OCR Interpretation

The People's vindicator. [volume] (Natchitoches, La.) 1874-1883, May 17, 1879, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038558/1879-05-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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Am.l"aSD A dllhr.
rrr~mJIacltr , • • • w.
. . -- i -.s - ss te
N 1. ,s oil, il ore . V,
Sl sad . hl le Eo
m ay s"$$1pt a a*1
ise. s is fellow u,
. a. M it who bsnl o ef
,iIl o she Bot s k c L
mies tihme, msl i
bI eb' .z ss... .oI
.I i ie se, i . a l:
iiiit " " -iii. "Ib,
i tb . a s betleusIa. *m
w•, I A! t .I . shale
is r
i agi aam 1s"t Dese. m
'ýw oilg sick heave. 'p
ussmbs bell thes nsss s P
e wi IIt.is bsuls W
1! .k, is - -te .
b a *m*S m1lme *i* i
rMb .sma*s.... a, T1**
gggibrte Itgk, il md* .
rtr ,II. i .
as aleug re esk weau., bi
W, , I , - I
she **** I
gggggy ~: . . i "gg
at imuurr emimite
., .1
bI h Iaeless s a tle
I~U!.--Q~Y -Ill(~
d:--- - Lo~j LA 4
j~ r rLO·. asseWrss
~ Y~ele***
an as wei;(
li' ali ,cO 8)*
Rhladim Is · a e s sa
ceatei fix *yoarth tae )
is wllbtlb gibe II ewt , l"
. ý iht i all eases for viol'atos
Sshelaws ad aterdsrosno the Mayor
and City Corsoit of NatchitoebO, whre f4
alas ed teofpreohnsil re m I
o d y Ishall, In default p.t- do
me b-ithe the Cihe (t ro, aoe sr
the"p-wtot thNe ett payli, ofi
o Sst oad' s.i - "piest n1 the be
the u of th Mayor, and doteJ3h es
a 366 mil os*as tentSwbO dli ar
hs ok btitUP tsf or eh estnoe h
Sud tlr a Oeiss e muller within thons
SrpoaUelialtSdthe City of Wahit.. do
y Mn , enal, covitio befor the he
* a Ao Of sot loe than te at
Sll ml.lna twenty,-fe dui- tlb
dolleuge ae meet titan 1
l, t fiA . Io r eac b omea .
%'i ý 1a rn. 4Weoos MOM wthoin 1r
isu:. T hai p o teCii eo to
Sa shaIll, on coiitlom be- oa
ethe hoe fed in i. the. of th
. , { ogiv dolars nor mor than U'
A. .. t fon r each 44won. I
I mth esa t" isto ae M h City i
of Sa siteli h ne., shall a eeavi lid
e t by t M then roe rd l
a o$ eeosl K r ift doll ar, tpud a
f' itr oouo ; an may.mri w
. rI soeGft dsctiU fnto n onoelS l
o e. T. " That sy who oha lb N
i tlhod uPM the lieo IeI t s e irthe id l
:ina m arb mtmian l~ae 4 _ t
eo Naesbie the eas y ediospelly, sharll al
Ias t. That lmashea hiswfal fo ,rY
oaem by h City Marshal I4 ri
Sbrsoqat t ~ maylor .f at, bit?, ti
aI de. sodtheleer l sh oel. Ii
ed beinIa ii oter o inch see,o
I p ea i aU is , a ofn.a ut s
thon Ivdellir ee metesme th twenty i
de IIw, .andu m d to p ie. aS
se.r Ataany.pee wheohall ho
uiltyd et. alut m eenp a irp nt hi a
t PinP. or >e p #r 1 dtl- u
tpý itr s te NorrnJ
e ttses to[mst e tht e as I
p. e t sh ia ie, eps ou
-i 4
at.msa aytatll em sTl. )
S tss i dthuhpdr .beoet e4any a
?o-su.we.ehne. , withins the t
bCut(ya of Natlhitsi I
.t l4 ilafcal dIl Iiiir eaih sad ei
fl ise, tseo mbl with mats ato t the
l1a - i at Ism .
ft hs i eaness
it din stir dashea1 eapo
es. ta. . w.
dlL pIN th o tI*rI I n I
SilI te, m lri b-. ii , .
fsgs il.ss all hnl
4 I "pr p ~ Ipa s t.R
att g1,, • th
assuo eni absl
E pasrwte RatL. p I
'5lb sal l h
omp the povometat t
Ii.r oUslaetdowargom of Ip
ta e sethet, tm e
a .w webtiabrtll ho unlawful
:e f'nu~ tmUl
~il~~r r rIlrL~*eirn
;Ik 114 wlw de'~w8uMJ
to is her mre, than twsty,4e Na
ramnd powder at one tioni, shnll cte
i il t place the qnsatity over clii
sad above the said twenty-toe puIa in ,-.i
ad ued subsnhtantial megashe, bilt
ik or stone fear waeh purpoe, ad the
on ab. Iflnlm, rlalal or ae sj to plae
aoeb mriplas quantity as fesid, is a "
*agsin5e as described, she persa on m
failing, refuslinag or ngletiig shall sNf. del
foralno at the discretion of the Myer nn
set to *seod the Maim of twentyAve M
se. St. That the twenty-vt pouds
fwds alla owed to the kept th '
i sedea toIde t ut s mM  sh Imlt -g
benpiues luaud kps in a t era dtes
E o, 5da violateo dthis ertle sha ll
sauIjst the ordeirt to aso or iLmpriesm. I
mI t at the daemtIMs at Ibe MaYe. ei
Sec. U. That ays n whos0be to
arrIstod earg d wti lathgl a' - t
the laws ad .dtdn!wst tb W P
sadasdCy atCoastUlef aeoaif ab
douing ý bo ouef be ;r1;0l mil Md
arure6ss 0 be iades at a stl h fe
the obrt isa ot bng bold open for Cl
il, then stla that ease the poy r
rested shall be placed ia the Parish
Prison till seo time as the llalar's rt a
i ospe secordlsg to laws beeIo contain r
Sed; s section G o charter; provided d
r that in all cases, the Mjor shall have 1
the rilght to let the po so Arrested a di
liberty upos his giving bpond with ip
iproved seeasrity in suach sum as the May. Ii
So, lt Aptr b ebir her' pparanef for t
t ii m es si day at the hour
Afed foropenig th beert, sad a
ai ort,. orats ermsl to givesno h
br1ed shallb elt sem mlta diI to i
n ý h till e ddlvsd s i de oims s
8'3That ',ngi the sooe day aifsr
I theday sed for the trial of say psio
who may have entered ite any ond or
obligation or his her or their appearanes
or attesdaneo at eourt to answer any
charge, it shall be the duty of the City
u Marshal to call iny and all persons whoe
Shavoe itosred any bond or obilgation as
I aferemid,land slso to ll upon the seen- .
I riti tapidce iistautor in o rpen enot a
thepesaoao saeh defendastor pary tse i
.eased; asd ape fller to comply there- C
t with, the MaYeor shball forthwith enter r
,njaig at lagains the puisclpel and I
-IoLr assoltl sltide forlthe ell t
"a sut of the heed or obligatinm.
S Iee. Th ItJshallht sla wllfr
. ay periesa or peasses to drive or lead 'i
Snytettle as any- e the eatre d' the
r City of atblteobs provided, this hall
n et ifto ewatls sader yoke or imtleb b
. eow s dealves boing lo or driven to
d thsb ense their wner. A "a p-e o
I violating this os a shall' Ib l l
I er iapelsmad at the dlsroltlm of the i
o tMbie isitste of the Cityl lst I
. itbsmueder a altyI ome or C
-a3 i o ,Ii
K h dleiAr g ted aor eleIed t bt
.ti.l dir  To b ern -
it li ed bF sal Iasti yayo siv i
.md W bad m i
i t Sea. .e iet dalme d b thbe. .
S l tid so t iaio rp dd ai.
iye ard CitN n CoMdtel el l
re- tm , .on 'o'sell , d, It
nsl uIu. _elm adhmlad  th 
· Myrsa City Couudl nM atoi l
pEms VesiMien o the
th s mi loMwl  teruel s t
to p hath ,Mo ses sire,
P ho s-. oeettaesheoreuhellihio.
'rto e laSl a Htg by eekrI, U me
"erts mhaups.
pl :T at l s"tI . elt
ll a a/ia' he f,
o i a ~d thesISa bbde ias
SthuIu ble I o etrailtsa to li an
eIls iesLlictl al evideaddpr b
ass e su r b eikfer :aem
whsr eadr him or her phyuISm lI
Ssshet pehse mus
te* fewelbythelorsUd 8 Ci 0...
s taeMtho ad I. tha tiem th
or applIet sarll h e psed o the
ha sliseaus. reaur tbe da. hrtl the
petle 1o 0 VSfrk.fsd tsad mmit.
S Ia the pasiuttee shoad vs.
t **estm usfserable. sheth 5ball b
** tlblrsetbher tsad umlm a C ijet d
o efthsheI ahlt ur4 rsto dewo s.al
.s dey mlhetit time a tho apth ela$e
.4 kir ap uit haiil peSpl asi
he IIy fltloe ee de d te th theufr,
' let.ca wa Thrret daviu to samier
Se sod taen emouts, shor M mre
a )hIbthd fr otm
rosearm the
forc ~ the Uhe imr obi
a tie hk ssemd saa~e f th
Maysr atd lcity Can.il of Nastehito
ches. That sapm th enmphlaint -f twoid
citiS..s in whilJitm, Iyv priVY orf
privies witilin the oily limits shall ie
declared a luseloanle, anid thIe owner
there .f delall Ie. ,.,lupallhed to cleans, t
and purify the nsame within twenty. M
fnr i,oour from due notice, snld io Pal
default of nt doing shall L uer4d or Thi
imnprisoned at* the discletiou of the fy
Mayer. He
--" Im.
SSeaton 1. Be It.erdaIed by the m
Mayor and City Counell of NahIblto. si
eais, That in onder to make kaews Cb
to the dedawas of Nathiteehea thle
prevoloe ,d this ende of laws, passed C
r sa adopted for the goveoramet of li
th Ctiy of Natbiberhee, the said ,o
t code shallbe paeblied is pamphlet fit
Sform sad aopiesm e distribeted la th ac
r City asfollows: O copy shall be at J
the Mayor's bes, one at the poblie "
market and one at tb City or Fire.
men's llone copy shall be deliv to
ered to esci oMeel r of thoe ity who o.
shall keep the same in his poaselsion utl
Sdtass his term of ece. fr
Ies. e. That ee* hundred sad oil
.lfty copies of the laws be puilted at Irn
r the leos th d Vianncasoa.
ao 3.. That this ecdoer Iaws kbe
eussdsred legally promulgated -e
ees as tbeesam is proted sad dirs a
rtribtauteda as fnthL ls etions dra
ad assend of this ianordie. 13
rEgIlgRT. la
bt9seU. Be 'l ordained by the W
Mayor and City Cosncil of Natcaito- t`
Sches, That all perums now holding g
or owning Certibeafites of Indebted. a
. es of the City of Natehitoches, or of
t warrants for the payment of mosey, at
the City shall presens tlh same to the
- City Treasurer within sisy days
r from the let day of September, 1179,
for rery sai d mumberlng and class
I.lied vy et osad on presetatina
the Treasuner shail ilmber, ad r og.
d ist6r ad elashify the sme, anud the ti
e said warrants or esrtiIcate, after sr
n dtel duly laild by yearsr, use
b btasd unteid, sad a en der
0 led by the Trrster, shall tbe payable
"oer or the fuate of the year in whieb
Stihey were haesd, sad receivable for
-r the taslevied say year previous to
r tlhe in which they wee eaed ; pro* .d
- sIded, that me nbrtlete or warrantm
i Isseed by. the City asle the la iofr
a Otober, 177, shall be receIvable for
S'a.y tabs; sad provided, further,
that after ite klaptatlou. t the ilsty
days,.aforealid, so esrtilate or war.
tat which has net ass'or " an1id
umlared s'ad e d sld as ll
m reqired, shall be iaserable by tie a
i CIty TasCsllstr is pymet of sa
f* isn or liisee wha teer, dee the doly.
* Sheth 1. Be It erdaled by the v
l Cty Ceumell of Nastbhts b
II Thetye steesldm shall e ea
ai wd. sheafis
dit aim I wetdlUg, om the May. -
keeper theref and Mar and a
sheI Ierai Shar. thielaty wer
hI sau to')" .o i,,.1
.h is smw the eades sdlsgtw yhs ,
o the Itolfi hnh mles of -
a giai wfh the limb. des
S Th-a.theTresenrer shall b
Sdlsed a sedl
uto eeoft preesedle of masb mte
; a dai ll read loead all laws i
s leeo atU ims sld et h
Ie lisdh y ad eserd them la I bI
M hypier th"p sad elrtlfelt
r e lsaeu aserit of all laws
ad elaee suhall be ium is
.. DINANCE o. .I.
"+ 'sabI. ' . rdamed by the
by r. sd it Chali l Natehlt.
h cls, T n the s se.a of el o City f
re. the ll owo~ sad Iwpeese
SNts te i st,' Ciutrt, Cint
e Iee igflbdM ami
all weeks
* eaienu e asy tat t e mag
be U hie Iwa tuesemmfr
rk wo he a obe.r. m
maIl i gebs, *1 Ise us CI
wQth euesbsfims~·umfl
by 4
ead of Wstbi,,te stryes; on the west ot
side of Flet street, (tom Lafayette the!
gn t itjneoett with TbOlne sotreet; or r
m iter sitd of Jefferson street, Iroam coni
Frent sree to Pine street; on the west wet
side fJteersea street, from Pine street if as
to the southern boundary of the lot of nif,
Martin Jasn; on the north side of fur
Pavia street, from Washington street to anai
Third street ; on the north side of Lx- he
fayelte street, from Wshingtontl treet t
to Seoned street; on the north side of tice
Horn street, from nFrnt street to Second per
street; on the south side of Horn street, to I
Ilgs Front street to Hutuson' Liveryv ce
Stables; an either side of it. Denim street, the
om From street to Third street; on the fe.
north side o St. Deale street, froe Third de
street to Fifth street; on either side of she
Church street, from Front street, to lieu
Third street; on the north side of Tru- hib
des street, frem Froot street to the t
College Grounds; on either side of Tona the
lie street, from Front street to Second al
street on either side of Amulet street, ha
fi rom Jeerson street to Second street; plI
on either side of UCypree street, frome a
Jetrson street to Third street; on the ear
west side of Seoood street, from Cypress ed
street to D Metiers street; os the east pa
side of Second street, from Amulet street as
to Tonline street; on either side of Sc. the
Sand street, from Touline street to Horn ve
street * on the west side of Second street, lie
from horn street to Pavie street; on fei
either side of Tears street, from Wash. we
l ilugto street to Seeond street; on the an
east side of Second street, from Texas .h;
street to Pavie street; on the east side of th
Thimd sret, from Texas street to Lafay
ette street; on the west side of Third ta
street, fem Texas street to Sibley street; ty
on the west slde of Fifth street from no
. Deals street to, Sibley street, shall al
eaetrust, atd when armdy ot o trcted, of
shall put and keep in repir, a good sa so
suselent side-walk in f t of aid lot or si
lots, to be paved with brick' or stones, of
with a width of not less thsn three feet on
nor more than six feet, and of an eleva. of
tion aecording to the directions of the th
I Surveillance Committee as to the width cu
and elevation thereof with a curbing of ai
r not less than four inheoo wide at the top tb
and ten inhes deep; provided no new St
lavemest e required to be made until
airther notice by the City Council. Ci
See. 5. That the City Marhal is here. at
by required to notify in writing every me
proprietor or duly authorized agent of as
he proprietor of sa lot or loet situated u
* sn the streets enti d in section 1 of at
a this ordinance, to construct, or when ti
Ir leady eoustructed, to pt and keep ins tI
Ssed repair, a side-walk, secording to
- hproioas os said Irst section, with fa
in thirty days after the service of said at
notice on the propritor, bhis or her agent,
r at his or her domiiL fo
S ac. 6. That when the proprietor of ti
Samy lot or lots In mid City is not a resi- p1
* debt of the parish of Natcbitohes, ad ca
i has no known agent duly authorised to Is
f represent him, or when the proretor is h
w unknown, the Mayor, Parish Judge or a
Distriet Judge, as the ease m1 require, ci
shall appoint a Curator ad Ahe upon
.hom aid notice shall be served, and ec
sahd atl4 shall designate the number tl
id add laity of the letor lots lif ros of ft
: which Ua veast is to be sonstructed
T 7 l. t msr des notlc glven a
.poevide_ by the fregeoing setions, the
side-walks are net eestrnacted, and whe nl
sestSaeted ai mot k is god repair ti
tseending to the ters of said not
the City Narhal is heby a thoi u
sad required,e o the order of the Sur
0 eilianees Committee, in the manner I
i heruedtear to ef mentisuw , to an the
Ssamd de-walks to ha oastructed or put
St e lk a usd repair, as the m easy
S ie, at te n sease of the City ofd
Ias xg and the easte of sch con- ti
,eitutep d s ir, as well athefees b
f lr an Nriy g ti and publication fee C
g dball so aolier sad prvle ge b
. UR el dl t reem er dt befseay
an goS. st Is ll casd ses mba. the t
mo bsbl e case to thCity of Niokboches a
I he natertlon or repatr of any
. i l , my other amlls uwok In
0. required to advertise by notie a
p iat th door ohf Court Hone
g ssit y Sr pepale to commrmoe to
ads nteba Is soed t oe Mar.t
r* Iah; Nat te sMu Maeshal aul
it rSfste the part oth City with
1thpp wh opeoa to do the rk
y as i t soa tv odhe r
o ndn Ciou o rel, wit seuhrity l
dimeea hs bwid, o1timed fi or ts
aithful and woebalike ad e- awnee
of the amntrut; proidd, e t if eob
peman ails so give bond a herseia r.
lird, the teeot shall warded to
e as t lowest bidde who ea f uerlsh
tditsh d sat Poslri lti t qI a
. mlttab sbhll hays the solualve authority
h to dirsesthe widthgrade and haightof
all pavements e the ide-walks within
te City; m me shall he permitted
I tolteri her h er rade a nd hof
av I rpairg those a, ed
'4 wto asks Y n ed w avemeut dif.
r e on m . B t dle and he hty
el th m l b issies o theu maid
or andt w spena to s o ltyt of ye
Sdella r ueacb Ianation of thl ordi
usae fto h olleted after tdral and
Seavislatho hl the Mayor, a la ordi
he SetIton 1. d it rdatled by theis dy
. or and City Couail of Natbitoohes,
f That arl seals peesome, rseidents of the
t Chr e Natehbitehs betwee ouhteen
Searn of age hallb hEsub.
to work ee, medir sad eles the pub.
of le bt atoo th City oef Natabeitole,
eu er eaeb providoans ad regnuatiomsa
are dU any h haliastiatmade and passed,
eet see %hsesesa rsse exempt upSde
th-few tota o Sta of uisiran, from
rdt he pil raeede of the perish;
tat eli peons ejeet to such
wrk s afor , e ha hame rslded ln
theCo fr t u m o zthe ext preed.
o, Ithe ty aallb I listo d for work,
doe. Usl That t ll ethe duty of
Sth Assessor of tae of thbis City to
nmke a list anmally, at the tim of ask
me lughis aunal adu or roll, of ll
ee pero ueasdinulg with s u he Ct llmit
o~r sieet to stree duty uder sto l of
t tis orudinuse, and Umeh list shall ivo
he tshe same, ar, ael, an resiec
me tsreet, o saii pennee, sad di
r by said Amassar to the City Mashll, on
or eae te le t Janlary of beach
rear, fhr whlh the sid Aaeaaor shall
all resiven compausartle twety-lye dol.
us. eTha~ ltit shall rew the of
to l  eia tlthe m wae u epokte
, bennd, mad hea ee est of the liet
Mh asrm .lvo h.pM ie Assmr.
Sthe namsik . bask to boeeots
lzm r n la.rmiatueleus (m tm Commit
ie ose m-rateoet reuiredo from
.llsl. f o· . eh thestee or
mi WIs ao his t o bok, tlo atr ca l
on notify auchl nunlºer of puersons tha
they have been listed to work, cleanse
or repair the streets, and order them to
conme forward and perforn sa,'h street
work as may be required ot them, and
if such person or persons report and sig '
nify a w illingness to olly the notice 'r
furnish a substitute, the Ma:rshal shall
assign them to such duty and locality as 1
he masy deln prIper.
Lieec. 5. That if one day after the no- te
tice as afore described, the persons or eei
persons notitied, refuse, neglect, or fail lal
to performs their duty, or furnish an so on
ceptable substitute for that purpose,
then the City Marshal shall note the
fact in his book kept Ior that purpose, as at
descrilbed in section 3, in which book he ea
shall also note the fact when a person W
listed and notified shall have performed
his dulty or furnished a substitute.
See. 6. That it shall be the duty of
the City Marsihal two dayr after notifi
*ration, to denmaud of all persons who
have refused, failed or neglected to com
ply with the notice and work the streets
as required, the sum of one dollar for
each day nuch person may have so refus
ed, failed or neglected to work, and on
payment, the samne shall be considered
as in lieu of work done; provided, that
the total tinnwher: of days for any one
year foir which any one person may he
listerto work the streets, tmay be paid
for at once ia on his first notification to
work, at the rate of one dollar per day.
Sand the receipt of the Mar hal therefor i
I shall exempt him from street duty for
f that year.
See. 7. That whoever shall refuse, Ir
fail or neglect to performii such street du
ty after being duly listed thelefor and t"
notified, when he shall not have furnish- c:
I d a suitable substitute or paid the sum ni
of one dollar for each day lih shall have
so refused, failed or neglected to work,
r shall, on conivictionl, be subject to a fine tl
of five dollars and all costs of suit, re
coverable before the.* Mayor who, it cases a
of conviction, shall emntor judgment to
Sthat effect, which jutdgment may be exe- i
cuted against. the offender in the same j
manner as judgments are executed from
the Justices of the Peace Court's of this
See. 8. It shall be the duty of the
City Marshal to report all case a of fail.
are, refusal or neglect, to the Mayor, as
f noted in his book, and make a charge
f against the offender who has failed, re- J
usNed or neglected to wor k, on which
f charge the Mayor shall issue a notice to
a the offender, notifying him to appear at
o the time fixed for trial, which shall be
. served by the City Maraball, and on the
"failure of suchb peron to appear and
I stand his trial, judgment may he render. -
,ed against him by default as in cases be.
fore the Justices of the Peace; provided,
f that any person so notified may stop "bhe
proceeding at any time before the trial has
commenced, by the payment qf one dol
e lar for each day he shall be charged with
a having failed to work, aind the further t
sum of fifty cents, to cover all costs in.
, corr4 to that time. It
ms See. 9. That no. person shall be i
d compelled to work the streets mote
r than three full days in any otne year e
f from the let of January to the 31st
December, Inclusive.
See. 10. That all monies collected
e from any souterce under tihe provisions
n of this ordinance, shalh be turned into
I the City Teeasury, and constitute a
I speelal food in thie hands of the Tress
I urer of thelCity, to be devoted only to.
r" the imptovement, repair and cleans
Sing of the shteets. The City Mar
slualh shall make a separate monthly
report of all monies received by hIm
under this ordinance, and by him
turned into the Treasury, and upon
his petition to the Mayor and City
e Counlcl, appropriations may be made
by them from time to time, and drawn
from the Treasury on time Mayor's
warrat, and be disbursed by the
Marshal wbem work ia necemry, and
tile Marsthal shall make a report
Smonthly, of isi disbulsmemeats which,
(Coftilned n o Third page.)
a the hritl fu rce o man dieearao, prol.
neat smong which are
re of Appe" ad Na9use, th bowel. t
io.enal, butuomeamesltnraat. withg
liima, iiiiiill thelead, aooompmuied
iiiiDulaaUiaoi iathiiintibkpait,Pt I
BtUihSutId. eillo WIter tO e shomd h te,,
ol awetoOeIlnl adopted tocnhj
stobWn s themperu. w ii Lt r
di €lluti, Inl w da -om; Iu'
htttirlsaiirt tomeit. Deoti befoitree Ie
.ivTe rw keila tn,_ediiohe od
e onlpe ly adapted to suW
oases, a single dose efietsI
such a change of feeling as to
liee fr. mar plpertlehat caunlr
the meel delIcate ersasamtlua.u
ereb CleaSee, Palt, and lavierate
the Outire ystesm. y relievtiu the em.I
seirseLiyert the. ceaynCedug tghe blod
healt a itait to the bedre easle
t he towel to act uhtur lly, withehb
which re ite feeam iel well.
A Noted Divine says:
SThUTra-Dt ear ir; to letree ten the tlws
saIacthe body to Wake o n Ple
SteeWl. L are podaed
iel lint 8 u ie et ao hIree ew Te k.i
Dr.T UTT'q MAtIUAL of Vailable fuor. 1
e duotiw a l t iptas " will be ualendf. .
S &im O r WHISUI Oxt 4 ch I eh: t", GL oSS
fUt1,W5·igKf pp.ia a i r, hi! IL
Pf · 1t1 fp1 UJuf, pý Ir tt 'an tlrlc. Ird is
3Iwoaggrl .wf a tm w ur. x tT Cdby frugiiat, li
mat bys Mapuu rwjy 8, u, #1.
Oe,35 Mummey 8t., New York,
Judicial Advertisements.
Constable's Kale.
Schmidt & Zeigler vs. Colman ltvi.
Justice Court Ward I Parish of titei.r
toche.-No. SGO.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri
) issud in the above entitled sal
nuunlbered Iuit and to me directed I ha, 4
se(itd and will offer for sale, at the ortm
lately occupied by the defeandat Lasi,
on Front St. City of Natcbitsee m,es
Saturday, the 31 day of May, IUS,
at II a. m. the. contents of the og
said Colman Levi, consldting a< 
ware, Dry Good, Groceries d.
Terms of Bals :
Casu-Subject to appralseam t.
May 17 2t. CoiatahId W *lt.
4herl'Ps eNa.
L. Caspari vs. Taylor Cali, g
Parish Court No. 131.
By VIRTUE of a writ of seiutae
) ale in the above entitled and >.
bored suit and to ome directed I have mis.
eel and will offer for sale to the lIdaI
highest bidder at tly door of the Coest
House, in the City and perish ofNtMd.
tocher, on
Saturday the 21st day of June, 1Ms
between the legal hours of sale, ths'M.
oging discribed property to wit:
The northwestern quarter of eetkt
twenty-four township evren, as s
containing one hundred sand ity
more or less, together with the batUig
and improvements the es,
same laud and improvemenuts aeIqte by,
the present vendor from .smal Piare
Sheriffof the Parish ofNatohltOs-- t
as Sheril's Sale made oa tie dSyt ''
April :870 in the cuit entitled L. Cmmi
inllividnally and as aumnistrator a. O.
Janin vs. Flavious J. Mathews.
Term. of Sale :
CASi-subJect to apprisement.
SMay t7.tds. hed =
Constable's Sale.
Jules E. Meset, Administrator vs. A h
Justice Court Ward I Parish of alil
itochee-No '55.
tY VIRTUE of wrltedPi . Ia
I in the above entitled ai s
suit and to me directed, l have,
and will offer for sale to th Iest
highest bidder at the restaraat
r feondant in the town of Natehitsebs
isb of Natchitoches, onil
Saturday, May 17th, 1n9,
r the following described property, to.a.,
4 tables. 4 chairs, I lt of gIqs win
lot of crockery ware, I stove ad s1.
e ing utensils, tin pans, I bhd feyl
I candle stick, 2 kitchn i LbaHs, "
r eon tables, etools, I desk, $m
cubbard, I cork screw, 1 moea 6
ment books, 2 Sy fan frames, 1 ia $ek,
I coffee mill
Selsed as the property tof dsn ea
TerUs of S.a : .i
Cubah, subject to apprasmest. :.
M ta. T. I,O
May 3*St. Coenstable, Wa L
SCostable' Vle. .
Jame McCook, vs Samry Uab
SJustice Court, Ward I, Palhat l a. i
itecbes--N s 10.
DY VIRTTE o writ fN. In
U wea n the above titled a g -
ietd snt asd to m d sI lý
" eeised ad will er feor male It
.' and highest aLvmNtsl thr
town of ne r lte Id trhe eL r a s
. a.bo teh el vm
said lot is situated bhetwe a
mentioned lot sad the bie.s ,it
at the foot of the hill u ptd
rBaby from saueeeso of A
jLodoated lto eIry aby, at s.I m
esleDof sald Dreg.
sdIthmeto aest a
Cash, aubjet to "rl u
Louis Dupleis, Aimluietrater, ye. Jails
ID. LePsalIer.
Parish Cearte- 1o3I74
Bsu'elali the steve enthlet is'
bered siat aab U, m e diree Ite
seized and will offer for ale to the
and highest bidder at the deao dts
courthouse, in the city n parish a
Natehitchebs, on.
aturday,. Me 71 dap ofJu .:IS,
between e Le heous 6f a s':,i.
ain tract of au, with te i m s
Sthereon, suita ilthe Pa ofd IWhe
itoa es. rontaiilg sevent l L
*ares, bei th same ln wgb *sd by
Mrs. Vir ia Bser at mi
efeoteo efiilda St. a u.Isud l
7th day Deceber, 171,en is ,
in said proes verbaold o se a I
.antain ug *r.tw. _J eru
Not eontaLing thl s
Louiasquire D. Lefaulse Bug.
nr. Virgiata Bossier b n et of said
ed on 7th day o Fb. 1675.
S Cash subject to. pprDl .
May 3-td4e.uil .
LAmire Vssooous rs. D. L. OBS.
District Court Parish a l shlweso
he_ above entld h s sem. bg
Sand will oer fer le to he Imt d
bhigest haddr a the de t o e sCut ?
d Mouse ln thecirty and perishad fteh
Sheu, on
*s Salwrdahy te 7 dayi Jli 4 -p
betwea the legal hr e sarls b e
sowing duee ibud pro g eya , S i, 5
The planwitsa ale e w s hs'
b nrouate formerly ui Iw o
Sside of Bayo Nerbou ,ee, with e
k buildings and lmputsemeet m
wst quarter of sotlon No. . wet e
Bayogu Borbeso, eatentlog 46 asies
. motor est..
S Also another Wtrat Ioand, l emd
Seast half of orth eat qear r -
p y acrequird by b.L9
Cauah, sueqt to
k. April 95.
mb-agust for the fRulsmsn lea i.
masuaw onleid peoprty will he ppss
Jeu so iw ran henrstmshl w -
Feb.t Iabt, W L
Nd__ t, (On_ "wg r _ -_W

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