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Winchester daily bulletin. [volume] (Winchester, Tenn) 1863-1863, June 14, 1863, Image 1

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- . . .
jvill of A PE0?LE RE30IVJED to BE rEEC I3 LITTL t . 33 TH;;:UI.0T.,NT7
VOL. 1.
NO- 19-
W. J. SLATTEK, Proprietor.
Terms : , "
l.ffO pormo::th, 3 ma, $.4,
cepnon3, is commitU'il i
?. 1? "-v' "nd 1J " to think the? will not
"bapt'thii. n 1,,;...... n ...
., . 7 v wiib, ur attempt to realize
their hopes They look" for cheap cotton and
tree trade from the Southern States, and a
perpetual checkmate to Northern power and
aggression." r
All this sounds plausible enough, but as the
Richmond Dispatch very justly remarks, the
present aspect ct European ittLtrs is not very
Notice to Subscribers.
Whet vou find w..... ...
, - ( .Mni 'jui name eu 1 - v.u iuri3 is very
your paper, pleased-new your subscription, promising of such rewits.-Tun?? the "onlv
Articles or much length, intended forpub" Waited in a tangible form, is just now
onion, mt-s be handed in in the forenoon to t0 busy wilh tbe Poli'h and Italian imbrog-
injure publication next duy. Km, not to mention her Mexican expedition, to
Kates ot" A,lvortiin- eriU3'7 of "7 moTe 5n that direction,
l Slns' unless barked by the moral and material sup-
First II -J.OO a square each insertion. Frt f England; nor can this support and co-
M ccnUe .quarecachinaer- operation I e hoped for 30 Ions; as the Russell-
Third -.frt cents asquare each insertion. Palrnf''Pton intry hall remain in power.
2-..,-.Vt IiVa- cents a square each, inser- Thl! lib"a,ism of England is a' very shadowy
Uo''- anrt unsubstantial foundation to build upon
wCISKJt; ? th0 PolM m,,re than fa '0
rate of 3 1 p. r square a m ma lh",r cost' and &i thft Italians would also have
Advertisements inserted nce. twice, or three exPerienced. but for tbe boid and vigorous
times a week, charged as ntw advertisements measure? of 'Napoleon. In the lneauwhilo
lnt will bo add-d to tbe above rat-s "I7 00 thceoodBes9 ,)f
for Special Not.cvs. cnuae arul the devoted patriotism of her sons.
M lit ps make one square. N advertise- I'Ct u-continue to help ourselves, and Provi-
m.r.ts less than J, square. Advertisements that dence will most assuredly take us through the
:UM1 u:;r ' counted fi..rv ordeal
us 'iiic uiid a half Ru;ires. Adve.rtisem.-r.U i
make owrl". lines and undergo lines! ,-, .7""
outiU) 1 a? two .qiures, CONFEDERATE Navt. Til 9 Nassau
It will b a f;,;-.,rU-fldy,-rtNrs will please ' correspondent of tbe Charleston Cmi
squares they wish th. m t ..c-up;;. licrh:s received -i batch of Lnli-h
Wtwu-l'i VMWhi xmvj ;... CcMtfuni Uoviows and Pei io'lioilrt and sends to
itiuKj ior mcliviUual benefit, will be ch.-irired ! ,
J' ifuti jvr line. k , that l)a'1(?1, (! T'w extracts t hero from.
trtsrthsHh -aileaisfc fcilrrer; ii - i 1', l-rtfe
From the Jack:on
i. j, real
In the cool sweet hush of a wood-d nook.
V here the -May bud3 s or'ukle the grten .eld : :
sward. " " I V':re on the grouna and ligbtnins verv bad
And the wind and the birds, and the limpid , CHnuct woik -Kz?
brook. f
ilurrnur their droHins with a rl
Who hes so still on the plushy mos. "
With his paie cheek pressed on brcer
Crouched wher the light aud the shadows
cross, '
Thro' the flickering fringe of th nil ;w.
Who lie hl::s!
So still, so chill in the wu.ie.penm; gms?
A soldier clad in a Zouave's dresj,
A bright haired man with his l:;-.j a; tut,
Ono hand throvrn up o'er his fran!;. (!e-ii iu -
And the other clutching his pulseless ht-ur..
Lies here in the sliitdow. cool and dm
His musket swept by atr iilinx; bontrin
With a careless t?race in bis quiet limbs,
And u wound unon h's manly br.'W:
A wouna ai: s !
hence tne. warm t!co
A. llxiii'MEi) City, .V mo:t oingular
tic'vory has ooeu irad on Ui-i lYc-nci.
t. iw:w the raoath of th? Guronne
V to'vn 1 1 -i heoii di'C'rf n yr
N.'in.l, ;i,id a clmiTh h.r.i aliv-udv be--.:.
'yitiA !." ff"i) th'jgan.u. ItJ
piuii slinks it t.u t. i In en hu It ;;.
wnnw tli,- of the l.'oi.ui'i T!.-,ij,iiT.
i"it ltn.res minle in it liaa wu -.;
thv ai-j.oaiiu.cv I' an u'itu-c of nii.xid
'-, i" whir:. Gotnir aichii.t-ct ure h.-id
j'i:u'c ...( uh. ii'irnaii
Enrop can Intervention.
We select the following :
! Tho "U'dted S rioe Magazine"
commciits ui on ''a new ihraso" nnu-
' iP'.ltlil'itl l,'f1."f.v.'. ,i. 1 . a
""M1"11 t'lui, 1'1'uai i a runs . . ' .
whirhw.s all..w,.i t, o;,.rut, ini.riou.lv "',t T P Ter,-a,"
U ,urc-,u o in th, i,,dnnin.f thU war. and . CnfederatCH have ai
, . . . . , ! h'd. and arc now turning the tahlo
r-hn.. yet,- t.rr. r, l-,r th,jon tho on,in. Aftcp tf)
lan!;e.'. !!;. L (-,r;-.v,-,f,.;i.1.: ,.f ,, .... .... .,
i ac, 1 ne wri er n;iv :
The violet? peer from theie Qu:i:y beds.
With a tee.rl'al de-.v in ihtir jneat pu:-e e's
The lilies quiver titir sLinii 'h ?.!.;,
Their puis li(.g full of s-id S'..i'j r;je,
And thel,-.rd darts tnroUi.-h tiij , -iei.ine, :Vrn
And the squirrel r.ntitJ tu br..:.ch h-mrv
?Hntii;e bird. 11 soou: v.-i'h a cry io.Uk
Their wings u tLe saivsei Lry ;
'i !:i.e ike .-liadowa p?.i
O'er the quiet Hce of the dewy gru-.s.
God pity the aid.: who awaits at irme,
Wi'.h her liliy vhiti the'.-ks, aui her viviv
Drenmin'' the sweet c'.d dream nf love,
W bile her lover :s .valKin;; in i'.nadi--?.
Ood strengthen her heari a:; the inys by.
A nd the long drear uighis ut his vitrii folio ,v
Nor t'ird, nor moon, nor whi;p'.'ri:itf wit,.;,
May breathe the lule of the hollow,
Alas .' abe; '.
The secret is sui'e with the woodland gra-j
i i. .U!'..'i! the
i i
i -. .r-:i p.Mi.tiitt'.s. H: loimii :ib!v ftci;!.
! tilled -,u'.;' . ;.Uh ! Rom'in . ..oit'i'w
drips on the quiet .;,.:,., J io, j.r.-f sernamoiitvl'.lldch
o!'' aftrrcl i;ir !!ti:r.lnra of vi.',itoi-.-
teiiiP'o is hi! t'i.a rt-mait.H nf'Piinv
!"'d .Sl.ni.b-.. 'J he G,ilf ol G.i."co;n
1 ;d.''U!id: io ; ' I i ! S uf lhe-V '..,.. t;';.'
j li lias bt vu l.o ' o-TH fit ce Xivio:
j uui.s, tho hi ..:a;.wt.il of 'Ie-i-M ; whitii
:i -";y C. iebi'ate .! fit ' w;e:, t h ..
i l".!i:Mi8 v.-c. a .Mitr.t.'id of rr.vi
! 'ui led under t!v3 (,:".('!. Of ai! th-.t
i 1 v.!
of terri-.ory the iioche du Cc
r. u
viihlu. The rcn air.B
Hi f 'iid.s, lh) ui'i) of J iinitor'ri torn.
J i -. th-; ve tie.su the Spanish Moo;'S,
jund tlij roue,; to iea'o'n do Gu vno
i i .... i. i . . J. . '
:iavt teen i-tv.itK-a :ro;n tne aanus in
t he iicihhc hood oi tho lon buried
iii,V of SoiiU Nowhere havo the
t-ra-ihis of tho oee.ui been gre&ter
than on the coiimi. of Gasconv -r
New Y' rk
ifi'lev tr..
n- 'i'tii.
hut si'ine---.
thus 'ives expre. ,iu:i t: his fe-ira
thing of tin' for t may yet c.:r..- ;
give his c.'nitti'-r.t; ur-.ei tho -ubj-
attaching r.:.ic-h imr-ortance to them, hut as
an exemplification of ::. evr changing cur
rents of public rum-T i;i Engiand: '
"Quiet as cvrvthiiff now serins with re
gard to American aiT.r.?. tlvre are many sitrns
.nit:;. a t.i
eertainrv, that
:! a C'.inK'i-.r...R. am
j .;r.i! America!! war not to last nun n muer.
The Government, is a!.nt. to eiup oy the peoiI"
of Li.nca.'hire on public w i!. ii tluit they
may not emiprnt'). but b- itady t. sf-in il f
cotton when it cmv's A line of steamers of
3,000 to 1.000 :m-. i-; be.ini built, expressly to
bring cotton fn,m New Odt iti. On. th
0"orgia. was liiur.ched this wek. The manu
facturers vfV.o r.avo not been in any hurry
about cotton, sa!i-lb'd to L'e: on lare m;inu
facta red surplus at an a Ivii'ic-1. ure i vicleiitly
in no trouble about a supply when they need
it. They are even bui'.di'.i ivw mill?, and
fillintr thm with machinery. ! have no d"uM
that they have as-uram-e from the vry hi:
We should not
be greatly surprised to hear en? rng
thai the Coiifrderate. attack on Galvas
ton I ad boon repeated fiauwhfie on n
larger sea !f. the blockade of tho South
ot'eottiiilly rai.'d, nnd New York or
Boston, or both, bombarded, when the
war must, .speedily come to an end. No
forced levies in the North, no arming
of negroes, no emancipation or other
proclamation, no rabid abuse of En
gland can neutralize the effect of the
apid g-owth of the naval power of the
South; it is Wring reared under diflicnl
lies that w n Id !ipI most men, and
a-'Siiredly the time is not far distat t
when its weight thrown in the sci.le
mttst ho deciisive, if only as ably di
i''cted aii its antecedents give every
reason to expect."
A YA'.iTX'c Ot Tir.v.'2 Oprxmv ,v P.,,i:ri? '
:-n.v Tnoof-.Or.e of the Abolition . f!,i of j
tinkers army thi-t It-ft by flas of true", j., !
convenaiion With a Kcntleman ..f this city, j
muiI thai so far m the fii-htirg qu.litie. of tl'.e r
SoU!lj"iner and Yankee were co: .cerned, there!
was not much difference both would tljr.'
hard if oecii': required it. He udded tf.at I
none of the Yankees became on'hued in. h!
fi.irht; that they .vould fro if ord -red to do i
hut appeared to have r.o heart in the matter, j wiimct, to Augusta, to get transnor-
I OU SOUtnemrW.. raid he. arc rhffen.nt . i 1 .,.,. .,,,,1 .,,; i .. i.. i.i .
battle the eve: cu the most for err; oukiny pri-' I ; .;t , , j
vate liKhts up with nimation-he is alidad ' ' . y !Vai,' JntnU,N
and even when the panes of death seize l.im, . 1,-t' V.M I n it. Koccntly, the Geor
his lace is uudov.' with ti.o enthusia.-.m that fill n'a Hoad proverbial for uh good man
ls?u oiil .i,e . i,; ; :. i i . i . I. . . 'i .
A Good Ipfa. Soldiera ott furloult
who aio .milled to transporiatiyn
bavt; becti sulject, to no email loss in
pai.ig their litre fiotu their homes to
p'uiil.s whciij there was a tranportu
tion (diice. For instance mere is no
office where transportation caa be had
hctweci, Augusta and Atlanta. A sol
dier comes from Jasper Countv or
est eimrt'Ts that eotton shall be forthcouiou'at i
a fii 'd and not vvry remote p i'iod- I
un wn.it is mm assurnmv naso : ju tne.
ability f 'b-1 National Goveriin.ent t con
quer the South mid open her purls to thu
world? I 'nnr.oi cnrci to any ,-ueh con vie-
tlon-. The Sou hern loan way M.li.er.r.eu. Mr. j a )e m(,ment H r5flo wa levelled at
and u not kei t at a premium bv any suen , . , ,,. . .
rn. The Hartford, (Conn.) Times,
chronicles tho following :
It is H.ihl that upon a retreat of the
Confederates, atrne poirtin the light
ing, our men were bo near them as to
plainly distinguish (rerieral Hill, and
voice is heard eneourae-inir ingeuu'iit and the eonrtosv an'd elliciiMi.
o forward. We have none1 ov ni ii c.iiuliwtn,.c n..a ,,,i.,..in,i
lpl.-;-i of ;.'ivmg soldiers tlms situated a
n . v-eipt showing the ainoutit paid, on
: thv! j icser.tation of which to the quar
1 terinaster here, the money is refunded
if the , arty is entitled to transporta-
' TllU is -i at J -.it -1 i.I.im .....I
the CoMifcinn:. are arou.inj. Th":.-; i. s.ahii-,. mi.,.1, tin... u ,a.n ..o
his soul, while hi
hi3 comnades to
of this in our array, said tho candid i' ;.nke
'our men are mere -licks." It strike.s u.i tiia
this follower of did Abe hn ttttniVhed a;ot.
an interpret -irion of the ditierence between i;;
Northern and Southern noklier as could be J.
sired. Richmond Dhmtch.
in a certain per
was a meeting at Marietta hist week
a committee win annointed in men
enroll every man in the county whether old or
yoi.iv;. able f- bf.r arms, to be ready ;;t a mo
ment's '.yarning to mnrr-h to the tiefen-e of
that cite, or to any point on the State I!.ad.
or in North. -ro or Northwestern Georgia, that
may lie attacked hy Ya'nkee raid-rs.
'l he Jlatyor of Atlanta has appointed a com
i in i nee oi tnree icom eaeti w:im to ern-oii the
I names of all nvei m stud city r.bl ' to bear arm?
i .or Hie detente, oi tae said eitv. Mobile R,:rr,
i. There i,. beyaind reasonable question, a"1"", "fn one o, ms sum e. was wti ,. J'
.,.ui ,.,nrf; .r i, Ty. ,- ini 1. 1) li l-Vui ee. 1 1 o s t c d lief o re th e General and tall at
I V..a... ,1 P.,,..,,. ,.;. ,- alw,,,. ,.. I ,lin a-lwol.,.1.,,,. Tfiatnvv linf P.mv I IX-iT ll'-K. tllO following BtiltO.
I Urt Tl 'A ll t . 1 .''''' I t It" VHV UI Wlllll O, A aft. 1 ' k 'S 1 J tHIll Wt J i-'f "'
a. that if the South is r.ot MibjusntKl with-: instances of a devotion like this. meat in a Northern paper :
a certain period-and of tbe proh.bi'.iry of I)uring tlis me!anehoIy war a similar j The pilot of the iron aid Keolcn.
h Bubiiitraiton thev nave no belief her in-; , . 1 . ., .,' . i-
dependence is to be ackrowl!eed end sua- i OT 1S w" to nave oecurreu, in ine passea turottg,, rnilaaelpioa recently i
ranteeel They will Fay, you have, had three I voluntary death ' of a young man in umler arrest. In order that the Con
Jars and the resource' of the won 1 to end i Missouri, who took the phieo of another federates miiiht capture her, he ran
tilis rebellion. It you car.not do m that ; who had a dependent family, but who. the vessel upon Morris' Island. lie is
time, ym never can. : vas a total i-tranyer to tlio youth who the same man who pihdd Ma.soa ar.d
'Tho war is too fcat an injury- o no I , d bi t dc, the
commerce of tbe world to so on for an incten , ,., i " i
t,; J lTrn !nlni-f,ii.., fnr nnr AVL'll O V II WfC " " ' L
interests, and in. the cause, of humanity and
civilization. They will say to you 3 they
will to Russia, as France, at least, will say to
Victor Emanuel. This has been goins on long
enough. It becomes a nuisance, and must bo
put a stop to.
"Thorn is another fact that you are not to
los'lsight of. Englishmen, as well as others,
haj'a pride- of opinion. They are not willing
to be found in tho wrong. Now. there is
scarcely an Englishman of either of the great
parties, from Derby and Palmerston, Kusse.ll
and Gladstane, down, who have not committed
them, elves to the success of the rebellion.
'Thera is scarcely an Englishman of any
.political reputation who has not expressed,
Oyer and over again, tho opinion, not to say
w.: , ,, . ., . . t 1 -i Awn.v..,n. aan navif
Jisn. mat ina iNiuioTii innej""" ""
conquer tho rebel Stated . Thf Liberal Press
I me.a- ' the' Timri. Morning Post. .Saturday
fi Review. &c.--have been as decinaa ana as con-
li Bull, or Press. The nation, with flight ex-
Bheh'tderz Inside the ifcr.We learn
from good authority that two of tho
Yankee blockaders, apparently litfht
draught wooden gunboats, have had
tho tcrmity to tako a position inside
tho bar, and on Sunday night were ly
ing between Fumpkin llill nnd Swuash
OUn.nj Ttinie n is no:!!1:) np 5 nrli'fi t ea
VIiUIIUUin. JLUV-a. .'...v auuivi....'!
them to bo "new boats and seemingly!
fast cruisers, sent to assi6i;in a new
effort to render the blockade more
effectual. If allowed to remain, theii
.,noiM,n trill nivo theui advatitaires
that will cause considerable annoyance.
. l a. Ill
It i.3 not "iposed, however, tney win
neasureB are being taken
Arbor of thoir prcsenco.
Wiihiti a short time nasi. :i
lUo.si. diabolical n'ot has been Iji'inwhr.
to light at tho Kchmond I'eiliteiitiarv,
which, if successfully executed, would
have ii.vi Ived the tn aider of all the
olliciTH of tlu! inslilufoti, si general do
livery f -all the prisoners from confine
ment, and probably the total destruc
tion of tho uu:hling The parties fro in
u li"in information ot the plot wan
received, were convicts who had eervoM
tho best portion" of their respective
terms out being imprisoned lor minor
leloni.s ; and in consideration of their
timely and uppropriate display of in
terest in the pub ic welfare, they wore
pardoned by the Governor.
. The New York Tribune is co:
shterably exercised over tho hud
mirable address of tho clergy ma n of the
Confederate States on tho bfbject ol the
controversy between tis and our ene
mies, It calls it "A Remarkable Ap
peal from the South."
stay Ion
to reliev
tZL. A man in Western Georgia pro
poses to carry tba in.iila for livo bun- j indeed.
.lrtlt..u ;r . ,. ,.,,1.-1 .,, i
li . v-u uunitiDj a u ot to , V'iu in pin v. i , i
M. Rosecraiis was ilinitig at-tluj St
CI. ni in Nc.Hhville the other day with
' is SU'IT, wheh a j It'te of strong" butter
war- lured be fro hiui. '1 he LmtU
Hidalgo tasted it, looked as uiMiiaia.- a
man after t; king a eio?e ot strvchtiiiH';
turned up his rd n'o.he, rose In in the
able and saluted the butterdish with
mock gravity remarking: "Gentlemen,
that butter oat-ranks me !"
That butter must have been string,
ur two thousand dollars if paid i:i Con
federate money. The Richmond cor
r;npfradent of thoAtltnta Confederacy
pertinoiitly inquirooif ittiyhomp grown
in thai region.
85 A private dispatch to tho Atlau
ta Intelligencer says that ".Vickaburj
iu all right, aud Kir by .Smith laa po
sotision oi luiliilcen'a Bend." Tho d
pfttch -'a J. Jacktion, Jcv 8th.

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