Newspaper Page Text
rUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1918. THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS 3 NOTED LEADERS TAKING PART Meeting East Tennessee Baptist Laymen's Convention at Knoxville Monday Night. (Special to The News.) ' Knoxville, March . 12. Noted leaders of the Baptist denomination are tak ing part in the East Tennessee Baptist laymen a convention, which opened here Monday night. Dr. J. T. Henderson, secretary of the laymen a movement or the Southern Baptist convention, in a talk hero Tuesday announced further plana for big meetings over the south. "There has been some talk of a big meeting in Middle Tennessee also," he said, "but this question has not yet been definitely settled. I am not in clined to believe that it will be held in the near future, because of other arrangements. It has also been sug Rested that we hold a meeting in West Tennessee. 'Dr. Henderson announced - that he has arranged for other meetings to be neid as follows: Clois, N. M. March 28. West Frankfort, 111. March 31. Coburn, Va. April 1 and 2. A big meeting may be held at Dal las, Tex., but this also has not yet been definitely decided. The convention opened here Monday night with the following program: Praise service, H. D. Rule, Etowah; words of welcome, Judge R. A. Brown, Knoxville; response, J. M. Stokely, Newport; address, "Some of the Needs of Laymen," C. S. - Stephens, Morris town; voluntary talks of two minutes, stating one need, E. L. Wilson, Athens, opening; "Personal Soul Winning," George E. Hays, of Louisville, Ky.j "The New Demands In the Home Land," Dr. B. D. Gray, Atlanta. E. H. Rolston, chairman of the state com mittee, presided. ' James May, of Sweetwater, presided over Tuesday morning's session. J. T. Barnhill, of Philadelphia, led the praise service. Among speakers and their topics were: "Informing Laymen Its Importance," Prof. J. A. Thackston, Knoxville; "The Religious Periodical," W. D. Powell, Chattanooga; "Other Agencies for Informing Laymen," J. Frank Seller, Elizabethton: "The Lay men in War Times," Rev. Len G. Broughton. D. D., Knoxville. Rev.,Ru fus W. Weaver, D. D., of Nashville, delivered an eloquent address on "East Tennessee Laymen 'and Christian Edu cation." The afternoon session opened with T. C. Drinnen, of Sevierville, presid ing. Praise service was conducted by V, A. Ghormley, of Madisonville. Dr. J. T. Henderson, In a talk, besides dis cussing the Baptist convention move ment, urged, weekly offerings as a part 1 of worship. B, F. Hargis, of Cleve land, spoke along the same line. Other speakers were: j: H. Anderson, Knox illle; George E. Hays, Louisville, Ky.; B. L. Glascock. Maryville. Dr. J. W. Gillon, of Nashville, was to have de livered an address on "A Program for Tennessee Laymen," but unfortunately could not be present. "Democracy" Cookies Jfcup'COTTOLENE cup tugsr 3 cupt flour yi cup homy 1M cup oatmeal Pinch of salt Scant level teaspoon Cold water loda Sift together the flour, oatmeal, fait and soda ; add the sugar, then the honey thoroughly blended with COTTOLENE. Moisten with enough cold water to make a stiff dough. Mix thoroughly. Roll thin and cut with fancy cutter. lightens the baking lightens the bills. Cotiolene Th Natural Shortened" At grocers in tins of convenient sites 1 Automobile lusurance This is ail ws xk for Insurance. Why pay more? Ford, any model J10.0H Maxwell, any modl $30.00 Oakland, any model J.tO.PO Saion. anv model $30.00 JlUi-lD17 Bulrk "4" $30.00 Chevrolet, any model $40.00 Dodge, any model $42.60 Other models In proportion. Better phone ua today. SIDNEY B. ELMORE & CO. 312 Ham. Nat. Bk. Bldg. M. 1273 "SEE THE MOON" And don't forget that we can fill jour Coal needs tn vour en tire satisfaction. Nice clan lump Coal readv for delivery NOW. MOON COAL CO. Phone M. 314 i i ii i WILL CHAMPION RUSSIA President Wilson Sends Message to Congress at Moscow Pledging Aid in Struggle for 4 Democracy. Washington, March 12. On the eve of the gathering at Moscow of the Russian congress of Soviets, which is to pass Judgment on the German-made peace accepted by the bolshevikl at Brest -Litovsk, President Wilson has sent a message of sympathy to the Russian people through the congress with a pledge that tho United states will avail itself of every opportunity to aid them in driving out autocracy and restoring Russia to her place in the world with complete sovereignty and indepondence. The United States now recognizes no government in Russia, but the president cabled his message ti the American consul at Moscow for deliv ery today, to the congress, which is made up of soldiers' and workmen's representatives and speaks for at least a considerable part of the Russian people. Text of Menage. The president's message telegraphed to the American consul-general at Moscow for delivery follows: "May I not take advantage of the meeting of the congress of the Soviets to express the sincere sym pathy which the people of the United States feel for the Russian people at this moment when the German power has been thrust In to interrupt and turn back the whole struggle for freedom afld substitute the wishes of Germany for the purpose of the people of Russia? Although the government of the United States is, unhappily, not now in a position to render the direct and effective aid it would wish to render, I beg to assure the people of Russia through the con gsyss that it will avail Itself of every opportunity ' to secure for Russia once more com plete sovereignty and indepen dence In her own afTalrs ant full restoration of her great role in the life of Europe and the modern world. The whole heart of the -people of the United States is with the people of Russia in the attempt to free themselves forever from autocratic government and become the masters of their own life. (Signed) "WOpDROW WILSON," Thus, in his first formal word to Russia since that revolution-torn TTFUnS OF DEPARTMENTS WRITE JOINT LETTER TO REPRESENTATIVE SIM Solution of Water Power Problem for Consideration of Congress. (Special to The New.) Washington, March 12. Representative Sims, of Tennessee, has received the following letter from Secretaries Baker, of the war department; Lane, of the Interior, and Houston, of the department of agriculture, relative, to the needs for waterpower legislation: "Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. "Washington, Feb. 27. 1918. "Hon. T. W. Sims, House of Represent atives. "Dear Mr. Sims It Is understood your committee w.lll take action at an early date upon various proposals which have been made concerning waterpower legis lation. On account of the conditions now affecting the power Industry and the need of maintaining our entire Industrial ma chinery at Its hlnhest efficiency a satis factory solution of the waterpower prob lem Is. In our Judgment, one of the most important "steps for the consideration of this congress and one which should re ceive attention at the earliest practicable date. - "The Industrial expansion which has been necessary In order to produce the materials and equipment needed In the prosecution of the war has placed un precedented demands upon the electric power industry, to such an extent in fact thHt the output of commercial central stations has Incrensed more than CO per cent, since 1914. This Increase has been areatest. In the manufacturing sections of the east, where waterpower development la comparatively limited, and has been chiefly In the form of steam-generated power, because steam power can be developed more quickly and' at less capital cost than water power. This In crease in power output has taken place notwithstanding advances In cost of con struction and of operation. "While the form of bill which has been presented for your consideration Is di rectly concerned with water-power devel opment only, an adequate solution of this problem will have a favorable and stabilizing effect upon the whole power InduMry Probably no conHiderable In crease in new water-power development DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Apply La Creole It's Easy, ! Simple and Healthy. No Dye. Tou lnok old and played out with premature gray, streaked, faded or Just turning gray hair. Have eau- tiful dark hair again, fluffy, soft and ' natural by applying La Creole to all j your hair and scalp before going to ' bed. It Is not dye but revives the I color glands. Pretty soon you will l ' delighted to e-e all your gray hair turn to an even beautiful natural dark shade again. Not even a trace of gray will show after treatment with Iji Creole. Tina preparation also stops ! falhrg bair. danlruff and causes new J sort hair to opt out all over your hr-ad. Ion't le misled Into buying some- j cheap bair tonic. I-a Cieole Is the ' only hair prestation thut darkens j Cray bair by revnlrg color glands oil nature. Try It. Sold on a mor. y j l-ack guarantee .y drug t'tt w w nl llrcct Tor $l.:o by Van M.t I'tiiS Cu, Mcuiphis, Ttnn. iAJi. country under the leadership of the bolsheviki deserted the allied cause, the president Indicates the purpose of the United States to disregard the hard terms upon which the German and Austrian war lords have prom ised peace to the Russians and to de mand an accounting upon a very dlf ferent basis when victory at last shall be achieved by America and the allies, Expect Nothing of Ltnine. The president does not urge the Soviets to reject the peace treaty, though the delivery of his message at this time may be interpreted as sug gesting such a course. In fact. It Is conceded in official circles that there is scant ground for hop that the con gress and what remains of a govern ment In Russia will rCfuse to give sp proval to the German terms. Trotiky, the bolshevik, foreign minister, nas re signed, and from Lenlne, the premier; who apparently controls the regime, nothing is expected. But there seems to be still a strong belief here that difficulty for Germany in the east by no means Is ended; that as the humiliating nature of the Teu tonic terms begins to be realised by the great mass of Russians and the tyranny of the war lords in occupiea territory shows itself, there will be a new uprising that will make itself felt. Whether or not anything resembling a strong centrol government capable of making organized resistance on a large scale is developed, the hope here is that the determination of great num bers of the Russians to fight oppres sion will find expression in some way that will give the Germans much to do in the east until the ultimate vie tory in the west, about which no doubt is entertained, puts the United States and the allies in the position to give that direct and effective aid of which President Wilson speaks. To Lessen Misgivings. Coming at the time It does, the president's message may serve to lessen misgivings in Russia over the proposed Intervention by Japan In Siberia. The understanding here Is that there Is no difference of opinion among the allies; that any operations undertaken by Japan to check German machinations In the east and protect the war stores at Vladivostok will not In any degree threaten permanently Russia's territorial Integrity. One of lost Important Steps can be expected Immediately, but legis lation is urgently needed In order to put existing water-power development, which have been made under Inadequate law, Into a position of security which will enable them to make extensions and to meet maturing obligations upon favor able terms. "There Is also need of legislation !n order that time may be Riven to prepare for the developments that must tak place after the close of the war, If the United States Is to maintain Its proper place In world trade, or even to supply its domestlo needs. A survey of our water-power resources Is needed, partlc ularly with relation to speclno districts and specific Industries. The various es tabllxhinrnts of the fcdsral government which have had to do with the adminis tration of water power should be co ordinated through a single agency, and as far as practicable all agencies, federal, state and private, should be brought Into co-operation. It Is urgently recommended that a federal power commlaslon be es tablished as provided In the proposed bill and be given ample authority to under take this work of preliminary Investiga tion. "Beyond the need of power develop ment as such la the need of Increasing the proportion of water power In order to reduce the drain on our coal and pe troleum supplies, particularly the latter. Kven If the coal supply were unlimited. the reduction In the demands upon labor and transportation equipment would be sufficient reason for substituting water power for steam power whenever possl ble. The petroleum supply, particularly In the west, where the greatest propor tion la used for fuel, is being rapidly de pleted, consumption has exceeded pro duction and storks In storage are fast disappearing. With the substitution of water power for steam power In central stations and with the electrification of railroads, a large part of the use of pe troleum for fuel could be eliminated. "Water-power legislation should have In view not only the maintenance of the rights of the public In the national re sources, but also 4he adequate protection of private capital by which such re sources are developed. ' The bill before you seema to do both. After rr fel con sideration, however. It Is b1sg0tl that certain changes In language could be made which would more clearly express the Intent of the proposed legislation. "It particularly Important that the condlllona which affect the disposition of the property at the termination of the license should be an definite that unrer talntiea will be reduced to a minimum. If the properties are not taken over th rondltlona under which a new license may be secured should be entirely clear. If the properties are taken over the price to be paid should not Imitirin alleged values not represented by investment or, on the other hand, require needless amortization of capital during the period of the license In order to protect the In vestment. It Is, therefore, bellc4 ad visable to define In specific language the Items hl-h should or should not enter into the price to be paid. The following definition, which It Is recommended should he ln-erted at the rnd of Ki tlon J. baa been prepsred after thorough con sideration and after consultation with accounting and bartitlng experts. It la believed to be eminently fair, from the point of view of the public and of the Investor. The tin of this lertu Kill re. quire changes In other parts of th bill, parllrul.rly Section 14. """Net Investment" 1n a projeet mcn the actual etu,te original roM thereof as defined and infeiptcted In the i lasnini f ion of InveMnirnt In !:md an I KoulplneM of Hrn Road. Iue of 1'I4. Interstate Commerce ronmihsion." flu. Punier enrit ft additions therrt an! Ntterments thereof minus the sum of the following Items of protrly alio. !d the.eto. If and to the eifent It at such lie,,,. t,v been ae, itMi.i!ted during the p-rl,td of (he license from esrnings in .ei. f 'of a fair return on i, h In- ,l,l,ll""l I nn,.r.rltd M.fplUC. b afsre.eic indtl belanits cf current depreciation accounts, and (c) aggregate appropriations of surplus or Income held in amortisation, sinking fund, or similar reserves, or expended for extensions or betterments. The term "cost" shall In clude, Insofar as applicable, the elements thereof prescribed In Said classification, but shall .not include expenditures from funds obtained, through donations by states, , municipalities. Individuals or others.'. ' , "Thesianguage of Section 6 which fixes the period Of the license has been changed somewhat In order to make Its Intent more clear and In order to make certain that there shall be no time when the holder cf a license may not have the privilege of receiving a new license If the properties are not talfon over either by the United States or by a new li censee. "Certain other changes, minor In char aeler, have been for the purpose of clari fying the language or Improving the form of the bill. All these changes are shown upon the attached copy of the confident In committee print., "Very truly yours "NEWTON D. BAKER. "Secretary of War. "FRANKLIN K. LANK. "Secretary of the Interior. "D. F. HOUSTON, "Secretary of Agriculture.". TEACH MEN OF DRAFT AGE TO READ AND WRITE Alabama Starts Intensive Cam paign Against Illiteracy in State., Montgomery, .March. 13. Men of draft age In Alabama unable to read and write started to school Monday In the most Intensive campaign ever at tempted to wipe out Illiteracy by any agency. The work la under the aus pices of the state department of public education and will continue through out the month. Great Interest baa been aroused in the state, both among men and the various agencies having the campaign In charge, according to Miss Ksther Foster, who has direct charge of the work In the state department of public Instruction. The work la now being organized In ten Alabama counties. It Is progress ing In other counties as well. . Tabulation of the questionnaires 1n Walker county revealed the fact that 1,061 men of draft age could not read or write and signed their names with a' cross mark. This is out of a tolul of S.092 registered men. PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES INDICATE SPY WORK Lake Charles, I,a., March 12. A man who gave his name as Anton Weln gartsheper, was taken from a Southern Pacllic train here late yesterday by parish officers and placed In jail pend ing investigation by federal author! ties. Parish officers said a number of Photographic plates found in Weln gartshepcr's buggage were developed hy a local photographer and proved to be views of important raiiwuy bridges and trestles. Including the Southern Pacific bridge at Morgan City. A Mex ican passport and letters addressed to Wctngartsheper ' from Cuba, Mexico and Germany also were found In the baggage, It was stated. Wclnerartsheper declined to comment on his detention except-to say he was on his way to California. LIVE CHICKS MAY BE SENT BY PARCEL POST Waihlno-ton. March IB. Live chicks nmy be sent by parcel post after March 15 provided they are properly prcpnreil lor mailing. In announcing this deci sion todav the postofflce department order said chicks could not be Insured or sent C. O. P., nor carr'eil to desti nations more thin seventy-two hours' mailing distance. my Twice A QUARTER of a century ago a steer was just a steer narrow-backed, lean and slab-sided running largely to hoofs and horns. The dressed beef yield was as low in quan tity as it was inferior in quality. YOU would scorn such coarse, tough meat today. But if livestock conditions were now as they were then, this would be the only kind of beef you could get. And not only that, but you would be paying a great deal more for it! Meeting Present Day Needs FOR the amount of meat per head furnished by these low grade cattle would not begin to sup ply present-day needs. Though present prices, caused by an abnormal war demand, seem high, they would shrink into insig nificance compared with what they would have be come, had not Armour and Company long ago begun the work that has been responsible to a considerable degree for the raising of the broad-backed, high grade beef steers of today. By establishing receiving and killing plants close to the sources of supply, by developing and operating a chain of refrigerators on wheels, by perfecting a system of over 400 branch-house distributing sta LEADER OF BLACKMAIL BAND GETS SENTENCE Convicted on Charge of Con spiring to Swindle Woman of Savings. New York, March 12. Oeorgo Irwin, leader of a band of bluckmallers, was sentenced to a term of two years In the Atlanta, penitentiary yesterday when ho pleaded guilty in the federal district court to an Indictment re turned two years ago charging him with conspiring to swindle Mra. lte glna A. Kltpper, of Philadelphia, by representing himself as . an agent of the department of Justice engttged In enforcing tho Mann act. H was charged In the indictment that, operating with William Butler, Kdward Donohue and Frank Collins, Irwin decoyed ' M rs. Kllpper to this city from Philadelphia and obtained her savings, amounting to $300. It was also charged that when she exposed them to tho authorities, tho blackmailers kidnaped her on her re turn to Philadelphia and took her to Montreal, where they held her prisoner for two weeks. Irwin was first arrested In Chicago, but defaulted his ball bond. He whs recaptured in Kansas City, three weeks ago and brought here for trial. Hutler and Donahue pleaded guilty when tried in tho fall of 191. and wore each sentenced to eighteen months at Atlanta. Collins Is awaiting trial, ' Railroad Robbers Are Arrested at Scottsboro (Special to The News.) Scottsboro, Ala., March II. Frank Westmorelnnd, Milton Thompson and Tom Tally, of Stevenson, have boon arrested on charges of robbing a freight car of the Southern railway containing an Interstate shipment, All have been held to the federal grand Jury In Huntsvllle. ' MEXICO WILL NEVER CEDSOIL TO JAPAN Minister Plenipotentiary De clares "All We Want Is to Be Left Alone." San Kraniiseo, March II. Mexico will never cede to Japan or any other nation a naval base. or other foothold on Mexican soil, Col. M. Peres Kotnero, Mexican minister plenipotentiary to .lap'in and China, ttoclared yesterday while here en routo to his home In Mexico City for a short vacation. "It would be against Mexico's own Interests to give any power a foothold In our country," be said. "All we want Is to be left alono. "The Mexican government has worked wonders In tho lust few year aiid Is steadily progressing toward the restoration of normal conditions. The misunderstanding that occurred be tween the United States and Mexico have been removed entirely and the best of feeling now exists." U. d.cTendows ward IN HOSPITAL IN FRANCE Rirmlnsham. March 12. Announce ment Is made today by Mrs. J. A. n wi-nn ifYinm'nl rimlrmiin. Hlrmlna- haui, and MIsa'Mury H. Poppcnhelin, t,i.uM,.nt-irtni'riil. Charleston. H. C. thnt rlie I'nlted Paugliters of tho Con , in.fl,.ii hnv nniiinletnil the endow- i m.-nt of an entire ward In the Amor b an hospital No. 1. Neullly. Kiance, a suburb of Paris, the endowment being Mn.lH U hi.nnr it thn hnmri of the lure.," in ,..,., ... - - t Confederacy, whose names will appear on Press plates over earn urn, i IBeelfsdealk Its Presennt 1 II l l bl at- -i Tins . sbbb mm pi I I 1. 1 ff -J m I We Specials Rrand-new pianos from our factories: used pi anos. The trade-In from our removal sale left us with several good used pianos that we took In exchange. These pianos will he sold at a frac tion of their real value, Call or write Manufacturers' SampU Room. Union Bank Building Ninth and Georgia Avs. jL $ . 41 Calomel Users! Listen To Me! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone iYour druggist gives back your money if it docsA't liven your liver and bowels and straighten you up without making you sick. 1 Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of the danger ous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel la inorcury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes Into It. break Ing It up. This Is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are aliiRglsh and "nil knocked out," If your liver Is torpid and bowels consti pated or you have headache, dlxxlnoss, coated tongue, If breath Is bud or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's l.lver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee (lo to any drug store nnl get a bottle of god son's Uvrr Tone for n few cents. Take a spoonful and If It doesn't straighten AVOID REGRETS Attend a reliable school. flood teachers. Good "methods. flood re sult. All our graduates have good positions. A visit to our school will convince you. Classes day and night. CHATTANOOGA BUSINESS COLLEGE SEVENTH AND MARKET 8TREETS. - ' . . . MAIN 2857. Before Remodeling Your Home. Office or Factory Get Our Prices on ' Lumber and Mill Work Chattahooga Lumber Co. 21st and Whiteside. Phones M. 440-441 is Hott Price tions, Armour has provided selling outlets and cer tain markets for the producer for twelve months in the year. It has become profitable for the livestock grower to grade up his cattle standards I These beef-producing cattle furnish more meat and a larger proportion of better quality meat at prac tically the same feeding cost as that of the scrub cattle of former years. Helps Growers and Users THIS has resulted in better returns for the grower, while heavier yield and improved quality in turn has held down prices to consumers. It is in such fundamental ways as this that Armour and Company are rendering a broad, economic serv ice to the American public. And because Armour service directly relates to the prices you pay for meat, when you specify Armour meats and other food products for your table you are making it possible to extend this service still farther. CHICAGO 7 m m m mm week's a m n yuu right up and make you (eel tin and vigorous I want you to go back to tho store and get your money. Dod son's liver Tone la destroying the sale of calomel because It Is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, them foro It can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's live,- Tone will put ycur sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that-sour bile and constU pated waste which l. clogging your system ami making you feel misera ble. I guarantee that a bottle of lodson'a liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months, (live It to your children. ' Tt Is harm less; doesn't gripe and they Ilk Its pleasant taste. For sale by Jo Ander son and all leading dealers. (Adv.) J 9.