Newspaper Page Text
Xrw AIvcrtlcnionfM. We commend the special alien lion of our business and planting community gen etally, throughout this division of the State and elsewhere, to the card of McNeillf "Wright A Sanders, which appears this morning an our advertising columns, Prom a long and intimate acquaintance with Col M. IT. Wrirhl. ri nnnfidcntlv. recommend . . -a-y f. the highest order of integrity and prompt ness deserving of the most liberal patron age that 8n be bestowed upon him, as well ai his associates, wlio arc men of worth and standing. f Mike Powers offers his fine residence for rent, and furniture for sale. Albert & Seeman have a large auction sale to-day of drygoods, clothing, hats, notions fend furnishing good, which ia worth the attention of the trade. Trecy, Murphy & Co. will soil to-dav a full line of boots, shoes and hats. The trado will hnu their stock very desirable. Tax-paycra will sec that thoir Revenue Collector ib after them. TliMeJntercslcd are referred to the hank rupt notices in to-day's paper. Judge M. M.'Urion is a candidato for Mayor. Ilia card ia printed in this morn ing'a Union ani Dispatch. Another Assault and Battery Case. Alfred Hardin, colored, for an assault and battery on the person of EiUyTown- pend, same color, wan arraigned before .Lao. Mathews. The case was continued until 10 o'clock to-day. Continued Untu. To-rayj Henry William?, colored, charged with an assault and battery on a brother negro named Jas. Allison, wan up before Justice Mathews yesterday. On account of the absence of witnesses, his case was1 postponed until this morning at 9 o'clock. Grand Democratic Rally To-Nioiit. -There wHl he a grand Democratic mass meeting to-night at the cornor of Broad and Market streets, under the auspices of I. k;tii. mi..i. ah invited to attend. Speeches will be de livered by Wm. U. linen, Jj,j., and other distinguished speakers. Going por Bacon. A search warrant was sworn out yesterday, before Justice Mathews, by Jas. W. Laurel, male of the steamer Kate Morrison, against Uli Walker, a negro whoui he thought had stolen some sixty pounds or good old "hog" from said craft. A vigorous search was instituted hut romiltcd m the finding of nothing. Thereupon Walker was discharged. Gonk to Jail tor Stbalino a Cow. On yesterday, in the oorut of Enquire P. W. Brion, corner of Church and Market streets, Charles Sihel and John Weather- ford were found guilty of stealing a cow of E-quire W. II. Wilkinson, and both were bound over to the next term of the Crim inal Court. Sihel gave $1000 bond for his appearance, and Wealherfqrd, in default, went to jail. A Frightful Gash Ovkr the Eye. Monday morning as Mr. David Oartor, an old man living in Fairfield, and who is cnirajred in hauling wood into Iho city for sale, was coining into the city on his wood waeon. up Market street, his mare, which ia a very opinion animal, toek fright and dashed down the street at a terrible rate, up-wt the wagon and scattered the wood in evrrv direction. Durini' the nrpiilnnl Mr Carter waa unfortunate enough to receive a pretty severe kick over his only good eye, wliieli left a frightful gosh and may result in the Iom of its usefulness. Exciting Howling Match. On Mon day night a number of our citisens met at the Horticultural Gardens and engaged in a bowling match, for the prizes indicated below. The game was witnessed by a num ber of spectators, and afforded a trreat deal of sport and Interest. The following result will be read with zest by all who under stand the game, and know the persons who won me prines : T. .1 Ynrbroufh, 190-ltt prise, one lieoi 1. ' Kuhn, 117 ai priie. one sheep. wuh. MW ,r,,e- two Koee John Mullen, 105 1th jmte one goose, Jus Miller, !( 6th j.riie, oeoo). I. P. Ivuhn. lBlr-sth prise, two ilucks. H, Hsorr 7-7th prUe. one duck. ra. Warner. U.V-94U price, bo4viet. The entertainment concluded with a grand reunion, at which congratulations and general hilarity was the ordor. , Why Do Ruck TniNoa Go Unhjn isirnu. The attention of tho clublied and beltcil guardians of our city's peace and welfare, in very emphatically called to tho lawless gangs of negroes who daily congre gate on or near the corner of Cherry and Lino streets, and not only .making the lo cality resonant with thoir gufTawa and half civilized yah-yahs, but have two or threo pitched battles daily. This, too, in one of the thickest populated portions of our city, yet the presence of a Metropolitan Police man is rarely seen in tlat neighborhood. Why, within tho last few days fivo several fights have occurred among them, but no arrests have been made by the police. Such things do not speak well for the efficiency of our police system, and unless matters are remedied we shall be forced to the opinion that some one in some locality is neglectful of his proper duty. If a sentry cannot be stationed in the vicinity, for heaven's sake, oh, police, tike a stroll down there at least once in a week. "Mish" Banks va. "Mr. anh Mrs.'' CASiniEU, Ycsteaday in the court of Esq. Mathews, "Miss" Lccinda Banks, a "nigger gal," caused the arrest of "Mr. and Mrs." Campbell of tho same nationality, upon the following circumstances : "Miss" Banks rented a house on Spruce street near Line, end herniothcr's rent about being out, she wai told that she had host procure an other iOof to shelter her. Sho locked her door yesterday, donned her "seaside," and gently tipped adown tho city's thoroug urea, evur ami anon stopping And inquir ing in her "sweetest" tones, "Jlfed yeu got enny rooms, to 'rent." Wo cdnnot nay whether she found them or not suffice thai when she returned she found the "Campbell" family had burstcd tho bar rings of tho door and were moving in on her regardless of consequences. Miss Banks became enraced. hurrlcll off to tho office of Esquire Mathews and procured a warrant agaua&Uho aggressors, which read, "Unlawfully entering the house of, etc" The argument was not finished yesterday evening, and wilt bo taken up again this morning at S o'clock. lOoaimnnicatcJ. Notwithstanding tho recent changes on the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad, it affords the employes supremo pleasure to , announce to all tho old friends of "Old Mistis" that ho is still in his office, and as fat and polite as of yore evor ready to oblige all inquiring friends as to their debu and oWdi. Wo are also happy to state that . Bwiltr, chitf still to l feml on duty in his finest suit of white ready to take a walk as far as J. D.T Wo would respectfully advise the General lo take a trip up the line of road as far as Murfreoshoro, as M. II. is anxious that he nhould call aad settle eld scores & Carry 1. Fihw Ward Oj.tjb. The first ward will eet to'ftight at the corner of Market and Broad streets, to hear addressee kjr W. G. Drien and other distinguished ieakore. By order of the President, John H. Harpkr, Sec. Mr. (X V. SCiiiftrt, teacher of Piano and Qtiltar. Address Postoffice box 127, or music stores of Messrs. McClurc and Dorman. augl2 St THE FltAKKMX TbSSsEDT. Further Intelligence from that l. cnlUy Foellnsr of oar Jewish Citi zens on luo SnhJect-AiiotUcr Letter front onr Corrcsponrtent, In which n Rndlenl Mc is Itcfnted The excitement in this city yesterday relative to the lato unfbrtnnatpoccarrence at Franklin, was in a. great measure unabated. 'The' almost unprecedented eagerness with which the people sought, the talked of it. Everybody deprecated the circumstances that led to so terrible a con 1 ? .i t a - uiusioni mong our J ewisn citizens es pecially was this evident, a large? Sonibei of whom were a little inclined to din. Jbeheve that" one; 'of their necnle couiu nave been cuuty ot such action let, when they come lo consider tho facts and the circumstances surrounding me deceased, we mini: tuat they will readily number him amonc the very few -criminals of their nation. Occasionally men are deceived and leu on by bad. un principled knaves as a great many believe Mr, BierSehl was the results almost invari ably fall on the duped. In order to have an investigation, we have dispatched to J'ranklin for the letter written uy tne ne- cro Israel Brown to John Nolin. This letter we learn from gentlemen ofFrarik- un, was unuouuieuiy .wntieu'pjr wo ruu- Bcriber. from the fact that on the diy pre- ceeding young Ezcll's death, Brown 'who was at work for a gentleman near town left the field which he was working and went in town, savins ait ha did so that therd was something big to come qT tn ioxen lfud vighl and he didn't want lo miss it. The sequel is known. Ezell was murdered Brown escaped, became "mighty liard rub' as he elates, and undoubtedly wrote that, let ter. The investigttion of tho case of Jotin Noun, the .hxnress robber, was concluded yesterday, but tho Magistrate preferred re serving his decisionlpnul lue aliairs of his accomplice could also be looked intq. Were a suitable reward offered for the arrest of Brown, we think the trne story might be arrived at. The following is a letter received from our correspondent: To thevEditors of the umoiuind Dispatch. Franklin, Tenn., Aui?. 18. The ne cessity for the. execution of Bearfield was regTeUed by all good men. Hut to say or imagine that .the citizens of Franklirf had aught to do wltli'it is against truth and every circumstance connected with the tragedy. The Radicals in our midst aie trying in every manner to prejudice tho Israelites in tho State lo believe t is a war waged against them. Surely the tnitlj will vindicate itself, and every' man, Jew or Gentile, will feel that Bearfield met his death jintly, however much ho may con demn the manner. It is known that the terrible Ku-Klux Ivlan had nothing to do with this murderers execution only a re-, tributiveact of justice for the murder of a poor boy, innocent in act and deed. Our lladicah are using every endeavor to create a sensatson among the mild Radi cals of the Legislature. A report was in circulation in your city bunuay lo mo ci fect that Capt. James Clifl'e (eon of the Receiver for several of Brownlow'a rail roads) had been ordered out of town,, and in consequence, wis compelled to sleep, in a cornfiold Sunday night lo awid death. This qallant Captain told the lien. Mr. Wints this out of his own mouth, know ing that Mr. Wines was mildly inclined and thinking it would have its effect upon the Legislature. Uh, to what peruuy will they fall. Uhe thing from beginning to end ia a tie, and the Captain in telling ii lied. The truth of that whole story is Una : Ilia father, the Receiver, has given, him some Kwition on one of Brownlow'a confiscated railroads, and instead of attending to his business as he should have done, he was lounging around home too long lor his vigilant Pipi. Therefore his Papa or- 1 IT 1 T A I ccrea nun ou to nis uusincss. viow mere is tho whole story. Let him or any one else deny it if they dare, and we, the citi zens of Franklin, will produce affidavits to prove the truth of my statement. TRUTH. Tiir Faths Say So. That there is no doubt of the election of Seymour in No vember, the earth and the air bear witness and even the insects which crawl Or uy therein. A spider, endowed no doubt with the prophetic spirit, took Up his nWIe in a little shanty on Summer street, north of Line, and diligently wove his web. On yes terday the dweller of the shanty ohsp rved the immenso size of tho web and was at tracted also by certain peculiar appear ance about it which, on examination turned out to he the name of II. Seymour largely aud plainly, woven into tho web. Hundred of people visited tho place yes tcrday evening, and were astonished as1 well as rejoiced at tho unusual rtho. marvellous work of the lonch' spider. ho can bo sceptical after this? DKMOCKATN IN XJ.MSOX. Meeting of tho Club Ofllcrrs I.nst Nlcht. At the called meeting ofotncS Presidents and Secretaries of the different Democratic Clubs in the city and county, held at tho .'Soldiers Club rooms lasuntglit, Jackson B, tlnight, White, of the Edgefield iCJub, was chosen Chairman, and T. C. Crunk, of tho County Club, Secretary. Mr. L'ary, President of the Anti-Grant Club, explained thai the reason for the call of the meeting, was lo express tho condemnation of tho masses in regard lo the recent acta of law lessness ia our State, and for this purpose; it was rcfolvcd that a meeting or tho; citi zens he called to meet on me corner oi Broad and Market streets, on to-night The following gentlemen were appointed a com mittee to draft resolutions, to be presented to the meeting for their approval or re jection : James Whitworth, Chairrnan ; E. Levy, Mr. Lamont, T. B. Childress, R. J. Morris, Col. F. P. Cahill. It is confi dently hoped that every Democrat in the county will attend this meeting. Thnt Jtenntirnl lnrk Site To tho KJitors ot tho Union and Pispacth : In your issuo of Sunday ICth Inst, ap pears an article about the new Park site. Those who know the place believe tho article the highest colored burlesque they ever read, and are unable to view it in any other light than a burlesque. There are a few that don't know the place, and are in clined to think it was intended for earnest. We are tho more inclined to believe it a burlesque from the fact that your paper never has encouraged or advocated any measure calculated to injure this city, for either love or money or promises. An explanation of the artiolo referred to is re spectfully asked. City of Nashville. Twbnty-third District Club, Ral ly!! The Seymour and Blair Club or the twenty-third district of Davidson county, will meet at Zion meetinghouse, on Friday next (the Slst insL) at S o'clock,, p. M. C. Scott Syiunis, 15q., has tonBciiled lo address the meeting, and other shakers may le expected. ' '' ' Lot every one attend. Anothkr Hugh Boat. The following is a description of the immense boat soon to be built by Messrs. Stewart & Barmore, at Jeffereonvlllc, for the "Mississippi Val ley Navigation Company." Shu will be the largest and grandest craft ever built for river navigation in Iho United State, her dimensions being as ioiiows : i.urtbww all-- ABfeet hearth f keot - Breadth over all - .. 350 .111 She is to be a low-pressure boat, and her will h.iva to be! of immense lvmnr In nnrroannnd' with "llfcr size-Oylin dors over eighty inches. Tho 6lyJ$of the boat is nevcl and beantiful, lha draught havlngboen madeby OuplainD.i'eiiaven, whs fa to command her. , Tho lamous Bollpse will bo colipsed entirely, the length of tins steamer being greater ahoni lures feet- MiOnnl( Journal lbtM. SUEERXKTEXDENTS' ASSOCIATION.! IntcrcstlBf; Procccrtlnga or Yesterday. The Association met pursuant to ad journment, President White in the chair. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Bennett. Reading of the minntea were dispensed with. The first business was the discussion of the motion of Mr. D. J. Robinson, .which after consideration was deferred until the special committees appointed in the case should have reported. The Committee on Nominations reported the following officers for the government of . i. . . - . . . i me n.raociaiiun ior me ensuing year : President, Prof. J. W. Bulkley, Super intendent of City Schools, Brooklyn, N. Y. "Vice Presidents, Hon. E. E. White, of Uhio; Jfror. u. V. Lawrence, or Tennes see : Prof. T. W. C. Conway, of Louisiana. - Secretary, Rev. L. Van Bokkelen, of alary land. Treasurer, Dr. J. M. 01 cot t, of Indiana. This report was unanimously adopted. Tho Committee on School Supervlson then made the following report of resolu tions: 1st. That in the opinion of the commit tees, State county and city Superintendents 'are indispensable lo any system of public instruction. 2d. That ihc State Superintendent be chosen directly from the people, or by joint ballot of the Legislature; that tho bounty Uapcnntendent should be elected by tne;peopIe through 'the Board of County Commissioners or Supervisors, or local .boards or Julncation in convention as sembled; that the City Superintendent should be chosen by the people through the Board of Education. Adopted. The Committee on School District Or ganization offered the following resolution: Resolved, That tho township or civil district is tho true unit of school organiza tion, and should constitute a single school district, with a board of school officers elected by the voters of the entire district and empowered to levy taxes for Bchool purposes, erect school-houaea, employ teachers and otherwise take the entire 10C3I control and management of the schools. Adopted. Mr. Olcott moved a reconsideration' of the rejwrt of the Committee on School Su pervision ; moved the adoption of the first resolution. Carried. The President then vacated the chaiifor the newly elected President, Mr. Bulkfey, in an appropriate speech. Mr. Bulkley thanked tho assembly for tho honor they had conferred upon him. mi. n oj t r-i i .1 xne uiiummee on oiaie minus reporter the following resolutions : Resolved. That the nronerlvof the Slate should educate the children. Resolved, That to secure a certain an nual income for a sufficient number of months, a tax should be levied upon all the property of the State, equally distributed, so as to give each child equal educational privileges. Resolved, That a local tax be levied to continue the school in efficient operation at Jeas? nine months in tho year. Adopted. After whlih, the Association adjourned. EDUCATION AX. Convention or tho American Normnl, School AnhocIhI Ion Ycstcrdny'H Pro ceedings. The Association met at 10 o'clock, Mr. D. B. Hagar, of Massachusetts, in the Chair. In tho absence of tho Secretary, Mr. Crosby, of Ohio, was appointed Secretary, pro tern. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Bulkfey moved that a committee of three he appointed to nominate officers for the ensuing year. Adopted. Mr. Olcott moved a committee of one be appointed upon resolutions. Adopted. Mr. A. L. Barber, of Washington, moved that a committee of one be appointed on publication. Adopted. The following are the committees : On officers J. W. Bulkley, of New York; M. A. Newell, of Maryland; W.A. Bell, . On rules J. M. Olcott, of Indiana. On pi hlication A. L. Barber, of Wash- ington. Mr. A the folic at great an Bokkelen, of Maryland, offered wing resolution, and discussed it length : resolution. Resolved, That the State normal schools for the education of teachers for public schools, is an essential element for the economical and efficient operation of a sysfem of public instruction. After considerable discussion, the resolu tion was adopted. The Association then took a recess. After the recess, the President announced the following as the next topic of discus sion: The usefulness of model schools in connection with normal schools, and tho mode of conducting them. Accommodations wero then made for the ladim liv the Searceant-at-Arms of the'Le- gislalure. 4.1 ir Tj .11.1 .1 .i:..M..;. ..nHl ill. Jjui&iev uiuucu mu uia4uoaiiii tho topic and was followed by Hon. E. E. While. Gen. Eaton introduced Judges Harrison. and Cary tb tho Association, who were in- ! .... 1. .1 . a .' L- .t.i viteu 10 auuresi me .Association upon iuu topic before the Association. Judge Harrison being called upon, de clined. The discussion was still kept up, when1 Mr.Ogdcn moved that the Association ad-, mum unlit ! nVlnM.- TV nr. flu-rind ' ! J"""' ""' t " -- AVTERNOON SESSION. j Tho Association was called to order at 2J o'clock. The discussion on the topics before the Association was resumed. Prof. Mallon, of Savannah, being called upon, opened the discussion for the eve ning. Mr. Olcott offered the following resolu tion, and prefaced it with a few remarks : Resolved, That the model school, in cluding a school of observation and a school of practice, ;a an important, if not essential department of a normal school. Mr. Olcott's resolution was then adopted. Tho topic then in discussion was laid upon the table. A recess of five minutes was taken. Tho tonic of "normal instruction in' geography" was then taken up. Messrs, Ogden, of Tennessee, and Bell of Indianapolis, Ind discussed the resolu tion of Mr. Olcott. President Hagar being called upon, re lated tho history of tho normal schools in Massachusetts, and also the mode of carry ing on the normal schools in that State. Messrs. Crosby, Van Bokkelen, Bulkley, McKinney of ClarksvlIIe, Bancroft of Lookout Mountain, Robinson of Nashville, Donlan of Tennessee, E. E. Whito of Ohio, and others made remarks concerning the mode in which geography should be taught. Mr. Bulkley moved that further dis cussion on the topic be discontinued. Car ried. A motion to adjourn until 8 s. 11. was carried. Nioirr session. The Association met at eijjht o'clock r. h., pursuant to adjournment, Tho Committee on Nomination' of Of ficers, for the ensuing year, reported "the following officers :" President M. A. Newal), of Maryland. Vice Presidents John Ogden, of Ten nessee; J. M. Olcott, of Indiana; J. W Bulkley, of New York. Secretair A. L. Barber, Washington, District of Columbia. Treasurer E. C. Hcvatt, of Illinois. Tho nominations wero confirmed by the Association. Prof. Newall Ihen'r'cafl a well-written address introducing the topic of 'Text Books." ' Mr. White moved that the Association devote twenty minutes npon the subject of "Text Books." Carried' Tho subject was discussed by Messrs. Barnwood, of Indiana; E. E. White, of Ohio, and others. The principal senti ments expressed by these gentlemen were that the primary text books should be radi cally changed. Mr. Lolf, member of a prominent lxk publishing firm, made a few remarks rela tive to the publication of "Text Books.? Messrs. Eaton, Olcott, Lee and Van Bok kelen also discussed this subject freely. The twenty minutes allotted for the dis- UiMlnr. of IhftVnnin ?m' wnTtt jtPF AtR AKiWmnhJ laid upon the ta-bK " - " ' , the President of the Association for the coming year; who expressed his thanks to the Association for' thehonor conferred; The thanks of. the Association were (en deredvto'Mr. Hagai; for the' efficieni man ner in which he ;had discliarged; his diuty as President. T- ' Mr. Barber offered the following resolu tion which was adopted : Resolved, That Professor Phelps, who was expected to present a report on "the organization, including'' grad ing and. conrso ?6K study, and training of normal schools, hut who has failed to present such report, by reason of ab sence, be requested to report (in case it h as been prepared) for publication among the minutes of the present session. It was moved and adopted that 'Prof Hagar jorwara ms e3sayan ume ior pnnucaiion al - 1 "'-r l- ?i .- mtu iub muiuien-vi mis annual meeting of the Association. Mr. Hagar then moved that the subiect of printing Profe. Gage's andGoodison'a re ports be referred to a board of Directors. The Association at 10 o'clock adjourned. Tho National Tenchcr' Association. The grand meeting of the week will be gin this morning. The Superintendents' Association and the Normal School Asso ciation are devotetl to specialities of great importance, but not appealing so fully to the whole body of the people, and to the friends" of education. Wo ,hope that the great national association which opens its . .t - sii t' .... . 1 1. Btauious iuis morning .win ua greeted uy a large attendance of our citizens. Every train is hringingin delegates, antLihe States I 1 " l-l - . I. ! .1 are aireauy wiueiy represenieu Dy gentle men who stand high" anlong' the mo3t?emi nent educators of 'the country. The meeting will open at nine o'clock in the morning. Hon. Neill S.; Brown will be introduced by Dr. J. Berrien jXindsey, and "will make a welcoming' Addreson be half of the city and Slate, to whicVa re sponse will be made by the Hon. J. M. Gregory,. President of the Association!. A ten o'clock A. ir. a report on the feludy of the classics in our colleges will bd read by Dr. J. W. Andrews, President ofj Mari etta College, Ohio. This Bubject ia one which is powerfully agitating theeduca tional world on both sides of the Atlantic, and may bo expected to elicit a warm dia-; CUSSlOD. At 8 o'clock y. .jr., Dr. Gregory) Presi dent of the association, now President of the Illinois Industrial University, and for merly distinguished for his eminent edu cational services as a writer and Stale Su perintendent of Instruction in Michigan. Our citizens who failed to hear Mr. White on Monday evening, omitted a great treat, and lost what every parent and citi zen in the city should have heard. We hope this evening tho hall, will bo crowded. Dr. Gregory is an able, effective speaker. His address will furnish our cit izens with profitable entertainment. NEGRO KADICAIaTlIIEVIvS. "Stcntlng or tho Green Corn." Nashville, at this particular time, is in fested by a numberless band of lazy, loung ing, negro thieves, who hang around groge" ries during the day, attend meetings of tho "Lqil" League, Radical political gather ings, and cheer lustily for Grant, Colfax & Co., and "oft in the stilly night,'' when slumber's chains have bound all honest personp, these midnight scoundrels sally forth from the alleys and decs of the city and forage upon our good citizens, who live near town, unmercifully. An instance of this kind was up beforo Justice Mathews yesterday. Isham Anderson, a negro.thief, entered iho corn fields of our friend M. S. Combs, Esq., whose farm adjoins Edgefield on the north, and was in tho act of leaving with a "turn o' rosin' ears," when he was detected by Mr. Combs, who caused his arrest and appearance before Enquire Mathewa. Anderson plead guilty,, and under the small offense law was fined $10 and costs, and in default of tho fino was sent to jail. This small offense, we take it, is not a small offense by any means. There are too many instances of the kind of -daily occurrence, and we sincerely hope that the authorities in disposing of this and similar cases may prosecute them to the. very fullest extent of the law. 3IKKTINU IN SOUTH NASIIVIM.K. Seymour nml Blnlr Immense Demo cratic BIcetlne Last Night in fjnnth NnMhville. ' A tremendous crowd of the enthusiastic Democracy .assembled in front of Elquire Isaac Paul's, in South Nashville, lastjeven ing, and were addressed in lengthy and eloquent terms by those sterling Demo cratic gentlemen, Gen. Sttibblofield, Judge Guild, and others. . Police Court, Ang. IS, 18G8, Barney Hines, assault and balleryfcOBt8ji 1 ' Etnnia RoaifJ -maliciSus 1 trans- ferred to magistrate. J Alfred Roberfson, larceny of clothing valued at $37,- tranferrcd lo magistrate. Henry Voinht. assault arid battery. S5 ... , Vnd coats".-' t-, JoHn Cameron, drnnkenncas $Suand -costs.1 i,i m Ed " Clark, uslrftr abusivoiandMoffensive lllanguageycosta. tir'i . i k iid1' Woods, obtaining; goods under raise pretences, $5 anl costs V .' 1 T. R. Groomes, running hack'wlthbut li cense, costs. H. P. ICerr and GeOrge Wetzel, assault apd battery, 55. and costs each. ' J. Donnelly and Charles" Sides,' drunk enness, $5 and coats j Joseph Hailey, assault and battery on hia wife, seventy-two daya in the Work houae. ' j Charles Voight, assault and battery, $0 and costs. - 1 ' ! ! Kindred Ray, using hydrant water1 with out license, $5 and coats. ' A Jlwarrcd.Clt, The following is the latest official report of the population of Nashville ; Office Sanitary Sergeant, 40 Cedar Street, Nashville Aug. 12. 1SCS Col. Henry "Stone,, Super intending Commissioner Metro politan Police Sir: I have tho honor to transmit to you a summary report from sanitary statistical record made for the use of this branch of the Wclrop'olifan Police Department, contained ih tlio fol lowing classification, viz: PonuUtion. -whito. 13.039. ia colored Total 3C3- Buildings, Brick, 1955; frame. 1S"0; stone 9.. 22.301 3.770 Rooms, ventilation rooU ,10,53'2; not mfficient. 2789: nana filthr 4l3.f2l llminois ilonsefi. mercmtila. SIS: mechanical. 'JUi; saloons and rcatarants--ll,K Public buildings. 4 'schools. ' ' 1. .k..uL r . 1.1. . 1. . I , ing hoajoi ; 5i. r.. Bawdcy hoaes, 116 : eaminc, l'roititutos while, 321; colored, 172.. i. Privies- -. . .. ......a. Liverr and sale stahlei-. - 1- Hospital .... ... t. 122 ISO 703 324' 29 i t The.abovejs corrects xetarnedjhy Sani-, In addition to the above the city lias 3 miles, sewerage. J Very respectfully, your ob'U serv't, Sergeant Sanitary Go. M. P I'or Mayor. Attheearnestsolioit&tion ofmiuiy of oar in'- flacntUt citiienj. I hereby snnouiieo myiolf as candidate for Mayor, at tho ensaie'e fall election. II. II. THOKNKRO. For Congrefui; , aa I hereby announce myself as a' candidate fa? Cbngrcu, in thU district, ubjx to the action of thenominstinir convention of the Re'pnhli oa;.artjr. " HORACE 1L nAtUUiSON. Jnlyfl.l&a. jy7tf Ban. J. Scaiilan, MEllOITAHT TAILOR, 50 uoLi.r.0,1: ntsieet, Tiilorine ia all its branches. may2S 3m sp tjflf.K M.4T&TL Sconnilrelinm of tbo Wayne Comity nerur, who TnUes the "liberty " of. .'fojr lpon.a,nolr f Men ITnuc The following information furnished' bv iTBoyd, steamboat' agente. a eenlfeman who enjoys confidence and respect wherever ne is Known, may be taken by onr readers a3 a truthful representation of affairs, in Wayne county. Capt. .Boyd arrived in the city from Wayne connly on' 'Monday, but oemg compellled to go lo his home on the Edgefield side of the river, he stopped, but a lew momenta in the city. He statea that while at Clifton, a village in Wayne county, situated on'hfeTenriessee river, on Salur jlay last, thai "three gentlemen from Waynesboro arrived in the village and re ported.substantially, that the negroes, somo two or three hundred in number, were drill ing with arms at the; Furnace aa previously stated by us. That a party of twelve or fifteen masked horsemen rode to the Fur nace and remonstrated against the military maneuvers, and suggested to the negroes that they turnover their arms to the pro prietor of the works that they might be in turn, transferred to tho State authorities, remarking at the time that if armed per sona were allowed to march and counter march through the country that the direst calamities bight result from it. The ne groes being approached in this mild and pacific manner readily assented, saying as they did so that they had been advised by whitemen to commence drilling, that the militfa Tverelo be called out, and of coniye every man must be at his post. After this result the horsemen rode back to Waynes boro peacably and quiet. Arrived in the town they were met by a wurderonsVolley of musketry from a stock ade near by tho Waynesboro, fired by the, Sheriff and his possee, who during tho absence of the horsemen, at the furnace, had collected his crowd. Tho result of the volley .was tho wounding of one man seri ously in the shoulder, two others slightly. and the killing, outright of four horses. TheTiorsemen relorned the fire, but it is thought without effect, as their assailants ;were Bhielded by the stockade. They then turned and rode on, and Boon after dia. peraed for their home8. These we believe to be the true facta. That tho drilling of the armed negroes, apparently unauthorized at this fevered $tate of tho public mind, was disorderly, lawless and provocative ot great evil, all will admit, that the appearance of these. horsemen en masque was wrong, wo readily admit, but the action of the Sheriff and hia posse we must condemn in the strongest terms. No man, simply because he hap pens a be an officer and in favor with the powers that be, should be allowed to pros titute his power to any such, and if the au thorities would but investigate the affair and sift it & its bottom, this officer should be summarily punished. That the whole affair is deprecated by all the good citizens of Wayne county is evident from the fact that on baturday last a large peace meet ing was held at Waynesboro, at which time speeches were made and resolutions offered denunciatory of the unfortnnate occurrence. SPECIAL NOTICES. For Mayor. In' obedience 'to numerous! urgent and com plimentary solicitations, I announce myself as a candidate for the offico of Mayor. Tho elec tion will fake place tho last Saturday in Sep tember, 1G3. , The office is one of honor and profit,' yet of weighty responsibility, and of vital importance to the welfaro of our city; especially is it of great interest to tho tax -payer and poor of the city therefore, it ii with reluctance that I an nounce myself as a candidate. Beforo voting fur or against me, I dojire to be fully understood as to my viows, etc, in refer eaco to the government of tho city, for tho best and wisest policy to be punned for alt concerned. To this end I propose to address you upon tho questions bonncctod with the city government at least oacoin each ward, botwoon this and tho election. First, I will address those who will hoar mo on the Public Square at the uppor end of the Markethouso, Thursday, August 20th, 1863, about 8 o'clock r. v.; on Broad Street, at the cornor of Market, about S o'clock p. u., Saturday. August 22d, 1SGS. Subsequent ap pointments will be made. 1 All candidates aro requested to attend! time will be divided if required. aug!9 tf M. M. BUIEN". Sr. Flue Arls lit NiwuvMe. 0. C. Qiers would respectfully inform his many friends 'and customers that he has just returned from a trip to New York and other Eastern cities, where he has made himself acquainted with all the, new.iraprovcments and inventions in tho, Pho tographic Art. Also, juit received a fine lot of Albums, gilt and rosewood frames, otc. Call at Nos. 43 and 45 Union street, and soo tho finest collection of pictures in tho Southwest. jy2S lw CLOTZEEIZLSTGH ! ELEGANT DRESS SUITS. STYLISH STREET SUITS. BROWN LINEN SUITS-i YOUTHS' BUSINESS SUITS, JiOYS' SCHOOL SUITS. CHILDRENS BISMARCK SUITS. PERFECT FITTING SHIRTS CHOICE TRAVELING SUITS SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS. HUNTING-TON, No.,3 North Cherry Street. iulyll tf Bntchelor'a 11 air ttyc. ThU iplondid Hair Dye ii, tho best ia, the world, Tho only true and perfect i)? harmless, reliable, instan taneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural black or brown. Eemedlei the ill effects of tail Dyti. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. The genuine ia signed WWium A. Batchtlor. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Factory 81 Bar clay street. New York. faprZ) ly. ' ' N. E. ALLOWAY, CGTT 'FAOTOK , . . . tl 1 ,. ' . 'General OomjiiiBafon' Merchant, .OFJPICK. lit BUOAUWAY JV33W YORK. ORE AT EST Bargains of tlie Season. rN OrtDEtt TO CLOSfc dtlT AND MAKE X room for hUmamiaotb fall and winter stock, I TI 5&OSR1S cPOWEES U now selling lis stock or Clothing an 4 Gentle men's FuraUhing iJoods. At and Bclovr Cost. Now I the time for bargains in this tine of business. Call at -No. 7 Murtb Cherry Hirrrt. JyaSw BANKRUPT NOTICE. mnK UNDERSIGNED HEREBY dlVES notice of his appointment t assignee of the esUU of L. II- Carney, of it urfreiaboro, in tie count r of Rutherford, who was on the 10th of July. 13oS, adjudged bankrupt upon his own peUtion. J. W- CHILDRBbS. Jr, angll 3tw Assignee. NASIIVILLB QUOTATIONS. BXITKD STATES in jvt... j-ujs, in series.;. &-2W, 21 series-. &-aa, series-5-20s, Newlssa 7-3C8. 2d and 3d series compound interest notes. May, 18f5 .119 ;; ;; aub4i8cs .n6 " " ' SepUlSiS in M OeU 115 Tanneisee Bonds--... 02 Conpona .... . 71 Loaisville i Nashville R. K. Block -. (3 " TaxRw-pts 0 Nashville Jfc ChatUnooga It. R. Stock Nashville and Chattanooga R. R. Bonds fil Nashrillo Corporation Checks 85 Jionoj-.... sx Uouposs .. 85 2i -1(0 - TO -14 - 11 South Nashville Street K. 1 tl, Stock.. buspension iindg stock Davidson County Bonds.. PInters'Bank Stock. Union Bank Stock..--.,... arcir. Buyiuc .Selling Gold Silver. ..14.r -135 ..1:17 coursTio asd roarias cxcHisac. On New York -par. dn Cincinnati.. On London -..S7 M per pound. On Dublin 7 50 " . On Edinburgh. 750 - 0a Berlin 1 08 per thaler. On Frankfort 60 "guilder cacusRETr most. TEKKZaSZK. soma OABotrxi. Bank of Tennessee old issue SU People's Bant. 50 Planters" and Me chanics' Bank 13 State Bank 03 Southwestern R.R.. 30 Union Bank 80 ALATtAUA. Sank of Mobilo 90 B'k of Montgomery, SO Bank of Selma 2) Central Bank....-..-. 01 Commercial Bank 07 K astern Bank- 50 Northern Bank 30 Southern Bank SO atOBOIA. Central R. R. B'k- 95 Georgia Railroad 3c Banking Co. ... 96 B'kofMid.Qcorgia, 90 Marine Bank 95 Bank of Augusta 70 Augusta Insurance.. 01 Bank of Columbus Ot! Bank of Commerce. 05 Bank of the Kmpire State-. . 15 Bank of Athens. 50 Bank of Fulton 45 Bank of Savannah. 50 Bank of the State of Georgia 20 City B'k of Augusta. 35 Fanners' and Me chanics' Bank... OS Mechanics' Bank . 01 Merchants' A Plant ers' Bank. 05 Planters' Bank . 13 Union Bank 04 rianterr li ant... par union uanK-....par Union Bank Cert's-pax B'k of Chattanooga. 06 Bank, of Commerce, par Bank of Memphis 95 lianr or Knonnm. h- an ot mmaio Tenn, so isanc of rans par xians ot tne union, par Buck's Bank -.-.par City Bank G5 Commercial Bank S Merchants' Bank par Northern Bank... par Ocoee Bank-..... 12 BankofShelbTTllle. 70 ii'Eor west Tenn.-3U Southern Bank. 10 Traders' Hank par tiiio ot uenerai in surance Co .... 10 south oisolisj.. Bank of Camden. 25 Bank of Charleston, 27 Bank of Chester 08 Bank of Georgetown OS Bask of Hamburg 10 Bank of Newberry 2i Bank of the Stato of South Carolina. 12 Commercial Bank 01 Kxchantts Bank 07 Farmers' and Ex- " ehanire Bank.., fll Merchants' Bank 05 Piantors' Bank of II Fairfield- 03 Gold continues lo decline. Tbo follow ing are tho New York quotations of yes terday: Opened at 146, waa 14GJ at 10:20, .146 at noon, mid closed at 145J at 3 p. sr. Dealers here wero paying 145 and hold ing1 at 147. 1 Government securities are a shade lower. The following are thojNew York- quota tions of yesterday : 5-20s 1st series.. . 5-20s 2d series . 15-203 3d sen os. .. 5-20a new issue,. l(40s ' KM - 111! . t 107 . 108 London advices of yesterday quote United Statea 5-20s at 71 J." Exchange on New York waa bought by the banks yesterday at par, and sold by them at c premium. j Tenneasee bonds were quoted in , New York yesterday at C4 j for the old, and G3g for the new. There is nothing" doing 1iere In nucur rent money or in corporation checks. The sales of Southern State bonds at the New York Stock Exchange on the 15th inst. were as follows: FIB3T BOARD. 8 4.000 Tennessee Gs, old - Gt-tf 30,000 do new-.., - 63U 10,000 do : C3 1,000 Georgia 6t .60 7,000 North Carolina Cs, old. b'nc .71 5,000, da -.-..72 5,000 do 2d call. 472. 0,000 do :..71 The New York Post of the afternoon of the 15lh inst. says: "Daring the past week tho market for call loans has worked with extreme ease. Yesterday tlicro wai a more active inquiry for money, hut no advance in rates has yet been established. Discounts have been dull on long paper, whilo there has been an improved demand for short paper. As the week advanced there has been an in creasing disposition to raise the rates of discount. Demands from tho interior up on the city banks have already been inaue for funds to be employed in. moving the crops, and it is probable that money will soon command- higher interest. The gold, market has been firm, b'ut withont special features. It opened on Monday at 1 14CJ, declined to 145 J, and has ranged between that figure and 14S during the week.; Pe'r siatent efforts have been made to check tho. advance and depress the premium, wniclf attempts havo caused two failures, one of a well established house, which, it ia proper to add, was also involved in stock specula tio.-.s. Government bonds, after reaching high figures, have experienced a sharp de cline. Neither investment demand nor sales by investors have been large The advance appears to have been engineered for the purpose of unloading." ' We find in tho New York World the following statement of the crops of leading staples in 1S67, compared with an estimate forl8C3: ' 1 Cro"pofl8G7. Cotton, bales 2,200,000 Wheat, bushols 225,000,000 Corn, bushels... .J.IOO.OOO.OOO Oats, bushels . 230.000,000 Rye. bushols .. 22,000,000 Barter, buibels 2 1, 000.000 Tobacco, hhda . 149.000 Crtfpjot 1863. 4400.000 275,000.000 1,400,000.000 340,000,000 35,0(10.000 25,500.00 ' j .175.000 What is to be done with these vast pro ductions of the soil 1 Europe may, want 20,000,000 bushels of pur wheat, Init it is estimated that we shall havo 40,000,000 bushels to spare. The accounts from Con tinental Europe are not unfavorable, and it is an old proverb among the farmers that "drouth never yet bred dearth in Eng land f and this i adage, Bays the' Oommer rial Bulletin, is based upon the substantial reason that to the extent that the green crops are injured by dry weather, the wheat crop is benefitted. Tho accounts ly the last mail are generally oi a character tend ing to show that the wheat crq has not materially suffered from drouth. ' The Mark Lane, London, merchants well un? dcrstand the connection between the root crops' and the wheat crops, and yet the fact that wheat haa persistently fallen almost to the verge of panic bIiows how little im portance they attach to the effects of the drouth. Notwithstanding the favorable accounts from the wheat crop of the West and North west, the yield promising to exceed that of any former year by many millions of bush els, there haa been a considerable advance in the price in the South within the last ten day. It seems difficult to understand why this advance should have taken, place, or how it is expected to he t iwtainedi The Kaoxvilje Pre and JBferot the 16lh fnst says : "The market for wheat dnring the past week has continued excited and imgnlar, and buyers seem determined1 tnfget their "spiles" in. no matter what, the conse quences. Along the Hue ef the Bast Ten nessee and Virginia roaJ, every Tillage has ita full complement of buyers, and the question seems to he who ean ncnra the moat grain, no matter what the mi to the poor deluded miller who furnishes the means. Early ia tho week Bales were made af $1 801 90 for really good white, hut before the bags could be filled, the reckless itinerant buyers advanced the price until $2 10, in some instances, has been paid for ordinary from wagons. Bed, is following at the heels of white, a'nd may he quoted' at $1 851 95. We hear of sales of 4000 bushels prime white at $2, and this is the maximnm paid by respon sible parties." The New York Journal f Commerce of the lfilh fn&t. aays of the dry goods market "There waa a little more show of busi " .. ZZTuo 6 - iw HWl e(6waWtnT8close?of Uie'Veekbujn the whoIo'tHe mirKF Kaabeetf' dull, and in spite of the adverse pretensions of hold ers, generally heavy. In cottons thero has bees, with a few executions hereinafter noticed, jno -quotable decline: but any firsA . r. . V " j wan uuer luteal on maKing an mvesi ment could have obtained, sv libera,! conces sion from nominal rates. This ia about the usual period for an interval pf dullness un der the old. system of. regular seasons, when the early Southern trade followed sharp af ter the national holiday, and, was succeeded hy an interregnum, of quiet before the more Northern or Western trade fully set in. Hat thus far we have little outside activity, and there is a feeling or disappointment among jobhers al the long delay. The ex treme heat of the weather has had some hin todo with it; in addition to this a prevalent disquiet among businessmen has" diacouraged large ventures. There is no settled earne3tnesa of pnrpose among the trading classes, and will not be until tho political status of the country is more clear ly defined, with a better prospect of con tinued renose from exciting partisan agita tions. Woolens have been doing better than cblions, owing1 to the improvement in the clothing business, but there is not much jobbing demand for purposes of general distribution." The following will show the receipts and. stocks of cotton at the various porta at the latest dates received by mail : Receipts.. flocks. 1KB. 1SG7. litis. New Orleans. Aug1. 14 587121 711205 1903 Mobile. Aug. 14 857191 iSiHli. 3347 Savannah, Aug. 12. ...499191 2S9117 SOO Charleston. Aug. 13..-..-2I011I3 1.V.24 a442 Florida, July 13 . - S3222 fiTVOO 49 Texas, Aug. S .109672 173104 , 173 North Carolina. Aug. ft 33140 Sim1 2 Virginia. Aug. 8-. 165977 10500ft 610' New 'ork. Aug. 3- 99103 1U401 45000 Total "1253W 1333131 673oV The Blocks of cotton in the' Interior towns, not included in, the receipts at the ports, areas follows: - 1863. Augusta and Hamburg. Aug. 15 1372 Macon. Usu, Aug. 1 ..... ....... .,.1537 Columbus. On.. Anr. & . HIT 1307. 2bVW 1493 7C8 ' 800 MS 504 4421 'Montgomery, Ala.. Aug. 4.. .1U51J Aiempnis.'ienn., Aug. lft .-.35 Nashville, Tenn..Aug. lg 9t Cincinnati. Aug. 15......... 375;5 Total ,..3957 11355 GENERAL MAIUCETS. Nashville, Tuesday, .August IS. Our markets wa report as moderately good. Grain merchants, however; are the only ones always busy. Cotton factors still die, with brilliant prospects for a fine busi ness the coming pea9ob. Cotton. We report no sales or ship ments yesterday. One hale was received. The actual amount on hartd haa dwindled down to 94 bales. Wheat. Prico unchanged; all offer ing readily taken. No white offered yes terday. We rej)ort sales of 2079 bushels, distributed as follows: 407 amber at $2 2 01 ; 130G red at $1 922 02j j 126 Mediterranean at $1 90; 150, mixed Ted and amberat $1 90. Cons Weak at (W5c from- wagons, and 5c in sacks at depot, lieceipts 2700 bushels. Oats Sales of 150 bushels from wagons at 50c. Barley. FallJarIey 51-7o. . i Hay Prime timothy $2i25; com mon $19 per ton. ; Bacok Remains quiet. No change yesterday, We quote clear Bides j at 18 18$c; shoulders llj15c; plain can vassed hams 1919Jc; sugar cured hams 21jc. Lard Advanciug and firm. We quote at2020Jo; in , kegs 21J22c; in three aud five pound caddies 2U22c per lb. Flour Advancing. Common to choice. superfine $7S 50, extra $1011, bream ofCitySll, fancy ?1112 perbbU; new ?1112 ; Mountain Dew $12 50. Barley $1 50 per bushel. Coffee Easier. Bio . 2Jl$2lic; Laguyra, 2Sc; Java, 3340c. Molasses :RehotIed New Orleans, 75 SOc. StRcra ;G51, 10a per gallon. Rooar Crushed and- granulated 18c; coffee sugars, A, B, C, 17 , lOj 1GJ ;New Orleaus, lGlfJc; Dumarara, 15lCc choice. Candles Star candle 17c per, Ih ; hard pressed tallow $5 50tperhlSx'. ' Salt Firm. Five .bushel barrel are now quoted at $3,. and seven bushel at $3 85perhblPpercarloadt'$4foR single barrel. . i I f Liinons. Dull, i a r - i with a downward tendency. Common "rectified $1 75 V, ZU uy tne uarrci ; jionenson ruum $2 504 ; Bourbon $4G. Iron. Tennessee common bar 8jc per lb.; Kentucky Cic; Tennessee band 10 10Jc; Kentucky do. 77Jc. I Indioo. $1 '10L50 per pound. Fiau.-Iackerel, a)fWelshp, $11 and?9; kits, vo ana di Lead Bar, 12Jc per pound ; shot $3 t5 3 40 per bag. Powder. $7 508 per keg M rifle, and $5 500 for blasting, VAsfrinoXRDS jeriro?efi? Buckets. $2 753 per doien. Tuna $4 755 per nest. Starch. 7J8c per pound. per ib for assorted. Ginger. 25c per pound. Pefper. 37Jc per pound. Spice. 32c per pound. i 1 ' Soda. 89c per jiound. j CoprERAS. 34c per pound. ! Blackino. 4080c per down. J Drugs Copperas 3c ; crearn of tartar C0G0; epaoni salts 78c; glnej20(oj35c; ipecac powdered $55 25: morphine per ounce $7 25 ; nitrate of silver $1 10 1 (55; quinine $2 352 40;.sal soda 8 9c; yitricl 7c;opiun.$ll 50,; ahlm 7cf aqua ammonia 1520c; carbonate ammo nia 2S33c; assafcetida 50c; qalbaya bark $1 502 50; calomel, Knglisli, $1 35; American $1 25, castor oil ,2S5250 per gallon; camphor $1 25. NOIIT3IF.KX IUOIlTCF. MAKKKT.N. flinrleAton, Angus! II. Corn. The very full snpplies of this grain which have reached here during the week, has caused a heavy decline in the article, and under pressure to sell very low rates have been accepted. Tennessee whlta opened at the first of the week at $1 47 148, but has declined to $1 40, $1 35, $1 30, $1 25, $1 20 and $1 17 per bushel, by the car load from the depot, weight, sacks included. The time being near at hand when the growth of the present year can be used, and. -which , will, to a consid erable extent, supply the consumption of the State for the coming twelve, months, the demand for the future b likely to' he quilo moderate. The article yesterday ciosediwith rather a hette?feeUnggr Flour! The market is fairly supplied with most. ipjallfieiV hut the demand Is quite moderate. We qnote Northern and Western eupenat $'5(- pec bbl.; extra at $10 75(a)ll, and family alfll 7012 Jier bbl. Southern qualities are in limited stock, awl may I quoted at 510. per bbl. for super.?"11 25 elr ?12 fii12 60 per bbl. for family, - Bacon Is in very light sWck, and is held firmly al 15Jc per lb.' fur prime shoul ders; lSc per lb, for prime rib, and 13Jc per lb. for prim clear rihy sides; prime ulips are Belling'at21c per ttu Navnnnnli, Aocnt It. Flour. The market ha Ueen quiet, with an ad vanci o jr ittodency ; we quote : fancy new State $73 extra$llftia W ; .double extra ranging $77 50' $u sacks ; extra new State $6 25C 75 per sack ier car load; new State, superfine, $10 50 per bbl. Northern wo qaoto traptrfine $9 U;fine$9 !5010f ancy &6uld. bring higher figures. . Grain. Corn Transactions the oast WMtvIn Tnnhesseo'have? been large, at fluc tuating prices, -with forced sales in many cases. In theTearfy part 'ofthe week the market was buoyant, prices firm, based upon a Bmall stock. SubsequcnJ heavy ar rivals caused a weakness In prices and an irregularity in quotation?. To-day Ten nessee went down fully 6c, the result of large forced sales, the market closing with a general dullness. Wo quote prime Ten nessee at $1 35 from depot; $1 40 frow store; mixed Western, in lots, has met with a slow sale at, SI 35 from wharf. A stock of 3500 bushels Maryland haa been reduced to pver 2000 bushels, and is selling at $1 50 from wharf, in lots to suit pur chasers. Oats have been quiet, with a bountiful supply of Georgia and a few ar rivals of Maryland; we quoto Georgia 95 51 per car load; retailing at $1 124 1 15; Maryland $1 05 from wharf, in lets ; retailing at $1 12J1 15. Hay Steely ; si 30 from store fcr Northern Demand for that quality awl Eastern local; we quoto $1 551 06, ac cording to quantity ; tho stock of latter is very Tight. Provisions. There has been a consid erable advance, at lca3t jc per lb. on all grades of smoked meats, the past week, partlyowing to light Btocks in Northern markets, and a' light demand. We quote: clear Bides 18j19Jc; clear ribbed 1SA 19c; ribbed aides 17 jlSo : shoulders 15 (otitic : breakfast bacon 1920a; choice sugar-cured hams 22J2-lc; plain 20 21c; a very choice article ot JJuitieiit zac per cask, . . ' ' Bacon Scarce, and the rnarlftt very firm. - "We quote clear aides, at J919Jc, shoulders 15ilG and hams lS22e, ac cording to quality. WnutT Unchanged. We quote white $2 152 40, and red $22 20. Flour. City Mills 1114; at retail, $1 per bbl. higher. Country $1012, ae cording to quality. Oats. We quote oata nominal at sds. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Foreign Markets. . Livervoql, Ang IS Noon. Colton Is firm,; Bales 15,000. bales; uplands lOJd ; Orleans 11 Jd. . Jiontttvllle Xtrkot. LouisriLLS, Aug IS. Sale 112 hhds. tobacco ; lugs to medium leaf $G14 35 ; cuttings $17 7524. Flour superfine $6 757. Wliaat active rl $2 15 2 26. Corn 9095c. OaU 45 48c. Mess pork $29. Lard 18J19. Bacon shoulders 14c ; clear Tib sides 18c ; clear sides 17jc. Bulk meaU shoulders 12jc; clear sides lGJc Whisky raw, free, $1 271 30. 1'inetunntl, Harbot. Cincinnati, Augnat 18. Flour dull; family $10 10 25. Wheat $2(g2 05. Corn 929Gc Oats 5355c Pork $'JS 70. Lard 13 J. Bulk meats 1214c. Baeon shouldersl33c; sidw 10i17ic Hams 21 22c. Bnttcr33c Cheese 14ic Clever acdl $11. Whisky held at 70. SU Ijonls Stnrket. St. Louis, Aug. 13. Tohacc6 steady. Flour superfine $G 25G 75. Wheat $22 30. Corn 9295c. Oats Bl& 53c. Pork S29 7530 60. Baej)n new shoulders and clear sides 17c; clear rib sides lGJc. Lard 18 c. UIYEli ANlTWEATUEK. Weather warm, with indications of rain. Kiver falling slowly, with, thirty-three inches on the shoals. ARRIVED. v " Alpha, Ryman, St.'Ltltia. DEPARTED, Umpire, Uateman, fordairis. The Umpire had a falr trlp, lnoludtng a large lotof csdar lumber for t1. ad agricultural implemenU forTexas.. AmMg her passengers wa Mr. MeKe, ef tJw Cairo Democrat. ,'" Tho Alpha leaves for C.tiro, Meraphlf, St. Louis and New Orloatis . at 4 o'cleok p. 51. Thursday, positively. Oipt- T. G. Ry man, a olevor gentleunn, id in command and Messrs. Ayers aiid Gracey, a hraeeof No. 1 Clerks, in ., Tho Lonisville Journal of yesterday says : , bly, Ihere being now something isjH than four uet water in me canai, anu iwo ieei in the tiass over the falls. Portland bar is lumtntunir tn Ii.. anrnvthiiic of an ohstaehs again, Iho J. P. Webb having grounded mere yesicTuajr iui.wiuu muc. Life lusurancc Company, No. 1(1 Maxwell House. i JOHN M. BASS.. i..-..--w.l'riwW.Hil. J. V. 110YTK Jfewretary. D.T. A. ATGH 180JT -Cj8rt'gThirt4. Hr. H.'H. SrOilT- ninewl Aitl. A ,Soiithpru Homo Instltutloii. 1 ' - rssooi all kinds ef Llfa aad' Kndft PolieuonraoiitfrorabltruH imrW Two uovHF. nkkvantm; i fc. t .AtlOOODn'AflW. Yil tho eountrv. Aptlrat ' " .... . 1 augl21w TJUH.OfrTim:, r r ' : 1 ' '" The. Pasoliall House ANHOCIIATION, OB1 ST. LOUIS. Grand Distribution of frizes, AT MERCANTILK LIBRARY' MAM,. T. I.01WS. ON THUIlSDAf,08T8.1. .1 I 500 Prizes Valacd at '$500,000. . . ... it 'PEN PHIZKS UON3ISXIIfC Jptt. FIRT 1 ol&. humiM anil, lata, IWliuinc TV l'AMhall Hon." ft'tlb lef W br'llS'fest. ewrr Viltb and Walnnt rlrneU. eppe44tilbrii Hotel. St. Loui. with ttlratto; aapla. worth 2S)Jn t'crimt-alcfi Fire Dolfarl Each. Fira Thon.aftil Dollari to ho DooutsJ tha oaPHAHN Of HT.I.UIIIN. lull u uojnMf ionahlv onof the tnoitf inplt, u nut the very ht Arraucea "miC W f' eanizm I in Ali U wVrwitfPt CMm Valuable Ketil.tsooa in JcCvrivn tfiVt aad af tb Vioiwl Palatial uuIi'la, Temiwwfe, full tlwriytion t Walr.ara firm la our Cirmlur Sa ulilition lo th ub-iv ttn TrUuiWo Ktn Kutate l'riiw. tha IUUil.uti.rti, Jki -ISO Ulticr I'rlxe, roimUlintf 1 FTm-rlaM Pl ilnS,'Swlrf Mnhmer. ffflrer "Plato ami Tm Tbsuand JJollars 10 Vmk, BftkioftvUXI priwt. twnlHt Xiuja tfit to lo.0ui ea. . Xha gentlemen oonoecteJ w it U ifi k ihi t are ef tho UUbest rni.nilWlltT. mtrKr m swiif rtandiOir. amt f mmtf theVWt aad bel knlirn citiiu of St. lAm. , J t fietk-l tar (JirauliM gi?iruc partuula to JAJHIJS A. JtelH.UJtE. hXxuie anQ Piano HloYO. Kff. S6 Union iUe.t. ' JrV tf KASHVILtr?. TRyji. ST. L0UIS;LAW S.0H00L rpHR REOUIAR ANNUAL THH'jlFTfl8 1 Iw School will. pen in WKlJKwIDAY, oil or-befftro Detobet ItHbv IsA TaMsu fVo. iwjier munm. inaio.iuir nwi uiJg&tl- UK mix in luii.juiv lWn !l liaw'FMQlty. 30B North Third etrattu IauU, Me. UUCUUKK MU), ISM, yall oan s.HP tarsM h iaoniu aowu. ? iuuihh Buiniiicu m Hie Senlftr Ctim: on esamtnineir. trfhitlaatiM