Newspaper Page Text
IBE RICHMOND MSPAlttL MT TME DISPATCH COMPANY. Ia* DAILY I tai>ATi4? to -tomatatl te ??** sn tats* ?i sirraaa ?-**t* bu* w**k, nar**** *?* Hw i-cericr W'?hit HaaaBHta B*r*n*waa;8t f-jy-i wi?t*?; mlJSsj ter Osms mouin*; ti*, f.. rue mn,-**, Ihe-ilvVI-'artKl.T Disi-AT* ll M t* pwa* M**a, er 81 Air ms Moat**. Yt** a KVK Ll Hlwp AYOH al tl par aa it om. tottweritalea* la all eaaas pvyai.K- I* ?*?*?<-?. ami mi i ar***- ? *n***8 after the -i)>fr-?t*t.-i ot it* UBI* Ml* tVi*. 8a*)d pat **><-* umn. y-or.l^r rl.ict. er n**1?>r*-<1 )s*lf r. * ureeucy tem hp mau ?Tl! l*r *1tl* nat ?fth?*M?kl*r. ?*?**<-*-**- wU*. In* tiwi. |*?l-c4Be* oh***-* nnai rive i'm-*, old a. wiIlaaUBt.rM-w i*.**t .*B?e. ivimpl*tT.*i>if*> fme. ADVKJiTI?INi. HATH*, mir im Bon ia/.. 1 1IBM-.8 Bo t Utoi*. 1 08 ?'**??. 1 BO t times. 8 70 1? I"****. S 8d 1 a*, nth. 8 8) ? m**!*.. . 88 0*1 BiailiBS Bolte, ta mulina- wt.ltrr typo, J line* cr t. ?tl i I * a**** htaded 74 mu. Old of iMaa fer snore *paoe tarnished oa apn'l ral'.<. All triter* and leletfr?ma niaat he BU?ti lo THK DlM-A-li ll CoMrAXY 1 < )r*-itd will not be rt-larne.l. I TUEWIAY.JULY 1, IIWI. The Dispatch Ealarged. The Dispatch today no** tn it* reader* In an unarm d fort*. cli-m-i-n "be aire nf the tyt*-, the ooltiinnt hire. be.en Ineieaaeil In musher from twenty-eight tu thirty-two; have been widened a trill-, and leniilhened over three in<*ti--*. In otbur word*, ne lwg'n this volume with a ?li*-ct tbat I* tweiily-tivt- per cent, larder than Ike lorax r. Th* matter herein printod w?uld cover lire page* atteh aa tbe old *ixe. It li a great ?rratlficatlon to he shin lo d ? ttl*, and lt ls lu-.iuedliitely r*'*pr>a*trt *.o tbr liberal pal ronato Iwntowed upon m by advertisers snd suhai-ri'-ers. Thi* lui jTovi n.ent, * hi* li we intend shall not lie tl.e Inst, bs* nol lxin umde without coat. lt i? ijiiire.l that we abould discard our lu deni.le <)llnrter pr*****, a* tbey woulj nut piint a form of tb* n*ccs*ary alas, and tu their stead we bare supplied ours'-lvo* with one of lint's foiir-eylln'ler type-rerolTlnz j rlnttnz maeblno*. whieli. run at lu beat, will print I*.,4**) eon,|,let.- Di.*putcAc.t in an hour. This speed, and Hi- time gained by havln-r two foldin-**uia*-!iit)?-?cjnnoctoil With the \ res*, and thc Improved *??tein of our rc* rull)-organized carrl<r-?er?ieo, will (Dalle un to keep o|x*n our forma? when ar**r-.?3iy for important late new*?aa hour or two longer, and yet place the piper In H.* baads of the carrier* and put it la the niall* much conner than he ret if ore. Our gain in sin .1 ;iiiil alec of pres.* and in time saved Ly tho folder* I*, therefor*, tho *iil> serll-cr*" gain in more reading ranter, li. later news. In sn earlier-delivered, and, wo tri.*t, * rather better-looting paper. We ml-tlit Just ?? ta?lly put tblieotcp^il lion?i)i e-Mttinv,'?and sheet in th*- fora* of an right*].uge pspvr, and ll wonld hu a* Inrge s* the right-pa*: r |ui]ier* of nuinermi* rilli*, hut against Uk- questionable adv.n Isge of bavins: th* unskilled fi-olWny lui urine tbat the) bud a much larger paper, would br real, positive dlaadyantage a* to tl.* subscril-ers" convergence in handling it, ard tm to eias*itlcati"u of reading* ant -.iii ert islmr-matter More than ail, lt would put In the people's house* a *lr.-tig<-le..klHK t.'Uf't litst.-ni ot tbe fi Bifllar Lire of an old friend. Wc would Ilk*- to pul>!l?h a J uri r ti il .1* good a* any In New York .md will dy to do lt if. in our tilde. Hichmond get* thu populfiiion, veolt!', and m'tivlty of tbal Kirai in* trc|K'li*. Hut until then reiuonabla people will he content arith paper* that fairly represent, In Intelligence nnd cuter p-irr, s **ity of tbe read in if nnd sdvertUhig populst.on and busiue*.* protrres* of Kli!. ni.'in!. When till* city ha* manufactories. alor* *, hotel*, places of amuinment, atm U rnr Uni-*, private residence*. m\*meaptal t" thone ol Ilir- great cities of tho country, then, too, will *h? probably have now.*pi r-et* of correa|K.ndin-< gruie. At she grow* the pajmr* will grow. The Dispatch, for il* ]vmt. pMfas itself to make every *iil-*crlber a shareholder In its sum--, and with every advance in lt* prosperity will *end out a dividond in a better and belier pt]M-r. Who is the Man? Asauuiing tbat Mr. Tn.PKB ha* *i.tiken bis last word, mid that then' kt no /omi irason for expecting h m to clisii'.-e Iii. mind snd consent to becomo the candidate ol a triumphant Democracy for the highest cfliec In tin- world, the paper* of the whole count!), lieniocraMc and Republlcae, are engaged In Npeciilutlng a* to who will pro? bably Ix* called ii|*oii Io bear thu banner which the sa-fj of (ire)stone decline-, to carri'. v\c thought at tbe time that tim r... ut action ol tbe New York Democratic Hale t'otivi allon bad si tiled the .jiiestiiiti In favor of Governor < lkvblaxp, and we bsve st*n nothing that has caused ii* to rhiiagt- our own opinion that kt lt the man who can mo*t certainly lead lue I'cinocralic hosts to victory; but wc bsve seen sbundant uvldence* that he is not to be Dominated U-Joun can prevent il! I* there anything cl**- lu tb* nay? Have not Stat.-.* enough *|K)ken for him, and thc d. tn .m.tuition* In hi* fa? vor been *i:fli. lent to wtisfy t-vrryUidy Ibst t in ??1KB would kt iioiiiiiiai.-.l ivitli ont ? cont* st in the Ilcniocritic National Convention If nil the faction* of thu Dcnio eiatlc p*rlv of Sew York would eordislly unite In his ?up|H>rt and recommend him as their candidate I Lt u* not do I nj nat ice to Mr. Kbli.t or lo Ihc Taiiituanv-llttil liemocrats. They set? tled -di tlK-ir dllTcrences wltb tb* other lien ncratlc organisations In th*|sUl* du rlnj* tbe reecatSU4-** Convention. To Tam- j many urre sccorded tblrtr-one vot*s, and all wt tit |,ar_M.nlon*!y tbereaiter. Clbvk*'s friend* controlled thal Convention. Mr. Ku it waa there and wa* consenting to all tbat wa* don*. Ile *Undspledged to t-upport dovemor tXr/.nXAwwE tba la'.ter abai) If the nominee, of tbe l>r>nio.-nt ? National (.'oiivintlnti. We do not Mao merely lhat tie ls pledged a* a member of Um Slate Convention tbal Instructed the New York il* 1<-natl * to roto as a unit In tin- Rational Convention, but that be ha* ?luci- stated a--aiu and again In private in- j tettliwt. wltb ii. .v?pB]*er reptiri.r* aad olin r | erson* ll at he would < 1 course *u*>- ! jolt (liin.A.Mi If the t'lncaijo 0m***> ; lion ms le ?h*' li'ivcrnor lt* nomlni'*. How foin*tful i*..|>lc ure. Mr. KtUJ |l-)*d th* -sa.*- rii/r io **'. L 'Ult In ||1 . He li-i'k with bim to that city so many ?t hil MhWHt BU banded t >- j j-illici to dil. Ht Tu BBB*! nouiln.vlion?tUit j Ihe l.lisdell Hold wa* u-adc * rexular auii ?| i? i i.s b?*jn:iii*ra. lienrral lt .usa A. l'Brc-B, 4-iiun?*l' Cox, (it neral **i.oiia. At* i M llnai'M. sad others u*cJ all their ,., (ju, tit nnd |*)W*-r?of ]H-riu-i*lon t-ic.ii* ? fl-re tl.. |Jcbb|B|8B tollu- N-tiori;.; (Vive:,. lion' >"? Tilduxcoi l-l no* wry Sew Yrr:. 11.* Vlrglatao>l*?attt, who were un* , . i ,iid. ari I*' ix-slciicd by the lath)tren of htLi.V. Till IN h:'d bl<?? *?*?*- -I ? lori;' a.*.}orhy lo I-' tJovernor of New \*Hb. but KUXr'S Iibud* laid toa! h. could not..ari) th*--toisasaoiuidlds'e for I'reeltJ.nt of MM VmMsm Sate*. Hut Doa ritf ibkb, Kt-BM*. ?*- ?*?* ""ociat*4! froia j tbti Bi .pl'* ",u '??tola u,-i'tru,y "?'? Mr* ?in its would >*? "-ure to.i***l the voioot hi* cub r'Btr, and a hen sBst-d wbatber sny j otber iH-tiiocrBt aonid carry Sew York, ro lated to answer loth-- ne?-stlv*, and taoJ* < stly retilled that no doubt there were other B ra than Mr, Tilden who could carry wat irita! btshe. CutrVASV stand* ex**?tlT where Tilob* bra stood. Ci.tT***-Uf? w*a elected (tor nor cd Es* Tort by aa luna***a Ma* ?orlty. aad baa prorad ti ba a model Oor? error. Who ar* tb?y that say be asnaot <**fTy New Tc-rtl1 Kssctly thc same crowd tbat Milt Tnjian amild n-H carry the same r-tate?TttuB-t, who r^ttYcd thlrtr-o.U ibotisand majority. Rosuito t*BT*s?ii-B I* s-ood ?itth(irlly ?* to how New York will vole?l-etter niilhoilty than any other ann llvirg. He ?ild lint faiurdi.yi 44 ll serin* frwn such report* as reach tn* that (lovetaor Cleveland 1* the wl*e clinic* of ihe Kew Yoik delegation. I regard bim aa a man ot great ntn-ntth In thi* Mate. The clement* of opp-vullnn to him .n tbe Attie ar* not such, in my Judi-ri-eu'. i* ?oiild fall to support him ?f>r ttl* nomination. It will b* remembered thii (.?-??, Tilde* carried th.- --tate in lsTC, although a rn x-h mitre foniildal'le comhi Ditton oppomd hit nomination at 81. Lom* Han will iH'i*i*.- (kiTernor ('leveland ut Chicago. Oovernor Cleveland'* 888*181 lias le.n mi admirable ono for the best ii..4. r.-?i? of our and command* t :. r| i rovaJ ot all fair-minded men withour regard to putty, and In tho present comII llaa of ibe ItcpubMc.iii party In N'tv York ba would tn) toted for bf many Kcpul~ liiana." We t|iiote thi* not limply became lt sar* that Govern'ir Ci.btbi.ano can etrrv N.-iv York, hut a* *bowing that Mr. Sumo it ??* -un., a it a* a retth-d fact that " Oovernor fi.kvn.a*-.!. ia the wi**- eholee of the New York delegation " to Chicago. The ("harh-ston Meant ami Courier say* that three fourth* of tho delegate* to Chi rsi^o from South Carolin * consider Hov ernor (1av8i.***.n the mint aiallabe Dem > rial In the held, snd, therefore, desire that he shad lc the Democratic candidate, but thal no irrevocable conclusion will be com** to until tbe dclegat* a reach Chicago and *e*i for tl. tn*i Iv.a what i* the situation of afTtilr*. The same might lie Haiti, we MppeSO, nf tbe Virginia delegation. I! they onlv knew tbal Ci.hvsi.and ooiild err* Sow York, tiree fourth* of them would gladly unite in hi* Mipport. ls Kr. Tii.m.5 friendly to Ci.bvki.ini.? The WorUl erny* that ' 'i.kvki.anii owes nil 1li:t he it In politic* lo Mr. Tii.nk-.*'*! tiUnils, and that hi* warme*t supporter, to-day aie the ch -e friend* of Mr.*. A* to tho Herman vote, the New York Stoats-Zei(ur*f say* that Ci.bvbi.abii I* "the only strong candida'-," and addi: ?' Clttvcliind'a uotnln dion would oblige Ihc KrI'lit'licnn*. for thi* lime, to pi--k away the blandy skirt. The ?baplest l*sil" in the world? boaeatyajtalatt corruption? would dtelde the election." Think of that, ye suiittieru tl* leg .!??*. Let ii* help to " pack away the bloody shirt.*4 ItMtOf OOBMAB Baja lac newspaper a coiini* of bbIWCucybl?BB eaaleraaott in Netv York, st which kt and Mr. DABXOfl win- j ri .int, ala wildon* a aka dow ol foundation. Cf course they ure. Qood Deatoerata ought not to repost raab ?tories. The Washington OOtTOtpoadeBI of Ike Alexandria Gan tte sn-1 ?4 Mr. Spi \ji>, member of the Hnii?r- fro-n - Rear Tort, la talala*, with* tbe Gasette,s coircinndeiit to-day about the reported eppoeltion to (jovcrinu- cleveland Ia Now Yeik and a latior-inee'iiu' that i* ROtBB t i bi held in New York Bjrslntl him. sahl il vow all koafc; thnt larLie incctiiu'* could kt gelira up in New York about anything; thal th*- Qoraraoi wa* by long odd* Ike ?trongaal Deni"* rat aol oi'iy in eoaoUot but in Ito- e'tv cf New York, and thal li ivan entirely crtnlident he would ka norm (Baled, and if *n that ka would IWOBp Ut* State. A letter has beea received by ooe (f Ibo Virginia delfgnte* io Chicii'o from Olll erl c. Waiker, who wat once Qorernoi of Virgie!*, and who will attend the Coe leiitlun in thc place af the Li-iitco ml Gorernorol New Turk, in whick te- tak ?* I ti > ls* lr ike earn.- vii iv ol Un sim itlofl in N'.*? York that Hr. Sprig;- does." The Chicago Coevtattoa will meet to-day .\..k. We iriikt tint ill tbe d'->gstc*?: those fruin Virginia e-peeiallv?will keep their mind* free fiooi pr* jiitli*-*-, and ii it allow their fillings to be too ivi.niilr en? listed In favor of any u-;iiri:)t. T'i rj m.I sic nnd lier enough in Chicago t<> aatttfj tlnii) thoroughly tint CLBYBL-WB i-itln-r ll or in not n.o maa thal ought lo be Bomb Dated. We are irii-iiti .1 to li ipa thal Ihe r*Mtlt nt s'. Louis in l*7i* will !-.? paralh le I ur repeated ky Ike ri*uit at Chicago in isw?ihtt either I-Btblabs or Tildbb will be nominated. Let Thom Como. Tba i'i.aim. organs lathe North protest to bellera thal if sn, Blaixb, and other l'.|.ul.limn oraton will visit the i-i.uthi ru State* and make ?peaches dorlaii I be carnal campelga, the wbitet Buy '>>? *iliid. d tad the Bepablleani |i..^*ii.!y iiitii BBC or inure ot th- *<< nit Ii.-r:i Slate-. Li t tl.e iii j ni ii; ;:ii oratan etna*, *.i> wa, rtpl dally if tin y will divide tun" willi our lome tpraks-r*. Imagine .lon* suiiii mak uncling Jon W, KiMKi. before u Yirtii.ia tiinl'i ace, and explaining his IO tlon in the ciise of the Copiah anti Dunville Invalidating c'l'iiiuiittecs, ot hi* OOBdtlCt in 1*7". or bl* anti-soul hern rotes iu tli i 1'aitcd Stab* Senate during recoil druetinn dajs. Not .vi n Mr. B__HB could fi- ti tonthrra audience apoa bi-, laeord. Ile would wish to mik on some other subject. Hut we chi. tl'desire to bsve n lrthiru licpublicnn tpeaken collie among us aeeauM they ~ould thu* kw enabled to t.-.tify that the southern people conduct their canvas*! * ui>ou as high a plane Bl .lo those of the North ; nnd I hst tho "ballot" is as 4'fri-e" ;,ii(l the 4-count" ** "fair" In thii tte* linn 88 In theirs. Wt BBB insure I.. Mr. Siikrman, or Mr. Pi.ainu, or anv ottier ll. publican -qicakcr, a kitidly welcome mid the nm?t courteous treatment. Come and ?ce and im convinced. Tbe fact that Harper's WssUtf, the .Vi? ii n, the New York Herald, the New York _Vriiin</ i'.'.*', and other such pu'te.-* arc b* stile to Mr. Hi.aink will save Ute So Hi BB doubt Irom much of the d< trillion aid inisrej-rcsintatlon which would otherivise BO hat iHirtinn thi* year; but WO Bia la* clint d to think that the pfOIOBOt la each southern Slate of a number of Bepahtteaa orators of high cbara**ti'r and good rejmt i lion Would be u still bi Uer shield. Keauou to bo Satisflod. TtcKgypllan eoafareact which met in London Saturday adjourned tot ten day*. II ii thought that this lo?-g adjournint-nt will bo of great advantage to Mr. Q-LAD* m vt In the firthcoiiiing debat*' on the nioliou for ii vote of censure. The London linus, which bari strongly is?ai'ed thc l.ovi rnuniit's Rnyptlaa policy, warns UM . I j ? sitlon against the conseinienoe* nf Iireei|iltating a debate while the eniifer t m i- I* In session. It Baja that such action would end in u li ling defeat for the OBBBBI SBUTHi This wanui.;: ts not inopportune, and it is, :isj t>. undi n-t.ind why Mr. QLBBBtOM ?liould !-?? satiaflcd with tin- ?i!iriti -n. It ls not lu Un nnturo <if the Bagtitk people 10 reinke Hie (ii.venun Bl IB Um face of fore.un witness.-*. If a vote of ceiisiir. lt |'i*e**cd, lt ls probi'ie that t!i-ywlll Uah local it itt crcnci**, ?usl.un tun I.overa? ll .ul a* I mutter of -? ?ll-rcsp.-cf, and ?hotv tin in rlil thal they are ho*i lily unite J. If lt I* ucl pressed, the Don*, will gal i nu.i, and BJ8p*8*Jan --ii*'h un out, o'. thc coBfercncc ni r*rlia:ncnt will su-tain. As weakenin-f thc fon-e of my pe* 11 ..t tbe Ifepubllcao jKirly will atone un I r?f"im If the ticket ls elected, it may lie rc mi-rked that no party ever reformed Itself ts bile in i-owcr. and thnt the K put.llcan parly Ual-out the last party thnt i* likely to prove sn exception to thc rule. Thc t hU-ago C'urmil make* s very strong point ? hen lt itsy?, " The rcfori.niig * lement in the Iii j ublk-au party hut to atrug-rle a*rala*t . vciy Ik?-ti le-md otmtlnate *piiii*-hui ting tnd ?| oils-keeping elemont l.-u-itient to the ii ak'-up of a party long ia power and alroiijfly Intrenched through the machinery of govern meat" That th-; people recog Bia* tb* loree of all this I* ei ul-*nt from the tact that they appear mon* disposed to trust a party of ouU plod-fed to reform for tb* cake THE JR of rtJortn. than a party ol In* who proaii** t-etona In order to allay popular tad.<Ti? ti, rn and dlsaftVetb-n !n their own rink*. Method la lt. . "Whether the Independent Republican* of MawseWAwansW orr. ss the Tribune ??*> et?i( a, a *et of PharUce* or not. II roast h-* e<>nf*?wo<l that there I* a gmt ib-al of me? thod fn their I'hartsreiam. They *r> or f-anlztng In a war that at present ha* every appcar-mco of meaning bu*lne*?. They baie tf >^v-d headquarter* lo Bo?ton, whTC a commit- r meet* every dty to form nnd carry ont plan*nf action, and'tire systemvleally effecting local orin*nlzslloP*ln ?m?ll town*. New* fr"ir ?l! portion* of th<-State *howa that the aa?rrtlon thst the bbMUH feeling i* confined to the vicinity of Ibxton will not hold water; also. tbs4, lt I* abmrd 'o cl?ini that it i* itronveat among th? clo? t-ted and well-tvdo ela*****. If wc am to believe what ive ind not only In thc B li? ll n r&iv-r*. but in the local paper* of kmsn> *<ru.hii?* lt", tho spirit of revolt hw seized upon the har-l-headed voter* who cotn posc thc hone and sinew of tho Slat.-. Lillee* these psper* mi?frprrs<-nt or ml?in t< rpret public sentiment, thc ?? firmer dud*'' and the ??mcehsnic dud"" ar-' a* earnest in demanding a pure Admin? istration and In repudiating tho Chi-cgo ticket as arc the - t dide '4 and tho *? Harvard dude" Whst i* rn-r.-, UM former class*-* r*present, t Btttch m>re weighty factor when lt. comes lo conn - In-, the vote* of the State than do Hi- I K t.r. Invostmatoct. Tiie New York Wornt hat Investigated mill repartee! what thc eppaefUea t.. <; .* ernor Cijivkiumi's noinintlloa BBBoaatl to n New Y'.iK. It alsoxlve'Tilongbiographv of thesalim g* nth-man, and .?*>* that L I* " s faithful snd vivid picture of the rbaric brntid rareef af a ehtsea ishim b gr>-it party vvtl! pioballv call la it* bead, and lipOB whom the peopbl ore Ilk1 ly to cinf.-r Ui*' honor of beiag the fr*4. De n... iii PnaUaat al th*. Uattetl State* ?inee, thc dal* of HnilAKAN BBd the (ld Constun ti >n." Tbe lY<>r!d I* not afraid of Kei.i.v. Il sty*: " Tb" opposition to (iovernor i 1-velan I, ?hough M-rtoui, is cxairuervod l.y pndn* dire and personal disappointment*. It I* of a pciiliarlv narro v. *elli?h character, Bad -.|)f to arise .imin-t anv nun who 00. c-i|iie> the [si.ition ol Oovernor aad ls not a demagogue, in.ia maebMPp > I i 11 - -: .* n, bat a re*l, karie*** ladMal magistrate. ?? (inventor Cleveland ss-ks lo perform bi* public duties c..ii.rii "iiio.i.i-. lather than to coiii'lli**.' private interest* or in uividtiils. Ha doobUesi bas taadt mi* tkikis Hut lt W as ih ii bb daylight that ll Im bad i.i .ii a worse Ooreraor ind .1 beti * 'Lu bunill' the objections now tuged against hm. would never hare existed.'' Tiie Chicago i'oiim ntio'i trill w.-igh ail these Batten. They Don't Know lt. Thc law now i* that person* tither than publisher! ma need foorooaeei ol se kui 1 i-'.-i-s mattir through the mal- f'.r oeeeeat, A 1 i-tal f'llleial Bays tbe new law ka* nol caaaed soek statter to ba sen4 la largo quantities. No wonder. Very few p-r m bi teem In know tbal then is tock al iw. Hut n tm hibcr that you oao'l that I nd 1 for. ign paper or periodical, boc ladeedaay paper *.r periodical that u not em md at a I ..*!-< Dice Tl* siKilit'.eUss',T. Yon stud it ns third-el..*- Blatter, bal i;- ii - *?? matter whee teal bj the pub. Itehen. The Dciaocrati hive been so tronhled about the beat wat ti curt the northan] Mai.-* tlmt the] kate forgotl n til about ibe i-ouibern 8tai**s, supposing th m to ba sale. I'm now tiny sro begin.un ..- tobe frightened a' the bright ll public ni pr >?? perti in certain loutbern Ml tin*. Th ,->- ar ? iu iiioit*l tenor leal the Republ can ipeaa eragodowa Poutb aad I li t.i*- people, thc truth.?-Ni ir York tribune. The Tribvm oecriTC* lb-elf tn ! itt te* 1 cr*. The Democrat* here are aol at all i'i doutt aa to bow tay southern State trill m.ti. Their doubts relate to New ""Tort nml roch Ilka .*?? I .\* lo S'litding Republican ipeakeri to thu rs eil m. we bad tpoken h* I re rca Un 1 the TrUmne's paragraph, Bun what wc -ay eisiwhere. our itamp ipeaken are the tx t iii the world. We do no) b that iiieie fs a lb-publican In the Morita who will dine to meet them in dehal . The Providence Journal i* better m tbori-y on astronomy than it i* oa J) - naoeracy. Ia a recent i--.ui- i4 ;>i.-_.i* wita Hie Iinlt'i end"!.!* li. r.ltin. to tba llopuh II''-.!) fold on thc ground tl.t* the "Dcm >? eratic party, governed by the solid Bourbon Pen octal ic South, ni iv lake JOssension of ni! tin v.i-l C0!> eerat of this conatrj ead firn buck the tide of civiliza'ion nnd ..." niora ns hal uiid ii-, far is they please." Th ? t/oaraaldoet Botaeeiatobe tware of Um Itel Unit, although the Democi ;it. have eon trolof a mujority of thc State*, ?"the ti li? ol civl'lzation and of rt-form" hu aol beea turned back one bit. BRIEF COMMENT. We wait in vain for the 'JYitomc lo take ** the eathaaiaaia f"i- P.i.aixh" off the leo, Tbe New York IHoaat Joys: HBepoblb cnn BBBCeai this year will h.- a triuiu,ij 0/ public morals." Oreel guns! Thc Philadelphia Pres* Mya; -\ coin jH'iitivi. trial oj wiml-niill* la to take plana in Philadelphia next, September." Tho tress ba* a right to Ix- very tanguin ?. Mr. iltUAT Uai.stlai.'s Jail full ot ol I murderer* will soon be dltpoeefj ot. but Ohio civilization cati bc BOOB to kee]) up the stock. "Uriels made from dlBearded cor),! now coustittitc au Industry of Cermviy." Prick* in thc hat, BBBde from dttcaf le ! corks, Is nothing nctv in this c mmry. ?*-ladgeFbb-bbbitsarei Mr. Hunh that thi Cermnn vote in OM 1 is *nli,l f,,r kita." '1 his remind* 11* of Judge Kouakku's Hf" Joke that he would i.efeat lin adi. Y by :i\<H)0. The Huston irio'.e suv* 1 --.Mr. Ulai*-;:'; backers arc cliuming thu' h,' is tht great political ?knocKer-out.'" The ehtoaet ure that he v.lil bc a p..::i, 1! ki e. r out lu November. *? A Washington correspondent Senator CsiirBoK lits taken hoi 1 off th* trude dollar." If ?*- nv .r CaJtBBOB hat conflmd in* piel.cnM'i- proelrnUaa to the tiade dellar lu- UQdtflMeBt iro.n moil Ot his j nily. MiitAii Patho,tt.e 1 orkish 1: obaasi 1 1 ., i.i-iidon, kat is-md Hm ?? P'i 1 ? .rio" ol DaXTB In modern Ore* k, baring prei pablbhcd Ihe ?* Inh-ru )." 11 tbe Interest and admiration of rn kolar*. A ? .r U.1 _-1. the hitnne Mr. Jons A. Looa-, i. tbconly man in tin* c.u.itry tv > cm real th* m. Tiinimnnv 1* not in riiVull ucalatll lund. M ov of it* tr rn 1 -' bra*i 1 fat his iion.ination. Mr. K ly oppos - i.i* n-niinaiiiiii, but *uvs dbtiaetly tbat b IBBpOri hun if ka is i:o'.,.riit.'l. There i* not th<- s!i-|,'. ,t room f irdiibt tbat Oovernor Clevrhml is t .-ntlldi.te the* mil um ibi be wm ba much the ttroag4**! d.te I* fi.rn the C ttvenrlon? pr .tl : wsya thst Mr. Tilden 1* an impos.ji-iiltr.? Atlanta Constitution. PlltSETT's I'OCDAtNE. Till Hb*T OS Al.l. Iliin-liRKssiMis_lt 1)1*7* Irritation, r - moles all tendency to dandruff, and Invig. orati* the action ol the aiplllariea la the highett degree, thus prOBMMBd a mitftpm < and healthy growth of hair. Its effect U|>oii thc gio sine*, nnd rliihnes* of th ? bair 1* such as cannot t? surpassed, niiraett'B Flavoring Extracts are tba last. IUHMUNU IJIBl'AKs THROUGH THE STATE. THE NATURAL BRIDGE. A I.-ul- **-r*? al H.-t.fT- ' *?r?a?.?ol Bad H-UI HltkBHt* *rrl?al.. I" <rrr?t?it.!?t's* ..f Um Rlebmond lMapatwh-i. Ninia**. Batno*. June no. nwt. Tbn old -4 (ireeobrler road." which pa**CTi over the Natural Drll-r*, and which au ancientmanuaertpt**/* ???Ink-* the- Kanawb* st William Morrl*'*," wai the original trr.ll between tbe Powhstin Irdisns snd their warlike brother* of thu Five .Nation-.. Long tvefore pale f.v-e* had made their Appearance weat of Kb-liman 1 the red nan knew of and doiibtl-ni ad? mired tb* mas-dve structure and rested Ix4 n-*?th it. lt ts ?*id that a smouldering, deserted 8BB*f**_VBM lha glen set ?everal mil*** of Ihe I'lin.eval forest on Urn about the l-ealn ningofth" iSvenreenth century; ind the rsrlieet known picture* of the, bridge vive ?te iine,re*.?i'n that the *urroiindln*r? sic alway* barren and d.-notate, and .imoit lie? s'. M afloUBBT Indian relic* are found in neighboring held* In -Treat abundance, ard athel strong proof* of thi* being one of bl* favorite r* treat* are not wanting. Colonel IV (*id, In 1 *?,*?*, the Boone*, and other In? trepid ptaaean in the century following, j-r*lab> knew i.f and crossed over inc bridge te and from lha adjoining frontier. Kally ro'onial record* mention tho 4-dire roi.ghiie?a " of tho t'liinnerland-dap route, and tin- 4-r?cky BffhjgJ timi Join* tho two mountain*." MANY VT-*.TOn*). Prom ITU, when UM Marquis de Cha-** telina. <>f BeetHwabaaax' Banty, rttUatl n. down lo the pr. sent time, il ha* beea viewed with wonder and satonl*hmenl bv tl.oiis.inds wh>.*e nsine*are historical. So that, in number of visitor* since- the, com it. in?> BMBl <>f the nation'* history, lt i* probaMe that Natani Bridge can l*ad prom? inent summer resort.* ?? by a targa major? ity." 1 tadeaspe Bardaang ?t place* ..f tim kind 1* loo often ahmed through IgeoTM ?? '?r ??jirtistl- t'lindnc**." Hut Ml UM ??w.*mlnian" hi. "spired" tren, or rut another, obj. ct In view. Surely, m v.r did - warratra*] aetan i?e*r bersell m. ie teeoiuinglv '.Inn at lha l'.riijgo. Walks, lawn*, forest glide* and vltti*. ar I or* mid hidden bowan, and ad sort* ol pretty dcifcot thal helli so much in the i-caapeaftioa of a cnltivmcd Lwd*.c*pc, hue beea *?< nuder* rd and rea'ized. lol HNAMBUT A.1D BAU.. A "grand toiirn?ment and bill" will be tivea here on Independence Day. Tho jinaapolla N*v?l Aeadascf bani, whleh arrired Friday taoralag, will furni*j t i'? ll .t Matte, m the** :dw*v* de. I noUet ihefi.n.illarnhiiies of S. BL Witt, ll. T. Miller, Vf. J. Hinford. Bad|M?ada Datkla* on tk ? eo-aatttee. .ind understand that kai*one uml all roaataled te mtv*. With SIM b a lacking t.-*?* affair inn-: I"- I taoa ?-. rmi mi expect thal a m?J witt al lha ??nipping feet" In tl.e pavilion BOSt frill:ij Bight 'viii loiong to Kiehmuid's fair, st telle, uml t-eau.v. A merty puny ..f RiebBMndert visile I ai 'n.i Muk, atayiag a dat tad a night, and leaving thea, aa they aaeenirl n*. for buri. ii*s r. -1*1.11*. and nm that they bad ea* wish todobo lt ts Ueeerely boped thal Hu- s] c. imeu of royalty to whom I bini tin honor of being introduced trill re. wer fi'iin hi* tptalaed ?r.kle aad rogala hi* ac? customed agility in tim'- tor the Mirin? tu! ul ball. BTCIVOXB ABltlvu.s. Kvuy day ubi* aim- Richtaoad names lo coi register. Among ihosc "f the ii-t fit* i ty* ure Mr*. Judge Plountoy, Mi**.* K. Maxwell, W. Eltvtoa, lt E. Scott. Bro. kc,.). Martin. I. l>. Deane aad alee*, *. b. \\ itt, r-i-e McCarty, ITUIbua L. HoiT.ll, A. Sall'' Walkin*, ll. I>. Yin-y, Percy Montague, Burton Hazell, w. K. n.ri-tian. .1. b. K. Sleitrbt, li. P. Brooke, m .?.1. l. Hill. There h.v.- beea * (treat ninny ben thia leaaon te Isr, bul. 4,yet ihe i. ii room." Ail itkhmond***! mar be iure of cordial wobbobb . K. M. B, UNiVEESirr of vi ni,!.wa. ?..rurni Betas* ia* v. ii. C. i.-M**tl*e*f ll.e -*i.riril cf Vcitora?I'elebrBiioii of ll,* V,B.lTlutii,ii VcletT-Dlher Mailer.. I lt* potMd fer IBS I"- '< I'muk. ny "i" \'un;ima. June 90,1834, Tbe Ber. l?r. J. H. Bccleston preach J lb. s'lioin before Um Y. M. C. A. lad night from tbe text. ?' And then li" died ly iii" Ark of tbe L Tl." II. --iTiiii -i. vi. T. Thc addresa a*a? a riroog pl* ifoi parity lo church method*. Ile began with tbe fate I ? f* !l Uxzab when. I irgettmg th ..' God n-.t to touch iii. erk, t.? di bold of it to -r1111 y it when h r.i' bl it in danger ol I..liing. lied rubs. *.ii j I',,. Doctor, mil while in ix, human ngene, it will, bo will ?? r:i-e Irreverent interference. 1'h" . bi reit bas bo righi i" receiva-a** Utan ? fi. m ev* rv ?oiirce. The rraial !? -i'- tn mi j and cooperation should h< reJectcL It tbe cl,Ulch II c iv.- ;.i,l rI"->lll billi, tb* li the n h is tte L'szax mid will recelv." ju-1_ Bit nt accordlaglT. Tbe I iwt ol t .?? dai llhislretc th*- oki Irrevcreoco, '1 | e ;,....i tn - ? of the murrin:, tie, the ',.:.*!, -.ii..bit business pr..en.** which the l.,w 11 are psi* ut. In man* q i marriage I- thc playtbiag ol tbe I. id tbe rath* r more - ii m- sal . Stopaaaaaia tb and tali* his money?that'* robbery, ' il L. i!,l| ' I- to Itli ttl ? and tula bim :.'ii i tbat i* basiocss. lu the liol al vira ol tin sub! et the do* tor di aired thal (Jo IV band sh:,ni | take the ph..' of Hut el I iijh. Without <? "i ?. iei"i. without lind's til. n.y, ,n e lu lb il mau is t?x> "fd n .ml; tbe b. :*' r Ott ? 1 lo be ? r.hrrer scouadrel. ll" closed with a very pointed . i~.-n-.rsi. -ii of "practical in.Uti'-*" ind refitted tbe data thal coaicleoc* "i-t in t I e permitted to arbitrate lu tho matter <f boa votea ara obtained. Thi* bi ld ni ii: .-ii.!? * aol ito Jual ce to thi a moa, whick un*, regarded a.* very tine. MO.** DAT. Th* Beard of Visitor* have been in *i-? rdon several d:.y*, but so far a* ls known nothing hm leen considered but tho usual routine businea*. 'i be qoesttoa al tedaelaa Um pnea of l-ouril in lire aird hoarding houtw fiuuiflO to fflfl i- being considered. WABllIMlTiiS I.tTBHAHT HOllCTr. Thc lina! celebration of thi* Society took I lan thi* evening, beginning at ft. 'I ba linaJ president, Mr. J. I. Vanni, ter. of Chilllcothe, ohio, presided, tad dell? en d thi dekat* r's medal ta Mr. I.. H. Pugh, of Bertie, La. Mr. I'ugh laamedtd in t tpaeeh on tho subject ?' Vox l'oiiuli, Vol l'ci." Mr. Blewitt II. Lee, of dliimbu-, .Mi*,.. reeelTed the orato(*i medal. The subject i.f hi* oniion 44Thc Future ol <?ir lUpubli.'." _ liiic. PETERBBUBB AND VICINITY. A Cllttltl Man t.HH Miiplilnni or riar-?laalcipal Sia.iailr*. (<'.itTi?[..iiiIfnf.iof Hie Illrhm. ml Dlipatrb.l PaiBaaaiiau, .lune th\ ihm. A colored BMB named I livid FelU wu* killed ulan .arly hour yesterday morning bj i* fr. ,;? ht train on the PaterabBig rsll t\ td, mar thc (;uarant-'c*Hireel bridge, in il.i* eily. The train wai a special freigh' due ht re at to'el.-'ck. Noone s;iw ihe mm or. Ho iisck un.ilalter thetrsln hud naaMd ovrr the body. Tis- body was terribly maigled, and the lu ad w ** Bhaoet si-vered fiom the body by t. ihtBtly, jugged eat terntt thc throat. This tad gavi ri*? to thc imprea*! ?n among h.: riv thol lha m?n had Beta murder-d mid hi* body plaeed upon thc track it. flout ol the train to eoaaaal the eritae. lb.- tatprcatdoBaa ttnogtbeaed by tit in-1 ti.v little or it. i !,,?i -.v a found Bbeat ihe tpol. aad thal Um daosased bad baan -nu bal * f* iv botUt baton sober and in I lit*. Ti et wai only running abjut four an ' * .-ii boar at tba tl**-, i's-jt-.d- aa . - * i.*l-itghi? were burning, mid th* Im Ji Wa I ali d mr, ihe grade. There teas, hi lotn, n.i trtdi b* ?? before ti.oroaar'* iiuy to.,in. !,. thaw thal Hi-re ii.i l been tar foul play, and a verdict of aeei-leotal tra* i. mlcnd. Bottbenaresnll(log? in tbefnlauaol soawtbs: lae man i | wheo tbe ti. a i. i. The I- dj v.-.i- ceagkt tad rolh i u in d*-un plow of the, and dra loi ram Ihlrtf rerda. Daring lira month ol -i ina Qficn ma,. nmc.- wen baaed from thselrrk' . tl, i ill fbi* i il; ? >< VI ll to \y.:iie BB I'ij-'i to colored ooapiat. Light)-one datda wei ? ti'.odtted to ..cont, aatae .-f theta irAiis-,.,. ni _ valaahla ptaast al BBafj r'i Mayor oi-i*aad of one hundred and thirtv Cases in BM COWII during the Math. Tba *:.ii ipeeaaelewai ptaaawled in the tfayot'i i ..un thi* morning of six color,. I boys, lu.-.gii.g in sg.- from len to f, . Mu*, wj,o wert- srralgned on tho efctrgu nf lau. ny. Tho ofl'ence waa ptOVad, kal lt wa* deemed, iii view of their yontn, thai lt would bc hetter to turu th* ra over to their itu-* nt* for punishment than to con ?.iwii th. in to a cell In thc Jail under thc Mat.- law. Thc lepotl of the Chief Bnjrlneer for th, U?. al ymr .liding to-day show* thst du? ring hat perl*id ther* were tlftv-foiu* _rc? ?nd alarms ot fires. In the K*****t n-t].-rlty ol case* tho damage to property was v.t> ~^***mr^T^ *"% * ,T.|WTb*f,8UvtVJt'?l ??inldpal ol"*" _A" ^*** Uar ewell? btra nuaH?ed [^dtX^ibediech.rceotUieir m^L^^^1*^^ ic.HIon 'tnnng *"\.^^ . ' ._?-- oro.. the farmers, *a?l t!>"T '' "oW,i i(.?wil erotw *>f every kind. , r*____#Mwill *rit upon th* Council to . rr^w Bftwioea and ant unm**.!ial* a* SE?3&gg-**? illina rallr-Md-rio^Ucuy.^ ^^ THE MILITARY INSTITUTE. BtssBM B?an^Hl!UUMBaB-*dlM*ti B*r*r. ,,, A laval -Tte Hall I m-*el?l telcttr*") to the IHir-t-*)-) I iXIf-nT-***. Vi., June ,11. ISSI. Thi* I* _r?di?tion-d?y st tho Virginli lUtdary In'tit-H". l'rou,ply at b,lf.p.? Trlo'cZb tb* '-rp* were drawn ap fajj line on the narad'^'round. and -?ft*-r a ss ute.r wenW-"<""* b, th* Cadet kwh u-ry, were march*"! to the mes*-h*H. wb.-r tN xrrc.**-* ".re bell. Th- room WM Vi, "nd a.-tl-tic?llv d."-orT,.e.! with bunt mg ind lat ocfore th.* hour for thc .ter ehet to .oD.nicnce had arrived the doji wa* crowded to it* fulie-t capacity. Afierpriverbvth" Ker. Mr. Ttylor, of tb.- itoptlst < lurch. BnettataBdoBl fWtt inlndnecllt 1'. IT. .Morn*, "f Virginli. i.f Ibe cia*.''f '.'... >*"<> d.liverctLl splen? did n*Idiess In-fore tba BoetotJ ..Alumni. CBdal VV. B. DoatalBf delivered th- vale dietoryon t'chalf of ih" gndoaUag ams. Ile -superintendent then defrveraddlpto m-i* to the members al lha gi-idti?tin.'ctTi.i Id the following order of merit: I- ir*t, J. G Merni, Vlrginu; second, W. A. stm eun-, Virginia; third. .J. IL Saun lr*. Vir? ginia; fourth, C. Y.. Bataer, Vt/~*?" fijth. C K. Variirr. Viririui?; sixth. * . M. snelling. Virrinia: -ev.-nth. VV. K. I)ott_ t*r. N.w York; eighth, H. B. IMmtst.n. Weet Virginia; ninth. B. B. Williiimion, Vuglnia; tenth. S. V. Fulkersui. V.r* ginla; eleventh, C. J. UtMpboll, Vlrgiars; twelltb, E. A. Maddox. Virgnii; tiir licnth. UT, A. MlhBBBB, Vln-inii; foiir teciith. K. P. I aulden, W.*t Virginia; tl" leenth. H. ll. B< mu.cs. Virginia. Colanil l'orttock. ?n bearii of Um H >.vrd of Visit, rs introduced Oovenoi *'ani'i ?n. who. in sn appropriat" si.h, delivered tb- .laek-.n ll -pe nu dal* ui Cadets M*"ii) ami Uoaenri. Ppea ti.e uuuclaataa al the rxerriaei lu tho bull th* eoept wan iw?.-.-h .-d back io the bm ada arnuad, Mben tba commandsnt aBBC-oaeed UM nam * of the i aili :?(.Ulcers fi r the reaping Mattoe. T te band Hun played ?? Auld Lm.* Sun-," an I the '"ip* west <li*ini*se,l. Aft. i the ."rps Nad beea ditni**" I i mctin.- of the Society td /kiamal >v* i-> held In Preetoa Hall. The lollowla< effltvr* ?vera elected lor th* easaaia feari Pr**.. dei,!. Jim li. Meemi Vi.-i-Pr.-si len-. .fohn Carine keel; Beenbry, 8, H. Letch. <n Treasurer, w, f.Shields. A grand bad took place ta-alghl in tba nitaTull in honor ?f tba graduating ?JlsS. DANVILLE. tWWttWt *f en llouarcd I'lila.-n?Vase of 0MBBS Orualn?I'nloit SerTlce*? Allin ll ni-ei to * Urnte. (Osman** Smut ? at Ike BlebBimM Dt*a*U*a.l Jon Ul. I-m. Tho (Beera! nf lb* late W. B, Wa'son took place ye-tcrday evening Iron th" fumiii result in-., ile -l t...i * liaviog charge f ihe -*n.mrs. in tb* procession wblcn th.mpsaied tbe bears* to the Miiu-*ti-i--t Methodist church ty,, it,.- longcal line ol Mmousi v r-.-i ii in thi* city, tl..-:'itv C >un tiland. iii.-, rs. f t! ? mun! -ipal government, mid :i i r.g t. ila "f i u riane*. In the pi ? pu stol assisting lt- v. Dr. Itrown In cm doeting the s, rv ei - wen lt. v. Dr. Har? lin, lb v. Mr. * at . Mr. -( ii. I'., v. i,i..t ?:.? U . I?t:,. . Uv. Dr. lt; .wo, in lin* timora! di court . -'il that Hr. '.Vi.t-on ut* born In a house which it.. .1 on lb* M on at! ch the '-! ila-**tr ? 31"ii odi-t chun'. ti .? |s, '? .d re -cntly ci!. bi; I. J I t redd '?:. W ,- the. >? ii,|.,t.i ii andfnciul ll ? i ?? . - rath n ago wei Hw lesdci lu iHnvillc life, i,?'l 11 n e.rn i ilseior i* ul l I- revenu 11 ir tbe etti lor twenty-eight lear*, tnd hil 11 gun iii- < '. riot ian lif. tba ai ?l*trj of -. -. lbj tat In I . which ouch utood at the coi ii r ? f '.VI- oi and l/.-.-.n sir. ?:-. ti>c ol Reonre fir*. *':.. trreste 1 for lam-nj ol t cl ? ?'. bel i irina t > M issi i. Cost y, was csllcd In the Pollci Court bat* uri! y ind i - 'i on. I I ? tiMlay. At th?? strut tim* :? ei.Tir.-. wm brou bini "f theil of a pb -1. and on that-t i b. was orderrd to :? brid tor ezamtnallofl grand Jury. Tbe pulpit of ll v. Dr. Goodwin abo wi ni doa n int" ' hawed county to ti dedicating a Baptist ehareb near L - \t;'.* sl.l'plleil V ste|,| ,v ly II t. K. Ji. r.jteiit. ..f yanery ville, N. C., recently i ti luate if the ttoutbern Baptist a !?: ruler casa i f sttachateal lo i mal i ? i ly n citizen from Buigg >i 1. h Mr.Jeffrrys, uianaxcrofa larra lucre, had li* 'I H." luni" bj tbe seek I i ? ire ? an l gonn og to mipcrlatead hi* luii!*; ob hit return, a bea he found thc mute u 11 broken if. areli, be ari down tad cried litccnebll I. A I.i-1 IA. 'Hie Vi.rlnll. Muvy-Vacil StueinliiK. lf|)llSlBl l. ',-*!ll to ttl - |ll-|.ll-|l.| N"iiK"i,K, Va.. June .io. l-i-*). The terra or eight hun ired people who Worl ii. th" njvy-yard ken an- very m-icli clei mi d our fin- fa'l tint the Btcal te ir .ill-id to-night aad then mao orders to c.-m.tee on tl.e new yi ir. Than arti I- i o i.i ll rung to-morrow, tad tba > -rd will lo cloted further order*. It I* storming hi-avlly ben to-night and lu - U rn raining now for five dayt. t iri.-ii.lTi *tv?i N't*-.. A part of ??l.'arlto.-.'- ihe tin. Alb.nnarl. flinn of lt. II. Mr.i'iiin. L.ip, liv ti" 'ii .old privately to .1. ll. Andrew* for |M0O? aNuit f :ii ixr acre. Hr*. Uaiy *'W wart Smith, daughter, ami son, of Charlottesville, har.- ..-one ti Ka? rapa la ?i'-lid Um -unim'-r. Tba s.n. Tucker, will probably natala in it-rlin to eompleto hi* education, Hu brother, a. UarrtsoabMith,lsVi M^oaaulotthoDalted Mute* in thal i-itv. lin ls now in charge, th*- (omul, de neral Mark S. Brewer, bein.'. now III the I'nite.l >'ate?. ?.pim or ?b? au*u Pnh. Oaaaeaek vuijinian: ah the sign* of th.- time*, tberefon, point to Cleveland as the .sniilng'. Norfolk Istndamttrki Will t good defeat at CMaBBO we shall overthrow the aaeaiiei of hon.-st giiveruuieut and get rid of slar roota ii'llu.'iices in our politics. Lyn*hburg }.eu-s: Kverything wss go? ing w.-ll with the caadldaeyol Mr. Clave land. The people til over th" BOOatry were ri?!ng np and detigaaUag hun at tLeir rho ce. PttarebatV Dui'.--Appeal: Meanwhilu \t( iiui-t tieat Mr. Ill tia.-, because he w n't do. aa well for the reaaoa that be reiir Baala priit! ip!.?>. Ibeortet, and a -. Hat weat do tito. Norfolk Viroinlan: Tiiu Blain?? BIM Ui dote* theft- iitiiiost to |b| Art' and Edmund* to --ush ? little over tbe Plume I Knight, but both ol the-e gcotleatea think ti batter Boadaalloa roalJ nan been ? ide. Uttaeh Valley Immbi The IbImbbI lei .nu*- service I* eeawdod with extortion* 1st*, plunderer*, and virbui, ofletata \v!io abase power to nuke money, and who ii ukc the Government odious hy corrupl tyranny. vi tltiti .*;:>?. Mtrtttd, *? -r. Mn, iv. lu ic,p. I ,e.'H?|. ll, \ .. . I ? ,1 ? . I -s*. I ? ,,?, l> I. M, 'uv :,.. ll. I)., KHINCISW l.'c,. II It*. \ ,,r I . .1 -? SUSHI :'.. .in.i,.f.- of -lei .i.i:, r n.i,. tua, Eau., of Isirrv* towi-ei.-t'.?-i; .-ir.. Ism Tai* f .??';??.. ? .py. ? U-nti'.i. n l.i.ii.I. ?., ,i trt! 7'h Itu"*.it. at "M. l.rir.ila'l.-ilr'l.)) Itu*. W. lt. Iluoi rt, lr Ll UM.!.TX I-. - I KU BB. ol ii,ri . ?I.IV:? i'.. a,.Mir.,m.. ii- ai .x,.,. ur I rr. . i :-, . i . -. v. ? III* I UH. Ir.i '.iii. rr> . 1 ..-,, Jin.e :i", t***, MlllflV s. ? WI.IM,. in ti.. iixtv-Mventti veat ?l Uer - ) . r*l viii) ' .ir ti.-..< t .ra i.r.. *rvet ll. - ' "? ' r I- I i ni . Ki-la* l'?,?aiiil rrii'O* ur ri.'.-f i.iiiy ir-r.-'... ? lul'.Tl,.. vl>..I tiaiuii'. |i . ' M n I j ni mta* *l 7 .\'l . . i i \p. 'tis.. i..\.lt.i*.n:...... r J....,.-. I), mt) . athena* i - li .-. : audlt-ipti'i * l-i. tl ii .,; -i'i lake I Lim at thc r-ii'I nc ur Ile *>.ir.. ? . < 'I t..irlh K..| stnN-i, Til;.* , lu**.!**) MfiitSlN', ... Vrii-ti'l. of lt** ramlil Intr.. 1 ? |.t"1. *-t.*8avn4T.-tii. J im- Seta.nftTBba'**<??_?. ? IIAMLlV. -.-.. tel -'ii of <-. P.. au'lu. ll. .". i. lot*; ?cr*, li lr >.n >, ir. atel tie ai ..uti.. H? fu-rr*! nu- ike ilaci fr '?aionarc Mrlhv ia. thorin TTESDAV A tf I F IJ VV >N. J?|? "*"V0 r>vt.,*fc. ?rleuil? of ihc family r*. ? l.rlfullj ll.Til-d lo atti Ml. ? llci'tirl'*! ll'l? lire, at Hi. I'ore.i. Amalia ', Va., "ii "tie t?. rill ? ...'il. ? I itt. PHQ581-, nt ?oi?l an.l f.l'hriil i*-rTitt. 'h* l**l >*c.| *nl uf^ lera nrle?il, of tbe fju.lly tfrraifl l.y her 'ic ith. ? _ H. I. l\ t'linaral Kti|le?. Tiie i*tro?ral cf ii'iui.'K 8, THAW will ?.?*? pUlec il "U lim . ?-! -li at ll ?? 1" X TIM*! Friend! of the family aro reir*ctfall/ nm . .t- i to allen*!. * ?art's IA I. afrr*?. $W tnt GM-AT PRICES STILL ar-iiir* at MM MM MUT T T BBB BBB J f-MI nfl ? v ? R 5 fi I u aaa v bbb h k ?a*". ASt) TUEV ABB* I BBAUTIFUL PATTIttt"*3, IMITA TION LIXBH I.AWSi-*, ?tl t-oatti PAtlTIC UAW***.Sat8'<e.,irtlla?*?*?Uyfor 10**.; DOl.lDM.'T* ll SKKBtt (KHllal thpti BTH1PE SCOTCH SEKHSUCKtCR al 7'4*s.5 WOOL LACBnUMTlNO-latOlle.; ?rl-ftB*l prl<v Hal 00-Cr.HTFLoWBBKD tEhXEQB MCLl.Sat lon.: 10-CKNT Ul S 1)1 IMIHAat 4V. LADIES' GAUZE VR8T8 at Ifle.; 7B-CKNT Ht.ACKNlI.K HKorADK al 10c; AI.I.-W* Ol. 1.1 ,-; ff tVff |Wf1 ttliltP M MBit 111 All .-PIUMi Dill-** BOOM ?i half "alu***, re fBj-'iie.i. r...... Jfl.ltlS MBrKIt ,t SON. Hoi msttmt tsmwt tir.s.1. <>..n*t8A.M. ly l-Tii.Tht*.-,, lllloTIIKltS have MANr Rf and i-nirrv SOOCM THIS W-CK WlnCU Hilt I)K .sol.II AT AITIIAITIVP. l'ltiriis. lu ncelpt of LOVELY ol'.lh.NTAI, AM) KOTPTIAH L A UOt! Kl'.a KVIH L AA 0 O K _ -1 L ,. A u RI "ML L A1A U D ll k H - UJJ A A '"A' KKK "W* > iltJK.NTAI. ABD KOTPTIAM il.l.-oVKi: HET8. BAKOt-om s\vi*s BKBBOUHDtlB , UJ BAST Al.I.-ovt-r. s\vi--< BMBBOIDKBT N Kl B, ASH HART VFW AM? l.tiVKI.Y LACKS Y IB TKlMMI.Mi WlIlTi: .,<)'.)*. W W WU ll ttl IT! . RB w ww wri ?' n W w ww ii il ll ll T KB WW WW ll ll ll T R W W tl HU T KKK ona do o*i mm b*u_ ll (1 O *) <) O M I) s 3 tl O 1) O O 1> !? ' .s^j ti na o o *t o i? i* s s ~ ouo ixi oo inn. 'tar .. i WHITE (i'.iil)s. ol-' I.V!-HY KINO. F!l ->M .I. . PEB Wi!) r -. LACE NET* **OB YOKES \.M> SLBKVE1 ts tiBEAT v itKIETY. mi.w.*: sn.ks: bilks I LABGB STOCK Of PANCY AM' ll.I.''MI? NI 11 I. SILKS M . ..-I, io ( i.o-k fob thi: .-::\ BLAi i, "ILKS vt IMPOBTEB8' PBICE*. 1 ; K SA GOODS I UBI s- (,o il>s: tn.* it WELL \s'.iiiu i i> wi. ri.i lim K-ll.-TI'iM; LOVEI.1 SHADES ol-' .LBATROSS '.Ni* MN'S VEILING, Billi ABLE POI! 9CMMEB WEABi LABI I. '.SI. I. "Mil.i 1.1*11.11 Or -.ll. olovks am' vu rs IM ALI . :: S W -WADES; A bl* Ort** in i.i.-i.i-',tiii:::ai? ULOVKS it ii... tt.'i. ile > ar. tolx ? ???', I r ? "M ii in nu'1': vii,ri:: t ins "I i:\ i kv *i i LE: i. l-l i-i\ lin: BEST M M.i.*. rot poods m '? ? IllAI.IIIMI.l. UH,. I il Hits'. Ie jo -n.i n.i iii urn, i".i ur ,i i -. eta. m-,11 ... -ut;. .* rn rotM. n 'n ii uk nN s i 2 a r, ll (1 I'K N N N T TM V7 ii ii. ri k K Ha I ____ r. in ODO BBB B Ha t ss8 will i.tiy a BL \< K HU **fUi il t rai li 87sv.-. will sIlIMl.ll BILKS moats 50c. a yartll ?Ol "ill l"-> .-I'llMI ll SILE . J <? I 1 ti.e. -oil im) wm I'K-si hutu victoria LAWN it. nli 10*. i i ul. aa I I hr. a WlllTK-sTini'i. > INDI i I.awn mont 17c a yar.l; 7c.wllli,iiTl.AI'K--TKII'Ki) PIQUE ***rt* I3e. a yicl; 13e. will liny LACE-8TBIPED VIM 'lill I.WYN w.rtti lJ*c.,i yardi PBIHTED LAWN- .it 8, '?., 6% !". 1J,-. i yar.l; BEMHAHTBOV THI BEST PACIMO LAW/KM mps. i*-r yar.l; s\l ^fi Jil si.IN KlM.lNi.s v. ry .lin,|,; ALL of Kit LACES sad HAMBUBOn ; LA* K.K.I'., IN., sau'l INSKH I INi. *.,.' ., . . .crlpltiii.; Afuil bbibiIbiibi*fBEHTLKHEySFITBH1 II lN'li .ilMiliSirry cheap; Bat "ur ceiinin" HEW 1 ollie Mll.i.s OOTTON SlIlltT*. with Bas l.lnei Il.i.,. .!? ,| (ii in. at 70c. wurlti tl.'JS-tl.e ctiraic.t s|,irt rt,r otleicl, .-Millet M rei?lai-cj f..r Ule BMNWt. HAT ll I Nt.--I II* f..r BM n an I W**t< Bi BAMMOt lv-at 71c.,tl,*l.:,", _t,.i -j:; i BOQtm at toe |1, 81.10, si.'j.), aa : Hs set | A l-rui- .in.-k nf DKiLLWr.S, f*OTTOHADIS, TWXEI1B, CA881HEBVS, BLAHHKL8, ?iKANs, ai..i TBICOTS to* tor*4 and wi ur; Jl B8BTI <>fttie iM-.-t qaalittcBBl i!.w.-.t jirle. -: I.IS) N ami MOHAIII CLSTH.BS au 1 DBSTERS On Mil cs: rtBltaWiBa*! DHBBELLABstaa t bak-weoat, Tbi.spt.^k mn I bad . ww-, *1RAV Hilo. MD. I" WOOL 111 V ri Sf. at S ,.?..* )?r,l?Milli la-', year ut J.'." : ULA* ll and WllliK Dill.-..'. I Ni -ll AM* .11.? -. bfaHworth 10c LEVYB I'Wi*. ?MetCMMi I* Levy Baathsri, Wc elev oar al i):..o |-. M. OveBttfl r* Will e. lifer a favor l> cur tasptoyaa* tiy uiaknix I Bel l il'li'-' - 1" 1'Hl Ul lt till,.'. Je Jil w:mihi, wATnm. QTAKDABD MISEBAL W Aldis dp \ I] NIA*8ARAT08A(H.T.).ANB -CBOML I .!.'. I.itiii t, .hm.i.i. . wn.TiT si ii-iiii:, h ,* Boan, Bi* aaa ian* Attn, vi. ar, atf.BBWairr. ormi?B?ns ?-. I tl "?-. Ill SYAI'I .1 \N..^, i-i.i * Braal. raiaoaicasn m.i_ A', t. ' lint npln ( tl..-*|.r:. woli-iua;- i.itiii\ itn-aalcat -j.-, * EHT8 i-i.i: QALLOH [tsstvsss iii, ii. Bat*. "id i . ii|iiii.-'* Bontalaln*! .iuaiy,i* m ill. ;.t. ?.?. PlTKCri.L. I.AIHi ,t " o.. A, \ -i', i .-, tl ? '-in.t-uiini I.i, nm. iel. Vu TAXI.4* -BTAM I1KSTK!: TAXKS. I un ii'.w ici'lv t.. iioclrc 'he 'lit AM) s. tt.'iil. I AM* >(>l: li-sl. VU (j-r-.n ,.it na ? i. i.ii ur lH'f..rc Jilly I . ?? 'tie ly i.i. All. r*o?i inyltf o*?n.uf >.f tln ,,, .,.,i i. .?..(.? Julv lat aud llieolh-r lull'.io ., '-f.rr B*i?Ibi* 1*1. win l.e i.i|.|>l.?i tn a n-~ I?t. e. .1 ter .-.nt. on one half ... tl. cit t.n and ..1,1 ml * bair. Kin- i?-r ' -nt. wm ? i luull lr isa mil aol "n Deer n> her 1. IHSt, .1. W. ll' ON tr ,11, Ju., B 'J l-l 'Tl Trc?*urer I'lty .,f Mi "-;,c.'er. lUIRrAKKKM. I .i I'.iM'iiUi' ,v *! rm i: . bbub ? I. LAM-. r%-KM*l!l**i; INDEIt-'-**'*!**' TAKKNS.784 BA*T Wain RTBBBT.tartwvni *??. and Klthtb. hate a larjre BHiartmanl of Minot n- tio*)i) *r. j arr a i i.i < \-*iC*t**, . . s|-.*, .ndCLOTH 0A8KKTS, al law i.ri ?... i ? nun y atula If rapn . r.ler. | r..ut;.l!y iiitilcl te day or ulxhl. Je 97-lwAl?ow3iii ?nti-iAi, wnw***. mjr k OUAMl CO.V8TKLI.ATIOJI or rrk A BRR ooo A ll s? JJ ^00% I ii AABB'l ti u iihih! ' Shh a* R?H 0 A A ll I S S "fMU I ll AAA 5 K fl DO AAA II .1 fl tl - J Ima* I * *M,? * *"" wwhhT. dTECIAL ri.DSIHO-OIIT SAL". AT t88?T YOOOL KEB B Y V <: ll L V 88,, VT I) L FR , J T ll DI, k. ?-Mi" Y DOO UJJ. KKK BRM BER OO TTTTH 1IXKB HRH J***. I |R IO o t I li RRJ RHB KKK DOTH li ll KB KKB ^HS ft f* K HO O T H He R B , 2 BBB U R OO THU KK8 R lt >8* OU8IIBI8BW M'N'S VEIt INT,-*, ali; iTMSa, *.\*iimi:uks |:intin.,s, BEMEHi YATrtllN.'-i I.OTIIs. SATIN*, i,INi,II\M-. SKI BBVCKEB8, l.WVN*. WlllTK BOODA SPBEAD8, Table i ihehb, hapkihb, tidies, Uosim;v..hi,'sk.ys. I I.. * HILKA, I'l.oVK.*, ItlllltoNs. lu , los*. PABASOLB, LACES, CARPETS, V I ri IH ??-?, BOOB, < OB8ETR. TO'.Vl ls, .?. ., ftc* A'. m\ CLB B30TI1I lt-, ?11 ll. 84 ?? l-lrna.' eall mr: y b. t**M ra*- la Bm (fief a In stt**n,T_*l l tl* Ll-:A & PF.HUIN'8 s vr< ll. Till WOBl I sii |:-lli|;|:, i.:,, ...ii, wak HXATB.0 v MK. -ni i". \i i i -ii um: i n [s, tt li.MN I.I N( \ . I - iNs. flrlt-Talr t_ llltY lilMirfi, Sl?TIO>?i. Aw. i, ii ii n-Ki* x \ nrr tia uta I. II ll K X X i I- ll II 1, ll II ll KR X T EB I lill 1. .. MUK X ?; K ll R ? l_,IJ... II ll KKK X X T BEBB R. i 7 IIBOAD *l UK KT. I* .'HUI ll TO llt-'DI'i'i'. OUR H . ,i -I'llIM, 1X1 ... eill. \l l ll ivi. M ll'- . \ l BADRDIN MIV BETH <"l lOSS IN ntl' ES. Ked ? da lot ot ).-:?:? . UBI -s.i,' Ni,ii v'.l ? la ' -?.. . ' I ' -. ' \ S ' ' s , -. -ii: i'iii:itiis.< m.riv IIKEHS ii ? IDs ' . -.: i....ii-..i ai.i.-iv ...i. iii. uk lAsiisji.::-: i-.- -ii c.-,... .*.("-.: ItV.liii-i I eur BL *.< R -'I Kl: Bl tl."', I - ;:"!,:?-". "i ? lot II Al i:-i"',vi:'.* lo 10c.; I'clee.'l WU 1T1. Ml 1 I ? l>. e...: .ii:: d-i nN-til nu'ED Bl I ld .. Iel I:.*: ced WHITE I.lN.r. [ir Dai C_ fr?ui 3 ' I" I'..-.: Redact-! Ml--! *' i,ll 7.X slllill's * i ., , 23 i" I"-.: Rntaeed BIN'S '. \! .:': 81IIH '. l.-".i i BEN'S DAI .". sIllllTS iv ni 15 la - ed mi S'S ii M.'.n'i'i . in slims cr ,in IGt, .".i i r hi.t.i". :. ; Um ii Htwrtl.sTl li USf I * lull, .(HIT *.l vt IBSHILLRj 8PRKAD* ir ? Ll ? i?LO"i ll. .le. "I til lill! I' ind -'.viss KM HIES: l Ail L Mill's-. i,-.\ : LEM8H*S. in '. i UlLDRKS'-* IIOSIEUY. RRR KU* MI'l' U I- OOO IIK.M UKI' R ll f D l> !' ' ?' "1 R li tl ker in i) i? '' i' n is i) i) ii ii a n d c o a .-? ii D ... r r hhii hud DTJ OOO rr* DM) .. is ADDDITION TO in:: m: 'VE, ALL .? ? i'. IN ALL BEPABTMKN 1 . i M i. KARL1 I'.n -.' l .: 'Mi HRH ?. RRn DOD * lt NN H ,-v-s M ll AA it HO O AA ll \ B S i, ** HIT! A \ HRH '1 V 1 ll N N ? II ll AA\ !* lt (. 'i'i ItAA ll V N N uni; _ a R U OOO \ a ii n Ha 11 ll ll KKH X \ITl-l ERR BRR ? HUM X \ 1 '. K I. Ii ll ll KB \ I' i i^ RBll -vs., MUK X \ T K K R s /,? li ii ski- x v. r Keilli r anSrm lil ? ' 11' iMl - I I ? AltDOZU .v ' *'. ( i in i . . - S .i -'.i.i . bud ?. I A i ku.rm * sk-. HM UL-TORY Ol 11 K . BAD*-*. v,. m.'i! - tnt ?ni?., I'lNK. ,M.l.-s||.:. RLACK KCnAll a: s.-,e., aol I b* ii- in Man h al ?! tn; HI.A* K KHADMAS bb I Mil; --?.. I.', .fl. ted 11.88 -s a tn in Conni r price*; I'T.r I.I \' '? .. ll ll -?. tl. 15, 1140 fl " - thin* WI L.t.-?? t. r '??; r. bein able to .if. r. lu out MTiITl.-i'"":'* In I'illl'MI N f ?. ? lUHKNSI STOCK, ll ? Al it WE '.'I .IIKM ( III. Kt * me tram aoctli a. B**m< from Importer* aii-j* mo otrui-it..'**?and wc?lT.-i a* decided bara-*!** I UK Ni it KAINS* PERMIAN 1.1 a ??? HATTI* IK . I. Mil ,.,. .vi, LINEH 1. vu Ns. l.I.No.N III. LA. -c I. T-..1T,-.illili-. AND CHEA- MI I.I.s. < BECK ?? ' I - "lt. tad rartoai ?.-. . 1'. ii.ii tue. .?.*_ ti .. .,;. LIX1 *>- IttHBIl IIAKI CHIBIB at 18*. c.. ap. ??I I'M mt CILKS at greet** bara-alu Uiaa ever. Tb* Cc?-' s. lection ??! PARASOLS lu tbe ? Hy, I'AROOEO I i O. 1 KOO!4*-. '.Hoi;*. Am. ni: TOURL" r.--. rn ALLIOATOB. bEAU anl URAIN-LEATHER CLUB * ti k i; sinn i.uki;- .,.'!'-* \. IIIANM (INTI .. K N I- A I.. -1 K UtBB, B** bTATE-BOOB TBI v,*, u;. I a.; ?.?:..-r .i)i.-a ?,t Inin.-i -Al. UKI.*, vai l-l-, DAUB, sj-.j -.i--. Be. lull an'I c. rn; 1 U ll**** af LADIES', MIS* ES4, ( lill.!)"! N's. ,,1'A I I.-Mi N's. t:i.I BOTB 8CB_UtB0 ..I*, .il h.s, ii- -.8L1PPEBB, tad i DHPS. J. A, *ikii,i., v i-iiin Pen n *>K* WM ti Itali < m KM v l ' OB m I C K- Ii U 0 M ?. ill!-. MOt*t IQ RB IAULE. ErrECTTVR, ll I * ONN 1 NIr NI l-l BIBI KB Oif 81. It Ill* ls Ll.AIR'S * ili.i-1; vi. U1VM il. PBOPBTLAC 1 li AM) DtSINI KIAN 1' .'<? I t I ru.*!-'. . 1'ilt... .*,,? , Read lb* f. Unwin*: i mu-* i in."i; m. uivm i. raopitT LACTIC le tte baal dldatVetoBi tbal I lu****** i:-.l." lMgl.i.11 111 vt. HM ., '....VI l> I Al?lfc>.?IVbbvi ??' m in 1 * ter I i. Iii'tlcul ir-. -I.-. ri... te l-l I , .1 ,., M'.:. iLullv... jiiai. . 1 I r*,i?? <tts., IIIH.SDI.I lltv.s A. l-.tliMUMIll***. |\ I 8 80 Ll HOS. I'lII : IBM Of 1 'C1IARL1 B DANN-: A Tl . 1 ? ii.-a et mut. V ... . is ilu, dat be* 1 ?!! .t.'t, Mr 1 .1-... - li ism .se, '. iiin.- ..u 1 ? mu 1 1 a^c; lu viii.--, li 1.S.1B, Jr., eua .1 . 1 U 11 Br. ri. 11.i.i.I |iitM.,-r? iil.-iDiia mell t. 1 ruin/ lu* il,am., tu h.a tiien.i, .. 1 I . ? ii fi h.r. for t' :,' intr * 1 m-.l mi 1 111,'.Kui ti.,- . |,1 frill, ami -1 Bra?Mri ?lil 11.ntl, ti-- 1 < * 11. 1 .1 AK .. ^ KAN SK. Ja.. wlK) will .-"iitiiiur |,< Itvrp 11 well vs. ?< I... ami lu.. I.,, k. I v . r .1 u?r >i'i.s.. it ie lu . 411.1, ail.I * ihi'? thc III* ral MtUUDT " M " tl . < ii.vRL- 1 "V vNK. -H.. Ie "-e4;_ llltlTI'- >.NN. I.. I.M.IIININ1.-KOII*.. 'I HKSKA-ONOI' Tlll'\!)KI{..*.|()UMs A 1- *|t| na-l lng. an.I tot tl" i?..'ivtlou . f life .1 .1 pioj*rli lu u.s.l *ic?.J I.ll.ll l NINii- I ... \\ c tiiirr the '*.t au.I eli. .i.'.i nial ait) wadis aol ui i ut Ute ui ap ..11 abort notice. ll * 1. HARD wm. uOImM M*'n ...reel. S?.l.' a^ nt- for Ute WINU DISC VKNTILA. T.Mli r.vNS. to 11.1m r*?..i?. ?>, *-*AmW%r*w rn. gram oomiHo. Al'le mk wo t-ure 'lon" a *itr;~l,in(lf |,rr tir.Ie-liirell..l."t?.atlK-r*tli...,Br HBBfl MMMt'U *?!.'.' I.1M. 1* c.-n->lclr a*ivr .it U..'?,.. .-yt ?,.,,,, T,?,? ..f fil.rh/.. BED! CED l'il< an- tit f '? mrSt i mt H i ?:.*? m*B b linne tu I*- ?i unli! * ti lt MfceM. Tb**t paratea vb* Bb*. ? n t ? nu,.,., r pSTtmmsa*. i '< ' t ? r DBE88, ni MHX8*. . BATELI v., - silo OB BO .: mn BBB,* will ft.! t* .-. M VT* III.: *s \ \| atferla* ai. I', si na -,::/.s, mi.ii. M mihi.i ii vt i.. ' OBHRB --"li:.: STU t-i. 'Mu JPKi.'lAL NOTII' sr IIV Ile ? ll-, r vn : ?i.i ".-,s i.n.ii i -. i ,:i ,-. < OATS* Bl PU..', i I t ' SATVBDAV, ti . . Afi.r il la date we * ' il .? ? -i ? in. I) i . ? . . ' i Kura -j" i ii t'.u. ? ... in.i > ' Li THIN*.. V ?NE1 IFAXT1 u \ ? ? ? i|i IN UV. ? much .:.".!.' IND roo LITTI ASH I*. ORDER IO iTlAN.i l. - rep- i, oo pi : in ii , ! Il ll ll tl I. I) ll I ll ll ll I Oil. (lol ll ll I i I.I. (jo T ll ll i IND fl 1ST- t*. vi?;? u ILL < ii kui. i IND I D ?? v ul 1 IM I', i:\s.v. vi I va ILL '?'..: I' I". . '' i r -1 . - ' ?. - 'N. NlN I li ? ;? UN I.ATi mil:. .M ^i t) \A ? \".\MI i |\ IS i m i'i --LL, 1 work. I'lHll'IVtl, . Jlii.'i'.'s.vl.s I - ?.; ' il.. - I.;, s i * ALBS. i ,fV.: , t i ti, 1 ? ? V. ? ? I. I IC I . S .Ll . ? l-'i, "T ? "*? -I III ll IN.. IN . ! Vi I ? ! \ . ! N ' ' ? '? I ll . r ! . ? , r . p. ii ll., f ri I ' ? : *l t ,- ;? i. , ni-. ii. .i. lii' ;< - r I ' T' ( ll IN A, l.llsS'.l Atti . .1' ,. I* i: cl a i.: I I I ??'! \ 1 i ll I Ni.! . Il ll ? ? Ml- IS J BLI I Vt II I ' VV AM' Ni .. AND i. v v. ?? . i . v . . .. Nil.. i . Ul. I -ll I'AIVI t It.S. I HMM l *i ' %***, Ar. i i. i; wi- - Kl Ni - v:.. i. ? Ll i ?: -. I; .11 - * i., s 11 v i.. v. lu cr.!, i l i paintings, ar at Kt:-* . Ni.*, rit. - fi. A nu*. l-H - f-li i AU! .-I 'Ma .-- . * APfiiTs. i'ti?::i--n i". L'A.N* V W Mil ' ' N l-M-I.H HANLIN - ui ohi.k ar. avdi ?-?*,.** ?*?-? *p Ma l^t'.Ml.lill.V. N!.\\. rm HT it lt min t ; Kl) ? i i N I s , | \ 11] I ' V ll re'.ntl'...I |?. ihrr vviiii a vww?r pureba tl. I. :? IB I Dtalcrli. l'*i*-i-II:i-.-li ira \\ I i I ? Maa*, oii-t V -ti*, te.. A* . "Pawnae*. Ta. ? vu*1 Slay*, Ar..* t Ul l? LMMl.El'.-Y. Ul-. rA'.LlNtl <i um. Tb't I. 88 hoi**.--*-, lor l?f I t bu**, wm* to 1. I1 ' Ul > ?1T i*l?l"?l si..,-for I ' CB*