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THE PEOFPLIS VIND CATO.. _._ ! ---- P :i.., & AREAcI:, Publishers. The Welfare of the People is the Supreme Law. L: VOL. I. NATCHITOCHES, iLOUISIANA. JULY 11. 1874. • VY .r .. ..I- - i ,. , ° .-- -- r • r ~ "r ~I M IAIv.t.S AN DEPARTUREL. NEW ORLEANS. Red River Landing, (lceneyv ille Quarantico, Alexandria. C'otile and Cloutierville, Daily, at 7 A. M. SIHREVEPORT. Keachie, Mansfield, Mar thaville, and Pleasant Hill-Daily at in A. M. NACOGDOCIIES, Melrose, Chirino. San Augustine, Milamn, Pendleton, Sabine town, Many and Ft. Jesul--on Tues day Thursday and Saturday, at - P. M. HIOMER. Minden, Buckhorn, Ringgold. 'onushatta and Campte--on Tue~ day and Friday, at 5 P. M. WINNT'IELD, Atlanta, Sutton anld St. Maurice-on Tuesday and Friday, at 9 A. M. MAILS CLOSE Xt 6 A. M. for New Orleans. Alexandria and Cloutierville. At 9 A. M. for Shreveport. Keachi. .Mans field and Pleasant Hill. At 6 P. M. for Naougdoches, Texas, Mel rose anld San Augustin. At 5 P. M. for Homer, La., Buckhorn, Conshatta and Campte. At 10 A..M. for Winnfield, &c. Office Hours-from 10 A. tt. to 2 r'. .l. san from 3 P SM to 7 P . J. F. DaVARGA.s, Post Master. Professional Cards, W. }w . JACK. D. PIERSOX. JaOk cb Pierson, Attorneys and Connselors at LAta, NATCHI-IOCHIES, LA. W'TILL practice in the Courts of Natchitoehes. Sabine, DeSoto, Reti River, Winn, Rapides. :and Grant, and in the Supreme Court of the rtate. Claims promptly attended to. June J-0-lv IL M. KEARNEY. MI. J. CUNNINGHA&[. Kearney & Cunningham, Attorneys and Counsel~ors at Lanw, Office on St. Denis Street, June 20-ly. Natchitoehes. La. .aevy ib PEierson, Attorney. and Counselors at Late, Ofce corner Second & Trudau streets, .June 20.-ly Natchiteodes, Ia. Business Cards. M. I. CARVER. R. W. TAYLOR. Carver ct' Taylor Wholetsle and Retail dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, IIARDWARE, BOOT8, ShIOES, HATS, (ROCKERY WARE, etc., etc. FRONT STREET, Natohiteches, La. A FIRESH ani select stock of goods always 1 oc hand, which having been purchased on a cash basis enables us to offer extra Induce meats to cash buyers. Highest cash price paid for cotton and other produce, and liberal advances made in cash or merchandise on consignment. June Sl-ly. JT. A. Duoour1g u, -DEA.LER IX FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS,' NOTIONS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS. Corner of Front & Churkh Streets. Natchitoches, La. June 20-1y. J. C. TICSB.. J. T. AItT. Triohzel sb Airey, (Walmatey's Brick Building,) Washingto Street, Natchitoches, La. Whblesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, and General MERCHANDISE. t' °Highest price paid for Cotton and outer Country produce, in Cagh or Mer chandlae. June Washlangto Street, I N`Acarrocu M LA. ETlAIL dealer in Fahcy and Staple Greeeries, CUOICE FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFE, RICE, HAMS, BACON, TOBACCO, WINES AND LIQOUES. Also agent for the BALSAMIQUE DES PYRENEES, a Freach teak for invalids. Superior induce mealffered to dealers. Jane :Q- 5m. C. A. EULLA1RD. N. i. ('.C1APBELL Bullard & Camol)bCll, -DI:ALLELL IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HIARDWAIRE, And (;General Merchandise. Corner FiONT & LttYE.TEt Street. .atchilocke:, La. IGOHEST cash price paid for cotton and I countiry produce in cash or lerchandiie. June -20-1y. Willi Il olnmes, Internrction Front, Waahingitou & Lafayette Sts Natchitochsi, La. -DE.ILER IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. 1Iats, Caps. Boots, Shoes and Notions. Sl.cial irducreiments offered to Cahli purcvhar.. Cotton and collntry pro duce, both at highest Cash rates. June 20-1y. Beverly' TuIlker Corner Front and St. Denisi street, N.tTC}IHITO'CEIII'. La. PETAIL d.alrr in chlice Family Groceries. COFFEE, WINES, LIQUORS, Cigars and Tobacco, &c. 1PT' Cheaper than the Cheapest. Jnne 26m.i. .A.lex. arzmia, (The People's Favorite Grocery.) SEEEPS conatantly on hand CHOICE FLOCU, BAC'ON, LARD, L. RI), And in fact a full line of fancy family' snup plies. Give him a call. ,atisatctiun guaran, i teed. June 21--ly. Theo. Sohuman, -DIEAL:tR IN DRY GOODS. GR(OERIES, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Cor. FRONT and ST. DENIS Streets, Natchtioches, La. June 2)-ly. i i 3 CE - h!tl U D. IL.S. CALVES, Surgeoii D ntist, (Corner Amulet and Second Streets,) NATCHITOCHES, LA. A LLdental operations warranted, and per Il. formed with the greatest care, and after the )atest and most approved method. Marh 235-0m. O. ha 'ath, Boot and Shoe Maker. (HALLENGES the world for neatness ,) and durability of work Satisfaction i fit and materiasl guaranteed 8hop on St. Denis St. June 20-t1y. Theo. $ ia 1e*, Coper, Tin and Sheet-iron worker. -DEALIR IN Stovres, Tware and louse Furnishing GOODS, Washington St,,.......;aeiIote, La. Sole agent for tho Unrivalled BUCK'S BRILLIANT Cook n ef toves. Gntters, Pipes, Metalic roofing and all kinds of repairing, done with dispatch. A liberal discount to country trade. June '0.J1y. My Loved Ones! D vANE \VILD.11AR.i They cain to me when all waslstill, And the busy scenes of lifti Wa s hronduled with a darkn,.s, That hushes noise aud strife.l They seemed to whisplrwords iof cheer. And out ot the minst they can ; I felt their pr.sence hbo,:t l1e'. Amd henardi them call my naen . Last night, it was my mother: I Her roles were pure and whi e, And her coluntenalnce was radie lt As it beamed with a mystic li 'ht, Whose very spell betoked A soul so fraught with love. That she collhl nt rest in lleave n. -Till her guardianii hip she pro\ttd. Sonme times my little sister ( back tfrom the sunny b~ind ; Her eyvs are full of love light. As she tells of the little lahd. Who have If;,rdd the heantifu river- She calls it the rivelr of life Where out and ,.\yond the darkn ei;, Of mental and moral strite, 'rhiT waves of doubts. and sorro v That have floeled our visionl lre Will leave no trace on our longij g souls, Of our struggles, templtatiuon, nd tiar. '1They tell me oft' of the summer ad : And will help me tiltd the wa Where the beautiful morrow wii coelc at Il est, in a Ahd be lost in an endless day. I He Yearned to be! a Reorter. lie came up the four pair f stairs Saturday morning, and as sotn as he had recovered his breath he =wanted to know if the Free Press wo lI like to engage another reporter. o said he hadu't had much experien e, but he said it in a tone which ant to codnver the idea that he know is bu siness. lie was tall and thin, had on a plug hat which looked as it had been run over by a drove of Dules, his collar had sweat through ad his bandana handkerchief was re arka ble for the many crevasses in t. His boots were red with old age, nd his pants were stuffed into the ops. Nevertheless, his face was ne to command attention, and his tones were respectful. In reply e was told that there was always om at the top of the profes.ion, ust as Daniel Webster toWl a young lawyer once upon a time. lie said he t ought four stories high was about s near the top of a profession as a fellow could get, but his joke 'as to old to laugh at. Ile didn't want mu *h pay, he said, his object being to i entity himself with some growing ournal and let the fleeting years br ng him wealth and laurels, lie was bt nine teen years old, and he had p eoty of time. He said he could sit up three nights running, ingratiate hi elf in to the affections of the polic in one brief hourf and he knew the remen and the captains of the fer -bcats would love him on sight. H could report anything, he said, fro a dog fight to a regatta, and we rote a lightning hand. ie was use to re ligions meetings, knew all a t ned ical conventions, and woul go for woman suffrage or become a ranger, just as the paper desired. pre ferred, he said, to work all ay and all night; but if the office h, a rule requiring a man to sleep thr or four hours out of the twenty- ar, he would obey. He promised much more, and his tones grew more serious as h talked. He was being consumed by a buro ing ambition to wield a le -pencil, and fire-water had no fef upon him. He was "up" in gram r, post ed in poets, and as for hisry, he could repeat every importan event from the hour the boy at on the burning deck down to Eli erkins' fight with the "Fat Contribut r." He had brought along a few s imens of what he could do-fain efforts scratched off with chain-ligh ning re locity. He handed one over. It read: "MItBDERta !-Aboute to o'clock last nito the cry' of murder as herd on one of our mane street and as usual the police was not in s te. The cries was repeeted sevral ti es, be ing enuffto curdle the bl of the bravest man that ever liv . Oar new reporter at once---" The item was quietly hanled back to him, and he was informed that De troit was not his home. Hi talents were too much for the wn-too many years iu advance of i They couldn't appreciate him he e. Out in Chicago-nearer the setti g sun they were standing round on the cor ners looking for such men. "You hain't foolin', stran er " he asked, his face expressing th gravest anxiety. No, he could depend on i It was a solemn thing to fool' with a young man just starting out in ii , and it was also against office rules. "And Chicago is-is- ?" "Just two huntdred and ei hty-four miles west of Detroit." / "Good-bye, stranger," he ntinued, as hie rose up and picked nl his b-n. dle and put the end of his big cane under the strap. "I'm very inmuch ohbleged to you, and if I don't walk it in four days it's because the rail road-bed gives out."--)etroit Free Press. - A Night's Mishaps. Lonisvill. Corte pond~c: e ('ilcilunati FBnquirer. There ca'!,e to IouiSjville W1ednes daly afterii n, from an interior townl of Kentnckt, a newly married couple. who enterei the city and registered at a promini ,nt hotel with the pleasant anticiil,.:'' f enjoying a delightful, .ainou; :ty folks. Hlay ing always resided in rural districts, they knew but little of the customs of fiashionable people, and with a de sire to cultivalte such," determined to catch the manners, living as they lose, and with this purpose in mind, at tentively observed people, until they themselves were the "'observed of all observers." Having traveled all day, and being greatly wearied bytheir'journey, the country couple retired at an early hour to their bedroom--No. 72:5. About midnight both were wrapped in the aInn of Morpheus. As the clock struck one, the wife awoke, and arose and searched the apartment for drinking water; but, as ill luck would have it, the chambermaid had neglect ed to till the pitcher with that most important fluid. The wife opened the door, and, glancing along the nlar row hall, beheld a tin cooler at the furtherest extremity. Contident that all guests were shed, she folded her night robes around her delicate formn and quietly, yet with cautiousness, proceeded in the direction of the treas ured water. It was reached in safety, but when the faucet was turned no liquid poured itlelf into the cup. The fair holder muttered an exclaimuition of disgust and began to retrace her Tfootsteps, when she. heard some one approaching. Like a startled deer she hastened back, and, glancing at the door, thought she beheld "255." and entering the half open door made haste to thasten it. The inmate, a man, was resting upon the far side of the bed, and, with a springsuch as only country lasses can give, shte was in bed. 'lhe'man tossed about un easily but did not awaken. Becom ing tired of hearing his loud snoring, she gave him a playful kick, accom panied with an affectionate arm-cares sing, all of which he failed to appre ciate, for leaping up in bed, the man seized her and iustily yelled "help," while she, almost strangled, could only groan in dismaly. A great commotion followed to that part of the hotel, especially in the next room, and amidst the demand for admittance, the man continued crying out that "some one was tryi ing to muynrler him." Finally the night watchran opened the door, and in came a half dozen men and a soli I tary female, whose uneasy demon stration..showed she had more than an ordinary interest at stake. The gas was turned and a light thrown on the scene. Standing in the centre of the bed over the half dead wife of the coutn tryman, was a respected elder of the church. Tableau second was the cono. tryman and elder's wife demanding an explanation. The countryman wanted to have a little pugillistic ex ercise, but the laughing assemblage would not permit him to thrash the elder. Finally it was elicited that in the hurry of escaping fromn the ap proaching guest, the verdant wife had entered room 253 instead of 255, and the noise she heard was male by the elder's wife returning from a gathering down stairs. The countryman isn't satisfied, nor is the elder's wife. Both parties .left that hotel yesterday, and the rural gentleman vows he has sufficient city experience to last the remainder of his life. TanE AMESDED BANKRUPT LAW. The following are the principal fea tures in the amended bankrupt law: That forty days of default ip the pay ment of commercial paper are requir ed instead of fourteen ander the ex isting law; that one-fourth of the en tire number of the creditorsi and one third of the amount of debt, must join in the petition for involuntary bantrnptey; that the new law shall apply to the pending eases in bank ruptcy instituted since Depember 1, when the debts secured by the suit shall have been paid, or wlien a ma jority of the creditors ask for a dis continuance; that a volunthry bank rapt discharged upon the payment of 30 per cent. of his indebt edness; that an involuntary bank rapt shall be discharged i when lihe shall have been proved innocent of any fraud, and that the fees and ex penses of bankruptcy proceedings shall be reduced temporarily until the Supreme Court shall establish a new system, looking to permanent rednuc tion and simplification. "Paddy, my boy," said a gentleman to an Irialunam, whom he observed fishing away at a deep pool, "that must be a favorite stream for trout." "Faith and sure it must be that same, for I have been standing here thlis ,three hours, and not one of 'ema will come out of it." The Widow's Protest, B1Y 31ARK TrWAN. ()tr of the saddest things that: ever carne under my notice (sai(l the I ank ers clerk) was there ini C'o! li! dii ring the war. Dan Murphy enli-rtil as aj,private, and fought very !ra\ve ly. The bovs all liked him : and when a wounlrd, by-and-Ily, weakcrnd hitm down, still carryinrg a musket was too heavy work for hint, the-y bclubbed together and fixed him up as a sutler. lie made money then. and( sent it always to his wife to ,ank for him. Sho was a washer and iroer, and knew enough by hard experimnce to keep money when ,he got it. she didn't wasto a penny. On the con trary, .ho began to get miserly as h,:r bank account grew. She grieved to part with as enllt, poor rcamttltre. for twice in her hard-wolkinm. life she had known what it was to be hu-ngry, cold, ftiendless, siek, and oui hut a dollar in the world, and she hadt a haunting dread of sutlfciring so aa:in. Well, at last I)an died, and the boy., in testimolny of their esteem and re.s pect for hint. telegraphed to Mrs. Mur' phy to know if she would like to have him emnbahlnml and sent home ; when I ou know the usual customn was to: dump a poor devil like him into :a shiallow hole andti then informn his fliends what had become of himn. Mrs. Murphy jumped to the co1nclusionl .that it would only cost two or three dollars to embalm her dead hulsband, and so she telegraphed "Yes." It was at tile "wake'' that the bill for embalming arrived and was presented to time widow. SIlc uttered a wild, sad wail that, pierced every heart and said: " ivit ty-foive dollars for .stootin' )an, blis ter their sowls! Did thim divils sup pose I was goin' to start a tInseumn, that I'd be dalin' in such expensive curiaLssities ?' The bankers' clerk said there wais not a dry eye in the house. A correspondent of the lBossier Ban ner, approving of the good intentions of those who ,are seeking to reftlorm our State goverunment and apprecia ting the necesity for speedy reforlm ation, express the Olpinion, however, that the better plan is for "the mto derate lien who have not beeu violent in their opposition to the Republican party," to "silently co-operate with that party in the present juncture." In the present juncture above all others, this plan strikes as us a very imperfect one, to use no stranger ex pressiolt. In the first place, the imen who have not violently opposed the prin ciples, policy, or tl.e outrageously bad rule of the Republican party, are not I the men for an emergency reqruiriný', as the existing emergency does, firm ness, independence and fearless ad vocacy of the people's rights. Prac tically, we are living in a state of re volution, when moderate men are lna; turally incapacitated to lead. Tile times and the disease demand strong, heroic treatment. The people have been assailed with violence-insulted and outraged; the patient has been gradully sinking under the treatment pirescriLed by moderate men who have not violently thrust the. quacks and cormorants from his bedside. In tihe treatment of physical, as well as moral ailmnents, it is a well-establislh ed rule that violence must be coun teracted by violence. And what has been the result of tle efforts made hitherto to conciliate the Republican party ? If we should ad vise this correspondent to thrust his hand into the fire, with the assuratnce that he would be benefitted by the experimnent, he would regard the counsel As the emanation of an addle brain. Have we not, ever since 1868, by co-operation in corrupt assemblie s., by appeals on the hustings, by Fusion, and by almost every moderate means, endeavored to bring the affairs of State, by the aid of Republicans, to a condition of decency and toleration, f The venture has proven-what? Simup ly, that the people have concedled, without reason, and lost, without anything but good intentions to con sole them. Thi is all. And this cor respondent now recommends the plan of the fancy clerk who could not break his calf to work without pla cing his own Deek under thie yoke as a moderato co-operator, but finding l that the calf ran away with him rind thie yoke, was forced to cry to the by standers, "Here we come, d-n our fool souls ! Head us sombody !"--Ona chita Telegraph. A few days ago a hungry party sat idown at the well-spread supper of a sound steamer, upon which one of the dishes contained a trout of moderate size, A serious-looking individual drew this dish toward, saying, apolo getically, "This is fast day withl me." His next neighbor, an Irish gentle man, immediately inserted his fork into thie fish and transferred it to his own plate, remarking, "Sir, do you suppose nobody has a sowl to be saved but youiself" Why are the ladies the biggest thieves in existence: Because they steel their petticoats, bone their stays, cribl, their babies, and hook their dresses. Farm Column. A lb.-mtr vo : Ctun:IN.. T1',' foilowing reilAdlies are siven ; te, . 1t e disease which i6. qUite prev'lh.e threugho it the State, by the late); ',,,,., Advowatt : G;ive, a tablesc onfuall of hlarthuhorni ii at piu t of '.his{y, tandl apply hart, lhrn to the pit of the body at'i-eted. Should the tirst ldoe not prove eil;,e tire, repeat the ios' ever v t wo hours. l:enCedll by the Southern Cultiva tort. Aqua atmmnis, tincture incline :aid oil turpentine. e(;tl parts. Satu rate woolen neUp and rul the swelling thorolgHIy .l l :' ore r twvo ii'hes oiutsid(e of the affected part. Iulepat it very hlour. Ilrnedvy propoed by Mr. David Kerr: Make a delepl inicision length ,wise of the swellin and with a rod of irtin hl,t one.-eig;.hth of an inch indlianicttr.r heated to) a white heat, make .everal punctures at light an gles with the incisioin, and insert sea :tus saturaited with spirits hartshorll or turpentine. and also, rub the harts iorl-i or' tuirpenltioll into the i nision. Ili prompt supplratiotl depends tihe ctxre. Support trhe Iatieit with muod erate doses of whii.kv and water. Remedy hy Mr. \V. .1. Minor: A\u iron rod with a button ilo the end the size cet a hazel nut should be heat ed to a white heat. and inserted iute, thel ]liiul or swelling until it burns thl'itouglh the skil. TheL alipllY bats oif ettoli sat uratedl with :ltliliOia, fastened onil the wvound and w"et as often as they tbecoue ldry. i'ifty or sixty gr'aimn oflt lmnlotliai il"may he givel once, twice or three tii(e-s during the day. -et'ctive plrevetit e of this discase cannot he less valuithle than:ii remIe lie.t for it. Tile following are re cornmended: A. tablehoonfuil of crlide carbolic acid to a bucket full of water. Apply this wash to htead, neck itnd tltnks of the aniimals. Another, to be ilsedl in the saenl, way: lish -oil or coal oil and spirits amuonia in equal quantities. By Mr. Stephens, as published( ilt i the Picayune :--With a sharp instru lte;lt mlake several inlcýsions in the affected part; take blistering oiut ment (flies) which moisten with 'oal :oil, and make a plaster large cnough to cover the whole sore. Suffer thi, to remain until copious suppuration is piroduced. Meanwhile drench the animal with a spoonful of hartshoru in half a bot tle of whisky. Should the swelling not diminish, or there be no appa'rent relief, drench - ing with the above described mixturet may Lbe repeated thrice within five hoilrs, allowing due interval. Keel the sore well cleaned and up ply co:lt oil freely. The Picayune remarks: "Suppuration is the In line desidera turn. By that means the poison is best extracted from the system. To insulre suppuration it is customary to use seatons-strings of cotton or hemp -run through the swelling by means of a red-hot needle 1-16 or . inch iron -tiirst sat rating them in cantharadin or if that be not available, in harts horn. These seatons should be left in the flesh with projecting ends, so that they can be moved slightly at intervals, thus stimulating suppaura tion. This treatment, carefully followed, has proved esccessf nl tin lost every instauce--often when theanimal seemi - ed to be in articmlo mortis. We believe, from all we can hear, that it is the best plan tihus far known, and that, in connection with a stinmulated ap petite, it will insure tile recovery of nine animals out of ten which are stricken with that mnost fatal of all stock diseases-tho Clharbon. Another correspondent of the Pica ynne furnishes thile following renmedy : '"One spoonful of charcoal mixed with a pint of whisky, giving one gill every five minutes-a plaister of char coal mixed with ½ pint alcohol ap plied to the effected part." The Home Journdl of thle 20thl June, after giving a description of the disease, specities the treatment as fol lows: "As soon as tihe first symptoms of the disease are discovered, give as a drench, one piut of whisky, one pint of strong ginger or red ipepper tea, and one large table-spoonful eacthl of spirits of camphor and aqua of anmmo nia (hartshorn), to be repeated every fotr hours until the patient is relieved and the disease subdued. For the local treatment, tile indications are to bring on suppuration as speedily as possible and to prevent the extension of the inflammation. The first of these is best filled by a free anld deep cross-incision through the skin and subcutaneous tissues, and the imme diate and frequently repeated appli cation to the wound, of fly blistering ointment combined with oil of turpen tite. in about equal proportions. To arrest the extension of the swelling apply over its whole surface and over two or three inches of the sound skin sulrouiidiing it, the following mixture, comnposed of equal parts of tincture of iodine, tinct. of cantllarides, tinct. capsicum, kerosene or coal oil and kreosote--tho application to be made every tltee 1hours and so thoroughly as to pcrtectly saturate the hair tldl ,-ki , .