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Winchester army bulletin. [volume] (Winchester, Tenn.) 1863-1863, August 16, 1863, Image 1

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VOL 1.
WI XCHEST IvU, TENX., AUG. ICth, 186:.
If 0.5.
M 1.
v V In
A YsanSicc Filmier' Nrl!.
omo. waggish c-o! U'lian.s not far from
the "City of .Notions," wore regaling
themselves one cvoiiiii, at a house
whore they wore accustomed to meet
for ii frolic when an old tanner enter
ed ami inquired it lie could obtain a
lodging there. The old follow, who
Avas a shrewd Yankee, saw at once that
he was to he made the hutt of-their
jests, but quietly taking oil' his hat, and
idling a worthless littb dog ho had
with him, to'lie under his chair, he took
a glass of proffered beverage.
The students inquired after the health
o'' old man's wife and children, and
the farmer.' ; uu alVeeicd sympathy,
gave them tic? whole pedigree, witii
numerous anecdotes regarding ibe f rui
Meek, etc. - I
M)o veil bekmrto charel '.'" asked I
One ot lhe wags.
'Well, .1 don't belong to nothin' else !
Ycpt JJetsy," said the firmer.
'1 suppose you would not ull a lie".:" j
ashed the student. . j
"Nn'i for the price of that ail" cur, 1
an' lkty's windin' gown an' all the'
iixin's belonging to it, to boot' said j
the farmer. I
'Xow, what will vou take for that ;
dog:''' pointing to the farmers cur,;
who was not worth his weight in Jer ;
tey iaii'1.
! won't lake twenty dollars for thai !
do.ee." " !
"Twenty dollars! why. he'sr.ot worth I
twenty cents. , t . -v -, 1
;;,. c:.IikY wvil ti twonv tioliurs it toe. j
Jle pcrtccts the house, and keeps the;
-phoney -Mianglnes iioni rooming on
lietsy's clot! es line."'
''Conic, my friend," said the student,
who, with his companions, was bent
upon having somo fun with the old
man, "now. you say. you won t tell a ;
lie !et me :ce ifyou will not do it lor j
twenty dollars. J'll give von twenty'
dollars for your dog." - '
"I'll not take it'' '
"You will not? 11 ere J let mo s-oe if
this won't tempt you to lie," producing '
a '.small bag.ot half dollars, from which '
he commenced ccunting numerous'
small idles uno;, .he table. The iarm-'
was Ml ling near, with ids hat bet$eu
his knees, app: rently unconcerned.
"There,'' added the student, "there arc
twenty dollars, all in silver; 1 will give 1
yon XJiat for your dog." I
Ihw ohl farmer -quietly raised his hat'
to the edge of the table, and then, as
quick as thought, scraped all the mom I
cy into it, except one half dollar, and I
then exclaimed 1
"1 won't take ynur twenty dollar-d,
Nineteen and a half is as much as the
do;' is worth con siderin' he's got one ;
broken leg from Betsy's brumstick
he's your property."
A tremendous laugh from his fellow-1
students she wed the would be-wag that!
he was sold, and that he need not look
ilr help from that quarter; so he good
naturedly acknowled the beat. The
student retained his tlog, which ho I have but one suit of clothe, and many '. of witnesses daily. ' It is a worthy
Keeps as a lesson to hum nover to at- are almost n:ikv.l. i early ene tenth comme.nt iipow the immitigable mso
tempt to j'day trick's on men older than ; of the army i barefoot. The single lence and stupendous hypocrisy of Mr
himself, and especially how he tries 1 salt of clothes that the luckiest of us ; "icedrcsident .Stephens' pseudo mis
Lo wheedle a Yankee tanner.
Tho E: lioat of Uvnzz s Army
C;.m) on Lookout Mountain, )
Xeur Chattanooga, Tenn..luly 7, 'd:l )
The arm)- oi 'the Teniussce, d'en.t
15 ra xt'." i 'h agi' commauding, has an iv
'.'d t he.s far on its retreat from the ad-
vnn-rdiur army of I'oseerans.
h?ve, are wet and fermenting with the hion to Mr. Lincoln "to mitigate th-
accumulated rain and sweat that have , barbai ities of war," Th's war, am.
.... i '
soaked them for thirteen da vs.
I si:iUM)i'(he Kco!i H:ii.
,v. IVptitchto t!io Cim iarutti G.-.ctte,
Jli;AL(UAFm:ns L'kl Arm 3' Corps, )
Li.xixcTON, jyM Aug. S. j
jniorraaiion receivea tn:s morniivr
scarcely any other, can surpass the in
human cruelties practiced by these ly
ing hypocrites in East Tonnesce.
h'ven this last conscription act is m
1 tended ami emi!oyed more a? a cloa"
J to their baid'a-'ities to i.tah .".
diers, sou'eit larni-ic s exi-use to ce;;?'
n-h"- arm" of I'-e ans ller iiuorsoauon receivea in: morning . aiers, sou'O it rirnir-;;- s eMJiise l)
i,te'en davs'ld'tinparaUeled'suirerings " Konl's expedition below the j property, hang, kiii and ve.t the
nMsum- 'of io:ved marches, hard! ( mnbeviand in pursuit of Vott, neany mferna! pass:oas wit n impurnty. floy.4
ndc.h-Tmless nights, dreiu iun-rains, '0nckuJeMho dashing entrco and nu j under twelve years have been sac y:
ivfn)t walkin-' oyer stonev' ro:id, .loi iouh hnale of the las't act ot the ! their knee at their.motuer . Icet; Cn
p.... i .. 1 .. . . 1 ... 1 !riliiar.t invasion so lon threatened. ion nten. old and vounrr. havf :in ;ho-'-.
1 7 .
hunger, famine, heat by day, ami cold
hv ni-ht, we have speeded in escap-! M'h.valnc leader ot the (lower ot the: and hanged m pr-enee of the::- ago
i,',., f om the teriible Yankees, and put ! uth the 1st J;a.( Cay.) is not elated ; nued wives m mother; lema.cs have
as"a peace-maker bet ween them and . I jM'Ohably with their late achievements, ! been bvatady inuiuered lor eonecatiu;
the sin-in-current of tin deep, wide;!(l this time is ready to become a ; their ens or hustano':, or violated in
maiotic Tennessee. Here wo rest om ;ubscnber to the axiom that "ranis, the presence of their b.aaa and help
broken down bodies for a In ief season, 1 W- J ho tteved iragments less male protectors. Kapme, pdiage,
and lop. to recuperate our cxhaute,; f h?cott command took rdugo amng arson, rap- and murder are no longer
,t,.,n,,.Y r.M.MP- in ,i..u iVorce- hdb along their hue ol night, trom , crimes m laist lennesee, ;uvd no rebel
, 1,. ... .,,.1;,.!,,, ,,f ,.',,1 1.; .. . Irvine to the C undierkMid nver, l he
11,11 lll'.n lu.-r-o i til iu. iv o v.' v.iv7uiiin,.
... .
, 1 , ,, ,j,;,iT. r, m cum cic.l j oim.;iiip hiuiiuii iu' i;;;ci-
On the -1th or J uno, lhe enemy en j 1 X ? ot.eciel
n-cioar tro.n.s in front, and dispcr I l!t0 ing at Smiths lord, takin
.f'.,. ,.,v..!,'v Om,. inilmin- m,.t'! with thenvsevcu of their.guns. .1 ur-
vvi imi v . ........ x... ........... ,..v, . 1 1 1 , 1 1 ,
them and the're was hard fighting XvMl b' ollox'il ;s:un uroue up think- are wnrng-a ami wl.csenipe
eveuiu-. Clavt.n's brigade, the 1 8th Uh tim toss of one ot kun le s guns. , nor rromas Nortnern mudis houM
:;;;ih ami S.lirAlabama. advanced tliat The c-iUzons ot W ay ne cuiuity and re-, commit too control of the Coven.-, en .
evenin- in a drenching rain to Beech j"s- ul t ,,l!,tc: ! ruc,whoat i 1
roveand held a gap there ibr thi.tv 1 mountain passe, a miresisteu meir . were large, ine rebel g'vernmcn:.
urs. Here we confronted the one ' Avanex, til harras.ed m front and 4 propel h;u-v,;,t han-h5 and thre:-,err,.
. u .,., r- -'i ix " "Ti.nW . ifTrr,' tac aoandoacd K.ur m ore guns, : and aisiimeo the owrH;rl.op ot tm:
(c m,,! f l,r.x:. "' Wot "vt-tvok to their intttvhluat heels. ; whole, co.h-ctini:- and removme- U- n t
nentthed: onlV l,l'!0 variUnpxrt, ! 0ar men are dcking them up at the ! last as possible The corn cron is an
and in full view, but the constant rain ! oi ) l,ei; yynd those . average one. d'he reiiel -overnmeni,
,nN.v,.nfoA -my c i i-aMiient. i W1,n 1 u 1,1 uo !lL,i0 10 cueci ; oruers ueiaiis lor its cuituiv
There were some artillery duels he
tween the b.u terie.s on the crests of the
hills.- thites' brigade on cu our left
skirmi-hed all dav.
i-.oldier has yet been I'unis'.-.eJ for an-
otlense against a Cnioti man or wo
man. A nd tl ese are the demons who
prate of rights and sunerior civil
tjon, whom Xortl.ern peace Democrats
1 1
it each on his private lesponsibitity. erv.ilion, and will gatlier tbat a!-
No armed bainh will probably get ' when the time como
through the mountaine. j Xews of rebel forees didcr ir.if i'nlo
Our news from Tennessee, thou-a from previous dispr.tchcs Cov. i
On the 20th, about 0 o'clock, our j similar in tenor to what we have been inson has received information, ho ev
retreat began. ' Our brigade did not accustomed to receive any time during :. or of liiMg:--s entry into last Ten jus
oeo the ignal to rv treat, and was near- the war, becomes unusually painful, in . see 19.000 strong. Timo will no do-::,:,
lv cut off '1 a lar'V f rce of the enemy 1 view of the iong sutfering of this ubus- develop a new campaign on the prt of
f.eiti.r nhrcast, with us. before wo re- ed nconlo. The late conscription act . robehlom, wiiose base wilt be in le;i-
tired We hastened on to Tullahoma, j appears to have been the only one last . nessee. We s'.iali see.
and ofTered a battle there, but the en-1 piece of cruelty needed to complete the ';y - - - -
ruin of Kastf leunessec. 'lho able -v '-tuiuiu icucs mm
bodied men had cither been forced into j 'g's i whereabouts to bo in tno v
ii., ,.a.,n ,.,i'o mi. mo?,, ilw.li. ,wf.... ciiutv ot Athmta, (;.. lbs intention
L11L' II LI lilUU.', V' 4 m.uiv l uv 11 V . Vi H ,
emy declined it, ami for fear of being
llanked, we retired to Chattanooga.
Our su fieri ngs hac been awful be
yond desciiplion. For peven consscu-
tive davs and lights we had wet leet
The Bebel Covcrnment now demands ' is to ibrtity again,; il -eca.
the m vices of all between the a:es uf no i:;v
wao ii
and wet shoes, which were not once , forty-five and fifty -five. A 1 equisitiou
dry. during the entire week. Our l'as been made by Davis on (jovcrner
clothes, too, word wet all the 1 itne. ! Harris for 0,000 of this class, and as
MM... .....i.l.i ,..n., I , r.....; .1 .1 . l' 1 I m.m- i 1 1 iKi'l!li I nmnlior wt'l Im'-a
J. I IC 1 . I ' fc ? . 1 V IH'IIIVIC I I l l l IO II l 1 ' l " J V V ..J.v , v .....- W . '11.1 HM.V
Late aecvv.mts from Mc::i- o -(a'c
that Juarez was ;';' to sen 1 a. mh
ion to the Bre-ident ( f the Cnited
slee'p, without adcuiatc food, often about all that may bo left .up to fifly j Slr.tos imp.ormg md to preve-i a
without water, we marched, worked, years. oh:iago in the term oi govern.nee n;i
stood in line of battle, in mud and wa- Themost desperate and determined ;!0XKl 1 as VV" V'
ter, stood guard all the night, and suf ! efforts to escape on the part of con- Wore rand rat :t.ed by t:.e tonneh
fered for thirteen days all that human. Ueiints are met by the most wanton Aotablos ot tba, country.
ity can sutler in the flesh. It is ended cruelties by the rebels, who do not at-
now, but it will require weeks to re-
titore us to our former morale, for wo
are gruitly exasperated and demoral
ized. Our loss in baggage, clothing and
camp equipage can never be repaired.
We have lost everything. rone of us
'PI- I M1 . . . 1 T - .
temnt to take thoc.v hnt.-slinnt.il.nm me American :u inn u i :.v apao,
down like wild beasts whenever and
wherever found. The inhuman ishuigh-
lo'eeiner wun ine c mjsin ami ineir
families, have lett Voddo and romevod
ter of these poor fellows taking
dace daily and openly, is absolutely
horrible, and woul I be incredible but
jbr the testimony of almost hundreds
to Yukahama; apprehending assassina
tion. r2'This is a ud gain," as the
spidee said when he caught the fly.
!! JZ
.UJiyi.'''' T'j""'...-' '

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