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POSITIVELY NO CIIROMOS! The DAN3UIT News. 'FOR" 1874. oiontaining every week FORTY COL UMNS of choice reading mat ter, printed on clear, hand some type, and flue white paper. TIlE NEWS is edited by the Danln ry News Man ; is contributed to by George Alfred Townsend, the chief of Newsrapwr Correspondents, and ether excellent writers, who will furnish fresh correspondence from the leading cities, mI4d contribute to the editorial columns. The NEWS has its own Scientific, Fashion, Chess and Puzzle editors; pub lishes the best original matter, the best miscellany, and the freshest and best miscellany, and the freshest and best stories. In all its departments it is edited with scrupulous care, and, is, in consequence one of the best Family Journals published. Sample Copies free --send for one. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year........ ................$.00 ipecial rates to Postmasters and clubs. BAILEY & DONOVAN, Danbury, Coun. Harper's Periodicals. IIARPER'S MAGAZINE. There is no monthly Magaziie an. in tlligent reading family can lessd afird to be without. Many Magazines are ac cumulated. Harper's is edited. There 'Isot a Magazine that is printed which shows more intelligent pains expanded 1l its articles and mechanical execution. There is not a cheaper Magazine pub lished.. There is not, confessedly, a more popular Magazine in the world [i(w Engl t i d Homestead' A repository of biography and history, literature science and art, unequaled by any other American publication.-[New York Standard. The most popular, and, in its scheme, the most original of our Magazines. [Nation. HARPER'S WEEKLY, A Journal of Civilivation. The best publication of it class in America, and so far aheads of all other weeklyjournals as not to admit of any comparison between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest collections of reading matter that are printed. * * * Its illustrations are numerous and beautiful, being furnished by the chief artists of the oun try.-[Bos ton Traveler. IHarper's Weekly deserves its primacy in this class of publications, alike for the value of its reading matter and the ex cellence of its illustrations. The edito rials on public affairs are models of dis ,cussion, weighty nd temperate, support ing high pnneiplea in an elevated tone and a ohastened literary style.ý-[Examir zuer and Chronicle. HARPER'S BAZAB, A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure It , J relly the only illustrated eul;ehoeler of huluion in the eountry. Its supplements alone are worth the sunb sleription price of the paper. While fully naintaining it .poasition as a mir ror of fashion, it a'lo contains stories, poelms, brilliant :i iy des general and mpersonal P-J -B0 ton Saturday SEvening Gazette. There never ws ansy paper published 4hatJ ielghte the leart of woman. Nev~mttP mi it does cost you o new bonnet; it wii save you ten times the price in the: houasehold eeonomy it teach es.-[{Irovdence Journal. ,- TE2MS: For Harper's Magazine, eekly and Harper's Magazine, one year $4 00 IIarper's 1eelrfy, 00e year 4 ,00 Harper's Baar, on year 4 00o Harper's Magazine, Harper's Weekly and Harper's lazar, for one year, $10; or any two for $7. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazr will be supplied gratis for every club of Alverasubecribers at $4 each, in one reniittuance; or six copies for 0O, without extra copy. The postage within the United States is for the Magazine, t24 cents a year; for the Weekly or Bazar, 20 cents a ydt, 1payabe yearly, semi-yearly , quiarterly, In remitting by mail, a poetoflfce or-. der or draft, yable to order of Harper & Brothfr, Is prefabl to bank notes, sinee, should theorder'of droft be leost it esn be renewed without loss to the sender. Addrem HARPER &. BBO'HERS, * New York., The targesft and Beat aand Cheapest Paier in the World fI the (Fifty-six Wide Columns 8 pages.) With Bollouks hoat iven' awiy ! S, 5 8xpelen copies sent fee to any addreu. Send for a speeimen andexam ine it. P" Nasby writes his Political Letters - excluaively for the Blade. Address LOCKE & JONES, Tolado, Ohio. Ayer's Hair Vigor For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreea ble,. healthy, and effectual for preserv ing the hair. It soon re stores fladed or gray hair to its orig'inal color, woith the gloss and freshness of youthl. Thin hair is thickened, fail ing hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimulated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the Iair with a pasty sediment, it wi 'seep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the formation of dandruff, which is often so uncleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious sub stances which make sonie prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit, but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil' nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Praetlcal and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS. OLD BY ALL DRUol5t LVE RT'WHEUB Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief sad cure of all derangements in the stomach, liv. er, and bowels. They, are a mild aperent, and an excellent purga. tive. Being pure. ' ly vegetable, they contain no mer cutry oQ mineral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering is prevented by their timely use; and every ahmily should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Song experience has proved them to be the safest, sutest, and best of all the ?ills with which the market abounds. By their occasionaln use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the system ex pelled, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy actiw ity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Aver'a Pills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient :'disease is change-d into health the value of which change, wihen reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be com puted. Their sugar.eoating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length or time, ae that they are ever fresh, anI perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and oper ate without disturbance to the constitution or diet or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrappe to each box, how to use them as a Family I'hys, and for the followin complaints, whic thest illts rapidly cure: i. ForaDpilia or lastisgteoa, Iil. los ue a a r, ant less f Ape tlt, they. should be taken moderately t Sstimnate iu tomhaeh, andi restore its heilthy tone'aad aMtion a .u For UIver C(omplles a.nd a va!rious symptous. BlUiois Ui eae , ick mHaaclaee, wauadice or 4ir~r Rnck. -_as, Dilllm. Celle and giileus We. revs, they should be judiriouisly taken for each ease, to correct the diseaed action, or remove the obstructions hilch cause it. or Dy tasery or marr.ums, but onq mild dose Is genemaly requle.. - For Ubeumuatlsw, MEtI , Gravrt, l'lpiltSle. of tbe Hesa, P im i SLe bde, Dlelk, and Lolins, they shonuld be continuously taken, asroequiredml tU bange the diseased action of the svytem. With such change those complaints dsitml l ear. For I. y and Dr cmsal Swell. tlme mtheya eod be taken m, arge aand fie. qucnt doses to lroee the olbeot of a irastic purge. , " • For up euu , alarge dose shonld be promote diestio and releav the stomaceh. Aneemalonl: dose stimulates tme stomaci ,a-d bowels,,nastom the appetite. d lavinora geonsWhere mno serious deragement exists. One who feols tolerably well,;olten ands that' a dose of thmte lI makes him feel deeid e.elybetter, from. their cleansing nmd reno Silneu fc on'h digCesiret atj,s. , wp BABuD By O.. AT s.O., 1tadl Celuoits LOWBIL, rAZB., IT . A. • anW at nALt DemTebirs afC1YwafaR. WILLIAMS' MOWER A REAPER SELPLE, BIRGE & CO, Peds Ms, £Im, s mim. Tietona.,a a-- bIuEl ue Ge t iare erinti s deuw asisa the VuDaCh0 rn Job OffiC.. RE Gratefal Thousaqds proclaim VINEGAR BITTERS the most wonder ful Invigoant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bit. ters acconling to directions, and re main long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted beyond repair. Bilious, lemitteut, and In. termittest Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Miouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo rado, Brazos, Rio .Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during the Summer acnd Autumn, and remarka bly so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably ac companied by extensive derange ments of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera.. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR BrrrsEs, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy ftheunc tions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against dis ease by purifying all its fluids with VINEYaX BITTERs. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Soar Eructations of iSe Stomach, Bad Taste ih the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpits. tion of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offspringsof Dyspepsia. One bot tle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, WAatxR's VIx oGAR BITTERS have shown their great cur ative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Ianminmatory apd Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Dis cases are cunsed by Vitiated Blood. Sechanical Diseases.-Persons engaged in Paints and Minials, such as Plumbers, Type=setters, Gold-beaters and Mllners, as thIy advance ii life; are sub ject to paralyss of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Wausa's VIIAeR BITTERS oeel0aUonlly. • r SkIn-Disses, Emrptions, Tetter, Salt-Rlheum. Plotehes, Spots, .'c m pies, - otles, s, Carunles ing worms, Soaid4hpad, Sore Eyes, Erysipe las, Itch, Sonri; Dhscoloratlons ,of the Skin, Het oS and Disases of the Skin of whatever name or nature are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short t4h· se of these Bitters. Pin, Tajie ainl otheirWo sg lurking in the system of so many thou sands, aa effectually destroyed and re movl. +No systeinof *e n no ver mifuges, no anthielminitices il free the system hom worms like these Bitters. ForFemaleComplaints, in young or old, married or siune, at the dawn of womanhood, orthe turn of life, these Ton ice Bitters display so decided an influ8ence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated BIlood wheneve r yonfnd its impurities bursting, throgh the skin .uPim-ples, emrutions, or Sores; cleanse it when you it ob. structedand sluggish in the veins; oleumse. it when It is foul; your feelings wil tell you when. Keep the blood #ua the health of the gsrtem will follr. ' K. H, LeDONA2sD.D O., 544t by Dang am et. l ' E: ERY FARMER HIIS OWN MILLER -,' CHALLENGE FEED MILL8 bCormbined SHELLER ND RINDE Osage Coru and Cob Mills. elelassI Swee o. 18 -S- w l ' gm , 5. -, LOI,. SOrQRUX ) 3NRY, ¶ SAE rIeLR S R ITH MAUI 5. ST.LO(r the Vinldicator JOB OFFICE. ALL KIND)S OF JOB PeINTING EXSiCUTE1) WITH Neatness and Dispatch. POSTERS, HAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, WEDDING and BALL TICKIET8, Of Every Description It" Persons desirous o having Jp* i•i dohC A R o and th ": . ,, * vAt.,n the: "VLVDICAOII.' . o 4 _ .200 PAGES; 500 ENGRAVINGS, and COLORED PLATE. Published Qnar terly, at 25 Cents a year. First No. for 1874 just issued. & German edition, at samen price. Addrces, JADIES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. THE BEST PAPER! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN now in its S2th year, enjoys the widest circula. tion of any weekly newspaper of the kind in the world. A newvolume commences January 3,1874. Its contents embrace the latest and most interesting information pertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, anld Scientific Pro. gress of the World; Descriptions, with Beautiful Engravings, of New Inventions, New Processes, and Improved Industries of all kinds; Useful Notes, Recipes, Sug gestions and Advice, by Practical Writers, for Workmen and Employers.lis all the various arts. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the chealcst and best illustrated wpokly pa per published. Every numbei contains romn 10 to 15 origiial engravilt4s of new machinery and novel inventions. ENGRAVINGS, illustratiug Improve mnents, Discoveries, and Important Works, pertaining to Civil and MechNwical Engi eerinr, Milling, Mining and letallnrgy; Recor s of the latest progressin the Ap plications of Steam, Steam Epgineering, Railways, Ship-Building, $avigal ion. elegraphy, Telegraph Engineering, Elec tricity, Magnetism, Light asclHeat. FARMERS, Mechanics, ; Engineers, Inventors, Manufactnrers, C mists, Lov ers of Science, Teachers, Cler 'men, Law rers, and People of all Pro sious, wil ind the SCINTIFIC AMnnC useful o them. It should .have ap e in every Family, Library, Study, ofif , and Count ing Room; in every e 'ng Room, College, Academy. or choo A year's numbers contain d32 pages and SEVERAL HUNDRED ENGIl. INGS. Thot sands of volumes are perse ed for bid ing and reference. The 1 tical receipts are well worth ten times e subscription price. Terms $3 a year y mail. Dis count to Clubs. Specim a sent free. May be had of all News lers. P ATENTS, the. "SCIENTIFIC' AMEiRICAN, Mesrs. Mu. & Co. are Solictors of American and oreign Patents, and have the largest est hment in the world More than fifty ousand applica tions have been made fo ,atents through their agency. Paents are obtained the best terms Models of New inventi s and sketches examined and advice e. All patents are publisbed in the ntific American the week they issue. d for Pamphlet, 110 pages, lawa and directions for obtaining Patents. Address for the Pa r, or concerning Patents, MIvlx & ., 37 Park Row, N. Y. Brach Office, e-. ' and 7thl Sts., Washinton, D. C. Jany 1 1874.-1y TII SATURDAY .VENING POST. A Beautiful Chrom every yearly Sub se er. MAX ADELEn , T GREAT Br UORIST, A WVEEKLt' ONTIBUTOR. The Saturday euing Post has been the great Literary eck for half a cen tury. It publishe Serial after Serial of vo and Adven re--and yet does not ne-lect shorter a le; and sketches. It ayes a short Hi et' iSdteh weekly. ax Adeler (th Hmorist,) is a .regular oontribn . f. 'gg the spciest of our lady ri aleso ontriiutes reg larly. Oive lgDaiy rEyobright, reppondents. Oqr premi for the coming yearoisantitl "ONE OF LI!8 HAPPY HOURS." It is a beat the work of Sinclair & Co., one of okest and most cele brated firms 4be country.. A copy of thisOChremm o I b gtiven to eter year ly sbscriber r 1874, Remember The price 'of (! Post is Afty cenets o to Club Sabseribmrs thau the prices e other frst-clams Week lis and. 'Cte eitili of them a ChrofliobI es. TERI ways in Advanee.-One copy (with hromo,) 3.00, Four copies (and four mos,) 8.00, Six copies (and seven C ) 12.0, eight-eopies (and seiglhtC"s,)bwi/0 The sender ot th last bwill be entitled to a seppy of The P AidChm~no gratis. Onec ofThe Post P '00,)and"one of Art Home Magazie (J0.) with the Pre Pictures of th periodi eales, wi be sent for $4.50. 'ep eents extra be erant for miling letures. in'gor ait f the chiromo i deuited mon n' ehrd-blh-dl '6r ioblHn.' nutmbers seat t grat. THfE TURDAY EVIENING POST, S Waldut Street,r Philadelphia" R Bra' o.. W ,· ' AIu1·'·e',ol usks lBatm'tet Ngrteai r Texs. . ! ifoest Ter n. rtes Uhe li w aI Witi, therosgdy equipped ful doeenit eia valSable sad cor AGENT,; lierStional *i Great Northera uaireoa Heetston, Texas. itr t sricE F b .Plh ii .a ET The Favorite Home IRetde, This nmivalled Medicine is warrntd not to cont:ain a single particle ofmsee or any inljutons substance, but is PURELjF'VEGETABLE, containing those &dlIthern roots and herl, which an all-wise Providence has Placed in countries where Liver Diseasea m0st prevail. It will cure all Diseases cau by derangement of the Liver and Bowlt Simmons Liver Begulator, or ledirie,, Is eminently a Family Medicine; and l,. beink kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering, andmola a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After over Forty Years' trial, it isstill reeeiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtue from persons of the hignesi character and responsibility. Eminnent physicians commend it as the most Efecinal Specific for Dyspepsia or lldi gestion. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and food may be faced without fear. As a Remedy in MA. LARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL Coul. PLAINTS, Restlessness, Jaundice, Nausea ZIT ZAa O mQUVAL It is the Cheapest, Purest and Best FaIo i ly Medicine in the World! Is manufactured only by J. II. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. Price, One Dollar. Sold by All Druggists. Itee.20-ly ; R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY REIEF o ClUis Tam walsi PAInso In :rom One to Twnty'Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR afteerradiga lsivretaleumamneed any om SUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWA'T READY RLIERPI 19 A CURE Fti: 1VEIY PAIN. It wasuthe irstand s The Only pain Remedy that laetantlestopatheaaemereaciating pains. ails , .nlJaumaazin, aod cares antograse, whether w rt Lugs,4a e orsomher gaondorepama, l y manppicasiom. IN FROM ONI TO TW'INTY MINUTT, so matter how vinkt or eaer ela Ut l uh U I KLNATJN. Bslnri4du, Iltrm. tlpphd, Renou, -enulce, p rouamteld hbdieuLeaayeiur, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF ," WIU. AFIFOlD TIl ar NT rWI. IIFAMMATION OI THE KIDNES. IXAS3lANVZLAME!ION or IlX ILADDMZ. INLAMMATION or Tiu BoWI. CLONGBSTIOIN Of i33 IjliO. ALP It AT1 Olr TE REARM. llsTRalrcs, cRoWu , DIarrMrrIA. 3PADPACHB, TOOTACII.ARU , IWW.V88A. NMURAWIA, 351M1" . COLD CHILLS, AGoUE CHILLS. Taheepplfesemolht Rda Rlefrwstheparter ad CaniaiL ST41 eranDAGITar seats. T isU eerl Twenaty drops altatnhbler of watwll earwae HEARTURN, ICK NBADACHU, DIA ll3UI- DYSiNTHIIT COLIC WIND IN THE I MI. awail I NTUikAL PAIN5. -~wIt n Iemiern €ims Se Tatriiomwll al waills D eler LSR. RIý m=!. RADWAY 'SD LIEF. FU1 IiP ·bUD HEOEAT IBOEATII SRIOW At a1113 CE 1 A1110 a3 _R. RADWiAll 8 aWillkna a Smpflr h IP r OFlrl l r U WOISt iseiw it ulei lint -, ,e"; L ansSL D Ibr DRUoqln stfl - " _RAD FA~lR ANs TR ." onto! rADWAY A (O,. No..2 WaWTs t. e om afrlwe aio lworth t ehious lll be een r b 0.