 and $7.50 Values
fytJ*/ tJ while rather small, this assort
ment offers some ot‘ the best values of the entire lot.
Handsome, exclusive pieces .showing many unique
designs. Brooches, Lavellieres, Shirtwaist Pins,
Cuff Links. Scarf Pins and Waldemar (PQ
Vest Chains. $5, $t> and $7.50 values. Each
Many Single Pieces
Not enough for an assortment at any one price, so listed spera
ately. One $12.50 Neck Chain $6.50; one $12.50 Cameo Brooch
$6.50; one $10.00 Corallne Brooch $6.50; one $7.50 Waldemar Vest
('(lain $4.50; one $7.50 Ruby Set Dinner Ring $4.50; one $s.00
Heart Locket and Chain $4.50; two $15.00 Cameo Brooches $9.95
each; one $25.00 Bracelet $14.95; one $15.00 strand Gold Beads
$8.50; one $15.00 Bracelet $7.95; two $15.00 Cameo Lavallieres
50c Silver Coin Holders 25c
Small Vanity Cases or coin holders, of a prettily press
engraved, silver plated White metal- Two small coin
compartments. Mirror and powder puff. Very np.
tasty. Splendid regular 50c values. Each.auC
(Jewelry, Ffrnt Floor)
$1.25 Chiffon Silk Taffeta $1.10
In a splendid assortment of wanted street shades. An
ideal weight and finish for making waists and dresses.
Lends itself admirably to the smart pleated skirts. First
quality—36 Inches wide. Full $1.25 value. d»-| -|
Per yard . «J)X.XU
(Silica, Second Floor!
Women’s $2 Wool Sweaters $1.49
An extraordinary lot of all wool Sweaters for women.
Long coat style with high turn-up collar. Double thread
elastic cuffs. Fitted with two pockets. Shown In Oxford
and red only. All regular sizes. rit-f ia
A splendid |2.00 value. Each . «pXe4«/
(Shirt WalstM, Second Floor)
25c Fancy Silk Ribbons 19c
Fresh and new, showing many handsome Dolly Varden
and warp print patterns. Bright, pretty colorings, for
scores of fancy gift pieces. 4 to 6 Inches wide. Perfect
quality—the sort that sells everywhere -| Q
at 25c. Per yard .At/C
(Hronomr, Fifth Floor)
25c Boxes Christmas Stationery 19c
Fancy poiusettia decorated boxes, filled with a good
quality fabric bond Note Paper. Standard note size, in
white only. A hard finished paper of good merit. An
Inexpensive and acceptable gift piece. -| Q
26c value. Per box.,.A«7l/
(Stationery, First Floor)
$1.50 Infants’ Blankets $1.19
Plaited of a smooth, satin finished, natural straw, with
solid bottoms and medium high sides. 18xl8-lnch size;
lined with pinh or blue satin. Quilted pad d»-| -|Q
bottom. Good $1.60 values. Each . tpAaAo/
<Art Good*, Balcony)
$3.50 and $3.98 Bath Robes $2.98
For acceptable Christmas gifts.
S p I e n did I y made of Beacon
blankets. Heavy weight, soft,
velour finished. Each robe shown
in an attractive two-color pat
tern. Large, roomy robes, fash-,
ioned especially for lounging.
Satin bound edges, heavy tie
cords to match. Large, round cut
or pointed shawl collars. All
seams felled and double stitched.
Large side pockets. Splendid
regular $3.50 and $3.98 values.
Extra special, QQ
each .
(Hath It ol»en, Fourth Floor)
l - - - - J
($37.50 to $50 Display Suits—Choice
$5.00 Round Table Cloths $4.00
Standard 70-inch size, of a firmly woven,
satin body damask. Very attractive pat
terns. Strictly first quality. A very accept
able gift piece. Full $5.00 dj A A A
value. Each .
Scalloped Napkins to match, priced $3.50 per dozen.
$1.00 Linen Lunch Cloths 75c
With spoke hemstitched edges. .'16-ineh size, of an all
linen, satin damask. Neat floral and conventional pat
terns. No woman has too many sueh rwp*
Lunch Cloths. $1.00 value. Each .. I DC
(Llnenm, .Second Floor)
f $1.25 Indian Play Suits 98c
For the chief and his
squaw. Cleverly fashion
ed play suits of natural
khaki, trimmed with
bright red and yellow
fringe and fancy feathers.
4 to 12 year sizes. Every
child wants one.. For the
chief, trousers, shirt and
feathered head piece. For
the squaw, a blouse, head
piece and skirt. Similar
suits are sold by most
stores at $1.25 regularly.
A splendid value, 98c
11’.ctMKiiiiv, Fifth Flour)
' A • . .
-1 i
$1.25 Slop Jars 89c
Extra large size .of a heavy
white porcelain. Double side
handles, close fitting sani
tary cover. Non-absorbent,
hard glazed finish. Will not
crock or craze. Full regular
$1.25 values.
Extra special.Owt
<Third Floor Annex)
75c Val Laces 39c
Priced by the bolt of 12
yards. Not to be cut at this
price. New, neat patterns.
Matched sots, 4-> to 3 inches
wide. Perfect quality for
many different uses. The
sort.we always sell at 50c to
75c. Per
<Flrnt Floor)
Corset Covers 15c
Well made ,of a medium
weight cambric muslin, nice
ly finished and trimmed witli
a broad lace yoke. Come in
all regular sizes. Splendid
regular 10c to 25c 1 PC/*
values. Each.JLtrX*
(Fourth Floor) if;
50c Stationery 29c
Imperial Fabric Bond, put
up expressly for Steele
Smitli, to he used as a special
advertising feature. Stand
ard note size, in white only,
(it) sheets of paper and (50
envelopes. A splendid 50c
value. Special,
per box.
<Flrnt Floor)
Crepe Meteor $1.48 [
One jof the prettiest, most
adaptable silks woven, for
making afternoon dresses. A
handsome quality, heavy
weight, 40 inches wide.
Shown in all good street and
afternoon shades. Full $2.25
I Nrconil Floor!
10 Yds. Outing 59c
An exceptional value. Me
dium fleeced. Double faced.
Neat stripe patterns in want
ed colors. Ideal for making
night robes, child’s under
wear, etc. Full S'/L-c
value. 10 yards.... tli/C
I I itHi Floor!
10 Yds. Domestic 49c
Extra good quality. Un
bleached, 38 inches wide.
Firmly woven, soft, smooth
finished. For all general
uses. Will bleach perfectly.
A cloth well worth 6V2C to
7Vae regularly. ACkg*
10 yards.wv
(Fifth Floor)
10 Yds Nainsook 59c ]
The sort most stores adver
tise us special value at 79c
per bolt. 3fi inches wide.
Soft, French finished. A
practical weight for under
gar raents and children’s
clothes. A splendid
85c value. Per bolt
(Fifth Floor)
$1.25 Diapers 79c
Hemmed, ready for use.
Large 24x24-inch size. Of a
firmly woven ,soft finished
birdseye. Absorbent, non
irritant. Genuine “Red
Star” brand. Aseptic ster
ilized. Packed 12 in a dust
proof package. Sold regu
larly at $1.25. PTQ 9
Per dozen . • i/Cr
(Second Floor»
$1.25 Longcloth 98c
In 12-yard bolts. Our splen
did “Princess” number, a
full yard wide. Adapted to
the making of undergar
ments, children’s clothes,
etc. Strictly first quality. A
splendid regular QQ.
$1.25 seller. Per bolt wOC
(Second Floor)
. ' W*