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INFORMATION PLEASE 'DESIGNATIO STYLE DESIRED STYLE ONE—An on Hia po«o In this also tjtto will bo prb «4 under any dualflctUoa at a rato or 3 Mata a word (or on* laaortion. T oonu a Word (or uuroo tnaorUona. M oonu a word for oovoa lnaorUooa, W oonu a word (or M tnaorUona. AN AD LIKE THIS COSTS It CENTS PER AGATE UNH, MEASURED ACCORDING TO NEWSPAPER STANDARD. 14 LINES TO THE INCH. THREE OR MORS CONSECU TIVE INSERTIONS. 11 CENTS PER UNB; M CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 11 CENTS PER UNB. CONTRACT RATES ON REQUEST. WHITE SPACE AND UQHT-PACR CUTS ARE AC CEPTRD. THE GmPS—Bring In The Check-ThrowOut The Wreck —By Sidney Smith r?TOCk%TT'HG HVS SQlfcfAN VOMs> OE VN6CTNWCe, FQR&tTflNt. TVAAT AS HOST FOE. WkCAJE «'M'S PAVtVI U\S ?A>CE AS AT VAVS Own TASA.E AWAntJEVS A\-L OVER. THE BAV.V.OO^ ROOVA A_AT V>9 LAKE \ LOWEST E\«E HAMAHG A. VCAKO \KoW FOSS. EMEAZTEHOn EXCfcP'T HAS GUESTS \)9 t^X> S^TTUE. Tva\S B'V-V. TOR. $\Q>\ 11 <30 PHONE YOUR ADS We take ads over the telephone and collect the following day. Minimum charge 55 cents. There It fc’waya someone at the phone desk !n tbe Classified De partment from 8 ft, m., till ®:30 p. m. (Sundays fron b to 9 ?. m.) Courteou- '?ompet»‘Tit clerks will be glad to help you over the phone or at the counter to word your ad* to as to be most effective. Should you live out of *ho city, mail your ads to the Age-Herald They will be given careful, prompt attention. Call the Want Ad Depart ment—Main 4900, Main 3441. EMPLOYMENT E HELP WANTED—FKMALK 5* faamrtt ATTON cashier - bookkeeper; must have knowledge of bookkeeping; eat appearanoe and accuracy neces sary; good salary, with splendid re j cnerattons. Maglo City Bureau, 6M N. aotb su „ — Capable, well educated with sucoessful experience in the public, to travel In the ln ’ Christian education; splendid liberal compensation. Call Mrs. iter, Woodlawn 246-J. WANTED—Reliable, settled col man to oook for small family; plaoe and good home for right ; must hare references. Phone 2722. THEATER USHERS wanted, 2 neat, plump girls tor ushers; good salary. Maglo City Bureau, SH N. 20th St, HELP WANTED — MALE-FEMALE MUNICIPAL—Federal Free Employ ment Bureau, third floor city hall. Main 7040. EFFICIENT OFFICE HELP FUR NISHBD—Clerical Service Bureau, Main 8276. JUfiw" yrRi’i [TER8 WANTED—New _ . 100 subjects; articles, stories, poems, scenarios, etc. Arrival 697, Ste M, Los Angeles, CaL StEN-WOMEN—17 to 66; *117-2300 monthly In government services; per manent, traveling or stationery. Write Mr. Osment, 267, St. Louis, Mo., quickly. AGENTS WANTED 52 NEWS AGENTS on railroad trains. Union News Co„ Terminal Station. _SAJUESMEN WANTED_63 WANTED—By large wholesale, dry goods and clothing house, traveling representative for North Alabama and North Georgia territory; applicant must have had experience with similar lines and In similar territory; In answering, state net sales for each of past 2 years and present position; splendid offer for right man. Apply J. Esklnd & Sons, Nashville, Tenn. | SALESMAN WANTED — Exceptional opportunity for young man to call on (business men or do country selling with pld established firm, for appointment pddresa 6704 Georgia Road, giving one. fANTED—Salesman familiar with metal and sheet metal goods; territory covered, experience, age salary. Address “Manufacturer," Age-Herald. SALESMAN with successful record, for road With Birmingham concern; sal I per month. Apply to Business _Co., 406 N. 21st St. WANTED—Two real estate salesman with cars. Apply 2201 Age-Herald Bldg., between 12 and 1 o'clock.__ OMOBILE SALESMAN—Wanted; who can furnish references and work. Apply 1924 Ave. F, 8. VIM A K WANTED—Job worth *8, year. Southern Store Fixture Cq.. 1 6th Ave. Main 5128. 1TUAT1QN WANTED—MALE 54 . stenographer and experienced „ man, single, 26 years of age, temporarily employed, desires per cent position by Jan. 16; can arrange Interview at any convenient time. ITUATION8 WIKU—FEMALK 61 BUNG lady desires position, bookkeep r $ years' experience, and is thor "lly competent; excellent references. T-87, Age-Herald. SNOGRAPHER—6 years experience, uding railway and Insurance. Call 8172, Room 105. _ 3J1RLY lady, experienced nurse, for ilty cases, sickness or invalids. Hemlock 1051-J. _, lO-BOOKKEEPER—Lady book deries position; competent, ex ond dependable. S-33, care i-Heruld. FINANCIAL gglNESS OPPORTUNITIES 57 „ uEACTUREB of auto commodl havo opening for several branch lagers who would make Investment [money-making concern; Investment red. J. H. Evans, Room 503 Hill Hotel. ■ANTED—An associate as partner, ne or active; to Invest |2,500 In a money-making concern; In vest secured. J. H. Evans, Room 603, Hotel. SALE at a bargain for all cash, i first class laundry plant, equipment ically new, with capacity for 8500 8*00 per week; will accept part cash terms from right party. Euel A. Auburn, Ala. RANTED to sell, one-third Interest In yard, fine location, and 40 acres black creek coal mine opened; an opportunity for a man with few thousand to invest. Address Age-Herald. [ANTED—Partner, small capital, for dining room business; too work for one man. Write Box Marlon, Ala. eferences. UNDID BUSINESS; netting 850 jr; bargain; Immediate possession. 3884. MORTGAGE LOANS 11 MORTGAGE LOANS IB years, at reasonable Interest , on dwellings, apartments, business i In Greater Birmingham and Ala . towns of more than 10,000 popula Loana on Improved Alabama JEMISON * COM ’ANT HI M. 21st St. Birmingham, Aik MORTGAGE LOANS Made for periods of 8 to 6 years on improved Birmingham prop erty at reasonable rates. Un limited funds at all times. HAZZARD-CLARK MORT GAGE CO.. INC. 408 Title Guarantee Bldg. Main 3484 MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED— Purchase money paper bought. Bank ers Mortgage Bond Co. Resources over 6600,000. Suits 1402-8 American Trust Bid* REAL ESTATE—Loans on first mort les at 7 and 8 per cent. Henley Realty Co., 822 N. 21st St. 1280. S made on Birmingham real ; 6 and 7 per cent. Title Guar Loan A Trust Co. Title Bldg. ESTATE LOANS—Any amount, and interest to suit Mortgagee ;ht. John W. Prude, 106 N. 22d St., 5793. IT MORTGAGE—8600 upon prop in Jefferson county; mortgagee ught. S. E. Thompson. 309 Title Bldg. negotiate loans and sell real estate, .ell-White-Terry. 2026 3d Avs. Truthful | Adwiridsnimg ; It la the aim of The Age Herald to print only truthful and trust-worthy adver tisements. Investigations or doubtful advertisements will j be made by the Better Busi- 3 aess Bureau, an organisation 1 whose purpose is to eliminate 1 untruthful advertising. This is without charge or obligation. 1 If you receive offers, through the mail or in person, from strangers on suspicious schemes—ask the Better Busi ness Bureau. Before you in vest, investigate, 2nd floor, Lin coln Life Bldg., Hem. 2866. FINANCIAL F MONEY TO LOAN M SALARY LOANS *6 TO #60 Get our rates before borrowing. Ni security. Confidential. M. E. Lee 405 AMERICAN TRUST BLDQ. MAIN 6334 • SALARY LOANS $10 TO $100 TO men and women steadily employed— cheapest rate. Employees Loan Society 508 Lyric Theater Bldg. Main 6376 BLACK LOAN CORPORATION. INC Loan, on indorsed notes, household goods or anything of value. 204 Clarke Bldg. Main 356L_ INDUSTRIAL BANKERS We finance the working man. Inter est rate .low. Easy monthly payment. It will pay you to investigate our plan. PRUDENTIAL LOAN & TRUST CO. 1016-19 Age-Herald Bldg._ MONEY TO LOAN Will make two first mortgage real estate loans of *2,000 each, 8 per cent. Call dam or Hemlock 1300-R, WE Lo«.V *l» to *500 on indorsed notes >r household goods. National Cash Credit Corporation. 310 Empire Bldg. Main 1944. WANTED—MONEY ~6» WANTED—To borrow *2,000 on prop srty in Edgewood; worth #6,500; will lot pay brokerage. Address Edgewood, :are Age-Herald. fOUNG business maa desires to bor ■ow #300, on good security, from private ndividual. C-71, Age-Herald. Live ST(k:h. & SEEDS G HORSES—CATTLE—VEHICLES 4W bui£l SUUUiO poll) , Wiia AfecLtAsC lisAU oridle for sale cheap. Call Woodlawn 925-W. _ POULTRY—SUPPLIES 68 SABY CHICKS—Quality egg line and xhibltlon baby chicks; custom hatch ng; hatching eggs; breeding stock; Sol lot brooders; catalog free. Muscle Ihoals Hatchery. Florence. Ala._ MERCHANDISE ARTICLES FOR SAys 7a Two large furnace* for »ale, suit able for garage or large storage room. Cru»e-Crawford Mfg. Co., Ave. B and 22d SC. Main 7000, Phone No. 14. I AM SHOWING the heat $25 suit* and overcoats In the city; all the late mod els. 1 save you $10. Marc Linz, toil First Ave. __i__ SPLENDID all-wool suits and over coats; good weights and patterns, at $19; I save you $10. Marc Lina, 1911 First Ave.__ CHADMAN'S LAW COURSE, $8.00 Cozy Book Shop, 401 N. 19th St. BUSINESS EQUIPMENT J« REFRIGERATORS—Complete stock fot grocers, markets, restaurants, Institu tions, florists and residences; also Ho bart Electric Mills. McCray Refrigerator Co., 8014 4th Ave., N. Main 60*4. TOLEDO SCALES tno sprtAs). cash registers, showcases. Iron safes. Ice boxes, butchers' coolers, meat choppers, Bou. Store Fiat. Co.. 9021 Mb Ave. Mel* BUILDING MATERIAL 75 PAINT AND ROOFING True T&gg, 100 per cent pare paints, the best paint you can buy for the money; good grade of family paints, $1.36 per gal lon; special roofing sale, l-ply» $1.15; 2-ply, $1.60; 3-ply, $1.75; roof paint, roof cements, alabaa tine, glass and lime. Robertson Hardware Co. 2021 1ST AVE. MAIN 7110 WALL PAPER Just received, new line of wall paper to sell for best price In Birmingham. See us before buying and save money. Southern Paint & Glass Cq. 413 N. 21ST £T. PHONE MAIN 2826 DO TOUR PLASTERING— ;ive you service and sallsfao us for lime, -and, cement and of plastering materials. At repair work. R. A. McLeod Co.. Main 6290. 1616 lot Ava FUEL 75X SPECIALIZE ON T. C. L NUT COKE— The co trying fuel for Areola, steam heat and not lair; no ash, no soot, no smote; lakes no\ more kindling for this coks than ordi tary coal. We also bandls tbs best grat es of coal on the market at leasonabl, i prices. Varda at East Thom as. Hcml jck 229S. West field, Ensiey. 1908 Avej A, E. 1062. Ave. E, 23d SC. Main 1341 McLaughlin Coal Co. C-O-A-L—'taonlevallo, me world t, best Slack Crelfk and Red^sh Cahat %. smith Coat Co. Tfcreo yaido. "Cne neai you." \ Malag 3366; E-*. iey 14/7; Woodlawn PHQNE FHgfc'S TOR FUEL, Main 10S2?4 Walk® County Lump and Nut. ", k.ka Bl^g Creek, Dora, charcoal tnd^BidlinS IlLET COAL CO.—Direct; 1- cahaba lump-nut mixed, m cn Main 6872-2406: night. HOBSE HOIUV, 04 IDS 78 .KAVlNt'Jbity, all furniture in 6-room ungalowJvor sale; dining room, sink, ugs, Imokeum, snades, rockers, piano nd chalrs\>310 89th SU. Fairfield, Ala. L MERCHANDISE H\ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 81 PIANOS—Organa, player-pianos, phono graphs and records at bargain prices; ivrlte If you can't call and save money. E. E. Forbes A Sons, 1922 8d Ave. VIOLIN—Old German; wonderful tone, for sale; bargain. Main 8896 day; Hemlock 1519-W evenings. specials at stores m SATURDAY NIGHT specials from 8 to 10 p. m. only; over 800 heavyweight wool suits, 810; worth double; dealers supplied. Marc Llnx, 1911 1st Ave. MOTOR—Give him a Johnson Motor for Xmas. Masters’ Tire Co.. 809 S. 20th gt.. Main 6209. WEARING APPAREL M , OVER 60b~all-wool suits and overcoats; splendid patterns and good weights at . 819; I save you 810. Marc Lins. 1911 First Ave.___ I OVER 400 Suits and overcoats at 218; good weights and models; best values : In the city. Marc Lins, 1911 1st Ave. WANTED TO BUY M 1 WE BUY SECOND-HAND CLOTHES AND SHOES, 2116 SECOND AVE. PHONE 1581.__ FURNITURE—Wanted to buy and sell second-hand furnlure, 2312 2nd Ave., Main 1916. D. M. Furniture CO. WE BUY and sell old clothes. Reds Dry Cleaning. 2308 2nd Ave. Main 8378._ PARROT—Wanted, that can talk; must be reasonable. Main 6909-W._ ROOMS AND BOARD / ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD M OUR HOME HOTEL 1718 4th Ave., N.; rooms with running water, 86 and 26 per week. Private bath, 28 and up per week. Bert C. Davis, Prop. Main 6874._]_ NORWOOD—Furnished front room pri vate bath; furnace heat. Hemlock 1021-R. _ I HAVE for rent front room less than 1 block from car line, in best section of Norwood; convenient to schools; pri vate family, and will rent same to cou ple or to 2 young men; price below the average. Call Mr. Logan, Hemlock 222. SOUTH HIGHLANDS — Large front room, mahogany furniture, private home, furnace heat, high elevation, con veniences, board convenient, garage. Main 836-W.__ MILNER HEIGHTS—2422 16th Ave., S.; want to rent to gentleman, lovely fur nished corner room In new home, pri vate bath and tile shower, steam heat, best of references required. Main 2408. IDEAL ROOM—Gentleman or business couple; private entrance^_Main 3616-J. NICELY furnished room, conveniences; 2 gentlemen or couple. Hemlock 2157. CLOSE-IN—For rent, furnished rooms, downtown; also offices. Apply Dr. W. K. Albritton, corner 19th 8t. and 3rd Ave., over Patterson’s Cigar Store. phone Main 6081._ NORWOOD—Large room, continuous hot water, near transportation. Hem lock 1223-W._______ 20TH ST., 8., 1218—Front rooms; prl vate bath; garage. Main 6663. _ FORES7? PARK—Handsomely fur nished upstairs bedroom, private home, adjoining bath, Instant hot water; ga rage, to gentlemen; fine community. Main 7470. _ NORWOOI>—Well furnished room in | I modern, private home. Call Hemlock 2375-J._ 1517 11TH AVE, 8.—Furnished rooms, reasonable. Main 8432-W■ _ 11TH AVE., S., 1331—Front room, nicely furnished, all conveniences; excellent meals; on car line. Main 6374-J._ S. 19TH ST., 817—Large furnished room, owner’s home; adjoining bath; gentle men; near meals; garage. Main 8424. s7 16TH AVE.—Beautifully furnished room, modern, private home, business lady or gentleman. Main 1498._ HIGHLAND PLAZA—Furnished room, adjoining bath. Call Main 3606._ N. 7TH AVE., 2200—One nicely fur nished front room; furnace heat; cen trally located; desirable for business people., NORTH 30TH ST., 1812—Nicely furnlsh ed room, all conveniences, garage. Hem lock 2260-L2. _ FIVE POINTS—1, 2, or 3 furnished rooms; modern conveniences; convenient to 3 cars. Main 7408-W._ 626 N. 19TH» ST.—Furnished rooms fo." rent; hot water. Main 6668-W._ ST. CHARLES HOTEL—313 N. 19th St., rooms, 51 per day; 54 and 56 per week; hot baths all hours. 2200 Ni 17TH ST.—Nicely furnished room, furnace heal, centrally located, desirable tor business people. _ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 87« WOODLAWN—6245 2d Ave., S.; 3 unfur nished rooms, conveniences, 516. Wood lawn 645-W.___ 620 COTTON AVE.—Three unfurnished rooms, private entrance._____ FOUNTAIN HEIGHTS—2 furnished rooms, on car line. Hemlock 1830-W._ SOUTHSIDE—2 completely furnished rooms, well located; convenient. Main 5233-W,__ SOUTH HIGHLANDS—3-room apt.; modern; furnace heat. Main 3670-W. SYLVAN AVE., S., 1109—2 large un furnlshed rooms, private entrance. Main 3333-J. _ CULLOM ST., S., 1106—2 unfurnished connecting rooms; convenient location. Main 7857-L2.___ FAIRVIEW—4 furnished or unfur nished rooms, water, electricity. Ens ley 1133-W. _ SOUTHSIDE—Three large furnished rooms; modern, 540. Main 1352-W._ THREE ROOMS; sink in kitchen; pri vate entrance, adjoining bath. Wood lawn 1166-W. _ 8TH AVE., N., 1901—Light housekeep ing rooms; all conveniences. Hemlock 708. _ 10TH AVE., STI 1913—2 rooms and kitchenette; lights, water and tele phone furnished; 14 block of car line. SOUTHSIDE—Three unfurnished rooms, modern conveniences; no children. Main 5435-W._ NORWOOD—1310 N. 24th St. 3 large unfurnished connecting rooms; large butler’s pantry; phone and water fur nished. Phone Hemlock 489-J._ 302 S. HAWKINS 817—"Two or more un furnished rooms; all conveniences._ s—21ST PLACE, 1009—Furnished room and kitchenette; conveniences. Main 1553-1,2.__ NORWOOD—1117 N. 34th St., small, completely furnished apartment fpr couple; furnace heat; modern; 14 block of car line. Hemlock 1174. SOUTHSIDE—Two unfurnished roojns, newly decorated. Main 1718-XA l \ J / The Psychological Moment By LAUREL MILLER “There Is A Time For Everything Under The Sun" NOTE: The time siren applies to Eastern Standard Time. For those living in Central Time subtract one hoar;'In Mountain Time subtract two hours; in Pacific Time subtract three hours. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 A wave of restlessness and uncertainty is likely to settle over this day which nay make it unwise to travel, change or remove. Many obstacles to progress svill likely present themselves and stubborn forces prevail. Stranyrs and jlder persons and those in menial or laborious employ may cause trouble and mnoyance. Tact and diplomacy are necessary. Those born under the water signs, PisSes, February 19 to March 20; Cancer, June 19 to July 23, and Scorpio, October 22 to November 20, should be especially careful in their dealings with others, avoiding ns much as is possible the detriments and dis appointments that are likely to befall them. The fortunate aspect for this day is predicted for— 7-03 A M—Which should be favorable for determining any serious matter, for at this moment the mind should be sharp, clear and far seeing, very shrewd and determined. Make important decisions and deal with persons of opposite ages._ ROOMS AND BOARD I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 87x 1216 B. 17TH ST.—Two connecting front rooms, newly papered, furnished or partly furnished; adults only. Phone Main 6125-W.__ AVON WOOD—New 8-room apt., mod ern conveniences, 536. Woodlawn 1703. aolJTHSlDE—Three unfurnished con necting rooms, sink, adjoining bath. Main 6566-J.__ 18TH ST^ fTi IMS-Two furnished housekeeping rooms, conveniences. Main 2983. N. 16TH ST., 422—Completely furnished rooms. Main 7909-W.__ ROOMS WUH BCAKi> _ 1230 S. 20TH ST.—Nicely furnished room with board. Telephone Main 7332. SOUTH 61ST ST., 120—Room and board for gentlemen.* Woodlawn 720-J._ SOUTHSIDE—Best neighborhood, at tractive room and board; adults. Main 2952.__ WANTED—Roommate for young man who works at one of leading banks. Fine home. Main 5638-W. FIVE POINTS—Nicely furnished room with meals; continuous hot water; fur nace heat. 1210 S. 20th St. Main 7024-J. NORWOOD—Two or 3 unfurnished bed rooms; attractively furnished; meals. Call Hemlock 666-J. 1920 AVE. I—Very large room, nicely furnished, steam heat, very best meals. Call Main 1438-W. NORWOOD—1516 N. 25th St., one large room, adjoining bath, modern convenl ences; excellent meals. Main 1762. ONE NICE ROOM, everything fur nished; breakfast; also 2 garages, *4 per month. Hemlock 1221-W . _ 2124 4TH AVE., N.—Room and board, 58; conveniences. Main 7018-J._ T ROOMS ft BOARD WANTED 90 Wanted, room and board—in Norwood, for 2 men; prefer near 12th Ave. Phone Mason, Main 3208._ RENT—RE ALE ST ATE J ~BUS1NES8 PROP- KOB KENT 93 STORES FOR RENT DRUG STORE 7301 FIRST AVE., 20x50. 4929 GRAND AVE., (5th Ave., S.), 50x60 corner. 736 S. 15TH ST, corner, 50x50. 601 S. 20TH ST, corner, In splen did location. MARKETS 606 N. 19TH ST, 18x35. 4507 GRAND AVE, 18x60. RETAIL 2530 AVE. G, 80x90. 1626 PEARSON AVE. (West End), 20x50. 106 S. Poplar St. (West End), 26x90. , 2803 AVE. G, 25x60. 2911 3RD AVE, N.i 2-story, 25x 140. 604 N. 19TH ST, 18x35. 2220 6TH AVE, N„ 20x60. 1623 4TH AVE, N, 20x60. 520 S. 21ST ST, 25x60. WHOLESALE OR JOBBER 2302 FIRST AVE, N„ 25x140. 1705 3RD AVE, N, 2-story, 23x 100. 1711 3RD AVE, N, 25x140. 2222 6TH AVE, N„ 25x60. SMITH-SCHULTZ-HODO REALTY CO. 2119 FIRST AVE. MAIN 2157 ' APARTMENTS AND FLATS M NORWOOD—One or two-room apart ment furnished; heat, lights, water and gas furnished. Also sleeping room. 1024 N. 24th St, or call Hemlock 872-J._ 1309 17TH AVE, S.—Three connecting furnished rooms In owner's home; heat, lights, water and access to phone fur nished. Main 8052-W. _ . SIX-ROOM modern unfurnlsed apart ment, all conveniences, $70. Main 6031-W^ SOUTHSIDE—Attractive 6-room up stalrs apartment, sleeping porch, private entrances, bath and furnace. Main 6729-W. _ AVONWOOD—Practically new 3-room apartment; furnished or unfurnished; with All modern conveniences. "Price $35 per month. Call Woodlawn 1703. fS<l llTII AVE, S.—Small attractive furrdshed apartment, $65 per month; also furnished room, $20 up per month. 10TH AVE, ‘S, 1502—Second floor apt.; all conveniendos. Main 2516. XaH ST.i 1205—Small sieam-heated apartment: all conveniences- Main 4334. OAK GLEN COURT—Five-room unfur nished apt, modern, $65, Main 836Q-W. REAL ESTATE—RENT S APARTMENT FOR Ri T 91 DIAN APARTMENTS Large 4-room suite, located on second floor, shades, gas stove, refrigerator, hot water, heat and Janitor service. Price $75. A. A. Gambill & Co. _ MAIN 8 _ 904 S.27TH ST.—Four-room upstairs unfurnished apartment, 3 rooms fur nished; furnace heat; all conveniences; reasonable; garage; adults. Main 170. HOCSES FOR RENT 05 HOUSES FOR RENT SOUTHSIDE Location— Rn 1123 St. Charles St. .. 7 2918 Juniper Ave.9 841 41st «t.7 2406 Ave. “F" . 8 1312 Cullom St.7 801 19th St.6 619 17th St.6 Northside 1629 Norwoor Blvd.7 6232 1st Ave.. Woodlawn 6 6621 4th Ave., S.6 828 39th St.6 912 44th St.5 Completed new apartment, 5 large rooms with sleeping porches; walk ing distance to city. 1010 N. 14th St., 846.00. 1010 N. 14th St. 846.00. 1014 Magnolia Ave., high class du plex, 6 rooms; Areola heat, 845.00. W. B. Leedy R. E. & I. Co. 112 N. 21ST ST. MAIN 3265 Price $70.00 90.00 85.00 60.00 70.60 35.00 27.60 $65.00 40.00 42.50 30.00 35.00 FOR RENT 1200 S. 10th Ave., 6 rooms.846 915 S. 18th St., 6 rooms.880 1018 S. 18th St.. 3-room apt-835 712 N. 21st St., 4 rooms, private bath ......840 807 Green St„ W„ 4 rooms-820 325 Sarah Ave., 6 rooms.835 GILBERT GREENE Butler-Garrett R. E. & I. Co. 318 N. 21ST ST. MAIN 3054 OR 819 FOR RENT Nice large 10-room dwelling, 1321 S. 19th St.*85 Nice 9-room dwelling, 1111 Glen Iris Ave.160 Four-room apartment, 150914 S. 10th Ave.13." Houseal-Simons Agency 2019 V4 2D AVE. MAIN 6747 WOODLAWN—Corner of 61st and 1st Ave. 2-story, 10-room house, suitable for two families or boarding house; garage and large back yard; possession Janu ary 16. Call Woodlawn 1633-J for In spection MODERN 6-room bungalow, first class condition, In good neighborhood, *50 per month. 810 39th St., Fairfield, Ala. RENT—Nice cottage, bath, electricity, newly papered, painted. North 18th St., near 16th Ave.; *20. H. D. Smith, 401 Farley Bldg. _ REAL ESTATE—SALE K BUSINESS 1'RUP. FOR SALK U 8TH AVE. INVESTMENT Between 20th and 21st; 60x240; right back of Capitol park and close to auditorium. I think this is the best buy for $26,000 on 8th Ave. and from all Indica tions is in line for very rapid enhancement. If you are Inter ested it will certainly be worth your time to look into this. Call Pollard Allen, Main 467, 2109 1st Ave. McDavid R. E. & Ins. Co. "TRY McDAVID SERVICE” $3,250 Negro Property Three new houses; Income $144 ^>er month. .rnss Cons. &. it. !«; 1' MAIN 8399 2111 1ST AVE., N. REAL ESTATE—SALE K BUSINESS PROP. FOR SALE 98 • 11 PER CENT NET INVESTMENT Four-apartment bouse building, conveniently located in Nor wood; hardwood floors through out; steam heat, gas ranges, shades, separate front and back porches, tile baths, built-in tubs; fully rented, bringing In $320 per month. This building is in excellent condition and is a sacrifice at $26,000; sui/able terms can be arranged. Call Pollard Allen, Main 467, 2109 1st Ave. McDavid R. E. & Ins. Co.. "TRY McDAVID SERVICE" BUY THIS 18 acres directly behind Edge wood clubhouse; will overlook Edgewood lake when new dam Is completed April 1; borders on new golf course; can be subdi vided Into beautiful home sites with boating, fishing, swimming, golf, tennis, etc., within a stone’s throw. This property will en hance a great deal when the Kamram Grotto complete their contemplated Improvements. This property for $900 an acre for the next 10 days, on easy terms. Call Pollard Allen or Jack Wainwrlght, Main 467, 2109 1st Avenue. McDavid R. E. & Ins. Co. "TRY McDAVID SERVICE" INVESTMENT Large lot 90 foot frontage on 23rd St., close In. New Improve ments just completed close by. Fine location for garage site. Splendid opportunity to Improve this cheap piece of property. For sale only $11,600; $6,500 cash and balance one and two years at 6 per cent. See R. B. Malone or R. McClure, Enslen Realty & Ins. Co. 2115 1ST AVE.. MAIN 4174 8TH AVE. INVESTMENT Between 16th and 17th Sts., 50x 240; rents for $100 per month now; Income can be Increased $66 per month a $3,000 additional investment; price $16,600. This la a very attractive offer and has been enhancing very rapidly and Bhould continue to do so. Call Pollard Allen, Main 467, 2109 1st Ave. McDavid R. E. & Ins. Co. “TRY McDAVID SERVICE" A GOOD BUY Investment—4th Ave., east of 20th St., lot 50x140, with Income sufficient to pay all carrying charges. This property is offered at a bargain price. It is really worth more. Price, $20,000; $7,500 cash. E. L. BARRETT VAUGHN REALTY CO. 2028 4TH AVE. MAIN 1348 1ST AVE. $17,500 This property faces 114 feet on 1st Ave. by approximately 800 ft. deep. It Is Improved with a 2-story brick building and has a railroad switch across one corner. This location Is Ideal for a manufacturing site, coal or lumber yard. Call W. R. Shaw, Main 6094 or Hem lock 2451. ELLIOTT REALTY CO. 406 N. 21ST ST. $40,000 60x140 feet, 4th Ave., between 22d and 23d Sts.; will probably bring $50,000 within another year. see r. McConnell,, pres. McConnell-White-Terry 2026 8D AVE. MAIN 358 INVESTMENT We have a Fifth Ave. corner east of 20th St. at a surprisingly low price. If you want some thing to hold as an Investment, this has every attractive fea ture desired. Shook & Chisenhall 104 N. 21ST ST. MAIN 3589 FOR SALE CO,000 square feet sprinklered warehouse, located best place for wholesale purposes; 200 feet trackage. If interested In whole sale or warehouse property, see us at once. Houseal-Simons Agency 2019*6 2D AVE. MAIN 6747 $7,600—2nd Ave., 50x140, bringing $60 monthly. West of 20th St., terms. Leader Realty Co. Main 7037 REAL ESTATE—SALE R BUSINESS PROP. FOR SALE »8 SUBDIVISION 60 LOTS AT HALF In sight of Industries, churches, grammar and high schools, ac cessible, to be sold less than acreage price, $4,000 cash, city property or farm, or stock goods considered for balance; few min utes by auto to best industries. Address B-38, care Age-Herald. $6,000 AVE. F Between 30th and 31st Lot 100x190 J. J. Holmes Cons. & R. E. Co. MAIN 8299 2111 1ST AVE., N. 3D AND 4TH AVE. East of 20th St. If you are interested* in this fast grow ing section where values are increasing every month, call Main (>094 and let me show you some special listings. H. G. Elliott. ELLIOTT REALTY CO. 406 N. 21ST ST. HOUSES FOR SALE 100 A REAL BUY 25x140, on 4th Ave. Close To 17th St. Improved with new one story brick building. This property has a won derful future and we can offer it at $25,750; rea sonable terms. MEYER & ENGEL 1901 1st Ave. Main 5906 New 6-Room East Lake Bungalow $3,750—$250 Cash $35 Month This unusually well appointed East Lake home has hardwood floors, tile bath, French doors and many other modern fea tures; built on a large level lot; only 1 block from East Lake car line. Call MR. WRIGHT MAIN 1929 SOUTH HIGHLANDS Modern Bungalow $7,000 Practically new 6-room bunga low In good section; convenient to car line; has Areola heat, tile bath and 3 bedrooms. This Is an attractive home, well built of good material and has garage. Price, 37,000; terms arranged. Trustee’s System Service 2024 1ST AVE. MAIN 4651 Woodlawn Highlands A new 6-room bungalow, Ar eola heat. hardwood floors, cedar lined closet, tile bath, modern throughout; price right. CALL A. D. UNDERWOOD ' VAUGHN REALTY CO. MAIN 1348 2028 4TH AVE. 4TH AVE.—CLOSE-IN $6,500 Lot, 60x140 feet, Improved with 6-room frame house; a good small Investment; terms, *1,500 cash, balance in 1, 2 and 3 years. R. T. Clayton, Jr. Smith-Schultz-Hodo R’lty Co. 2119 1ST AVE. MAIN 2157 HOUSES FOR SALK 100 WOODLAWN—6-room and breakfast nook bungalow, located on old 50th St., convenient to schools, churches and civic centers, surrounded by home own ers, making an ideal location for a home lover; easy terms; will consider trade, for city lot. Phone Woodlawn 188 or Woodlawn 1742-J._^ TARRANT CITY Dandy 7-room home, suitable for 2 fam ilies; we are offering this home for less than actual cost to build; will accept $100 afc cash payment. Sudduth Realty Co., 110 N. 21st St., Main 8402._ BEAUTIFUL 10-room house on 1st Ave. renting for $45; location for an apart ment house; price $3,800, $800 cash, $1,500 at $40 per month, balance In properyt. Call Woodlawn 9120._ WOODLAWN—Paid $1,000 cash on new 6-room bungalow; tile bath, hardwood floors; will sell equity at loss of $350; easy terms or trade for vacant lot on automobile. D. F. Mann, 2203 5th Ave., N. Main 8165;_ SALE—60x140, several houses 3rd Ave., near 15th St.; only $20,000; terms ar ranged. la ready, brick stores, will en hance. H. D. Smith, 401 Farley Bldg. REAL ESTATE—SALE K HOUSES FOB SALE 1UO INVESTORS! PURCHASERS—SELLERS R. S. W. BROWNE AND J. W. HAMM \\ Co-operatons in Real Estate Investments Now located at 312-14 1st Nat’l Bank Bldg. Phone Main 1608 BROWNE-HAMM PERSONAL SERVICE PAYS NORWOOD Beautiful 6-Room Bungalow Located In best section of Nor wood on asphalt paved street on lot 60x190 ft, garage in rear; has living room, breakfast room, diulng room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and glass enclosed sleeping porch, has tile front porch; tile bath, built-in book cases and china cabinet and Ironing board. The house is only aoout a year old and is rented till October 1, 1925, for $85 per month. Has first mort gage of %B,360 at 5 per < en Price $Y,500: reasonable cash payment an l balance at $*r> per month. Cm t 5' bert Mr.-., N^F.. Piv. Messer-Johnson Realty Co.. Lie. ROEBUCK TERRACE Owner offers lovely 7-room bungalow at the pick-up price of $5,000; house alone cost more than price we are ask ing; will trade for duplex apartment in desirable section or will sell for small cash payment, balance like rent. Sud duth Realty Co., 110 N. 21st St., Main 3402. JEROME TUCKER’S REAL. ESTATE AGENCY REALTORS 2117 1ST AVE. MAIN 6980 WOODLAWN Brand-new cosy 6-room bungalow, strictly modern throughout; Ideally lo cated; we have a special price on this beautiful home; very small cash pay ment; balance less than rent. Suddutb Realty Co., 110 N. 21st St., Main 3402. WOODLAWN—For sale, new bungalow, 6 rooms, Areola heat, hardwood floors throughout and beautiful wide streets; for sale by owner; will take lot as first payment. Call Woodlawn 813-L3. WOODLAWN—Paid $1,000 cash on new 6-room bungalow; tile bath, hardwood floors; will sell equity at loss of $350; easy terms or trade for vacant lot on automobile. D. F. Mann, 2230 5th Ave., N. Main 8165.__ BEAUTIFUL 7-room bungalow for sale or trade; well located and for $2,000 less than It Is worth; if you want a home that you will be proud of call us. Main 4782. LOTS FOR SALE 101 EAST OF 20TH ST. Milner Heights Lot 137-Foot Frontage $2,500 For only $2,500 we can offer you a very desirable lot In Milner Heights, facing east on the high Bide of the street, commanding a wonderful view of the valley. It Is level on the building line and has wide alley in rear; com pared to the surrounding prop erty this Is a real bargain and we would like for you to see it before It Is Bold. Call Jos. L. Hammond, Main 5280. JEMISON & CO. FOR COLORED PEOPLE ONLY— Beautiful full-sized lots in Mountain Park (Inglenook); lights, water, school and churches; $10 down, $10 month; no interest, no taxes. E. H. Posey Realty Co., 310 First National Bank Bldg., Main 1189._ CENTRAL PARK HIGHLANDS—For sale by owner, one extra good lot; on very easy terms. Call owner. Main 6358. REAL ESTATE WANTED Wl HOUSE WANTED A 2-story house wanted east of 20th St., south of Highland Ave., near 22d St. and 14th Ave., S.; will pay around $9,000. VAUGHN REALTY CO. 2028 4TH AVE., N. MAIN 1318 HEMLOCK 1300-R HOMES WANTED—List your property for sale with us. We have customers wanting homes In all parts of the city. Montgomery Real Estate & Ins. Co., Realtors, 210 N. 21st St., Main 1566. Members of the Multiple Listing System. LIST YOUR-property tor sale with Res R. Conwell. Main 8, A. A. Gtmb Realty Co.__ LAND WANTED—If you have land fo| sale In Alabama—one acre of 100,i write Ingram Land Co., Blrmingh