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i'OSITIVELY NO CIIRWIOS ! Tho 'DAN3IEA T ews, FOR 1874. CuonUining every week FORTY COL '.MN` of choice reading iulat ter, printed on clear, hantd somO type, and finld white paper. rj'llE NEWS is edited by theoDanba I. ry sews Man ; is contribnilted to by George Alfred Townsend, the chief of Newspaper Correspondents, ai4l ether excellent writers, who will furnish fresh correspondence from the leading cities, and confributo to "the editorial idunmus. 'Ihe NEWS has its own Scietitiic, Fashion#,hto slnd Puzzle edlitoAs; pnb lishes the best original matter, the best misellany, and the freshest and best inisellany, and the freshest and b,cst stories. In all its departmel.'t it, is edited with scrupulous care, aid, is, in consequeune one of the best Family Journals unhlished. Sample Copi es free -sencd for one. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One Year.......................... .00 Special rates to; l'otmasters an4 clubs. hAILEY & DONOVAN, Danbury,. Conn. Ilarper's Periodicals. IIAltPElR'S MAGAZ!NSI. There is no monthlly Megazitin an in telligent reading family can less afford to he without. Many Magazines are ac cumulated. Harper's is edited. There is not a Magazine that is printed which shows more intelligent p~uins y panded on its articles and mechanical rcscution. There is not a cheaper Magazine pub lished. There is not, confessedly, a more popdulr Magazine in the' world [New England Homestead. A repository 'of biography and history, literature science and art, uneqitaled by any other American publication.- [New York Standard. The most popular, and, in2 its schemne, the most original of our Magazines. [Nation. HARPER'S WEEKLY,°' A Journal of Civiliviation. The best publication, of it asa, in America, and so far aheads of all other weeklyjonrnals as not to admitbof any conparson between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest collections of reading 'matter that are printed. " Its ilhstratuus are numerous and beantiful, beingfarnished by the chief attits of the country.-[Bos ton Traveler. Harper's Weekly deserves its primacy in this class of publications, alike for the value of its reading matter and the ex cellence of its illustrations. The edito rials on public affairs are models of dis cussion weighty and temperate, support ing high principles in an elevated tone and a chastened literary style.-[Examui nor and Chronicle. HARPER'S BAZAR, A Repository of Fashdion, Pleasurte and Insti'Wetion. It is really. the only illustrated chronicler of f~shion: in the country. Its supplemente ahmne are worth the sub scription price of the Piaper. 'While tflly maintaining its position as a mir ror of fashion, it alos'c otaine stories, poems, brilliant esMays, 'besldes general and personaml gouip.- [Boston Saturlday Evening Gazette. There never wagi any parr published that so delithtM the hlear of woman. Never miud If itrdoes·e yof oa new bonnet; it will saye yeaou: ten tumes the price in the houboehal economy.i teach es.-ProlddeOwe eonraal. . - TERMS.8:' For larper's Magazine, Weekly and .. lzar. Hlarper's Magazine, one year $4 4)0 Harper's Weekly, one year 4 00 Harper's Baaar,on year 4 00 Harper's Magazinoe; lHarper's Weekly and Harper's .oBazar, for one year, 610; or ahy two for $7. An extracepy of either the Magazine, WVeekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of tfoe subscribers at $i earch, in one rpittange;,or six. copies for P0, without extra copy. The postage withiti the Uniteas 8tates ;is for the Mzgazine, 24 centi as' year; for 'the W.eelly or Bazar, 20 cents a year, payable yearly, semi-yearly, or qnarterly, at the of*iq where receive:: La reiitlng by ,ail, a. ostofiee or d" 'or' draft, payablie to'"fh 'order of Hatpbr &Brothers, ispreferable to hank notes, ince, should the onole of draft be lIst it tar be renoew8ed without loss to t1e aeader, Adduss HARPER & BROTIHERS, New York. The Largest and.Bett sad Clheapest Paper in the World l the ..NASBPS PdPER. (Fipty-six Widsollamns b page) ForJ1.5 per year, In CIlbs! ,Wi*l Bpoa islt uiven away ! 1W Speehse sopios lent free to any ad as. Send flr a speimen and exam WSP Nasby writes his Political Letters exclusively for the Blade. Address IOCKE & JONES, Toledo. Ohio. Ayer's Cheny1Pectoral, For Diseasee of the ~hroat and Lungs, such as Qouga, Qlids, WVhooping CoughZ4.Sronobtis, Asthma, - nw ptinuon. Among the great discoveries of mod em science, few are of mnore real valne to mankind than this effectual rein-, edv for all (iseases of' the Throat and Lungs. Alvast tri al of its virtues, throughout this n,1d ether countries, has shown that it does surely and effectually control them. The tes timony of our best citizens, of all claes, cs talbishes the fact, that CElIE:uY IE.rTOIAL wilt and does relieve and cure the athlicting disorders of the Throat ald Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous nil'eo tions of the Puluonary Organs yield to its power; and cases of Consumptiotl, cured by this preparation, are publicly known, so remarkable as hardly to be believed, were they not proven beyond dispute. As a rein edy it is adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumnbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to he computed. It challenges trial, and convinces the most scepticaL Every family should kiep it on hand as a protection gainst the early and unperceived attacks of Pulnmonarv Affections, which are easily met at first, but which become incurn ide, and too often fatal, if neglected. Tender lungs noed this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. As a saftl+uard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the 'Throat and Chest of childhood, CIIERtY l'Ec'ronARL is invalitable; for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely Sgainst ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring; sleep. No one will sutfer troublesome Influenza and paipfal .Brop chitls, when they kudw how esily they can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no coest or toil is spared in making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. It may be confi, dently relied upon as possessing all the vir tues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greateN, It has ever ell'cted. ' IREPARED BY Dr, J, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytleal Chemlsts. SOLD BY ALL DaUGGOlBT EVK.IYWHnI . EGITAEaSIwIl Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully pp to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring G rA OR FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandrufi; and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates. and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger.v In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Hat DBEssING ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance.A A. A. Hayes, M.D, State Assayer ofMas achusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST rPE A RATION for its intended purposes., 80g by gn Dryptssu, osaw Dmkrr is Afeticaes. Prie One Doll ar.. . Buckingham's Dye. 1ron ar wimsKas. As ourRenewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Wisker~ , we. le prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quicJly and effectually acoomplish rtei s alt; .It is easily applied, and' produee~s a color whiclh :.will. aeither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fity G.ents.. Naiwt&cturdby I P. HALL3,& & WILLIAMSr: MOWER & REAPERi SEMPLE. BIRGE & CO., 3a Soutl Mainstreet, St. Louis, i"tpleraste snts lawhat paper ye m ltbM. oria % di se'y e 5trsn t. Yb. sItorsS beasf.,a3zlsnr . s ierlag lta t n aea Jih. sra Trpplag 4 ir iueialman atm' -i6 a"e ". SEMPLED, mGI& CO. IP Get your printing done at the 'VIyDIcATr Jobh Office. firatefnl Thousands proclaim VINEGAR BIT'TERS the most wonder ful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bit. ters according to directions, and re main long .nnw l1, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted beyond repair. Bilious, lamittent, and In, termittent Fevers, which are so nrevalent in the .valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially tho.sooft the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas. IRed, Colo rado. Brazos, lii Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, 11o allkOe, James,8an, i many otheirs, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during the Sunmmer and Autumn, and remarka bly so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably ac co paniced by extensive derange. minets of the stomiach and liver, and other abdomiual viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful intluence upon these vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to D)u. J. \WAALKERa'S VINEGAR Br1',E1us, as they will speedily remove the dark-c.,oretl vircid matter with which the bowels are hleed, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restojing the healthy finc tions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body agaiunst dis ease by purifying all its fluids with Vz>;so~a. BurrLT . No epclemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armod. Dyspepsia or Iuldigestion, Head ache, Pan in the Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion of the heart; Inflanmation di the Lungs, I'ain in the region of the Kidneys, and a khnndred other painful. symptoms, are the otthpringeof )yspepsia. One bot lie will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrothla, or King's Evil, White Swellings, UleoorsErysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous inflannmationls, Indolent Inflamnmations. Mercurial affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, WALKEa'S, Yt-. ErGAR BITTERS have shown their great cur ative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflamnmatory and Chronic Rheulnatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such.Dis cases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.-Pcrsous engaged in Paints and Miuerals.,sucu as 1'1 tumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters ind Miners, as they advance in life, are sub ject to paralysis of the Bowels. To gnard against this, take a dose of W1ALKr,'s V (N loAR Bu'arRs occasdionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions~, Tetter, Salt-tRheumn,Blotche, Spots, Pin pler, Pustules, Boils. Carbuncles, Ring worms, Scald-head, Sre Eyes, Erysipe las, Itch, Scurfs, )iscolorations of the Skin, lh'urs and Diseases of We Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally diug up and carried out of the s4tentlt a short tile by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, mad other Worms, lurking in the systenim of soq nny thou sanas, Ie effectually :destroyd annI re moved. No system of medidce, no tbr mifitges, no anthelmini dtles will free the sy,,Ueu-from worms liuk those Bittqrs. F'rfehndeCoalplaints go yong or old, married or sinmle, at the dawn of womanhood, orthe turn of life, these Trn .ie Bitters display so decided an. inflpence thlt hnijovement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you tind its imliuritiesiburpting through <e skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you d.i ob structed and slugish in'the veinse it when it is foul; your Ibelings will tell PoU wheo. Keep the blood pure, and the ,lth of tha eta~,~in wiltoll ~ol (5* . R. i. IelNcI ALD'dA'LO.," ;. Druggiat. & Geu. A ta, Sen Francisco. Callfor. sai, & cor. dfWaduiihf 4aCl lton Stn,N.Y. Sold by all Druggist and Dealers. ITERI FARMIER HII 8 OWi HILLELR SItLENGE FEED 'tSILL Cpomblned Osage, Corn .r.Cob Mills. sfLI"L A CO., SORGHU I * EVAPORATING Pamphlets. aind Prices .sent to partles appl Ing, who will please risrttn In what paper the. saw this advertisemoraiah " Semple, Bilge & Co. SsourTH MAIN Sr. ST. IOd JOB0OFFICE. t I " e I JOB PRINTING A 0 EXECUTED WITH II n U Neatness and Dispatch. tl I eI PSPTERSIS it S . .t IIAND BILLS, I " AIRCUARS, I IB BDL lMSLLS, T S "I i S.i :' 1" rtim ie ou f , having Joa. ;PIIINT iloCG e z ie n ettiic itionlsy* and cheap are invited to af lat the oflice of the "* WcsarT"c.: I 1 o i Žc8C 4K, 200 PAGES: 500 ENGRAVINGS, and COLORED PLATE. Published Quar terly, at25 Celts a Year. First No. for 1874 just issued. A Germanoedition at same price. Address, JAM ES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. THE BEST PAPER ! , BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN now in ite 29th year, enjoys the widest circula tion of any weekly newspaper of the kind i in the world. A new Viunine commences 1 January 3, 1874. Its contents embrace the latest and most interesting information pertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, -and Scientitic Pro- ] gress of the Worldt; Descriptions, with 1 Beautiful E:ngravi igs, of New Inventions, . New Processes, nnd Improved Industries of al.kinds; Useftl Notes, Recipes, bug 'uestio:is and Advice, by Practical Writers, for Workmen and Employers. in all the t various arts. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the,. cheaptest and best illnustrated weeldy pa- i per published. Every number containis itrom 10 to i5 original engravings of new mnachiniry and novel inventions. ENGltAVI\GS, illustrating Improve ments@ Discoveries, and Important Works, pertaining to Civil and Mechanicai Engi- I neering, Milling, Mining and Metallurgy; I Records of the latest progress in the Ap plications of Steam, Steam Engineering, Railways, Ship Building, Navigation. 1 Telegraphy, Telegraph Engineering, Elec tricity, Magnetism. Light and Heat. FA~IMERS, Mechanics, Engineers, Inventors, Manufaetiurers. Chemists, Ibov ers of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Law yers, and People of all Professions, will find thq, SIENTIFIC AMElIICAN usefiul o; them. It should have a place in every Famiuly, Library, Study, oftie, and Count ing Room; in every Reading Room, College, Ac(ademy or School. A year's numbers contain 83-2 pages anad S:'VERAtL i'NIlrNiRFD ExNGItVINGS 'l'hou sands of xvolumes are perservedl for Iind i ill and reference. The practical receipts are well worth ten times the snuiseriptioni price. Terms $3 a year by mail. Dis c unt t Clubs. Specimens sent fliree. .May be had pflai News Dealers. SPATENTS r~~j In connection with Sj I ".il th, SCIENTIFIC A.MERIC'A M, Messrs. MuixN & Co. are Solictors of American and Foreign Patents, and have the largest eslhlishment in the Sworld More than fifty thousand applieA tions have. been nIade for patents through their agency. P.'ents ara obtained on the best terms Models of New inventions and sketches exanined and advice free. All patents are puhlished in the Scientific American the wrdek they issue. Send for Pamphlet, 110 pages, laws and full directions for obtaining Patents. AIdress for the Paper, or coneerning Patents; MlUNN & Co., 37 Park Row, N. Y. Irach Office, cor. F and 7th Sts., Washinton, D C. Jany I 1874.-l TII SATURDAY EVENING POST. A Beatltifiil Chromo to every. yearly Sub scriber. MAX. ADELER, TUE GREAT H.1ORILiST, ,A WEEKLY CONTRIBUTOR. The Saturday Eveming: Post has beenu the great Literary Wteekly for half a c·.n tury. It pulblishe Serial after Serial of Love and Adventure-and yet tdoes not neglect shorter stories; and sketches. It gpves a short Historical Sketch weekly. Max Adeler (the grea Hunmorist,) is a gular contributor. "'Zigt' 4be spiciest ofur lady ,write~, also contributes re'g lray Olivei King, Daisy Eyebright, 41a Wheeler, &c, ke., are frequent cor respondents. Our premiuni Chromno for the coming year,is entitled "ONE OF LIFE'S HAPPY HOURS." It lit a beaut --thb work of Sinclair & Co., one of the oldest: and most cele brated fimes in bthe country. A copy of this Chromo wil: be given to every year lubpcriber Cfr 1874.,. ,emeimber! .The price of tihe POot is fi., eehts l6*er tt Club 86tNpribets than tha prices " tliithebthr kti.laas Week lies, and yet we give each of them a Chromo beeidel , TER38--Always hi Adlvance.-One copy(with Chroume,) d3.00, Four copies (and four Chromeos,) 68.00, Six copils(and seven Chromo,) $12.00, eight copies (and eight Chromps,) $1l00. The mender of this last club will be entitled to a copy of The Post and Chromo gratis. Que copy of The Post ($3.00,) and one if Arthar's Home Magazine. (62.50.) with the Premium Pietunres of both periodi eAls, will be snt for $4.50. Ten cents extra must be seintfor mailing pictures. Ten cents must be sent for every chrn mo orared, to pay the expeaeue of mail ing, or ,. cents if tie chromo is desired moucted on card-board or nmusiln. SSanspla numbere seat gratis. Adras,' : THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, 319 Walnit 8tt, Philadelphia. ItoV'IS. 1(; viA :TI ILO.IE STABIIUTE i IsraTiS1Niar Js;iD Gft1atT donoaTnn RnILNRosA,.) P'' ssge.~ as gi~ telang to Tea via ,Meaphis and Little. rock, a viaS reeport, trilke this line at Longolew, the Det Route to Palestine, oHeirne, Wao, Ahatin. Huntsville, Houmont OGalveston and all points l Wetera emUntral, ~E asrmd sOILth in Teas. Pka~ngers la New Oleans ;ill find it the BestRot tt6 Tyfer, Mlieohl. DaUlsOverton, ot. eat vexa points la tcrn SThis l" e i " ei) suli: thoroughly equipped tri 'every modern iapreeement, including )hw etdElennt ly Coacheh, Pollman Pal eoa Sleeping oar, Wertinghouse Air Brakes Mlller'5 elmtsathi Ple , R messad Coup ler~- :uad unhoer, oluqp'tm t"e. jaancer so fortablejoi e. . mTmred the ur "HSlow to go to Texas " ythe publilaon oaf'ipteresttesg and truth li doabumeater; coutialag i 'rlnab ad oro bya4~e , gm e ERAh TICKET r AGEBT, lnternattonal andGremt Nrtbherh, lR~alroad, Hnaton, Texas. D)istrhirlt Feb II t The FaroritePHome Reimedy, 'I'his'uurivalled Medicine is warraL not to containl a single particle ofluurea or liny injurious subl)tatnce. but is I'URELY6VEGETAB3LE, containing those Southern roots and L which an all-wise I'rovidcuce hias pla in coulitrieC wnhere Liver DL)iEdses wl prevail. It will curoall D)iseases caun by deraugenmeut of the Liver and Bowe Simmous Liver Reglawor, or Iedilej, Is eminently a Famiey .Medihine; and by being kept ready for immediate resort wil save many an hour ofsuffering. andn uy a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After urertforty Years' trial, it is tin receiving the most unqualified t4stnimonji to its virtue 1iron4 persons of the hights character and responsibility. Eminet ,phylicians commendzl it as the most Effectual Spectifi for Dysprpsi;t or it gestion. Armed with this ANTIDOTE. all cliwmate aud changes of water and lood may Ib faced without fear. As a Remedy in MA. LARIOUS FEVERS, BOWL.; COM PLAINTS, Restlessness, Janudice, Nause, ZT VA38 NO 33QA&L it is the Cheapes.t. Purest and Bcrt Fami ly )edicihe in the World' Is manutfactured only by J. H. 2EILIN & CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelpbia. Price, One D)ollar. Sold by All Druggists. Dec. 20-1ly K R.R. R RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CUrEE% THE O0LSves PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes,. NOT ONE HOUR q Le.-: u'l: r.-til U s vrsr.:·n rt ire.l anlying Ti P'FR WIT! !'A.IN. II.\DWATY's RI I R.t.LIEF IS A CURS Fold, .vELY PAIN. 1: wt thet r'taiad II Tho Only Pain Rerne8tdy tHet instant lt itops the mro't ernetitlg ps!ins, aIl4, IU latL -isn. andll cures 4 '*e: Lr uue. Moth oft Lungs. .iruonah, lowels, or other ilndsuror orn, by aneappiicuoa. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUITRi, no maltter howy videt or exer'ieit.nt te al,. ti RIIKUMATIC., lei-rid lte. Intirm. 4nppled, eoarns, sluralic, or prtulrJawd with atsunst-sy siaer, .RADWAY'S READY RELIEF . WILL AFFORD INSTANT FAdit. IJFAMMATION OP TIU KIDNRYR. INIFLAMLATION OF THeI DLADIDER. INFLAMMATION OP THE BO)WEL CONGESTION OF TE IU04. ti 3033 THROAT. DIFFICIT.LT BRNATHIu . PALPifATIorf OF TB IlAEt?. ~BtEBICS, CROUI'P, DIPHTERIA. ('ATARR, INFLUENIA READAC11E, TOOTRHAC:R. NE-ItrUGIA, RUHEMATIBI. ' COLD CHILLS, AGUE C'ILLS. Theap;,li.atianofdthe Read Retierf othbpsitr p its ta here the pal orr dIenUty ex"itL willaerd a tand O:ulorl. Twenty dropsln hlfatsnbler of w9le, willafew anomena.scure CIR AMPS' SP .hSWOUiRT STIiMACH BRAIRTIIL'RN, SICK iEADALC I, DIARROrA. DYBSKNTEltv, (uQ0.C WIND IN THE BoWmw mall 'TaitRNAL PAINS. relrrur shuld allav' carrv a bem l of kl I. 'll Rela Rlelle withtl. AIewlruoIp wlliprervent sickues or iM.s from change , walr. It~ ibtr llr ch ~ -c or Rar sa atlim lant. FEVER AND AGUE. PFVFRANDAGURcuredforfifty cens. Th· is Sotremeilnamtin Ilunworrld that will careFe,*r and Aque. aod all ober Molarlon., Bilous, seaMr lhoid. Yeliow. and othr Fetverlaided hb BAP WAY'S PII.i&I so quicka is RADWAT'8aaADT - LIIF, Flltyenpeebouie. HEALTHI BEAUTYI1 STRONG ANiDm Frl l RICH LOOD-IECIEAA OlPPIEilI AND WEIGRIT-.CLEAiR KII ASS DiAL TIFUL COMPLXIOE dilUGD t ALoL DR. RADWAY'S Sllaplillia a Bnl i T iE IREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.ll HASN ADRTHMUMOSAEIONR G CURDG :9: QICe Da AID ma M ALN aulliiitiSanU llel flisap et SIhe A UbWAIT IDOfr and other FluI the i w rlbrttWnirith veaf the bdwith aw sAd eel D w t ese loWweuanbueT. eUi eoealar Womad wasest, mSead hUeARioda ILIA wlry.u doeosaf reao ecsrinlr; rv whenbols thilreely o ..enmuaem woo! paruntmtton. sn sueeds an dtmiahanil sanoi In rrearsg .ee Con livt e a ud disase; best iu nllmasy upoi 'lv e " m ..uuaair.M l r ulba olLseness wtd r c rew , 2ismsp ef 1a Year.' neb·s "DR. RADWAY'S' .rbtl rtateiLs, iwnplr.ytwith siwne r'e. IU Irzl a ftarinal f os mad lsr 'then 11 . .waselm S dJod rseefthatsb. Bowels. Kldn.ys.,1laiddr. - ervoua-ise MUBsts.liounneus. Bnllom)ever,1sliamnmanatio i Tiseara. Waia rralto ebacltpostire casri per Sos. 80L9 3Yw Dt;alliSTO. READ *"PAIJ$ AND TRUE." Putd ets I'*" *tampe~hnlRAll 4w'n . Nr t o. lrret N.. t' !urkgtnrnrmenu' w'.rlhtbousaadL·s·lt i. e