OCR Interpretation

The Chattanooga news. [volume] (Chattanooga, Tenn.) 1891-1939, December 21, 1920, Night Final COMPLETE MARKETS, Image 1

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Night Final
Night Final
VOL. XXXII. WO. 303.
T"SM T 06 5 0utside!SHIELDS FAVORS
Wor Id Mi itarv Onera-
New Russian Government In
terested in Rebuilding Iron
and Coal Industry.
Moscow (Hy Wireless to brtlin),
Dee. 21. (. N. 8.1 Soviet liussla will
hnvo Its Mist pence Christmas tills
5'onr slum the erMtlon of the soviet
form of rovammtnt. This was mo mes-
eaec ent to the outdid? world today
by J.OOH TrotMky, poppies' commit.
slonep of war. Trotszky linn Just re
turned ironi south Hussla. whom he
directed military operations on the
Crimean front. He snys that Russia
is not making any preparations tor
future Khtliitr. .All the energies of the
toviet, he said are now Point; turned
toward the economic upbuilding of the
According to press dispatches from
Constantinople, Soviet Itussla has em
harked on a new war In First, using
troops that crushed Oen. Wrangel's
antl-bolshcvik army. Constantinople
repoifcd that the Russian reds had In
vade northwestern I'ersla and were
advancing on Tabriz, overcoming nil
Trotzky Dictates Statement.
Seated In his office, In the building
of the supreme revolution war council,
Trotzky dictated the following state
ment: "As to the situation on the fronts, I
may say that at this moment we have
no active fronts. In the south we have
eliminated Wrangel. In the west and
southwest we have eliminated 1'etlura
and Balachovitch. In the tar east we
nave routed the legions of Senienoir.
This Is the first occasion in the past
throe years that the military situation
In Russia has been given way to tran
quility. There is no lighting anywhere
Just at present.
"The military reports from the fronts
deal only with the reorganisation of
the newly liberated districts and with
the enumeration of booty captured Py
our armies
"How long do you expect this period
to last? Trotzky was asked. 11
"In this regard you otight to look for
enlightenment beyond boundaries of
soviet Russia in those ollioial head
quarters where, all plots and attacks
and campaigns against soviet Russia
are be'ns manufactured.
"We want lasting peace. We wanted
ppace befcre the relish war broke out
last spring. We should think that the
entento would grant concessions now
that we have offered amnesty to the
Wrangel crowd and m view of the utter
hopelessness of their undertaking.
"Not Wanted In Paris!''
"Russian peace, however, was not
wanted in Paris and London The re
sult haB been that after a bitter strug
gle and Immeasurable losses Poland got
legs than we had been offering her.
"Wrangel'a adventure In South Rus
sia swallowed nn some tens of thou
sands of lives and a few billions of
francs. The result Is that Wrangel's
hord&s were annihilated
"What do vou regard as the chief
problem of the moment?" Trotzky wai
asked. He responded:
"The economic problem. You know
that I recently returned from the
Donetz basin, where I, together with a
commission sent by the council people'p
commissars, studied conditions In the
coal and Iron field. We learned that the
metal Industries and (he coal mines In
the Doneta basin are now beyond don
ger either from Armenia or the Cau
casus. It Is quite possible to double or
even treble the production of coal with
in the next few months. I am con
vinced that the measures taken by the
government guarantees satisfactory re
sults. We are re-starting the big metal fac
tories In tho south. Railway transpor
tation is Improving. The attention of
the country Is being directed from
questions of politics and war to eco
nomic construction.
We are verv much interested In Inter
national trade. Still more would we
like to be left in peace. On this condi
tion we could pledge ourselves not to
unshenth the sword In the future.
Military Problems.
"What are your purely military prob
lems?" Trotzky was asked.
He replied: "We wish to decrease
considerably the number of men In the
armv but at the same time Increase the
fighting ability of tho army. The capi
talistic press has fed Its readers on
fancy stories about the alleged disin
tegration of the red army and about
Comrade Budennv's betrayal and so on
There still mav he in Europe some
numbskulls who believe such tales as
these As a matter of fact, during the
operations against Wrangel the red
army reached a new level In efficiency
and strategy as well as in heroism
The Russians showed themselves good
fiehters. Our Infantry in particular
soored a great success. Among the
manv trophies captured from the
Wrangel forces we did not find any
thing that we did not already possess.
I "What about the Caucasus and the
War east?" Trotzky was asked.
Trotzkv replied: "Our policy there
Is the same as on the Dniester and the
Narova (the districts where the red
Russians fought Wrangel and the
pnlesl s policy of finhting for peace.
Statesmen of the cpltalltlo countries
i gnrdles of their (thousand pardon)
Hockheadedness In questions of rovnlu
ilon and socialism ought to understand
that our profoundest Interests pnllt I
al. economic and cultural demand a
Mlrv on peace and Intense work "
What about the predictions of the
fcarlv collapse of the soviet regime?'
Trotsky was asked He replied:
"I remind vou that Premier Lloyd
Feorge expressed his belief early in
(he vear that the collapse of the soviet
'eglmp would soon come He said that
such a md regime could not posslnlv
sst ' Permit me to call your attention
;o the pare latency of some statesmen
fp their role of unlucky prophets. As
o our mad regime. I nm really at n
ops' to sav anything In Its defense. To
(. cure we have no hereditary kings
t the head of our state as is the ene
n well conducted countries, We mlee,
oierrbv the court life and Its ennobling
pfluence on the people We have no
lakes, no marshals, no vlaeounte. no
t..r no generals nor anv exalted
Ihnrnors clad sin solemn Judicial robes.
X' IneV andlv n house of lords to
hom Lloyd George referred
In vox
"naraaiticai successors
of mi-
,. ,nn'o and ptrllKri, but
Iteleas even now continue
triin clvlliT.eii countries
who. never
to de-orate
We hnve
I.. hankers In
Rmdo no rariltalinta, tie
in stric' eonformltv with
of modern civilisation,
Icorcs who.
Ill the rules
evefitlltv enri
-h there. ivea do- nir war
!t 'he pjni'n" of ..tier w e nave no
ir. f.-s nnat parliamentarians "',,n once
I, v vear make the surdo'trd masses
pte for one or the other nf the . T:t-
t i.Mireo- psrtlep. Ml Inrtalstmn
li i Mcrutive nrrans of our remihltc
i-,. auh1ei in the ' 'Pares f arorkwe
,.. neaaattts w hich meets every
tVenmher In th- ne-rann of Ihmt-mnda
,( ,t workers md win'. 'nr m-k
to r- 'e hf nmneritv 'and ettltutu
o.rt.i'n gi
Tennessee Democratic Sena
tor in Harmony With President-Elect.
Washington, Dec. 21. (.special.)
The Washington Post of this morning
curries an Interview with Senator
John K. Shields, given after his con
fetence with President-elect Harding
at Marlon In which the Tennessee sen
ator indicates that ho is In harmony
..ill, M- T r. 1 1 .. . . .
...... ..... on nis pian tor an
association of nations, and that ho
will support the forthcoming adminis
Senator Shields said:
"Senator Harding and 1 voted to
Reiner tne nrst time for ratification
of the Versailles treaty with reserva
tions, but the last time we divided
uimi i voieu against tne whole tlunc.
i was Invited to Marlon to discuss
iniernauonai questions and we did
oenevc, as I nave all along, thnt the
.mien mates snoulrt not become
member of the league as it was framed
in Versailles, or without reservations
i . iiuii ,iic icukuo creates a
super-government or nn Imperialism
dominated by the Ave great nations
chiefly Instrumental In the council,
and that its fundamental principle is
military force. There is no room for
an imperialism under our Constitution
ann form of government and the
American people are opposed to It.
Would Favor World Court.
Not only is the league an Imperial
government, but there Is in It another
want of self-government, self-deter
mlnatlon and the principle's of democ
"I am opposed to all this, and the
American people do not favor It. as
has ' been demonstrated by the whole
history of our government and con
firmed by the result of the great sol
emn icfirendum which President Wil
son invoked.
'I would lavnr tho creation of
great International court of luetics
and a codification of the laws ol na
tions to be administered by that court.
"That court should have Jurisdiction
of all controversies of nations ordi
narily Known as Justifiable, but no
questions involving the hor.or, sover
eignty and Independence ot nations.
These may be arbitrated and. In order
to prevent wars, I would favor treaties
providing for a conference of nations
where all. great and small, might lie
hoard, according to their absolute
equality and in mirsunnoe of settled
principles of International law. Hut It
should be so framed that no nation
would surrender Its sovereignty or its
right to exercise Its own discretion In
all matters which might arise.
United States Would be Free.
"The system should be such that the
United ISates. for example, would re
main free, sovereign and Independent
and not be involved In the political
jealousies and strifes of others regard
ing dynasties or territories. But we
should continue ready ! do the Just
and righteous thing K'hr iiw occnslon
requires and our Jurtgme"n1 might dic
tate. As Senator Hardrng is working.
I feel that there Is a good chance of
producing something of this kind."
Memphis, Dec. HI. The Mill southern
association playing seasords)wlll open
April 18, and will consist of 1M games.
Tills wns decided upon by dlrertors of
the association, meeting In executive
session here today.
New York, Dee. 21 The stork mar
ket had another acute sinking spell to
day, a number of speculative Issues
being thrown over, regardless of quoted
Further liquidation was accompanied
hv rumors affecting the financial stand
ing or various traders and other inter
ests, some of whom were especially
prominent of recent years In the pro
motion of so-called "war brides,"
(standard shares of the railway and
Industrial group wcr,o comparatively
steady, making only recessions. In
such Issues as Vanadium, Which re
cently cut Its dividend, and Kcplnglo.
steel, losses or (i to 21 M points re
spectively, were registered at midday.
Shares of motor variety and suti
sldarles Inst 1 to S points, and metals
especially the copper groups. con
tinned their reaction on further heavy
selling resulting from adverse ron-dl-tions
In thai industry.
Illinois Steel Company Work
men Injured.
Oary. Ind.. Dec. 21. Tin workmen
were inlured today when an onen
hearth furnace In the Illinois Steel
company's works here, In which tiiey
were working, raved In and burlad
them In the debris.
First reports to the police stated that
2S or 3ft nu n had been buried alive and
that seveial had been killed outright,
hut company officials later announced
that none had been seriously Injured
and all were b'ng cared for In the plant
hospital No wounds more serious than
bruises were sustained hv worVlngmon
caused hy the i-ave-ln. according to
company officials
Keehlkan, Alaska Dec II. The
Standard Oil tanker Atlas went or the
rocks at Snow Pass, Wronged Nar
rows, vesterdnv. and Is reported to he
baking badly The lighthouse tender
Pam has gone to her assistance Capt.
Sullvan reported hy wireless he would
hove to abandon the vessel should It
slip off into deep water The Atlas
carries a crew of twenty
When Claude Duncan, colored resid
ing on itiireh stie t. nwokn early Tues
day morning and found an Intruder In
his room ha calmly cut down on tbe
"Visitor" with a :is revolver. Th.it the
mil ait must have took efTect l evi
denced by I trail "f bipod from lb'
rtOUM to tbe y a i d
liuncnn hoard footstep on Ids porch
and Judced from tbe steps that ttieie
were two men b n one ol the
strangers came in through a window
tr, shol was fired. What became ot me
can thM was hit is not known.
Aldermpn Proposes
Removal of Enright
Htm ii 1 1, O c 'i r.-s'.iu-t'on
ratlin, for removal of Po
lice fntnm sMoner Knr'eht un
der fir-- In Vr'v V,.tVs prsnt i
cr'rr- nrav todnv was I: Iro
dHCd hi ,-, m -ett'.i. of I'..- V .r '
"f ptrfermen m Alicrirupft Draea
P i Falconer I
Suffers Most Vigorous Decline
Since Downward Movement
on Exchange Began.
Absolute Demoralization Pre
vailed at Times Values
New York. Dae. 21 -Important
wopmenil in financial circles were ex
pected today following tne request ol
the stock exchange authorities for
report mi all t ranaael loos in irnn.in,
llll. hetveen Dec. 14 ami ?n
Houaton till was Selling as high ai
on Doc, )4 hu( In tlie days followlm
it broke violently and rinsed yesterdaj
ut fiiii. a new low mark for the year
It was the most vigorous decline Iln
market has yet suffered since the ihnvn-
warn movement started. 1 lie range of
tne decline was trotn thru1 to tweqi
pouus. ai limes a condition of abso
lute deinoralliiit ion prevailed, hrol,
throwing over large shale of stocks
without regard to value.
In the Html trading there were sonic
vigorous rallies, some stocks advanclni
from one to four poinls. Steel common
snowed special resistance for n time,
but under offerings dropped In the late
afternoon to a new'' low record of TtiU
recovering to 77 at the close, yt. Puul
COtnmajL after crumbling away to 21.
a loss of Over four points, cumc buck at
the clone to 2I".
Noarl all ol the industrials made new
records for the year, ilahlwui touching
si and e rueiiiie ill'. .Mexican t?tl'0-
leum dropped to lti ami than recov
ered to lob. Replogte steel closed at
BO, down nineteen points for the day,
Heading broke three points to Vii, but
came back 75 ut the finish. Southern
Pacific Mulshed over three points lower
at H3 Vi.
New low scores for the year were also
made in I'lerce-Arrow, American Car
and Foundry, American Can, America n
licet Sugar, American Woolen, Ana
conda, Uethiehcm steel "H," Central
Leather, Corn Products, Uencral Elec
tric, industrial Alcohol, American lu
teriiutlotial, Seara-lioebuck, Vanadium
Steel and Sinclair.
'Government bonds were unchanged.
Itallroad and other bonds weak.
Total sales of stock today (vera 1,770,
500 shares. Honda, $34,441.01X1.
Washington, Dec. 21. Inclusion In
tne annual sundry civil bill ol an ap
propriation or iiti. (KKi.tititi to carry on
work during the coining fiscal year on
the government dam being construed !
at Muscle Shoals. Ala., was urged to
day by Renrogentativa Sells, of Tennen
see. and C H. Huston, president of tie
lennessee Kivers association, appear
ing before the subcommittee that Is
framing the measure.
Marlon. ()., Dec. 21 The opportun
ity to aid American business through
properly administered department of
inimerce was out lined to Senutor
Harding todav hv William Butterworfh.
of Mollne, Illinois, manufacturer and
Icepresldent of the chamber of com
merce of the United States,
I told the president-elect that busl-
nes men are very confident they will
have the sympthy. understanding and
within proper limits, the support of
the new regime." said TJutlcrworth.
They need this and they ask no mode.
In the choice of secretary of commerce.
Senator Harding had a special nppor
turntty to help them. The department
bf Justice, state, labor and business."
No suggestion was made as to Indi
viduals who might bo considered In
making tills appointment,
Mnrlon. ind.. Dec. 20. Evftcufttlon of
tlif Murioti branch of the National Mili
tary home by "veU" of l ho CIV.I
and sprr Irh-American ware wae itftrted
today ana will bo completed Tnureaay.
Tlio "vets are being moved in special
1 rains to Danville, III., Hampton, V.
Vn., Milwaukee, Wis., and Togua, Mr,
The National Military home here has
been converted Into a national y.m.i-
tortuni for Hiieil shocked veterans oi the
World war. The young vets are ar
riving here in large f roups for treat
Mitchell Field, U I . Dec. 21. Lieut
Hoss C. Klrkpatrlck, and civilian Mech
anician Max liooilnough started on a
lllght in a ten passenger t'uitiss Kaglc
airplane at 7t80 o'clock tins morning in
an allemiit to break the worms en
durance lllght record iieut Klrkpat
rlck was in the record fllgln to Alaska.
Liooilnough Is a former army filer.
The fliers hoped to remain in the air
tnlrty-llve hours. I he preaent record
Is said to be twenty-four hours and
minutes, made In Knglind In 1014,
Klrkpatrlck and Ooodnough expect to
fly at a height of al'out .iiim loot.
Jacksonville, Ma., I
II,- Alter le
tter warning
reiving an snonymo
him that he would I"'
less he let I tho city,
killed tonight un
Henjamln l.olllor,
who was kidnapped, taken to the 11
skirts of the city, handcuffed to a tree
and beaten With Hon studded straps on
the nigiit of Dec. 11, announced today
that be was closing his store at 2
dock this afternoon, and would leave
Jacksonville tills evening.
ipdon, Dec 21, Two Japanese were
killed in a race rlnl lit Perth. Au-trslla.
which resulted from an artumena, over
ins demands for racial eipiatitv.
HHid a Central News dispatch from tba.
An armed Japanese ran antiiek and
tegMn shooting Troops sulieiU"nt Iv
restored order and disarmed the riot-
Washington Dec, 11 A decree haf
hern sitneil hv the president of M'Mn
placing a dulv of 7 5 cents per kilo on
raw r 'linn mponWl inio Mexico. BC"
cording to a dlapatch received today by
the bureau of foreign and domestic
mmeree trom DOnBUi Fnrr's ST (lie
i CltV This is nesr'v double tlie pre-
of a 1 1 my
many frfndi to
day I would
make a niii'.
reQueste If you
Intend to i
in. ittbsf me w itfi
some Christinas
day b 'i u h i
Doa'l NAd in'
j sSfalmmons i
low sad i , but
ik- last d the
"moo hihI rnml
I t t'edsy BOW
ptaSUM don't fail,
i n t he newspapt r
( lirlst mav fund
Kuin toniKtit a. .it
m sather
sdi y . marin
C -nrmky
teitigtit and
Wholesale Coal Man Charges
R. R. Heads Had Part in
"Extraordinary" Deals.
From Original Destinations t?
Other Consumers Gushing
Promises Names, Details.
Washinffton, De. 11 QAotAM of the
Tn trd BtOtOs WO erntnont nm! of rall
roadl hn nd Una roclYOd a part ot
tht 11 extraordTnar profits" token out
o part of tho oool utstrtbUtM tn eon
sumsra loot summer, tjeorot H Cush-
Inir, tiiiumeliiu director of the American
siielstlon, oharffed
todoy hrfor
veal fool log
Preoaod t
nirnlnst wh
Mr. t'uliHlnq
m freed t'1
Mr. ('iifj
hod ssourel
ite committee In
sitnntfon. jli the nameii of men
made the Charffe
t refused, hut fliin'ly
n cnnfldenea.
Id the rnllrnad men
ml hv divertliiR ship.
niriita of
orlRinnl L
lr own rsils from the
istlons to other con-
He raj
o say
what Rovcrnun lit
were concerned in his
hat positions the officials
to occupied Full infor-
mi t loo
io. i
ld he furnished I ha commit
tee wiih
the names, he said.
largeal profltS made on coal of
he had personal knowledge, the
witness shim, was p certain poisons
who obtained it rrom the mines at 12 Ml
a ton. and sold It at Jin.SO a ton. which
Willi the freight rales, would have
made the cost to the consumers around
Jin or 20 a ton.
it was after tm i tills specldi
margin of profit as having come to his
personal knowledge "'ai sir, OushJni
mane nis rormiil charKcs as to aov
ernmenl nmi railroad artleiali,
The coniinlltee went into an exeeu
five session to continue Mr. ushlnu's
examination, rluilimnu Oaider, repub
lican, New York, nave notice trial open
sessions would he resumed tomorrow
Do Not Like Strikes, but Be
lieve They Are Sometimes
tanners believi
snry to prop
Hamilton, of
I ice II. 1 leclnrlno; thnt
"ut liken may be nercs-
ct labor fioorgo i'.
the farmers' national
addressed a letter to
11 mil todav
Ii aoers of lioth parties In coniirrss op
posing the enactment of antlstrlke
Ii tcU lotion.
"Farmers ns a bodv do not like
strikes," Hamilton declared fn his let
ter, "but farmers do not blind them
selves to the self evident fact thai un
der our preaent industrial nrantilxatlon.
strikes even on railroads after due
notice has been (riven and neuotfntton-
have been held. he necessary to
protect labor mid to enable labor to
secure Its Just i'lhts.
"Farmers realise tlist If strlklnir hv
labor Is made a felony the next step
logically would lie in have the curtail
ing of ncre-iae or the commodity mar
keting of farm stsples which is nsces-
nary tn secure a fair price for farmer!--
nwde a felonv as well. This would
result in enforced labor on tba pun ot
l)e farmers end render them hslpiis
under the exploitation of monopoUsH'
Interests "
Washington, DSO, '1 -PreMdeht Wil
son Is authorized initl reQlieited to In
vite the governments of nil nations to
send delegates to an International eon
vention in the United States to con
sider ways ami means of bringing alioul
Joint disarmament by a resolution n
trodueed in the house toda y by Kepi I-
tentative Brooke, of Illinois.
Cleveland, () . lice. 21. Mins May H.
Neely, chief witness for the proiecullnn
In the second desree murder trial of
lil'lge William II Mcf iannnn. took tin
witness stand tale this afternoon and
testified that she followed HcOapnon on
the night of the slaying and saw him
take something from his nockel lire a
shot and then sow ll.-iroid '. ICagy fall
Dog of Questionable Ancestry
Buried With Honors.
New Orlaana, Deo, II. "Boot." n di
mlnutlva dog of quaatlonabla anoestrv,
who for three years sulled the seven
oas as the much Idolized mason! of
the crew of the steiimshln Lake Kndl
It, loila- was given a ntailiie fuiieioi
witii all of the ceremonies Incident tn
the oei-tislon
Hpol three years aau was a flea -bitten
N'ew (IrleallS waterfrnnl dog Me wan
dered aboard the Lake Cndlcotl and
was imineiiiateiv adopted, BJarly today
he fcl) down u halehwiiv and broke hi'
Tlie flag of thn t.nke Rfldlnott was
'owered and then was no merriment ,n
the eves of thirteen hard hlitiii able
In 'lied ataman fit they tossed Mis no'lv
of Spot. rojicrlv tewed up m n cue
vat sack. Into tlie Mlaaltalnpl river A
burly quel lern aster c aal Rnot'a botlar,
In i.il In Hongkong, after the p dy fl
was all In earnest, for Knot w;,s a coo
slant companion and had his regular
hunk In the forecastle Flreninn .tohn
son neteil as chaplain
a i
; 1
Lei every Individual i
line Iiis neighbor. Lei then
the financial and spiritual
Neither i'l mr the governntenl ought l be agkefJ I
thoie who d' not lir-it mAe evrrj effort poiaible i
There ooathti howci
community to keep any gooi
licriiiisc lie cannot immediate
drr exiating conditiont it wi i
ami nf unwisdom i force ai y
tin must liberal Indulgence In
pay. Bualneii fitilurei do i o
ofttimet destroy men.
Liberal iirdulgenccs 'inl
the manufacturers to tin
mi rchanta, hv the nterchan
time for a creditor to hi i'
garatTelf syi "I'm me arli
s to
Committee of Oorernort, i
Dee. '.'. 0SO.
Home Rule Bill
Passes Commons
London, lec. SI The Irlth home
rule bill, as slightly modUlcd by tbe
house of lords, was adopted by tho
bouse of commons today. Tbe meas
ure now nerds only the royal signal un
to become a law.
The inrasute will he effective at th
discrelion of the toicinmcnt ai any
time within Hirer and one-half yeais
The government rcNcrvcil the prlvilegn
of applying the law when the oppor
tune moment arrival,
Troops Prepared to Rush to
Mountains of Tipperary.
Twenty-Eight Dead.
Dublin, lice I!.--TrOotot re-enforc
incuts were today lushed to the moun
tains of Tipperary where eighteen pel
ions were killed and many Wei
wounded In a pitched hallle lietweep
Old ten and Sinn I'elners. a detach
inent of British troopt wns nmhtishei
rear M ulh nahone The fire of the at
lackers war returned and soon an en
gageinetit was nisnr; With Hie rumba-
tn n t n ahootfm; from lichlml trees and
hoilldei' It wiih like a hatlle lirtw
Indians and colonllts in tin early dsjs
or America
Aocordlnt to luteal accounts from tin
scene fhe Sinn Felners lost tan Killed
tony prisoner and many wounded
The casualties on the crown toree
were right Killed ami a few founded
The fhst accounts of the flghtluu re
celved here were vague, They said that
a hallle of magnitude was raging and
that the Indications were that th
casualties would tie heavy. Til
lOent was said to he "nil llulcocssable
mountain fastness,
Ambulances were sent to the sent ot
the trouble as well as troops. On
rumor said that ihlrly repuhllcatis hud
been killed hut this llguic was later
cut down to ten.
Oltlclats at iliitlsh RYtlltgfy headiiuar
tert expressed the hetlef that lepoits
or casualties In the hallle between sol
dleis and Slmf Felners near Mill
Pnhone. I'ountv Tippernry. had hee'i
exaggerated. 'I he wires from the
of the fighting were down early todav
and additional delalls were iinohlaln
able. According to a report received
here this morning, the casualties In
cluded eighteen and as many wounded
Macon, tli
pi cllmlnary
rlor Court
deatli June
was closed
el lor the
The final
i . Dao ?1 Bvldenoe in tht
inn ting luic before Butte
.1 Hilar1 MmMuwn lulu 111
I. iiiMi, of Pred n. Bheportf
tooHy m mi iroutnenti wen
aftornoon leanton of court
CVlllflli'i' c.f (hf Mlllti' con-
slsted of efforts to holster up the char
Boter of former tenants on the full
piaulalton In W'llcnx counlv, who had
testlfli d that one of the four defend
ants. Mrs. Annie Cults, had related t
them n story of a plot lo poison
Shepard for Ids saoney. Shepard't
widow, now Mrs. Iaullno Blmeri her
son. rcrnett Hopton, and her sister
Mrs. ionui Henry, are the other de
fendantl, Mrs Alice I'randall. sister
of the dead man. also testified that Mrs
CUtts told her of the' alleged plot hv
"Paula and her gang." referring to Mis.
ICImer and the other defendanls.
- Testimony of tin- state's expert!, that
poison was found in phepardVi vltoera
van followed In- declarations of physi
cians on hohalf of the di'tense thst
Bhepard died of general peritonitis.
The evidence for Mrs. 1'aullne lOlrner,
vldow' of Shepin-d, was cloned vester-
day after In i hsrles '. Hsrrold, of
Macon, who operated on Hlmpnrd. de
clared he died of general peritonitis.
Hr V. I. (irr. of I'orry. wlio at
trmirtl Slupard III he last illness.
nr. sain lu hud no suspicion of poison
and (old of calomel and other drugs he
Wouldn't Believe Witnesses.
JOH M Smith, who lives near Ito-
chslle, a county eommlttlonet of vn-
eox county, toNtlfleil tin characlers o
,11m Turner, wife mid son are had, slid
sta'ed he would not believe Ihern on
oath, He did not know Peterlon, He
t he had heard that PttOrtOn had
been In the peultentlsry.
,1 Q, Wilson, another Wilcox oOUpt
commlHsioner, tWOrl he would not hi
le'e the Tuinel's oil O'lth. toil did not
know l'eteron lie said he had hear
(hat John Turner sold tlouor N'oan
Smllh. warden of Wilcox county chain
rang, swore the general characters of
the Turners and raterson were had
and he would not hellee them nnd
oath. He said he had heard ,11m TUN
tier ran his wife ami children off with
a sbntftun to keen another woman
"Would ymi refuse to bistlave a
herauae h committed gdulttryT' iikad
Hollellor 'liirrett
Few Left to Believe.
"Yet, I would " snld Hinlth
"Than there nn mighty few men
you would believe are there not?"
"Well 1 wouldn't -si that exactly.'
answered Hie wltnres
Dry Officers Capture 370
'Shiners During Month.
Louisville. Kv.. I , ;i Three hun
dred and sevetil v-llvo moonshiners were
arretted anil 771 illegal stills with 1,711
gallons of liquor were seined In the
southaMtgrn prohlliltlon dltlrlol dur
log N'oveinher. according to a report
iasued here hv prohibition officials.
Tin southeaslern dlitrlcl Includes
ibe states of Kentucky Tenneasee,
N'orlh Cnrollmi, Mouth Caroling sad
Those srreeted for alleged violation
of the Volstead not pntd the govern
ment 1471, Oil In taxes nnd penlltltt,
the statement aui'i Thirty nlnt auto
mnbtlet nnd ten other vehicles latd In
"ruin i iinnlng" and valued nt $11 "an
weie seined Pv the 1.77 federal ngents
ivnrklng In the disirtct nnd eill he sold
Under prnvlMont of the Volslend net
r'ropirtv seined nnd iieilrnyed was en
tltnated nt 117.14.
Mnrlon. I nil . DtC if I flrt of no.
known origin early lodnv destroved Ibe
ntanl of the Am boy Preamerv company.
Tie lota is ettimated at IM.MM
nil In- can to I
In- a completi
ii n iiti encour
Biobillsal Ion of
ssi i s of every
1"' n united effort in CI cry
man from being deatroyed
meet Ins obligation!. I I'
lii tlx none of inliuiii.'itiit v
debtor into bankruptcy if
Would lilt i nintr I v b nl'lr
c I Iiii ii u reel, btisinctl j tli
ii iw wall s
.lilirrs. by
limilil in- granted by
tin- jobbers to the
i Individuals It is no
litur by iln- throat and
I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mill
t. St ill in' nt lv
il at HiirrislnirLt, I'
Dctectics Investiqate Tha
Possibility in American
Express Case.
$50,000 Escaped Bandits
Now Behoved Robbers
Wore Mero Boys,
Toleao, (i
working In
nec. ni .-fity detaetlv
conjunction with Investl
an tors for the
press company
tlgate the 004
robbery at tin
last night wo
Aim rlean KallwNV I
hagan todar to inves
Ihllity that tin Jltl.aaa
oompan) ottiees h
planned from the
tltorgt IV llnrtmnn, local inanag
lor the Bigprttt coinpany, fmnisii
tne police with names of guaidn who
were held up by six men n rmed witn
shot guns wiuio transferrins, n ul
containing fhe money trom the oltlee to
a truoli In Hie rear ol the stole or ship
I he police spent nil ol last ulglit
sesrciiuig every known hangout loi
ciooks without making a single nrrrei
It Is hcllrveil Ihc handlts took rSlUS
tn the vicinity of 1'omt I'laco, loin
nines nortn of the rltv. which Is known
Of police to he a hnrliorlng place lor
sale blowers snd gunnort These
places weie searched wit html result
The police Pan their liellef that it
Wat an inside Job on the laet that
tnmelblng apparently went wrong with
I lie plans Less than half an hour
lore the robbery another and lamer
sale containing more than IdQ.WHJ was
passed through the same door ami
taken to the railroad station and plai
on a train I'liis ttoulnless was the one
tin robbers were alter. Itu p
point out The smaller Safe cnriled ott
hy Ibe hnmllts hns not heen found
I lie police uelieye Inst night's roll
Oary wns committed lie Inns. I hiring
the progress ot tlie hoi, tun ihn hand
keretilef mask worn ov one of mo
liandlts Mlltiied down and dlNeloseil tin
lace ol a youth not more than is yet
in age, according to one ol the exprt
company guards,
Auotliei curious phase the police f
trying to solve is the tact thai not
shot was tired during (he pioces
holding up the lilgnreat compnnji mi
and transferring the sate to one of two
automolilles which (he Pandits iiseil
Fell in Bank Robbery.
New Itrunswick, N. .1 . iiec ill New
.lersei 's ei line wnve engulfed .Mllltowu
curly today, when t 1 men attempted
to roll the I lent National hunk. A
io.sse of thirty elttxetis cnpllltcd I Wi
the alleged roliliers after a tlghl In
wlileh seines ol shots weie tiled.
Quartet Discovered.
A wnlehman dltQUVered the quartet
nnd aroused the Clttieni "f the town,
which Is located ahoitl four miles from
here Two of Hie fugitives who later
their names as l'rauU N'orhees, of
llrunswiek foniieilv an elillstei
man In tlie navy, and I'lirfonl Jaelison
of New York, tsirrtndtred Tin othet
pair escaped.
Inveatluiiilon showed thai Hie bnnk
bad been entered by dlgglnu Hiiougli
brick wall Pelo I wns expressed Hint
no cash was gone, although Vol lines
was limited by dtiecttrte e aeylng bls
coinpunlons had fled with a large
ainouni or tiiierty tionits.
Detectlvag set out to search for thn
missing pntr and also lor u woman wlio
wns reported to have heen seen drlvlna
toward th hunk In nil automolille with
the four men.
Washington, i vi
AdMicntes i
n won a pn
emergency turlff leglslallo
llmlnnry fight In the hoi
adopting, loll to 7n, a motl
calendar hiislnesN tomorr
give the Kordney laiifT
w ny
us,, todnv hy
oi to euspeiii
w no as to
hill light
Educational Oenter In Estab
lished in Washington.
WguMtii'hit), 1) tv
inni iri wMhlnftoti
tffttf t6t M'lVMlic
DiDnot dtM i t tui'Ht n i
nf nn nliic'itlnniil
ii ."f Uflf In tin
worh win in- tm
1r ft llkcil by ll Unmtnlttlrt Of en Me ii
pi ofllMOl n nnd ntlniH ns'-entty ftp
IH.Inted ,v 1 t 1 1 1 S Ii liincli, prfMlif. tit
nf t lie ArnVtiOftfl PolltlfKl H' ieno nnn
mfni today mi win nut" pun rot
(hr r l inn I It iie nf tin fnrllltlrN
ivallfthtf in wAihlnrtnn f"i pnllttoul ti
March by ii"tit Amarloan and forali
fiOlldOfl. Her :i -
Tun nrreistn hnvn
!ni-ti iirtide In rofitie
l Ion with ' If miih
Intuit uhleh VVM
panaton of Parfotn
nnn'Hifw -1 ii vrptterdii
Bfivn iiii Dally
Mnll V A Mm l
ii n a unit or rapi
Ranflni ttt iinf eii"iiit ns nf ina Inatl
ttifi-.ti, w. til.-, into ruatody yaal
dnv nftir fIrtpi-Mvrs hid Intervlrwin!
Mr JOOAi nnd Mr KOfftl tnlnt rnn n
nyvv nf t m liittik Thornii! Kiirrnw-si
fnlicdt r nf the dtitik. Ults a 10 pill' fd
under inrfNt, hut WM lOO HI in 04
tnUen from iiix hotna ji' si lnnnrd K
imtfK, iiii'l t rniiM toldt'si w i rn
plfi' i d In (tie h'tif In Kunrd ti tin .
Polif)b BoHfivn OrunnltJrd Band
of Thieves at Work.
A I In n r Ms , flee 21 - Three nuire
lllf. S lll'.WII 111 AI' 11.1.1 laSt II. gill fill-
Will' the erse trig of two safes III
Hi.. K'e. lv eoiupnnv d fin rl mi ul store
Hnridiiv rilghl whri rot, iters seeuied
mors than Itl.SOo. led local nollaa in
1 rile
todnv thai seiernl bandi nt
Mil. A
i nei. onaratlttg on nn txtvngiv
ii this ellv
V ii fir ti !;
ThomtHMtn, tha
rmwd nf wtdif
fi'tff'l Wll'i
boya t'"
fWfd in' t h
fnur nn of
I'lnrdnv nitli(
m Inifii ft f tat w.trd dUd
wns rni.r urr-rt
morftltiM nnr
fr-m Iln- m-mr
"t t tl nVln. k thtfl
Trout villa, n f.w mi if
j rh troubta
Tnorwoaon aan avfroundrd i" n
rnd waft not -krn mil tl he tin ft
'imt tii.wn mi- psfittira brf.titi
nboul - n vi h lift itithiin n t n f h rn
hotiaa Thnmittifin anpllad h r f- r
Kfr all fa at wharatnvtn h r htm
armrt-hng f., mi and talaphnn9d f-.r t'i
Tl " ahoOttflV " i r s-rt M l" ll Th'tn
-ti wnm W gar al IhroWiftll nf Mr"
''whr unrr hu faat n Brad Iota
rrowd f Uv rtya ims Offl '
trrsif '1 hlltl btfl li Wh 'tri I . L .
wv fr in thru, lv rnnlt from arhlrl-
h la tar r.i d rajMlntmji nf 'nrg
until fM mnrnina
Dattaa T i flac :l Joa it-.-r-'
J ! nhnn ntni k aiMN . Int Bl rlrtltO
r tha anaVfta irhlch aria I oat 4
tl ii-.- n f'itff of h rant (try ig in
d tn ti itylftfl rniid tlori nf tit) h
nit it I bt rr i 'tin r I -n n't-' ' ha
ur1 ti m telrtth -nr in n ainKHj i irt
' hi fit -'f ih'-'r' mvl rHinin flltrf
. ' ,l-.r nnd f tl from n MMfl T.rrd
li"n tha frnni rt .t-r
Story Shows Touch
Of Wistful Regret
Murder Mystery
Puzzles Police
Beautiful Woman, Fashion
ably Attired, Found Dead
on Beach.
Nsvn York, Dc. It. Though
completely mystined st to me
manner of her death, it Is be
lieved st noon thnt the body of tht
faihlona'bly dreurd women found
on the ssndi nf Long Dtsch last
night had been Identified se that
of Mri. John A. Lee, widow of s
prominent physician of Brooklyn.
Or, Lee. who head of the
Miige county Medicei society,
died about sin months ago. He
wai s noted cancer expert.
The police helleve thnt sue arns mur
dered tlttWhart and her lindy curried
lo tin batch
Thtrt Wars nn marks of a itrufftt
around tils conme. No revolver was
The woman had the nppraranea of
wealth, refinement and education. Her
clothing Wat MtptnsIVS and bore Hie
Imprint or ro.ia Htlltr, a tashloMbls,
New York tnodlntr II. r hat had hron
Impoi ted from I'm la. Her nude rclothca
W ei e eilk.
Polios Commtttiontr tiirlgbt'i ourfsw
order went into effect ImI Blflit, a
number nf belated pedenlrlan! were
ttuppad and starohtd by nolloaman in
unfraojuantsa itraats afir midnight
Hume of than) weie fuuild In he eniiv
li.K loaded revoUir, which Hiey x
plalned wire for nell -proteetlnu.
Thr police department Is adopting
other IlltStUrat lu aihlttlon to file cur
few. Automobllt patrolt hsvt 1 n tl
(ahllnheii 111 noinv psita nf town. The
automoblltt are lilted with men from
the llroni arm swuml, who have lieen
withdrawn from UrtMtwIch vllltfti
whore they were on duty akalnul k "K
They Admit They Havo Oper-
oratcd in Several
Big Citios.
Nsshvltls, Mac. !t,Amoftfl sthsrt
whom the police nnw have I nttnd
with are the fhrlstmne aboptlftere.
Two women, tlvlua their nano-n an
Mis William Kellev. , and Btrthl
Hunn. 28. con f tiled Isat nluht to local
ilelectlven that they bad committed
liiefln In a number nf cities benldes
Nashville, 'i' weie arreslad In Ilia
act of taking a llMi dress from a local
ladles' rtSfytOWttr store. One nf the
alt'ls tnld her home wns In rhlcsga.
Both are prcttv
Bandit Wounrjed in Gun Battle
With Detective.
IiImutOi I Mr. ."I i :fiiitlnntlnn niiy
totlitv nf ii wound nnif iilnnd by n nnllnf
offtolti who, wllli thraa mm In army
umfm ma. fimulii a un ti.ii(i i.rt
tilnlit with a ii-l vn tt llataol Ivo In
from nf tin In. nn nf rvrttn II Me-
t'nrinli k, hnad nf Iln- In tn nn I oui I
linrvtulfr rmnpnnv. prnvtnl Unit hln
i ii H li i 1 1 limit I'm 1 1 ii I nlnt; tditlit pfnnloK
nftv.,1 hln Ilii
Tha foroa nf the ti ttt t vim im-
BMM Whan ll wlrin k thn iiaithlrn nnd
I 1'nli'i'l In hit nl.dninn II vh
riiHllv i'Miinva'1 lv n pnllrr nnrirnuii
wi'ii hln flntft'ii
Hnfr ditti', Uir ilnffntlvt nlntlnnrd
nf Mif M t 'iirrnli k It nine nn m km 1
ivriH nftinlttd t v ihc (innrtft Ttifl
nnllnr, ulm nnld m minut wnn .Inlin
InhiiHnn. nn appi rti 1 1 nanmnn nt Ihn
Orrnf ' 1 1 twi vn I ntn 1 Inn wan rir-
artatt hy hia ootnpMtloiil wnati hn frM
Wound a1 n Ur n nrora of ahnln I1111I
II Wtl in v Aral Jolt," hn nnM. "!
wantan n uni. 1 'lirlntinnn ntirndlnpr
Rtnnayt 1 mi tha Uir MHIIaft nmV
anUnd tham t f" 'Ml H llllln sjtli't-llli
p. 11 f I nm-rr raw Uirm hofurr.'
ftyaitt City, Pn . Dm ?i.--a total
of nlfu- firm lit It llmlcd In Ini t-ndlnrlm
who luivt ltit itrtlvn In (bin riilnii
for ns'Vrrn I ttionthl wrr rODOftM In
iIip RtH li il I' I""
III HiIn ill-ttlrt
firm hmi ooourrad
n waaki nnd itl'
ihorlflai had horn
1 thit it" "aranti
drill 11. hud niih-
Tor," nn iln v 1
nld'l lutl ahafl lha tilnr firm
t-norfrd ii'ldlMnnnl nlnh frtmpii
(Al I ad Into tin rrulnn Thri
1 1 ' 1 1 with tlo'tn In nn
rffnrt 10
inn down tha Inoandlartai
l-Ini Iv tn tin dnv nutter I Mm w rrr
ad y lard nf four aarly momtng firm nn
thn OUtMlrtl ul t-'avrtln Cltv A Dff
Imrn iin daatroyad and two rsnl-
lanoaa and lodflni houaa wara dnin-
n(in l.iiT ri-pnr t wm- rrrriv-wq m
ftvi- fir aa i" rninr nhaHcH nnr tha t0f
Mratlon line of thi ally nvaatlga-
1 1 atlthnrltUM hji hi. frndrd ttt ilintf
tinii lha rtraJ wort tii work nf in-
Tin an I Ira rayatta, Waot ntoraiaan
nnd Wtiwlilnnton nulnn tn nr.n or
than Brora nf inranoiary nrrn
wllhln lhrr rm tiHis wnn p'dh(t Pv
into irnooara and oounty nwirarn laai
niciit Faatlni wan runntni o'an aaa
Iflnam In 1 1 mat ad that if t"'v nr-
rntrd any niHim I In ronnaotloo
11 firm thn art ann ar would hn tan an
noma ritv aotnldn thn oiatrHi for
fi k-frpiriK
QllMBO 04. II Some folks mlfhl
nui llemsalves lurkv lo nnu i
llOndS fol Whirl i.Wl.r nils n-o
lUei.verid Crl I'll" of nniy. I IKI-.
l,... uife nicked 01. ll ' 1.1 a worm 01
treneurv e. 1 1 1 th n I h i
"hlcnrii tall
h la.ii Mm li li Kli.oloi:
lo think d !
hud luck
K d.i 1. 1 sulhnrlllii deciart ibe tonal
hecaiee Inreloe w le o they loiilure.l Sep!.
14 Hani e t'mi o n have to pay an
ame 1.11 1 'arl a 11 1 earn me aonaai
hi wife foni.il ir. .1. innenianat iss
due th.- (thvi ' ami "t 1
Ijiwi.ii lone .! o nd IMI t en
wife t 1.1 00 itgal riirhi in ri-mnvt nrm
art fi.oo n common eirrler. They
Ihraateo win f i.i.t.vio lo reitoir
pnndl I" fhe t,ii' r eonipanv. ir
v a-i ibe writ. Part win he will ha
tine. ..hv Sersnse ttir of vhe hoi.d-
fib it 1 each have pa toed fr
poatnatlon Tf'' net renillt In ttit
,11 thaae Umiik" hanpaS CSirl may tlial
: ,r mnrt In di Id
Imi. il . 's i. e
;t Anih'.nv
In tall
r Prill. 1 hnrsr.t
hi Ron I
ally, who wae
father's me at
le ll ,1. I
: of th
In v tl Me
pit! The elder RevnnMs wee
KM 1,1 to liBlr been drlokiea S"it. S""
or Hie to the aulli il". ShOl Bit
ti Srhetl thr lallrl 1 01 m 1'. 1 with ;
on i t lieat tall a mde in attempt
. eh not nimlh.r Ml Sral HfaV'tS' -I I
hv Ma vilfe Memiera ol tht fainu
..irr "iirrel and leiueren nun in mwi
Clara Smith Hamon Describes
Oil King as "Masterful but
Brutal Man."
But Finally Surrendered to
His Blandishments and
Promise of Wealth.
(Clan Smllh llnmnn was found In
Chihuahua City, Mexico, by Sam Blair,
HtafT onrrajinondent of the Chicago Her
ald and KTimlner Tn hlrn she told
the atnrv nf her life with Hamon, of
the fatal ehootlne nnd her flltht. A.
ivntlnustlon of the nrilele follows.)
(DV SAM BLAIR. Correspondent of tha
Herald and Extmlner tnd Unlvirsa''
(Cnpvrlrht. 1!?f hv Universal Servlc.
I'onyrlKht IMI), hy Chicago Herald
and I-'vamlner.)
F:i Paso. Tex., Pee. Jl Not all of
the etorv Clnra Smith Hamon tnld ma
Baturdiv nlulit In thn puhlle park In
Chlhunhun Mexlon. had to do with tha
comui'mrllnt nf violence and bestiality
that oMntnied the nlsht nf Nov. 1 In
an rdmore hotel In the fatal ehontlnt;
of Jake I, Hamon flnanrlal and pntlt
I :il dictator of (lUlahoma and northern
There wm tries of wletful rt
oret In the etoey. in occiilontl
tourh of pride In the lookln'i hick
iinon tbe past now and ther a bit
nf rtnilnlscenct that vvli gently
"Do you rseemher '.tntlmtntil
TomntV ind Tommy's brutil fa
ther, tbe 'mieterful tnsn'T" sha
asked me. "WH. he (Hsmon) wtt
Ju't like fhst a niterful men."
bt went on: "He domlnet'd ma
frnm the first time I ever looktd
Into bis evte ind noted the strtnga
tjtlnt In them.
"I wta 17 worked behind tht
counter In a llttla Lswton, Okll
"He qot to coming In quite tan.
ntintlv: would not lllow any ons
to will on blm hut ml.
Didn't Llki Hit Eyn.
"fnmtlme I think thai tlrls art
provided wiih a wonderful Instinct
plan tail In 'heir helnie hv Ood, Tblt
Instlnrt oueln to mil, I,. Ihem. II ousht
to hn in'lnutd to uuide me ss It did
nt "ft
"Tor 1 hated him In thoee first meet.
Inira hated him lust nn I nt to hntlnt;
htm In those times lout afterward when
he wouM beat me
"I did not liKe his even -thn way ha
tvonM atare niul leer nt me.
"tint he wae n 'mnelerful man.'
"There isat a hoc .
There Wee I Boy.
"There was a hoy sort of a eMid
heiu vou know. He need to ln Known
ni 'my fellow.'
"lie una men n nice hoy He had
hn nulomohlle And yoa know ten
yean Mta there were not manv nuto
mnhlles In little Oklahoma towns Ha
v ia considered something of a ostch.
other girls tlujunht 1 wai lucky,
would have been perhsps, If ht
1 If Mr Hamon hnd mirWwell,
llniakm naked ma "no dsv If I
1 go riding wfih him iieissnnlly
If h
tiotight hlmaetf an n ofomcioiii.
I knew then resitted funv
what eort of s mm he wse. My
Instinct wis nuldlng ma truly I
l'o"he.l at him.
"N,, mi i sbatilri tvtr Ituph it a
maittrful m- H makat sum prim
tUtttaln, aexl In tha entV
aets him whit he wantet
"l iinohed at him. I wtt oaiy
I, ' w',d',i nnt no ridlnn wHh yau
If vou hid Itrlno of auttmt.
bllei.' ,.
"Whit t etrsnpe thlnoj I iheult
hsv sild thtt ind meteit It.
"bo many hours, dsyl. wsery
lonn timte. hsve I sat In Jski Ha.
mon'i automnbllei ind rittled with
htm over Oklihomi rotdi from
ont oil flild to another.
First Ineult.
"glln he came Into ibe store about
f'hrlstmna time and 1 ahowed him a
t ,,f flirt that had mt arrived. I
siitteste.l thai maybe, he would list
,.. Ihem for hln wife.
"'I lll huv von nil the furs
enn wear hi tnawered. 'If . you
come some lime lo mv omen
1v face inirned at the Insult
The woman turned more toward ma
nnd ntrav from the K-year-old brotMf
who eat on her other tide Her v.ilra
, t tow and tha words wyra hailing
And then one dnv I did go to hit
..en... I Id not like nun. 'ir-i..
I.I... llnl hn wan hist
man and I had laughed at htm."
Fight to Save Livei
Ends in Failure.
Lincoln, Neb. Doe 21 A long fight In
the courts to save the lives of Alton B.
Colo and Allen V tlrn miner, eoudemnefl
mi rderer. emlded shortly after S P m..
v. ai. id v afternoon when both were put
to dttllh In tht electric, ehilr.
hh'a Dec. It. An tuques!
Into Ih' killing or llenry i. ri-rwj
mnnnfn.tur.rs' sgent. who waa IWHM
lieiten to death In his apartment htTf
,, N,.y .'. w,.i held today hy Coronet
Knight Thirteen witnesses bad been
summoned hv Ihe commonwealth.
I, i, . I' Tr.owlwiiv Joeeoh A MiKtB
and Marie lhlUlp. iltlln "Hoots' 110.
,. , n pi "nm to re lu connection
with the killing 'AI" Bmlth. w
Traadv u I n a rnnfetaton tlvrn nut Jv
ih,. police elalmed heat I'leree over lha
h. nd wdh a blackjack, revolver bull
nn. I n wr. nch. hna not been sppre
hen.le.1 sUhouth a nationwide searcn
i. ,a been o f or him. Tread way hae
,i, i w.re arrested In Wheeling;
W VI and Moss waa raptured
pittance i, vu three sccoriUng to tho
aiithnrltlei made written eonfeaslopa ol
. ..art in Hie r ae Most and Miss
Phtlili.a claimed :thev were IntXVceBt
wline.e. In the alavlng while Tr.ad
erav is slleed to have admitted he isi
I. ,lf.l lie a.'lill Roiniir nno e.a'i
, . tied the other two to
thlltl In 1'lerce'n motorcar
Pee with
nf imnrtsmen
evenlna fi "c
Ml.. I ?1 - V parry
rrtumini hem venier.lty
,.n o"tln en n... n Inland.
f..r the flrat Hm In their
eepovl so In
lli'ea. a fiyim
h,,rv I' '-o W" W
ihev d
Hired hid I.e. n urnilng on n
In'an I
Tl.l. hi i. .-ti. nil. Pan flah
rraemhted a
onkev with ni! ihe aliorram.-tl SV.
tn head w Rat ami
Ion An Ittemnt waa
an i"ira
. to shunt the
hi ii I ' hn. Ihe
awifr winded anl
i. ii, h the rem-
nnl Iliad.- Ida . a I
t at," a ef i
ntnelala ne said
I ,K tl n.eid' lllon
l.e rolalderlll' an I
. i
- r .
-' i
1 w - -

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