Newspaper Page Text
;r ay little LIAPATCHES Vice-President '.Marshall On looker at Democratic ' Convention. . EOOM FOR HIM IS BREWING - . BY HECTOR H. ELWELL.) ' Su Francisco, June S. (I. .N. S.) Out In Delmonte. Cat., In a big hotel U a (ray little man. who smokes biff, black cigars and chuckle constantly. He finds fun In everything. Apparently tie thlnka there la fun in being vice president. Evidently he expects to And 'enjoyment In the big democratic con vention, which opens Monday. Undoubtedly there is no man now In California, nor will there be one before July 4. who la or will be more personally Interested In what thla convention will do than thla same (tray little man, with twinkling eyea. Still he chuckles. In Ban Francisco one can find doiens of seripua men. They do not have the fcame personal Interest, but they aie taking the situation seriously. They tit milling about the lobbies of the big hotels, issuing statements, guessing, f "uring and wondering. ' What Is to be dune about President Wilson and his Jngue? What shout the liquor nufs ti.n and the Irish question? What ; rhout William O. MeAdoo, Senator Owen, Governor ("Vix. Governor JCd- CASTOR I A ,. For Infants and Children In use for Over 30 Years 'Always bears v- the Signatured "Flowers for Her" -FROM, The VOLUNTEER FLORAL SHOP -v.--. Design work a-specialty PHONE MAIN 1882 P 7 r- PELLAGRA GET THIS BOOKLET FREE ;If you Buffer from Pellagra,, get thii remarkable free book on Pellagra. A good clear discussion of thla fearful disease, written so any one can under stand it. Tells how a blg-hearrrd man has successfully treated 1'ellaBrk afiei It baffled sclunce for 200 year. De scribes all the symptom' and compli cations. Showa how Pellagra ' can be checked In early stages. Tells of the American Compounding: Co., Your Telephone Horizon ..r 1 en 1MB "tnr KfS 111! Ill Lsa-. SSsfca near a point beyond conception. You are next door to New York and San Francisco. Thousands use this vast system dally with profit. It is all at your service. Ask Long Distance for rates and details. l. U. BILLUPS, DUt. Mgr. CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE ANH TELEGRAPH COMPANY INCORPORATED There's personality to the KlsKcn a pleas ing insistence. It persuades people very emphat ically to quit jy-walking and "seen" things. t It has volume cf cound w;L. : : !.;lng rauc ous. The Klaxon is a HARBWiCK FRHnwAi-d Arrporu tik. UtVC .J Market St. f SS"?MMas'.T" .f'n!!ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii"iiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii!iin Georgia Military Academy COLLEGE PARK (Near Atlanta) GEORGIA i ADETS live in v jng influences and close personal supervision. F.xrrllent food gupply. g Three courses: Classical, preparing for literary colleprs; Knginrerinp, pre- ' paring for Colleges of Engineering and Schools of Technology; Commercial, g fitting for commercial or business life. 1 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, tinder U. S. Army Officers. Highest B Standards of Discipline, Scholarship, Moral, Social and Physical Develop- g ment. II CATALOG ON APPLICATION COL. J. C. WOODWARD, Pres. I wards and all the raatt They hava given little consideration to the man at Delmonte, who chuckles over It all. While the dopestara In the big olty hava given little consideration to thla man, there la a quiet little boom being fostered here, and before the balloting la very old It la now predicted Vice President Thomas R. Marshall will awing Into the field. Ha la taking no part In the conservation, but there la no Suestlon that ha la aa aerloua a can Idata for the place aa any of those whose names hava gone Jorth aa real contenders. Just Sawing Weed. "I am here officially aa vlce-presldsnt of the United States and a delegate to thla convention," Mr. Marshall aald. "I am looking on, but laying little. I hava been locked up 'at Washington for a long tlma, and perhaps I hava failed to grasp just what the people want." That aounded aerloua. The next mo ment developed the Joke, "I am beginning to learn, however," he continued. "I find that most of them want money, more money." Hia long black cigar ahnt celllngward and a twinkle came Into his merry eyea. He glanced about the room. It was the most appointed room In ona of the the most beautifully appointed room In one of the moat expensive hotels on the coast. J. Ham Candidate. "I tee that J. Hamilton Lewis la run ning for vice-president on hla own platform." he went on. "I think every man should have the right to run for vice-president on his own piairorm. On the big questions which are to come before the convention Mr. Marshall has very liberal views. It is nis opinion that there are two sides to every ques tion and every man should ba given his say. 'Even a sheet of paper has two aides, no matter how thin It Is," he aaya, chuckllnr.- May Prove Deatn Blow. There are those In San Francisco who believe this Jovial human has talked himself nut of a chance of being nomi nated. Recently upon reaching this city he wa quoted In the newspapers as saving, in answer to a question, that "there Is nq Irish question." Many of his friends 'believed that such a remark, if given thoughtful considera tion, would be a death blow. But thla is not taken seriously by certain friends, who feel confident that he stands as good a chance as any of those now In the field to pull down the big prize. Mr. Marshall will he In San Francisco tomorrow. . He will be a guest at the St. Francis hotel with a party of friends. The Marshall adherenta are nwaltlng his arrival with keen Interest. Thus far there has been ao open work In his behalf, but his friends believe when the vice-president Is seen on the grounds in person a llfe-slsed boom will be started. It la pointed out that the great ma jority of delegates to thla convention ere unlnstructed. and will come to San Francisco resdy to flock to the standard of the man who can win for the demo cratic narty Boom Ready for uaunchlnn, Mershnll boomers feel that William G. MeAdoo has talked himself ojit of the nomination, and that this leaves ,Mr. Marshall In a strong position. On he other hand. there. sr rtntv of urea of many southern people, rich and poor alike, after thousands had been carried away by Pellagra. Pellagra can ba cured. If you doubt, thla book will convince you. . And It will show you the way to a porkonal cure. If you are a Pellagra sufferer, or If you know of a Pellagra sufferer, then for humanity's sake, let this book bring new courage and valuable knowledge. It will ba sent Fror for the asking. Hox 2025, Jasper, Ala. With 70.000 towns J ..A ...ClU every other by millons of miles of long dis tance wire, your tele phone-horizon is mighty certified accessory. - BtJiCK CO. 524526 One of America's Most Splendidly Equipped the homes with the teachers and their families under rrfin- THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS. CHATTANOOGA, TENN., praotlcal democratic politicians who view the MeAdoo Incident far from being closed. They sea hlra In a much stronger position than aver. Hla closest friends declare that Mr. MeAdoo, al though he refuses to permit his name to go before the convention, cannot refuse the nomination If the- party wanta him as Its candidate. The leader In this conclusion Is Mrs. Amonette Funk of Chicago, who brought the Me Adoo boom to the coast. Elwell's Slayer A Master Hand New Tork, Juns U. (I. N. 8.) In vestigators who are attempting to un ravel the tangled threads of love, hats and Jealousy Involved In ths myste rious murder ot Joseph Bowns Blwell. again turned today to ths theory that ths shooting was dons by a man and that ths murderer had remained hid den In Elwell's handsomely furnished home at i(44 West Seventieth street for hours before the tragedy. After running down endless clues without result, the authorities declared today that the murder had been com. mltted by a person who was a master at his work. Never In the history of New York crimes has a lawbreaker succeeded so well In covering his tracks and In escaping ao cleanly without leaving behind some trace ot nis iden tity, no matter how alight. Dlstrlot Attorney Bwann has tele graphed to Minneapolis, requesting Miss Klly Hope Anderson, ths friend of Vic tor von Schygel, to return to this city to answer certain questions which the Investigators are anxious to settle up. Miss Anderson, who wai formerly a musln student In New Tork, Is only In directly connected with the case through her friendship for Von Schygel. SING SONGS IN LATIN American Claaale Laaoue Holds First Annual Convention. Cincinnati, June 23, Singing of pa triots songs In the Latin language will be one of the features of the first an nual meeting of the American Classic league, which opened here today. The league, which was formed last year at the convention of the National Kducatlon association, has In view the Improvement of high school and col lege training In the classics. About 400 of the nation's most distinguished edu cators In the field of classlo learning are attending the meeting. CAR SERVCE STOPPED Long-Heralded Strike in To ronto Breaks Out. Tondon,' June 28. Street car service except In the outlying districts was completely suspended In Toronto today when the long-hemmed strike or trolley men went Into effect to enforce de mands for 68 cents an hour Instead of 55 cents. DENIES CALLF STRIKE Cleveland. O.. June 23. Rumors that railroad unions would call a strike thin week affecting all unions were denied todRy by tho chief executives of the four transportation brotherhoods, en gineers, firemen, conductors and train men, here. "Hlmnly strikers propa ganda," said W, O. Lee, president of the trainmen. ENVOY TO GERMANY NAMED valos, former charge d'affslres at Washington, has been named this country's envoy to Germnny, according to an announcement at the foreign pi ftce tonight. World's Greatest Resort Atlantic City ""h w"lrfal pro- rem ui tw" " to hng.r styrullr in ywt nwmory few ill un.qmllU. ThoM brod, Uvl hucliM, buhini mtkt hr iht prfmwt Swihom RKt of tho World. 1 ho ooorawoik. tnoi hmoiu Suihoro Prom.n.d., hoi ft chorm II in own. An rmy 01 renins tnini mrm your HrtKt. I-V.r y nign-IIHI auiKuvn m th.ra for your onjoymmt. For Iha oatdoor man, tho Golf it porfort, tho roaiii oro lino for motonng ond he.- MC nnin. an. .... ...... .. " riMHor-boonna on unimlUd. ThooUM, THE LEAOINO HOUSES will ltaly rurolih full larorautioo.ratoi, ole., upon roquMl (all oro AmoatoBa run. MOIraa omarwiao oofooi HUrisirtuiH-llosMn Aaa.ncan and Hotel Dennis W.lur 1. Boabo loalakWliiwaSoMCo. Hotel St. Charles Hntol rhrlaea Mword brooaoap. Tmalao The Shelburns Coronaao Plaa I, Walkol. Hit. J. B. ThopKo a Co. Sraiide Houat I. P. Cook'a Sooo Galen liaH Galon Hall Co. The Wlluhlr a ..I B in. ilmmm Hotel Strand V. B. Off and v H. C. Edwardo The Holmhursl N.J.CoII1b.,Mt a. u. uaraou CaanoloM od oooifortaMo traU wrriM aU potnu. soBoooio """"T Granulated Eyelids .S!fffia to tho gm 1MB Juot st the haoeof the teahes. Pall the lower lid sway frees th i" w that you can set at tt better sad avoid touculos the e)tbalL It rellovee Instantly, takes oot allhrflsm- matloa and beal and cures the sores. A Heallni Antiseptic of the Mihest Qoallry . remmnieuded by every druMlat. Kc po bottle. Prep Schools MB Bill (NAMES STAND IN FOREFRONT Sense of Uncertainty Pervades Convention Circles Out on Pacific Coast. , I. ATTITUDE OF PRESDENT San Francisco, June IS. (I. K. g.) Unless something la forthcoming from ths Whits House which will chango plans now Inthe making. It Is certain that no leesPhan fifteen namaa sulu k presented to the democrat la convention! nere nexi ween as possible recipients for nomination honors. - Aside from the name of Weodrow Wilson himself, four namea stand out pre-eminently loday as the vanguard of ths degeatee began to arrive. ' These are William O. MeAdoo, A. Mitchell Palmer, Vice-President Thomas R. Mar shall and Gov. James Cox, of Ohio. The oontfnued silence from the Whtts House on the question of a third term or on any particular candidate Is creat ing a situation akin to that existing In Chicago right up until the Saturday upon which Senator Harding was nom inated. The delegates and political mentors already hers are uncertain which way to turn for guidance or a flgnt. Silence Ominous. There Is a distinct feeling among ar rivals that the silence from the White House Is soon to bs broken, that the president will In a few days either nominate himself or else ne will throw the tremendous weight ofhls support behind some one of tne fifteen men in the striving. National Chairman Homer H. Cum- mlngs is In dally communlcstlon with the White House. He has Instant ac cess to Pennsylvania avenue both by private telephone wire and by tele- grapn. Me .nas TRiarn mm ween wnn Secretary Jovh P. Tumulty and with others of th president's Immediate family. The results of these conversations hnve been cH.refully withheld. If Presi dent wiirt.n has Issued any oroere, iney h.v. not 1 ..on relnved here to anv of his nunw'-UM lieutenants on the ground. Watch Wilson. Tf Is fcmi.vnr inconrelVRhle to many of the delegates and politicians here, that Prenldent Wilson, the acknowl edged Ipsder of the party, will allow nar J.non unlnstructed delegates- to go mo n fr :nd open convention without mine wild lit. to how the wnue Mouse tar-,. Here again. It was pointed out v tlio nttnntlon Is similar to that exlutlng In Chlcngo. Everybody is wait ing nervously lor wora rrom a eica man" who lavs st the end of a private line many miles away from the scene of action. Uncertainty of situation. Iniv of the situation haB resulted In giving Snn Francisco a flock Mdmv bsek without oueatioa If HUNT'S Salve fells In lbs treatment mitchl., RINQWOKM, HTIIK ether I tchlng alrln diiesses. Try 7 cast bos at our nts. Jo Anderson. druggist, Cfcatta. nongn, Tenn. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxatire AM.n rta1lrlnrfnln" SvPllfl Ctt Vlfrl only look for the name California on the package, then you ars surs your child Is having the best and most harm- loss pnysio lor tne nine sioirmuii, nvm and bowels. Children love Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." (Adv.) INVENTIVE GENIUS MAKES CALOMEL DELIGHTFUL aMSSSSBSBSBBBMsl Calomel, the Most Valuable of Drugs, Now Purified From Its Nausea and Danger. "Oalotabs" the New Name. ! moittoinst vlrtiise of calomel aj-e In no way connected with Its ..,....iin and danrerous Qualities. k. . fnrt that the new calomel tablet, called Calotabs, Is free from objectionable errects. yei reimns .11 - a .v.- ii..a,nlnnslnsr nnd svstem- purlfylns; qualities of the old-style calomel, lof tilliousneas, nnowuoi, .i.iinn mvA Inrtloreatlnn. and vmiaui'nL.vii " .7 L . wherever calomel la essential, the red de-nauseated cnlomol tamet is a rrac . i 11.. laT.ltva To Inspire punno connuenn new discovery the manufacturers have authorised aruggime everywnno a a . w . it ths rtistnmer Is ... ..- ..,.i.. 4r,iioVited" with Calo- not (iriitA.,,. " tabs. Bold oniy in original nmnr, ija n.i.a tVtlrtv.flva cents. One PPBII-U. , I - ruble at boiltime. with a swallow of water. No tnste, no nausea, no grlp- l- .alia Yoil k UD In the morning with a clean liver, feeling- flne, and a nrany wppciue iur nn-na fast, what you please no dan gor. (Adv.) " IllM.lTltll si 1 Curly hsir can be quickly mads straight, son and glouy by uung Nelson's Hair Dressing There's nothing to equal Nelson's for (Mating stubborn, curly hair Bolt and easy to manage. It deans the scalp and strengthen the hair roots, makes the hair grow. All good drug stores sell Nelson'. Oet a boi today. Nelson Manufacturing Co., Richmond, Va. i fftlirsel (itl el Jifir ?W Atlftnta. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1320. of rumors which completely overshad ows the Chicago crop. Ona of' these current today was that the president has decided to pay a long standing debt and throw the weight of administration support nenina A;nann Olark as a recompense for Baltimore The former speaker heretofore had been considered an outsider In this racs. The rumor is given some creaenco vy ths presence here of Bennett S. Clark the Missourlan's son. Another report current In the lobbies today was that both the MeAdoo and Palmer candidates would benefit by a Whits House delegation at the eleventh hour. So far Homer 8. Cummlngs Is the only man In San Francisco posi tively known to have conversed with the White House and on all matters af fecting the president he Is mum. The proposed ngni miw" i v" -ministration and antladmlnlstration forces Is looming stronger aa conven tion time approaches. It la expected to crystallize with- the arrival of the New York, New Jersey, Indiana, Illi nois, Massachusetts and Ohio delega tions and their big followlngs. Hlnta Of a compronusn m oiuij " ... the air. The one most often heard Is i . . I . Vi I V, nrnllld allow the president to write pja'toi-rnw'Uj complete indorsement of the league of nations and the "antts" to nominate the candidate unnamperea urn""" House dictation. ' "RODY" COMES BACK TO SING FOR CHATTANOOGA Musical Director Talks of OklaEbma Revival, Just -Closed. Homer Rodeheaver,. musical director of the Billy Sunday meetings, who will be so pleasantly rememuerea nere, where he spent six weeks last Novem ber and December assisting Mr. Bun- day In his great revival, arnvea in Chattanooga Wednesday, and spent the day In vlaltlng- old inenas ana renewing- acquaintances. Mr. Rodeheaver comes direct irom unnnraim v-n. where Mr. Sunday naa jusi oiosea a series of meetings, and he stopped over here to give a concert Thursday night for the benefit of Trinity church. Mr. Bodeneaver saia mai uio mi- na in ilk flhoina uiir resuueu in 111 .conversion of several thousand people, nd good Interest was snown m mo series. As compared with ordinary re vival meetings he said that the series was splendid in results and Interest, hut nnmnared to the Chattanooga meeting, It be might be called medium. Mr. Rodeheaver said the party left be hind a well organised cnorus cnoir "u a working organisation, which promises to carry on the work Inaugurated by Mr. Sunday. The expenses of the meeting aggre gated 135,000 and the contribution to Mr. Sunday waa zu,uuu, an ui was paid ao financially the . meeting was a success, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday leu iranmiaw j t the close of the meeting lor ineir ranch on Hood River, Oregon, wnere thev will spend the rest of the summer. M Rnnriav will resume his revival ramnslarna In Bentember. opening at Roanoke, Va. From there he will go to Jacksonville, Fla.. thence to Cincin nati, after the ftrat Of next year. rom there he wilt go to Bluefleld. Va., and probably to Knoxville In April. Konert Matinews, piamni "i day party, has gone to Davenport, la., in hiva hia tnnslls removed and later will Join Mr. Rodeheaver In a series of concerts. Mr. Rodeheaver will go- from Chattanooga to Camden, N. J., to make some phonograph records. Charles oarnriei, jr., wno Mr. Rodeheaver In the concert Thurs day night. Is musical critic for the Chicago Tribune, and Mr. Rodeheaver says he regards him as one of the best en pianists in mis country. aon or cjnnnes uaonei, uiiB whose songs were used here during tne Sunday meetings. ULY 15 ANNIVERSARY OF BATTLE OF MARNE Thursday, July IB, will be the anni versary of the second name oi mo Marne and will mark the opening oi the first annual convention of the So ciety of the Third Division at Chicago. July. 15 Is designated Marne day. the flay on wnicn tne i nirn uivianm stopped the onrush of the Hun In the vicinity of Chateau-Thierry and helped materially to make the second battle of tho Marne the Gettysburg or tne woria was. This day commemorate one or tne hrightest pages In the history of the American army. Many former Third division men now live In Chattanooga and a few have signified their inten tion of attending the annual conven tion of ex-veterans at Chicago on July IS. COAL COSTS CITY $11,000 Coal for city use this winter will cost approximately $11,000. the department of education and the department ot public utilities recently purchasing 1,300 tons. The department or education purchased 800 tons at 18.50 a ton, while thn other departments purchased 500 tons at I. 25 a ton. Purchases were made from the Bryan Coal company and the Chattanooga Coal company. PLANS TO RAISE FUNDS Northern Baptists In Convention Dls. f euss World Movement. Buffalo, N. Y.. June 23. The thlr teenth meeting of the Northern Baptist convention opened here today with D, C. Rhull. of filoux City, presiding. How to raise the remaining 140.000.- 000 of Its $100,000,000 new world move ment fund and how the fund Is to be administered for the extension of edu national, evanaellstlc. Amnrtcanlxatlon and mission work are questions that will occupy much of the convention time until adlnurnment June 29. The annual report of the treasurer of the American Baptist Foreign Mission society, the reports or tne committees on faith and order, the federal council of churches, the denominational day are Included In the order ot business for this afternoon s session. HEADLINE CIGARS for the man who wants a good smoke at a little nr ce. Try tbem. At all deal era. Chaney-Scott Cigar Co., Distribu tors. (Adv.) JOHN DOE INQUIRY Fourtssn Wltnssses te Testify In Theft af Caruso Jswels. ttaat vtamnton. N. V.. June IS. Four teen witnesses were under subpoena to appear today at the resumption or tne "John Doe" Inquiry into the theft of $500,000 worth of Jewels from the sum mer home of Enrico Caruso. The list Included all the servants of thsCaniso menage, as well as relatives of Mra. Caruso who were present In ths house when the Jewels disappeared. PERSHING IS HONORED New Haven, Conn., June !S Tale university at lt 219th commencement exercises In Woolscy hall today con ferred the following honorary degree of do.-tors of law: Cien, rershlng. Fir Auckland rtea Prltlsh ambassador to the Inlted States, snd Jules Jusserand French ambassador to the I nlled States. SPANISH GENERAL KILLED London. June SS. On. Fernanda Llanos, second In command on the Snanlsh general ataff, was Wiled in a r?msv 'accident in Wdrld V according to a dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company. O ATE Or MEXICAN ELECTIONS. Mexico City. June 12 A call for na atlonal elections issued by the secretary of the interior today fixes the date for the congressional rircimn- .. Aug. 1. while a new president will P chosen on Sunday. Spt. S. Cured of Indloeatlen and Constipation. "I first took Chamberlain s Tablets about sit years ago. At thst time I was greatly troubled with mv stomacn and suffered from Ills hro.iKlit on t.v constipation. Chamberlain's TsMet were the first medicine that helrrd me In the least They not only afforded me nuli-k-v-Ucf. but by continuing their use for a short time I was cured of in digestion and mv bowel w; ,o:1 to reauln' action t writes Mrs. G. W. Jackeen. Lichfield, til (Adv.) SHIELDS ASSAILS lETOO'ROBERTS He Believed Roberts Was Too . Big a Man to Join "Me Too" Crowd. DENIES ANY ALLIANCE Knoxville, Tenn., June 23. Declaring he believed the state's chief executive to be a bigger man. than to Join the "me, too." crowd In criticism of his vote on the league of nations, John K. Shields, senior sanator from Tennessee, last night made a hot reply to state ments In the press June 7 regarding action of the state democratic conven tion demanding a reversal of his posi tion on the league of nations, but espe cially replying to Governor Roberts' answer to queries propounded by ts Commercial Appeal. The senator charges that ths utter ances of the governor were prompted by Luke Lea of the Nashville Tennes son and C. P. J. Mooney of the Mem phis Commercial Appeal. Shields' statement la as follows: "Governor Roberts, cowering and quaking like the trembling aspen before a storm, with fear of the Nashville Ten nessean and the Memphis Commercial Appeal, In reply to an insolent demand from the latter, hastened to wire the Commercial Appeal that he approved of the resolution passed by the conven tion at Nashville condemning me, and that If nominated for governor In the August primary as the leader of the democracy of Tennessee he will demand that I carry out the will of the Ten nessee democrats as expressed In the convention that Is, vote for the ratifi cation of the league of nations. "Col. W. R. Crabtree, also a candi date In the primary, I am Informed, made a similar statement, but because of his natural weakness and want of Information I forbear any comment upon his action. ' "When the governor's statement was published In the Comemrcial Appeal, on account of the persistent manner In which that paper has misrepresented and criticized me, I hesitated to be lieve that It was genuine, but his si lence gives his assent to It. "Governor Roberts and I have never had a political alliance, but our rela tions have been reasonably friendly. I considered him to be a fair -and just man. and I did not believe he would, through fear or for supposed political personal advantage, join with others In assailing a public officer for following nis judgment in tne performance or an off lclal duty and make the weak and looiisn statement attributed to mm. "When, as judge of the supreme court, It was necessary to reverse his decree, ss sometimes occurred, I did not ques tion nis integrity, tio one Knows Det ter than he that he could not force me to vote for the league of nations. He knows as well as any one that a United States senator cannot be Instructed In passing upon the validity of a treaty, and that in such matters he must and should act upon his own judgment. "I had hoped that for his reputation lor candor, intelligence and Justice to public officer-the statement accredited to him was untrue. Fear la the only explanation or nis conduct. "The governor seems to be about the only man In publio life who fears the editors of the Nashville Tennessean and the Commercial APDeal "Col. Lea is not a factor In political affairs In Tennessee and only receives notice, not recognition, by the fact that ne controls a newspaper mrounn tne columns of which he can abuse and misrepresent those whom he hates and envies. "Mr. Mooney, of the Commercial Ap neal la eauallv without oolittcal InflU' ence. His methods bear evidence that ' he la attemntlnaT to arm Col. Lea. "What is tnere in tne record or tne srovernor that causes mm to so rear tha nnnnsttlnn fit these menf Panic-stricken, ne rusnea into wi nit thAV Visit nllir for him. "iney now revue nun iur aim wcm- nes and subservience. "What a pltlame spectacle wr a o' ernor to make of himself. "Will the Kovernor Inform the peo ple of Tennessee how he proposes to Mimno ma TO vote iur vuo itmiiuo, the right to demand Implies the power -nfn-o rnmnllandft? He la to do this L - ' . . " . . . V. after he Is nominated ana woumt , .1 n , ,i a nai,v I , , , W Will .in i H,n..nH. nt democrats In Ten- no. - , m view xv... a. t In Annnoltinrt tft ttlA leaflTUQ OI noBlDA wnn rTl LSI IM.1II no - -" nations and whom he condemns alon 4ik ti vntA for his nomination tnat Willi sw , nrill t 4-V. am aanrtAflf he may be leaaeri .. e"s and force the president to "turn tne treaty va im -y; ,k., ,, to take It up ior "l"" lt. wTthYut reservaHonT-of " amendment ? inn, no v, .... -- ,l his oromlse. and be cannot .v... their attention from his recora v, voluntarily into na"" v;.npessors trarv to the policy of his n7.dp,e"80i In office to confine thfif"01''"".,?; state affairs, but I will not be guilty ot the ImiPrteW of a United State. senator iniwrntum.,,; , , and will not join wnn W2ffit .TnS the governor prppo... to dictate td me how I shall perform my duties? he should Infonr. .l... Unn.tittmnts What sort of a league aominiBirmiu" of nations he advocates and proposes to have ratified. ,,. - - - t..t ts a volume ox .eviral hundred rages and the covenant of the league contained In lt Is a com- strucuun u I.H..I. 1- --- - . , conceded to be debatable by the best lawyers of the nation. . "Will the governor categorically stats - i.i.. mnmntlv as he ro se iranaiy aim sponded to the sutocratlc demands ol the Commercial 'Appeal whether he - i.-onia with a covenant con taining all the objectionable provisions . mm . A 1 ALIa aaaiananl SS n fl 1 which X nan louna m una set forth in a published statement ol my reasons for opposing the league! "If the governor's proposition to as sume the duties of a United States sen ator is not for the purpose of with drawing attention from troubles In his own sdmlnlstratlon then It may be that he Is Impatient to exercise the duties snd prerogatives of a senator. "There is a persistent rumor, con cerning ' which I have no persona, knowledge, and do not assert the truth, but which some recent evenis seem 10 give support, that a little group of men have orrrnlzed lo dispose of the chief offices of the state for several yesrs to come and that the governor Is to suc ceed the Junior senstor from Tennes see. 'If thla Is so, he should be more pa tient and fair and Just than to Jeopar dlie tha election of a democratic gov ernor In our state by a double-barreled candidacy of this kind. Those who have tried thta before him have not succeeded verv well." Roberts' "Me Too" Statement. The statements from Gov. Roberts that provoked the reply yesterday from Senator Shields Is amply explained In the following clipping from the Mem phis Commercial Appeal: "Please telegraph us at our expense your position on the following ques tions: "1. ro vou approve of th action ot the state demoerstle convention In con demnlnrf John K. Shields? "2. If you are nominated In August snd thereby become the party leader In Tennessee, will you demand thst Sen ator Shields csrry out the will of Ten nessee democrats as expressed In the convention? "Please snswer ves or no. "T1IK COMMERCIAL ATrKAL." In his response to the teleeram the following reply was received from Gov. r.oberts: "I stand aquarelv upon the Hemocratlc platform In lis entirety as adopted bv Goes Straight rs thm Spot k . l.uu. 7m AMATEURS MAY GET WIRELESS MESSAGE Charleston, S. C, June 22. (A. P.) Amateur wireless operators throughout the United States are requested to be at their posts at 1 p.m.. 'eastern time, tonight, when a message by naval radio from Secretary Meredith, of the department ot agriculture, will be flashed to the Boy Scouts of America, It was announced at ths Charleston navy yard today. the convention. My answer to both question Is yea." Col. Crabtree's answer was a bit shorter, and a little more emphatic but hardly more flatfooted, as follows: l answer emphatically yes to both questions." WONT GET ANYWHERE BY ATTACKING PRESIDENT" Cox's Manager, Moore, and Homer Cnmmings Eeply to ' ' W. F. McOombs. San Francisco. June 23. "No man wilt get anywhere by subjecting the presi dent to either open attack or sneering references." said E. H. Moora. mtnunr of the campaign of Gov. Cox, of Ohio, ior tne democratic presidential nomina tion In a statement today replying to the charge made by William F. Me Combs. of New Tork. that ths nresi. dent has been "autocratic in assump tion of authority." Mr. Moore's statement follows: "My attention has been rallai tn statement made by Mr. McCombs at tacking the league of nations and in cidentally the president 'Mr. McCnmbs. wha la mv frlan' wA for whose, ability I have always had a high regard, has fallen into tha arrnr of many men who have the fatal gift of sarcasm and who cannot resist the temptation to say things which do-tr- reparable damage to the cause they represent. "Tha surest method nt havlnar tha democratic platform make the leaeua of nauons tne leaning issue is ior Its enemies to attack tha presidast. Presi dent Wilson has not only th admiration of the democratlo party, Ifcit- Its entire sympathy in his efforts to advance the cause of humanity. Besides being ths titular head of the democratic party he is also president of the United States and no man will get anywhere by sub jecting him either to open attack or to sneering references." The statement of William T Un. Combs, of New Tork, former chairman of the democratic national committee. that I'resident Wilson's assumption of autnority nas oeen autocratic" waa termed yesterday by Homer Cummlngs, present cnairman oi tne national com mlttee. as "one of those snoradio critl cisms that are a negligible faction in our anairs. ' "Questions as to the leadershln of ths president answer themselves," Mr. Cummlngs aald. "The character of such leadership depends upon tne vitality or the man who is president. Mr. Wilson Is a very vital leader and his greatness wul be more universally recognized in the next decade tnan pernaps lt is now.' Discussion as to the platform and or ganlzation of the democratic national convention continued today to concern delegates here apparently more than the prospects today of aspirants for the nomination. It was said that if the proposal to make Senator Thomas J. Walsh, ot Montana, permanent chair man of the convention, is not realized he may be put forward for the chair manshin of the resolutions committee. which frames the platform,. Balnbrldge Colby, secretary of state, has been men tioned frequently tor' tne permanent chalrmanshio of the convention, and Senator Glass, of Virginia, heretofore has been - virtually the only delegate advocated to head the platform com mlttee. There seemed to be some uncertainty today as to whether the Virginia state democratic platform Indorsed by Presi dent Wilson would be urged In Its en tirety as tne pasis oi tne national plat form or only acceptance of the league of nations plank would be advocated. Both democrats and republcana ap parenty had overlooked the Panama rnnfti cone in caiia ior tne national con vention Mr. .Cummlngs said today. Ap plication for seats by two delegates from the xone will be passed upon by the national committee, ne saia. A sremilna toner considers life far too short to waste any of lt imbibing his favorite beverage through a straw. Tho Crislnal I1 coa-unr.s r or ah hu'" 818 MARKET ST. I Jk . rSJi. - - - 4a AX White Linen Theo Ties Beautiful STACY-ADAMS UNION SSiliii Pali (m "Made in Chattanooga" AH that good custom tailored clothes should be, you will find in our Suite BURKE'S Hand-Tailored Suits from $63. 9 ITALVS DEMAND HALTS FARLEY None of Allies Wish jo Reduce Share in Indemnity to Give Rome 20 Per Cent. i 1 . Paris. June it rr w atrh. i... latlona of tha alllal -t'.t n,.- lng German Indemnity have been more or leas upset by Italy's demand at the ouuiugns coherence ror 20 per cent ol the reparations secured from Germany, according to the Paris press today. "Tha Italian d emnntt r,H n r. In v. ... element which was unforeseen," t said the newspaper Excelsior. "Not one ol tne aiueo nations desires to reduce lti part of the Indemnity. Who, therefore, can give Italy what she wants?" "Except for the question of indem nlty, which Is still In doubt, snd the new demands of Italy, the conference has been useful to the entente," said the Petit Parisian. The Echo de Paris said that tha Boulogne conference reported a "new step" In carrying out the treaty of Versailles. Dissatisfaction was expressed tn va rious quarters today over the meager results ot tne interallied conrerence. The allied statesmen will meet again at Brussels on July I as preliminary to the Spa conference, when the Issue Involved In the German Indemnity prob lem will form the chief subject of dis cuaslon. "Pertlnax " political editor or the Echo de Paris and the foremost polit ical writer In Europe, says that ths statesmen may propose the repudiation of the allies' war debts at the Brussels meeting. . Germany's failure to execute clauses of the treaty of Versailles regarding the delivery of coal to France la being emphasized by the French government representatives and will be considered at Brussels. Before the Boulogne conference DroK up lt approved the proposals of the mil itary experts for disarmament of Ger many, Including the reduction or uer many's armed forces and future own ership og Germany's destroyed war ma terials. MOOSE 10 BUY BONDS As Means to Cheok Unrest School Farm Planned. I Aurora, HI., June 13. As a means td check the rising tide of unrest and thai increase In the cost of living, the Loyal Order of Moose In convention at Moosej Heart today adopted a resolution urg lng all the 600,000 members of Its lodges to Invest as much of their funds as possible In liberty bonds and victors notes. J Cole Bleaae, former governor of SoutB Carolina, aa chairman of the resolution! committee urged adoption of tha reso lution. "i Another resolution adopted by thf convention indorsed a $10,000,000 enl dowment for the Moose vooatlona school and farm at Moose Heart zo children of deceased Moose. Hair Kept Beautifully . Wavy, Indoors or Out! i Tf veu will annlv a little Uauld sll marina hafnra rlolnr UD your hair I will have s, prettier wave and eurl thai probably 1? has ever had. The wavl ness will look perfectly natural, and th( hair will be sleek and glossy like plush. It will remain In curl the longest time, regardless of heat, wind or moisture and you won't have toibe continually lusslng WUQ loose airauus vi ivais Liquid stlmerlne Is, of course, entire harmless. It leave no sticky, greas . inva. Tt la also an exoau lent dressing for the hair keeping delightfully soft and silky. A . t wsj ounces from your drngglstwra last XM weeks. It is best applied with a dead toothbrush, drawing this down tha XUI length of the nair. iauv.j ORIENT ; FLOUR Is the BEST Horlick's The Original Avoid fanitatJona ' ana Substitntae. i kj 816 MARKET 8T. styles, medium long vamp, high covered heels, turn jsoleS; $6.00 value White Canvas Shoes For women or big girls; rubber soles and heels; $2.9o values for, Plenty of larger sizes. - MADE SHOES FOR MEN LiBiimvB mmiiiiiininitiiiiiiitiiniiiinitmiiiiiiin r."i i ;