OCR Interpretation

The Chattanooga news. [volume] (Chattanooga, Tenn.) 1891-1939, January 10, 1918, LATE EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. XXX. NO. 161
Austro-German Offensive Brought to End, ' at Least
Temporarily Enemy Guns Roar in Area of Arras.
' Russb-Central Powers' Peace Emissaries Re
' sume Discussion at Brest Litovsk.
Bulgaria and Russia have concluded a separate
: peace, according to circumstantial advices by. way of
' Switzerland. If a separate - adjustment between these
nations has been reached it seems probable that it was
because Bulgaria found no difficulty in subscribing to
the bolshevik formula of no annexations and no indem
nities so far as Russia was concerned. Bulgaria has
"desired no Russian territory, seeking her acquisitions
from Rumania and Serbia. It was for Serbia's assist
ance, however, that Russia prepared for war under the
old regime, her mobilization after Austria had threat--u
ened Serbia being made the occasion for. Geramny's
declaration of war.
Turkey likewise has been seeking a separate peace
with' Russia, but accordingi to today's advices, the bol
sheviki have declined to entertain the Ottoman propos
al, requesting the Turks to participate in the general
conference between the central powers and Russia.
From Petrograd comet a report,
bated on a newepaper ttatement,
that representativea of Germany
now in Petrograd are teeking to
have Sweden act aa a meant of
communication with Great Brit
ain, France and Italy. The Ger
man delegationa in Petrograd
which are represented at seeking
thit mediation through the Swed
ith legation there were understood
originally to have been charged
only with commercial,, and other
similar negotiation!- , outside the'
j realm of major politfcaf affaire.'
Reports from Petrograd that the
bolthevik government intendt to
repudiate - Rueaia'a foreign debt
are reiterated today in newspaper
ditpatchea to England. A aimilar
report late latt year wat denied
thortly after it became current.
According to unofficial reportt
from the peace conference at
Brett-Litovsk, the Ruttiant are
insisting upon the removal of the
negotiationa to Stockholm. The
Germane are repretented at ap
parently undecided what courte to
From bolthevik toureet comet
the report of the defeat of -Gen.
Katedinet and Gen. Dutoff, the
Cottack leaders, who have been
retitting th bolthevik in the Don
region and eltewhere in South
Central Ruatia. The latter gen
eral it reported in flight, with
revolutionary toldiert and the red
guard in purtuit, while Gen. Kal
edinet it said to be in retreat.
Snow hat come to the aid of the
Italians and the Auatro-German
offensive apparenty hat reached a
halt if not an end. The whole
mountain front where the enemy
had been making slight but steady
gains, it buried under from three
to five feet of snow, making in'
fantry operations impossible and
hampering the Austro-German
supply lines.
Heavy snowfalls in the Alps are re
ported to have blocked the heavy com
munication system in the Trentind and
Carta, leaving them only two lines
across the Venetian plains to the Piave,
which would be of no help to the snow
bound troops between Lake Garcia and
the Plave. The enemy troops on the
eastern bank of the Plave are not
troubled so greatly by the snow but
previous efforts to cross the river In
force have failed.
On the western front the opposing;
guns have been active near the Scarpa,
in the Arras area; northeast of Tpres,
and northeast of Verdun. The Ger
mans have failed thus far to take
counter measures against the success
ful French sortie in the Woevre.
Senate Inquiry Committee Toii
of Failure to Get Ship Plated
A at Reduction. "
Washington, Jan. 10. Charges' thai
"steel trust" officials blocked a plan
by which the government was to get
steel for ship plates at one-third less
than, it is paying; were made before
the senate committee investigating
shipbuilding today by I. P. Feather--
stone, president of the Texas Steel
company, of Beaumont, Tex.
Featherstone's motion proposed, .to.
sell to the government ore. lands in
Texas and coal properties in Alabama
and erect a steel plant at' Beaumont
to make steel ship plates at about $15
a ton as against $65 other steel com
panies are charging the government.
His plan, he said, was referred by
the shipping board to the council- Of
national defense and thence to a sub-
committee on which were Charles
Schwab and other officials of large
steel companies. . t.
"They turned me dow'on the ex
cuse that the government was rot
prepared to go Into business for - it
self," said Featherstone. "I might
not have expected anything different
from the crowd of dollar a year me
who were beneficlarls of high prices,.
New York, Jan. 10. The big Italian
steamship Milazzo, 11,477 tons gross
register, was sunk during the early
part of December by a German gub
marine while the ship was in Medi
terranean waters, according to wot"&
received in shipping circles here to
day, it is understood no lives were
lost. , .-
"..' estttettsttattatj
Ottawa, Ontario, Jan. 10.
Heroio efforts by nuns and
nurses taved all but four of
158 patients in the Water
Street General hospital here
today when fire broke out' and '
destroyed a part of the build-
- mg. A child who wat atrapped
to a bed with weights fattened
to art: injured leg was burned
to death.
In all, four children lost their
lives. An approximate' esti- '
, mate says the damage amount
ed to. $100,000. The victims,
the oldest of whom was 4 years
of age, wore patients in the
institution. One woman died
from . shock after being car-
.ma. yui, . fJ
Russia Sigfls Agreement Ending
War, ' Resuming Diplomatic
and Economic Relations.
Total Number Men in Field and Training Camps Is One and Half Times as Large as
Any force Mobilized by This Nation, Asserts Secretary Baker to Senate "In- .
v vestigating Committee Morale of Enemies Certain to Be Depressed by
. . Realization That American Democracy Has Neither Blundered . :
Nor Hesitated.
Closing , Vital Link in Commu
mcation Ffom Austria South
ward Threatened. v
British merchantmen lost during
the last week equal the losses of the
previous week, when eighteen of more
than 1,600 tons and three of less than
that tonnage were sunk by submarines
or mines. The French report the loss
of one merchantman as compared with
nine the previous week.
Peace emissaries of Russia and the
central powers are meeting at Brest
Litovsk. It is reported that the first
discussion revolved around the selec
tion of a meeting place which has not
yet neen decided upon. It is added.
nowever, tnat a -settlement probably
will be reached. The Russian govern
ment has refused Turkey's offer of a
separate peace and has informed that
country that she must participate in
the general conference.
President Wilson's message has been
Indorsed without reservation by the
British labor party and British public
men, from the labor, socialist and lib
eral parties. Attention is now directed
to Germany and Russia to see what ef
fect the message will have on the
people's of those countries. It is felt
in London that the German govern
ment may be compelled to answer the
president's address because of the con
tinued differences between the milita
rists and nonmilitaritsU In Germany. -
Italian Headquarters in Northern
Italy, (Wednesday) Jan. 9. (By the
Attociated Prett.) The enemy's
winter campaign appears to have been
interrupted terioutiy, if not halted
definitely, by heavy tnowfalls dur
ing the latt twenty-four hours.
The snow covers the mountain front
to a depth of from three to five feet.
Monte Grappa, which it the central
point of the operations between the
Piave and the Brenta rivers, has three
feet of tnow while further north the
positions occupied by the enemy are
buried to a much greater depth. The
tnow barrier is operating strongly
against the enemy, at they are on the
higher summits, while the Italians are
on the lower ground sloping toward
the plain.
On Monte Grappa, which is the dom
inating summit held by the Italians,
and on Monte Pertica and Monte Ca-
prile nearby, held by the enemy, the
cannonade fell off today and there was
little activity beyond patrol move
ments. Most of the soldiers are busy
clearing the mountain paths so as to
permit the steady movement of sup
plies. Huge tractor, snowplows are
being used and sledges are taking the
place of trucks for carrying food and
May Close Alpine Past.
In addition to the interruption at the
mmediate front, the heavy snowfall
may cloae the enemy's line of commu
nication from Austria southward into
The principal route runs through
the Stelvlo, an Alpine pass, and has a
railway down to Trent and thence to
Primolano, whicn is only ten miles
from Monte Grappa and the fighting
front. It is this route which has been
open up to this time and has given the
enemy direct communication to the
While the lower section is not
blocked, indications are that Stelvlo
pass, which is the vital link in the
route, is blocked by from ten to fifteen
feet, and connects the Adige valley of
est pass In Europe, exceeding 9,000
feet, and conects the Adige valley of
Austria with the Adda valley of Italy,
Snows in that section invariably are
followed by avalanches which further
block the valleys and available out'
The enemy's eastern communications
into the Friuli region are similarly,
but it is believed not seriously, af
Railway Blocked.
The railway line running southward
along the upper Piave is blocked by
heavy snows and avalanches. Further
east the route to Gorizia which passes
through the transalpine pass of Feis
tritz, is snowbound, though two other
routes across the Car bo range are less
The indications are that the enemy
will be unable to carry on any large
operations, particularly on the moun
tain front front, during the period that
his communications are snowbound.
Wash I n gton, - Jan. X0. The ,
situation in Europe is regarded ;
so critical that the foood ad
ministration Is planning to re
lease an additional 80,000,000 "V
bushels of wheat despite the 1
fact that the '-normal export ;
surplus had ' otfefhlpped by
to make ui the deficiency.
The demand from the allies
is so insistent that the food
administration has decided to
take a chance on a shortage in
the Bpring to meet in part
their needs. If consumption is
not reduced officials see a pos
sible shortage of flour in the
United States in May before
the new wheat crops come in
Food administration officials
are seriously considering ask
ing congress for legislation to
force wheatless days, and are
taking up with millers and
bakers the subject of mixed
flours and the baking of war
Representative Lever, author
of the food control bill, is
drawing legislation now to
make wheatless days compul
sory and the food administra
tion, it is understoor, has
given its approval to the new
M inisfer Appointed to Petro
.. flrid; Consul to Odessa.
Right, of Ferdinand's Kingdom
to Voice in International Dan
ube Commission Recognized.
,, f-'.vv ,,
Berne,' Jan. 10. A separate
; peace agreement has been signed
''..by Russia and Bulgaria, the Bund
' reports. A, Bulgarian correspondent
of the Bund says Premier Rados
lavoff read the following dispatch
from Brest-Litovsk in parliament:
.""War between Russia and Bul
. garla - ceases. Diplomatic and
economic relations between Russia
and Bulgaria are resumed. Rus-
t- tela, reoogn lses Bulgaria's right to
noiHlnate.'it. delegate to as, wier-
iupu uy . .. ',i ----- -
AIIlttflfH.II TlHfJIflU Will lit cLHKCU I ' t- w ' . .
London. Jan. 19. The bolshevik
government intends to publish a decree
within a few days cancelling the Rus
sian national debt, telegraphs the cor
respondent at Petroirrad of the Man
chester Guardian, The correspondent City, La-
understands the decree will contain
these provisions:
First All loans and treasury
bonds held by foreign subjects
abroad or in Russia are repudiated.
Second Loans and treasury
bonds held by Russian subjects
possessing more than 10,000 rubles
in capital are repudiated
Third Loans and treasury bonds
held by Russian subjects possessing
capital in loan scrip or deposits
not exceeding 1,000 rubles are to
receive 6 per cent, interest on the
nominal value of the loan and
those possessing 10,000 rubles are
to receive 3 per cent. .
Fourth Workmen and peas
ant holding 100 rubles worth of
loans or bonds may sell their hold
ings to the state at 76 per cent,
of its nominal value. Those hold
ing six hundred rubles worth may
sell it at 70 per cent, of its nomi
nal value.
: the consent of Bulgaria's allies."
The. Bund Bays Bulgaria has ap
pointed a minister to Petrograd
and a consul to-be stationed at
Odessa, and has ordered the re
sumption of navigation to Odessa,
Washington, Jan. 10. Secretary
Baker today replied to criticisms
of hit department's conduct of the
war, in a' long and exhauative pre
pared statement presented to the
senate military committee.
Conceding delaya and errors of
judgment in so vatt an undertak
ing Secretary Baker epitomized hie'
reply in these wordt:
"No army of similar size in the
history of the world has ever been'
raited,, equipped or trained eo
quiekly. No such proviaion has
ver beeh made for the comfort,
health and general well-being of
an army.
America now hat in France an army
of "substantial" size ready for active
service, Secretary Baker today told
the senate war investigating commit
tee. Office re and men, he' explained, have
been trained specially for modern war
fare, independent lines of communica
tion and supply are in procett of con
struction, 'and grtat programs . have
been formulated for the production of
new inttrumentt of war.
Arms of the mott modern 'and ef
fective ' kind, the secretary declared,
have been provided ifor every soldier
in France and are available for every'
fighting man who can be aent to I
Bulgaria took part with Germany,
Austria and Turkey in the first nego
tiations at Brest-Litovsk and it has
been assumed that no peace terms
would b9 agreed to by the central
powers except in concert However,
advices yesterday giving the names of
those who took part in the first ses
sion of the Brest-Litovsk conferences,
when they resumed this week, made no
mention of a Bulgarian representative.
King Said to Have Opposed Move.
King Ferdinand of Bulgaria is cred
ited with ODonsing the formula of
peace without annexations or indemni
ties, declaring Bulgaria should retain
the territory she had won. This would
not interfere with a peace between
Russia and Bulgaria, however, inas
much as the territory Bulgaria desires
consists of pai-ts of Serbia and Ruma
nia. Premier Radoslavoft was quoted
in a Sofia dispatch last month to tne
effect that Bulgaria had accepted the
Russian proposals, providing for end
ing the war. restoring commercial
treaties in effect before the war and
settling the Danube question.
Crozier Not to Blame.
Scretary Baker said he thought a
federal powder plant advisable, but
declared the present powder supply
adequate for present needs.
Senator Nw askd if there was any
mistake of Judgement when the Lusi
tanla was sunk, in not beginning
preparations for war.
"It would have been very wise," Mr.
Baker replied, "if a dozen years ago
the ordnance department had begun
preparations. To be perfectly frank,
1 think Gen. Crozier is not entirely to
blame. In season and out he has rec
ommended ordnance expansion."
Secretary Baker denied that the
first American contingents sent
abroad were not completely equipped.
All sent then and since, he declared.
I have had adequate, standard equip
Douglas, Ariz, Jan. 10. A detach
ment of American cavalry sent Into
Bear valley, twenty-five miles west
of Nogales, yesterday to observe trails.
clashed with a band of Taqui Indians,
capturing ten, one of whom died at
Nogales of wounds, according- to
telegram today from the commandant
at Nogales.
Paterson. N. J Jan. 10. Closure of
xne au font powder plants at Pomp
ton Lakes and Haskell, enirasred exclu
sively on war work, was declared to
be only a matter of a few hours by
the management today unless fuel
were received promptly.
Washington. Jan. 10. Gen. Pershine
xoaay reports tnat Private T. H.
hharpe, signal corps, was killed on
Jan. 7 as the result of an airplane
accident. xnere were no details
given. L. K. Shame, his father, lives
at La Marque, La.
The following deaths from natural
causes also were reported:
Private Dcwitt Martin, stevedores,
Jan. 7, pneumonia; Lamar, Miss.
Private James Riley, quartermaster
crps. Jan. 7. pneumonia; Morgan
on French sources.
Senator ,Wadsworth asked If the
American artillery program is large
Agrees With Senator.
"You never can have too much,"
Mr. Baker replied, "but the program
fully engages the resources of
country as they ought to be. Every
country's artillery program has grown
every montn during tne war.
Secretary Baker assented to Senato
Wadsworth'a statement that the war
was a competition of industries, and
that whichever produced the most
materials and men would wear out the
-That is tn present aspect or n,-
he said.
I hate to be per
sistent; it's ob
noxious, don't you
know, and very in
consistent with our
war plans as they
go; but my per
verse disposition
makes me want
what I can't get.
tAHYoustue "Yi ,lnce they y
cwct - want more than
ever yet. The weathr? Probably
snow and slightly warmer tonight.
Friday, probably snow and moderate
ly cold,
France in 1918,
An army of nearly a million and
half men is now in the field or in
training at home and abroad, he at
tertea. me eubtittence of the , army,
he continued, hat been above ' criti
oism, while its initial clothing 'supply.
temporarily inadequate, it now tub
stantially complete. ,
"I state the foregoing .conditions of
the w.ar department's problem, and
some of the results attained, for two
purposes," he said, "In the first place,
me American . people are entitled t
Knvf-tho splendid effectiveness
with which they have been able to or
ganlee the manpower and the mate
rial power of the nation, and second,
our army in France and our allies are
entitled to have the benefit resulting
from the depression of the morale of
their enemies which must come when
the Germans realize that the Amerl
can democracy has neither blundered
nor Hesitated.
No Army Raised So Quickly.
"No army of similar size in the his
tory of the world has ever been raised
equipped or trained so quickly. No
such provision has ever been made
for the comfort, health and general
well-being of an army."
The secretary gave the committee an
outline of the work of the department
ana itt various bureaua.
"On the first day of Aprill, 1917. the
regular army," he said, "comprised 5.-
791 officera and 121,797 enlisted men,
the National guard in federal service
approximately 3,733 officers and 76,713
enlisted men, and the reserve 4,000 en
listed men. There were also at that
time approximately 2,573 officera in
the reserve, but as these were on in
active duty they cannot properly be
considered in estimating the strength
of the army of the United States at
tnat time, on tne 3lst day or De
cember, 1917. the regular army con
titted of 10.250 officers and 475.000 en
listed men: the National guard, of
16,031 officers and 400,900 enlisted
men; the national army, of 480,000
men. and the reserve, of 84,575 officers
and 72,750 enlitted men. In other
wordt, in nine months the increase
has been from 9,524 officers to 100,856
officers, and from 202.510 men to 1,-
428,650 men.
Nation t Greatest.
"During the war with Spain, the
army of the United States at Its max
imum strength aggregated 272,000 men
and officers. The army now in the
field and In training Is, therefore,
roughly six times as great as the max
imum number under arms in the
Spanish-American war.
"The total number already In the
military service is one and a half
times as large as any force mobilized
by this nation.
"The death rate in forces In the
United States from mld-Septembej to
the end of December averaged 7.6 per
thousand, slightly less than would
have been the death rate of men of
the same age at home," the secretary
said. "In 1898. the death rate per
thousand was 20.14, or nearly three
times as great," he continued. "Our
death rate in the army during the
year 1916. Just before the war, was
5 ner thousand. Leaving out the
the ' deaths . due to measles and its com
plications, our rate among an troops
in the United States since Sept lhas
been about t per thousand.
"For the fiscal year 1915 congress
aooroorinted for the war deoartment
$158,000,000; for the fiscal year 1916,
$203,000,000; for the fiscal year 1917,
$403,000,000; for the fiscal year 1918,
$7,527,338,716. In other wordt, taking
1915 at a normal yttr, the appropria
tions for 1918 are nearly fifty timet
as great.
War Department Given Tenth.
"The regular appropriations made
by congress for all government pur
poses for the fiscal year 1915 were
$720,000,000, or nearly one-tenth the
1918 appropriations for the war de
partment alone.
"Of the total war department ap
propriations for 1918, $3,200,000,000
was for the ordnance department, of
which contracts amounting to $1,677,
000.000 already have been placed."
Many of the classes of ordnance ma
terial requiring to be designed, speci
fications drawn and contracts let were
wholly unfamiliar to the country's nor
mal military practices. The trench
warfare material alone Involves com
mitments of $282,000,000, Mr. Baker
For the quartermaster-general's de-i
partment .in 1918, .$3,018,000,000 was
appropriated, or a sum more than four
times as great as the 1915 appropria
tions for all governmental purposes,
Kept at Main Task.
"I make, this statement," continued
the secretary, "fully aware that there
have been produced before the mem
bers of this committee some expres
sions of doubt, difference opinion, and
disapproval. The war department has
spent eight months hearing similar ex
pressions, analyzing them, correcting
the conditions out of Which they grew,
perfecting its organization to prevent
their recurrence; and all the while
driving on to the accomplishment of
the main task. .
"My military associates' and I ap
preciate the work which this commit
tee has done, and will value sugges
tions from the committee as a whole,
from its Individual members, and from
every other patriotic cltiaen which will
enable .us to carry on this work more
effectively and more rap'dly," "
The secretary declared there were
two exceedingly significant figures? in
his Btatement, namely, that on the first
day of April the ordnance department
consisted of 97 officers and the quartermaster-general's
department of
S47 officers, while they now respec
tively comprise 3,004 and 6,431 officers.
"There was no trained body of men
In the country who could have been
selected suddenly to assume the high
technical and specialized work of these
two divisions," he said. "Men of some
what similar training had to be chosen.
As the work proceeded, subdivision and
resubdivislon became possible.
Results Accomplished.
"On Dec. 15 I was, therefore, In a
With Hard-Fought ' Goal hi
Sight, Attention Already
' Turns to Senates Or
J position to announce a general reor
ganization, accomplishing the follow
ing results: ....
"1. Created a war oouncll upon
which Gen. Crozier, Oen. Sharpe. -Gen.
Vfeaver, General Crowder,
and the chief of staff have been
designated to sit with the secretary
of war and the assistant secretary
of war, and to which council men
of capacity, either from tho army
or from civil life, will . be added
from time to time. The purpose
of the r.nuncl!-ts that its members
.can take a large supervisory view.
t of all qiif!Hyons'Aif';frg(uilatlOin v;
ana supply, ami give to tne gov
ernment tho highest value of their
talents and experience.
"2. Under Oen. Wheeler, the ma
chinery of the ordnance depart
ment is being thoroughly reorgan
ized in preparation for the new
phase of its work upon which it is
now entering. Its several oper
ations will be conducted under the
direction either of officers already
in the service, or by men specially '
chosf'n from civil life because of
their experience ahd capacity.
"3. The quartermaster-general's
department is In process of sim
ilar reorganization and subdlvls
ioning under Gen. Oocthals. Here
also the efficiency of the depart
ment Is being strengthened by the
calling from civil life of men of
the highest capacity to adminis
trate certain of its great subdivisions.
"A new view of the work of council
of national defense and of the war in
dustries board Is now possible.
Defense Council's Work.
"The council of national defense Is,
of course, an advisory body without
executive power. The members have
severally the powers of their respective
dapartments. The purpose of the
council, however, was a reconciliation
of conflicts and a survey of the na
tional needs and resources. This pur
pose it has served and is serving. The
general munitions board and its suc
cessor, the war industries board, with
their committees, were organized by
the council for the following purposes:
1. Assign priorities as among the
several departments of the govern
ment and the allied governments !n
their demands upon the Industries of
the country.
Advise as to supplies of ma
terials and labor.
"S. Advise on questions of price.
"4. Secure industrial and labor co
,6. Avoid enhancement of prices,
confusion of Industry, exhaustion of
labor, and generally to prevent all
avoidable evils which might result
from the speed and magnitude of the
new operations.
"To these objects It was admirably
adapted, and it has accomplished great
"We can now see the entire situation.
The initial rush needs are substan
tially supplied. The technical corps
have been expanded and reorganized
upon Industrial and efficient lines.
"The co-ordination of ally needs with
our own purchases has been effected.
An agncy exists to prevent conflicts
and to adjust those which cannot be
prevented." '
"On the first day of January, 1918,
nearly two billion dollars of the appro
priation had been obligated by con
tracts, or disbursements," said the sec
retary. Details Staggering.
"This business Involved accounting,
determinations of standards, prices,
quantities and the creation of new
manufacturing facilities.
"In the woolen goods section alone,
the co-operation of over three hundred
mills was involved, and the following
items give some idea of the extensive
character of the operations: There
have been purchased over 19,000,000
(Continued on page five.)
Wilburton. Okla., Jan. 10. James
Garvin, superintendent of the glazing
department of the Patterson Powder
company, at Patterson, Okla., near
here, was killed today when an explo
sion wrecked the plant. As far as
has been learned, Garvin vm.i the only
person killed. The property damage,
it is expected, will be heavy,
Washington, Jan, . 10. With
President Wilson's unexpected ;
aunnnrt and the eleventh-hour ln .
dorsement of a republican caucus,
the woman suffrage amendment ,
came up In the house today un
aer agreement ror a nnai voie do
fore adjournment. ;
When the house convened at IX
o'clock suffrage advocates were
certain of victory. With the weight ;
of the president's influence to
swing doubtful ' democrats. Rep
resentatlve Raker, chairman of the
suffrage committee declared, the
necessary" two-thirds' would b."
exceeded by at least fifteen votes.
As the house met,: among those op
posed to the amendment, there was a
frankness that the president's declara
tion had probably changed enough
votes 10 insure aaopiion,' aunougn
sorry; of the opposition still contended :
It. would be hard to break the align
ment against it in the south.
Speaker Clark said he exrected the
vote to come between 6 and 6 o'clock.
Billy Sunday on Hand.
1 The session of the house Was opened
with prayer by Billy Sunday, the
evangelist, who invoked 'Divine mercy
on the president) the" cabinet, the al
lies, and American . soldiers. He re
ferred to the world as slu-curted, de
nounced the Germans as a "wolfish
pack of Huns" and prayed for peace.
, In the senate, where the resolution.
favorably reported, now on the cal '
endar awaiting actton.. aa early, .vote is
expected, but trtth. present prospects ,
unfavorable. , f
luuay n urutiio luriimuea a epeetacu-. -lar
scene. The house was In a happy (
mood and heard the arguments with ,
applause and laughter. Women packed
the galleries. It was a field day for 4
the suffragists and buoyant with the
expectation of victory they made the.
most of tho occasion.
Fostsr Opened Fight.
Representative Foster, of Illinois.
opened the fight by offering the spe
cial rule which fixed four hours for
general debate and reading of the bill
for amendment to begin not later than
5 o'clock.
Representative Parker, of New Jerx -
scy, republican, led off the debate.
opposing the amendment. . ;,
When Representative Cantrell. of
Kentucky, told of going ta the White
House conference last nlnmt at which
the president approved the amendment, i
the house broke out in laughter, ap
plause and Jeers. He was not
ashamed, he declared, to ask advlcs of
the president. . ,
This house will follow absolutely
his advice," suid Cantrell.
Nothing doing" shouted Reore-
representative Jeannette Rankin, of .
Montana, spoke for the resolution.
"Nation Needs Itt Women."
"We are facing- a question of noli 1 1- !
cal revolution, a question forced to an
issue now by International ctrcum- ,
stances," she said. "Every great 1
women to serve more effectively tho
has asked the government to permit
women to serve more effectively, tho
national welfare. Todav aa never he-
fore, the nation needs its women."
Uses Mist Rankin's Words.
Representative Gray, of New Jersey. ,"
opposing the resoltuion, recalled that
Miss Rankin, when congress voted Xoc
war on Germany, said:
"I love my country, but I cannot
vote for war."
"How would you 11 ke to have con
gress made up of a majority of wo-s .
men before the war is over? he de-
manded. The function of women ;
hould be the rearing of children, be.
said. .
For the anti-suffragists. Renremmj '
tative Clark, of Florida, democrat, anji
nounced he purposed offering . sua
amendment providing for conventions i
In the different states for the Wpress ; '
purpose of passing on the amendment. I
nns nam courage. . ' ' .
As the debate wore on the ant la' '
seemed to be getting up fresh cour- t
age over a nw poll of the house. Son.n "
of the leaders of the opposition de-;
dared that on a basis of 40g wn-
bers present they thought they had a
chance to beat the resolution by four
or nve votes. The suffragists, how
ever, were little disturbed and re
mained confident.
Votes Pre and Con.
Representatives Treadway, Mas
sachusetts, and Powers, Kentucky,
.favored the amendment.
Representative Small, North
Carolina, invoked state's rights in
his opposition to the amendment.
Representative Dyer, Missouri,
favored It, and Representatives
Slayden, Texas, and Burnett, Ala
bama, assailed it,
Washington, Jan. 10. Another cold
wave is expected to sweep the south!
this week. The weather bureau today
gave warning of a disturbance now
over the extreme southwest moving ,
eastward. It will extend through tho
west gulf states Thursday night and
Friday, cover the east gulf states Fri
day and Saturday and reach the south
Atlantic states Saturday night and '

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