3 NASHVILLE: Saturday morning, august ia, issi. lUittio.VD .vsnMoxrr Mabket. The Philadel phia Notify Aticriean elates that notwithstanding the srcvrcjty of money, there are railroad companies in the iiioney ma7EeT m.lhaf. city purchasing capi- 1 fill At TtliTii reUl at n 1 rfl nrv If ffVirTi lAffltl. insterliannak .The 'railroad Interest throughout this coHnfrv" is iifulotibtedlv one of tlie mostimpor tartt, Imlh a? to its magnitude asTvel! as to its re- j s-ults. At the same, time, it must be borne in mind that in the "United State?, during the last four years Torkhftvotw;n' itnde rlaken, and many completed, which, would have betia muchbetterif the amount thus expended in labor and capitrl had been di3 tributedover a quarter of a century of time. We hsro snticipared results wliich have not yet arrived; infactwehare provided means of transit for the produce of iitisr tiled countries and.- untilled lands. Before the necessities of the country required it, vre hare furnished the, means of transportation for popnlatiorrand produce. The frauds of Schuyler, i-yle, cvtv, have only accelerated a crisis that was certain to arrivp tho acts of these men were pro duced Jby Jhctim and the viciousnes3 of a highly spwnlatire psric-1. To suppose' for a moment that ihe fraudulent act of Schuyler could have in itself produced a want of confidence in the railway sys tem, is parfectlrjdle. There wag in the system it-.. en as rarnea'rmr. ion large an expansion -oi cred its until thesf credit" exhausted -themselves. The tail are of the rropsin Europe last year, and the a: event' that succeeded it, caused the flow of apitalthat wiw regularly tending towards this fliintrrfln stop suddenly. Our mainresource for red't rtperatiohs wasilheucutoQJ'and.wejhad, not T,hr means in ourselves to complete the gigantic -pb of railway projected by such visionary men as Robert FMiiiyler, and others of the like character .f mind. It is necessary, and it is to be hoped it as not yet ton late to slop this system of borrow ing, and bv that means restore credit to the rail loads, which they well merit, but which is now abused by those "who are deemed the best friends f the lailway interest E.T7R kormkary Pistoi. Thn London corres jtondenoe of the Boston Traveller writes : "T have jiit been shown a rifle pistol, invented by an Eng lish fientleman resident at Rati'bon, and which is c aVnkted to make as great a revolution in that Mm as the Minie rifle in musketry. It can kill at i. GO yard I.asi week it was tested before expe-iienc-ed r.ffi.-er-'. at Wooltvfch, and completely stood 1 Tic trial. Vinee then it has been exhibited to Prince Albeit, and, from my own observation, I can vouch 1 r the pfiW.Tncy of this extraordinary weapon. it is easily charged, and his sights regulated at 200 i 00,400. and :'.(K yards. It is, besides, light and autiful, Dtily fancy a revolver of this description, vith als.rcjfJtba TeN. a good marksman, and an h ivprary a ipiarter of a mile off! ' The whole de pend on TitlegrQoyei. I.vnr.r Arcrios- Sale or Cloths. On Tuesday an Aitrtion sate oi"belveen 3,000 and 4,000 pieces of felt dnttfc took place in New York, at prices it i" bxAj liilly 13 per cent, below the anticipations of o.vr.ers. Trie Hotohkisville cloths brought 55 a 75 o nti p-r 4 ar.l, averaging about C2i. The TTinci- j , jnk Company's sold at 7.1 cents a $1 25, averag ing about ST.' to 90 cents, including the Peter- fl'iamf, the lipst of which sold at $1 12ia 135. This low ptitv (-ays Ihe Journal of Commtrce) must Lrgplv inr-rf-ase the consumption, but this will not b? fe't during the current season. The attendance d'.d osit .ejubtuce the bulk of the jobbing trade, but w as'mosily made np of clothiers, and the majority oi'the name oailod hadqnitea foreign accent. This w.Ip" mti .have an important effect upon the price of wool and will detfr prudent dealers, and even it. morci canlious of the jecu'ators, from taking . liM Isrsely of thp raw malarial. (i'i)roio,iici Pi.aoup.hm. A writer in Norton's Jji'rruri' Ctirf'ie charge" Rev. Dr. Scott, "ate of How Orleans with exter.siveplagiarism in his new frrk nl iil.nl ''PVnrel. o Model for Young Men." "Hi vritit "Incrcdtjia as it may appear, we are satisfied fec at lear one-tenth part of the entire work of Dr. Fwtr, (perhaps we should speak within bounds if we said i-ne-eighth part) is taken almost word for wordircm theso two authors Cumming's Lec-Tcre- on the Book of Daniel and Dr. Kitto's Bible JLustralir.-. The piracy bears marks of being dene with t-'p utmosr deliberation and care; the Oiifr of arpument punned by Dr. C. is sometimes much moiiued; tiiere are frequent interpolations of word' and sentences, sometimes the whole sen tence is worked over to suit an American instead cf a British audience and, indeed, it is very rare fur an entire paragraph to be transferred without any alteration. Occasionally a sentence appears V. ith quotation marks, or a marginal note gives ciedit lcr the thought; but this sometimes only bhnd3 the reader, inasmuch as credit is given for tl e smallest part of what is borrowed in such a con- ii s-tlon. In support of these charpp.s extensive quotations fi.-.m the author nampd are given side by side with Ir. Scott own lecture", and the resemblance is too e ract to he accidental. ArJii.tnfT.SE-v Caftais. Captain Stone, of the Steamer Canada, no w in this port, is probably the T. nct nilpnr man ailoat. Sailor who have been rith him many months 'ay they never heard him ej.eak. ITe writes his ..rd'ers to" his officers, and if fiev fail i" 1 anyinp them out, he reprimands them ir writing Vet he has the reputation of being one cf the most skillful and prudent captains of the Cu n trd line, and remarkable for his powers of per sonarendnranr,,. When at sea he rarely leaves the d.vk mpht oi day, more than an honrat a time, grid nothing appears to esi-ape his noticp. Still he 6 es not speak, either to his officers or passengers. Onarefentpaa-afi.-twov.B2s, who were passen g rs in ".' ship, noticed this peculiarity, and at diu n. r one da- ere quite eloquent upon the blessings oJ st.epch, and thpn by way ot contrast, expressed ' their dpepf?"! commiseration for dmnbies. One of ' ,th- wan w&o overcome by Lis feelings that he I drlilienitivplv took an onion from hi pocket and emplied if to his right pvp, while he gazed at Capt. S.onew.i'.i the left. "Poor, dear gentleman." he v"'bbed. as (he tears followed thp onion, "I wonder it he is drat" as rell as dumb. This was too much 1 .r the ni.-.engers, who burst into a roar of laugh-t.-r, in wh eh Capl. Slone joined heartily as the ti Whru onli-i' ws restored he said, "Qpntle i.ven &r."t I sd., ot Ladies and Oentlemen, I ae l .tnwtmW that I appear to a disadvantage by not j al;,n.? more than Tdo; but what would you have p to abv ' It i my constant care to see that you t ni..petl v attended to in every particular. "What x.r- far. v. at de-i.e ? After thiselTorthe resumed f .lencejan.! nas ..ot been lenown to speak since. Lotus N m-oifo-j at C vi. us. A striking little in vid.'iil ovvwrcl oa Saturday, on Louis Napoleon's j -turn to Cala Pier, after "inspecting theEnglkh jtiips. It w.i at lirst thought that the Yacht vonltl go up totiio inner haibor, where Royal car j .arps -wpre in waning, ar.d a small military escort; Iflt a sudden thought sr,.mP-i t0 strike His Majes y, anord.-v wasp'n. the vacht hauled alongside he pier, and the Emneroi in full General's uni i.ynn, slpppcl cnshoio. and. without a single at i ndsnt, plunged lvldly into the c-owd. The' effect 4-as plcctrii-. ' Acheerrov that might have beeu i.iUtnkpu for nn I'.nal h cheer, exclamations of ndrr iration were heard on cvei v side and the Kin-T-?ror hustletl hi" way alon;'. with hardly elbow "ootn enough It take his bat oiT now an.l then, in , cknowirdnmpnt ol the loud and repeated cries of 'Vive 1 r.uiporcnr." Mingled with the crowd were nu Immense number of English visitors who gave it as their universal verdict that the L'mperors jilcck was n fact never to lie gaimayed from that tlar forward. With thf Trench, this impromptu ud of confidence and courage raised a complete : .. r vo;nment. Thev bushed, talked with unusual volnbi'ity. fliook hands with each Tiber and seemed to have obtained that much ' i -u .,t r,u- 'nsation in the daring and i'n" .iimmi of their Kraneror. H!r-. ceremonie dcportmpnl J.it:1on Ohhe. WiN-n On last Salnrdav evening, we are told .w'was oulte a storm of wind and rain on Swan SeT- Kt nine miles from this place. The com w beaten to the earth, fences thrown down, and w uprooted to stich an extent a; to choke tip the Md rendering themln places impassable. We c'not heard that any Pjrson wa, maimed or Jfcai' S3T baiHings ?rc destroyed.-. Obs. BYTEIJE&KAPH. ADDITIONAL NEWS BY TUB ' ( America s ; Louisville, Aug. 17. The news from the Dan- Aibe continues favorable W the allies. Nothing de- cided lias taken place yet. The Russiaus, it is stated, attacked the Turkish and Trench camp at Guirpu and were totally defeated wan a joss ui iy f thpntana killed and fJa?fc The Russians were retreating by forced inarches. They have quitted fratescui, :i.u ..r.s. imuiediately by the Turks. The evacuation of Wallachia is completed A proclamation has been issued declaring all soldiers remaining behind deserters. Omer is expected to arrive at Bucharest on the SOth, and would meet with a brilliant reception. The Austrian army under Prince Lechention has been ordered to advance from Berth to Wallachia. The Arch Duke has removed his head quarters from Cronstadt. ' The total Austrian force on the frontier is three hundred and thirty thousand. Thp frontiers: are not crossed, but preparations for hostilities are be ing made on a colossal scale. Russia makes no warlike demonstration towards Prussian frontiers. Accounts from fnnff.npirro unsatisfactory. Prince Daniel is assuming a threatening attitude towards Turkey. The London" Times has declarpd positively that a force of eighty to one hundred thousand will Jmraediately advanca on Crimea and attempt to effect a lodgpment on the heights that command Sjbastopol. The cholera has made its appearance among the British troops of the Baltic fUet atL?tsund. Tho king of Sweden has declared his willingness to unite with the Western Power, on certain con ditions. Since the 2.1d, the blockade of the ports of the Gulf of Moro had been very vigorouJ impossible for vessels to enter or leave. The Russian Emperor, Arch Duke Constantius and Arch Duchess, made a narrow escape of being captured by an English steamer near Cronstadt. Spain is generally tranquil. Eipartern took the oath as President in the New Council on the 2d. The Barricades of Madrid are being removed. Espartero requested the nomination of O'Donne'l, who is most popular with the new Ministry. New York, Aug. 17. Flour advanced; good Ohio 9 129 50. Corn unchanged. Pork V.i 25i 13.')7i; prime 10 G:. Boston', Aug. 17. The bark British Pride reports that in latitude 41 deg. 4G min. and long. CO deg. 51 min., she found a green chest with ' G. B. City Glasgow'' in a gilt wreath marked on it, also a board twplve feet long, with unintelligible letters on it, supposed to belong to the lost stenmer City of Glasgow. New Yor.K, Aug. IS. Intelligenc was received here announcing that Jerome Bonaparte .has re ceived the same appointment in France that he had here. The suspension of the Cotton House of II. Shed on &. Co., it is believed, will be only temporary. ' The reported failure of a silk-house is untru. The Arctic will sail to-morrow with neirly 100, 000 dollars in coin. Bills of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Ten nessee are refused here. Boston', Aug. 18. The British Eteamer America arrived this morning. Her mails were despatched at one o'clock. New York, Aug. 18. Judge Edmonds is seri ously ill at Roxbury, Massachusetts- The race yesterday was won by E!dy in three straight heats. "W.vsniN'GTO.v, Aug. 18. Col. Benton leaves to-day, for Missouri. PitiLADnLrutA, Aug. IS. Letters received here from Port Cabello, repoit matters in that ct nntry in a deplorable situation. A forced loan of ? 100, 000 has been taken to enable the Government to J meet existing difficulties. The prospects for the rebels is far lrom encouraging. In a late encounttr with the Government forces, ."J00 of the insurgents were slain. Boston, Aug. IS. A letter from Lycendo, Afri ca, announces the arrival at that place on the 7th of June, of Dr. Livingston, who has been engaged in extensive explorations into the interior for a pe riod of 27 months, and has been civen up as lost. The Doctor reports that he had not succeeuea m -. ..." discovennireold. A statement ot nts travels, tc. iscoverinir gold is to be forwarded to a Geographical fcocity in London. Washington", Aug. 13. Intelligence has been received at the Department, that the Port of Toga, Cuba, will be closed totally to all foreign commerce, on and after tke first day of September. The offi cers and crew of the French War steamer, Chintirp, at this Port have been removed on board the 1. S. brig Dolphin. The Democratic State Convention in Maine, nominated Wrn. K. Henibte as their candidate lor Governor. New York, Aug. 13. The Railroad Conven- tion has resolved to reduce the working expenses bv dispensing with the services of all runner? and agents, and by running as quick time This it is thought will reduce the expenses of the several corporations of over three hundred thousand dol lars per annum. The increase of passengers and freight will be about twenty per cent. BALTiwor.F, Aug. 13. The Alabama cotton crop has suffered greatly from the heat and want of rain. But half a crop is exppcted. There has bern considerable excitement at Hul livan's Island, Charleston, in consequence of an at tempt of a young Irishman to elope vv ith a South ern heiress. CtNdSNATi, Aug. IS. River stationary. Weather fine. Eastern exchange 1 prem. Nothing new in moticv - matters. Flour advanced to ST .r;".c; Whisky 20c. Wheat advanced to SI !". No- ! thing doing in provisions. ; T We are authored to announce Eooks-k I'xdkr wood, Kf-q., as a candidate lor Mayor of Nashville at tho j ensuing election. j We are authorized to announce the name of Mo t . SiMiLKTON as a candidate for Mayor at the coming election. NOTICE. j THE Stockholders inthe Nashville Life and General In- I surance Companv, will n-eet at the Seqnoyah, on Salur- I day 19th inat, to elect their Directory and Odlcers. A lull attendance is required. auglif i THE VERY LATEST I 1 IT is a fact long established m the Fashionable World, that Wathehxld A Walkkk's is the place to get a Hat of the finest qualitv and most popular design. Their new , Summer Strle of 'Moleskin Hat is light and elegant, and I takes the lead among the Hats of the season. I jf10 WATERFIELD A WALKER, j THE WHITE GOSSAMER HAT. tttE are under full hmd-tnty with our New Style White V V Rocky Mountain Beavers, aud our Light, Cool, Ven- tilated Gossamers. They can be discerned from all others iu beauty of texture and elegance of design. A full assort- , nient readv to-day. j jeio WATERFIELD A WALKER, j thITtyrolean HAT. i -YYTTTn TUE ("AVALIER' Jl- ,'I'1E-S AD ALBONI. i V and all the new and popular Styles tor the Season. A large, nesr, and vatied assortment of STRAW GOODS, just ilceived. WATERFIELD A WALKER, i Fashionable Hatters, '-', west side of Square, j je0 Next to Oowdey's. GRiLYT"lLVRGAl'NINirVNlK 7 1 IF immediate application is made a great bargain will be "iven in the following tiact of land, viz: 800 ncies in White's Beud, frontiug on Hvde's Ferrv Tmtipike and i-harUnA Riser. :"'. miles fiom Nashville, 4n acres NEW BRUNSWICK RUBBER COMPAN Y. wAi'vuorsi. lOOuncnTV ash U'o cidah smrtT, SI W YORK. W rANUFACTl'RERs) and WHOLESALE Dh.VLLKS in till kinds ol Rubber Goods, made undrr Charles (JiHidvrar's Patent, consisting of Men's, W omen s, lii-ei and "Chddren's Metalic B wis and SLoes, Coats, Cloaks, Overalls, L'oa,, sitaT anj lti.ne, Dolls, Doll.Heads Balls, Tins, Whips. Teething Riugi, Syringes, B.east Pumps, Ac, Ac. The above Company woulJ solicit a call from their friends and the public betoie puithasing. jv25 l.m JOHNSON LETSON- Pr6S- TT'OR RENT. -A couifoitable house on Spruce street, 1 Demumbrane. containing 7 room. J? S donrs bevond good kitchen, stabU Ac Also, a small frame hou ie on Sum mer street bevoud Broad st. Applr to angl2 WM.L BOYD, Jr. DOMESTIC LIQUORS. 25 bbls Domestic Bran die;; 15 brrels Gin; 20 bbls old Rye and Bout ban Whisky; 10 bbls Sweet Malaga Wine; 8 " N.'E Rum. Forsaleby aug4-ly STEWART A WEAKLEY. clo-ire.i liaiance wen iimueiru run .m...... ....... I 13 acres near the Nolensrille Pike, adjuiumg Woodson aud v 11 I.nrsV2Vi miles from Nastiville. .lso ui acis au- , FIVK ioi'uinz Lucas. Apply to J. 11. Moore in Wliite- Bend, or rrMIE ele amrlt. JOUNLAK. W. HKOW.v:nerrv-t. , I Mnn DRUGS. WIN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE 7 ' J) ' ' e u a a i s t No. 7, North College Street, ' ' 'NASHVILLE, TENN., SlIJ?. CARB. SOOA. -"1 A frf LBS. Prime 2fev Castle Soda. Received IttjUUU and forsalc by EWIN BROTHERS, auzlt, .-. tf. JJVE STUFFS. 2300 pound of prime Ind.gn, iOOO do Alum; 12," (To Cochineal; S'O do Extract of Lopvroyd; 560 do Cream of Tartar; 100 do Muriate ofTiu; Received and tor sale at'the lowest market rales bvi suelO tf EW1X ilRO S. , " " . SNUFFS.. "". 24 doz. Garrett's Snuff in bottles, 210 do do do in papor.s; v U10 do Bonn's in do; 1300 lbs. Maccuboj- hnuff, in barrels and jars; Received and for lale low by anelL. EWIN BROV?- PERCUSSION CAl'S. 500,000 O. 1. I'ercussion Caps, For sale bv KWIN HRO'S. BOTTLE CORKS. 03 flro. velvet bottle Corks; For sale low by F.WIX BRO'S. WINDOW (JLASS ISO BoxsSxl! Window (Jlass; M'Cully and other brands; 1D( do 10x12 do do; do " ' do; c.J ;o 2iti do 10, U and l?T14i 0' do do; do 12-16 and 12-13; do do do do Windoir Glass assorted si2e.: 11-15 ll-lfi IMS 10-20-12-22 lt-13 14-20 11-22 lfi 2 1C 24 13.24oo.o4oq 3024-30 24-36 S040 and 2 43. Sn store and for sale hv EWIX BROVS. PERFUMERY AC. 2.'0 dcz. Colouee Water; 115 do Rose Hair Oil; 100 do Bear Oil; 125 do Toilet Soap, assfTled; !'0 do Finsshavipfj, do, IKi Boxes do do; Received and Tor sale by FAV1X BROTHERS, aug 1C, 'M If. DRYGO'ODSr "VfEW CJOODS. We are daily receiving from the litstern Cities a very large and desirable stoct of Staplei Fancy Dry Goods, ofihevery latest nnd hand somest styles, which w e will sell at very low prices. Our buyer, Jlr. I.. 1). Stevenson, has been in New York all of tbeSjirintrand made arrangements which will enable m to show oiir customers something new every day, and we t'tvl confident that the o.sortiiient which we keep is by far the most exteusive and the cheapest to be found in the city, and we cordially invite you to call upon us and see if we are able to realize the expectations held out. STEVENSON & WHITE, marSS'5 59. College St. IAOIES' DRESS t'OODS. fUid ana striped jt Silks, Brocade Silts, I'laid Silks, all shade, black silks, extra quality, I'lai.l Plain and Figured Berages, tierage Robes flounced. Misses Berage Robes, .Ucouet Robes, tl-mnced, Embroidered Muslin Robes tWuced. French l-awns and Muslins great variety. Doited Swiss, and ligared Muslins, Organdie Muslins, French Chintzes, 1'jiglislt Chintzes and Uinghams, Linen Cambrics in greal vatierieS, Sun-Shades und Parasols, A gre.ir vaneU of Fans. STEVEXSOX ct- WHITE, mar23 69. College St. E.1IlIROIDEltIES.--The most varied, choice and beiiinrul asortmenr of Embroideries, we have ever exhibited, consisting of Elegant Collars, Sleeves, Chemisettes, Collarettes and Sleevesin Setts, Maltese Honiton Valeucienne Plait Lace, and Cambric Col lars aud Sleeves. Flouncing and Bands in Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, Scotch ork lusertings and Edgings in new designs, I.ace Capes, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched Hjudkerchiets, Honiton Handkerchiefs, Honiton and Valencienne Laces, C'' ' STEVENSON 4 WHITE, msr23 S3, College St. MANTILLAS. We have a large and nandsome as sortment of Mantillas; embracin all the novelties of the season, consuling of Embroidered Applies aul Lace trimmed Mantillas, Embroidered Muslin Mantillas, Crape Shawls aBd l.ace Scarfs. STEVENSON 4 WHITE, mar23 ' 59. College SL ENT'S'V A RIETVTiOODS. Bla:K and Fancy Freuch Cloths and Casyimeres; trench Linens, Black and Fancy Silk Vestings, Marseilles Vesting, French Drab de Etes. Patent Shirts with French Bosoms. ..ipnm. Luun iiiiu.s. Merino Under Shirts, Lisle Thread and Raw Silk do. Linen and Cottoa Dl.awer3i Licen Collars, Britishand German half noiserv Summer Cravats, Embroidered Ties, Fancy Silk Cravats, black do, superfine quality, Plain and colored Handkerchief. Silk handkerchiefs; Silk Suspenders, Alexander's Kid Gloves, Silk do., Thread Gloves, Linen do, Ac. Silk aud Gmgham Umbrellas. STEVENSON A WHITE, marS 59. College St. HOUSE KEEPING COOUS.-Rich Satin Da mask, Embroidered Muslins Curtains, I-ace Curtains, Cotton Damasks, lo-4, 11-4 Linen and Cotton Sheeting, Pillow Case linens, Ac. Ac, Ianen Table Napkins, Irmit do, II dozen colored Border Damask Towels, hite and Colored Marseilles limits. Gilt Cornices d. Pins and Bands, Cords, Tassels, (limps, Fringes. Curtains, Drops; Ac, Ac. Stevenson a white. mar5 59. College St. - - Bargains bargains i AT W A A J. 0. M'CLEtLAND'S Metropolitan Store, No-. rl nnd 53, College Street. "ATTE have on hand an elegant assortment of SUMMER VV DRESS GOODS; Rich, Plain and Check Silks; Rich Flounced Baieges; Rich Printed and Plain do; Rich Organdies; Muslins and Lawns; elegant Silk and Muslin .Mantles ; and many other Perishable Goods, which we will rlospout atcost rbRcsn. Nowisthetimeforourfriends wanting great bargains to give us a call. B W. A. A J. O. McCLEI.LAND, j v a No. 51 and 53 College street. ' STAPLlTGOODS, Ac. T J E would invite the attention of the Trade to our large ' and well assorted stock of STAPLE GOODS, which we are now otlering at very reduced prices for cash or to punctual buvers. Rich Cuitain Ooodi ; Table Damasks; Linen Sheetings; Irish Linens ; Tickings, Sheetings and Dome.rics; Cottonades, Prints, Ginghams ; Bonnets, Rib bons Gloves, Mitts, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ac-, Ac, all of which will be sold unprecedentedlv low at McCLELLAND'S Metropolitan Store, ;Tfi No. 51 and 53 College street. .IIOSOI'ITO BAKS. T7VERY one in need ot these indispensable articles to 111 Tinrp and romfnrt. can ret them at ' McCLELLAND'S, jyll IS51. No 51 and 58 College street. NEW SPRING LUl'ORTATION'S. JAMES NICHOL, 1851. no. 'JO, ov Tm: sqnAnr, 3 noons tkom collfok st. IS riow receivmgand opening for the Spring trade an as sortment of Silk, Fancy and Staple Goods, that tor extent, variety and richness, will surpass any Stock that he has everolTered in this market, the assortment has been purchased on the most favorable terms in the various EASTERN MARKETS, and will beoirered at a very .small advance oa Eastern Costs, to cash buvers or punctual customers. The Stock wdl embrace the'following articles in every variety: Dress Fabrics, Embroideries; Kibbons Lnce; Moves; Liunens; W li i t c G o o d s ; i Clothrs; Cassimcres; Vestings, Ac., Ac, to which will be made constant additions, by the arrival ofeTcry Steamer, thereby enabling him to present to those favoring him with a call, one of the largest and most desirable selection of ar ticles in his line to be found in this city. Nashville. March 15 '54 DYE V BARNES, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CORNEROF WASHINGTON AND REYNOLDS STS., AcorsTA, Ga. ;"l.iberal cash advances n.ade on Consignments of Cot ton and other produce. KtriR Hon. John P.King. " Charles J. Jenkins, " Andrew J. Miller, " William Schlev, B. H. Warren. Eq , TO 1 1 Augusta, Ga. T.S.Metcalf. Esq., Messrs. T. Richards A Sen j " Itanett A Carter, I " I). B. Plum A Co , J J. J. Howard, Esq , Cartersville, Ga. Messrs. Grenvil!e A Sample, Chattanooga, Tenn. Dr Paul. F. Eve, Nashville, Tenn. augt iwom FRANKLIN COLLEGE, MILKS FROM NASHVILLE. TENN. tnth annual session ol this institution will open davSeotember 13tb, 1354, and close July 4th, For particulars address nugt 2w Franklin College. Tenn FURNITURE! MATTRESSES ! ! PIANOS ! 1 1 TrrTsiTi--triii n hni. nssnrtmeHt ol ued-x-T1. A A. f) steads, Bureaus. Wire and Tin Safes, s.ro snf Hl3 Breakfast. Dinin?. Cen tre Side, and Work Tables, extension Tables, Ac. A large ot of Wardrobes, Chairs, of all kinds, Window Shades, Clocks, an assortment of L Gilbert's entire Iron-framed Pianos Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Ac. Mattresses, Shuck, Moss, Cotton, and Cm led Hair Spring Mattresses, kept on hand and made to order, aud waraanted. Now is the ume for th. se wantin" any articles in mv line to buy cheap fok Cash, or approved paper ,mllTnv jyl2-tf 45 Union street. r It ACKERS, -soaa, Butter and Water Crackers, faug 13.1 J NIXOX. Jr. U made every day. T OAF BREAD. lam now.seiiiogauw..cu.... Xj cle of Loaf Bread (made from tww wheat floun at the reduced price. auglfi. J. NIXON. Jr. NOTICE. 1 have advanced the prices ot my Coulee tionaries to tot year's prices, is.-,.-,. NEW BOOKS. A STORY OF GREAT INTEREST. JCST RECEIVED ! ! FASHION AND FAMINE. Br Mrs. A.vsS.SinBKS3. "There is no sorrow for the earnest soul, That looketh up to God ia perfect faith." - PftJii telutmt7,eX T. Erpru tpealt at foil.w: ' "So Tut as the literary merits of the wnrk are concerned, no better guarantee than the name of the gifnd authoress conld be' required, yet, we venture to say that nothing she has hitherto writren. contributes or will contribute, more substantially to her fame than the production U which we j refer. The subject chosen is one which has never vet had '. r.iT : -. KiA,nr.nPAi ti 1 : . r. , 1 1 UJl JUIIUC UUUU II, 1U MU .llllcl lv n t'ln v'. A IIC .J Itil of ii.tetest, portrsying and bringing in thrilling contrast the two extremes of city life." For sale by auglS F. HAGAX. Market st. LEVER'S NEW NOVELS. THE DODD FAMILY ABROAD: and SIR JASPER CAREW, KNIGHT; his Lire and Experience, with some account of his Orer-Rpachings and Short-Comings. By Coas. Lkvkr. For sale bv .. auglG ' F.1IAGAX. Market street. FLORA LINDSAY; A Novel. Bv the aurhor of '-Rough-ing it in the Bush," Ac. For sale bv K. HAG AN. aiig 13. Market Mreet. SLATES. 100 dps. ceived by ' auglS. FINE SLATES, assorted. .Iiistie F. HAOAN. Market strert. CELEBRATED WORKS, BY DB, CUMMING, OF LONDON. csirjRM IDIItOX.l THE Church before the Flood. 1 vol lmo. Benedictions, or the Blessed Life. 1 vol. 12mo. Voices of the Night. " " Voices or the Dead. " " Lectures on the Apocalypse, o series. " " lectures on Romanism. " " The Tent and the Altar. " ' lectures oa the Miracles. " lectures on Daniel. " ' Lectures on the Parables. " " Forsaleby atigltl. CHARLES W. SMITH. SCHOOL BOOKS, Ac Country Merchants aud School Teachers are invited to examine my slock of School Books and Stationery, which will be offered at the lowest prices by the dozen or single copy, aiig'.-. CHAS. W.SMITH, 41 College ftreel. w EBSTER'S SPELLERS -Bv the drren low- est prices. For sale bv CHAS. W. SMITH 41 College .street. augO, INKS, Slales, Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Slate Pen cils, Copy Books. India Rubber, Quills, Penholders, Ru- lers, Paper, Sand, Ac , Ca. torsaia ov CilAS. W. SMITH augv. AVE STUDY TO PLEASE. FRANCISCO & WHITMAN'S FASHIONABLE HAT ESTABLISHMENT, No. 23 Pub lie Square, is the most desirable place to purchase an elegant Hat, and we advise every person who iutnds buy ing a fine Dress Hat, to call on Francisco A Whitman, and exumine their styles for the Spring, they exeel, in beauty and finish, any article of Drts 1M that will be worn east or west. FRANCISCO A WHITMAN, my 13 No. 25 Public Square. rpHE CAVALIER. JlLIEN, AND LEG- J HORN HATS, We have just opened a splendid as sortment of these most beautiful and popular f olt Hats; for traveling and business purposes. They are manufac tured of the finest of Beaver, and aie the only genteel soft Hat now made. FRANCISCO A WHITMAN, myl3'54 No. 23 Public Square. 0UR "ROCKY MOUNTAIN BEAVEKS. We are now prepared to furnish any gentleman nrtha real genuine White Roiky Mountain Beaver, at the short est notice. We manufacture them ourselves, and r;ctm mend them to be something entirely superior to anything ever offered here. FRANCISCO A WHITMAN, my 13 No. 23, Public Square ANAMA, MARICABO, CANTON, UNION, Black and Tea colored Leghorns, Campeachey und Rutland Straw Hats for men and boys. We have a splen did assortment of Straw Hats for men and bova, for Sum; mer wear. FRANCISCO A WHITMAN, myl3'54 No. 23 Public Square. XT. It COKSKLICS. 1. W. PORRIS CORNELIUS A; DORRIS. CHEAP FURNITURE DEPOT. NO. 2G, COLLEGE STREET, Nashville, Tennessee. rpUE subscribers have now in store and ffZ5ZTSi JL will raius'auii wxu u laic buu hi.iu tment of all kinds ot CABINET FUK-0 assortment NITURE, CHAIRS, CLOCKS, GIRANDOLES, SPRING, HAIR, MOSS, COTTON and SHUCK MATTRASSES. Our stock at present consists in part of Rose Wood and Mahogany Parlor Setts; do do do do Chamber do. Oak do do; Enameled Cottage do do; Mahogany, Walnut, Rose Wood, Cherry, Poplar Bedsteads, of all kinds; Elm and lircakiasi, ieseri anu liuiug xuuirs; Walnut, Oak and Maboganj Extension Tables; Wire and Tin Safes. Rose Wood, Mahoganv, Cherry, Walnut, Oak and Pop Iar Wash Stands; Hat Racks, Towel Racks, Centre Tables, Kecking Chairs, of every variety. What Nots, of all kinds. , , Rose Wood, Mahogany, Cherry, Walnut, Oak and Pop lar Wardrobes. Chairs ! Chairs!! Windsor, Spindle, Scollop, and Scroll Tops; Wood Seat Chairs; Every variety ot Cane Seat Chairs; ao uo hush iw; do do Straw do; Split Bottom Chairs; Bamboo Chair3 i fall kinds; to illow Wagons and Chairs. Clocks! Clocks !! Our slock of CLOCKS is large, and consists of al most every variety. Warrasiio to keep ohod Timk. We respectfully invite the public to give us a call, as we are determined ro sell as lowas any house in the city. Ev err article sold by us will be warranted to be made and fin ished in the best manner. We are still manufacturing FURNITURE and all kinds of MATTRASSES, to order." OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED and VARNISHED at the shortest notice. We take great pains in packing Furniture for the country and for shipment. Undertaking. 3f Our U.sosrtasinq Dtp irihent will re ceive our strictest allention, will be personally attended to by one or rhe hrm. ,-..., i rj?" We have the sole Agencv fm the sale of "r LK S J METALIC BURIAL CASKS," 'in Middle Tennessee, and are prepared to furntsh Undertakers and others on lavora hie terms. CORNELIUS A DORRIS, , july21 tf Nn.lfi dllegestreet. j J. II. CURKEY, . CABINET HaKEB AND UNDERTAKER. BEGS LEAVE to inform his friends and the f32-j ! public geuerallv, thai he keeps constantly j- I on hand Coffins of 'everv description, from the plainest j servants to the tine .Metalic air-tignt anu air-txnausieu ru tins, the best now in use for preserving the Corps; together with good Hearses and Horses, and everything necei-sary for burials. . ,.,,. All orders ieft at my ware-room, No. 51 Cooper s Uuildirg. Cherrv streer, will be promptly attended to, both day or night mjSl tf J. H. CURRKl. MINERVA COLLEGE, Near Nashville, Tennessee. THIS nourishing Institution for the education of young Ladies, will commence the Fourth Collegiate j ear the 4th September 1854, and continue 40 successive weeks. Every lacility will be offered for mental, moral and physical Txavs-Boarding, Lodging, Washing. Fuel, and Lights, Tisbms Timox Primary Departmejt $25; Academic $8o; Collegiate $10; Instrumental Mu.-ic $50; Modern Lan guageseach$20. Address S. E. JON ES , aug) lm. Fear Nashville, lenn. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. AT the last meelingof the Directors ol the hdgfiew anil Kentucky Railroad Company, the following resolutions were adoptf d : , , 1. That the Engineer is hereby directed to make, as soon aspos.sible, the hnal location ot the routeof this road.fn.rn Edn-eticld throuh Goodlelsville, to Springfield, in Robert- sou county. be made upon the stock, payable in monthly instalments of iwoiwr cent , to wit.-Onthe td day or September, the 2d day ol October, 2d day of November, und the 2d day of December next 2. "That a call ol eigtu per veui ravments to De maaear ineomce oi ." .. pany. asiu.miiuj ua..... , Secretary and Treasurer Aug. 16,'54-eoAw jrf the E. and K. R. R- Co. CARD. ,. , MR. GOODWIN respectfullv presents his compliments to the Ladies and Gentleman of Nashville, and would state that he intends opening his clas-es in Dancing on. Saturday, September id, at OJd Fellows' Hall. Mr i:Au,,n wnnM fflti this nccaMou to observe, that ... . ......rr-- lliniiiLllf be'ha's for the past season been chiefly occupied in Ihe city j of Vew York in ohtaininer the newest aud most approved style oftheTerspichorean art, and as a consequence, is pre- , pared to impart instruction in the following Dauces, viz: U "Pollonaise," "L Esmeralda," "La Sicillian, Mine I I de la Cour," Mazurka, and the new and fascinaung Biber- i r.,j.;ii .T.ii,-r -iih ih usual favorite J-anry , U1UU UU.UIHIC. ...... ... , ,. " 1 M ,.A I .. and masters from ry to 5, P. M., and on Saturday at P A.M. ' ang'.5-2w. Hours ot attendance ir ju"s A. OARDELLE. GARDELLE A; DELAIGLE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CuvBLKiTOX, S. C. LIBERAL advances made cn Consitruments of Produce. Prompt attention paid to Receiving and Forwarding Rei'erences: Bustin A Walker, Doughty A Beall, Au gnsta; J. Fraser A Co., Charleston lauglo fim. 17 BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA H nivni'R Thi. P-sSKVCE is a urenaration of unu sual excellence." In ordinary diarrhoja, incipient cholera, in short, so comm valence 1 children, ' or traveler i resist the I .nm...l!m.la t CactioV. Be sure to get the genuine Essence, which is l prepared only bv F. Brown, at las Drug and Chemical Store N. E. Corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadel phia, and tor sale by all tne respeciauie aw-o.., ,c, .u .uc United States, and in Nashville by W.W. Berry A, De moTille, Ewin Brosn Thos. Wells, U. G. Scovcll. ucel3 SmdtriwAw. , all cases 01 prosirauou u. u's""'." """- , iar ireuiw.iiuiu.tu.... Tmf.ij u I.VNNFR. non, it is of inestimable value. Dnnnglhe pre- as toterms, Ac. TUOS. B. Mi : of epidemic ciioieraa"" iT , jV uuiumu-n itiipeculiarlv ethcacious; no umuy. individual 1 A. c caktss. should be witbou it, as, r enables tne system 10 . .,.,lirOT nF.SOLD. influence of iucipient disease, wnicu niras iu a . u.ikiiiai.m 1 ,VVFNTY- C4ff:?t' GROGglE r GROCERIES. THE FOLLOWING COMPRISES IN PART OtTR STOCK, which is nearly complete, which enables us - to offer inducements to purchasers: 759 bags Itio, Havana, lAg KU Doxes nwugnion Duiem; uyiaand Java Coffee; 200 casks English Soda; 400 bags extra Baltimore Cof- 50 chests Teas, assorted; fee; i5 bbls Caackers; 2Vi hhds rhoire and nrime 10O di Wash Boards: t r Sugar; Cottoa Yarns, ass' ,'d; 110 bbls Ijn&Y crushed and 200 doz Buckets; IKiwdered Sugar; ll0 bbls Flour: SOU bbls Molasse.s; 50 doz Scotch and Sappee 500jbU do;- ."O fi do Golden Syrnp; 50 bags Tepper; 20 Spice; 2S " Ginger: S5 bbU Jlacksvel; 50 kits do; 500 boxes Sardines; 25 Pickles, assorted; 10 bbls Alum; 10 " Brimstone; 5 bbls Spanish Brown; (100 bags hue Salt; 5-HI bbls Salt: 00 Demiiohns. assorted: nn:r ; 500 bags Shot, asa'd; 10 tierces fresh Rice; 5000 lbs bar Lead; 100 gross Blacking; 60 boxes Fancv Soap; 300 Rosin 'Soap; 10 csks. A Simi't lirandr- 10 " Otard, Dupv ACo do 5 ' Madeira Wioe, 20 bbU Port Wine: 25 Indian bbls Sweet Wine, extra; 20 bbls Sweet Wine, 2 pipes Holland Gn; brands: 80 bbls Am do; S00 boxes qt., pt. and )i pint 50 bbls Brandy; Flasks: 20 bbls Rum; CO boxes Tumblers; GOOkexs Nails, asst'd; 100 reams Wr.ip Paper, 610 ceroons best Indigu; i casks Madder; 100 bxs Tobacco, all grades; '0 doz Cords and Lines; CO 10 50 60 60 50 CC0 Peach Brandy; Annie do: Old Bourbon Whiskr Old Rye do; Old Reserve do; OldMong do; Rect'd do; Pile's Mag. do: 100 bxs white Havana Sugarj00 too Doles Mar vnnaies; 200 boxes Claret W ine; 100 gross Marches; 9r, " !staren: CO boxes Taliow Candles: 20 boxes Lemon Syrup: Together with manv other articles usually kept in our line, " LANIER A PHILLIPS, July 16 "51 B w No. 89 Market street. u ecu iTcri rnso. tubas. McCREA & TERRASS, Wholesale Grcccrs, Commisslou Merchants, AND DIALERS IS Liquor, Iron, Castings, Nails, Flour and Salt, No. 35 Broad SL Nashville, Tenn. SUNDRIES. 100 hhds. prime N.O. Sugar, 0 bags spice, 150 bbls. Molasses, SO " ginger, 200 i do, 4 bbls. putty, !5 kees col Jen srruD. 5 'r alum. 850 bags Baltimore Coffee, 75 " Havanna do., 127 " Laguyra do, 50 pockets old Java do., 150 DbU. loaf and powdered Sugar, 6 tierces Rice, 50 boxes Langhoro A Arm stead's Tobacco, 100 boxes other brands, 10,000 lbs. bar lead, 400 bags shot, assorted, 900,000 G. D. per'sion caps, 800 kegs powder, 60 boxes starch, 800 demijohns, 3o0 bags tine salt, 1000 bbls. Kan. do., 800 boxes W. R, cheese, 150 " E.D. do 75 doi. plough lines and bed cords. 5 " brimstone, 40 casks soda, 150 kegs white lead, 800 boxes pint and quart tlasks, 100,000 Havana segars, 50,000 mtlee and Cuba six sogara, 100 gross marches, 125 boxes and boxes star candles, 175 boxes tallow candles, 75 " bar soap, 100 cases gunpowder and imperial tea, 6 bbls. Epsom salts, 75 boxss 8 oy 10, 10 by 12, and 12 by IS glass. 100 boxes and bxs raisins, 80 " lemons, 2 cases indigo, 1 cask madder, 25 bags pepper. 150 buckets. The above will be sold very low at 85 Broad st.. .by McCREA A TERRASS. To Railroad aud Turnpike Contractors. DOZ. picks, 12 dozen shovels, J 10 " matrocics, vi anus, 10 " spades, 7j stoel pointed erow bars, 5 " sledge hammers, 50 crow bars, unnnisnea; In store and for sale low by McCREA A TERRASS. LIQUORS. PIPES fine brandies, 200 bbls. O l " Holland gin, 1 puncheon Irish whisky, S00 " 40 bbls. port w ine, so.ne verv 75 " Pike's magnolia whisky, Tenn. ree'd do., Bowers' do., fine. 5-) magnolia rye da, 25 " old Bourbon do., 40 " American brandy, 65 " N. E- rum, 10 " copper D. whisky, 25 " New York gin, 24 pipes cherry brandy; 5 bbN. sherry wine, 5 " Madeira do. 40 " sweet Malaja, 15 boxes Muscat wine, 2.1 " claret do., 20 ' bra ndv cherries, 40 baskets champaign wine. I ne aDore win De aoia very tour am) on liberal time, at 85 Brood St. bv McCREA ATERRAS3. OMESTIC LIQUORS. 25 bbU New York Brundv; 10 " Oin. For sale by mchlO'54 R. F. BELI., No. 23 College st, opposite Sewanee House. OUGAR tiOO hhds Louisiana Sugar all grades, iu W. 11. GORDON A CO. O Store and for sale by M sale by mar22 W. H. GORDON A CO. -TAILS 500 kegs Shoenbergei-'s Nailsall sizes,for sale It o V manca ...... uvi....... u. s.w. bv mart2 S ACK SALT 1400 bogs tine Sack S.ilt, for sale toar rive per Iroquoisby W. H. GORDaN A CO. mar22 '54 BAR SOAP 100 boxes Presjott A Co.. Rosin Soap, for sale by mar22 W. 11. GORDON A CO. OTAR CANDLES 12:. packages Werk A Co, Star O Candles, in wholes, halves and quarters, firr sale by mar22 W. H.GORDON A CO. XT A I I.S -10KO KEGS SHOENBERGER'N i CELEBRATED NAILS; all sizes. Forsaleby janS I.ASKVVAltK. XOO W. H. GORDON A CO. BOXES ASSORTED I T T.,rviV.lia T.im I.nnlfims A? For sale bv jaa5 ' '' W. II. GORDON A CO. rinoBACt;o.-aoo boxes bartlltt jones' X Extra Virginia Tobacco; 100 boxes Ferguson's Extra Virginia Tobacco; 100 " Stubblefield's do; 100 " tloodwin's do; 100 " Boaz do; ith various other brands, for sale b' tano W. II. GORDON A CO ..MICE PROOF SAFES. WE HAVE ON I; hand a general Assortment of Rich A Co.'s celebrated ire Proof Safes, acknowledged by all wherever they have been tested, to be the best article of the kind manufactured in this or anv other countrv. We sell at Manufacturers' pnces.fieignt added. W. II. GORDON A CO an5 IGARS. 10 CASES LA NAPOLEON RE GALIA CIGARS; to cases La Waternal Regalia Cigars, 10 " Wandering. Tew " do; :. " Las Tres Manas " do; 5 " La Estslla " do; With various other brands, for sale by the case only, jsnS W. 11-GORDON A CO. RANDIES AND WINES. " 16 g casks superior Urandv, (warranted pure,) 5 quart casts old Port Wine; "Madeira do 2 half pipes very tine Brndy. mchlO '51 " For sale by R. F. BELL. NOTICE. I II WE this day associated with me in business my sons, L II. A J. C. FRENCH. The business or the firm will hereafter be conducted in Ihesiyleand under the firm of II. S. FRENCH A SONS. julv2'54 tf H. 3. FRENCH. TO MANUFACTURERS. TYTANTED, bvnn experienced manager, a. situation as V V Superintendent in a Cotton, or Cotton and W oollen Factorv. Having a g.wd practical knowledge of the busi ness, will be able to keep the Books. If necessary, will triveeood Northern and Southern reference. All letters addressed to S. DeWITT, Augusta, Georgia, will receive prompt attention. faugTi dAwlm. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, Penn Square, Philadelphia. THIS College, organized on ihe plan ot the Inlustrial Collrges ot Continential Europe, is designed to aR.rd a thorough professional education to Students intended for VxoTnEeRINO, MINING, AGRICULTURE, AND THE MECHANICAL AND CHEMICAL ARTS. The nexttemi-annual Session will commence onMonday, Peptcmberllth, 1S51. 4 FACULT 1 . Mathematics end Civil Engineering, Prop SetiM H. Pia- MetallurgY and Industrial, Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry, Prof. Aifrvd L Kinxi'dt, M. D. Min.ng, Engineering, Geology, and Mineralogy, Pror. n TiTftitia AM. I Mectmmcai philosophy and the pr.nciplesof Slachinery, , j, ft j.EAB30T and KexsiDT. I XKRMS FOR EACH DhPARTMENT Ptt sessiom. J15.00 .Mechanical, Arcmieciurai, uuu . ujg. n-u.w.. Prof- John Ker.v. $10.00 French and Spanish, Prof. . Dt Airiaim. German. Piof. B. H. E-ttrop. .,.,. The Analytical Uboratcry fjr practical Chemistry is open 'An Acadmical department under the charge of J. B. . i nM.;lil into which vounirer and less proficient students mR.v enter and be rapidly prepared for ine vwuege uour--s. , , Additional information as to terms. Courses of study. Biding. Ac, may be obtained by addressing Dr. Awbio L. KKNK...I-. ytPchnteOollPbiWd President of Board or Trustees. JOHN MclNTYRE, See'y. Aug. 1. 1154 w2t-d w s lm. A VALlABLE FARM FOR SALE. j rjMiK UNDERSIGNED offers his VALUABLE I FARM, situated in the county of Madison, 10 JTT ,v. ci rmm roz-tsnn. and some 4 miles muBiiiiiiiira.. ii '., j:..a eatol the Mobile and Ohio llauroaa, ine .. . i i. nAn4ain uttniit 700 acres. Said Farm has been long esteemed one of ihe very be w in the county, and is located in a healthy section, entirely exempt from the visitation of Cholera. There are 3.j0 acres cleared land, and a cflmforrable DJELUNU H0USI"-hi commodious OIN HOUSE and good COTTON PHESS-an excellent STABLE, and other necessary out- htThei.aid Farm hasamo-t fertile and productive soil. ndmirRblv adapted for the cultivation of Cotton, and could be made one of the best s-.A-farras in West Tennessee, being well watered wilh five never failing Springs, and a beami ful creek. . . - Any person desirous ot purcnasing, is mvueu . --""" i l, , f .1.. snWriher other nartieulars nave vei on uan 1 Vmr a Vt s bert material and superior "Tkrtimir'''1,.,r in the next are determined to sell at some price or oihir in the next ninetv davs. All who waiit Uuggi cuk - aug. 11. V.T.'J.v.Ti7.w6; wiw UOCKWAiSEaaH ! ARj, GKOCERIKS,&C. i. KERR & CO., IMP0UTERS OF 02HTJTHE HAVANA CIGARS. SMOKING .VND CHEW1.NO TOB CC03 FRENCH BRANDIFS, MINES, BITTERS SC01U11 ALES, rOXDOXAM 1CBU PORTER. CORDIALS, FROIts' Ac 21 Cedar Street, opposite the Verandah. ' r)Q,"T AAA HAVANA, MEXICAN ,Ud OO.UUvJ GERMAN CIGABA-The largerand best as, rted stock in Nashville, comprising all kind. qual. ities, shapesand sizes, most cf which are the richest na vored, aud costliest Cigars that come from Havana. Also, 10 barrels Havana Smoking Tobacco, (direct impor tation.) with the choicest assortment of Virginia Smoking and Chewing Tobacco io the marker. Dealers and users f rhe above are respectfully invited to give us a call, and examine our slock and prices before buying- elsewhere, as we are selling wholesale and retail as low as such can be had in any market in the Union. A. KERR A CO.. maylS No. 21 Cedar street. FRENCH BRANDIES, WINES, CORDIALS, FRUITS, Ac 27 Octoves fine French Brandies Ber nard and Selgnett's; 5 qrs. OUrd, Signettand London Dock; 2 Hpes Holland Genuine Oin; 10 dozen pure Jamaica Rum, (imported ia glass;) C Champagne Brandv. " 8 barrels Wild Cherry bounce 10 dozen Brandy Cherrtas, (French;) 60 cases superior Claret; 2 casks " " 4 " Pure old Sherrr; 4 " ' Madeira; 100 baskets Champagne, Clicquot. Charles Hiediick. and other favorite brands; London and Dublin Porter; Scotch Ale; 15 dozen Sparkling Hock; 5 ' Malvisa Wiue delicious and nourishing light Wine, for ladiea-1 A. KERR A CO, maylS-d Atwtf No. 27 Cedar st. LY'ONS & CO. Importers and Dealers iu Havana Cignrs, To bacco, nnd all kinds of Foreign Wines, Liquors, etc. No. 1 Ctrus Sraicr, Nashville. Country orders respectfully solicited and punctually at. tended to. LATE ARRIVAL. CIGARM CIGARS Received this day a large lot ot superior RegalU Cigars, which tor Savor and duality will surpass any-ever brought to Nashvilte. We keep constantly on hand a very large as sortment of all descriptions of Cigars, which we trill sell either at Wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices. Country and Citv dealers are resneetfnllr invited In Himinaonr stock before purchasing elsewhere. P . L 1 UftS A UO., 1 9 Cedar st. LIOUORS. We keep constantly on hand a full nup ply of Brandies. Wines, and all other Llonors. of ra- rious qualities, for either wholesale or retail by P A.iu.dn;u 151 Uedarstreet, CHEWING AND SMOKIIiG TOBACCO. The lovers of the weed would do well to call on us, we having just received an article of Tobacco of a wrv superior quality. LYONS A CO., 0i 1! Cedar street LYONS it CO. TX70CLD most respec&lly cill tha attention of th VV citv and country Merchants gaarally, to their stock or Foreign and Domestic Liquors, all of which wa guarantee genuine. AmongU which will b; found the following, viz: 2 pipes Mag lony Brandy, vintage 115; 5 V pipes Star 'Proprieror BianJv. vintage 1S4?; 7 l pipes Otard Dupee Brandy, tinUfa 1550; 5 pipes J. Hennesiey Brandy, vintage 1S50; 14 pipes aoorted Brandv, vintage from '43 to '51; 1 pipe Double Swann Holland Uic, Ji-sj; 1 puncheon Jamaica Ram; 1 puncheon Santa Cruz: 2 X casks Pure Juice Port Wins; 10 casks L'Durand do "do; 6 bbls Cherry Bounce; 5 butts Cherry Wine; 5 do Maderia do; 10 bbls Extra Old Bourbon; 10 do do do Monongahala; Also, a full assortment cf IX.me.stic Lin nors. cencrallv too numerous to mention. 50 baskets assorted Champaign Wine, jut received by jy7 LYONS A CO. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. JUST received this day one of the finest and most beau tifullv selected stock of Meerschaum Pipes ever bmuzht to this c'ty. Also, a very ceautimi rot ot stems, gonis ct wr,;cn ore ct Cherry. Also, Amber Mouth f leces; 1'xbxccn foucnes and Uags. All of whicH we most re.pecttully invite the attention of tbe public to call and examine, u it is no trouble fur us to show our Goods. LYONS A CO., jy7 19 Cedar street. C. II. NICHOL, J. PEACOCK, JSO. F. SASDERSOJJ. HICHOL, PEACOCE. & 00. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Forwarding and fommission Merchants, CORSER or MARKET A cnCKCT STS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. FRESH ARRIVALS. JUST received per New Orleans, Cincinnati and Pitts burg steamers, the following articles, which we are of fering low for cash. Country Merchants and dealets gens jally will do well to call and examine for themselves 50 bags prune Kio uonce; w doz nmoms; 50 do Lazuvra do; 1,000 kegs Pure Lead; 200 bbls prime N O Molasses;500 do No 1 do; 150 b$ bbls do do; iso cases cest r.ngtisn sooa; 150 rinds Sugars, all grades; 20 bags Race Ginger; loa!Uru;ned and rowdered sugars, an assortment; 25 bags Pepper; 15 chests Teas, assorted; 15 do apice; 10 tierces fre-ih Rice; 60 bbls Soda Crackers; 50 do Butter do; Cotton Yarns: assorted; 2 gross Wash Boards; 15 nests Tohs; 6 casks Brandy; 8 do Signette Brandy; 3 do do; 5 do Madeira Wina; 5 do Sherry do; 10 do Port do; 25 bbls S M Wine; 40. bbUSM Wine; 25 bbls Holland Gin; 60 do American Brandv; 50 do Old Bour Whisky; 50 do Old Monong do; 100 boxes M Raisins; 50 boxes Uod risb; 60 do Herring; 20 bbls Mackerel: 100 kits, assorted numbers; 10 cases rresb Sardines; 25 boxes Picklgs, assorted; 5 bbls Brimstone; IO ills ittim- 2.V) bags fine Salt; loo uemijonns, ass d sizss; 10 frails Almonds; 100,000 Cigars, var brands; 300 boies prime Cheese; 150 do Quart Flasks; 150 do rint do; :5 do Uld Bye do; 5 0 do Fluted Tumblers, as;200 do Rectibed do; 900 feoirc Vail. assnnit- 9f dn Old Peach Brandv: Together with all other articles usuallv kept in our line. Call it NICHOL, PEACOCK A CO.'S, reb3 Corner of(Jhurch and Market sts. Bit. U. SOIL THOS. C. BUBOS . ITT.X BEN. M, NOEL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION, XECFJVINfi AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN T0REIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, CoUegpStreet. WINES AND LIQUORS. 200 bblsPike'a M'a Whisky; I pipe Irish Whisky; 100 do Pate's Rectified do; 2 do Holland Gin; 50 do Brown's D D do; 20 bbls Old Port Wine; 60 do Old Monoqg'Ii do; 20 do pure Peach Brandy; 60 do Old Bourbon do; 25 do Apple do: 100 do American Brandy; 50 bk s Chimpagne, B 1; 8o do N E Rum; 40 boxes assorted Cordials; 80 do Gin; 20 do Hock Wine; 40 do SMWine; 20 do assorted Brandies; 15 do Walker's Ale; 25 do Claret W ine; 2 y pipes Madeira Wine; 20 do Muscat do; "Sherry Wines; 20 do Brandy Cherries; 8 y pipes Old Brandy; 10 X casks Madeira Wine; iSrSSTwdlbrMlebV BEN.M. NOEL A CO. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 50 boxes Ous Jones' Tobaccr,20 boxes Missouri Tobacco; 50 do Boaz A Uoodwm do uo neniucxy uo. 25 do Boaz's Gold Leaf do; 20 do Mussulman 9 uecUr 15 do Pheuix do; leaf Tobacco; 10 do Creole lbs Tobacco; 10 do Albretl's " do; 10 da W'etheriuiton's do; 60 do Terry Melee Cigars; 30 do Johnson A do; 15 do Sam Woods' 10 do E S White's 5 do Read A Nash's 10 do Allison's 25 do Fennell's 10 do Daily's do; do, do; do; do; do; 40 do Cuba Six di; dir 10 000 Napoleon Regalia do; 10 do Lnaus 10 do Young A Burnett's dojlO.OOO Jenny Lind In store and for sale by HEN. M. NOEL A CO. do, C-RESH ARRIVALS. 20& II1IDS, SUGAlt, " all grades; 100 barrels of Molasses; 100 hair barrels orMolasses; p 5 tierces or Rice; . 6 packagesor Mackerel; 20 packages or Cranberries; 150 1 ackages cf Raisins; 10 bags ol Almonds; 20 casks of Porter and Ale; 20 coils of Manilla Rope; 50 packages Market, Clothes and Covered Bas.eta; 100 packages Buckets, Tubs, Pails, Ac; 20 barrels'Pecans, Filberts and Cream Nuts; 20 packages Cogniac Brandy; 10 package's Maderia and Cherry Wines; 40 packages Port and Malaga Wines; 70,000 superior llavani Cigars; Demijohn .ani250,000 g JUST RECF.IVED-300 pounds superior RappeeSnufi; French 850 lbs iiaccaooy 100 iAindy fool SnutT: 1 Lot fine Havana If"6- Oi'ewing Tobacco. The r IP the El Divro; U.K A Go's; Anderson s, and a general Wyuiot amber mouth p,e 60 dozen ripe r inai rirA4 on band vet, which I ce,. MiCHsCBAim. lienliemen wm u c rABlb?fore purchasingelsewhere, as each pipe in eallrna-here oore 1 J MOORE. Tobacconist, 1 have a "w u. r-r- doweU iMtd before sale. LitUe Indian, cor. Cedar and Ui.rry fts ""Til E AU Tl F U L PI PES .1 ba e just re alotolthemostbeautifulMEERSCIUUMPlPLS aplG qiHOSE ...rhmwihl to the western country. I invite (?ntlemi 1 t o call and examine them, al the sign of tbe little 1.1UIA.1, Comer Ol luerr a-" s-. J. MOORE. feb7 '54tr J- jjsT RECEIVED. One case or Dill's nne ritj Leal To bacco. Persons using this Tobacco will find it to their advantage to call at the sign of the Little Indian, Cherry and Cedar streets. For sale whstesale cr retail by XQQR f FALL IMPORTATroSs if i 1 'ft A1 .? BY L. B. FITE & CO WHO LE.SA LE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Xo. 9 College St., UashriHe. THF. tinis having nearly arrived when ths WhoIeggJa . . Dry O.od-i market In Nashvilia will bo opened, wa rSIi'f ,lenl!on of Merchant. to our Stock; of Whiter HooJs .ovr ar iving.nhich will be complete in fifteen dsrs. Onr buyer h? devoted near two months in too Eastwn Sllf61 ,u:n? designs tafroduced. lor tea Jall l rede, anu obtaining the ent.re line of FancrandDi ruestic Oord, the lowest possible BgureV - In jasnfleation oCoar declaration that we will make it lareely to the interest of merchants to examine oorrtoefc before making their purchases elsewhere, we be tocSl their attention to onr ssteni of busings. claS and S months' time, which not unlv enables I profits, but which makes it indispensable irut w should ao so loinunce ineir uuiintw. inis tact, we tusk, ouaht to appear obvious to every one. In our stock we present to the trade every variety of Dry Goods needed. Enibraciug a heavy line of Black and Fancv Satinetta, Jean, "Tweeds, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Heavy- Kerseys, Linseys, Black, and Fancv Cloths, Coat, Bed and Negro Blanket", and Heave: Cloths. With a rich variety of Lsdrs Dress Goods, Rich De laines, Ca.imeres, Coburg, Cloths, Silks, Black and Fancy AJnacas, American Muslin de I -lines, PrinU.Gisghsnu. and a full stock of White Goodie Swisses. Jaconets axidCrosa Bar Jl'islin; kiid tlie vanety department will embrace every articl'ireqiisite to makeup a stock. We earnestly solicit buvers to ctva as a call when ia tia market augs lm. L. B. FITE A CO. NASHVILLE LADIES COLLEGE. T!Lnelt?rLon of the NaihvUIc Ladies ColUsga win ,hJ5fIla.-,h!.flr3t,Monly of September. It i dila li a pp Iira,'on for admission tiraido ca or befcxa that date, as e e&n seat bat about 200 puniU. FACULTY. Rev. L- A . LAPSLEY, D. D, President cf tie Hoard o Trustees. " Rev. J. W. Hottk, A M. Rev. ,1, B. LrsDsirr, A. M. JL D. Mas. si. A. Kxoi, Miss J. E. Miller. Mm. Fassrr Hrarr, MtH.R.Miu.ci, Mas M. A E. Moaoix, Jlsj.KVA.tWm, Prof. Jahis Dicooxi. Vnf . II ' Miss J cua Norro.v, CHiSflEs PerMSsionof Five Month?: Board, Washing Fuel, Lights, in private tamiliss, $73 60 AUl.i-'u 111 . icoiniuij LCpi&l 1U1CU., KUUUti. I 1 and French, Same Dept with Latin or French. 15 CO 25 00 20 00 23 00 S3 00 15 00 SO 00 Academic Dept. without Latin and French, do do with Latin or French, Freshman and Sophomore Clashes, indudisgr bath Latin and French, Joniorand Senior Classes for French, att j, Music, Pianb and Guitar, each, Drawipg and Painting, each, 13 CO "arp. Prof 's charge L'iploma and Graduation Fee, 700 For further particulars sea our Catalogue which can be obtained at Smith's Book Store, or by applicatlou to the Facully. augl dSw Al! the dsily city papers will please copy and send their bill to the Union and American. VALUABLE IRON WORKS AND FARM FOR SALE. OWING to the feebleness of the subscriber's hesltn he iitTers for.fale his Iron Works and Farm 1st. The Farm on which he now resides, in Williamson county, about Tl miles from Nashville, cod tain Log abmt 550 acres of land "hich cannot be surpassed for beauty or fertility of soil As a ' Grass Farm," it 11 too well known to require any description. The buildings are of uperror finfch. Thcra is plentr cf stock water the whole year round Little iiarpcth river runs through it Also, the following tracts of land ore taikj, furnaces and forges . 1st JACKSON FURVACE tojtfhw cfca about 8,000 tires of land. 2nd BELLVIEW FURNACE with til Us ore banks, and privileges, aad timber, with between three and Cmjx thousnnd acres attached, weii timbered aad watered. d VALLEY FORO i with upwards or 3,008 acres ot Und well timbered, i.r.dnu 1: thi. best fi.ter power in Ibis or any otbercountry. 4lh" 1 1 ill also tell a crst-rsre Walsr-Power at the Kar. rows of Haipeth, with a tunnel atretdy exeavaiad, and about 13 acres of Und attached. Also, .11 mv WaterPowers cad Ore Banks en Mill Creek, in Hickman cuunlv. I have also an Ore Bank on Duck River, tbieh is very rich in quality and inexhaustible. Anyone wishing tnpurchi.se will please call upon IL subscriber or address him tt GondSpiing P O, William sou county, when be will make known th terras, Ac augS-m MONTGOMERY BELI. STOP THE ItASCALl ' TWENTY-FIVK DOLLARS REWARD, (r.ra man wbo caiis himself OarVAt EvRime, who came to my house in February last, and set in to work for u.. and remained with me until last Saturday evening, b thn look' my hirse, saddle, bridle and blanket, and nude his escape, scd has not been heard of since. He is a .mall man, of rather yellow complexion; about five fet sax leches high ; he is a thin visaged man, with a vtttowish haiel eye, aud a tolera ble large nose ; his hair ia straight and black, wilh soma few gray hairs ; he says that b is 25 rears old; he is a mild ppokeu man wilh but few wordr he said that he Wis laised in East Tennesser, and his fali.er lives in Res, i county. East Tennoiffe. The nor:e that he carried away was a yorng bay horse, two years ohl ; about bfteen aad it bait bands high, with a bald face, and hind feet white a lit tle above the quarter joints ; he has a black main and tail, and is rather a brown bay; he is of the Tom liall pacing stock, and cm pace very well, he is unaltered, and shod before rhtn he left. 1 will give the above reward to any person who will bringme the man and the horse, or either or them, or se cure either of thain, and (rive me information so that I can get them. " d. J. KITTRELL. Lebanon, Wilson county, Tenn, ' ivfctf TUK GREAT SUrt.NtUt r.viic. ' THIS grand exhibition will commence on tbe 2Sth of Sep tember, 1554, and continue for FOUR DAYS, at th Fair Grounds. GALLATIN', SrMXEIl COCXTT. TENN. These beautiful grounds have been tilted up at a great expense, under the direction ot a committee who have made every arrangement for the comfurt and convenience of visiters, and e..pecial'y the ladies. The number of Stalls and Pens for every kind of stock have been largely increased, now far exceeding those of any other fair grounds in the country. Most ot them have already been engaged by persvns at a distance, and should tbe public interest increase, an addition ot several hundred more will be required. The Society have also arranged for the completion of one of the LARGEST PAVILIONS Ever erected in the State; the Canopy, alone, containing over20,000 fcetof canvass 10,0w) feet of cord, witn 6very necessary appendage the whole weighing over 7,000 lbs. The erection of this pavilion over tbe beautifully arranged amphitheatre, with tlevated seats suilicieot for SEVERAL THOUSAND P RS0NS. Will contribute very greatly 10 the enjo)uie.isof tbe occa sion, affording complete protection from the rays of the. iun, and giring tbe visitor a full view cf the circle and grociids. RiGULATIONS All articles or animals intruded Tor exhibition must posi titnlv beentered before 10 o'clock of the day of exhibition. The Society's book of entry will be opene J'frum 1st day ' ol eptemoer, and persons are respecrtullT requesiea to j make Ibeir entries before fhe daysof the Irair, 1 No animal will be admitted in the ring without boia; i coctiDfv!. unless by special permission fmin the Ditictors. All the members of subscriberb' families under twenty ; r.op ye irsnf age are adrairtrd freeot charge. Tlie Fair Grumids will be opened each morning at 3. i oMock and tbe pioeecdinga commence at 10. The Association solicits comj etition Tor the premiums j ln.ni every county in the State, TI11 ollicers cl all si.'lersocieties are respectfully invited - to attend aud participate with us ia Ihe pleasures of theoc I cai( n. AH the ladle wilt cenfer a Lvor by granting us their : piefencei , , 1 ' W. H. CRUTCUER, Sec'. I OFFICERS. I CAPT. V. N. J)0LTtILA3, Prts'dat. I (. B EDWARIiS, A ice President W. H. CUUTC H KR, Secretary. 1 W. S. M UN DA Y, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. GEN. JOSEPH MILLER. K. ALLEN, COL. .1 C GUILD, it It. HOWARD. ROUT. WILLIAMSON, nugll dAtwtd W.J. DOUGLASS, JOStPH HARLAN, TYREL II. BELL, SAM'L LAUDERDALE, WM. CANTUELL. i STATE OI TE.NNESaEE, Duvidvou Countr Court. 1 AllSUSt Term, Ifloi. ; TNlhe matterof the Nuncupauve Will of Daniel Dan ', X. vaiit, d(aased. In this cause it appearing lo Ibesaiisfactfcn Gflhe toart, i on petition of Edward Vaughu, that Daniel Dun ayanr, lata 1 of this county, . as died, making a nuncupative will, uhicU ' Ihe ssid Vaughn nre.-enUd to the C urt for probar and which bequwhs all of bis estate 10 Martha aughn; and 1 1 ! further s?pearing that th following of the said Uaua vant,towrtr Irvin Dunavant, Susan DuDavant. Jul Duna vant Joseoh Dunavant, Wm. DunavaBt, Pleasant lluna ! ;STnoSaV Dunavant, Humphrey Duoavant, William Moore, Martha Stow, Rhode Slow Mer Mann, and hu wifa Snsan Utnn, are non-residenw of tbe stale of Tennessee, I and that the usoa! process or this Court can EM be served ' upon th111- H nra-' "dered that publication be toads ia I some newspaper published in swiue.ior w uaye, irmr. I ,nz iald'tcir to come forward at the next October term r! I I this Court, to beheld at theCoort House m the city oTNiub- Tilleonthe 1st jionday in ucioDer cexi, 10 comesi me pro bareorsaidwill. otherhisethe sme wilt be proceeded ur on and rhe will be admitted toprobatc. ni?12-lriwAw40d F. K, CHEATHAM. Cle k CITY HOTEL, 427 4429 Broadway, New York. COiSCCCTtD CPOX TH2 KCaOPXAsr FLAN. mills Hotel lias recentlv been enlarged and refited wilh I all the modern improvement, ana is now opea for lie p, of permanent and .transient boar Jers aad visitors. reception of permanent and transient DoaraersauavuHio. ul. Mrv. At .tl hniii-s ;tlif.r in thair af Artmepts. ( Wlttt- r.ut extra charge.) or In tbe private dining "ma or in ibe tlalt a mange, which is attached to the Hotel Thrs Hotel beini located within three minulej walk ot the , CI M ,hs pnf tor solicits a share or e tm GEORGE W. ILVRIi ang4 Em. UllV Will una 11 in me.r u,u.--1.- nt-n. Bl-r-L.. Proprietor. ffER'S SCHOOL, At White's Creek At White's Lrern7r thra School will eommetce on. ine -L &.8t - WnSSSd ihe vanons branches of a good Sr'Sri, washing, lodging, fuel and til nerse-sien of fire mouth', lightslSO per: se-ww & L croCKER, augO wAtW. u.