OCR Interpretation

The People's vindicator. [volume] (Natchitoches, La.) 1874-1883, September 04, 1880, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038558/1880-09-04/ed-1/seq-4/

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i .of SbscriptiOn.
. ..................... b .00
..o............ 10
taen for lew, than 6
S- - - EPT. 4, Ib0.
gje-Cavll Bray, Emj. of
I the duty authorized
ATOL n Vernon par
made by him will
Sarried out by s.
ý Zký 1 311*A3TU13 OF MAILS.
n s . ids r 7 p. r.
' r' hnrehacyI p m
w "" .8itnnlay 7 pm
1W O3I3A13S.
DeR rte.
11. i-r'as.~
Tbnbnr day 7 ?p m~p
' (( ASaturday 7 pm
SOL Wedniedla 7a,
Satmrday7 auk
1· Tueuay 7 a mn
Thndty 7 am
futhvtay 7a m
hernA 1. 6. Ofitce open
Orl ill a. isened a*Ar
will bes gRoodotbesse
_umkbaiir hLa not yet
flaong, nearly
r eý b 'beb ullofa
fit svsm«days past. The 1
.leabodlg Ouhmrns 1
'_ alb spmber of .ie.
w I hope; oar oltle 1
edsIUty sad hopiltallty.i
bas in char"e
3suiam. sad he1
Imsud the publIe
ofthls hoe uwlli'
dte earncg bawlit
m*. hI tad ildst I
,,taw aU andwiate
prio will daw a
tthe Mthoit I
gmk olelpt met at tin I
ýtes teMourow. '
wjth kppFletllsu. was ar
wU as i eiwo~en Babiar . ,
7ib reuem*
at alit ply,- 1
out toruasle
* buba Septelbe
ja~~l~towa ak hfr
Ivshdsr ae.s
iiirfAW Vzaan, ceR-o
NO Sh .e suiad
ýeeeot .etrset
Sthel olpe
Market Review.
S. I
Areview of the local meret of a
ecuntry town Is something new as
well as interesting. Ntebhitoebes is
on old place and Tler cýnumeroial La.
portance at one time ranked very
high. In fact, the impolrtance of the
trade of this section at one time can
scarcely be comprehended, and but
few would believe that the City of
Mexico and all the intervening coun
ury was a trade tributary -to talpt-.
Itoohes. Straonge as It may seem; It
is nevertheless true. The old "Ban
Antonio Trace," the highway over
which passed the wealth of its cattle
and ponles, packed trains of hides.
peltries, horns, tallow, jerked meats
and venison, can yet be easily fol
lowed and marked by its deep cuts
through hill and vale, worn by the
countless thousands who have, in
times gone-by, traversed it. In our
boyhood days it Was our wont to
wander down some well marked por
tion of this old "trace." and imagine
the feelingsa looks and habits of
them early people who passed along
its route. Oar earliest recolleetios
are filled with the wonderful stories
of the sliver ore, its vast quantlites,
no doubt augmented many folds to
enhance the lnterest of the story,
which used to jess over this trace to
Natchitoches laden on mules: many
hundred being in each train.
A writer, fifty years ago, In speak
lug of Natchitoches, say: "The
8panish trade for a considerable dis.
tance into the interior of It M ul
aan States centse llfezAn Idis b
great thoroughbi Itp' r0-WOlinlt
to and returning from those States.
The trade from them is chiefly in
bars of silver, and horses and mules.
We send them in return manufactur
ed goods, groceries, spirits and tobac.
co " The outlet for opr pro4uoe at
ht k i a oNew Orlemsnihough
ar t con4v g4e 7t with
shat city for it. Keelboats were our
mode then of water-travel and our
freight carriers, and the time consum
ed in a voyage to and frpm New Or.
leans was forty days. Besides the
trade In silver, hides, horn, peltries,
and dried meats from the West; large
quantities of tobacco and indigo were
grown in this section; Innumerable
herds of at Auq a b
our hmvand
the Bed rivS p q in
the best idl6lg" "
Even now the amounl of eooton re I
celved here is no ndleatlon of the d
traie of our merchants In meroPq- .
dise, fora large number who trade t
with them ship their cotton directliy f
to New Orleans from the several c
Muditae on the rivers. ;t In0y be 1(
safely estimated that the business of *
the place, jugded upon the value of )
cotton handled, aieounts to quite b
1,000 bales. That our trade is ex
tensive the number of our business l
firms, their stocks and proupfflt~
give acmple evidence. We have of h
houses that deal In dry-goods exelu- b
slvely one, in dry  ad
nineteen, In I
in drugs two, iln iqss nd eaigrs ,
four, in tin ware and torales two, in o
wagon makinl repairln and black.
smithing three, in trniture maknlo ~
and repairing one, in toys and fancy ,
attleles one. We have three good *
Iotels and two restaurants and a Sne
livey stable.
Our professional sad trade bsh -
nes is a well represented, for we i
Ihatve' en. physlelans, nine lawyer, n
two newspapers, three briek aad 4
stone masons, about ten carpeaters ,
and wheelrirghts.r Our.lmnber trade r
le s uyet local but well supplied. *
t'ette. Reeilpts. 1i
Seventeen houses In aot city Ayef
enlgagelld in the cotton trade and the I
Iaggregate recelpts from September.,
113, were-bale-8S56. -
The average price paid was lie. per "
Oross outlay for cotton--4 ibs, I
per ble-43,174.SO.
The total reoeipts of wool, darlng
samne period was lo, 8 poauds.
The averne price paid per ptund
pas t1 cants.
lossaaon al for woaoI
- The total vreelpts of hides same
period we e5,740 pound.
GrOs amounoat paid for bldes-*4,.
SIlt .I. - - I
earOBOATn ourLAr.
Cotton.........-.... .. O,, 4t,
Wool ..............,.. . l I l
t otal........ ... ..4a.a I
U egeldihlkeis, tbd in ooountry
tInh maret quite $4s1,ae. A]
g goodrouned sut of money to go to
-' r '.
Partlal ttisrtobtalned fre outr I
i fturmen show thatsrd.g the yel ]
ading September it,, 1873, about I
leas of s e, ua r yis sod by I
iem ln our town at s average pri
.II pet te.t A developeme f dleI
this Induestry would lead to great I
isaudelvtllau .s ihath pes
ShpbeU, basil. of U0WS, um
....im l sad E. atlbein - :
I kk&A tmaad
.w~ba~. ~:-b ~&
thalhty. Thbe total t#ui may be
~tely etftrai'tet itthreequirter of a
million dollars per annum at least.
With the railroads now ln coIr, ur f v
construction, and the tap. e&lrialgl
connection, built, a pou,4alion of
over double that at present and a
cntlering of trade from the Eat and
North will ,ive us a business greater 4
than we have ever enjoyed and 0
make N btehit.lehes one of the ntluiit
imi.,rtint i..hsts fr i,(.ai ie (
the stsa& . I'
The folltwig in the lis t if nl.i- C
neaw houseB of Nathbitoehes; I1
Jno. Genu & Co., flen'i. dt'aler*.
T. Pons, Geueral dealer. 1i
P. Veuleman, Groceries.
T. Haliler, stoves and tlnware. '
J. C. Trichel, Oen't. dealer. a
U. F. I'lerieson. Groceries.
. McCook & Bro., peanl. deafere. l
i. Simon. OGn'l. dealer. '
J. Dicuase. Gen'l. dealer.
T. Gouaux, Drugs, etc.
Kafie & Bro., Gen'l. dealere. o
I. A. Walmsley, Gen'l. deaer, e
. Oaspari, Gen'l. dealer. a
N. Ii. Wilkinson, Druge, ote. te
8I. WinaIgl Groceres.'
J. MeOregor. Siager Sewing Me
chine. .
F. MoDaniel, Wines and liquors. t
R. IBth, Oen'l. dealer.
8. Nelken, en'l. dealer.
Mrs. J. P. Campbell, On'l. dealer.
H. Lioebtentle, Gen'l. dealer.
J. A. Dueournan, Dry.Gonod and
i $~dvy & Philips, Oea'l. dealers. d
o"o. W. Kilo Wile, Pb and liquors. tl
C. H. Smith, Wines and liquors. n
Mrs. F. Perlnt. Grocerle.
Mrs. A. Godard, Groceries.
B. Woodworth, Grocerle.
S. W. Kile, Grocerles.
Mrs. P. Kahn, Groceries.
R. Bldell, American Sewing Mr
V- ap.oile,. 't. 4te t.
. Jab, (ena. dealer.
O. Capmartle, Gen'l. dealer.
James Geniin, Gen'l. dealer.
P. Poete, roceries.
Joe. Ruses, en'l. dealer.
J; H; Stephens Groceries.
0. Beck, Groceries
I Jacobs, Om'l. deale.
Mrs. J. W. auddath. Toys and fan
Joe. ex r, rceries.
hi i a sll: ae
S eAxpedi a rkaimr a. The
Divining Rods which be was to have
delivered to those ordering on his
rstalLwaro bought but were unfor- 4
tunately loast on the Bonnie.Lee. In
fact it Ia supposed that they were the
cause of her collapseoad lakingo, fqr
If laJudged thmt ina pasming 6ver ib
sunken bhot the rods divined; hid*
in gold and °roke through the
bostom of the boat.
Mr. FoLIz,. representing that popIu
lar gentleman Mr. HBoax of Shreve
port, La., is In town hunting up the
fall clIp of wool and all the hides tU
be ftond.
,$Dm4.,L~t~,E4, the state man
agii dt eiAmedean Sewiang Ma
eholaomparny, und an old rilead of
ours, is on a bueles visltto r uity.
Mr. OU.L inatends establishlang the
Amerlean Selalg Mabhioe here and
we eordially reeommead him and his Ii
Sewin lMaohine to the p~ble .
Mr. JAmvs PF. B3asse, balelsse
manaer of th. Nateabltaoreh,.Fdi
mor,l is at priset la the city, lIook.
Ingafter the interests of the journal
which he represeat. !he Vadi.4cst
ter Is one of the most luesntaial of *
our prisrh papers. Mr, Blaver will
remain In the city until Satutday *
nest, and wlll appreelate any favor I
aIn the way of besineeas from our mer- a
ehnae.-N, . . tesma.
•presentatlveet the reL t dgoodr a
houd otf8.'L. Bbm,New Orlens, I
vilited our city on Wedsdeay last
I on hi retur from a blgbilesO trp
in EIast Texas "ad NortbswestrLou o
Mr. BLsa, of Many. visited us on
Thursdaly on his return to his home
from New Orlens.
8herlr ffLIr of Matble wa l town I
on hurddpy lnat, and we thank him
I foraeall. . .
$ J5.6 e couauelin etukse4d btitm
ta'ededbabeatlp drlP . k#el
has bought an etenasiv stool for
that bio dry.goods ed pospm of .
AI . DoaeourAo and we advie our i
ily*~lmmr to save tihekr dimen for '
the lovely goods solt,.
O Opr young friend a lAu iou .
o ltpt wqrb. Good tuck
! SV EL"":" .,
.tore than three weks, for that
'mammoth hose of U. A. Wars.I.
I. B. WAISItn, rEq., rturnC;ad on
SSalturday last from a visit to the
i lNorthb.wet. Mon looksl in ane
l bhesalth and seems to have enlaoed
r bhliaself i
SMr. WiL A. Oei.av with Qa O ao
I ~koo~posrDaepor, lIl oer .ity
,lative to theopealoh g of pei.
.leeetS te aew mseve 1E
Our 'uaprtin'g trig ,it, :ire they are
mlav ill this s~et ols. "will read with
pleieNutu, IHALL & Coc'aa adIVrth-lb
weat in another ooluma. This firm
has a large stock of guns. pistols and
fishing tackle, and they are prepared
to repair it, 9"tr-.elaat itva hall guns
or pit,,i0 trcrwtard4It t0i.,l'.
Thel r~tni .1F, * t '"tFAP l~oTN'.s"
(141 ,ti..;; . ; r'l:l i .ii r, . 'ru, aln Irl, 'tl
I%? k1g1Wit ai. I' . MF.RTi . M!O4Q. e'.
nor )iuittiscse ' Uiti. ' hA.' S. New
Orlwtean, prrm"( t ineir teant t.,, to
lpublc of this e ,,,li, withe this weck's
VINWJlcTOf. 1kFor e-'eaip, du.rabfl and
handsomne clothing, haIUr, boots and
shoes, MaiinaR & osia enjoy a rep.
utatlon seeound to none in the South,
and we cheorftllg recommend those
who desire fall and winter outtts to
the firm. Try them once, and you
will be so leasedl sa to never buy
LoUS GauawaLD, the piano man
of New Orleans and the South, pres.
eants our readers with his advertise
ment this week, in which he calls at.
tentlon to several faots, relative to
pianoe, organs and mule. which we
will attest to. Don't ta1 to patron.
zs.4GaUNswh.D when In want of ar
tloles Ilan b line.
BA'L I. Born ranks as the King
Dry Goods man of the South, adhe
saooks he carride, the trade he n.i
fos a.re evidenoes. the right to
wear the crown. No house outh
can compete with SAM'tL. I Bore In
hi line, and he advertises the fast,
that southern merchants will save
money by buying their goods, mnob
as notions and dry goods in New Or
leans. Bee the advertlsement of this
House In another column.
Coart Items.
Hotel Rains contains at the pres
eat writing the followlng Inmates:
Josephb oiner, Murder.
William Pa yne, Lreny.
ganm Plaanoe, AeM £Bat'ry
Henry Davise, Assault and Battery.
Leon achal, Selling Liquor with.
out Licease.
Wa. Smith, Assaultand Battery.
Ben Johnson, 8hoottng.
enty oJ. Bane, LarOsmy.
.Win,. Cll11 10q4oyefpo1 7 ofmi 0
Win. o. Coy." " 4
John Jackon, " " " "
Remry McCarthy Perjry.
Jordan Hatcher, SrSnt. .
Nortlle Bayou i, Aasulmlad Py.
Peter Couty, amy.
Wbster Woods, Rouse Bushing.
eorgeOray, House Bresaing.
. LAst of Marriage Loensesn Isued
durlng the month of August. l1.
Theebo. Young and Hannah Davis.
Louis ]varistetad Jud .
Rl owell and M. A. Roldn.
J. P res and L, O..Barnett.
Willlat uleberry and Ann Jones.
Is A. Sere and A. V. Oharleutlle.
D. B. etoyer and PAlagle Metoyer.
Oscar Aleman and V, Lebrun.
David Larkine and Sarah Nelson.
Jno. pombleton and L.. Williame.
Connellus Jhonson and R. Stewart.
Oorvole Metoyer and Aglae Colson.
Titas Green and E. Johnson.
MartinSpul an and blWade.
Oie plsn and A. _ . ,.
Raml.e P,%ll and A. Mlaen.
Taylor Oraig and Elis Wlthers.
Antolne Etleanne uand I, HIabltomn.,
Alloe Jackson and W. RarL.e
Paul Jackson and 2 IIaerson,
Edward Sow amd M. Atklns.
A select lot of pate a otla. foru bnt.
1ag, flihing, &o., at J, J. M1dook &
otts `e r euby t tha I hve pt
d avraes g tt to' pros"c ut l ,
qgam. before thbe Freb lits Cei m
m nka in wbsbnto , the object M
It of the t to e, to seeutalt the
amount of "all olahma on ther d'eor-"
porations eaompalesor prtiv divtidu
al, cidseauot Frane, upon them over
what of the United St, arir oat of D
ets committed againt the pesn or s
proertyof eitlsenas of Fraa e aot lathe a
service of the enemies ofth .nitat 0
Stites, or volmutar git aid and w
cortrs to the same. il or mili
ary GovernaIet of he Uletsd StateIl
upon the high seas or within the rrited a
Irln juhtdiacton of the Usd States d-* a
ingthe perio d o betwdI d oee e
edaylo Ail, 1861, sadthe to asy of b
Pri ca haeim ngsio t- set d aw loa. ea
the Ulited Statesovrarnmet, who was
not himself engaged hi. 510 aid and.
l cmmfcrtto the ensala o4 ni ted
91*. Oounuiient, mush salter will seine5
ithl, the jialt it then
dlaim oomltoo, ned wi  asi
I slr iaereet tomIp wuIWhm4 8l . .
u I tk IS~dlRRaOtdll. M8tý-"ý LL
,W as'rl miwoni ,e .
eem D a. f.tal .
Avg71,100 18iehtegM, La*
rce, Av .Dollrs. t"
iatesation on the Sbaist of Attai.
esn Newspapers. ,
it i th" Nat .of all
a er PEritodicale.
-. a
. ' • "- Politi~a a
C t saDoFlid loa
lit '5;
~~~n v itanl wb oi mtst
Now.. IS. 2(" -,, d U6 Haronne st.,
Steinway, Weber, Knabe, Feyel & Fischer,
in the South at wholesale and retail.
Everybody knows that GRUNEWALD HALL is the cheap.
est Music House in the South.
arw Catalogues Mailed Free on Applicatior. I
Be sure to get my estimates before purchasing elsewhere,
New PIANOS sold as low as $175 CASH.
Sept 4-ly. NEw OILEANS, LA.
108, 105 and 107 O iert;,,
And 90 and 92 Common St.,
116 Worth St., NEW Youa. NEW ORLEANS.
The largest stock of Goods carried South. Southern mer
chants will save money by bying Dry Goods and NNotions in
New Orleans. Sept. 4.tf.
Homler MKasonic Insti
tute for Young Ladies.
?wanly-Art Aula  Ineom begis
BOARD and tuition per month, $1I.
MaD  included with the above, $O,.
paable. onthly in advance.
altuiti, 3, 4 and dollars per month.
IucideUtalfe pr terw $1.
For farther l adten
T S. SUGM. A. K., Prest.,
Homer,-Caiborn parih, L.
Aug. 4--3m.
..Homer male Oollege.
bo,,am, 3. ý d 6. $am psi moIuth
le aS th el A d ab oambth.
"tMlngnD t o $1 per tnmv paid on the I
at the Colleg imoldi, wsh.
ag, bfel emtý, ý 14 to16 dol-.
s per ment h Paable Ironthlij CI
advance. Add R.A eH Pres
B. A. SUITS, Pros.
Aug. 14.-3m. .
Dettree to inform his friends of the P.ar
r lab and City. of Natehttooe that be has
I retameL buniess at rs. Bona's
1 16 tand, on Frat atrst, ear era,
I whore be lasut opened fal line of
- rhlot bo le prepnsd to sell, wholeaei
and retail, atthe lowest ab praloa. Be
inites all bie friends to oll on him sad
be convinced, jy-1y
pet, C.hase to make mo.
IWtJ maey. We deed a person la
S seveyo tows to take sabserip.
I tlat.Eui't ,- and bs
-woeM." Aly a. ase become a soens.,
q alt. s eza- wrk.I
a NtgoAeeo $*sie The
isO . .that al55 evsl y M
-1 0a riOne spa t r port tatkig
u2sub ..-l.a ,n- a 6a. A lcy
ti eas I bes aw nlits
_ar b tenuses, u de it as well i
lep4A. ila dnee sa@ r s nesb
- a. t owe !ee. Ifn
I . No son who en e nft,
tiaso fA ., iai ai
public. Yo can make
money faster at work
I.was t wstson el. Capital not
PtriIbe an deavote your wthe In.
ne. ante so irh wll uk . No.
~etiHi* .aasvl-,w)Tsos.e I....I
timtb. I Or eslear, spari s
*iuacm g_. easnhy Ad.
.des Teoe Co., Augusta Maine,
SweK altajear and towgrn
, m- ". .. •-TLU.S.r..
.Obd ag Ussnuil auat In
Ofwbihlobhhm as . $ tek ebnth
and s hwoy. OH RT CAH,
-ude aeiRl*1m..r tbqsp am, noke. aIiotsoo
He keeps. a lauge~iraumutmst(
en on Mrchauctise,
(4Uplt. and fUll inmall dthla.
DRY GooDs,)
pCorn, Dan, OIMOS
,I rrUDZPItO ZN5l ',4(
WbIsh lNA3KZD DOWN to hebwue
- ? tsleLUiw rkadyo willhM
The huIga CASe PRIOE paidr
-mm puim.
" um v anFm , aind Cmi.aY
ýloasre+ebat~ vasmes maeison
Cotton CobpJ hrlu Wmied .Doe
i Ofter Ma i Aug 73m.
LEO NURSE * .,..
Natohitoolhes La..
We alwqahiq..p euoodopgiyett bid
mAUim ID mmhiiiUn
f ~thehsillapumwemlwsys:kep as
Good, rorwlw!
-eMs mm 14ut~es 8 uv, iai,
r auth. laDupsret aase piqam
I ate, lu NPOWaa
Atm leytim 01h ftm I tS5
wlU ash orr'nttCrrn
ý' y u iý11 ý Nly t-M le M $ ".
'`ow8s AND NUMUL
QBouht and 8ebd eo Cemmlmulp to the
s grretegt idaiatage.
r Furirhed with teams at VsIUIohbl rates
The e.g ezperiseof LEON RIMW
F In the Lwlvryh bodim , anbs ie
s dod of bs imam ad d1..n of >1*
w;wUI stud etuaturesduiggmuelge
usa, Jason him iSm eafs! bb hsunlevss
p o PsNb oat hsemmlty.
rb rva tw oboe of -the &so Li
I tthe U B~nre~ekBtble. henim
earornhmustWlts Plu~ssut
,. N~·r
AgOs Waoat,
,a, tils ,,.
(CurnpsF!n d'4uaornres es.n VlmmitW
Oraulg.b e. 1N
33Ar - - No.e, DUI rAVJ3
Total d. I'Actlf, Fr.. 3S,47$ebLS, s
AntEtats.oab. e3onbond 4 pW
P'rhmIdent, M. LUCLEIIC (.a..i Musla~w
deq Finanvrwcai'taeletIenegge.gu
MM!. R!LLIr, u an do31'Mtauu
Il kanquwe do trance. Ismemrwe do C "
bre do emniaere. de Paris.
EVETTE, Es Julg do Tribunal idemues e
de Paris.
RIIMOULT, RI.Wrtslidet d. Tribsu dr
Co.uaer. do I. 8.1.,.
RALK'33, Eying. diTribtie 1ý b W
ýLIPPI[ V, Bngater (Yde ra~u
%1TI. YeMmr do Casu Yallput 4b
vmmu, Pretast b Is Ceuppis i
aErIIae, Tusraset de.b Cer
WATELT YMobre dI CameO Ei dud M
(:BaR. YI~A, Vilcwi'
U. GOlmbE C. M&GO!7E. Ll I
dt ., do3iumP
Leam. ;1Dsh .b
!OUi. u T, Asust Ggmnl r
Ft. a 11. S (MM-~~aowr
AqT01tm. - sebo ,ýl"
(Soecesor to M. a. c L) .
JK. y N1, RL,
-O3AL33 iv
WARE, BOOTS ad 53OUS,,3L '
Habu uph s~sei .
WAUUW@TOar,r P, ,
* xnoarcu.u a~.
CO8%tW1aO1'W, 4
C~omns~tgioi& ~Ya~L~~
p41&Iin U..
030333 & w U 3biini
.1i~ nb~r bSlu~
Lu'~rllk '·-~ '- 1W
mba.. Wutwut~
Os. sep boam, este
loigm Liqor
SumSr 3rd, 3MirbI
wunm. etl sr~rA
i-' I"*eLF · i~u~
*JAKsTrn 2,~t:
PIatO~~~~IA0ilji~' 3a
...&Ur~ t um. 4~J 4
PSIT , iAT n "Bb


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