OCR Interpretation

Nashville union and American. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1853-1862, November 09, 1853, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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(WMWNIWJ.I II I ! M.H1n jani,-, IIIHIWMIliiMil Ullll MM Ill IIIMMmMamai W llll I IIMJlEMgU! iW I WIS PP.MI III l I II 1 1 I n Hi 1 1 . . M ' ... '-- - " I ll I " 'll' ITIT..I I III I 1 1 II li'm '
NO. 339.
to subscribers at the following rates: Single copies, one
year in advance t2 'within the year $8 00; at the end
if the year M 00. Cicm Of fire and upwards 12 00
per copy for one year. Clubs of subscribers will be re
ceived for six months at the foregoing rates,
he TRI-WEEKLY is published every Tuesday "huredjy
and Saturday, at (5 per annum in advance; if m, pjia .a
advance, to.
DAILY is pnbbshed at Eight Dollars.
Remittances of subscriptions mar ba taade by mall ai our
paper will be sent out of the State unless the order U ac
companied with the cash. -
trI5$"W nn fiiTttinri7P(l to iiniioimSA T. W Vitar as n
candidate for re-election to the ollice of Sheritf of Davidson"
county, at tlie next March election.
i3T We are authorized to announce John K. Edhondsos.
' a candidate fur the Sheriffalty of Davidson county.
t3TWe are authorized to announce Eicocu Ccnxinguau,
as a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing election.
ISfWe are authorized to announce Willish Luton-, as
arandlJiteforSUeriffof Dividion county, at the ensuing
5TWe are authorized to announce E. B. Biotirr as a
candidate for sheriff, at the ensuing election.
Jf-We are nuthorited to announce Josiau Ferris us a
" candidate for County Court Clerk at the ensuing election.
jy?V are authorized to announce Feux H. Cueathah
a candidate fur re-election for County Court Clerkat theeu
tuiug election.
"Wc are authorized to announce Isaac M. .Toxcsacan
didutfwCoi!uty Court Clerk, at the next March election.
JC" We are authorized to auuounce Jons Rains for
. re-election as County Trustee at the ensuing election.
We are authorized to announce Thouas SciiNRit as a
canduUle for Trustee of Davidson County.
We are autliorintd to announce Geobuk Clark as
a citiiiiidale for Trustee f ljavidson, at the March flection.
jg We are cuthoiizaid to announce the name of W.K.
HiHTUl (Collector) as a candidate tor Trustee lor Davidson
cvximy at the next March ulectious.
IS?" Jakes T. pAuutvEnisa candidate for Register of
the land Office for Middle Tennessee at the ensuing scssoin
of the legislature.
QTiiAMEn moQi;ois, c. ue-
(3 7(S0!i,JilAjTKR. This splendid steam
er, lw in'fT been thoiotigldy rep,iiedi will run
,i rmar racicet Dciwecn wis rori anq
Fiw Orleans, and will leave the first rise oI vvater. For
eiht or Passage apply to J, A R. YEATMAN,
octm. Ageuts
rplll. splendid new passenger steamer.
j. ii. ii. v. miii4, inos-iiLwr-i, jias- wsiymj,
son, leaving Meutpbjs on hrr first fiipon T wrt'F
Sutiird.iy, the' Sid of October. This llildj connects at
Memphis with the Nashville and Memphis U. S. Mail 1'ack
eti, end will give ihrough tickets from New Orleans to
'lit Stldid jrMaeiijwr stoamer J0I1.V SIMI'SON, will
lenvo Koshrilie crcrv W'eduesdjy, at u J M, with finigut
and paeuuers fur tut) Hill.
t ii ini n'nv l
in. will lull in me aooie trsoe tors sea- ' . ... -
A. 1.. DAVIS,
UTnE:i.y. SpInididNew PasscnEerSESSeS
Slennvrs Cur of Himmiu-K, .loiix Siucwv, axii Emus
sr, will leave Nashville ever)- Monday, Wednesday and Fri
iV;y, at C o'clock' P. M., connKtmic at Paducah with the dai
IvJuistilleandSt. ItiU lT.S.Iall BoaU, and at Mem
p'his with the splendid New Orleans slcsmors Bulletin, II.
K. W.Hill, Ceo. Collier, and Maiy Agnes, giving through
ticketsfiwn Nashville to either of the points above named.
Thcaccomiiiodatioos of this line cannot be surpassed, and
pese'ieii! will find it b) far the speediest means of travel
dther North or South.
"ForfrHcht or passage apply to
oc:s 'Ag.Sts at Nashville.
& . ,' ., i.vnm -I hie t4M mm r.icrvniii. ' 1
ieir at lxuusville, and will take her place as a Regnlart
Packe' m iheabovetraileasso.nl as there is sutlicient water,
mid will continue during the entiie season.
In point of speed, omfortaud safely, the UEI.I.E-KEYis
U!istirpad on ihe Western waters; which, with the long
experience of her jjmlfuianly Commander atid the ac
ijiIjdgedhusiiies.ccici!yoi"herCkrk (Mr. Ivetfis Xqrth
era J enalSuS us couf;4entiv to recommeli.1 her to thebosi
jie. and trsvriliag commur.it7. lr- Korlbjra will give
p!ountpersonalaU6-i!iatofilIingordersbr (iraceries, A.c.
l3t" A share ot pilrouae is respectfully solicited.
aug27 itn Agents.
Nashville, Louisville and Cincinnati Kegiilitr
will iimLs rexular iritm in the above trade, leaving Nash
ville every Tuesday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Returning, will
leave Cincinnati eierj- Wednesday, ct 4 o'clock, P.M.
The above bi-aU are A Xa 1, and are oflk-ered by expe
rienced business men, who will be thankful for orders lor
nuieiuudise. and promise to give satisfaction to all who
inav entrust busiaeA to their care.
ffahyijle and Louisville Weekly Packet,
iAlVJ2i", C. T. HEEDUR. Masler.
riIUS splmdid Steamer is neirly com- ff1 ft
J. plete.1, and will bi-at Nuslivillethehrst yjpViTSS
rl-e of the river. Slie will rarry 4ix tons ftrsrESt23&ii
and lier ac.Ninmodatifms tor passengers are unequaled by
nuy Ijoat of lui liiii-uiioiis. She will be ctnumandeJ bv
Capt. C. T. RUKDLlt, long and favorably knowu to our
conimi.iiitv, and the CutnberUnd river trade, generally.
SLeuitl make n-g.ilai' ncel.lv trips leaviug louisville on
TDESDAY'S and Nashiule 'on HclDAVK. at 4 o'cl.vk,
1' M. At tlie former place passengers will tind various
j'nilroa.l and Ste.unbftt lines to convey tliem to any K.int
orlo.!ii.ai;ua t4,V may d;Mire, viz, Thpold establishi,d line
to Cincinnati; Uuion line to Wheeling: l'iltsljurjr and Lf-U-ilrilte
line; Jeften-u lailroad, Ac, Ac All nfl'ordiug the
amplest aoconiinodatiniis, combined with expedition.
t4" AH oiderswill be tilled us low n-sut Cincinnati.
3f" For Freight or Passaw;, apply u
JcplO - It HENRY T. Y EATilA S, Agent.
I'lideitnkcrand Colliii-iunkcr.
(kiU ; M ret, T, iLitiU SeuuHte JlfiHf.
BliQS leavr to intui ifi liislnenus ami the pulilic-vgj.j3 j
general!', that fie t.ns ojiened a irgular CtUS" i
..r... - . fit: i l .1 i t:-
Lti Kuoni, and liaving bought the riyhtlor nt:tniil.ictunng .
hud sidling in Middh- Teuiirssw. Skill 's Patent Indistruct- I
Ihle Air4ight and Air-e!uuled Biinal Cases, the best
now in usetbr pr.-seriing the corps he will keep a supply 1
if tliein constantly on hand, together with an assortment of
alt kinds olisHvred anlwiKsl C-otiins. He is prciiaicd to 1
furnish pnl lleirse.taud a:. number of Bucks tliat in iv
be wameit; also shrouds of every description, maih" in the
best t le, toelhcr with fiery eqiiqHtge necessaiy for lune- 1
rals. Alltel'gra,!rK-deskitrlii-)oronlers fioinSteamlHuLs 1
and Railroads or fiom the siinotini!'uig country will be !
nnmnrflv alteiiilel to. Purliciilur attention paid hi pie
poiiug and enc-.isingbod.es lor iiaiupoitat on. All orders
left at uw Furniluiv ami IVilm Rtxitiis promptly attended
to, ItotUnighlaud day he will give his personal attention
ml ilav lie will give ins personal attention ;
to nil funerals.
Charges moderate.
ited; also
X. B. Furniture and Mattrasses of every de-cri;
.niiiltf loonier and of tha best lnaterinls. and warrant
lunnture leiKiuvd ill the best style mill with Uispatcli.
unirr . ij "
X MAXUFACMUR1XG COMPANY, are now olTeriugi
BSF.Sfc-did ussoriiuciit oi i'lam and tiistuonilble tur
a" T,;ii,rnt i!.it lii.inii Mnrl ot ti,i,i.v.s
' n" n i litre. lit tiit.il Dpuoton MnrVel Atrmi! Tl.ninns'
p2aKl'"S.- building, (between I'uinn Hall and tho Wj,
Squsre. ) winch they ofl'or at price.i to suit purchasers, l
bth at hole sale and retail. They intend to gi ve sutistac
lion lo purohsers work WMTaulcJ.
Gall Hud eiiftiuiuc their stoc Oiders for Work attended
iritti dnech. R. 11. GROOMS, Pres't.
W. 1 N ssok. Sec'y lsej''l"l '
WNTEI) attlie South Nadirille Furiiifuie Factory, ol
K-et of 1J, inch Walnut Plauk--iiW; ...
5l,00- do .S'do do do do;
fiO.oi'O do 2 do do do do;
lftV,(HW do Walnut Scantling, S feet lon, 4, T & Cin.sq're;
101,000 doClierry do do do; - '
100,000 do lg iiidi Clierry PUtik wide;
60,000 do do do " do;
60,000 do2 do do io;
60,3O do Aili, mningfrorc lttoS inthiek wideplAnk;
Also, Piuilirof all" siies used for Cabinet piiisss for
whioti Ck will be paid on delivery.
'Also, 25or80(tdC.VBNirrMAKUnSwflnlisl, to whom
fair irico will Is; given in cash. Also, 1 oripsvl liP
110US fERS. None but giiod woi kiiu-it need apply.
. mi 17
. FURKITURil! rURNil'URb! !
TAM jnst receiving line nssorinieut d t "r"ffEiiSSri5
mlnivof lite kist and imw ajtprored VyVtt
h.-v. 1.,. drfi.ita.t um rfSMItttlPllit-I -
t !e wh'rh will be oarraotest Ksreciinmeuii
J and will be solJ as cheap as the cheapest Having imi
argel my War.- rooms, 1 sludl kei.p an assortment 01 Gil
bert's uiwr:or Pianos, also Window Shades, Clocks.-lir-
bert a uf
rors. AC.
Fumilure of all kinds made to order.
(ent'free to the Railroad or anvwheie iu the city.
ter4S. Union street, unesp rumuure nnnu
jpj I .11. MCMklU.N.
" " GOLD l'ENa. " .
JOHN YORK A CO., have on hand a variety of siiierior
Gold Pens the best and etieaposi aniciecver imocu
N'athvills. iserv pfi MrrliM. cstl
DBUG&1ST$. .
J. G. ER0WN.
(formerly of tie firm of Ewla, Broumk (7o.,)
JlIAS opened with iu'tultlre new stock of Drugs
ileuicines, i'aints. Uil3,l'eriumerv, 4.C., Ac
on the site forujeriv.occuwed by the old. firm,'
lo. 43, College street, three doors from Union, where lie-
will be pleased to wait upon 1iis old friends and fcitizeus trtu
erally. "Particular aHention fs piveu to Physicians' Pre
scriptions, which will be filled with accuracy and dispatch.
Surgical Instruments, comprising Pocket Cases, assort
ed; Pocktt Vjal Cases; several hew patterns; Speculums,
assf.rted; Midwife, AmtratatingandTrepinmng Instruments,
in cases or separate; Tooth Forcep And Keye; Sietliascopes;
-Copping AppaiatjB; Stomaeh I'uiopj; Dissection Instru
ments, Ac., Trusses in every' variety a complete assortment
of evenlhing usually kept in this line may be found at
ang? XO.HKOWXVi.
CHEMICALS. A large stock, and from the best
manufactnrers,'some exceedingly rare, never .before
brought to this market. Attention of Physicians to this
part of my stock is respectfully solicited.
1 aupT - ' J. O. BROWN.,
EIUIUUA AUIiOW KOOT. Warranted per
fectly pure and fresh; full supply at
auir7 J. 0. BROWN.
I D'EHI'lJaiEllY In every btle, French. Cerman and
j J7 American Colognes, Hair Oils, Pomades, lc , &c. ,
Tooth i'owdcranu rasie. i-iver s Aromaiic inegar, iiienu
Rose Bear's Oil, 1W11 Iivendcr, brown and wlf.le Windsor
Soap, Barbers' Sop in 1 lb bars, together with a general as
sortment orPlaiuvnd Fancy Soaps, Hair Brushes, ic,Ac.
Shell and Biillalo Dressing and Fine Comb', Ivory do. Pow
der PuiTaaud Boxes, Lilly While, Alabaster, Ac
cuifif - . - J O BROWN.
EK1N TEA COM PAN V.-l have a full supply of
.L lhebestipialili.es of Teas, putiiphy tliis Company.
it is the same formerly kept by Ewin, Brown & Co., which
pave such general satisfaction. The Ne Plus Ultra Black
Tea and Plantation Inipeiial are thought to be superior to
any in this market; also, Teas in small caddies of 2 lbs
each. ang7 J O BROWN.
CONtJItlisS WATEH I have made arrangements
to keep a constant supply of this water, which 1 receive
direct from the Spring; 3 gross just received.
augT - J G BROWN.
STONE WAKE Ofall dusctiptionsend bast quality;
also, llower Pots, assorted sizes.
au?7 .T 0 P.ROWS.
B A3J1I0O I'LSUIS POLKS 100 jiwt received;
alio, a full assortment of Fishing Tackle, Lunerict
Hooks or Snoods, tioiuted Poles, Ac
auS7 J, G. BROAYS.
ITOU THE II A IK Lyons' Kalhariiui, liogle's Hype
1 lion Fluid, Uanyaud Ulirchugirs Tricopherous, at
ouk; J a hkown.
STAKCH 15 Iwves ProchtrA Gamble's Pear.-l StaitJi
also, suiierior article of country made Starch.
aug7 . ' ' .1. O. BROWN.
rpUUNII SEED. A large lot of Summer and Win
JL ter, and Summer and Winter mixfd.
cl!S7 ' j g. imows
17011 JELLIES. Spaifcltng lieiuliue, Coopernuvel
' Russia Sheet, and Snred Isinglass; also, a fine lot of
Fiavoriug Extracts. aug7 J. O. BROWN.
LEXI N(!TON MUsl'AltD , in V, , and 1 lb Cans;
JresliandjustrecM. aug7 J. U. BROWN.
7"EAST I'OWDEKSand Brown's Ess. Jamaica Gin
X ger, White l.ead, Red Le.nl, Chrome Yellow, Chrome
Green, Ac,
Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Turjientiue. Varnish. Ac
.1. ii. HHUtt x, 43, college st.
Of Huardyille, Coiuiecticut
A. C. HAZ.Uin, I'EEs'r. A. E. DOUGLASS, SCC'r.
CONTINUE to furuu U Gun Powder tif all their well
knowu brands, JCmluch JHjU, American iyjorliny
ftijlan lllfie in kegs, half and quarter kegs and caunisters
of one pound each. Also, a full assortment of Powder for
purposes. The reputation of their Gun Powder is too well
known to require comment. All orders promptly filled at
my J'oudrr Vq-ot, North-east comer of the Square.
S. II. LQOMS, Ay't fortueir. P.Oo.,
aui2 If Ifashville, Tcnn.
WALL PArUKS.-Jiut re
ceived, 2,0X) bolts of those
beautiful Fi ench Paners. for Parlors,
Halls. Ac. tooether with a splendid t-
assortment ot Gold and Velvet Borders, Fire hereeus, Win
dow Curtains, ic.
'"On hand alargeassoilmentof unglazed Papers, from
10"to25 ctswrbolt.
Np. 20, C4'i street, next dpf.r U the Sewaoce'Ho'use.
July 14
w- w. riNN,
XiJ-vUle, Tennessee.
VT PER HANGINGS. A large iJ,.l.rJSS,
aud beautiful vat iety. T5 rS&
Decorative Wall Papers, all GrCjjS'
the litest French designs.
llordi-rs, Window Papers, Tenter and. Pcu.
tre I'ieruiij alargji assortnient.
Clicon CVstn'ycd l'apeis 12,0H1 pieces in store,
from 15 to '-'5 c!s. per Boll. All for sale, and Cheap fou
Casu. - - - july7
Clark Street Coiicli Factory,
NO. 5,
Take PARTICULAR NOTlCK that c-'w.
Stout's Coccli Shop is on CliAHIv STREET. jt?)a
july 19 IRA A. STOUT.
fnoMAS noDon. nelsov walker.
Bailers, Hair-Dr.'sifiia, &c, &c,
X. 1C, C-lar ttreei.
HAVE opened their new establishment, and ofier tolheir
customers ami the public iu general inducements nev
er before ofl'ered iu this city. Hawng newly Gtfpdupour
house, we (V-el confident iliat all who give u3 a calf will
leave well satisfied. In addition to Barbering, Hair-Di-ess-ing,
Ae, we have large, commodious and neatly furnished
Bath-Rooms. These are the finest in the city, and as to
convenience and comfort, cannot be surpassed in the coun
try. While passing, gentlemen and patrans, just step in
and see with what magic we "make the liair By," and what
a salutary eQV-ct our pure water has upou a wearied and
' body. niiga tf
f,EBaBaey's Kes3ir mid
T REFER the Fanners to tin. statements below, made by
X Dr. JohnShelby and Ii. r . llradley. 1 liave seen it in
operation sei oral tifnas, lam satisliedofitsgn-at utility,
he seaioa is advancing, 1 now ot!VrtliRc I have on hat
june'.'0, 1S55.
Nashville, Teni).
Nashville. Juue 28, 18.13.
Cor. L P. CrtEvrnAM: Vtnr Sir:- 1 havo been usinp
lie " Reaping and Mow hnjMaehiiie" pnteniented by Jlannry
ol Illinois w hich you ate iunv otlei ing f o the citizens of Ten
nessee, ltis a iiksTBAiKLABOttSWisuMAcnixE. It woiks
NBAT1.V and lui'iDLV. Hie amount cut per day will depend
princijially niion the speed ofthe team. If the team can
ravel four miles per hour, it w ill Reap or XIow, fifteen acres
n lehliours. It is entitled to the confidence of tbe public
ltivmecifullv J. SHELBY.
I T..F. ltradlev. uow manatruur the fan
Bradley, uow managing the farm ol l)r. neluy.
n-iln lln. r.illim-iiiL' statement: We have bad fur untie than
one week, one of Cob Cheatham's mowing and Imping
niachineswcliavctried it iu clover and grain blown and fan
cied, and I now "tnlf ,,,:lt ittnows and cutscleanerll.aii the
, silhe blade, and that it will mow per ilayas miicliasil
.- ., itc:u, ml.,:lt least twenti-four acres sr day.
:..'., , c.,v. 1 ' UK. BRADLEY.
: -v ) AN.VWAY from the subscriber on (he night of W.
i the 3nl inst, his negio boy AMOS. He is about
se!ltv r arjei .-, fcct 9 r 10 inclies high and weighs
i ,.,!, He is a brisrht muUtto, hat straight
hair and bine eyes, and will no doubt attempt to pass him-
telf'as a white 'man. He was raised by a Mr. Dickey, of
i Sirtaubui g District, and was purchased by Capt. James
Bonds of Spaitaiiburg.C. II. IIe.is i.robably linking in
Hie licliilty Ol uiai iima, oi inn, uiuj.k ci -
siuIm Hn nidi- oil a sorrel horse ten or twelve yeirs
li-i Stjtle.
old, which has a scar on both shoulders caused by warts,
and is.shod behiud, is quick in gaits and steps short, holds
a line he.id. is sunk very much above fu"ves and inclines
toI)spiU:ini. -The above 'reward of FIFTY DOLLARS
will be given fortius apprehension of the boy and horse;
the boy ui be lodged in any jail iu the Stile. All expenses
for fcewting the horse ill also be paid.
NeXrvV.S.C.Juliv W.G.NEEIi.
sept 1 if '
No. 25 CmiarStrlrt.
I "W'OL'LD repoc:fuiiv iuform all who liave any use
for :he sei t in-., (,f a Barber, that he has at th'S time
iu his employ a uiimlier of the best aud most experienced
wsiribis that cio. bandied a la'ur or a pair of shears in
Nashtilt.- 11U Jioi'ts Titled up neatly, and gentlemen may
uUvais oonfiih nUi un prompt attention and comfor
biUJ" s'uiviiig. He w.n-3 to (s'lituiuc fo receive a liberal
sh ire or encoinvr 'incut fn.m an intelligent public that
liiii.is Ihuv lo irsoriutinatc between "gilt and gold o'er
dnsie,!." aiigl"
ox iwxj; iVjr.f at iu;oai sweet.
THE Subscriber resiieclfully returns his
.1. i. 1 .1 it:.r IT.P.K, .....1
fv v
' fi
I .-J
k inanKs tu iiie puutiu hi juiiijuji-, ..u.,
IJL itciisaconiinnaiiceu;ipairoaaguiuuiuao!ive
5ilino. also
Togpther w ith every description of Metal; Turnings Metal
ic Packings Bolbit Met-il ami Cisiings.
Sodarounts Generators, Ale Pumps and Pumpsnf eve
ry'descripti..ni.unufaclured to ordfrr, or repaired at short
Cash will be paid at all times for old coppcrand brass,
j uueia 1 y .Ik; COLE.
S" S. WILLIAMS Agent tor John Williams, New
, Oilcans K mate liberal cast advances on Produce
j-i-iim- IS",
tor shipment.
THE undersigned liaving just arrived from New York and
Philadelphia, he wishes to inform his friends nd for
mer patrons, tliAt he has purchased as large and fine assort
ment of Gentlemen's Clothing and Furnishing Goods that
has ever been brought to Nashville. They are now ready fi r
nspection at his store, the
No. 11, Public Square.
I have taken particular pains to have made an assortment
of Kitra Size Lltihing for Gentlemen, weighing trom mjO
to iWi lbs., ana wuo nave always been lying uigti prices to
the Merchant Tailors.
ALSO, a splendid assortmeni of India Rubber Goods, asd
i;iin,miL.iNs ui.uthiiXU,
from the age of C yesrs and upwards.
wjll take particular notice that I can supply them with Cloth
ing and lurnishing Goods either wholesale or klvail, us
low as any one in the city.
ALSO, 'just received a large lot ef fine Plush and Cloth
Caps, of various sizes, which 1 can sell ttventy-Jire jcr etit.
lower tlutu any other house in the rity.
Comf one, come all, to M. POWERS'
World's Clothin"- Emporium,
augSO 3m No. 11, Public Square, Nashville.
Come one Come all ! This Hock shall fly
From its firm base as soon as I !!!
rrUIE subscriber lespectfully announces to the denizens of
1 Nashville and surrounding country that be has now on
band, and receiving additions daily, a large stock of Gents
aud Winter wear.
Among which May be found: Fine Black and Blue Cloth
Cloaks, s-panish do, "Opera and Congress Coats, Double do.
Black. Blue, Bno n aud Olive Over Coats, Sack, PaletoLs,
Box, Frock aud Dress Coat;, Business do., and other styles
and colors too numerous to mentiou.
Pants and Vests oi ever style aud color, to suit the most
Likewise, a general assortment of CHILDREN'S'
CLOTHING. Fine Shirts, Under-Shirts, Drawers Suspen
ders, Ct.ivats, Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Hats, Caps, Truuks,
Valises, Carpet Bags, Ac, Ac
Country Merchauis, in particular, arc requested to call
and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere
septlS I- POWERS,
No 04, Market St, opposite Union Street.
N. B. Not to be sold or undersold by any man or com
bnialion of men. " L. P.
JUST received at No. 11, Cedar Street, a largo aud well
selected stock of Cloths, Cassimers and vistiugs of the
latest styles
ALSO A large assortment of gentlemen's Furnishing
Goods. A new uud beautiful style of Stocks.
Shiit Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves of every dis
cription, Under-Shirts and Drawers.
Having made arrangement with one of the best Clothing
EstKblishaieuts in New Yoik to supply me, Win. T. Jen
nings, 231, Broadway, I am prcpaned to offer to my cus
tomers and the public, Clothing of a superior style and qual
ity. Pleasu call and examine for vourselves.
sept4 G t. J. HOUGH, Agent.
WE have just received our assortment of
of New Styles and Varieties.
ALso, an assortment of Fine itcnUy-nifide Clothing
and Gentlemen's Purilisliilig Goods.
No. 1.1 Cedar st.
Arcade Clothing Store,
JVi). 29 ifar7,tt street, opposite the Union IMl.
TV'HAXKFUL for the liberal patronage liithei to lieslowed
JL upon him, begs leave to iuform the citizens of Nash
ville aud surrounding country, that he has just received one
or the largest and most complete assortinenlsof Oenilenn,
Foil ami II7er Vlulhitig and Furu'tAimj Gouth ever
brought to the city, which will be found unsurpassed in
quality aud workmanship, and at such low prices as -annot
fail to pleasa, Tlii! siouk has been selected and made up
under my owq injection, exprelj suited to wants of
the city.
Also, a large assoi tment of
Children's Clothing,
suitable for all ages, and warranted to tit.
As my stock is very large, I can od'er great inducements
to country Merchants either wholesale or retail, at very
little above Eastern prices.
Give me a call, as 1 shall take great pleasure in shon ing
the Goods. H. A. JKSSEL,
Atcade Clolltinj Store, S'J Maiket st,
oclC Sm Opposite Union Hall.
THE subscriber has jitstopentd, at his old stand. No C3
Markut street, next door to T. W. A W. II. Evans, the
largest and most elegant flock of READY MADE CLOTH
ING and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, he ever had the
fileasure of exhibiting to his frisnds and customers, which
le is ottering at wholesale and retail, on such terms as will,
he confidently believes, give entire satisfaction.
His stock consists of Frock and Dress Cuatof gvmv va
riety ofstvle and pattern; dq. do. Pints and Vests Over
coats, link Catg, Ac, 4c; Hats and Caps a arge assort
ment; Carpet Bags Truuks, Shirts, Collars Stocks, Cravats,
Umbrellas 4c; a large assortment of Gloves, Hosiery and
Pocket Hdkfs., Ac; all of which are new, and purchased of
the best bouses in the Eastern cities expressly for this mar
ket Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on
him, he invites an examination into hi piers-nt stock and
prices as he is determined to spare no pains to please his
friends and customers.
septGS 3iu
No. S3 Marketst.
100 hags Kio i'i'ec,
oct4 tf NisnviLLE, Texx,
Tciaiacssce FQWdet
POWI)ER--Tenncspe Rifle, in quarter, half and
wholekeg's. 'Tcunessee Blasting, in kegs aud barrels.
A full supply of the above description of Powder, war
ranted eonal to auy iu the market, always on baud and for
sale by july IS' CHEATHAM, "WATSON A CO.
AI'ETY FUSE. 500,000 feet genuine Safety Fuse
r the original manufacturers forsale by
jyl.1 at W. H.Gomiqs A Ci's., PublicSquare.
oco illii;u', 1 exns.
TILL attend to the collection ot debts, and the invefti-
L ' .. . c 1 i.:.i. :n.
gallon ana perieciiug 01 iauu nno iu kw
Hon.O W. O.Tottov, Hou.Naiwas Gp.ee.n-,
" R. O. M'Kixxev. " R. L. Ridlev,
" R. Ii. Cakiituers ' Abe Capxtueks,
John L Brikx, Governor W. B. Caui-bell.
ang.ll twly
On CuUtjt street, one ifW South of the Square.
THE imdersigued would respectfully invite citizens and
strangers passing through Nashville, to callat their
store and examinethe most elegant assortment of Finishing
and Fancv Goods over brought to Nashville. We have at al I
ti mes (be'latest styles and best quality of Goods and invite
special attention to our Pateut Shoulder Seam Shirts, which
wc warrant to be well made, and lo fit better than any otlier
style of Shirts. Our slock consists in pait of Linen and
Muslin Shirts every size and quality. Silk, Merino, Cu-!i-uiere.
Shaker, Canton Flannel, Brown Cottou Hi rts and
Drawers, Silk Merino. Shaker, I,ambs Wool, Cashmere,
P.rown Cottou and Country Knit Half Hose, Kid, Silk,
Buck, Reaver, Dog Skin, Cloth, Cashmere, Fur Lined and
Plain Gloves and Gantlels. Sscarfs, Cravats, Stocks and
Ties Susjienders Silk and Linen I landkercluefs, Robe de
Chambre. Trunks, Carit Itogs, Umbrellas Canes, Razor
Strops, Soaps, Cologne, Odors, Oils, Tooth Powders, Hair
Washes, Tooth, Hat, Cloth, Nail, and HairliriLsl.es Porte
Monies, Pocket Books, Work Boxes, Dressing Cues, and
many other articles f 00 numerous to mention.
'.' B, Ladies Underwear or Silk, Merino, Cashmere and
Cotton.' Gum Goods Goodycar's Patent, beat articles.
Remember the number 50.
Furnishing Store, College streef, 1 door South of the
Square, Nashville. octll
THE undersigned dealeis iu and manufacturers of Cot
ton, hereby give notice to all persons offering Coflonto
them for sals that it must be jacked in such a manner that
the samples drawn from the edges of the bale will fairly rep
icsent the quality and condition of the whole bale; other
wise they will claim, from the seller or owner, as damages,
the difference between the actual north at the time the fact
is asceitained, and the original cost, with all expenses in
curred jv-svious to detection, and the cost of returning the
col ton- -should it be returned. And furthermore, that we
will whenever a palpable case of fraud in packing cotloa is
detected, cause lhe same lo be imblishcd in the palters of
L this city, with the names of the seller, owner and ginner.
llieuudersiguca are comjieuea lo iuis course uy mcin,
quent casesof fraud detected in vr and falxdi packing
cotton resulting frequently in heavy losses to tbe owner,
and will if continued, lower the character of Nashville Cot
ton, and thereby injure those who pack cotton honestly.
Tenn. Manufacturing Co., Ibanon.
Of Svcamore Mills.
Alisonia Manufacturing Co.
1 WM. B. ARM1STEA1) & CO.
nugl tw.twRm.
TOTICE. I am closing up my uiLsiness wuu a iew 01
1 iiermimeiitly withdrawing. Many persons ore indebt
ed to me by note and account, some for years, and I hope
they will call and pay up without lurtner delay cr irouoie.
I hare removed my Books and Papers to the room ad
joining Messrs v. u. uoraon s uo.
6Ug 11
PORTER. FOR weak and delicate persons male or female, and those
who are aftlicted with the following diseases, viz;
Weakuess. of the Breast, Bronchitis, Shortness of Breath,
one Hii and Shoulder. Fallin? of the BowcLs. and a Ten-
i dency to ltnpture, Prolapsus Uteri, or Bearing Down, Ir
j regular. Painful or Profuse Menstruation, a Tendency to
j Abortion, and Paiuful Pregnancy, and the bad shape mci
j dent 10 Child Bearing, a Disposition lo Drooping, I-onngiug
win ii earuirss, common in cierKS, inecnanics, siiidents,
seamstresses, and otliprs t?Ui keep inclined positions.
iiicsuuscriocr iiasnau me exclusive saieoi ims ctunral
7(m rnrnl...,N .1...: i.;i. .1
m.mW ha. 53:
testimonials of their remarkable curative owers. The most
satLsfactory references can he given to persons in the city of
Nashville and surrounding coimtry; furthermore, they are
recommended by some id" the most celebrated aud extensive
Practitioners of Medicine iu Nashville and the adjacent
country. For sale by II O SCOVEI
Druggist and Ajioihccary, North side of the PublicSquare,
three doors Wfot of tbe Nashville Inn. anglft tf,
IS PREPARED for the Grafenburg Companvby Dr.
Be.nj.vmis- LiBBr.orNew Hampshire. He isaVhysiciau
eightyight years of aae.and has for the lost sixty-three
years used this Ointment in his practice. A cure is war
ranted, no matter how extreme the case.
Itna is sulhcient toinduce every person tuffering uudcr
thisdisease to trj- it. Price per Bottle 5 1.
The Vegetable Pills, prepared by the Grafenburg
Company, aroused constantly by hundreds ofthousanda,
who attest their value.
The true operation ot Medicine is to give increased activity
to the means possessed by Nature for the removal of lhe
causes of disease. Forall billions disorders, Costivenrss,
Imperfect Digestion, Deficient Action of thelfowels. Liver
Complaints. Headache. Activity ofthe Stomach. Ac Price
2o cents per Box, with full directions. For sale by all Dru
Ri't. oct!3 ALEX. McKEN'ZIE, Agenl.
J. II. llcirroii; I'atcnt I'lantatlon
!tlt!V nilliti.
rtnHIS Mill differs from all others In lhe construe tlon of
the upper or Running Ktoue, which Is composed ol
French liurr ttlocUs, enclosed fu a cast iron Case, which
mrms tbe hack and hoop of Ilia Slono with a Cast Iron Kvc.or
Hush, than ia ofgrcaler external diameter at the bottom Uiai
at the top, nhlcti Is secured to lhe back by mur noils, o that
every block Is In the form of a dove tall, m Inch glvea greater
trongth to a Stnnf than any oilier tneland which is required
In email mills, where lUe stone I. run with great ,ped,aud
uecouieadaugoroui If not strongly made. It alsogivos any
weight to a stone of small diameter thai Is required without
having llthleU or high, that wakes It loplieavy.
mis nun is a square iraina inaue or wood or casllron,in
the form of abu!r,wltU Bridge-tree, Spindle Ualauce, King
Driver, and Kegalallns Screw, and grinds unon the same
principle as a lan. mill, differing onlyjn Hie Runner stone;
tills being of great wcltitcnnble It to grind nearer the cen
ter agreater quantity ofgraln with loss power than any oiher
mUlnowlu ue. This mill lirsrlable,HUdmay beatlacht-d
to steam, water, horse or baud power.
Al-SO, til sizes of Krench Hurr Mill h'lonej, manufactured
on tho same principle.
Josrdi II. Barrows, of Cincinnati, Is the Inventor, for
which heoldainrd Letter, Patent Iu 1842. For alllufrluge
raenls t'ao purchaser will bo held responsible for tho right
of using.
These Milts donot require a Millrlgut to set them up; and
all that is necessary to put them iu operation. Is to attach a
hand to tlio pulley on the spindle, with a drum sudclently
luqre to run n twenty-four Inch Mill i!40 revolutions per
in Is nte, attached to Gin, Steam, or Water Power. Uythe
steady applicatiou of two hrsu power the Mill willrlud six
(o 8 bushels s;r hourofi;ood meal: and will grind wheat
as well as corn, The thirty Inch mill, if put to Us fullest
speed, wilt grind from ten to fllteonbusbeleperhour.
These mills aru warranted to bo in every respect as recom
mended. Dir.ic-rioss roa Usixa. Place your mill abouteofeftfroui
the Drfvln; Pulley In a level position; make the belt of
leather six or eight inotics wide. Give the Stone'.MO revolu
tions a minute with the sun. Keep the neck and step of
the spindle well oiled, llace tho star on the back ofthe
Running Mone.in the same way as the Cross on the Diiver,
that Is, the way they are trimmed to run.
Kafer toThos.l'attcrsonjKsq.fOfllightand county, Ohio,
Jesse I!esl,Ksq., of Clinton county, Ohio; C. S. Bradbury,
Esq , of Cincinnati, and a number of others.
All ordersdlrectodto JOHN E. BOOM AN,
No. 52 llroadway, Nashville, Agent for Middlesnd East
Tenneisee. or J. H. BUKKOWS,
Jau 20 d. Ir-w. t w. ly. West Front tt. Cln. O,
THIS very important invention has been in use about
three years. The inventor has made improvements
which have rendered it perfect as a STRAW AND CORN
CUTTING MACHINE. It has given entire satisfaction to
every one who has used it, and is the most superior machine
in use, for the purpose tor which it is designed. It is sira
pie in all its parts, durable and easily kept iu order. It is
self-feeding, aud easily worked by a boy 12 years of ago.
It wilt cut straw or com in the .shuck from half inch to
three inches in length. Many certificates might be pro
duced from Farmers who luue. qsed them, to prove their
superiority over any other straw and com cutter now in
usb. IVraons iipe.ding snch an article may rest assured
that in if liwv Wilt tind a valuable acquisition to their farm
or stable.
The. subscriber hi3 greatly extended his means forman
iitactiiriiig thee machines, and he now solicits for them
the alleiitiou of the public, and the farmers and planters
particularly, of the South and West. He jril! hereafter be
able to fill all oiders rapidly, and ensures all machines to
do the work for which they are designed.
Being the inventor and patentee, und sole proprietor, he
will dispose of rights for counties or Slates on reasonable
terms to any Mechanic h ho nuy wish to manufacture them,
and will furnish one set of casting for patterns.
sepT f.m J0HNE.ERB.
AMR. WINTERS had last nearly nil of his hair and
had been bald for many years; by the use of ti(el"t
tiff of tlte Matjnel'u Oinlmtr.l, hul his hair entirely re.
shred, and now has .13 beauf fill a headof hair as any mau
could wish. His age is about Wyears.
A m of Mr. Warren, ot this town, 14 years of age, had
been alluded with the Asthma from his cradle- He had
the benefit of the best medical advice that a loving and
u-..,ililiv f.tlier roohl nmctirf. without avail. It was one of
! the most aggravated cares I ever saw; he was emaciated al-
most to a skeleton, liv me u--e 01 aicw uouiesoi iacumi-
inent he was thorovijItiyiHi eel, and for seven mouths past has
This was an extreme cvsa of injUimiiuitivx of the epleen,
of Ion" sUimllng; has 11 variety of treatment finni no less thau
eiijht liifferent phvsicians without leceiviii'' benefit was
cuail by the use id' only four bottle or tho Magnetic Oint
ment This was four months agontid the ladv n Mrs Dun
ham.) i3 still in good health, and able to attend to her usual
household duties, llmvettealedtvrocasesof Chronic Sore
J-je wilii the Ointuiunt, Istth of the patients so titarlif
lifirnl, as 10 need an attendant to lead them from ithtce to
place. One oftheni hml bcs;ti alllicled lb years the otlier
about i years. Thevlu-.il tried the best physicians iu the
State, without bcnetil; and oneof them had been under the
tiralmeutof the celebrated Dr. Muzzy, of Cincinnati, for
eighteen monthsaud had expended hundreds of dollars iu
vain efforts to effect a cure. They are now by use of the
Magnetic Ointment, nearly or quite cuicl; and are able to
read and attend to any ordinary business. I have used the
Ointment in a number of cases of Piles, and in o case hat it
faileil of giving imnmliaU relief ami irenentlliapermaiteitt
cure, 'l have alsoused it beneficially m severe cases of Ery
siuelas. And last but not least, 1 have within tho last year
cuied four cases or CANCER by the use of tbe Afainetic
Ointment alone! .
From a thorough trial of the Ointment in neaily every
disease for which it is recommended, 1 cau confidently re
commend it to bo oue ofthe moot useful remedies ever of
fered to tbe public Respectfully Yours,
Dafed Jan 27,1 SW, Amelia, Ohio.
The character or this Ointment; as an efficient remedy, is
established in this city. Tli-i-enre quilea nuuiberof indi
viduals wliu ascribe their restoration to health to the use ot
this extraordinary Ointment,
For sale by U. G. SC0VEI-,
for s.ue oy ,!KKUv & DEMOVILLE,
Ill AVE this day associated with me in the Saddling Bu
siness mv son, A. C. MARCH. The business in ruture
will be-conducted in the name of J. I). March A Son. All
persons indebted to me, by note or account, will plcaw oome
up and make payment. J. 1). .MARCH.
T Thankful Tor the liberal sliare or natrouage hereto
fore a coiilinmmce of the same is respectfully solicited.
jlii2 J. D. MARCH A SON.
AND WARRANTS. e are buying aud paying
the very highest prices for LAND WARRANT:. Per
sons at a distinct; having warrants tosell by sending to ns
bv mail or otherwise may depend on getting the .highest
prices at which thevare selling at the time in Nashville, and
the cosh remitted orpaid toorder.
17OR SALE OR RENT. A new Frame Housejnit
completed with seven rooms, well plastered and pa
pered. Situated on Church street, in llines j additional
Nashville. The said house is about four hundred yards
from tbe Female Academy, and will be sold on reasonable
terms ,
For further narticulara enquire of R. U Crenshaw, r
auglS W. D. ROBERTSON, M'Leraore sf,
H Llrt ifeillifll
DR. MORSE'S '' I SA2-i a
"TNVIGOEATIXG COIUHAL, a f tenomenon iu Medicine.
- tlealtti Kestored aiu Use Lengthened, by
.r.Mntn?",M"3ic1 has been ran.inff lh
SfS S . d ?s"e.ral kB-cin,lu rch of .n.tai. that
lnd in.f,.?e 1"W1.M3 enenrie.ot ibencom
aad masctil.rsTsteinj.wiiSioulttisdrawUcttvf tubwoueut
mos ration, whlcn alUtiianUst,, UdI. aad B,,?.u 11
heretofore cnuaeJ ThjisoBietaln - ta, been found! UU
a ' i-geuble produeltou, brought ft0m th unl dwu of
Arab a thsiony,byiliectebrated ftorrssotM. Mot.well
known an a dlstingulsho.1 meiabiiror th loading seieuiia
societies or the Old World, aud oqually distiugSed ai a
Iihysician, a cheml3t,and ireler. Tse JulcosorihWIinb
toncenlrated and cocildned with other ttgetabU nietK iiiL
extracts, are nor producing result, livretorore nnljrj r
i iniaia oranyotuoreoanirj. At flrtt lh Lronertles utinbh-
DIAL were deemed fabulous. The nubile often deceive, I
could not believe Ihe ainltdo and subitum truths annoonrwi
by the discoverer, l'ut facts, undeniable facu attested ty
witnesses of the highest class sad rharaclor, araaiotr iri
umphiui; over all dnultis. INCHKUUL1TY IS OVEK
TIlKOVi'!,by a mass ul teatiraony which is perfectly Ure
sis table.
The Rnxia remedies, In alt cases, the deplorable, evils
arising from a misuse or ibace ot the various i rsxns which
make up ihe wouderlutntachino railed man. It restores to
full vigor every delicate function connected with that my-,
lerlous compound agency of malteratid mind. K-cessarj to
the re-prodnction 01 linin.-.n lire. To persons r feeble mus
cular frame, or dcilclerttdtrvlTal power, it Is rei-oiniui-nded
as tbe only means of coinmurlcatingthat ener) which Is
necessar; to lhe proper ei joyinent of all lhe na.ural appe
tites, as well as the higher mental atirlbnles. lis benrocial
effects are notcoiidiiedloetitierioxor to any a2c. Thel'eo-
Me girl, the ailing m ifo, the Iuilsj:,eraeraied youth, the over
worn man of business, tne virtltn of nervous depression, the
Individual suffering frt.ni genoiat debility, ur lloni tho
weakuessofaslnglo organ, williill find immediate aud per
mauuut relief from the umof this Incomparable, renovator
To those whohavea predispisitioiito)iaralyisltwlllprove
acoiupleto and unfailing saleuardataiiut tont terrible insl
aiy. There are many, )ertiaps, whohavu so trilled wUh
their conslltuliuns, that thty think theiiisehes beyontl 1(10
reach of medieiue. Im.iLrven these despair. 'Jite KtWir
deals with disesa a. u uxlsu, without refereure localises,
and will not only remote Iht) disJtder Itself, but
Rebuild thcllrolit.'tl Constitution.
The derangements ot tho system, leading t" nervous dis
eases, aud the forms ofiiervous dneasc iU-it,are soDHUier
011s that It wouldrcquire a column to vuuiucrala iho mala,
dieaforwhlcb this preparation Is a specitl.;. A few, non
over, may ba enumerated, viz: neural'ta. lie duloteaux,
headache, iuclp'.unt parti) sis, hysteria, palpiluioit u' lie
hsart, spinal affections, mutcular debility, Ireraors, Datu
lenee, a pricking sensation iu the flesh, iiutnbueta, lotittdity
ofthe liver, mental depression, weaknessof Uio Vill,1iidis
)osition to move, fatntuets after uieroise, broien sleep and
lcrriflnp dreams, inahiliiy to remain lit one pbco or posl
tlou, weakness of tltti procn-atlvn organs, sexual lueompi
tency, melancholy, monomania, nuor albus, suitiirgat the
stomach, female iirrgularities, a rhronle teudeucy lo luH
carriage, emaciation, and alt complaints growls); out of a
free indulgence of the passions, and all barrenness tttat
doss not proceed from organic causes beyond ih reach of
Whenever the organs to be acted uptnare free from mal- 1
formation or strietural dbrases it is averred thai
3Iorses Invigorating Elixir,
will replace weak n.xs with mreugth, Incapacity with eHclen
cy, irregularity with uurorm and natural artlviry, and litis
not only without hazard of reaeiion, bul wllh a happy Vffert
on the general organization-. t r Itear In inln-l Idat all
maladies, wherever they begin. Unlsb with Iba nervous sys
tem, and thatlhe paraliztiMitof lite nerves of molioiiand
aeusatloit Is physical death. Kesrluiaiada!stf,lhalftirev
ry kind of nervous disease the Kllxir Cordial is tho only re
liable preparation known.
Cure of Nervous Diseases.
No language can convey an aueqaatu Idem f the iuiwedi.
aleattd almostmiraculous change which ll occasions iu lhe
diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, vthetaer
brokendowit by excess, Kek byitature,or lttipairdUicl.--.
nes,tho liustruiigand relatedorgaittzalfonisaloucrbracLd
re.vivllled aud built up. Tbo menial aud phvtltat sy.mtomj
of neivous diasevauisbtoiruiherunderitstL'itiieiire. for
Isthe rtfect temp'jrary; on tho contrary, tho rcllai is eiins
nent, for the cordial prnjKiriies of the nifdnue re-h Ota
constitution itself, and rrstoru it to its norms.' roudtlioti.
Well may the preparation be calledllte
.tlediciiinl Wond'T.
of tbe nineteenth century. It Is.as theflrstsrleatiflenwnla
the world would havo admitted, that miracle of medicine
heretofore supposud loltavo no exfslance.
A Stimulant Unit Entails No Re-Action.
Its force Is ueierexpanded, as is lltarsse with opium, aleo
holie preparations, and all other excitauts. 'IU effect of
these Is brief, aud itmay wed belaid of him who takes iheia,
Tlie last state of that man Is wor-u than the first " Hut tie
Kllxir is an exhllerant ttilhonl aslniledrawback salfelnil
operation, perpetual in itshappv Influence ujiou the. nerves,
the mfitd,and lhe entire oranlstiou; it st lllulsorei:ovftde.
presslons, evcliemeut, atenddney to blush, stixiplcsstioM,
dislike of society, Incapacity tor study or business
Loss of jlemory,
Confusion, giddln6ss,rn;h of blood to the head, melancholy,
mental debility, hysteria, wretcut-dttess, IhoughU of self de
struction, fear of insanity, hypochondriasis, dyspep.iz gene
ral prostration, lrrltabiluy, 'nervousness, inability to sleep,
dlseaseslncident to females, decay ofthe propoi'atiu func
tions, hysteria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation ef the
heart, liupotency, constipalion, etc., etc , from whatever
cause arlsinglt is, inhere isany lellance 10 be placed on hu
man testimony, absolutely Infallible.
A G rent Medicine for Female?,
The unparalleled effects of this great restorative, in all
complaints incident to females, mark a new era lutbe an
nals of medicine. Thousands of stimulants have been in
Tented thousands of inilgorants concocted all parpsrtlog
to be specifle I la tbe various diseases and derangements to
which ihedelicate formation of woman render her liable.
Tne result has heretoioro been uniform. These nostrums
have Indeed Imparted a momentary vivacity to the nerroas
system, a transient and delHS vo vigor to the muscle:; but
this flssh of lellef has baen au-candol by a depression and
prostration greater than beforo, tod the end has too often
neon inter!) toparaljzcthd recuperative power of the nerves
and the vital orranlratlou, and Anally lo destroy Uia unaappy
patient. Butln
."rrorsc'slnvigoraliufr Elixir,
is presented as aphenomona In the maWria medics hitherto
unhear4 ol a stimulant withoat a reaction.
Tho herb whlcbfotms Its main lnprodier.t, habcen ad
milled by all thegreat mtulenl and pnarmacantiesl insltu
tlousof huropoto bo in this re-pecttui generis. Dr. Morse,
whose name is an undi-puted authority in sciences, 1hcov
ered the production tnArabU,wher3his attention was ex.l
tedby tho wonderfully tnvlgoratinireffects it pnduced upon
the natives. In fact the wonderful power 01 eitdarar.ethe
exhaustless vigor exhibited by the Arab, of both .exes, in
their desert pilgrimages, is attributable lo lhe use of this vi
talizing herb.
An appeal is made to
Erery Woman of Seue,
who suffers from weakness, derangement, nervousness, tre
mors, pains In the back, or anyother disorder, whether pecu
liar toner set, or common in both saxes to give the Iuvigo
raling Cordial a trial .
Married Persons,
or r.tbors, will find this CordUl after they have used abottle
or two, a thorough regenerator of the system. In all tlirec
tlocs are tobelound tho happy parents of healthy oSspring,
who would not have "been so, but for Ihls extraordinary prep
aration. And it is equally potent for the many diseases for
which it Is recommended. Thousands ofyunngmen have
been icstoicdby uslaglt, and notin a single instanea has it
failed to benclli them.
Persons of Pnle Complexion,
or consumptive habits, are re-lorsdby fhettseof abnttleor
two 10 bloom and vigor changinr Ihe skin from apale,yol
low, sickly color, lo a besuuTu I florid complexion.
To the Misguided,
Thoe aresoraeof tbe sadand melancholy effects produced
by early habits of vontb, viz. weakness or the back and
lliubs, pains In the head, dimness of sight, loss or muscular
.,nu pr. nnlidiatinu of lhe heart. dvsoensU. nervous irritabil-
tty, deranjeiueut of the digestive fuuciions,genoial debility,
! symptoms cf consumption, Ac.
I .Mentallv.the fearrul effects on the mind are much lo bo
1 dreaded." Lossorniemorv.coufusion of ideasjdepresslou of
. splrits.evit fore-bodii.gs,'aversiou to society, self distrust,
I love ofsolilude. timidity, Ac ,aroomooftheeils produced.
I All thus afflicted
Ilefore ConteiniilaCiug Jlarringc.
should reflect that n sound mind and body are the mo-t npc
cssary requisites to promoto coiintibtal happiness; indeed,
without these, tho jouruoytliroughUrebcconiesawenry pil
grimsgc.thcproiitcct hourly darkens the viow; tho mind bo
comcsshadowed wllh despair, and lilted Willi tltomeltiinlio.y
rcOectionthat tho happiness ol another becomes blighted
wilhjour own.
Parents anil Cuanlians.
Are often misled with respt ct o tho causis anil sources nj
diseasosin their sonsjud warCs. How oflen do Iboy iiserHw
toother causes of wasting of tho frame, idiocy, iiiadtii n, pal
pitation or the heart, liidigt-stlott, tlcratigeiitent of 11 net
voussvstem, cough and svinJ-lotn indicstmg con'roniplloii,
whenthetrtUhls.lhattlieyliaT" btititi iudulging in perni
cious thuugh alluring practice, instructive Loth to u-tnd
and body.
Ha. Moitss's lsvinoant.su Cusiiul has tceu counter
feited by some uuprim iple.t persi its.
In future all tbegrauiiiu Cordial will hare. the proprietors
fac-siruilo pasted over lite run 01 eacn uoiue, auo wo on
lowing worn? blown intunautri
O It, N.Y."
rated, in jdnl
C. II. KIM!. I'lIlirKltl
177 Tho Cordial is put up highly concentrate'
bottles , .
Pant 83 00 per bottle; two for S Ifcslv forStS TO.
C. 11. Kl.t:, PHUPKIKllllf.
1!12 firosdwar.New Veik.
Sold by Druggists throughout tho Unitsd States, Canwla
and West Indies, and also by W. F. (!KV, sueeesscr to
CartwrlghttSc Armstrong, corner of Market and Hroad streets,
Nahville,Teoiieseeo. ocf.1" d wAjCiit
For the cute of Painful and Disordered Menstruation,
Miscarriage or Aboitiou, arid the relief ofall those
Sympathetic Nervous Affections attendant on
Much of the suffering atlendant upon tlx lives of female
at the present day may be traced to some slight imprudence
or neofect during some critical period of their i.eculiarea
sons'causiiig obstructions irregularity, Ac, which, if not
relieved, Tadua!ly weakcus and deranges the system, ami by
sympathy induces those chronic forms of disease Con
sumption, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Ac -which either hurry them
toan early graveorrendertlieiiuiivalids forh.e. Jinny ot
the fairest and loveliest or creation, ut that age when the ibud
was just bursting into bloom, have withered and died from
the eil'ectsof obstruction, and the want cf a remedy to assist
nature at that evenUuItteriod.
It is not offered as a cure of nil ills that flesh is heir to,
but ns a remedy aud preventive for n certain class or com
plaints, in which it is warranted lo do all that is liere set
forth or that medicinedirected with experience ami skill can
perlo'rm. Sold by SC0V1L A MEAD,.
Ill Chartres street, New Orleans
General Wholesale Agents lor the Southern Slates to whom
all orders must be addressed-
julyl lydtwAw.
--rT?i-!Tlfrs! Knit S.VT.K. The subscriber has scr
L eral families of Negroes that be will sell at pnyttfp
sale to persons residents in this State, aud wlio intend
keen them therein. Residence on Ihe Nashville and 1 rru.1-
lin Turnpike, 11 miles from Nashville.
augui im.
V SALE. The undersigned offers ; for sale hh reridenee
on Spring or Church Streetvrith the furniture if dewed.
Terms made knovra on application FogTEBi
Or to my absence to . - 0GO'
una 17 tf. ' -
Inventors, Manuf..ctunrs and Proprietors of the justly
celebruted It It. R Remedies were the lirst lo discoier a
ReiiKsly no,S60sSinr Il.e Uarvelnua mid Mirrnculom nower
or Moj ping the most Excruciating Pains id an instant, al-
-.'"s mi: noisirampsana i-pasms, etuier iniernal or ex
ternal, in a few minutes and scathing lhe most -severe
1 aroxysms of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Tic Doloreur,
mx.n as applied. The B, It R. Remedies consist ot
threa IWmedies, each pceff quieted wonderrul row-
nmmlf complainUond d.seuses and will iristaully
y?r., ,? Jl'.V6 1,amsn Srslcm Trom pain. '
1 .' . vMh ndx 0lan 10 Healthy Action.
wiS-VA-. mil aI1 1)!ased Drposites.
'JAW the Lodv from all Corrupt Hm6r,.
1 lie,Ve?Val,Q BfokcnWn Constitution
a.niworouVAr,rU,',n!',g,i' unS0UnJ
R. R. R. NO. 1. Radway's Ready Relief, for all Acuta
Complaints Infernal orExternaL The moment ili.san
iheU exiemally. or taken into the system, it will stop the
most excruciating pain and quickly remove its cause.
RHEUMATISM. Mr. Granger, a ruasou well known iu
Brooklyn, was a-crtpple for nine years, Radway's Ready
Relier relieved him from pain in fifleen minutes enabled
him to walk two miles without the aid or stick or crutchtiu
three days, and cured him cnlirely ia one w rek.
Thousands or other oases equally as wonderful as the
above, have been cured by It R. Relief.
CHOLERA MORBUS. Radway's Ready Relief will re
lieve tliesullerer from all pain in fifteen or twenty minutes.
It will cure the most dejverafe cases in a Tew hours.
NEURALGIA. The moment R. It Relief is applied it
allays the most paiufid paroxysms. It will always cure.
muiv. JitaitAuiii 11 win relieve tne most distre.-simr
paius iu fifteen minutes,
It will likewise prevent renewed
AGUE. In ten minufes a lea spoonful of R. R
win stop me minis ami iweaic me rover.
Aches of all kinds Pains ot all kinds, Bruises, Burns,
Eeahis Sirains, Strais, Stiff Joints lameness One ap
pli cation ot iUd way's Ready Relief will. In a few moments,
entirely stop the psin.
It reduces- swoiliogs, heats sores, cuts and wounds re
move,, brui-es, allays the moat violent irritations For all
jKiins use It. R. Relief. Look for the signature of ltadivay
A Co. .nch bottle.
R. K. R. NO. 2. Radway's Renovating Resolvent
Itesohe, Ktjtioyate, RebuHdsl It cures
Sewfola, , Tunwrs Bleeding of the Lungs,
SypraTui, CMMuBiptTon, 8t. Vitus' Dance.
boie, IHetels, Salt Rheum,
Asthma, Nwre Canker,
llrorn4iitts lever Sores, Rash,
Ulcers, . ErysifWs, Tetters,
The uht.ve qjulti n complaints R. R. Resolvent will post,
tlvely cure.
. It reaorates-tltejiysteni cnmpIeMy. Resolving awny from
the Solids all impure Poisonous and Diseases! Deposits, free
injf the Dtood ami Fluids or Life from all corrupt humors,
nxttomux Knergy and Vigor, Health and Strength to every
Orgaa ami Member of the body.
Hon.J. J. Middh-hm, of Waixsamaw, S. G, writes n
under dale of May, irtl, ISM, that Railway's Renovating Re
aolvoBt curetl on or bis negroes, on his plantation at Beaji
rert, of a Sorofuloos coniplaint, of many years standing.
Tlie lKr fellow was a disgnstiii objecrofpity; be was a--nioviogmass
of sores. The other negroes could not remain
in Ihe same place with him. He was entirely cured by
Rdirtys Kenorating Resolrent, and is now at work upou
the jrfaliUtUm. To tlie jteeple of S. C. Mr. Middleton 1
well known, and to the political world Mr. Middleton is no
SCROFULA. When tlie patient has been afflicted for
tiveve3rs, or under, favorable symptoms will apiiearoa the
uiiHu i'a 1 ai ionising i.. ji. iiesoireni:
1 en veara
on the
Fifth day.
i'tfloeii j ears
Twenty years
Thirty years
Forty years
Seventh day.
Tenth day,
Tneotieth day,
Thirtieth day.
Mlly years
We have had cases where old men of sixty years, who
have been scrofulotuall their lives entirely cured by Rad
way's Renovating Resolvent. R. It Remedies exhibit their
efficacy immediately. They do not keep the afflicted paiu
stneken sutlerer lingering in doubt, but readily exhibit their
efficacy; instantly relieving paiu renovating, restoring, ie
building, and regulating ibe diseased body, to health and
Mr. W. B. Oliver, ot Dsyfon, Dooly Co, Oa., under date
of May 8, laio, writes "tlial a servant girl who -was so re
duced that no one would give a thrip for her life," She was.
so covered with sores thai there was not a spot of pure flesh.
ortlie she of a silver dollar on htr wbole body, was entire
ly cured bvRadwair a Renovating Resolvent
NINETEEN YEARS. Mr. Henderson, or Westfijrd,
Mass., has been covered with jorts for nineteen years, and.
cured bv It R. Resolvent.
SALT RU EUM. The most obstinat e cases of Salt Rheum
will quickly yield to the RENOVATING RESOLVENT.
Onegenlleuiso w Ik. supposed that this complaint was he
reditary in his family, and had been aHlcled with Salt
Rheum since bis birth, was cured by the useof a few bottles,
of tbe renovating Resolvent, and the poisonous Rheum en
tirely eradicated fromhbisvstem.
I T REGENERATES every organ and member of the
bodr; it makes sound, healthy and stonoll weak, diseased
and'unsAimd parts
WEARS ivSS, in Mile or Female, is quickly cured, and
the debilitated and emaciated m.tdo strong, vigorous and
healthy, impotence and Nccturnal Emissions in men, or
diseases of either one or more, of the generative organs, are
quickly remori-d, and the body restored to a healthy and
sjurid cendlrion.
LOW SPIUlTS-KEKVOUafs'ESS-In women, the nu
merous complaints ami ailments which cast such gloom
over their spirit, a few doses ofthe Renovating Resolvent
will qiuckly remove, and tbe most nervous, Gloomy and de
depressed, feel healthy, stroug and happy.
Per-ous Viishing this remedy will please ask for Railway"
Renovating Resolvent Its price is one, dollar per bottle.
No small ltottlcs nor is the genuine ever sold for less. Each,
bottle bears the foe simile signature of
RAD WAY A CO., ICS Fulton st. N.Y.
R. It R, for sole by Dragnets gene rail y.
. ,,. J. M. ZIMMERMAN,
Wholesale Ageut for Tennneasee.
novl lm Chaltanooira.
And Druggist aud Merchants everywhere.
THE great Remedy for Rheumaltsm.Gout, pain In tbe Sid
Hip, Back, Limbs and joints Scrofula, King's Evil
White Swellings Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints and all filed
pains whatever, ivnerc tuts .riasier ts apjineu l ain ciuo.oi
exist These Plasters possess the advantage of being put upirs
air-tight boxes ; Itetico they retain their full virtues in all cli
mates. This celebrated Pain Extractor has been so extensively
used by Physkiaiis and the people in general, both in thisj
country aud Europe, that ii is almost lH-edlirss to say any
thing about it Yet tliere may be some, who stand in need
ofitshealing po era who have notjet tried it. Fi.rtheir
sakes we win simply state what it lias done in laisisaud of
ctk-es aud what it will do for them when tried.
Read tlie Wkiw ing testimonv fiom a pIiyfueLn.
GiJtTfaKMhN. our Hebiew linsWliaS ctitcd lar of pains
...Ti.i.1. I lm. Kiitrerii rvr twi-lvp veara nost. Diinothis
I period I laboied timleron affliction otmy li.insaml siJe.mid
I tnetl many leuMslies tlat my own melirI exiieri-iice sug
j seated, bal vtiiliouitl4minj; reliet'. At length I used your
j Plaster, ami ui ikw bv its good eil'-s's entirely cured.
vvtH nosonsswod the Jew Dsvnl or Hebrew Pkisfer toall
1 wImi are sutl'-Tnig fhtoi coitfrji;.jn of the uuijt-les, orpernia
t neflt twir.s ill thr side i r bacl.
1 Tlteppfcf(Stl"biit tolkconieaefiwainted with
1 is viltuns wlveii tltey will re-rtti 11. use.
Y.M.IS, i.ulv. V. WALKER, M. D.,
1 , Portvtht-. Monroe county, Ga.
1 ToMe?sre.SeovilAMad, ' OikausLa.
1 JEWvOiAViin; 01: ii::iti:w pi.
I . Hour: PeMviL A M.-.'vii- -1 S-.Tl
been troubled with the
rirOM3rhnm for the Wwt twelve years. OnthoIOtot
(uly 1341J, I was s bad tlmt I rmw not iurii mysen in oeu,
and I he psin fn .Kevere that 1 bar) not slept a wink fur six days.
At this time my aUawJiMr Phy.ssciau preaeribetl lhe "Hebrew
llusler," aud it oeed liso a charm) tins pain left nie and I
slept inore tram half of the itif,bt, tlwl in three day I was:
able to ride not. I consider the "Hebiew Plaster" thebest
reuiudy lorsdl sorts of pouwitow iu use
J G. W. McJlINN.
Hcn.!er!fviHe, Jf. C, Aug. 10, 130".
ij- iw iv :-ir vsr
Beware of counterfeits and bas imitations !
jvjJfThe ganniuf will mftttuie litve the sljrnSIiireE
Taylor on the steel pUMe engraved label 011 tbe top of each
'"uiehasers are advised that a mean counteifeit of this ar
icles is hi c2ie4erH e. . - , .
The genuine is sold only by u., and our B"W
bit.gl.onttbCS.rtrtl.-aml no i-sr fL
Dealeri. and rrda geralIv.-oe JJg Bb
iugr.r butwtr roivulsir agents olLcrwise they will oe impsis
etltipon vvith a worthier article. & JBA
1-orsale by chartres street. New Oileans.
Gcn.nl Wltolesd A the Southern States, ,0 wnou,
Icneral Wltoleaale Ageni-v '
orderSn.o5tb.rl- &
Sold by lin. j v HBHRY.
Nashvil'e, Tcno
j. M- ZfMf5i:siA & ijo-, ,00;
IL a. SCOVEL, do.
Til E above HOTEL is now open for the reception of lzr
Til's long estabfehed and well-known House has unJer
irrie a thorough alteration throughout, and furnished with
Tbe TABLE wid always be supplied with tho Blisi
marketatfords; and the Proprietor trusts by
course, both with servants aud the regulations of the hous.
eraUy, he will be enabled to give entire satisfaction to
those tlui may taTorhlm with tteir patronage.
JoniM lytrw J-u- '
OUR Goods are selecteti and purchased by ourselyeA,
vv ith great care in t!.e best markets which enables ne
to sell low tor CASH. Our C andics ore WARRANTED to
keep dry ; and we sell ns cheap as any honse in the coun
try. Toys Pocket Cnflery, Pistols," Revolvers and Sclf
cocking; SpaaisU Cigars, Ac.,Acc. julygfi ti
THE Fortieth Edition, with One
Hundred Engravings showing
Diseases and MMfcnnalHrns of th
Human System in every shape and
form. To w hidi is added a Treat.se i
on the Diseases of Females, being ef"
1 ne nignesi importance 10 marrtea ;
people, or tliose contemplating mar-
riage. By WILLIAM YOUNG. M.D. '
Let no fatlter be ashamed to pre- '
sent a com-of tbe -iESCl" LAPK S
to bis chiftl. It may wve him from
an early grave. Let no young- man
or woman enter into the secret obli.
PS'ir0.',."?." Bfc w1ut reading the POCKET
.LaCUI.APlCb. Let bo one sufferine 1mm n. rtsknil
Cough, Pom in the Side, restless nights, nervous feeliajrs
and the whole train of Despectie sensauons and given up
bythMr iursicii be anolVr moment without eoasultin;;
the .dCULAPIUS. Havethe mamed, or those about to
be marnol, any impediment, read this truly useful boot, as
it lias been the means it siring thousand's of unfortunate
creatures from the very jaws of death.
Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENT3 en
closed in a letter. vviH receire mve copy of ibis work by mod
or Gve copies will be seat for One Dollar.
Address, (post-paid,) DR. WM. YOPjrc,
march lt,ly A-152 Spruce SI. PModelfMa.
Vll. WM. MclVANE,
EESPEt TFUJAiY announces to the citizens cf NashviUa
and vieinitr, that be has returned again after a rei.
denoe of fourteen years in tlie Sooth, and permanontlTla.
cated himself in Stmtli Nashville, at tho corner of W oskr
ingtonand Pearl streets where he may at all times be fem4
by those w ho may wish to coaanlt him.
He has in his jgjfjtien many certificates from men f
eminent &tandHyS?rtifying to tbe permanent cure of the
most distressing cases ot the following diseases vir Ner
vous Affections, Liver Coniplainss Dyspepsias Chilli and
Fevers, Pleurisies Asthmas, Colds t'oughslncipient Con
sumptions Rheumatisms Weak Lungs, Fits Dropsies.
Cancers Ulcers, Scroffulous Hemiptasis of the Lungs and
othor IlcmOntges; DUrrbvo, Dises.i ofthe Kidneys, Mer
curial and Venereal Tatots ofthe Bktod; Diseases of Chil
dren, Worm? and various other Duesues incident to the hu
man system.
During his residence in tbe Sooth, lie attended to over ten
thousand different cases, all of which he treated with mora
tbaa ordinary
Dr. JULane hopes from bis much experience in the Modi,
cat li3ti!sshm arid tbe degree of success that has attended
bis effort s heretofore, to obtain Moa cofi&deace and pafroaaga
ofthe sick and afBieted.
Noshvflte. Feb -ly. DR. WM. McLANE.
SrAUIttersaddresseil, post-paid, to South Nashvilla.
rpHE subscriber would call tbe attention of those who
X wvh to .embark in the Iron business also those who
wish to own a handsome and fertile farm, to tbe followiaj
property wbieh he offers for sale.
1st. Jackson Furnace and lands, say about 2500 ssrev
This furnace is oa Beaver Dani Creek, Dickson county.
Tennessee, and tbe stock is the largest in tbe State, being
47 feet high. The foresee, except the stack, is new bein
rebuilt and will be ready to put in blast by the 1st of No
vember. The route of the iforlh Western lUilroad, as sur
veyed, passes immediately by the Furnace. Tbe ore is un
surpassed, and tbe timber and grousu admirably adapted
for coaling.
Also, Betleview Furnace, and about 1 00 acres of land,
including the Dkksun ore bank. This Furnace is on Jones
Creek, about three miles Sooth of Ciurlo-te. There is a
good water power, and also good farming lands attach ad ta
Also, tbe "Volley Forge no Jones Creek, and about 37,
00 acres of land. The fidl is 23. feet and tbe bead ( water
immense. There are some very tine farming lands in this
tract and it is altogether a most desirable location.
Also, the Mill Creek property and Duck River ore bant
in Hickman county, Tennessee. Tbe Mdi Creek sites ot
which there are five or six, present tbe best water powers
for the sizeof the stream that can be found in any country.
Tbe Duck River ore bank is tbe heaviest deposits cf ore ia
the Stale, ami tbe ore can be procured with leas labor tbu
at any bank in the country. It is within half a mde of
Duck River, and tbe loads around are covered with th?
best coaling timber.
Also, the Lower Tunnel, at tbe Narrows of Ilarpeth, in
Davidson county, Tennessee, wuli ten acres of und for
bulltlings and machinery. It isunneceetary to spcalcof tho
water power al tbe Nanows of Uarpeth. It is known to
every one, and twenty-five years of experience enables tho
subscriber to speak with certainty of its great benefits sad
usefulness. 1 1 is, indeed, only to be seen to be appreciated.
Iatstly, my Williamson Form, on which I now reside, and
which lor beauty and fertility is second to none Tbe bouse
is large and oirr, and tbe out-btuidings of the best descrip
tion. Ii is intersected by the Southern Railroad, and also
by the Nashville and Franklin Turnpike. It 13 11 miles
from Nashville and 7 from Franklin. It is a "meadow
farm," watered by Little Usrpetfa, and the best evidence of
its quality is the hay produced on it this year, which al.
who have seen it pronounce it the best they have ever seen,
It is altogeihtrone ofthe Htost desirable farms tor beanfy
and pront that is in the South-west It contains about CZj
Tbe above property is ofiered Eh-sale, not far the parposs
of profit tr speculation, but simply from the rod that the
subscriber's health, makes it necessary to relieve himself cf
the care, necessarily incident to so much real property la
dled at different points, and renders him unable to givs tt
tliat personal attention which it requires.
Any one wishing to purchase any of the above property
will please call on tbe subscriber at bis residence, or ad
dress him at Good Spring P. 0., Williamson count y. Tes
nyesee. ruigSl im M. BELL.
Clncimwti Enquirer will publi-h tbe above until tbe 1st
of January, lsil, and send bid to this office.
Fall ami Winter
A". 13, Oxtkfr Sj'iare aJ MUi ht Srttt, Xotinlle
HAS received his new Fall Importations of RICH AND
he takes pleasure in muling tbe attention of friends aud
the public, feeling assured that he eon otter as great bar
cuins. xs can be Kitmd in the citr,
Of the latest Parisian styles which ore truly elegant in
eluding a beautiful variety of the richest and handsorurs.
Plaid, Brocade, Block, Bay ndere. Striped, Nauouit Repp,
and Watered Silks, as has been in this city.
Jietvand Ur-nntiful Parisian Plaids,
Of entire new designs with Ue lioodsomest and
Including the j(ttv, grave, rich and elegant
Tt'cw nml Choice rrench Merinos.
Tlie most desirable colors in maiket era bracing-the most
fasnionaWesIrades which the ladies will Sod beaDttful
M !(
Orihe a-oicest patterns and most besotiful eoiors, and 13
fueteverr other klad of Dry Goods, suitable for
Canlon Crape and iUwbroidered Shawls .ofall kinds,
-i,,-, the Httb Bredie. or Cashmere i- bawls.
c 3iomt:S(i coonsoFALi. kinds (
Of Borabsaoes Alpsccn, Cloths Canton, Black de LaJDes,
Bareges Cieoaduis, Moureing Sleeves Collars ClieralJttvi,
llandkerehiffs sad everything eb Mutable lor a
i.aiiV'.s MouiiMSC w ituuoni:.
Also a beautiful variety of
Honiton, Valenetenc, and N.sl!e-work Collars, R.r'i
Cambrie Cbeusxetts and Sleeves; in setts); Jaconet aJd
Swiss Edgings, lDsertings, Coniune Mid Swiss Flouncing.,
anoBqiie worl:. Also a fine assortment of
Handkerchiefs, Cravats; Silk, Cotton, and Merino Lndcr
shirts and Drawers.
Or Linen and Cotton SbeeriBijaand Shirtings, TaMa Da
mosks. Nankins Toweliags Crashes and Diapers.
Quills, Flannels, Canton Flannels Wwlsb Flannels and
Cambric. Ac., Ac
Tweed Cassimeresj Oter Coatings Ofall kinds. And w ,1
open in
a few days a beautiful ossorimeni 01 ine
Made of the very material. -
Call and pxanrrne tttts large and One assortment of goods.
suitabif to.the approuoiHi(C o, w niu u
disappointed either in styles or prices.
, 18o3.
VOK SALE. Four yohsabie Farms, no tbe Coney
V Fork River, 76 miles from Nashville, 3D hours trsvei
by stage well timbered, goad stock farms and the r .e
nawifiable for Rteaoitwts 7 or is saaorfw in the year. Tooe
vviifitBg to eriaje iw"W I.tsnsWr trade, or ia rotsmar stocc
would So weltts fit e a ttM. a L,D'YIS
Sept tf fi ' At the U. P. Moil Packet Office.
K . iWm
a mar ib

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