Newspaper Page Text
4 THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS 4 THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1918. 31 n CHA1TAKOOGA N E W S "new york and politics." return of the Mayflower. Savoyard, me eminent Washington i rror. unueri Murray nas written PUILIiHtD BV THt CHATTANOOGA correspondent, like his fellow Ken-f some of the finest things on the war rw I ...i.i-- -i tt i l i- lucniun, ui. nciu; n nucinm, is iiuw i ior me r,ngnsn people, mm comment George F. Milton, editor. I an ola rnan- tsu ne ,s also ,1Ke nlm on the anniversary or America' en Waiter C. Johnson, business man- in anotner respect ne na iost none try la a beautiful tribute to tbis ager. ... ! of his old-time versatility. He began tountrv. He calls it the return of the Entered at the ChatUnoota Postoffice a writing: a .letter the other day to dls- Mayflower. seoona-ciasa natter. I cuss tne presiaentiai .amoiuon or gov. I ..imi,, a . nation, or I unaries a. wnuman, oi New a contl- York, I nent, .built up by refugees, refugees of - Mews, telephone the Circulation be" "d, before he was through, had illu- all creeds and types, and sprung from perUaant and have It promptly reme- J mlnated the subjects of great pollt- I tt" the roce of Europe, though one " ,0al mabagCr' 4nd theIr Wrk' th ,n" Uef pdomVna: the" Kngilsh "on. Special Advertising Agents i John M. Ifluence of such political cross currents conforming Puritans. They fled from York- sii? ' bXTin. rKlr.T as tnft antl-Masonlo and Know-Noth- persecution, civil and religious. They Chem'leai building. St. Louis. H lng paj-ties, the vice-presidency and flel m the tyrannies and Intrigues h .ovv-m,, f .,. .. .t.i.. ot old Kurope. from corruption and t Rates of Subscription By carrleri One . T " " v " class government and militarism, and it 1 Jo;, one month, C&o. By mall: stones to the presidency, the dominant I after three centuries and three great mm monws. sas twelve months. 14.00. 1 position of New York in national elecf wars for freedom, having established ukijbib a. - tlona and what Is termed DroDortional their nationhood and built up the ffhe AMeolated Pr... TT. ..elusive?, en- or minority representation. It is prob- 'frM?h fiZLSSrii'll titled to use for republication tu n. ..... .u. u-.-.i . the world, they have returned to strike dispatches credited to It or not other. " v l"""u"uv." " "'" again at the ripened fruit pf the same wise credited in this naner. and also thought brought otners trooping aown I tyrannies, the same tangle of deep S"v!!,cJ new ..Published herein. All upon htm, as is nearly always the case I rooted evil from which they them- rights of republication of special dla iwtcnea nerein are also reserved. selves fled when the Mayflower sailed from Plymouth. Their ancestors, who IN EARNEST ABOUT IT. If there have been any lingering doubts about the genuineness of W. Q. McAdoo's democracy, he baa brought forth the fruits for their complete dis sipation. He may now be enrolled without further hesitation among the "common p.epul." Mr. McAdoo is now canvassing the country In behalf of the third liberty loan, taking the message of the Amer ican government to the Amerloan peo ple. He is perhaps the most popular member of the cabinet because he de lights to go out and tell the people what their government Is doing. At Raleigh, N. C Tuesday he remarked in the course of a speech: "Half-soled breeches and half-soled shoes are badges of honor. I wear them myself and I am triad to recom mend them.' I like to think that I ana releasing leathVr for a soldier's feet aid clothing for a soldier's body. "If you are willlnsr to lend everv avauauie penny to your government, OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE Bv Condo Jiic--- v. - CONTRIBUTION Ir-"- TO THS Ret CfAOSS. THN tCT M THANK YOU, Mf. COXR.OX. ON TWO PART OP eVCR V PATRIOTIC ClTltSN Or THIS WHJ, BUT Argentina teems to be developing- a Monroe doctrine of her own. ' The fruit crop Is having the time f its life In the run IMs maklnj for Its life. with old men. Jti tne matter or astutoness as a po- , .nomti. fniit,r to tho I why needlesslv shed th hioori of our uucai manipulator, oavuyaru places historian's eye, only another phase of soldiers in Yance7 I am asking you Thurlow weed at the head. He credits I the same battle that we are now fight- I to nuy Donas, to save something and I Intr. The emDhasis. of course, was I thereby draw less heavily uoon the dents-Adams; Harrison and Taylor. 'Cdi!Lte!!Z,!!l T, TV' ZT7" v ... , . .. . . , . . . . religion. Now it lies on international I In this the former Chattanoogan has This record Is only equaled by Andrew p0llUo. bllt ln the lonjr .tretch of I ... ..I Jackson, who is awarded the houorfor time the story is a plain one. It is a ,, . pp " the success of himself, Van Buren and return of the Mayflower." aI u" constituents and gone It sev- Polk. This coriespondcnt opines that The unselflsh entry of America into ue"r. ror, to get aown to crass If Gov. Whitman had a Weed who is the war has done much to elevate the tacK' B0D never dla confront the pub pronounced the equal of Mark Hanna, I ideals of all people, Including our Tom Piatt, Matt Quay and Arthur P. I own. We ourselves, perhaps, had be- Gormnu combined to steer'hls pollt-I come too much absorbed ln the mere In sacrifice man reaches xne tirusnv mountain mini doing their bit for the state's financial ,cal bttrk h mlBht reach tl,e presl" mater1'11- redemption. A heartening message Is that which indicates the low water mark of losses from submarines. dency. After culling the roll or pow- nearest the divine. Always the un- erful New Yorkers who have figured nclflshness of the set purifies and en- la the national equation, he continues: nobles Ik. ".So It will be spen that the office of drcat Britain herself has found her- Ho clad in the garb which he extolled. He was content to pose as the chosen .leader of the clarf. But McAdoo apostrophizes "half- soled breeches" and "half-soled shoes" as badges of honor In which ha de lights to revel. He has heretofore been suggested as a possible candl- govnrnor of New York is a pretty fair .if during the war. There may have date tor President. His boom will now I . ulni.nlnir liin tn 11m 1 OII1 1 UHllOn for I . ... . . I v..l , . ..... . .... I II J 1 , Pt."v times since tKe close " doubt, as to its real pur- of our big war has the democratic I poses at first In 1918, when, along tmriv nom nated a New 1 omer lor with thn. other ulliai. h ,im. preslilent, anu in iaut ana mm i- Ih.. ,. .... . i ., v ih nomination to New a8Clare(i, mere was a good deal of.lm- v.b uu.i. vi, iin reniihllruiiM I perlallsm remalnlnir. and th r.roiHonl r I i u ' rv. ninvw . " . " - i ury couniy reeponas to tne can j1(lve gone to New York seven times took the lead and became the mouth- Poultry growers are also catching the spirit of Increased production- which is the demand of the hour. begin to take on the proportions of a prairie fire. with a big delegation for the "sheep" convention. Has your county ..acted yet? n V tor the associated governments otftl' stale, and About half the time her so as to give the very highest pur- vote hus decided the presidency, -jnai po(,e to the war. Writers like Prof. in nnt w in eaonin conumoii. j ho ONE WAY OUT. Howard Eggleston, industrial engi neer of the New Orleans Association of Commerce, has perfected a plan where by 8,500,000 tons of concrete ships can be built by one ship plant in a year. This project is now being laid before Since Nat Goodwin is too old for the draft, his only concern over a ill vorce suit Is probably the question of alimony. IS not a wnoiesoiim conumuu. no Murrav ftlwavs fullv nvmnnthlreil urllh .-j '" f-'" - Constitution should be chanpred so that " urray a'ay fully eympathired with offlciais of the Emergency Fleet j roizKy is not lost or gone any where. He is still trotting in official harness as a member of the Russian cabinet. a vote in one state will count as much him. Now we have the solemn doc- ln determines: the result, of a presl- Munition Of IJovd Clenrce thnt atir,r n do and a JuBt thing to do. Let nvery "" "s run ana natural aevelop nartv nut in the fluid in every state a ment ln its own wnv. inln.floo win IVJLML0"?.. be.rsctllled and the principle of self - I rit'i;iuiai vn v. ... cor poration. Under the method outlined it Is claimed it will be possible to build 100 8,500-ton vessels and launch them complete, ready for the sea, in twelve months' time, i In general the plan, which Is de- some of our sou morn, nretnicn, n a- . d lh t.i.u nponlA m,-ht wo -i, nrni i t contains. idea because It eiiRgests a blow al equal magnlmlty and respond, to the the waterway. Each of these slips Is state sovereignty. To meet that onjec call nt this Juncture. I divided into two sections, the one The Mayflower returns to do for farthest from the waterway more shal- sec- It might not be so difficult to cut down the membership of the national house if there were more members who didn't want to go back. Last year's figures show that Ala bama miners did their ' bit In coal production. The country hopes they may keep their stride. We are a friend of Senator Under wood, banc he need not blame us if he butts his head against the prohl- . bltlon wall, a la J. W. Bailey. , So far as we have observed, no as persions have been cast upon the loy alty of Speaker Clark, though that may come ln the next turn of the wheel. A Texas paper wants to know w hether hell is a place or a state. Well, Just at present, suspicion points strongly in the direction of Germany. The leader In that Prager lynching admits thnt he feels rather proud of himself. Not many 'brave men who read his story feel very proud of him, however. An exchange figures out Russia's debts to this country nt tl87.799.Ooa. But for a prompt settlement, liicle Sam would probably he willing to make it even $15,000,000. Frederick J. Haakln asks: "Cnn ; women command?" Is It possible tlmt Mr. Haskln is not a married manT Tes, Mr. Haskln, they can command, ' and exact obedience, too. Sir Edward Carson Is betwixt two on the question of home rule add conscription for -Ireland. He Is willing sa to conscription, but opposes home rule unless he can do the ruling. It may again be well to sugpeRt that those who want employment or assist anca on farms In Tenmssce rorre pond with Ir. Joseph T. Ware, gov ernment labor agent, at Memphis. It Is claimed that sea I ds of no known use et large quantities of fluh suitable for human food. Our shoep kllling dogs would probably like to es tablish a community of Interest with those birds. Caleb Powers, who served eight year In a Kentucky Jail as a suspect la ths conspiracy to murder William Goabel, and has since served eight years la congress, announces Ms re tirement on account of ill health. -. The Nashvllla Banner suggests that convicts be used on the farms. Might fc a god Idea, but eon ri eta, like other folks, can only work In once place at a tlma Difginr coal Is a very useful service.. nartles according to the strength each government will be applied. Surely scribed in the Marine Record, provides . nni h tnin r discovers in the popular vote. I know nothing more inspiring has occurred, for a number of sIIds in a series of v .... ,u. 4. .... new suit you need," remarked Mrs. Jarr, "but if you do get a commission in the quartermas ter's department. or something like that, the govern ment will furnish you the uniform, won't it?" "I believe not," said Mr. Jarr. "I understand army and navy officers' furnish their own unlfoi-m." said Mrs. Jarr. "Do they? Well, s - 1 rnl :fqJQT TH OTHER TlMS 13V insured, and it got tor- AVONDALE COMMITTEES PUSHING LIBERTY BONDS THE JARR FAMILY By Roy h. MeGardell (Copyright, 1918, by the Press Publishing Co. The New York A report Of the Irish convention is on the British Darllamentarv table. I tinn in tinrt It nilirlit he nrovtdcd that - ' I .. " , y .v. .,: .. t.. i .uunci iriuiim io ao lor I " vni uio wnicrwuy more but ws are not advised as to what It the electors for the "Uite at large e , vnn tn fha Tipurr innt ooiainn a inn- i .i.t-i - , - . ...v n iv of the nopuinr vote, Rna appor- ica, una ior tne .Kngusn-SDeak nsr ev-I nm-nmp is actually nunt or con tlon the others according to the pop- erywhere. The pltv is that force must Crete and steel. This takes about two After an it was reserved for the mar voto ns enst. ji un '""''" .'" !, ,,0,i i, . i ,,. weeks. When the wnri, . mit made no candidate can ne aeieaica ioi --- v- - ---- Sammies to first fight by the side of " " orTror even Pie are In their man.nem trI water is pumped into that section and their British cousins in the world's riluralltv. of the popular vet. mind nnrl seek- imnnu i,i- m the hull floated into the second see. biggest scrap. ' . "And the national house of repre- nnMnn thn muf . tlon, where the machinery is installed sentatives Simula be cnosen on inn - . - and fhfi hl -,a), t v,.v. .rente,!. It won d do I tts we would restrain nv lnrtivi, na lne snip nnlstied. ftwnv with thnt resnectahlo stealing we wi,0 runs nmneu Ti,.t ih ii.o..- i. I Jlv ',me plan of this kind we may call the gerrymander." Gcrmanv. we hniieve i. w.i J 8olve the ship problem, which, so far This electoral system suggested rep- ornmental, and the time la bound to 1 resents a sort of compromise growing out of the present system, direct pop- ulsr election of the president end the doctrine of state's rights. Much might be said in favor of the plan. It would I probably be a little confusing at first, hut, in that it would prevent "clean sweeps" and secure minority repre- come when the great Teutonic race will see that It has been In an agony of unreason and must he saved from itself. Old Ideals are still strong In Amer ica, and it Is our mission now to make the world safe and permit the restora tlon of those institutions of society which we have fostered not only here, sentatlon, Its general effect would dnniiiUii ha vlinlAiiuni. 'Its ellmlna- tlon of the gerrymander would, of it- ,,,lt throughout the world. self, remove much political strife and skulduggery. A similar plan Is being seriously considered ln Great Britain, and the parliament seems to be grad- i , ... nttiu iui a, wail jv j i v x?n, as America Is concerned, Is the most maybo jf, a Kood thlng. u makes ev pressing of all problems. In fact, if erybqdy flfthttng mad, having to pay for we don't build mora - ships Germany clothes. Even Clara Mudridge-Smlth, will disregard, us. Nor can we build whoB8 husband h ,ot" of money, has .,..,,,, , ,., , . .. . the most terrible rows with her old man enough of steel or of wood this year. wn,n he ,lai been pftrt,cuiarly extrava- Ihe ship program is Just about half gant at her dressmakers and the bills big enough, and to change the sltua- come to him. Just yesterday she told tlon some radical innovation is neces- I ,ne of how" he carried on, and she said sary. I tnRt never ,n her lif had she felt so mucn una taxing an ner jeweiry ana hnt hejit thntrm mnA Vimr tiaiv mntni" nar FINANCIAL CENTERS. and going out In the world to beg her Hon. Cordell Hull recently made a I bread or be a nurse on the battlefields, wasn't fuly pedoed." "I didn't know that," mused Mr. Jarr. "He is my boss, you know, and if I get a new suit of civilian attire, or even a uniform, if I get a commission in the I time, while others have invested quartermasters department, I II nave to smaller amounts. get an advance on salary. I wondered It has been the nlans of thn rn-lnet why the old man has been so glum tha Pals of the different schools to meet Community Divided Into Teams and Big Drive Commenced Thursday Morning. Citigens of Avondale are surely working hard on the liberty bond drive and results begin to show. Part in the campaign is being taken by not only the grown-up cltlsens, but even the school children will find many of their names among the patriots who want to do their "bit" toward winning the war. Through their own desires and by the aid of their parents, many pupils of the grammar school have signed the application for bonds. In one instance every child in a family of four or five has a bond to its credit. That a more thorough, canvass , of the Avondale community .may be made, a meeting of citizens was held, at the school building on Wednesday, of which John -Tinker was chairman. Mr. Tinker represented a commlttee'of workers who had previously been ap pointed, consisting of the following:! John Tinker, chairman; Clyde A. Car son, Joseph Lj. LiUU, George V. Bur gess, G. A. Carter, Morton S. Akers, James R. Btanflel, W. S. Mllae, Arthur T. Edwards. M. C. Tlmmons. Prvor I,. Cate, James E. Hodge, Dr. Tubal J. Zlegler, John A. Shelton, Sarri L Whit man, Barney Strickland, G. D. Brlstow, Henry Blackwlll, John Christenbury, N. W. Roberts and Robert Fitzgerald, At this meeting subcommittees were appointed to work in teams, and, the following were appointed: No. 1 Clyde Carson, James E. Hodge, W. S. Milne. No. 2 John Tinker, George W. Bur gess. No. I Barney Strickland, F. M. ' Thompson. No. 4 C. M. Tlmmons, M. S. Akers. No. 5 A. T. Edwards, Pryor L. Cate. No. 6 G. W. Bristow, Henry Black will, J. A. Shelton, G. A. Carter. No. 7 J. L. Liitz, Bam I. Whltm.n. No. 8 Dr. T. J.. Zlegler, James P. Stanfiel, John Christenbury, N, . W. Roberts, Robert Fitzgerald. The committees were Instructed to commence work at once, and Thurs day's close will undoubtedly find many subscribers to liberty bonds among the citizens of Avondale. A patriotic meeting has been called for Friday evening of this week at the echool building, when an interesting program promoted by the principal and teachers of the Avondale Grammar school will be rendered. Good music will be featured, with an address hv Boyd Hargraves. . In the patriotic drive to heln win the war, the children and others con nected with the school have done hg things. Several hundred dollars have been Invested in thrift stamns hv thn pupils. Some of the children have purchased as much as $50 worth atone ln USE SOUTHERN PORTS According to the Marine Pally Rec ord, the project for opening of south ern ports and tho providing of bunk Illinois is one of the United States " ,n 'ncl",r" P"jr ""veloping which provides for minority represen tation in Its legislature. In conformity with the program of the emergency fleet corporation. This, it Is declared, was greatly facilitated hv J tnost interesting address on the ques tion of war finance, in which we find this most illuminating paragraph con cerning the shifting of the financial center of tho world: "Air. Chairman, It Is a matter of great prlilo to note that the linanolal center of the world, which was first ut Tyre, then at Crthage. then at or something rather than be obligated to him for another cent. Except, of course, the usual liberal allowance a man with all his money should make to a wife who leaves fter husband never to be beholden to him for a thing as long as she Uveal" "Too bad, too bad," murmured Mr. Jarr. "But there shall be no such scenes In our little home when I am able to The Blrmjiighnm News contains a complimentary reference to the fact that ths Monroe county republicans have Indorsed Gen. Alfred F. Sanford for the republican nomination for gov rrnor of Tennessee, The News says of the Knoxvllle publisher! "He is a man of strong and virile persouallty, possesses powerful executive ability, has acquired a largo means through tho eminent success of the Journal end Tribune, due lurgely to his own busi ness Initiative and sagacity, and, nil In nil. is In every way equipped for lliti high office of governor." We don't know whether Mr. Stan ford would consider such a nonilna- the government's taking control of the I dam. then at London, Is now in New railroads and attempting to articulate I J,ork- Ve tre the leading bunking nn.t unify !. hln.,ln iimi e I i'"or.of l,,e world, with more than Rome, then at Yeiilce, then at A raster- dress you in the style your beauty de mands I would be perfectly willing to .(.UUO. I K .01 III nf trnM luirn In. I tho country. When this plan Is fully unce of trade In iiur frtvnr of more tlmn iB.UOU.IIUO.OOO. consummated the congestion of ship ping at New York and other eastern ports can he relieved by providing ad ditional outlets through Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans and Galveston. It seems unnatural thnt this sort of developments has not oc curred long ago. Hut the fewer tho ports of entry and egress the less ma rine shipping competed with the mil let you have everything you wanted if I could aflord to do so." "But that's Just what makes Clara Mudrldce-Smith's husband so mad," re piled Mrs, Jnrr. "He says he cannot afford to pay for everything his wife wants." "Maybe no man can," said Mr. Jarr. "However, when my ship comes' In" "But his ship didn't come in, and that 1 1 each of our innumerable I bad been SDecuiatln in a shin and it kinds ot production. - Why should our speculating ln a ship and It Hiiu leavo us within this period? We lULVO hci'Omn n cmot ri-,l Itni- mtlnn and will conliniu. in he. ltnxine.., .,, United States senate In the lemo unions throughout the country are crall primary, wnicn ot course is tne Our lariro forcimi loans are taken up by purchases from here. We do not have to borrow from abroad. Our purchases from abroad are not large, ror three or four years follow ing ine war trie Ka anoe of the wor d. hugely famished and destitute, will be last few days. Ha has been speculating. eh? Well, he'd be even glummer If any of the help had been speculating and he had found it out." , "I think he knows that his wife told me," said Mrs. Jarr. "And as perhaps he will not wish you to think his loss has worried him, he'll be agreeable and let you have an advance. Maybe he'll give you a raise of salary If you ask him for an advance. When a man has to have an advance on his salary ltls a good sign It is not adequate to support nis ramuy." Mrs. Jarr was only partly correct In her surmise. " Mr. Jarr's boss reluctantly gave him the advance on his salary, but was deaf to Mr. Jarr's appeal for a raise. "In these times. Mr. Jarr." reDlled the boss, coldly, "an employe should en deavor to live within his means, for it Is practically impossible for an employer to do so. What with Income tax and ex cess profits tax and the high cost of materials, and extravagance all around," and here the old man winced at the thought of the extravagance all around his own home. "But then." he added, "employes never try to keep down un necessary outlays!" But the boss was mistaken ln this: b had some employes who regarded ad vances on salaries jot other employes as unnecessary outlays and did endeavor to prevent them. The first was Jenkins, the bookkeeper, to whom Mr. Jarr applied for an order for the boss to O. K. "How can I keep my books straight if I've got to constantly credit deduc tions?" grumbled the bookkeeper. Johnson, the cashier, was another who regarded the advance as an unnecessary outlay. "I ha'en't rot In It mv nettv .nhf" ne ananea check for you!" For he knew when the boss signed an extra check it always maue mm maa. on Wednesday afternoons at the office of the superintendent of edncntinn whore reports are made. These meetings have stimulated the pupils to, a lively competition between the schools, which causes them to work harder. ronds-and tho provision of bunkering sou",, '''In I would be as for hs any "ft"?e " "lection in the .Palmetto - ,. ' , person from urging a method of finance 8tate- He says he is stronger than he fnclllles was contingent upon the oc- inherently unsound as a war measure" f-Ver wa before- stormed against tlon of the railroads. An objection Is now raised that or one that would bo calculated to In- Americas entering the ,-ar. but his r jure or cripple our existing financial I! "rul Finmmu iiv uiubumi, no tlon, but 't would be a good thing for , BPCrssnry facilities are furnished ' ""L'!? !ha. nct Zn h, 17 the state, and, Indeed, for the demo- ,,y (ne FOVcrniuept it may retard the or less'n test of the strength, the sta- Ctod-lovlng and ' God-fesrlng ' people', emtio parly, if the republicans would rPlllrn of fi,0 rftu,onds to their owners ,,ili,v nn,1 "", flaying power of the "Kiting for right and the safeguard nominal, such a. man. It Kfter the war. We need not cross this ofhrlou,' would make the better business gov- i.(!ge until we Ket to it. The gov- usual exertion of man power, greater K'e"e has always said he would sit ernmcnt of Tennessee a leading Issue, Prnment Is not hesltotlng to tnko nml moro rHl,1 production of industry, ,n he senate some day, and strange It atimii.t hj , . , , . , i mui increased credit facilities are al-1 "nr nip,-n.r m mo rvm or uie a. It anouid be. I other s ens retarded as necessary In ,. '. i"n" i " 1 i-niio.i u,si .. . . !". ivqmrea ana always rortncom- I . ,, , "-, y u u iiriim't'iiimii ot ino wur on account loir. ll l iim wnr la In h mn unnvn d. I r""J i-umriuirr. Oapt, Redmond appeals to the house . .,... 1,0iiii1.i um.iirniinn. "Ho test ofeconomto endurance. whoJ Hosnd Senator Benjamin R. Till- CONSERVATION OF HOUR IN HOMES IMPERATIVE J. I. Finney, Food Administra tor, Emphasizes Need of Re- leasing Wheat Stocks. "In response to a telegram from Her bert Hoover, the food administration in Tennessee is going to appeal to tho patriotic people to return to the chan nels of trade Just as much wheat flour as they can possibly spare," said J. I. Finney, of the United States food ad ministration, who is here to attend tho meeting of home demonstration agents of this district. "Wo are falling behind in our ship ments of wheat flour to the allies. There is little heat or flour in tho country and in order to discharge our obligation to our heroic associates in this war it will be necessary for the people at home to part with their stocks of flour. In Arkansas there was a magnificent response to a simllar appeal and 2.500,000 pounds was sold to tho government. Grimes county, Texas, gave all to flour it had three carloads for shipment overseas. "We are confident that the people of Tennessee will be Just as patriotic as they are ln any other state. Al ready hundreds of families have regls- "2. ,etvt.h?.b.!11 "len h'" ! Gators the surplus flour they have and it is held by them subject to our or ders. This will all be called in and taken over at a fair market price and shipped to our allies. This shows tho critical condition of the wheat situa tion. "In East Tennessee we have found about a score or more farmers who have not yet sold their wheat. Where they refuse to sell upon an appeal to their patriotism we are Issuing requi sition papers and taking It over. We have our agents out now to take over 2.000 bushels from one farmer and we will during next week take over a number of smaller lots." Mr. Finney is editor of the Colum bia Dally Herald, but since the organi zation of the food administration hns been devoting most of his time to the work of that department. operation of his people. The automobile had been driven to the curb stono in front of the church, and Dr. Myers was taken there and given Instructions that he was from now hence to ride in his own car. BENN MESSENGER SERVICE Main 6C1 or Main tH. Prompt and efficient service. 7 a.m. tn 8 p.m. dally except Saturday, p.m. Sunday we close at S p.m. (Adv.) or commons to put tne matter or con- am. u olleht lull . llrt .. scrlptlon up ti Ireland. From a purely -tance. Tho country Is lie in a ora-an- sentimental point of view this might hgPl for 8 g rpntest possible productive seem a good plan. But can Great Brit- cnpoclly, and the shipping facilities nln afford to wait? Unquestionably, i,ould be 'developed in a correspond- if home rulo had been given years ago, ng ratio. There may have been a Is moro ready to meet that test' than man lothe each other. Tillman, who tho people of the United States?" I "p"ring tne enn or ms rourtn term In accounting for our flm sirengtn ne quoted the following from term. Ho explained that the advent of one of the ablest bankers in England, I 'be United States in the wnr had'so Sir Edward Holdeiu 'I w Ish to congratulate the federal as It was to Canada and Australia, con- Tonson why the facilities of southern reserve board and the bankers of scrlptlon would ue r. question now for I shipping ports were not brought Into '"" on uaving succeeoea in crest Ireland solely to decide. But this wa. LP whe nearly all the railroad, were .c'suasses Z .tXVh "and" ex" the world." Muppose we Just leave out of con sideration the question whether some body at Washington wants this or that maa elected to the senate and let the people of Tennessee decide the matr ter on Its merits among themselves. Defender, of the kaiser's brew are comforting; themselves that no more legislatures are In session to ratify the. vrflendment "They fill In the In terim, with maledictions against Ur. Bryan. not done and the Issue Is not so clear, owned In and ' operated from New The ltrllish government faces a crisis. York, but. If so, such reason hus pow Of course, if the gains ln men1 would be lost Its force. small end the likelihood of resistance We have previously Intimated our great. It la a practical problem which doubts ns to whether the railroads must be settled In accordance with would ever go back to private control. expediency. us hope that the Irish however desirable such a result might people, along with their Kngllsh nelh- ,,. Hut In any case the government bors. ulll rise to h.hjht. of patriotism I ought to see to It that the country Is and unselfishness, and end the feud not made U suffer from Inadequate which weakens the cause of the allies shipping facilities Just because It at a crucial moment' would sen-.' somebody s private Inter est to have It that way. Southern The food administration doesn't nort a are Ice free. Thev run be utll- wsnt us to turret en Increased produc- hZed the year around. If arrangements tlon of potatoes. In our perturbation I nre not shaped to this end, there oer lnrntl.s. and wheat less days. The kiionM, be made public a very clear I COLE BLEASE IN ERUPTION. ennngea ine situation since nis an nouncement before the 1914 primary thnt be now believed ho could best serve his stale and the nation bv stay. Intr in the senate. Although Tillman didn't say so It is surmised that he ' .1 ll.A .1. 1-. I t... n . 1 . . . . I.,. ccllcnce nny other banking system,, cracK at Ulesse. Chattooga county, Georgia, might as well change its nam. It Isn't as fa mous as Chattanooga, and when Its cltliens wire Representative Gordon Iee they are recorded ln the Congres sional HccoVd as being from this good city. otnriim.-s tho American congress linn tttingly stumbles on the proper course, it ii:m decided to refrain, for the time, liom debating the Irish ques tion. lowly tpud niy yet exert quite an ttn port. ,i t influence toward winning the ar. There U no siarclty of us who are willing to Muni behind the president, but nerve of a different kind Is re quired to unnd In front tf German guns. ' .We have heard no recent Insinuations against Lloyd George', franknefs. reason why It IB not done., The Memphis Newa-Sclmltar doesn't mean to l. beat Iu the raeo for fore hniidotlnrss. It sugiresls thnt If Mc Adoo Is ilcitfd president. Mr. Wilson should be nia.lo secretary of state. Now, what will the colonel say? When It fomn to clearing away red taix. Gen. Smuts is well up in the run ning. South Carolina". ex-Governor Shew. He Is Fp From Being sn E-' tinct Volcano. Columbia, s. C. "To hell vtth the constitution." HI ease, who has been smouldering politically since he ceased 10 no south Carolina's covernor In ISIj. has burst into flame again. The red plow- Nc.-ilnst the night sky Is lues. in eruption, touring his own peculiar flood of lav and cinders on I all who would dispute, bis triumphal pros-res to ashintlon. 1.01. uieae u running foe the I Congregation Gives Dr. Myers AutomolOe Rev. C. IT. Myers, pastor of the rilgrim Congregational church, wa. presented with an automobile by the members of bis congrega tion Wednesday evening at 7: JO. In the .tudy of Dr. Myers, mem bers of his congregation met and after several bad spoken on the growth and possibilities of Tilgrlm church, and expressing thelrvap rreclatlon of Pr. Myers service. Col. l. M. Steward rose, and after golnr over the work and accom plishments f Dr. Myers during hi. two year. pastorate here, he presented tn the name cf Pilgrim Congregational church, a -passer, re r automobile, as a token of the appreciation of hi. congrega tion. In responding to the gift by Ms people, Pr. Myers w-ss much Im pressed and declared that he had been spurred on to jrreater achievements by the hearty co- TODAY INVEST IN A L0BO3TY BOND YOUR Government must have money. It prefers to bor row it at a fair rate of interest, but if you will not lend it, you can be forced to GIVE it by taxation. I PROVIDER LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. 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