Newspaper Page Text
: , i 5 . t': ' 1 . J.'i ' ' '.,'! -S V?. K . . . .- , . .."..iJ : ,(:til i1gf ;.H a ' aim- v m jr sin. i ' ' ' ,-r.v -V fc- - . AJT VOL. XXVII. . V NASHH3DLE, TENN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 185G. NO, I !l I I I llil 1 ' K I I' (I IV!: an u ,iiL lfj. mm J- -i IWi - - , -fJ 1"' - N AS V1HLLE; DEMOCRATIC OTATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. C. K. WIKSTUa, LnmXAX. G. P. 8JIITH, B. F. CHKATHAM, U. N. CLEMENTS, E. G. EASTMAN, J. K. HOWARD, THOS. BOYERS. PROSPECTUS OF new Story on j SH Old Subject. TIE AUTHOB,in presenting the following wotk to the public can not bat fest that he has an arduous task to perfbim in catering to the public latle, and has somewhat; digreued from tb established rules, ana cuswms ui thors by taking up a subject which, if carefully persued, and thn adriea herein contained followed, the ambition of the author will he ratified to its utmost extent, and tne object of this work will have been attained, nx : w pu money in my pocrei ana w give mi "jo s"""' "- wnt re&aer a utersry treat lurouga ajic-v ,-, ;t- n..fti h hpNsarT to state, mat the most of the manuscripts from whicn una taw was tnanent, and remain active in this preparation, as a conse iDnnded was taken from an old dress pocket loena in a I auenoe of the scientiQc manner in which thev are com' Snd hand Clothing Store a few weeks since in 1 rK by the author, and originally owned by the indeiaiigawe MBS-ToonLKs-atoncecmreTingtolheminaottnereaaer .v.. . 1 u. UoDtn? tne Etna and inrfnlrrvnt nnhlin will BXCOSe BHV blunders BUd I00K WllU & va'j-onizina eve upon rov humble efforts to prqture for 7 r . - - t 1 .nTiMa tha tinbat eTer brought to this market, and put up in soch a shape that every one can see it for themaelrea. Still keeping in Tiew that philanthropic principle which actuated me to tnem ifii.occeswui imuu , . . . . - 1 x .1 w. . .n 1 o nh is than. Got. JaTa and Baltimore Rio Coffees I must not digress en fr from mt snhicct as to fonret that I also laid in a hnnntitnt stmnlr ot Baker's Broma and French Chocolate, an excellent morning drink for my cerrous reader in' these tmnhlnni nnlitlc&l times. In compiling the forthcoming work I shall ' dUniS" pretty extensively on the merits of letown Fasfett will conTey some idea of the attention paid to tbat valuable insect: , We take trreat pleasure in announcing that a celebrat cd author from one of the Western States is now in our city collecting specimens for a forthcoming won upon which he is engaged. We notice a large inroice of the genuine "Eeidkck Champayne." Together with a full assortment of choice Wines and Liquors, among which the Justly celebrated Tchernay Brandy, all ol which the liberal author intends to treat his many readers, to or as many of them who hare the magnamity to pay for it. We wish the anthor success to his new wort, which is to be mllvt r Flu" As the anther feels incompetent to proceed in that Flcvr'j style so common with writers cf the present day, he begs to say ttat in its proper place in the work he will serve up 800 bags of that tndespensable article in 25, 50 ana ivu id. osgs, loercuy lesviug u i" " renders to Flonr to their own tasie. For " Aar (and what author is without it) that this stupendous enterprise might end In "imcU" the author has carefully laid in u large and choice collection of " Sfff tri which will give each reader an opportunity of sustaining the author by giving him n ' puf," snd furthermore, in order to veryity the oldProverb of where there is somuch smoke there must be some fire, the compiler of these valnable manuscripts nas added a heavy stock ol "nau.ies as anoiuer oigrea sion. for which I b?ir pardon of all authors who " tpice" thair concoctions with brilliant showers of wit and humor. I have employed a substitute, which I cannot but believe is of a moie substantial nature, viz: a choice assortment of Autmtjf.Oinntr, Oianamon, Clovet, Fieneh, Engliih and Kentucky Muitards, AUrpiet, Pepper, ground and un. ground, Vitotpt ot dillerenl varieties, n crcencrBttire John uH and Jlartey Sauoei, and in the place of sweet ening the many beautiful passages, which will occur from time to time with moonlight rays, zfphyr breeus, and tht Tuctur rip'd from tht pure Up of innocence, I have em ploved the more powerful argument of Powdered, Crutfi td, Loaf, Clarified and OranuUled, and different degrees of Srovcn Sugars combined with the more liquid streams or tfiioiUJ, tiugir uouie ana. ruinuiiton jioiastes. ana th hncrhl and Uowin? Oclden Svrvv. Uow beautiful, in. dulgent reader, dees Pope or Gulliver (the author dies not distinctly remember) express himself in the fbliowmg "JJor.rg a strain r How dolh the little buy Bee Improve each shining hour And gather Honey 1 here beg leave to say that in order more Hilly to carry out the objects ol tnis same work, I have provided myself with a large stock ot honey the author above f peaks of, which will be used in its natural state or " drained" to suit the taste of the reader, as "draining " is a too common error among au thors, which too vary olten places tbm iu a posilion where they are compelled to make a "raise." I have in order, if possible to avoid that unpleasant predicament, taken lbi precaution to provide a Urge supply of 1'ieiUin AMerrill'ii Feast whose raising qualities my numerous readers haTe probably formed 6oine opinion. As a bright and shining " lightr as I intend this work to be, I shall substitute the agtney of StJr, Adatnauhne, Sperm and liillovi Candles, and to "cUanst" the wind of all impurities shall resort to Citlile, I lein and Common Mar Soap, which together with Wash Boardt, Tubs, BucltU, tSroomt, and Scrub Bnttlits, I have procured an abundant supply. As iiis a time honored with compilers of great works to first "polish lite understanding" of their readers, I take pleasure in stating that I shall lor this turpose bring into requisition a full supply ol "lact-wig-" and "Shoe Brtuhe" and in order that the reader may more fully appreciate the street and choice selections above mentioned, I shall preface each chapter with a full description of different varieties bf PiclUt, Gross i Blackwell's Chow Cliawand Pitcalli, GerHn' prepared Horn Radish wad. pure Cider Vinegar,iot as a wise mm once said, every sweet his its sour, or something to that . . - i ... l T . . 1 1 t 1 1 ; . k 1. 1 . euecu as tnis worx wilt, unuouQicaij, lau iu wo uuuun Starch, whose stiffening qualities none can say onght against, and another class cf readers who are too tasily gulled by a large class cf " Meal'y" mouthed authors, and are never willing to acknowledge the " Grn," shall be amply supplied with extracts from a iarge Bin of Corn Meal, Pye, or unfo.W Four. As the forthcoming work will be attended with enormous expense, owing to tho sudden advance of Taxes (the cause of which has never been fully ascertained) the anthor is compelled to foiego the publication until a certain amount ot subscribers are obtained, (the amount of subscribers limited to 2000; but .specimens of the promised literary hash can be seen ut his Studio, No. 80 Market street, every day, and full instruc tions given to thoee who will purchase the ingredients and are desirous of embarkinj upon that " Tempest tobed ocean," an author's life. 1 forgot to mention that all such old fogy authors as Locheand " Pacm" will be ignored, and "c'eir Sidei, Country and Sugar curtd Bams, SfioitUers, dx., will be instituted. "1 trill alt tUW that " that" l'ony will still net in the capacity of assistant editor, the " shortness of Kit ears" not being sufficitnt to pronounce him ineligible. sept26 lm i'ours Truly, 1). G. HOMatY. N. B. No delinquent subscribers need apply- NASHVILLE AND CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD- ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. rpo take effect on and aflerSATDRDAY, 21st of June, JL 1556. Day Passenger leaves Nashville at 9.05, a.m., arrives at Chattanooza at 6.05. P. M. Night Passmgsr leves Nashville at 5, P. M., arrives at Chattanooga at 93, A. M. Day Pa3seuger leaves Chattanooga at 6, A. M., arrives at Nashville at 2.10. 1 . M. Night Passenger leaves Chattanoogi at 9,15, P. M., ar rives at Nashrille at S.45, A. M. jnnc21. II. 1. ANDERSON, wip't. NASHVILLE AND CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. SPECIAL SOIIOE TO SHIPPERS VIA SA VAX.XA1J TO SASHV1LJ.E. AS the Nathville aad Chattanooga Railroad Company has notified and reminded tbe Central Railroad Con! pany of Georgia, of their Summer Rate, and it does uot teem to have been noticed or recognised in the Land bills of thatCompany recently distributed in our city, we take thismethodof informing the Merchants and Shippers by that lino, that tho rato will be ?l S5 per 100 lbs on 1st Class Goods,and not 1 23, as ththand bills represent f 1 25 is the average through rate on First Class Goods from the Seaboard to Nashville, but is subjected to tbn 10 cent, ad ditional in the. Sumner and a deduction ot 10 cenU per 100 lbs. in the Winter, which make tha late as per our advertisement $1 85 from June to Decemoe-. and 1 15 from December to June II. I ANDERSON, june 21 Smierin'endcnt NAPOLEON AS IIUSIlAMniTflTXoVEi WE PUBLISH SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, THE CONFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDENCE CF TBI EltlPEROK WAPOLEON AND Including ietters from the timeof tbtir until the death of JoscpbiDd, and also aivcrsl private letters Iro-n the Emperor to hH brother Joseph, and other iui(Kriaut personages. With numerous illustrations. By Ji.ha S. I). Abbott, author of the History of Napoleou, Ac. 404 pp., 12mo. Price ft 25. JUST PUHLISHED, THE HUMOROUS POETRY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. FROM OUAUCEIt TO SAXE. Narratives, Satires, Enigma?, Bu k eques, Parodies, Travesties, Epi grams, Epitaphs, TraiAlations. With notes explanatory and biographical. By J. Parton. 1 vol , 12tno., 6S9 pp. Price f l 60 "All that there is of graceful gaiety, harmlef s. wit, and sterling fun in 'he shorter poems of tbe Kujjlith language, is here embodied.' ' l'h renolegical J ournal. "Tate it up when in a merry mood, and yon shall find somethingthereinto jump with your humor; wheu jaded, or hot, or ut of temper, hdJ ten to one the pleasaut dose wlli revive and do you cood." N. Y. A'llnon. S1ASON IIKOTIIEHS, 6ugl8 PUBLISHERS. IQSandllODiune Klreet. N.Y. FREMONT NOT ELECTED. I HATE a good lot of Negroes for sale Among tbem several No. 1 Cooks, an excellant Black Smith, a bhoe and Boot Maker, and a good Barber, and an extra fancy Bor. Call quick if vou want good bargains. septlT tt REES W- PORTER. N 1 I also wish to rent nnti nstmas next, a tine i o 3m cider Odd Fellows' Hall. TORTER. Fever sad i&gne Beme&y. THE cheapest sod best cure for Fever and Ague and aU Fevers Incident to the season. HEAR WHAT THE DUUiuwa cai : if- v.. ..v.. .if that we bare submitted theGrafen ben? Fever and Ague Remsdyto a close inspection and scientwc analysis, 77 " : ties in sereral cases of intermittent ferer. We take great pleasure in saying that it has -proved completely success. imI .-nA that it is a most Ekilllullv compounded remedr. It Bust exert a most beneflcial influence in all cases; its, 1 ionic propeiwca 1 , ts-v 7 M. it is richly deserving th6J coafidence of our brethren ot lae medical jacuii iwu o uuwi.. o! TT Ifabrer. M. D - hew York. Charles tf.Reriloan, M. Wisconsin, Win. 11. bimmington, M. v., Illinois, Thra J. Jnhnvm. M. D Missouri. --m c. Kittredpe, M. D New Hampshire, jmesT. uoit.u. Indiana, 1 y. Terrington, M. D., California, Wm.- Y. ABhton. II. D.. Louisiana. The comDOsition ol this remedv includes tbos? medicinal enbstances which experienced physicians hare long re- 1 soriea 10 iortpciaiacnon on luesraitm wuea ueruugeu 1 Dy revers, Ague ana uenerai uenuny, resumog iruoiw I Thnea am TWari nor. bined. In this medicine no metalic ealts cm be found by th9 most foliate chemical analjsis. In each package are two distinct medicines, a powerful recetable tonic that I ;n ,v, ., r,,i n wt nf Villa will iftxtpn in time will remove tha inatpiomote its firit appearance. Price for the I . - .l , ., package 50 cents. For sale bv all druggists in the Htatj. sept24 . Gen'l AgentGraef. Company. fSitAKFRNIIEItU VEUETARLfi PILLS atHESEcrlebratod mil STe la general use throughout the . whole West, about 100,000 boxes' ate sold annually In lennesiee. Thptr nrnlnralnahln In the follawin? dlieases.all of which proceed from aliowine the Dlgcttive organs to remain out of order Acidity of tbe Stomach; Jaundlca; Fevers; Cottirencss; Night, mare; Dyspepsia; Headaches; fWeplessness; 1U1UOU9 uompiainu; Want of Appetite; Cramps and Cliollc; Bowel ComplalnUj .Nervous Affection; Liver Complaints: Nausea and Vomiting: worms. 100 CIIRTIFICATES from Physicians from every section of tbe United States, who have used tnesn fins in their practice, may oe son, dj can ing on the Acent and obtainioir THE HEALTH ALMANAC FOR 1857. of which ho hasjust received from New York, 50,000 copies lor gratuitous mciriDuuon. aucST IT College St., Nashville. KltKAT DISCOVERY. JAMES' NEURALGIA LIQUID A certain cure for Neu ralgia, Rheumatism, Local Pains, &e. This medicine has been bat lately introduced into Nash, ville, but has already acquired a great reputstion. Tha Hon.A. P.ShemwelljM. H. K.,certifles that ho was nttackedwith inflammatory Khrumatism, and had the ser vio.9nrtirn Pliriiclani.wha affjrdtd him no relief. He Was unable toturn himself in bed, when tliij powerful linlmcn cured him entirely in 24 hours. This fact is certified to by three members of the Legislature, who were constantly with him. Price J! per bottle. AL&..,ireiH, nug27 fiaehvllle. HERRING'S PATENT CJI AJffPION SAFES. TYJE have been Appointed by S. C. Herring & Co ' ' Aeents for the above Sife?, which we will sell for cash or negotiable piper AT THE MANUFACTURERS PRICES 1H NEW YORK, with freight, exchange and insurance added. We have now an assortment on hand and request all those who are interested in the mailer lo examine tbe evidences that go to prove, mat mis sale, is cn INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, and is BURGLAR PROOF as far as valuable papers, notes, or money is con cerned. Several of these Sle3 have II ALL'S PATENT POW DER PROOF LOCKS, which at the World's Fairiu Lon don, in 1651, and at New York in 1S53, was awarded a medal, as being lbs most perfect lock in tha world, niveu mviKO Btcs picxeo or blown by Powder, Hundreds of certificates are givan from all parts of the world, in which valnable papsrs are shown to bare been taken from these Safes unmjured, aftsr having been for many hours, and sometimes for days, exposed to the most intense beat. Call aud examine tbem. MACKENZIE & WILSON, Eept24 tf 17 Collar- ntwt. Ohristmas Dinner. RIPE PEACHES, fJREEN CORN, AND FINE TOMATOES. IF you would have the above delicacies in penection for your Christmas Dinners, put them up in tie SELF SEALING CANS. Manufacture! by us. which give uuiversal satislafactiun. are rery easily managed, as cheap the cheapest as good OS tue uesi uiaue oi ueavy no. very uareiuny Bumurcu, Those who want them had better nuke earlr application. as tbe demand is at present much greater than the supply. septs MAUtvcaiit; & yil5u.. SPLENDID STOCK FAK.1I FOR SALE. T OFFER tor sale the valuable tarm on which I now re side, situated 27 miles south of Nashville and 14 miles toulh east of Franklin, on the Nashville, Triune and Fay- eltcville Turnpike. Said farm con'ams 750 acres ot land. of which about three hundred ate in a high state of culti vation, sixty acres in gras3 lots, aud the balance well tim bered. This is one ot thebest stock farms in WillUmbon county; as every tiild and lot is accessible to water throughout the veir. Tbe improvements are of the very first class, consisting of an excellent brick dwelling with eight rooms ; also, brick kitchen, smoke house, good ne gro houses, cotton gin, grist mill, barns, and stables. mere are several ncvcr-iainuir springs on me piace, una a well convenient to the It is situated in an ex ce'leut neighborhood convenient to schools and churches Tho farm is susceptible ol division so as to make two desirable places, A four horse s'.aje coach runs tri-week-ly to Nashville directly by the place. Tkiws One third cash, the balance payable in one and two rears, with interest. Notes with good securities re quired, and a lien retaiued for the purrhase money. Come allyewnowantgood nomesunu loos tor yourselves; as i am determined no sell. For further information apply to me at Jordan'3 Store, or on the premises. Septl3 lm WSl. AliLlMM. A CARD. I AM manufacturing daily at my Eclipse Stove foun dry in this eity, a good assortment of STOVES AND HOLLO W-WARt,. viz: Orens. Pots. Skillets and Lidu, Sad Irons and And-ironsof difierentpatters, lor the whole sale and retail trade, at small proliu. Also, Tin, Copper and Sheet Irou Ware, ol the best qual ity, at low figures. A few fine chamber tctts of Brittania Ware, and. iV l Kelrigerators, oa band and lor sale low. 1'articuur attention paid to iMoung and uulteriugwiiu Tin or Copper. Z-r UldUnnper, l'eter. llrass and Scrap Iron taken in exchange for my manufactures. II P. DORRIS, augi Lin no. n iKinege ttu. near oiurco t NOTICE TO CO i S I li N Js K . TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, N. & C.R. R. I Nashville, September , ISiO f THE Draymen of Nashville having discontinued re ceiving goods at the Depot, Consignees will hereafter be notified of the arrival cf their goods and furnished with a bill of freight due on same. Any one presenting the no tice and paying the bill will be recognized as the autho rised agent of the Consignee. Tbe responsibility of Ihe road terminates with tbe delivery of the goods, and claims for deficiencies and damages will not be allowed after de livery unless by cousenL It being the duty of the agent to have in his possession evidences of delivery, consignees or their agents will be required to receipt for all articles as delivered. Notices for all consignees whote place of business or residence is not known, will be sent to the Post Office. CliAS. W. ANDERSON, Ageut N. B The object of the notice is not to give Consignees any unnecessary trouble, or ccmpel draymen to assume responsibilities that do not legitimately belong to their businoss, but simply to define tbe pos tion of the road, leaving merchants and draymeu to make their own arrangements. it-eptlS - u.J u. VI. A. ' jwDAVii)7oBnWREw plaster; T II K Great CcmeJy lor RhoumalWm, Gout, Pain in the Mdo. Hip, Hack, Limbs and Joints; Scrofula, Kin? b Kvil, White .Swelling, Hard Tnmore, Stiff Joints, and all ni ed uaiiis whatever. Vhero this Plaster is applied palncanno exist. It has Utn bei.efirial tn cases of weakness, such as Pain and Weitkiio in Ihs Stomach, Weak Limbs, I.i.iT..;:.o."3, Af fectum of tho in their primary stages. It Jiroysin flamauoi, by porsyiration. James I. Ccju, Fickeus district, South Carolina, tcstiges that, by its ueualune he was cured el Ilbenmatiein i a both of his,,.i several ) ear; standi nc. I'ho folio, mpc wastunJodus by a respectable Physician Itilieorp.!: ilessrs. Yeovil A Moad Gents: I have been using yonr Literwoit ami Tar Ilebrutv I'laalor very oxtensively iu my practice for tbroo j tars past, and ins with pleasure tball sttte ray Iwllcf in their superiority over all other prtldei, with which I amacquaii.ted,f..nhepnrposesfor which they sir Tho Hebrew Piaster, especially, Is an u.i t-r..rfl ru-i'uera If.r lucal pains 1 have also lound tt a mos ovci.lteui liiitiu.i f.irSpmin. aad Bruises. It elves nm-s-aiiifucliui. tvherevrr iitrd. SS 0SL1N.1I D. Kuowille, tin.. March 4th. 1F."3. liewaio .if l'..untotlrit3 and lasoliiiilations. tbe nfcuuino nill in rauire have tho siunMnre of K.Tay. lor ! il.e steel plate engraved oa tiie labelon metupol each b.ix. I'.ir. Insors arj adv iJ.e.l u mean counterfeit of thu ar tul -ti i. exiricio. I ii- mine if tM byu, aiid by our agents appointed tbio ut' be Sm'tft. and i. podlar Is sllowcj to sell iu Deal ersa 'l f uiihasers jffuorally aio CHiin.vned aainn buying of HiY butuiir regular u;reiils,olberwieotbeu'i)lheiuiposed up. t.u by a worthless article. KfOVIL 4. MEAD. HI Charlie!! alieet, .New Orleans, Sole Geneial Agents for theSuutbern .'"tales, to whom all orders must Invariably be addressed. Sold also by Kwin Urolhers, Berry & Uemoville, A R Ktvscos Thomas Wells and G V Ilendersholt, Nashville, Teim.,and b all other lirugiists through tho State. lnl'J-l5.1.Vttiw. " i.Xn;horni: .v ailuim kad. r-A liOXE" linghorne k Armlstead's Celebrated To. OU bacco, just received. aul-Uv bAp JOHNSON. IIORNK A CO WALL PAIMSRS. 3.01)0 nieces 25 cent paper just re- ceiret!; Fire Screens, large variety; Trindad Paper Testers and CeuttrC 1'i-cen. on hand andforsaleby W. W. lftN. umy7 23 Public Square, corner Deaderickat PERKINS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, dec6-ly NEW ORLEANS. : " NOTICE. TWENTY THOUSAND bushel sRye wanted immedi ately, for which the highest market price will bo paid. H. 3 FRENCE & SON . aug27tf-n RAILKQADS, &C, NAHVILLE. AND .CHATTANOOGA Hates of Freight on Produce to OH A RLE ST ON A ND SA VA NJ7A E, TO TAKX irfIB OS AFPArTEH THE 1 - nilST DAY OF J UNE ME3CF. . A T a recent meeting of President and Superinfendenls1 ot- (be various Koads connecting xsoeimiie nun Charleston and Sarunab, the following raUis of Freight, werp adopted: FinST CLASS. Feathers, AYool, Flour in Sacks and Books, period 1 1 40 JSEUOiVll (JIjASS. Beeswax, Ginseng, Pink Root, Cotton. Rope and . Bagging, Hemp, Stcr Candles,' Soap, Lard and Linseed Oil and Window Glass,' per 100 $1 00 THIRD GLASS. Leaf Tobacco in hhds, per loo $0. Whisky, per barrel ., ?3 00 Beef and Pork, per barrel...., 2 50 Flour, per bbl,., , t 40 Brooms, in lot of 60 dozen and upwards 1 00 To prevent overcharges the Agent of the N. fc C Rail road is authorized to sign Receipts for the transportation of the articles at the r.itcs as specified, until further notice, II. 1. ANDERSON, mayl4 B ro Superintendent. P ENNSYLVA N I A R A I L RO Al . THE RreatCentral Route, connecting the Atlantic cities withWesleni.Nortb. western, and Sbuthwestern.States, by a continuous Railway direct This road also connects' si Pittsburg with daily line ot Steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sanduiky witb Steamers to all portion the Northwestern I.akc3 ; making' the most direct, cheapest and reliable rouU by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the Greal Tt, Bates between rhiladelphia and Pittsburg : 100ft Dry Goods (in bales,) Hardware, Lea- 60c per 1001b ther, Ac , J THIRD CLASS. An vi Is, Bagging, Bacon, I ,n, . nnn and Pork (in bulk, l, Hemp. 1 f 503 PBr 100Ib FOURTH CLiSS. Cotfee, Fish, Kacon, 1,.MP, and Pork (packed,) Lard and Lard Oil, f 400 ?8r 100R Flour tl per bbl. until further notice. Grain 50 cts. per 100 lUs. until furthernotics. Cotton J2per bale, not exceeding 500 Iba. weight, until1 further notice. " ? XSf In shipping Goods from any point East of Phila-i dolphia, be particular to marl: package " zia Philadefphif fiaiirouu. vmius cuuiueu w tue iigents w tuia Road at Philadelphia or Pittsburg will be forwarded with out detention, Fmacnr Agzmt-i. Harris, Wormley A Co., Memphis,, Tennessee; It. T. Sasa & Co., St Louis; J. S; Mitchell A; Son, Evansville, Indiana; Ihimtsnil, Bell and Mnrdock, and Carter A Jewett, Lontsvillo, Ky.;R.C. Mcldrnm, Madison,. Indiana; Sprigman & Brown, and Irwin A Co., Cincinnati;, N. W. Graham A Co , Zanesville, Ohio; Leech A Co., No , 54 Kilby street Boston; Leech A Co. 2 Astor House, New" York; No.l William street, and No.S Batter Place, New York: E. J.Snceiler. Philadelphia; ilngraw A Koon3. Bal-' tinare; Geo. C. Franciscus, Pittsburg. ' H. II. HOUSTON, General freight Agent, Phila. ' H. J. LOMBAERT, Sup't.AUoona, Pa. anS '5il, tlslj '57. PENNS V L V AN I A R A I L K O A l , THREE Daily Through Trains, between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburg at I1., A. M., and Pitts burg for Philadelphia at 7, A. M. THE FAST LINE leavw Philadelphia for Pittsburg at 1. P.M., aud Pittsburg for Philadelphia at 1, P.M. TUIv NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia lor Pitbsburg at 11, P..M, and 1'iltsuurg lorrnuadciputa at iu, r. n. The above linci connect at PilUburg with the Railroads to and from St. Louia,Mo.; Alton. Galena and Chicago, 111 - 1 I. f.. 1 ( . .. I I- I- . 'V , 111., i iuuhii'ii, uuiuj;iM ..iiu ifiuui lite, ' , ICliU Haute, Miuiison. LaGivette and Iudiananohs.lnd.: Cincin nati, Dayton.Springlield, Belleibataiu8, Sandusky, Toledo, Cleveland, Colnmuus, Zanesvii!::, Masiillnn, and Wooster, Ohio; abo, with the Steam Packet Boats from and to New Orleans, St. lats, ixmuvilleaud Cincinnati. Through Tickets can be had to or from cither of tb above plaeea. For iurther particulars, s?e Handbills at the dillerent starting points. Passengers from the West will find this the shortest and moft expeditious route to Philadelphia Ualtimore, -ew i oric or liofton. THOS. MOORE, Accnt, Pattmitr Linn, PhUada. J. MESKIMEN, Agsxt, 'lusn yer Lime, PttUrtrg. Philadelphia, lS5rt--janS ly THE SHORTEST AND JIOST DIRECT ROUTE TOTHE-E-ISTHUN CITIES FltOM AIJ, POINTS SOUTH AND WKSf. Central OMo AiND ISallsmorc jiessI Ohio RAILROADS, RUNNIXO TIME BETWEEN COLUMBUS, OMIO, AD BALTIMORE, 23 HOURS! BAGGAGE CHEJKED T1IUOUGH! THE ONLY ROUTE by which through tickets lo Wash ington can be procured, to which point as well a to Baltimore, it is the shortest, most direct and in every re spect the most reliable route. It is the only route by which purchasers of Through Tickets to New York are enabled to reach the cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, at the cost ora T ickt' to New York only, thui en abling Business Men and Travelers for pleasure or infor mation to visit fjur of the principal citiesin the Union for less cost than can be afforded bv any other route. And it ih the only route by which Through Ticketa can be had to Richmond. Norfolic. Winchester, Fredericksburg, and Petersburg, Va , Charleston, t-'avanr.ah, Macon, At lanta, Augnsta, Berklev Springs and Bedford Springs. Passengers from Ka8uville take the Stae Coaches ol Carter & Thomas, or sleani?rson tho Cumberland liver, to lxiuisviLLi?, connecting there with the United Stales Mail steamers to Cincinnati, or with the Jcffcrsonville Railroad to Indimapolis, Ind., make direct connection at Columbus, Ohio, with the Central Ohio Railroad to Wheel ing, whence close connection with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is made lo Washington City, Baltimore, Phila de'phia and New York. 3J Passengers holding Throcgh Tickets f-om Mem phis are transferred at Cairn to the cars of tha Illinois Central Railroad, from thence passing through Terre Haute, Indianapolis. D.iyton andXeniatoColuinbui Threo Dailv Trains leave Columbus, at 10 A, M., S:G0 1. M. and 12 P. M. J57" Travelers are requested to notice that while this is tbe only rmite afl' rding Through Tickets to all the Eastern (lilies at the same rate as charged by other roules to AVir Turk oi ly, it ii alio tho Ehwrtest, most ppecdy and direct to all the leading poiubs in the East. The distance from Columbus to Baltimore 13 only 57b miles, being about luo miles shorter to New York, than by any other route. There are less changei of ears by this route, anj consequently less dotcntioo, than bv any oilier. Vi The road is ballasled with broken stone and is entirely free fnmi dust For turtherinformation, please applytoD. G. RU1ISEY, Agent, Nashvilla, Tern. For Through Ticket apply in Louisville at the office of the U. S. Mail steamers, or at lh Jeifsrsonville Railroad Ollice, Main street. WM. S. WOODSIDE, Master Transportation 11. A O. R R. JOHN M. KHAKI', Oeueral Western Agent. june 25 TO MERCHANTS. WE desire to call the attention of Merchants visiting Nashville for tho purpose of purchasing their Fall Stock of Goods, to our very complete and extensive stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ac. We are gratified in being able to offer tn the Trade a most complete and extensive assortment of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, embracing every variety of style asd quality, which is daily being increased with fresh ar rivals imported direct from the princ.pal manufacturers in Kurop. which we aro prepared to sell at very low figures. Pur stock or HARDWARE in all the variolic is prob ably more complete and extensive than any that hare ever been otTered in the Nashville market We also keep a large St ck of Cotton, Hemp and Manilla Cordagn of all sizes, Dnfour's Boiling Cloths, Machine Belling, Steam Packing aud Hose, Rivets ol all kinds, Iron, Brasi and Copper Wire, Sheet Ziuc, Block Tin. Farming Imple ments, Crn Spellers, Straw-cutters, What Ihrushers. Page's Patent Portablo Saw Mills, Ac , Ac All are invited to ejcinnne our slock before purchasing elsewhere. MACEY A HAMILTON, sept7 47 College street. CIRCl'LAK SA V.s ANDSAW JLYN DRILLS". .4 LARGE lot r.l Circular Saws and Mandrills of all .rt. sizes just received by MACKY A HAMILTON. PLANES ANI IIKACIW. JUST received the very largest assortment of Planes and Braces and BilU ever nffered for sale in Nash- ville. MACEY A HAMILTON. SAUSAGE CUTTERS WE have just receive! a lot of i&nmge' Cullers a snpenor article every house keeper should have one (sept7) MALEY' A HAMILTON. IMPORTED MALTA JACKS. TT'ORialeat my Plantation, in Williamson county, fo J? cash or on time. FIVE BLACK. JACKS, three years eld, imported from the Island of Malta, of pure blood. jyS 6md4tw. JAMES H. WILSON. 'WAS FOJl COUNTRY HOUSES AND STEAiWROATS PATENT BENZOLE GAS. county and State Rights for Sale. The only Tl 1 .. . i .... 1. : . ,,, - .... . litiuum mucaiuc mill win give agooa ugnv. THE entire apparatus is simple; occapies but little room, requires little or no attention except winding np, Ths expense is one third less than ordinary Coal Gas; and makes the most handsome and cheapest light in the nuiiu. i.iuu iq pracitcoi operation at Hender son & Bros., Daaderick street Anv persons wanting their houses lighted can be sup pled immediately, tbey having made a contract for tns mruisuing bi uaviasoa county, ana solicit orders. Information concerning State and County rights, can be oau oy applying to WM. WAKNE, ang 21 Cherry Street, Nashville. POSITIVE SALE AT COST OF" FI1VE JEWELRY, CONSISTING of Ladies' and Gentleman' BREAST PINS, FINGER KINGS, LOCKETS AND EAR-KINGS Alio, GOLD AND SILVER WATHOES. VEST CHAINS. SEALS AND KEYS. GOLD PENS. PENCILS, Ac, Ac TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. I will sell my entire Stock of Jewelry, AT COST, on iucc buu mi uiuuius creau, ior approved notes, satis- aug31 lm Commission Merchant, No. 56 College st. 1500 CASfES OF ROOTS, SHOES AND HATS, FOR TIIE FALL TRADE. Robertson & Bashicll, NO.U COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE. WE have now In Store a very large Stock ofBoota, Shoes and Hats, to which we wish to call tto attention of Country Merchants and tho public generally, and which vr' will tell low. Our Stock Is much farcer than baa ever been offered by the house, and wellselected. We feel confident that merchants laying in their Fall and Winter Stock, will find it totheir inu-iest to call and examine' our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge our-' selve to give general satisfaction to all who may favor us n 1.11 ,4 iail. Oar Rtiail Stock has been verv carnfutlr naI.Ma.1 . ' feel no hesitancy In saying that those who purchase in this!! uuo. win uu jueaseu upon an examination ot our Stock. We ask you to caltauJ e'xamino some of tbe finest Stock In the market. Our Stock of Brogans for Plantation use Is very full and' can'tbe beai. ne respectfully Invite the Planters to give ns a call. anc30 2m a NEW AND DESIRARLE GOODS. Snyder & Frizzell AKK now receiving and opening fresh end deslrabla roods suitable for the city and country trade. consistiso or Ladies' fine Kid Slippers, plain and trimmed. " " " with heels, " " Kid Front Lace Gaiters, Kid Side " thick and thin sole, " " Black fasting Gaiters, " .i " " " ' " with heels, " " Coneress Gaiters, " ' Kid Boots, thick and thin soles, l u 44 ' ' with heels " " White Kid and Satan Slippers. ' ' Tuilet Slippers, plain and fancy, ALSO Children and Misses shoes ol every description. ALSO ' Gfntlenians'wear of every descriotion. Their slock uf heavy goods is largo and of good quality In short, all persons wishlngajoods in their line will and It to incir luirxvi hu tan ai .0.3, ruuuc aqaare. ang:!" SNYDKR A FRIZZELL. NASHVILLE BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY, No 17K South Front Street, NASHVILLE, Tenn. ,4 II. COOK, practical Bell and llrass Founder, Bucces xl. sor to Wefler & Cook, is prepared to manufacturj to or er. Bells for Churchee, Steamboats and Plantatija Also, Steam Whistles, Oil Globes, Cylinder, Gu P, Fountain and Stop Cocks, Hose and Salt Well Joinl l Gun MouutinL'. Anti-1'riction Metal. All work madeby me with neatness and disp - , of the best material, at low prices, and warranted. anl 9 ly ALEXANDER ill. WALLACE, General Commission Merchant, AND DEALERS IN PRODUCE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILL OIVK f FECIAL ATTEBTION TO THE SALE OF BA CON, LARD,FLOUR, TOBACCO, &c, fcc., &0. sires to C Wallace, Knoxville, Tenn., Toole, Bro. A Co., Mary ville, Tenn., II T Cox, Louisville, Tenn., J Donaldson, Union, Tenn., Johnson & Uair, Madison ville, Tenn., Brab ron A Bro., Sevier county, Tenn., Fains A King, Dan dridge, Tenn., VaugnA Pickle, Sweet Water, TennH M Jackson, Athene, Tenn., Poullain, Jennings A Co., Au gusta, Ga., John Cunningham, Greensboro, Ga., F W Lu ca, Athens, Oa., John Wingticld, Madison, Ga., Carhart Bi.fl'. Macon, Ga,. F T Willis, Savannah. Ga. nov7 ly 4URAU CO.VLKT. I. L. JOIIMSON CON LEY A: JOHNSON, (Successors to McCIuro A Moore.) No. 10 Hrontl, aud No. 91 South Market St., Nnshvillc, Tetyi. KEEP constantly en hand all kinds of Cooking and Heating Stoves, plain and ornamental; also, Tin ware, Grates, Ac, Ac Hoofing and Spouting done with neatness and despatch. Sheet Iron and Copper work for Boats, Rolling Mills, Furnaces, Foundries, factories and Stills, done as cheap as tnecheapest. janlS ly. V. W. RUSSELL. T. J. SCOTT. O. N. CAE! CO, RUSSELL, SCOTT Ai CO WHOLESALE OROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 50 BaoAnwar, Nasuvillx, Tesnissec. NEW RANKING HOUSE. JOBS D. JAUE3. .A. WHELISS. DAVID D. JAMI JOHN D. JAMES Ac CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE DEALERS, Next Door to the Rank of Nnshvillc, XASUVILLE, TE.VA'. II. LANIER CO., (Successors to Hart A Hollingsworth,) svr 6 Market Street. Nashville, WHOLESALE tJROCERS i D EALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. oct2S niTw DYERS At CO., AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, UARTSV1LLE, TENNESSFK will oa sell raoncci anu fuueaarr or xvsur upr23 liEscnirriox. FARE KEDUCl'D TO 7 FROM NASHVILLE TO JACKSON, TFNN. VIA Tennessee and Alabama Railroad, Columbia and Wurnesboro. For scats apply at the General Stage CtCce. Leaves Nashville Sundays, Wednesdays and Fri days, at F,4 a. m. dec22 tf. 1 ltlltAttY OF WIT, KOMAMIK AND ItACLNLSS .A ueiuir iranaiauousirom me creucu, new euuiuo, Beau tifully illustrated. Catalogues sent free, on enclosing at tnree-eent stamp lo tl. a. U. hul l ti a. uu., may29 w6m. Box 4210. New York. V O. PROPOSALS FOR Sl'E FOR PURLIC ItUILDING. SEALED proposals will be received by Jesse Thomas Eta . Surveyor. Samuel H. Anderson. Eea- PostUaaler and Jacob Mcuavock, Esq., until tbe twenty-fifth day of ccpiemoer next, ior u tuiuic aue lur a uuimior ior iua accommodation ol the Custom Douse, Post Offico, United States Courti, and Steam Boat Inspectors, at Nashville, Tenn. Corner Lots will be preferred, and none are Eligi ble that are less than one hundred feet by one hundred reel, JAMES GUTHRIE, sept7 tt. Secretary Treasury. WAsnisoTorr, D. C, Ang. 29, '57. SOUTHER LOTTERY 1 On the Havana Plan. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS r 7,B03 Pjizes. $102,000! Onlr I5.0OO' Nntnbsrs I PRIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION I JASPER CO UNTT A CADEM T LOJ2ER T; a; Acrnoiurr or rue etaii or ocoucti. CLASS To be drawn on MONDAY, OCTOBER 15TH, 1336,: At Concert Lfnll. Macon. Ga.. under the Sitorn Suncr- ialbndenee of Col. Geo. MLogan end Jas A, Nisbet, Falrocs will please cximine this Schema crefnllv- coTDpare it with anv other, tud if n is not the best ever - offered, and the ctaices to obtain Capites for better, dou'! purcu&se iicaeis. CAPITAL 115,000. 1 Prixeof...-. 1 " ., , i . 2 . 5 " 75 " 20 Approximations of. 60 " 50 " ' 100 " f 15.0C0 is , 5,000 is 2,1)00 is..... 1,000 are..... 500 are..., 100 ara.... 4 )5J are... .... 25 aie... 20 are... v10 are..-. ....iSK are... ..15W .. Z "'0 .. a,ovrti v,tw0 .. 7.50 .. i,coo 1,250 1,000 l.Ot'O .. 63,750 7,600 Prizes of 7,B05 Trues, amenntingto .tio2,eoo "Tickets f 10; Halves, 5; Quarters, f2 50. The 7.500 Prizes of3W. are determined hv the number which draws the S15.UU0 Pru'3-;f tbat Lumber should be an odd cumber, then every odd number ticket in tbe ocneme will ba entitled to f 5 5 i ilea ereu nuc, ter, then every even number tick.t will ba et.tii!ed-M ?5 5s, in ad dition to any oi!:tr 1 1 ij wu-cu cuy hv; -Purchasers in Luviij' uu tqtul oaamitT of odd sn'd evea number tickets will be certain i.f drewtiz -nediir one-half tne cost of tne same, nun cl.aLCtt lI ocaimrg otter rnxes. AU those tickets ending with 0, 2, 4, 6. S, are evee all those end idc with 1.0, 5.7. 9. are odd t3T Persons sendinc monrt cvmul prelect fear ttj being lost. Orders punctually utwided to. Communica tions confidential. Bank NctcS of eouad liinkj taken hi par. fcv inose wisning particular cuicbor sbouiu order ivasnviiie, Tennessee, wui Dopromptiv aitcndei to JAMIVH r Vtl.Vl.fcK, scpil7 Manager, Macon, Ga. MAMMOTH SCHEME 1 CAPITAL PRIZE $50,0002 AIjABAJIA IOTTEKY". Authoriped by tbe State of Alabama. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY I CLASS H. To be' drawn in the City of Montgomery, Alabama, in pub-it- T711 1 M r nrtTi -1 .-. ilei .l. PLAN OF SINGLE SUMBtRSI SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. PRIZES AMODNTING- TO 200,000 Dollars ! will be distributed according to the following unrivalled acneme. 1 Prize of. J50.000 U. . . , f 50,000 1 " 20,000 is 20,000 1 20,000 is 20,000 1 " 10,000 18 lU.OOO 1 " 10,000 is 10,000 1 " 5.O0O U 6,000 2 " 2,500 are.: 5.000 2 " X.WWare 2,000 !0 " 500 are 10,000 i0 ' 30Oare 15,000 5 " 200 are 15,000 O " lOOare 10,000 5 " 60 are..". 7,500 arrbUAiiiAiiuA i-niica. 4 prixes of 400approxi'atiag to $ 50,000 prize are $1,600 800 250 25,000 1,200 20,000 10.000 10,000 ! 5,000 2,500 1,000 500 800 200 i;ooo seo 700 600 439 ,.202 175 1P0 6J 40 S 25 20 320 2,800 5000 6,000 1,000 prizes amounting to 200,000 WHOLE TICKETS, $10; HALVES 5; QUARTERS,:? 2. Tbe Alabama and Georgia Lotteries, as channels for in vestment, present inducements over any kuon scheme. Thoexperience the public have bad of tho management of tnese lmenes, tne large amount ot pnzassoia.tne prompt ness with which thev have been paid, are the best guar antees that tbey will always be conducted in the most nonoraoie manner. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. Thsre are 30.000 Tickets numbered from 1 to 30.000. Theie are SS0 full Prized and 621 Approximations mat ing in an louo prizes. The drawing takes place in public, under the superin. tendance of two sworn Commissioners. Tbe Numbers from i to 30,000. correspondinc with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate li. of paper, are encircled witn smau un tunes, aua placed iu one wheel. The first 330 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are placed in another wheel Tbe wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from tbe wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. Tbu number aud Pnza drawn out are opened md exhibited to tbe audience, ami registered by the Commissioner, the Priz bein pUced against tbe number drawn. This operation la repeated until ail lutj Tizcaure urawa uuu A pfeoxim ATto.t Prizes. The two preceding nnd it two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the Urst us'Pnzj will be entitled to tne biid Approximation rnzco, uccoruing lo the Scheme. IN ORDERING TICKETS. Enclose the money to our addicts for the Tickets order ed, on the receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mall. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. rurcnasers wiupiease write tneir signature plain, give Iheir Post Ollice, County and State. rT ttememoer tnat every prize is arawn, and payable in full without deduction. VSf All prizes of tl.000 and unJer. ptid immediately after the drawing other prizes at the usual time of thirty days', in full without deduction. All communications strictly connaenual. Orders for Tickets shonld be sent i a early. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at either office. Orders for Tickets can be addressed either to S. SWAN A CO., Atlanta, Ga , S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala., stptlO or J. Y. HUOOINS, Box. 3 Nashville. Sewanee Mouse, COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. WILLIAM RORERTS, Proprietor, (late or l yhie sratsGs.) THE subscriber has recently taken this well SJsSj known establishments is refitting and thor- oughly renovating it, and hopes soon to have it in "ItSS such condition as not to be inferior to any house in tin? city. The Proprietor hopes by bis exertions and th e of ' his Assistant, Mr. Craddock, who formerly presided at tbe City Hotel to be abloto make his bouse worthy of be ing patronized by the public and promises that no pains Bhall ba spared on his part, to merit the approbation of those who mar favor him with their patronage. He res pectfully solicitsa trial of bishouse. leoiio QtWAW ti vvsi. IS. "Vr-W RICE. 10 tierces new ICice just received per X Bailroad.andforsaleby JOSEPH NASII, sepuio iw a. h. cor, uollege and spring sla. 1 OH iJAl,s Smith A Beden's fcxtra ramiiy Flour, just JLUU received and for sale by JOYflT. BYRNE & NOLEN. je!9 tf U road way. REGULAR AUCTION SALE AT N1RIIT. Benj. F Shields WILL HOLD nUBIXO THE SEAS03 HH BCGULAR ETCNI.NG SALES OF DRY-GOODS AND VAltlETIES, On WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS of each week, at early gas light. BENJ. F. SHIELDS, sepizS 11 4Z i-uoiic cquars. FEATHERS WANTED. THE highest market price will be given for new Feathers. BENJ. F. HUlftLDS. septSS tf 4- fublic square. RESIDENCE FOR SAL ft. T OFFER for sale my House and Lot in tdeheld, j JL within ten minute's walk of the Public Square. I T6e Lot fronts ona hundred and forty-five feet on J tbe Gallatin Turnpike, running back two hundred and fifty feet to a street. The improvements consist of a com- . .11 Tl , ,,- T - -. I n. . , . . lortaote nnct uweiiiDKt Aiicneu, cistern, tw,ac Terms libsral. Apply atfco. o Pnblic pquare arpl25-lm A. U. WASHINGTON. FARE REDUCED TO $12 SO mm FROM NASHVILLE TO MEMPHIS. VIA. Tennessee and Alabama Railroad, Columbia, Waynesboro and Memphis and Charleston Railroad. 150 miles railroad, and 165 miles turnpike. Leaves Na&h ville Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at C, a. m. Ap ply at the General Stage Ollice, opposite tbe Post Office. aecva u. WHEAT, WHEAT 20,o00 bushels hed aud White Wheat wanted immediately, lor which we will pay the highest market price in cash. lUlJi DlKATAUri tllH WHEAT AMD If AJUn. WE desire to purchase Wheat and Bacon, for which we will pay the highest Market valne in cash. 2 JOHNSON, HORNS A CO. STEAMERS NEW YORK, BREJLEN i. SOVTiSAMPON TOITED STATES HAIL STEAHEK8. i rTU.ItiilH0B,PrilnJtWi line are WA8H- ANN, Capt. Edward Higrtns. ThVsa stea-5 1 IT 1 1 J ('JIM rs. I.. . lint. mersstop atsoutharopton.both gomgand retnrntnjr --. nr OAILIIO xejo From South- From From Stvr York. Bremen. HEKHANN Jan".1 SS Sa WASHINGTON.. .Feb 23 Mar" 22 HEKiIAN....,...Mar ta April i WASHINGTONApril J9 May 17 HERMANN. ...... May 17 Jane 14 WASIUNGTON..June 14 July 14 HERMANN July 12 Aui 9 WASHINGTON..n 9 Pent fi 1IKK.M.VNN Seut 6 Oct 4 am ptnn fnr Saw York Vredoesday Feb. Mar April May Juna JaT Aug Sept Oct Nov Dc - 2f .ad n - ii' rf 3 WASHINGTON. ..Oct 4 Nor 1 HHl.'M US Nov 1 Not 23' WASHINGTON.. .Nov 2D DCc 27 Sec Slotti'tt,airsathamDton.both roinr and returnmr. thv. ouer paT-ei. -jr j proceeuingto Lonaun ana Havre, aavaniagea Pajsaice from Now York to Southampton and Bremen, First.' Cabin fraloon, 130 dollars; First Cabin, Lower Saloon; 11(1 dollars; Second do. CO dollars. 1 , AH Iettari and newjpapcrs must pass through the Post Of fice. , No bills of ladin? will faA riittiaH nr narrilrprAlrr(t An tniT r 1: " an eiperieuceu burgeon 11 attached to each ship. For freight or paasaie apply to c. H. . &Aiu,ji tiouto wmiamatroct. New York. a A. UEINHKBN tt CO., Bremen, CKOSKBY & CO-Southampton. WM. 1SEUN, Havre. Jan23-lyi EXl'RESS NOTICE. XHEiOPIIIS AND CHARLESTON RAIL- ItUAI). rpHE "ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY" have mad ar JL ranei mtnts witb tbe above Railroad for a Dailv Fjx. pxcss Lino, and are Mr nrrraiwl tn tu.ifa init rnra.,H Fruight, Packages, 4c. by Passenger Tralua to IInDtsville,: uttsmt, luscumoiisca iniermeaiate stations on ma 11. A C. and N. A O. Railroads. Small Packages at reduced rates. J37 Messengers leave Nashville daily at 7 o'clock, a m. ZSJ" Friiihts to be forwarded bv Exnress will b ior wiuujui extra cnarge, A. tv. uuiiT,- aprv Agent. CARIN PASSAGE FROM CHARLESTON" TO NEW YOtttf, THENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, United States Mail lime NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAM SHIPS. Throcgh in iS to 53 Honrs. SE1C1-WEEKLT. Nashville, 1S00 toes. M. Berry Commander. Marion, 1600 tons, W. J. Foster, Commander. Jas. Adger, 1500 tons, S. C. Turner, Commander, Houtherncr, 1,000 tons. Thos. Ewan. Commander. xivjgcr o nuuTC)i,t:v;ery neasesn day and Saturday after the arrival of thai cars irom tne ssoutti ana Wet. "at nurn waUr." These StcamshiDS were all built exnresslv for this Line and for safety, speed and comfort are unrivalled on, the Coast. . Tables supplied with evervluxurv. Attentive and conr.i fitniia nnhlmflnfl,M mil inm.a rWr.ltunliv It.:. II..' every puuioie comion ana accommodation. uaDinpassage, $cs Steerage passage................... (3. Forfreiehtur passage, having elegant State Rjtm A eommodations, applyto iUliUT MIHHKOOM. Corner East Bay and Adgerb South Wharf, I feblS'5t tf Charfeston.S.C !i 'i. I THE MOST DESIRARLE STOCK ON THE; MAKILET. 1 The attention ot Speculators is particular! v callad tn tl.c jiamuceu i ocuems 01 too SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY, To be Drawn FRIDAY. O0T. 10. 1S5R. which nib.ibw r 11 . .1.1 i- . t J In addition to others, the fi!owing Brilliant. Prizjs ANY ONE OF WHICH CAN BE HAD FOR $10. 1 Prize of $50,000 ! 1 Prize of $20,000! 1 Prize of $20,000 ! 1 Prize of SI 0,000 !J 1 Prize of $10,000 ! 1 Prize of $5,000 ! " " 2 Prizes of $2,500 ! &c.. &c, &c. No time should be lost in securing Tickets. WHOLES, J10; HALVES, 5; QUARTERS, $2 50. Orders can be addressed to S. SWAN A CO., Atlanta, Ga. S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. or J. Y. HDRGLVS oct4 td . Box 3. Nashville. 3" For further particulars see Scheme in another column. 4l tor tho Complete Cure or Cotiglm, sjoltls, Influenza, .lttmin., Uronckitt,SpltUniC nr Itlood and nil otlier Lung- Cotnolnlutv tending- to Consumption. ritiiib preparatlou Is getting Into us all over our country. J- The numerous letturi we receive from ur minuii. gents, UformiDB; us of cures effected lo their Immediate neighborhoods, warrant us in saying it la one of tho boat, if not the very best Cough Medicine i.ow beluro the public It almost lnvariablv relieves and not nnrronnantiT rnru tbe very worst eases. When all other Congh preparation have failed, this has relieved the Druggists, deal ers In Msdiclnes, and Physicians can testify. Am the Ageut to your nearest town, what haj been his experience of tho effects of this medicine. If ho has t.u selling it for any length of time he will tell yon it Is the best medians extu.t. Below we give a few extracts from letters we have receiv ed Uailyregardltig the virtues oflhls medicine. Dr.S. S.Uslin, or Knoxville, Ga., says: I have been using your Liverwort and Tar very extensively In my prac tice lor thres years past, and, Ills with pleasure 1 state my belief In iu superiority over all other articles with which 1 am acquainted, for winch it is lecomuieuded. iuessrs. ruigeraia i;renners,wrttlugfrom Waynejvlllo, M. C, sajs: "The Liverwort and Tar Is becoming daily raoro popular in this eountrv.&nd we thmt instiT.n. ah who have tried it speak la commendable terms of it, and jay itis very beuenclaltn allerlatinir the r.nnr.I1.i. nr uhirh u Is recommended. Oar Agent iu Pickons District, S. C, Mr. K. K. MeFall, avuresusttiat he usesltwltb great beccUl In his own family ..icwuiuieuusii vu msueinburs." lie gives an Instanre m negro woman in his vicinity, who had been soffaring -!tn disease of the Lunirs for vears.,.l wiiii .rror eMigb,who was roliee.t by the Liverwort and Tar. Such are the irood reports we heir of thl Mj.tlln., frr.m allparts of thob'outh. Fur a reporlof the surprising cures lthasperfornieil lutbo Western anil Northern anil Ka-irn States, wo would Invite the suffering patient to read the pam. jmrei huku BuumjuiaieB eacn doiuo. 10 ai weaay, nava ope, nave nopei 'Iry theMeilicinetl Ho warned In season!!! And nerlae not that cough which is dally weakening your comtimuon, irritating your throat and lanzi. and luiitlncon that drcnl- dlscaso, Consumption, when si soothing ami healing a rem edy can bo obtalnod as Kogers Syrnp ol Liverwort and Tar. Ueware ofOunterfeitsaiid base Imitations. Thegenulna aniale is signed Andrew Kogers, on tha ungraved wrapper around oath bottle. Price, One Dollar per HoUlo, or six Ilottlcs for Hvo Dol lars.. Sold wholesale and retail by HCUVIL & MUAU. Ill Chartres St. bet. Conli and Ft. Louis. N. O..Sole Aveni or the Southern States, towhomall oni nut r,.,l for Agencies must be addressed. Sold also by L,wm moinrs, lierry i Dcmovlle, A. Koscoe.Thos. Wells.aad G.W. ilendersholt. Njshtntr-. loan . n.l hvnll other IlrnrpioUltrouzN tho Stato anb! .I.tlrlwly. JOY TO THE WOULD! THE ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDY Hurleys garsaioarilla. OF all the romediej that hav? been discovered during the present ago for the ''thousand Ills that flesh i?hcu to," none equal ibis wooderfal preparation. Only three years baveetapsed slnceths discoveror( who spent a decade In slndylng, experimentallxingand perfeelin ii) ltrt Introduc ed it lo the public, and it is atready recognized by the most eminent physicians In all psrts of tho country to be thr mrji surprising and cSVctive reurdy fur certain (Lsrasrs of which they have knowledge. All other compounds nr syrups of the root have hlthorto failfd lo command tho sanction of the family, because, on tK'iot tested, they have been found to contain noilousingre. dunu, which neutralize the good euecu of thesarsaparilla, and eftentimes injore thu health of Ihe patient. Itis uotao with Hurley's preparation. This is the puio asd tenuino extract ofthn root; and will, on trial, befouodtoelfecta certain and perfect cure of Urn tot- lowingcompiaints aua aiseases Atfectlou of the Bone, Habitual Cojiitouom, -Indigestion, Liver complaint, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, Hcrofula.or King's livll, ueniiiiy, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fistula, And all Diirasesof ihe Skin. Besides caring the above. It Is also knnwn ik.. and powerful toolc, purlfjlng the blood and iavigorxilnf the syium. in snort, it it without exception , in the caaea mentioned and IU general euect uu the system. th.t mn.i ,gi,.,Ui,. . It Is most desirable, remedy of the ago. It is already eaten- eiTciy u.-cu tuiuugiiuui me country, ana u tlitohlainlngan Karopero ropuution. The Instances of cures it has effected are dally coming to the proprietor's knowledee.aod ha ha nnhesitatlonin recommending it to one and all who desire to prucure reiiei irum suuering. uot bottle being irttxJ, us er lects will be looapparentto admit of farther doabt. Kecollectllartey'sbarsaparillala the only gHouise article In the market. jrp Price one dollar per boltle.orslx for flvedollars. Fur tale at the manufactory, corner of SevenrJi and Green 8trols. Louisville, Ky. Also, wholesale and retail BCOVIL, and ty dealers In Medicine throughout the united States, Canada and Mexico. jan-dAwly -' BERRY A DEMOVILK, Wholesale Agents. Nashville TTBltK IS THAT SEAJISTRESS-IbavBa tmnd Seamstress, and one of the very bast OAK- fKNTKRS in Tennessee, for sale. Also a few extra Cocks. (waranted to suit or no aula.) with various other negroes; consisting of girls, boys, blacksmiths, Ac. Among them are several extr good negroes, that I am desirous of sell ing in the city. An good cooks will hire exceedingly high next year, I think those in seed ot neb, had better call aad bny while they are low. ept23 REES W.P0RTPR. DRY GOODS. . XHOMPSOiy & COij . , " FALL AND WINTER. f JBfi&Y eo'O'DS.' 1 8 5 6. THOMPSON dc CO., ara now opening a lareo andTlrfad Uinrtmeat of FALL. ASD- WINTER UKY GOODS. vvewouMask particular attention to our Stock, thla leason, a being compvi&l ft every Utlng new aad detiraole-to b tbunam tfce Evm rr.trkrti. wnlrh nr . .,.,1.1 15 ; sell as cheap twany boas'o Ja tao eity. All we aik Is an txHo - jDaiion or oarilocK. ip provalt. We tke Etext ploijursia bowing oar good ... SUbrf. have a largo lot of Silts on hand, varying from 80 cU. peryaw toSlOOptfrpiltora. A besaUlul lias cf Silk4 t 81 p9c J?Kl w.Wch ,",!Uti'' any qnanitr to iclt purtharsj SfLESDID i'LOOJi CED blLKS. Brocade Uoune. .. .. Satin do Jatpa do 31' ... - -. veivtt Terylaej 1 - fr evenings very hand- -ime and nvj.rtripo and plsd silks of all kinJ. and qaU tle., pUlu and rent cllfc, aiieoior; blacK SUka of aU kud. Plain CiL3htnera ntHn,t. ot J: " ' iaim Jlennw. all kin. m. ...w' zrz. - . " .MuiJtEiiQu.iitunj.: taramethas.-Ta'mesa Ooths and iioandcz QotJ of alftinoai I-ico Uoodi. He would call the attention ni thu r .rfi.. , t-. w Lace Goods. la it thev will Cad somathlB? m price and taste. fine al. lace Fellorine beantlfal artlcler New stjle LaC0 iirsh very flae; New style Va.l Lace Capes; New style Val. Lacs 8etw very Una and entirely news Aew stylo DUctThread Laco Setts very desirable; ' - i. Lace kHlars; . Trunmed, do; Handkerchiefs: - Very rich Foint Lace iJrldaf Vdlr Hsnrrkershlefx-- Wr... in match. Val. Lace; Point Lace; auperflao. Lace, and real Thread Lace; a large assortment alwsyaoa hand. ajniDroiacrtc. New Style Embroidered iinsUu Setts, .. .. Collars, HaiidkerchieCj, Embroidered Skirts, Embroidered dresses Job. Jacunet and Swiss Trimmings large lot, k Flouncing large lot, Linen EdgIo; and Inserttor;, Lmbroidereu iluslio Capt new and cheap, -. Capes new and beaaifral.T r,, .. . , 'or tUo Bablfjtj. Rich Lmbrc-MeredStlk Uat new and. beautiful, MertnoHau uewandbstatiiar, Bonnets .. (Silt Bonnets .. Fine Embroidered Aleriao Cloaks, - .. Blankets, Embroidered bodies and baby dressesa of all kinds ' Fine Embroidered Alasltn and Lace trimmed Caps Ihese things are very dssirable, being new and cissc. IclL-boia. Our stock, of Ribbons is very large and well assorted Rich Moire Antique Hibbon, i .. Brocade Kihbon, " .-' .. Japa Stripe UibDon, .. Maid ribbon, Plain Ulbboaa of all kinds, and rich Sash Ribbons, Cloaks nmt Sliaivls. We have nowjn store a lar lot or new .it rtn.v. .. 1 Shawls and brails, or every Ufrcrjptlon ; ' nwi i eivev jaiuias, .. .. Cloaks shawl pattern, new , .. Cloth cloaks new, J .. Pluin cloaks very new, Very Fine BrocheShawbj, .. Stella Bordarad Sbiwli, .. .. Flush shawls new ,Blr'ti,t8PI'dshawlIH kinds, Gentlemea'aUavelingshawU, ' ' Ladfei traveling shawls. , " . icutlcmcn' ll'ear. Klsh French laisuncrev new style ,. ' ; V.M r,VPel CasslmerBsn'ew ityle, -Plain and i'lald casslmeres, of aU kinds. UtMkFreacti Cassimeiei, Cloth, -Rlae French Cloth, ' Hieh Arelvet Vest patterns, - .. uncut .. RfchSilfc vest natlsra s -black ani run - t EUh Caihmer Tevtpalterns. . s uiiiujoi ""is-wear, ueauataoa's underwear, fiidlsr Glares, Dtess Gloves, etc, eta. . . "ives ana srrslery. Ladles', Gectlumen's awl Child ro r.ln-r. tn ..t ilety,. . r Alexandre's Kid Gloves; Buck Skin OloTCS, Cashmere and tiilk Glow, plash llol, Alexandre Silk (plain) and Uaglan Gloves Lisle Ueilln Gloves, lined and unfilled, " Taffeta, Plash linal, Glov es, etc, etc Black and Pearl Silk, and Flesh- colored Hose, Ha w Silk Hose, Flush lined and plain, Casfimere, Lambs Wool and Alpacca Hose, Children's Fancy and Plain Woo. I Hose, of all kinds. Citrtainti mid Curtain .Materials. Secant Lace and Embroidered Muslin Curtains, L'uibroldered Muslin Tor CurtaJos, by the piece, hicl. fntm and German Damask,aR colors and kinds. Giuip Tasels, Loops and Cornice, lo match. Carncte. In thla linetwe intend toexcelbrkeonlsithaii.u.v In ihe etiy, and selling al reasonable prices. Having a larz stock on hand, and being dsiiron, of selling at many as pot' sibln before remuvlngto oar new honsa. n.inv i be to the adnnt;a of those wish! or, to purchase CarpeU to Uka atour stock before parchssing eliswhsrs. Rich Velrel Carpels, flnsr than usually brought to this market- Kieh Bni3ls and Tapos' ry Cartels, 3 ply 'Engliih and American CarpeU, Ingrain Carpets, of all kinds, Cheap CsrTM-ti. ef every descrictlnn. Fine Mosaic. Velvet and Brussels Kmi. llrorand Parlor 31 its, increat varlorv. liomrMtlc ".nil House I'urnUhlnrr Coeds. .. u... ... . ,vvu m.m.a, ail iuamida, Enelish and American Chlntx, all qualities, English and American Prints, in great variety, ... Ballard Vale Flannel, something that will not shriek, Webb and French Flannels, vary flrie. ; f CI I. 1 1 , ' ujtij r rnuiiei,aii colore, iiay titale FUnntU, white (freatjeb.) , Linen Table Diaper, aU kluK, ltamjsk Table Cloths and Kapkins, 1 Colored Table Clot hi aad Napkin to malcn. Knstaheetrr3,allqaalhles. l.'uiicjidlluskabacWToweliDj Fine Lm,;t Towels. Wa have en hand a Urge stock of Staple Uoodi of ejvtry THOMPSO.f & CO." SlPabUcEqaar. scpC WATSOS1I.C06XI. ii3r-tsjr.8in.T. Lot of Gouisiere' 3imn. mcLO ooDJaali. COOKE, BAILEY & CO., wnoLxsaiE OKiixai ix ROOTS, fSIIOKS, HATS, CAPS, RONIflETSr . , AtC, AtC. SOUTH SIDE 'PUBLIC yqrjAKK PASTILLE, TE5N., - WE are now arranging Kir rale our FIST STOCK of tha above (Joods, which, having been carefully se lected, acd parchaMxi upon tbe monUrorable terms, trill be Mood well worth the attention of lerchants. We iBvite an inspection of this Stock, confidently be lieving that we cut supply th'ise who may favor tfvvllh. their trade. With handsome aud durable Goods attuch pricea as roll enable them to cimpeta saaessfollytrith Merchants who piircuaseat Philadelphia, tif Our term of credit is gtr months to r-lialU dealtrt: and e will moke a liberal discount to CasA iayerl. ang22 d2m COOKK. itAlLKf ACQ. PI,Vi0, ilKLOUEONS. 3IUSIC, Ac. THE undersigned has just received and opened for in f pection. Urn largent stock tf Pianrn, JlelodconS and Jlusicul Mercliandko ever offered in tha City of Roaks. The attention of everybody is. invited lo examin and iadgo far ihemtelves As mine U strictly a ilwto Best nbs, purchxseis may rely npou getting the very best ar ticle.'uRd at the lowest renum.rative prices. To whole). sale customers I will sell nta. per cent on Eastern prieet, m that thuy can save freight, besides dingers of tours, portation. .Schools and touchers supplied upon tho very best.terms. sepl-21 lot J. A.McCLTJRB. I.ANO WARRAiNTtjlSOUGilTORLOCATKW iWlLLjuy cash for Land Warranty. I will also buy old Mi.viouri and Arkansas Land Patents, issued abont lsl3, tosoljiera of -ilx. ' I am alio prepared lo locate Land Warranla in Sooth Western Alasuori, on th line of ihe Sonth Western Mis souri railroad, in connection witbagentloiua who has had tbe selecting of more than 2,i'00,t(w acrra of taiiroad land along tlieaHlecf this rtd. For farther particulars, terms, Ac , enquire of tho undersigned on Cedar street, over tha Ptiat OlHce. (wpilo, J. O. FELLOWS l.ANO fOli SAL.K. IF application be mada wiibin one month, I will sell on accummodatiug terms lG'-i acres of Land, eight miles from Nabviltp. on thjCalialm turnpike, at or near the first LVpoi cf the Naihville ana Louisville Railroad. ThU land i.i well improved. about seventy ocrta cleared and the balance in wood . II u tbe place formerly owned by Judge Uileb, and known as lioeemunte. The soil b su perior, and the neigbcorhood one of the best in tha county. sepiM lm A. H. SHANKLAND, Agent. SS Cherry atreeL I HE S HCUSU AtiSV Alt EilHRinOPf or ins TENHE53EE AIECIANIC3' INSTITUTE, Will be held at Odd Fellows' Hall and the Stat Fair Ground in the city of .Nashville, OCTOBER IStb TO THE 20th, 1S33, In connection with THE STATE FAIR, And ihe Fair of the Davidson County Agricultural Society. MEUtlA.NlCS.llanuiaoiuieni, Artists, tha Ladies ad who wish to display the results of their labor, skill, lopenn.ty or taste, whether prized for use or reriojiir, are luvited to contribute such. articLa for this exhibitiod. Articles oi a delicate or perishable character will ba de posited at, the Hall, Machiuery and heavy or bnlkv artidaa urtieleH wilt bo shown atthogrorxid of the State Fair, at -both of which places the most favorable arrangements ore being made for the display of all articles contributed. Tbe Hoard of Directors confidently appeal to thecitixBS of tho fltat to land their eacourageraent to this Fair, which can beat bd.dona by rendering it worthy of publio tia'.ronare. - CircnlarH containing fall particulars of tbe arrange. .uituuiaum cau on application to eimer or tee unas. signed. WlLlJAM3T0CKEL,Ptwident, ALEX. MACKENZIE, Suparin't. .septU tf . JJc'. AlOOGAIv, Secretary. TO TJ1K 1'URLIC. HAYING full possession of my Auction Rooms I am ready to receive cossignments. BEHJ. F. SHIELDS, aept9 1 No. 13 Publio Squaw. -IWirTlli -Wri ill learsiie IV iisa Msfel IT