Newspaper Page Text
Scoop-The Cub Reporter_FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS IS A LOT OF MONEY By “Hop” —. ~'T| iT b 1 '2^oaT '^Aa^^CTy J&%**y**r-,'**-try^er^jp^a. * ^Q9_rr^_ J W-C&2. TUu? S-OOO sauisaAl _ gsztikagsgf - (yg25g7|ygy 6 -FUNERAL ARWWfcWEtf CO - ? -.SAN SEND fAE OVER A BUNCH OF CRAPE AND A GONE-RUT- NOT-EORQOTTEN VJREATH - NO - NEVER WND , A HEARSE-- Z WONT STABLE f '' . l ¥' / _ - i; .- .. ■ ■ ■ .-i Want Ads For THE AGE-HERALD can be left at Florence Hotel Cigar Store, 2d Ave. and 19th St John L. Parker, let Ave. and 20th St. 1-irown Marx Cigar Store, 1st Ave. and 20th St. First National Bank Cigar Store, 2d Ave. and 20th St Gorman Gainmill Drug Co., 2330 2d Ave. Kissell Pharmacy, 1100 N. 13th St. Milner Drug Co., 1900 Huntsville Ave. Norwood Pharmacy, 2631 12th Ave., N. Twenty-first Avenue Drug Co., 260J 21st Ave., N. Walker Drug Co., 2707 29th Ave., N. ' Quiun Drug Co., 600 Tuscaloosa Ave., West End. West End Drug Co., 1122 Tuscaloosa Ave., West End, Cheek Drug Co., 2200 Ave. F, S., cigar counter. Magnolia Pharmacy, Magnolia Point, S., cigar counter. East End Drug Co., 600 27th St, S., cigar counter. Reid’s Pharmacy, 2720 Ave. G, S., cigar counter. Maurice Letaw, 1430 11th Ave., S., cigar counter. Five Points Dnig Co., Five Points, S„ cigar counter. Richmond Pharmacy, corner 12th St., and St. Charles St., S., cigar counter. ONE CENT A WORD RATES-—One cent n wonl * day* no nd. taken for lean than 2Rc for flrat Inner tl«»n. f'aali mnwt nti-iiiiinaiit order. " WANTED SAFETY RAZOR blades sharpened bet ter than new, 2oc dozen. Send them par cel post. Robert Prowell Stove Co., Bir mingham. 4-lo-tf ^VE buy second hand clothes, shoes, for cash. Phone 1681. 2116 2d. 1-20-tf 2 BUY first mortgages and well secured notes, amounts $50 and up. J W. Dukes, 426 Woodward Bldg. 2-7-tf ACME teachers’ agency; best service; most liberal terms. 1233 Healey Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga. 4-8-42t TV.' NTED—Party having $1000 or $20<>0 to take an interest and active manage ment in an established concern in Bir mingham, w'here the opportunities are good for success. Apply to Alabama No. 1. Address T-46, care Age-Herald. RATS cleaned and blocked by expert hat ters. Gluck’s Cleaning Co., 1713 3d ave. Phone 2372. 4-16-fri-tu-we-thu-tf farm_wanted! 20 to 100 acres; must be bargain. Address j R-46, rare Age-Herald. 6-5-2t CIRCULAR letters produced with our new multigraph equipment cannot be told from typewritten personal correspon '' donee. It is most effective advertising known. Consult us or write for samples and prices. Beaumont Advertising Agency Taaifi 4262. 1628 Jefferson County Bk. Bldg. _ 4-1-th-tf I SAFETY RAZOR blades sharpened, 25c per dozen; latest improved machine, per fect work. We pay t return postage. Tennis rackets restrung. Warren Bros., ^ 201? 2d ave. 3-4-th-su-tu-tf .WANTED—The services of an up-to-date, live wire, capable of selling and help ing to manage a large company; ref erences required. Apply to American Co. Address U-46, care Age-Herald. WANTED—To buy cheaply, a second hand telephone booth; almost any kind will dn if serviceable and cheap. Address “Telephone Booth,” care of Age-Her ald. 5-6-2t-lhu-fri WANTED—To buy from owner, downtown business property, about $30,600 to $35,000; must be good interest-paying investment and bargain for cash; give details in reply. D. J. E., care Age-Herald. 5- 6-3t Wanted—Second hand Ford; must be in good condition, will pay cash. Call F. H. Battle. 1922 Morris ave, be tween 9 and 10 a. in. / 0*HE City Employment Bureau will be to furnish free any class of help wanted. We Investigate all appli cants, the record of all applicants fur positions of responsibility. This bu reau is under the auspices of churches of Birmingham. We earnestly ask your co-operation. Phone Main j870. mV* N. 21st st. 7-18-tf [WIDOW, 24 years old; has one child 11 months; wants a position as cook, housekeeper, nurse or companion. Ad dress M:. 711 1st ave., Birmingham. Ala. 6- 6-2t tA DT stenographer wants position; no ub- j i Section to leaving city. Address 1772 Jef ferson ave.. West End Phone West End 719-J._ 6-6-2t fit YOUNG widow without children wishes to keep house for some nice family ‘for small wages, say U a week. Mrs Alice Hale, 66 Mill Village, Avondale, Ala. 6-6-2t fav ANTED—Work as office girl or light housework. Address Mrs. Cox, 310 Wll ■on st., Pratt City. 6-5-21 A WOMAN of refinement and culture wishes a situation us demonstrator for flour or something similar; can furnish the best of references. Address U-46. care Age-Herald. 5-5-2t A WOMAN of refinement and culture wants a place to keep house in the coun try; best of references. Address P-46, care Age-Herald. 5-5-2t [WANTED—Position by refined lady; good education; no objection to traveling, but prefer employment in the city. Ad dress' V-46, care Age-Herald. 5-6-2t JOIJNG lady With good education; spe cial training in English and letter writing; three years’ experience in stenographic and general office work; y familiar with legal work. Phone Main jgft-J._6-6-2t TOUNG married man desires position with aome reliable firm anywhere; have had I years of experience as salesman; can also use typewriter. Address W-46, care A vt»*ierald. 5-6-2t BUSINESS CHANCES_ ALE—The beat caah business in f 14,000; swell billiard, bowling, nd soda parlor; clears |6o to 1100 : entering other business reason Ing; if looking for easy way to money, Investigate; price. J6000; on 62600. Address P. O. Box 267. •a, Ga.6-5-2t KODAKS asT'STIns'amf'suppfiesTTmiir'your s to us; film developed free. . prints 2c to 6c. F. W. Bromberg. fea-aot |f%. 'At L . iyv. •; ONE CENT A WORD R*’r.KS—One rent ■ wort a liny: no ml. taken for leaa than SSe for flrat laaer 'lon- t awh moat accompany order. FOR SALE talk with alan jsmisonT " * 3003 Jeff. Co. Bank Blrg. g-8-tf E.1.TURNSCO. REAL ESTATE. PHONE 766. ____ _ 10-4-tt WE will build you a home. Birming ham Building and Imp. Co., 414-16-16 American Truat Bldg. 1-16-tf WE are closing out $5000 stock of dry Roods, groceries and shoes at wholesale cosi and less. 3009 3d ave. W. (J. Tyler. FOR SALE—Ford runabout, new toil and tires, electric starter and lights; freshly painted and In perfect order; a bargain. For terms and price ap _R_-45, care Age-Herald. 6-2-tl FOR SALE—Three-ton Iruck, practically as good as new; will sell at a big liar gain. See M. A. Hines, 2106 3d ave Phone Main 2628. FOR SALE—Farms in Cullman county; no better county In the whole south to locate than here: came help us feed the world, we need you. Write me for list of farms for sale. Chrales W. Dorrough, Cullman, Ala. _5-3-9t-mo-th-su WE are closing out $5000 stock of dry goods, groceries and shoes at wholesale cost and less. 2009 3d ave. W. G. Tyler. 1 Make Real Estate Values a Study T. U. WALTER, REAL ESTATE APPRAISER, Phone Main 3497. 338 First National Bank. __ 4-7-tf-su-tu-thu FOR SA LE—Automatic electric power soda fount carbonator; made by Liquid Carbonic Co., in tlrst-class shape; will sell eheap. Address 0-44, care Age _Herald. 4-28-6t-wed-fi!-su-tu-thu-su If you want to buy. Sell or rent property, see us LESTER & FAIN, 2107 3d ave. Main 74. _ 2-2-tu-thu-tf Want to Trade Six-room cottage on 13th ave.. South llythlands, for a cottage in West End or Woodlawn; located one-half block from car line and faces south Ford Bros. R. E. & Ins. Co. Phone 6174._;U6 2ist st.. X. WE are closing out $6000 stock of dry Bonds, groceries and shoos at wholesale cost and leas. 3UU9Jd ave. \v. G. Tyler. Bus Line Exchange for vacant lot. Une doing from $300 to $400 business per month. Act quick on account of illness. See S. L. Guice with M. A. Hines 2166_Sd Ave. Phone Main 2628. ONE refrigerator, 800-pound Tee capacity at a bargain If taken at once. Com mander Market. Ave. F and 23d st. WF. are closing out $5000 slock " of dry goods, groceries and shoes at wholesale cust and less. 3009 3d ave. \V. a Tyler. "I SELL LOTS?' SEE ME ~' RAVEE NORRIS 510 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4887. ____ 5-3-tf FOR SALE—A bargain east of 20th st’, 6-room, strictly modern tamgnlow; new, hardwood floors throughout, sleeping porch, tile hath, high terraced lot, facing east, block from Highland ave. Price reduced to $4750: terms. $250 cash, $250 lu six months and no other payments except interest for two years. This is the best buy on the South Highlands. The terms are Ideal. Call for appolnt ment. Main 286. 5-6-3t-thu-frl-su FOR SALE—At a great reduction, prac tically new L. C. Smith typewriter. Address Y-36, care Age-Herald. Phone Main 4577-J. 5-6-2t-thu-su WE are closing out $6000 stoclT^f dry goods, groceries and shoes at wholesale cost and less. 2009 3d ave. W. G. Tyler. FOR SALE—Lease and furnishings of a fHmily hotel, located in Asheville, N. C.. doing a nice business; finely situated large lawn: house modern and well fur nished. Address H. J.. care Age-Her khh 5-6-3t PERSONAL ~ LADIES—$1000 reward; I posltTvely^guii^ antee my great successful "monthly” renedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases In three to five da>B; no harm, pain or Interference with work; mall. $1.60; double strength, $2; booklet free. Dr. Southington. 3s Long Bldg., KanShs City. Mo. 10-U-tf DON'T take calomel, take Vega-Cal (Veg etable Calomel); tastes good, acts bet ter. Guaranteed for constipation; 25 and 50 cents at your druggist. 4-16-30t MORPHINE, liquor and other drug habits successfully treated at home or sanita rium without Injury to nervous system. Write for Information and references. Prices moderate. Box 18. Atlanta, Ga. j-18-aot WANTED—MALE HELP man preferred. In each district of the city; nice Income for energetic sales-' man. Co-Operative Hospital Assocla tion. 2004 6th ave. WANTED—Watchmaker and Jeweler of character and ability; give references and state qualifications in first letter. Address N-J7, cars Age-Herald. SWAPPERS’ COLUMN_] I _SWAPPERS* COLITO^^ TO SWAP—Lot in East Warner for motor cycle. Bains Realty Co., 2127 3d ave. _ 5-5-31 MtCRAY (10-foot) refrigerator, show case, cost $210, same as new; will swap for $135. Ingram Lithia Wafer Co., 102 N. 24th st. Main 103. 6-4-3t KENT—ROOMS rooms from 25c up. 5-5-30t NICELY furnished front; hot bath at all hours; price reasonable. 2212 4th ave-_ 2-20-tf FOR RENT — Light housekeeping apartments completely furnished; also bedrooms $2 to $3 per week, all newly papered and nicely fur nished with all conveniences, hot and cold bath. Close in. 2113 5th ave. _4-27-tf ROOM with exclusive private bath; beau tifully furnished for one or two gentle men, on S. 20th st., near 13th ave. l'hone 4064. 6-l-6t ROOMS FOR RENT—Two connecting furnished rooms for light housekeep Ing. 1812 7th ave. 5-1-tf NICELY furnished, cool and airy rooms; can arrange for housekeeping. 2200 7th ave. 6-4-6t LARGE, cool rooms, shady porch, $2.50 per week. 2209 6th ave., north. 5-5-7t TWO rooms furnished for light house keeping. 2100 7th ave. Main 6055-J. __ 4-12-tf-eod FOR RENT—Furnished apartments to couple in a home in Norwood on 30th st.; owner will be away during the sum mer. Phone Main 6517-J. TWO nicely furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping; hot water bath, electric lights, gas, phone, sink in kitchen; biggest bargain; private fam ily. 1507 8th avenue., north. 6-6-3t FOR RENT—Five unfurnished rooms, upstairs, for $20, or four for $18: lights, water and phone; one-halr block of Highland ave. Main 8636-W 5 - 6 - 31 FOR RENT FOR RENT—From June 1 to October 1, a very desirable furnished house near Five Points, South Highlands. Phone Main 1628-J. 6-6-4t- we-th-fr-su FOR RENT—Single room and desk in Jefferson County Bank Bldg., $10 per month. Apply room 924. 5-5-3t FOR RENT—Large, 3-story store facing 60 feet; 1806-07 1st ave., extending back to Morris ave. and L. & N. tracks; large, modern electric elevator. F. L. I>emere, 1917% 1st ave., Potter Bldg. Phone Main 1779. 6-6-4t FOR RENT furnished, for four months, cool, comfortable 8-room house. 1% blocks from Highland ave. Call 2618 ■Madison ave. Phone Main 7. _JVV AN TED—BOARDERS _ NORWOOD—Nice, cool rooms and board In private family; all conveniences. 1106 N. 31st. Phone 8563-W. 6-2-6t ROOMS and board. 507 22d; prices rea sonable; meals at the home or sent out. 5-6-5t A COUPLE or two young men who can furnish their own room, oan get board with private family on South Highlands for $40 per month; references ex changed. Phone Main 1876-W. WANTED—SALESMEN SVANTED^By well established glass manufacturer energetic man to sell high grade line of soda and water bot tles In southern territory; one experi enced in selling bottlers' supplies pre ferred. Give age. experience, references and salary expected. A. Willard, 106 Schiller Bldg., Chicago. 6-2-7t __SWAPPERSCOLU M N WILL swap, first-class tailoring for most reasonable prices; we give you an indi vidual fit, style and pattern. No. 5 Wool worth Bldg. Everett Carter Tailoring Co. 4-28-7t WANTED—To swap a gas stove in first class condition for an oil stove. Call phone Main 5600-W. 5-6-2t MONEY TO LEND TALK WITH ALAN JEM ISON. Main 100. 8-8-tf REAL ESTATE loans to suit you In amount, terms and interest; can pay back monthly or yearly. John W. Prude, 106 N. 22d st. Bell phono 240. 10-16-tf WE negotiate loans and sell real estate. Can handle desirable farm loans. Mc Connell, Anglin, White, 202G 3d ave. _ 10-29-tf WE Invite application for loans on city, West End and Woodlawn improved property. Money on hand. Leonard Riley C«., 725 Woodward. 3-14-tf REAL ESTATE PAPERS. We are prepared to discount properly secured purchase money paper and to negotiate loans on improved real estate in Birmingham and Bessemer. REALTY TRUST CO. 303 N. 20th St. ___2-25-tf-dly-ex-sun TAKE up that old mortgage with 6 per cent money and cut expenses. Address V-45, care Age-Herald. 5-3-4t’ Money to Lend We are prepared to make quick loans at reasonable rates of interest, for three or five years, on well improved business or residence property, in Greater Bir mingham, at not exceeding 50 per cent of a conservative valuation. No loan under $1000 and no second mortgages will be considered. Money in hand; no delay. W. B. Leedy R. E. & Ins. Co. 6-4-6t FARM LOANS. $1500 to $10,000. Address S-46, care Age Herald. 6-o-2t FIRST MORTGAGE LOANflT negotiated by us at low rates on improved real estate in the city of Birmingham; ap plicants should bring abstract with them. Title Guarantee Loaft and Trust Co.. riytie Guarantee Bldg. 11-14-eu-tu-th-tf " 1 -. — ■ - _ LOST—STRAYED—STOLEN SlliAYED—Female B(-ston~~ TevrieT! dink brown, white markings; front ff-et white; no collar. Reward. Call Mal» €40,_5-5 -2t I LOST. Ladies’ silver coin purse,, containing $4; initials engraved on purse; will pay lib eral reward to finder. Notify phone Ensley 328-.1. EOST—Gold watch fob, with inlfThls of “M. W. S. Wil finder kindly return to M. W. Searight for suitable reward, i 403 X. 20th st _WANTK D—-FEMA LE^H ELP LADIES—Make $5-$12 weekly, tlnttalMPOst cards, pictures, etc., spare time; fasci nating home business; clean and digni fied; no canvassing or experience; earn Fit?8;,1001 l,articulars free. Artint, 811-E. 130 Manhattan st.. New York. jjLP WA NT E D-—Colored TnaiT^cootC^summer hotel, ticket furnished; experienced hotel waiter, out-town job; white farm hand, work near city. Room 626, Cham ber-Commerce Bldg. _miscellaneous SS*S? Brown-Mar* B,dff ARRIVAL AKD DEPABTUHB OF PASSHKGEB TRAINS, BIRMINGHAM The following schedule figures are published only as information and™! ' guaranteed. _ ’ uul fraSEBryvEaTOSoTATioi* SrewTKnii\>i ruhMTgiTTSTTTiif Southern Railway . Seaboard Alr Llne Ry. - ;0. Arrive from- No. Depart to— No. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 9 New York 5:45 pm 24 Now York 4:00 pm 5 New York 10:00 pm 0 New York a-an. i 1 Atlanta 6:f0 am 12 Atlanta 12:15 am 11 New York 1:00 pm 12 New York s'-OOnm g Atlanta 11:10 pm 40 Atlanta 8:50 am 23 Atlanta_0:40 pm 22 Atlanta 6 t'olumbua 11:15 am SO New York 9 40 am aasaas!=s=:~777=>7" 2 Greenville 7:55 pm 11 Greenville 8:45 am v . Central Ry. I Selma 11:85 am 19 Mobile-Selma 7:00 am J*®.- *16 flrom.~ No Depart to— 1 0 Mobile-Selma 7:00 pm 27 Selma 4:40 pm 4J)°_Pm 10 Chicago ies«r 3 Jacksonville 12:20 pm 15 Columbus 2:45 pm -1- M>l'IhVlLLl.. A N ASHA ILLB »T.T.n« ; Queen A Crescent Route .. . . . L. * N. R. r. “ A. G. 9. R. R. No-,'li?f,fr0mrM K* Depart to ArTl.e from No. Depart to- J NWoJuSn. lMJ x Si'", 0rl“M ] 1 Cincinnati 10:25 pm 1 NO* Shr-pt 10:55 pm 3 twinMU 3^1 pm \ P"'1™*** MM pm IN.w Orle.n* «:20.m 2 Cln. * N. T. 0:M.m 3 P“o“e. ! ** »“ ? , 0rl"“ «Mp» 8 10:25 .m 3 N« Orleen. 10:25 .01 J rw.uj, 7 15 nm .1 *45 Pa ] 4 New Orlean. «:35pm 4 flminnaU «:40pm ? SSSSLu | J?wVur 7 0* „ * Cb.1t.nQ0s. 10:5* am 5 M.rtdl.0 «:10pm .i !:5?“ * Clnetanau 11:45pm ' 1 Chattanooga 8:00 pm 22 Cliattanoopo *:05«m ,15 ItecaDir ipusJS *11 J?”'1,*0[“,r» 0:00 u j «Meridian 10:60 am n Cli.ttaooon 4.00 pm 1*CIluf 1,15 *m 14 P«t«tur 4:00 pm \ 2 Meridian 11:10 pm 11 Meridian 8 J8 am "" n,,_,“7r7^^^^S3SBai . __ -, __ _ .. _ Mirnaia*ha«M Mineral 1 ----—---- No. Arrive from— No. Depart tA__ . Frisco lilacs 39 Praco 5:15 pm 38 Praco «... 80. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 45 Tuscaloosa 11:10 am 41 Blocton JX** 1 06 Kansas Cltf 5:50 pm 106 Kansas Cltf 12:80 pm 42 Blocton 7 45 pm 49 Blocton t-al*® * 03 Kensaa Cltf 5:20 am 104 Kansas City 11:20 pm 45 Anniston 10:48 am 44 Anniston i’aaSS « 26 Amory 10:15 am 926 Amor? 8:25 pm 47 Anniston 848 pm 46 Anniston a a* * i 21 Memphis 5.55 pm 922 Memphis 7:80 am 102^kgslo©j^^530pnil0^niacaloosa r.Xam 3 ' />■*»■! Uf Up. Ry. A..B. A A. 1 ■* j In. Auri.t from— No. Depart In— No. Arrtm from— No. Deput to 1 Muon 10:10 pm 2 Muon . 7:00 am 28 Bonnokt 11:** am 2* Roanoka »...__ , JtetenprtUa 12.26 pm lo JaetapoeUlp • 4:10 pm 15 Mnpchaatae 4:00 pm 24 Manepmtee «;t«!S | IMloa maibed thu (*) nm dnlly moapt Sunday. Otter Mini nm daUj! CanUal umn “ | J ONE CENT A WORD HATES—One cent n word n day; no ad. taken for lean than 25«* for first laser. Hon. « awh must accompany order. FOUND WE PHOTOGRAPH ANYTHING. ANYWHERE. ANT TIME. TURNER STUDIO CO.. PHONE 1509. Better Service. No Greater Coat. 4-28-HOt STOCK CERTIFICATES LEGAL BLANKS LITHOGRAPH BONDS SEAL PRESSES RUBBER STAMPS Manufactured By ROBERTS & SON, (Inc.) “The Big Alabama House** nOBT. W. EWING, President 1810-1812 THIRD AVE. Phone M61 Mala LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Letting of Bridge Contracts On the 10th day of May, 1915, at Jasper, In Walker county, Alabama, bids will be received for the building of four steel bridges, in said county, as follows: One across Black Warrior river at or near Cordova, one across Sipsey river; one across Mulberry river, and one across Town creek. The last named three bridges to be located near the fork of Sipsey and Mulberry rivers, and all of said bridges to be built according to plans and specifi cations now on file in the office of the judge of probate of said county. Con tracts for the building of said bridges to be let to the lowest bidder. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved by the commissioners' court A certified check for $500. drawn on a Jasper bank, must be deposited with the court of county commissioners to entitle any person, firm or corporation to bid for the building of each of said bridges, and such check must be for $2000, if bid is for the building said four bridges Hy order of the court of county com missioners of Walker county, anted March 31, 1915. CHARLES M. SARTAIN, Judge of Probate and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Walker County, Alabama. 4-8-30t Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage executed and delivered on the 10th day of February, 1910, by J. P. Couch and Frances A. Couch to Mary C. Robertson, for the purpose of securing the payment of cer tain indebtedness described therein owed by the said J. P. Couch to the said Mary C. Robertson, which mortgage has been recorded on page 176 of volume 563 of the record of deeds in the office of the judge jf probate of Jefferson county, Alabama, default having been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness, W. W. Robert son as executor of the last will and testa ment of the said Mary C. Robertson, who s now deceased, will at 12 o’clock noon, 3n the 24th day of May, 1915, in front of :he principal southern door of the court louse of said .Jefferson county. In the 2ity of Birmingham, Ala., sell at public outcry, to the'highest bidder for cash, the property conveyed by the said mort gage, which property is described as fol ows, to-wit: Part of lots numbers one (1) and two (2), n block two (2), said property being de scribed and designated in accordance with he map made for O. W. Wood, Sr., by O. Wilson and recorded in map book lumber 3 on page 22 of the map record n the probate office of said county and date, more particularly described as fol ows: Begin at a point 54 feet south of he intersection of Fifty-seventh street ind Second avenue, north; thence east vardly about 100 feet to the east line of ot number 3. thence southwardly about IS feet; thence westwardly about 100 feet: hence northwardly about 48 feet to point >f beginning; being situated In Woodlawn. fefferson county, Alabama, together with til improvements thereon and belonging hereto. W. W. ROBERTSON, Vs Executor of last Will and Testament of Mary C. Robertson, deceased, Mort- I gagee. riLLMAN, BRADLEY * MORROW, | Attorneys. I 4-S-7t-th i To Buy or Rent leal Estate of Any Kind, Anywhere in Birmingham. Phone Muin 5280 ■ - i - ■ ■ B i . i. Italian Racquet IrImCIsSB* 5f##l P/f• p>^ atm liMllww. IhmwMIi A Team of Turtles rrom the Strand. Bex Baseler, a youngster of f, living at Jarlen, Wis., has probably the strangest I riving team in the world—a team of eight napping turtles, from SO to 76 years old, velghlng about 30 pounds each. Bex has amed these creatures, which naturally ire savage, and they draw him In his ex iress wagon like ponies driven by other blldren, although they are not likely to hatter any speed records. The young ter learned that turtles could be tamed rhlle watching his father catching turtles or the New Tork and Philadelphia mar ;ets. Persuading his father to give him ome of the largest, he Anally grouped ham for a driving team, and tbsy seem s enjoy tits sport as jniMfcas Ms . ..A ... ; "?*> ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a U. D. C. DELEGATES MUCH PLEASED AT THEIRJECEPTION Mrs. Bashinsky Compli ments Bessemer Chapter. Reports of State Offi cers Are Encouraging B* ssemer. May 6.— (Special.)—The first business session of the nineteenth annual state convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy convened this morning at 9 o’clock at the high school auditorium with the state pres ident, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bashinsky, of Troy, presiding. The invocation was pronounced by the Rev. G. M. Daven port, pastor of the Jonesboro Meth odist church, and was followed by a piano solo, "Soirees De Vienne,” by Mrs. G. B. Hollingsworth. Next came the ritual by Miss Victoria Hocle, chaplain. The delegates responded to roll call by giving the name of chap ter, motto and flower of same. An interesting feature of the meet ing was the excellent reports for the year made by the following officers: j Mrs L. M. Bashinsky, president; Mrs. Clifford Lanier, first vice president: Mrs. Carl S. Tutwller, second vice president; Mrs. Edw'ard Trimble, re cording secretary; Mrs. Thomas Steph ens, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. L Harlan, treasurer: Mrs. Charles Sharp, historian; Mrs. M. E. Curtis, reg istrar; Mrs Jessie T. Lamar, recorder of crosses; Mrs. J. A. Rountree, editor. All of the reports were very interest ing and were greatly enjoyed. At the conclusion of the reports adjournment | was taken for lunch. The meeting reconvened at 2: JO1 o'clock at which time the chairmen of , the standing committees made reports on the work done during the pasi j year as follows: Mrs. William Gayle, Soldiers’ Home; Mrs. Charles Hharp, history; Mrs. T. W\ Palmer, education: Mrs. Leon White, scholarship; Mrs. George McElderry, United Daughters of the Confederacy and Children of the Confederacy chapter extension; Mrs. W. L Durr, emblems, motto, historical souvenirs; Mrs. B. B. Rohs. memorial highways, historical events and places; Mrs. William H. Samford, legislative; Mrs. A. H. Benners, relief; Mrs. J. H. Henderson, finance. Prom the time th«< meeting was called to order this morning there was the greatest interest and enthusiasm mani fested in the proceedings of the conven tion, and the state president, Mrs. Ba shinsky, paid the Bessemer chapter a very pretty compliment when she stated that the convention had never been re ceived with such warm hospitality on any former occasion. A delightful surprise and a lovely compliment was paid Mrs. Bashinsky this morning when the dele gates were given badges on which was a pretty picture of her. Mrs. Bashinsky was so pleased that tears of gratitude filled her eyes when she discovered the likeness. At 4:30 o'clock this afternoon 30 auto mobiles took the delegates and visitors over the city and suburbs, showing them the most interesting things in this dis trict. At 9 o'clock tills evening a large re ception was held at the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Porter on Clar endon avenue. The interior of the house presented a lovely picture with its deco rations of national colors and Confeder ate flags, as well as huge vases of red and White carnations, ferns. English Ivy and vines. In the parlor where the re ceiving line stood, white and green were tlie tones chosen. Huge crystal vases from which white roses nodded ti graceful heads filled every nook and corner. The guests were received by Mrs. Porter, Mrs. E. 1... Huey. Mrs. Ba shlnsky, Mrs. George Ross, Mrs. Ellen Peter Bryce. Mrs. Clifford Lanier, Mrs. Edward Trimble, Mrs. Thomas Stephens. Mrs. A. L. Harlan, Mrs. Charles Bharp, Mrs. M. E. Curtis, Mrs. Jesse T. Lamar, Mrs. Leonard Hobart, Mrs. J. A. Roun tree. Miss Victoria Hoole, Mrs. W. E. Cunningham, Mrs. W. W. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Sam Lefkovlts, Mrs. L. D. McCol lom, Mrs. L. A. Spencer and Mrs. T. T. Huey stood In the arch and showed the guests Inlo the library, where frappe was served by Mrs, Lacey Edmundson, Mrs. L. B. Bradley, Mrs. Minnie Ken nedy and Miss Lillie Mae Chrlstlieb. The guests were then shown Into the dining room by Mrs. H. C. Grigsby, Mrs. J. W. Carter, Mrs. A. W. Gray, Mrs. Rose Huey, Mrs. T. D. Lewis, Mra R. P. Mc Tyiere, Mrs. C. M. Ray and Mrs. J. E. McAdory. In the dining room an Ice course, the cream being frozen in the design of a white rose, the flower of the division, and of the state, was served by Mrs. M. P. Benton, Mrs. W. D. Lanier, Mra M. K. Thornton, Mra. W. T. Wil son, Mra. A. K. Williamson, Mrs. J. E. Wright, Mrs Ellis Terry. Mrs. Will Terry, Miss Ethel Ragsdale, Miss Mary Lovett, Miss Sarah Howard. Music was fur nished by an orchestra and about 900 people called during the evening. Among those present were Mrs. Dowe, Mrs. Monk, Mrs. Jesse Lamar, Mrs. Harland, Mrs. C. A. Lanier, Mrs. L. Moore. Mrs. E. M. Tremble, Mrs. W. D. Judge, Mrs. Sophia Hertz, Mrs. Belle Searcy, Mrs. Charles Gay and son, Mrs. Joe McClendon, Mrs. S. S. Crlttendon, Mrs. Gravely, Mrs. Cliff Williamson, Mrs. T. S. Stevens of Montgomery, Mrs. E. Peter Brice of Tuscaloosa, Mrs. J. M. Burt of Opelika, Mrs. C. T. Robinson of Tuskegee, Mrs. Sewell, Mrs. W. 8. Pugh of Mobile, Mrs. OTetoher aPowers of Tuscaloosa, Mrs. J. A Lancaster, Mrs. Russell of Alex ander City, Mrs. B. B. Ross of Au burn, Miss Annie Cotton of Alexander City. Mrs. P. B. Yarbrough, Mra. T. B. Wood Of ThMw| lira A. H. Ore li nen, Mrs. Chappell Cory, Mrs. Hobart of Birmingham, Mfa a. T. Beckham, Mra JWnmiama^af Bnsley. Mrm. ■V . Avondale, Miss Adele Shaw of Blr m'r.gham, Miss Annie Kearly, Mr*. Rutnerforrt of Franklin, Mrs. M. B. Curtis, Mrs. Mary Beck, Mrs. J. o' htuidivanl of Livingston, Mrs. M. C. McCan, Mrs. Brockwav of Livingston, Mrs. BasTiinslcy, Mrs. Bibb Graves. Mrs. . Dowdell of Montgomery, Miss Mamie ' Bell Parsons, Mrs. Myrtle P. Reynolds of Union Springs, Mrs. McElder, Mrs Slaughters of Talladega, Mrs. Dunkley of Talladega, Miss Susie Andrews of Norlhport, Mrs. Harry Halsey. Mrs. O. G. Simpson of Tuscumbia, Miss Arlle Reynolds of ^lontevallo, Mrs. W. A. Haivey, M>s. E. B. Lee of Blocton, Mrs. S. H. Gardner, Mrs. McAdory of Bir mingham, Mrs. C. D. Martin, of Jack sonville. Mrs. J. A. Embry, Miss Hodge, Mrs Vandiver of Talladega. Tn the Bessemer city court today In the case of Wesley Scales versus the Birmingham Railway, Light and " Power company, the jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendant com pany, The entire afternoon was taken *• up with jtlic hearing of the case of K. L. Bagwell vs. the Bessemer Water works company. A large number of k wit;.esses were examined. The plaintiff was represented hy Goodwyn & Ross, while Thomas T. Huey is representing the defendant company. Much Interest is being manifested in the athletic meet, W'hich will be held at the high school lawn Friday att ernoon from 3:30 to 7:30 o’clock at which time several sliver and bron:g medals will be awarded to the best athletes of the school. These medals are offered hy the University of Ala bama and last year the local high i school w'on 23 medals. A lawn party '* will also be a feature and there wiil be a number of contests for girls and l-oys, the winners of which will re ceive handsome prizes. Refreshments will be sold during the afternoon toe proceeds of which will go toward the publishing of the high school annual, The Kallsta. On Monday night. May 10, the mem bers of the high school will debate with the members of the Literary and Good Fellowship club of the First Methodist church, the subject Delng, *„ "Resolved, Which Is the Most to Blame for the War, Germany or England?" At the conclusion of the debate a spelling match will be held between the mem bers of the high school and the cit izens of Bessemer. Webster's blue-back speller being used. A small adnnssio* *■ fee1 will be charged. FAILS TO FIX GUILT OF BARTON MURDER ) Coroner’s Jury Says He Came to His ! Death at Hands of Parties Unknown The coroner’s jury which has been in vestigating the assassination of M. O. Barton, who was killed on the Mulga. road sometime ago, yesterday announced the verdict that “the deceased met his deatli at the hands of parties unknown.'’ The coroner's jury had been in contin- i uous session for a period of four days, and during that time bad examined a number of witnesses. The Jury making the above finding was composed of Lee White. U. D. Waldrop. W. K. McAdory, W. K. Murphy, A. S. Klyce and John Wren. The grand jury, now in session, re turned a verdict a few days ago placing the guilt on Louis Walton, now being * held in the county jail on the charge of murder. A copy of the official verdict i of the coroner’s jury follows: "The State of Alabama, Jefferson County Coroner’s Court, C. *L. Spain, Coroner. “Verdict of coroner's jury, John Wren, fc, A. S. Klyce, W. E. Murphy, W. K. Mc Adory. r. D. Waldrop, Lee White. In quest over the remains of M. O. Barton (white), held at coroner’s office April 19, 20. 21, May 5. 1915. i “We. the jury, duly impaneled by the j coroner of Jefferson county, to inquire into the cause of the death of M. O. Barton (white), deceased April 8. 1915. having diligently investigated said cause, taking all the /testimony obtainable, we agree that the deceased enme to his death by the hands of an unknown party. We further find upon investigation that the grand Jury of Jefferson county, Ala bama. lias indicted Louis Walton for the minder of M. O. Barton, and being tin- j able to get any other or further evidence, we respectfully ask to be discharged. “A. S. KLYCE, Foreman. “W. E. MURPHY. “IT. D. WALDROP. “JOHN WREN. • WALTER K. McADORT. “LEE WHITE. “Coroner's Jury. “C. L. SPAIN. “Coroner of Jefferson County.” SEEK TO RAISE MORE CAPITAL New York, May B.—In anticipation of business improvement, directors of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufactur- \ Ing company, which recently received large orders from foreign governments, have asked for permission to raise ad ditional capital, when necessary, by the sale of stock. To that end it requests the bondholders to approve a change In the company's Indenture, which now pro hibits Such action. In the circular to the shareholders the directors state that the company will not require additional capital for lte present volume of business or for any increase expected In the near future, hav ing made adequate preparation for pres ent emergencies. r,...... i , r t - - , . * 4 BIRMINGHAM PEOPLE , 4 TO IBB UHEHTT BBU, 4 4 People of Birmingham and the 1 4 south generally will have an op- 4 4 portuntty to see the historic Lib- 4 4 erty Bell, whose peals proclaimed 4 >> 4 the birth of American indepen- 4 4 dense In 1774. It was announced 4 4 yesterday In Philadelphia that the 4 4 bell on Its return from the' Pane- 4 4 ma-Pacific exposition at San Pran- 4 4 cisco would be sent vis the South- 4 4 ern route end would pass through 4 4 Birmingham. The bell will be sent 4 4 to the exposition In the latter part 4 4 of July, remaining untir.the clone 4 4 of the Wg show in the fall. 4 k-v