OCR Interpretation

Nashville union and American. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1853-1862, May 18, 1853, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038518/1853-05-18/ed-1/seq-4/

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r-t "IK
A Perfect Gem of the
lBtbewdrvysHatatWATERFIELD & WALK ER'S,- ,
J- It-has Ion; teen conceded that their Hals are oflnertex- ,
tOTOthan any llntsln the cilv, and from the munorous or- 1
ders for their New Spring Stylo Rata pouring in from all '
quarterskis evident their reputation is onward in Its pro- !
PTss. TotaeetlhelneroasUic demand they have Increas- '
v;'-,n""'uaci.urine lacuiuca, ana or tne am di meir
can And a. comfortable Hat for any sixes and thane of head
Aew aopplvrca dy TO-DAY. WATERFIELD & WALKER.
.. Keep the Head Cool.
II Is conducive to 'health and happiness the objectwlllbe
attained by wearing Waterfleld & Walker's Wnite Rocky
Mountain Bearers, and their light ventilated French Uos.a
mers they are the most comfortable Hat ever Introduced In
the city.
, -." i Tor Summer Hats,
Call at WATERFIELD & WALKER'S, thevhavea lanre as-
csprttnentof Panama, Leghorn, Canton. Carapenchej, and all J
lhalili.l..l..nriM..t.l l 1 n ' 1 1 1 . . . ... t . ! .1. '
o, tog vi uiiu.lv UTUUia VJU UriIU wust miivi, ii.vj
nejl'at'low ami uniforrapnees. Ladles1 ridings Hits iu Straw
Beaver and Velvet, of the finest maleriils, the latest designs
and the lnwot itos"iblo prices.
"WATERFIELD fe WALKER'S City Hat Emporium,
So.iM, West side the Square, noxt to Gowdy'a. May 14.)
Admiration Excited and Popularity
rnHE elegance and beauty of the Spring Fashion of HATS--L
at the
Hat Emporium,
OfFRAKCISCO&WIUTMAN,has excited the livliest evi
dence of approbation from those whose taste, experience and
jjudgment, enables them to appreciate its merits,
-r f If yon are an admtrcrof a
..call and examine It.
FRXCISCO i WHITMAN are BtiUatNo.23, Public Square,
rjoxtdoor to tbeold stand of M'Xairy & Hamilton, whero
they are alwa s ready lo serve ail, big t.nd little, old and
;oung, who are in quest of something to ornament the head
.m. 7. No. 23, Public Square.
WE cro now makingascperinr ar
ticle of the Rocky Mountain Silver
Heaver. Wo ventilate tlie.ji lo keep
the Head cool and prevent the Hair
from fatlinc; ofT in hot weather. To
Ihose who wish an elegant Beaver,
pleaso call and leave your orders 2t
the list Emporium of
l-KA.MJI.M.U Ct IlIliM.l,
maj7 ro. 3, ruuiic square.
IVo Jtavc now Itciuiy for Exltibitlon.
A COMPLETE assortment of Chil
eii'e. Infant's, and LittleMitses' Straw,
IIair,and Bnid HaU; Child rem' Spot
ting and China Pearl do; Misses Zerll
n.is, Picadillees and Blonde Flats,Slk
Turbans, BoysSummer Caps, and -ve-ryihiiig
fancy for the Juveniles, at the
Fluey Hat Store or
tnv7 No. 03, Public Square.
Mran' llt.
PKSAMA, Irfghjrn. Tllack Iieghorn, Campea-
chv. Cautoii. Unl .n, Florida, Straw, Boy's Pedal
' I. raid, and eeiT vtr etv of Straw Hats forthe
Summer wear, at FRANCISCO & WHITMAN'S,
. nta7 No. 23 Public Square.
Hat and Cap Store.
u THANKFUL to our friends and tho publ cin gPtieral j
.ff lor the patronage tbu Lit exieiuiea us, we rcspccuuuy
(.aiilieitactintiiiuaiice of the same, and invite their at
lentwn to the elefaut pring st)leof our CneSIt.K
HATS.t f oar own manufacture, which in quality and beauty
intmi lie tur( afiud by arty art' tAis rify. Purchasers w ill do
ell to examine their Hats before buyiuge'.sewhero.
Haland CapManuradurers. Market street, Nashville,Tenn.
I UKTrecflived a lane supply of high and low t-rown Men's
andltoj s Funluts, t assimere, do. Pcasldo. Metropolitan,
do., which we are enabled to sell either w holesale or retail
on moat lavorabletrm LANDE. ELSI1ACK, & CO
I U.St' received a woil assorted slock of STRAW GOiib--,
s comiirisliirr a larcre ariety of Panama, Leghorn. Pelale
and Palm Lif,.vc tor Men and Bo) s, which will be disposed
of at extreme! lowrates, UAUli, r;-Miti;rv, iV wu
Wh have now on hand a very hue and extensive Slock of
Jfoady made
cnt and made on in the latest and mottai-nroved style, among
which cau be found, Coats, Pants and rests, of every des- ;
cription. All of which we can sdl at satisfactory prices.
jfj" Country Merchants -will find it to their Interest to call
on us, as we are determined to sell at small profits. I
ap2. 43 Market street, Nashville, Tann. j
MIOKACOO. 511 boxes Mo. Manufactured
J- different brands Just received and for sale low to close
account, by
c . .
- o " - -j r
a T"
E 5
o " c:rl
ri e r. r- a a g .
wiioi,f.s vi.r.anocRRs,
Forwnnlins A- Commi'.iiti Jlt!rrluuit.
Corner of Market auil Church streets,
1 ieii;i:nxs.
I jib M-4 tij.i if. w kcs rci.oo!i maker sceieoraiea
Pure While LiaJ, direct from the Manufacturer
"n I. Ol) It. -sot) bbls While Wheat Flour,
X 500 do star brands, do do
'EJ. ISj:. 50 boxes
, XV. np.23."
Fresh Raisens.
rVSTUIIS 50 boxes Robinson A Wentz's celebrated
v spic d Oysters, put up In GlaM Jars; warranted to
keep inany climate.
JAISljllEA CUI'FEE. SOhagsLaguria Coffee prime
25 do Jamslca do
Ui'MtlUl SljtiAlt. ISbbls Sugar.
WltlsKV.- 100 bbls Whiskv.
II.I.ET M:i:i eoObtishels Millet Seed freali.
.lJHOJl. atl dozen Shaker Brooms.
Bn ctdtDS am iM.oucTii 50
irM irtwrlorCotton Bed Cords and Plough Lines.
:' bb.
North Carolina Tar.
Groceries, &c.
' 50 Bar- assorted Cotton Yarn.?
. 2 ! Pi pi Old Cos. Brandy;
g famaud Coarse Salt;
l'Wls. Kn:iwha . do.
SHU Ke(sasoortedN'aih;
i do-Wrought spikes.
t llfcls. No.l. Rosin;
T do TA II;
:0 BbU. Ohio Flour;
. 25 do St. Iuif.do;
H 1UI Oakum (llemp.
, W MwU do (Cotton.)
ITI Jil ioltq (in;
20 do liaf, Cruohod and Powdered Snirirz
-I Chests Jenkins Co.'sTras;
. 2i CiH Maii'-llaRope;
i.. . St' Cotton WrapplpgTwIne;
M M 1W. Pilot Bread;
35 tlo.Batter,Soda and Boston Crackerv;
TilMthtr with, liviiico, Madder, Allspice, Ginger, Illnck
,lng. Snxard, Almonds, Crcam.Nuls, Star and Tallow Can
afSs. Tlritd BPer, Brooms, HemiJohns,bUrch,Soda, Ground
Spice. Ac. In Store and for sale by
ye. IB. R. STEWART A- en.
i"n 1 "K-WIlf: W"l-I.IUllS.- 5Ubagsver) iiiie PittT
.JI) burg.Backwheat Flojr, ro ceived and'forsale by
di e. 5. " R. STEWART A: CO.
tl IJ,.-.10 RbU No. 1 Lard Oil received and lor
J sale by
dec. 5.
nr'Ai.iTAitr.i: usn roit sale.--i viLLotrer
V " r raalfjo i Saiunlav 'Jlst ilay, InsUat tho Court House
a NnHvHr, 11 Urt"l Lapdonae ntrm siae.oi me tuin-
rUi:rrvritilichaalVrnpilte, and near the Gal
stli iBrt. ifiTJ rfuff ThBa as Ciadwell and A. McFerrin
nddiWitrroyearsereJlt bond onl seeritr
1 . fmm Qf TyMiie iir.d for unlit DT
jniimsn" - - 7, . ,,,Vr-T
1 113 b in
Tfcr imiim i ""!
w : i i S3
l CIO ITS'. (ira ''"fee;
j&l&i ta. R'tioiled. Molasses;
IS well tH1- ,"les'"l Wilshlres Whlky.
f v 1J"?.e!,,t Bran,y ; '"
MEjK s Io S. M. Wine:
Nashville Carriage Manufactory
atHK BubtcribertalrealhUmethod of Jreturnfng hlamost
. sincere thanks to his friends and the publicgenerally, for
tlio patronage he has already raceivod, and would ruV to
them, that be iiovt.has .on' hand the' J.tn gc t mid licsl
assortment of WORK everbnered. lu litis market; frOnrdio
Ilitti". TROTTING SILKY lotha Bilesl CARkiOLA CA'R
,K1 AGE, all of iny own Manufacture. '
Persons from a distancocan rest assured of alway. llndiug
something that will suit their taste, "if in the sbape'of a
Carriage." Lhtrve the lCfct ' 1 orkliicn to do my
"World. Call and iee nit assortment.. ' r
N'. 11. I am prepared lu build Work to order i short no
tice. I will pay particular attention lo repairing, and will
sell or repair al asidw a prlcu asTauv rood builder.
jy. 14. .Lovrer Market Street.
rpo THIS I'Ulnao. THE' subscriber .--BCV .
J- begs leave to evsle that he still carry on CvEj-!)l
at his old stand ouNorlh Market it.twodoors
below i I. v 1!. Douglass, t Co. Kacp coiinlaully on'nand
a large and velt assorted stock from a light Buggy to a Car
riola. Thankful for past favors, he most respectfully solicit, a
continuation, hoping bj cheapness, durability andgood work
manship t merit your patronage.
JahS ly. GEO. L. SLOAN.
C6-)L'A!tT.EltlSII. 1 HAVE this day associated
with me in the bmi ncss of WALL PAPER MANU
FACTURING, Mr. L. M. Uortav. ,Tue business will hereaf
ter be conducted at the house forinerlj occupied by me,
Uo.20, College it., next door to the Seoanee Houso, 'under
the arm of KlagesiS Oorby In returning muhanks to'iny
friends and the public generally forthe liberal patronage
which I have rceived. 1 rejpettf-illv solicit a continuance
of the same to ihc old firm. turn. 3D, '53. C. W. KLAGES.
Hlnniifiicttir!ra nnil Importers
IMI'iiU IV.tAt;iXfiS,
J"i.20 CoJltge St., at door to Stuannc llousi,
CONSTANTLY manufacturingand oa hand a large and gen
eral a-iOrtmetil nf Gold, Suttn and unglazed Papers,
FIreboard Print', Toasters, CurtainFaperj and Transparent
Window Miades.
Jfj3 Houses paperr d at the shortest notice, by the best
workmen in the city. . ap. Si.
Pure Wines :iiiit Lilquursi, for iUedicinul
" i'lirposes.
PHYSICIAN'S", Druggists. and Invalids havo often experi
enced the almost impossibility of proouringa pure wine
or liquor in the country, when It becomes necessary to use
it forthe restoration or health. The arrangements of the
Gra'Cenburg Company forthe purpose of guarding against
impositiouaud adulteration, both lu Europe audthUcoun
try,are complete, and any bottle bearing their seal, may be
regarded as unquestionably -pnro nd unadulterated.
lu Importing from New York what ts presumed to be the
purest article of
I'ort '.' i n c ail l Itrund)',
hat has been otferedfor sale in the city, theulscrlber has
not beeu governed by motives ol pecuniary interest.
'He therefore offers these articles in cases of ONE DOZEN
KACUatNew York prices, viz: 312" pcrdoxen.
Persons who may wish to obtain single bottles of either,
may do so of G. H. WEsSKLL,
Opposite State Bank, Union street, Alkx Mackenzie,
Agent, Graf, compauy
Jusl arrived per steamboat California, and for sale cheap.
SjUOO pounds Mather's celebrated New York News Print
lug Ink, in Kegs and Casks. Ubig
Pool of Itroail Street ,
Directly opposite the Steamboat Landing,
rtiii, lHEui.d;rigLtd,thatirul forthevery lileral pat
ronage bestowed on this House ;ince he opened it to
J&iiii. the public InMarchlast, most respecttully solicits a
coiimiuanccof public faor. To the boarding and travelling
coiumuniiy, he would say, that he Is now prepared to give
theui accommodalfotiscqual to any Hotel in tne city, hav
ing procured the services of polite and attentive clerks,ex
perltuced'walters, and first rate cooks. The rooms are large
and pleasantly situated, coinmandiiie a beautiful view oflhs
rher and business pontons or the illy. To persons wishing
totravelbytherlvcr ihe house airocds superior advantages,
being located
llllIIK'llilltol V 111 11- I.JiTliIill"-
Tbe traveller who stops here need never loose bis chance
r the first bolt. Bairirae will aiwnr4liricanvnii-itinni.it
of the first bolt.
rroin Sutamlioalii by lheserautsofthehonse, free of charge.
Bill moderate.
Naslivilu-,jan.29. '52 J. . GRACE.
.lima I iin ii run oo t'o. of Hartford
" Annuity JTunii S15O.O00.
7 XCLUSIVELY held pledged, and appropriated, V";
lJ wit.nti reserved accumulations, by the cbart-rj
ami regulations orthe Coaipany, to the payment of Annu
lies and lojsesiipon Insurancoon Life, and in no cventlia
ble rorolher debts, coulrarts, liabilities, or engagements of
tho company.
Tnos. K. Bbke, Prcs't, S. L. Loomis, Secretary;
E A. Rdlkiev, Vice J. W. Seyxocr, Act'y, Presdent.
Managing Directors for the Life Department.
K. A. ISdiki.et, .'oils L.Boswell,
MiLxsA.Tmi.E, Eowis G. Riflet
Hex Q. Pkatv.
This being aJMntStock propriety company, and conduc
ted on the cash system, the Managers have adopted a table
of ralesofpremlnm asjowas is consistent with safety and
fi icfrlhan those of tho Mutual Companies.
-T. plications for riiks on while persons, received by tho
undersigned, who will furnish Prospectusesof the Conipa
an, and any tnfwnnalinn relative thereto.
JiTpltisks on slaves against disea-esand accidents causing
death, taken; Polices issued and losses adjusted at this
Agency. JOS. NASH, Agent,
OSccN. W. corner Public Suare,
opposite Planters Bank. Nasaville, aiig. 10, 1B52.
Medical Exniuiucr.
.K. WijisToK, M D.
RnnuRTC. Fovrxa, M. I).
OHce hours, 3to5, r. t.
r fin: iwicjiEio octenxesnee.
'I'lIK underMiued having procured the exclulve riirht to
1 thKSt.ile, tler fnrale. First Prraii um Hjflilne;
iic.Arr.1: a.aii ."viuwuk.
Awarded the tlrl iireinium for moninir. and the second
for rriapin;, nllhti Npwi'Vork SLt Fnir. i1".11" f11 f'; -1.
unit new 1 1HK, 111 Jilt . 111 oompetiton with eleven
othervIai-hi. e; nw.irded a Silver Medataithu OhioState Fair
f..! the best reaper and mover: and received tho highe-t
award at lue Vor:noi.tul Michigan State Fairs, furtbe best
reaping and mu mr mu hiim.
'Iho true merit oftbisMaetiineliasgivenitagreattrlnmt.h
over all other, and bo.liga per'eet combination ol a Reaper
and Mouer, il v ines to the firmer w ith double lalae; and it
li cleaily lenion-trated to be theonl) 6uccrsful combination
of ifeapor and Mower.
As a inowerit issinple and as perfect as though construct
ed expressly for mowin'e, and as a Riaper it is as simple and
pe.-fett alf chr.itrucled for reaping onl .-all tne change
that is necs'ary from one pLn to the other, is to insert r
With a pair ol horses, one drver, the Ma-h tie will mow
from. 15 to 20 acres per day, depeudinz on the ground. It
will reaplhesaiuc quantity requiring two hauds, in running
oier broken ground. Ihe driver .an lower or elevate as
lo may choou.
. I he pne" of the Machine, delivered at Nashville,! $2.10,
or.lhcy will, if ordered, be delivered alMeraphis, or" any
point on the Missi.sippl, between there and Mill's Point,
or t any pmnt on Cumberland river, between the Stale line
and Nashville, oral Chattanooea, or at any point between
there and Nashville, on the KuilroiJ. at tho same price. They
are in tuufaetaredlii New York; and as itwi I require time
to br.ng Ihem on, all who wish ti proeure one for the next
fea-ou, would do wed to address me as soon :m convenient,
at Nashville. ap. 5. L. H. CHr ATIIAM.
itl. VCIv liACIa UU.NN'ETS.
Jut-t received Materials for making 5U0 Bonnets.
Plain Hals, ( 00. Rich Full ''Primmed-Paris
Flower, 7 to 8. Tlr Finest Materials
atul tytperior French Trainmings;
likewise a large Slock- of 1,000
Rich Fancy SHk Crajie and
Jjile Paris styles of
Blond Lace and
Gossmar Lace and Slrqw Bonnets, ami Paris Millin
ery in all its Xew, AbiW, Ueuliful aid. Ex
quisite Styles of Materials.
OOR stock is now foil and complete, making as Rich,
Large and seleit stick a any Mllluery establishment in
the United State?, and as regards prices, we defy com
petition. After being 6 yoars established in busiuess In
Nashville, and doing nearly the whole of I lie Fine Trade
of Town pud toulitrj, giving us a large hale for
lion mil mid .Tlilliticry Cuoiis.
We can and will sell 25 toi30 per cent. lonci than any
bouse in the city. Having Ladies from Paris an I tho East
l. make up Fancy Bonnets, we are prepared to turn out as
fine Millinery as at an; part of the woild.j
IPpAsI intend visiting Paris this Summer to purchase
a Fall Slock of Millinery, I will givegreata Brgains loreJuco
our Stock liy the last of .May.
Rich Paris r loners. Ribbons, Iacoand Needlework, Km
brrvidericd Black liA-e Mantillas. A very exleiislre stock of
Children's Ili:H, Fnnty Goods, etc.
N. B. tioftuuier Lace Bonnets altered to new shapes
in superior s'.jle. havme: the only new shape Blocks in' me
lii) we cau make them trood as new.
!) Don't 'orget the liousi. No. -liiiJnion Streo .next to
the Male Bunk, in jou may save 5 or 3J percent in pmies.
my. 3 K. WISE, A;cnt.
iyi!'i:it miiif.
VOIl WITH l.Watres
L of Laud attached;
comfortable dwelins:, neffro houses,
sUibles, iVc. ano T cotniorlatile houses f r nands. This pro
perty is perhupMis productive as any in the county. I'osses
sion will be civ en tne 1st January next.
Al.0, lu Oucres of latud, iiiljoiniiig the Mill tract A large
portion of uhi. h is heavily timbered, vviih about 200 acres
under good fence, and the finest farming land on White's
AL0, A Lot on the corner of Line and Clierryr-lrcots, fro
nting 4d feet on Cherrj.aud KU fee I on Line, on which there
is a Carpenter's Shop.
ALSO, 15Ji acresof Land near the Callalin Turnpike, and
only Mi iiiHestroui the cilv, and adjoining the Lauds of Pur-'dyM-l'crren,and
Will bo in close proximity lo tho Lonisvillo
"Railroad that Is to be.
The above properly is free from anv incumbrance and titles
clear. mil 31, '53 tl. "W. S. WHIT KM AN.
IJiTLE i'0Vi)i;il.
hve now oa hand, and are receiving from the Mills,
full. supplies t the follow indecrititious of Powder:
Tenuejs e l.'ifle.in quarter, hair.aud wiiole kegs Blasting,
in kegs ofi Uwand bartels ol 100 lb each. Safely Fuse, lu
quantuioto"ioiit pnrcliaers.
Our powder is uiaimfaclured in Davidson county, andwar
raiiie.1 eual toaiiyinlhe market.
Orders sUullhav v prompt alleullou.
ap. 14. at W. II. Cordon A- Co.'s, Public Sqilaro.
Y A :!.-- a supply of No.'s 51J3, CHILtK),
VV and HO
Svcn rroru Cotton Harris." coustantiv kent bv
Kl. i:r.x A- COltltY. Have Just received from tho
East, a lsrge ami-well selected etnekof Wall Piper.
' Altoavarl't; or Gold. Yelvetm i common Borders.common
I and flue Wliidowtiades,lran.pareiitdo, beaiilifullyaecorat
ed Kirescreensli.u-rs,(S.c.,Vc..i,i(.t.trierwiih alargettock
I oftheirowu mantilaciured Fupers, wiileuablelheni toshow
a large variety 7
N. B Pajir hanging done in the best manner, and on
the shortest notice.
Country merchant wonlddo well to examine our stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Utu 30, i53.
F.nnlnnA ' 'tv .Vvfc Intu,nnr n.n
I"0 ngkjna tve istoclc insuiyice Company..
Capltnl .il),O00, wills io-fr ,to.Iiiurcas
. VVJ -
arses. 'Mules, Oxen
- - - .. ...
oc.v .llw
mr5 illseiso
3j.- . Acnirrs roit ': - 't
Smith's Pittsburgh and IV 'heeling -X X iX and
Celebratdd KEiVXETT Pale Ales, ,
l'artrr and Brown Stout. 1
Hj A LARGE supply always "ii
barrels, for' tho trade and family u
ii hand,1n barrels and half
Jan. 15.
I.E lSO'BBLS.Snlth's superior Ale. just received by
Jan. 12., McCREA & TKKKASS.
i O1I.VCUO--40 boxes Langhorn and Annisled's superior
-.J 0- boxes - Jesse Hair's Tobacco ;
,13 Forgu"V 's "
IB) ' " Musselman'a " For sale by
Jan. 12. MeCRRA 6t TERRAS
1) AltKllL AN t SACK. SA L.X. 1G0U bbU Kana'
AJsali; 5'0 Bags fine
lbtl " Coarse: For sale bv
Jan. 12. McCREA fe TEERASJ.
romvAituiNG Ari (xj.wmission'
-: MERChANTS,- ... J
I)calc!ri in Itramlics, AViiivs, Clpiir, Ac,
Corner of College and Church Sts.,
HAVEnowin'etorelhe following articles i Brown, laf;
. Crushed, and Powdered Sugars;Rlo, Laguyra and Jay a
CrttTce; JJolases, Golden Syrupand Sugar House Srsp
Molasses; Imperial, Gunpowder and Blacir Teas; Floijr,
Crackers, Indiio, Madder; Pepper, Spice; Ginger, Aluh,
Salt Petre. Copperas, panish Brown, Ven Red; SiOtt,
Saleratns, Cloves. Nutmegs, Cinnamon.
GIASSWAUK.Snij BOXES half plut. pt, qt.and
gal. Planks", ' "
- 10 gross Brandy Bottles,
100 boxes Tumblers
50'halfgal.,gal.,5and5qt cov'd Jars,
20 doz JJccanters, assorted, for sale hj ' ' I
iec33 , E I) WARDS dt II ARRIS.!
SUMlltlLS. j
No. , 2 and 3 29 cases Rngar Crackers,
n do Spda , ..do,
10 do Picknic do, .
5U Bhlsyater and Butter j
10 Chet lmpeilaljBlack
and G.TowderTeas, i
50 Bhls Vinegar,
5 " "Vhite Wins do,
400 BoxcsSoap. ,
-,50doStircb,- I I"
'50 Bbls Ib'af Sugar,
10 do Pwdered do,
. 25 do Qrujihed do,
3 Tierces Dried Beef,
100 .Boxes 'hewing Tobacco,
' 50 Casks P. Car Soda,
10 Bscs P pper,
1 Bale Cloves,
1 do Cassia,
3 do Alhnice.
1C0 Kits No. 1 and 2 Mac.
2a do Salmon,
IWi Boxes Scotch Herrings,
20 Cases Sardines,
100 Boxes Mr R. Kaisins,
25 do Layer do,
50 qr. do. do do,
5 Tierces Rico,
20 FrailSiS.S", Almonds,
15 Bags" "do do,
25 Sacks Pocans.
20 Boxes Cream Nuts,
2 Cases Prunes,
5 doCltran,
2 Casks Currants,
5 Half bbls Cranberries,
10 Bases pie Fruits,
20 . do Pickles,
JO do fine Apple Cheese,
100 Cases Bent'o.Watsr
2 Hbds Madder, .
10 Bags CInger.
10'Boxes Gro Pepper.
5 Ceroonslndigo,
25 cases toroatocatchnp,
15 " Lemon Syrup,
, '2i0:rearna wrap'g Taper,
lOOOOU Corks, assorted,:
-u v-nse aiu niuers,
15 " .JeDner Sauce.
VI ith a great variety of other article?. For sale.by
dec. 23. - ' " EDWARDS & HARRIS.
IjMour! Flour !! We line in store 500 bbls Flour,
. fresh ground and warranted good, J
ALSO, 210 do St Lnui Mills,
TOO do Lignji .Mills, -
200 do Mason's Rod River,
COO do OrJndorfTs;
All choice brands, which wo offer to the trade at Ir rates
CltOtiKKIES kc. Ac.
0J 200 bags RloCorlei!;
20 do'Gov. Java Coffee;
u no ii? ao; ,
50 Barrels iTolasses;
50 l do: "
100 Packages of Mackerel In barrels alf brl, quarter and
kits; '
10 Kits No I.Salmon;
20 box Scotch Herrings;
100 do-Sardines;
200' Canniitcrs Ibters;
120 boxes, boves, and Jf boj R. Raisins;
4 Tierces Rice: ' ' ' "
3 Casks Zanto Currants;
10 Barrels S.S. Almond; - -
5 do Pecan Nuts V- ." ,''iyt,
2 do Cream Nut'f . , Ht
2 do Eng. WaJ'Uts; - .
10 Casks S. Car Sodi ' J.
20 lings Black Pepfir;
: isaes aispicc;
30 tttrrels Iar .'Ugar: ' ' -10
box 1). R. dp' !o; ,--'.-!
10 barrels Crirhed do.
10 do IVdereddo;
20 do Oarified do
liKLltox Stturine Candles;
50 do Sur ' do; '
30 box March;
511 hor Soan.
't .A
5 cusks Extra suear enred Dried Beef;
iO parrels Cider Vinegar;
20(1 kegs Nails, all sljes; ,
55 box Chewing Tobacco, diflerent brands;
10 do best Sinoklnc do;
U0 Chest and botes Green and Black Teas;
With numerous other articles lu the grocery line, and for
sale low for cash or good paper bv
dec. 5. E." S. CHEATHAM & CO.
V 1 1 ?i i" S 1 I . V A Ni I A I i A I i . ICO A V.
THIS road now complete, it opens a communication be
tween Pittsburg and Philadelphia, orPittsburg and Balti
more. By which Freight from the west can reach an eastern
market quicker and cheaper than by any of the prei 'nt rival
'outes: they connect with the daily packets at Piitsburg,
from St Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Wheellne. and all the
different points on tho western water. Alo ith the Cleve
land and Pilt-liurg Rail Road, and Ohio and Peiiiislvanla
Rail Road at Pittsburg. Cars run through between Pittsburgh
and Philadelphia wilhoultraushipmenl of freight, an advan
tage that can bo appreciated by all shippers.
In case of obstruction of navigation by ice or low water
freights westward can be forwarded froni Pittsburg to Cin
cinnati, or towns In tho Interior by Itailroad.
it itks ov rii:ti:jt-r
Betvvocn Pittsbure and Philadelphia or Ililtmore.
1'i rt Class, irinter Summer
Rates. Rates.
Dry Go&ds, Books andSlallonary BoiL, i per 100 lbs.
Shoes. Hals and Carpetiiiir, Furs aud Pel $1 75 cts.
tries, Feathers, Saddlery, Aic. )
i . xjroim Uldss.
rowir7?heem-vfe-'thirtiB--i.Rid.j '.
Drugs. Glass vV are, Groceries, except Cof- 85 cts. 60 cts
(fee. Hardware. Hollow Ware, Matbiuery, f
Dili loth, Wool, xc. I
Third Class.
Bulterin Firkins A- Kegs, Caudles, Cot-'J
ton, in winter, Queensware, Tallow, i 75 its. 50 cts.
Tubaceo. in leaf or Mauufactarcd, Easl-i
ward, iVc. iC. J
Vourlli ('lass.
Bacon, Coltnn (in summer,) Cotree, Lard")
and laird Oil, (through) Pork In full car- 05 cts. 40 ct.
loads at owners risk. J
(ice, C. I'raiiuisciis.
Freight Jlgent, Pittttnrg.
IZ. J. Jviiccili-r,
Freight .Igcnl, Philadelphia.
iTJaraxv A (Cuoiis,
Freight JSgents, Baltimore.
JT. Li. I'llintt.
Freight .1gent,.-o. 7 fl'est (.,.V. Y
il. 1C. llllilSllMI,
(!en. Freight Agent, Philadelphia.
. 1 M S V I. V A N I A It 1 I. K A 1
A Continuous rail road from Cincinnati, Cleveland, Woo
ter, .Masiill.m, Alliance, O., and Chicasa,lll., to Phil
ailelphia, via Pennsylvania railroad, from Pittsburg to Phil
adelphia. Tnrough from Cincinnati to Philadelphia, in 3?h.
" Cleveland to " 2a '
" ' Pittsburg to ' " 19 "
Bflnpthe shortest ami uuicKest route from the Great West
to the Atlantic Cities.
Fare from t'iiu innati to Phil, by Hull-road, $10 30.
Llevelanil 10 00.
Alaisilliui " " 1000.
PlttburK " " !)50.
GtiicinnatI to Philiadelphla, Cin
cinnati to Pittsburjrby .Steaui-boalJ 11 CO.
Tickets from fine mnatl to HhllaJelphia, or llatimore by
Kail Poad, can bo purcaaseil of P W Mrader, Ticket Agent,
Cincinnati. Ami by the Steam Packet Line to Piltsbur?, and
tliince by Hail-road to Philadelphia, from the Captvins on
boards. And from Cleveland, via Ibc Cleveland and Pitis
burj rail road, and Ohio and Pcniuvlvai.ta rail road of 1)
llortmi, ticket nji'iit, al lie .M:ddle House in Cleveland, Ohio.
On or about thu uiiddleof February the road will be open
ed from Crestline to 'oo;ter, and time between Cincinnati
and Philadelphia reduced tu 34 hours
NOTICE. in case of loss, the Company will hold themsel
ves responsible for personal baggage only, and fur an amouut
not exceeding $100. THOS. MOORE,
Passenger Agent, Philadelphia.
mh. 1C tf Passenger Agent, Pittsburg.
FltlIt Ml'l'I.lsj.N!
JUST received from the Gnefenberg Company ol New York
. a full supply.of nil their popular faulty medicnis,vlx:
,'lhe Gra-i'enberg Vegetable Pills, of which overone '
hundred thousand boxesaresold each and every week
inulhu I'nited states, alone; box, 53
Hi" Gralenberg Health Bitiers, composed of the
most invigorating and healing roots, hirbs, and barts.
Hie) are die most universally esteemed toulo known,
and will never be used without brnerll. 25
The Green .Mountain Ointment, will relicvepaln
t-au.i-dbya burn, scald or bruise, quicker than any
thing eeer Lnoirn, 05
The Grasaf.-nbt-rg Parsaparllla Compound per bot
tle . 00
The Eye Lotion, a positive cure far Inflammation of
the Eyes, weakness, illmiiBsand falling of sight..., ' 25
The Ch'ldrun Panacea. Wellkuown In Nashville to
bo ihe beslmediciuttcvermadeor prescribed forchil
drou. 50
The Dysentery Syrup, or diseases of the bowels, 50
lr. Libliy'sPile Oni'inent waranted tocurc. 1U0
Feveraiid Ague IMIs For luteriliiltcnts. Dumb Ag.
ues, and all diseases that uiaiiifest themselves iu per
iodical paroxisms, assick headaches. iVc, Ac. 11)0
The Consuiupliun Halm, perbottle, 30l
Jlarjhall's Uterine Cathollio for diseases of lemalcs, 300
Tbe Grateuberg Manual of Ilcallli; the cheapest and
most simple .00k oh the science of Medicine ever
written. 25
For sale by all firug?itsin town and country,
feb. 1G. ALr.X. .MACKINZIE, Agent, Nashville.
I'll is v 1 1.17 Pay."
JT WILL PAY WELL to subscribe for the Knickerbocker
I Magoiine, onoof the oldejtand best )criodicals lu the
country cnnr-ly original and American in lis character,
issued uiuuilily ul 3 per annum.
Harper's Magazine, monthly... S3 per annum.
x uiiiaiii-s jiagaziuu, nioniniy .1
Blackwood's lalliigbiirgk .Magazfiic, loonlbly 3
Ediilghurg Beview,Quarterly 3
tluarlerly Itcview 3
Westminister Review Quarterly 3
North British Review, do 3
Graham's Gentlemen's lagazine published
monthly 3
G. idey's laidys Bonk, published monthly 3
I he Home Journal, editedfiy George Morris
and N. P. Willis, the most popular family
wti,niM now nublished. .... 2
Jlr'Ally Ol llie uunro popular .udiiud, n im. iiuhiv
Journal, will be rurnlshed lor four dollars.
Ali. LiLteil's Living A ee.contalnlnc the best articles from
, If ,..1,T, lh.
the best p-inodicals'in theworld containlnglargerainount
or readable matter than any work published al the same
price. Publihcd weekly at.Slx dollars per annum, or the .
Livin"Age and the Home Journal forfeven dollars per an- J
num (Jan. 25.) ALEX. MACKENZIE, Nashville.
.V.). 4, on OuBeije, ntr Broad Strttt. I
rr-vlli: siilisi-riliersiiro nianufai-turinir Tobacco from Ten
X nessce, Kentucky, and Mis.-ouri Leaf, which they war
rant its good, and will scllaslow.as any Tobacco 0.' the same
quality manufactured eletvherc. We solicit a call from
.dealers geneinllr, as Tobacco of our manufacture will be
livuniljomve E-OOa sausiacuou,uiiu pa uicucaier a lanr piv-
T -n 0 N P sT N & C -O.
NO. 21, public Square. Nalivlllc;-"
HAVE received their New Goods, andican assure their
friends that they have never opened a spring stock
no'attractive they would call particular attention to tleir
assortment of
Jlich Dress Goods
Plain Slit drab and Fu Colon, Plain Bereger all colors,
Kich'Flgd Bereges, ' Silk Lavender col's, ;
French Organdies, " " -Apple Green.-
Lawn, " Lttae- , "
Challeys, allcoiors, 'ii0OydPlaidIndfaSk,s,
Farlandfor Robes.s Rich Mantilla. Silks,
Evening Silks, Blk Satin National,
Bridal Dresses, Bit Gro de Shine, -
2000 yards very nne anasucarrrinvou uwo -
".r-reat bargain GOO yds (old fashioned) Drab' and Lead
col'd Pongees for traveling Dresses. Jacoueta, Naiu aooks,
India dimules, Swiss and French Muslins, Cambrics, Hair
skirts. Hair and Grass cloth forSklrts.
LACIJ tJOOB . Valencitlnes.Horiton and Einbroid'd
Musketeer Collars, Chemis'etts and Sleeves, Swiss .and
Jaconet Embroideries. Flounclnes, Dimity, bands Richly
Embroidered Skirts, lilk Lace Veils, Valenclenns, English
and Imitation Laces. Ac
aTvTIXLAS. Splendid Silk Mantles, all styles. Ap
plique Lace Mantles Blk and col d Black Laco Points
and rVcaris, Velvettrlmed Lace Mantles All kinds oflac
and silk Goods for Mantles Corse tsandmodesof all klnds-
LIL;iMS, AtT.-Trish Linens, Linen Sheeting, Pillow
Linens, Table Diapers, TowellngS) Merscllles Qums,
Muslin and Lace curtains. Damasks, Ac.
O Ultr 1 . ; 7ou lis Combatlnes. Silk yv'arp Al
paca, Blk chally, fine de Lalnes, Widow's clolks, canton
crapes, Berege de Lane, Forlard silks, Hdkfs, colors, etc .
ISciTEf.AIsr.OlJ.. Parasols, shades, splendid
Fans, Ribbonds, Dress Trimmings, Kid Gloves, Lace
Mitts, silk Gloves, kid cut, Bonnets Misses Lfjnorr fla s. best
make bf English silt and cotton Hosiery, silt shirts, Gents
and Ladies.
ANO ItOY'.s XV HAll,-pUths, cassiineres,
Vestings, co'tanades, col'd Linens'. Linen Drilling.
Frenbh Linens, china sit coating, Dral de etc, and summer
cloths orall kinds.
Domestic Goods of all kinds fcr lerranta, Prints chintzes,
Ginhams, Berege de Laiues.
Wesolicltan early call, as tve, are confident our stock
offorsgreat luducementsto buyo- THOMPSON it CO.,
mr. iy. No. 21, Public Square.
At Micjml's- Corner,
No. 13, corxxr or the Sqcxre xsd Market st.
RECEIVED Ibis da by express, some very RICH. and
DESIRABLE DRE.V" GOODH to which I wnubl cordially
invite the attention my friends being confident theywi'l,
hi pleased both as reiardsstyles and Price,viz:
extra uicnr-ans .-" ""
Satin Plaid Painieu uerjges;
Brothie Jmas le Veroa;;
" Super'hite Plain Satin;
" hn'i Linen Cambric lldkfs:
.Paris Trlm'd Valencienne Collars and S!ceves;
" " " Vest and Sleeves;
" " Collar.;
And a rreat variety of other articles call and see.
ap 23. . , JAMbS NICHOL.
au. u, corner oi squaro anu .uaraevsi.
1 McSAllt Y A t'iriC. 11 AN.
i 55 College Street.
RE this day receiving and opening some verybeautiful
'A Goods, forthe Spring Trade, and most espcclfully so
liu a call from the Ladies. We can show tuam every" thing
nnV In the way of
Uin itroiacrirs,
Iterate dc I.ainci,
Laces, Silks, Velx'Ct,
Itibbnuti. Ac. Ac. Ac.
Ye shall continue to receive Goods by every arriva1,
tlrpugh the mouth ofMarch, and our friends naj beasstired
wilwill sell them nice new things and at reaonabte prices.
. 23,1853.
No. 55 College street
Iturrovv's Patent Plantation
Mill differs from all others in the construe tion of
upper or Running Stone, which is composed of
llurr lilocts, enclosed In a cast Iron case. men
t back and boon of the Stone with a Cast Iron Eye, or
in Is of greater external diameter at the bottom that
at the tii, which is secured to the back by fourbolts, so that
every tick is In the form of a dove tail which eives ereater
slrengidto aStoiiethanauyother method whiiii is required
in sinal jnills, where the stone is run with great speed, and
beronnrdanKerous If not strongly made. It also gives any
weiishti a stone of small diameter that is required without
having (thick or high, that makes il top heavy.
'1 his till is a square frame made of wood or cast iron, in
thefompfabusk,wlih Bridge-tree, Spindle Balance, Ring
Driver, uid Regulating Screw, and grinds ni on the same
principles a lari.e mill, differing only in the Runner .Stone;
this beinsof great weight enables It to grind nearer the cen
teragrerir quantity ofgraiu with le-s power than any oiber
tnillnowl use. This mill !sportable,andmay beattached
to steaml water, horse or hand power.
ALO, h sizes orErench Burr -Mill Stones, manufactured
on the saio principle.
Joseph t. Burrows, of Cincinnati, Is tho Inventor, for
which hebtained Letters Patent in 1842. For alilnfrir.ce
ments thepurchaser jwill bo held responsible forthe right
TlieseMls do not require aMfilrigbt to sstthempp; and
allthatlsuees.ary to put them In operation. Is to attach a
band to th jiulley on the spin. lie, with a drum sntticlently
large to rn a twentv-four inch Mill 240 revolutions rer
minute, iCirhcd to Gin, Steam. or Water Power. Bythe
steady apptatinn of two horse power the Mill will grind sx
Co 6 bushel er hourof good meal: and will grind wheat
as well as trn. The thirty inch mill, If put to its fullest
speed, wli'trind from ten to fifteen bushels per hour.
These mill are warranted to bo In every respect as recom
mended. I
DiRvcrio'lrott Usinu. Place your mill about 20 feet from
the Drivinr4PulleV in a level position; make the belt of
.Lther six oAdzht Inches wide. Give tho Stone240 rev olu
1 .lions a initio with th sun. Keep the neck and step of
lhe spindle ell oiled. Place the star on the back of Pie
rfunnlnt; Mo,in tno samewaj a Hie Cross on the Iirtver,
that is. thcw thev are trimmed to run.
Hef-r to Tfs. Patterson, Eso,., of Highland coun'y. Ohio,
Jise Beal.Ei , of Clinton county. Ohio; C 8. Bradbury,
Enq . of Ctnciaiati, and a number of others.
All orders.frertedto JOHN E. HOIIMAN",
No. 52 Briidway, Nashville, Agent for Middleand East
Tnnessee,oI J. H. BUItKOWS,
Jati 20 J. trte. & w. ly. West Front stJSIn,
" " jf IS. tV 0.. ItllllBK't'.NOlV,
riiilE Subsciters respectfully Inform the publicth at they
i- have reinrved three doors from their old stand, and
now have on iand a general assortment of Confection
ery. Sugartlrnaments, consistins of Cakes, Candies,
Nuts, aud Frifts of every variety, musical Instru
ment and toy of every description. Fishing Tackle
Soda Water, Slead and Alealvvays cool.
Their Candls will be warranted to be superlorto any
mannfacturedln the city, and will be sold Wholesale at
12)t cents pejpound.
Orders fromtecountry carefully put up, and with dls
patch: ri-ov. I .
CHtrIt.S-A XEW'AnUIVAL, lO.OOO El Uivan,
' 4,000 La Jai-phne,
For sale on Iniadwsv at .
dec 2. ) J. G. & C. ROBEirrON'S.
i if. s. ritiiNcii,
Cotton, Tcibacco, and all kinds of Produce.
Coacr of Clarke and Market streets.
I Nashville, Tins.
Mimlries. -
O Q BOXES iJtible- re
20 bags Pcper.
20 do Spice,
4 ceroons Indigo,
2 casks Madder,
210 gross Matches,
CO doz. Painted Burkets,
. 50-boxes .M. H. Raisins,
50 l do do co, .
50 X do do do,
OtJ lined Lnf-Sugar,
JO kegs St. Lis Golden
Svrun. 4
130 boxes StalCandles,
do TailoJ do
do Irapofcd Cigars;
do Tiib;4-o various
110 do
10 tierces race, &c.
S fiiifiior.
75bbl Smith flld Reserve 7S Ibis Domestic Brandy,
ATuskv, 1 2C0 bbls Com Keclitled
85 do " 1I4 Gin, Whisky,
ti'j do O'd Buebon do, 05 do Sweet Malaga Wine,
50 UOOId Moiinga'la whisky.
4 casks Old rish Patteen
casks Fine
Brandv, . .
18 do Old Port Wine,".
8 do Madeira do,
G do Muscat do,
10 bbls Rum,
42 bbls t fmp-y Double
disiiled Whisv.
42 bbls Couitry Double
oislilted viiiKy,
In stort and w&ich'will be sold unusually low for cash, 01
lo punctual men! Jan. 0. U.S. FRENCH.
lltl OKSflioo tints Tenn. 1). 1). stilled Whisky,
51 " Olljionongahala wntsay, -5
" Oil Bourbon do,
50 " oil live do,
50 " ifi Reserve do,
nS nptjotauog uranuy,
21 " Hdland Gin,
lOtbblsfvtl Madeira Wino,
SOindiarjbbls sweet Wine.
100l.bls.UM. Brandy,
30 " N JE. Rum,
301 " A.M. liin,
30 " Svi-et Wine,
10 " OlrlPort Wine,
2oinxi:sllrandy Cherries, ,
50 i" CilretWine,
1IU" Asiorted Cordials. -
15 GaWoid French Brandy; In store and for sale
low, by
L. 11. LANIEK.
I.tlt I'lClTtiAie NOTICE.
rjiHE co-pamership heretofore existing under the naino
L mid style .f.MOSIi.S A-SON, Is tbis day dissolved. All
debts due theirm must be paid to L.Moses.
Tho undershned will not bo responsible for any debts"
contracted, byiriy person or persons, without un ordi-r from
me. L. MOSES.
VERY THAIKFUL for the liberal patronage oxtendeJ lo
liim fortln last 12 years, respeclfullyinforius his friends
audthn public that he has mailearrangeiuents to change
his present budness, and will dispose of Ms present Stock
of PUHN'lTUKt -very low Tor CJSH, consisting of every Ihing
necessary for louse-keepers: Parlor Furniture In sets; Ma
hogany and oier Chairs; Divans; Marble and plain Beu
reaus; Bo-.fc dsaes. Fine Sideboard'; Jledsfeadsof all des
criptions: Tablis; Presses; ilatlresses, and a large variety
of Furniture o) all descriptions, which I am deieunlnedlo
sell for less than any other House in the City. Call and satis
fy yourselves. L .MOSES,
Nashville, MayC t N'o. 13. Colleges!.
V ANTEIto lilEEi For the balance of the present tear
' 2 negro women, rod Cook, Washer and Ironer. Apply
to R. A. BALLOWEj "
may 4. Gen. Ag'tN'o. 17, Deaderick st.
JLs- Establishment near the Union Hall, has been removed
opposite to Johnson & Weaver's, Jlrafcetst Jan. C tf.
"r?OlfrillISnTA sprightly "boy 13 or M years of ago for
X1 the balance of the year. R. A. BALLOWE,
aprilS. General Agent No. 17, Deaderick st.
"TTOll K12.V1'. A LARGE and commodious Store
X' House on Market street, 2d door below the Union Hall.
This location ts not surpassed by any in the City for cither a
Dry Goods or Clothing Stand. For particulars, apply to .
K. A. BALLOWE. Ag-nt,
ap.SJ No. 17, Deaderick st.
mroendod. Apply
. ' 1 ; - ir. v t
dry eooDs'&(r
DUESS (JOOns Htch Brocade Silks, ia all tolorsr
llictf Neat Plaid jjilksj-rich Block UrncaJe Silks;.
Hich White liivicaaeSsUKii;; Bicli Rottoet da Line,
Rich Clack Oro de Uliine3 Small ClieckM De Lanesy
Hich plain Gtu delthines; Btnall Kigtir'd De Lanes;
Rich 'lain Gro dc Raines in all color?;
White, Pink and lilueGio de France;
Plain Spun Silks; Small Vigur'd Cashmeres;
Neat Checked Silks; Plan! Cashmere';
French, Engli.-U and "German llcriuoes, in all colors, plain;
De lilies in all colors; Plain Cashmeres.
We have a large assortment of the above gooda which we
will sell at very reduced prices.
MOUItM.VO GOODS. We havea beautiful assort
ment, site!, as AUnaeas, De Lanes, Canton Cloths,
black English Crape, Italian do, Hotnbazmes, Silks and Uib
boni, Crape Veils, Mourning- Handkerchiefs, lloisery, Col
lars and dleeves, Gloves, ic '
WJIITE COOnSBIeachedJluslins in every quil
ilv; llleacheJ Drilling, Jaconet Cambrics. Jl'trslins,
Swiss ifiiilin, Cheek'd and Strip'd JIuslinsj Hair Cord,
Clicck'd and Strip'd Cord; India Mulls and Twills. Shtir
French and Maiiisook Twills, Book Twills. In short, we
Jiave a large assortment ot the above Goods, which we will,
sell verv low. mar7 STEVENSON A WHITE.
17,UltS.--Wchave a beautiful assortment, which will be
. sold at greatly reduced price,
) KnF.OIEKV.-Cri!oCTe Water, Extracts Hair Oils
anu soaps, lroin tne otai t rencu i enumers.
Beautiful Val. Lace Chemizetts and Sleeves to match,
llonilon Iiace do do, Needle Work do, Ilonilou Lace-trim-tiled
do, llonilon Val. mid Needle-worked Sleeves, Collars,
Ao, Valcnciencs; Laces, Killings and Inscrtings, Swiss and
Jaconets Inscrtitijjs and idgtnjrs. Black and white lace
Capes, Black and ailk Laces, Jaconet and Swiss Bulling,
Ac., Ac. .
Ilousc-riiniishins Goods.- Rich Satin Lace for
Windovv Curtaius, with trimmings to match, Curtain Dam
asks in variety, Lace and Muslin. Curtains, extra Rich
Table Damasks, in all qualities, Towel Diapers, Towels and
Napkins of all kinds, liarnsleys, 10-1, 11-1 and 124 IJnen
Sheeting, 124 Muslin do, French, English and American
Furniture l't hits.
Jjatlics' Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear..
Silk Mcrino and Iiauib's Wool Vests and Drawers, Union
Dresses, Silk, Merino, Ijnen and Cotton Hosiery for Indies,
JIises and Children, in every variety, best Paris Kid
Cloves, in all colors, Ladies, Misses and Children's Woill
and Merino Gloves, Boy's Hoiserv and Gloves. For sale
niar7 No. 59, Corner of College sL and tlieSqnqre.
LISHMENT, So. 11, CUr Street, rite doors from the VutiUs Square,
TllriRE mar be loiinu a choice ana well seiecieu
VV stock of Cloths, Casiiseres and Vestings, all
of which will be made up to order in the most Fash
ionable btvle and at as. shot t notice as can ue aone in any
cilv" in tlie Union, and at jirices to suit the times.
Uettdy .Hade Clotlihi. Coals, Pants, and Vests of
all kind. A fine assortment ir .Men's Furnisliins
Goods; Silk and Merino. imdcr Shirts, Shirts, Stocks,:
Glove-', Suspenders, Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, silk
and linen, Shirt collars, Umbrellas, Ac,
rjfllannentscut at the shortest notice. Please call and
examine, f mr o TU0S.J. HOUGH. Agent.
VTNTED at the South Nashville Furniture Factory, of
KK.itHj feet of 1 inch Walnut Plank wide;
Hiw) do do do do do;
.10,000 do 2' do do do do;
11M,000 do Walnut Seantlinjr, S feet long, 4, .1 A 6 in. sq're;
UH'.OiM) doCherry do do do;
100,000 do 16 inch Cherry Plank wide;
5A.OO0 do do do do;
5O,(K)0do2 do do do;
GO.Ooo do Ash, rangin;?from 1) to 5 in thick wide plank;
Also, Poplar of all sizes used for Cabinet purposes, for
which Cash will be paid on ileliverr.
Also, 25 orSogoml CABINCT MAKKRS wanted, to whom
fair prices will be given in oaslu Also, 1 or 2 good UP
HOliSTERS. None but good workmen need apjy-.
V machinery for sale by II G..SCOVEL-
ON" AVED.N ESDAY, the first day of June
jlijjl next, Twill oiler at publio-salc, for the pro--5L
pnetnrs, a number of beautiful Lots of Land, in the
town site of Tullahoma, on one and twoyears credit,
Without inteniling any disparagement of other places, I
may enumerate some of the advantages of Tullahoma. This
place, when examined, will excite (to Ihe mind that can es
timate properly all the advantages of location; a very lively
Sittiated on the N'a?hville and Chattanooga Railread, only
seventy-one miles from Nashville, the great emporium of
our State in a proximity to that itnpnrtaut city of but three
or four hours -inviting, by the pleasantness of it locality,
iu its mountain elevation, salubrity and delibtlul scenerV,
the residences during siimmerheats of its citizens opening
up npportimitits to .-mail manufacturers, of profitable em
ployment and native business, at ji cot k inulerate as to be
within the reach of ordinary dil'gence and almost nominal
pie-entirg a J'uir field for commercial enterprise, liaving
agreeable and most favurable sites Cur country residences
and summer retreats, nliere the rich man can reiKfc in his
vveiilth and the ionr uuiireMt from his toil. Each can pos
sess Ibis corbel enjoyment without drawing on pecuniary
le-oiiice-', that for yiy icwm satisfactory to either, inav be
thought best left in tin- purse, thus obtaining-a delightful
residence at little cost.
With com eynifr and diverging railroad cuunectiuns th.it
alfiird the greatest facility ol transportation vvith accessi
bility aliiio-tinstaulaniutis to the great mineral region of tlie
Cumberland Mountain its COAL 11111I IRON' a JlcAiIam
izcd toaii through the rich counties of Lincoln and (ides,
connecting their cobiftr seats the purest freestone and
mineral waters in and adjacent to Ihe town t-ite, seven lum-
dred atnl filly feet higher than the Cumberland river at
Nashville, two hundred feet above the elevation of tlie thriv
ing town of Winche ter, within an hour or lyo of the nour
ishing totvj. of McMiturrille and Shelby ville, convenient to
to the prosjieiims city of Mt,rfreeboi o", the summit level be
tween N'ashville and the Tennessee river, the only pure free
stone regtou between tho-eiHiitits, the JUN'CTIO'X with the
Xaslivttic and Cuattanooga Railroad, which will connect the
West and the North with the South and the Oulf of Mexi
co. TULLAHOMA thus favored as a point for the concentra
tion of trade, travel, commerce and manufactures, offering
at lLe same tune a safe ami pleasing report for the invalid
and a siimmec retreat to tlieman of leisure or.pleasure, vvith
its present emiaent'aiid advancing prosperity, C0.M.MEXD3
ITSELF to the public patmrage.
With no means of narrow reflections upon other 5ilaccs
engaged in laudable eHorts lo build themselves up, but with
sincere kindness and gwxl wishes for nil, und rejoicing in a
common prosperity, we invite the great public to come up
and help r.s. " - WM. M00RK,
may! ' 'Agent for the Proprietors.
GtllOX CilOX. 10 cases Clion Chon, received, this
day by ap;!0 R. .t JLXOX.
15 1.O UGIIS1. ItjO No. I Peacock Ploughs ror sale bv
april i5 W. H. GORDON & (JO. '
GAUI'ET It.VCS. We liave just received an assort
ment of Carpet Bags, various stvles and prices.
Ia'dies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, Xo 5li College
street', inay3 1
Dlt. T. Ij. JIAUDIXolTcrs his professional .services
in the practice of MEDICINE and SURGERY" to the
citizens of Nushville and its vicinity.
J"0ilice CnEanr Sriuiirr No. 29 between TJnion and
Church streets. april 12 trwly
"VfO. 42 COLLEGE STREET, have just opened a lot of
N the Finest Patent Leather Boots and Shoes, ever ol
fercd in this city
Gentlemen's Talent Leather Dress Boots;
" ' " " Congress Gaiters;
" - " '' Buttoti'd" do do;
' " " Dress Shoes;
" " . " Monterey aud Oxford Ties;
" Stincr Buckskin do do do do;
' " " Cloth and Lasting Congress Gaiters;
" " Clav Ties;
' apri!27 "
Enrniture Manufacturer and Dealer,
li UjVllltVl lUaMUMlfkUlCl tou fVkJX
fl.D respectfully inform his friends gJ,V
id the public generally that hepj3
full assortment of Furniture on ST1 - -4g
keens a full assortment
baud, consisting of 15 irv-aus. Ward-robes, lletlsfeads. Side-
Iwards, Chairs, Sofas, Divans, Hix)k Cases, Show er-Raths,
Ac, Ac
Oi.lered vvorfc and repairing doue at the shortest notice,
and oil verv reasunible terms, with despatch.
llattrasses of all kinds made to order common shuck
kept constantly 011 hand.
Undertaking All orders fur Cofiin3 can be filled in
--very short notice, at the following prices, as I
U jjaKtJ keep every description ahvavsoii hand, together
vvith good Hei es, Hore3 ami careful drivers:
nam raise lid Cotfuis, from , ?I0 to 81." 0t
rCovered Collins from 20 to $7." 00
Servants' Cfjlli ns, $1 00 perfect,
All orders left at my store 011 College strest. No. 25. oppo
site the Se-.vanueo House, will be pimctnally attended to
"both night and day. ap2C ado e.n- J. II. CU RRKY.
tliat sbonld be cheerfully otxsjed by the children o.
fiien. Dr. Iiarzctt'sJUNO CORDIAL,orProcreativeEIixii ,
prescrilies as an effectual restorative in case of Debility
liipoteucv, or Jiarrenniss, and all lnegnlarities of natnti.
K is all that it professes tube, viz: Natme'sgrcatrcsiorattrt,
and remedy fr those in the married state without ollspt in .
It is a certain cure forSeminal Emission3,Gpneral Debility,
Gleet, Weakness of the Genital Organs, Nervous afiecti ins,
Lucorrhea orWJliites. As an invigorating medicine it is un
equalled. Also, a certain remedy for Incipient Consigna
tion, Indigestion, loss of Muscular energy, Physical Lussi'
tude, Female AVeakness, Debility, Ac, It is warranted
please the aser in any of the above coinploinLs, aud is
priceless value fo those without oflipring.
Caution Extra. Find the name of Comstock 4 loth,
ersou the-wrapier and never buy it unless you find fie
names as it-has been extensively countcrEted-oflalti
Avoid the counterfeit as tou would poison, -
Wholesa.e and Retail Agfa. Corner Broad .andiMnrket
street?. -vishTille. ,jjulyl2 dtnv-A-
-s .
71 $
' -
, n
lh Gastrifi Juice.
Half a tea-spoonful r-f Pepsin, mfnstd in water, will digest
ht- juil fivR Tvmnils of roast beef in about two hours, out
of Ihe stomach. f
Pepsin is the chief element or digesting principle or tli
Gastric Juice the solvent of the food, the puntying, prf !
serring and stimulating agent of the stomach and intestines
It is extracted from the digestive stomach of the Ox. thfl ,
forming an artificial digestive fluid precisely like the nttnp .
G-ostrie Juice in its chemical powers, and fumtslunga cclr
plefe and rajrfect substitute for it. By tlie aid of this prep-
ration, the pams and evils of Indigestion and Dyspcrsiafce j
removed just as ther would be by a healthy stomach. It-S
dmng wonders for tfrstptic, during cases; of Debilitr, hrn-
ciatfon. Nervous Decline and Uyspeptic Consuinptnn, Mf
posed to bo on the verge of the grave. The sciehtificf"- .
dence upon which it is based is in the highest degreecuru
and remarkable. .... , 1
Scientific Krideiicc Raron Ioxbig, in his cslebr-'eu" 1
work on Animal Chemist rr, says: "An Artihcial Dige.UTe
Fluid, an.d.-rrous to the Gastric Juice, may be prepared fp '
ft.. .li r.r tbf stnm.rli nf the Oxj infntcn
tllC lliaW'aW m.s fv fviv - - - '
various articles of food, as meat and egg will be s.jf-mel.
changed and digested, ju3t inHiesamomanne-astheyvould
be in the human stomach. rv
Dr. Prctra, in his famous treatise on "Fool and l"et
published br Fowler A Wells, Xew York, IS ta'e
the same gieat fact, and describes the method ot piepration.
There are few higher autliorities than Dr. Pricn. (
Dr. Combe, in his valuable writing on the rV stology
.. .. . ..... ,i .r r a, i,,i.,i
wu.-c ........... - . .
professor of medicine in Umdon, woo was severe! i""".
vvith this compUint,(Inaingevery thing else to .1, bad re-
,,f.l, .!,t.fmcr?nttflmedtrora the nachs ol
hying animals, which proved completely succe"'f-
Dr. Graham, author of the famous works otif egctaWe
Diet," says : " It is a remarkable fact in Physiokry, ""at the
stomachs of animals, macerated in water, impai o the timd
the propcrtv of dissolving various articles or ud, and of ef
fecting a kind of artificial digestion of them ii no wise dif
ferent from the natural digestiveprocess."
Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemtstrv of Man, Hiee ii
RUnchard, Philadelphia, 116, pp. 321-V.) yr's: "Tlie dis
covery of Pepsin ftu-ms a new era in tlie cfcet'tcaj history ot
digestion. From recent experiments- we krSV that IUhI is
dissolved iis rapidly in an artificial digestiv""id, prepared
from Pepsin, as itfs in tlie natural Gastric Jitce itself.
Professor D;inglion, of the Jefferson t"oIIe, Philmlelphia,
in his great work on Human Physiology,' Ji !es more than
fifty pjfes to--an cramination of this sd.ls:t. -Hisexpen-mentswith
Dr. Deantnonr, On tho Gabriel Jtiice obtained
from Ihe living human stooiacli, and fpm animals, are well
known. " In all case," he savs, " dLf-foa occurred as per
fectlriutlieartificasinthcn;iturari"Setion.' Dr. John W. Draper, Professor ofCnemustrr in tlie Col
ems tC the UniverMtv of New Yotin his "Text Book ol
Chemistrv," page U 50, savs; "It W teen a ijuestion whether
artificial digestioncould beperfomi hut it U now umver
sillr admitted that it may be." i . .
lir. Carpetiter'sstanihtrd work or Physiology, "whieh is in
thf library of everr phvsicmn, anjj is used as a tcxt-boolrin
all the colleges, is "full of cridenc similar to tlie abfive, re
siKitrng the remarkable digestitl power or Pepsin, an; the
fact that it mav be readily sparal; J fixun the sUnnach of the
call or ox, and a-ed forexperiroeitsiu artibeial digestKi,or
as aremedy Tor diseases of the 4;onth, and deliceut secre
tion of IheOostric Juice, f .
Al modern works tin Chemist , , Materia Medica and Phy
sioloT, and all good Medical I) ciiOBaries, describe the char
acterinid properties of repsirrj and state many interesting
detaik respecting it. . . , . .
TUfact thatan Artificial DL-esUvcFluuLorGastncJuice,
perfcelvresembliiisr the nattrol fluid, mar be realily pre
pareif.docs not admit or quef inn. Theonly wonder is, tlut
it has lot before been appheiJ to the cure of Indigestion and
Dyspep-ia so naturally dots, such a use suggest itself to the
mind. 1 . .
As n Dyspepsia Curer, Dr. Houghton's Pepsin'has
producet the most roarTeHus etlects, in cases of Debility,
Emaciatlin, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumptioif.
Itisimiissiblelogive tlie delUils ot cases in the limits of
flu's advia'isementi but authenticated certificates havo been,
given of qoie than two hundred rematlcabie cures, in Phil
adelphia.iewYorkandlkafmaloBc. Tliesewcie neariyull
desperate Uses and the cures werenot only rapid and won
derful, btltliermanent. .
It is a gait nervous antidote, and particnlarly nserul fcr
tendencr t6 Bilious Disorder, Liver Complaint, FeTcr and
A-nie; or bailv treated Fever and Ague, and the evil effects
ofQitinine aid Mercurr and otlier drugs trjion the .digestive
organs, aflera long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and
the too free u e of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles health
with intemri-ance. . , r
Old Stuicach Complaint. There is no form-of
Old Stomach VouiploinU which it does not seem to reach and
remove atonct- 'o matter lvow bod it may be, it gtvis in
stantrelicf t A single dose removes all the unpleasant symp
toms; and it onlv needs" to be repeated for a short time to
make these good' effects permanent. Purity of blood and
r vTor or body Cillsv at once. 1 1 is particularly excellent in
I cases oC Nausea.,) omiting. Cramps. Soreness of the Pit of
I the Stomacli, Diftress afier Eating, Low, Cold State of the
1 Blood, Heuviuesi; 1miicss of Spirits, Depomliicy, Enu-
ciution, Wesknet-, Tendencv to Insanitv, Suicide, Ac.
1 J)r. lloushfoa's Pepsin is sold by " ueirl v all the
' dealers in fine dr igs and popular medicines tliruusliout the.
United Stales. It is prepared in powder and 111 thud form,
and in preVeriptiia xwls for the use nf pliydoan.v
. . - - ... 1 r. ! . . . , .. . V tJ.i-;i.nn; mnr li
A. rivaie viruuuvi? iui i . r.v-.,
obtained of Dr?J. S. HoughUin, or his agents, descnbmg
the vlrole processuif. preparation, and givmg the auihimties
tipon- VThich tbecftinsfj- ihii n mrrenly ? lsL A.it
ts not aBicretre' levjv.no.ol.jectioncan be ratted against 113
use bv- phv'fdcuuw in respectable stamiing and regular prac
tice. "Price (tan Djllak per Bottle.
l'cpsin in PoU'der sent bv mail free of postage. Fr
convenience of stading to all parts of tiie cetiitry. the Di
gestive Mutter of Pepsin is put up in the fornl of Powder,
with directions toje dissolved in water by the pcticnt. These
Powders contain ist the same matter as the Rofti'es, and
will be sent bv iail, free of postage, for 0.ii ik)tu sent
(wislpaidtoDr.J. S. HOUGHTON, M. D, ltiiladelphia,
IMense Ob-irrp Tlii S ETcry Bottle of die tlcniiine
Pepsin bears the1 written signature of J. S. HOUGHTON,
JI D.,Solel,roprietor,l'hiladelphT I'enn. '
jjrSiId bv ill Druggists and Dealers in Medi-ines.
Wholesale anl Retail Agents, for Nashville,
, . J, JL XIMKllMAX,
w. w. EEiaa,
" McnntitEsnoHo' Binfonl A McDermott; FkAskum
E.G. CUmstoii; Cuv.tiKSnt.LE Tliomasi Warfieldi Icus
ki W.T.PIu nmer, Dr. W- Botie i. Bro.
jylO 52 dtrw 12m
THE Fortieth Edition, with One
Hundred Engravings showing
Disposes and Malformations of the
Human SvsteTi in tverv sliape. and fsff kA Vjtt
form, Tow Inch is added n Treatise Sftt
on the Diseases of Females, being of 7 ,iSti W ,ii
the highest taportance to marriea
tiiilatli lieasliained fo pre- ?i Viil!f3 It?!
sent a copy of Ihe -ESCULAPICS to
his child. Il may savchim from an
early grave'iCtno young man orwo
man enter iito the secret obligations
of married life without reading tho POCKET aESCCLA-
PI US. Lelno one siilTenng from a hacknied Cough, Pain
in the Side; restless nights, nervous feeliugs, and the whole
train of DiTpeptie sensations, aud given up by their physi
cian, beatiithcrmotuentwilluiiit consulting the .ESCULA
PIU3. JJlre the married, or tltose about to be married,,
any impedtn'ent, read tliistntly useful book, as, it has been
the means i f saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from
the veryjox-s ofdeatb.
I-Ant person teuding TWENTY-FIVE CEX'TS en.
closed in anetter, will receive one copy of this work by mail,
"br lire cojfes vv ill be sent for One Dollar.
Addrc.-n (post paid,; DILWil.YOUN'G,
.marehlt1 ly A. 152 Sprues .sfc, Philmltifhitt.
WitAinone mtltof the Square of Xutkttll.
IWILI sell mr Tract of Land, lying immediately on the
riverine mrfe from the Sipiare" of Nashville known as
the Nashville Kace Course -containing about Soft acres.
The landS?, of tbe verv best river bottom soil, well adapted
to the production of all kind, of agricultural produce, and
coiuinanrts a beautiful view of the city and river.
For f (.ming irioses it cannot lie surpassed by any land
in the Sfatejr'Jt contains a fair proportion of timber, and
the balance vvell suiled for cultivation. Upon the premises
is a good, comfortable, frame dwelling bouse and all neces
sary out houses, good bams, corn houses, stables, Ac. Up
on the premises 1.-, and has been for the last twunty years,
an established race course, now 111 good order, with all nee
essary inipruvemeiits, tine ohscrvatory -stands, large, coin
modious .dining rnoiiu-, gaming room-", Ac; indeed, every,
.convenience al all necassarj-.rr desirable as a race course
and for that particular ptu -pate, commands more advantage
than any other place in Tennessee.
Jfnot sold it will be renteil for the ensiiingyear, J8.V1. on
aecoimnodaliuc tenia. Applv to ihe subscriber, in Wil-
liamsou county. Twin., or in Thomas G. Pointer, Nashville
Tetin. tf-vvlf LY.S.VNDm McGVAOCK.
"OREl'ARED from Rennet, or the Fourth Stomach of the"
I Or, after the directions of Baron Lteb the greaPPlrv- 1 fr
"1 nt : i. t ll,,j.t,:r. li m.Tt.il..v.;'J 1 Wert. At tin
Penn. ' T-.iKiti nn.i
rr n,.;f,io " fifwrriw rnrii a tiimuimiou oi uie uv h"-"
vr. - h .. "a r.7,7 ;:r r. . .uArftin-
tllV Ot Itie U.LStnC JU1CO IS piinuii.cn. u"u.ui-j n
Tr n.r,m,.;..." -inAli,. atiifps that "a dist'gnished 1
rrHIS weriknovvn ia w.VlT. Srsfq. fiv TTATO,..! great expend proeured the most recently
V ilUiTw raBdiDs.rfltoWe-ernMJl ' mpn".l i.wvchinerv and tools for tbe wurueli
L 1.1 uie iia.iivi ia. . 1. . ,L I the heaviest work in metals, we solicit from tiH ten
Atlantic latlixxtu IS now open imuer uicMipeiiisiun in
Tliomas CrutcWield. assisted by.Mr.J-W. F. Bryson and
Ladv. This House wine under the control ot ColonelJ.J. '
J -
The Tin'-eiit nroiirietor hitvinir secured the Services of CoL
Grilhn's barkecicr, aiidliavingptirclnisedhU mast excellent
cook and hoti.se L.yt and baviugfurni.hcd the house entirclr
Milii 'U1V1M.I.U ll UIW, fULVUClH
anew, liopesto retain its lugh reputation, and meritptibiic
Matronal; e. ra-ssengers can ue acciinmoaaieu wim an omni
bus to aud from the boats. THOS. CRCTCHFIELD, .
feb2I- -ly Proprietor.
MANUFACMURING COMPANY, are now offering!
"ISBJ splendid assortment of. Plain and Fashionable I ur
"ir mtureat their Depoton Market street, Tiiomos'gi
janewTuilding. 1 between Union Hall and theYs.
SiiitarevfO'ch thev oH'er at prices to suit t.urcliasera, i
both at whole Sale and retaiL TLcy intend to give salUfac
tion to purccasers worK-vvarrauuiu. ,r
Call and examine their SlGck? Orders - "rti
fay vOfV, Jr--
' f
Jtf.wnnx.Tcnn.. Jamjarr 19. 15321 '
-':5ir I consider It but an act of jus"
.4 3 community, to state to too the vcrV 1
jfeceived from- tlietrsruf vour Uniorr'
- Arquita a number o years, greatly
sm, .uiu cousvipouuii Of Hie S.
reatlr, I used every other remedy, al-
ad or bead of for the disease, all without
eflect. I had almost come fo the tefiei!
s to-try any more; ns I 8 bored under
-ddroy stomach wasrcatly injured br tok-
querent Pill, medicine, Ac; bat 011 hearing my f
JraS,I5!S,fPt 80 frequently of the beueficial efll-cU U '
Wooriuoion "UIs, I concluded to give them a trial, and
boujSit a fifty cents ViaL and commenced their use. Ftora. i
1 ti-ktl ?ffiot ,,ue w 1 "as satisned it was the medieuio I
I 6mr .7e not yet "T"1 mte ' J. and can now say 1
1 to (i vvtth-the utmost pleasure that I have not for the last
tea years ieu as wen, or enjoyed such good heallL, as i havo
slice commencing the use of your Pius. I would tale
siai for thegood these Pills have done me, and almost every
mujiij 1141c uavu mem nun me same nappy
las some of the ncKrreshave had svmntomi
first complaint 1 have given thein one ar
lu I have under great debifitv and dys)iepsia, with;
eni tun-inciM.t uui usv wouia, alter a use ot TuTied
idines, join me in saying the some of tliem.
Re.ectfnl!y W W LSTERS0N
For Sate at the Drug Stores of ZIMKTJLVN:. T.'WELtS.
M"HK great remedy for ltheumattsm. Gout, Pain in the
X Side, Hip, Rack, Limbs and Joints, Scrufula, Kicg's
EvilWmte Swellings Hard Tumors, SUffJomta and ail
Whcnhhis 1 'Lister is applied. Paia cannot exist. It ha
been beueficial in cases of weakness, sueh as Pain and
Weakness iu the stomach. Weak Limbs, Iameoess, Attic
tion of the Lungs in their primary stages. It destroys in
flammation by perspiration.
4 q n n r v ,
The following commendation is frwraau agent resid
iug at Trenton. Tennessee.
Teexto.v, Gibson Cohnty, Tena, Not. 7, !
Messrs. Scovii. A JlEArj Gentlemen: Tbe Hebrew I'los
ter is becoming popular in this section There is aliJ. in
this county who says she would not be w itbout tins Piaster
fir live huaidred dollars a year. She was alllicted fur m jio
time with aorcnlarecnieuf of tbe spleen, which irav cr
aiTeatdeal of pain. The swelling and pain bad exteii Jul
up nraily to the arm-pit, and occosioually she could . -cly
fjretuue. cac wascoiiuHeu iw a omsfuwun: un.i-, tn 1 .ng
hich she tvasaltendeii by some ot our bet phjsii- a1 s. tut
fi,ev rrave cer no renei. ese iroeireis vi
rrave her no reliet. &e iiroenreu a Dfj-x 01 the tie-
i.re'w 1'Ioster and it relieved
bwwlj lasW an a iw levea
uovi sne -eeps a snpyiy 01 iv
her almost inuudiat ' , and
on hud constantly. 1 bests
facts vou are at libettv to use as yon lliink proper they aro
substantiallv true. Resptrwllr, yourri, Ac.
Ik ware of counterieits and base imitatiens. Dealers and
pnrehasers generally are cautioned against boring of any
but our regular agents, otherwise thy will be impus d Ujioa
with a vvorthlea article, as many base eounleiieitsot Uiu
Plasterare in existence.
ltemeniber. Tlifgenurne bsoW ooly by us, and our
advertised Agents tliroutxuit the Soh. N'o Pedlar U al
low ed to sell it. Infuturethegeaumewill have the v.,na
ttire ot F TAYLOR on tlie new steel plate engraTed IaLt 1 on
the topof each liox; to counterfeit whieh vvih be piusecuted
a forgery.
l'hilotokeit or Female Friend.
For the core of Painful and Disordered Menstruasioi. Mis
carriage or Abortion, aud tKerefcefof alt these Sympa
thetic Nervous AffecLous atteutsutt ou Pregnancy.
In setting forth tbe merits of this valuable remedy, tho
proprietor has been actuated by thecertaitity result ntim
experience, that the most gratitying:etlees mllbe huud at
tendant on its use. liet-idtts those cMidamts trL'i tavj
beeu hametl, the Phllofoken murbensed with adiitage -.a
Fhior Albas, Prolypsus Uteri, Gravel, Dropsy, D spepsta,
and even in Coosumptioti. In sue of u, aiix.luu-.es
vrlll be required to pertbrui a cure, and in others, it c .a act
onlv as auauxtliary.orujxiltiative to remove tlie ten-pora-ry
The ITirtuKiken is not offerel as a cure fcr all the i
wliich lleshis heir to. bt as a reedy and pri. -entire
fora certain class of complaints in which it is wxTaRtcd o
do all that Is here set 'orriijor that medicine diredcl with,
exjierience and skill can.
frgT Remember, that "an ounce of Preventive a north a J
pound of cure. m
li. 1 11 rci lasers. 10 arocu uupoeowfi, i utj coi e.u 10 (
observe my writen stanatare on the outside label of ta. b t. a
tie, to Counterleit which i Forgery.
. T. C. U IS LEV, Proiinetor, Hamburg, S. a
rriee ?1 , per bottle. 1
Forsaleby SCOVlLiMEVD, 1
111 Chattres street, New 0: ,. arxs. J
General Wholesale Agents ffer the Southern Slates L. whomfl
Sold by EWIN, BROWN ,t Co., Xashv-lie, Tenn,
W. W. .t J. a BKRRY, do;
J. M. ZIMERMAX 4 Ca., do;
II. G. SCO- do.
jan 1 1 dtww
.iOV Lol'A. 6
rpnE above HOTEL is now open for the reception of , i
This lung established and well-known House has
gone a tlioroich alteration tlimug'iout' and turnj-h.
new and fashioneble FURXlTUHt.
The TABLE wid always be snjiflieil with the T
market affords; and ihe"Proprif- truste, by a s.
ctuue. both with servaats and the reeu!aliM nf
generally,.he wUI be enabled to gire entire saa-jo. ua ta
those that mav favor him with trwirpWrno-
jaa2! ly t'nv JNO. W. Si R,
R, E. BELl.
"Wholesale aad Eetail Grocer, Dialer in Foreign as;
Dameitic Liquors, iteceiving. etmragal iZ
Ceudssisa HereLtit,
' Opposite Scwance House, College it, No 2. ff.
JAMES OLOV ta'J W. L. HC'i l2tt
3b. Sk, Cherry Stmt, i avnri from Pr l .
Nsdvis, 'Tapir'
GLOl'IlK A ntlYI),
IsctvKsssiKS tu wiiaasxs & f.ifvsirT Eksk
rn.Laliend promptly tblhxymi, SteUiiHr;, Lea? P,rf5-
i,eiiiiiir teoi -faie, im ioi.-uumi, v-vp ii risiAa
naoi-s, (2rr W efTecmtoniOierirsrHtfll ell-1 Ttafcijs
care of l'H Nero-s.a) Nrgdwliajr Uvui", Buy ng- sfiht -
..Illn;. Sl.-l - nf or.rr . I .i-ri! t.u. I '1 l.v-t i rtfr ( I: -' i, 1
part ot the United Srates, lie.. Ac. (Mens (brNeij-ocs &t'
leiide.1 10 prnmtiy, iuhi tusirueiions nit-nutty ooev c,
REl"xaK.c. Gov W B Campbell, Ex-Uor A Pmwn.
Dr John Slielby, Wheless A HoWw, Sner Dvcr Prrl
Jt Co, JStfler. W BSbepard & Co,, JUtrrs, 1 ,1 V K.
Stevenson, Gen S R Andeisoo, tlAi.T B'ik of , ns-v
O Ewiog, G.fVr PtanUn JUI, J B White, il V ' -ctry
Court, T TSmilev, r,Wi r.rctU f,uu-t, FRC . af'ia.,
Clert QmK'y t'mir:, D T Scott, XuhiA Int.. S M. Sc. tt,
Citr IMA. II Rridees. Sewanee. D Y Winston, l i n If ...
C ft Bechus. rTWWA. fr'a 2-
- i
General (tommiision Merchan-. , Chattanooga Tennr
"VT'lUaiKty particubratleutioiito-ate- ef Bacon, Lard
aud other articles of Western produce.
As thev have a lanre and personal acotMiritance, ;,n J di
rect ciirresifHideiice at most cf the important towns in Geor
gia, and part of Smith CartfHiia ami North Alabama, ther
will be enabled to dispose resdily ef the above mentioned
articles iu season, and respectfully sotteit consiguments.
Reerence to
V. K. SrevEssojr, Ehj.,
Moboax A Co., Mai rifle.
A. J. DnxCA-.', 1
BtUDLzr, WtLsOS & &k, JtntltSlr, AUt.
janlT 6ui
ii;'sEmNGS : ijnen sheeilngss! r ,
AT 0. ! 1-NlOX STBKET.
TUST received a few pieces 12jr. IJnen Sheeting, v.'
t) will be sold very low. Alsoa, very desirable s kit
Ladies dress rooil.s, consistinfr of Sires, Berates, ."-..r-i
Cloths, LavvfW, Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, fine led
Swisses, Gloves and Hosifrr. Iiunets an Bonnet 1. 1 1 nt.
Linen Cambric Kanilkkreiie-S, Chemizetts, CtilUirs-, A- Ac
Bleached and BrownJJcftSesiica of every quality ai . j cv,
Silt, Satin and Marseilles Vestings.
A beautiful assortment of Ladies" shoes, which we -re r.lls
Ingat very low prices.
vVc earootly solicit the attcntionof customers to our 'xkl
before purchasing el-en here, as wc are determined to i 331
low astny one. Dou't forget No. 9 Union stree.
marcli25 THURSTON fc BERN RP.
0AI1T4 SOOX. Jrror soiV-Aa eAeeflenrBlack r .th
valuable stout Men;
3 Women, extra Cooks and Honse- Servants:
1 Woman and Child. 31 years old, good (,'uok, '
1 very retly flirl, 13 years old;
1 N"u."l ix . T!.y lSjearsoJd;
feb7 No. !. Cedar street
Professor of Yocal Hcsic, Instrumental ic and
Tutus. One Dollar a Lesson, payrible qimrterlr Letters
addressed as above, w ill meet with prompt atieiitmn.
feb 2-ly.
ON the West fork of Stone's river, in Rutlierfor J county'
Tennessee, onntainiBg imiaete. The land is of very
suiierioi iiualilv, vieldiog heavy crops of cotton. w.-Q auapi
Vf 1 i ..f -it t-i.wl ia .ii.; fi.,. ... J ,
... 1 JB i flld ltu, tfu '. ' ......... .,.(. iiiiiu
1he"asliTilIe and Chattauooga Railrnatl, near a gord tur
jiike ha good spring and sti ck wafer in abutn once- a
couiliirtahV weather.bittrdefl dtvellie with mi,i(ini-(iouses.
all new cotton gin and press aud all other impn -etic.'fcjgi
needed on farm. Tli" subscriber wisftin to m N utl. ".l.ii
winter, vv !1 sclr it on very favurable terms if iiiiu.ci .vte ap
plication Lsmade to him, or his absence to Map r John W
Childress, near Miu-freesbeitr.
augl6-ir HENRY J. WILLIAM?
tlie heaviest work iu metals, we solicit from tun teii
and Southern public a tortioii of their putnmage. i o
. 1 1 . f 1 1 . IT ... I ..... .1 1T....I. I...... I.
. ,.! 1 ST..
l"cl" V- V" v- ' 'iJ'-r
Steam Engines. Boat mid Stationary Engines, from
. ..... . .., , r . l. . 1' I
!?PdW P'S'. wmi ... .ue u, r,s.- -o ln.u,
' I .P""!"' '-J?.'
S.XWS, embracinir the latest improvements. (Jrist Mill?.
Entrines and Machinery, complete, for Grist Mills or all sr-.
.Sugar 3Iill of the mostreccut coustnietiiin, with trpaeiv
to correspond, put up m any part ol the Ssnrthem jtMit.ryr
Cotton (iins. Engines to drive Cotton (ims, WiUiaJ
necessary appiirtenante made to order at short no'
In all cases where it is desired. We fumish an ergtner
pnt np the engtu and instruct on inlllijpi.5rnegvj, in
Brassind Irotif iastings of anv size or daiptjrr Z
Shafting, Mill GJjSDe, V.er"TiceU.Jt lutfi MJ
t'i,ti.r-,.T..-j;,.r"x- s . . (
"faation clVi .4iBy gireiiirorJers received' 1
. k J. THOMPSON. Pres
B. The lif''l prices paid for.oId;Brt and J
. 7 a
s ir.l

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