Newspaper Page Text
THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS: V CHATTANOOGA. TENN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER HI, 1010, IIRllfilIll! 5 S ! 3 A 8 ft X r 'I My Heart and My Husband ; Adek Gwriwn'i New : Revelations' of a Wife ,THe Way Dieky Saved tha Situation. Mother Graham, Lillian and I rorang to our feet simultaneoualy as little Mra. Durkee rushed away from the table. The men, less need to ao purely femtntne an emergency, looked at each other in awkward bewilder sent, augmented In Alfred Durkee'a eaaa by an ugly brick red fluah of .''; . Pretty Lena Fairfax's aolor had faded inatantly. Even her lips were white aa ahe (lanced up piteous! y at Alfred, then looked .; down again quickly. She "waa evidently suffering an agony of humiliation, and I felt my heart hot with indignation agalnat Alfred's mother aa I atarted toward the door with the Intention of bring In little Mr. Durkee to her aenaea If! had to turn the fire hose on her In order to accomplish mf purpose. Evidently Lillian andv Mother Gra ham had the same thought, for we "ALL 0. K. s FOR THE BLOOD" aaaaaaaiBSBaaMaBBaaBiBBa Is What a Citizen of Georgia 1 Says of ZIRON. the New ' Iron Tonic. Iron la needed by the blood to keep men and women strong and healthy. Iron is needed by the nerves to keep them toned up. Ziron, the new Iron tonic, will put Iron into your blood and should help renew your fagged nerve foroea In the way it has done It for many others. N ,Read what Mr. J. R. Bell. Rt. J, Oconee, Ga, saya about the effects of Ziron: 1 think Ziron Is all O. K. for the blood. That was what I hare been taking It for my blood. I liked Ziron so well that I went back to the store and got two more bottlea of It." Ziron la a combination of a pure medicinal lnorganlo Iron salt, men tioned In the U. S. Pharmacopeia, with the hypophosphltea of lime and eoda, and other valuable tonto lngre lenta, endorsed and recommended ,y the best medical authorltiea and mentioned In the medical Ur books. All druggists sell Ziron on a Money. back guarantee. Look for the ' formula on the label. Get a bottle . today, and give it a fair trial. ft IV' I. re. "Hi -(Adv.) C . . . . And challartffas hen- Vnoww . or tinknoun , lcvw,(W) s 7S 1 ;MRS-SPICK MRS.SPAK !. sot ihe c.v of 6,t.,M V lwl' ' sfjJf SK fjlJa!!' Jrh voorld flop vv mi kh Norlh it Sovth t I ZZE&bMl W-tFCMf XjfflllBB A-IVnorrow. oh Cod M9 what t' ii i - -, i S (i 3 1 !iwMta; I Mat ka aakJ mt) it (amr a i , 'it n ,i,jlt i- i i xw'Htit iintiitnimimitiMtfiitlMmrllfinrl KiiitiimiiiiiiiiiiiKiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiiii- - - V ' . , sr t .I .a: "7 WAV.V 7 Vfl . . AO. found ourselvea confronting each other aa we neared the door. Mother Qraham waved ua aside imperiously: "Go back to the table," ahe said. "I Will attend to this." She sailed out of the door majestl oally. Lillian spoke softly in my eart "She ia right," ahe whispered. "There ia no other woman at the table with Leila." I rushed to the girl's side, and put my arms impetuously around her. , "What wonderful news, Leila, dearf I cried, frantically signaling the others to back up my efforts at straightening out matters. I doubted the success of my ruse, however, for felt the girl's body shaklnc In my arms with the sobs she was trying to suppress. A Saving Confession. "Leila! Sweetheart!" Underneath Its frantic tenderness . Alfred Durkee' s boyish voice held a note I bad never heard in it before, a firm, steely in flection which it was as welt his mother did' not hear. "Look at me. Tou know what I think, of this damnable business" - "Don't, .don't," the girl whispered pleadingly from the shelter of my shoul- Hr. "I knw.N ' "Look here. . forks," 'Dicky's voice cheerily insouciant, seemed to clear tne mental atmosphere. "Let me tell you that you're making a mountain out of a darned tiny molehill. The little ex hibition that was Just staged doesn't means that Alf's mother disapproves or won't be simply wrapped up in Leila when she gets over the first idea of har Ing her-boy married.- There is some thing about that idea, which makes a prospective mother-in-law bite heles In the atmosphere it JUBt naturally af fects 'em that way. You should have sen mine when I first broke the news that the lady who now graces the head of my table and consented to make me the happiest man on earth " -jie paused to make. grandiloquent bow and throw me a kiss, while I smiled Inwardly at his revelation which Dicky had never made before of Mother Graham's behavior when ' he told her of his approaching marriage, although i had rttesed it from Ber attitude to ward me 4n the first months of our marrlaKe. - ' . .... "And .now," Dicky continued "there's nobody like Madge on the face of the earth for mother. Of course, she rags hr- sometimes my mater hasn't my beautiful disposition,!' he smiled engag ingly, "but Madge's the white-haired girl with mother Just the same, and I'D wager you four cents that she's out in the hall now reading the riot act to Mrs. Durkee In blissful forgetfulness of the ructions she herself raised once upon a time. So hold up your heed, Leila, and look pleasant,, for I'm going, to kiss you In about fourteen seconds." Lightened Eyes. t know that he had Durnosely spun his nonsense out in order to give thed girl time to get herself together. That he had succeeded I knew when I saw her lift her head In pretty laughing confusion at his threat, the color re stored to cheeks, the light to her eyes. He had succeeded In something else, too. in softening Alfred Durkees hot anger sgainst his mother, making him realise that the llttfci woman's hys teria was rooted not In dislike or dis approval of Leila, but in her own fool ish fondness for himself. Man-like he took refuge in badinage. "You'd better ask my permission first." he growled. "Huh!"' Dicky retorted Indignantly, "I'll ask nobody's permission, not even my wife's. This is my inclinable pri vilege, eh, Leila?" She looVed up at him gratefully as he kissed her, while Alfred made a pre tense of trying to keep him from giving the caress. But when Dicky swung around toward his friend, I saw Alfred's hand go out to his in a clasp that 1 knew held gratitude and appreciation. But I began to grow uneasy, for there was no sign of the reappearance of either Mother Graham or Mrs. Durkee. (To be continued In The News Saturday.) ( V.vav :y 'av.v fiFULL-SIZED can of SRpTLESS CLEANSER WJlf lliiKj tHML ssaajsPBjWasssaaasa s ii i si am I cov2; Would, You Know Whom You Are Destined to Wed Build a Ghost Fire Hallowe'en This Is the night e'Haitowe'en . ' When all the witches may be seen oms o' them black, some e' 'them ' green, I .' , ,' Seme e them like a turkey bean. Whatever. a, "turkey bean!. may be like, ,. Nevertheless the fact remains that for 'centuries young men and maids on the eve of All Saints', day have Invoked ghostly information aa ' to their futures. '. There are many methods of doing this such as holding" a canaie lighted mirror over your head and walking backward-down '.a crooked stairway as the clock atrlkea - mid night. If you are a girl, the appari tion of your future husband 1 will cloud the mirror's surface. If you are a man,, vice versa. Your Future Husband. , But the oldest, - as well as 1 most mirth-provoking, mode of procedure is the ghost fire. - A ghost fire is made as follows! A big dlshpan ia placed in the cen ter of the floor of a dark room. The pan contains some four or five pounds of aalt which has been fairly well saturated with wood aloohoL The party gathers around the pan,' chant ing the incantation quoted above. Each has been given a chestnut, and each chestnut has been marked in some distinguishing way. A lighted match la thrown on the aalt, which breaks Into a blaze that gives off an uncanny green light. The chestnuts are then thrown in. and the girl whose chestnut popa first will be the first bride. - Of course, she must lm mediately eat the chestnut But that la not all. v ,She Js supposed to see the face) of her future nusnana arunng irom tne flames! , -, .. : ; -The Qhest Fire. , This ghost, fire is a direct survival of the earliest Druid rituals. In Soot land, Ireland and Wales, Druldlsm left Us Impress upon the later Chris tian faith, and to this day traces of Its fire altera are sun touna. Now. the Druids believed In trans migration of souls, and on the eve of their festival to the sun they ligntea their fire altars to propitiate the spirits of darkness. The custom was kept up in parts of 1 ureal Britain until a comparatively recent period. None of the levity caused by the modern ."witch fire," however, was attached to thia observance. Instead of chestnuts being roasted, white stones, each previously marked with the name of a member of the family, were thrown Into the Halloween fire.; Prayers were then said and the fam ily went to bed hoping to find all the ttnnn arain in the mornlnsr..' If any stone was found missing, it betokened that the owner of it would die within the year. While some superstitions are pretty, this was one of many which were cruel. Happily, only sportlveness re mains toddy of thls quaint, old-time ceremony, and whatever inoantatlona are chanted have to do with neaitny nonsense. . PLAN PRIZE BOND ISSUE Treasury of England Devises chssme to Halts runes. London. Oct. 31 The treasury has drafted a scheme, for a prize bond issue, according to the Dally Mail. Mr. Cham berlaln favors the scheme, which has been drawn up in anticipation that par liament will declare for It, the- news Daner adds. ' Mr. Chamberlain stated In the house of commons yesterday that he did not object to a parliamentary inquiry into the advisability of a lottery loan or prize bonds,- after whleh a number of members signed a memorial to the chancellor of the exchequer strongly urging the Immediate launching of a prize bond scheme. They expressd themselves as convinced that it would meet with a tremendous response, ap peal to tne prevailing speculative ten dency and keep in the country money which might otherwise be diverted te Freeh lottery bonds. MRS. SPAN S ' I j'MSPl TTAVEsomeofthepure K I jljLJlHs Xj. and wholesome Geo. ' fuilEfSP ' . K. Brown candy about j Lr i'M W the house always. It adds to jw jML the good cheer of the home. IhTil li Sold throuehout the Chat- . " :' -.11. 3 I "-w tii stow 72 & sstfxn sti I ifiiiruiinmmm "'m 1 nnr.iiifi r-"' i i tliHiHlillHiHiHiHillillMIMlHIIIIItlHHHMIWUiSaa j ' ;V ' ...--V"" ' ' A A "? ' l iS?'i ll't WWJ''V " 1 J f-f- l . mm : & o (Awl i II. 1 r a.f''Ai Z n i. V l &SA 111..: Ill': ML ' , s.-.' ,74 II tm.$t. i MZ V W V.' X 1 I I i iff v tivu i. it rri sc mm "' T I -j SlT.IMI I -I... I I II -I ! J - I 1 I VTTipr r s l veivwv er g w - III 1AH I Tl-ri)b , Viowewer. if dancej of deAii. J&dfflfiM' tlnThm firit may y nejrflaciejd or lorrfoi ,C U ,tyBui who (orgeta V Jwni iha wilches "VvVkO X' Trb , ioigU we play ow prar.k ndjokec fWTonijVi Hb ret of dim. dead flois rtSN &0 " yl& haunt oi wV m old. ftrgottaTi iarrorr kTtc rVt And Tlippartiffiboai ibriak- aew 4ra skfas 1l M And tid dpor4rner4 it a social error COT flfX 7I UusMstt vnaid invoWat lh mfdni At Tabes OyW ' TO MEND CURTAINS In making new window curtains of any material always save the scraps for mending. When curtains are torn, take scraps of the same mate rial, or material as nearly like aa possible, dip in thin starch and paste it over the rent while wet'. Iron the patch on Instead of sewing It. The mend is neater and shows. less. London trade. is the center of the seed Special Prices at Abe Shoeing s Store 266 East- Main Street On account of weather conditions we are forced to sacrifice prices. If you need anything in Clothing, Shoes, Ladies' Coats, Dresses, Suits and Dry Goods it will pay you to come and look over our stock, we have to offer you, One ' lot Ladies' uits in all wool Men's Wear Serge; COI QK , value $37.50; Special. , P-.7J One lot Ladies' Broadcloth Suits in the newest styles and colors; value $39.95 to $45.00; 95 One lot Ladies' Suits in French t Serge, Tricotine, Silvertone and Broadcloth the kind you pay else where from $50.00 to $65.00 for. - Special-- $39.95 1 $44.95 One lot Ladies' Coats; value $25; Sale Price . One lot Ladies' Coats; 1 A QK worth $22.50; Special. Px7Jp One lot Ladies' Coats which formerly .:..,.,.$24.95 One lot Ladies' Dresses in Silk and Satin in all colors and styles; 5.........$17.95 One lot Ladies' "Silk Dresses, for merly sold at $22.50; fl1 O JK in broken sizes; Special V One lot Ladies ' Serge Dresses ; value $22.50; Q1 A QK Special .....vlw. One lot Ladies' Jersey and French Serge Dresses; value I0 A QC $35.00; Special. ...... W&tVO Extra heavy Outing Flannel ; OQ p ' 40c value; Special. ........ 266 East Main Street Abe mm ' : - -asaaes. - . - "' Stunts That Are Old. But YtlETerNew j The canny Jiostesa never auppllea too much of any one hlng unleaa .r.i. i. f "set" nature, such mo w as a musical, a dance or-a card party. , On an'y'apecial tjccaaloh,' ia' in the' instance of a Halloween party, the success of the evening lies in keep ing things moving.- Stunts are the order of the day. Here are a few """TrVreVof knowl.di.'. ' ' ' Supply each guest with a pvece of bright red sealing wax and a cup. or shallow bowltrt ice water. The wax is then -melted and dropped through a key or a ring (a wedding ring. If possible) Into the water. It will in stantly harden in branch-like forma tions, supposed to be prophetic. Any Ingenious person will Interpret the shapes and furnish, much amusement for his listeners. Thus, a bell-shaped drop Indicates a wedding : within a year; anything resembling a: torch or lamp indicates fame; a horn of plenty, wealth, etc. The Needle Garner Each guest is supplied with a greased needle, and all are floated in a large pan of water. Impelled by magnetic attraction, the needles will behave very curiously'; . aome . will cling together, while others will rush to the margin and remain there. The manner in which one person's needle' behaves toward another causes much amusement, and la supposed to be .U?ge.ti,veWho f Hsh? Cut alphabeta from old newspapera and place them in a bowl. Each gueat, one at a time, takes oit & small handful and throws it on a wide-surfaced pan of water like con fetti. The letters that float will sug gest the name of the person's future husband or wife. - . The Ghostly Hand. Stuff an old kid glov with rags or paper. Then wet the outside with ice water. ' Then invite the guests singly into a darkened room to meet the presiding spirit of the evening. The person operating the glove con trives to have the guest take It in his or her hand. An even better method Is for the operator to put a wet glove on his own hand and grasp the hand of each person with It. The clammy, creepy feeling of being touched with a cold wet glove will get a rise out of most anybody. ; J " Apron N Ginghams '...... ... . . . . . Percales in light and ' dark. ., Straw Ticking at Solid color . Chambray . ......!.. ...... . Children's Union Suits, ' all sizes $16.95 Ladies' Union Suits; a good buy. . ........ Shoenig To Relieve Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness And Head Noises Persons ' suffering . from catarrhal deafness, or who are jrrowlng bard of hearing and 'have head noises will ba 5 lad to kpow that this distressing af lctlon can ' usually be successfully treated at home by-an internal medi cine that in .many instances has ef fected complete relief after other treat ments have failed. Sufferers who could scarcely hear have had their hearing restored to such an extent that the tick of a watch was plainly audible seven or eight Inches away from either ear. Therefore, if you know of someone who is troubled with head noises or catarrhal deafness, cut out this formula and hand it to them and you may have been the means of saying some- poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness. The pre scription can be prepared at home and is made as follows: - Secure from your druggist 1 oi. Par mint (Double Strength.) Take this home and add to it 1-4 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one table spoonful four times a day. Parmlnt is used in this way not only to reduce by tonic action the inflamma tion and swelling in the Eustachian Tubes," and thus to equalize the air pressure on the drum, but to correct any excess of secretions in the middle ear, and the results it gives are nearly always quick and effective. Every person who has catarrh in any form, or. distressing rumbling, hissing sounds in their earst should give this recipe a trial. (Adv.) German meals cost a third less than in the United Staes. TURKISH BATHS READ HOUSE OPEN ALL NIGHT GRADUATE CHIROPODIST IN ATTENDANCE . TELEPHONE MAIN 4J64 Good grade of 0 uting, O Q 30c value; Special. .'. ... . ... . 36-inch Brown or Bleached DomfistirvSfw valuer Snpm'nl a-lOU 19c 29c 37c 25c 75 c $1.19 Ladies 'Shoes, values to $6; QA A pT" . all leathers ; Special . ; . . , V tl Ladies' $10 to $12 Shoes in black, tan, . gray and field mouse; J7 QK Special. P VO SPECIAL One lotfcf Men's Sample Shoesj values to IQ QfT $6.00, for ....... .i iPO.VU Ladies' Kid House Slippers in all shades; value $2.25; r Q- PA Special.......... tPl.UU Cut prices on Ladies' and Chil- dren's Sweaters, Boys' Suits, Blan kets, Children's Coats, Outing Gowns and everything else in our store. Must sell for we need the money. v SPECIAL One lot Men's Hats in all shades, newest styles, d0 ffT values to $4.00, for 44D Co. 266 East Main -Street V