Newspaper Page Text
JAS. H. COSnllOVE, ... EUitr. NATCHITOC$.a SATURDAY - - - Angnst 15 1874. Advertislng ates. qUAaasi, O 5 5 lunare.... *4 d0 $650 1 00 15 u0 i 200 2 Nqaea... 700 o1000 1300 X1 o4 25 00 3 sajares... 1600 1300 18 00 2 3 00 4 elarue... 1400 1800 11 O .14 35110 5 squsre3... 1700 9o 00 27 00 35 40 00 6 squaras... 0 s 00 40a s o4500 Seqnares... S00 2 00 36 to 05 0 7000 8 sunaree... 00 30 00 40 00 6 0O 0000 1to quares... ' 00 50 1 mn TO .m 15 00 15 squares... 4500 60 00170 M 100 01 O0 SO sgnaree... 5 3 3 o 000 90 O8 10CmI1S_00 Tranaiet advertisememnb $1.50 per POqare of 10 lines Brevier. trSt Insertion. Each oubse. queat inaertlan 75 cents per q1mare. OvI 53 OPICWBe Ls a.pplied with a greatartety of type, and,work la this iAepart. meat p.erfmedn wtlli eatness and at mae0 . alt prfe.a Terms, CAlSR on delivery of work. Ratea ,eRuhlicrlption. fne (Copy one yesr .......................3.00 One Copy six months......................1 0 (Payable in advance.) Notice to Contributors" Nn communications will be publisbed alme secompanied by the author's real name. But one side of the aheet to he written upon when sent to as for inser tion. Articles tobe short and to the point, to hae attention. Thfes are our rules and they mst. be strictly adhered to. . C. . Communication received, will publish next week:. Wq return our thanks to, Major Ab ney, Mesr.. Joe. Piersom, Dr. Outhrie, L. G. Deusey and other Mends of Coushatta for the kind and lospia.ble trestment reotvge4 at their hands; we an asaure them o its apprecation and hope an opprtuabit may. occur totr 1i te proaste. Chief Police, Grenehut, ibs making the dr! boneo itp.along the rcers. A sl a raedr isteasdre sticking to his lat- "ranea muWah" last week on Front atreeC d the Maya took his last x. dH on't iten d e'tpero d any more, for, that tenwas 4lhe lad. The e orae. eopro sene, painted= io oil by eWr yoeag U :rim ý . Moite, is dtraI iia tteintl*e- Itb i well :." eoaotd indeed, wad be dbero e put credit. 'He lnteois *e ' : IE oa when all -th dAsses.s as takes--o chasices at 0 ot eoSh. Call at-T. Tausin, cornet of Front and St. Denim street, and try your ldck. If yea iqin you will have a beaueial pictte for library or digt halt., Ian' adea-- dk on Seoon6d.S , lmt nlgt Mo7. to rste forsamya whb would ta him bis ln.°eooamoda ted by May sitDevingarittel bill Two qf our ,mrodest bigneas 'rlth drew ftri ,:f Ld ti, osettIle wlish hesbal4heIve ,4idode," ~aWs preparing , are ttiU If *: e (rill asght, stick' tqo ae', war,io and biack eyn w4 ihes t(p rsule tqeea Carl Metoyeor, the would-be mten ber of the Poeaivyt is to btly mle. informed s to'r 1dsrsanding of Mr. ,aItoV. w4 p set him right iC~l . an. th.,pre pewe, see, and ealls ipon u. Thi publieblag fade states imth will 'ier iido any good, V r e -fqcni.,, him f read Mr.(?) YValun EDa n:have onlymade matters worse. It' maslr hbe pkspe" t ate to the publ *'o asi not'i acjqu tiia with' us, tati *s 'toi;am Va ,p Dq, whq publisa d .ads .las week ia the Re-. psbleats esthseity, are uelding some twsnty leaft t. w tbw sn ad ler Sspiserc ,e oaiit Sdh ay ;oue here reopent ,them. .,We ,hew. ever teiter, st sb tee 6.h s t'asbe ddsianralng tbAi, m Wad l *ith lb 4** iq= gi .t, : Thki fsppUEisnq41 behgle , tabs u tMatk ad uadis;llaaimqub th. Wei.vs thatiis.tof the"DBld alire! M op .u da Ia , leoylel, G·ap. l:,ascs s ad thei.. If itr kedoiwgpEtht~seMality f wy. eaueaOey hattlepiigalgeawa . quiimte Dehe. OWhr-d e," -,lir: tk to .h 'iLthemi, iss is between maunsthlt atn imlf, alid i n em t ae r lw nsus at ur aiO anets, , whe . l ed use, as Mr(t) Van Daon does, through the columns of azay journal. Party Names. The absorbing opic seems to be the ammo, undr whbich the whate peo ple of this State. 'iBall do battle for their constitutigeql righlts, for their liberties as freemie; In the great 'vic tory to be won in November next. For ourselves we are not choice, and are willing: perfictly, to take any ti tie that will bear with it any certain ty of success, although we fail to see what good use there id iu party ap pellations, unless a fixed andi broad set of principles be enunciated which will command the respect, attention and support of the white citizens of Louisiana. In the issue now before as we have butone object in view, as have all men, no matter what particular preferences they may have for this political or ganization or that, who are seriously interested and really in earnest, and are actuated by that one patriotic motive; and that Is the redemption of our fair Stats frojm the misrule of the Radieal and Negro party, who feast among the ruins of our once proud prosperity.' This great problem con tains not one. spgle question f. the success of. any great Nationalt , , and is in fact utterly foreign to them, as parties. What ire desire is, that we should not be misunderstood in this canvass as advocating ' Demo cratic or Republican principles, and therefore we'ap people consider the Democratic party as a party, as a National organization; have no more right to demand our support pr die tate'; line of polie .to us than the Repubicean party,~a a party have. We are tryinag to redeem Louisiana, and in so doing, ask the formation of a 8tate organization having a plat form broad enough l prineiple to admit of. ,bom for all classat and shades of politiil 'opinioa; of aien who Id ld estly iqseers I their 'de, sire and d64tailamtion to rid the Stateda badgovoernment. a .. The Republican pirty, with its lead of vies adnd-ekipg with corruption, have turned from It all the boast element in the South, and it woueald be ·ueless'to think'fer a moment'if oar people gongloito 4th condemned irank. This ins ; demon we are trylag to tshake o[, thin hyrliahbead ed monster, the Souaheiln 'Rial, backed with his besatlat m.jobrity over which their paid Press hrp so much. - That the Demoeratic orgafllation both in its Natisoa and State phases, is personally obinoionb to. a grat many'patritie and good men, men, who haisv voted. ts ticket, not . 1 matter of choice, but from necessity a well known and r deauable 'nderstaud, Whenweas wek . ws. not blame say gentlems ea se Ep~a litieal teaebilgst"and whb lve .a*m Iq org. nintrleo , i lee betlg ,i dietleMag bllitW roslulleahlehtR I pi6, by dinging to sate sdmotU aul l trly devoid 6f Its on6e abut ilrtlag psqm dlwt ba of th arsijmf hetl aand eplgse aw1 a; sid ,otguo po. tHe astage to rqeatb rts, e tepolithhlm ro lamsti dead Jouar sod forgst aot elsenlbseitd bth ud bi"goted pd. ef heltesedo· 'si ai.e 't!i le .i.....r.oias, Kinv, al to.' o o our tne nue of pamorale, pao~t 'p ll, .am,- of .' ...# ereao ,, sa.d Bdntor eIndlet@ se h Jt da ..rti 5~ Or J NA. . - malrr, blew to leoirad t a tlou taim vrea, kdus i184e . wae Ittp am OUTtti uRV IrEme i . CLOUTIERVILLE. Ignorant or Criminal. The New Orleans I.7plics takes a very stinPglarow ol the action od our people, in renovimg certain ish offlers; and in i:article inwto1 ia of altk inst., It trays a willfal criminality or a wanton ignorance of the whole matter. Its idul of the 1 "basis principle of Republiman gov einient" is well worthy the consid eration of some despot, for, the con ception of Democracy theraeaaneia ted, could be imitatld 'with good ef fect by the Khan of Tartery. This I. the first time we hboar that, law is the "basis principle" of Republies, and still notwithstand so good an an thority as the New Orleans Republi can, being the olcislamoutlh-piece of thbee whom, either self constituted or , not, have the bsnor of expounding4 the Constitution, we beg leave in our humble ignorance to differ... It has the candor to admit that 'ire have among as, however, a doctrine that whenever a ,law of taation 'repre sstation," mark, well, "ftaxstio or reprmestation," is opprelres upon those trio disapprioe "of it, thelps a reserved ad irnalienable i gbt to evade or resist such law." The above clause we think seotains all'ie "ba eis of Republics, and certabily that of the United States, for it was i on that principle and in direct ltieo of the ,laws of England,. that the Colopist's,revolted against, not only the wll of the mass of the English people, kat against the wishbe of the mass of the (kmbist's tA seduew; for we are well' aware that datiog the dark and trylpg days of the Revola. tion, the patriot Colonist's were af flicted with just such trimmersas the Republica., and jast ph . inebnsist ant reasoners existed.' It was upon this doctrine which is garbled in its meaning as expressed In the Repaubliea, but' whid, a peo* pli determined; to be free perfectly understand, that the people of this parish ",praded and resieted' the law and law-lvers of this sectiu.o ahet 27ta JuRE last. SNow somes the quostin i' who are the people of Natchitolhes par ish? And we' am again at eutremes with tht journal. Does that paper argue .tht the ignorant iegro, not repreenting ne dollar in poperty, pging not even his peol-ta, :e' to :,clae. ue "'the people," and to whom as a majority we murstelbmit; we who own all the property sad pay all the tbzs. 'Does, it aagide that we know that this principle, thids "mhomat right, of .evasion or rlistanee," means oppoetilon teo >bo tyrauyh is well as foreign, and is as ,eplicle to as as .o he Cglo~st's. AU oer model exapoendes of Ibpub. lies nd later day-gptrir~i, Wsop short of themill niadthwd ng of eo' presien, and qam d as 4 esB th 'lM t.ldties'd Ailae h a tion. Tratrlyilsm e wilaeo odiltithe whulthqusinPEi r ft "my Bull and your Ox." "Thell coa~a of the aggrieved people of athhi~les," was follow. Sexdmetly a 4isad b .tie Ri pie~~. W tRed tled m deo bdefs •a ""uaIr "t eedI, s t.i.. a" 7 of vi ,So 4e, m+~'irit mmt ~vi ah The av Audiito t e ' 4hl Ii "stp , -iI,. l'i I~ti a h pe'd·- ollatr ,·ntgro h, Ilpiis *vs. wia wM... a . e 4 foer ds.a toi4e sothle e ent biniss, tihate hietsipi. cd .. " I s Thi Ault d itoras apeald ia , im l asT , %a e, iep-tmeitm ' 'isduo Th ,uce. ofathi pary and ideas The MucccM orfthe "party,", and the acquisition of dollars, principally the latter, are levers more potent with sthan ail tho'old and hbackiled `oie, of jdtice or right. The people pre got tha "crestore's" of this Fede 1al Gove e by any meadsi, and we pay to your model Republic more than we ask in the shape of means to a build levees or cut canals,, and we would not Le:reduced to the strait of being suppliants for some of the ben efits of our own money, had it not been by reason of foisting into ppwer such characters as are represented by the Repablica, who after collecting an enormous amount of money for these very Canals and Levees and misapprppriating it, have the audaci ty through that journal to read a robbed and ruined people, a lecture r upon the duty of citises and an gov ernment "republican in form," and slap as in the face with being fed with "Federal rations, and receivrng Federal benefits without seruple and without thanks." We suppose this tsate government, this Kellogg mon strewlty, is one of the "Federal bene fits" we have aecepted. We of Natchitoches, understand as well as the Rpblicn, what a gor ernment "republican in form" is, and are fully prepared to take any conee puences which may follow the putting In fores, the d~parine of "evading or resiting" opprmesion, nor will such implied threats, deter us from acting as we consider a people worthy of the name of freemen should act; as those indulged in, that may "eome.up in an unexpected imanner." We trust our Parish Convention, which meets to-day, will .have the mianlines to meet tiebmlssuafirly and I aquarely. Wean eme so farther room u for "polley" in this State or Parish a eampaign; and we qpe those Who i are still advocates f& the temporising plan with the negroes, will study care- I tlaly the action. of the olored del-l e ates In the Republica eonvention ] Jtheld in New Orleans. Pinchbeck I sad his negro polcy are freely eall dosed'and be stumps the State in j advocacy for the afMHeniation polley. W Wil aeept thessue, ad we de sire our, people inconvention to-day, , to plmathemselves with the white , Ieople of this State. We cea.ot af ,'l i ,e au eC tr to a, plan of , that has beep.put hi, eountiosn three ormore times ;.these Isaothiag, new ii the aselme we have not alres Stried, Uqnd the wholepolbyofrdoaible dealing, eompromise or affilation, does not poses mne shaddow of me eedi. We nsist the colored man rduml be told in plain words what we ia,, spd what we intend to ddo, 'ar werd for it, if each is done, we will eomedn his eondeaaese ad eepect mona. tUihi we w io d with this 'tite liaggpesg tpshistuuwrandd4. Bauh thlgsweUll rstfltaadaseald ot be. liaulged ra~'ra ,'egsr.. Ca dor, hoae - is, Wbll might the poor miserable ez ie ots', .s: I: . e publamh th f.llping ,omtle l.s lRk of the 8thr , wi Iapbfr. it-.l ime d. ai party virtuous a Inigt al bpt. th4y seheelid not : W haire it from gselatheulti thet R larehping atdhisbhis.aL. saa* Issuing let rThibis I wmetheagh 'The pldsfcmeao e Vke l taken in urnbeswthm the aheve manho wi n h lso et Wta e ad Itisi er m ( ttu &ebagfilil, no worms, and out farm ers hajsmy. Truth Harms no Man. - The vietory of Pindabsck, the ad voae of his race eptd d.he Africni aten of oar State+, 4fraello and Pdikard, the whinldg fallowers and the white-livered fhinkies, who are willing, and do sarifice their honor and the respectability of their race for gaie, is, we think, enough to sat isfy those who would longer wish to deal in 'this wishey-washey never-to sdcdoed policy of open affiliation. Here is the question brought home and we cannot iee for the life of ui, how" the honorable white man can possibly shirk the lesse. Pinchbeck declares the colored man in the ma jority, and for that reason and that reason alone, he should assert his right to control the, State. For turn sad twist, dodge It as you may, there it stands staring you in the face. PAite. me, of Loansioan will or rse fuse to accept th gae Ie We were stunned, utterly astonish ed, 4bat some leading men in our parish were advpcating the same old want-of-candor policy, that has mark ed our "course in our political can vas for the past, six years. T'hat we find among as men, who have been tried in a thousand ways and found puare, who would desire that this "cup might pass from their lips," is not at all singular. No man who has the best interests of his country at heart, would wish to array one race against the' other, but ft hi beet done without our consest and we must meet the issue, or no more boast of our superiority. The question of the white man's party hue been ably ar gued, and In all it lights and bear. ligs we have been unable to see any semblance of ostracism, prsoriiption or disfranehisement, as some have discovered.' We do not object to the negro ea joying amy right, any privilege, that we enjoy, if he can attain that right or prievi through superior edu eatioa and d*arekr, but we distinct ly declarethat he is not fitted to en joy ofeial poeiiam now, from the fact that his mental ealiber-that his property identification is not at all suffiient to entitle him to such mark ed eooaideration of being constituted the repilents of ocill positions at our hands We propose to be "frk" witrtheir na farther, ire will not say anathlmg of them, of their ca pacity and representative qualifica tions, which they #hbeelves will not admit. All white men believe as we do, only they .lack what every man will be required to have, if we wirold succeed in this contest-boldnass and fairness . As we have bees asked how we stoeoda in this .etet as egards the use of compronte I policy, we hoewitih pblish 4ur platform" Whih we inlatsiid tpe-y as a ddlegate to. tb Parish bmvmtion, to urge tedr eolasert e~ We ask fort it eagglh for all, apd u iat dOua aoen, then we qe ilil g n1 subnit t4 Way lime ofsetkln ot cempresmisng, th eSIr. rues, our dI may se e1t to adopL - \ *3CLKA T Z0o OD itCIPLzS. o The wlite cutisps 'of the Parish $ Natatabjilge in Cavestion assea fet union at dua sm aep to Ipiede it flto athe sl* Ist Wed. oel U W eeIbe t e lo- ad ma them helding oae om a iu, be4 c lepe o( Mh IncaE t m Ignorance to govern pr Sl o·gaN .~,wbrli otoeilts, frth+ platslu .w s I, , ,.e+' ly the .ppal made b i ihe oetdia gerkusjaess tapdelus whites, ad tip I m t, bad elemeno t of ties ma wt ates , mum, whoo tsotie tain the iau poer to thel end whar re Js W$5Uoeir ae a ila. h g mae am wI tulilgentaid patlle sthe bql. du ties of selfats meat than they Ie theilk Is the bed beamtte of bad mIefblt they have idd Ie ne* .at of tahs bineedzau mseglity of those meai altheagi we have proven to · them tht they are liarsand thieves, they still retain then. in power to break down the industry of our 8tate1 wasting it by exhorbitant taxation, a~ finally driving its white inhabi. tarot to other States. •J. We declare that we do not in. lead to deprive the colored citizen of any right which is guaranteed to him by the Constitution and laws of this State or of the United States-on ti a~itrary, we firmly declare it to be our fixed purpose to foster and pro. tect him in all vested rights, to edu. cate him and his children, are willing to be taxed for that purpose, aso tl they may become fit to take part i the management of affairs of goverl, meot-to foster and encourage bi industry, and by a system of wio legislation, add to his mental, moral and material progression. 4th. To do this we insist that tin white race alone is' capable of bring. log about reform in our affairs, t by reason of their saperior intelli. gence they are alone fitted to govern, and that all offiees of honor, pnrt and trust, shall be Ailed by hoaet ano apahIe men of the ,white ames. 5th. We call upon all men with. oat regard to past political diferen. eos, without regard to race color at previous condition, who are honest and sincere in their protestations for good And honest government, to unite with us ii: the election and qualifica tion of white men, fully competent to .11 positions and of known and tried virtue, who represent the material intrest of our tax-payers and good citizens, and we request and desire the co-operation and support of the colored men of this Parish and State, who are rea1 desirous for a return to an eonolesical conduct of govern meat. 6th. We state that the People's, the eiform, and the White L agi~s' par dtei 'o be a vsm alyrVhltd ien's parties, having fur their object the redemption of our Parish and State from the rule of incompetent and cor rapt oieials, and the returb to the hands 6f the honest and capable Warra BMEN, the manaagement of our local and State pairs. That the delegtee now 'dleted will be gov erned in their action in the Conven tion to which they are accredited by the spirit of these resolutions, aad unite their efforts with the good peo ple the respective parhes of oar State, to settle Ml differenes among ourselves, and to unite with *l oat white citizens in proposing meat that will tenl to ' condition of all elasbes of citizens, and secure success in our efforts to bring about the greatly needed and much desired ream. in out govern ment. This may be Whit.e Leaue, it may be Rleform,lt ma be ldle'i:party views-but one thingj t ertaianl i. the only thig that ean rave uas. Arkausas oespttality. The resgnlog but note pariah sue o far at ltoch~ in their haste to eomply with the polite request of the overtasd psed that peri, eoaludea td te aeuest and least freqented read to Adrkanas. (at was their joy a~and tellef whentbey pesed tbe bound- s t line of the 'iwo S mand ueend themelvea within th' lidts of our hnospitable ·hber. St g ts ert at the tbltho t a the jaded biles bttIred anm we met by a bluf asheasker, v.h with 4.rj ad.fa 'oo the .akensack r, who albed M 'bosemer, to watk very elesely the misastemaasss anl of theisi;wsather umlir a dis.; anbe wauted to hbew ifhe wa cormct la his lspreesqlo that 1..l1 museen the said rt elelted a perenpt "whle wparty e o e.n pat *t i to f thh W as cat ta keb don't rambi. trqss any -a ia the easds whoi k w I be s eas.' th exiles. "Wel," drawlednet the Arkanein, "we whit Pa1 leia this Stab. No r e taitstis ap at the goe t ad wiaHt i o that , will hag I~aluarrbe Mlat wasgdsll oe thlettioa t Je a iatnW aae Isever puee r p uatil tearsoned the tlta.Irpl, whrse tha ledr 'liefanadeofort. How m htahoy cived will be learned by ar peredi of the letter of h e Assistat fAttern Genoeal, pablished ia the Picayuse of Twesday.--N. O. Pisryans. the esteetsoryards, within the city p limibs, isatrlotly prohibited by erdi nance to that efect, under fine, o for casc offene.