Newspaper Page Text
Why the H. C ' TOO MANY DIAMONDS v NOT ENOUGH HOUSEKEEPERS TOO MANY -ILK SHIRTS ' NOT ENOUGH BLUE DENIMS TOO MUCH SATIN .1 , . . NOT ENOUGH APRONS TOO MANY CONSUMERS NOT ENOUGH PRODUCERS TOO MUCH "GET-RICH-CUICK 8TOCK.1 and Not Enough Help lower the cost of living by saving a portion of your weekly or monthly earning. SAVINGS First National Bank SAITTY HRST, RULE c : OF GEORGIA $0t0NS Legislature Convenes and the First Thing to Come Up ' ' Will Be Their Pay. Atlanta. Ga., Jima 23. Provision for their own pay was Tine of the first eub Jects that wai expected to com before the Georgia legislature on convening in annual session nare today. The condition of the state treasury, according to leertslatlve leaders. Is such that recently the governor had to bor row $5,000 from the funds accrnlng under the etate manor vehicle law to Ttu aoataiaa. fe Ui. imiiit- toe f uAm ell 1 BnArV luf aua ma saraa. aaaMa, eMa. tnlHrHNaa4 ewollF kMa ijiy7e a M NSISMMkNal mat yeas arassiah i Jo Anderson. drufglat i Chatta avooga, Tenn. (Adv.) ORIENT FLOUR Is the BEST CI SEARCH OUT THE GERMS OF RHEUMATISM Find Out What Causes Your . Suffering and Go After It. rwhat la Rheumatism?" Is a question that has not yet been answered en tirely satisfactorily. There are etlll Af ferent oplntona as to tta exact cause, but tittle doubt that Ha pains are real. - The medical profession la practically agreed upon one point, however, and that Is that Rheumatism ia more than a' seriea of loca plains, and that the real cause of the disease Is deep-seated, end cannot possibly be reached by rem edies applied to the svirface. illLIiPHTAE For right party to secure the A- L. Stays Up Savings Accounts DEPARTMENT Of Chattanooga (FiftyTifth Year) Iirovlrie for confederate pensions,, and It a said. that Is the limit that the gov ernor chii legally borrow in one year. - Hlirhwav leeislatlon. additional pra tectlon from automobile thieves, who, police reccrds show, have stolen lf6 machines In Atlanta alone this year a uniform negotiable Iristrumonta act a state woman suffrage amendment and lews iriivnriilna tne use of aim lines. are among; the measures prepared for Introduction or left over irotn me mm seanlon. The legislature In Georgia la organ. Ised for two years, and as this tension Is a continuation of that of 1019. officers of last year will serve during this term, except fof the speaker pro tern of tne house, who has resigned rrom mat Don v. No public statement has been made aa to whether action will be urged on the federal woman suffrage amendment, Opponents of the measure forced the matter to a head In both houses last year, but as each house voted It down In senerate reanlutlons. instead of In concurrent resolution, sdvocates of the amendment rami It Is In tne same status as If no action had been taken, TALE OF 7 SUIUVANS ALL MIXED UP IN CHICAGO Chicago. ft. N. S.) Patrick finlHvan mat Sidney Sullivan In the old-fnshloned Iriah way at West Harrison and A her. deen streets. Policeman Sidney Sulli van arrested them for fighting. Peak Sergeant Michael Sullivan booked them for disorderly conduct. Lockun Keener Jerry Sullivan escorted them to a cell and Warrant Clerk J. L. Sullivan made out the complaint. The belllroaa Pat rick and Sidnev were arralaned hafnra Judge Dennis W. Sullivan "It's not so had as you think," said Patrick. "We're not brothers or any relations at all." "Discharged." said the Sullivan who was Judge, "But I'll not be so easy next time." , . Some forma of this disease have been found to come from tiny germs In the blood which set up their colony in the muscles, or Joints snd begin to miiltlply by the million. You can eatsly under stand therefore, thst the only Intelli gent method of treating such cases Is through the blood. 8.8.B. Is such a thorough blood puri fier and cleanser that It can he relied upon to search out all disease genua and Impurities and eliminate them from the system, and this Is why It Is such an excellent remedy for Rheumatism. - tin to your drug store snd gat a bottle of 8.S.H, today, snd If your rnss needs special attention, you can obtain medi cal advice free by writing fully to Chief Medical Adviser, (03 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Georgia. (Adv.) 0PPM1 distributor's Chattanooga and vicinity of com plete line ationallyKnown Truck Factory representative here now. Answer today ADDRESS MOTOR TRUCK, CARE NEWS THE CHATTANOOGA NEWSt CHATTANOOGA, INDORSED BY INSURANCE MEN Col. Crabtree's Demand for Repeal of Inheritance Tax Meets Hearty Response. 4 . REPLIES TO HIS LETTER Former State Insurance Com missioner and Others Bally Around Standard. In making his formal announcement for the democratic nomination for gov ernor, Col. W. R. Crahtree took a firm stand on the. repeal of that Iniquitous provision of the Insurance lawa passed by the Roberts administration, known as the Inheritance tax on lnauranne. and which works a hardship on widows and orphans. Cfol. Crabtree sent out the following; letter, stating his position to leading Insurance men of the state: "I made formal announcement of my eanamacy lor tne democratic nomlna tion for governor several days ago, and In doing so made known my views on several important questions. - Among other things. I sa d. ' I favor 'tne repeal of ths Inheritance tax on In sura nee, which Is a, alreot tax on wid ows and orphans." I nis tax is repugnant to every sense or justice ana right, in 18 the su preme court of Tennessee, I understand first declared the proceeds of a life In surance policy to he a sacred fund to be held Inviolate for the benefit of the widow and orphan children of a de ceased husband or father. It has been so interpreted down to this time, and the justice of- this policy never ques tioned or broken until ths enactment of the Inheritance tax law by the last legislature on ths demand of Governor Roberts over the strong protest of many gooa cmsens. if tne policy or the law aa Inter. Prated by tha supreme court Is correct. and tt Is: If the physician, the drug gist and the undertaker who render last services to a deceased person can not lay hands on the proceeds of a life Insurance policy which represents pert ha ns a lifetime of struggling, savins' and sacrificing by man and wife, then by what right shall we tax these . cred funds to carry on our state gov eminent t 1 shall oe glad. If you annrova mv position on tnis and other publlo a ties tions, to hsve your support, and will also appreciate an expression from you, very truiy yours, "W. R. CRABTREB." Indorse Position. In renlv tn this letter C.n. Crahtree has received a number of replies. These letters reflect views of tha men who worked hard to prevent the unjust and 111-hqvihoci legislation. Among thoss ranlvtna- ara Reau K. Folk, former state commissioner of In surance; Frank C. Allison and C. C. Dabney, all prominent and well known in insurance circles. These letters are printed herewith: Resu a. Folk, "Tour letter has Just - been delivered to me and I have pleasure In comply ing with request for response. I'ermit mo to say that I most heart ily agre with your pronouncement In favor of a repeal of the Inheritance' tax upon life Insurance. This Is a tax which appears to me as unsound and ndefanHthle as a tsx would be upon ho proceeds of a fira Insurance nollcv. When a building burns, tha taxable wealth of the state Is reduced to the extent of the property which has gone up In fire and smoke. The Are Insura nce money pomes forth to ren ace that axable wealth. It cannot he imvun. fully argued that It would be econom ically or morally sound for the state o exact a tribute from this nre naur- nce money. "Along the same line of reason, when man files, the state from an economic standpoint has suffered to the extent r tne loss of his future wealth-creat- r,g Power. Tha Ufa Insurance which he leaves Is the only thin , which lands for whst would have been hla wealth-creating power. It goes Into the corpus of the state's weslth to he taxed long with other property, Hut I sub mit It Is unsound In principle and In morals to lsy a tribute upon the Ufa In- I contract Rhea County Backs Against Gov. Roberts ' Tax Machine (Staff Corraspondsnce.) Dayton, Tenn.. June . Hhea county has bean regarded aa a Roberts strong hold from the time the governor en tered Into state politics to the present. However, there are strong evidences that a change has coma over tha minds and sentiment of Rhea county demo orate. ' Rhea la in the Fourth congressional district, and tha Fourth district Is tha home of Governor Roberts. It will ba recalled that on the resolution 'In the recent state convention 4 condemning Henator Shields that every county in tha Fourth district 41ned up against the resolution. However,, It will also be re called that when tha delegates from a number of Fourth district couhtleg saw the' mountain about to fall on them and cover them up that they changed their vote on the Shields resolution In order to -make condemnation of the senator practically unanimous. Also It was believed at the time that the sudden change had another pur pose, ths same being to get Governor Roberts out from under the debris of the Shields machine. Be all that aa it may, the fact Is that maohlne. or or ganlzation democrats, of tha Fourth congressional district are Roberts men. Formerly they were Shields men also. At heart they are yet for Roberts and Shields, Just like they were before the action or -the recent democratic) con vention ovrr at Nashville. Brown Swofford, Roberts Leader. Here In Rhea county J. Brown Bwof fnrtl, the Well-known-member of the Payton bar, Is-considered chief driver of the Roberts bartd wagon. Col. w. I. (livens, fairly well known throughout the state, Is first aide to Mr. Bwof for. Atty.-uen. Ben McKensla ts a member of the ffrlng squad and helps out in pinches. Swofford and Glvens employ some of their time challenging orltlcs of the governor to nnd in all or Rhea county a hundred Crabtree men. They challenge outside opponents of the governor to find In the town of Dsyton a doten Crahtree men. This sort ot talK la merely Intended to keep the Roberts lid on In Rhea county, or to prevent any of the Roberts animals from Jumping the fence and going over Into the Crabtree pasture. As the lata lamented KoDert Ij. Taylor used to say, "xou know how politicians Is." Turn to crabtree. But 1n snlte of all their lid fixing and fence building, democrats are be ginning to Jump Into the Crabtree band wagon. Swofford and Glvens are keep ing up a hold Tront. Ken Mcrtenzie, Just returned from another county In his district, has symptoms of panic. He admits that Crabtree Is growing, and It is very evident that he views the stuns of the times In hla territory with more or lens alarm. There la much dissatisfaction with the adminis tration of the governor. Ben McKensie admits It. The farmers of the district are' very much opposed to the new an sesament lsw and are threatening to visit their wrath upon the head of Governor Roberts for having the law placed In the statutes. Also they do not like the way they have been haled shout by (hose school tescher assessors. Neither do they like the close align ment thst used to exist between Gov ernor Roberts and Senator ShleldB. Circulating among the business men of Dayton. It becomes apparent that hut few of them regard themselves as permanently hitched to the Roberts band wagon. They want to hear some thing about Colonpl Crabtree. . . The candidacy of John R. Neal was never considered seriously. But few people here ever believed that he meant It seriously himself. Receptive to Crabtree. Hence It ts stating the situation here acurately to say that the democrats of Rhea county are In a recentlve frame of mind on the question of the govern orship. Such Is the view taken of It bv Mr. J. W. Hlxaon, tax assessor of Rhea county. Assessor Hlxson saye there la much Crshtrea sentiment out suranoa check while It Is In progress ot transition Into the body of the stato'a wealth. Furthermore, I regard It not nly aa economically unsound and in efennlhle. but aa cruel and unfair, in that It requires widows and orphans to pay a tax to the state upon tha life lnsuranco money which the deceased husband and father has 'provided to oome to his loved ones when his earn ing power should be ended by death. ''This tsx, It should be borne In mind, in every case falls upon the beneficiary of a life Insursnce policy. The life Insurance agents of Ten- TT IP Msf i salt for Motor II! INI TENN.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE In the country among farmers, and he takea very little stock In the claims of tha Roberts leaders that the gov amor will get the county without right. The wall-known and Influential Fra iler family of Rhea county la for Crab tree. Uvery member of this family Is for Crabtree, and they believe he will finally carry the county, They assert that a majority of tha democrats of Khea county have not aligned them selves with the Roberts faction; that their minds are open on ths subject, snd that every change from now until the eleotion will be favorable to Colonel Crabtree. They confidently expect the county to give Colonel Crabtree a ma jority. Assessor Hlxson ia busily engaged with his tax books. Ths so-called as sessment made In this county, by Prof. Brandon haa been repudiated. Figura tively speaking, it has been thrown Into the waste basket because of Its many Inaccuracies . and outrageous valua tions. Assessor Hlxson, while talking with the staff correspondent of The News, put his nnger on a line of figures in one of his books that were made under tha Brandon assessment and said: "I pay no attention whatever to such as that. The valuation ts too high. Ths property Is not worth it. I am making my own assessment Inde pendently of these assessors from the state board of equalization, and my assessment Is going to stand." Asked about the total assessment of Rhea county under the new law, Mr. Hlxson said, that he could not give the figures for the season that no totala had been made. He said, however, that the Brandon assessment was out of all rea son. Ha also declared that Prof. Bran don was not qualified for the work, he had been chosen to perform. Interesting Story. In this connection there is an inter esting story In circulation here In Rhea county. The story Is given credence by Brown Swofford and Assessor Hlxson. It Is to the effect that Brandon's con nection with the state board of equali zation waa terminated because he was not fitted for the work. He was per mitted to resign and was then ap pointed state prohibition agent, which position he now holds. Brown Swofford, as a lawyer, holds that tha assessment In Rhea county made by Assessor Hlxson will - be adopted. His contention ia that a county assessor has the same authority now to asaess property that he has al ways had: that the new assessment law does not repeal the act of 1907 clothing the assessor with this authority. Tne only change la that the local assessor must assess all property at Its cash value, according to Mr. Swofford s view, Asked what would be the result if the state board of equalization should differ with the local assessor anout tne casn value of a niece of property. Mr. Bwofr ford replied that the assessor's valua tion would undoubtedly stand. Asses snr Hlxson entertains ths same view of his powers to value property. "If my valuation of a piece Of property is cues tloned, how are they (meaning the state board) going to prove that I am wronar?" Notwithstanding tne nig claims or me Roberts leaders here. Col. Crabtree has a chance to carry Rhea oounty by making an appeal to tha farmer vote These votera feel kindly toward him, and there Is nothing In evidence to show that they have the least bit of love for Gov. .Roberts. There is no dis guising the fact that the Roberts lead ers m Rhea county began early circu latlne- the Information, which they man ufactured themselves, that nobody but the governor had a show for the nomi nation and that unea county snouia give him its support because he lives In this congressional district. However. the farmers are lust awakening to the fact that theymave been misinformed about conditions and issuer and are turning to col. urabtree aa tneir peat menu. nessee are opposed to this tax, not be cause of any financial Interest, but be cause of tholr interest In policyholders and beneficiaries, and because of their laudable desire to see the Institution ot life. insurance as efficient as possible to the public Togetherwlth other anenta, I vigorously opposed the Incorporation of the Ufa insurance section in ,the in herUanoa tax ; law, v l regretted very much then, aa I regret now, that the governor took a strong and aggressive position" in favor of this tax and suc ceeded in overriding the proteste against it. Very truly yours, "REAU E. FOLK" Frank C. Allison. "Am in receipt of your letter ahd note your attitude in rererence to the Inheritance tax.. You are. In mv nnin- lon, entirely right In reference to thla unjust law which waa passed to carry out the wishes of Gov. Roberts. This Iniquitous law Imposes double taxation on the beneficiaries who have same to pay. "I went to the present governor, who is now a candidate tor the second term in- person, temng mm tnat It wss a direct tax on the widows and orphans of the state that had already been paid by tha insurance companies, but the governor promptly informed m that he would sea to It that the bill was psssed, asking me the question that If I had a certain amount of life insursnce and ha had a certain amount of money, why should not my family be required to pay an Inheritance tax tha same as his family should be required to pey taxes on the money he already had? I made the statement to him that aa a rule every man carrying life insurance wss carrying it for tha benefit of his family, stinting to pay the premiums and going without the necessarlea ot life, while he who had money was reap ing the benefits of the proceeds of that monev annually. I told hln more than that, that the Insurance companies were already paying $8.R0 on esch 1100 in premiums to the state and that tha state .should be satisfied with that amount, that this M B0 paid by the rommnttl waa indirectly paid by tne "It is now neeesssry when proofs, of death , have been oompleted betore a, notary, that a certificate be secured from the county court clerk, giving the date when the notary's commission ex pires in order thst the "tsx grabbera" may be at liberty to Inspect the county court clerk's books and find out the amount of insursnce csrrien ny inui vlflusla .for the benefit of their fam ilies. "I do not believe mat a single policy holder In the state would support Gov. t)nk..f . if tti vftnld read and under stand the workings of this law which gives , to the state or Tennessee im power to collect Inheritance tax on life insurance which is considered a eaered fund and cannot be touched for any Indebtedness of tne oeceasea. "Congrstutstlng you on the stand you take against the public iitllltlea commis sion and other unjust laws psssed by the last legislsture. and with best wlaheo Tor your success, i mm, yjur. truly,.' rKAiNn. w. Auumvn r - . c. C. Dabnay. , . "Thla la to 'acknowledge receipt of "LOOK FOR THK ION" Optical ,r HI Optical tr E A D Q 0 4 R I E R 8 a' B A D Q 0 A R T ft R 3 Have) your eyes examined by Jshnke. Optometrist. Latent instru ments to detect and correct optical defects. Lenses to suit all klnda of Thlrtv veers' experience In exsm Inbng eyes and fitting glassea. We 10 our own lens grinning. JAIINKE Na. I Esst Eighth afreet. OPTICIAN AND JEWELER 23, 1920. your letter of June IT, 19J0. in repiy beg to . say It is certainly to same, I vary commendable in you to express yourself In your announcement for governor of Tennessee as being In'favor of the repeal of ' the inheritance tax oa life insurance. In behalf of the 175,000 policy hold era In the State ot Tennessee, X leal that I would not do justice to myself if I did not thsnk you for the very com mendable position you have taken In regard to the above mentioned law. "Tha writer waa one of a legislatives committee, representing - the Nashville Life Underwriters' association, that called on Gov.' A. H. Roberts, during the legislative cession of 1819, and pleaded and begged Gov. Roberta not to have this measure ensctea into law. we ex lained to Gov. Roberts that it did not aka a single copper from any life In take surance company, or from any Ufa in surance representative; tnat we were simply making a plea in behalf of the widows and fatherless, children and other dependents. "We at the same time explained to Gov. Roberts that Tennessee was get ting two and one-half per cent, tax on the Insurance premium; that this waa the greatest amount of tax paid on life Insurance in any other state of the forty eight statea of America, as most of the states only collect a tax of 1 per cent, on life insurance premiums; that indirectly, una tax wss paid by the policy-holder, aa thla waa embodied in tl :he cost of the premium rate aa applied to the oollcy. But to all of our plead- lnga Gov. Roberts turned a deaf ear. Gov. Roberts stated to us that he drafted this bill and he boasted of the fact that It waa his measure. He went so far aa to tell the committee of life insurance representatives that if we defeated the bill, he would follow tt with a bill that would make every life Insurance company doing businesa in Tennessee pay a tax of 3 1-3 per cent, on their premiums instead of i 1-2 per cent., as they were then paying, "I am very much pleased to see, as your letter clearly Indicates, that you nave given auch deep thought and made such a thorough investigation of this very unjust law, aa all of thla inheri tance tax on life Insurance simply means that amount of money taken from tha wldowa and fatherless children of Tennessee.. "We watched with keen interest Gov. Roberts' recent announcement and also read with much Interest tha platform presented by the democratic state con vention on June 8. 1920. think na- that among other laws that should be abol ished or amended the inheritance tax on life Insurance would be embodied among them, However, the above mentioned announcement and platform seems to be aa silent ss the dry bones STAR POINTS 0 n& iFEsrsrf- irpr. I I J III! f Or Reason Why You ; SERVICE , ; : Tuft Detroit Vapor Burner produces a heat equal to a, gas burner. It requires no wicks or substl: tute'.Jor wicks. It concentrates a doubte;rlng (lam 'directly under the utensil. Works per fectly In cold weather ss well as warm. 8o con structed thst all cooking and baking Is 'done with the utmost ease. Will civs you faithful serr , lea for many years. . ECONOMY The "Red-Star" will save one-quarter of your fuel expense, because 1st. The burner becomes red-hot and consumes all fuel without waste or odor. -Burns kerosene, g-nsoline, distillate, alcohol naphtha. Snd. Patented heat condensers hold all heat under cooking utensil, thereby saving- host, which ot course saves fuel. DURABILITY Only the best materials are used In "Red Star" stoves. - The annealed grey Iron burners will last for many years. All steel parts are treated with a coat of enamel which Is bsked on under Intense heat- Orates across top cannot warp or burn out The utensil will always stand level. Every "Red Star" Is built to withstand many years of hard usage. DESIGN The "Red Star" Is designed llke.a modern rs range. We are originators of gas s'ove design for vapor stoves. A "Red Star" Is a beautiful stove (hat any woman would be proud to have In her kitchen. CASH OR TERMS f97 $D) ( (fisM .1.1 I - ' of thd valley on tha subject of Inheri tance tax aa applied to are Insurance. "From o-ur point of view, wa cannot see how a single one of tha 175,000 policy-holders in Tennessee, or a single life Insurance representative in. the state, could not heartily support you LOUISVILLE WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS LASTED FOR FIFTEEN YEARS Mrs. Menne Says Her Condi tion Had Become Almost Desperate When She Began Taking'Tanlac. . .. i THOUGHT OPERATION WAS HER ONLY HOPE Decides to Try Tanlac First and Was Astonished at Her Rapid ImprovementGains Twenty Pounds. , "At the time I-began taking Tanlac a month ago I was so bad off I was not expected to live much lonerer. but since then I have actually gained twen ty pounds in weight snd am now able to do my housework for the first tlmo In many years." said Mrs. Maud Menne, S32 West Jc!ferson street, Louisville, Ky. "Fifteen years ago." she continued "I suffered a general breakdown and since then till recently I never knew a single welt day. I suffered with stom a ah trouble as bad as any woman ever iw trsaE m-mmt sTtl-.i-lTM ST OF THE 1 1 Detroit Vapor Oimbve Should Have the Best in Your Home. urn .-.. fm-gjafiZlMtt mmt4m.ymmmi,jy.lm.ti 'gaqtaffi 1wrssssgiLLi , -T SANITARY . - "Red Star" oil stoves are easily' cleaned. No so-called "fancy" parts to catch dirt The '3Ud Star" has just enough ornamentation t,o be prac tical and Is easy to keep looking like new. -No wicks to contend with. All "Red'Sfar" stores have sanitary base which permits sweeping un derneath the stove. ' ; . - ' OVEN The ovens In "Red Star" stoves are sxceptlon-: , ally good bakers because we use the heat la tho oven twice through a double flue system.! The deflector Insures an even heat in all parts ot the oven. Clear-vision glass in oven door permits ytm to watch the progress ot the baking. SIMPLICITY There is no complicated mechanism about the "Red Star." Every part is easy to understand. A child can easily operate a "Red Star." Nothings to get out of order or burn out The last word in simplicity. " SELECTION OF STYLES AND SIZES "Red Star" oil stoves are made In a number of siaee and styles. But no matter what th else or gtyie every "Red Star" Use the star points we have Just named. You can find a "Red Star" suited to your requirements. Burns Kerosene, Gasoline or Distillate. 19 Hours on One Gallon of Fuel 212-220 WEST EIGHTH STREET ,T- .;MsibiL fetaaSitislascliJ in mi isMiii-i"- - upon tha platform that- you have M Doiuiy puoiisnaa to the World over youl own signature. ' "We beg to remain. "Very cordially and ileerety yean, . "DABNET MARTIN "By O. C. Dabney." am. any stomach was so badly upset I could hardly eat a bite without being In misery afterwards. Sometimes I wasn't able to retain a thing and would bloat up with gas until I felt simply awful. My heart would palpitate so I became alarmed for fear I. had heart trouble. My nerves were completely shattered and it was Impossible for ma to sleep good. I feu off In weight until I lost about fifty pounds and waa ac tually so weak I couldn't raise my handa to my head. I ' waa almoat a perfect wreck, and in spite of all the money I spent and tha medicine I took I grew worse instead of better. Finally I waa told that an operation waa my only, hope. ''However. I decided to try Tanlaa first, and waa astonished at the way .Tanlac began to build me up. My ap petite returned ana i stsriea eating: things I had not dared to touch In years and my lost weight and strength began to come back. I have now fin ished my third bottle of Tanlac: can hardly realize what a change tt haa made In me. I am eating anything,. I please and I am nere troubled one ore afterwarda. Alreaoy i nava siin back almost nan my mat woigui -. I am still gaining every day. My nerves are just as caim ana , iiww 7iT',', i and I sleep like a child every night. Tanlac Is aotd in Chattanooga by Morrison's three drug stores. Dr. H. O. I Null, Ridge Junction: eherman Helgntg t Pharmacy, East Chattanooga, Tenn. (Adv.) . . ' pmmmm Tesy! Jfr"" Stove on the Market 33 - CASH OR TERIVIS i III i I ii nri I II IIISjimii Ml1 J I ( " 1 ""i"1" i ii i -uai 1 " -.-.-.I I