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THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS. CHATTANOOGA, TENN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1929. In Society and Clubdom (, Luncheon af Lookout Club One of the prettiest parties of the ' week fu the luncheon given today at the Lookout club by Mill Dorothy Jamei In honor of Miss Ernest Camp hell of Atlanta, the attractive guest of Alias Jane McOee. Pink roses and ferns were used by the hostess for ornamenting the table, and hand-painted favors marked the places of the guests. Lavender and . pink was the color note followed in the menu. Covers were laid for Miss Ernest Campbell, Miss Jane McGee. Miss Char lotte Clifford. Miss Elisabeth Watklns, Miss Louise Bass, Miss Emily Howell, Miss Alva Lucey, Mies Certrure Llew ellyn, Miss Mildred Jackson, Miss Grace Trotter, Miss Susanna James, Mrs. 1'ranels Walton, Mrs. Eugene Thomas son, Mrs. Felix Miller, Mrs. Robert J. , Kiddle, Jr., and Miss James. DEVINE430NNER Tuesday at high noon, at the rectory of BS. Pety and Paul's Catholic church was solemnised the marriage of miss rnoia Hon ner and waiter J. ue i vine,, of Harrlsburg, Pa. Rev, Francis T. Sullivan officiated, using the Impres sive ring service. ' The rectory was decorated for the . event with palms, ferns and baskets of daisies, and formed a beautiful set ling for the nuptial ceremony. Miss ?Bee Bonner and T. J. King were the attendants, miss Bonner wore a pinK .crepe meteor with a French bonnet. , Flie carried a bouquet of Sweetheart . roses. ; Th,e bride was attired in a traveling MRS. C. S. STEWARD y .. .4 - . - f the Impressive ring ceremony. The bride wore a traveling suit of dark blue with accessories to maton and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. The bride Is the eldest daughter of Mrs. A. D. Blanslt and was a member of the faculty -of Junior High school. The groom holds a position with the Johnson Coffee company, of this city. After the ceremony an informal re ception was held. An ice course was served. ' The COUDla left en the Dixie Fiver kfor Nashville and upon their return will go 10 nousexeoping in norm Chattanooga. Who was eleced director for Ten nessee of the General Federation 01 Women's Clubs at Ds Moines. Ia. Mrs. Steward Is president of the Tennessee federation of women s ciuds. TRY IT A WEEK Try paying cash for one week. If it is a good thing keep it up. If you lose- quit. Earning money is useless if a portion is not saved. We help you save. The34Red Stores "Whtri They 8ell For Leas" suit of dark blue tricot In e. with acces sories to match. The bridal bouquet was of Bride s roses end sweetpeas. After the ceremony a wedding break fast was served at the Hotel Patten. Mr. Devlne took his bride for a wed ding trip to Cuba, after which they will reside in Harrlsburg, Pa. Miss Pevlne Is the sttracttve daugh ter of Mrs. Jeremiah Oibson, and Is a member of a dlstlnrulshed Tennessee family, the attended Ward-Belmont college. ' Mr. Pevlne belongs to a prominent Pennsylvania family ana is engagea in business In Hnrrlsbttrg. An Informal receptlcn was given the wedding party by the bride's mother Mondny evening. Mr. Walter Todd entertained with a dinner party Satur day evening in their honor at Signal Mountain Inn.. Mr. and Mrs. Pisco also honored the youns; counle with a party at their home on Chomberlaln avenue. , NOLEN-BLANSIT A pretty home wedding was that of Miss Lillian Blsnslt and Walter K. Nolen. which took piece at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. I. Blan slt. in North Chattanooga. Tuesday morning st 10:80 o'clock. The house wss decorated for the oc casion with cut flowers and field daisies, iterore ine ceremony is. w. uean sang I Love you Truly," accompanied by Miss Odelle Oliver. Lohengrin's wed ding march was used and "Love and Devotion" was played softly during the ceremony. The bride and groom en tered together snd stood under a large wedding bell suspended by streamers of Ivy. Rer. 3. C. Patty officiated, using Society Personals Mrs. Meyer Yudd la In New York City, whore she will remain most Of the ummer. 4 'Prof. James M. Hayes, of Hayes, N. C.. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Pace on Pine, street. Mrs. Hayes and little son, James, Jr., who have been the house guests of Mr. and rn- Kfc.: tor th P"1 month, will 'V t0 Joln ' Hayes In Ashevllle. before going to their bom In Hayes, N. C, Mr. and Mrs. ft. V. li-ianl .c. mmmA. I Ing out announcement cards announc ing the birth of a son, June 17. whom THATCHER-FOLEY Mr, Laura Thatcher, of Boddy, an. they have named Ralph Eugene'. Jr. unoes the marriage of her daughter, MM " r' nounoes Stella, to Frank R. Foley, of New York city, the marriage taking place Jan. II, 1920. Mr. and Mrs. Foley will make their home In New York city. hearimjpLeger Relatives and friends In Chattanooga have received cards announcing the marriage of Miss Margaret Charlotte TTpleger to Lieut. Rawlings Walton Heard of .the United States army. The marriage waa an event of Wednesday, April 22. and waa solemnised at Zam bosnga, P. I. Lieut. Heard ' Is a former Chatta noogsn, and Is the son of Mrs. Llllle Tutt Heard of this city. His slater. Mrs. Orton Petterson, is now visiting him In the Philippines and was present at the wedding. He has been stationed for some time at Pettlt barracks, Zam. noanga, P. I., where the couple will make their home. Gained Ten Pounds Before Taking ZIRON, Alabama Man Was Weak, Nervous, Had No Appetite, But is Now Strong. I Every matt an woman, who Is in a run-down weak condition, with, bad complexion end poor appetite, due to )nck of iron In their blood, should find Ziroa helpful and atrangtn-bulldlng. " It Is a scientific, reconstructive tonic, composed of ingredients recommended by leading medical authorities. . Describing his experience with Ztron, 'Mr. George W. S. Lanier writes from Jones, Ala,: "Sometime back, I was vpuk and nervous, and had a tired feel 'ing all the time. My skin waa muddy. I had no appetite, and at morning 1 Among the Sick Miss Mshel Hooper, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Hooper. lift for Chi cogo Monday, where she will undergo a serious operation st a sanitarium there. Dr. W. A. Guild, a noted sua- alallst from Des Moines, la., will per form the operation. Miss Hooper wss accompanied by Miss Frances Parklson, proiessionai nurse. Miss Csthervn Henderson la recu perating from her recent Illness at Rhea Springs, E. A. Walal. who waa nnaretad on Saturday at Dr. F. J. Hackney's sani tarium. Is reported Improving. Mrs. W. C. Aull, who has been seri ously 111 at her home on Pnnlir Is reported soma hetter. Mrs. Aull'a sister, Mrs. Curran Ssnderf, of Wythe- nin, le wim ner. W. J. Zblndan la ml (ha Namlt ami. tarlum aa the result of an automobile accident. . . L. A. Hlltsfeld underwent an opera tion at Erlanger hospital this morning. Mrs. W. H. Lessly left Tuesday night for Ashevllle, N. C. having been called there on account of the serious Illness pf her daughter. Mrs. Paul P. Brown. JJr,iIrBrown w formerly Miss May Announcements The Cumberland Women'a club, of the Cumberland Presbyterian church win meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. John E. Baeon at her hnm. in Knrth Chattanooga. Mrs. Jack Hutcheson win be associate hostess with Mrs. Bacon. The lawn fete to have been given Thursday evening on the lawn of the English Lutheran church, corner of venirei ana Mccaiue avenues, hss Wednesday eve- been postponed until nine-, June 80. Members of the Ynnnr Man's elnh of the First Christian church will enter tain with a picnic supner Friday eve ning at Crutchfleld Spring. The Highland park baptist Sunday school will picnic at Crutchfleld Spring Thursday. The members are requested to assemble at the church, corner of Orchard Knob and Union avenues, at 8 o'clock in the morning. didn't fed Ilka getting tip. I was read ing of Zlion and decided 1 would try It..., "Will say that ZlrOn Is a good medi cine. I have gained ten pounds in lour months. Am strong and have a good appetite." Ztron Is a mild Iron tonle, good for young and old. It helps to restore the system, when run-dwn by overwork, unaer-nourisnment, caused oy siomacn ' scnool, c ; some weakening Illness. j offered during the paet year by the W. Qnt. Zlron from your druggist. HC. T. U. for the best essay on national sells It an a money-back guarantee. prohibition. WOODALL SANDERS WINS Woodall Sanders, of the Park Place school, c .' which Miss Gertrude Barr is Conner, who Is In the government service in Washington, V. C., hss arrived for a month s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea A. Conner, who are Spending the summer at their country place on the Harrison fine. Mr. and Mrs. Lester V. Duncan have sold their cottage in the 400 block on Duncan avenue and are building a mod ern bungalow at 609 Duncan avenue. Dr. McChesney Hogshead has re turned from Meadowbrook, Va., where 1 he, was called on account of the death of a relative. Miss Evadna Thatcher is visiting friends In Mississippi. i Miss Margaret Haley has returned from Stevenson, Ala., where she at tended a house party. , Miss Alice Stewart has returned to her home in Atlanta after a visit to Mrs. Joe Cllft on McCallle avenue. I Mrs. Ida Peal McCormlck has re-! turned to Signal Mountain Inn after ai stay with Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Taylor at their , summer camp near Ryall i Springs. Mrs.-Helen W. Watklns and Miss Florence Watklns are at Signal Moun-I tain Inn for the summer months. ) , Mrs. R, W. Turner and Mlis Bus Tur-' ner, of Nashville, who have been thei guests of Mrs. John Van:e and Mrs. Burlolch Annls. took tr.elr departure today for their summer home at Beer' aheba. In the Cumberland mountains. Miss Nancy Sharps, of Memphis, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brock -haus on the Bird's Mill road. Mrs. E. H. Comes has gons to Hunt ington, W. Va having been called there by the Illness of her sister, Mrs. I. C. Pollard. PRESS AND AUTHORS' CLUB MEETS ON JULY 7 The Tennesses Woman's Press and Authors' club will hold its twentieth annual session this year at Camp Nak anawa, Mayland, Tenn., July 1 to 8. Members In Chattanooga have received their invitations with Instructions to travel by the Tennessee Central and to assemble at the Mayland hotel the aft ernoon of July (. Mrs. Charles W. Baker is president and Miss Mary C. Stahlman secretary. Mrs. Rutledge Smith, of Cooksvllle, Is chairman of house and hospitality. NEWELL GRADUATION . AT KEYSTONE HALL The graduating exercises of the train in a school of the Newell sanitarium will be held tonight at the Keystone hall, near the sanitarium. It was pre viously announced that the exercises would he given in the sun parlor of the sanitarium, but owing to the con dition of several patients In the hospi tal, the place has been changed. Dr. Edward T. Newell will make en address on the history of the tratnlnir school, and Dr. E. Dunbar Newell will award the diplomas. There will be seven graduates. The program will he opened with an Invocation by Father Francis T. 8ut livan, and music will be furnished by Alex Keese and his orchestra. Albert (3ray will sing a group of sonirs, among them Kipling's "Mother o" Mine." Miss Evelyn Armstrong will play a violin solo. Dr. John W. Inner of the First Baptist church will deliver the com mencement address. After the program dancing and re freshments will be enjoyed. WEDS AT BIJOU TONIGHT HOMER RODE A W Y At-Billy Sunday IP Fjy IP iu ilu 1. BEAVER COM Assisted by his sister, MISS RUTH RODEHEAVER, and MR. CHAS. H. GABRIEL, of Chicago, one of the most brilliant pianists in the country. Thursday Night, June 24th EIGHT O'CLOCK Under the Auspices of Tirnity M; E. Church, South. Admission 75c Tabernacle Tickets on Sale at Jo Anderson's Drug Store-Also at Tabernacle Doors Thurs day Night. Section Reserved for Colored People f I i.- J 1 v; 7 tm I Miss Gertrude Roael, Dainty Feminine Star of "Tid-Bits of 1920," Who Wil Be Married at the Bijou Tonight Just Bsfora Her Aot. DIETICIAN'S SCALE IS GIVEN MRS. GILBREATH A fine weighing and measuring scale has been presented to Mrs. John Oil breath, dietician for the city schools, by the local led Cross organisation. Clyde Garrett, sealer or weights and measures, assisted In unpacking and testing the scale and pronounced It In first-class shape. Mrs. Ollbreath finds it necessary In examining children to weigh and meas ure them. For Instance, when she finds a child weighing several pounds below the standard she seeks to ascertain the cause of the improper development, and In many cases discovers that the child has not been given the right kind of food. She then sees to It that a nour ishing diet In given. Her work la bringing splendid results and is bplng highly commended. She is verv enthusiastic over the results, and hopes 1o do her part in the matter of the proper development of the school children of the city. MISS CAMPBELL HONORED Miss Emily Howell will compliment Miss Ernest Campbell or Atlanta, wno is the guest of Miss Jane McQee, with a luncheon Friday at the Chattanooga Golf ana country club. ORIENT FLOUR Is the BEST MRS. VANCE HOSTESS Mrs. John Vance entertained with a bridge party Tuesday afternoon at her home on .uookouc mountain in compli ment to her guest, Mrs. R. W. Turner, of Nashville. FOR MISS CRAWFORD Mrs. T. Q. Montague was the hostess fit an Informal luncheon at her home on Walnut street today, complimenting Criterion E. 7th St, Just Off Market Thurs Fri. Sat. -erf""-1 . ji CHARLIE CHADlltf iTHliPaficturedi iRomdnce' NOTICE Children will be admitted for S cant during this great comedy from 10 a.m. to t p.m NO ADVANCE IN ADMIS SION FOR ADULTS. CRITERION Just Off of Market St., on East Seventh St. TODAY HENRY B. WALTHALL In a Plcturlzatlon ot the Popular Novel by Hallle Erminle Rlvei "The Long Lane's Turning" ALSO Fatty Arbuckle and Mabel Normand In a Comedy that Springs Out of Love and Lobster With Bul lets Wandering Idly Around In 8earch ot Whom They Might Devour. IT'S A SCREAM ADMISSION: ' Adults, 16o. Children, 10c Rhea Springs Water Von cannot maintain your health and efficiency unless you drink good water freely. Then order a fire gallon bottle of this famous water sent to your home or to your office. Rhea Springs Water Company Main S1S1 YORK Independent Theater TODAY ONLY CONSTANCE TALMATJGE -IX- "BETSTTS BURGLAR" The Slavey Whose Dreams Came True, A Two-Reel Comedy and last Episode "Mystery of 13" Admission, 10c; Children, Be. ALWAYS COOL. Miss Juliet Crawford ot California, the guest ot Miss Emily Kslley REAL WEDDING TAKES PLACE AT BUOU TONIGHT Vaudeville-goers attending the Bijou theater this evening will be given the unusual opportunity of seeing a real wedding ceremony performed on that stage. It will take place at 7.10 o'clook, just before the' regular bill for the first half of the week Is presented. The oouple who are to be united In marriage are Miss Gertrude Rlael and Robert Karle, two stars featured In "Tidbits ot 1920,'' the main aot on the prograift the first of the week. It has been Intimated by some that there will not be a wedding staged as announced, but that some joke has been arranged by those in charge of the Bl- Jou. This Is not true. Miss Rlael and (r. Earls are to wd and the local management has elaborately decorated the Bijou stage in flowers of the sea son for the occasion. The wedding mil slo will be furnished by the regular Bi jou orchestra. The young couple will be marrl.d by a local preacher. mi Ria.l states that aha crefers be ing married on the stsge to the "little church around the oorner" because she looks upon the Amerloan theater-going ni kiin her frlnnds' furthermore, she says, she wants to have a wedding that she can rememoer. Both Miss Rlael and Mr. Karle are elever vaudeville actors and will stage their act as usual following me weu dlng. Immediately after the show a wedding supper will be given them by local theatrical officials. MR.ANDMRS.W4DDEY GIVE PRETTY DANCE Tuesday evening at their home in St. Blmo, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Waddey were the hoets of an informal dancs. During thr. svenlng an ioe course was served. Those pressnt were Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Haley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drake. Mr. end Mrs. Roy Blevins, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Erd, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Terrlll, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Dennoy, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. DeArmond, Mrs. C. P. Dumas, Mrs. F. 3. Hannan. Mrs. Sue C. Johnson. Mrs. I. B. Merrill. Mrs. P. J. Allen, Miss Jack Hanan, Miss Dorothy Erd, Miss Leona Williams, Miss Lucy Draper, Miss Mabel Cummlngs. Miss Margaret Haley. Miss Penny Allen, Miss Verne King, and Jason Thatcher. Char lie Moore. Frank Bruson, Jack Erd, Jim Draper, Ernest Williams and E. Foster Johnson. ' to invadFamerica New York, June 23. Several leading British women golfers including Miss Cecil Leitch, the title holder, are com- SUriiKlSA NOW SHOWINtJ 1 GERALDINE FARRAR -IN- "SHADOWS" A Wonderful Picture. Chapter 8 "THE SILENT AVENGER" Admission 5c and 10o FINE ARTS NOW SHOWING . CORRINE GRIFFITH IN "BOB'S CANDIDATE" A Delightful Story of Love and' Politics. Also a Jester Comedy. They Called Her the "YELLOW TYPHOON" 1 Because she was a .Yellow-haired Breaker of Men. Ing to- America ' this 'year and may compete in the women's national tour nam.nt at Cleveland, according to a h'tter rtecelted here from Miss Marlon Holllns, of Wesibrook, N, Y. Miss Holllns and other women golfers who competed In the British event and ere participating in the French titular tour nament , fvpect to' sail for America July 1. LYRIC TODAY ONLY WALLACE REID "THE MANFROM FUNERAL RANGE" Come see a real star In a treat story ot ths great Amerlcsn des ert. .Chapter 8 "THE DAREDEVIL" Featuring Jack Dempsey. "It's Cosier Here." ADMISSION 6 and 10s BIJOU Keith Vaudeville, Main 3554 Performances: 3, 7:30, 8:16 p.m. NOW PLAYING Violet Dale assisted by, Arthur Behrens and "CarmenciU" in "Breakfast for ' Three': ! Ward and Dooley "Our Own'. Ideas" "Lonely South Pacific Missions." Topics of the Day. Pathe News and three other high-class Keith acts. BLANCHE SWEET "SIMPLE SOULS" Molly Shine, shop girl, was in love with a "Swell." t She was a dreamer. So was he. Her hobby was books, his was tadpoles. ' There's romance for you, a drama of youth, to lighten the heart. You'll love "Simple S6uls!" "PRINCE OF DAFFODIL." A Cemedy. Gaumont News. TODAY TOMORROW ALCAZAR "Where Ocean Breaxes Blow" from flrat typhoon fans. Madam, is it possible that your horn it "A HOUSE OF TOYS?" ) ! j ( Making 'Em Roar f or ' Roarfor , Three Days I'm the bellhop who Discovered a practical Use for a periscope. We Are Going . To Whoop 'Em Up Today Because I've Cot The Groom In a Terrible Fix Marshall Neilan's Matrimonial Mirth Quake in 6 Shocks "DON'T EVER MARRY" LAST TIME TODAY "The Coolest Place In Town" DANCING Large open air dancing pavilion for, rent to private parties and elubs. Rent reasonsble. MOTOR BOATING, SKATING AND SWIMMINS 0. B. GLADISH Foot of Walnut fc : Main 5818 11 Market Square