Newspaper Page Text
TPEOPLE'SVIN DICATOI. PELLI & AItij:X, Publishers. The Welfare of the People: is the Supreme Law. TERNs, 83 per a VOL.I. NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA, AG GUST 8, 1874. ARRIVALS AND DEVAStTt1:Es, NEW ORILEANS, RId River Landing, Chenlcyville Qlu,mutico, Alexaudria, Cotile uand Cloutiorville, Daily, at ?IA. DI. SHREVEPORT, Kea6hie, Matsfield, Mar thaville, and Ple:asant Hill-Daily at 10 A. M. " NACO(IDOCHES, Molrose, Chirino, San .Augustine, Milam, Pcndleton,Sabini - town, Many and Ft. J'esu,--on Tues day Thursday ,.nd Saturday, at 5 P. M. . . HOMER, Minden, Buckl orut Ringgold, Coushatta and Cstihpt--du Tues day and Friday, tit &V:P3M. ' WINNFIELD, Atlant:t, Sutton awlnd St. Maurico-ou Tureday and rrlday, at 9 A. 3. M:AILS CLOSE At 6 A. I, for New Oqleant. Alexandria and Cloptierviple. At 9 A. M. for Shreveport, etaeldi, Mane field and Ploneanut 1[ill. At 6 P. M. for Nacogdochesl Texas, Mel rose and Sana.Ag1utiu. At 5 P. M1. for llumir,. La., puckhorn, '!oushiitt: and C(ampte. .At 10 A. M. for Winnfield, &. ' Office lours--from 10 A. IM. to 2 P. M. and from 3 P x to 7 P M. J. 1'. Di:VAinoAs, Post Master. Professional Cards: W. H. JACL J). PIERSON, J'aok . ct Pier~onl, Attorney anid Counselrra srt at ', NATCHITOCIES, LA. XSTILLpracti#e Ia4hoiCe rts orNatclhitches. ¥V Mabiuo, D..So4u, led lover, \inu, Pirp le. , .mnd (eliht, alid 'n the Siipreme Court' o[ the tate.' Claims proomptly ttlended to. June 20-1y. SM.K .EARNE. Mi. J.CUNI G I IIA Kearney & C inninghiam, Attorneys and Counsetoirs Ut' Ln , Office on St. Detle Strc't. Juno 20-1y. Natehbid *i . JL., Ltev3y st bPier~liso Attorneys and Coipn.elorn at. ,aL , Oce cornet Second k T'udau streets, Jnuo 20-1y :Nathitohes, La. Business Cards. M. B. CARVER. R. WV. TAYLOR. Carver .Taylor WOelMrle a It Ileail dealers is Dry Goods, Groceries, IIARI)WARIIE,, : Si ATS, (CROCKERY WARE, etc., efe. SFONT STREET, S . Nf atehitoches, La. A FRE' and seled hook `o good. ales ra es uad, whlih baviengbeen p.rchased on a esa ba isaab~les .us to ofb r extra iaduce luets ta. cash bnyere. Righe4tsceib price jWilt eotto sad .other prodle., i4 ltknrlI adlanaes mas4 ls cah or, mebandlweap onlg.ment. p ; : June 9I-ty. '' * FOREIGN & DQMEOTIC DIRY 600 1 Sp DWOtf" I. "O': 1 Ni.b.'., Cqrner of. Fro*t&, Clp Qtreete. Nst tocieo, La. Juone 2 y. -: .'" 1 . . ", a t Triohel sub Aire, ' (Wa1tdey,4iok f]ldlngi). • ies .7" on -Di . G .oo ., ,I ,r. ' (CA ,ro ' . " ' o ,cdi q.. W fbed' repaid f Cotton ah aneit ohi ~I N or. er= ,asi tge.,s . :, S~ocJ ..M,o . I : Alet f llt .' C - IIAL'SA x E DES PYRENRES, 0 a French toeae fnr ivva'lde .Sp pie isao cs ment oftred (dealers. 6une.*- 6m. C. A. BULLARiD ' . H. C(APBELL BulIard"& Camiiipfe1l, --uEALERiS N1$ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, , I AJRDWARE, And Goneril Merechanldisiei - f;·ruer FloST k LArAWrTri Street, . : atachitochn, La. . TlOUlE. vT lh e fhro paid for cotton and 11 ctry promce ih cashl or merchaudlse. Janto--yr. :, • " . iiti-*eAib, Ft6 ,W±(&lhgton & Lafayette 'ts NBatehitochi, La. DB , GOODS, Groceries, "Harili'are, Crockety, Gpnt s, Boots, Shobs and Notions. "peeial indaceibleni offered to Cash ptitchaaers. .Cotftin and couitry pv'o dide, both at highest ie ash rates. Juno O20-ly. sevoerlT TUioker, Corner Front Anud St. Deuis street, SNATICITOCHER, La. If TATHLdieslr in choice Fanilty ~lroeeiies COFFEE, WINYES. SLQUORS; , g, Ceui: and t'obaeco, r,, !i Cheetpr thani the Che.apest. Juno 2SCda. x ., Mi,. n,:-" '.: r A/.. ww-.•,,Ny.A "./b . .. M'. ' (The, Pveople'. Fay-rite Grocery.) E" f onstantly on hand' ., " ... , BACON, , S. LARD, * ' IIAMtI, :And in fact a full line dt fandy, fiunDy sup plies. Givr ta a ctdl. iatis ction guarau teed. . JTune 23rly. Theo. S5ohr.imaas. --DI)ANLENt IN DRY OODS, . . GROCERIES, and GENERAL MERCR.ANDISE. Cur. FROfT aand ST. DENIS Streets, n Natchiteclies, La. J.Une b20-.Iy. . ,. ' - 3 F F ".'-, ". . "t. f P. 4CALY) $ SCI: rnor let,nd .,Secon4 AtSreta) .L r re n 1" A. i--xd_nt l. arr.ntd, and per ti, kOitdt.o ved meythod, Bi, Boot and' Shoe: Maker. C1HALEib 'fi* ,e' iv'rift4'fo neatnest l add dah'2 lo'yretk . Asistootion *A b fit s y ps 4 , h O . q' ' h,' If u Washington St.,.........ate fttheLi*:, Sole the Unrivalled A iberaTonut t couiWo rt June 20-'.t m re Resolutions of a MasS Meeting! held in Winn Parish. Puiisiiuant to at previous call tlie citi zens of Ward Six of Winn Pwirish and vicinity, moet tt Wheeling 6n Eatut. day July 18th, for the purpose of pert manuently organizing a White Man's jparty, Wiley J. Wilson, was lchosen l'resident, and. Messrs. Andrew'° J. Babels and Daniel If. Shumate; Vice residepjt, Jos. W, l).ysou, Sect'y. Tlhe Comnmittee cywposed of lIons W\ill II. Strong, Messrs. Callain and F. P; Shltniatera!t)ppIint1 tol'dtift ro soliition, tepoitted the following pre-, emble.and resolutious. .WVhereas, The state of affairs pro 'vailing in Loui'sian T'f tbrthe past six years having 'convinced tlll unpreju diced men, that this state has been given up to sp(yjatioI and,plundet; to a horde of barbarous negroes,, in cited and led ou by the worst llhite men that ever imposed themiblvb s upon any civilized country; and W\hereas, That by their wholesale and rapacious robbery, our- ipeople have been reduced to wretchedness and despair.&tud the Stgte brought to ebanle; ad , Whereas, Alreily rmany of .our people, male and female, have been atrociously murdered uaaid outtraged by.them ; and that there is iow no longer security for life or .property. that masses, of negroes. are auniated by an implicalle and deadlly iatred of the whole whlit rimce, and are nidia organizing with hostile attitOdO' and desigl to 'purpetuate 'their Wicked po'wer ia:thisState, anud . Whereas, all things point untuis takably to the aplialling fact that ef forts a're being'inade to Africanize the beautiful and, oneomagniliceuti ..State of Louisiana, to conltisc te the proper ty .and compell, the civilized and christian white people to abandon the State, or live tinder thi ru:le of the black and inferior race. 'theretbre, be it . tesolved, T'Jat it is th~ solemn,tnd stern duty of all white men in, this " State to unite inito one firm coinjiadt organiZatiob, to protect the lives, the honort and the ld'dperty of our Iwople, P Resolved, That we accept wihuut further hesitatiou,. the issue of race forced'iipon us by tlhe insblent' and barbarous Africans, and that we be lieve a perpetuation of hisi: power would utterly destroy this State, as it has every other country in which hehas held sway. Resolved, That 'the issue of rdee being forced upon us, we helieve that alone will suceesstfully unite all the white people, high apd low, rich and poor, throughouit the State. 'Resolved, 'T'hat it was the intention vf the founders of this government that. this. sh5ould be a White Alan's goveruumeaitapd as far as our efflrts go, it shall b'e 'le:3olred, 'hllrt we deeply sympa thize' with the oppressed people of Natchitoehes .paiisha, iu, their efforts to relieve thenmselves,from the appal ling taxes illegallyhimpsed upon them aind the official coirruptitiln thtnt'h gone so .long unpunished hin .theit *midst., and we assuren ur frienls that wv, are nt,~idi. W plcttors utfthe nolle ....eolved, That ~i' retuitni oitr'heit't. Gilt thillis'to therthteeable aid die= tinguished, members of the Bar of New Orleaps, MFgsars iR. IH,. Marr, F. IJ, J.Iis~d 4 . ir. Whittake,, for the distilusheled i'erilee" reiidrred in the defeu'of ottii iriends and' fell.w i citizene the: Grant PAriah:prisouerse , iat: saaifice, of alnost their .ppire plivate..Ausiness, without propisi, bhle or desire Of .petdiihty 6inon Res olved,, That. we recogulzes ,in JrlJsticeq Badly a trUa..nan, an ate jurist and at bueorrptipble Judge.' Resotved, I'halt we iiegardl"the SLhreveport Thme., Natdhi~oches Via distfqr Alexandria.,C0aieraste,' ,apd nents o oier pt,les,cgehilnt g for tihe d it le i-gliH" and'"e eorilullyeomnit d them to theshite pe~I. 'fPorseppBOrtA sod wo.'heie y :deieo to pi'pes ourr inrignaatiou a 'rwii'outrae 'peitraiteld tipOa politicians whohight the aplupession and riin of thei.ew,- Orleans ull, oIve Ia t~copyo othese rd ._ itoa', i ; '1 " 't b i ' " I'.....d "rt I , ..., ., e ,A T h.It , ,. .,lez amdri; Caemasian and,: Ne Orlens afiaugnet,8ltl.- b7; IP. "). at •hat .,inehurer)hc eathlhMIoerngrse lad io s~i"8iMd'It &ceshtry:'.- to' Ir"h 9 M lshf tvew rerek t [' WfWh ad he obbarvoethatiftils loeG-. S"Farewell, Snsan-you has drie me-to the graMtil~rote John Larch, Sofa~iba ,, 'u a,, 4,d left the aote .he 'bul' ie was arreste~d'tlhe'dtier dA 'ih Clheindti, living with aothede-woman. The RegirtrAton Law. I On the 24th instant, the arch hypo Scrite who claims to be Governor of I Louisiana, atflied his signature ,to what is called "an act to provide for tthe irevision aind correction of thelistst a df'rbsistered voters of the' State," but which, should be named, "an act t4) authorize Kellogg to disfranchise as many of the qualifie4 voters of Louis iana as he may think proper, to issue as ma:iy bogels voting papers ai h6 i deems necessary to carry the elections,: to deprive ..a *gal voter- whose ,ights are blotted out fi'rp~ seeking ' redress through the cotitts, ,tid to . create an election fund of over one million of dollars to be used by himutind Shis tfollowers iu perpetuating .their a li-gottfen ppwer over, the white and tax paying elenanuts of the population i ' of tius *tate."" .tiong and even ie.- l ,osterrne as tl'is description of the , crowning .infaiuy of Louisiana radi. calismn mLay appar,, We propose tp ' show, by simply rejroducig a few of " the monstroues lrovlsions of that act, , that we are rather undertaking thle Scase, and that, thould the people al- 4 lq .this stupeudous scherne to reduce ,t r them to the condition of helots to be * cairried itot effeet, they nilll hence forth be unwortlhyto beatr 'the l)ame of freemen. , ,,, , le Thip bill.authorizs andirecti s Kel Ilogg to appoint foi two 'ears a State Stegistrar of votes, with a salaryv $3000 per annonumi whd 'shall' appoint t I "ehief clerk at $1500 and an assis" 4tt clerk at $2(00,) per a.nnum. lie phall rent an othheeit the city of New Orleans at t rate nlot to exceed $150 1 a mouth, and' as many other offices 1 in time 4ity of New, Orleals as heo all think proper, the rent, wlweruqf ..4lll . lb. aid by. theacity .of New Orleans 1upon tle elinp1A icotifleate oftthe'rri - 1strir. 'He sthall alsacause to be ft . nished, at the eponase of 'the, State "all' book0 blacker spalgrste H tiott - .ary, ,. gto.-Jaiark this silitficat .et I cetera-ttle accounts for th" sime 'tb be'ilso tihit 'hineaeit' a rt6ved" by ' theI ovtw'iine.; v'nmostu ih ptervious th every gueeal 4lectiop,. the .(,ov r qOr' shaUll ul appoint.ip eqcU arish in t Ithe State one super isor of' registrra tion jind hoi assistant tjinrvisur, sil I of.~Wose ailleged expuases,'for ,rent, ' clerk hire boqks, ta.tiouary, eotc,, tez- ) rpenae, q. trausportatioM. front, one place to awother i. every parish lbe inn also includedp ate also to be paid I withount question by each ptiiish treas-. nrer, upon. the *unsuppprted.produc tion of the supervisor's iaccount. Sx-. ty days hefotre the electioii, assistant I supervisor for acavi ward of Neiw "0 .leans shall ;also lie appointed with -the tsame unlimited poyers as to. rent, clerk, hire, and expen.s s included un- t der the elastic terms of.tranultortatiou t and et 3etcra.' Eery city and tprish suilervisor sha al also receive a daily compenatidou of live dollars from, the Sday '"ho s~hll 6p1w his offuice until thre time e shall complete his statement e t' election." 'Eich: supervisor' and aessItatnt supervisor shall have twd t cleirkli, who uhall receive': three dol arsaud a half, par diem, to be maid ?tor tm e mt lne mutir of' days as the i suhp.rvisorts aud thl'he siseleants. Pihb ltjttot ' is'tobe made, of the doinges o;>fsl the pasties inat.least one ps per A every parish, and in New Or r in twy, English newspapers (tihe IRpublicani aiind the Times, of course,) atd ia cele French- and :one Ge~nmau paper, the printing bills to be.paid on the;yaouchar of Uhe.. State Registrar,. "at th4e same. rates as arepr'vided ylaw for the publicatiton df the laws ofthi Etfte." rt 'Ait natturalized citisea, in additi.tt0u I , tskeir ,astralisationo certificat are e to ,ring, two .witnesses to prove 4 eir identity, and the'supervisoris, i pr6dptnaildo uasmany qaeatioes i as they may think proper to the .said j naatralized ,ci4iseus,, h.all .hav ~* , right of re'siug to register their names as voterr all allfdaviti ihb~de . by them or thefr Iitnesses to the con t rty Skpobnithetanding. ', 0 . Scti.i 4A eUpaqtp hrh'thedeFi~ on of asp supervisor or asstant "ue'r uf e~ii~nto from ' r uldddiion tettle I rbgstyanci' aUlqu;eitions'ueelative ( to the usgi _.O ,yaotl P shall be tiual.t P N ar)i o~~ isr..ejt odge shall in. effteb bWri oftijbubetion or umab. aiddus,; 6thdodbet'of eart to'oru. i l'any adipervisor! of registration to. egisteorpatqhibit hiwm Ifron,regiastqr I I"elgoiAted this ai' y "of sli tt r, askiiiumt spervisors Md Eles the Sdle ditrbmttraotf te righ tb [oCuffa ,.ia rg isina, g .ie-al '~ pr,.cords to vest ai"bct'heu Wikth pjason for disordbtly conduet before tim4duhislcee,",:(1eetion,~ .) :' S.. u eariwpa bof igeq t' ip ao-, • I, e ,, ie hoye ,of a sbltable'pimsbns tO drted. ats Sethiollte eop nelag, lce., i:whn aebll Sifthsi ty,"l d aD mekl - - rig1sts, .e~tinmg the votes1'kerPl: i isg; tor from thie co~mpnisoners : eta d ' i 8 flati sl&l a 'by flne "aWi ipisoneat; the said I, oastblea-'Whose number ois. unll. :muited-to r:ciye, a per. divm of live dollars "for a time not exceeding three days, to be paid by the parish in tlhe . same manner and upon the same l vouchers as is prescribed for the pay lment of the clerks of supervisors of registration of the parish." Now, if any matn of sense will ''read, ponder and inwardly digest" the pro visions above enumerated of this bhill of abominations," can le hesitate ftr ono muiuite in pronouncing it the most monstrous utteltpt to gag and manacle the free citizens of Louisiana 1 that ever could be concocted Ih the unogt, perverse ii'entiityt Wiilt hl abeuse us df eaggeratio't whein we:y say that the object of the act is to tax tee city and parishles for the pay of an army of vagabonds, to be en iollfd as supervisors, assistantsA, etc., clothed with unlimited and final powers tiuwgister or, erase any one's' name on the registration books, to1 arrest any citizen they may see tit to i accuse of '"interferling withl them, to, a 'jhatge the city and State with cooked rip accounts of tictitionus expenditures; , f tto draw five dollars a uIay for a peri- a oil of sixty dayS previotus to the elec tion, and to pay their janizaries bahlii bozooks or, '4con.tables." for election services during three days, althougle the election takes, place on one sin gle day.--N.,0. Bulletin, **---~ - -- We make tlhe following extracts fromi the New Yolk SUN's report of tie iipeachment of Du rell, the vice gerent. We coniunend them as sig tiitlcant of his ukilt, and we may safli ly add the parte ceps crinmiis of thi U. S. Cui'grss, im meeting tlheques mion with honor and dignity: Washington, July 7.-The .aT dig Fhiary Cominiftted of the'M6nsh'of t1ep. tesentativblt, b Charged, to. ilwestigate [ the aeeceations, made against Judge i DUtrell, hI!a;igg by vote of six to five "1 reported adversely to i~m iu terms t the most & ivere, and submitted to t the 'House resolutions providing for h his imptaeoben't, the questionl arises .why , aSeliou wair taoken by. the lat ter bodly in accordance with the re-I 4ort rind reeomntc ihdation of its comn- I mittee.' Witi wholnm rests a respon sibility so grave.f Before entering' t inuto .this queft.iuo .I propose tQ quotC ,. ,for the information of the readers oif the Sun certain pisnnges from thle re port of the commni'ttee which blive iot A yet been given to the public. The committee first say that "the t charges of drunkenness and the itn- i proper procurement of money by 1 means of his judicial office aiH ;ot sustained by the testimony, and thero forewill not be further noticed." They then take tp the charger elating to the' manner in which matters in bank [ruptey ha.e been disposed of by Judge f Durell, and subwuitasummary of feet.s ascertaiued. by them touching this charge, With the following 'as their I conclusion thereupon i These facts, so notorious, in n Bgard 'to: the management of. such itupor haut trusts as those, of the bankrupt estates, when taken in connection vitli the oider hlierifbetbei rtfdrreia to, lead to the, inevitabla 4onelubkblibu b$ yo3enacomfittee' that Judge Deeiwll paiut have bqnu, cognizantro-f them, snd, therefore, a corrupt party there it, Or that he was grossly negligent idthe disecharge;of hi ofeial'duties, so that, ieoeavnrae via dLa, he'comes I under ·4 like eondeptation. ... , ,,TIE MlQNIGOHT ORDER,... , Fhe cornmitteq tPma state teir cop ciosiop upon the remaining charge-I thait ' issui hat Is ordinarily known as the i'"midilght older.? 1 After reviewing.the facts of the elec tion in IiySsing in November, 18i2 and tile proceeding before .Durell, wistituted iby Kehllgg against War ioth;' MeEubre y and otlhere, the com. ,mitteesay:. . . . . . ,:For.a Federal TJdge.,to seek, there- I fore, to exercise such power by indi rection, to. promiulgate an .order in a eaige lhro 'I re had neitiher jijdtisdi~*l 4fon of. the subject matter nor of, the t partises,; in pursuance of whiih the1 Fedpral army and Executive were set Iin mlotioi to take posesaion of the l Oivriient of a State, seetms to ist to b the hdmost flagrant offence and lpaseae of power and authority ihat Judge ccould commit; one 'bIich, W'hether Well or ill-inteidded; w'as'te- I strative ofevery. principle and .ight, 'in the bighest degree dangerous to rephean .goverumeng, qnd a higi crime and lisademneanor wuder. ties l'Contittithitr of the-United :tates. t ,. iSach action, freiP whateve.r ~-o iyeip at variance ,sih .every prinui pie of good governmiient, Is calclla- I ted to confoidd and subvert the dis- I tinctioi betoween the State and yede-, rat. Governumentse and ,to overthrow St.Constitution itself, witholt which neitihe! Judge 'urell nor any other "Jfid "i 'lh& any 'mightfl' 'A*thority Swhatemver.'lf. comduetso dangerous, Iso flagrant, so nnauthoried, sspwhollyu, ,withlout color of,right,, and foljweld by such serious conseqi~ ences doe.f Sidot lstitirita'alil5h '*ik~ hiid jris- ' denfeaudr, Ibfor which thieJudge gailty 1 thereof slhould be arraigned rad)ptrid, i us that no coniuct can. "The respect for the judicial ortlce and ' I the sacrd' '4 baracter of judicial au- i I'thoity tflughont this nationR make a Sit more eesebtial that such usIurpa- i Stions shotld. be iebuked, and suclhi outrages alu IIUW;rralltablll annrap. tious of power brought to condignu punishlment. Your comnnaittee thereliore rc('eorr mend the adoption of the followian, reRolut ioalnu tResolvud, That Edward 11. Durell, iflge of the Disitict Court of the United States for the District of Lot - siaina, be impeached of high crime~s and misdcUme.aors in otilco. S esolled, That a clumwittee of two be apuipiued to go to the Senate. ant sit the bar thereof, in the nae au o,f tl; H, ueo of tRetpresentative" adil e(f all the people of the United Stat.esi, to impeach Edward 11. Durall, .Judg., qf the District Court of the United States for tihe District of Louisiana, of high crinmes and misdemmeanora in office, and aequatiilt the Henate that the House of Representatives will its due time exhibit pat'tiedlar articles of ispeaeh; nut and make good the ame ; and that the comu ittooee do demand that the Senate;. take order for the appearance of aid.l Edward II. 1.utell to answ.ea r to,.satid implach meiit. iResolved, TIhat i cammittee of sev en be appointed to prepkre and re port dtrticles of impeachment agailst Edward H. Dnrell, Judge,' e., with power to seutl for lrsor.i;pers, anad records, and to takoe maWny u·nir oith. Farm and Household Column. MANURE.-JOSiah Shull, in,.is ad dh'ess before the Central New 'York Faraler'. C itb, relates the following experidentfeiathe applieation Ofgtten and rotten mtanare: I have. qsed ox carelmet matter it ..the spring of the yeir, spreaul anst plowed under and Scultivated, a.ld w; ell incorporated [itlh the soil, 1siut ljdunted 'the land with 'pidtcr s;. 'The potatoes did tinely, woer well formed and fine for the table. At the same tianeanud on the same pioes4,f.lad, plowed un der wpl-,rotted nmaner, with, the same cultivation, ail the 'potatoes Swere ovtgov* 'm-shajed :aid siggy, not fit for -the market dt the' tifble. My theory ia.he, case df thedidir j;oeº in tik tyt.lty oLfthe crop'was that the Imanur heinagvell comtpost ,ed tihe soodtttop' on 'the dfits was to vigoron0i as.' to caun3:thbtubteC to •grow vlriy.rapi ly, eeasequently they were soggy and not fit, for the table. Whereas, on the part planted with the raw material the decomposition was just rapid enough and at the right time. FENcInt.-TO render posts or tim her, placed in the ground~ practieal ly impervious to moisture, and for a long time prevent decay, the follow. ing eimple.recipe has beeon tried and found to ansTfer 'the purpose eacel lently. For feiree and gate posts it is jparticularly tecommended: Take lin seed-oil, ;noit and mi .it.with char eoal dustt uptil the .mixture has the consiitenty 'of' oa'rn r" tary- aint. Giv'e 'toWdtl4'tsri a single 6bat'ftbe mtitu~ e or.- paint .lfore planting the, , gd ,, er, says one who has nsec'dLt, living to. the age of the p riarchs of il will 7ve long enough to sek the3 ai jahsti rot, T-he post of timber should be well seasonedlsad dry when the auipasi applied. T'porU-PooFrn HNonist.-An old ao :Wlho had muc esperience in handlinag aad dealiug in horses for more than mall a ceutry, said to me recently thiat he'lhad never known a horse' to get taebdec'fo6ted that was kept loom in itsehd ol yard, or in a boxed tqll, T!at turning arond aad:trvading with their forwar feet in thie mnatture, ke~p them eonstantl. smohit and soft. His theory appharerd perfeetly reaschable to me. I have .nobm stcalls,. bat I used shavings for ddirg, a's d every morniog with a arge shovel, I ored the wet qha triigs utidlr the huie's fbrwarnd feet, and thee the lust.thing at-naight oar er.ed these wigt dry ha5vings for him to lie on. He also remarked that he never knew a flat-footed hoIse but what ras a goo ,orker.--Live Stock Journal. SBal.tua GWAlSt ARKA.qSAs.-Dr. A. Gutharewrites to the depiartment as follows: I have a traet of landl' of i25 acres celoted l^ft d, situated in Van Buren aonty; its character, good upland, partly valley land. In suinmer there is good '"stock range" throughout this and adjoing ciunties, butt ip. winter the native grasses are of little value. II has been on my part an object of great solicitude to Icultivate a portion of may land uc I grass sduitable for hay uand win.ter pasturage.. Iq the spring of 1872 I sowed with many oats seven Sacres of tiriotliy, one of blue grass, otnd o .t o red clover. All have done well, but the clover does nt seem to withstand the hot, dry seqson as rwell a, the out&i, two. .lqvling lone been Sresi'dent of thle'thi grass regiouas of 'eotunky," 'I hare 'lbiserved my es Sperimeat here with' interest, and I can ay ;that grgr does uot\gw quite as.well as iam entucky, i Lduaaa apd Obo, i~grws fnely hIeke, and will succeed slid keep green all semmer. Miue has afforded pastour iage for my hlorses till the middle ,f Januarr.