Newspaper Page Text
1 MORE ABOUT THE DUMB ANIMAL QUESTION. i Ip^HE following letter will prove of in | terest to all lovers of animals and | gives us another side of the mat ter from that which we have seen previously in the Corner: ** I have just seen the talk on ' House hold Pets at the Table.’ I am an intense lover of all God's creatures and feel as keenly in my way of thinking as you do in yours. “ 1 have always had cats and dogs in my home, ami while they have never been allowed at the tabl<a or in the diningroom during the meal, I think that others have the right to bring them there if they wish I have dined at tables where the habits of people were as repulsive to me as the animals are to you and to some others. “In one home I never accepted a second help, because the person who served the dish was sure to thrust the fork with which he had been eating into the meat or potatoes he served, or if helping with a spoon he assisted this with his own fork or spoon. Nothing is more disgusting to me than to think of using a utensil with which another has been eating, or to drink from the same cup. Yet ninety-nine out of every hundred persons resent one not caring to drink from their glasses or taste the food into which their forks' or spoons have been put. I have heard such persons Indignantly declare, ‘ I am not poison! * “ In this article to which I refer you also said: * T could tell tales of unmar ried women who seemed to spend upon dumb pets the devotion which they would perhaps have bestowed upon children if they had had them, and my contempt for temperaments which could content them selves with such objects of tenderness has 'been mingled with pity for the loneliness of heart which had to satisfy itself with so poor a substitute for chil dren.’ “ ! have, heard scores of people ex press the same sentiments, but 1 have yet to see one of those people take in a home less little waif or give a home to a dumb, helpless animal. The woman with chil dren of her own seems to have no room in her heart or home for th£ children of others. A mother’s love is selfish; she cares for her child because it is nors! I have not seen that her love for the chil dren of others is either innate or culti vated. Th^re are some exceptions to this rule, but they are rare. “ You seem to overlook the fact that most unmarried women are in no position to bring up children; they have no home or income of their own. Many of them are in the position to care for one of God’s creatures, and that one does not mean the expense that a child In the home means. If one cannot do much, surely the little should be acceptable. * As ye have done it unto the least of these ye have done it unto me ’ applies to God’s dumb creatures as well as to high er beings. When I think of the loyalty, the faithfulness, the gratitude, the pa rtomach quite as much as of delicate men al sensibilities. I rather think the stom ich has more to do with It than the mind, ret silica the home i» supposed to be run or the comfort of its human Inmates it is well to defer to their preferences, espe cially as there is no cruelty Involved In ending tho dogs and cats at another time tnd place. lain also willing to concede tho truth of vhat my correspondent says concerning :he inability of many unmarried women o take care of a child, while perhaps they an manage to give a home to a dog or a at. Far be it from me to cavil at or to luarrel with the. heart hunger which must satisfy itself by loving and tending a dumb animal because it is Impossible to nfford a human object of the affections. S'one the less let me point out that in every city and town and in most small places there is crying need for the help that single women can give In taking care of children, in making them happy, in bringing light and cheer into lonely childish lives. Every charitable Institu tion that has to do with children welcome® the assistance of Intelligent workers. I have known more single women than I CHn count w ho have been veritable cen ters of joy and comfort to orphaned and deserted children and have fulfilled tho Bible saying: ’* More are tho children of the desolate than of the married wife." Before a spinster puts all her devotion into the custody of a dog or a eat t would counsel her to look about her to see If there are not biped needs calling for her attention. While I think T have proved my will ingness to meet my critic more than half f way I must take issue with her in her statement that the love of the mother is-selfish, that she cares for a child because it is hers and she has no tenderness left to bestow upon the children of oth ers. My correspondent acknowledges that there are rare exceptions to this rule. My own observation loads me to believe that tho state of affairs she de scribes is the exception and tho other the rule. I have been happy enough to be asso ciated with mothers on the boards and committees of many charities, both for adults and for children. Alwuys I have found that motherhood opens the heart to the needs of the little ones and that tho possession of a child of her own moves a woman to a tenderness toward desolate children, a yearning to bring happiness and love into their lives which she never knew before the arrival of maternity. Here is a matter on which 1 would liko the judgment of the Corncrites. Does motherhood harden the heart against oth er children than one’s own? Is the par ent of a child more disinclined to offer a refuge to a homeless animal or to care for lonely children than the plngle woman or the one w’ho is childless. This is a question on which you all have opinions. What are they? tience. the self-control of some animals 1 am inclined to put them in the ranks of higher beings. “ You speak of 4 muddy paws on floors that human labor has just made clean.' Time and again I have had to clean crude petroleum off the rugs, brought Jn by callers on their shoes, and where the higher intelligence is shown here 1 fail to see. Higher intelligence is certainly wanting when we think that all the com fort is due us, that we have all the rights and should have all the happiness, regard less of others. If there is room in your columns I wish you would print Senator Vest’s tribute to the nobility of the dog. I inclose it and I believe it will do good to all who read it. I- O. U.” As a matter of course, there is force in what the writer says on a number of points, and with the open-mindedness we try to cultivate in this Corner I have printed her criticisms upon my own point of view as freely as I would have pub lished her commendations. 1 also make room for the tribute to the dog by Sena tor Vest. She gives with it the statement of the circumstances in which it was de livered. Years ago. In an old town of north Mis souri, a man brought suit for $200 against a neighbor who had killed his dog. and engaged Senator Vest to plead his case. The senator made the following remark able address—considered the finest classic gem of its kind in the history of forensic oratory: “ Gentlemen of the jury: The best human friend a man has may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with lovtoig care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our name may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has he may lose. It flies away from him. perhaps, when he needs it most. A mail's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill consid ered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles oss, the faithful dog asks no higher trlvHege than that of accompanying, to piard against danger, to tight against his ■nemies. and when the last scene of all :ontes and when death takes the master n Its embrace and his body Is laid away n the cold ground, no matter if all other 'rletids pursue their way, there by the jravestde may the noble dog ho found. Ills toad between his paws, his eyes sad hut open in alert watchfulness, faithful and .rue even in death." fcfl'his is beautiful, both in sentiment md In expression, and If this or anything else inclines old or young to more co» •ideratlon for "our little brothers,” tile dumb animals, f shall be glad. Neverthe less it does not alter the point 1 tried to emphasize In my talk, that not only uro there places in the home where animals do not belong but also that the importance of human beings Is greater than that of dogs and cats. 1 grant all that the correspondent says as to the had manners of human beings at the table. 1 will go as Tar as she does In declaring that many a time 1 have eaten with men, women, and children who were far more obnoxious In their table habits than most well behaved cats or dogs. At the same time, two wrongs do not mako a right and because humans bring the demeanor of the pig sty to the dining room is no reason why the apartment should he made a dog kennel. It strikes me that the place for all such creatures is apart from the family at their respective feed ing times. The Tact remains that to many persons It ts disagreeable to have animals with their natural habits about them when eat ing. It may be a question of uncertain It* cloud over our heads. The one abso lutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deceives him. the one that never proves ungrateful, is his dog. ** A man's dog stands by him in pros perity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground where the wintry wind blows and the snow drifts fiercely, if only he may be near his master’s side. He will kiss the hand that lias no food to offer. He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter with the,roughness of tHe world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert ho remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces he Is as constant In his love as the sun (n its journey through the heavens. If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the w orld, friendless and home MARION HARLAND’S HELPING HAND. 1^^ EAR Corner friends, I am a (4 f A little giri 11 y-ears of age and I J tlw?*re are nine other children besides me, so you see it is pret ty hard for papa and mamma to keep us in clothing, as we are poor. So 1 am asking for a little help if you will think it right to speak of it. What I would like are some outgrown dresses, waists, underwear, or clothing of any kind for us children. We would be glad to get them and we would very much like some small pieces of ribbon for our hair. If I am asking too much plea&e forgive me. Maybe I can help you some way in the future. E. R.“ As th$ Corner knows, I am opposed to asking for clothing, even in such hard and bitter times as vie are passing through this winter. But this child’s appeal touched me, as it is pretty sure to do every mother, and I print it on the chance that there may be hanging in some closet a few of the “outgrown dresses” or other articles she requests. I have no doubt that *he “ small pieces of ribbon for the hair “ will also be forthcoming. As I almost always say when I print such appeals as this, I do not wish them to be taken as encouragement that I can make |further requests along the same lines. iRarely, indeed, do I feel justified in mak ing such pleas and I must cease them Altogether if they open the door to in discriminate seeking for such charity. - Two Egg Angel Food. I “I have enough magazines to make a Igood boxful of different kinds and I ■would be glad to send them to any one Iwho could pay the freight. I always en Ijoy the Corner and have received many helpful hints from It. I tried the eggless, Ibutterless, and mllklens cake which w>as Iglven here a short time ago and found ft tine. I want to help a little and am ■tending the Corner a recipe for a two iegg angel food, which Is good if one fol lows the directions exactly. It Is as fol lows: Sift together four times one cup Ilf flour, one cup of sugar, and two heap ing teaspoons of baking powder. Add to Ithls one cup of hot milk, not boiling, then ■beat vigorously; to this add two whites Lf eggs, beaten stiff and dry, with a pinch tf salt. Fold It carefully. Use no flavor ing. Bake in an ungreased pan for forty - live minutes in a slow oven. AftcT taking liut of the oven invert cake and pan till fold, then remove cake carfeully from fan. Bake in round pan, with tube In Banter. " Alns. S. J. C.” I V.'c are glad to have the offer of the magazines and they are Itkety to be ■napped up quickly. I am glad to put in Ihc recipe for angel food. Other recipes Biave come to me from various Cornerites Hind It always pleases me to give them to Hie readers at large. A clear, well wrlt Ben recipe sent by some one who has fried It and found the result good always brings Its welcome with It. I No “ Prizes " for Recipes. I •• I have a goo<J recipe for making dry feast in cakes, similar to that sold by Brucers, and aj I know you give prises for luch recipes I am anxious to send the Btrections to you. If you like I will let fl you have some of the yeast to try. •* E. M. G." The writer of this is evidently laboring under a misapprehension. We dovno£ give prises for recipes in this column, unless one can consider the thanks and appreciation of the Corner!tes in the light of a reward. If she chooses to send tho recipe we will be pleased to print it and to repeat afterwards any words of ap proval the recipe may call forth. Ht ❖ Sulphur Spots on Damasl(. " Please send me the address of the Inclosed. I am one of those who received magazines by the score through your columns and I want to pass them along. I think this is a worthy case. 1 am send ing for the benefit of the Corner readers a splendid recipe for a pudding. It may not sound very fine when you read It. but try It and you will declare it delicious: Break In pieces three soda crackers or live milk crackers and half a cake of sweet chocolate. Cover them with milk and bake until all the milk Is absorbed and the chocolate and the crackers are one. Serve hot. with a cold sauce made by beating sugar and butter together. Can some one tell me how to take out of a damask tablecloth spots caused by washing the cloth in well water In which there is sulphur? Wherever a spot of the sulphur had been there Is a bright rust colored stain, and the cloth Is ruined. " E. M." I regret to state that you did not In close the signature to which you refer. If you find It and will send It to me T will be glad to supply the address and thus give you the chance to pass along the magazines which have given you pleasure. Thank you for the recipe. As to the spots In the tablecloth, I would recommend salts of lemon or dipping the stains into lemon juice, istrewing salt thickly upon this, and laying the cloth In the sun. Repeat the application several times. Should this fail you might use oxalic acid, dipping tile staing into this, but be careful to wash the cloth whici has been touched by the acid In pure water In not more than ten minutes after the acid has been applied. It is powerful and will eat into Lhe fabric if allowed to remain upon it too long. * * Frit to Misto. " About a year and a half ago you pub lished seme ot your own recipes of foreign dishes, learned during your travels in Europe. Could you repeat one of them for my benefit? I had it for some time, but It was printed on two columns and when I wanted to use It I found the more im portant half had disappeared. Tou called It ‘ fritto misto.' I believe It Is a Swiss dish, but anyway It had chicken giblets in It. I send a stamp and addressed en - velope, as I am not sure If you send recipes by mall or not. M. 8." No, I do not send recipes by mail, al though I was tempted to waver from my unfailing custom In gratitude for your kindness In telling me of the help my recipes had been to you and to your chil dren. It wee deer and sweet of you to give me this word of encourage men:. The recipe tor which you aek is not Swiss. but Italian, and I am happy to pass it on again: Fritto Misto or Fritella—Clean and parboil the gizzards, livers, hearts, and lights of two or three chickens. Cut them into neat pieces. Slice artichokes and peeled potatoes; dip all into egg, roli in flour or cornmeal. and fry in butter or boiling oil. Drain dry and serve on a hot dish. Three good sized potatoes and one or two artichokes will be sufficient. Should you wish to increase, the size of the dish you can parboil a pair of calf’s brains and a sweetbreaed, then slice and fry them with the other articles. This is not an expensive dish and if properly cooked is savory and good. The fat should be boiling hot that the various items cooked in it may brown quickly and not lie in the fat and soak it up. ❖ * Magazines to Give Away. •• I have a lot of magazines to give away. If you will tell me of some address I will gladly give the books to any one who will pay the postage. I hope that one of these days I may have the chance to know you personally. Mrs. H* H.” Is there not some one who will be glad to call for the magazines or to pay post age on them? I thank you for your wish to know me personally. May it come true. * Plea for Dumb Animals. The following poem will appeal to the lovers of dumb animals. It was sent to me by one of their friends not long ago at a time when I did not have space to put it iinto the Corner, but I make room for It today because of the pleasure I am sure It will bring to many: CRY OF THE LITTLE BROTHERS. Wo arc the little brothers, homeless in cold and heat, Four footed little beggars, roamdng the city street. Snatching a bone fiUtn the gutter, creeping thro' alleys drear, • Stoned and sworn at and beaten, our hearts consumed with fear. You pride yourselves on the beauty of your city, fair amt free, Yet we are dying by thousands in coverts you never see; You l)oast of your menial progress, of your libraries, schools, and halls. But we who are dumb denounce you. as we crouch beneath thdiFwalla. You sit In your tinsled playhouse and weep o'er a mimic wrong; Our woes are the woes of the voiceless, our griefs Hra unheeded in song. You way that the same God made us; when before his throne you come, Shall you dear yourselves in his presence on the plea that lie made us dumb? Are your hearts too hard to listen to a starving kitten’s cries? Or too gay for the patient pleading in a dog’s beseeching eyes? Behold us, your little brothers, starving, beat en, oppressed— Stretch out a hand to help ua that we may have food and rest. Too long have we roamed neglected, too long have wfc sickened with fear, The mercy you hope and pray for you can grant us now and here. The verses are by E. B. Barry, and those of us who have learned to know and love the tenderness of St. Francis for his “ lit tle brothers " among animals will And the lines strike a sympathetic chord In our own hearts. There is no doubt that we cannot hold ounselves clear of blame when so many stray dogs and cats are allowed to wander and suffer uncared for in our cities. To my own mind, it would be great er kindness to put them painlessly dut of life than to leave them to endure as they do now. There may be a home for every homeless creature on the earth, but too often supply and demand fail to ge-t to gether. ❖ »:« Nut Bread. “ In looking over the names of the many kind and generous persons who have Mint me magazines 1 am moved to write to tlie Corner. The answers to my letter far surpassed my fondest expectations, end tny girls are delighted with what they have received and most grateful. X am sure most of the good people in the world must be associated with the Corner! L have never before received so many happy returns from one - cent stamp. Will you accept a recipe for nut bread which 1 llnd most w holesome and delicious for my chil dren? Every one who eats it likes it. It is especially nice for a cold lunch: Four and a half cups of graham flour, one and a half cups of white flour, one cup of sirup, three-quarters of a cup of sugar, three cups of swreet milk, six teaspoons of baking powder, one egg, one cup of nut meats, one teaspoon of salt. Mix well, make into two loaves, and buke for forty minutes. I wish there were some other way ih which I could show my apprecia ting of all I have received, and 1 hope thaf some day such a way may be opened to me. Mhs. E. T. B.” Although Mrs. E. T. B. has doubtless written to the friends who responded so generously to her appeal, X am glad to put her letter here for the sake of those whose names she may net have received. If 1 don’t quite accept her theory that most of the good people in the world are asso ciated with the Corner, l yet hold the fervent opinion that a fair representation i>f them are on our roll of honor. We arc glad to have her nut bread. 1 take it f»r granted that the nut meats are cut into small pieces and dredged with flour be fore they are mixed with tihe dough. Eng lish walnut meats are especially good for this purpose. * * Apple Sauce Cal(e. “ A few days ago I saw a request from a shut-in for a shower of postcards, so I sin today writing for his address. Being in a position to secure many booklets and views of the I’inama-Paciflc exposition. X will gladly send him some, together with Hue postcards. This is my first offer to the Corner, but X have received a great deal of help from it. X would like now to have a recipo for a good and inexpensive fruit cake. Will some one In the Corner tell me how to can mincemeat? In a rather tropical part of the states it is hard to put the mincemeat in a crock and kc«p It rs we do In a colder climate. It soon ferments in a crock, but I have seen it put up in Jars. I send with this a good recipe for apple sauce cake some one may like: One cup of sugar, one-quarter cup of butter, two cupa of flour measured be fore sifting, one cupful of apple sauce strained, one teaspoon of baking soda, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and the same of cloves, a little nutmeg, one cup fruit U use raisins and nuts), ono egg yolk, sav ing the white for frosting. Hake for one hour. This la a good cako to make when egga are high. The address I want is that of Fred. Mrs. H. F. L." 'i'ho address has been sent to you dii'ect ly. and 1 dare say by this time the shut in has been rejoiced by your generosity. Lot mo thank you on my ow n account as well as on his. Thank you al^o for the apiplo sauce ouae. To can mincemeat you have only to niako it boiling hot before you put it into the jars, and then seal at once. If you use a boiled cider mincemeat tiiis is easily done; if you put in other liquor do this after the mincemeat has been brought to the boil and just before taking It from the fire. T am afraid I don't know a very Inexpensive fruit cake, but the following is good if not actually cheap: Hub to a cream one cup of pow dered sugar and a half cup of butter; beat In flvo whlpj>ed eggs; add half a teaspoon rach of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and trince, and one cup of flour. Last, dredge and stir in a quarter of a pound of seeded raisins, a quarter of a pound of currants, and three tablespoons of shredded cit ron. Hake in one loaf steadily for an hour and a quarter. Potato and Onion Soup. “ Will »omo reader please give or loan a few different old fashioned Palohwork quilt patterns',1 I will pay postage and will also furnish scraps for patterns to any one who wants them and can’t gel them. Here Is a recipe for a potato and onion soup which Is much liked in our houae on cold evenings and which servee for supper or for a light dinner-. Peel and cut up two g-oud sized potatoes and half an onion tine. Cook both for thirty min utes and then mash soft. If celery is liked, a stick of tide minced tine may he put In with the other ingredients. When all are mashed, pepper ami salt should bs added to taste, a pint of milk stirred in, and a lump of butter the size of a wap nut. • A Constant Reaper.' This recipe sounds as if It might in* deed make a good und savory soup for a cold night, and with this to begin the meal a heavy second course will hardly be needed. The offer of scrapa and the request for putterna for patchwork quilts shall bo put on file. I hope to receive as many applications for It on one account as on the other. * >1* Wants a Caf?c Recipe. " Will you please send me the recipe published In November of 1013 for a fruit cake? It was sent you by a senator s wife. The name of the cake was ’ Beat Ever.’ I used the recipe and found it to be the finest I had ever had. but hava lost It. Mhs. J. K. y." I have frequently stated that It’s Impos sible to send recipes by mall. It I were to begin doing it I would have time for nothing else. More than this, I cannot undertake to find and reprint recipes which have been used a twelvemonth back. If. however, some one has a copy of the directons asked for by this corre spondent and will send them to me I will gladly print them in the Corner. 1 regret that this is the best I can do for her. FAMILY MEALS FOR A WEEK. By special request the following menus give meat or fish at only one meal a day: SUNDAY. BREAKFAST. Grapefruit. Oatmeal anti cream. Waffles and sirup. Toast. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Cream of pea soup. Baked beans, brown bread. Saratoga ipotatoes. Canned peaches. Cake. Tea. DINNER. Onion soup. Roast Veal. Browned potatoes. Stewed tomatoee. Lemon meringue. Pie. Coffee. ❖ * MONDAY. BREAKFAST. Oranges. Cereal. Fried mush. Rolls. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Baked macaroni with cheese. Toasted brown bread [left over]. Hashed potatoes IleftoverJ. Cr&ckeck Jam. 1' J' rP Tea. DINNER. Tomato bisque lleft over]. Curried veal [left over]. Boiled rlee. Chilled bananas Cream pufT^t Coffee, / H* ❖ TUESDAY. BREAKFAST. Oranges. Cereal. Baked bananas. Toast. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Rice croquettes lleft over]. Celery and apple salad. Hot gingerbread. Cocoa. DINNER. Salsify soup. Broiled Hamburg steak. French fried potatoes. Creamed carrots. Cottage pudding. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. BREAKFAST. Btewrd prunes. Cereal. Omelet. Rolls. Coffoo. LUNCHEON. Apple, shortcake. 'roasted cheese, linked potatoes. * dinger snaps. Marmalade. t Tea. DINNER. Cream of carrot soup [left over]. Peppers ftuffod with minced beef (left over], pried eggplant. • Boiled onions. Peach dumplings. Coffee >S* THURSDAY. > BREAKFAST. Baked apples. Cereal. Graham gems. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Eggplant scalloped with chess* ssuos [left over]. Boiled sweet potatoes. Popovers. Maple sirup. Tea, DINNER. Browned potato soup. Liver and bacon. Onion Bouftlft [left over]. Boiled potatoes. Chocolate cuatard. Coffee. *h >1* FRIDAY. BREAKFAST Oranges. Cereal. j Boiled eggs. Whole wheat biscuit. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Hashed potatoes creamed with cheese sauce. Toasted English muffins. Strawberry jam. Cookies. Tea. DINNER. Raw oysters on half shell. Halibut ateuk. Mashed potatoes. Green peas. Batter pudding. Coffee, si* *i* SATURDAY. BREAKFAST. Bananas and cream. Milk toast. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Nut and apple salad. Cheese balls. Quick muffins. Hawaiian pineapple. Spongecake. Tea, DINNER. Cream of fish soup [left over]. Fried chicken. Baked sweet potatoes. String beans. Tapioca pudding. Coffee.