JA$. H. COUGSROYE, . . . Edior. NATCHITOCHES A'I'UlII)AY - - - Juno 19, 1875. Adhiertlsiig Kitaes, I sq;a..... I i 11 li 05 I0 01I #15 tIll #) I 011 2 siquares... 7 1 10 00 15 00I ^1 00 23 0I .1 pq1ttres... 1 10 13(g) 0 '18 O0 25 00 30 00 4 ,,l,,r,.... II0 I8 10) 22 00n l ini 35 1 00 . ,qiares... 17 00 27 00i 35 00 40 0011 Tri aars+n... 2l in) 24 00 32 00 40 00o 43 00 7 iua'.... 2300 27 00 3i 00 50 00 7!) 00 I squares... 20 00 30 00 40 Il i5 I 1 0' 00 19 squares... 3101 35 00 50 On 57 00 1.5 0Ii 15 squares... 4.0) 60 00 70 0On 10 00 0125 n 20 sqlgares... 0) 100 80 0 On 125 00 IO 00 Transient a'Irertisements $1.51 p4r' square of t lines lirevior. tirst insertion. Each uiubse. quent innortihn 73 cents per square. OTll JOB OFFICE is supplied with a great variety of type. anldi work in this deparlt. lment perfornmel with neatness auil at mioder. ate prirce'. Temsii, CASI E on dellerv of work. Rates of Sbscriptioun. One Copy one .yer ......................01.o Ono Copy six months...................... 00 (Payable in 4lvhnneo.) John T. Herbert, is our duly authori zed travelling agent. Notice to Contributors. No comrmniecations will bo pnllished unless accompa:ied by the author's real n:mr,n1. llt one side of the sheet to be wiitten upon lwhen seBnt to us for inser ticn. Articles to be short mild to the point, to have qttention. Thdse are our rules and they must be strictly adhered to. Premiums to Subscribers. 'Tieo VaJicator will be furnished to subscribers at the following rates. 1 year........................ Q3 6 mon....................... .. No snlubscription received for less t)han six month5s. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS INVAlttfA1LY M AnVANCE. W'e will furnish to each yearly saub scriber a magnificent Steel Engraving 19x24 inches. Now is the time to subserilbe-writo to our Editor for Club rates, in which we offer special indncements. I PAPERr Is ON FmL WiTr WLIM vndlmgCss C bs a Ct a e m a. NOTICE. Persons ordering JOB WORK from this QfOce, must pay for the same on delivery of the work. No deviation from this -Tde. Subscribers to the Capital Fund of the Vindicator Publishing Com pany, are requested to call upon M. B. Carver, Esq., Treasurer of said,Company, with, or remit to his address, the amounts they de- I siwteo pay to said Fund, without delay. , u No rain in Natchitoches since 20th April last. lr. Wyche, of Grand Ecore, con- . templates removing to this city and I oajliig a' Livery and Salo Stable. I ' lepald meet with every encour- 2 ;tfor he is an enterprishig citi. I . The Bmar Able was up at her usual -:ar onTuesday lasth with' a good a r"p ;fqr the season. We are more thaui pleased to note; that this tea6 p'lbt Ismeeting with all encoar agment. Captain Sinnott deserves frt ouqr people the entire patraonge of the trade, for no one has been so. pedlstait in their efforts as he,. to pshi abh a bi ranaug as it requir e atea VAiIiAi hits genial officers ara atlgentlemean, Iit1a , whoar it is. $passint to do -butines. w .as ; op are realy.y sffering for rains finthis t*ip ,.and anlness it come. soon, c wie *11 be an entire failure. 'ottoln hookin:g well and doing us *ell as could be iipected, notwith honotony of the Mayor's of iete a broken by the trials ptin meros oaenders of the law duiing theW c-c)aargy. genera;ly-ddruin, thg - ipeeaes Ave dollars and SDejpartment lhar been *Cf rt -f-vio thbusanad dollars " ,hams erated quits a scach lfttkg ad. pocket,searching Ile oflao, iot that this Is tsatlen from that in . : ive m.iltons but thbi *fiitim. they have 10sut a S1hath set. T hatt bag emr. ~ ias' # o all The Era of Good Feeling. The claims of the radical: party to the favorable consideration of any respectable body of our white citi zens, will never be considered as re quiring at their hand any sacrifice to remunerate. The party that has held power here for the past eight years, will ever be regarded with hor ror, and the memory of the War mouth and Kellogg officials will re visit the minds of the intelligent and virtuous citizen, only as that of rn lers, who, through the epoch of 1867 '75, were the toad-stool offspring of 1 reconstruction; the willing tools of as vile an administration as has existed in any civilized country-the rule of England over Ireland, or Rus sia over Poland not excepted. That this party, reeking with foul corrup tion ; its hands red with the blood of our brethren; its pockets still filled with unexecuted warrants for the ar rest of innocent white citizens, should ever meet with countenance and good feeling from us, is preposterous to suppose. The "era of good feeling" of which the pap-fed press of Lonisi ana prate so feelingly, does not ex tend its charitable benefits to the horde of carpet-bag and scallawag bummers thathave infested the South, with a path more destructive than the Egyptian locust; the soldiers of the " Union and Confederacy during the late war, are "making up"-burying the bloody record of the war that the radical politicians, both North and South, are for ever harping on. we have no feelings against those brave men, nor they against us, that we cannot,mutually expunge-but, to the thieving republicans of the South, 1 we offer no right hand of forgiveness or fellow-ship-they, that in the hour of pence, under cover of the villain oas enactments of a vile Congress representing the bigotry, selflshaess and blood-thirsty puritans of the North, crept into the temple of,oar liberties and backed by the Federal armifes, dispoiled as of hdmes and freedom-insulted our manhood and intelligence and murdered our peo ple--for these men there is no era of good fccling. Their press and orators may cry and preach the "return of brotherly love," but they feel and know in their "heart of hearts," that with the re turn of that "rose tinted" feeling, they and this are doomed-doomed to eternal obloquy and degredation doomed to crawl through an otherwise hhppy and contented people, shun nod and loathed by all that isi good and honorable--dying as a thief and a villain, the sins of their lives, will be visited on their children, who will i walk tihe streets of our cities and villa- i ges only to be pointed out asthe off spring of a carpet-bagger or a scala- I wag-synonymons terms for a thie? and a traitor. The anxiety manifested by the rad ieal press of Louisiana for a "friend ly chat" and a "social good feeling" with the honest white masses ofour 8tite, can be marked each day, and not with surprise to us. Our people, I thank God, have not forgotten the Sglories of their fallen friends in the long years since 1867-years marked by robbery, rapine and mueder-the cry of outraged women still echo from the plains of Colfar--the re- I vealed plot to murder our fair daugh- I ters at the ball at Coushatta, still I lives In our memories, and the stones of the street' of New Orlteans harve a not yet drank dry the blood of the heroes of the 14th Seplember-this is 1 your "blood record" not half told, ye miserable radical varlets of Louisiana 1 --and yes--yo. ask us to ifnagurates witek yo an era of good feeling. Look at your dishonest deeds; your out, rages upon our rights, our liberties- 1 we still hear thie clank of the cavalry sabers of Merrill's mob, to whom I Tarlton in his palmy days was a I saint-the abandoned fields and homes of our people-their firesides tmhe ' roost of bats and owls.; the decayed, 1 dead commerce of New Orleans, wit, a iLe tfowsands of starving whlite eiti- a Izens,. the broken lBrvees of the Mis- 1 "L sisstppi making lakes and lagoonsof a farms that one blossomned as the Srose--your eight per cent rates of taxation and your millions of public I debtpileod mountain high upon the sufferng backs of a poverty stricken . people-who) when the dark and aw. fnl pall of your rule o'erspread fhiem with Cerrible gloom,, might havie, claimed "God, why: last thou form. ken Us;" these'-thlese are some of Sthe everlasting monumaents erected by your own hands to mairk the ijkth I way in the bhistory of yo r ruinpua rule of Louisianla. Our sfferings have been too mulch --have' borne upon us too heavily, swId are too freish in our memotles to Sbe yet obliterated. The rA i allewil I ad men, thank hearea but few--men whbb eldim to be white men and demo Scnras-me who edit people's, veite b! paipers, who write in terms of apologp and chritiaus (t) Iorbearanue Stoand abeut them--these demooirats(t) r set ienoI they are eowarfds who I . Eiar. i spak. #ihat theirL heiirt Spromts theime, and the aioatlon 4d1 tatiee; theep- are the .men wbodLuac WJr4 JIi a their wpk and tpun vj~~i Pes 1it4 gore;" what is this whine now t It is the cry of the coward ; the sneak, who, either paid or fearful, would endeavor to detract from merit, its just reward. No, we want no political or social aMliation with these creatnres--i Democracy menus that, we must be counted out, and if some north Lou isiana Journals, who, when the hour that tried men's souls was upon us, crawled like snails into their shells, and who now enjoy aspay for that si lence, the crumbs from Kelloggs feast, f presume to slutar at the white move ment of 1874; its men and its meas ures; its results and certainty of fu ture success, and these ,journals are, what there is of Democracy, we want none of it in ours-no such weak, t puling, puking policy, will ever be r entered into by our people. We want no quarters from the Louisiana t radicals--but give aind take-war to the knife. This may be raving, may 1 be violent, but democrats of the mod erate, elinging, cowardly class and their betters, the horde of thieving, murdering radicals of Louisann, and the whole South can make the most of it. We are for a clean white man's platform in 1876, and forever-we in sist there shall be no consultation or .compromise between our people and the radicals, tlwre can be none, for the breach is as wide as the ocean and as deep as hell. There is but one way to win, to save Louisiana and ourselves, and that is with a white organization-that intelligence and 1 virtue alone, shall rule. In hoc signo rinees. Will those North Louisiana Demo- I cratic (T) journals who presume to slur at the white people in as mean r and sneakish a manner as the radical I press of the State, be kind enough to I "speak out" when they allude to 4 "going off after false Gods, as in 1874,"-we omit 1872, as we were not I r in at that time, and admit it was I I rather a "go off;" and in !'not thirst- 1 1 iug after radital gore, as some did " i 1 We do not envy the self-complacen- I Scy with which these publicans, "'thank t God they. are not as other men,"-nor do we claim any right to eatechise I them; these sneers are matters of i taste, about which we and they hon- I estly differ, and they are more than - welcome to all tire glory and respect 1 they may obtain from the honestwhite 1 masses; they may gain in that sort 1 - of warfarfare. The truth is, their exam- i 3 pIe will not be imitated by any one, I - save the most subservient tool-ready I I and willing to betray. Jesus, the Sa I vior of the world, had his Judas, and Louisiana, we fear has sons(fl and I the Democracy deciples who would i deliver them into the hands of their Senemies for less than thirty pieces of I SWhen we see journals claiming to I be Democratic, "regret the pleasure of not having seen the Hon. Senator A, or the patriotic Representative B, I 'upon his retorn home;" when the 4 world knows they are Radical thieves I or ignorant negroes-we begin to be ,lieve that those jeournals are one of two things-traitors or cowared. and 1 at this hour one is as guilty and ce!l pable as the other. E. L. Pierson, whose testimony is I not over good--in fact whose reputa- I tion for veracity in this section ise not of a high order, but whose word 4 I is good against his own kind, said to a citizen of this city, that Blunt was one of the worst and most vindictive i men in the radical party; that his I Shatred to the white people was bitter 4 and extreme, and that he could not I be made to 'give dIS sanction to the I appoiutmentf any persons to, lQiia Ia positions, save ignorant negroes and I anserqpuloas wl!ites. Title is a very i neat compliment to pay the saddle I colored Senator bi so late a convert I to his fold, lits Pierson. but we are not willing to believe that:Pierson 4 would anwitthigly slander his worthy ' rfriend and confrere, Blunt. It is to I Sbe wished, however, that in this fall- I ! oat of rogues the honest men of the I , country will come by their dues. We Spainfully await the opinion of Illunt I f of his young legislator, which he 1 i will no doubt express, and would ' I saggest the parsna (f) Imitate 8her c man, write a memoir, making him. I B Ielf the chlie picture in the galaxy of I S tieves, and we apine it will, meet I - with favorable consideration-from 1 i the detectives here and elsewhere. Beatty and Plotte, of Washington, N. J, ged is, is they. say, a very l liberaloerr to 'advertis tlheir plarlor -,organs. lIeatty and Plotts ma be a goodmem ant trueo-true to them seoves and sul good argans; but the I thing looksleE.-aplot tO bet us' t I(t i, of $1SS In adv0rItislng. They pro . , pose we shall give i55 in locals and l advertiaiog apold$95 d for an or ani. We ae,,not in want of any Switiad inktrauoent at this moinept, be , ing able todo.  itp "blowing" our T self that is required for this oSee * ant 'wo are. "no*tsl . bly,- as ) Simton 8Sagga weolB u iry,i want of Ster, t th;e-If dty *i1 send as the $155 cRspi wtsi i11 advertise their or y a$t etl rli pnters, at irhiob we S.t1ntr a~ t tha *10k Wtokseand h se o ,. , Republican Mass Meeting next Saturday. In our issue of May 15th, in com- f menting upon the return of Blunt h and his proselytes, we predicted that the universal quiet which has reigned a in old Natchitoches for the past seven months, the only period of real peace Ik we have been permitted to enjoy in a almost nine years; the good fedhbg and understanding existing between the laborer and his employer; the a happiness and contentment of the a colored man,-wonld be rudely bro a ken, and what we then predicted is f about to be verified. c It may be said that all men are free c and equal before the law, a premise Y we are more than willing to grant; n that these men being so have a right f to do as they please, in which we ful- t ly agree also-provided, that ."do as they please" does not interfere with ii the liberties and rights of others. We r have no reason to suppose that at p this early day, when the agricultural e interest upon which all other inter- ! est depends, imperatively demands v that the fullest and closest attention t should be paid it, there should exist " a necessity for an organization of r either the white or black party, and % as we have said before, it has not been r the purpose of the whites to in any C manner disturb the calm which we now enjoy, but, should the negroes a under the leadership of Blunt, who ti has called upon his faithful henchmen i to assemble with banners, brand and bow, upon Saturday next, 26th inst., hI for the purpose of gaining informa- o tion from Blunt and Ralty, of their 0 acts during the Rump and Called ses- i sion of the General Assembly last r Spring, should they, we repeat, elect ti to open the campaign of 1876 nowe, necessity, imperative necessity, will a compel as to promptly meet them. •I The subterfuge used by this saddle fi colored hero is decidedly rich, but is h lacking (by reason of a long and not ii at all favorable acquaintance of the ii individuals who make the enuncila- li tion) much of the "taking in quali-. i ties" to deceive our white citizens. c They have heard his clamors lifore, P from his Fourth July Spring speech, a in 1867, ini which he advocated the a taking by force the lands of the tl whites by the negroes, as they had b by their labor made it, 'and for that h reason were entitled to it, down to 0 his private confab with ward leaders, P in which he evinced his christian (1) n spirit and holy (?) calling, by recom- P mending the "swinging of the axe at t, the sound of his church bell," and id that neither age nor nse was to be v spared by his blood thirsty miscre- 7 I ants-we are prepared so prove this a asful statement if Mr (f) Blunt or hbl P friends and supporters desire it. ii Blunt lives here by entrmance; he ci must be 6tiade to understand it. Does b ire not know that he returns from ii New Orleani with the lies and foul slanders ther uttered before theli Congressional Committee, not only y against us, as a community, but n against naned individuals, citizens h as far habove reproach as hie is below o belief still yarm upon his lipst And ti does 5e inagine that the hatched e coampromise was sufcient to grtunt s himi from our citizens, absolution for ti his past sina-sins he is ever ready to e •commit with td:Ifu'l. zeal, when oc- t casion requires? e The white eitizens atie not at all b i disposed to allow Blunt to add1 public insult to the inojries he has already ' Sinfliceted open trem. No colored ans ti Sof industry standing or respeetabill- . StyV, cares a ntnp of the finger what I SBlunt or ani one else did in the Gen- o eral Aasembly, and he knows that p -this is ueel only as an exuense to e gather arouid him a nucleus for a u new negro party, with himself as the Ii shining cinbr piece. t We eand see what good bassa- e crued to as by the compromise, and c we are certain that this organisation b of the negmre by Blaunt, at this early b day, or at say time, ua aot part and lm Iparcel of the "unwritten" adjustment I with which We were to be afflicted. o Our advice, which we give iu all as a riousness, withoeut hope, however, it j will be headed, and we might add, - without cajping nuch, whether it is o not, is, thllalunt drop this orgarniass thon busineq-e4top this political agi- * tation as mar the alliag whdeb 1 Ihe hia .eued, and he will' be moe - leated bi~·a one-but, if he thinks 4 he an go onl isi old way, he maytake a that path, we care not-bht ms will p eertaialg come in contact with the , white people, and when he does, he a will fnd to his sorrow, perhaps, that I Sa people csaoot be madple to always subImit to the ditium and arrogancee Sof an Ignorant, blatant negro preaeh- a or, if he is a Senator and his name I is Blunt. The aGlghs are made iddeous in oar little cit y; between preaching till 3 o'eloek in time morning and the bil liogegat oaths of the "nymplhes de pavee," our good citisens get no rest. B The Mayor must interpose his author- ' ity to protect us, for the matter bas beadom a aisanee. T he Catholi church at Holyoke, . Miss., was detroy~aed by re lately and ' i a oumbeset Ilves were lest. taeems I Ithat thiallter closhe took ra. Irm a ibe emiesi and the building beintag I of tple the respteaid with Ighitnaig I nrapidity. Over aty persna werel I a cesbed, maothered or buarned to a fIhi W many more biadl or or faaly ie~j~are4 Is Pinchback in Earnest. The Minden Democrat says; The following is copied from the Louis aI ian, Piuchback's paper: The greatest need for the establish ment of permanent peace, good gov ernmens, and prosperity in Louisiana, is the cultivation of a more thorough knowledge of each other by the white and colored people. Since emanci pation and enfranchisement the breach growiig out of senseless pre judices has been gradually widening, until up to last year we found our selves as completely separated as if a Chinese wall were between us ; and it is largely owing to this lamentable fact that no political co-operation could be had between the white and colored people in this State. Last year a new departure was taken in several parishes-notably in Terbon ne-and the result established the fact that sncecessful co-operation be tween the white and colored people is not only possible but that it can be made emminently suwcessful. All that is required is a just recognition of the rights of the colored people, civil and political, by our white brethren, to establish mutual confidence and res pect.' With this object in view we have ventured to scale the Chinese wall of prejudice and proscription that divides our people, by throwing into its heretofore impenetrable pre cincts the Louisianian, which may be regarded as a fair exponent of the wants and sentiments of the hope to receive not only the approval and en couragement of our white friends in a work fraught with such vital in terest to the whole people of the com monwealth, but substantial aid also, to the end that we may extend our field of usefulness. Pinchback is just as earnest as he has ever been, and a careful perusal of the above article will convince any one of that fact. We would beg to inquire of Senator (?) Pinchback, who reared this "Chinese wall" between the whites and blacks of LIuisiana? I We do not refer to its carpet-bag and scalawag element. It was the negro himself, and we can say this without fear of successful refutation. We have since 1867 been more than anx ions to bring about just such a feel ing, politically, as Pinchbback desires; have yielded rights; cajoled, begged; in fact we have done everything we could short of a sacrifice of honor and principle to level the growing "Chi= nese wall" the Louisianian so poetic ally expaciates upon. How have those advances been met ? Pinch back can best answer that question himself, for it is written in every line of the history of our State for the past nine years-plunder, robbery, murder ; a State debt of $54,000,000 ; parish and corporation obligations of ten times that amount, are the foun dation and cap-stone to that "Chinese wall." The "new departure" in Terrebonne was promptly met, as well as the "white departure" in other parishes, with that pink of negro leg islation, tihe returuinq board law and clihoked at its birth ;and still Mr. Pinch. back wants more "civil andpolitical liberty." This fact in the negro character is well known to us, give them a yard and a mile is the next de mand. Here in Louisiana no one has attemnpted to deprive the negro of one jot or title of his civil or poll tical liberty, on the contraly, lie has enjoyed all the liberty; liberty to steal, murder and do all manner of things, and go unpunished; in fact, I every one knows they have had con trol, entire control, of the State gov ernment for some years, ant the his tery of their legislation shows that all acts relating in any ananaser to "civil or political liberty," tends to i the benefit of the negro alone; and I in many instances, so "class" in its provisions, as to bear on its face but one interpretation-a negro law passed to benefit the negro and an encroachment upon the liberty othe whites. Thie negro is no doubt child-1 like in political faith; but we venture to say that there are no people upon earth so easily converted to a hatred of Southern white men. They have built this wall and may scale it to us; but as for our people over lending a helping hand to demolish or placing a ladder to assist in mounting it, is out of the question, it is too late for such a thing.te be thought of. Too late, is omine., but it is our only answerj -why they did not choose this course when we were ii the mood we will not enquire, suflel it to say we are seot lathe mood uetj; we kaow low to redeem Lojuslatna 4hi t their hefP-rse mever intend to di e them f 'eonright tbe law allo s .either4 Sciil orpoliticsl, bat we !popose to Spreserve the reaet of liberty left as Ifrom their anreasomable deman(ls,, and that without their assistance The "Chinese wall" can remain for ought we earse, and it demolished, must be done by the colored man, who, when be comes lite our line, must at once know he is afollower sot a leader. Intelligence and virtuae alone can rule Louisana or any other State; the colored -man as a mass does not possess these attributes and in Mr. Pincbback and his kind virtue was never lieard of and his in telligence is of the parrot kind. The Louwiieania, will fail in its ol1 ject, which is patent upon the euarfaee of the article quoted; and we have I seen the same sense, in a different t phrase, in the columns of that journal I more than once-but not during the I ele.e proximity of the election, then I it is as bitter in its partisanshabip-as i foul in its deanunciation of white eiti Isens as the eshiiNa, or Iner-Oae.a. i At this moment it is engaged iscom meo'with the whole radical preas of the State in preaching peace in Lou isiana and assisting some journals, e claiming to represent the Democratic party, in organizing a "beef and chin music" campaign in 1876 ; in demol islhing the white organization, not the "Chinese wall; that the negroes, such as Pinchback, may enjoy longer ° political supremacy, aided, abetted 8 and sustained therein by the carpet - bag and scalawag thieves of the white , race, who have in the past educated f the negro in political wisdom (f) 1 The attempt to deceive is too pal" e pable; it is too much indulged l in by the pap-fed army from the X. t 0. Reprblican to the Mandeville Ware, to create anything in our mind but - the subterfuge with which we are at tempted to be betrayed. The move is ingenious but we have found it out and we may look in a few days for t its total disappearance from the col umns of radical journals, such as the Louisianian, and instead, they will again assume the functions of the a teaser in a Spanish bull fight, dipping B their flags in human gore (?) will flaunt them in the face of the North erm people. In commenting upon the decision ° of Judge Loaney, of Caddo, in the case of the State vs. J. Toogood, in 1 which the Judge, upon the plea of the Attorney for defendent, that Mr. Flournoy was not the legal or even r defacto Sheriff, decided that Flour noy had no right to the office, the ° Shreveport 'VInes significently says : I It is shrewdly suspected that it was contemplated that Mr. leffner 1 should make a raid on the sheriffs of tice and take possession thereof on ° being recognized, but, if such fact i was the intention, the parties weak ! ened, and very wisely too. S Slong as radical Legislatures pass special acts to remove from office per sons not of their villainous party, and I so long as courts by judieidl legisla tion attempt to supplement any de ficiencies in such acts in opposition to I law and common right, they will be C - met in a manner which may seem to them napleasant. In other words, if the radicals try fraud they will be * met by force. This may be edneider ed an unmeaning threat. All very 1 well; let it go that way ; but, if we remember aright, there was once in this State a 14th of September and there have been other acts of not al together harmless resistance to rad ical outrages. S What has occurred once may oc car again. The radical press has been crying peace for some time, and the quiet we will get, can be judged from what f Looney, the Judge of the 10th Dis trict of our State, has done. These plunderers have, it seems, mistaken the lesson attempted to be taught 1 I them-well we suppose that it is all 1 r to do over again, but we pray "t'were - well done" "when 'tis done." "Two VIEWS OF THE VOYAGE OF LI'E."--A leader, with the above Sheading, and in some respects, a well written one, appeared in the "Scien r tific American" of time 12th of June. i The able and learned Editors of that -paper, which has, deservedly, an ex I tensive circualation, not only through ) out the United rStates and Great Brit tain, but even in our little parish of a Natchitohes, must surely have been ) absent, when their locum teneasi hand f ed in the above mentioned editorial ,for publication. We must demur toi Sthe use of such slang terms as the WlWhy, the How, the When, and the -Now, in the treatment of asuch seri Soneus, grave and sublime subjects as 1 science and religion. To clothe them in such yankee jargon, only tends to I make them ridiculous, and amounts Salmost to implety or desecration. l Verbusu sat eapienti. [ We beg to correct the Shreve 1port onoutkwesters-Tlegram in the -matter of giving this journal the credit of clippin~ugs from the Re Spublicas of this place. We have I no desire to be saddled with any of the Republi.' honors(f) and beg our worthy contempory, the i Telegram, nIlot to thrust them upon uIs in fature. We represent a dif. aferent class oftpeople, and tlhfank ,Goda abetter people than the Re r publo-ann-dt far be it from us to, i I in any maunner, pay n doubtful I compliment to H. 0. Myers-that Sisleftfor the RqpMblies and it. friends, for he is of that elss., Our notice of the repaimrs of the 1 old Court house, did not appear till last week. i Our able cotemporary, the lasces of Shreveport,ronads the true key note when it mays, is an article In relation r to the deiesiouof Judge Looney in the matter of the sheriffalty of Caddo, "that thle white people- of that section ',will meet faud with focee?." Noth-, Sing else is eft us ; we hsave reached the brink, and any man who imagines t r that ought can come from Kellegg or his friends ave fraud, he must be Seither a fool or a knave. People who are anxious or even willing to fly to ' Kellogg courts for relief from politi cal burdens are few and far between, - for all such must know that they are e prejudged-Fear of swift and sure ret e ribution, is all that make these men wt ho claim so much loyalty,pay even Sregard to our existmnee. a Our mails, from some cause, are a reebhing as more regularly, and we I.bhave been enabled daring the past w. week to have on our table New Or leans exchange less than seve dlays if old. Another Colfax Outrage. Shaw again on the IRampange_-& r. tders an innocent citizen. Shiw, the black-hearted, coa,,n1 ly murderer, known in the psIl~ days of negro rule in Grant parish, as one of the leaders, instigatores ahettors in, and to the Colfax riot a 1873, has just committed oe of t most diabolical murders, for which lb deserves to )be immediately an,, The facts of the case are these: Mr. J. P. Herring, an old and quiet eii. zen of this parish, who has been faIn. ing on Red river, was going abort the country repairing Gins, Wells, &c., as that was his trade; in tim course of his travels he visited t1 den of radicalism, Colfax, wlete b exchanged horses with a vej,, r. ceiving boot in the shape of rjyo and a pistol-it is supposed hse,. hibited to these fellows a considera. ble sum, to their eyes-some ft or $100, in money. Herring then weat off to Catahoula parish where be was quietly engaged in his avocahioj, when Shaw, with a gang of negres, appeared with a warrant, charing him, Herring, with baring stolen tie horse obtained from the "ward of the Nation" in an honest trade. Herring was arrested, and Sheriff() Slaw, by grace of Kellogg, started 5Lel to Colfax with him, but serer arriteal 4 that place with his prisoner. FIiels began, after a time, the search for the missing man, and it leaked out that the negroes and Shaw had killed sad lmried a white man near Colfar, the body being exhumed, proved to le that IIerring-ae had been seot is tie back, stripped and robbed of teAw money and clothing, and thrown irs hole by the way side, food for Ib:.:a*d and hogs. How long, in God's name, ae the white people of Grant going to put up with Shaw and his ent-threat mis. creants ? We would advise them to get up another petition to Kellog, and be kicked out of the presenee of that cnss; there wll nerer be peace it this State so long as such fiends a Shaw, disgrace it. Death in any altM form is too good for such a arete and his willing tools. This is also a shining example of the class of men Kellogg desires to inflit oear citizens with; the am with whom he proposes to '"imasp. rate an era of good feeling in Le-. isiana. We contended all along, a5d still do so, that there is no enre fr the evils noder which we labor, Mae that brought about by a free anse hemp, and to start the ball, this fel. low Shaw and his negro compatrltt, would be a fitting example. We a more than satisfied from present indi, cations, that the people of more tima one section of the State, will be te quired at an early day, as a matter of self defence, to wipe out somes these scoundrels, and theim sowitji done the better for every one wai. cerned. Sale of Currency for City Wa rants. , The following is thme official ensni ciation of the tlhird lsa of emaenq for city warrants by the anatheitiks of Natchiteches: Courrency 1r 1Se W. H. Jack, $10 " $M L. LePaulmier, 25 " u W. i. Jack, 25 " WV. H. Jack, 40 " IMP J. Sprowl, . 5 " ll5I T. Sehuamsan, 50 " lD - L. LePaulmier, 25 " Sundries, 25 " , C. Bullard, 35 " Sondries, 50 " T. Sceuma 1s, 0 " Sundries, " L. LePaulmiert, 10 " Cash 16 900 " Still in the face.of the glb I city government, w he have s Inr- ing since Mayor Dqyuargaa"'.s ment; the manner and abillt wit. which they have handled eot *L finances, collecting over evee t-i sand dollars to tbhe Treasufr bysJr levy of but fouear thousand, ai"ese those who insist upon a chaepip I eity government. All we a7 about that is, from ceveratW in numerous of our leadin citoig, something better than a set d~s lation by an illegal houe, wfllh to be put forward before it ea lbe done, and as our fellow-citiass " Caddo, "we will meet fr(l a It ftrce.? -- -..mm O mD., Haller, the stove and fin ware -m on Washington street, is in recallld a large invoice of the latest impiar ed justly celebrated Buck's Brillrt cooking stovres, which he is dh& as cheap as tley can be had in leW Orleans. His assortment of tina' t and house furnishing goods is ae plete and prices such.as to guar53M satisfaction. Haller is preped t do all kinds of job work, such as relf ing, guttering, &c., &e., at the salt est notice and in moeet workmal manner. Our citizens dshould remerober that the conservative press of Louiiius live by the genereas support of t people-a people, it as true, porety striken, still they must keep up sth bulwalk between them and their ths5 Let all who ar me our friends ceall Col. Win. Ml.~evy or M. H. Carve' who will explain the condition s1a objects ofat the publishing company.