Newspaper Page Text
Night Final BASEBALL nni Night Final BASEBALL NOO H 'JL JLJL juJ JJL J mm. . sr a am k j m k mmu a mm , m a VOLr XXXII. NO.150. WILSON URGES 1 WAGE AWARD President Asks Railroad Labor Board for Immediate Ac , . tion on Controversy. , . STRIKE PLAN PROGRESSES , Washington, Jun S3. President Wll . aon cent a messaa-e todav tn tha mil road labor board at Chicago urging that , it make an Immediate, award of the wn comic versy. The text of the .a . aage was not made aubllc at the Whlta Uousa. . , . , . Announcement of the president'! ac tlon was made after W. k. Honk. vlo. president of the trainmen's brotherhood, had called at the White House. Mr. ' Doak did not see the president, but was In- conference about fifteen minutes with Secretary Tumulty. Mr. Doak declined to discuss his conference with Secretary , Tumulty, but said he would have a statement later' In the day. -Information prepared for submission to Secretary Payne today Indicated that unless assurances were given Immedi ately to railway workers that a wage nujusimeai mignt De expected soon, the Unauthorized atrllta nf trainman mt Philedelphia, taltlmore and many other points, might not b opposed further vy me orotnemooaa. ; Mr. Doak expected to consider the situation wim Mr. Payne, who Is director-general of the railroad administra tion. He also Plans to leave this week for Chicago, where the railroad labor uoara is meeting. Reports to labor headquarters here Indicated no Improvement In the sit uation and pointed to increased un rest amor g the men. Labor leaders said that since the beginning of the unau thorized strikes, 30,009 men had been dismissed from the unions, but that the feeling was growing that to continue disciplining the men was Impracticable. ' Mr. Doak. In a statement Issued- fter he, had conferred with Mr. Tumulty and with Secretary Payne, head of the rail road administration, said the heads ol the railroad brotherhoods hoped there .would be a settlement of the wage question this week and that if not 'prob ably the situation will b much worat than at present." , . "Appeals have gone up from all parts of the country to the labor board," said Sir. Doak. "and we desire the public te know that this much heralded and ad vocated method of adjusting questions of this character, according to the pres jnt indications, Is a rank and hopeless failure." "The chief! of tha brotherhoods," Mr. Doak s statement continued, "are con sidering means to assist in every man ner to start the wheels of transporta tion, but know full well that these men must first be given substantial In creases In pay before auch can be ac complished. ."The board has no reasonable or le gitimate excuse In not granting sub stantial Increases In wages to railroad employes and there can be no escape from the responsibility that the United States ratlraad board now sitting in Chicago la wholly responsible for the present bad situation.! They have been told of the seriousness of the situation, but they apparently are not alive to their duties and responsibilities. The brotherhoods have Informed them of the Impending crisis and they would not act. We Informed them that unless they did act we should be compelled to appeal to the American puhlio and to notify tha president of the United States of the seriousness of this sltua? tlon. . They will, not heed the' appeal. . "The railroad labor organizations de sire the public to know the truth and to fix the responsibility where It right fully and Justly belongs. We have done everything reasonable to keep transpor tation moving, our men have, waited for ..year without relief and have worked at wages on which they could not main- I tain their- families. We have apprised very one, congress, the public, the prees and the United States railroad la bor board, that these men could not be expected td continue In the employ of the railroads under such conditions, yet no relief has been afforded them, so they are now leaving the service of the railroads." , "The oresldent' message to the war railroad labor board will do much to relieve the situation." said John Scott, ocretary of the railway employes' de partment of the American Federation of Labor, which represents practically alt the railroad workers with the excep tion of the members of the "big four" .brotherhoods. "It will help to reassure the men who are threatening to strike. They are too restless to wait much longer." Other leaders expressed the opinion that If the board failed to respond to tha president's request there was little hope of Immediate action on wage de mands. The general chairmen and executive boards representing every railroad sys tem In the countrv. with Tull authority from the men to act, will be called Into conference before final action ia taken. FORECASTS DECISION WITHIN ;TW0 WEEKS - Chicago. ' June 25. President Wilson's message asking that the railway wage board give an Intmedlate decision in the wage controversy had not been re ceived" here at 1 p.m., today, the board announced. Judge R. M. Barton, chairman of the board, aunorlied a statement that all possible was being done to expedite the decision revising wages of all rail road employes. It was indicated at tha board's headquarters today that the de cision probably would be handed down within the next two weeks. Jadge Barton said the impatience of railroad men to get a decision was only delaying the ease. He declared the board's deliberations were being inter rupted scores of times dally by dele- Jatlons of railroad men asking that a ate for the decision be set. As many as 300 calls have been received In a single day, he aald. Tha board's publicity department de clared that the delay. In reaching a de cision had nothing to do with the pres ent railroad strikes and that the board believed the strikes would continue even after the wage case is settled. The strikes, tt was said, are prompted by an Internal fight for control of the railway unions and not primarily by dissatisfaction with wages. The wage question has been Injected, It was Inti mated, to deceive the public. WAGE BOARD SEEKING INFORMATION HERE Copies of the demands of the railway clerk's union for an Increase, together with requests for certain Information regarding the wage paid, hours worked and similar items, have been received here) from tha wage board, which has tha demands under consideration. Practically all classes of railway em ployes have asked Increases. Consid erable time will be needed to provide the Information requested by the wsge board. The clerks are asking a i" cents an hnur fist Increase, effective January 1, 1J20. with back pay from that date, and In addition a sum sufficient to mske their Increase In line with the Increas ing cost of living. They also ask two weeks' vacation with pay, and tlma and a half for holidays snd Sunday work, with a guarantee of eight hours work. NASHVILLE MAN KILLED Nashville. June SI Hugh M. Breen. prominent Insurance man. who was to iav been married tomorrow, waa killed tnd John F. I.awrence and Owen Cam nlon were painfully Injured when the tutomnblle In which they were riding turned a somersault here shortly be midnight ' Reading Record In Coca-Cola Case Wilmington, Del., June S3. Hearings In the injunction suits brought by the Coca-Cola Bottling company and the Cocal-Cola company, both Tennessee corporations, whose home offices are located at Chattanooga, against the Coca-Cola company, Delaware; cor poration, were begun this morning In the ' United Statea district court for Delaware before Judge Hugh M. Mor ris, Following the formal reading of the pleas by the plaintiffs and the In troduction of testimony with the consent of the court, the plaintiffs announced a merger or consolidation of Interests and the suits will be Drought jointly. ' Owing to the large volume ot matter to be read bearing upon tt right of tha Coca-CCola company to terminate Ita alleged contracta with the plaintiffs for the furnishing of Coca-Cola to be bottled, argument la not expected to begin before tomorrow afternoon, 4 STRIKE RUMORS FLYING FAST . - ' Lee. Says Therl Will Be No Walk-Out Without Broth . erhoodVSupport. AWAIT CHICAGO MEETING Developments of today Indicated that lenders of the "rebel" railroad workers unions are woraing lor a gradual ex tension of the resumption of the switch men's and yardmen's strike, "which be gan several days ago In Baltimore and 1'hllfuielDhla. ' From Savanna, in., came a report that switchmen and trainmen on the Chlcaeo. Milwaukee and 8C Paul rail road were on strike, and a dispatch from Cedar Ranlds, Iowa, stated tnat perishable freight was not being ac cented bv "the affent of the St. Paul road, who said that the rallworkers there were expected to quit today. On FT rtav a mass meeting OI renet rail workers Is to be held In Chicago, under a call issued by John Grunau, It was reoned here . today. , Anytninj May Happen. i Cle'eland. O.. June 23. None of the fifteen railroad organizations have thus far even discussed a strike, neelarca W. G. Lee, head of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen here today, However, we" are going to mt in Chicago on Friday and I am unable to say at tnis rime wnai win oe me cut- come of that meetlnsr. The rumors of a general railroad strike are flying thick and fast," con tinued Mr. Lee. "but so far they are all unfounded. The present situation Is nearly normal, according to reports which I have received from alt parts of the country. This present ripple is caused hv a few who have lost their 1obs by going out unauthorized and who are getting others to Join them because misery likes comnany. However, tne few walkouts or tne past rew nays oo not cut any figure as our membarshlns will wait Instructions from the broth erboods." woi until AHmnnno, . , Mr. Lee displayed telegrams from Houston. Texas, which said, that the situation there was normal and another from Philadelphia wnlch stated tnat conditions on the Pennsylvania line were nearly normal while matters were a little more acute on the Reading lines. There will be no railroad strike nitu Is authorized by the brotherhoods.' reiterated Mr. Lee. "and thai brother hoods heve not-yet authorize! M4wttsat&n H.M.(fe a. ty salcf before. VHkson ' .fn&r-eW position to sav what wll Vr. .' tutu upon i me meeting on NEAL'S NAME WILL GO ON OFFICIAL BALLOT Senator John R. Neal will leave fot San Francisco Wednesday night, where he will attend the democratic na tional convention. Senator Neal's name will be on the ballot for the democratic nomination for governor. -It was placed there by quali fying petitions signed by the senator's friends, but filed without his participa tion. ' i After Jils return from the San Fran cisco convention, Senator Ncal will in vestigate the state situation and will decide whether he will enter the race for the nomination and press his claims for the ofllce. He takes the position that as he has never, announced hit oandldacy so far, 'he cannot talk ol "withdrawing" from the race. It is understood that Senator Meal considers the Roberts tax machine a thoroughly indefensible measure, and feels that the governor under no cir cumstances deserves a renomlnatlon at the hands of the party. GEORGIA PROPOSES TAX ON SOFT DRINKS Atlanta, Ga., June 23. The Georgia legislature met In annual aesslon. here today to'continue fifty days. Introduc tion of an unusually large number of bills marked the opening of the lower house, while the senate merely com pleted organization and adjourned. Pro posed measures Introduced Included one to Impose a state tax on aoft drinks of one cent on every five cents 'or frac tion thereof, and one to Impose a state occupational tax of $10, at the same time prohibiting cltiea and counties from levying such a tax. EARLY DENIES CHARGE OF MAKING RENT PROFIT Nashville, June 23. (Special.) In a communication received here today Thomas A. Karly, late president of the Tennessee Polytechnic Institute at Cookevllle, declares that the charge made In the etatement given out Tues day by State Superintendent Albert Williams that he (Karly) hart paid W. p. Sloan $400 rental on building and had charged tho same to the govern ment at 1800,' ia an "unqualified false hoodr" GERMANS WANT CABINET ABLE TO OPPOSE ALLIES London, June 53 Formation of a new German cabinet ia reported In a Berlin dispatch printed In a late edition of the Tlmea this morning, the mes sages saying men have been found for a couple of poets in the ministry. This cabinet la regarded aa an emer gency one. the dispatch auotes the VTsgeblstt as aaylng, that newspaper aotnng tnat "it must walk warily to maintain Itself, but will at least be able to go to Spa as representing a large majority of the German people." "This will lend It certain strength." the Tageblatt continues, "and will eventually empower it to say 'no' If the entente, as at Versailles, should de mand what cannot be fulfilled." HAND NOTE TO GERMANS Parla. June J J The-note to Germany regarding disarmament, prepared by the council of amhasadors and spproved by the allied premiers at the Boulogne conference, waa hnde4 to the German peace delegation her this morning. The communication prohably will he followed by another note going further Into de tails and telling Germany exactly what She must do to avoid further military occupation of German territory.' THIS CITY MADE HEADQUARTERS Rehabilitation of Ex-Service Men of 25 Counties' to Be ' Directed From Here. 35 TO BENEFIT HERE As result of the conference recently held n New Orleana for the purpose gf enlarging the work of the federal oard of vocational education the re- nanintatlon of vocations Iv hsndi. capped ex-service men Chattanooga naa been selected aa headnuartera for what la termed one 8. Includlna: twen ty-three counties of East Tennessee. ' Definite nlans for the wnrk nf rh. bill tat Ion during the next fiscal year, whlcb begins July 1, were worked out at New Orleans, ynder these plans new xnnes were created and additional authority given to extend the work throughout the south. Every disabled veteran of the World " living in inniiFssee wnose ap- Plication for Vocational trnlnlnv kB, nrt been settled Is to be seen this week and In the succeeding two weeks b members of the federal board for viva. tlonal education. Tennessee has at present SSI dlsahlnd men who are (sking courses in-vocational training from the federal board. There are sol rilaahlnH mn .hn h.,,. been approved for vocational training and notified, but who for varloua per- Bunni iwkiiii nave not as yet entered training. ThtrA urn nnltA n,iml.D, of men in Tennessee whose cases have noi oeen nnany settled as to vocational training. Many of these men are en titled to training, but a decision has not ' been nnssihlA on ipmniv k fact that the medical examinations have been lacklna- or incnmnlt in some cases there appears to be a lack of Interest on the part of the diaahled men. Furthermore, there are a numhrr of disabled men who do not as yet thoroughly understand the benefits to which they are entitled from the gov ernment in the matter of being re trained so aa tn Ann hi (h,m n In some vocation successfully. In order . Urnr up "na r,ean ,ID "'I uch cases In Tennessee tha aiotA h k ji vlded Into five lones, and In each lone sound from the federal hrvoi-rt hu. hn.n assigned to look up every disabled man who has not been approved for voca. tlonal training in ordor to get all the facts In his case aad rlv rfrinii. decision, . Oet Living Expenses. Disabled men who arn Kfihu fn id eational training are furnished trans portation to the school or shop, tuition, books and supplies, and they receive in addition from J80 to $150 per month for Hying expenses. An unmarried man Itnout dependents tacaIvak sae n. month, married, men with dependents receive from 1115 tn nsn n.,. ,u depending upon the number of depend ents i. Vocational training Is being given,e '"pffea, universities, business schools, trade schools and ! factories shops, private and public corporations. .i. In , . in ve,'y known vocation in the state. At the present time the disabled men In Tennessee who in tnn. ........ JI trBln,ns rn recelving from the federal board spproxlmately 155.000 per month. Educational Institutions In lennessee are receiving $!),0(H pt.r month for tuition and Instructions of disabled veterans. From the ahove ?l ieJPnt Jt,0ttn he radl'y aeen that I of Tennessee is now receiving a, mt.,th fovarnment through these disabled men and Institutions three "iLff of " m,lll1 dollars annuallv. headounrters for Sons J, which Incmd" the following count es: Til.H.n. n" SIW.JJofrefl, .Cumberland, Dekalb. Hamilton, Jackson. Mncon. Overton rii.Ln ..' nuHiiniB. nmitn. Summer. rousnnie, van Huren, Warren. Whlta rum- 1 1 null. in nnltiinnniT. It.. I. ... quarters are In the Municipal building. Disabled men or their fi-isn. .r iursiea to call Tor Mr fii-in-,.. m Gunn, who will remain In ri,ttnn.' the remainder nf thl. nub . ,.. ... time they will visit varlnna mintt... n sone 3 to see the riinhlirt m.n II llllint- UIMIIII llA. I'.VAfV oohlnjl . .. i.u i. " , "encnimrters should brlni with him h . rllo,!, ,..., -..-i .i ..' oraward of compensation If he has re- vcivcu vunipcnsnuon. , List of Eligible. Following Is a list of those In Phnf niiuoeii wno are rAnunatAH in u . min e ni once tor examination: Smith. ReimrlA A M,,l a i !,... r . Hohson, Thomas King: Short, Justin Clarence; Marley,. Joe K.: nrock, Sam; Mms, Jnmes H. ; Kvsns, Dave W.; SU- vers cnarles T. ; Held, Frank K.: Mc Donald, John J,; I'erkins, Robert E.i Dojslcr. Andrew; While. George;' Ander- mi, wmir jnnnson, Victor: ninn. ton, Willie; Morgnn. James; Alford. Joe; hllvey, John Arthur; Oafer, Claude James; uarrett, j. Kice: norden. Will Allen, Leo D. ; Allcnder. Averv: Dut. ers, Jnmes K. : Goodson. Jnmes K t re., jwnn ij .: I'Arrv wntnr- wra 11 , March, Otto; Morgnn, Joshua; Wlllldy, Marlon; Holmes, John M.; Maxwell, Clarke; Hickman. Robert P.! Addlaon James S. MADE BAD INVESTMENT AND THEN SQUEALED New York. Juna 23 ChnVlea IT Murphy, Tammnny leader was one of tho six men secretly Indicted yesterday by the extraordinary grand Jury, which has been investigating alleged attempta of Mr. Murphy to Intimidate Louis N. Hartog, a manufacturer, Into return ing $12.1,000 which he Invested with Hartog'a company during the war. AMERICANS PIN FAITH ON TILDEN IN TOURNEY Wimbledon. England. June 2S. The unexpected victory of the Knglish ten nis expert, j. c. I'arKe, over William M. Johnston, United States singles champion during yesterday's play In the British championship tournament here is commented upon by the press today. SEVERAL KILLED IN RIOTS Berlin, June 2i. Several persons are reported to have been killed at I'lm, Wuerttemhurg, In the course of riotous demonstrntions against the high cost of food. Similar demonstrations are re ported aa occurring in other parte of Sermany. Manv clashes have occurred between the police and the relehswehr on the one hand and the demonstrators on the other. Some circles of the Independent so- lallsts, the sdvlces from the disturbed reas report, are taklna advantace of the unrest to urge the people to de. mand a dictatorship of the proletariat. GIMBEL BROS. INDICTED New. York. June 23. Olmbel Broa. of New York, operators of a large depart ment atore here, and controlled by In terests which own similar establish ments In other cities, today were In dicted on 207 counts for profiteering In lothlng. Frederick filmbel. vice-president of the corporation; Joseph J. Dowdell, a merchandise manager, and Charles Ii. Rlawter. clothing buyer, were Indicted on the same charges. MONTREAL MAN DENIES. Montreal. June 21 R W. tioulds. secretary of the Canadian Manufac turers' association, announced today that he had been authorised to state hat the association bad absolutely no nowledce of any of Its members hav ing accepted contracts or entered Into egotiatinna with any representatives f soviet Russia for the exnort or de. livery of Canadian manufactured prod ucts of any, kind to soviet Russia. CHATTANOOGA, TENN, , vEDNESDAY EVENING,' JUNE 23, 1920. Today's Baseball ' SOUTHERN LEAGUE . . . . . ' f First Game. . Innings .1 Birmingham .0 At Little Rock ........ 0 Batteries Morrisbn and Peters; Lohman and Morrow. First Game. Innings 1 Atlanta .0 At Memphis .......... 0 Batteries Slieehan and Howell; Canavan and Meyers. V Second 1 2 8 0 .0 Jatterics- -Mayer and Hager; Albris and Bischoff. Second 1 2 8 nngs lingliam I J 0 0 0 tittle Rock 0 0 Gallaghar and "1 d.h i I Innings 1 S 8 4 New Orleans 0 0 At Nashville .........0 0 Batteries Walker and DcbcYry; Perdue and Jonnard. AMERICAN Innings Washington , At Detroit Batteries Erickson, Johnson and Gharrity; Ayers, O'Krie and Ainsmith. ' ' . ', ' Philadelphia ....... J. 0 0 0 At Chicago ......... ...1 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 7 9 0 Batteries Moore and Perkins; Cicottc and Sclmlk. Innings New York 1 ....0 i . ... .0 8 0 0 At St. Louis Batteries Shawkey and Innings Boston .... 2 0 0 ..0 At Cleveland .2 t f Batteries Jones and' Walters; Morton, Bagby and O'Neill. NATIONAL Innings -- ' ,1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E. Cincinnati . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 At Philadelphia ...... ,1 ' 0 0 ' 0. 0 2 0 0 , 3 , 8 2 Batteries Fisher, Ring and Wingo; Meadows and Tra gresser. , Innings .. . '1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 0 R. H. E. Chicago .............. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 9 1 At New York ..0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 7 1 Batteries--Alcxandcr and Innings St. Louis . ....,.., a. .0 I At Boston ........ ' 0 Batteries i-Doak)v May, Ocschger and Gowdy. Innings '''., 1,2 Pittsburgh .......... .2 0 At Brooklyn ........ .1 0 0 0 Batteries Cnrlson and Schmidt; Marqimrd and Miller. SAYS CANADIANS READY TO TRADE WjTH SOYIET Announcement by Ludwig 0. A. K. Martens Denied by Montreal Official. New York, June 23. Preliminaries to establishment of trade relations be tween soviet Russia and Canada had been competed, according to announce ment todav hv Ludwlr C. A. K. Mar tens, soviet unrecognised "ambassador" here. A mission has Just returned from Canada, Martena aald, where during the last two weeks soviet representatives were received favorably by manufac turers, bankers and officials of the do minion government. A contract for t5.non.000 worth of rolling stock will be signed "within a few dsys," Martena said, addlhg that hla government also hopes to buy agricultural machinery,) tools and drugs. ' A EXPRESS COMPANIES ASK FOR INCREASE Atlnnta. June 23. The hearing he- fore Fred Barclay, examiner for the Interstate commerce commslslnn. on the petition of the American Hallway T.x- press compnnv for an Increase of Inter state rates and a general reclassifica tion of commodities, which was hngun Monday morning st 10 o'clnen, was re- sumed this morning , In the federal conrtroom. The last witnesses before Kxaminer Ttarclnv yesteedav were T, D. Outhrle of Jacksonville KIb.. traffic msnsger of the Southern Wholesale rjrorers- aso- elation: H. N. I-ovlll. of Mount Airy. Oa. and W. D. Tturr. chairmen of the Klorlda railroad commission. The fight on the egnress company's petition Is being led bv the Southern Wholesale Grocers' sssoclation. Attorney F.dgnr Watklns Is counsel for the association. Claim Rates Are uniuei. Counsel fort the whnlessle srrfleers night Mondsv afternoon to. show thst the rates proposed for tha sou'n srn unjusf. Innamuch ss thev ere an per cent hloher than In the north. It wns contended that owing to the fact tnst nolhrn term nn Is are less r"nr than those In the north, and to the- h.n.p cllmse conditions. It shoitld be much easier to transport ""rr"l"l .Action than In the north, end ?t"r' . , . ... m Ka aa rneap. It not In this inn rniT-A - - cheaper. v TO FOM POLISH CABINET. W.rsaw. .rune 21 -The leader of the popular psriv. M. Wltes. was trusted with the task nf ""' " cabinet to succeed that of Premier Fkiilskl. which resigned June in. FAIR SAYS BILLY 'POSSUM W are for yoo. Hill "ffi Htafford, we are lor V iiii ri.l.t or wrong! we hate to hear you sing to us that lone some old swan song. We'll miss you, yes. we'll miss you; we'll miss thnt beaming smile. The kind yoit know William, which drlvet tame women wild. We'll miss the sunshine of your soul, your ever present cheer; we don't know whst we'll do when you from here. Hut some whisper ss we stnad ; Htop. look snd I stea. are gone away thing seems to upon life s 1 bolh ways: Hill KtsfTord's romlng bars. The weedier: Ka:r tonight and Thursday. 8-8 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. . 0 0 0 . 0 .0 0 1 0 1 6 0 8 1 0 0 0 0.0' 491 2 85 6 7 8 9 R. II. . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0. 1 ' 4 2 1 0 0 .0 0 8 1 5 10 0 Game. 4 6 6 7 8 9 R. II. E. Game. 4 5 6 7 8 9.. R. H. E, , 1 Gooch; Hengcvcld and Brotteii. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R. II. E. LEAGUE 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 0 R. H. E. . .0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 5 8 0 ..0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 6.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 4 5 0 0 6 7 8 9 R. II. E, Hannah ; Ruckcr and Severcid. 4 0 0 5 1 0 6 0 0 7 8 0 0 1 0 R. II. E. LEAGUE. OTarrcll; Toney and Smith.' 3 4 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 Sherdell, fl' 7 0 0 0.1,1 . North 8 9 k R. II. E. 1 0 2 6 2 0 . 0 7.1 and pilhoefer; 5 0 2 R. II. E. 2 8 1 5 12, 1 JEWELERS WILL MEET NEXT IN CHATTANOOGA Two Local Men Elected on Board of Directors of State Association. Nashville, June 2. (Special.) M. C. Jensen, of Nashville, whs chesen presi dent and Chuttsnnoga waa selectcv ss the next meeting place by the Tennes see ltetail Jewelers' association here to day. Other olllcers elected are; T.. H. Mil.ure, Chattanooga, first vice-president; H. W. Akers, Knoxvllle, second vice-president; K. II, Murrey, Pulaski, secretary-treasurer. Tha board of directors is: C, W, Myers, tt. K. LeHron, J. M. Norton, Julius Goodman, A. H. Roth, 1. A. North, N. B. Bhyer and C. C. Jlieece. DRAGNET FOR THIEVES Missing Ordnance Equipment - Totals Millio nsDollars. Toledo, O., June 23. Oovernmenl sgenla Investigating tha disappear ance of ordnance equipment at the f;rle proving grotinda at Port Clinton, orty nilles east of here redoubled their etforta today to find tha parties guilty of thefts that will mount to close to a million dollar, gueatlonlng of civilian employes at the government station waa continued by a sipiad of department ot justice olllcisls and It was said that a number of the village cltlsens may be involved. The dragnet Investigation was un dertaken by the federal olllcers at the ronueat of the military commandant wno It Is said hss hsd evidence for some time that systematic thievery wss jo ing on. Four men believed to have been among the leaders, were ndicted some lni ago by a grand Jury In federal court. Following their arrest tiusntlttes ot plunder hegab Appearing In all parts of Port (Union. The sen re that went f trough the town wss complete, sccoro. lug to the government men. Hecentty when an off-shore wind blew the water back Into Iike rlrio a large nusntlty of government proiierty which hsd been thrown Into the Ink wss exposed on the bearh. Federal agents announred that nine persons ore under lsll and fifty others are sought on warrants charging Im plication In the thefts which are said to amount to :., ooo. Ofllrers st the proving grounds . are dally receiving stolen property from persons who hsve become frliintenea. Pruperty estimated at IIOO.OOH hna been recovered, they sny. LOWER WHEAT CAUSES DECLINE IN FLOUR Minneapolis, June 23. lower wheat market the first few days this week wss responsible for a decline of I" to 20 cents a barrel In the price of Hour hers tod;iy. At Ihe mill where the quo tation for family patents was down 20 rents, flour dropped to III s barrel and III fjl wss the prlrs obtained by the mill thst sold flour at a 30-cent re duction. TEXANS FOR M'ADOO Dallaa. Tex., June 21 Declarlns their Intention to cast Texas' fortv votes on the first ballot for WlllUm tj Mr Adoo for presidential nomination, the Texas delegntes to Ihe democratic national convention left here lest mldnisht for han FrHnclsco, The party, which In cludes six women delegates, la Wavrling by prt train 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 MAY REVERSE BUSINESS ORDER Delegates Talk of Nominating : Candidate and Then Adopt . ; ; jng Platform, i IS-WILSON CANDIDATE? Hnn Francisco, June. 23. Advsnra news of the probable results of the caucus by the fifty-eight lUlnols dele gates In this city on Kundny sent the stock of Oov. Cox nnwsrd today. Tha word reached Ran Francisco tha( the Illinois delegation will throw Its strength to A. Mitchell Pslmer during Ihe early balloting and them switch to Gov. Cox. "You will find In the Cox column all nun II inn iiii, Ail in mi iiniu jxtimii, one of the delegates at large. "I will bo for Cox until the last ballot and I believe you will And moat of the Illinois men with me.'" - ' li H' Candidate. llrnlnhrldge Colby enroute to the con ventlon was asked whether President Wilson will be a candidate for a thlhd term., Ho replied: "As to President Wilson's personal candidacy. 1 hnvo no knowledge what soever and I have never rilacussed the question w-lth anyone. But 1 may say this that I know of no one who hna a greater regard for the autonomy of his party and lens Inclination to dictate to It than the prcaldent. Personally. I believe that the convention will be slnaularlv free from any attempt from any quiirer to Influence Is deliberation or to direct its action." Secretary Colby refused to be drawn out concerning the "wet and dry" Is sue ns It affect the Ban Francisco con ventlon. "Thnt," be said, "Is to slippery ground for discussion. I feel the ut most confidence that the democratic party will sdopt a platform which will be constructive, courageous snd Ameri can. Thnt Is the sort of platform whlcn will win. ' Secretary Cblhv Is going to the con vntlon a" delegnte-at -large from the District of Columbia. He denied thnt he la taking along a vlce-presldentliil boom In his own pannir. Killtnra in Colbv lead make first nsrs urn iili read "the democratic PnrlV W'H vote oeverwhelmlngly to ratify the Versailles treaty.". Only one light op tha democratic partv platform loomed up no seriously todav that there la a chsuce of It being fought out on the convention noor It self, according to National Chairman Homer 8. Cuinmlngs. "Diitslita nf a wet nlank." ha said. "I sea nothing which la likely to precipi tate1 a contest on the floor of ths con ventlon. There are other plnnka which will afford otn contesting, hut these will be settled In the resolutions com mittee Itself. Among these are the planks nn labor, profiteering, probably the Irish matter aim tne league oi na il, ma This last will ha aneedllv dis posed of, fof the democratic party Is In full accord with Frealilsitt wuson on this matter." DONT WARM UP T0G0O0BERTS Crabtrce, On .Other Hand, Is 1 Enthusiastically Received 0n Speaking Campaign. Vt.lf.t-.Am ami aiinnnl'tera nf Col. W, Tl. Crabtrce are much enctuiraged fcy the reports received from Middle Tennessee which Indicate that the chattHiinogan Ik being received eiiinusiHsiicnuy win-r-cver h speaks 111 behalf of his guber natorial candidacy. Politicians and nlbers who hsve. re m,...J from Nuahvllln since Col. ( l no tice began spenklna, say that he Is maxing a gooo impression wii.-i.-..-i appears, and the widespread character of the opposition to Uov. Ilohcrta as sures Iho Chattanooga candidate of warm Welcome. flov, Moherfs opened at Brownsville, Havwood county, last Halurday. It Is understood he picked this West Ten r.esses countv In which to fire his open ing gun because- he hss less opposition there than In many other counties. Unflattering Recaption te Roberts. Persons who heard the opening speech of the governor say that his reception nun not fluttering, and there was lit t Ir. dullest Inn of support among the fsrm crs, who were conspicuous by their sli-soni-e from Ihe assemblage of Sim peo ple who heard him. Although Hrowns vllle wss crowdnd with people who cBme In for the Week-end, the attetidsnoe was slim nd bore evidence of being a "drunimed-up" crowd brought In by Ihe courthouse politicians. The governor took tha defensive from Ihe stsrt, making a lame effort to Jus t'fy the bungling work of hi assessment br.srd, While the governor tried to make hi "sliding scale" understood and recited that section of the Isw which brings ths state tx rate down aa tha assessment goes up, he did not tell his sudlaiice of the opportunity thi Increased assessment gives for a "raid' by the county tax boards. Col. Crabtrce. It Is ssld. hsd no les than t"0 people who shook hands with htm and pledged their support after his st.eaklitg In Williamson county Halur day aft-'rnonn. In Itiitherfurd county, where h opened hla siwech-maklng lour, he had an audience of 800 or more farmers, who seemed to he In full sym pathy with his assault on the. work ol tha Isx officials. - Strongly Antl-Rebsrts. t'nlilnsi'rt reports from Middle Ten nessee ssy that the solidarity sf the opposition to Oov. Huberts In msny counties of the middle division of the stata Is remarkable. leading politi cians who hsd pledged themselves tn liolierts before It wss known he would have opposition sre wlthdrswlug thelt support owing to the bitter feeling among the voters. A promlncn) Mtdilli Tennessee pollllclsn who hss served s spesker of the state senate, announced for the lower house of Ihe legislature ei-ma weeks sso. Ilecsuse of his sllgn ment with Oov. Roberts, the opposi tion became so wsrm that he announced hla withdrawn! some dsys ago. legis lative tickets in opposition to Itoberts sre springing up In vsrlous counties snd It seems thst shout ths only pisiform sny csndidNt)' for tha legislature n-ri to win Is to announce he Is "sgalnst Hoberts." FIREMAN KILLED AND ENGINEER BADLY BURNED Oreenvllle, Ala., aJune 51 Ham Ma tone, negro fireman, was killed and Comer Wilson, engineer, nn loulsvllls 4r .Nashville Miulh-eound paaaenger train No. &, a as badly burns,! st I o'clock this morning st Chniimsn, Ala , when the train was wrecked as a result of striking a row. Mslnns snd Wilson both live In Mont gomery. The train at r ink a cow snd threw It against a switch, rsusing the swltrh trsess to fly open. The engine, baggage and mall cars were derailed. No passengers were hurt. MICHIGAN DCLCQATIt DUB TO ARRIVE. Baa rVanrlei-o. June tJ Hut one stats delegation was sched uled to arrive for the demo-ratle convention today. The Michigan special mi doe to pull In late this afternoon. Numerous delegatas. ho-vever. sirlved today as the -srssVuard of those te follow. r McAdoo Will Be Drafted Dr. Jenkins States His Name Will Be Presented With- . out His Consent. Pueblo, Col., June 21. "W hsve de cided definitely to place McAdoo in nomination without his consent. W shall 'draft htm.' He la physically in Una condition and cannot luluso tha nomination," '1'hla statement was glvenjto the tires here toduy by Burrls Jenkins, of Kan ss City, upon the arrival of tha '.'Houn' Dawg'a special Iruni Kunsaa (bity. STAMPEDE FOR WILSON LIKELY v ' . .asxs-lss Possibility of Such a Turn Was Apparent on the Politi cal Horizon. WOMEN LEAD MOVEMENT (BY DAVID M. CHURCH.) San Francisco, June 23. (1. N. 8.) Possibilities of a stampede fan a third term for President Wilson In the demo cratic national convention were seen here today by party lenders folloVliiR the announcement of Mlsa Mary Foy, of l,os Angeles, that she would csst her vote as a delegate for Woodrow Wilson for the democrat to nominee fot president. Miss Foy, recognised ss one of the most able women leadera In the party, was positive In her determination to I resent the mime of the president to the convention. Furthermore, she In tends to suiigist to the convention that a strong vlco-presldentlal candidate be linmnd and that if President Wilson Is elected he msy retire and turn the olllce over to tho vlco-presldcnt or he may c ntlnue to hold office and turn many of the burden of his olllce over to the vice-president. ''I don't know what the effect of my action will he," Miss Foy said today, "Hut I have traveled a great deal and have given voice to my views and everywhere, after the first shock, 1 hsve found the reaction to be favor able, "There are two reasons why 1 desire a third term for the president," con tinued Miss Kpy. ''First. 1 believe the president should be vindicated by thr people, and In Ihe second place, 1 be lieve that tho president Is entitled to llnlsh the war work which he began. I bolleve he should carry throush leg Islutlon for reconstruction, which hak been blocked by the republican emigre. "I don't believe th people meant tr, tie Ihe hands of the president In the I I'll elections, when they elected a republican congress, but that Is whHt they did nd they realise it now, and I belhve they are ready lo give tin nesldent an opportunity to complete his worlt, . ' "I tin lit strong man for vice-president, g man such as Humor Ciiiutnlngs. With such a man aa vice-president why couldn't the president turn over msny of his duties to the vice-president 1 Ol cmirae, It ha never been done, but let us smash a few precedents, If the president wanted to retire after hl work of reconstruction uua nnii.t. f don't see any renson why he should .Mt on sine ro an an ana turn the oiqct i it TiiT"-iri'Btqerii, . . , nnl ' i' iay tnat I am ine leaner or a movement for a thlro it-rm ror I'rnsideut Wilson, for that would he prestimplnuH. but vou can conm nit mv voting for President Wll son, and I hope,, of course, that I wll be supported.' XI i . ,7 l " announcement csttsed iioiFiuii.riioiq snr mixing ni'mncratti HadelS here It ml revived nun In a al,.u current In Wnshlitgton some months I'go that the president desired a third term With a lnm I'lttitlldale, In order that he might retire r no nan received vindication at th miss I'ov staled Ihal h..r ........ ..A action was entirely imlcpcnilciit mill ttiat he had not consulted nny of the 1 , J . '.' ""era aim, iiirineriuiire, she lie Hied thst It was uov ia. r . ...... verted movement. .Miss Foy Is a woman of .,.- mid a powerful orator, if she makes a speech on the floor of the convention (i ...., i a iiniu term lor lhn nrr,Ml,l..,.i it Is certain she win .i,.ri . ... ; Which nisv enllrelv . . .A-. k"'""''" hid vuh wiiiion. CllMINGS IS WILSON'S CHOICE FOR CHAIRMAN Wdnhlnirton. lun o it - ri , : . . i iiHiinr n i uniminBR. rim rnn nf ih i.H..u.iM mm. m inp iir n it fp(i nn .ttwu... itrmJZ nnnmng 'nmrnmn rr th Sun rrani'lMro eonvftntiftn nnitii. n "'",Pm" niHfl lMlHV hv Mil nrilnlnl aiiAAeh In Iia by Mr. umnilngs ss temporary rhslr msn, H wa aald, will make It Impns altils for sny one else to contend for the inimnni cnairmnnsnip, and will also be of such character thai ths conven tion win na atntnitAo-en- fnr the lea atis or nstions and for president may see sny outer lua the nt to stipimrt. DEMOCRATS TO VOTE TO RATIFY TREATY Chicago, June IJ Secretary tt fltste nnliihrldgs Colbr, who passed throush I'hli'sso today n roule to the Han Francisco convention, In an Interview Indicated his belief that the democratic party -will vole to ratify the Versailles treaty snd the league of nations cove nant without reservations. "I do not believe." he said, t'thst ths people nf ths Cnlted Htates will care to ssy 'yes' In terms of 'no' tn tha leami of nations question. That Is what they would be lining ir they adopted the treaty with reservstlons." Iiisctisalng the McAdoo wltudrawal, Becretsry Colby said thst he "wa In clined lo aee nn hidden meaning In Mr. McAdoo's letter of withdrawal." Con cerning the republican nominee, he Bali!: 'I shsrs the lack of enthusiasm of republicans generally with rfard to tha action ol their convention. ' NEW YORK AND ILLINOIS GET CHOICE SEATS Han Frsnrlaen. June U Tne New York snd llllsols delegstluns will hsve the best locations on the Poor of ths Ksposltlon Auditorium, where the ilem- ocrnllc nitional convention will he pent. It was announce! toilay mat ins .-ew Vork and Illinois seals will be In the cenlrr of the floor, illrvrtly In front of the chairman's stand OREGON FOR M'ADOO Portland, or., June M Oregon dem rrsts a III vote for William (J McAdoo for the presidential nomination at the Sinoi-rslic national convention at Kan Francisco until they are satisfied that he will not accept the nomination. I ndrr the instructions there Is noth ing for the Oregon delegation to dc but vote lor McAdoo. Political circles here Iwltev. that tiov. Cos.. of Ohio, still receive tha delecstion's vote fot Ihe vice presidency. CHAPEL HILL HAS FIRE Chanel Ilill. N. C . June SJ Fire to day destroyed fiveiores here, with an estimated loss of li.Ova. THREE CENTS. BRYAN OPPOSES ! NAMING M'ADOO Declares Former Treasury Head Would Be Easy Mark - 1.1 III li:i.. raa I VI Mil M1IOU1I I Ubds OWEN, MEREDITH" O. K. Lincoln, Nib., Juns J. Cl- sussing poitiois asmocrsito csnai- astss Tor tn presidency, nuiiam J, Bryan, In an srtlcls In hi news paper, tn commoner, asetsrs ma. William Q. McAdoo I handicapped aa a candidate "b his elos rels. . . tlonihlp with ths prsaldent." whit President Wilson, hlmstlf, h y(, "naed not b consider." Assertlno that Mr. MoAdoo ls I handicapped by "hla si lanes on. the . peace treaty,' Mr. Bryan declared Mr. MoAdoo Is unable to call to hi support "those to whom ths prs.l , donfs candidacy appaaled with spsolal force," and that hs would "furnish an easy mark for all of th president's snsmles." Th srtlcls ' ..71, nvn.m, (oak in r, m.niiwv , esrnsrs. Meferrlng to v President Wilson. Mr. Drynn says that "while vague hints and suggoHtloii have been thrown out nc CHSionally, no one claiming to speak for nhe presltlnnt r near enouah to hln to he assumed To express his wishes bus announced his candidacy."-: Tot of Availability. Her' -over Is eliminated from the list ol' t 'tea whom Mr. Bryan con sider, 'lie," while Henator Owen, of tl ' and Hecretary Meredith are tl us "being among the few' availa. 1 thus, far mentioned." To bo- avail 11 lc this yeMr, Mr. Kryan h sirta, a candidate must be Irhnwn to he for woman suffrage, for prohibition and "against Wall street." A to Atty.-Oen. 'nlmar, Mr. Bryan says he entered the campaign In a po sition to "deal sturnly With tha profit eer and an expectant public stood reudy to applaud, but the prollteer seems to have things all his own way and tha 11I Is now suffering from the reaction." He adds that the attorney-general Is "unfortunate, too, In hav-' lug to espouse the ratification of the treaty without reservations." Former Hpesker Champ Clark I men tioned as having his own aute behind him, while opposition to Oov. Kdwards, of New Jersey, and tlov. Cox, of Ohio, Is reiterated. "Oov. Cox' friends," the article declares, "will urge him a compromise between tha weta of tha Fdwsrda tvpe and tha bona drya." Vice President Marshall ia assured of making "a feeble bid for the wet vote," Dakota for Gerard. Judge (l.-rani's candidacy has South Dakota's suppurt and he hss msny per sonal friends among other dulttgatra, Mr. Bryan says. What More Can McAdoo Do New Vork. June J3. William O. Mc Adoo declared today that In telegraph ing ItuiTls A. Jenkins yesterday h had dune everything In his power to per suutte the Kansas City minister and newspaper publisher, not to present his name to th Snn Francisco convention for tha democratic presidential nomina tion, , ,' , , . .v . , , . . .. , "What mora can I do" he asked, after rending Mr, Jenkins" rUertej "f laWUin that ha would nominate Mr. Milt 'ii,,i n im ur WItltuUL 01a rut.- OF VOLSTEAD ACT Oox'a Campaign Manager Ex presses Sentiment of Oov ernor'g Supporters. f Can Francisco. June U.d N. ft I nov, Cov, of rihl v and tlmsa behind his nresldentlal cimilldscy. will he found ,'))tno"" wl,n tnvnT "liberalisation'' - . w.r.,nm., a, I, ,, mrr. ia in oe a declaration on prohibition In the demo, cratlo platform, jiccorillng to a state ment maile toilay bv Kiltnund H. Muore, Lo a campaign manager. Hut the governor and his friends do not believe It necessary to nuke the Volsletd act a party issue. Moore plained, . In the event, however, of such a party Issue being created by the demo cratlo convention, he added, the Cos men would be found on tha M of the advocates of a moist plank that would Plc'lB ihe democratic party to a nult. tics Hon of the Volstead act so as tn ermlt the manufacture and ute of light wines anil beers. Moore made t clear that Cog w.s tinalterubly opposed to tha re-estntt-llshtnent of Ihe saloon and waa wt. etiulvocnllv In favor of th nforcment of liny and order. GEN. WOOD'S MANAGER WILL SUPPORT HARDING wssniugion, junn -'3. Senator Hard ing coiillntieil his conferences with re puhllcsn leatlers tutlay, iliscusslug iit them plans for his campaign and sub jects with which ha will deal In hi speech of acceptance. Among thiww who saw him were Harry M. Ia lib erty of Columbus. Ohio, his pre-cuiit- lon campaign manager; Senator Fre. Ilnshuystn of New Jersey and Kej.te- senaitve 1 ata i itiiftuis. U. S. TO BE REPRESENTED Observer Will Probably Attend Interallied Conference, , Washington. June IS. Tha I'nlte.f fttiites otoluililv will be renrescnioil st the interollltid conference at llrus. Is on July 1. by an ohaervar. it whs learned at tha slate department todv. Mince the contvrence la to be de voted primarily to matters of finance la whs thought likely that the secretary of the treasury will be asked to desig nate a personal representative to at tend the sittlnKS. V arlous allied statesmen DartlclDattn In the llouloKiie conference, it was t stated have reiterated their reqitesta thnt this government send a, represen tative t Itrussels. hlste department omclsls would inaka no comment on the statement by per- tlnax, political writer of the Fcho 1 Parla, that the allies at th russe ronferenra) mltiht recommend repudia tion of war debts. -BONUS FOR CANADIANS. Ottawa, Ontario. June It. A S per cent. Increase In the form of aokii.-r bonuses over the scale adopted la9t year was recommended In the report submitted today by the special house committee that investigated the n-d for Increasing pensions to eet advanc ing cosl of living. The recommenda tion provl'les for Increasing the snnuat pension bill from 123.000.004 in 113 to 1J,X0,W0. L6Sf ANb FbUNb llOS l i.N' 1,1 XL PI P lost U.t We.iiK-i-dsy. front of Times bidg.; brlmlle. J-month.-old: collar, name "Whiskers." Krward llrt. Call F. W. Lupton. Main tit nr Main 5t:?. 1 C.VMK" PIN I1 lMTtwen AV. Ith st. on Market st. or Ixven(an' store. Finder call Walnut "3J and receive Itheril rewsrd t,i'iV Found 111 my garden. 1 blaik a i white spotted sow. weighs about 1-5 pounds: each ear spilt and cropped. K Ml tonarv ave. iFor Othar "Losts od "Feund." S Want Ad Psos.) I-