Newspaper Page Text
THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS. CHATTANOOGA. TENN.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1520. DERBY DAY ON CRIMINAL TURF Many Face Judge McReynoldi and Receive Penitentiary V Sentences.' BROTHERS ARRAIGNED And It came to pass that en a. cer tain day, that - day belna Wednesday. June 28. 1920, there fathered together In the criminal court, not willingly, but legally and lawfully, a certain tribe charged with the violation of varloui laws on the atatute book! of Tennessee. And It further came to pass that on thli lime day there gathered together In the same place Judga 8. D. McReynolda, Gen. George W. Chamlee, Chief Deputy Billy Smith. Constable George Kirklln and other offlcera and twenty-four Au rora for the purpose of Inquiring Into the transgresslona of the transgressors. In other wontls, to make a long atory short, court was In session. It was "get-away" Jay. but few got away ex cept on a trip to the workhouse or peni tentiary. George White, colored, a carpet beater by pretense, but a vagrant in fact, got away for the longest stay, he being , sentenced to serve from five to fifteen years on the charge of entering the home of Mrs. Mamie Lauterback. Dis covering the Intruder ln her home, Mrs. Lauterback. at the point of a pistol, held the negro until help arrived. Dur- , Ing the day the negro had gotten a rug from Mrs. Lauterback to clean and failed to bring It home until 11:80 at .. night and then brought It In through a winaow. inis was nis pretense at oeing found In the Lauterback home at that time of night, but he couldn't get by , wjth It and he was convlcbd and sen tenced aa above. Women Sentenced. Mrs. "Mary Ball was fined $80 and costs and sentenced to the workhouse for SixtV risva An tha ithnivA nt a.Rfliilt. Ing Mrs. Bella Jones. The aesault was committed w4th a bottle and an Ice pick, i no testimony snowed mat wirs. Jones had received some money as ' rinmnflrea Annm har In an iMMAnt mH and spent it on Mrs. Ball, to whom he had been paying attention. The prose cutor charged that when she upbraided .Mrs.. Ball about it the latter attacked her with a botle and an Ice pick. Judge lfn.... ..J- j . 1- - . mvivcjiiviuB fioju nini uic cafln was a bad one and punishment should be ad ministered. The parties all. live In East Lake and are well known. Will Smith, colored, walked right up egotism -i w 1 j 1 SELF - RESPECT urn,: Phones Main 97-778 DO YOU EAT Then eat where you get the beit at leae. PURE FOOD PREPARED THE PROPER WAY Y. M. C A. Cafeteria ALWAY THE" BEST ' PREPARED THE BEST ORIENT 'flour Is the BEST Women's Suits Choice model In iummer itylet. All material and a hades and we have your slxe. For bl values, see them, faual credit terms. American Qothing Co. Th Daylight CornrV VOLUNTEER 8TATE LIFE BUILDING and looked the court In the eye and admlted he stole some clothing. The oeurt looked Smith, back In the eye and sentenced him to serve frem one to five rears for' such conduct. Telling the ruth got Smith down light. Fred Broglln, colored, a trusted employe of the Frltts Wlehl company, stole some paint. It was charged and made ar rangements to steal more, but was caught by William Frltts, a member of the firm, while In the act of carrying out his illegal Intention. Broglln pre tended he waa craay, but Mr. Fritts claimed he waa the smartest craay ne gro be had ever seen. The case, how ever, was continued until next term of court. Tom Broglln. colored, a brother of Fred Broglln, was sentenced to one year In the penitentiary and fined 1250 on the charge of transporting mars than three gallons of liquor. When asked how much whisky he had, Broglln said, noi quite three gallons. ' He, t,nu,AVA .I a I in A1 it... It Ka Innn.J ... Jack Prater, and Prater wfll explain his part In the transaction at the next term of court. Ben White waa fined tit and costs for publio drunkenness, and David Frix ?;ot (50 and coats for procuring whisky or another party. Andy Wright, col ored, came Into his own with a $50 fine ana tnree montns tor storing liquor, Henry Ditto admitted he "toted" brass knucks, which the court stated was wrong, and dittoed Ditto for $50 and the costs. t MASONS TO OBSERVE FESTIVAL OF ST. JOHN The 'festival of fit John win ba nh. served by Hill City lodge, No. 03, Free and Accepted Masons, at the Woodland Avenue M. E. church, North Chatta nooga. Thursday evening. This day Is observed by Master Masons the world over and It la the purpose of the Hill City lodge li snake th services this year of more than osual Interest. A special program has been arranged ap propriate to the occasion. The com mittee on arrangements is: J. A. Witt, W. F. Williams, J. H. Allen, E. 0. Bur ton and E. W, Burn. An Invitation has been extended to the general public and especially to Master Masons and members of their Families. The following program will be conducted: W. H. Douglass, master ef seremo- nles. . . Bona. "Praise God From Whom AH Blessings Flow" Quartet. I Opening Prayer Kav. r. c. uamper. Extemporaneous Address Judge Os car Yarnell. Address to the Flag Misses Zora Doyle Burns, May Meroney. Lenore Burns, Mary Joe Williams. Song selection jonn ueynoins. St. John'-a Day Address Rev. J. J. Roblnette. Sons- Selection Quartet. Wlriowrf-Ornhans .Home and Masonry Arthur L. LasenDy. Closing song, "Brighten tne uorner- Audience. . DELIGHTFUL OCEAN TRIP, 1 Savannah l.lna announces Bailings of stmhln Cltv of Savannah June 30 and, Steamship City of St. Louis July 8 from Savannan to ew iora. ror rio, rarvatlnis and other Information ap ply to City Office. First National Bask building, or teiepnono main io. ven tral of Georgia Railway Company. IAUV. HELD TO GRANdTuRY of Kelley's ferry, were held to federal grand Jury under bonds fixed at $1,500 each Tuesday afternoon after a prelim inary nearing Dt'iore unnea dihim rAmmUifnnaf Rnm J. 1MA11astAr on charges of furnishing material to an Illicit moonshine still. Both men pleaded not' guilty. MRS. ALLEN IN CITY Mrs. Dora Davis Allen, advertising manager of the Greensboro Daily Rec ord, is in the city for a week or two. Mm. Allen was for many years con. nected with the Chattanooga News advertising staff, and has a number of friends who will be delighted to wel come her back. Mrs. Allen enjoys the distinction of bulng one of the best known and best posted newspaper women in the country, and occupies a position which Is In itself an evidence of ner superior anility. Training Camp At Park ; Now In Fall Operation Student Officers From AH Sections of Country Among Those Tak ing Six Weeks'. Course at Fort Oglethorpe. I Biliousness , Permanently relieved with out sickening. One Pill at . night will do the work 1 M PICTURES Any Size Framed In Any De sign Wished. CO. 506 Market 8L TRY IT A WEEK Try paying cash for one week. If it is a good thing keep it up. If you lose quit. Earning money is useless if a portion is not saved. ! yTe help you save. i. , The34RedStores "Vy here They Sell For Lets" Almost every state In the union la represented at the R. O. T. C. now In operation at Fort Oglethorpe. They are there from Texas, the Lone Star State; from Virginia, the State of the Old Do. mlHlon, and California, the Golden State, the young students are from military schools In various parts of the country where cavalry, units were organised. ' Tuesday was only the second day of real work for the cadeU, so It was almost Impossible for an outsider to Judge whether or not they were enjoy ing the first part of their eut weeks' summer military training. One of the first things seen upon entesSg the camp Tuesday was a group of about thirty cadets seated around on the ground nd on rocks, cleaning parts of army guns and pistols. Their day s training ana maneuvering vu horseback was over. Each had Just been Issued a 45 Cplt's automatic and ha m ttirwi Instructions to get them In shape for the-following day s work . . The Texana, so to speak, seemed to be at much, at ' home handling these lirearmt as ooes um s. mmhA An tha'movin olcture screen wn ni.mli in i h hand. They had Just taken theli pistols apart.andwlth out any trouble, after thoroughly wash- ing them in gasoline, suqeeeaca in vo ting mem dbck iopiuh.-h i h,in.h w.i firpBMH in hlue denim for this work, but one declared to the re porter that he aian-t nave to uro n ,. .11 th time, and that she should see them "dolled" up in their uniforms. Not one member of tne party remamea .11. n. th. visit, but all were anxious to put In a word for "Texas." One very enthusiastic young imo uo clared that he Uked Chattanooga Just fine, but that he thought some or me organizations would be doing a good deal If they should ret up a dance for the msmners ot tne n. j. i. y. he declared, "we will appreciate even an Ice cream party.-- . nf the camD clearly im pressed the visitor that when they come nto Chattanooga on a. visit they want the Chattanooga people to recognise them. The students can? be distln guished from the regua'lr soldier by the olive drab hit cord. So, Chattanoogans, don't forget to welcome mcro w.v.. they eome tp town - . saiaieny i t. nrt.ii. v cnsirtfr was interviewing the commanding officer of the new camp at Oglethorpe Tuesday afternoon, one of the students made his appear ance In the office and saluted his su perior officers. He naa neen senv ir. ana was airecica io mo - 7,1". .n.A tn m him. Therewas another salute, and the the young man by his last name. sa d. "Blank. I have a tjieBram .... mi v. a ffw seconds. 1 ne commanding officer stopped talking in reverence to the message. The officer speaking to the student, continued. 1 am sor to lnforai you. son. that your mother haa died. You will find the money for your return trip home at the Western tTnlon office in Chattanooga The best thing for you to do Is to return ytnindiiwIUhaveor made out jor, yuur ri T'ri..i.J.i wnen ino ""","---."" .. th v. . mnthAr aii caaei n..i. - customary salute, 8ioea '""'".-' arrow and asuea oniy m j--"Can you tell me what time the next tr'n '"I'.. i.m ta him In every way .and advised him when he the W.Lf.:,llne.,nhim very materially to forget his trouDie. His home was in Philad1Ph,1l,nm, tor Alter cnanging in -i - -Vltv." the young man came down from hi. nnarters passing the Texas grounn". one called out: "You are npt going tant the message tnat caiie.i i...; ..... . v.n,. nnn.ftii arnuna inc circle and one could have heard a pin drop- . ........ , . Cant. Cail H. ftiller officer In charge of the military training at me v a" the commanding officer In charge of the R f T C. Capt. Muuer. jimi Ti UA;'... .. .. .mtinnerf at Fort tne worm v. . , " , Oglethorpe for over a year with tne Kleventh cavalry. He has, many friends In Chattanooea. He was a r" " 1 " the Kighlv-flrst division In Francedur Ing th? ri - nt war. The off '.a assigned to duty with the training camp are: i apt. . ; rr..n...A Alllltarv Institute, Cant' A. B Dockery. Virginia Military emv: Capt. R. W. Grow. I'nlversltv or flMnols, and Cant. A. H. Trwea Capt. Harry H. Balrd. Lieut W R. Mnbley, I.irnt. J. C. Van Ingen. I'; H. A Price and Chaplain C W. Freelanfl I all of the Sixth cavalry. Fort Or'e""' , "m. i n n Da am. on duty at Fort .."..,.n.n.fh t tha armv school there, together with six officers who are mem- l.'V Fort RlTev Kan. will be sent here July 1 for the purpose of dem onstratlng the latest methods In mill' The students, according to Comman der Muller, start their schedule at 8 a. m. and complete their work by 1 o'clock. The day's Progra-r . 1. , W- harrack.T sTsn. first mounted drill until 0:15; B:3n, turn In horses ana inn v, ,cl exercise until t o'clock: from . mstruciions in - ii. on in.trnntlnns In musketry; 11. t J: '"nhi aJa to athletics such a." baseball and other rme. Then supper at S c ' c'ora. - students are ir i h. As expiarnen ny . O T. C. is being operated under the .rona act. passed In June, ,0!., However, he pointed out that he- ?ra lJ"'"u "I ared He alao p" Sterf W that in the p.-t; war. the '?'MXi IceWarp" hrd iwa" " Th . he declared was departed front in the past war -to the Extent that an attempt w as m ade to manTto become an officer .t the tame time he is rece vlng his education. 1 A6cSrnrrlte list ot the 115 young men nallaa. Texaa. W. F. Mims, Onlveralty of Georgia, Mlllhaven. Ga. ..... N. F. McCurdy. Virginia MUlury In stitute, Diamond Springs, Va. J. H. Pendleton. Virginia Military In stitute, Lexington, Va. S. B. Phillips, Virginia Military In stitute. Paducah, Ky. G. V. Powell, Virginia Military Inttl tute, Danville, Va. L. Pearson. University of Illinois, Chi cago, III. .... G. R. Rathbun, Virginia Military In stitute, Allentown, Pa. J. K. Reld, Virginia Military insti tute, The Plains, Va. U R. Ruff in, Virginia MUltary Insti tute. . W. O. Robertson, Virginia Military In stltute, Lynchburg, Va. J. T. Seamans, Virginia Military In stitute, Unlontown, Pa. J. T. Smith, Virginia Military lnstl-l tute, Longview, Texas. T. w. umitn, Virginia Military insti tute, Birmingham, Ala. C. S. Short, university 01 tjeorgie, Shellman. Ga. H. S. Bouthgate. Virginia Military in titule, Norfolk. Va. S. A. fivne. Virginia Military Institute. Washington. D. C. W. M. Stokes, Virginia Military Insti tute, Lynchburg, Va. w. H. Taylor, A. M.. college, Texas, Houston, Texas. w. H. Thompson, A. st M. oouege, Texas, Hubberd, Texas. W. A. Winston. Virginia Military In stitute, Kingston, N. Y. Troop B cavalry camp. K. H. Adams, Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Blsbee, Arts. P. w. Armstrong, A. a at. college, Texas, Amarlllo, Texas. Charles T. Aubln, A. M. College, Texas, San Antonio, Texas. W. L. Ballard. A. as M. college. Texas, Dallas. Texas. W. H. Barber, jr.. university 01 Geor gia, Moultrie, Ga. T. H. Beasley. A. M. eolelge. Texas. Crockett, Texas. F. H. Bennett, university or Illinois, Chicago. 111. V. R. Beckley. University of Illinois. Chicago, III. w. u. uiount, A. at m. college, Texas, Nacogdoches, Texas. Jesse L. Blaine, University of Illinois, Chicago. 111. Clyde A. Bucham. uregon Agriouuuraj college, Cottage Greve, Ore. Thomas j. (jocareu, A. L eoiiege, tlone In Europe now are even worse Texas, Dallas, Texas. .than they have been reported ana mat C. Davis. A. ft M. college. Texae, ' the amou " ' . i. .. (nllnwi A Iw now at tne. camp th. ddltlonal memnera r k Moore MSez: There'a an air of eoclableneta at my cafeteria. The busy buel neaa men eat their midday lunch here and talk over mattert of bualneta with their ataociatea. Eat the beet food properly cooked at Eead House Cafeteria 1 1 L TO OR EYES IS MY BUSINESS We Fit Better Glataea at Sensible Prices. Seeing la Believing MITCHELL Optical Speclaliat 17 EAST EIGHTH ST. , B. aSSS Virginia Military lnstl TA,BowvTrglnla Military lnstl '',U J Calvert, Virginia MUlUry In : 'Th S2rvMt MlUUry inttl tU. Paws.'virlinla MUlUry lnstl- tU- H Davidson? University of Oeor. stituin, vr.-u., Texas. J. F. Currte. A. A M. college. ieu, Houston. Texas. ..", Texas K. Hrlnkmsn. A. A M. college, Texas CTm 'nunnCnTverslty of Georgia. Fit. "r'a'. Dwyer. A. A M. cojlegs. Texss, 8"a" "'Browrfuniverslty of Georgia, 8l'."Tr.u"s. Virginia MlUUry Inttl tute, Danville. Va. Texas A. L. Pnrl)cs. A. A M. college. Texas "r'Graham. Virginia Military In 'Tt mlUonb.UV.V.Inia MUlt.ry In "R E. H.rwJod'. Vglnl. Military in ... ' . a r- Tann '"fUn: Hon. A. A M. college. T.x.N H D. May. University of Illinois. Kan E"b Hewes. University ef Illlpolt, H?T. frevs. Virginia MUlUry lnstl tute. Krsnkfort, X. .,. .... j H Jordon. Virginia Military lnstl ....1 i ' . . i 1 . v 1 n wl C K ing A. A M. college. Texas, ne.inla Military lnstl 'TMaran'virglnla MUlUry In stltute. Jarkaonvllle r. S. A Mason. Virginia Military lnstl a... llannlill Vl E.' R. Monroe. Virginia Military In mt It... a V. Vjo-" AAV. college, Texas. ' G. B. Rotcot,' University of Arlaona, Morencl, Arts. H. J. Rutgles, University of Illinois, Oak Park, III. collage. The Dalles, ore. Illinois, Chicago. III. una, oool la. 111. B. w. Swanton, University of Illinois, C. K. Stro Metropolis, 111 University ot Illinois. Chicago. III. Martin A.-Schuele, University of Arl aona. Chandler, Arlt. J. W. Tllsey, University ef Illinois, Lockport. 111. C. A. Thorp, Oregon Agricultural col lege. Thorp, Wssh. ' A. L. Wiest, Oregon Agricultural col lege, Portland. Ore. 8. R. Wlrth, , University Ot Illinois, Oak Park. 111. I. L. Winsor. University of Arltona, Tucson, Arls. H. E, Womack. A. A M. college. Texas, Corpus Chrlstl, Texas. J. a. Jsrrell, university of Georgia. Savannah, Ga. t: . Unl Orion, in E. J. Johnson, varsity 6f Illinois. lege, Richmond. Ore. L. IOgan, Oregon Agricultural col lege, Cherry Valley, Maaa. Mack McConnell, A. A M. college. Texas, Crockett, Texas. William K. Toung. A. A M. college. Texas, Laredo, Texas. Walter A. Mueller, University ef Illi nois, Chicago, III. SATURDAY "TAG DAr IN JEWISH RELIEF DRIVE Saturday will be observed as tag day for the Jewish relief campaign and many prominent Jewish women of the city will be active in the. drive for that day. Soly Joseph, the chairman of the local drive committee for the. raising of $35,000 for Chattanooga's quota. Is busy organising the women and will an nounce later the name of the chairman of the women's committee and who her assistants will be. Several of the Jewish Organisations are planning entertainments for the benefit of the fund, and there la a great deal of Interest among both the Jews snd the non-Jew cltlsena In the drive which is raising money for the feeding and rehabilitation of th starving Jew Ish children of the wsr. The Jews have carried on the wot of giving relief to their starving broth ran In the war sones ever since the be ginning of the war In 1H14 and It Is only In the last two years, since eon- iIam. In OT.irnn hava hacomS SO much worse, that they have been compelled to ask help from the non-Jews for the relief of their people, it is eatimi.a mnj 40 per cent of the children who benefit by the Jewish relief committee jre Gentile ehlldren. It Is reported by the ..tinn.i mliaf enmmlttee. whose need- quarters are In New York, that eondl CO-OPERATION OF MEN OF THIRD CHURCH IS ASKED Last Meeting for Summer WiU Be Held Jhlt , Evening. ' The Man'a cluh of the Third Pretbv- terian church will have their latt meet' Ing for the iummer In the church at :3rt this evening. All members of the club and their friends are cordially In vited to be present. . Dr. E. A. Elmore will give aa address on the recent meeting of the Presby terian general assembly In Philadelphia, and Rev. Lavens M. Thomas. Jr., and J. T. Thomasson and John Kruesl will be the guests of the club and will tall about the religious work that has been plsnned to assist the country communi ties aoout Chattanooga, ana tney win ask the co-operation of this club In this work. The ladles will serve dinner at usual. Sonora. Texae. J. K. Decker. University of Illinois. Oak Park, III. A S. W. Delaney, A. A M. college, Texas, Houston. Texas. Edward D. Brandt, A a M. college, Texas, .Temple, Texas. Oscar L. Dockum, A. A at. eoiiege, Texas, Corslcana, Texas. . W. G. Eichenberger, University ot Il linois, Hannibal, Mo. Joseph Fuchs, A. A M. college, Texae, Cypress Mill, Texas. J. W. Gillespie. University of Georgia. Albany, Ga. Dorrls D. Giles. A. M. college, Texas, Houston, Texas. Marcus Gist. A. A M, college. Texas.' Odessa, Texas. D. W. Hail, A. A M. college, Texaa, Crockett, Texas. ' . K. w. Han, A. at ad. college, Texae, Brownsville, Texas. A. D. Hardle, Oregon Agricultural ool lege, Condon, Ore. Thomas J. Holt, University of Illinois. Nashville, Tenn. i W. Q. Harper, Oregor. Agricultural college, Corvallta, Ore. J. D. Haynes. Oregot Agricultural college. The Dalles, Dre. I. A. Humphrey, Oregon Agricultural college, Corvallls, Ore. William V. Huklll, ' ureson Agricul ural college, Corvallls, Ore. H. J. Mara, University of Illinois, St. Louis, Mo. Kdward L. Michael, University of Georgia, West Carlton, Ohio. Victor K. Mearior, University of Geor gia, Covington, Ga. J. jr. Merrill, university 01 Anions, Jerome, Arix. K. A. McDonald, university or An ions, Mena, Arls. C. C. McDonald. University of Illinois, Long Pine, Neb. Cecil W. MoC'alri, Oregon Agricultural college, Corvallls, Ore. w. is. Mtuvey, A. At. college, Texas, Houston, Texas. G. K. My-rs, Oregon Agricultural col lege, Corvallls, Texas. S. T. Nick, Oregon Agricultural, col lege, Los Angeles, Cal. L. P. Newman, .A. A M. college, Texas, San Antonio, Texas. A. L. Peterson, Oregon Agricultural college, Culbertson. Mont. A. F. Plank, University of Illinois, Chicago, III. ' G. a. puray, university or Illinois, Jollet, III. F. A. Randall, University of Illinois, Brookflcld, 111. F. L. Read, Oicgon Agricultural col lege, Corvallls. Ore. Thomas J. Kandoiprt, ' university or Arizona, Blahee. Aris. Wright Riley, A. A M. college, Texas. San Antonio, Texas. T. D. Romero, University -f Arlxona, Clifton, Aria mount of suffering, espeoiauy . U. hlMriin la anOrmOUS. The men canvassers, under the ksd ershlp of Soly Joseph are meeting with success in their raising of suhacrtp tlon The drive will lasi until Monday. June 18. WOMAN HELD ON CHARGE OF MAILING MORPHINE Mrs. Will Baker was bound over to federal eourt Tuesday, afternoon under a bond of $1,000 for tending drugs out of Chattanooga by mall In Violation of ths federal law. Both aha and her uaband were tried for this offense before United States Commie- a t MAii..t.r. Tnev were sinner o. . .......... , l arrested In Chattanooga about a month ago bv narcotic omciaia, that they saw the Bakpre in i the post- . a . . jt .u ti wnmnn dron H PACK- age "nti , the box which was afterward found to contains four drachms of mor- . phlne. It is alleged that me I ii... in ju.shvl la. came to Chat tanooga to purchase dope and mall It to Nashville and other places. Baker was "it'was' learned this morning that since the preliminary trial of Dr. Boyd and t t .r.A u.rrv Miller before the United Slates commissioner, the price of "dope" to the addicts Jiss greatly advanced In Chattanooga. It is under that aoma addicts are paying a high as II a grain for morphine from bootleggers. This same morphine can t.. kn, at wholesale for Something like 11.80 per bottle, contslnlng shout flftv-flve grains, rnua a pnun "". 56 Is being made on a bottle. MAKE LONG AUTO TRIP Mlases Ueorgls and Marjorle Wells, . , . . nt v H.tiirhtara of Mr and Mrs. Gliberi Wells, of Highland Park avenue, this city, reacnaa tnnoora hv automobile from Syracuse T..rt. nlhi The two voung women travaiad the entire distance of 1.600 ii.. h. with nractlcally no difficulty. They came by way of New York Cltv. Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore. Richmond, Roanoke, Bristol Th. l.ln v.i'mailA In B Hulck Car. Miss Georgia Is special agent for the Ftna Life Inaurance company in inai city and Mlas Marjory has been at tending college mere. ... Th. antira trln was made In nine days However, the young women said they had expected making It In six days, but becsuae of the had mountain roads In the southern section they were delayed three days DRIVER IS ARRESTED FOR NOT ICING MILK n A Kyle's dairy wagons was arrested Wednesday morning by Milk Inspeotor Sidney B. Klmore, or ins neaun aepanment, Be cause the milk In the wagon was not nrooerlv Iced. The trial will come UP Thursday morning In police courts Mr. uimore pointau out mat wnen ina milk reetatera such a high temperature the baoterla Inoreases much faster and It'ls therefore dangerous. An Inspection Is being made or all tns iiasteurlsatlnn plants in the city by Mr. Clmore. toaather with the United States mlllr Inanantor from the danartmant ol agriculture, who is now In the city. No tices are being served on the managers of theae places to comply with certain sanitary regulations ana mey are oeing given a oertaln amount of time to maks the changes recommended. If they are not complied with by this time an order win he leaned closing tne plants, as- clsred Mr. Elmore. , J. A. Schnlgsn. eecretary ef the Rset Tennessee Milk Producers' association, waa In the city Tuesday and called to see Mr. Elmore. Ha waa planning tc make arrangements with some veterina rian to nave tne various neras in tnt sssoclation tested. He also Invited Mr. 1'Umore te be present at a meeting of the association In Sweetwater the first part of next month and make a talk telling the matnhara lust what the Chat tanooga health department expected ol tnem. RECEPTION GIVEN FOR NEW CHURCH MEMBERS Aa a eomnllfnent to the new members received Into the church during the pest year the Chrlstlsn Women's Board of Missions of Ihe First Christian church entertained Tuesday afternoon wnn a reception in the eun parlor or tne rara hotel. Mrs. I. R. Stone wss genersl chairman of the entertainment and had attended to having the room adorned wttn ins organisation's colors of purple- and white, using quantities or sweetpeas for the purpose, malting a pretty set ting, for the guests In tholr airy summer dreaaea. Mrs, J. B. Robinson waa chairman nf the reeantlon committee, assisted by Mrs. R. W. Clemoua. Mrs. T. H. Hsr- rlswas chairman of the refreshment committee, assisted by Mrs. N. P. Bush Mrs. Madlann Orton headed the enter tainment committee, assisted by Mil f! W. Weaner. A program wat given as follows: Mlat Willie Rav Kelao. reading: Mrs. J. C. Iterryhlll, piano selection; Miss 1, Milan Harris, reading: Miss Ethel Ortmeler, vocal solo; Miss Irene Peak, piano melody: Mrs. ft. W, Langley, vocal solo; Mlas AUcen Hill, reading; H. Telcnman, violin solo. Mrs. F. T. Smith was the accompanist. Mrs. II. L. Davis, president of ths society, mingled with the crowd aftej extending oordlal greetings to the new members. The colors of purple 'and white were carried out in the rakes, mints and ices. There were about sixty people In attenosnue. IRON CO. ASKS CHARTER Application for a charter of Incorpora tion for the Standard Iron and Wlra company haa been asked for. The com pany la capitalised st 118,000, and the incorporators are John S. Fourhe, L, E. Taylor, K. H. t'arnes, W. O. Thompson snd O. S. Tsylor. The company la en gaged in the manufacture of structural and ornamental Iron and similar ar ticles. The company will he operated luat aa formrrly. No Improvement will be made for ths present, HOME ROBBED AGAIN The residence of It. L. Burnett, on McCallle avenue, has been burglarised again. Thieves entered the piece on Tueaday and made eway with somt clothing, shoes snd Jewelry. A short time ago the Burnett home was brokfn Into and several hundred dollars' worth of proeprty stolen." Most of the artlHee were recovered by da. teotlves. The alleged thief was re-ct-ntly arrested. I. - - - : 1 11 Year After Year Hie same people eat Grape -Nuts and year by year nerw thousands become converted to the same good custom, Grape-Nuts is distinctive among prepared cereals, not only in form and flavor, but chiefly because of its surpassing food value. Grape-Nuts builds tissue for body and braia In- this food are preserved, in easily digested form, the concentrated nourish ment of all the best that wheat and malted barley can provide. Trial shows a way to better health and sturdiness. There is r.o better breakfast food than Grape-Nuts "There's a Reason" , Made by POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY. Inc.. battle Cretk, Mich. 'Many lines of industry are represented ( in the connections of our customers and directors.' These connections help us to keep in close touch with the business de velopment of this community. , si 0. H. MILLER T. R. PRESTON JOHN STAOMAIER RICHARD HARDY 0. F. MEEHAN L. M. STONO J. B. POUND C. H. HOWELL J. H. CANTRELL W. E. DYER A. W. CHAMBLISS 8. T. DEWEE& D. P. MONTAGUE T. C. BETTERTON Directors . W. A. BURNS J. O. MARTIN FRANK STEFFNER F. A. S EAGLE E. R. BETTERTON GEORGE B. 8CHOLZE F. L. UNDERWOOD C. M. PRESTON . F. O. RITTIG J. B F. LOWRT J. L. HUTCHENSON O. B. ANDREWS CM. WILUNOHAM 8. M. WATKIN8 W. A. METER 1 - ' ' t i Hamilton National Bank Chattanooga Resources over .N, ..... .$19,000,000 NEW ACCOUNTS CORDIALLY INVITED ftej Clear, (girl logic Take a fragrant, delicious tea like TetleyV Orange Pekoe, that has been perfectly blend ed, and add ice for coolness, sugar for sweet ness, and lemon if you like that tarty twang 1 Tetleys tea makes good tea a certainty Then the logical result la s cooling, froaty drink that refreahea you like an invigorating dip In tha ocean! JOSEPH TETLEY & CO., Inc. New York, N. Y. mm ml '1 Ii mm Camera Your Vacation With a Camera you can make a picture record of your Vaca tion, enjoying the. pictures over and over, after you return home, almost as much as an other Vacation. Our store 1a filled with vacation requlaitei, fountain pane, sta tionery, books, Corona jTypewrit- en, etc ! T. H Pay ne Co. "Stationery and fngravlng of Quality" 821-825 Market St. NIW SCRVICK IITWIIN CHATTANOOGA AND KNOXVILLE WITH THROUGH SLflPINO CARS TO "LAND OF THE SKY" SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM NOS. 38-21 Cesches snd aisepers I.v. 12 4 A.M. Chsttsioofa l.v. I 10 A.M. Ooltewsh Lv. 1 45 A M.' Clevelsnd I.v. I o? A M. Charleston I.v. J 30 A.M. Athene Uv. I St A M. ftwestwater I.v. 1:19 A M. tourton I.v. I SI A M. l.nolr City Ar. 4 SO A.M. Knoxv.lle Uv. ! A.M. Knosvlile I.v. 1 01 A.M. JsfTorson City I.v. 7:3i A M. Morrlstqsro I.v. I IS A M. Sport I.v. 11 A M Hot Pprlnss t - l if A f M.r.l all Ashevtne no. sa w f tOO A-SS-l:U A M. 4:40 A.M. 4:11 AM. :4 AM. I M A M. 1 sa A.M. 1 IT A M. 14 A M. 1H AM. Lv. Il: P M. U. 10 W P-at. Lv. 1:1 P M. II P.M. U. 4 P M. Lv. 1.0 P.M. Ar. Lv. I.v. Lv. I.v. Lv. 1:1 A Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. 1 40 A.M. n . -. A . M B eeper open tnatianooa nj.j. . Connection, at A.hevllle for Uk. "J Black Mountain. Blue Rldfe. Montreal. Mount MltchaU, JHena"" aonvllle. rirevard. Klat Rock. Tryon and otner tJrtLB . Round trip Summer Tourist tlcta to North Carolina and East Tennessee resoria on sale dally. . -,rfc:. ' Tor reservation and further Information apply to Ticket LnMEfK A O P A J. R. MARTIN, D. P A," -J- "chau'OB. Vr;nA- Chattaneoaa,, I1 airgiar r rr Ti-nr. ttt.- ... rr - .-.J - - ' " i' '