President Duncan Makes a
Speech in Boston Which
Attracts Attention
Other Leaders Cannol Help Thinking
But That a Boom of I'npre
cedented Magnitude Is
in Sight
Wy not.LAtin
New York. May 4.--(Special.)—Albert
Greene Duncan of Boston, president of
j the National Association of Cotton Manu
facturers. spoke at the annual meeting of
the association at Boston last week. Some
mho heard him have%returned to New
York and these speak of that address as
though It is as well worth reading as it
•was worth hearing. Mr. Duncan is prob
ably without superior In New England
in his knowledge of the cotton manufac
turing industry in all its departments. His
executive relation to some large cotton
making corporation? upon the financial
aide have qualified him to speak from that
point of view. He is also familiar with
the technical and operating, as well as the
distributing or marketing, department of
| the business. Moreover, he is qualified
by an excellent gift for speaking tersely
and with clearness to expound the cotton
manufacturing situation. His address
I was short, did not occupy more than 10 or
15 minutes in delivery, hut those who
beard it and who have since returned to
New York speak of It as unsurpassed by
any of the other addresses delivered in
years past to this association.
The southern states, as well as New
England and, in fact, the entire country,
| are deeply interested in the growth of the
cotton manufacturing business. it has
not been as yet thoroughly or perfectly
developed. For instance, the council
which'is made up of representatives of the
national association, whose offices are at
Boston, and of the American Cotton Man
ufacturer’s association, whose offices an
at Charlotte, N. C., is at present greatly
occupied with efforts whereby more rapid
as well as more economical handling "t
the cotton mill products can he obtained
There seems to be no way as favorabh
for promoting this purpose as by tin
bringing of mills and representatives oi
the.m who soil the products Into confer
ence out of which will come agreements
Of course, agreements of this kind, if the\
be formal, cannot be entered into withoui
danger of violating the federal statutes.
Still, there may be informal or tacit un
derstanding which will he as effective ir
economically handling the products of the
cotton industry as they have already beer
) made effective in the steel industry, the
•ugar industry and in some other of thf
great industries of the country. Dual
II year the output of the cotton mills of th<
L nited States lias of the money valut
of 51,700,000,000. In speaking of this, T. 1.
| Hickman, president of the great cotton
manufacturing company of Augusta. Ga..
*nd formerly president <>f the American
Cotton Manufacturers’ association, who
•peaks, therefore, by authority, said that
“notwithstanding the great lack of China
trade, the goods have disappeared some
where.’’ The industry at present is rep
resented by approximately y_\no»u»no,noo of
capital and 9u0,000 persons receive wages
for what they do in these mills.
’■'-csldent Duncan in his address stated
\m« rn an industry and initiative are
imply equipped so as to take advan
L* if* of the marvelous change in the
r ' » conditions which have been due to
E ir in great part. The cotton manu
lng Industry should occupy itself
to secure both legislative and social
D inomleal aid in the expansion of
ah trade. Furthermore, and signiti
illustrating the new trend of
t in the United States. Mr. Duncan
lat tlie time has come when busi
lust stand in perfect and well or
;o*operation This does not mean
j that there are to be combinations of a
kind which would be a violation of the
jU statute, or a brutal competition. Unfair
:) v\ methods in business have been exposed
[ '.and are now condemned by the American
E' people so emphatically that they cannot
longer be in a large way practiced. But
tpe Cotton Manufacturers’ association and
ottiw trade organizations can now speak
authoritatively, and persuasively, to the
representatives of th«- stab legislatures
ami to Congress so that legislative bodies
will hereafter aim to conserve rather than
destroy the business interests of the
United States.
This was a sentiment which was great
ly applauded by those who heard it and
Informal conversation between members
•f the association at the Boston meet
ing made it clear that there are no sec
tional lines iu the United States so far
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Weather Forecast
Washington, May 4.—Forecast for Ala
bama: Cloudy Wednesday and Thursday;
probably showers Thursday.
For .Mississippi: Fair in north, unset
■ led in south Wednesday; Thursday fair
in north, showers in south. «
For Tennessee: Fair Wednesday and]
Thursday. !
For Georgia: Cloudy Wednesday;
Thursday unsettled, probably showers in
Local Data
For the 24 hours ending at 7 p. m May j
4. 1915:
Highest temperature . So |
Low est temperature . 70 i
Mean temperature . To |
Normal temperature . 68 ,
Deficiency in temperature since Jan. 1. 324 I
Rainfall . 0.00 1
Total rainfall since Jan. 1.12.8s'
Deficiency in rainfall since Jan. 1.6.66
Relative humidity. 7 a. m., 82; 2 p. m., 21; 7
p. m., 31.
Weather Conditions
Summary of observations made at th*
United Slates weather bureau stations
during the 24 hours ending at 8 p. m.,
seventy-fifth meridian time. May** 4:
Stations ami
Weather at 8 p. m
____ y
Atlanta, cloudy . 70 78 68 ‘lO
Birmingham, cloudy ... 71 SO 7ft
Boston, pt. cloudy _ 4S 58 46
Buffalo, raining . 44 5ft 46 .18
Calgary, pt. cloudy _ 46 56 44
Charleston, cloudy _ 74 84 75
Chicago, cloudy . 48 5ft 46 .14
Denver, cloudy . 48 54* 36 .06
Dcs Moines, cloudy _ 54 56 46
Duluth, cloudy . 52 54 38
Ft. Worth, raining _ 64 72 6n
Galveston, cloudy . 68 76 74 1.02
Hatleras, clear . 68 76 66 .02
Jacksonville, raining .. 66 ss 7ft .02
Kansas City, clear _ 60 6ft 44
Knoxville, pt. cloudy 66 72 60 .12
Louisville, pt. cloudy.. 56 60 56 . 22
Memphis, pt. cloudy ... 7ft 72 60
Minneapolis, cloudy ... 52 52 .
Mobile, cloudy . 74 86 72 .02
Montgomery, cloudy ... 71 SI 72 ...
Nashville, clear . 66 70 ’ 6ft
New Orleans, cloudy ..71 8ft 71
New York, cloudy . 50 54 48 .06
Oklahoma, cloudy . 61 68 5ft ...I
Phoenix, clear . 76 76 46 ...I
Pitt*burg, cloudy . 50 66 56 .08 j
Raleigh, clear . 71 SO 66 .061
San Antonio, cloudy ... 64 76 66 .32
Shu Francisco, cloudy.. 52 5s 50 .11
Shreveport, cloudy . 68 71 66
Spokane, cloudy . 66 68 42
St. Louis, pt. cloudy ... 56 60 50
Tampa, pt. cloudy _ 76 84 72
Toledo, cloudy . 18 48 42 .26
Vicksburg, cloudy . 68 76 7ft
Washington, pt. cloudy 61 78 54 .08
Winnipeg, pt. cloudy ..60 64 4ft
Washington, May' 4.—Constitutionality
ol the Mississippi anti-fraternity law was
j argued today before tlie supreme court,
I tin- first anti-fraternity art to come be
fore that tribunal.
The case whs that of J. P. Waugh,
Who was refused admittance at 1he Uni
versity of Mississippi because he would
not sign a pledge not to aid or encourage
Greek letter fraternities while there
Waugh at the time was a member of
Kappa Sigma fraternity at Millsaps col
His counsel today rested their case on
I alleged unconstitutional discrimination
against Greek fraternity men not .students
when the act was passed in J912.
Washington. May 1 The Empress of
Germany has expressed her appreciation
of the American Red Cross work in behalf
of Germany through Count Rernstorflf.
German ambassador, who today sent this
letter to Miss Mabel T. Boardman at Red
Cross headquarters here:
"1 have been commanded by her ma
jest:-. the Empress, and have the honor to
convey to you and the American Red
] ('rose society her majesty’s most heartfelt
| ihanks for your continued and generous
| activity in forwarding charitable gifts to
Germany and for the services rendered
by the American delegation of live doctors
and 22 nurses, who are doing splendid
work in Silesia.'’
as public sentiment is concerned with re
! sp.-ct to conservation of business inter
Thomas W. Slocum's View
As well qualified as any other leader In
I the cotton manufacturing4 industry of the
j United States to speak upon present eon
1 bilious is Thomas \V. Slocum of New
I York, who is associated as executive head
j with several large cotton manufacturing
| plants. Mr. Slocum attended the meeting
at Boston and upon his return to New
York fold the writer briefly what the
present situation in the industry appears
to he. There is on the whole excellent
promise, Mr. Slocum said, of a satisfac
tory revival of the industry. In certain
special lines it is already very good. Those
manufacturers who took heed of the low
prices which raw- cotton was commanding
last fall are now In position to manufac
ture with a conlfortable margin of profit.
Others who waited too long may not be
so advantageously situated. There is.
1 however, promise of a greatly increased
domestic as well ns export trade, and
j tliis w ill be stimulated in part by world
l conditions.
A Boston uusiness man who was in
touch with many of the members of the
Cotton Manufacturers’ association, and
who lias been Kir several days in New
York, said this morning that while he has
not changed his views respecting the out
look, nexthelesB there is a factor of
doubt in ills mind. Until within two or
three weeks he has been persuaded by
j \tiiat he knew and saw* that we were on
i the edge of what is llkly to prove a
, business boom unprecedented in its mag
; nitude. it might be short and the larger
it is the briefer will be Us existence, in
I his opinion. He had, however, within a
I few’ days obtained what seemed to him
excellent information respecting the dura
I tion of the war in Europe. The great
authorities among the allies are still per
suaded that the war will be long contin
ued. This, of course, will entail steady
and increasing purchases of all kinds of
material in the United States, both war
commodities and those which are in use
in times of peace . But how are these
j to be paid for? Already there are signs
of inflation of the currency in Great Brit
ain and very likely In Prance. Herein is
i contained the factor of doubt, although
it is an apprehension which has reference
to the future rather than to present-day
Shortly after the return of H^jiry P.
Davison, of J. P. Morgan & Co., from his
visit to Ixmdon and Paris of last win
ter, he said that In the United States the
bottom of business depression was
reached in October, and he felt confident
that we should have evidence of that io
the spring of this year. In his view only
one danger lurks in tile situation, and
that is a remote danger. U is the possi
bility of great inflation of the currency
by and by. However, in his view, a ten
| dency of that kind may be in great meas
ure checked by the authority of the fed
eral reserve board at Washington. Mr.
Davison had no doubt about the ability
of the belligerent nations to meet in full
all the obligations they enter Into with
the United States on account of pur
chases in thl-3 country, no matter howr
large these may be.
Protests Against Rate In
creases Asked by
Montgomery. May 4.—(Special.>— For
the first time in several years B. B.
Comer, former governor of Alabama, was
a witness he fare the state railroad com
misslqn this afternoon. Governor Comer
appeared before the commission volunta
rily to protest against Increases In
freight rates asked by the carriers, and.
while on the stand, made a lengthy state
ment dealing with various* phases of the
railroad rate situation.
The former governor first took up the
request of the Nashville, Chattanooga
and St. Louis railroad for an advance of
rates on the Huntsville division of the
line. He called attention to Hie law of
the stale which prohibits a railroad, the
majority of whose stock is owned by
another road in the state, from charging
higher rates than the parent line. He
said that inasmuch as the Nashville,
Chattanooga and St. Louis is a subsid
iary of the Louisville and Nashville, it
cannot, legally ask to advance rates*
above those charged by the Louisvills
and Nashville.
Enters Protest
Governor Comer also entered a vigor
ous protest against the continuation of
the 10 per cent increase. He declared
that there are a nutnber of articles
hauled that are staple commodities and
that the business depression does not
affect this class of business, hence saw
no reason why the commission should
grant the railroads' petition for a con
tinuation of the 10 per cent increase after
June 30.
Regarding the rate on coal from the
mines to special industries at Anniston,
Gadsden, Talladega and other places, the
former governor said this rat*1 should he
reduced front 70 cents to 30 cents. He
declared that he had built his mill at
S.vlacauga on the representations of the
railroads that he would receive a rate of
60 cents, and stated that since the rail
roads had increased this rate to 70 cents
he had contracted with the Alabama
Power company to use electricity in run
ning I,is mill instead of coal.
Governor Comer also made mention
of politics in his statement before the
commission, calling attention to the va
rious amounts of money which the Louis
ville and Nashville Railroad company
had spent in several state campaigns.
On the whole. Mr. Comer's statement
was a clear exposition of what ho con
ceived to be the situation with reference
to the rate increases asked by the roads.
It was not sensational, nor did it con
tain any of his former charges to the
effect that the state had been “sold’* to
the railroads. He was on the stand 30
Coal Rale Cases Heard
The commission today entered upon the
hearing of the coal rate cases, all of
them being grouped together. These
cases Relate to the late from the mines
to Birmingham, from the mines to An
niston, Selma and other places, and nu
merous changes in the rate on coke.
The railroads are asking a 10 per cent
increase in rate on coal from the mines
to Birmingham and the city of Anniston
is asking n reduction of 30 cents per ton
on coal from the mines to that city.
Most of the cases have been heard be
The three cases of the Nashville, Chat
tanooRa a ml St. lands railroad were con
* hided today. The most important of
these cases was the petition of the load
I for an increase in rates on the Hunts
ville division of the line. The other two
<ases pertained to a readjustment of
the rate on cotton seed. •
A number of witnesses are here to
testify before the -commission in the
coal Rate cases, which will not be con
cluded for several days.
Walker Says They Want
Everything in Shipshape
Order Before Resuming
Col. Alex E. Walker, state super
intendent of hanks, announced y» ster
day while a visitor to Birmingham,
that the doors of the Jefferson County
Savings bank would not be opened
Moftday. and not before June 1.
Colonel Walker attended yesterday
to matters affecting the business o!
the ban!; and he will remain here
throughout today. Snowden McGaugliy
of Gadsden, who will be president ol
the bank, will come to Birmingham
Thursday and will open an office tor
the transaction of the business of re
i ergrnization.
"The bank." said Colonel Walker,
"will not open its doors Monday, the
date on which, in the beginning, we
hoped to open. It is reasonably cer
tain that 'he bank will not be ready
for busine&s before June 1, for we are
determined that everything be In «hip
jfhape order before appearing before
ilie public. I will remain in Birming
ham tomorrow and Mr. McGaugh> will
come Thursday. Both of its will Ije
In attendance on the bankers’ associa
tion convention next week and will
work together regarding the details of
j reorganization."
University, May 4.— (Special.)—The
Ross judiciary committee of the leg
islature, now sitting in Tuscaloosa,
visited the law school of the univer
sity this afternoon. They were received
cordially by President Denny and the
faculty and students of the law school
Pleas for a separate appropriation
for the law school were made before
the committee in order that the feet
| of students might be reduced and the
course lengthened to three years,
j Talks were made to the student*
I present by the members of the coin
1 mittee. They seemed much Interested
I in the welfare of the law' school.
! Accompanying the committee wer.
Senatoi Brown, Representative Fit*
and Probate Judge W. W. Brandon, til!
of Tuscaloosa county, who also spoke
According to Dean Farrah, who ha*
been making special efforts toward
this end. annual appropriation of $5CU(
ts desired. Majorities of all three ol
the recess committees now seem tc
favor such an appropriation, he rays
I n««l«i*r« and Builders ot
■ Monuments \
Suite RSftO Brown-Mars Bids. ■
| Birmingham, Ala. I
'vV Men Who Chew Are Men Who DO V
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JK manufacturing, we find men chewing—and they’re chewing
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■ STAR plugs are thick —that means more of the rich, chewable inside for you. H jj
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El STAR is made clean and kept so. ^u®8 B
B Try STAR and you’ll know why one hundred and Ai||^kJ||^ J 10c. K
■ twenty-five million 10c. pieces are sold each year. <4 Cuts '
1 : , .
One Will Be Given During
Fashion Week Next
Several pageants are to be produced
in Birmingham within the next yea:
according to the report of the educa
tion committee of the Birmingham
(’enter of me Orama f^eague of Amer
ica. Report to this effect was made |
at a meeting of the board of managers,
of this organization held at the Tut
wiler yesterday afternoon.
One of these pageants will he pro
duerd on the streets of Birmingham
during Fashion Week next year, ac
cording to the tentative plans. Another
will lie presented on the occasion of
the Shakespearean tercentennial cele
bration in 1916 by children of the city
under the supervision of the Junior
department. The Shakespearean cele
bration will he a part of the nation
wide movement inaugurated by the
Drama League of America at its recent
annual meeting.
A civic theatre will also be estab
lished in Birmingham at some future
date if tlie movement inaugurated yes
terday afternoon proves successful. The
officers and members of the drama
league do not expect this movement to
take form at once, but they do ex
pect there will be a growing interest
that will culminate in the establish
ment of such a theatre.
The educational committee also re
ported that drama reading circles were
being organized in the Y. W. C. A. and
Y. M. C. A. and in other social and
educational institutions of the city.
Chapters of the Junior league will be
t str hlished in connection with the re
creation department during the sum
Lectures anil dramatic readings by
prominent people of Alabama and es
pecially by prominent actors and act
resses who come to the city will fea
ture the monthly programmes of the
drama league during, the next season.
The president, Mrs. B. F. Wilkerson,
was authorized to appoint a special
committee to arrange for these meet
ings. A special committee reported
that the lyceum lecture course com
mittee will co-operate with the drama
league in bringing here next winter
dramatic readers and lecturers on the
A report from tlie membership com
mittee indicates that there are now
about 17o members
Rate Discrimination Charged
Washington. May 4.—Complaint wag
made to the interstate eommerce com
mission today by the postoffice depart
ment that railroads throughout ths
country discriminated against the gov
ernment in the transportation of stampad
envelopes and newspaper wrappers by
failure to give them h proper rate claa
slfleation. The department asked for
clasiflcations not greater than third
Judiciary Committee Will
Hear Witnesses in Bir
mingham Today and
Bessemer Tomorrow
The members of the legislative recess
committee on the judiciary reached Bir
mingham last night Hfter having sat for
two days In Tuscaloosa. The opening ses
sion of tiie committee In Birmingham will
begin this morning at 9 o'clock at the
Molton hotel. Tomorrow the committee
will sit in Bessemer and on the following
day return to Birmingham.
The main object of the second coming
of the committee to Birmingham is to se
cure further information touching work
men's compensation, it being the duty of
the committee to write and foster a bill
embracing that subject. It Is understood
that heads of corporations, representa
tives of the Trades Council atid others
will be invited to express their views to
day. The committee, too, Is anxious that
lawyers whose experience and qualifica
tions make them of great value as ad
visers. appear and give testimony concern
ing the Judiciary system of the state.
Yesterday afternoon the members of the
committee addressed the law school of
the University of Alabama. A. It. Brind
ley of Gadsden, member of the commit
tee, stated lust night that the visit to
the embryonic attorneys was most in
teresting. Each of the members of the
committee made a speech and the stu
dents, Mr. Brindley added, seemed to be
entertained by the bulk of advice of
The members of the committee are W.
C. Davis of Jasper, chairman; A. R.
Brindley of Gadsden, D. C. Blackwell of
Anniston. Ira B. Thompson of Bay Min
ette, John C. Dusk of Guntersville. Sam
M ill John of Masslion and J.- C. Milner of
Commission Plans to Send Out Speak
ers in Order to Arouse Enthusi
asm on Subject
The finance committee of the Alabama
Illiteracy commission, on account of the
fact that the legislature In creating the
commission neglected to provide funds,
agreed yesterday to guarantee the initial
expenses to be Incurred in the prosecution
of the campaign against illiteracy.
The members of the finance committee
of the commission, W. D. Jelks of Bir
mingham, chairman; W. F. Fcagln, state
superintendent of education, secretary,
Children Cry
and J. B. Ellis of Selma, met yesterday
at noon In the Empire building and de
termined to send speakers throughout the
state for the purpose of arousing enthu
An address to the public is to be pre
pared and put into the hands of the press
and the public generally. The members
of the finance committee arc enthusiastic
in their work, and anticipate no trouble
in securing the co-operation of Alabama's »
orators and students.