Newspaper Page Text
'7 TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 191'i. THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS MINE REPORT SHOVSTUP WELL Statement of Board of Control Covering Operation Brushy Mountain for February. Th ImDNiM 'beard of control ha just mad public a report covering the operation of tb Brushy mountain mine for th month of February. The report how that the profit for February were mailer than for the month of January. This ia due primarily to the month lUelf being shorter. Th average earning for th two month, if maintained through out the year, aaya President Denton, will make a showing quite a good a th year W17. The report 1 a follow: Approximate profit for February. 139. 801.84. Remittance of cah to tate treasurer, S4.776.6S. Approximate profits for January. t. 797.41: February. 39.801.94. Total for two months. $81,599.85. Average per month. $40,799.67. Average numser of men maintained: January. 4: February. Average mmber of men working: Jan uary, 693: February. 892. Total number of day worked In Janu ary, 19,007; February. 14.914. On account of th month of February having only twenty-eight days, the out put of oal was lesa than in January. January coal mined. 23.728.25 ton; Feb ruary, 19,864.00 tons. Th report received for the first ten daya of March Indicate very much larger average than for January and February. The board of control and the manage ment of the mine began the year' op eration with tne aennne aim oi exceed ing the production of last year, both tn quantity of coal mined and In the profits from operation. If there are no reduc tions In the price of coal and coke the chance are good for realising It alms. The addition of a large quantity of eleatrlcal machinery la necessary to an Increase of output. The orders for It were placed In December.' 1917. Th elec trical company would not promise deliv ery of all thl equipment earlier than Aug. 29. 1918. A priority certificate wa sought from the war Industries board through Hon. ConJell Hull, In whos district the mines are located, and he very promptly ob talaed a Class B-l priority certificate, and states that the committee advised that the certificate 1 the highest they administer next to orders for urgent war wotk placed by the United States army, navy, shipping board, emergency fleet corporation and purchase by our allies. It Is hoped to get delivery by June 1. TWO DRAFT MEN FROM CITY 1 BOARD NO. 2 ARE REJECTED lng that three men had been accepted and two rejected, Those accepted were Fred Rush Paris. Robert Young Pari and Roy Wlnfred Harwood. Tallent and Bushong were rejected. MANY WOMEN RESPOND TO COMMISSION'S CALL Nek Robert Tallent and Frank De caUr Bushong. who were inducted Into serdc from division board No. 2 last weec, Journeyed to the army camp at Charlotte, N. C. and" passed through th regular routine, hoping to qualify for Immediate service, but to their dis appointment they fell out of the line, with everal other, as "disqualified" physfcally. Oev Whltake received card show- Smoke Inhalation Expels Catarrh Send Ten Cents for Trial outm m.-L r t4AM amtHn from 4 X Jaffa, lllUII US a wuv "w " chronb catarrh who would like to know how hey can stop catching cold after cold, for they must realise that sooner or lafcr this may lead to erlous deaf ness aid Injury to the aystem In general. Dr. Blower, a respected physician, and for forty-three year an enormously uc- catarrh. I the t- .nvaMr r1 ft nlPA ant, direct method I that can oe usea 1 bv man. woman or child. Hi Remedy 1 made from medic inal herbs, flowers and berries, which you smoke in a dainty pipe or cig arette, and inhale the vipor Into all the air passages. It contahs no tobacco, even though it I used Ji the same manner. , Dr. Blower's Catarrh Remedy is eTiual (T.tlv in all forma of catarrh, bron chial imiauon, hb t h tv a, catarrhal headache ana ear troubles that may lead to deafness. Tou will breathe bettr i ana reel betttr after using It. Far ten cents (In coin or stamps) a null package will be nailed, contain ing; aoiu vi uiv Retledy made into cigarette, also om lteneoy xor imonins m ..w litle pip. Month1 supply, either form, coits on dollar. Address The Blosser Conpnny. Box 9901. Atlanta, Ga. NOTE Should your druggist not carry I. Blosser's Catarrh Remedy In stock, ht can secure It for you. Druggist do nt upply th Trial Outfits (Adv.) Salts in Hot Water Clean Pimply Sltin Say wa must make kidney lan th blood, and pirn pis dlppr. Mmple. ore and boll uually r sut from toxins, poisons and impur ities which are generated In the bowels anl then absorbed Into the blood through the vry duct which should atstrb only nourishment to sdstaln thei body. It is the function of the kidneys to Alter impurities from the blood and cast them out In th form of urine, lt In many instances the bowels cre x more toxin and impuritle than tl kidney can eliminate, then the bood use the skin pores as the next frit meana of getting rid of these Im pjritles. whtch often break out all over be akin in the form of pimples. The surest way to clear the akin rf these eruption. says a noted au ttorlty. Is to get from any pharmacy rout four ounces of Jad Baits snd tk a tablespoonful In a glaaa of hot vater each morning before breakfast ftr on week. Thia wll prevent the formation of toxin in the bowels. It aso stimulates the kidney to normal sctivity, thus coaxing them to Alter U Wood of impurtues and clearing tie skin of pimples. Jad Salt Is inexpensive, harmless aid Is mad from the scld of grapes aid lemon Juice, combined with lithla. lere you have a pleasant, effervescent tfink which usually makes plmplea dsappear; cleansea th blood aod Is cceUeot for th kidneys as wellv That American' men and women axe eaa-er to accept every opportunity to help in the nation's greatest undertak IncF Im Airirijmrad hv th rMnonal re ceived to th announcement of the United States civil service commission of th need for general clerks. The commission sent out a call for clerks, to be employed In the department In Washington, and Jan. 9, Feb. 9. and urnrnh a mm t ftj examination davs. Th commission reports that 95,000 persons haver applied for admission ti ttM ovamlnatinna. Tt in th belief O the commission, say th report, that the sole purpose in seeking government positions was to neip Keep am war ma nktn. truism Th most pressing; need now is for stenographers. Th civil service urges persons who are qualified as sten ographers to take the examination, MOB VIOLENCE BRINGS ' SESSION IN PROTEST Law and Order League to Meet at Capital Urge Law En forcement and Education rpk amA Ard.f Tj.OTifi fit Iash ville has called a state conference on the subject of law ana oraer in ien- fn T hii riaria v. Ml rch 14 at 11 A.innir Th mantina' will be held In the state capital. The meeting naa been called as a result of the recent lawlessness, and especially biod vio lence, in this state. C. A. Craig, of Nasnvuie, is presiaenv of the league, John R. Aust vice-pres-iH.nt FMwin Mims secretary, and Lee J. Loventhal theasurer. - It is expected that a protest will be signed against lawlessness of all kinds, a ...ui.iiv mnh violence. The mem- CfcllU ojiovi"J ' ber will also discus plans for a campaign of education oi puim bcuu- rlerirT nforCPlT16nt of existing laws that may be related to the special crime oi muu and the enactment of uch additional i..utiAH a m ivtAv Via TiArftSHarV tO Be- cure swift Justice against brutal crimes and to maintain jaw ana orotu. Quinine That Do Not Affect Had Because of Its tonic and laxative effect, UaXATFVB BHOMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without caus ing nervousness or ringing In th heao. There is only one "Bromo Quinine.' E. W. GROVE'S lgnature 1 on box. 80c. (Adv.) STATE CLAIMS $30,000 FROM DEFUNCT BANK Alleges' Institution Bad Large Sum on Deposit When Re. ceiver Was Appointed. V.-...111. frf-h 11Tha Stat Ot Tennessee seeks In chanoery court here to recover about u,uuu wnicu n alleges is still due it from the Knox ,ui Ttankin a.nd Trust company. which went defunct about four years ago. The state allege mat n na.u on deposit about $37,000 when the bank . -i-in v. hnnria rt the re- ceiver. It acknowledges that It Hi received its pro rata part, as aiu own depositors, but alleges that it should k. n-mi tn oniiert the remainder of Its money, because t the fact that a bond with an insurance compau? and one signed by directors of the in stitution guaranteed Its deposits. Decatur Receives Much Overflow From Sheffield (Special to The News.) Pecatur, Ala,. March 12. Decatur Is receiving much of the overflow from Sheffield. , All the hotels here are crowded and there Is hardly a desir able dwelling house in Tecatur vacant at thl time. Many people who cannot get house or a place to sleep are com ing here. Local real estate men say they are i-.i mMm tmrtiilrlea fnp . ffLCtorV receiving iiimiij .- - locations. It is believed that Decatur is on the eve or a nig Doom ready people are beginning to arrive here to get in on the ground floor. Utah's Jules Verne Placed Under Arrest Salt Lake City. Utah, March 12. John Van Valkenburg, who became known here as "Utah's Jules Verne." because of his Insistence that he had nerfecled a "wonder aircraft mat could fly from here to Washington ana return in four hours, was arrested yesterday charged with Impersonating a United States official. Federal au thorities said Van Valkenburg, who had announced that his Invention had been turned over to the war depart ment is charged with having exerted Influence to prevent a man from en listing by offering him a position un der him In the "secret service. E. A. Altoff and William Henderson, who Van Valkenburg aid helped him on his Invention, also were taken Into custody, but no -formal charges have been entered against them. a Judge Glenn Again Hears Legislative Bee (Special to The "News.) Dalton. Ga.'. March 12. Judge Oeorge 0. Glenn wants to go to the Georgia 1. .i.iiim riin. thia time as a mem ber of the upper house. Judge Glenn . ' . ... . MniiMatA fnr IS airenuy au ...... .-- state senator from the Forty-third dls trlct. Judge Glenn has served three term a representative from thl counrv. Judge Glenn. fter having repre- -.-, , niintv In the lower house. BTllVTO ' ' J - wants to be senator for a spell, and as It Is Whitneia s time to eim mr sen ator from thl distcirt, he has entered the race. DECATUR. ALA. OPPOSES AUTOMOBILE SP&DING City Council Take Dritie Action by Psssg of Anti-Speed Ordinanc. To B Strictly Enforced. (Special to Th News.) Decatur. AU.. March II. Th Deca tur city council ha taken drastic ac tion against the speeding of automo bile bv the ra of anti-speed or dinance These ordinances will be strictly enforced. T-v. - n nnl remlat the speed and the general traffic but they prohiMt any f.cron onjrr nm 1 vears from driving an automMl- )oto. Traffic iltni will b placed along th streets. MILLER BROS. CCThe Store Tbat Saves You Money MILLER BROS. CO.1 Spring Display Attf acting Large Crowds Each express brings daily new things, for Wednesday we have ' a store full of fash- ' ion's latest gannents and accessories. Special C Bargains ft Featured For Wednesday and Tfiursday ! WednesdayThursday Soccial Easter Display Days in Women's Reaay -to-Wear! Our French room it radiant with new Spring apparel, featur ing Suits, Loan and ureisei. All tho lovely colon, styles and materials and they are too varied and beautiful to describe are here. We only ask that you come and look them over. Dre.... $59.75 to $125 Suita. .$75 to $125 Coata. ... . .$25 to $85 New Spring Dresses One rack of Poplin Dresses; black, navy, sand, Copen hagen, rose and grey. Special $7,98 choice One lot of Silk poulard Dresses in solid colors and figured patterns; also com bined with Georgette crepe; some are made in tunic effect, with white' col lars. Specially $25.00 priced at On lot of Kid Gloves black and a few colors; broken sises; reg ular $1.50 q u a 1 1 1 y. S p e 1 a 1 Wednesd a y and Thursday Wonderful New Spring Blouses Are Here ! Scarcely a day p;ea in thia Im portant time when women are choos ing their wardrobes: for the .-coming season, without bringing new and dc light fill models in this section. New Crepe de Chine and n Taf feta Waists, in all the suit colors. Regular $1.00 values. Jl Special 4Lu7J New shipment of Voile Waist; white with black or colored stripes; pique collar; some are hniul-einbroldered. Specially d0 AO dJO C priced at. VO toPO.fJ Gingham Dresses ' Special purchase of Ladies' Gingham House Dresses, all good colors; regular $6.60 values. $5 fjfj Special, choice.. . . Petticoat Special ! Silk Petticoats; good vari ety; $3.50 and $4.00 values. S,ciaich?ic! $2.95 while they last.... v Extra Special ! Ladies' full size House Dresses, light and dark colors; choice while Q,()c they last Children's Dresses Children's dainty White Dresses, made of fine swiss, lace trimmed styles, very charming; sizes 3 to 6 sTeda. S1-25 Rssdyto-wor Dept. (Non flt t d, X- changed or taken "back; no phone order.) AT HOSIERY SPECIALS One lot of Ladies' All Silk Hose, black and white. Regular $1.25 value. Wednesday d A A and Thursday, a pair. ., .P1 UU One lot of Ladies' Sample IIosc; fancy colors and stripe. All silk. Regular $1.80 value. Wednesday and Thursday special, QQ LACE SPECIALS One lot of Val Lace, Filet Lace and Cluny Lace; new Spring patterns. Regular 18o and 20c values. Wednesday and Thursday, 1 A special, a yard 1UC One lot of Val, Shadow and Imitation Cluny Lace j lovely patterns; valuea up to Iflc. Wednesday and Thursday, a yard iJC Informal Display of Millinery Tomorrow and Thursday New hats arrive every day, and our millinery department changes daily. Special atten tion is called to our season's s o r special trimmed hats P jmUJ These hats have the appearance of mod els that sell regularly for $10.00 and $12.00 Silk Handbag Special One lot of Ladies Silk Hags; all new shades; most attractive line. $3.08 values. J0 CH Special P Jv iixtra Special in Stationery 48 sheets of Taper and 48 Envelopes; white, pink, light blue and laven der; 12 of each shade. Special Wednesday and Thursday, a box r. 48c Choice of These Daintiest of Underwear Camisole Pink and white, In crepe de chine and wash satini; $1.28 values. Petticoats Lace and embroidery trimmed; some double panel front; scalloped around the bot tom; $H28 and $1.60 values. Teddiea Pink and' whit; trimmed in laces and embroidery and some empires and smocking; $1.28 and $1.28 values. ' Night Gowns In plnkand white; lace and em broidery and fancy stitching; $1.28 and $1.80 values. Cotton Goods Dept. Specials ! 18c Apron Ging- 1 A A bam,8 yards for ... 1 .UU 85c Shirting Madras, OC a yard WC 23c Spring Percals, OA a yard aCUC 85c Checked Suiting, OC a yard dJC 25c Dress Ginghams, "1 Q a yard IOC 50c Trench Gingham, lCf a yard 'iJC t 50c Colored Poplin, White Goods Specials For Wednesday-Thursday 86x86-inch Lunch Cloths; mer cerized cotton. Regular 40c values. OC Special WC Scalloped mercerized Table Cloths; attractive I0 fA patterns. Special. .P&JU Round Linen Table Cloths; sices 2x2 yards. Regular $5.00 Hemstitched Guest Towels mercerized; 1U2 9C inches. 2 for LOL Two Shoe Specials Ladies' $300 Khaki-Colored Military Roots. !0 AP Special a pir PDjJ One lot of Ladies' Pumps; value from ft 00 to $5.00; last season's stjle. J AO Special, a pair. .. . 4le70 Wednesday and Thursday Specials on Third Floor Scrirri Curtains, with valance; ecru only. Special, 98c. a pair 36-inch Marquisette; white and ecru. g Special, a yard. Woven Grass Rugs; fast colors; $1.50 quality. 98 c Special, each. . . 35c and 40c Cretonnes, lovely patterns. 5c Special, a yard . EXTRA SPECIAL fshlon latot jawclr? fad Th Talisman Iload. Htart your rilcnrt a alrlns. Mad to bold an. autograph or good wlh merlin Hllvrr, ach 50 - Gold Top, ach 25 Just rclvd riiw Una of Head. Many tautlful new color. 50c to 11.50 Handkerchief Special On lot or Ladl HaQdk.r tM.fs; oolorsd ' .lubroldnry tltchtnf. rtcaular Ho and J0 valuta Wdodr and Thursday pclal. IOC each On lot of miplno hand-mad. t'n drwr, consl.tlnt of Oowa and Teddlp. In plain oallopd d ln. It.gular $1.49 valu.a. W'4n.sday and Thar. 1 95 d-y special. ach px.7 EXTRA SPECIAL Cut-flan. Vaava, Nappl. Almond Iha Mayoonal Keta, Mua lard Jar. Vinegar Bott) aad Crram ntcb.r and 8ur Ti.hea Wdnday and CI QQ Thumtay plal. ach.. Vvv Khaki Yarn All Wool Khaki Tarn. Rerular ft.21 hanka Wdnday and Thursday pctl. CI QQ a hank v