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THE PEOPLE'S VINDICATOR. PELLI & AIEAux, Publishers. The Welfare of the People is tlhe Supreme Law. TERMS, 83 per a VOL. I. NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA, AUGUST 1. 1874. ARRIVALS AND I)EPARTIURES NEW ORLEANS, Red River 'Landing, Cheneyville Qua .intico, Alexandria, Cotile and Cloutierville, Daily, at 7 A. 1. S IREVEPORT, Keachie, Mansfield, Mar thaville, and Pleasant Hill-Daily at 10 A M. NACOODOCHES, Melrose, Chirino. San Augustine, Milrm, Pendleton, Sabine, towu, Many and Ft. Jesup-on Tues". day Thursday and Saturday, at 5 P. fM. IIOMER, Minden, Buckhorn, Ringgold, Coushatta and Campte-ou Tues day and Friday, at 5 P. M. WINNFIEl4D, Atlanta, Sutton and St. Maurice--on Tuesday and Friday, at 9 A. M. MAILS CLOSE At 6 A. M.for New Orleans, Alexandria and Cloutierville. At 9 A. M. for Shreveport, Keachi, Mans field and Pldasant Hill. At 6 P. M. for Nacogdoches, Texas, Mel rose and San Augustin. At 5 P. M. for Homer, La., Buckhorn, Conshatta and Campte. At 10 A. Mi. for Winnfield, &c. Office Hours-from 10 A. M. to 2 I'. M. and from 3 er to 7 P M. J. F. DnV.AmRAs, Post Master. Professional Cards. W. H. JACK. D. PIElRSON. Jaok. cib Pierson, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, NATCHITOCHES, LA. .WTILL practice in the Courts of Natchitoches. Vs 8abiue, DeSoto. Red River, Winn, Rapides, and Grant, and in the Supreme Court of the State. Claims promptly attended to. June 20-ly. R. M. KEARNEY: I. J. CUNNIX GHAB t Kearney & Cunningham, Attorneys and Counselors at Laiw, Ofce on St. Denis Street, June 20-ly. Natchitoches. La. Le'.evy cb Pierson, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Office corner Second & Trudan streets, June 20-1y Natchitochew, La. . Business Cards. M. I. CARVER. R. W. TAYLOR. Oarver cb aylor * Wholesale and Retail dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, HIARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CROCKERY WARE, etc., etc. PRONT STREET, Natehitoches, La. A YREIH and seleo stock of goods, always on hand, which having been purchased on a cash basis enables us to offer extra induce ments to cash buyers. Hlghestcash price paid for cotton sad other. produce, and liberal advnscea made in cash or merchandise on eonsignment. June d)-ty. 3. A . Duaoournau, -DEALER I- * FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS. Corner of Front & Church Streeta. S" Natchitoches, La. Jase 2d-1y. J. c. lcCU'. J. T. AiRsU. Wlaohel tb Aivry, (Wahnsley's Brick Building,) Washington Street, Natchitoshee, La. Wholesale and Retail D,-lere in Dry Goods, Groceries, airs, · CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES,. and General MERCHANDISE. W Highest price paid for Cotton and' otner Country produce, in Cash or Mer chad4se. Jane 2O-ly. P. VoeulmaDe. . Washblngton treet, Nartarrocue, LIA. DETAIL dealer in Fancy And Staple SGroceries, . CHOICE FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFE, RICE, HAMS,'BACON, TOBACCO, WINES AND LIQOURS. Also agent for the IAL8AMIQUE DES IIYRENEES, a French tonic for invalids. Superior induc&e. ment' ,b'ired Junes _-- nm. C. A. BULLARD- X. H. CAMIPELL Bullard & Campbell, •-DEALKRl LN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, And TGenert1 Merchandise. Corner FHoST & LAFAYET1E Street, Natchitoches, La. tIlGHEST cash price paid for cotton and 11 country produce in daneh or merchandise. Juno 20-ly. TWi11is EIomlns, Intersection Frout, Wý;dhbgton & Lafaiftte Sts Natchitoches, La. -DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Notions. Spccial inducemnents offered to Cash purchasers. Cotton and country pro duce, both at highest' Cash rates. June 60-1y. Bevoerlyr 0uoxi er, Corner Front and St. Denis street, NATCIIITOCiIES, La. E'AIL dealer in ilhoice Family Groceries SUGAR, COFFEE, W1NEi, LIQUORS, Cigars and Tobacco, &c. E'iP Cheaper than the Cheapest, June 206m. A.1e.. Qarzia, (The People's Favorite IGrocery.) [j'EEEPS constantly on hand K CHOICE FLOtR, BACON, LARD, lAMS, And in fact a full line of fancy family sup" plio. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaran. teed. June tO--ly. Theo. Sohuman, -DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Cor. FRONT and ST. DENIS Streets, Natchitoches, La. June 20-1y. I o -. Q i~p 6;X c~~ D R.B. S. CALVEs, Surgeon Dentist, (Corner Amulet and Second Streets,) NATCHITOCHES, LA. ALL dental operations, warrated, and per f formed with the greatest care, and after the latest and most approved method. March 8--9m. . O. Sharrath, Boot and Shoe Maker. ICHALLENGES the world for neatness Sand durability of work Satisfaction in fit and material guaranteed Shop on St. Denia St. June 20-ly. " xieo. XX aller, Coper, Tin and Sheet-iron worker. -DEALER IN Storve., ~inware and IHose Farnishlag GOODS. Washington St.,........Naterltoethe, La. Sole agent for the Unrivalled BUCK', BRiLLIANT OQolLtaig stoves. Gutters, Pipes, Metalic roofing and all kinds of repairing, done with dispatch. A liberal discount to country trade. .Il ne 90-1y. The First Kiss of Love. Oh, the first kiss of love, How it thrills on the lips; When from the mouth of the dear one lt nector we sip. How it bianes tb* nerves, And makes a man feel, As tho' he could rush Thro' squadrons of stetl. how it ,luicken tlh blood, In its rapturous flow : How it flushes the cheek, With its roseate glow. How it lights up the eyes. How it stirs up the heart: As tho' it woutld seem Its tendrils would part. Oh, the first kiss of love, 1 shall ever remember; How it snatch'h it all glowing, From the lips of the trembler. When e'er I forget, That feast of the soul, The tide of oblivion, Thro' my bosom must roll. Must hid recollection, Forever depart : And still with its murmurs, Ther voice of the heart! T he White Man's Party in Lou isiana. From the N. O. Bulletin. In the Republican Congressional caucus at Washington City, a colored Congressman of Mississippi, asserted I that there was but one party which f the negroes could join, and that was, 'the Republcan party. That such is'the prevailing opinion I among the colored people, hardly ad- i mits of a doubt: the colored Con. gressinan was, on that occasion, sim. ply the echo of his people. This pro- i position, however, is unfounded. The t colored people, as a race, are not com pelled by a sense of insecurity to con solidate their forces, as they have t done, under the banner of the Re- publican party. Their rights, political and civil, are fuily guaranteed and protected by a stringent provisions of Federal and c State constitutions, and of Federal ri add State laws. They should have sought the enjoyment of life, liberty and property under common legisla- o tion ; but they attempt to obtain by g coercion the enjoyment of certain - rights and privileges, which they claim as civil and political, without u regard to the claims of others, equal ly interested, and bearing equal rights and privileges. Here they did not I stop; but they organized their leagues, . and even their societies, upon the ba- k sis of race and color, and, as a race, a constitute the Republican party in r, Louisiana and other reconstructed States--Africaniznmg there the Repub- p lican party. tV The negro is essentially a Republi-. o can partisan, whether he wills it or ,h not; indeed, in the bulk of cases this ti is not a matter of volition with him, h but one of race and color. If he 0 imagines for one moment that he can tl break the spell, and, as an American p freeman, exercise his own individual IN government in the selection of his 51 own political course, apart from the ac bulk of his race, he finds hanging over his head the sword of Damocles a -the penalty of treason to his race. I The Republican party of Louisiana it being thous Africanized, and the State el government falling into their hands, ' I as a nacessary consequence there is tl developed the tendency to Africanize 3 the government itself. Such a ten- N dency is but the natural consequence ai of rearing the party in power upon a E question of races. The tendency, at ca first, does not spear in bold relief; but with time and gradual, but sue- N cessful inroads, the evil assumes ' threatening proportions. tl On the other hand, and as a logical ti sequence, the colored people are taught and believe that the Demo- P cratic party is the white man's party ti -that this party designs their depri- R vation of civil atd political rights, b which are inow commobn to all citi- 11 zens. ft As matters now stand the next ce campaign in Louisiana will pivot on tI the matter of race, and that,' too, P under the direct provocations, of the at colored people. They have forced the issue whether this commonwealth is to be governed by negroes or white men, and they are determined, by ,i some sort of fatality, to attempt to ft Africanize the State government. , The white people cannot, if they of would, avoid the issue. They may w close their eyes not to see; but never- i theless the irrepiressible confliot is " coming. Rplias SIa.LoulisianaRepublicnnim means Africanization-the consummation of $1 the last six years of misgovernment and rain; and these Radicals cousid er themselves sute of success as long w *as they can see the white people of oh LouiSiana fail to meet theisene squjare- di ly by the use of the same mode of al warfare. tt We must have a thorough and per- e• Sfeet organization throughout the lit State, and we must proceed systema- in tically about it, by districting the hi cities and parishes, and opening ti books in which eery white man who is at citizen shall enroll himnself, pledg ed to support wiTite aen for otlice and to act with the white party in the great work of redeeming Louisi:na from rnegro and carpet-bag boldage, and of restoring her to somethiug of e her pristine glory. "The Friend of the South." The Chicago Y"ribune also notes thei protest that all accounts from the South i;:tlicate that the President ati this time is Ioot,d upon in that .sec tion as the future friend of the white people in their struggle with the col ored race for political supremacy, through precious little evidence has I1e given as yet of any special interest in their behoof.--1N. Y. Herald. , The Chicago T'ribune and the New York Herahl, to, too, y regard,it as a fixed fact that if the people of the South see indications on the part of President Grtint to restore to them! good government, and to side with the intelligent government, and well meaning white people as opposed to carpet-baggers, they will support him for the third or an, numnber of terms. The North has given hinm to us twice Va a President, and it would not be strange ifttho South, believing that he is a bettor man than she is likely to get in a new deal, concludes to keep: him. We think we are with in bounds when we say that if Gen. Grant were to lift, from us the hideous incubus of usurpation which he was instrumental in placing upon us, and I would indicate a willingness to co i eperate with the people of the State lie might court Louisiana for him self in the next election, sans any kind oftdoubt.-N. 0. Bulletin. Louisiana is in a condition to move herself into any position.: The pre servatin of the material interest of! her people, have rendered her plastic in National political affuirs, and the' hand that would shape hierto success for her true citizens' benefit, will have the undivided support of her people. We say also, if Gen'l. GratIt were to lift the pall of carpet-bag, scalawag and negro government from us, he can count our State for him in the next election and we would be willing nihd arelanxious to make the tenure of office of the next President "during good behavior," to say the least. Why not Grant if he should befriend us. -- - --- - *****------- Morn TESTIMONY WPANTED'.-In the House of Representatives, on the 20th Mr. Lamar, from the Commnnittee on Elections, reported the following pre amble and resolution, which were rend, considered and adopted : Whereas, It is necessary to a pro per determinattion of the several con tests fromnt the congressional districts of Louisiana, now pending in thej ohouse, that the Committee on Elec. tion returns of the general election held in that State on the thurth day of November, 1872 ; and whereas, these returns are said to be in the! possession of John Mcenery, and said McEnery being unwilling to produce said returns except upon order of said committee; therefore, Be it resolved by this IHlouse, That a subpenmsduces tecum be issued to said McEnuery, requiring him to produce in person before said committee said election returns on or before the first I Monday in December, 1874; and also I -that spbenas be issued to Archibald i Mlitchell. and William Woelper, of E New Orleans, requiring thenm to be 1 and appear before said Committee on I Elections on the first Monday in De- i cember, A. D. 1874. W\e take thie above extract from the I New Orleans Republican. We believe, I we can state, on good authority, that the returnes called for in the resolu tion of the.House, can be produced, by Gov. McEnery, with esubstantital I proof that they are the identical re turns made of the election of 1872, without change, mutilation, blur or blemish. 'That this testimony is' wranted by the House, is a gratifying fact; that it will be forth-coming, is certain;-that it is nnimpeaehable tihe last will and testament of the peo ple, which Congress is bound ultima tely to respect-we have no doubt. The following is a simple mode of rendering water almost as cold as ice: " "Let tlheja5 pitcher, or vessel used I for water be surrounded with one or more folds of coarse cotton kept con- I stantly wet. The evaporation of the water will carry offthe heat from the I inside and reduce it to a freezing ' point. In India and other tropical , regions whlere ice cannot be procured this is common. ETERNITr.- Eterit is a solemnt I word and a solemn world. The soul of man shrinks back with dismay and dread from entering that mnysterious abode of spirits. And yet all are on their way to eternity, and must soon enter it, Bad enter it alone. But how t little think the gay and pleasure-lov ing, who tread so near its dark shores, how soon they mnust launch away on that untried n,tal , ito The Wite Majority. i The Ralicral journals and orators lie have so persistently asset ted that the a' whites were iii a mninority in this State e;, that, strange as it may appear, very of many of our ,own people have conie to regard it as the truth, despite tre tactt that the United States census of 1870, shows conclusively, that not only 'e the whire males in excess of the negro and mulatto males, but that I the white voting males are also in ; the majority. It is time that this Radical false hood were contradicted and disprVredd by every journal in the State, and r our stump speakers throughout the i State should not fail to imipress ifpoit St their hearers the fact that thathere are I even according to a ceunsus which was taken in the heat of the sumnner, W when there were thousands of white a oters absent from the State--1i5 more white males over '21 years old, than black and mulatto males of that age combined; and, further, that ! - there are 4.300 more white males than black and mulatto males combined. 'o We think a fair estimate would n give the whites in this State nearly if not quite eight thousandL m;ajoriity. Tbi This a very important fact, and one that has not been sufficiently 9 kept before the people of the State Sand country, vwho have, in many Scases, accepted the unsupported state ments of Radicals, which are flatly ,contradicted by the census rolls of 'the United States. The theory that our enemies seem to have acted upon d is that "a lie, well stuck to, is nearly as good as the truth," and, really, this lie has traveled so fast and so far, ' that it will be a very diflicult matter t y for the truth to overtake it The Bulletin would esteem it a spe e cial favor if all journals throughout t ,. the country favorable to the cause of ,f! truth, and who sympathize with Louis iana in the troubles which have be c fallen her, will direct attention to e these important facts. e A TRUE PROPHET.--Not long ago a s* fellow, appatently in a state of great t o excitement, rushed into a saloon in ' g this city, and, throwinghis hat on the bar, he cried to the barkeeper: "Give me a drink, Dan, quick! There'll be e the biggest row you ever saw in g about two minutes!" Dan set out ethe whisky bottle, and, wh'le the stranger nervously filled his glass iup g to the brim and drank it off at a swal t. low, tightened hli belt and looked at d the chambers of his revolver. Leav ing his hat where it was thrown, the excited stranger hurriedly ran to the r door, looked out a moment, and then e rushed back to the bar and exclaim. i ed : "Yes, in less than half a ninute n there'll be ai awful time here! Give a Sme another drink, quick !" The hot-a e tle was again passed out, another i glass was drained, and the stranger t had picked up his hat, and was lei- f surely walking away, when the bar . keeper called after himn: "Say, look e' here! What's all this about a row t s - You jest come backi here and pay for a ° those drinks or I'll let daylight into h Iyour hide!" At this the stranger t' i turned about, Jtis excitement eatirely a e gone and coolly said: "There you II Sgo! Didn't I say there'4 be a fearful Srow here in a mlnute? I knew it. Thete yon go, just as I expected." a By tihis ime Dan saw the point and a Squietly tumbled. a - ' 1, . . .. Ii A"CALIrIs HOME THE COWS."-On Sthe Santa Caturous river there is a o raitceh containing 84,13$ acres. It is I owned ty one man, and lhas on it c fj 65,000 head of eattle, 20,000 horses, 3 7000 sheep, and 8000 goats. This im- g i mense number of live stock requires a . 1000 saddle-horses and 300 MeJceans k to attend and herd it. Ten thousand p Sbeeves are annually sold from the ft ,ranchle, and 12.000 young calves a . branded. There is another ranche, o on the San Antrnio river, near Goliad, a which grazes 10,000 head of cattle h I and brands 1i,000 calves annually. V - ------~c- -- i~i SThere is a story of a traveler, who, h r wishing to reach Taunton, in thle tl State of Massachusetts, had somehow a Sgot tutned round and was trotting ti very otomposedly in the oppqosite di- 1 -roctiou) from the rig!.t one to that town. Meeting a farmer in the road, ti lhe drew up and asked, "How far is it Ci to Taunton, if I keep struight onn t" "Well," said thle farmer, with a twitl- I . kle in his intelligent eye, "if ye keep Sstraight on thile way ye are gong now, j it's Aibout 25,000 nriles; but if ye turn ,right round and go t'other way, it's . about half a mile." ' ti SWhy don't yot hold your head up or Sin tlde world like I do, asked a hangh- v "ty lawyer of a sterling old farmer. ' "Squire," replied the farmer, "see that field of grain; the well filled a heads hang down, while those only al that are empty stand upright." V tl A modest maiden of Brooklyn, hear ing something about the transit of Venus, remarked that she was glad gi that goddess was to indulge in any k "sit" whatever, as she had been oI standing in an objectionable attitnde long enough. '1' Farm and Household Column. A Cr-a. f'ot CORNs. --A French medical journal reports the cure of the most refractory corns by thl morning and evening applicatints, with a brush, of a drop of a solution of the perchloride of iron. It states that after a fortnight's continued ap. plication, without pain, a patient who had nfltered martyrdom for near ly forty years from a most painful corn on the inner sidd, of each little toe was eptirely relieved; pressure was no longer painful, and the care soemeil to be radi'al. ,Other and similar cases are reported as equally successful under the treatmlent. SHAIE TrEEs.--lt is a great mis take to permit shade trees to stand so near together that none have roosm for proper development. Young trees may be placed near each other to pre vent awkward gaps, but as they in crease in size, the suaperfluous ones should be removed, and the remain ing ones will show they are the gain ers. A celebrated fruit grower said it took him thirty years to acquire the moral courage necessary to thin out his fruit buds properly. A still higher degree of courage is required to lay the ax to a thrifty, handsome shade tree, though we know its neighbors will le dwarfed if it is a! lowed to remain. Coruc Ix SwInE.---A Hamilton county (Iowa) correspondent of the Rural World says : "If the shoats are doing well, and the hair or bristles do not lie smoothly-the shoats having been fed principally on corn, and they go coughing around-we come to the conclusion that they have got worms, and a teaspoonful of turpea tine is then given to each, in the form of a drench. If the coughing does not cease in the course of a week, give another spoonful; usual ly the first dose will be sufficient. If hogs are fed plenty of salt and ashes, the worqs hardly ever get the ad vantage of them. Snlpher and stone coal and charcoal are good preven tives of diseases in swine. Hogs are very fond of charcoal, and also of salt. IIARD SoAP.--One 25 cent box of concentrated lye dissolved in * gal lon of rain water; pour in a vessel to cool; melt 5 pounds clean lard or tallow; when milk-warm pour in your lye, very slowly, and stir rap idly; continuo stirring notil it begins to thicken; add any perfume desired; have ready a clean box a foot square; pour in and cover air tight; let it re main three or four days,' then eat up in cakes.-Country Gentleman. To disperse freckles, take I ounce of lemon juicb, } drachm of sugar; mix and .let them stand a few days in a glass bottle till the liquor is fit for use, then rub it on the hands and face occasionally. Fumigating poultry houses with sulphur, thrown on glowing coals in an earthen vessel, and keeping the house close4for several hours, is said to be a perfect remedy for insects of all kinds. The poultry must be re moved before the experiment. CRACKED SToES.--Don't let youn stove smoke, merely because there is a crack in it; but take common wood ashes and salt, make a paste with a little water, appliy it to the apperture and the crack will be closed in a mo. ment. It can be put on when the stovre is hot, as emsily as when it is cold. Ocfe glER PCiKLES.-First get a good kind of euumber, then proceed as follows: Be careful in picking not to bruise them; wash them clean; pack themn in stone jars, as they are far the best, with 1 quart of salt to every pebek of pickles, and 1* gallons of water to every 5 gallons of pickles; also, a lump of alum as large as a hen's egg to every 5 gallons of pickles. When your jar is full put a clean flan nel cloth over them, with a weight heavy emough to keep them under the krine, and keep the cloth clean andl free fronm mold. Now, in seeking themn for use, the quicker it is done the better your picklesl will be. When freshealng,keep, plenty of fresh wa ter on them. Now scald in a bras. or copper kettle, using weak vinegar for the purpose, and about enough to cover your pickles, adding a lumnp of alum as lnrge as a quail's egg to every gallon of pickles. iScald slowly until they get scalding hot, but do not let them boil; take them out and lay them in a stone jar, using cinnamon or cloves to suit the taste. 8pread 1 large coffee-cup of sugar to 1 gallon of pickles, over them; then pour vinegar (not too strong) over them. This vinegar will do tor use again. If made in this way will keep for months, and be as plump and sweet as the day they were put up. Your vinegar should not be too strong, as that would make them sour and desa - troy the taste of the sugar. Mist SAvce.-Take a bunch of green mint and chop it fine with a knife, or rmb it in a mortar; add lbh. of fine sugar and * pint of sharp vince gar. Stir or rub well, and srrve eold. To I,' eaten with ruot, lamh.