Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1918. THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS twi I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1916 model Phono Hemlock 880. Ford oar. 25-27 JTOR SALE At bargain If taken at once, 1917 Ford touring car; also 1914 Ford 'touring car, lour Overland cars, five passenger. All in good condition. See us if you are thinking of buying, or call Hemlock 103 or 2294. Hemlock Garage. Zi-m-ia "WINDSHIELD GLASS Largest stock In the city at lowest prices; machinery for grinding and polishing the edges; we make them fit; give us a call. In dependent Glass Co Sl-St Market souare. Main 6703. 25-tl FOR SALE A No. 1 Hudson roadster, in first-class condition; owner going ' away. You will, have to sea this car to appreciate It Don't pass this up: It's a bargain. Main 8671. ' T. W. Wil liams, 6 Forstner street. ' 15-26 FOR SALE Dodge roadster. 1917 model. Five good tires. In first-class condition. Phone Main 3650. 25-20 FOR SALE Studebaker slx-cyllnder seven-passenger auto; or will exchange for Ford runabout or any light car to use In my business. Ed Marler, 927 Market street. Phone Main 1600. 25-22 ARTZ HOTEL Cleveland, Tenn. Sundays run out and pot a pi od dtwr. Newly filled up. H. Lee Browr, manager. 35-a-19 FOR SALE We have several Ford form-a-trucks ranging from 276 up. All are In good condition, and demonstra tion will be given. Hart's Garage, Chestnut at Eighth. 25-21 FOR SALE Several trucks; good condi tion; will sell cheap. - Chattanooga Transfer and Storage Co. 25-22 FOR RENT Rooms FOR KENT Rooms. Main 5404. , FOR RENT Front bedroom; terms rea sonable. Main 651S. . 636 Vine street. 3-23 FOR RENT Furnished room: all con veniences; good location. Phone Main 4623. 3-21 FOR RENT Two rooms, completely fur nished for light housekeeping. ' Call Main 3330. 304 East Fourth. 3-21 FOR RENT Modern steam-heated rooms by day, week or month: positively clean management; your patronage so- I ,.!.. .1 . 1 i 1 i 1 it . n . !. ' street. 3-23 i FOR SALE Bicycles, Tires and Sup. ( piles. I have got the largest 1 , gf stock to select from, also the L4tN 'argest stock or repair parts to fcT t be 'ound anywhere In Chat--i tanooRa. This, together with my nineteen years' experience In the Bicycle Business, makes me best prepared to take care of your Bicycle requirements. ID MARLER. 987 Market t. N OTI C E ! We have enlarged our stock of Furniture considerably within the last ten days, and now have anything that r)ps to furniRh a home completely and up-to-date. Our-pries are Kiarant.'. to he most economical, with terms very liberal. Come in md see this new Hne before you buy elsewhere. E. MENNEN FURNITURE CO. 1227-29 Market St. Main 5621 STOP! LOOK! Ik American Restaurant Clean, Quick Servioe BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH t Soup Chicken Cream Vot Oreen Teas Cherry Hoi! Coffee, Tea or Milk 40c. Home Southern cooking. Come and see for yourself. Approved by IT. S. health authorities. HENRY T. PHIFER, Prop. 1447 Market St. "Group Your Debts" If you are in debt and your Income Is not large enough to pay you out, let the Gammon System -Bank lend you the amount you need. The loan will cost you 6 per cent, discount and you pay It back at the rate of $2.00 each week on the $100.00. This plan fits your salary. Citizens Savings & Loan Corporation Volunteer Building. (Dewey Street Side.) c, 1 :: '. rr."1". rr.- z DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Va,LroMICfc.PEOplE,H ffl I U f' HASAVfoMDCBFULVoice? l4- THAT M TuOiBDplM THUS MUSICAL- f Hmif J I v Vt- J J P N i-M WOULO 3 AS H 1 v BMaMaavsMMMwawBHB whmm. MpHMskaHBN(s9Mk9SSBCH mmmummmmmmmmmmiimmmmmmhammmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmimimmmmmmmmm WANTED FILL YOURSELF EATING lit CANS, oraa tacks and pig iron, then drink delicious fan pepsin at all fountains and feel bull. Jo Anderson, druggist. 14-U WE BUY and pav highest spot cash prices tor second hand furniture and stoves. Dicks Furniture Co., 429 Market St Main 2933. 14-tf WANTED Repairing ' or sewing ma chines by Spencer, the expert. Ill East Seventh street. Main 4114. 14-tf WANTED To see you If you have a piano to dispose of. Templeman Piano Co., 723 Market street. WANTED Furnished apartment, three or four rooms, close In. Address Apart ment, care News. 14-m-l WANTED-r-Bjr man and wife, no chil dren, one or two furnished rooms with kitchenette; permanent; not military. R. W, A., care News. tf WANTED To teach private French lan guage. Address P. O. Box 113, city WANTED To ' buy lot .of secondhand bricks. Call Main 1645. . 14-20 WANTED To- buy lot of secondhand books. Call Main 1(45. 14-10 WANTED If you want to sell your piano 'see Templeman's. 723 Market street. 14-tf WANTED A good white middle-aged man for night Janitor; reference. Ad dress "C," cara News. . 14-26 PLANTS CABbAgE PLANTS We have 10,000,000 plants ready to ship; Early Jersey and Charleston Wakenelds, Succession and Flat Dutch; by express, 1,000 at 12; 8;600 at 11.76; 10.000 and over at $1.60; 'parcel post, 600 for $1.60r1.000 for $2.50. .13. E. Parker Plant Co., Tifton, Ga. - . 20-20 FOR SALE Fine seed po tatoes, Colorado Rur'als and Minnesota Peerless. T. S. Hunter & Co., 200 'Carter St. 20-25 FOB sale Amoor privet, asparagus, strawberry plants, fruit trees, grape vines, shrubs. D. W. Hunter, Hemlock 2015. 20-w-Sat FOR SALE Genuine Maine Cobbler seed potatoes; price much lower; also tur nips for cow feed. 20c per- bushel. C, E. Card Produce Co. 20-26 PLANTS Frost-proof cabbage plants, all varieties; 1,000, $2; 10,000, $1.75; 20.0011 and over, $1.G0. Genuine Nancy Hall and Porto Rico potnto sprouts, $3 per nousanu; jo.ouu ana over, j.'.fiO. AH va rieties tomato, egg and pepper plants. Write for prices and special assort ment of plants for small em-dens. Kn- terprlse Co., Inc., Sumter, S. C. 20-tf SWEET POTATO SUPS $1.50 per 1,000; 6,000 or more, $1.40. Varieties, Nancy Hall, Porto Kico. Hunch Tarns and Tri umph. T. S. Brogdon, Box 522, Bir mingham, Ala. 20-Apr-l SEED POTATOES ' ONION SETS All popular varieties. W. H. Lessly ft Co., corner Cowart and West Thir teenth streets, Chattanooga. 6-7-f SALESMEN WANTED DO YOU want clean, nign-clasa, money, making selling propositions? Ton will find them in Specialty Salesman Maga. sine 100-page monthly; chuck full In. spiratlonal selling talks by best writ, ers; every Issue course In salesman, ship: vigorously exposes "Junk" eellers. misrepresented and frauds; the sgent's champion; yearly $2. Send 2So for three months' trial subscription rend t !i ! y " not saustiea, z&o re. iiuiucTu. louiu on news Bland. I Sue clnltv Salesman Magazine, Canon 10-tf building. Chicago. FOR RENT Automobiles FOR HIRE Seven-passenger car. driven by lady; catering especially to ladies desiring to make trips to and from the post. Phone Main 63C6. 4-m-22 AGENTS WANTED AAlNTS WANTKD Sixty dollars week" ly and automobile furnished men plac ing samples onrtrftil new automobile necessity with automobile owners; re duces operating expense; makes old cars uin like new; $30 outflt furnished free. 1 Ballwey, Station V. Louisville. Kv- ' 9-m-16 and HO Commercial Printing Co. H. N. Walker, Proprietor HIGH CLASS COMMERCIAL PRINTING We Deliver When We Promise Phone Main 3350 Eighth and Cherry, Ferger Bldg. We Csn Furnish This On Your Printing HELP WANTED Female HELP WANTED A good cook. Newell sanitarium, 707 Walnut street. I-1S HELP WANTED Nurse (colored) to take car of little girl, aged S; wages, $6; good references absolutely neces sary. Mrs, Sporborg, comer Main and Mississippi avenue. North Chattanooga, or telephone Main 6861. 1-1$ HELP WANTED Colored girls wanted. 31$ Carter street. . . -tf HELP WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good pay to rlgbt party. $06 Cedar street, 8-21 HELP WANTED Colored woman be tween 25 and 40 years of age to nurse ' a child Zft years old. call Main 32FZ. HELP WANTED A good housekeeper. who can cook. Apply at once, 811H Cherry street. 6-21 j .1ELP ' WANTED A woman nurse to' make our home hers; one who can take care of babies and do general house work; good home, and will pay reason able. Call or write for transportation. . B. T. Connell. Fort Payne, Ala. 8-16 HELP "WANTED Experienced knitters; sixes ana nan-nose; can use a few learners; day pay while learning. Ap V'y to Chattanooga Knitting Mills. East Chattanooga, Tenn. 8-25 HELP WANTED-At once, an excellent cook. Hemlock H9. 8-20 WANTED Ulrla and women to work at Model laundry. Good pay and steady work. SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED As chauffeur or janitor, by colored man. Can give the best of reference. Apply No. 11 East Seventeenth street. Clifford Shaw. 11-20 SITUATION WANTED By mechanic with several years' experience as truck driven can drive any make; prefer Federal or Oarford; can give best of reierences. M. K., care News. 11-21 HELP VVANTED--MaU WANTED White shoe re pairer, first-class and fast on all work, including turn soles; no other need apply; guarantee steady job, $24 per week. Wire or write D. B. James Shoe Hospital, Jackson, Tenn. 7-23 HELP WANTED An experienced auto machinist. L. Cagle & Son, Pikeville. Tenn. 7-23 WANTED Fifty ' laborers. Payday - every Saturday. Chic kamauga Fertilizer Works, East Chattanooga. 7-22 HELP WANTED Six hustling boys that want to make money, to sell papers at . ramp all day. See A. V. Walker, care Builders" Exchange, Thursday, Friday or Saturday, between 10 and H o'clock. WANTED AT ONCE Motor Truck Salesman. Must possess selling ability of a hlsh order, and have experience with the trade of Chattanooga and vicinity. 1"n usually liberal proposition to the rlulit man. See Mr. Newton. UARDWICK BUICK CO. 7-26 HELP WANTED Hoy river IS years of age; one who Is not' afraid of work and wants to learn good trade. Apply Air. lox, pressroom, the News. HELP WANTKH-OfTlce hoy over 16 Jears of age. No. 8 Montague block. 7-21 HKLP WA NTKD Ambitious, educated students qualify for October poslllomr salary guaranteed, fimn to $1 200- trans Portal ion paid; tuition. ? f 10 month from salary; high-class civil service Ht,Tn',,.Cl V '"d, tm,,,,," lll"onfnr Mtudcn la from forty-five schools- 200 page Illustrated catalogue nH ...Vif ... lc ,''n".!tw.J:l0!'.,lont Business col " ' va- 7-l-23-30 WANTED - Experienced COAL MINERS (high wage scale). We also have some fine openings where experienced, persevering Contractors can make goad money. Call on or tele phone RIDDLE COAL COMPANY, 619 Hamilton Bank Bldg. 7tf HELP WA NTED Colored hoy H nr 17 years old for office hoy and truck driver. Apply News office. ".j WANTED -High-grade machinists and lathe hands. Steady employment guar anteed good men; good pay; eight-hour day. Apply at works, Lucey Manufactur ing Corporation, 19th and Grove streets or 'phono Main 785. . 7-tf FOR SALE "fSSTSaleT" Garden tool that will make your gar dening a real pleasure. Also all kinds of wue to protect It. Btovall Hardware Company. 10$ Market street. rhone Main 8700. Screen doors, windows and screen wire lust received. Buy early and save worry. We have a very large assort ment. Stovall Hardware Company. ' 908 Market street. rhone Main $700. Corn stick cakepans and muffin rings will make meal better than flour and our government's requlrenemts easy. 8ee us. Stovall Hardware Company. S08 Market street. Phone Main 6700. Fifty cents saves plumbing bills. Just nhAn. Main fi?nO Anil ha w I I innit m ft n of ideal Home Plumber to unstop your drainpipes. S'.ovall Hardware Company. 906 Market street. Phone Main 6700. 6-a-J FOR SALE Ground bone for chickens. Ed Mans , 61 Broad street. 6-A-16 FOR SALE Fine young Shetland pony; spirited, but guntle enough for a baby to handle. Can be seen at Selman's stable. Fourth and Market. . t-20 FOR SALE A beautiful Porslan Angora brown tabby cat; perfect pot; owner leaving city. Main 3bM or Main 670 6-26 FOR S ALE Several carloads Harbison- Walker first quality secondhand fire brick. These DrlcK removed from fur nace stoves. Chattanooga Iron and Coal corporation. i-i FOR SALE Dry factory block wood $1.76 per load. Southern Coal Co, 6-21 PIANOS We bur. sell, tune, rent, more or re finish like new. For anything about piano call R. H. Lansford, No. 60 East Sixth. Main 6440. ll.m-1 FOR RENT Houses FOR 1? E NT Ten -room brick rttuldcmce. 6S9 McCalllo avenue, r. A. Prawner, itoom uu f irst jvanonni Hank Bldg. 2-20 WANTED To rent furnished house on lxKkout mountain. Hemlock 20.1.1. !-;'! M15C&LJLAINLOU$ U U SMITH 4k BRO- typewriters. IT K, 7th st. Main 6896. 16-tt "JUST A MINUTE, PLEASE" Bring or mail your KODAK FILMS tu tne beet finishing house in the olty NOVELTY PHOTO CO. 10 Baat iGleventh Street Chattanooga, FOR LEASE Owing to other business that takes my time, I am desirous of leasing the old reliable Khea Springs property. Address u. w. Hiigne, cltv. 12-13 POE TRANSFER CO. MAIN 1381 OR HKMLOCK 1S2. We nack or orate anything In the fur niture line, suitable for transportation or storage any place. Our prices are right; our work guaranteed. What more car. you askt Give us a chance to prove our claim. ii-m-i r WHAT A CUSTOMER SAYS: Monteagle, Tenn.. Feb. Is. 1911. VIOLET STUDIO, 929 Market St, . Chattanooga, Tenn. Pear Sirs I received my pictures Think they are fine. Never had better work done In my life. Thanking you for your good work and promptness, I re main, respectfully, Mrs. II. J. Custer. 12-tf, This Is to certify that Willie White, of RoNsvllle, Us., submitted to us model or press, and we, victor J, Kvana r. Co., patent attorneys, of Washington, IV C, do further certlly that we have made a careful examination of the Invention sub mitted to us, and report that. In our opinion, said disi loaura contains proper sulilcct -matter fur a patent. (.Signed ) VM'TOlt J. HVANS CO., Victor Wdg., Waahlnglon, 1. C. March 1. ISIS. Am wlllinc to give any person one- half Interest In iny Invention In exchange for financial assistance In placing the Invention on the market, VVIlllo Whit Itossville, OA. 12-20 PENSIONS-ALLOWANCES CIVIL WAR veterans and widows, vol. itnteers and regulars; war with Npaln, Philippine Islands and China. Allow, ances for wives, children, mothers and otheta. Dependent In present world war for democracy, file applications at once: no siiorney n fees. 17 Georgia avenue. Main H. run J ALL Keal bstate FUR HAUinil-acrefarrii, tliTrtcen miles out, on good road; seven-room house, water In house, three good barns, three tenant houses; 2f0 acres In cul tivation; seven springs. Only ISO per acre. The lr.t stock farm that I know. I. A. Uriiwn. lOi West Ninth. Mnln 8rt2. 6-20 FOR P ALII Kami mountain Is the place you are looking for. rerfert happiness and the land only $10 per acre, and If you rton't want hut forty acres I will let you have that much, or as much as you want. I. A. Urown. 3 Oft Weal Ninth; 'lain M'.ii. S-20 HAULING With MOTOR TRUCKS ANYTHING, ANY TIMK, ANT WH ERR, FOR ANYHOUY Call Orr Main 3371 or 6480 TOM IS STILL UNCONVINCED, UCK BRITTON, WHO FACES tlC MORAN AT UNION ATHLETIC CLUB TONIGHT I -0 I pt j -A , f ir ' -:-.-;.-v. -v- ' I I I V i 1 i ,. .ti ' i j , ; , I B r ' , . . . g I ' 3 ' '" , 4 3 1 ' t - t ' , . ''.1 I ,v . se, f , ; ' ii l ( - '-.,, k. - r -t - ..- N . j i" . I r s:?r,:? - t .!.- , , ' p b i t 'J x ? 'Hi ft , 'lcT - - - '!', lr-i-, i-vxl-f-' V 1 I r ,' " jt . ! Jack IlrlHnn, who galnod the deci sion over Ted Iewls In Atlanta few weeks ago and who face Vlo Mnran here at the Tnlon Athletic club tonight, la a southpaw. Ho has K half-nooK, neuveren wnn ipav ieiv hnnd nearly straight, which won him the welter championship In 1916. It Is said to e something Ilka the fa mous McCoy "corkscrew," "I snap it across and turn my hand to hit tta first two knuckles." Button explains. It Isn't pushed out like a Jab; It sweep across." Britton Is an unusually Qiilet and unassuming fellow for a fighter. There Is no bragging, and he discusses light Inir with you aft though you might know a llttlo about the gamu, ami ho tins not been sent down ss an a post is to rnlightea you. Ho has locn fight ing sixteen years, and dining that time has met Ted Hiwln fourteen limes. Asked If age was beginning to pllo up on his shoulders, the fighter franUlv stated Unit possibly his speed 1ms been slightly diminish"!, but that tho experience has taught him many points that more than counicraoi mis handicap. It la more man proimnm, too, that there Is not much skotili on his speed minlltles, either. Judging from the fight Intr he has been doing recently and his last malrn witn Lewis. . . . Hrltton ha the reputation of feing an absolutely clean fighter, not only clean In his ring ladles, but In bual- ness and living. He has a wtro nnu I wo children buck up New York way. and but this Is a secret there s to h another little welter rhamplon be fore long, or perhaps It will be a lady, Imt luck's lionlnir lint. Ttritton's outstanding nuly nl blllty to es-apn punishment. lie tins n way or slipping m rnuii ihimh i" henvv ones, Mint says himself that h has very seldom faced a severe best. Ing. ID" hnrdest nglits were ngninsi Facky McFnrlnnd ana 'l en iewis, ne declares, and, thnugn If was iwis ho took bis wellorweigin t rrowa away rrom nun, nrnion m"-n llevo he earned It, and still has hopes of winning It back. The prellrnlnnilfg for tnnignt win be between Terry Nelson and Md Kelts and Young Oreen and Frank FOR RENT -Miscellaneous i?iTtpNtuTTfrsU ritnltb7a place. Ml Ninth stieet. 4-2 MONEY TO LOAN MONP.Y TO IjOAN On Improved real estate In city limits. W. 1, tlwsney, eot James Oldg. jl.f.ll 1 A Pick-Up in East Side Home Cheap for rash. f'lose In. Fine neighborhood. As an In vestment will sy 11 per rent, on price asked, or,ery suitable for home, flood sfxn lot. Bee us lodsy. ( all Macrae & Stuart M. 2108. 115 E. 8th St. Wallace. Fans are hoplnr Wallace has a mixta who will stir things up a lilt. Nelson Is known here and should make It Interesting for his opponent. Fulton Once Knocked . Jess Willard Down The bout on July 4 will he the second meeting between Fred Fulton and Jess Wlllsrd, and Is the third time they have been matched. Htrengely enough, It was through that first meeting with Wlllsrd that Fulton sprang Into puglllstle promi nence. 'Hie Rochester giant had been holing with lather liullfforent suives until May H. mis, when Jess Wlllard, newly crowned bsavywelisht champion of the world, halted In Fultnn'e home town to give a hosing eihlblllon. FroderUk was selected as ibn Yhrtlm. The bout was to o four rounds It Pulton could Inst that long. Fulton not unlv hinted, but cut loose with tl the iintamnd conlhlence of the man who lies everything to nam and nothing lo lose, and In one of the mliups the rhamplon, to use a Wild West espresslon, "bit the dust." Of course. WlllaiM didn't remain down for any appreciable length of time, and he elalmed that It was only a "slip." bill there were eyewitnesses, and some of them sent the word hroadesst that Wll lsrd was " knocked down In a signing eahlhltlon with Kred Fulton." CRACKERS BUY DAVE GRIFFJTHJFROIVI GULLS Atlanta. Msrch 2" - Catcher lava flrlf fit h, the biiMllliig young backstop who played with thn Mobile (lulls last sea son, has been piirrluisod by the Crack ers, according to an announcement nisds by Manager Frank last night. (Jrirrith, with thn ftackers. should show miisldiii'sMy better than be did with the tllsnignnlrrd tlullS of last sea son. Manager Frank believe that wllh be and riiliilcli he'll have ss good a catching staff ss there Is In the lcas.uo. (Irlfflth only hit at a .i'it Mt ! season, but he slumped along wllh sll of the (lulls when limy got In their rut St the end of last season. He plsed Just like the rest of the club Junt to get the game over with. Wllh a change of seen OrlfHih will, In our estimation, go good, and make the Crackers a great man. Ills fielding was sll that could be akd. In ninety rklil game lis handled 130 potent, made 111 ssslsit and but nine errors, for sn sverage of .071, In fielding be was on of the leading rstchers In the league, wniitLit ri "with "Vet ACTUFtt 0 KUUL WILL 0T WILL Atlantic City. N. J . March td.-lm-(Movement In Hi condition of Tinker tlardmier, of H'-heneclady. N. Y., who sustained concussion of th brain In a bout for ths middleweight wrestling title with Mike Yokel, of Walt !k City, th rhamplon. h prrniltud hi removal to hi home. Yi'kel and Hefeie (ienrg F!her. of New York, held hy the pollr to await th outcome of his Injuries, wer rlaed. (leorg llothner, who broke hi leg In a boot wllh Frank lllca. of lloalon. light weight champion, will be confined to th j hospital for aeveral weeks.. BY ALLMAH 0 PHILLY NATIONALS TAKE UP WORK IN FLORIDA' St Petersburg, Fla,, March 20. Spring training of the Philadelphia Nationals wag be. gun here today under favor able weather conditions. The first squad arrived last night. Luderaa and DlUhoefer, who had refused to stfii contracts, . were among the earlier ar rivals. Five other regulars have refused to sign. 6 POLE FOULS ED LEWIS WHEN HEAD HOLD PINCHES Westergard Goes Down to Americas Wrestling Tet ' tival in New York. ' New York, March 10. Wlae ; Zbysako. of Foland. wag disqualified In his wrestling bout with Ed Btrangter , Iwls, of Iixtngton. Ky., at Kadlson Square Oarden here lest night. Lawls had obtained a head hold and Zbysiko butted with his head, striking Lewi oh the aw and knocking him unconscious. The time of the bout wss 17 minutes IS seconds. Tussif Hussane, ef the Balkans; threw Mort Henderson, of Rochester, N. T., with an arm and crotch hold in 18 min utes and SS seconds. , Amerlcus. of Baltimore, threw Jess Westergard. of Iowa, with an arm and crotch hold In 18 minutes and II second. , . Joe Maloowltch, of Utlca, N. T., wu given a referee's decision over Oeorge Manlch. of ticrbla, after thirty minutes of wrestling. SUIT STARTS AQAINST ST. LOUIS , MANAGER ON SLANDER CHARGE St. Louis. Mo.. March !0. The hearing In the suit of John Lavan, formerly shortstop with the St. Louis Americans, against I'hll K. Mall, president Of the club, In which the latter Is charged With, milking slanderous accusations, has been set for April 21 In the circuit court. A similar hesrlng. In which Perrlll Pratt, second baseman. Is the plaintiff, has been ; set for April SJ. Hoth players assert that Hall puhnVljr i accused iImmii of "laying down" In their j, work, and ask Sl).n00 damages each. The suit Is against flail personally. Imposi tion of twenty major league baseball player have been taken In an effort tn ascertain the meaning of "laying down." i leaven now I with the Washington American and Pratt with the New York Americans. Farmers Must File Affidavits To Forestall Draft of Help Washington, March 29, Farmer seeking li hnve their help given de f erred classification In the draft must III atllduAits with Inaitl draft boards, the depnifment of labor announced to lav. Attention was railed to the fact that the boards have no authority ta give defend classification otherwise. "If fanners whoa hands are af fected In this new rail fall to file affi davits they should have nn cause for complaint if their men are taken from them at this time," the state ment say. "It wlU be useless to pro test later." Ratification of "Dry" Bill Again in Dispute Albany, T.. March JO. The ncoposod rrferrndum on the ratN lli atlon of the prohibition amend ment to the federal eoestltutmn was revived In the legislature to day when the latlon cmnmlttaa of the senate voted to report tho lltt-M'ab) ratification resolution amended en m to be virtually A duplicate of the Mitohold amend ment, consideration of which was Indefinitely postponed by the as sembly yesterday. Bst Medicine fee Constipation. Mr. r-horloa Clltn I'h-rlralnn 111 . state Hint Chanilinrlikln's Tablet are (be best medicine for constipation that she has ever used. There are hun dred of other who are of the sum opinion. These tablet are easy o take and most agreeable In effect lAHV.) G0LDSOLL ARRAIGNED ON TECHNICAL CHARGE,' Washington, March 5ft. Vrsnkr J. Ooldsoll. accused by the French em bassy at profiteering to the extent of aeveial millions on French war con tract In America, was arraigned here idav for extradition purpose on a technical charge of larceny of $:0 In Fiance. Attention, Union Bricklayers. rtperlal meeting Is railed for Frlday nlnht. March S.'. to determine the amount to bo cpndsi fur liberty bond In the coming Liberty Ixon and to illacu otter Important mat ter. AH member urged t attend. ilOHEUT ClKNTr.R. Hccretary. A Fast and furious Fistic Fusilade for; Fight Fans. VIC MORAN ' vs. JACK BHITTON and minor bouts be tween promising youngsters. UNION ATHLETIC CLUB Ninth and Georgia