J THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1918 it If ll 5 I"' t 1 1, J 1 1 1 ! ? . I 1 1' ! 1 J 1 t , I .-. " t t .! 1 1 . f M X HE HAS IRON IN HIS BLOOD That 1. vrhv ti is such si-eat win ner, accomplishes o much, -vhy he overcome obstacles and knows no sucb thing aa failure. Iron In the successful formula for Peptlron. which also Includes pepsin, mix, celery and other tonics, seda tives and digestives, helps o Rive utrenirth. color and lody to the blood: reddens pale checks, steadies the nerves, nourishes and gives stamina to the whole body. PepUroi ts tn pill firm, chocolate coated, pleasant to take, easily assfm Hated Jje most successful combina tion of Iron that Its makers, C. L Hood Co., Lowell MassA know of. ' It 1 the medicine for you. It will put Iron Into your blood. fAdv.) THE MOST , "REFRESHING DRINKIN THE WORLD ATALL GROCERY STORES, CAFES AND STANDS. 5 A BOTTLE. f?DM0NDS03 School of Business 111 Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkep1nit. Banking, Penmanship. Civil Service and all commercial brnnrhrs. Indl vlrtusl irstructlon. DAY and NluHT bCHUOU C. '. BCWtilirsCN, LL.BM.AceU., Prest. dth Floor, Temple Court WMg. THE HUDSON HOTEL BRIDGEPORT, ALA. The best hotel In northern Alabama, Electrlo light, cheerful grate fire. Our table la a good aa we oan make It In business water Of town. Largs tree ample room. Hot and cold bathe. , ffate 93 per day. TUt tiny CAPSULES er MMflor to Btlwm j. 11.- A..L-I of Oopiltx, Cubbi or relieves in (MID' 9A UMlRft h urn dliesici with- eut Inoonvtniwck KM iyllrtf 'I' Automobile lusurance Title la all we- ask for Inguraiice. Why pay moreT Ford, any modul 1.10.00 Maxwell, any model J.ln.eii Oakland, any mndel.. tlWMO Kmon, nny model..., fun. HO IKI6-1J17 Biilrk "4".. $30.0(1 Chevrolet, any model.,..,.,. 140.00 Itodra, any model $42.50 v Other model In proportion. Better phone in today, SIDNEY B. ELMORE & CO. Ill Ham. Nat. Bk. Bldfl. M. 1273 "I I Mi I II' I I aroma located, hot & cou watek ELEVATDft. SERyiCB. STEM HEAX.i - Rl STRAIGHT LONG SOFT Huffy HAIR FOR Colored Folks BY USING PLOUGH'S JrksiNG Kaheir preparation that feeds the icalp and root of the hair and makei your ihort, nappy, kinky hair grow to long toft and ilkf that you can fix it up any ttyle you with. Plough'! Hair Dressing Beautifiei your hair. Big green can at Drug Store or tent by mail 25c (coin or itimpi). a p V VTC Ma-e a good living selling Plough'. AUEN i3 Hair Dressing. Ask for ipecial deal PJ.0IIGH fiPEM?C!AL CO.. MemnMs-Tenn. ON BAKING DAY the quality f Uie coal you use makee a big difTerence. All coai that we eell respond, to draught reirulatlon quickly; It burna freely, and rive. maximum amount of even heat Ite aee meane an oven quickly heated, that will remain at a uniform temperature and greatly facilitate tne taak of baklnr Ogdon Cca! 6 . Supply Gs, 706 E. NINTH ST. QstSSb aWee'-1 i f (& -L:J ! CONSTITUENT MAY BE MORE AMENABLE, Germany's Advantage Seen in Parties Opposed to Bol sheviki Berlin Envoys Fake Story Allies' Break With Russia Civil War Wages Furiously. London, Jan. 6. Pending the re umption of conference at Brest Litov.k today no fre.h development re reported from Ru.iia regarding the paac. negotiation. Special iliapatche from Petrograd report attempt, by the German delegatea at Petrograd to make eome eort of a clandestine agree ment with the member, of the constit uent e.i.mbly. ' ' te eorreipondent of The Daily Newt aayt that the German are trying through neutral diplomat to get into communication with mem ber of the aie.mbly. Their object i obvioui, he add, a the partiee op po.ad to the boliheviki are quite ready to profit by the bolshevik refuial to make peace end to tell the people that the bol.hevik promieed them peace but gave them war. Give Away. Half Country, The version of the correspondent of the Dally Mall ta that the Germans have been putting pressure, direct or Indirect, up on the government In con nection with the BUinmonlnK of a con stituent assembly as the Germane have been making It pretty obvious that they are unwilling to recognize the bolshevik as representatives of a ma jority of the KuRsttin poople or even as temporary truxtees of. the sovereign power. Tlio Duily News dispatch ex presses four that Germany will And tho constituent assembly more amena ble tharf the bolshevik! In regard to making peace and quotes Foreign Min ister TroUky ng Baying that the hour geoie are prepared to give away half the country if they can control the government of the other half. Rada Willing to Bargain. Regarding the attitude of the Uk rnlne towards the Germans tho Daily News says that tho rada. Is willing to strlko a bargain with the Germans. The Petrograd correspondent of the Times, who is now in Iondon, writes that the Ukrainians ure determined to send a mission to Hi est-Utov-Hk, not to negotiate a separate peace but to as certain Germany' intentions towards Utile HtisBlu. The Germuna are will ing, ho suys, to recognize the rada on tho basis that the Ukraine supply Ger many with foodHtultS and recognize German economic intercuts in the Uk raine. Neither of these points, the SPAIN CHECKS INCIPIENT PLOT Revolutionary Movement Un earthedTelegraph and Tel . phone Lines Suspended. Madrid, Jan. 8. A revolutionary movement ha bean unearthed by the government Telephone and telegraph communication have been upencjed and other precaution taken. Premier Alhueema announced ( to day that the government wa. maeter of the situation. The Judicial author ise are investigating the plot, many detail, of 'Jwjtfoh are 'already known. Although remaining out of tho war, Spain has not escaped the politlcul un rest which It has produced. There have been frequent strikes and disor ders, and It has been necessary to de clare martial law at times. The most formidable movement occurred last summer, with widespread strikes, sev eral armed clashes In which nearly 400 persons are reported to have been killed, aud an avowedly republican movement, in Catalonia. This week King Alfonso dissolved the pni llament. WAR MATERIAL PLANTS TO BE LOCATED IN WEST Washington, Jan. 5. New plants for war material production will be lo cated entirely in the middle west, un der the policy of the war department, which became known toduy. Hccnuse of congestion in the east, untppped fa cilities beyond the Alleghanlea hive become necessary to speely produc tion for the present war, while sites at least -00 mile from the Atlantic sea board are regarded as good strategy in case of future wars. You Get Better Cough I Suruo bu Makina it at Home ' WJi.tNi tnm. J- ette-r t fcr it. hasllf uiatis and cohU UtUo. You'll never really know what fine ?miub syrup rqu can make until you ; rcpare this famous home-made remedy. Vou not only save 62 aa compared with 'he ready-made kind, but you will also ave a more effective and dcpemklila .'.medy in everv way. It overcomes) ths I'sual cough, tli rout and chest cold in !1 hours relieves even whooping cougU quickly. Get 2'$ bnneee of Tines '(00 cent Tvorth) from anv good drusr .store, pour it into a pint bottle and Jill the hntiia ritli plain granulated suar syrup, lere you have a full pint & family tpply of the most effective couh vrup that money can buv at a coat cf jlv 6j ccnta or. less. It never spoil, ilie prompt and positive results given 7 this pleasant iastinff cough fvrup ;ve caused it to be used in more home .an any other remedy. It quickly aseua a dry, hoarse or tight cons';, als the inflamed membrane that lino e throat and bronchial tubes, and rc f como almost immediately. iSplrn !d for throat ticUIe, hoarseness, Iron ..Wis, croup and bronchial asthma. Pinex is a hijrhlv concentrated eom ov.nd of genuine Morwav pine extr.n t. -nd has been lift'd for generation iot .hroat and chest aliments. Avoid disappointment bv aoVinir vonr inisit fur ounces of I'in.-jf with f;i!l direction, "and don't cecrpt anv . hiits rise. A tmarantr of absolute Mt faction or monev promptly relcn-li J. .-oca vith this pn paratiua. 2'l.iJ J'UU Co-i It. Wayne, Ju' ASSEMBL Y correspondent adds. Is to Little Rus sian tasle, but if the allies fail to help the Ukrainians or adopt a policy of compromise with the bolsheviki the rada may have to yield, and the Cos sack s, too. Newspapers In Petrograd continue to report fighting in the aouth where, ac cording to the correspondent of the Times, civil war Is waging fast and furious. In several places there are reported to have been scenes of fierce lighting. Those include KkaterlnoHlav, where it is naid lighting already has lusted five days. However, as commu nication south and east from Petro grad is precarious at the best the re ports convey little Information. Cireulat. Story of Break. The Austro-German delegates In Pe trograd profesa tohave information that the allies have decided to break relations with Russia. Perhaps this Is the reason why the officials of the Hrltish pmbassy have taken pains to hk.su re Trotzky that the departure of Bfr George HucWanan is purely on ac count of ill health and that he. would have left last March but for the per suasion of former Foreign Minister Terestchenko. Trotzky also was told that the other members of. the em bassy have no Intention of leaving Pe trograd at present. , . Adopt Phonetio Spelling. Amidst the whirl of events involving the fate of the nation the bolshevik government hus found time to decreo hr itnuMln Khali ndont nhonettc spell ing on Jan. 14. Three vowels and one consonant were eliminate- irom me Russian alphabet. Although the bolshevik foreign min ister, Leon Trotzky, announced that the German peace terms would not be accepted, it Is believed that the Rus sian delegates -would return to Brest Litovsk for tho meetings- which were to be resumed today, to Inform the central powers of Russia's attitude. Tho Russians requested transference of the negotiations to Stockholm, be cause they would have leBS difficulty there In obtaining full publicity con cerning the negotiations and also be cause they preferred a neutral place to German eastern headquarters for hold ing the discussions. The German chancellor, Count Von Hertllng, told the, rrlohstag main committee on Thursday that the German delegates had been instructed to refuse td trans fer the negotiations to Stockholm. CROWN PRINCE SEESJICTORY Declares German Army Stands on Threshold of New Year Ready to Win. Amsterdam, Jan. 6. The Gorman crown princo, in a New Veur'a order to his army, praltts its valor in th battles of the year Just closed. The order, ns reproduced in tho Dusscldor l Nlchrichten, reads: "The year 181 T haa Bonn down Into fcistory, and with It the deeds of aim of my army. Tho French army stood ready on the Aisne and in the Cham pagne to deliver a great decilvo blow4 An overwhelming superiority of men, i arms and ammunition was counted upon to lorce a victory for the enemy. "The assuult sanguinarily' collapsed btfora yo'.r faithfulness end bravery. Vou thereby broke tho enemy's strength and puved tho way to victory for th.o yermau. arms In Hussia and Italy. "la a tcnncioiis struggle, relying only upon your own strength and vonr stilf-fcu'-rlflce and courage, In difficult battles on the Chemin dee Dames, In the Champagne and on the blourt sooden ground of Verdun, you pro trctfd tho rear of the advancing armies In the cust and the south. In lovnl comradeship you also fought In Flanders and near Cambral for Ger many's honor. "Proud and With a' thankful heart, t hciold you, my brave, resolute leuders and mv heroic troops. With nn un stained shield urd n sharp sword, we stand on thr threshold of the new yenr nrtnind the Imperial war lord ready to strike and win, God with us," AUSTRALIA RETAINS HUGHE? AS PARTY LEADER Melbourne, Friday. Jan. 4. The mi tionulist party, having decided that In ita opinion it is to the best Interest" of the country and the empire that Premier Hughes be retained as leader of the party, it is expected the pre mier will be commissioned to form a new ministry. There probably will be only a few changes. The decision of the party was reached at a meeting today at which the premier Intimated that in fulfill ment of Its pledge to retire if the ref rendum should go against conscrip. tion, the ministry probably would re sign in the immediate- future, GEORGE TYLER GOES TO CHICAGO NATjONALS Crieiigo, Jan. 5.--George Tyler, of Boston rated as one of the most effec tive loft-handed pitchers In the Na tional league, has been traded to the Cliicngo Nationals for Larry Doyle the veteran rccond baseman, and Ar thur Wilson, a catcher. In aldition. President We"ghman. of the Chirago club. Is reported to have added a check for 115.000. 1 This is the second big deal President Weeghman has made to strengthen his luh. The first brought Alexander and Killifer. the star Philadelphia Uit terv. toChicaro for $30,000- Another deal it.:w be closed at the national mmmls-sion mating in Cincinnati next Monday. V.'cphman said. f ADMINISTRATORS TO DISCUSS PROBLEMS Washington: .Ian. S. Federal food administrator, from all states will be gin a two days" conference here Tues day with fi-od administration officials. Thev will taka up many pressing food problems and will discuss particularly a co-ordination of effort In the various states. Several meeting of adminis- i trators have tcen hold here, but this will he the first time all have been to gether at oncK CREW SWIMS IN ICY WATER TO GET ASHORE Men Frpm Grounded Naval Barge Keach' Atlantic Port After Suffering Privations. An Atlantie Port, Jan. 5. The crew of a naval barge which want iihore on an i.land near thi. pert Thur.day arrived at a village on the mainland ye.terday . after . noon, leaping into the iey water and swimming to Ice nearby, over which they made their way to the mainland. They had been without food for mere' than twenty-four hour and only, left the barge when it became apparent that to remain longer probably would reeult fa- : tally for thorn from freezing. - After reporting to the auChor itie and obtaining proviaion and other necessaries, the crew re turned to the barge lat night WEATHER CONDltlONS MODERATE SLIGHTLY Washington, Jan. 6. More season able temperatures are Indicated for the South Atlantic and Kast Gulf states during the week beginning tomorrow, although it will be somewhat colder t nday night in the East Gulf and South Atlantic states, according to the weather bureau's weekly, forecast. Issued toduy. Generally fair wc.'aer Is indicated after Sunday in the East Gulf and after Monday in the South Atlantic states. Kaln or snow will be followed by fair weather for a few days In Ten nessee and again by rain or snow after the middle of the week. Tempera tures will bo more moderate than dur ing the previous week. ALTERNATE ENEMY RAIDS ON BRITISH LINES FAIL London, Jan. 5.-"A raid attempted by the enemy during tho night in the neighborhood of Holleb.ke wa re pulsed without lo by our troops," the war office report. "Another ho tile raidin gparty auoeeeded in rush ing one of our post eait of Zonne beke. A few of our men are miing." FRENCH INFLICT LOSSES. Paris, Jan, 5. "Active artillery fighting occurred during the night in the region south of Corbeny and on the left bank of the Meuse, nenr Avo court wood," says today's official re port. "North of St. Mlhiel enemy de tachments which attempted to cap THR eighth year of its existence) overflowing with vital news-articles of immediate interest. In fact, there are several topics so important that in enumerating them it is difficult to say which should come first. WHY WE WENT TO WAR WITHOUT GUNS covers from every angle the Con gressional investigation of the War Department. It presents the criticisms leveled at the Administration and also the evidence adduced in it favor, with comments from the press of the United States. ' , UNCLE SAM TAKES OVER THE RAILROADS Is this the first step toward Government ownership? Will the situation continue after the war? ' To get an answer . to such questions THE DIGEST telegraphed to leading editors throughout the country asking for an expression of opinion upon this latest and most radical war-measure, and this article gives illuminating replies from them. CENTRAL POWERS ANXIOUS TO QUIT deals with a subject of vital.human interest, being a resume' of public 'opinion upon Germany's latest peace proposal. THE TRUTH AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SUGAR-BARREL concludes the story b last week's DIGEST of the investigation of Mr. Hoover and the Food Administration. Other interesting and instructive topics in this number of THE DIGEST (dated January 5th) are: . January ture a French post suffered apprecia ble losses under our fire without at taining any result. Another German effort, in the region of Flirey, met the same fate. We tok prisoners. 'Everywhere else the night was calm." TURKEY OFFERS FREE . ROUTE DARDANELLES London, Jan. 5. Free passage of the Dardanelles for Rueaian ehips, Rus sian evacuation of Turkish territory andth. demobilization of the Ruetian Black fleet are provided for in the draft of Turkieh peace term pre ented to Ru.sia, according' te an Ex change. Telegraph diipatch from Pet rograd. Turkey, it i provided, i to retain her active army in eon.equence ef the continuation of waragainttthe entente.. The main point in the draft pro rented by Jhe Turkish delegates are given in the dispatch r.a follows: "1. Frontier lmce to remain as before the war. "2. Within two yeitra of the conclusion of peace the contract ing parties shall conclude a con vention respecting sea trade and consulates. "3. War losses incurred by In divtduals to be refunded. "i. Guarantees to be given for the territorial integrity and de. velopment of Persia on the basis f of her entire Independence. "5. Free passage to be granted Hubsian ship passing througn the Dardanelles and the Hospherus. "6. Mobilization within limits -to be permitted for natipnal de fence. "7. Russia to undertake to re move her armies to territory within the previoue Ruaslan bor . cers In six to eight weeks after nignlng tte peace agreement, leav ing only one division to safe-' guard her frontier. "8. Russia to demobilize ber army of special Armenian units, and also to demobilize the Black sea navy. . "8. Turkey to retain her active army In consequence of oontlnua- tlon of war agalus: tha entente." WHITFIELD COUNTY ELECTS DEMONSTRATOR Dalton, Ga., Jan. 5. The board or county commissioners voted to employ R. R. Petree. of Marietta, a graduate of the .State College of Agriculture, as fnrm demonstration agent, succeeding R. It. Dortch, who has been called to the colors. G. W. Slk was elected as a member of the board of tax equalUers, and the road commissioner, for the four teen districts were appointed for the year. ' Talk Mim limns - Our Army's Need - I T.TTF.R ARY 1") If? EST fnr Januarv 5th commences the vear Short-Lived Victory at Cambrai Prussian "Demdcratic" Franchise To Win the War with American Coal The Fuel Value tf Wood Keeping the Workers Well Saving Wheat by Saving Meat New York School House-Cleaning A Catholic Admonishes Catholics News of Finance and Industry A Striking Collection of Illustrations THE DIGEST-the Busy Man VBiMe, the Doubting Man's Those of us who are busy, and whidi of ui ii not in these superstrenuous times, frequently sigh over the arid wilderness of irrelevant information through which we have to struggle in our daily papers in order tb obtain those diamonds in a dust heap the items of vital news for .which we are seek ing. THE LITERARY DIGEST saves yoo all this 5th Number on Sale to tt The TTv FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers The Tom Snow Heating I Rooflng Co. VULCANITE HOOFING 7th and Chestnut Streets 5 Let us show you a different! remedy from any other. Meritol Pile Remedy Is used both externally and Internally. Neglect the treatment of Piles and the conditions rapidly become worse. Relieve yourself of this aliment at home by using Meritol Pile Remedy. A trial will convince you of its merit. Sold only by ue. 50c apd $1.00 the package. , JO ANDERSON, Chattanooga, Tenn. I am Sincere! '-. Stop Calomel! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Listen to me! Calomel sickens and you may lose a day's work. If bilious, constipated or headachy read my guarantee. Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty, dangerous calomel, because It makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, orhiph ,aiiaAa nAPrmlH ctt thA bones. J Calomel crashes Into sour bile like I dynamite, breaking it up. That's when I you feel that awful nausea and cramp- . Listen to me! If you want to en Joy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced, just take a spoonful of harmless Dod gist or denier sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cent under my personal money-back guar i ... - How Quebec Takes Her Defeat Saving Food and Winning the War (Prepared by the U..S. Food Administration) The Slow Agony of Reims The Cradle More Fatal Than the Trench Art and the Life of To-day Rifling the Tomb of the Savior Defending the Red Qross trouble. It derives its resum6 of the news -not merely from a single paper, which would be to retain the latter's view-point, but from t weekly gleaning of all the worth-while publications of the world, recording the resuwitnout comment or partiality, adhering to no view-point but reporting all. The facts of the dayjocuscd from all points, are yours in "The Digest" - day All News-dealers heFjmoua Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK I Phone Main 18C5 Pile Remedy antee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick, Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working; headache and dlzslness gone; stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vege table, therefore harmless, and can not salivate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calo mel now. Your druggist wilr tell you that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here. Jo Anderson, druggist, Chattanooga, Tenn. (Adv.) 1918 (the twenty- Dictionary 10 Cents J 1