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POSITIVELY NO ClIROMtOS! The DANBURT News. FOR 18741. Containing every, week FORTY COL tMN o( choice reading mat ter,. printed on cler', hand some type, and line whi:e paper. Il l1H NWV is dited by the Danhul . ry News Mlan; is contrilittedl to h,1 (George, Alfred 'ownsend, the clhite of Newslpap'l Correspoidents, and et lh(e excellent writers, who will furnish fresh correspondence fromn the leading cities, aind colitrilittte to the editorial cIolumnlls. The NEWS has its own Scientific, Fashion, Chess and Puzzle editors : pub lishes the best original matter, the bIest miscellany, and the freshest and Iest miscellany, andll the freshest and best stories. In all its dlepntmeuts it is edited with scrupulous care, iind. is, i1 consequeulce one of the best l'Fa;ili Journals published. Sample Copies free --eutl for one. TERMS OF SUBiSCRIPTION: One Year .......... ..-- .. ....... $2.00 Special rates to Postmasters and clubs. BAILEY & DONOVAN, Danbury, Conn. Jarper's Periodicals. IIARIER'S MAGAZ!NE. There is no monthly Magazine an in telligent reading family can less afford to be without. Many Magazines are sac cumulated. Harper's is edited. There is not a Magazine that is pr'ited which shows more inttlltigenlt painlls expanded on0 its articles andil meclhanical (execuition. There is not a cheaper Magtizie puluh lished. There is not, confiessedly. a more popular Magazine in tihe world [New EnglandI Iomnstead. A repository of biography and history, literature science and art, unequaled by any other American publication.--[New York Standard. The most popular, and, in its scheme, the most original of our Magazines. [Nation. HARPER'S WEEKLY, A Journal of Civilivation. The best publication of it class in America, and so far aheads of all other weekly journals as not to admit of any comparison between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest collectiots of reading matter that are printed. * * * Its illustrations are unmerous and beautiful, being furnished by the chief artists of the country.-[Bos ton Traveler. Harper's Weekly deserves its primacy in this class of publications, alike for the value of its reading matter antl the ex cellence of its illustrations. The edito rials on linhlic afliairs are models of dis cussion, weighty and teomlperate, support ing high principles in ni elevated tone and a chastened literary stylo.-[Examni ner and Chronicle. IIARPER'S BAZAR, A Relpository of Fashion, Pleasure and Instrucfion. It is really the only illustrated chronicler of fashion in the country. Its supplements alone are worth the sub scription price of the paper. While fully maintaining its position as a mir ror of fashion, it also contains stories, poems, brilliant essays, besides general Sand personal gossip. -[Boston Saturday Evening Gazette. There never was' any paper published that so delighted the heart of womian. Never mind if it does cost you a new bonnet; it will save you ten times the price in the household economy it teach es.-[Prqvidence Journal. TERIMS: For Harper's MIagazine, Weekly and Bazar. lHarper's Magazine, one year $4 00 Harper's Weekly, one year 4 00 Harper's Bazar, on year 4 00 IIarper's Magazine, IIHarper's Weekly and Harper's Baz:ar, for one year, $10; or any two for $7. An extra c6py of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of tive subscribers at $4 each, in one remittance; or six copies for $20, without extra copy. The postage within the United States is for the Magazine, 24 cents a year; for the Weekly or Bazar, 20 cents a year, payable yearly, semi-yearly, orquarterly, at the office where received. In remitting by mail, a postofic or der or draft, payable to the order of Harper & Brothers, is preferable to bank notes, since, should the order of draft be lost it can be renewed without loss to the sender. Address HARPER &. BROTHE1S, New York. The Largest and Best and Cheapest Paper in the World is the NASBY'S PAPER. (ifty-.six Wide Columns 8 pages.) For $1.50 per year, in Clubs! With Books almost given away! W3 Specimen copies sent free to any address. Send for a specimen and exam ine it. SNasby writes his Political Letters I ezclusively for the Blade. Address LOCKE & JONES, Toledo, Ohio. fl Ayer's HairVigor For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreea ble, healtlihy. and elffectual for pireserv ing tihel hair. stores .%lhed to ts ori0 color, with the glo( s andl fi;',s n,'ss of youth. Thin hair is tlickened, fall , ing hair checked, and haldness oft'tn, . though nlot always, cured ,by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the fulliles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied anl diecayed; )but such as remain can be sa'ved by this application, and stimulated into 'activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of foling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair to from turning gray or falling off, .and consequently prevent Ialhdness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the stPalp arredts ant prevents the formation of danidrufl; which is often so lunclea!nly and of'nsire. Free from those deleterious sub stances which ll el;il soint preipara tions dangerous, and iljilrious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit, but not harm it. If wanted merely ;or a HIAlI 1)RESSING, nothing elhe can be found so desirable. Contain 1 ing neither oil nor dye, it does not d soil white cambric, and vet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. SOLD BI ALL DRUGGISTS EVEIIYWIIER. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cure of all derangements in the stomach, liv. er, and bowels. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purga tive. lBeingpureo ly vegetable, they n contain no incr. cnrv or mineral r whatever. Much V serious sickness and suffering is prevented by r their timely use; and every faimily should have them on hand for Itheir protection and relief, when required. Long experience has provedl them to be the satfest, surest, and e best of all the Pills with which the market 1 abounds. By their oca*iontal use, the blood is pnrilled, tile corruptions of the system ex pelled, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activ. ity. Internal organs which become clogged San slnggish arc clon.tsed by Asr's Pi tll andi stimulatedl into action. Thns incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, whlen reckonedl on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, cau hardly be com. pntedl. Their sIugarcoatin g mankes them pleasant to take, and lrcScrves their virtues tninmpaired lfor arny length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although senarching, they are mild, and oper ate without disturbance to the constitution or diet or occutation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use themn as a Family Physio, and for the fbllowing complaints, wliich these Pills rapidly cure: SFor DyplepDsa or Indllgestion, ilt. Ihsmness, Languor, and Loss of Appe. fite, they shoull lie taken moderately to stimulate ihe stomachl, and restore its heuilthy tone and action. For Liver Complalnt and its varinus 1 symptomns, Bilious Headache, Nick Headache, Jaundice or Green Nick. ese, Billouns Colic and Bilious Fe vera, they should Ie JudiciOuslly ta:ken for each case, to correct thle dliseasei action, or remoe the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Diarrhera, but one mild dose is generally requietl. For Rheumatism, onut, Gravel,. Palpitation of the Heartr. Pain ti thes side, Rack, and Loinas. they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints (lisappear. For Dropsy and Drolpical Swell. lags, they should be taken in large and fre-c quent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Snppression, a large dose should be taken, as it Iproduces the desired effect by ' sympathy. eAs a Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion,and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomalch and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigor ates the system, Hence it is often advantla. geous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these P'ills maken him feel decid edly better, from their cleansing and reno vating effect on the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BY r,. C. LAYE A CO., Pratial Chemists, LOWELL MA, 1788. I. 8. A. 11018 ALE BY ALL DBUGGOISTI EVERYWHUR. WILLIAMS' MOWER & REAPER The ouly Twe.wbeeed, Cette n E'taseable led Masle lm ade, mad rev this reasaeon taelru to all other1. Jot derotion a mdpriet.a ddlres SEMPLE, BIRGE & C0., 13 South EMainSreet, St. Louis, And please state l what papsr youe d thl. PrtaiI speedy and Sting. The Sblmdu sts forulplorlag,, Trs'elta Buntln lis1i. lag, !rpplag. &e. Pivr iesczl!on ag SEMPLE, BIRGE & CO., 13 BOUTI KAIN ST1EET, ET. LOUIS, IAhd plse state in what lpaeryuesat SlL 1i Get your printing done at the Vls'DcATox Job Office. 110 Grntefuil Thousands proclaim VINEGAR rI'IER$ts tile most wonder ful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinkiung system. No Person sau take these Bit tetrs according to directions, and re main long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and In termittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, 'ienneasee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo rado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, anld miany others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during the Summer and Autunin, and relnarka Il so durinlg setasonll, of unusual Ilhitt and dr!yness, are ivari;ably ac coinll,:nied by extenlsive derange 1Wt111is of the Stolillch and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerfull inllmlence upon these vari o(us organis, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to D). .1. WALKERS VINEG(AR lrrrEus, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid lmatter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy func tions of the digestive organs. Iorlify the body against dis ease by 1purifying all its tlui(ls with ViN}aEOA I irr'rs. No epidemic can take hold of' a system thus fore-armed. D)yspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Ernctations of the Stonmach, Bad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion of the 1lcart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the oflfsprings of )Dyspepsia. One bot tle will prove a better glwrantee of its meurits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or king's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, (;hitre, Scrofillous Inflaumnations, Indolent Inflainmations, Mercurial attec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves, etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional I)iseases, WALKEKR'* VIN S ta.\ R BITTTERs have shown their great cur ative powers in the most obstinate and ijtractable cases. FIor Inllaunmatorny and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, IBilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevors, D)iseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys anud Bladdter, these Bitters have no equal. Such Di. cases are caused by V itiated Blood. IMechanllical Diseases.-l' ersons engaged in Paints and Miuerals, such as P'lumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters anti Miners, as they atlvance in life, are sub ject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of WALKER'S V Lsc;.rat BITTErS occa.ionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-l*heumn. Blotches, Spots, Pim ples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipo las, Itch, Scurlh, D)iscolorations of' the Skin, Hlumors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Wormns, lurking in the system of so many thou sands, hre effectually destroyed and re moved. No system of medicine, no ver mifiuges, no anthelminities will free the system from worms like those. Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old. marrited or single, at the dawn of womanhood, orthe turn of life, these Ton ic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you tind its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. R. II. I%'DON.ILD & CO., Druggists & Gen. Agta., San Francisco, Califor. nia, & eor. of Washington and Charlton Sta.,N.Y. (iold by all Druggists and Dealer. EYERY FARMER H18 OWN ILLERL CHALLENGE FEED MILLS Combined 8HELLER AND GRINDER Will rid eary kind .4 Feed, whether wetordr, with sse and spleed, ad Osage Corn and Cob Mills. Fer Dsartptln mld ?rles adIse SEMPLE, BIRGE & CO., ebltles Iailwarwe, 13 KeIth Mal St, ST. LOUIS, grPleasmmentonlaab*wpueryeadremip SOIRGHUM BCHINERY, CANE MILL8, EVAPORATING PANS, FURNACES. Pamphlets and 'Prices sent to parties applying, who will please mention in what paper they saw this advertisement, Semple, Birge & Co.. T$ SOUTH MAIN ST,, ST. Le7 JOB OFFICE. ALL KINDI)S OF JOB PRINTING EXECUTED WITI[ Neatness and Dislpatch. POSTERS, HAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, WEIDDING and BALL TICKETS, CARDS -AND BLANKS OfEvery Description Printed at Reasonable Rates. ' Persons desirous of having JOR PRINTIONG done neatly, expeditiously and cheap are invited to call at the ofico of the "V'IDTCT,'ro." C1 CX'. To F 200 IPAGES; 500 E'NGRAVIN-S. and COLOREI) PLATE. I'ublislied Quar terly, at 2; Cents a Year. First No. ftr 1874 just issued. A Ger(n:r cdition at saute price. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. T. THE B EST PAPER ! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTlIATED. 'he SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN now in its ;Di1 i year, enjoys the ' idest ciircila. tion of any weekly newslpaplelr of tihe kinid iu the world. A uelw vollume comnlletnll's January :1, 18i7. Its coniltenilts elilirace the laitest and imost interesting infoiiiiation pierta:ining to the Ildnistrial, Mechanical, and Siientilic l'Pro. groess of t ho "World; D) 'scriptions, w it I letiititt'il lEngralvlings, of New InVeiitionis, New P'riocests, ald I ili roviel Ildilustries of all kinds; Useful Notes, lleip's, Siug gest ions and Adlvice, lby Pi;ractical Writiters. litir Workmellni anid Eniployrt's, in all the Various arts. The SCIENTIFIC AMIERICAN is the chealpest aind best illuistrated weekly pa pe'r puilishld. Every nunmber conlitains from 10 to 15 oiiginal eingraviugs of new iiahinerlillY and novel invntitions. ENGIAVI' (S, illustrating Ilpiro've. iielints, )iscovleries, anid I uinlortant Works, perthilliig to Civil tVili Mrchauin:' Egi icerinig, Milling. Mtiiing and Metallurgy: lReoi'ds of lthe latest llprogrelss in the Ap llieationis of Steamli. SIe;aii Eniginlieerig, lRailw'as. Ship l hilding, Navigation, Telegraphy, Telegraph Engine'tirng, Llec tricity, Maignetisn,. Light ailnd Ileat. FARIMERS, Melihauics. Enginieers. Invenitors, Manutiacturers. Cheniisis, Lov. ers of Science, Teaheirs, Clergy'men, Luwl eos, and People of all Profe.ssiolns, wil tind the ScIE:NTwic AMEIlIC.AN iusfuil o them. It should have a place in every Family, Library, Study, office, and Count ing Roomn; in every Reading Rootm, College, Afadenmy or School. A year's nimuimbers contain 532 pages anad Sl,:,'illL ll'NllilEI ENIA.VINtus Thou sinids of vol ilits are Iperserv'ed tir hind ing and referencle. The p'aietical receipts are well worth ten tilies the stlubscriipt ion plice. 'T'ernlis $ a year lby mail. Dis c uiit to Cliubs. Slpetillls senit iree. May lie had of alil News Dealers. PATENTS. tn cnon AMERICAX, Messirs. MuNN & Co. are Solictors of American aind Foreign Patents, iand have the largest esthlislimnenit in thle I world More thiani lifty thousanid appliuc tions have beetn imadle for lpatents through_ their agency. Paents are obtained on thie best terms Models of New inventions and sketchles examined and advice free. All patents are publlished in timhe Sientifie Anmerican the week they issue. Send forl Paumphlet, Ill) Iiges, laws and ftill directions for obtaining Patents. A-dress for the Paper, or couierning Patents, M.UNs & Co., 37 Park Row, N. Y. Braueh Ollice, clor. F and 7th Sts., Wishiiinton. ) C. Jany 1 1e74.-l1 TII i SATUltIAY EVENING POST. A Beautiful Chromno to every yarly Sub scriber. MAX ADELER, THlE (,LEAT IhUMORIST, A WEEKLY CONTRIIUTOI. The Saturday Evening Post has been the great Literary Weekly tbr half a con turh . It piublishins Serial after Serial of Love aiid Adiventlre---aiid yet does not neglect shorter sturies and sketches. It gives a short Historieal Sketch weekly. Max Adeler (the great Humorist,) is a regular contrilutor. "Zig," the spiciest of our lady writers, also contributes reg liarly. Olive King, )Daisy Eylihright, Ella Wheeler, &c., &c., are frequent cor respondents. Our premimun Chromo for the coming year, is entitled "ONE OF LIFE'S 'HAPPY HOURS." It is a beauty---the work of Sinclair & Co., one of the oldest and most cele brated firms in the country. .A copy of this Chronro will be given to every year ly subscriber for 1874. Remember! The price of tIle Post is fifty cents lower to Club Subscribers than the prices of the other first-class Week lies, and yet we give each of them a Chromo besides! TERMS-Always in Advanee.-One copy (with Chromo,) $3.00, Four Copies (and four Chrornos,) $8.00, Six copies (and seven Chronios,) l2.00, eight copies (and eight Chromnos,) $16.00. Thie sender of this last club will be entitled to a copy of The Post and Chrorno gratis. One copy of The Post ($3.flit,) and one ofArthur's Honie Magazine, ($0.50.) with the Premium Pictures of both periodi cals, will be sent for $4.50. Teal cents extra must be sent for mnailing pictures. Ton cents must be sent for every chro mo ordered, to pay the expenses of mail ing, or , cents if the chromo is desired mounted on card-board or muslin. Sample niumbers sent gratis. Address, THE SATURDAY EVENING PORT, 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia' Nov. 15.-ly. GO TO TEXDYAS VIA THE LOI(E STAR ROUTE ! 'INTERN~flONAL AXD GREAT NORTHERN RAIL Rolb.) Passengers going to Texas 'ia Memphi and Little Rock, or via Shreveport, sttike this line at Longview, the Best Route to Palestine, Hearne, Waco, Austin, Huntsville, Houston, Galveston and all points is Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will find It the Best Route to Tyler, Mineola. Dallas, Overton, Crockett, Longrview and all points in Eastern and Northeastern Texas. This line is well guilt, thoroughly equipped with every morlern imprownsenrt, including New and Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Pal ace Sleeping ~ara, Westinghouse Air Brakes Miller's Patent Satfty Plaforms and Coup. lers; and nowhere else can the passenger so completely dtpend on a speedy, safe and com. fortable joiurnov. The LONE STAR ROUTE has admirabli answered the qnerv. "How to go to Texas I" by the publication of an interestinu and truth ful dffirnment, tontaining a valuable arnd cor- : rect map, which can lie obtained, free (,f (harce, by aldressing the GENERAL TICKET AGENT, International and Great ,Northern Railroad, Ilonatonr, Texas. Disnit T'.t Y'eh, 14.t .t The Farorite Home Remedy. This unrivalled Medicine is warrantd not itoii t a in a ringle Ipartiel of merculry or alny iin.ijriols slhbstatice, Iut is PI'IE1I.LY VEGETAIILE. conltaiilil~g those Soithern roots and herbs wvlhilh an a:l-wise l'lrovidtince has placed in ,contries where Liver Diseaseds !ost prevail. It will c'iure all! Dist asIs eauisd by dlrCIui'gement of the Liver and Bowels Simmons Liver Rrgilator, or ledilins, Is eminently a Family Medicine; and by being keo.t eadly hir inmmediato resort will save many Inll hliur if suffllering, and mDally a dollar in lime andl doctors' hills. After ,v,'r Forty Years' trial, it is still receiving the iHeost u(iqualitled testimonials to its virtue from pers,'Ins of the highewt ch:aracter anid responsihility. Eminent lphysicians cl.,iniendl it as the most Effectual Specilr for Dyspepsia or lndi geslion. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates anid lchanges of water and fiood itiay be thei'el withimt fiar. As a lbrnet dy in MA LA:lOli'S FEVERS, BOWEL COM 1'LA. 1'1'fS, R(:stlessuct.s, Jaundice, Nausea IT IXE' EE. EQV'A.I., It is thil' heapest. I'rest and Best1 , Fainl. ly Medicine in the World! Is manufactured only by J. It. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga.. and P'hiladelphia. Price, One Dollar. Sold by All Druggists. Dec. 20-ly R.R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading tt Irve.Rtissimenut ne ala any e 5l1FEf! WITIH PAIN. RADWArS RI:E. l RIt'LTRP I A CURE FOR ).VtU Pb AIN. It wasthe fir.tand is The Only Pain Remedy that Instantly stops th monstexerrnating pain., lltrve Intatnrtnai, a'. l cures to:nenaislls. whether of the Lunt., Stomach, Boweli, oru ohr glaadsororgans, by one applicaO.,n. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINICT, no matter how violent or erntciating the pain the IHilrL MATICI. Be, l-rtllen Inerm, c'rtppled, lNeous, heuraiglo, or pretratwl s u m divsae may suffer, RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD IYSTANT EASE INPAMMATION ('F THII KIDNEYS. INFLA.IWATION OF Till BLADDBR. INFLAMMATION OFl' TIH tW.glS. CON(;ETION OF THE LUNGC BO8R THROAT, ]IIF ICL'LT BREATHING. PAI.PI.t'ATiIN (OF TUH HEART. HYBTERICI, CioU', Il'P11 I'R IA. ('Ai AtlII, INFLUENIZA. HEADACHIE, TOOTIfIAC l,:. NE' RAi.1IA, RHEUMATISM. COLD d'llILL, AGUlE CIILLS. Thenap;litnit'o ofthe Ieadty Relief to thpeaItos pa% i, er he the pau or duuity eop.s will adordw ease aud eatouiort. Twenty dropsln halfan tumltr of watetr williea few moren;, cure CUItAMPISPASMSI.HtiOU R TOMAC'I, BRARTI'Itl:tN, MIC:K HEAIIA:ACIE, DIAIHLOEA, DYdKINTEItY, :OI.C, WIND IN. TE MOWIELa, andall I 4'IhNAL PAINS. Travelers shonid alwiva earrv a bolse of ad Waly's Ready Rleliet' withulim. A few drops m waterwillpre:'v,Lt stkne~e or paln s fronm clhange of warr. Ilti bttler"lsw French brandyor lttara Ma FaIVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND APUEcnradforifty its. There l bota remeduIl agent in tias wWorld that will cOre lover and Agle Let al il etber MNlarious, blous, lIarlet, Trpbold, Yenow, and othelr Fevers [laldet byI RAIl WAY'S PI L n I qtick as RADIWAY'N READYT E LIEF. )'ity centtar betk. HEALTH! BEAUITYL BTROWG AND Fm.E RICH BTOOD-IlCRB ASR OF FLESH AND WiItl.GT-.LICAB JIE AND BEAUTIFULCOMPLZITONIdIUB'U WIOALL DR. RADWAY'8, arsapslliUa hesirt THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIBIR. flRA ADETURMO5TASTOMhARTWGE!UR18: 50 QUICK, MO RAPID ARK TBH CHANGEB. THU b1d 1 Y UNDKRt;OREUNDKRTHE INFLUIENCIE OF THIS TORULY WONDERIOIL MDICINI, THAT Ianj WDy aan in Jail t Ieigjit Seci at TelL. vlry drop of the SARlSPARILLIANW I1O8 TENT commonateses through the llood, Sweat, Urloe, andother Fluids andjulees of the sytem tbvllorot hf , for it replar lLh wasles of the body with new rd Pound material. Scrofla, Btyphill Cosuptlte Gilandtllr disease, Ulcers In the throat, Mout, To mors, Ntesinthe (LadOlnd sOthero urtof theosylta, Soreayes, Strumuorodischarge fi_ heEa r se . ad the worst forms of ttib diseases, Eruptelns, eve Sores, cald II,-ad, Rianl Wormlt RoheuImndpsle, Acne, ilaLk Spots, W'ormain the IFlsh, Tuaons. L eeran the Womb, and all weakenin mand Ilnfnl die. ecarges, Nigg SWiweats, L ofmiprm edal wasteof the life principle, are within the curatre aeof thiso wondero lodern Ubnmistry, ts feW days' ne wlU provewosny pereon usilogforeher oflhes u llso diseaeits potentpower tocrethsom. Ilfthe patient, dlly bacoming rendud ltwle an deeompostion tast L continuall prqerlelte, sue. ceds(Ilarrestingthee rwuste, and rs maw with newmaterlilmnde from esbhy blood-eed this IhOSARSAPAR ILLIAN willand dolsreere-seure I"ertaln; for wheoo e this remedy eommemree Ie workofpurlicatUon, and suceeds II dIulalbln the lon ofr wses, tlr5er wll be rapid, and very day the patlent wllifeel hlaselfremwle lactr ad sVronger. Ibe.ooddlgesrlt bet(t',appetlle Improrvi, aalaes aad welhi nereaing. Noteolydoestholrtslarhauu la Inertn.nasoeels alik-own remedaiaelal bdthe ero ofChrcarc,Utre tolous, Constitultiunl sa ld in disease; bultithe enly posiPvre eure Etdnej & Bladder Cobmphfat, Trinary tad Woolmb distupf.l nvrl, Dabelt .I , Stoppige of Water, locoatteeneo of lUrrlbu, 1r ease, Albmiourle, and In all eases where Wa brick-lel depoits, or thewar Is r lek, eloudy, iset w.thehletance likethe whtIeoflan , erthreedalik white ilk, ortherel a nobid, bliloum app pr ace. and wbhite bonoemtdeposlte, ad wheatmerel uamor of 1. Yeur.' Gormut Oured bp Jdwrary's B;R vent. ' DR, RADWAY'8 uperIhetly tasMte.less, ele~atly leltd with .sweet rrm pure, rcnate.prtrify, c ole an saderulten.I5 way's Pills, f lhe'e r1ofsi dlordesPftheI Stlmacsrh, iver, Bowels, Kidney.s, Blaldder. Nervou Diseases, Headachenspi, oCo epvi n curees, ludlgmiUon, Ds eis, llaliusness Hilioua lever, Ilpammalion ofli. liwels, Pile, san all Dersngements of the Itetnal Visern. Warrante4 to et a positvr e ear. ,PurPe.. Vegetable, conttingo no mereury, miers~asnordtaur eve dtugs. Afew daeseof RADWAY'RPTl will fi rtetlry, tebmfroam ell the above numedl dimters, . r nioee per Iox. 1O.) ItY I)liUuhIsTI. - READ " 'PAlE AND TRUE" Send one kitee etamploRADWAY A (tO. No. 3r2 Warrsn St.. New YLrIkntormahioa wurth thousPds wirll be nt T~al "_ _