n tyyt
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Today's News Today
VOL. XXXI, Nor 208.
Very- Best Features
jo Americans
Makes Plea for Acceptance of
Treaty and Covenant of
League of Nations. :
Severe Terms Impose "Noth
ing That German Can
not Do." .
Washington, June 28. (A.
P.) Immediately after receiv
ing the news of the signing. of
the treaty, Acting Secretary
Polk sent this message to the
-president over the special dl-'
rect wire from the state de
partment to Versailles:
"Permit- me to offer" my
heartfelt congratulations on
the completion of your great
work. The American people
will be ever proud of what you
did as their representative for
the peace of the world."
Washington, June 28.
(A. P.) President Wilson, in
an address to the American peo
ple on the occasion of the sign
ing of the peace treaty, made a
plea for the acceptance of the
treaty and the covenant of the
league of nations without
change or reservation. His mes
sage, given out here by Secre
tary Tumulty, said:
"My fellow countrymen: The
treaty of peace has been signed.
If it is ratified and acted upon In
full and sincere execution of Its
terms, it will furnish the charter
for a new order of affairs In the
world. It Is a severe treaty In
the duties and penalties It. im
poses upon Germany, but it Is
severe only because great wrongs
done by Germany are to be
righted end repaired;,.! imposes '
nothing that GdrrSany cannot do;
and she can regain her rightful
standing tn the world by the
prompt and honorable fulfillment
of its terms. And it is much
more than a treaty of peace with
Germany. It liberates great peo
ples who have never before been
able to find the way to liberty.
It ends, once for all, an old and
intolerable order under which
small groups of selfish men could
use the peoples of great empires
to serve their ambition for power
and dominion. It associates the
free, governments of the world in
a permanent league in which they
are pledged to use their united
power to maintain peace by main-
talning right and justice. It
makes International law a real
ity supported by imperative
sanctions. It does away with the
right of conquest and rejects the
policy of anenxatlon and sub
stitutes a new order under which
backward nations populations
which have not yet come to po
litical consciousness, and peoples
who are ready for independence .
but not yet quite prepared to dis
pense with protection and guid
ance shall no more be subjected
to the domination and exploi
tation of a stronger nation, but
shall be put under the friendly
direction and afforded the help
ful assistance of governmf '.s
which undertake to be respon-
f slble to the opinion of mankind
i In the execution of their task by
I accepting the direction of the
i league of nations. It , recognizes
4ha Inellanahla !crl O ft ntltinn.
ality, tho rights of minorities and
t ' 4Va ..nMltv nf follcrlnil hfllpf
the sanctity of religious belief
and practice. It lays the basis
foiv conventions which shall free
the commercial Intercourse of the
world from unlust and vexatious
restrictions and for every sort of,
international co-operation that
will serve to cleanse the life of
the world and facilitate its com
mon action in benefirent service,
of every kind. It furnishes guar
. antees such as were never given
or even contemplated for the
fair treatment of all who labor at,
dally tasks of the world.
"It Is for this reason that I
Tiave spoken of it as a great
charterfor a new order of af
fairs. There Is ground here for
deep satisfaction, universal re
assurance and confident hope.
Fifteen Hundred Patted Through Mar
. ket Street.
Fifteen hundred soldiers of the 146th
infantry, Thirty-seventh division, pass
ed through Chattanooga Saturday at
noon enroute from Camp Mills to Camp
Travis, at San Antonio, Tex. There
were three train loads of soldiers and
between trains they were paraded
through the main section of- the city.
They have just returned from overseas.
Bala Kun Won't Stop Fighting Ru
manians. Vienna, June 28. Bela Kun. the Hun
garian soviet leader, refuses to hnlt
military operations ngninst the Ruma
nians until they retire and give him
guarantee for the future, according to
a Budapest dispatch today.
Paris. June 28. The Chinese
delegation to the peace confer
ence officially announced t
noon today that they would
not sign the nrace treaty.
An official Chlnexe xtatement
will be Issued tonight. .
' Was the Goal Which Guided These Three Men at
the World Peace Conference.
4' ' ,f )
"When we went forth to war It was our solemnly expressed war-purpose to fight for Freedom, For All,
Forever. We, together with the peoples of France, Great Britain, Canada, Italy and other allied nations, fought
to make the world safe for democracy; to make of it a possible and fit place In which to live, work, and rear
Sarajevo's Tragedy of Five Years Ago Has
Made Central Powers Suppliants.
In Same Room Which Witnessed Arrogance of Bismarck
and Von Mtltke, German Empire Accepted
Fate Resulting From Junkers' Dream
of World Dictatorship.
. . (By John Edwin Nevin.)
'. Versailles, June 28. (I. N. S.) Germany, capitulated -toddy.
AJ a small table in the -center of the great Hall of Mirrors, the'
chief room of the palace here, representatives of the German re
public meekly accepted the peace terms which practically ends
Germany as a world power, at least for many years. It was this
same room which, "witnessed the arrogance of Bismarck and Von
Moltke, and today the representatives of the defeated German
empire accepted the fate which resulted from the junkers' dream'
of world dictatorship. . ,
It is five years ago that the plotted assassination of the Aus
trian Archduke Francis Ferdinand furnished the excuse Germany
sought for starting the world conflict. Sarajevo's tragedy has
made the great central empires suppliants.
Fulfillment of Greatest Dream of History.
The situation in Versailles today is the fulfillment of the
greatest dream in modern history. Gathered around the historic
hall were the representatives of every great nation in the world.
Only the smaller neutral nations were missing. The fireat horseshoe-shaped
table held the representatives of every power which
banded together to stamp out militarism and absolutism from the
In tlie center of the great horseshoe sat Clemenceau, the
French premier. At his right sat President Wilson. On his left
was Lloyd George, the British prime minister. Across the room
and just in front of the section reserved for the guests the Ger
man delegates were seated. The contrast was very sharp.
Prussian Arrogance ' Not Revealed.
The old Prussian arrogance was
not revealed by the members of the
German cabinet who had assumed
the duty of salvaging what was left
of their country. .
The seating arrangement of the
delegates was as follows:
On President Wilson's side of the
Secretary Lansing, Col. House,
Henry White, (Jen. Bliss, and after
them the French, Italian, Belgian and
Greek delegates. Swinging around
the horseshoe were the Polish, Portu
guese, Rumanian, Czecho-Slovakian,
Siamese, Cuban and Chinese dole
gates. At the left of Premier Lloyd
George were the other representa
tives, of Britain nd her dominions
and the Japanese. Swinging around
the coiner were tho representatives
of Germany, Brazil, Bolivia, Uru
guay, Peru, Panama, Nicaragua, Li
beria, Honduras, Hayti, Guatemala
and Ecuador.
Marshal Koch was seated among
the French delegates. He was not
a peace plenipotentiary and did not
sign the great document.
Of the Italian delegation only three
were present Baron Sonnlno, M.
Imperial! and Crespl. The others
had not arrived at a late hour.
Paris -as en fete for the occasion.
A holiday was proclaimed through
out From every building hung the
flags of the allied nations. Thou
sands of persons in holiday attire
gathered along the roads leading to
The streets, as usual, were heavily
guarded by troops. Through packed
lanes of humanity the delegations
passed, 1 one by one, their motors
flaunting the flags of practically all
nations except tnosk which made up
the central powers and the few neu
trals not represented.
The arrival of each delegation was
heralded by a trumpeter. After be
ing saluted the members were taken
in charge by attendants and con
ducted, to the places assigned for
Shortly before 3 o'clock, motors
left the palace in charge of the
French military mission and went to
the Hotel Reservoir. Here the Ger
man delegates were taken in charge
and driven back to the palace, where
they waited in an anteroom -until the
stroke of 3, when M. Martin, the
master of ceremonies, directed that
they be conducted to the Hall of
German Delegates Last to Enter.
The German delegates were last te
enier the hall. Following their en
trance came the German journalists,
and were assigned to seats in the
- 1
f MK
rear of the press sections.
M. Clemenceau opened the cere
monies. The pen- used lo sign the
documents was of gold, the gift of
Alsace-Lorraine. It was made by an
Alsatian soldier.
On the holder were engraved the
images of an Alsatian church tower,
a bewhiskered poilu and a flying ar
row, inscribed "June 28, 1919."
Included in the Bistinguished
guests' section were the four war
premiers of Fiance who preceded
Clemenceau Viviani, Ribot, Brland
and Painleve. President Poincare ab
sented himself for constitutional rea
sons, sending the tickets for-the seats
reserved for himself to his former
ffews Flunn to World by Wirelets.
Immediately after the first signa
ture was attached, the wireless on
the Eiffel tower flung the news to the
world. It was picked up by every
wireless station in Europe and sa
luted by salvos of artillery at every
allied fortification.
The Germans were first to affix their
signatures to the treaty. It 'had pre
viously been planned to have the Ger
mans sign last, but this procedure was
changed at ilie last moment.
Hermann Mueller Stated That
National Assembly Will
Meet Next Week.
(By Robert J. Prew.)
Versailles, June 28. (I. N. S.)
The economic and commercial block
ade of Germany will be lifted as soon
as her national assembly has rat
ified the peace treaty. The German
delegates to the signing were so no
tified today by the allied powers. A
letter from the conference was
handed to the German delegates,
giving official notification that the
blockade terminates immediately
upon the treaty ratification.
Hermann Mueller, chief of the
German delegation, said today that
the national assembly would likely
meet early next week, when it will
duplicate its former action in direct
ing the signing. Herr Muciler Is of
the opinion that the treaty will be
ratified immediately and by approxl
mately the same vote as directed the
signing in the first place.
Loud Yells From Democratic
Side Greet Announcement
of Wilson's Signature.,
Contrast to - Riotous Demon
strations at Conclusion of
Washington. June , 28. (A. P.)
Official Washington took the signing
tt itm peace treaty calmly and quietly
In marked contrast to the riotous
demonstrations which greeted the an
nouncemnet of the signing of the
armistice, Congress was wholly
without demonstration. In the 'sen
ate President Wilson's address to the
American people was read by Sen
ator Hitchcock, senior democrat of
the foreign relations committee, but
It passed without comment.
Hitchcock took the floor in tha
midst of an appropriation bill de
bate. Senators listened attentively hut no
one made any comment. As soon as
the reading was completed, discus
sion of the appropriation measure
was resumed.
The house was not in session at
the moment, not assembling until
noon. The marine hand, serenading
congress on the capitol plaza was the
only sign of celebration.
Diplomats keeping In close touch
with tho state department, learned of
the news as it ticked off the special
wire to Versailles. Throughout the
city there were no demonstrations
whatever by men in the streets.
Tho house received the president's
address with more of a show of cele
bration than did the senate. Presented
by Democratic Floor Leader Clark,
the address was read from the speak
er's desk while the house stood and
punctuated It with applause and
cheers. Loud yells from the demo
crat's side greeted the announcement
of the signature, "Woodrow Wilson."
Those Watching Irish Question.
Some members of congress and
others who are watching the Irish
question, were particularly attracted
to that portion of the president's ad
dress In which he referred to "peo
ples who are ready for Independence
but. not quite prepared to dispense
with protection and guidance" and
that the treaty "recognizes the In
alienable rights of the nationality."
No one here ventured to Interpret
what was In the president's mind
when he wrote those passages, but
they were scanned with much Inter
est. Chairman Lodge, of the foreign re
lations committee, and republican
leader of the senate, also declined to
comment. Senator McCumber, North
Dakota, republican, of the foreign re
lations committee, supporting the
league covenant, Bald the announce
ment of the signing was "good news."
A movement has developed among
republican senators for postponing
the resolution by Senator Fall, re
publican, New Mexico, to end the war
by congressional action.. Chairman
Lodge, Senator Fall and other mem
bers of the committee and republican
leaders held numerous conferences
discussing procdure.
Chairman Lodge also today, con
tinued to sound republican sentiment
on a definite future course of pro
cedure by opponents of the league
and on other features of the treaty.
Fair, Says Billy Tossum.
-n--v. ilicic Die Dlirn
is. I tnat ma'te us
t'W I happy, there are
llJk I sites that make
us' sad, but that
ite against the
car. barns is the
vorst that could
c had. Think of
bearing Galll
"urci warble
vllih Tom Sel.
nan's mules a
.uaying near.
ro bcloiuh!
think of hearing lectures on aesthe
tics with the air perfumed with beer.
Tho weather: Generally fair and
not much change In temperature to
nlghj and Sunday.
hunssign allied terms
for: closing world war
- ..'.. f-y:M;-" 1 1 . rT"'"' "
Ceremony lal Versailles it 10:30 O'Clock, Wash-
iAgtori Time, Consumed Few Minutes.
Teutonic Delegates First to Attach Signatures
X to Covenant of Peace.
Clemenceau Put Direct Question to Germans as to Their
Willingness to . Execute Loyally All the Terms. ,
i Chinese 'f Absent, Declining to" Sign . J.
I ; y ,Treaty-Cannon Booms ftews.'
Washington, June 28. (A. P.) Signing of
the peace treaty - was begun at 10:30 o'clock,
Washington time. ' The official report to the
state department said President Wilson sighed
at 3:14 o'clock, Paris time;. ':', Y$,.- v : y
- Dr. Herbert Mueller! and -Dr Johannes Bell
signed or rminy;at3:15 o'clock: ; v:tl;
signing at 3 :15, immediately after President
Wilson, the official report said.
The order of signing after President Wilson
was Lansing, White, House and Bliss.
Smuts Signed Under Protest.
Gen. Jan Christian Smuts, one of the dele
gates representing the
signed the treaty under protest. He objected to
certain territorial settlements, and made a
lengthy statement.
Formally Ending Great War. '
Versailles, June 28. (OlKcial Report Transmitted From
Hall of Mirrors to State Department.) President Wilson and the
American delegation completed the signing of the peace treaty
formally ending the world war at 3 :14 o'clock, Paris time. It also
was signed by Dr. Hermann Muelle.r, at 3:12 p.m., and Dr.
Johannes Bell for the Germans, at 8:13 o'clock. The American
delegation signed in this order': Secretary Lansing, Henry White,
Col. House and Gen. Bliss.
The other delegations, headed by the British, signed after the
American plenipotentiaries in the order set forth in the treaty.
Premier Clemenceau put the direct question to the Germans
whether they were willing to sign and execute loyally all the
terms. The other delegates did not arise when the Germans came
into the hall.
The Germans, who were first to sign, did so at 3:13 o'clock.
The American delegates came next, led by President Wilson.
They were followed then by the plenipotentiaries of Great Brit
ain, France, Italy and Japan. The representatives of the minor
powers signed in alphabetical order. China's delegates did not
attend the session, declining to sign the treaty because they were
not permitted to make reservations.
Booming of Cannon Tells New.
At 8:41 o'clock cannon began to boom, announcing the com
pletion of the ceVen,onv of signing. The signatures had not, how
ever, as a matter of fact, then been completed, for at that time
the smaller nations were still signing in alphabetical order. Ine
proceedings .were formally closed at 3:19 o'clock
Gen. Smuts said the indemnities stipulated could not be ac
cepted without grave injuries to the industrial revival of Europe.
He declared it would be to the interests of the allied powers to
rnder the stipulations more tolerable and moderate.
The protocol was signed by all those who signed the treaty.
The Rhine arrangement was signed by the Germans, Americans,
Belgians, British and French plenipotentiaries.
All of the plenipotentiaries having signed the treaty, M.
Clemenceau declared the session closed. (This dispatch was not
timed at Versailles. It was received in Washington at 11 :20 a.m.)
Premier Opened Session.
Premier Clemenceau, in opening the ses.sion, said:
"The session is open. The allied and associated powers, on
one side,'and the German rcich on the other side, have come to
an agreement on the conditions of peace. The treaty has been
completed, drafted and the president of the conference has
stated in writing that the text that is about to be signed now is
iden ical with the 200 copies that have been delivered to the Ger
man delegation. The signatures will be given now, and they
amount to a solemn undertaking faithfully and loyally to execute
the conditions embodied by this treaty of peace. I now invite the
delegates of the German reich to sign the treaty."
Little Joy or Exuberance.
There was little of worldwide Joy
or exuberance evidenced by the men
who sat around the peace table. In
the past it has been customary to
exchange felicitations with the en
emy delegations. Nothing of the sort
was apparent today.
It is generally accepted that the
German national assembly will ratify
the treaty at once In order that the
nation may get back to a peace ba
sis and endeavor to build un its eco
Union of South Africa, I
nomic life.
The weather, which for the past
fpw days has been cold and raw,
moderated somewhat today, but was
overcast at noon and accompnnled
by a cold wind.
Big Three Cheered by Thousands.
As Trcmier Clemenceau, President
Wilson and Tremler Lloyd George
emerged from the palace the great
crowd gathered outside swept aside
(Continued on Page Three.)
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Washington, June " 28. Wartime
prohibition will be enforced after July
1, regardless of whether congress en
acts enforcement legislation by that
time unless the president intervenes
with a proclamation calling off such
prohibition Wayne R. Wheeler, gen
eral counsel for the anil-saloon
leigue announced this afternoon,
after conferring with "dry" members
of congress.
The original war-time prohibition
act carried ample penalties and
Wheeler, and his associates will press
for their rigid enforcement, it was
stated. .
"We can throv a man in Jail for
selling ll(iior aftor midnight, June
30, without additional legislation,"
Wheeler said. "The original act pro
vides one year's Imprisonment or
$1,000 tine for selling beer, wine ,or
other Intoxicating malt or vinous
Pole. Retreat From that City and Blody
According to Copenhagen Dlipatch.
London, June 28. rkrnlni;ins huve
captured Ternopol and Urorly and the
I oles are retreating, According to a
Copenhagen dispntoh today.
"God Who Created Iron Doe. Not -Make
Slave.," Motto of German Paper.
Amsterdam. .Tune 2S. The German
press is urging a war of revenue as
soon as tho peace treaty Is RiKned.
The Deutsche Zeitung deelnros:
"I-'roni today on, we must arm. We
must reppat dally, 'the God who crea
ted Iron riots not make slaves.' "
mid the London Pnily fxprrss.) Kipht
Gorninnfl have brnn shot Hy British
AntrifH fnmrdfnc the frontier, aocord-
ing to a difipntch roach inir here todny.
The Gcrmiins refused to halt nt tlio
aeti tries' order and attempted flight.
nit Hi wm umimini.
Paris, June 28. (A. P.) President Wilson today, on the eve of his
departure from France, made the following statement:
"As I look back over the eventful months I have spent In France my
memory is not of conferences anil hard work alone, but aiso of innumerable
actfi of generosity and friendship, which have made me feel how genuine
the sentiments of France are towards the people of America, and how
fortunate I have been to be the representative of our people In the midst
of a nation which knows how to show us kindness with o much charm
and so niuch open manifestation of what is in its heart.
"Deeply happy n.x I am at tho prospects of Joining my own country,
men again. I leave France with genuine regret, my deep sympathy for
her people and belief in her future confirmed; my thought enlarged by the
prlvllegi s of association with her public men, conscious of more than one
affectionate friendship formed, and profoundly grateful for unstinted hospl- "
taiity and for countless kindnesses which have made me feel welcome and
at home.
"I take the liberty of bidding France God-speed as well as good-by. end
of expressing once more mv abiding Interest and entire confidence In her
future. (Signed. "WOODROW WILSON."
Noske Trying Desperately to
Check Flames and Save '
Nation Prom Chaos. j
(By Alfred G. Andersen.) '- J
Berlin, June 27. (Delayed.) (L NV
S.) While Hermann Mueller and Dr.
Hell are performing at Versailles the
tnsk which they think will save Ger
many from ruin, the elements work
ing for the overthrow of the new
government and the plunging of the
nation into complete chaos are work-,
ing full blast. '
The radical, reactionary movement
for a counter revolution is growing
in intensity and scope. Simulta
neously Gustav Noske, minister of
war, is working. desperately with all
the power at his command to check
the flames and to preserve the gov
ernment. !
Last nlgnt-automobiles filled with
police scoured Berlin, scattering re
actionary circulars.
It has been learned on good au
thority that there is an organized
movement afoot to enlist as private
in a volunteer army thousands of ex-6111-ers.
At the same time reports that the
exrkalser is preparing to return to
Germany are hailed with delight by
the reactionary press.
On the other hand it develops that
the Berlin workmen's executive coun
cil has been in intimate touch with
the Hamburg uprising and working
systematically for a counter revolu
tion throughout Germuny: ;
The effects of this are visible In
the simultaneous uprisings.
Liberation of Prisoners.
I'arls. June 28. (Havas.) In the
completed pence treaty signed today
at Versailles, the newspapers say,
were certain stipulations which it
was hoped would hasten ratification
of the treaty by the German natlona'