OCR Interpretation

Nashville union and American. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1853-1862, April 19, 1854, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038518/1854-04-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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sell. '"'" '
mlm: Ml) ' ame ric a N;
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to subscribers p$ the following rates: Single copies,; one
year in ad ranee. $2 SO; within the..yeart3 00; at the end
or the rear $4' 00.' CtTOh-Of five lina upivardsi--? 2T 00
per 'copy Cot' ooeyeir.I Clubs of subscribers will bere-
cei ved for six months at the foregoing rates.
Le TR1-WEEKLY, s published eTiy Tuesday. Thursday,
and Saturday, at $5 per annum in advance; it, notpoia .a
advance, ?C.
DAILY is nublishediU Eieht BoIUm.
' Remittances of subscriptions but be uade by mail at our
risk. . 1 , .
paper will be sent oat of the Stats unless the order I ac-s
companied with the cash.- '
N A S H V I L L E:
The preseni Judge? of the Supremo 'Court have con
noted to the use of their names for re-election : '
ROBERT J. McKINNEY. for East Tennessee;
HOliERT L. CARUTHEItS, for Middle Tennessee;
A..AV1 0. TOTTEN, for West Tennessee.
We" are "aulhorlKiT to announce W. KTce.vkr o
candidate for re election to. thoi.office1 of Criminal Judge
for the criminal, disjrict. of Davidson, Montgomery taiid
GSf,Ve are authorised to announce Col . A. F. Gofp a
candidate for judge of 'the Criminal Court in the Circuit
composed'of Rntherford, Davidson and Montgomery coun
ties VW We are requested to announce Sasibcl n. Fbikb
sox, of Columbia, a candidate for 'ChanclIorof the' Middle
Chancery Division, composed of the counties of Stewart,
Montgomery, Robertson, Davidson, Williamson, Marshal,
Giles Lewis and Maury.
We are authorized to' announce Jonx C. Collieu,
of Charlolt, as a Candidate for Chancellor of the Sixth di
wsiou, comiosodof tho: following counties: Carroll, Ben.
ion, Humphreys, Dickson, Hickman,, l'erry, Decatur, Hen
derson, M'Nuiry, Hardin, Wayne and Lawrence.
J-gT" We are authorised toaunouueo Sotox E.Rose as
a candidate for Chancellor, for the Sixth' Chancery D:strict,
comtiosed of the counties of Hickman, Dickson, Humphreys,
ltenton, Carroll, Decatur, l'erry, Henderson, McNairy, Har
din, Wuyue and Lawrence.
J2f Ve are authorized to announce Beverly S. Allk.v
as a candidate for Chancellor for the Sixth Chancery Divi
sion, conijKised of the counties' of Dickson, Hickman, Law
rence, Wayne, iiarain, jucnairy, Henderson, uecaiur, rer
rr, Humphreys, Benton and Carroll.
l-sf We are authorized to announce 3Iicajah Bullock,
i:sq., of Madisu county, ns a candidate for Chanceller for
the Western Division of Tennessee, at the next May elec
tion. We are authorized to announce Tuohas M.. Josh as can
didate for Circuit Judge iu the 3th Judicial Circuit com
posed of the counties ot Marshall, Maury, Lewis and Giles,
I3gr" We are authorized to announce S. C. Pavatt as
candidate fur Chancellor in the Sixth Chancery District,
composed of the counties of Dickson, Hickman, Lawrence
Wayne, Terry, Hardin, M'Nairy, Decaturc, Henderson,
Carroll, Ronton and Humphreys.
To hie Voters oV TENXESjtE.-'-The undersigned re
spectfully annoiiuces'himself to the voters of Tennessee, as'
a cand'datel'orthe othee of Attorney General'and Reporter
at the approaching election iu May nex .
feblS. B. k w. of Shelby County.
"We arc authorised to announce Jo. W. Bell, of
Nashville, as a candidate for Attorney Geueral and Re
porter for the State at Urge.
T Le Memphis Appeal aud Whig will please copy.
We are authorized to announce William F. Coopek,
livlas a caud'tdate for Attorney General and Reporter for
the .State.
JWcarc authorized to announce Gen. I.. M. CAWr,
bell, of Brownsville, as a candidate for the office of Attor
ney General and Reporter for the State.
The Nashville Wbig.'Kn'oxville Statesman, and Knox
ille Whigare reqncaled to insert, and send their bill to this
r3f" We authorized to announce Jo3ei G. Picxirras
candidate for Attorney General for tho State, and State
jg?T" We are anthuiized to announce W. E. B. Jones, as
a candidate for Attorney (leurral for the tourth Judicial
tlircuit, at the ensuing election.
J3 We are authorized to announce O. G. BRAnroBD (the
present incumbent) as a candidaie for Attorney General for
the Sixth Judicial Circuit, composed of the counties of
Sumner. Davidson and Williamson.
-JWettre authorized to announce Roeebt F. Hill, as
a rauuiuaie itir Aiwruev 1cucn1t 01 wo b.u.
. ruit.
1 if We are authorized to announce I. M. Tssiple, as
1 a candidate tor Attorney (icneral 111 the s'nth Judicial Cir-
cnit, composed of the counties ot WUlumson, aumner ana
I We areauthoriied to announce Willuu B. Batb,
oi a candidato for Attorney General, for the sixth Judicial
fZSf- We are authorzed to announce J. Siiaxi, Jr., as a
candidate for the ollice of Attorney General in the Sixth
Judicial Circuit.
jagT We are authorized to announce I). C. Welckek, as
a candidate for Attorney General of the f.th Judicial Circuit,
composed of the Counties ot Sumner, Davidson and Wil
liamson, atthe election ou the 4th Thursday in May next.
feb2s luidtriwAiv
jgj" We are authorized to announce the name of Geo
Maxet, as a cauuidjte for Attorney General in the sixth
Judicial Circuit.
jT We are authorized to announce IIekvax Cox, Esq.,
us a candidate for the otlico of Attorney General for the sixth
Circuit, composed of the counties of Williamson, David
eon, and Smnucr.
r- We are authorized to announce W. A. Glexx as a
candidate for Attorney General for the sixth Judicial Cir
cuit. 5f W are authorize! to announce Ddncan R Cla
boene a candidate tor Attorney General of the Cth Judi
cial District.
fjjf Wenro authorized to announce tho Ilon.NiniixiBL
Baxtkh as acaudidate for Circuit Judge in the sixth Judi
cial Circuit, composed ot tho counties of Sumner, David
kou and Willinm.on.
l'lic Cicat Restorative.
l!Xs Mr. Jonallmi IUmghani.of Wt Union, I'alk Coun
ty, lllinma, write H proprirtor that he had suffered great
ly from a severe an.l protracted sttnek of F,er and Ague, and
w completely restored to liealtb hj iho nee of the Llvtr Pills
shine. nnielMls unqaestionatily jiojseM great tonic fpro
pities,ai;raabo taken with drcided advantage for many
tt'ences requiring Invigorating remedies; but tho Liver Pills
ttand pre-eminent as a means of restoring a diiorganlzsd Liv
er to hesllby oction, hence the great celebrity they have at
tained. Tlie numerous formidable diseases arising from adl
rased l.lvi r, whirh to long baffled the akill of the most cml.
uent physicians of the United Stales, aro now rendered easy
of cure, ihanks to tbe study and persevorauce of the distin
guished physician whose name this rreat medicine bars a
name which will descend to posterity as one deserving of
vratltnde. Tuis invaluable medicine should always be kept
. ilbin reach; and on the appearance of the earliest symptoms
t.f dineaied Liver, It can be safely and usefully administered.
jrJ Purchasers will plcaso be careful to ask for Dr. Mc'
UM:'.S I'elobrated Liter Till', and takenone else. There
Hreolher l'llU.purporilng to be Liver Pills, now before the
public. Dr. SIMjiib's Liver Tills, also his Celebrated Ver
nitrufe.caiinow t.e had at all resectable Drugstores in the
Tinted States and Canada. apl lm
Or, Move's. Invigonititig EHxir or Cordial.
Two thirds of our diseases proceed from au unnatural con
dition r the l'imarli and nerves. Indigestion arising from a
winl ol vlccr in the digestive organs. Is the main cause of
a large auiountot Um phtsiral pain and disconlfurt, and the
mental depression which ne all, more or less, have suffer
ed. "o 111 Dr. M.ir-e's lntigoratlng Ellilr or Cordial we
have a preparalun,W-iabif iu its nature, and entailing no
alter penalne'bj Its cures, which goe at once to the fountain
of the Jlillculiy. Itactsas a t.liniulant u)on the stomach
and the subsidary organs; but isiuvigoratii.g; agency is mil J,
uniform and constant, and Is ueter followed bj any prostrat-Ingre-srtion.
If theSctinn of the animal machinery is un
true tothe laws of he-alUt, it brings 11 into cuurormity with
those laws,anJ seems to restrain or inyel every vital func
tion until the condition necessary to secure tho perfection of
tl-oraml regularity is attained. So much for the philoso
phy of Us operation. It, reultsare not a matter of theory;
they are e.-.tabllhed Tacts. Te-tlmouy verified by affidatit,
facts notorious as that the sun shines, assure usthat dyspepa
Ma, neuralgia, female Irregularities, linpntenry, barrenness,
gilicril debility, nervous diseases of all kinds, and chronic
lowuess or spirit", from whatevercauso arising are certainly
and radically cured bt this preparation.
This Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, In pint bot
tles Price thrcedollars per bottle, two for dve dollars, six
rortwelvo dollars. KING, Proprietor,
19i ltroadway, Sew York.
Soldi") Druggist', throughout the United Slates, Canada,
and West indies, and by W. K. (3KAY, Sole Agent, sue
cessorto Cartwright aud Armstrong, corner of .Market and
Broad streols.Nashvlltc, Tennessee.
apl '51 lmdtrwiVw
NOW IS TDK ACCEPTED TIME As you value jour
life do not defer attending tothatCoroiiany longer; goand
purchase a bottle or Dr. C. Williams' Pulmonic Balsam of
Wild Cherry and Wood Naplba,and you will he immedi
ately relieved of all your distressing symptoms. Be parti
cular and do not let them palm offany other medicine upon
... rafuronn m lha lnnr advertisement
tou. tt e rtffit-t,Mi,j j
in another column.
laprll 1 '5t-lm.
H. G. Fart-ell's Celebrated Arabian Liniments
1. n to tose.s the moat wonderfully healing,,
penetratlng.andstlmBlating properties, and by Its prompt
ness In effecting cures, which previously had resisted all oth
er mediclnes.adminlstered by tho mostsclenliflcphyslclans,
has plaudit far beyond any similar remedy ever introduc
ed to the people oftbo uuueaniaiesv 11 siimuiaies ineao
nrbents to Increased action, and thus enables nature to
throwoffdlsease It penetrates to the bone, adding strength
and activity to the muscles it Is pewcrfully anodyne' and
thereby allays nervous Irritation, producing a delightfully'
pleasing sensation through the whole frame. Owing to' Its
, remarkable antlceptlc properties, It purlnes'and neutralizes
that poisonous, corrosive principle which renders old' ulce
rous soros so difficult to heal: it therefore is peculiarly a
daptod to their speedy cure-. This Liniment from Its nene-
rating and strengthening qualities has been "found to to a
specific for Paralysis or Palsy, Whlteswelllngs and diseased
Joints, and In fact all complaints, .involving tho .muscular,
system. It has cured 'cases of Rheumatism of twenty Id
thirty year's standing, and alfeciTons of, the Spine wherein
the. entire spinal cp)umn was so crooked and. distorted, that
the patient could not'walk or stand without 'artlficlal'sup
port. Numerous cases Of PaUvhave boon cured when (be
fleshhad withered, leaving nothing hut the dried' i-liln and
bone, and the limbs totally withoai uo, or icelius. 1'or
Children with Croup ltis'of inestlmable'talue, rubbed and"
bathod over tho throat and chest. If applied rrouly on tho
-cheat it never falls to give relief ,lu the severe conges at
tending Consumption, Asthma and Colds. It heals wound
speedily will cure Scaldboad, Mange, etc. Planters and
Farmers will find It a most valuable medlclnd toTJe applied
to Horses and Cattle for Sprains, Bruises, Lameness, Stiff
Joints, Sweeney; Dry Shoulder, Wounds, Burns', Splint,
Chafes or 'Galls, Hardened Knots oniho flish,etc.
Lookout for Counterfeits I
The public are cautioned against another counterfeit,
which has lately made its appearance , called W. 15. Fart
rell's Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of all the coun
terfeits, because his having the name of Farrell, many will
buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a' counter
feitexists, and they will perhaps only discover1 their error
when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil etieefs.
The genuine article is manufactured only by H. G. Far
rell, sole inventor' and proprietor, and wholesale Druggist,
No, 17 Main Street. Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applica
tions for Agencies must be addressed. He sure you get' it
with the letters IL G. before Farreli's, thus-H. G. FAR
RELL'S and his signature on the wrapper, all others are
counterfeits. Sold By
" I'lvtv i,-TTTvriTT7tcr
xiti 11. a ij.oiuj.iv,
W.-.F. ORAYj
and by regularly' autliorized aecnts throughoui thS United
37" Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle.
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and hamlet in
tho United States, in which one is not already established.
Address II. G. Farrell as above, accompanied with good
reference as to character, responsibility, Ac
inar! ;o4 iw
Remedies that can be relied on, being each
suited to a "Specific Disease." My extensive
practice in Philadelphia' the past thirty years has made mo
acquainted with all forms of disease, and being1 a graduate
from the University of Pennsylvania In 1KU, uudtsrthe guid
ance ot Doctors Physic, Chapman, Cox, Ulbson ami Han-, I
am enabled, from all these advantages, to offer the public
the results of that practice lu the form of my Family .Medi-
As l attend to the compounding of these Medicines my
self, they are found, as thousands can testify, far superior to
lue many nostrums canea patent ineuicinca.
J. ?. iiu.11., M. IK
Dr. J. S. Hose's Cough Syrup, or Expectorant, is a never
fatlimr remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma. It
allays any Irritation 01 the Lungs, and fortifies tho system
against future attacks. In bottles at.V)c.-and$l.
Dr. J. S. Rose's Whooplne Cough'Svrupi This prepara
tion always gives immediate relief and frequently cures In
one week. trice50c.
Dr J. S. Rose's Croup Syrup. Thisdangcrous complaint
amongst children; yeilds Immediately to this never tailing
remeay.1 i'ricesc
Dr. J. S. Kosd's Nervous and Invlgeratlng Cordial stands I
without equal, for the relief and euro of Heart Disease,
Neuralgia, Flatulence, Depressed Spirits', '1 remor bf the
Nerves and Muscles. It is a great restorer to the mind or
body worn down by care, labor or study. A trial of it will
convlnco tho most skeptical. Price 50c.
Dr. J. S. Hose's Extractor Buchu. This is decidedly one
of the best remedies ever used for all Diseases of the Kid-
ueta, Bladder.and all Gouty Affections. Price 50.
Dr. J. S. Rose's Anti-UIIIous, or Railroad Pills. They
are adopted to the Southern sections ot the United Stales
particular!, being often a preventatlvo of severe billious
attacks, and when used with Dr. Kose's Tonic Mixture, will
cure the moststubbom cases of Hilllous Fever or Fever and
-ague. Price island 25 cents.
Dr. J. S. Rose s Pain Curer, cures all palm internal or
external. It may be relied ou for curing and giving almost
instant relief to Cholera Morbus, Cholic, and all pains iu
tho Stomach or Bowels, Illieu jiatlsm from Cold, Sore
Throat, pains In the Ltmbs, Back or Side, Chiliblains,
Sprains and Bruises. Sale to all ages. Prico 12f, 25, and
For Female Complaints. Dr. J. S. Rose's Golden Pills,
for falling of the Womb, Female Weakness, Debility and
Relaxation. Price 50c.
Dr. J. S. Rose's Female Specific A iroiuedy for Painfui
Menstruation, Leucorhrra or Whites. . Price 1$.
Dr. J. S. Rose's Dyspeptic Compound. This preparation
has never failed in curing the D.spepsia, Indigestion or
Liver Complaint, when taken in conjunction with hi Alter
ative or Family Pills. Price ofboth75c.
Dr. J. . lloso'a Tonic Mixture isa never falling remedy
for Chills, Fevers and Geueral Dobillty. A few .loses will
convince the most skeptical. Price. 50c.
Dr. J.S. Kose's SarsaparillaCompund Forall Skin Dis
eases, and for Purifying the Blood, it is superior to all others.
Price 50 cents and 31.
Dr. J.S. Kose's F.livtr of Opium, freo from all the bad ef
fects of Opium and Laudanum, such as HeaJaclie, O nsli
pation or sick Stomach. Price 25c.
All whose Constitutions are Impaired by disease or weak
by nature, should read DH. J. S, ROSE'S MEDICAL AD
VISKK, (whlchcontalns a description of tho Diseases of our
climate and the mode of treatment.) It can be had without
chargo of
W. F. GRAY, Nashville.
McCLAIN DALE, Columbia.
Delar not: harbor not in your mind that sentence ol
fools' philosophy, that & disease will get well of itself, or
that you can cure it with certain medicines for a few dollars.
Beware how you tamper with your general welfare.
Ye wild and vicious youths, why will ye persist in dosing
with the filOiy nauseating coinp&uitdt daily proffered, there
by impairing your appetite and digestion and destroying
you mentally as well as physically, when you can be cured
with a few doses of pleasant medicines f
Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will ye sufTe
and repine and drag out a miserable existence, unfitted for
the enjoyment and even ordinary pursuits of life? Yon
who are thus annoyed and wish to be restored to health and
yigor by a treatment at once pleasant and edcctual, should
consult Dr. MORRIS. His success in ehrotiic diseases has
been greater than that of any other physician of his day.
Many who have been for years alllicted with disease or con
sequences resulting from excess have been restored to
health and vigor under his really scientific treatment.
Should a personal interview be objectionable, state your
disease in writting enclose five dollars, address Dr. W
U. MORRIS, through the I'ost-Otlice, Nashville, Tenn., and
a package of medicines, securely put up, will bo sent pri
vately and with dispatch, full directions therewith, and
no questions asled.
Persons living at a distance, and aSlicfed with ScrufuU,
Old Ulcers, Tetter Cancers, 1'Ues, Fistula in Ano, (Srare
Strictures, GUsts, or any disease whatever of an aggrava
ted or malignant charter, can be cured at home by consult,
ng Dr. Morbjs, by letter, post paid, enclosing a fee.
Medicines pleasant and Bafe, can be sent per mail to any
part of the United States.
Particular attention given to the treatment of female com,
plaints. Ladies who may be atllicted with Irregularities
Flour Alius or Whilte, ProUpsus Uleri or Falling o
the Womh, would do well to lay asido ull false delicacy
and promptly consult the Dr. Cubes Wahbniep!
Oliice over Mutual Protection Insurance Ullke, Cedar st.
near Post Ollice. Room, No. 14, up stairs. nov6. tf
It. K. U.No.3, RADWAY'S KKflULATOItS to regulate
the system, to Free the Bowels, from all .Morbid aud Acri- I
monious Humors.
SICKNESS, Ifcausedby Costtveness, Indigestion, Dyspep
sia, or an over sbundanre of Putrid Humors, Undigested, a
doso of P.ad way's Regulators, will empty the Bowels of all
.Morbid Humors.
Tho very moment they are taken they commenco their of
fice of regulating, cleaning, and remoting from the Sto
mach, How els, Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, S;e., all unnatural
and irritating deposits. They are the most pleasant physic
In use, they neither gripe, nor sicken the .jUent; the first in
dication thepntlent has of their operation, Is a p'easant cta
cuatlon of tho bowels, and restoration of strength and pleas
ure. For Fover, Measles, Bilious Colic, a do-e of Regula.
tors will prevent much sicklies., and rid tho patient of all
LADIES IN ILL HEALTH Should use ;liadwuy's Regu
lators. They will regulate theirsjstem, and assist nature Iu
bringing about their monthly turns, so essential to the
teallh oftho female.
R. 11. It. No. I. If yuu ajffer any acute pain. Kadwav's
Ready Relief, applied cither externally or Internally, will
stop tho mostpaiuful paiox)in,and ttllay the most violent
Crum) and Sna-uns in 11 tew minutes, ft is daily curing
Rtieiimatititf . Neuralgia, Tooih-u-lie, Tic Dolereui, cVc .
CT.UT1.Kmuo mada whole, the I.auie and Still-jointed,
can walk with ease, alter one or two applications of K. K.
No Ready Kt lief it genuine unless the fac-etmile signature
ol Kadway A. Co., i upon the w rapper, and iho letters It.
K. K. blown in the glass-.
Price 'j5ceiits,S0 ctn-s.and SI per bottle, fapl lm
The Citizens of Nashville will bear 111 mind, that
we are agents for the sale of that superior preparation, Mon
tiuokk's Brrri.it CoimuL anp Blood Pltufiek, which has
become so popular throughout the Union, as a remedy for
lurififwp tt MooJaud rniiriijuraiiiut and s trennthoning
the nervous system. This is a vegetable extract, pleasant
tothe taste, and, with many thousands who have used it,
proved ikelf the great remedy in the treatment and cure of
all diseases arising from Indigestion, a disorganized condi
tionof the Iakt m ImpuriUts of the JJla J. Call and eet
a bottle, Pnce 1 00 per bottle. Sold by
H G SCOVIL, Druggist.
jsnlS 'oi diwSm J P DRO.MGOOLE.
invaluable Cordial, is extracted from, Herbs and' Roots,
which have been found after years of experience,-by the most
skillful Physlclans,td be DQSA&ssed"of qualities mosfbene-'
flclal In the diseases for'whrenHtis recommended, end hence
whilst it Is presented to the public as an Efficacious remedy.
It is also known lo bo of that character on which reliance
: may be placed as to its safety. Incases of Impotency, He
morrhages, DiMruereasiertiuiy,aiensiruaiion,ornupprea
sion of the Menses, Flour Albus or Whites, or for
arising from any cause, such as weakness from sickness,
where the patient has been confined to bed for some time,
for Females after confinement, Abortion or Miscarriage, this
Cordial cannot be excelled 1n Its salutary efibetstorln loss of
Muscular Knergy, Irritability, Physical Prostration,, Semi
nal WraknuM. Palnllattnn fifth's Heart. Indicestlon. Slue-
gisnness, ifecayoitne rrocreauve runcuous, nertuusuess,
etc., where a toxic Medicine is reqnlred, it will he found
equal, 11 noisuperior to any vompuuuu oiui u&ci.
To Females.
Henry's Invigorating Cordial, is one of the most,valnahle
Medicines in the many 'Complaints to which Females are
subject. It assists naturetor brace the whole system, check
excess, aud creates renewed health and happiness. Leas
sutrcrinr. disease and unhannlness amooz Ladles would ex.
1st, were they generally to adopt the use of this Cordial.
La. lies wno are .ueDiuiatea uy tnose oosiructions wnicu fe
males aro liable to, are restored by the use of a bottle or two,
to uiooin anu to vigor.
Yonnsr Men:
That solitary practicje, so fatal to,the existence of man and
Ills the vounp who" are most ant to become IU vtctlmsfrom
an ignorance of the danger to which they subject themselves,
Nervous" Debility.
Weakness of the System, and Premature Decay. Many of
you may now te suffering, misiea as to ido cause, or source.
oiaisoase. i otnose, then, wnooy excess navouruugut ou
themselves Premature lmDoiencv. Involuntary" Seminal
Emissions, Weakness and ShrtveIlingofthe,Genital Organs;.
aervous Affection, or any other consequences 01 unresirain
ed indulgence of the sensual 'passions., occasioning the ne
essity of renouncing the felicities of
lessoning both mental and bodily capacity.. Hold! Henry 'si
Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine that is purely Vegetable,
win am nature to restore tnnso important lur.ciions to a
healthy stale, and will prove of service to yon.i It possesses
rare virtues, is a'generai reniovcr of disease, and strength
ener of thesystem. 1
As a. Tonic Medicine,
ltlsunsarpassed. Wo do not placo' this' Cordial on a Tooting
with quack modlclnes, and.'a's Is, customary, append a. long
list of Recommendations, Certificates, i-c.,'besinnlntr with
"Hear -what tho Preacher says," and such like; It Is not nec-,
essary, for "Henry's Jnvlgoralln; Cordial," only needs a
trial to prove that ttwlll accomplish all.wo say.
me weniunc "Henry's .ltivigornuug uoruiai,"
is dui unln 3 m 1'annel Uoilles.nnd is easily rocoenized by
the Manufacturer's slKiialureou the label of each Bottle, (to
counterfeit which is forgery,) as well as the name blown In'
the glass.
I jJ hoio; torsi per liouie: six-ior 53: 510 per aozen.
'reDaredonlvbv rf. K.COHEN. So. 3 Fran&ltn Row, Vine
street, below KIghth, Philadelphia, Pa. to whom' Jill OR-,
DKKS mnst bo addressed. For sale by all respectable Drug
gists and Merchants throughout the country.
For sale atthe Patent Medicine Denot.No. 12 Collece St.,
by J. P. Dromgoole & Co, wholosalo Agent for the State,and
only accut in Nashville
aecit um occtw.
WITHOUT the least shadow of doubt, the Chinese
Rheumatic Antidote, is the only reliable reme
dy lioforo tho cublic.forthej Immediate and permanent ro-
lie! of long standing cases of
Chronic Kueiiiiiatisin.
severe and excruclatiu'g Neuralgic Pains, Hip dlseaso, Cont,
all co'utractod and distorted Limbs, Paralysis, wasting and
decay of tho muscle, swelled and onlarge l Joints, painful
sweltinzs, acute Rhcuraatlim, Tic Doloreux, 'Cramps and
Spasm-, cvc.,i:c. This medicine istruly the
Itnig 01 itiieumaiisni,
and from the rapid sale aud unprecedented satisfaction
which iadailyclveu byit, its astonlshlne offects caunot be
Severe Neurnlaic I'ains
arespoedlly removed by a few applications of this won
derful combination. The oldandtoung need have no fear
of perfect restoration.
Dead Palsy
Is completely cured In an incredible fhort lime, by the use
of this external application. Ko one need doubt lt,foroue
single Bottle will net er fall to give complete and unbound
ed sitlslucuon.
Contracted and Still Joints
are perfectly relaxed and restored to 'their natural life and
activity, Dy us use.
Persons in High Life
who, from prejudice, or other causes, aro unwilling to re
sort to a medicine which is brought to notice by being ad
vertised, permittlngthemsclves to suffer and writhe under
agonislngand excruciating Palnsof Rheumatism and J'eu-mli-ia.
would leel luftlv nroud. after rubbinz their limbs and
Joints with oue bottle of this External Kcinedy.
JjOss 01 JiUMJUiar j-ower,
wasting and decay of the muscles, numbness, weak back,
patnfuljoiuts, are all speedily cured by the use of this medi
cine .
We resnetful!y Invitt tho citizens of Sashvllle and vicin
ity, who are affected with any form of Rheumatism, or other
diseases above enumerated, to call on ourasent and procure
a pa-nphlet and a bottlo of our modicine,andwe confidently
promise you saiieiacuon.
A.S. YOUATTdc CO., Proprietors, Maiden Lane, N. Y.,
to whom all orders should be addressed
For sale in Sashville by J. P. UKO.MliUOLB it t o.
Sole AVholosalo and Retail Agent.
For sale in Franklin, by F.S. WOLDKIDC.E,
" " Wnrrrces'joro' oy J. tt. .ir.i.su.1,
11 ii Fate'tovlllc.
Mcelroy & mckixnky,
singleton &so.v,
J. 11. STONE.
" u 11 j'aducah, Ky., by
" " ' McMinnville, by
mart '54 diVtrw
CATHOL1CON, tor the relief and cure of suffering
females, it stands pre
eminent for its curative
powers iu all diseases for
which it Is recommended,
Female Complaints.
Of theso are Prolapsus
Uteri, or Falling of the
Womb; Flour Albus, or
Whites; Chronic Inflam
mation and Ulceration of
the Womb; Incidental He
morrhage, or Flooding;
Painful, Suppressed, and
Irregular Menstruation,
&e., with accompanying
evils, (Cancer excepted,)
no matter how severe or of
how long standing.
The Catholicon far sur
passes other remefles. In
being more certain, less
xnensive. and leaving th
system in a better condition. Lot all interested In such a
remedy call ana obtain a pamphlet (free) containing ample
proof, from highly respectable sources, of tho happy r suits
of its use, together with letters from first-class experienced
physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak
from their own observations,
KkTERKNOics. P Ii. Pecxham, M. D., Ullca, X. Y., I,. D.
Fleming, -M. D., Canandaigua, X. Y., M. II. Hills, M.D.,
Rochester, X. Y., 1) Y. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, X. Y., Pror.
Dunbar, M. 1) , Baltimore, Md , J. C. Orrick, M. D.. Balti
more, .Md., W. W. Reese, M. D., New York City, W. Pres
ent!, M. D , Concord, X. IL, J. P. Xewland.M. 1)., Ullca,
Pamphlets had gratlsat J. P. Daoaonotx cV Co.'s Patent
Medicine House, College street, Wholesale and Retal
A;nt Xashvllle, Tennessee.
ALSO. For sale by
Da. F. S. WoLnainor, Franklin,
IsniMA. EcKLts, Springfield,
JaMrsT Uasnaw, Gallatin,
Cook & Owsn, Lebanon,
Crockst & Riddle, Murfrceaboro'-
IMer addressed to Messrs. Beach Sf Brovvsex,jgcnts at
.VeKierrj C. Jl., S. C, oy Rev. C. S. heard, of sane State.
Glenn Springs, Jan. 9th, 1KB.
Messrs. Bctcn & Brow.son Sirs: 1 send for anotho
ottte or your'-Marchisl's Ulerine Catholtcon." My wife
has been afflicted for eleven yeare,anda variety of means
has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained until
I received this medicine from you. Its influence seems al
most magical: there was a manifest Improvement f.om ihe
davit was taken.
As there are a great many females In our country laboring
under the affliction for which your medicine proposes a
remody, I feel it a duty to recommend It to all such.
(Signed,) Clodou S. Beard.
Tfp J. R. MAKCIIISI & CO., Proprietors, Central De
pot, 301 Hroadway, X. Y. nov2I.
W. F. GRAY. Agent.
DR DR0MGOOLE iCO., has just received ai No. ID,
Collece st., Nashville, a new nnd complete assortment
of Family Medicines, Perfume", Toilet and Family Soap,
Shoulder Itraces, Supporters, ic, which he offers to tho
at prices warranted to salt tho times.
q'i..r.itA..t... . ... Aft.!. .....
L l.O I Ol low lllg VUUl'OSt, a rai. v. ms oiMVIt, VIZ
120 doi Mustanrr Liniment,
do Extra Toilet Soans.
yfl do illiam's Wo o d
to uo ramny oaps,
11:0 do Common Cakes, .
74 do Rusleton, Clarlc &
Co'a.Cod Liver Oil.
CO do Lyon's Kathairon ,
Perrt rtsvU'Pfiln wul.
do Ayer's Cherry I'octo
ral. 163
do Chinese Rheumatic
do William'sSarsparilla
Farreli's Arabian I.inlmei
llouck's Panacea.
no nenrys lnvigwrai
do Morsd's Invigorat
Gray's Ointment,
House's -Medicines,
Dr. U. Jayne'a Medicines.
Moftait'a and Brandreth's
Arnold's and Houses Pills,
Smith's and Soule's do,
Wright'i and Cook's do.
Jay ne's and Peters' do,
Carter's Spanish Mixture, .
Urban's Anti-Bachanalian,
Elixir for Intemporance,
Urban's Anti-Dyspeptic Ex
celsior, Ladles', Children's & Cents,
Shoulder Braces,
Hebrew Plaster,
Houghton's Pepsin,
Marchlse's Uterine Catholi
con, Smith's Tonic Syrup,
ing Cordial,
do Hoopland's German
man Hitters,
do Bull's Sarsapariila,
do Dromgoole'e Female:
do McLane'sck Fahnos-
stock's Vermlfugo,
do Fine and common
Colognes assort.
do Hair I'omatumB,
do do Oils,
do As'orted Extracts for
the handkerchiof,
do Transparent Wash
do Transparent Cakes,
do. Saponaceous Com
l.ouud. 43
do Fine Honey Soap,
uraeaenuorg .ucuicines,
whonoedanyartlcle in our line, woulddo well to call and
cxamino,asthe stock is fresh and complete, and tho prices
and quality of each article In tho Houso, will give complete
For such articles as you have to purchase, which we have
for sale, it Is to bo hoped lhat you will give us a call, as this
is the rmsTaridovl.Y House of the kind ever established in
tho Slate. Country Druggists and Merchants can purchase
at this House, many articles at much lets prices than they
hateoterbought. Will you give us a call or an order. You
can find us at No. 12, College St., Xashvllle, East side.
,ar4 .54 J. P. DRO.MGOOLE Cv CO.
JL cheapest and best SOAP in the world. I have just re
ceived 100 cases of Potash in powder for making hard or
soft Soap, a receipt for making accompanies each can. At
least 50 ier cent, is saved in the use of this article. For sale
cheap by V. F. GRAY,
janza n-i Lomeroi iiroaa ana.uaraei.sui.
UOR 1E.VSE. A lot on Front street, College Utll,
X? fora term of years suitable to build a Carpenter
shop or Stable 011. Apply to W. L. HOYD, .Jr.,
njarJ9 '54 Gen'l Agent,
fa's r
fzi fe
at !
w 2'
1 ti (p
r-. Z
j c: i c5.5;jr w a r-
o5 c
- P M 5 IB . 3 M
, e-t J,t3"
THERE arc so many specifics for so many diseases which
'flesh Is heir lo," that it Is of the utmost importance,
that'we should be very particular in making our selection.
From the reraakabl .retires which liaTobeun effected by Dr.
Williams' Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood
Xaptha.and from tho hlsh order and vast amount oftesli
mony which Is adduced in Its favor, wo are decidedly Im
pressed with the opinion that the stllietct will fln.l lu this
new and valuable uiscoverv a most effectual reruedv for all
diseases of Ihe I.ungs. We say to you who are laboring uii-.
der Conghs, Colds, and all diseases of the Lungs, try it at
once, do not delay a moment, and you will be at, unshed at
the rapid and favorablo results which this great remedy will
sec 11 ro to you. Try it b) all means, iflt does not help jou
nothing will.
For full descript'ons of its morlts. tlrtucs, &c., see Pamph
lets lobe had of the Agenls.
For sale. Wholesale and Retail, and.on A?ency by J.M.
ZIMMERMAN, Wholesale Dru;Ut, who, is the General
Agent for this popular and valuabla preparation at the city
ot Xashvllle. and surrounding country. Ills alsotorsale by
tho following Druggists :
ittt 1. rsuuiriisiiM,
JO. G.liliOW.V.
JH.CUJiKEY, Nashville.
K. C.CLOUSTOX, j t n.
F.S. WOI.UKIDGK, j nklin,1.
HAWKINS ci I OWLER, Columbia.
And l.enll TlriiD'tdts in e.vervlnwn In thn KlMt.tof Tennn.
eoo, and all Iho Sonthern and Western States.
April 1 'SJ Imdlwcvw
59 Eroad Street. Corner Beaver. New-York.
Offer for Salt ihe following Heavy Coton Fabric:
numbers, hard and sofi; also all the various widths of
Canvass manufactured at tins establishment comnrisincr ev
ery variety known to the trade, and oQ'ered at the lowest
Mount Vernon Extra. A lull .tSjortusent of this superior
inch, all numbers, hard and soft. This f.ibric was awarded
the burliest Premium at the London orfd a I-air. also ut
our own State Fair.
SHIP AND BEAU MARK DU0K Plain and twilled.
manufactured by the Greenwood's Company, a superior ar
ticle for light sails, tents, awnings. Ac.; afso, Mount Yer
non Twilled Ravens, Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Phcenix
Mills; Light Cotton Ravens, plain 22 to 27 inch; Heavy, do.
COTTON SAIL TWINE A full assortment
PAPER FELTING SOtoIiuch, made very heavy.
expressly for drier felts.
CAR COVEKLHO uoiton uanvass, all wtatns, irom 80
to 1G0 inchi s, and nil numbers, made expressly for cover
ing and roofing railroad cars, Is petfectly and permanently
water-proof, and more enduring than the car itselC
ENAMELLING CANVASS B0. US, 40, 45 and 50 inch
plain and twilled, in every variety.
DAGS AMD UAuULND ft every description. rnm.
less Hags, woven whole, all size, in bales of 100 , 200 and
300; comuininif strength, utility aud cheapness, lor gram
and meal, are unsurpassed.
Also, heavy Cotton ackin, 40 inch Lanva93, 3 thread
AYarp and Filling, heavy twilled, du. do.. 20,22, 40, and
44 inch.
WOOL SACKS oven whole all sue3, a new and desira
ble article. feb25 'o-l lvd.
ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. This is the ouly j
Work treating on PRIVATE DISEASES, common to
MALE and FEMALE, and that contains RECIPES for the
cure of the same. It gives the symptoms of the different
diseases, follows them up in their different stages with re- I
cipes, written in plain English, for their cure. From this j
w rk the unfortunate can learn their precise situation, take
their pencil and make out a prescription, (which can be '
procured at any Drug Shire) aod by following implicitly
the instructions, be cured and rave exiKsiire. The author
of this work, a late 1'rofes.vir in one ot'the leading Medical
Colleges of Philadelphia, has, perhaps had more practice
in the cure of Pri ale Diseases, in different stages of Socie
ty, than any other Phy.-ician in the country, it contains a
beautiful Lithographic Figure of i Female, showing the
formation ol the Generative Organs, with proper explana
tions, Ac
Address HUGHES .t CO., Publishers, Post paid, Phila
delphia, Pa. Prce.$l per Copy Fiee of Postage.
A GOOD assortment of "HOE Jt CO.," and other brands
of CIRCULAR SAWS, from tho smallest to the lar
gest sizes. J iifrt received and for sale bv
maV," ' No. 47 College street
INK RAZORS ANO STROPS 200 dozen Wade &
Illntchcr s celebrated Razors, among which a fine as
sortment of WARRANTED RAZORS, iu cases of one pair
each for private use; al-s a fiirtlieraddition.il stock of Rar
bers' Razors; also, ade & Hctchers Razor Strops, a r.cw
and very superior article. FALL & CUNNINGHAM.
tnar7 tf College street.
HOXES of the above in good order;
175 boxes Cheese, suitable for the Summer;
200 Cocoa Nuts, just received;
20 boxes assorted pickles, fresh;
10 " Macaroni, "
f bbls Cranberries, "
o boxes Lemons, "
For sile at J. 0.;4 C. RORERTSON'S,
marchS .TV Hroadway.
K. nnonES, 11. t. iigk.v, w. b. atso.v,
Late of Tenn. Late of Nashville, Late of Columbia
Si). 01 SyiMiorc Street, Fast side, leluw Second,
Will give special attention to Forwarding Goods, Pro
duce, etc. ; also to the purchase and sale of all kinds of Pro
duce, and articles of Cixclxvati and I'ittsbdeq Maunfac
tures. Refer to Nashville Merchants generally.
JAMES COLLINS Jt CO., Pittsburg, Forwarding Agents.
jan4 d t w A w tlm.
TTTILL stand the present season at mv stable.'
V V 4 miles north of Nashville, on the ' W hite's
Creek 1 nrnpike, at 10, the insurance tor nures,
and ?20 tor.iennets.
First rate pasturage gratis. All care taken lo prevent ac
cidents but no liability forany.
Pedigree llawkeye was sired by Elliott's imported
Jack liebi, and out of a.lennetby Sberrod's Jack, a sen
of old Sir John, who was not inferior to any Jack in Amer
ica. The dam of Hawkeyo was also the dam of tyrus,
Davy Crockett, and other fine animals.
aprlw2m M. R. COCKRILL.
OOK AT TJ I IS. Having taken out Litense un
der tho new corporation law, we are now prepared to
sell negroes on Commission, and will make 1 iberal cash ad
vances on Negroes left with us for sale, and pledge ourselves
to obey instructions, unless it be to separate families. Eight
ortanlikely girls wanted. DAHRS PORTER,
feb 4-4
No. 83 Cedar street
LAND WARRANTS. We are buying and pay ing
the very highest prices for LAND ARRANTS. Per
sons at a distance having warrants to sell by sending to ns
by mail or otherwise may depend on getting the highest
prices at which they are sellingat the time in Nashvilie, and
the cash remitted or paid to order.
ft O rJ h5
- o g v r 5 j ;r?-3cQ
r- r
APRIL 10, 1854. " - - TTl
------ , , '. NO. 275.
COMMISSION MMtCIlrNTS. tor the sale of Flour,
Grain, liacm and Produce eiitral!y, corner if Iiit
, Uavand Union Whjrves, Charleston, S. 0.
RkKKRLXC&s: John Caldwell, President ,S. C. 1 U ; U.
Dulin, Esq, Charleston; Hcanton, teymour Co., Augusta;
W. H. .tark A (;o Augusu; Wm O". Peter- i Co., Atlanta;
French & Van Kpps, Chattiuiooga; A- Bell, '''-'""oea;
Orme, Wilson, & Co., Loudon; Joc)ll Polton, Charleston.
In presenting llie above curd, we would be doing Injus
tice to our fpeling.H not to express our gratitude to orr nu.
mcious friends m Georgia, Tennessee, North and South
Carolina, for their past unwavering patronage since imr
commencement in luis bainess in Hii. We have nursed
this business from in infancy, labored year idler year fir
develops the resources of the back country We havo bat
fled with the different lines of railroad and have been in
strumental in reducing the freight of produce 'o reasonnblv'
. . r ' t- , .. . 1
i4i. ri u uaTe irieiiljv 111 i.u.ropo unu ine uonii, mm are
prepared tojnako advahefrs on shipmonU to either market.
We would say to our friends and the publie, that it will
be to their interest to consign to its, as. we pay our whole
uiienuou 10 uie Business atone.
Wh will make liberal advancements on consignments.
JjA. testcd.'during the past year, by many of themoslre-
tpcctable citizens of Nashvilfe- Tbcadrerfiseris permitted
h refer lo Mr. Samuel Walking: whose servant was cured
of a most inveterate Scrofula. Also, the wnraut of Mr. J.
Lulling ul tho same disease. rive cases of tancer; have
been cured; twenty cases of Rone Felon. Mr R. H. Jones's
son was cured of rioro Kyes.'afte-having been under the
treatment of two of the most distinguished Physicians for
eight rnontlis, almost, totally uund.
At least one hundred le-pectable persons in Nashville,
Wd its vicinity, eon be i-ecn w1k will vouch for the great
benefits of his courceof treatment, lyitl.out the use ! the
kni fu or mercury.
Cancer, Scrufub, Rheumatism, Fisfida, Mercurial His-oa.-v-3.
Ulcer., old Chronic Diseases, iiute Eyes, and all ini
purit'ei of the blood.
' Twenty years bt constant Practice. SUeon in New Orleans,
prior to comitiii to NaMiville- 1'lio interested, are les
pectfidlv invited to till, esamine and consult, trte of any
charge. '
Ollice flo 47 Union str, near Clierrv.
novlO y. 11 Ef)'ARD THOMAS.
BV j. G.poiMra. ,
Hon. A. II. H. dfuart, Stantoii, Yh.
Dr.Jnck Shackelford, Courtland; Ala. '
Hon. J. J. Orniond,- Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Dr. J. I'urice, -Mobile, Ala.. .
J. J. McMahou, Es-q-j New Orleans.
Col. R. C. Hunlett, 1
Ji. Jf. Hradford, Fq., Aberdeen, Miss.
Hon. S. Adams, )
ife ill fsS?
Tampa, Florida, Jan.2i TA- If.
AVALiT FAI,E;tr'VALl i'yi'EItlT
.t iiA.Li.a una asMiriiueni 01 jfFP t-Vfs
V rrenuuauu itinericau rajer
iiangiuos inr rarmrs, jiaus, isnuug
Koouis, Chambers, ic.
A 150, a largo lot of cheap r.ngl ized Papeis, liurdtis.
Fire Screens, Window Curtains, utc , at
Nashville Wall Paper More, No. a) Collesext.
IX Paper Hanging promptly attended to, warranted
done in the best mauntr. uu29 '54.j
SilitfUOYAIl lioTSL.
DR. II. ROlJKlU'SONlutingleatedtiira term Jca'
of j ears this commodious aud centrally In- JilSH
CAted Home; situated on the corner of Summer iyj-XIl
and Church streets, convenient to the Railroad Depot, is
now piepared to accommodnle the travelling pnbhc, and
from lifty to one hundred day boarders. He pledges him
self to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him
with their patronage, febgit iriwAwlf
SO bbls. CloverSced;
100 bbls Floor;
200 bags Ruck Wheat Flour. ,
J-'orjalejotv tor cahby Teh:!! CUAS. -liCLACK.
For 18.11., . t
III AYE receit ed a large stock crthe above seeds, and
am selling at rates reasonable enough to please all who
are in want. The stockleft over lust year it us very large,
consequently there are very few fresli seeds in the inarfect,
but ifyou want a genuine article call at
feb24 '."4 Drug Store, Corn. Rroad and .Market f.t.
AND W lbs. of Snap for 7.j cents, can be made by1 pur
chasing one of Itobbit's cans of Potash, a bran new
article in this market, 5oo of which have been sold in the
last two weeks. For sale only by W. F. flit AY,
feb24 ':A ' Cor. Rroad and Market st.
Acoustic OiL For the cure of Deafness, Pain", ami Dis
charges of .Matter from the Ear. Also, ull those disagree
ble noise, like the buzzing of insects, filling of water, whiz
zing of steam, Ac., which are sjiuptoiiis, of approaching
deafness, and also generally attendant with ihe discLs..
Many jiersons who have been deaf tor ten, fif.eei,and
twenty jears, and were obliged to n.-e car trumpets, have
after usngtwo or three bott'es, thrown aside their tium
pets, being made perfectly well. PhjMctaus and Surgeons
highly 1 ecommend its 110.
A gentleman of this city has Just received a letfer from a
friend of his, physician ot eminence in l'angor. Me., and
has kindly allo.ted in to make the fiiliowingex'iact:
"I have obtained a bottle of Scrap-ts Oil for Deafness,
and find it so valuable a medicine, that ou will much ob
lige raj if jou will try and procure me one dozen boitles."
Have you ever tried it? It not. do net delay miother day,
but send immediately; if you have been one of the wim;
and prudent, anil ulready bought a bottle, the question is
Settled; yon h'tve lecuvered jour hearing. Scrapa's Oil
for Deafness netcr fails. It n the only medicine that will
cure. Thousands of deaf perons will give their testimony
in its 'avor The beauty of ihe thing is, ihat it cures' with
out producing any pain."
This medicine haa cured more persons, and is now used
more extensively than all other medicines combined, tor llie
enreot Dbeases ofllie Ear. The certificates are numerous
and of the highest authority. Also,
BROCATION. T his may be eon.sidered a specific, aud ii
warranted to cine. It not only immediately allays pain and
ii.tlamation, stops all bleeding, subdues tn'atintolerate itch
ing; but it effectuab- cares, in a very .short lime, iersons
whose lives have been iendered miserable for j-ears! Its
Hi.nlieation nroduces no nain. but rather an agreeable and.
pleasant sensation. Call, or send lor a list of cures, and !
f :l 1 . . 1
toil 1YL11 ue usiuuiaucu.
For sale by G. W. Ilendershott Nashville; Beli,
Robinson & Co., Louisville, and J. D. Part, Cincinnati.
inarl7-'54, Sm. d A w.
An Invaluable Jiook jor 'lb ccnU. "Ectry Family
should have a Cow."
rpWENTY THOUSAND Cop:esold inless
I than 5 months. A new edition, revised
and improved, just issued. 1
JJr. iiU.Yl hllS .Ml-.UIUAl. JiA.Mlil.
AND HAND ROOK for the AFFLICTED containing an
outline of tho origin, progress, treatment and enreof every
form of disease, contracted by promiscuous sexual inter
course, by self abuse or by sexual excess, with adrice tor
their prevention, written 111 a familiar style, avoiding all
medical technicalities, and everything that would offend tho
ear of decency, from the result ol some twenty years success
ful practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of diseases of a
delicate or private natiu-e.
To which is added receipts for the cure of the above dis
eases, and a treatise ou the causes, symptoms and cure of the
Fever and Ague.
Testimony op the Prop, op Obstetrics is Pens. Col
lege, Philadelphia. DR. HUNTER'S MEDICAL MAN.
LlAli. The author of this woik unlike the majority of those
works whoadvertiseito cure the diseases of which it treats,
is a graduate of one of the best Colleges 111 the United
States. It affords me pleasure to recommend him to the
unfortunate, or to the victim of malpractice, as a successful
and experienced practitioner, in whose houornnd integrity
they may place the greatest confidence.
Feoh A. Woooward, M. I) of Pexn. Uxiveicsitv, Puit
iDtLpuiA. It gives me pleasure to add my testimony to
the prof essional ability of the Author of the "Medical Man
ual. Numerous cases of Diseases of the Genital Oigan.,
somo of them of loug standing, have come under tuy 111 -tice,
in which his skill has been manifest in restoring to per
fect health, in somo instances where the patient has been
considered beyond medical aid. In the treatment of Semi
nal Weakness, or disarrangement of the fuuctinns.prnduced
by self abuse or excess of veuery, I do not know his supe
r or in the profession. I have been acquainted with tlie.
Author some thirty j ears, and deem it no more than jujtice
to him, as well as a kindness to the unfortunate tictimnt
early indiscretion, to recomuieud him as one, in whose pro.
fessional skill and Integrity, they may safely confide them
selves. " ALF. WOODWARD, M. D-
"Thisis, without exception, the most comprehensive and
intelligible work published ou the class of diseases which
it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses itself
it the reason of its readers. It is free from all objection -
Die matter, and no parent, However lastidious, e
to placing it in the hands of his sous. The author has de
voted many years to the treatment of the various complaints
tfeatedoof, and "with too little breath U puff, and 'too Ut
ile presumption to impose,' he basoffered to the world at
the merely nominal price of 2." cents, the fruits of some
twenty years most successful practice " llnald.
"No teachcror parent should be without the knowledge
i mjiartcd in this invaluable wot k. It would save years of
paiu, mortification and sorrow to the youth no der their
charge." Venytt Advocate.
A Tresbytcnau clergyman in Ohio, iu writing of "Hun
er's Medical Manual, says: "Thousands uixm thousands
of our jouth, by evil example and influence of the passions,
have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realis
ing the sin and fearful consequences upon themselves and
postentr. The constitutions of thousauds who are raising
unities have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they
do not know the cause or the cure. Anything that "an be
done so to enlighten and influence the public mind a? to
check, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source oi
human wretehedness, would confer the greatest blessing
next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and
coming generations. Intemperauctj (or the use of intoxi
cating drinks,) though it has slain tlioasands upon thous
ands, 13 nut a greater scourge to the human race. Accept
my thanks on behalf of the atllicted, aud, Tour co-worker in
the good work you are so actively engaged in."
One copy, (securely envelopedi J t ill be forwarded, free ol
postage, to any part of the United Slates for 2j cents, or 6
copies for fl. Address (postpaid,)
Publishers, Rox 19B, Philsda.
Booksellers, Canvassers and Rock Agents supplied on
he most liberal terms. sept27 ly .
D.':. .noK.ssav
I N VIGOR ATlN'Gf O Mil VL.n I'henomenou lu Medicloo.
Health Restore.) and I.ile LL-m;thene.I, by
For centuries, Mvdirat M-ienre has been ransacslng tho
vegeraMu'ur.d mineral sfngdcins.fu searchor something that
should restore the l.str decayii. fuerjieaof the neivods
and muscular -!i-ui-. wiihi.ut tje draw back of subsequent
nrosiraliim, whicSill atinmU' Is.lin.is, and narcotics had
aereiororeeuuile.1. TUki sniucih ns l-as b en found. Ills
arab a
JSSeSri':!1 Ue","l.,',la"'-"l-r. Thejuicesnfihlshcrb.
! "'eoiuM.w.l .Itit ..iher..KotuU medicinal
frf K fi;u'rt.lucji.g ,e,ulW l.eret..foro unheard of.
In this or aiivothdrrnittiir- sm, .k . '
tfd toHwI. .UOKSR-.S ISllOoiiT .NU ; uffllMTlr'STS:
.7 y8""1' fabulous. The public .,Ucn deceived
could h-ltevd thaitr.!e and ..xhlime truth, announce
bv thedisiverer. lint Ia.-r. :iu.i..-...io r... . ....
witnesses of ihe hi;hr.l els.s eud haracte. " aroTow w,-
mi.'.Ti... - . u".s. int. r.niiVH.il v IS OVK
1 onu .',oy a mass 01 lerliulnuy whlcn Is perfectly I
The KLina remedies. In all es,'ibo deplorable evil
arising from a misuse ir ab'ue. ii.he various crrans which
mate uptho wooderlulm.a ol called man. It restores to
ilii vigor every tieiirato m...tiua coonecU-a with that my
t-i.vU.-coinp.ju.i agency or milter and uiiud. ecbjarj to
ie piouuci.on 01 r.uuiau me. 1 o r.-ou 01 roeDiemus
cuikriraiuii, .ordelicioiitiuvital rxtwur. it is recommended
as IQociuly means of eomiiiuniculing that energy which Is
necessary to tht. i.rnper- enjoyment of nirths natural appe.
tltiw.a weila the higoer mental ai'ributes. Its bon8clal
ec"oits are notcoaUiiedtueilhereevor uv ahy a. Theree
blj giil. Ihailiig.wjiy,t3e hallos, erniivatonyouib, tho over
worn man 01 ousinvss, uie vuiiiu ui nervous oepresstou, the
individual, adueilas.from ireneru'l ilebililT. or from the
weakness ot asinglo organ, r. ill ail ud i.noiedlatt) and per-
iuu4iuifi reu,-i irwci mo nu 01 inr. inconiparaoio ronovaior.
loiuo.ie wnunavua presti-pjaltfjiiiapxrulytlslt will prove
ai-uuipiuie anu unpuurg saieaaru against taat lemDte mal
ady. There are nun), perhaps, who have ro iriSod with
their cotuMutbins, that ihet think Iheiuseltes beyond tho
reuch or medicine; Ituotrveii these despair. Th Elixir
deals with aa y. etiis, wiihoul reference to causes,
uu mil 1,1 mi if rornoveiirt? tnso-uer nseii, owl
ItcliiUlu .bc.JtriikLMi Coiis'ilutioii.
'the d:r..ii!reujti.ts ot the sytui, 'leading'to nervous dis
eases, -and tllfsf irnis 61 .lrou disoav.Uslf,aro-siiumer-ous
that tt would require iiliiiott to enumeraie. 1U0 maht
dlos for which this pre) aratioii is a e;ecitlc. A few, how
ever, Hixy lit(unuinerated. t.2i ceuralia. tic dolereaux,
hicdarlie, iii-.ipifat pralt-fs, HVsft'rf;., palpitation or the
hert,sdftal ulfoclioas. niartfular Jiibiiil), tremors, flatu
lence, prlcLiujr seitsAit.,. u, u. ilesh, numbness, trp.dily
of ihtf ttvvr, nutnuil lleitrertsiAii.Ayaalcaussot ihe "will, indis
Ks:tiou tiiuovu,- lamtu-s tfier citrcise. broken deep anJ
lernfjlris drelnis. lifibTPty to remain liohe- plae or psl
tiun i wrakcoa uf th i.ritieullt: orsis sexul iucaimpe
tuncy,meUne!:oIy, moi.ouiai.'ia, Baor albus, slntL-9t the
stoniacb, tin. ate lireguLirltles, a chropie tentieney to mis
CarrUgo, euiaelatlnn, and all complatijis growing out of a
rrdj!iidnlglncB of tho peseTons, aii j "all harrenaoss that
does not pr.yec.d from utanic cauaea toyond tho rach of
VVhenererthe nrgHU to bt.ae,tf d upinar free rroru mal
formation orslrielural dtsea-e- 1 Is at erred that
' iyotsi;'Iisvii;uisiliiic Elixir.,
will rejdace VLcu!i.ea with strength, incapacity with eScien
cy, irregulafrty with uniform and natural activity ,'ar.d this
1,01 utili wtdioiivhaiardot leau'um.but with a hahi.v effeel
on ihe general organi7ali n. r" l!e-r iu mind that all
ii-atauievwaOrrver they boj; ai; finish wubt.ict nervous at-
tem, ami thalibe isirualiitii of tae n:rtos of inoiion and
selisalinn is put si-r.t death. Lear 111 m.n.i al 1, that for eve
ry kind ot uerrous-.it-v.t-'! llie hujur t'oidials thcim!) re
liabte prrpaialicu knnVn.
Unre ol A;rvQUs iii-si-aso.
iNy lam:'ja?o raneot.t-t au adeiiaale idea of the iiumedl
ateaudattnostriiiraCUloits chiuige which ft occasions ha ths
diseased, debilitated aud .-tullvred nervous system, whether
broken. lowit j i-ccss,wuaK Pi naurrc, or Impalrod byslck-
uuas.tu-uustrrii.ruud related organ aaliwu'UutsAiiCti braced
revivided ajol butt! up. ite menial rij physical ay ut'.oiiis
of iiortou,Hf)ase.tauib!oittiferiinderlUiinfiuenee. Nor
ills tho -Te I leoiprari: on the conlnirt,tbe reliol la perma
nent, for (ft? ronHal pniterties f tb rttedtelr. iruvb the
cu'islttutiiMitlMif. an.i reswr it 10 ils-aomin1 coudilion.
Weil inj"iiti prepara'.ii n be cUe,t;hti
MeUiciustl Wonder'.. v
oftl.e idneteentU ci lury- It is, as ihctlr-tscioptirlcinanln
the w'tirld'would have k.liintKhl) thai loirarie of'nibdtcliie
heretilforenJp-dtihat. uo evislaiK.
A SttmnLiiii t'l.it Eittitil NO Rp-Aftion.
Its force lli:!'wrs(!al.dis.!, as is iMcasu with opium, alco
bi)iio preparalions and all other xtita:rs. Ihe ed;.ct ot
these is brief, and it nmj'wefi lHls'&iPotfiimwli.u.Ve9iliem,
tk'lbtf tal sL4tvf lhat. u.kn ts ors.i lhaii Ihti hrst J' Hut the
hltifir is'u'.t el..teraiit wtthoutasini.tef!rawbaitc s-felntts
opurailon.urretuidiutts happy luaiienee(up.itvho nurves
IhomjmLaoU ttiu en lire oraai.iaUoi it Milluisreiuof ed
pressimiseKeflemeiit,' a tudiey u blush, kleeplessoesa
.lisl.Le or society, incapacit tor sludj or business
Lost of i!i!iniy,
Ci'iifiiainir, Kiddi!ie.s,rusl blood 10 (belie, , melancholy;
liien'al .Icoilitr, hj-lena, v r dne-s.tu .i.gl.lof sell de
slrullou,:enr of Insaaitj, hjoeiMiudria-Li,ljpepsia gene
ral i-r.islruu.in lrritabililv, nervousness, niabili.y i, sleep,
dlseaseslnctdeiit'to lelualt-s, decay oltlo propogatiug tunc
lions, listeria, monomania, raua irror?, iMl;iutionorthe
heart, imlioli-iie,, eoti. trillion,. eie.. etc., from whatever
i causbariaui!l is. 11 tbrv tanuy. reiuuidlobe. placed on hu
launiesiniiony.ansoitiieiy iiiiaiiitie.
A tlii'tit .'ledii ino Inr Fenitiles,
Tbo hnp-nrallclc.1 etfecis o( lats zreat rirajve. la al
comptainis incident 10 roubles, itiaik a .ew e.rai the an
nals of meuicine. 'i'nou-ands of stimulants have been In
vented thousands of lnvljroranis eoncoetej all purporting
tobo specified Lathe various diseases and derangements to
which tbodelicato foriualiunot woman render her liable.
T,!o result has heretoiore bcui- uniroroi. These nostra res
have Indeed imparted a momentary vivacity to the nervous
system, a transient and delusive vigor to the muscles; but
this tlish of relief has beu eucceedad by a depression and
prostration sreaterthau before, arnt the end has too often
been nllerly to paralyze the recnperslive po w er of the nert es
Hodti.u vital oranixatiou,auitnually louestroylho uuaappy
patient. Rutin
florae's Invigorating tOIixir.
Is presented as a phenomena in the materia medica hitherto
uuhc.irit ol a stimulant witr.out a reaction.
llie herb which forms Us main Ingredient, has been ad
mlue.l liy all Ihugreal meillcal aud pharmneonUcal instiln
tionsor hurope-lu be in this respjetsui generis, ilr. torse,
tthosunan.a is an undisputed authority In sciences, discov
ered theproductiou iu Arabia,where his attention was e.xci
ted b) the wonderfully iuvicOratine; effects it pr iduced upon
tho natives. In fact the wouderfdl power of endurance, the
exhaustions vior exhibited by tho Arab, of both noY.u,iu
their desert pilgrimages, is attributable to the use of this vi
tallzlng'biirb. Au appeal is made to
Every Yommi of Sense,
who suffers from weakness .derangemeui nervousness, tre
mors, pains in Ihe back,orany ntlierdieorder,whelherpeca
liar loher sex,orcouiinonlu bolb sexes luglve the Invigo
rating Cordial a trial.
.Hiiriied VortoiiH,
orothors, will find this CoidUl alter tbet have useJ abottl
or two, a thorough regenerator of the system, lnalldirec.
tiers are tube toun I the happy parents of healthy otfsprins,
who would nothave been so, but tor this extraordinary prep
aration. Auditlaequatlypoicullorthe many diseases fur
which It is recommended. Thousands of yonug men have
been iesioret byusiagit, and notlu a single iuslaacuhaslt
ailed to benedi them.
l'lrrMinsof Palo Complexion,
or consumpllve habits, are restored by -theuseof abottleor
wo 10 bloom and vigor changing iho skin from a pale, y el
low, slcLly color, lo auepuliralllorid complexiou.
To the .tlisguidcil,
Those aresomcorthe sad and melancnolyetfects produced
by early habits of yonth, viz. weakness of the back and
limbs, palos in tho head, dimness of sight, loss uf muscular
power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ucrvouslrritabil
lty, derar geruent of the digestive luncuons, general ditbtlUy,
symptoms of consumption, ic. -
ateutally.the fearf.u eCecls on the mind are much to be
dreaded. Lossof memory, confusion of ideas, depression ol
spirits. evil foro-bodinjrs, aversion to society, self distrust,
love, of solituilo. timidity, Ac. ,are aouiuot Ihe evils produced
All thus atllicted
ISelorn Contemplating illarrinze.
should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most nec
essary reiUislic3 to promote connubial happiness; indeed,
without these, tho journey Ihrough life becomes a weary pil
grimage, the prospect hourlydarkens the view; lim'mnd be
comed shadottcd with despair, and rtlled with, the melsnrholy
reflection that the happiness ol another becomes blighted
wlthyour own.
Parentis Hint (.'imnliuns.
Are ofien misled with respect to tno causes and sources o
dlseasesin theirsonaend wards, flow often do they ascribe
toolhorcau.esof wasting ol the Trame, idiocy, madness, pal
pitation of the heart, tnilixtestfon, derangement of thoncr
voussysteni, cough and symplrims lndicatlne; eoiisniuition,
when tholrulh is, thatthey have been Indulging in a perni
cious though alluring practice, destruclito both to uiiud
and body.
Da. blouse's Inviuokaiio iiukuul has been counter
felted by some unprincipled persons.
In future till thoKemiiiio (!ordial will havethoproprietors
facsimile pasted over the carfc of each bottlo, aud Iho lot
iowing wordsblown lu tho glass
C. It. lil.VG, PHOi'KIKTOK, S.Y."
JTf The Cordial is put up highly concentrated, iu pint
I'ait-a $3 CO'pcr bottle; two for S'i OOflv f..rS12 tlt.
11. itixt:. PitoPKtKroK,
VjI Uroadwa,New oik.
Sold by Drnggists throoghont tho Ifnitsil Mates, Canada
and West Indies and also by IV.fr'.tJ 11 A V, successor to
Cartwright A: Arm strong,cornerof Market and liroad streets,
Nasbtiiie, I'ounessee. locl.'U d woii'ini
J. M. Zimernixn, Market at, Nashville.
J. tt. .Nelson, JIurlreeslKiro
A, M. GoodW, Wfxjdbury.
J.is. IJ. Stone, McMinnville.
Deerv A Majors, Shelbyville.
BKING defetmined to remove to Texas, I now oiler my
valuable Mills and Land for sale, lying 0:1 Klkiivef,
S'i miles Irom Winchester. If I do not i-eli privately by
Iho first Monday in October next, I will at that time sell lo
the highest bidder, iu front of thu Court House iuth-j town
of Winchester.
It is well known that this is the most valuable water
power in Franklin county; if not the best in the State of
Tennessee. The GRIST atid SAW MILLS on it are in
good runningorder, and are the best in Franklin county.
They are situited 'J)J miles from Alisouia, and three miles
from Dtcliard, on tne Nashville and Chattanoi g.i Railroad.
The water potter Mcapablfof running any amount of ma
chinery. Any person or Company thai may desire 10 go
into tiie manufacturing business, now have an opportunity
of procuring a location superior to any in this cnuutry iiii
such are respectfully invsted to come and txamine for
themselves. Connected with the .Mill projicrty is a tract,
of Land containing 1 IO ncrcs winch I will sell all in one
body, or divide into lots to Mitt purchasers. It is all well
timbered, with the exception of about 7U acres, w hich is 111
cultivation. Near the .Mills is a GOOD DWELLING and
out houses, and tonvenitnt to the dwel Ing tneie are three
excellent springs or pure Freestone water, besides others.
Trine are also two fine SULPIIER SPRINGS on Ihe tract
cnorfling as gondjSulpher water us can be found in llie
The location of the residence is high and htalthy, and the
scenery is beautiful.
I will sell this valuable property on terms to suit
purchasers either for cash or on a credit. Longer short
credit will be given. JAMES II. ESTILL.
apl 1 3 d.tw. w. tf.
TISSULXJTIO. The co-riartner3hiu heretofore ex,
XJ isiing between the undersigned was dissolved on the
litti day 01 .iiarca la.st, bvmulaat consent. Wm.L. Hoyd
aioueis aiimunzea 10 seiua tne (justness ot the linn.
mar26 "W. L. BOTH, Jr.
Goni. nain In t'CUVU
Hcrofula, King,; gU- X.
mirn ivbnf ,r 'wi ..rr-lVfs Joints, and all il
- -re turn i-tcr U applied Pain Wol
A gentleman in the South of Eumna n,i t...:. ,
1S-P, iictrUs,. mdeh said hi the latter rT.Z. Z
considered !
induced to
the renmral of which laid been the chief objeetof hi ioS
ney, but which Iiad resisted the genial and delicioos ciims.
He acwrdinrfv amihed a ntnter n lli ytnM .1- .j. t.
chest where) the pain wis seated, another between the)
shoulders, nnd one over tl.e region of tha liver. In U19
mem time lie drank frvely ofaa herb tea oflaxative qrad
ities. Ha soon found his health improving; and in a few
weeks his cough left hint; the sallowness l his skia disap
peared, his pain was removed, and his health becama per- -nianently
The followini- in fmm Me. Wnrrll cx.tn r m xr.w
sillion Gazette:
: 1 fs"!tv"Dunn'aAtw'n,ran'sPrinfs' was so
eti. . wito P'" io mJ" breast as la render mo uaSt
Vinv wVcr?r,S'.?..mca: ttnd i'eariug your JEW DA
gimnrr er,,EG,1'EW-P.r"VliTEI1 niPhl' nmimeuded for
fefcrn l l n,ybre?!tj'l't''rt lime, when all pain'
It haaoeen very beneficial in eases or Weakness aae&
asPainand Weakness iu the stomach, Weak Limbs, LanM
ncss. Affection, of the Spine. Female Weakness. Ac No
rcioale, .subject to pain or weakness in tho back or aides,
should be' without it: Married ladies in delicate wtaationa
find great relief from constantly wearing thti plaster.
1 ha application of tho PlasJer between the shoulders baa .
been limed a cerUm remedy for Colds, Conghs, Phthisic, "
and Lung Affections, in their primary stages. It destroya
inllanimatioa by peispinition.
Rewire of coitnterteits and base imitations!
CA UT1 ON. The subscribers are the only General A irtt
,vj 1 oi.iii;i 'i uic-aatt; is (ms. truly vatuaoie
Plaster, and in order to prevent purchasers being imposed
upon, by a couuk'ifeit article, sold; in this city and else-'
where, tor the genuim' they invite particular attention-to
the tollowintf Marizj iin tub G inci.vb : .
1st Ta gnn-.h- is put up 111 trnjth, en trios turned Vat
tned LiXtS, tuUrrrd in.,
iiiTl yenntMkas tU enyraviJ 7te-id of Jew DarU em
tAedirfctiurvtiuwtnJ tfn Uu. with acewnpanyim rtcvrd 6"
Ill Chartres, street. Xaw f IrlMn
General Wholesale Agents lor the Southern States, to whom
uiiurueia must oeauureaoeo.
Sold also, Wholesaleand Retail br
j3Uww Agents.
For the core of Painful and Disordered Menstruation,
MiscarrLsgeor Abortion, and the relief of all those
SyriipaLLetic Nervo.-j AU'ectiona attendant on
Much of the sullering altendaut upon tha lives of female
t the pivsent day may be) traced to some alight imprudence
rut-fect during some ci itnsd ueriod of their necnliarama.-
sons, causing obstructions, irrvgnlarity, d, which, if not
reiieteu.graauaiiy weanens anu uerangesihesvstem,and by.
synijiuthy induces those climuic forms of disease Con
siuiipuon, Drojisy, Dysjpsia, Ac w hich either, hurry them
to au early grave or render them invalids fur life. Many of
the 1 airest and loveliest or creation, at that act when tho bud
was' just bursting into bloom, have witliered and died from
the ell'ectsof obstruction, and the want of a remedy to assist
nature at'that eventful period.
It is not offered as a cure of all ills that flesh fa hn'r to.
but as a remedy and preventive for a certain class of com
plaints, m wnicti it is wairanted to do all that is hen set
forth, or that medicinedirvctcd with ex perer.ee and skill can
U..1.I1.H sr,,.ti . .......
i .3u. uj is.u una jirAU.
Ill Chartros suet, New Orleans.
General Wholesale Agenu for the Southern States to whom
all orders must be addressed.
janlg ly dlwAw-
years ago by D R. Kl S K ELI N. The oldest, suresi and
best liaud to cure all forms of secn-t dLseaspn f,f iho V.
solitary habits tf youth, is DR. KINKELIN, N. W. corner
of Third and Union streets, between Jspnice and Pine.oua
and a half s.iuarc& from the Exchange. Philadalnhia.
Take Particular Notice. 'there Ua habit nhicb.
buys teach each other at the academy or collects a hahit In.
dulgedin when by themselves, in solitude, growing np with;
theboy to manhood, and which, if not abandoned m due
time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial hap
piness, but gives rise to a series ot protracted, insidious and
devastating affections. Few of those who indulge in thus
Iiernicioui practice are aware of Ihe conseauencu. until thnir
rind ihe nervous system is shattered, feel arrange and unac
countable feelings, vagno fears in the nnnd. The individual
becomes feeble, he is unable to Libor with accustomed vig
or, or to apply bis mind tostndy, his siep is Urdv and weak,
he is dull ami irresolnte, tfm emmtenanee id do'wncaat, the
eyes without natural lustre, shamefacetluesa is upparent
T:.cse are vympUniui ichtc should aicuitt th alWku of
tht'se similarly affticteil.
If the victim be conscious of tlio cause of h'udecay, and
having relinquished the odious pracuce, he suffers under
those terrible noclnmal emissions, wliich weaken and shamt
him, pnidncing mental and physical prostntluax. If be
emancipate hunswlf before the practice lias doue its worst,
and enter matrimony, his marruge us unfruitful, and hbi
senses tell lum that tfiis is caused by his early follies,
Tio many think they will bug 'the Secret to their own
heart, aud"cu re themselves. A las! how often is this a fatal,
delusiou, und how manr apromisiugyouth, who might have
been on ornament to society, has faded from the earth!
Young Jlen I Let no false modesty deter you from
making your caso known to one who, from education and re
spectability, can alone befriend you. He who places himaeJt
under Dlt. KINKELIN'S treatiiieut, may reb'giwuslycontida
his honor as a irentleman, end in whose bowun will be fur
ever locked the secret of the patient.
Country Invalids. Finding it inconvenient to mako
personal application, can, by stating their case explicitly, to
gcther with all "their symptoms, (per letter post-paid,) have
lnrwurded to them a chest containing Dr. K.'a medicinas.
appropriated accordingly, and l-e cured at home.
Strictures of the ureiba, weakness and constitutional de
bility, promptly cured, and full vigor restored. All letters
lOSt Ulld.
4 A remittance of 25 cents in a letter, post paid, ad
dressed to Dr. Kmkelin. llnhdelphia, will secure bis book
on the Secret Infirmities of Youth. sepl t wly
SUPPORTER. A new remedial Agent, or a
a new- method or applying an old and most' popular one. Is
now presented Ut llie frolession. and thioogtttt to all whw
arnatllicicd, wilhdUe.nes requiring the application oCRAL -VAXISlI.such
as Ameri.irhea; Chlorosis; Dysmeuorebfia:
Prclapsna Uleri; fx'iicl.orhea; HysUsrla; Ijiuiba ) or pain
In Ihe baelr, Utspep.ia, (depeiiilsni oualoi.yi.r n.u stomach)
weakne from any cause ..f tho iwrtoiin or innscular sj
tem, amrall kindred affectioos. 'lo the Physicians it Is
enough in s.-iy.ibls lustrumeutissoconitrueted.lhat aren
llo (JalvaniccurrentlsutailH t jas thrruigh an organ, a
r.iuslngaiid sll.nulatlng It to healthy action, thus assisting
and oft 11 superceding other remedies. (See opinions or iho
best antaors nf the day, MadL-al Journals, and M.lPs. In
Nashville an.l iiher cities uaiiu; iho instrument.) ltla .h
moftsclentlitcally constructed Alnloininat Mnpporler, yot
Invented, which will be apparent to any- sclenliBe manure,
inspection It Is so cuusuueted that tnher iu galvanic or
mechanical support may be dispemed with, as ma' be. indi
cated by each case. Physicians hall lias a potent ally la com
balliugs uneoflhe nKtlmiiblesome of diseases, which of
ten tax their paliencna-d sit ill.
.Seymour's Obstetrical Supporter.
Thislausod l ibrac juiol su; tain Ladies' in lhat most try
ing hour of Ufa "Labor." No Lady nnticiparlngtbls ordeal,
would thin or diseasing wl'.Ultslise.tr they anew one half
Itsadvuulaaea. Ii pUces under th-j cntrolofihe paU.nlalt
theaid sha require.. Noaccouclierran mainUin his obste
trical practice, who doe not use it, when ItseiBcacj has beea
111.1 le known to the public.
-YMuUKs PltCKXI A FOIJCKPS. This Inttrumsnt
hasnnl to beeen,to be approved and apprecfalml. (Site
M. l's in Nashville and otherplacea using them.) AU or
ders addressed to K. II. P.tYilK,
care of Iterry it IVuiovllle, .Nashville, Tnn.,
from th Stales of Missouri, Kenluckv, Tennessae, Ala
bama, (.Oor'ia, Hur.da, Mississippi, Louiiiaua. 'lexas, or
... -.-', ...i . . ... .j . ... , f avuto iuniiuuiuis, win ijjvbi t ...
They can also be had at the following houses:
CO. ES', No.fiS North Market st, and.C A.DOIIINSON t
Co , Shelbvville.
rrairt '."4 Km '
THE Subscriber respectfully returns bis
thanks to the public for past favors, and so
licits a continuance of patronage in the above
!ine. also
Together with every description ot Metal; Turnings Metal-
. , ; lr.tl.T. tf....l t... ' ,
1C1 actings. JUIUt ICUtl KUU vusungs.
Siala Founts, liencnilors. Ale Pumps, and Pnmpnof eve.
ry description iiianufactured to order, or repaired at short
Cash will be paid at all time for old copper and brass.
jtme22 ly u. COLE
Mb, the Passenger Train will leave Nashville at 8 o-
clock, A. M., (instead of 5, as at prefent), and
Chattanooga atSP, M. Returning, leave Cbatt
arrive at
rnimr. leave Cnatlanooira at
lP,Mand arrive at Nashville alio P.M.
Accommodation Train will Ieve Wartraco at (1.30 A. M.
Arrive at Nashville at 10.15. Returning, leave Nashville
at 3 P. M. Arrive at Wartrace at 6.40 daily, (Sunday ex
cepted.) mart
NO. 9
JOHN STREET, nw tuna.
. . . . a. V
SUED One barrel rrt-h Canary i-eed.
( J'inst received and for sale by STRETCH A 0RR,
bf SlKtTVJlt UKK,
Corner College X Union ats,.
mar 12
( ii;. 'rmV,-T.r,,rK!'e,''afism
1 White Swel!inra.ILir.t T.'nt5.,

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