Newspaper Page Text
: ' NEWS ." . - Quick References TOR WANT ADS Price given below include all edi tions from neon on day UU noon th next day. Rate. e, to and To rar Una. On. Thre Six. . Words. Time Times Time. VP to 13 $.35 I it I M 13 to 16 ....T77.iT .73 Lit to H M ' M ' a to 30 .: '.s l.ia m 31 to S6 64 1.44 3.63 87 to 43 63 1,68 3.3T 43 to 48 ........ .78 1.9 3.1? T9 to 66 81 3.18 8.78 65 to 60 90 8.40 4.80 81 to 66 89 3 64 4.63 67to 73 1.03 3.88 E.04 TTto 78' -.1 17 3.13 8.48 79 to 84 1-8T 3.86 Minimum chart. 36a. The Newt resrvs the right to revise or reject any advertisement at Its opinion. . Ads are restricted to their prop er elsssl faction. , . . Discontinuance of ads must ba In writing-. We will not ba responsible for ssma by phone. This protecU your interest as well as ours. Tell ydur wants and offers to a News want ad taker. Phones Main 1992; Main 3821. ANNOUNCEMENTS EErs6nAls ..IT I. TUh Y Willi MW Bulok automobile skio imo iruup on ' St.. near Washington St., opposite th Stivers Lumber Co- on Thursday, June 3. about 4 p.m., and who spoke to the driver of tha Bulck car, pleas phone Main 549. L08T AND FOUWn ATilIN6 SUIT, ladies', lost in down town district Saturday afternoon: re--,..4 r-.n Main 280!. or Main 1949. ILACk BILL BOOK lost on second floor t senwanx bum Dior. iu-a-dav. containing money; reward. Tele phone Main 8983. IOST0N BULL PUP lost last weanea dav. front of Times Diag.; nr-naio, 8- Reward $10. Call F. W. Lupton, Main 10 or Main E472. AMfc6 PlN lost between W. 7th sU on Market st, or Loveman's store. Finder call Walnut 6733 and receive 1 1 bcral reward. HILD'S CAPE LOST, PARK BLUB AND TAN ; CAPE. : ALSO DARK BLUB COAT, ON M'CALLIB AVE., BAST OP RIDGE. W. J. COTTER. ... a MAIN 4900. Wam6ND RiriO1 lost on Market St., In Loveman s or Miner oros. rnuajr, hu. rai reward. Call Main 4648. ,OW Found In my garden, A black and white spottea sow, weigsjs itoui pounds; each ear split and cropped, 2506 B. Missionary ave. r S REWARD GRIP LUST vh u AUTOMOBILE FROM TERMINAL STATION OUT M'CALLIB AVE TO WILLOW 6T; LARGE. LIGHT TAN HAND GRIP, GENTS' ARTICLES. LETTERS WITH NAMB "SAMUEL WERL, TORT GIBSON. MISS.'V PHONE HEMLOCK 1913. ' .. AUTOMOBILES "AUTOMOBILES FOR SALt;. U'TokOElLKJ JUNE, JULY, AUGUST. Not th time to be indoors,, but the time to be out of doors in the air ana sunsltln. A used car from this store is a sound, economical investment In motor transportation. Come in and see our wide range of .cars, tomorrow and learn what, hundreds of our cus tomers have found out about the per. tormane. comfort and economy of ou used cars. CHATTANOOGA AUTO COMPANY. Open Day and Night Seven Days a Week. If s a House You Can Trust. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALB f One 1820 Chevrolet roadster, run 1,600 Llllea. at sv barcaln. t One 1930 Chevrolet touring car, at a lUirgaln. . ' one 88, g-pessenger uveriano ai iwi r in 11 W. HUGH LIVELY 1147. 2d and Market Sts. 8R1SCOB, 1919 model. nve-psener. I first-class shape all arouna; run smooth as a top. If you want a good car and at a bargain, and want to buy from owner, let me demonstrate 1 this on to you. Call Walmie 73S!, WJ1CK little "e In A-l hnp; good Jtires, good top ana upnotsiering; soua tlnt; in splendid condition: price right. Se H. P. Jones. 17 West 5th st. ' JAR BARGAINS 1918 8TW5EBAKER, .PERFECT CONDITION; 1 l-PAS-SENOER FORD. PRACTICALLY NEW. CHATTANOOGA GARAGE. 17 CARTER ST. MAIN 1760. OAkfc- M ZU MUESLI f nro iwui - two wesks; Hasaler shock absorbers and other extras. 20 model Ford roadster, almost new. Ford worm-drive truck, flrst.clas. 17 and ! Oak ana tourinrs. I nese cars ne only a little repairing;. If you buy today you can get a eptat bargain. is ovenana tourina, a-i conaiiwn. 14 and "18 model Studebsker touring. ft you want a Studebaker you can get special bargain. Alan hare a 61 model Cadillac. WlHlS- RCnight, Hudson touring and others. t v.t FKth. Main 47. DGE ROADSTER. 19M. MODERN. FOR PALE. SOUTHERN CANDY MFG. CQ 138 C MAIN ST. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILE fCR SALE CARS Good . values la slightly used , can. Before iraklng your decision It will pay you to se us. Marshall Auto Co., Ith and Broad sts. DODGE) l-passenger, A-l mechanical conau-on. DiXlB FLYER AUTO SALES CO. 117 W. 7th St. Mam 4664 DODGE, l-passenger, excellent condl tion, has been carefully driven; will all cheap, by owner. .Car ean ba seen' at 3146 Chestnut st Can dent' i onstrat It after I p.m. any evening. Main 330T. ' FORD TOURING. 1816 model, all new tires, extra tubes and casings; good supply tools, lust overhauled; 3600 cash. Is. I Mill, BOX 383, Station A, city. FORD TRUCK. 1-ton. in first-class condition, for sale or trade for 6-pae-sender Ford car. Phone Main 3170. FORD TRUCK For sale light delivery truck Ford . J. T. Wombla ds Co, ' Hem. 2238. 1807 McCa He ave. I'M FORD In flral-claas condition; I new tires, other tires almost new motor and rear end Just overhauled sts vine st. OVERLAND Best baraain: i-oassen Jer Ovorland car, good running order, new tires; for quick sale, 3250. See Mr. Douglass at McLellan Stores Co., 7U Market st. , 63 ' V )r.U OAKLAND, 11119 model. imple "67 passenger; run about 8,800 miles, nrat-class shape; badTieaJth, leaving city at once. For a bargain In a car ree this. Hemlock z, OVIRLAM 1 Overland roadster, tnodof 83; splendid condition; doesn't show excessive use; bargain; see it. fvrifcoe Sales Co., cor. Chestnut and Seventh sts. USED CARS One 1620 model Fori roadster, with extra delivery body, starter, electric llshts. shock absorb ers, demountable rims and. extra tire carrier. Car has been driven only 30 days. One 1920, model Chevrolet, 6 passencer tourlna oar., used only 3 weeks. These car ean be bought at me ngnt pric. , ' MARSHALL AUTO CO. Mali 1598. 6rh and Broad ftts. UKEi, CARS ....... ( The used cars offered below have" behind them 'the guarantee of J. C. Richards, president at tha Bris coe Sales Co. ' ' -Chevrolet, -passenger, splendid condition, good tires , 60 Dodge roadster, brand new tires, all round; runs good as new . 860 , Oakland "6," good fires, splen- ' did condition; repainted , (60 Buick "big 6'' 7-passenger, com pletely overhauled 1,200 Twin "6" Packard, repainted, new tires; seat covers, runs good as new. See this for a cheap buy. Hudson "640," A-l condition. Above cas can be bought on easy payments a small payment down, balance easy as w handle our own notes. ,. M . . ,. . BRISCOE SALES CO. 7th and Chestnut Sts. , Main 798 Usfib1 Cars- : " W have a few cars in first-class snape you can Duy at th right prlc. 1 490 Chevrolet, 1918 model, $i507 1 Maxwell roadster, $875. ' 1 Hupmoblle. 1 Ford 1-ton track. , ' 1 Indiana truck. . :. . CASH-MELTON GARAGE. M. 1147. Second and Market Sts. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES. 10 HA RUEY-DA ViDSON motorcycle with side oar, electrically equipped, 3200, with terms. The Bike Shop, 1U W. Sth st. Main E41S. MOTORCyCt-HarleT -Davidson, sin gle cylinder, belt drive, extra rar ACCESSORIES. REPAIRING AUTO TOP and trimming. The cus tomer will take' his car to the trim mer who gives him a squar deal and . gets his car back on., time. Try us. ft. H. Spittler, & Son 184 Market st. Main 2995. , AUTO TRIMMINGS Wi" hav ih most varied stocls of trimming material that money ean buy.. 8es our stock room; select your materials; tha price will be right. H. H. SpitUer dc Son. 136 Market st. Main 2996. MOTORS We have tha following mo tors in stock: One-quarter, one-half, one, five and seven and one-halt H. P. Interesting prices. Electric Motor Shop 421 W. Ith st. Main 8608. PARTS We buy all kinds of automo blles and sell all kinds of parts. Gears and axles for 156 different makes of auiomomies. viouia nenver in twenty four hours to) you. Royal Junk 'Co., rsi pin inq a sts. warn iftQtf, KiiPAlRLNU Automobile and truck M. 868. Cal May. 627 Broad St. PARTS ; PARTS PARTS Headquarters ' for sjeooml-hand parts for over 300 model cars. , WS aave you irum av ig ia per vent. ' - New Gears aid Axle Shafts. 730 Main st. Main 8968 or 8860. CHATTANOOGA AUTO COMPANY WRECKING TIRES NOTICE TIRE BARGAIN 30x3 I 9.00 80x8 H 110. 00 Other Sixes In Proportion. Gas, oil. greases and accessories. Let ua dope your car. 4 , Expert Vulcanising. TRI-STATE TIRE WORKS. North End Markst St. Bridge. North Chattanooga. KADiATOKk T) BUST ' ' 'Bit WE rrx "EM AUTO RADIATOR Cd. Main IMS Corner Sth and Broad R.1'AJ1U.( SIMPSON A MARTIN Roy Simpson Walter Martin 1201 Chestnut. Main 8880 Oeneral Automobile Repairing and Welding. FORD PARTS OF ALL KINDS TKL'Cli and automobile rapalntur: no long delays; bring your ear or truck In at T o'clock and tak It out the same day; every order, large or small, given prompt -attention. Call Main lfaM. Chatt Auto Specialty C.. 107 East Main t. Wi.NOfcKic.LL g.aa: aarsMt stock la city at lowest price; machinery for grinding and polishing th edge; w make them fit; glw us a rail. Inde pendent Glass Co, 31-33 Market Mnln WANTED AUTOMOBILES 11 1 1 KLS Old ones and m-w onrt. Will pty hlrheat cash price. Rice Tro. Aut Ok, 17 RcmvUI av and 370 aw Main st. Main 643. THE CHATTANOOGA NEWSi CHATTANOOGA, . ' BUSINESS SERVICE BUblNbbS 6C.KVICE8 OFFcSEDI or advertising with . wagon ana arums lor every occasion, vnit imiiiy. sji rj. reimn St. WAKBliR B H O f Mlcbuls' sanitary shop, 1143 Market at; ssm old prices: Hair out, 36o ; shave, 30c Call to see us ana you will ran again. I10U REWARD tor any caw ol Scrofula . or Lumbago that I cannot cur. Call at or writ (607 Tennessee ave., end or rtt. r;imo car line, ur. K. Fate. FOX. 17 E. iH BT Computing acalas. meat choppers and shears, coffee muis. rnnna mam izi. A. R. Carpenter, li ForsVner sL Main fRlNTiwu yuailty work In orintina calling cards, letter heads, envelopes, etc. Fox. The Printer. 829 Chestnut. FUBU6 DRAY-Llght or heavy haAillng anytime, fr anywhere. Call Roy Gann, Walnut 7SS. KHARPEN1NO W .afaary.n .very thing uiai nen an cage, w sell ui best cuuery o all kinds. Th Cutlery Shop, I6H B. Seventh St. M. 1126. INSURANCE. "li LIFE INStTRANCKI will gladly advise you regarding th amount and .form of lift insurance and disability policy you snouia laxe, no matter who you giv your business to. Consultations free. CURTIS J. HUBERT, manager, 6V3 james ciag. walnut 6394. Buildi mo, Hatina, Plumbina 13 PLUMBER When you want a plumber call waiter X. wood, Main 2227. Main iwt-j. REPAIRING 17 EVERY OLD MATTRESS wanted In Chattanooga and vicinity to ba ren. ovated. we ma Re thorn same as new. Moore s Mattress Renovating Co. Main 1612. GO-CARTS to retire. Bike Shop. Ill W. 6th st. Main 6416. Main Street Bike Shop, Main 1307. REPAIRING Tour furniture la repaired Dy experts wnen you sena it to CHATTANOOGA REPAIR SHOP 811 Pine St. Walnut (486. "Service Is Our Motto, REPAIRING 8100 reward for any stove Dacus can't repair. Main 2726. 241 E. Main St. SHOHS repaired while you wait by ex perts. Best leather and materials used. Country orders attended promptly. American Shoe Repairing Knon. it w. tn Bt. Main i!it3. UMBRELLAS repaired md recovered at 809 W. th St. Main 15K6. PAINTING, PAPERING 15 PAINT your auto by New York experts, New York Auto Paint Co., 23-25 Main. Main 220. W, PAINTING Lytic i utomobile painting aept. ziu-ia w. uunenn. Mem, man, PAINTING wanted done the right way, yrtcea r:gnt. cai wain mas. PAPER HANGING GET IT AT WEST 4k SONS YOUR PAINTING AND YOUR PAPER HANGING. AS THEY HWE A STOCK OF CllBAP PAPER ON HAND, 417 CHERRY ST. MAIN 3237, OR WALNUT 7188. WALL PAPER, paper hungers, interior painting; ask to see samples ana prices; first-class work guaranteed. Robert A. Rfeodes, 261 Main St. Main SM. Walnut 6928. . Pressing, D lyeing, Cleaning, 15 and Drewilna: work called for and delivered. Shaw Dry Cleaning Co., Main HATS Ladles' and gents' felts, straws and Panama hats blocked and bleached into latest styles. 1277 Mar ket St. M. 1667. CLEANING and pressing. Call 42.16; ladles work a specialty. L,iDeriy uiy Cleaning Co. 'RE8SING We dylrf. PRESSING We dy for you, also press and clean suits ana mane tnem uks new. Come and see us. Service Tailor Shop, 325 E. 9th. Best cash prices for old clothes. Main 2239. PRESSING Cleaning ana repairing. .".Prompt service - our mono, wora called for and delivered. Cox Dry Cleaning Co., 221 E. Ninth St. Phone OS. Ol'lt) Movina, Trucking. Storage 20 HAULING and moving In or out of city. Frices reasonahle. Mnln 4z"3. HAULING .unything. anywhere, any Call Frlck's Ga- lime, light? or heavy. rage, Nonh Chi ooga. Main 920. itld to ck. Pi HAULING Want do your haulinx with 1-ton truci Prices right. Main 8170. MOVING. Call Main 6681 for truck. Prices right. WEST Side Dry Cleaning Co. Hats cleaned, blocked; work called tor ana delivered- M. 3668, LOYMENT HtLP WANTED F EM O FEMALE M COOK and dining room girl; ' servants house on place. M. lie ave. rank wanted: must be comnetent: family of 6; wages satisfactory. Mrs. Porter Warner, 3001 Mccaiue av. H. 246. - CHIPPER GRINDER AND CODORED FOUNDRY HELPERS. PRICE EVANS FOUNDRY CO. CHAMBERMAIDS WANTED NEAT. EXPERIENCED MAIDS; GOOD WAGES ; , 8TEADY WORK. APPLY HOUSEKEEPER, READ HOUSE. COLORED GIRLS to work in buckling dept. Apply southern eaaaiery - 80th sd Whltealde sts. COLORED WOMAN Wanted settled colored women; three In family, all grown. 4K08 St. Elmo sv. M. 8567. GIRLS and women alse knitters wanted 10 experienced; good 6-room house furnished to employes; 810.71 per month. Apply Roy csmpneii, Tennea see Textile Mills. Alton Park. GIRLS Z (SIX YOUNG WOMEN OVER it YEARS OF AGE. HIGH RATE OF PAY TO START; EMPLOYMENT IS PERMANENT, GOOD OPPOR TUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT, EXCELLENT QUARTERS, MEALS SERVED BELOW COST; WORK IS ADAPTED TQWOKEN. APPLY TELEPHONE SCHOOL, ROOM 611 TEMPLE COURT BLDG. CUM BERLAND TEL. AND TEL. CO. ' HOI LKEErER Warned middle- esd woman to take rare of e houa for a couple of bachelors st Morgan Springs. Good wages. Address H. H Nrr. NIGHT MAIDS WANTED TO WORK FROM I TO 10 P.M. APPLY HOUSE KEEPER, READ HOUSE. wanted tor Kenoral houaawoik. nod wage to right party. Apply 617 Itnetto St. YOUNG LADIES OF NEAT APPEAR ANCE FOR CAFETERIA WORK; GOOD WAGES WITH V WEALS; STEADY WORK. APPLY STEW ARD, READ HOUSE EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTCDtvlAlti' flARlENTERS- ' 1 .. ,..,', CARPENTERi S WANTED TWENTY-FIVE CARPENTERS , , AND HELPERS WANTED; GOOD PATJ REPORT FOR WORK AT 867 M'CALLIB AVE. . ' , . CALL AT NO. 8. FERGER BLDG. OPEN SHOP THE STEWART CONSTRUCTION CO, PHONE MAIN 327). CAKl EN XERS- Our work hss been stopped, not by an outlaw strike as has been sug gested, but by order ot the chiefs ot the Carpenters'- Union and Is very nearly genera in its scope. Many ot the local carpenters have stated they were satisfied with conditions, but owing to their union affiliation, hgd to obey. We want 76 carpenters pay 76c an hour, this is an ui'KN SHOP. Apply at th building. DIXIE MERCERIZING CO. COLORED .MAN AND WIFE TO WORK ON COUNTRT ; PLACE, CLOSE TO CAR LINE. HOME ICE CO., MAIN 4900. EXPERIENCED MAN FOOD CHECK- . ER. APPLY STEWARD. READ HOUSE. EXPERIENCED , chauffeur; can drive any make of car, references, m. vvto. I FINISHERS WANTED Ideal working conditions. Only rst- dsas workmen need apply, as Rubbers, Polishers. Brush Men and Btalnert. state experience and wages expected. I Address Post OKic Box J087, KnoxvUl. Tenn. MAN-VV need a good, live, hrgetic man for trws storage T.nn. Rtoraa Battery Co., Chestnut at th at. " V a vf ixr KavA nn oDenlnx for good man who wants to learn th .uto storage battery game; only one who norma nent employment Will be considered. Tenn. Storag terv Co.. Chestnut St. at 7th. Bat- MEN SHAKE-OUT MEN WANTED! GOOD CUPOLA TENDER; COMMON tA- BOR; VERY BEST WAGES PAID! FOUNDRY WELL LIGHTED AND COOL; WORKING CONDITIONS EX CELLENT. APPLY AT ONCE. SOMERVILLB ntON( WORKS, NORTH CHATTANOOGA. TAKE SIGNAL MOUNTAIN OR RED I BANK CARS; GET OFF RIVERSIDE I STATION. " , OFFICE MAN -WANTED A FIRST- CLASS, STRICTLY BUSINESS t YOUNG MAN TO DO GENERAL OF FICE WORK. INCLUDING TYPE WRITING AND BOOKKEEPING ONE WHO WILL MAKE HIMSELF USEFUL IN OFFICE AND STORE; REFERENCES REQUIRED AS TO CHARACTER AND ABILITY. IF ABOVE REQUIREMENTS CANNOT BE FILLED Dd NOT APPLY. AD rRESS BOX. 384, CARE NEWS. SEVERAL MEN wanted that n 1 model Kord to drmonatrat and sell n reaory that la belna manufac tured her. This Is nw and rlinsl and will b talked about by every automobile awner In th city. All or Mne time: no money required: drivel to w) Broad st, between 3 snd I p.m.. 1"T nr-rr!,w htHfilSU CLl.i.K wauled- One wiih experlenc in hardware preferred; tale e. salary and furnish refer- enfea A"1r "-on," rr SUoK hKI'AlMMi Tbis is o m- tunlty for a rWtahl na iprt ho repairer I. you can do a real rtmt r!as J"b. call or writ at oik-. Th no Kanury. sis oaarele e., tp. p,t Marketheu. Wsl. t;i. TENN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, EMPLOYMENT UCLp. WanTKB bULE.' T TRUCK DRIVER WANTED; ALSO A FEW LABORERS. HOME ICE CO, MAIN 8900. . YOUNG MAN WANTED. THOROUGH- LT EXPERIENCED IN CAFETERIA COUNTER WORK; NONE BUT EX PERIENCED NEED APPLY. AP PLY STEWARD. READ HOUSE. SALESMEN1 AND AoEMfS. 44 SALESMAN Wantai, salesman and dll istrlct manager, thll territory. Call on dealer with tires and accessories priced so low they sell on sight. Mas tr Production Corp, South Btud, Ind. SALESMAN" wauled, experience unneo- esary. Apply to Mr. Mullls, 313 hi E. 10th st, 8d floor. Situations Wanted Male. SI BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, ex pTlMicd, who la rapid on typewriter, desires position at once; referncs. Adiress M. csr News. CHAUFFkUR of i years' experience wishes to driv private or publlo car, or truck. Phone Main 2S11. TRUCK DRIVER, experienced, wishing job immediately, Main 8660. TINATTCIAL moKIev t6 LdAN 55 MONEY to loan on Improved city prop- erty, from 3 to t years, se Macrae A Stuart. 116 B. Rlxhth St. M. tin. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate in city limits, w. B. ewaney, 806 Jnnies bldg. MONEY to loan on improved real es tate. Interest I per cent., plus small com. Privilege to max partial pay, ments any time. Ferger Pros. ny time. Ferger Pro STOCKS, SOND8 30 BONDS FOR SALE. (iaaled hMa at or above oar will be received at th office of th undersigned until 11 o'clock a.m. Jiuy b, i '.', ior th "Public School Bonds of th City of Chattanooga ot 1920," In th amount of 8100.000. The bondt will be dated July 1, 1920, and will mature as follows: szo.poo on Jiuy i. ims, , ho.oofi on July 1, 1916. on July 1, 87. $20,000 on July 1. 1928. tin nno nn .rnlv 1. I'll 9. Bonds bear interest at the rate . ot five (6) per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, Dotn principal ana in- tereat he ni maae nayaii e at in na tional City bank, New York, and will be issued in demoniations oi si.uon. Theae honds will be issued under su thorlty of Chapter 896 of th Privet Apia nf th flneral Assemhl Of th Stat or Tennessee ot ism, ana tne pro ceeds of said bonds will be used ex clusively tor publlo school purpose. in uity oi uiauanooxa contracis ro furnish fre to th purchaser certified evidence ot th legality of this Issue, which will ba ready tor delivery on th date Of sal. No bids will be considered which name a nr ca ot less than par ana accrued interest to data of delivery. , The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Address ALEXANDER W. CHAMBLISS. Msyof, Municipal mng., tnaTTsnooga, i enn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Si HOTEL For sale 38-rooin hotnl very cantt ally looted with ld established business; reason for selling, retiring for a rest, having been In th hotel business for the past six years, A bargain and a good Investment lb anyone Interested; Phone M. 661. PRESSING SHOP for sale, reasonable If taken at ones. Phone Mnln 1""2. .. TRUCK St HIGHLY rROFtTABLE OPPORTUNITY' FOR RIGHT FAhtr TO SECURE DISTRIBUTOR'S CONTRACT IN CHATTANOOGA AND VICINITY. COMPLETE LINE; NATIONALLY KNOWN MOTOR TRUCK. FAC TORY REPRESENTATIVE HERE NCW. ANSWER TODAT. APPLY 418 OR 411 PATTEN HOTEL FOR APPOINTMENT. 0 LIVESTOCK HOiif.CAttLt.VtMlcLli87 Iq .V, 'mil. h ioa cU I. A. trailer; sovd corJiiloni ranll. Ms in 4f-i;., - 1920. MERCHANDISE 'articles for Sals 8 AULUNU MACHINE Wales adding machln. Iron safe, book keeper's desk, check protector. All In a-nod condition. Main 8J. IrMT GOODS fur sale. Royal Junk Co. 61 1 E. A St. Phone Main 4649. Army 1 mattireses at 11.83 each; army pillows evu uiiut'i to, prm rnt iii filCTCLE. Plerce-Arrow. allxhlly use at bargain. F. J. Day, car Harris ft Hogaheafl. RUBBER HuSHl. lawn mowera screens wire, eta Varnell Hardware Co., 114 to. Main st. BLOCKS Rock, concrel blocks and stone given away. H. 168. American House Wrecking Co.. Ft. Oglethorp ImooMal broom si BrOomIs a ahlnment of brooms at cost: II brooms at 45c: $1.60 'brooms at 69c npeeiai sal for Monday, jun Prloo. brooms slsewner. then see theseT O. O. Sanders. 210 W. Sth st. COLUMBIA graplionoles and Columbia records are sold by us. Cni In and let us. demonstrate to e-ou.- The best talking machines made. Stulce-Yar- nell Furniture CO,, 301 B, Main St. CEILING FANS ELECT RIO MOTOR SHOP., 411 W. 8TH ST, MAIN IS05, Y WOOD For sale cuttings from ix factory, short lengths, easy to work, cheaper than coal; 76c load plus drayage. Phone M. 8724 or H. 109 FANS Cool oft you hot rooms and of floes. Get, sn lectrlq fn. W hav soma slightly used, all slies, selling at discount. Brown Bros. Kleotrio Co, Main 464. FURNITURE Can furnish your house from floor up: new mattresses, newly finished', furniture of all kinds. 883 Market St. Main 1086, Ft It NIT UltE Typewriter desk chair. 8 and 4-burner national oil stoves, Ice boxes, refrlgeratnrs, Iron Xafea, wall counters, dressers, couches, venports, scales, bookoaaes, flat and roll -ton aeakst metal oroniea neaa mattresses, tables, chair. Repairing and refln shlna done cheap. F. James Salvage Co., 303 H st, Jttst south Of Ninth st. wain una,. FURNITURE For sale iron bod pi-Ins snd mattresses, t oak dresser. I rockers, aining ensirs, i - coles 6-ev ranxe with "coll," all in first rlast condition, Main 1600, or 106 Vine st. . GAS RANGES, WATER HEATERS FOR LESS. W. L. MUSILEK. "THE OAS MAN." 138 CHERRY. WAL- NUT 8466.. . KINDLING WOOD FOR sXlE; 11 PER LOAD.. APPLY AMERICAN HOUSE ' WRECKING CO, CHICKAMAUOA PARK, Q A. HEMLOCK 168. LUMBKll FOii flCKEBNS For .ale window screen material. We hav rood stock on hand afl th Mm, Looking Planing Mills. Main 86 and (6. MACHINERY Senders, drum, belt iiol low arm and power feefl, Bargains afl. General Machinery Co., 1011 Chestnut st. ORGANS For sa folding organs; one person can carry anywhere, fi-rd, 17 K, Tth gt. Lns PilONOailAl'HS We have a llnilta number ot 31Q6 machine samples right from the factory, which we are going to sen on payments ror suio. This Includes a record selection ot 84 pieces, come today. , KELLY MUSIC CO, ' II W. lth St. PIANOH. nliotioaranhs, plsyer roll, vlo llns, records. Kelly Muslo Co., 11 W, fth st. kooFING For sale, asphalt, all grades .auarantred. Ask for prices. Ixok out naning miiis, i nansnoofBL ienn SCREEN DOORS We hnve special prices on good screen doors, var nell Hardware Co, . . SHAVINGS given away tree. Good dry nine ahavlnsa and sawdust. The Chattanooga Mfg. Oa, rear Krlangsr bospltsl Harrnion sye. ailJINOLES For sale No. 1 and No. pin, prim and best cypress, clear Oregon, eedar and asphalt. 1'hon or write us ior prices. lotokou tw Ipg Mills, Chattanooga. Tenn SIL0S-OR SALE THREE SAGINAW SILOS, 80 AND 70-TON CAPACITY. HOME ICE CO. MAIN 4900.' V'' BTOVEs'bll cook stoves, forg stock. t good prices) short burners snd long THirner. yarneii tinrownre yo, feVfiVEivOOD jllcknry s' sal I 18.76 load; oak. IS.I aiovewnoa ior 60. Southern IBnT AND' ffArJs-i'Wft tent wltk side po Its and flyes, also two It-Inch Oscillating el tisly A Co, sclllatlng eleotrlo fans. cn w. h ,, Main no. T gt.V' ; f three million feet ' of Lumber left v at ft. oglethorpe. " rVinststlns' of four and six-Inch floor- tng, hoards 6xl3-lnch width at per thousand; SU In No. I eonditloni floors, sash, faucets, rootling, feno poais. rangas, an slses. salesman on premises. aaaaW , . I ' AMERICAN HOUSU WRECKING CO Telephone Hsmlnok t. 600 6H bMM CALL MAIN 1048. H6uttkH6i.5 c66bi 33 COAL RANGE, porcelain top table, dav nport, bedstMds, rugs, etc. 306 r"enar t, CI TTINU snd sewing Utile Uiat folil t special prices to mironuc my nw location. Also kltrhsn stools, Chas, W Ixiftln. r.l Market t. sURNlTL'RIS, slovss snd floor, cover- Ings at Biy largs, light, roomy and nw location, No. 113-614 Market St. Chas W. Iiftln. fL'RMtL'KiU Why worry with a wash woman. ' Our Boss washer will do th work, av all th worry, and on-hj!f th nrgy Only $11 60 1 e our 4-sytd BnM gas rang. only' S1.8) Se our bungalow rang, only $40. Florne automatle oil stove, th Utest and best stov out. No trou bl with wwks, CLOSE FURNITURE CO. 483-434 Markst St. RA( TICAIJ.Y new 617nohn Syphon lefr'trator, capacity. 109 pounds, 104 Cedar at. Seeds. Vlsirt, Frtilie, 45 WtKT lEAti, UT a-i', ch'.ioe and bailtlfuli 31 Pr 100. li. H7, or M. 8da, Plants, pertihrer. 4! loiAlO 1 LA.VTR. ivrlo I.ilo. W nva n unusuany nn mi pi snpa ior shipment this : by espress, 13 per 1.000, or parrel post paid. 8M. 1160; l."0. $ le. 'arkr Farma, MMiMrt fla. -nUi't.i I l.A.Mg fTTf anle. 1 i.V.n la lr -lit. 48 p!atta 9r, ftc, r p-'r dr M I'M-, lr p-'r nrr ANTtordtTT" W ,i"l wtn M,y 31 K. ith st. ' good prl'S. Maia "'. MERCHANDISE WANTED TO BUY. 48 FURNITURE TO BUY SECOND HAND FURNITURE. DICKS FUR NITURE CO., MAIN 3968. ' ' OLD GOLD snd silver wanted Hauer a Jewelers, Sfls Market st k I'RNITURE Second-hand waiHud. J. H. puinam, 3iu K. Main st. Msln St."l2 FURNITURE WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, WILL PAT FULL PRICE. CALL MAIN 6631.' OAS RANGES AND WATER HEAT ERS. W, L. MUSILEK, "THE GAS MAN," 623 CHERRY ST. WALNUT 1463. ICE HOXES, i-afrlKuiktors, stole, dl'lu . restaurant fixtures, loor canes, show rases, household goods, furniture. F. V. James Salvage Co.. 202 It at. Sl-X'OND-HAND furniture wanted. Cull Main 92. clothing bouglit a sold. 204 Raat th st. TO REl.L your business, household ds or fixtures, Haley Salvage Co., 218 W. 9th t. ROOMS WITH 10 A WO. 10TH ST.. 9S4 8 nicely furnialied moms with board for gentlemen, ai. 8841. 1. till ST., iltt ltooui and hoard for gentlemen: privste home. Mninl7!. Rt.-OMMATK dealreil: young luiiy; nice room: meals If dpslred. w. 6KH. SltJNAi. MT Two room and liouid; can acrommodi'te 4 persons. W, 44. ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 48 4TU ST.. ' 614 Nh'Mly furnlshmi rooms for rent: reasonable! all con venlencee, Mnln M18, 1'ItONT ftOOM in siuiitinent, cloae in: clean, fool all conveniences and ad- jolt lug bath. Call Main 1888, daytime, or Walnut 7437 aftir 6 p.m. UEOItOlA AVE., 710 One furnished room for rent, close In, excllret lo cation for business man. Ant. No. 6. LlNUsEV ST., 411 Two connecting and I slnxle llirnt nnusi-keeii nx rnoma. 1'lNE ST., 417 One nine furnished room In private home, close In, gents only. 1'hone Main 6076. R OMS for rent, close 4n, adjoining Pitth; harflwor a floors: 3 men or work ing conpl only. Main 8641, BoMs p6R HflUsEkfeeplKifi 49 CEDAIt ST., 406 3 unfurnished rooms and hall; all conveniences, for house keeping. COVVART St.. iii-NUly (urnlsliol rooms for hoiiaekeeplng. M. 8409. UIOtJlilUA AV., 6248 Inrne conneotlng rrnnt rooms furnished for Housekeep ing. iiorsw of 6 room for rent, eaat sido, furnished. Can bs srranged for 3 couplr for houm'keeplng. Only one lnrge kitchen, or adults until Sept. l. Walnut m. luAHKET ST., 6j:i Nn'e oool, newly finished rooms for small family nr buslpess, mii ran arrange light hoiisekaenlng. Mrln 1MD. 11 CA1.L1I0 AV10., 407 Two furnished rooms for housekeeping. Main 4160. Mh't'lWLL AvLt it-two furiiU ulshuti A dV I WO I light nmisekeepln rooms fiir "9s- It IV L'ff" nlshsd light housekeeping rooms and xarna. TI-IKEI'' lU'lOMl) for Unlit housekeeping and three unfurnished. Cell M. Tola. HlkMOjJIfM. 41. M. ti-l or i u..- rumishen rooms on Rlverview car linni prefer huslnsaa women or busi. ness couple. Call Main S!I4, W. SI ll ST., 313 I'dflr ni , newly pa- perea rooina in one npHriment on around floor for rent. Mnln 8616. W, MAIN ST., 37 For rent rooms fur-1 nisnsa or uuturnisnea rnr nouseKeep Inx: one room to each Dartyi all con venlencM. Call and see theae rooms, w, Main st, WHERE T6 feAT. T mT5a stpr woltlni served for sio cacrhi liom cooking snd CJaan, 310 College at REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RfNT. 83 ClHliAU ST., 407 H-i-ooiii house, fu nlshad or unfurnlshsd, clos in, da Ira hi neighborhood, reasonable to gon,l tenant, Main 1 611. COTTAd'li of 7 rooms, eleelrlo llsl.l and waler, partly furnished, renn- .. !i " . rsi'anl rany. M. ti'tn JtiT J AWJ-J, -ruom. fi iiirnlahtid. for lent for 8 mnnlha. rail Item. 1644. WANTED TO RENT. " 15 COTTAGE WANTED I ROOMS ON OR NEAR CAR LINE, t7NFUR NISHED. APPLY $01 JAMES BLDG. MAIN I6t. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE 3 ALL ENULEIIAKDT. iiam i'AY. Li. your property for sals, eatate U sails ral CITY I'ROJ'EKTr for sale or tiauhana for 76-acre farm, 36 miles out. J, It. Johnston, Main 81 day, walnut 7466 bight. EAH'f LaKU CoTTAdE Four-room houae. attraouvely painted i water and llgtlai on corner lot, 60x148) nar sonool: Dries si. Dim an asv tarma Southsrn Trust Co., 831 Itaniiiton Hank Mflg, iOMlir COUNTRY HOME IN TOWN Elsven serss fronting shout 600 Una; fin view; land Is sloping, but not u t u . r . . three blocks from car leap er rough; plenty of old Heating ruit trees: lxht-ronm. two-story house, city wsler, electrto Hunts and sewersge, garsge, siahles, chh ken houae, etc mprrveh-ents somewhat run down, hut l splendid bsrgsin St $10,009 on ra- SonaDi terms. , GLOVER GRADY A KEITH WEBB . I ' Hamilton Nkdontt Rank BUlg. Phone Msln M I16J. oTO D. B. BARNAIXft ftrlck coltag. $ rooms, recapllon all, In firat-rlsss eontlltlon: corner lllshtand Park and ITth st ; prlee IJ.ihm). $4un cash, balanr $,iJ per monih. Alirariiv s-room nouae wun rerep- ton halli In ereelleut vnndltloni 6 rahi net mantels: good garax and chleken ouse; In te renter nf llighlanil 1'ark en Vaae sv I price is.iun, oo cean. halanea per monih. This houae could Pe rented for $16 per month. , D. B. BARNARD. 319 Volunteer Itlrfg. Main $118. Tirm : FOR 85AI.8 room hrl.k. West gula If.lM room Pries. Highland Park Ifi'iO room. Enet End ave 8.1S r.K.m, Kiynn st (working man).. S.itoo room. C'hamlmrlin ave.. illah and l-aik 3.180 foom. turnse heat. Norlh Chat- 4?8 tanoe,;a Soma rolored rental property for in vestment at your own price. I. A BROWV 1W w. Ninth St. Ill l ll with 7 rooina ou 1 Hnijton ave. for .ih-. $J inn r.nh; (erina on nr yM (i between $ and 3 years. 11 REAL ESTATE f6r SALE HOUSES FOR SALE. C) wiiLU ; . : MACRAE 4k STUART. ,r; ' FOR SALE. ''T' $3,000 Splendid five-room house on Tennessee , ave.. modern: small , cash payment, balance lea than , ; rent; lot 60x21)0. This Is the best low-priced hous in St. Elmo. Call Mr. Collin, home pi -one, Main 4221; office. Main 3108. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN BARGAIN. $6,500 We are exclusive agents for tho best bargain on Lookout moun- kiln. This bungalow Is on Her milage avenue, close to th "" brow; has nine rooms, garage, -ft'' beautiful sun parlor, and ia mod- ,n in in every way except fur nace; large lot, beautiful shrub- ' bery. This can be bought lor '5''"' $6,600. Must be sold quick at .i"' this price, $3,000 cash, balance one, two and threo years. Call Mr. Collins or Mr. Johnson,. Main 3108. ,.,m 4)3,150 A dandy five-room bungalow, itii modern In every way; East k iJtke, splendid section) terms, $1,600 :ttl' '" cash, balance easy. Call Mr. Lattner, Main 8108. MACKAK STUART. Phone Main Slon. nr. E. 8th St. IioMes- EVANS SELLS LOTS. HIGHLAND PARK MODERN HOME. Six-room modern home. Including fur- nana, haruwood flora. to. -immediate possession can be had. "i HIOHLANP PARK. t Five-room and reception hall, on fin lot, In good location; hous In splendid " condition. This is a good proposition. V ' NORTH CHATTANOOOA. Seven-room brick, -modern In every l respect end in beat section of North ( j Chattanooga. Immediate poaieaaioa can b had. NORTH CHATTANOOGA. $3,100 will buy an attractive flv- 1 room oottMne, well located; good terms can be arranged. . . NORTH CHATTANOOGA BARGAIN. Bptomlld nine-room, two-story tram, slat roof, two baths; large lot; Imme diate possession,- terms arranged. - , JOHN R. EVANS. Real Estate, Rentals, Loan and Insurance. 114 E. Tth St. Main 4I8-6JJ, 1UIIISU of 4 tm and about 1 acm of Innd, nloely ln.mtod at Monteagle, Tenn. l'rlee $.100. House needa re pairs. For rent at Monteaglo, 8 houses furiilhd. Phone Main 746. S. I). Colo. 1026 .lamea-hMv 1IOIISIC for sale: 6 rooms. bath, modern. ' price reasonable. Phone Main 3106. ' HOUSE For sals nto 7 -room hous on mil sc., .tcast Chatanottga. It you are looking for a bargain call Hem lock 1878. HoL'tJE : NORTH CHATTANOOOA BARGAIN. Near Rlvervlew ear line, beautiful 8. room houae, newly papered and paint,, si ' ed beautiful floors, bath and electric i, - uthta: larx front nnreh. nn aharfv aM v : of Struet, for only $.1,660; terms r- cl.. rsnged. Call tonlxht sure. Main 81ST. :-!- ft lomorrow 4HH7. OLIVER ST 1 liuuaaa on olivur aL ill ' and 418, Norlh Chattnnooga. In good repair, splendid ' location, good 'lots . near Central grammar school. For further Information see H. P. Jones, , . 17 V. 6th St.. or llhona -Main iott ltEAl. EMTATit All VI il rentttls and 'a C. V. Brown -7 ; Ins lis. Established 1861. Ttro. CoYs rc-R sale, a 1; UKBV1RW This 1s tha near tnarnalff, tommtA mm Mlsalonary rldxe. between Chatt ftnd Chlckamiitiga park. Government boulevard; beat car service; city water; lights contracted. About alxty-flve new homes and ninny others under construe- ' J Ion. A most desirable place for a home. Dellahlful air and healthful atmosphere. Wher can you equal this offer! . 34(10 lot; 4 cash. 34 per inoiilh. - ' : jAiio lot; In cash, $6 per month, , , . , Moo lot; f cash, id per month. ) ' $600 lot! $8 cash. $s per month. ' A We want lo show you Lekevlew. OUR X CARS ARE AT TOUR BK11VICE. Ar- "r ranxe to se Lakevlew st once and get first choice. It Is a flue investment 7'i even If you do not consider building. . nrtAIIT. ISVfSTHFNT rn $15 Volunteer Bldg. Phone Main 8418. REAL ESTATE fOR SALE AHM AND LAND fOH SALtTTS CHATTANOtlGA VALLEY FARM 18U a-rTOBTi imnee, lenaui nouee mn barn; 10 miu-s from Chattnooga; good road. Pleass se me for price and terms, . BAST OF MISSION RIDGE FARM Two acres; 4 -room house; fine 11 1 1 lea 1 place, on Shallow Ford road, clos I In, Ask about this; If s bargain. . , DRY VALLEY FARM Flv acres; "flv. ' room nouse. goon pern; on lien Hank ear tin; land cleared and uninrum-. bared. Pric and term on applicgf lion. STUCK STORE With two living gfart. ni-iiia mieinirs una piece, on .Mala strtet; $6,6oo, terms. T ' WILL J. WATgflN 10$ Jama Bldg. Msvlrt 1051. ItAKM LANl.S-lilotjk (aim. aU'avrea! $8,600, in Dallas county, Alabama, 1 mils Southern U. R. station and up land. Iliu soil, alfalfa adapted. Well drained, gen 11 undulating prairl type of farm. Has gjod dwelling, fair barn and aevaral outhulldlnM; ar tesian water; sum fencing: some timber for fuel; county highway through place, can giv good terms, and pnaeraaton Dec 1. Addrta "tie. cor," Pehim. Ala. 'A It MS We have vueh cuatuiiiera, L'at your farm. Southern Trust Co., 3S1 Hamilton JtanK bldg, - ' Trim ot smId; to a twa at Tlvnluu, tia. Valley land, wall Improved; tour-room houae barn, te.i good fencing! bar. xnln. Room 16, Hotel Northern. Phon , M. 1" li Ai l(l..S mt land. wU liupiokement. ana nouse.a nargaln. near Ked Bank. Nee owner, i. H Ctieia, N. C A'. Jil.H, nmr Tynr. Ail t-m-e. Watered by spring, well and branch. Enough fruit for farm uae. Good 4 mum fram house built 4 years ago. flood barn and . smokehouse, prte $3.mio on terms, gouthern Trust Co., ?l Hamilton Hank hjdg. iit ACRES good red land --room houe. Parn. good well water, i-ric si.aou. n i.. rterntoeK n. i At liE.-i'gooti land; 4-room iiutix, barn; 100 peach trees, loaded with neachea. Price I'.oiHi. with terms. H. L. Ijowe. Hcmloek 413. AUCTIONS. LECALS LEGAL NOTICES. Ne. 17?oi. TATS OF TENNKttlK. Chancery Ceurt f Hamllten County. Lookout Knitting Mill Co. Edward S Reld t al. ' tt appearing from allegwllons In com. plnlnsHt's bill, and amended bill, which re sworn to that tne hort alley Col on Mills, le a nonreaioent or ine stats Pf Teeneaaeo, so that the ordinsry proc ess of law cannot be served upon It. It Is ordered that puhllration be m:in tor four suevaiv wevks la The Chat tanofma News, a newspaper published in Hamilton routily. notttying said non resident lo appear at tha next August rules of said court, to be held at the courthouae In Chattanooga on the first Woodiv In Axit rtrxt. the same being a rule day of said court, and make de fense to said t.ill and amended Mil or the aame will be taken for confessed, and the cat sit for bearing eapartr a to it. This sth day of June, l!0. KIM K11WIN, C. A M vliy P. E. Mlillun. l.. C. A M. a" . . a - .i.j ' J; h i : t: I?