OCR Interpretation

The Oxford falcon. [volume] (Oxford, Miss.) 1865-18??, December 08, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038605/1866-12-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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ft "v
. 4
.11 mm
. S. jSI. THOM3?SOISr,l
'''- -,.'' v ' . I - ,.
llM !
II r 1 1 i ii I .ill II II
, . a
....iMMMMilM-i--lll-iii.-il- ' " V
VOLUME" 2. j
T. D. isom.
HAVC formed a co-purtnership m
the praciic of their profession'.
lKT.c: oter Druij Storo on ihe
rftth-wpt f-crner of Public Sure.
, !, ; :' 5th 'GO-tlnGStr ' -
. ; riieyg . It J,mc9
!tl). . MISS.,
,U i. "jclieo their proronln
3ttiinrf Cotf.
33 lack Smi tiling.
Snuth West Curnrr PuU'ig Square,
OXFOUD....V...:..... .....MISS.,
WOUI43 re pettftjlly call the att?n
tlou of the.
ha opened
Ill V- -1 ' f - v ' - - I IKTT-
ii . i.,V M Mnnom TV-ri r halil - . JVi Lf
prt parnl to Ut all work in hh linrj In ;QENERAL C3LLirn!Q-AQENTS,
A At -1 .lA 1
.. bankers,::,
, ilt ar tho Bouth-vct Cor-,- . . . . . . . ; y
pool tt?!e, at bhort notice, and cheap
for cash. He la particularly skilled
In Shoeing IIoii.
November SO, lSC5-tf
Til nrL mi 111 Mlion.
t tli colUctioa of cliin of
r t (.'.i lift on.
Ji'a. 4ib, lSCG tlnGlj
.Sttfimcy .It JWiir;
, (Omoo adjoining the Court lloom.)
Trompt ftttrntlonjglven.to.the col
lection of claims.
Aug. 30, liG(l-vln4l
"SVIU buy nnd nell Gold, Uncurrent
Money, lillla of Exchange, invest
money upon Real Extate, buy tind
nell Heal Estate, pay Ta&es on lands.
rent and lease lanas!. win coueci
or arrange claims within the North
ern District of Miss., composed of the
TVsntn. Marshall. Tionah.
. rr i 1 - T
OXFORD MISS, iifnommgo, lumca, huuw, xx-uj-
,,, , ', ii.n.. 'ette. Pontotoc, Itawamba, Coahoma,
THE public h Inform tljat O L- .UaLtchle, YaUobuha, Chickasaw
?kut 1m Ptill cngagtH in blacksmith-jj Bo hvar, Carroll, AYinston
ink', at Ue old stamU Particular at-,A j Sunflower, CaUoun, Coaho
2i 's, OcUbbeha
vrfle.xVc?!?n!i?"r.m,:i ailW that cannot bo collected
Novcml)er 23, lSCVtf
IPliotograplis. -V
I would most respectfully announce
t,rt the citizen jof Oxford anrl vicinity,
tliat I hate removed to rooms in the
Thompson Block, .where J am pre
parea to CO worn, in .um.iiueai- uu
rt.t-tyle of the art. Photographs
taLen (ram Old Pictures of any kind
to life size. ItComs flttedup expressly
foif, the baineAs. Q Ive me a call and
examine fpeciihen. ' 1 w .
ept. 27, 1860-tf y rf- Agists- .
I33 A.TS,
' -AT
THE undersigned will mpply the
citij-en of Oxford and vicinity with
frci.li meatf, uch as
. ETC,
At his Market Houfo every morn
Inn 8una-ys excepted, when it can
f had of a Baturday vrnlnflr at 5
'o'clock, P. M., T vry other morn
inir at from ft to 10 o'chx'k," A. M.
Market 1 rou"j on fkuth Btreef, be
low tho RlHtlvsnilth Shop. Hides
and Tallow for a!e.
Oct. l U.C3-vln43-tf.
v orKUonc to oiucr muuici- , lanfi1 in the
hand... of industrious and repponsible
I . . . .... - A
Attdrnlcs. Tne rederai t;oun ior
the -Northern District of Miss, em-
bracinff paid counties is holden in
Oxford, and all claims amounting to
five hundred dollars, can bo sued in
that Court. They respectfully refer to
P. R. Kirtland, Hill, Talinadg&o.
N. Y. -
Commercial National Bank, Cin
X2Ijw11 Cli S .13 STES
. 'fiouthl&de AiVio Square,
.-..... .................... .'v.., i ajj Rml'crs
IH tirenarcd to do all kind of Vork 17,
generally done in his line of business. cj,jnati.
1'arucuiar aueniion given ic -ironing, T A iiVnnlst
Hgoiii, tyurriuKiv, ujjHii uu ulVLouis.
r?noein&oi xiorses. '.'
November 23, 186.5-tf '
3. I. HOWELI),
, C. .S. WOkD,
Coinmllsi.oned Anctlcacerw
TnkMthis iretbod of announcing to
tie pallia cbat Le ban a comaji8ip
an Auctioneer. All basinets eatrsued
lo. his cre will b prPerl od
brom'ptlf attended to.
l. 18G5-tf.
Steam Circular Sav
11 Hilc3 S. E. of Oxford, on Oxford
And Pari3 Road.
THE undor-lRhcd, having just com
I'lctcd the brldgo across . Yocona
would most n'ft'ect fully Infortti their
frii uil- and th public generally that
Ihey are fully prepared to
Saw T-Aimbcr
of even leHcrhtion, at the shortest !
notice, and on tho most reasonable
.crm. They are also prepared to
la tho finest order, wiih dispatch:
. ,R. & N. 8TR0NCK
Oct: 18; 1804 vlnt- If
18 prepared to 'furfiisli COFFINS
at the shortest notice, and in style.
Particular atteutlou given at Fu
nerals. July 5, 16G0-tf v. . , -
'Tlo niandWp X.oVe.'
Ivotcil toi LI tcnture, Agriculture
and Gonial Intelligence. an .
r comprising Itciorts of Battle, "
Incidents ainl Anecdotes v.!.
- c fJixtU.nVbe-
for published. '
(Late of the Southern Army.)
L Co., Bankers, St.
MortovV, Gait &.,Co., Louisville.'
RitterUiome; t- owler & Co., Wash
imrton 1). C
C. W. Purccil, Banker, Richmond,
a. i
R..li.;MUi- & Co., Banker, Rich
mohd. Va.
'lteubcn Rayland, 1 t ationaLlianK
Pt'ersburc:;,.Va. . , -
.AYopdrUil it Spencer, Bankers
Lvnfchburg, Vu.
.. L. Gambrill, Banker, Charleston
S. C ...- . .. .
John Craig, Banker, Augusta, Ga,
r j. Toms, w.nKcr, mod turnery
A. Ml. . ' , bMi..
r WinTobcy &Co.,Banrvcr3,Nash
vhl. Trnn. '
. I). B. Mollo, Prcs.'jt . Menibtib Life
CUen. ins. w., lcnpnj, icm
M, T WI.o Ilnnlr nl nipmnnis.
. . w .ii iv f ...... '-----4
S. II". Tu:ker, Banker, Little Rock
Arir . .
J. S. Hornor, Banker, Helena, Ark
A. H. Arthur, Cashier or mnlc o
Viekfburg, Miss. ,
J. & , ureen, lianken?,- jacKson
Mies. . - ''i. i .
mith, Newman & Co., Bankers
rew Orleans, ia. ,
Jennings, N icks A. Bro., Commls
Kion Merchants, cw Orleans, JLa.
We aro publishing at Charlotte,
N. C, a Magazine containing from
ixty to eighty pages of the size of
tliose or "Blackwootrs Magazine," for
three poixaiw a ypnir, in advance,
or five dollars, If not paid till the
end of the year. The ca.sh sdlcritmnj
not to pay till after the receipt of the
ilrst number. Oct. 4-tr
Watch Maker
Thompson's Block, Up Stairs,
Watches Repaired and warranted
to perform well one year.
Engraving nnd all kinds of Hair
Work neatly executed.
Aug 3D, JG0-vln41-ly
a. Twomu.
t . i
: ; '"fin .. , " 1 . ' '
puusued every Saturday .
S. IL TH0IIPS0N, Proprietor.
-Genetal Dealer n- v
. , , TEttilS:, , 1 -
Wu l V f 4 per tnnom, or 12 50 for six
monthi, in advance.
Per eqnare of ten lines or lesi, tl 50 for the
firet Insertion, and 75 nenU for each aubt-eqaent
laMfrtion. .."
One column, for one year. ' (2f)0 00
six roontUrf. 125 00
ihree months, 75 00
" one month, 4 00
one year, 125 00
u . ix months. 75 00
" three months, . , 40 00
" one month.. 25 00
" one year, 75 00
" Bix month, . . 40 00
" three month, .25 00
one month; 15 00
': 4 will be strictly adhered to.
' 'cents per line,
r f t, Obitnarv and Jfarriape
U. lines, cliHrge at regulai
. u y
Virginia, SttokiDg, and Chewing To
bacco, pickles. Presetted, Canned
n -' i'. T !. T J
runs, javonnjr xirac.a, iajhuuh
Porter, pdiuburcotch'Ale, Oysters.
Sardine$ and oilier arji'cles.ioo nu
merous to mention. ,
Balls. Wed Jincs kU Panid sup
plied in the finest style ami bii the
shortest notice.
Tp"Ail ordefs from' tne country
promptly attended. to.
May 24ih, 1SGS o27tf
Havincr I -
Jobbing dep.,!
k nd-t work at bauti
style, for cah. ' '. ' '
ry cast. Charged doublt
"edideafter first
r -ifit strict . anA
; ''s,- tlOrio
i tn on
V ' . w t .-
Fall aniJ Winer.
Dru 64''
est of
I -.Thompson
tyBuslness hours of the Banking
House of
From 9 O'lock A. M. to 4 P. M.
October li, 18GG-tf
? e
Repairer an'h
HIS hop is at his residence on
North Street, on the West bide, two
squares Nortli of the Public Square.
O.I ford, Miss., where he can be found
at all times, prepared to execute all
work In his lino that may be com
mitted to his charge, In the very best
btyle and at hhort notice.
May 24, lSGO-tf
HevaSr and trim BonneU, Data Etc.,
Up Stiir ii tkd Block occupied by
Fes t Thomson M Bcrneln &Corf
East SH3 ft the Public Sqnafo,
OXFORD ..;..;..;..::.:::.MiS.,
Whcro they hav a cholco Rclected
toek of the latest Kvlcs, and very
U-4 articles, of almost everything In
their lino of business, a tne lowest
5 i! '.e prices for cash. Do not fall
to call and nee their stock.
O t, 18, 165dvln4-tf
'J. M. TEAS,,;.
(Opposite the Store of A. 0. Buford k Co.,)
IN Bolicltincr your patronaire. I bez
leave to state that I will keen on hand
at all times the beet selected stock of
goods that can be found In my line.
I am prepared to trim. Buggies arid
carriages witl the best quality of
uouieieu Ax.imcrana uiotn, ana
hope by honest dealing, Ud prom pt
attention to busirics?! to receive a lib-
erai pironage. . ,
May 17, IbGOtf ,
"- i " "B
tO 0
citizen of O
j i t Ii 'i
i . . . w
i ; ' i'
, g. C. Weber,
33 o 6 t arid Sli o d
( West Sld6 PuUia Square,) .
BtJFdRD fc CO.
Offer a complete Stock of
Goods, Hats, Caps,
Bootj i Shos, Queens Ware,
IJilrdWare, Cutlery
1T70ULD Announce that he has just
if received a full supply cf
Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs,
Stationery, Perfumery,
&c.,' Sic. which be will tell on rea
sonable terms for cssb.. -
Prescriptions filled- at all hours.
He rooms over the Drug Store and
may be found there at night.
Oxford, July 5, D65-tf
All of which will bxj sold' at low;g
urs for cash. )
jvSCall and examine for yousel ves.
Nov. l,fc18CG vln50 tf
50 Colls of Ropo for sale at fif
teen cents per pound, at
( OWENS & BRO. . .
Not. 17. 'CG-vln62. tf
Bankers fc 3irolers9
oxford,.;!... ::::: miss:,
HAVE just moved into their Office
which is well fitted up, with Fire
Proof Safes and Vaijtts. They will
receive money on .posir, will pay
Six per Cent per annum interest on
deposit for Six Months, and eight per
eni on deposits for Twelve Months,
wnen depositors asrree for six or
twelve months deposit at the time o
depositing. They will buv and sel
Gold, Silver and Uncurrent Monev
at Memphis rates, and will Check on
an tne principal cities in the United
btates, at Memphis rates.
uxrora, isov. 4th, 1866 vznltr
rora the A!r!any, pf, .TO AreHa.1 v
Ar. We to Save aEsim cf Terror?
Franco had its - reign" of terror,
when men and women of irrc:
proachable characters , were con
demned and executed upon suspi
cion, without evidence, of enter
taining opinions adverse to. the
principles and policy of those en
gaged in the slaughter of innocent
people. Of the many accused, the
n .' l ) 1 .1 .;il:l." "
lew wno. escarca mo rnimoune,
liUeSfc - Meard,Sicard' and Beau-
marchUils, suffered as few can and
survive. Women of rank anil re
fincmertt an,d peasant girls' vre
alike tho objects' of fiendish veri
eancc; their, headsi wero, severed
From their bodies, ; ari4 ;cairfd
through thr-treet:, oji pifle36r
pikes, and their bodies horribly
mutilated and throw!! into the
pits dug for the victims of tho po
litical policy of Eobeepicrre, Dan
ban, Marat and others, who sought
to exterminate their political op
ponents. Tho machinery which
they invented and put in motion
was, eventually, applied to them
selves, and rid tho world of mon
sters whoso barbarity and savage
brutality exceeded anything re
corded in tho" pages , of history.
The civilized world condemns
hoso atrocious acts, and their au
hors have been, by common con
sent, consigned to everlasting in-
Few civil wars havo been ex
empt from kindred enormities.
Neither St. Domingo, Chida, nor
our own country, form exceptions.
The spirit which actuated Robes
pierre, Danton, Marat and others'
is no stranger in our country. It
is everywhero manifested by cxr
trcme men, and is not concealed
by those whoso feelings and mo
tions they control. It ismost usu
ally exhibited toward those who
mistook their dttty and engagod
in tho lat- rebellion; but recently
it has exiended , to nearly every
white man' resident in the seces
sion States. Now it reaches all,
wherever they reside, who do not
ment of excitement, proclaimed his
wishes on this subject. To his un-"
willing auditors in New York, ho
said: "You poor fools, I havo
faced your superiors, in Baltimore
and New Orl ' i h aye hacked
your betters:8 1 , you ib uotjbehvo
yourselves, T r.l 1 ,K ave tr f"'
uro ofeein. j(ouimDg. .)'. you
thinkvf amgBingto flinchiT i)o
you -thik.y.ou &rp equal to tho ne
gro?;'; . 3To thus tells the people of
the Emp o-City that they are not
tho ctpai, of negroes; or if they 'do
not conform, to his wishes, in po
litical matters,, ho will bo made
happy ty seeing them hung. j That
ho will not flihcH from whatever
ho may Uecm necessaiy to, Accom
plish his object. Ho occupies pre
cisely tho same ground as the san
guinary men who voted during
the reign of terror in France! Men,
w;omen, and even children, were
arrested, imprisoned and guillo
tined for. supposed as wellas real
"':ril opinions adverso to' those
from the New Orleans Crettccat
Labor and Its Reward.
The most pitiful, . but rarest',
sight to bo seen is talent fceggingv
for, employment.' For every han4
there ?i somo fit labor. Every
healthy, rational being endowed
with" sepso enough to guide mus
ruj: mqi : hng" a vocation-
which fdod, and raiment may bo
,woa for iieful work.- For e vc ry
otto ct thos twelve hundred millfon.s
of mankind,. thero is, and will al-
3 : bb, ' soinpihing usaful and
I imtalilo to db. ,,.A11 aro not em
ployed bnt the more tho human
r - co recedes from barbarssm tho
uorp nearly 4iversal will labor
becomo. tVor disciplines, refines
elovatesjind iijforms; idleness de
grt?deSr"stupifies : and brutalizes. '
liabor is honest, idleness is a'fraud
and a theft. Hq. who works obeys
a divino decreed he who is idle vio
lates it. A good workman is ji
part of the world's wealfh: an i(?!cr
is i nusiance, and iiicubus and i
cube..; . , . . ;v-.: ;.,,., . :
:4 Tbo kinds of. useful and neces
sary work are inntimcrable amonir
them fvevy one can find;someform
Vf f?rk for . which he is specially
r. Tf a pcftntor.- when he ri-.i.vd.,V'--The'motivo power of mere.
' ' ' i - ... . . fit .- i i i, ... . . ,
saw hundreds ox muocentpersons m1 oyiimitca intellect
slaughteredjelt chills m his vein. . 1ancV practicebseks
HnuTiuaiDiyijsaia.tonimseir, "uu, ana ains anotnepgraae ot work
my God,vho v V arrested and m whtcji the brain , guides and
butchered. Themingfiiction. & han' The. higher fee"
. . . . -J A. x, ulty of the master-workman makes-
.u&uv vA.Uiiuvu x iuWD lnni UlQ director of tho work of
opposite sentiment They must others. The merchant interchange
bo converted to Jacobin Dolicv. the products of labor. Thoinveu-
hnri becomo fective friends ili the tivo faculty plans.iroplements and
, , .. Ao ,, , . . . macniner' Dy wnicn ino proaucis
destruction of those dtong m of. labor are, increased. 'The re
opinion, ;or suffer imprisonment pearches of science pioneer rao-
and death. Tho, bloodiest men chanical invention arid gpido labor
were tho new converts, or hypo- t0 uspful fields. The, forms of work
critcs, seeking to preserve ' their w Widas tlie material subi
r . ' stances on which it is. employed:
own lives. t . . . ,r r . . "pi grarjos and kinds of talenfiro
. ne .Kaaicaiieeiinsintnis coun- equuany various, . . inere is a
tryUa fast deepening into tho speciality for every sort of talent
de, exhibited in Franco, For-
merly. our difference, on political duty to, follow. . Unapprcciatel
subjects endod-with, casiin" our talent in anything is not often
votes... Peaco and good fellowship een Heal .talent seldom goet
prevaile4 in churches and klong SflE" w WOrW
T'A . ,. mi. b 13 often blamed for what comes
tho people. In tho leading purpo from an erroneous edijeation. oft
scs of society, the people went hand oner still for the result of miiplaco-
in hand, and wcr.o happy. How ment. JIany youths -who wouii
is it now? th. fountain of bitter ay tecn appyand successful
: ' - , Oil-Type..:
We have several hundred poupds
ntr,( Tvnfl for sale at this office
Farmers in, want of mch material for
filling boxr s for Giiis, etc., cari be
furnished v. ith any qaanuty.
C;trl Railroad;
ON and affr date. Cotton will be
r and vicinity
1 ::."; I have located
' -VJy lnd, f jr
or rrehii Com VOUIJD respectfully, inform the
My irladln? I publJctllJlt h0 has Just received a fresh
- vv and SatCSDay ' Supply 0f tho Ixst quality of Iatlier
. . "cf ..cal I arl h rrt' ri nrcd t" pu tup work c f th ?
! ! I c r:: 1 in tho vcrv ! -
.if; i . . 1 1
-t f -"-win brutes:
i i : ;cmphl3:;.T3,50 per bale
,::Tt". " ..: 8,23 "
,t : .-.? Orl: a:;s 5,70 J4
d 44 4.4. 4.4 5,75 ; !'
'ii:?tS!' .... 5,so " "
11 D. FROST. Geii: Ftirt:
Water Vr . ley, Mls.,Oct. 1st; 'C0-2ra.
Al 1
I have placed all my notes; and ac
counts In the hands of Phipps &
Phipps, attorneys at Jaw, for collec
tion. All persons indebted to me
will save cost by settling promptly
October 4, 18C3-tf
i it
feeling toward them is fast spread- profession! They fail,
ing through tho North. Brown- scarcely better,-attain
. m i I Til rrv i-wa a v otm l rw ik A .,11. .
water js ppencd, and the waves to educto th(fm for a iQd l
resemble those in Franco in tho fession. Young men trj: what they
early stao of her revolution. . The je not.fitted for. either by talent
ruling faction seek to strike down or 8trePgtl1 of will, and fail; or on
w n " ,-.-u the other hand lead discontented
. r . . . . . lives in workshops when conseioufi
them m opinion, as they did in 0f capacity for mental, labor that
that ill-fated country. Even now would lead to distinguished use
extermination is openly proposed fulness. That for which one is
as a means of securing permanent narally . fittod he pursues with
w- - i i j i i .. pleasure, and attains success in it
power, and tho distribution of es- with,out painful straining. Where
tatcs is ield out as a reward to a young man is fitted for his work
thco accomplishing tKat result, and levea it, the result is content
Constitutional rights aro to-be ent, progress. .arid success; he is
OTf . . , never m want of a situation. Ho
swept away from those who do not ho finds himself on the wrong
conform. No extent of goodness track in life should rectify tho e
and virtue is a protection to those ror at diicc Ambitious, fathers,
who differ in opinion. , They must hd too, partial friends, do much
be wiped out. None but negroes Krm, boJf trying to mako
I aro esteemed worthy of full nro- u-f i ' J .
tection. t . t when, they are really fitted for less
Although, a vast .majority of ambitious but equally honorable
them aided tho rebellion, and Ppuits. Painful disappointment
fought for it. sncces,, ihey aro tho nAt
only persons free from political against nien having the. kind o
sins., Tho Radicals' pray for the talent needed; but they bring no
blood of the Southern whites who f,1(lllt theinsolves to Mho cutest,
do not yield ready obedience. The XZXI&ZXWJM"
or what is
to a ones-
IN". F. WOilLEY,
. ; i . i
Crict: fraycr ft Cistern
Guilder, ;
. Oxford, Mississippi '. ,
RESPECTFULLY , iofortis.-t.e
public that he is prepared to do
til work ia Lis Una. With dls t,
Ha ess aCciated
ories and their practical appli
cation by the Radical Republicans.
Observing men discover unmis
takable cvidenco of this spirit
throughout tHe active and con.trol-
ling portions of the Radical party.
It is more or less apparent in eve
ry neighborhood. A disposition
to exterminate thoso of independ
ent and different opinions is every
where manifested, and toward
Southern wHito men it is openly
avowed. Th'e purposo of extermi
nating tho Southern men, and tho
oa in cooa Eijie.
with him Mr., !
.. . joint w.
Who Will sttftnd toJcbjcf Plastr
irg. They Uka, ccitr? ;i ia the
c cur try, and t try pcirt L::r t
-.; & , , tias nd . sympathy for them and
nor even a scnooi oisisict, wnero never hfj for any attempt to boro '
our readers cannot seo this jMling auger holeVith gimblets.; Peo
budding, if it has not grown and pie employ 'tiio skill. or. talent they
rmfinftd. Winn, ft hit f,4 rn .i preteHtion . isa vagabond
. i . . which they cannot uso and Will
bverv interest in societv is nacm. I it .
jutriruu,.. ,
Books dpi manners . are written
Every interest in society is sacra
ficed for tho spread of this ieeling.
The BrownloW-, Wacies, ihd But
lers, follow in tho footsteps of Ro
bespierre, Danton and Marat.
for tho good of young,, people.
Tjh'cy aro instructed in theso trea
ties how to seal letters, dance cotil-
lions, tin rrnirnt'j bnld fnvL-a mot n
The more , rscent. his conversion, bows, tip beavers, swing canes,
th more terrible liis impulses.-Tj pas compliments, cut acquaint
Will the peoplo caliiily submit arid ances and carvo poultry. Somo
in. th. strong-minded, benevolent man
'. v. I mio-ht. tf ' Tiwnorn tYA wnW,a'U
1 - .
confiscation and distnbutioii of selves before it;s too late, and ar- hQQ xqt yo-ngA men jn
their property, has becVi prob'sed ree t tho Uorrid te'ridency of affairs? which a good deal of sound advico
by these in high places who con- Maryland,,, as; ic't. tlie.:cxainplel should bo given for a small sum,
trkv th Jvc tiori 6f their mrtv ' ; " ' Shjifl :New .YorR.fQllpw,. or.cow by means of which they might bo
trol the .ctioiibf their par v., . , donrider Butler's threat of taught what business to seek, how
Parson Bronkht has alfetincjy UT1ncr,vX,.l,-J v0;t;w-o tt ". t, u u
rvr v lavowca tus vuuiy uuncv, praying
execution. General -Butler, who
expects. to. lUd tho r.ext Coc.Trerg,
hiiii? V
;-" CrThe ITcw York Trll::c esti
mates tho expenses cf both sexes
who attend tho' t'.vclvc hundred
balls cfths season m t!;rt
t3 AYhat is tho difference be
tween a woman who tears Iter
drc; j andvOno who
bu?t3 hi
subscribe toand sustain their the-! low and Butler Have developed tipjble:.niocrity after years of j
. . . t mi ' i discontented trials. The - world f
. . - i - till.'. if-triiiiir iiii r . . iw y . .
.1 -
-". Lrctrp-I i.-il lie
"C rd, Iliij.,2iCT.' i t
ctd tP hcto'iho tho 'Endical candi-
nhuto"Lr the rrcJd.cT, in r. mo-
V -

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