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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE MMIlElt. 10.2*7. RICHMOND. YA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 2," ISM. TH1IM OTfWJI^C^ aaa aar.B hmsort**. Cl MV IC BOARD IN Al.HEMARI.r Y^ H'lMV .'.ri f-r.m .H-I-ot on Rich mond sun Allejliani railroad. Pm liif-riiist ni andreas it. < mill K. |, o.j, rare />? -i"l*-?. W" ANTKl>7"l">Mit" ??* ? .Tg! MiUXIMXs. MlXsins HOfTSE. Me 1> vs. II. lltp-hlsnd eeiin'J >a.. "1-n *"i l-s-rder .U X! lu. I-.-.4 -p.|s idaee riri-aciila msiiy at lia. lion- Lt Invalids sim i .'.aanr.-- /'rV< 'J msH .I.liel,lf,iiai',.1eicees1l mm! Ii"alil.f?l. -l-seiu? ano heaaliful. **'",",,;ln,",rvil. 1 o',i li,i,l- licld .f M'I*"W.-II al .... h'Sel. A Sm ne-lyiw-,1, ?i lin', nv. n'.-il. ah'* v.?l-r, in I1./I1I1 '?i?' ,!i., ,. . Hail-, mad. A.."mm.-Ul-.e i ti.ti rnar-nlis-s. Terni-: l < Pei ?,,t . .-, ,*? ni'inti ?: i-T,.i!v-i?:ht(ltys. Foi ?-'?"??"-'"^f;,, .,:?.?? s,|* W, Owner snd Pn-1-rtei..r. uM.lm Ml is.well. Va. * lOBaVS I.-LANP. VA. ?lill exi -, s, a, -1 r. ii s ,|:r iv villi.lvlA ? warf-b nhl**. *e*nn , rama , -1 1 I lillis -lol -UH" -Ilise.! ?*. ? ,i dav. Ill I" aaa*] MO pet j-, i , '',i: Old l-olnl and Norfolk hr ? - ,, v. k' INDA* Wt-DM M'AY. tnd FRIDAY. The rUltluvwi ai .i \i s'l.iio-'. ti .teamer* make che, ronaecikM h. li.Ul phralclau, P. A s. 1 ? *? l-l J. T. s'. , i.y I I < I KI U At{\\ I* K. II nra curs xi w's. va.. Locate* ou lisii'i't'ti Ronda eirht mllisv a'..*, ."1 l'.,ii.t (..inf,.,:. mt II-Im MM I I ll: MIK I IX 1.1K ll!,I IniWiMoV casi sa* BBBaBas?aauss raaa bai \ 1 1 ri -I -um Inn', l.ivlnr ill I. ? e. i.v.i . ted ci s Huff "-ri rl'-ikin,' iii Mal si, *.? -,?:. t ? I . II. (il'i lit, IM) Brno* Way, v- i J. K. sWIX'l RT?>\ Minster. Hotel Warwick, AV ARM HI.rt ll! SPRINGS, HATH int VII. Min.1X1 A Tlie (Mv wsini - -i (? vide of Oil I bel *r' h.,vr foi v. , , ITIK I I.I. LAM i .. MILLER .'. *'t>.. Rich .MU-. M'lll <.i:i'l Mtltll.i* 1 villi st i i'iu.1 RI'BINOH, \i i ; \ Ht* 1X11. THE lins. ( l I l d'-VII l> OK ALL THE HOI * ? ? n: l's Till (lin : POPULAR i i \*.i| RK \?- W i . ri-!\i,.'M ? I- NOW UPI \ PUR I'll' SI vs,i\. I' Ul fur, ell. Lad.I ,1 ( i Obi ? i illara) 'I I lin..-. T>ESOK'l HOUSE, PUIST PLEA* J 1 l.\l.\ tu ar le- '" ? "i ai I two li .? d in il,? i in media ? von,ir- of lit ' ?': -ur - :,n.) -li - ? ? Ho*. lUhlu* I ? '. ll Mil I. If. |.i .uriel ir. I' I s-iiu O uusi v -rii-iM,-. Sill -. ? xH'iMl COI NTT, VA. Ilai -known apRINOrt for fli. ? . ??. liil'.rin II., mel .nu ?ii JI'NK I t" M ' KMII1 lt I issi, f r I', rt . I'li'll : . : turo I'"' Nilll'il i' i,lilli,i: .md iii I, .ir.riliiir a. e. i. i ti- equal loan Mall, i ia tho ho? le). - ? - I- r ni .lilli. - |, l\ ri', rlr.'ill-'-. . I wal. rs, 1 ? dn-i fl N. -....'? I. 'v .'..- Mt ll. I- - I _BM |2. "T" 'IM:i POP! I.m: w ATERLNG-PLA( r. ( ut MAY, I- r--.ii I ..; ' V : i ,i: Rsi *i !?' ULBOaH IX 1 Wu Hi t I s pBOM rilli.ADI 1 1*111 V. . ir- attached, . "... "ni. nt hours,and . ii il ?? ir arti val ai I ? lo, ll i - ? ? \v ? ? 1.1 . v ral ?--. i l. ut me ?ITS-I. i ind full ,i i iv i- follow. X'T'lieoi cornor ism .' ei D. I'. i R \\ ? eu . ... id. til it f- I . Ct ull, i.-mr., Mauajri i. _ U I MUM SPHlNUfj, \ II'i.l.MA. A i I'I Vms) l I Ll IIB ll ID I'\ RPI Pl IC u \ li I- KNOWN. UPI X I B< M'MM I" NOVEMBI ll. ? . ? i . "I.H il s. I II I I I I \ I I,' V V ' I . 1.1 H l) > w n.t. ' ii x .ii ia ,. i--i. i led-1 ?? |ik from ,ie v-111,11, . lie lull. . wah it elicit ni i-iual In i Kati ll r week. ? i"si l-l. CAI'lvJXM)! l-l ... ? lg. | ir. a i LAN I I' CITY. I v I ' i ? - I'' ' \ llll.-i'l I.Il Will. I OPh IN NINTH M'X I I s V ll ill \ 11 \\. \, I -1 ll ll I i H i vu kaui , ., I . I ,,f I Market V i i.i lin mi i xii i-. it \t* M) i" l I ii oe ii i ? ? ii . ? "in. r I ? I md I . t| .1. ll. W (ml i ii v ? ral M lc I" I I l I Al .IM, r-PHiXUN, HATH < IH \ II TY. > :. 1- i HW "I .D \ .' ailee i ... * "I D- 1-1,1 MH tl l MlOVi I li? ll) III-. N iel ll ll. i VKTEK l I'HANK, I'r .,.rl -tor. ! Al'Nl.h'8 ll<>. i I . hampton, ta. nfl xiii nu TI tB ( H'M ll Y. IOU i.i I s|s. I - - .50 I'i i. Dst. I I. ' V -TM . .', . rjHlTilE w I viii.u ai;m, git k, ami thirsty 00 TO Mil I it'll;.i- IPRINQS, ?. Sad ?'? t. ha C'l-b-i hr Ha halmi bren ass. tnd from li ? tnlphnr, Iplinst drile ai, Uii lanai. I ress ( AKI.i'l I .1 MtXI IT, MHlboro' sj,rini- c...(.i I",,.. \ a, WI '? ll la AlUB *-|ir.Hrf- liol o|s ti t .r vi I \ lin AV KM-KM? HOT KL I i.l I \(, ls AMI lil STACUA-ST, I exi, BRANCH, x. J. sOTTA*.|s.-.ii I lil srAritA.XTorKX.H-NK 2. lld 1.1. AND SEA-WATER BATHS nil X ll RI Bl. Moat i.f the nsitii. In the hotel htve Issn entirely ?sluniisli.d A lOiLI.EIt -SKA'llXi. BINK i. li ?in also be used ss a IIAM. ANl) * iixi , KT-KOOM, sud a I.AD1I -? i:n.. I I illli-liiHill >n In i i.urse of (-..iisirui timi "ti lb. Hull !. ..lilli Mix lin- HUTU. -STABLED ? Hu- eltarai "I UYKIi-uX AliHi.T-. NtWYORKCAH COMI'ANY. _li. st. HU DH) I '( OLD 1*01X1 < UMFORT, VIIK.IXIA. HY*,KU lin! I L tsitusied .ni i,i,i,died v ird. from Port Mooro*. HI tN ALL 1 ill i > si: i mal l tn] hotel rn lied s',1^.. hurroutidl ir- u.isurirtisse,!; Wilde, sud service uneicelliid. Ba'liina, Sablns, aad drlrlas HmeUlli a'lt.'tiv.. In'riuirieiitli a n-aorl fur southern Tcrn.s lesa lor eqtuil aeeflniiuislallons that an> ns,,rt in Uk- ciHinlry. I'ur, ***** air, Hi n darla, j. :.. r. fio-lilti* "*? I" i'll Uv I'.'" IHlll'L "" 1.Mm ll. I'lli'l.'il V pro|irt<-t?r. V \i:il.: I ".PRINO-J, <H'Kx JUN! r Ibm. l.o tlie *,tM'-.i|H.,t.i and (iii . rillr... I. i Suuutu. . ears ito pol uf al water, irrund .viinti, and fml rare. 1 ll >?nl: n'tli l"-i a.'-.'i.' f thirty dart, B7 js r week, aad lITfOpei Jlsl. ? hildt.ii under iw.lve lean tnd .im:l. lisll -artes, liathiiii' lu U-*Unt j-raHa. (iKOKI,I W. l.Ei KEY, . i'V.Vi'i.|i|w _Prourb-Uir. \I7IM)80H "I LPBUM BP KI NOB, rf U'lDSaor, Md., In the Hine Ittdev "flr I, M ,M,,?| I"lv ?im. fl om lare.letil Uii.le, b 'Mi-, in Irria., fr iii SI tw*)5 |M-r week, tall ?I Ihi ' ? or addre.s \. M. Jrl.LI. '? ??*?.? 4 New Windsor. Md. I'.ix* I a.. Mini s. Ar. fatal fOl aAsaylaV m Al I.K.ATDK. SEAL, and OKA1N-I.KATHKK ? ll II hA('h>: MIDI I.DI |(. a**] l,I.I|-.sA<Kb; 1 K A X 11 (. s ii -. i v 1 m. . sTEAMEK, and bTATK-KOOM TKLNKs, and all o-iier stylet **T 11uni.; fATCMELS, VAI.I?r.K. HA?ifl, HTRAPW, 4c. Pull end couipMe linet ot LADIES'. MISSES4, CMIl.UU*vv%vi,KNTLEMEN-S, mud BOYS' SLMMI-K KOOT*, SHOES,TIRU, W1.II*I'F.KS, a-IEl'MPt*. J.A.ORIOG, * *?** Pave l?!ui-k. ABSOLUTELY PUKE. SSA^ / A*A ? I B OO * A AIJJ4. Knn a a ? ti -sir w K B AA K K NN la fl Km ts Hiiifl nKuKsAAA?5 Sflfi "fi* oa BBK A AK BUN RN OOO r 111 OwwwWD Dr u n prr o o v.- w vi w n h yu Err I Ol) ww ww JJ or HR r oo w w tin-rir|n I RI (no 21-ls B A*rll-tllfi:iST?. A8E.BALL. STONEWALL. for mei It Kirlunouds, Vs. MUTUALS "f lld ruy, st iiidn: omi Haas-Mall aad Picaaar*Park, tttdof Plat si ' '. I-. M. Jj o-U? plI'HMOXD RAMkVBALL PLC*,ft 11 I lil PARK III i.i ol CLAY STREET -- rKIOAT, July 4th. liane'** from d P. sLto 19 I", M. l-i-fie.|ini<-ii|s at etti prices. Na Inlogic* "nr Honor* i rfd. Adtalttioa, abe.; itdi". irs ?i.'? alli i-:uifroin4 l? r* cm. LAWN PtKTY. Tm: LAPIE8 0P VESABLE-STREET I BAPTIST < III li* ll will it OPEN their l.AW N-l'AIJI-i ..ii I vventv-lhlrl -tr, ? t mir M 'XI)\V NH.Hf and da They Inrlts their friend- ind tm ie'- ot the ebureb to e..nie and b**p tbem In rt. the (.'"luiii. is nu.- mada terr . .ne HI BU I \ BRY Xii,li I. **BB-S*AWSI RllAROINfJ. \*l.\\ YORK. I- EAST TVYKNTT -LS THIRD -I'll I I. W Uh exe. ||. ?: Ki i Mi lt .1 irpc and well-renilinted ? .r static; central location: i?-st ol 1.1. n .c.- elvin. Maa. vi. A. BEVAN. s Il OT LIA. M! I: BOARDING. IX' HANGI* Hi i TfvL, l.'HilKiX: \ ll.1.1 . 1 ire nnd i.iry. I iir^e tmttay v.ird, wt Bl I <r j.. rt|, ni irs. address w . M. in xx. Pr iprtet. r. Onrdonav Hie, Orange i.v. Ya. '.V |J 1- In pARBOTT'S FAB18II HOTEL, CHAR I I "I'll -\ ll 1.1 . V 1. In ihe e. ni f tl, eitv. ?? | .-i-i (le i ii .lie square. Il ile* SS ' ? B2.60 is r dil t-arranaes lintel lu i.:nye. airy rom El teni ta \\ Ul CVerj '- 'll-i'liee "f I'tlllli' -III : I tin irarelllna public lo aire at n cal*. I i board* r-. Omnibni ci nil all W . I. i-.-.lll.-i'Tl. li-ii dwni-r and Proprietor. BINGLE PACT i> WORTH a SHIP-LOAD Of ARGUMENT. CABTBBSVU.LB, (.-.. 'Ill- niM i, rtlfy Hint two Bamber! of my lin n,(dime family, after barlas suffered for tn my Bstrnal IrreanlantT, and barina been treated witboni bracSI i-y tait*** BMdleal were al lenstlt completely cared by om bottle of Dr..i. BradSri-Pi Pets-ale B*ar*l*t*r. Its tflccti . acb i' i- univ wonder fal, and well n,-iv ll,i r. lindy le called ' W .iii.ii'- Ke-t 11 li tel." Toort rsspcetfalrr, JAMES W. sniAM.i:. ENTIRE am' Aiisni cir sr. cr-.. Ma i John C. W'hitner, .f Atlanta, w. n md f| 1 ' .,11 a.. iii i i lonni ia* ? tai ut, at] I "I aaed Uri i.ii.dv before Uh warona lara* pl*nt*Uo* I* .-i unbar i ca ut, always with absolute sue Dr. .1. Darla, ..f UIIRowa, Mi., wrllei : Mliars used Id.olilel','- liij'ul ii..r i vi. .:?!?,ely Iii mv or ie tli. ss 111.. .iiiii'u rt . lt ii , ut i .i ipeclfli, it ll in ti v e|,lt,!' ti. Hie li, -1 knovvn reiiedv for Ult ? willed ll I- ne.uieii. li -il." \ jr of ls, id. e... I \ ?-. w Iii "ll, n i?, ii ii i' ? i. in i... -. Bi snlaloi for an i .i weeka and with Kieit benetM. My ea* lt of looa I i my pb) 'i ina, i i, ive m. d ? vt v medicine I could beal of, bat lue Re* , iilv "lie Hill lei-ever Ivsllvrad mv di tt' X 'i \?t li. v. KUhi Dr. .'. i! I III- I. eil ll," i, ,1,1 iv li'li.i l.y lue In | Sisal v.oiilv of .ed I luliy Conti Bl i d Iii il il I. utirl . i Um e whu ii lt cl rare, I ? HI SB, M.I). . .ii ii. Health nnd ll:i|i|dn. of w i a ia ? ,M . Hil I I. '.Ul i ? H RI t I \ lull I OMPAXTi , I . ? \ l,> I .ll v, A iv ll I li Willi P -.1 ii . llb Pl ! "li." Till- I- the I ... li.iv. I., i n ,. ... uka ?? ir \ irlllai Poll li alal ire . tir.,anUI .- di) Imp' i. i s vin', *.?. , i . | ? - ,?.. i u, .iv, mil rcttoi toll.'lilli and Lull ls BP the w i -I" nil ?!? ? i ?., , et', it; i- with iii ."I Poison, and Ireoied . Mil' HIV Mild C.,tildi, "lill 1" . 11" Potash took BWBJ mv :in]>. Ilti and . ive me dytpepsla, sud 'mta nive me rt.. in ' .m. I tlien loot Sarsaparillas, PIC. Ul tl ' 'I Vu- .J'.Il lill lill Xl III es ll.IV" PolllStl III I ? III. im ti. id* mi ? nu worse, i ll dr .v. ib p .i i ? itu Hi. i inlo .nv sys., in A 11 lend Insisted I I lab. vi hpeclfle, and lt cured me of tbe Blond drove tl.e Mi I'-ui v mid Putaab oat of my nd Ul-:'i I am as well as l ? vii wm-. i.i "l.-i-l <? WELLMAN, .Ht.. .s..iieiii, Mass, .1 din A. Baulk, thc l*r**sl bibi lilia al br Ualnea -vll!.-. *.:i . -tiv-t ?? 1 Milter.,! f.r veir- from Hie . t i "..ts of arystpelat ami Kirenia. I i> uttiiiii d to irrovs worse ui "'er lllaMBIItl. and by t-.kliie iiie.'l'lne eontalnlns ."oU-li. B. H. >. . urt-'l mc timiouirluy and tiltsolutelr. Mn, ?> ute, sir.n;-tti. mid rlc-h relumed ti I wm cured -sill, lt." 1 icat1?" on III.ukI and si,,,' Dlsessiw nialled fn* lo api Hi Tinls. .-WllT SPKCiriC Ci'.. liiivr t -ll, ti l.i it l.t... Btw Tort oaW.169 m-l 'I went > -Hil rd -'.ri-et, between Sixth sud Seventh avenue*. Philadel? phia ellice, 1808 Chestnut alreet. JeliM-lw pnaaoMAVis. VOT1CX.?HAYING QUALIFIED aJ ..> EXECUTOR 0? Till: RBTATB OF N'AX XII V. LIGHTFOOT, DECEaBRD, all paraoni havlrr claim < ajraliis! aald estate will pruseni Uiein lo rn*, properly pr*red? for ptuneiit. and iii is-r ?.."- iiiilehiisrl lo said U.U.I' will tiiski uavnteiil to meat . n... T. A. l*Al.Y. KxecBUHf of Nannie V. I.lrhtfsd. d<-ee*~ed. corm i Tenth and llauk streeu, )e88-lw_ Itirjnn "'il.Ya. Orru-B or Thomas i>. Naai. .Iu..( ltl( iiM(iM>, VA.. June I'I. l-*>4 I IV) WHOM IT MAY CONCEHN.-I bare thi- iiaviutitncits- admixistk *. imt or tue ehtaTE or r hom as u. sk al. au l?r-on. lins 1 ni; elsiins araliist said e?lale will i tin tn lome for payment, nnd all isi-som, un hut said wiatt'will malu parnwai t-> bm. lllnM '.s I). NEAL, Ju.. Adinliilstralor "I Ihotna- D. B**L TllsiMAS l>. BEAL, Ju. i.ueivsvir to Thomas 0, Neall, COMMIHSION MKHCHANT, for s.n.- of I.iaf T- 1'ii-f", <UHr|. nuder Tol-aroo 1 scliaiifu -s;,,..I(|el.uni, Va, Je-17-lv.t Kl \ At ll AL. (OH MBIA. s.e., lui) 1,1884. MIK 0OUPOH8 OF I'.oNDS OF THI J ( Ol.I MlUA AXI. QRKENVILLE RAIL HOAD < nMCAXV DI K JI'LY IITWlll he nt id ?i Un XaCiisi Purk Hank, Xcw Y> rt elly, and tl ,l,cC.,.!ralNa.e'a.nUnl..o.,,nj:;ii'.S.j.iTn) ( jy 3-81, lr .-ii. r. ( I l-Kltl I SXI?IN \l.. WlLLIA* 11.1-AM.s. UBOBO* l'UYAN. (a! A Mis A BBTAaT, 0 ATTORN KY** AT LAW, .,(itHHX HALL, corner Khventh and wows ttreeta. (je 3'J-isjmI i tu I WOaiBI INBI'Oll. 1 IICLOKO TO afO COMBINATION. COAL tnd Wooli at lowell cash iirlciaw An < .al, 14.7'.. SB.atil ?5.2ft : i-pllnl C'.-l, tl P. et.'iH and il.ft'i; Wood. Si iud IJ.J'j. Lour aud sawed ard kliidllu* at lowell -a-icaa, Off.ce 11106 t*ry ilrcel, aud 'Iclepbyne l?. <e BU _ _(1. H. PAOE. M~ANUFALTUBEHH' COALS. jcsT mci riv an. I.I lll'll Ll MP, K??R K)I NDRIKS; moo, STOVB. AHUIKBtTNlIT, frosh soi.plv for families. WERT TIROIN.A ^^^^^ my 30 Bereateuitb ttrvct, al draw-brld** COUNCIL ORGANIZATION. PRESIDENTS OF EACH BRA SCL * "in Ilma* Elected fr, iii Jarks** il ir I Hnli-a mt Order A as-nd rd. Tbe flrst nicetlnsr ul the new (V-und took place :.t ft o'clock yesterday erenlnj Fri sent. Hie follow in >: merallen*: Hi -sr Amnions. Archer, Halton, Howie. Braas lidiell, Campbell. Canto, cu'ehim. Kris -h korn, (inuit)., (lunn, (.uv, Uararar*, .loncs, Klni*, Lewis, McDowell troter. 1 Yarman, Pnllli|w, I'izrtni. Bad '"ri!, Kiddell, Koi.inaon, Strain, and Kl ll top. Thc clerk, Mr. K. (;. Howard, called tl. body to order. nn?l stalcil Hint thc BBB tin, was lor Ihc ptsrpaas of organization. Mr. (iuiin nonilnntcd Mr. Hargrove aa he took the chair. He thank*'*J the Couti eil for thc honor, and announced thc firs btitini-st lu Ik- the adoption of tin- rules o order for tin Inn-act ion of luisln.N<. On motion of Mr. Kllrton this tftn-stioi w.ns Ind on las tallie until the Council iva permanently organized. ntESHIEST EI.EiTKP. Mr. Pizzinl nominated for thc office n I.revid* nt of the Council Mr. J. Taylor El lyssa, MViaft: 441 take Bl**at plc inure In pl-icinc ii tnmin.iion Jor pi.-iilent the name of Mr J. Taylor Klly-on, BMBBbst of tlc- OeSsmm for Monroe Want. -? I know nell, slr, on such occasions I ls Baas] to Indulge ill n len Kt! I lill.:*! With liiltlalory phrases ot tbe nomi tue, inii I dum it only neee-i-arv to na* that while Mr. Klli-on bas Ulled maa y po**ti of honor in I his community with credit li* hi- filled none mme worthily ar credit.-! hiv timi Il>..1 ol president of the lite Casa mon Coil-nil. His kaowlcd?* of parlta mentary law and Bf Ute rules of the < uni iii. his .1,1 ludOBS, hi- ("t.irt'on iiiMtmi rs ..nd dignified oecopaacy of th* ( Kdnimnded him lo tbe Ween sui Confidence ol Bil felloW-llieluhers of tb. old 1 ody. mid I Ini-t he limy lie Imnop-i liv tie )iis, 1,1 sad* with a uiitniiiio'i' elicti'.n to the position (or which I nomi Bate him." Mr Ellyson arss elected sracelaaaUtoB, aad Captain Plastal sad .Mr. Bowie wen appointed i committee to csndnct afr. Ki lisoi. 10 t!:c chair. Mr. Hargrove Intro liiiuii Jfr. Ellyson In tbe Connell, sad n* made n bril t ipeecfa of thanks. Ill LBS OF mini.ii. on motton cl Mr. Frischkorn t1." -roes tion of sdoptinj lae t ol* - "t ord tnki 11 from iii" table. Mr. Phllllpa'i nm lon to imend the rules i-v ttriktag out acetlon i iras adopted. The 1 r< adi.- ?? Tba un taber* ol the Committe* on Finance shall mt lt* Me to iippolntment on any of tlc j list ?mading committ. ? -." joist sn 10K. Mr. (lunn offered i resolution atkins; tbe Board ol Aldermen to in tel the ? ouacil i.i joint sesston on Ute Sd ol July. Mr. Boa le "iii red in tmendment naming Un seeo.ul Monda*! in .lulv i< the time for lbs joint si -ST.OH, :it winch meeting -t p diet i "ii missioner Mill be elected to fill Um vacancy from Jsekson Ward, Tbs Chair decided thal ^r. Howie's ; 11.' Minn nt war aol -erin.un to the ques boa. Mr. Bowrie withdrew tbs mine tempo? rarily. Mr. ('linn's resohlHoB was then adopt sd, aad Mr. Borrie*! ameodmenl being ?cain it'.i 11 da was adopted. l L08EB BOOBS ABB ODUSCILMIB CMOBBB, The ('(nini il Un 11 went into exc'-.itlvo session lo 111 ? vacancy in the Connell Iroi.i .lin Km.11 Ward, nini the door- were dos. d. Mr. liahen nominated Mr. M. <' irinody. Mr. l.ewis warmly isconded Mr. Cana. - dj '1 nomination. Captain Ptzstal Bomlnatad B, Taylor Pl lill" Heil. Mr. l'lnliir's nominated Mr. John Bankin, Mr. Howie (ulled attention to the nd tl'nt the Council bad bo ?crgeaaUaUarmi, uni asl,- ii thal tin- rules be iiupended rind Mr. H. 1. Augusl bs (lei-ted. This wat (I- lie. afr. Cut eh Int endorse.l Mr. Pemberton. Mr. < 'aiu wai nominated. Taree Ballot* w. retaken and Mr, I! akin Wits eli ctcd. Adjourned. Itouril ot Aldermen. The Board mel ii 7 o'clock. Present thc followlni* nu mle I-: M.--rs. Adnu-. Barksdalc, Burwi ll, < shell, CbuiBii, Cren ibsw, Crump, Dickerson, Hhw-row, Utinti, Hu... Powers, Randolph, Bohlaton, Tay? lor, w lilian,s. and Bst*. * l. rk Howard raitped the Board to or? der. Mr. Barksdalc nominated Mr. Williams a* ti mi'oiarv chairman, Mr. W illi mis announc. d thal Ihe purpose of thc meeting wai thc election ol pit-sl il. nt, ind ih it, trcordln** to the nile-, the trallon would bs secret) bul thal ii wai ciii [ni. ni to declare the leaslon mopra one. Mi. Barwell mads this motion, snd ii W.i- :oli'|it. il. Mi. \s tilt.mis iiiet. announced thal nomi, nation* for president were In order. Mt. I'.tiiwiil nominated In i Ina eotnpll nu 'illari n inarki Mr. L L. Hi'-, ii.ld Im uml i nt; and le wai i le* I* 'I by so. I . Mr. Willi.nus wi le,dm ,1 the president to ll ir. mn! Mr. Bas* appropriate!) re? plied and thank* d lbs Boort] for tbe honor ? olifent tl. 'fin action of tbe < ommon Council In re* ? 'i'd to Rmi iuiin.' tin in1' of "id' r s i Ti? to stnke out thc nection which forba le thc im tubers ol tbe finance * fontmltl i ?rom NrviOEfOB other Joint ttandwi com mitti es vtn- di inti d mid concurred in; ai also tbr fi lolulion of tbe Council call? ina; for a joint s.s.;,,ti of the Council this afternoon .ii ii o'clock. Mr. H. I . AtlgUtt wa- i lee:.-tl Iiln; -I rn? aad Mr. B, C. Howard whs elected clerk ol ft" Board?both by mi lu inn; ion. Joint resolution wsi adopted naming tbe -i c. i,d Monday ll. .lulv as lin- time for holding i tailed Jolnl lesslon for ti. par> pose of eleillll,' ll pilli*- eolllilll fri ni Jackson Ward. Tbs following wa- offer I by Mr. Bobin* son, uml wa- adopted : Ri totted. Thal a committee of five mem bars ol this body be appointed, whose duty it -hull be to dst* miine a hoof the mem bert elected from Jackson Ward were sleeted for IBO lone, term sad who for the-hort term, with Mich recommendations in thc pl i llli-ls Hs i'll V Ulai lli-elll just. Tbs (.'hair appointed Means. Barwell, Pate, Cramp, Bartndalo, aad MdMtaofl m the committee. Adjourned. I lu- Ucnlli I 1st. The following it 'he olHeial mortuary re? port for tbe city of RiSlnnonil for the week . lulim: Saturday, June 'IS. 1SK4 : Whole numil* roi deaths In the eily, BS* elusive of still-births, 4*'.. Cause of Death.?Ana-mla, 1 ; bronc hi? tit. 1; cancer, 1; ceri-hm-spinal menin.-i lls, 1; eholera-infanltini. 7; consumption, 7; coiivulMenn, infantile. 1; dlurrhn-i. ii: dropsy. 1; dfisataty, li (over, congi'? live, I j fever, reniitttent, 1; fever, typhoid, 1; liver,, 1; inan? ition, 1; Inflammation of howelt. 1; kid? ney disease, 1; nii.riisniiis. 5; meningetis, I; old uk*.'. I; paralysis. 1; pywmia, 1; Other (li-eases, I. etas, -(lue day to thirty, 1; one month to nix, 12; six months tn twelve, (J; one year to three, 4; three years lo five, 1; Isa Tsars ta twenty, 8; twenty rsais to ibirtv, 4; thirty years to forty, 'i: forty irars to lifty. 2; lilly years to sixty, 1; iixty years to sci eiity, .'; seventy years ta ?Ighty, 5; eighty years to ninety, 1 ; ninety rears to one hiiudrcd, 1; unknown, 1. Tivipfratur*.?Mean teu>|>cratuiv for Beal ending June ll, 7.S.2.1; lor tbe week ?niling Jua* W, no.14. Rainfall.--Amount ol minlall lor week ?tiding .lune li, 0.00 inches; lor week emi? li',' .lune -IS, 0.7U. Rate.?Kate of mortality of whole popu ation was 32.511 i*er 1.000 per annum : rate if mortality ol white population was III.'24 .er 1*000 |>er Timmi..; rite of mortality of adored |>opulation ah* 3?.4!> per l,oo<i per nnuui. <Ur*in*1 Ju rori. Thc followlnir trrand Jurors hare U-cn Irawn for the July term of the Hustin,'-: 'ourt, which meets next Monday : Mich rn I it in).liv, Abner Cooley, Boland lli'l, B. M. (oM-ubuum, John (?. Andrews, S. Blair dorris, John W. Kwhcr, John W. wwrtep idj-e, and W. II. Culllnirworth. There are rversl Important case* to lu* considered bj be irrand Jury, besidei a numbi-r ol eases lhere persons arc char-red with selling oupout without paying a license. Killli'i Ur?*m. Thc above lt the title given to a very irrtlv piece of instrumental mu.ic lately omposcd by Miss Neille A. Porker, a daw-liter of fir. \v. \v. parker, of tbit city, nnd Just ptthli.hi-d br aeser*. IMNon AV Co., of Philadelphia jt -, quit* or::-i nal. pleating, and 'le.'idf-dlrjeierli-aiSlc f>r an amateur's fir-t -itt,-mrTt ft musical com? position. THE GAME THEY PLAYED. IK* Coal*il Bf ms-n iii* i ,?,,-? aaa* Vlraln l*a-'4 Klrki-ia" vs ri.-nara. At 4:1.1 o'clock y-tii-rdav afternoon at?ut 800 people were ats. mi,-ed if the Ti rein lt Baat Dall Oronnas m se- the gsnv lie tween the Activ.f*. ol Ue.vilng. and tbe home club. The wether iv ja threap-niir.;: it had been raining il.e twit part of .trn- flay tnd one tbower Wat hardly orer before another wat uumtmnl when, at 4:17, the enine was satans?lae. Actives at tbe bat. Thi first player at th* bat made n atf,. hi* nnd cot hit li-ise, nnd mother had gone to the Int when the raid coinuienced Tallin?: Insklv. nnd the guim WM sutpended. 1 lu ri'was tin n a half-hour wait?according lo tbe rules?and tue weather not admit tins ol a continuant e of thc game lt wat de? clared "off." 'I Ik- Actives had entitled themselves to the manama <>f fas, and went to tbe box rlTleeiuid collected it. That wat all light and Just; they hid tl.dr expense* lo intel, snd before, sj tao Rime SOI ld not-lie called, hy ni-im of the bad mather, tiny made nothing nt, all. The spectators were c uti out 30 cent! gate-fee, and ninny ol them OB ccats Wa? gon-fare, and lo ends ftdiiiis-lon to the grnni'-stond in addition. The grounds hnvina tor ton-c t.n.c beca plnMnM with a notice ihtt no money would le refund? ed sfter ii gnuie vv;.- called, thc spectator* were SStappsd from actually d> iiundin ? ti mum *.f t'.eir money, bat they thought lt a mtv, ii rv Bard *ap*e. They saw om- hall tnroivn, and lat that paid -2."> edits. There was plenty af indignation ex pu mad agaiu-t tWi policy, sad tbs pradt. - tions Here ni my that on cloud;, evenings B* k nfl. r s,, many people will refuse to I ike th*' risk thal the dab will in tbs sad be tin llidem*. Than wents ao reason to doubt that Will Ix' the ell, et. iniismueii n< Hie Active* bad bean paid their <?.;.*!, presumably Bid "f tbs gate ll'i'lliy. till- crowd Would lille teen vv 'I - ? : in been i Iren s ticket for the mit ur say iui*se*jueol (fame, Such v.i.s thc tnurmnrlog ii what was coaaidsri i unfair treatment thal a rumor reached lbs dtj uul wss widely clrctiliu. d thal there had bees s row af the grounds: Uni two imji ii id be* n ibot, snd th. Rate-keeper's money spattered far and wide. '1 tine was no Unth In all tins. All tin re was, aral thal ono hall oni\ wai thrown; that for thia tb* people pud full pilce, and tboturhitwas in accord ii.with ed tbe | strom though tit a hard case, and a thin; tbeyougtu to remember. Tieri' will lt. i mat* ii -' ibm of ball b* - tween thc *-t.'wall, formerly Richmond Club, and thc Mutual Club,of tbil city,till* . vi nu,o at Richmond Base-Ball and rle is? bn Park, bead of Clay ttreet. littler tJumes. Illy I'll;-: a;li !" tl:e?I>|s|sit<li.| IndlsnspoUs: Indianapolis,4); B lyns, c. Columbus, Ohio: Coramba*, 4; aTetre poliUns,'.',. (?.me .-T'li'd mi account of rain, -.iti r si vi n Innings. Ti.;, do : Toledo*. -: Altep-benri, ::. Detroit : Nen *i ark*, U: Detroit*, ,'. llutl.lo : Buffalo*, l : I'..ti-, j. Chksgo : < blc*gos, 11: l' Iii'.ia-. I). I ? ri land : < I'i( linds.8; Prorlde.-. I. Wilmington: Traatoas, I; Wilmlng toes, 7. Haniaborgi Allentown*.ti; Bsrrisbnrg*s, ld. IciitsTille : I ."i.tsvili. -. l.-t: Athletics, 1. m. Louis: Baltiawres,ft; St. I. mis, il. Mullein ster Vittles. V. I.. Morton (colored) waa bi ton- Mayor Taylor yesterday (norning, charged wltb ?tsaulting Ids wif.. IK- wis lined f*2JW :u d 11 -ts, ami failing to pay tin- Nuns, w . ll nf to juli for Itxty il:i>-. Tbe ni. of .inly approaching, a i amt* r of picnics ..n-i.i in,- arranged. Besides a number d private ptonic*. Stuart Lodge ol Odd Ii llowi v. ill trive mn' to \\ -ab ton. Tin > expect to ,.irry a large i ? Ile rainfall here vesterdaj was very le ivy. Tbe -'r^is are quite Biuddy, bul tin- river h is not risen an;. lu hoi oi j i,i ip ? ol ile rain y< iterday tbe euine of luis, .bad hot ween tin- Munch and Sentimental , I'dh of this city, was not I layed, I ul will bc later. Tbe Mancbestcrs expect to pis] Ihe Pultons scaln tn about, hu dais, when the former elah expect ta do better. Hisses t'dnn M Ihewt, Maggie Bookhnrt, and < "ia \i"iTi- left itu eil) yesterda} Io iisit fin ods in the country. 'I III le will lie USIUl St IV i'i h Si the (ll) ? loin lu - to-night, I't-r-ii.iiil-. anil III lef-i. (inlet Win l:'.rn m. .' itu-' ii Robins! ii. i So. i ui lils i! .st ol on. hundred ni lb* I nib i m..1. - Mun ,r\ Aeii1, ni) ii \\ rsl Point. Messrs. I'.i ? Mci arty, Richard V. I' .1 ,. lt. A. lim nek, and ll. I!. ' tic Cnn vi inion si Cb ic i ito, v< .ll |, .v. h 'i s,tiudi>. Henri J, < oin eyer, i wi cventy?H Ju leirs, i rd i| mom ? Ids dniighter't r* s idell re, - . stain -iirel i t|*opli< i*, tb * ironer thinks, 'I br colored romptini*? of tbe city (I'll i tm tl iii,>n \ .' Indi volunteers) v> i I i , mt tin afternoon . f the Koiirtn. .-? iiTiiors Callahan isd Berry and IH*1**? I.-.iii- Kills, i f MoBtd.orv. nini ."-milli, nf r*su*|ulrr, wi ie it. tin-eily )> tenby. Nulls * kui iiil Um til). At the present term ol Ibe Circuit Court the lol lo* i" ibbI tie- city ban hu n .lisp.>.i .1 of; ll. mi K* lu' r rs. The Cltyof Iii hmontL \ ti"i. lot I,., dainag. lo real estate bj ii; -, t. it rai .ins the gre le of Venable strut. Judgment for tbe city on demur n r. Magruder vs. The City. A itum to tesl Ih* lawfulness of tbe ordinance prohibit? ing hi in) trie ti"i. on m.i.'ol uni/1 d -irci t-i. .iinl-im nt ?or tbe city, \\ iiii;,m Tumult ar, The City, .uti in for tWO iliiiia." s f..r ch sun: un secess to plaintiff*! ii sid, nee. Verdict for the city. .- . (min. Tile follow lill.' eas,, wile <li?I>o yt s i er tia) : Philip Barris (eoloredl wa- fcaed WM uml eo*t for being drunk. Mary Jacaaon (colored), drank sad dis? orderly at tbs Cbeaapeake sad Ohio dspdt. Fun d |S and DOBt, WllliMu Taylor (colored), charged with being a raspteJoni character; usu with steining ninety-one cents from tbs penoa of Lissie Brown. The eases were con? tinued till to-day. Horace Walker (eoloced) was coiivieted ? if -t'Ttlinir i-1 from II. H. Whitlock mid sentenced ta lil months iii Jail. doini (ir. tn mid Al-voider Williini (tioth colored), shargad witu IIWBBSSillg ipon the premises of the ChaaBBSBBa and Ohio Huilroud Company and creating adis turlutnee. I,reen was fined if."). Williams BTUO. Willium Thomas (colored), charged with obtaining money under false p*r*jtaB*SB, alto charged with larceny, was BBBtOBOBB to three months in Jail. An upfK-al was taken. _ stun, huh Ju, Us.,ii (amp. At a regular meeting ol the Camp held list Moi.'lay evening Colonel \V. G. Gai* r'titr (BBS SlottOd. BJ .'ici'lsinatioii. an coni mander. Colonel Carrington with the Mid of the Adjulalit, l 'aptain F'. If. < hamlicl la>ne, Jr.. and the eofi|>cratinn of einh uiemiii-r ol the Ctuip, will nuke it BBS Of Hu BBB] in the country. I., e lunn. There will BS a special inciting al Lac < 'ai.i|i to-night at 8 o'clock. It is probable that a mole will BS made lor the enlarge ll'illl of the llllllll-cr of trustee- - luted at th* Inst meeting, and tome change in the organization of tbe Hoard ls talked about. Masonic Appointment. ?Worshipful Junius A. I'osliv kasbaBB SB). pointed (iriiml Pursuivant of the timmi Lodge ol Virginia, to lill the vacancy ssjta> - ioui d hy the death of Jane s K. Hiddick. A Boston telegram say*: Thc **a*ja*aaj ofllccrs of tbe Knights of Honor, un organi? sation having a membership nf ahout l.Vl.OOO persons throughout the country, ure ? n naged In a contest with thc late supreme tretturer. who refutes to surrender the fund* in bis posseasinn to hui successor, on the ground that the order exists under a Kentucky (hurter, and that a person not a reticent ut that State cannot be legally elected supreme trenturer. Ho anssaBBja retains B1M,000 of the order's funds, and will continue to do so until the c:iae bas been passed upon by tbe Supreme Court of Kentucky. FOR THE LADIES. A FEW SUMMER FASHIONS. wJewS I* Wen* aaa How ls Wear Il-Tar l-ai??t la ShaT-cs ana Colara. The Timex's fashion article say.: The " Manon" maude ts the latest IVirl-iin n-'\.|ty. It mav be of changeable Sith in Louis XIV. ttyle.witha hood lined wit1. la" . For luting ladies thc mintie is ol the at the tuit. whether lawn, I ItassJ -dirah. caet.eiiilre, or ?Liini:u*. If mill iit lo the \\..i?t, and hts id end or ir,'Bini.:;,' with thc HBSbUbb of i rouiul ; lund a Uh -"inc rich tutti rial. This gsrmcnt will bs in SSattaat wear.itthe | , side. I: is \,n useful wbBB all bbc*. Maay loag ttnoqass sta Wara o(vn on ttl" :. ft*ide. .bow itu; a sfcirt -end, ahteb mu he trimmed In various ..h., V.rly all wni-t- hare puffings (,f silk .',r velvet. Fink is much Bsed at A batist mit ol this color has iskir* cn re I wit'. slithered flounce*. The ertha] i- pointed In front, ami tin bad forms a polomise which fills in a s?i-.ui;'it drspary. The -kin is of plain batiste, while th ? pol IB dst nnd dru eliM l.avi-a white polka-lo 00 i pink ground. Thc tarana "f tbs MM go.ds falls- iu a shawl point mi tba si i..t ?ad farats aa sprea, which lt draped qa i high. Over Hie pond is mn* fe "f dari nil 'j-colored iilvel. and mother bl 'n tbs MB part of Mu- w list. Tbs < irm- n -*naj*t*d lint mat'-hiug this suit bsa I high dowi. und n lu rn raised on on,. ,i (,?. Q it of dark ruby straw, trimmed wtth vel.ct imus sf tbaaaaw color sod ptnk-^ompoatA Light fshrica, whh pile blue -i- .un li small vista or dark-red design-;, are stso vi i) ? ffecttve. liark limn sra tn ' Easjilsh embroidery in 6"crn or ol t'.i.ior of the linen. Gbsed chaajresble taffetas ire generally reamed for tbetklrtu of-uir.. They are either plaited or much trimm. I. Platting! .'i i'manissa bu-, ?? not lott favor. - thnes, for a change, the plaits are arr i i in sroups, with i itn ; Ieet :?i. a them, ar with '.innis ol verret placed rertically, Skirt* are il- > mmie with hollow pl ut- sn 1 alaci Doun, e, I tee ierr< i for rt.ii dr. it toll* ts. lt ls either arranged la iln H-tbaped fi'im- in ii' ku ' or onl) i ? a lace rest. Lacs poloi ? In general favor. Hsndsouie imitation la* es are mi dc for thu I ni po-e .0 the ii tteriis of old la latter are too valuabl. tobe employed for roch pun osis. Among the many llehl garmenta i v. i v i'isi,ion:il,|, woI-1-n lit- to the couti II j ll i Te is alWI NT- lille ||* STJ ri usually consist ? of a BQoaaa nun * mawi. which -Ti's f.,r eu ti- uni lor walk? ing in the i uniii-'. and is ottefl Worn ?i h one of the i ml- taken np over thc sh mid r in Spanish ttyle. Very elegant helrlnomt are made np ii. i ? illngi lea a filch are loo ? ?? in front and ttght-tiUln, in the bsck. Tie * are trimmed down the front wltb two broad b nds cf bias velvet: the lar p steerer ari tito I,oi'.f .-ed with velvet. \ .niall cape Li iistitiiv made of tin Tbej mi) be lined wi b latin merveilleux ". plnsb, and trimmed with a bandsoup fringe ol silk and itold, Persian, indian, 11* Bl ll tlltUl I li-iv.- iieier tl ia they nie ul present, Smyrna and bulgarian cmbrnltteriaa md India ca. 1 ? ? nc work are bs* I u.ih all tissues, nd form beautiful eombi* i. te r,-: lie' : - i ia'- enjoy a large share of ilii- |.i pularily, aa they include Ihe rich? ness ol color of all these fabrics. In ei rv l aritian brid il trousseau th* te are al least two -i|ti.:ie ahawia, om embroidered and lb. other woven, and one or two ordinary -li m la int* oded fore .nf. ct lon t. \ \ i ry ' dd combination for a rall com? prises v ind. i mbrold* i id p mgt-e, md tiri] ed <?!'? o' il ailk. Tim underskirt i i i f r< iii t, mounti d "-. a silk ikirt, and lt withoul trimmiog, 'l be redln . tte i- ol Orb Btal ?iil.'. and fall* down the - id * and hark to near tbe lower bollier of thc iklrt. P np* ii- in front ov< ra rest e irerad with pongee tllk, ivblch buttons itralirhtdown lot!-, lower part of tba waist, wh re it ii f: -ti m .1 mulei a BABB OF "itu v i ai. -U.K. w biih is taken from one side of the red to th* other, prom below trier. -? fails sb ai ron of tbs -ailie embroidered poniree, which i- tcalloped on the lower bord* r. Thi- w t iken under th. 11 the n dincnte and Hu n drawn ihr .ugh tb* . i h.nil i thc inn al iboul the middle nf the skin. This drapery, which Imus a kind ol -cart, is fastened In thc l?i k to tbs low. r p.Ut of the wait and tin il fail ? ni . miall I'litr. Tbs miall itraighl t/elvel col. | lur is -iv. d to the veal in front and t i Ibe r, ding, ie ni ti e back. The li bM s lee vet bare n lui cuds. pbe eapol ii. itchlnj ti is tull ls '? ivored ?Itb . in bl ld. n d tulle, i he narrow latin I -ii ii -- have len ufa .ri 'nd-. * ?i ? i i ip of lin brim and i row u isa bi mn ii of fl nen, No port of tbs toil' i I* at Imporl. tin ? i i.n . i i- notbiag to '.ipletcly ? s ii woman' ,' tn id npp. ii an i ? Hu \> ,\ ii. which -in ur rn ? ? ei- li ur. hiich Im in." Ibe i ile,i so ina n m thc fur - \ -i.. dd ? un I li iel. iii r?| irit Hie s.liinioii .ind ? ' f.l lllnll I'll ill' -'1 ' hair. 'I be it; la ol the r .la'tirr i . pi nil ' ' h.. I, thc qm my . ih. hair, the a , md lb* ;?-( f if Hie tn t, 'I he l,i-lii">. Bl pie- 'Ul I io twltl iii- li 'ir i din i bl "h in il." .ml lo .ii tllg< the tl".il ut H ." I I andi au-. ?? SAKI I iii: -nil. WO Tbli la I ? al ia a bea th* fae* i- pr itty rn d Hu- rn- k a. il formed. Rut there ar. man) i ? n ni who sh. uld n t adopt, thc ... 11. '. a ? light moillUe dion ra i; l e made, a hich very much nile.- th ? (fem - ; '! 11 ,n. I tu I ii ? i.iii Ire I ? oi.e or in > ringlet! dj ij fill from tb* lin '. bair, or I ie h ihr oiaj lie arranged in loose li".; s inst 'ad "f twist, ii. W (itch ni d,"' it : a J -? I. i thiel. 1- and tarin r, ot it tn n bc ar? tang* *l in broa 1 ? i ddt lu the i. lek, 1.Y . bon bo wt are again tated for tbe bair. M.d lli, -Tl.'lll ll'li.s well illili pull's of | iee on tin- inad. 'iouul- women Til-o use these puns, but only in th" morning. Sm .ll sapi in litres [taos* sbo ssrre for tbs mum pur? pose, I te I'.iuri's : re Morn in the lb*M of j.,i ot-, targe gathered coltan turning down ut old stile and Mar.e Antoiiii'i'i' fichu*. Tin- lait'i will be employed this rammer for i veiiiii.,' (b iiii-toiiett. s. T:t, | Tire ni"-I s it.ibli tor sli.'lit ju rom- or for t!.? w li ? .io i i r iow-i n-!.ed dil sse,. Plaiting, continue t> reptaoa '-illir- sad eua*.aad i vin w ith Im;--ii i les these pbltloga and guipure reran ai* prefarred 11 them. Leay; aadreaaed aid groves retsia faror, partlcutari] rorevening wear, Otazadkid Ubi vi > .ir-- rery little worn except in blink. The) selie for full dre** and dr ordinary us,, aeeordlog to lbs qnaHtj ol thc aid, Thc only slued glove* in BBS la Parla are i-f a heavy kid called *? ?rants beiges.'' They are IBOB OBIT ott ""-RK THi.i.'i'V, ire rather lom.', ami are drawn nader tbs -leei e. Tin re are also sometimes in BBS !o\i? of ii heavy kid. embroidered aa tbs iitside like men'- (.'loves. Inn these ire not ic- tillich liked as tb* IWdwaaed kids. BaSchlBgS are iii BB many sliTidet and eiu l-rnidcrcd In -in-h BOmberlesa funy d ?iKns tbat it is haposslbia to atteuipt tis tle ?cribc tin m. They may. if desired, mat ? i IB* SDtt, but II is (iniv neee-s'iry that they liould harmonize in color with the trim iiiiu-s on thc dr. <s or with the flowers on bc lu ad-dp ? or on the boaast. the co? ors mott worn in silk stoekiii,-- are botan, nu j -blue. iarm triad, aad(ski -blue. busters, which ara n nssral fortrarei inc porpases, are ol 4-ra, crer. or black oulard, or of light alpaca, Ibjat cloth, or ?'nt-iisii water-proof fabrics. Tin- sba) ?I tiu-se sjanasats doss aol sbaaaa sarto. i.dly. Sonic hare visile sleeves ami other ire without daSTSS. Tin' M.i.-f'iri.uie i-ol ir is iBBcraity nat d bb laass **rt***4*B*s. \ i ry ?li Lrunt lac pari-oN ure BOW Bat*. ?i.-d by Pari-iati basUoaables. .* Mudri c ne parasol, of MBekpasitad lu*4, is very -howy. It ls without lining, and urotiinl he border i- ii lace rutH ?. On the top is ll ?uncb of black fcatln'r-. fa-teiied doWB oder a briirut led faisal how. BOBM IBSaS plira.-ols .ire of toll" lilllie", ml -onie of silk and plaited eratic. The latter : re generally light blue. STRAW HATS KUI! C'llNTKV WEAR, v Uh niit.s of iiereale, batiste, or lainpii-*, me trimmed with tgrn tnpstiai lo maiih. I he dratfries are washed like Hie di and by thia m.-ant the dre-scs may always have s hat to correspond. Tbs ?? Pierrot" lid, of endued straw, ll very '.uhloiiable for young ladies. The crown is alwsys high sud conical, but tbs brim varies In uiaBy wayt. lt may Ix: Out, or raised and ? ut up m tbe beek. Tbe trimming beat -ulled to tueb a bat is a largo bow of linen or ottoman ribbon, with fam-y pius run through it. There ls a (treat choice of these pint. The prettiest among them are like tbose used by naturalists for Impaling biiltcrilic-. They are gilded, and Iron lix to twelve on each Itow. They also irrvo lo trim the straw of the crown and brim. Another kind of pin tomctlmct ta use lt ts miKhasnincinct-etlotg. It Itenrssest'seys for s bead. All hats and bonnets ar* trimmed very blah in front. If there arr flowers nted for the Bavpaastaay are taken ibove thc crown, which !-. nlreidy very Iiicli. A ixeo-ninjr "Pierrette" hat l< SS )1 mila straw, trimmed with gauze lo the color of the -tm*, tad with a larc* hunch of icry 8ne(Sowers. A4-c*pelloe Trianon" may be of Leghorn tlratv. trimmed with white -4en"-|Kin " and field 'lower*. The itrlni, which is raited, is l< ft bro vi eno'igti in frctit to protect the face from thc tun. Large eapelincs, for tea-side wear, are ?caleehe'' shape of black or whit* lace, made over a thin w ire frame. A SA l> SUICIDE. lllrnii PMInd. Ii'tiia Artist Straacles Him ?cir-The Mollie t ulm usn. A l'bll:.del|ilii.i feb 'ir ram of .lune ?'th tarn: Otto l-.'aiser..Jr..|-t weH-kn.twn fresco painter sad ilcorative artist, was found strxi.kicd to death thai morning i* the aalb nay of bit place ofbeatness. No. um Wal? nut street. The v.-ung man bal oi.imit ted Fiiiride. but the motives which prompt rd tbe sot sn still involved ta doubt. Mr. eTiiisir WM a ptOSPtrOM ] Wag (MTBBBB idiom tl.irty-tivo years of BM, Ile ti.tu * wife and two ciiarniine; ehli.lren?a b?)-of s, tea Htul ? gil I Of four years. Thote who km w bim list >ay that In-* domestic life bad alarm bun one of unalloyed hsppi BtSS, 11i--= business was IBppOBOdlS tte ex cellenf. and he wat Iteliercd to lie aec'imu hltiBg n.oney. A* ii skilful artist and de i ori'iivo p*per-b*ager bs stn )(i ia tlic front 1.111k ol lil- pri fossToB. and bad BOM HMM f the I' -? md toast rfmboratt work la lao I itv. TUB PlsenVKRT. Mr. Babier bad bsea ?batta*' from his linne, :it the sou!ii,-cl coner of I-'ifth ind Powell streets, rin**c bal Dat ni day evening, Hfi abseaea, however, cause i BO iilartn until this morning. Wbefl MBSS of h:> worimi* u. Maning ta the Walnut -n--. t rstsbllsbawnl si tbs usosl ii "ir. Lound the i io- still locked np. Jame* Donahu.. Mr. Kal.* r's- br itber-ln-law, waa ?i-nt fi r. Pinding hims* if anana* 11 gtala adminion, and fea*ing that itu v I nat wrong, Mr. Donahue procured abey nnd return. i ipanied by two ottle Niueetenth district. (J pon effecting un entrance Into tbe front office, Mr, Doa. ?iitie found lyiBg upon tbs proprietor1! ? !? i. tbe following letter: .ii m. ss, lam. |)i ur Wife ? \, u w i'.l And full il itoiiienU of niliii?in > ifc in tm .li box. K seuss ? i for taking this step, bul it ls th*only oas h it for me?th* ur fortunate. ritvnmy bsa! i ??! to the cbiUri n, md you sad Um* b ? kissedhundredi ol times. Al-", glvs my love to mother, and ber not to grieve for mi. Von Will lind, ii* matter! are man aged right, thal you will bars snlcssmouat left; Dtit at present I am not able to settle otb* ra i-e. t rom > - -ur loving but band, I HT'). N. lt. Vi u will timi nie In thinl-ilor hull SO. ld S W (lilli.t st,e. I. A l-l.IoISTIAT s.KIUK. Bushing to Ibe ballara* oa the third floor, the parly then' found tbe bode of lae yo*, og artist. He bad tied a ttoui piece ol I cord .I int his ni ck and attached it to tlc ?fairers) above bl- brad; thea, mounting II e leiiu'rail Of tin' staircase, he bad let , iliin-'If down deliberately until he itrao* j glen to death. Ibe position in which tbe 1 body was found, with tbs leg* on either tide of the handrail, indicated the man's ! persistence In taking bi* life. Had lie been -o disposed he could bars rescued bimsvil from bi- position if Ins resolution had for? saken lum at Ibo bul moment. Noom ap? ia han- .iny knowledge of the nu ', t- r; mies io wbicb be refert in hi. last letter : to bli wife, and lu- embarrassment! aw b - ' lund to bile b,en wholly or mainly ini:i;.'i tu i .1 FIGHT ABOUT A )'"' :,'i WOMAN, Her I allier mid lier l.oii-r limply Revolter* ? I I II. h Oilier. A Baltimore -neel.d of Monday mya: l ch* it. a young clerk, llvei la pierce street near Myrtle avenue, and for lOBietlBiepail ba. been paying attentlnnt io Mi-s \.in Hmelzlnger, a German girl ot tixteen, wbo lives with John Smelzinger , In Pierce sir,. t opposite liouehert'i resi? dence. For n :i-"ii- ls -t know n to bim.elf : .li lui Smclzli .? r t'"" * riolenl dislike to l'.i.i bert, andr m i d hil. i Imitl nee to (be le i. '. 'I lui young people tn I i inde tinely, iiiui wi ii in ibe iiTiidi of taking long moon* |! hi a ii' -? '.'in- was - ontlnued for n long lira befori Bnieizlngsr found , i- i.ui; but bj s,,uie it., ms bc le u t i ol it fm-the (Inti tim" i.i-i night,snd he was roenrsi ed tl it, ->? zing a piatol, b ? rushed fri i: ll e hi usc, swearing thal he would kill II .wei 'i'. Il round the I ball ,. and with nil any ; warnie * i ."ni.-, <l upon hilo ami beat i ' ?' l) ov< r iii" hi .1 w Uh Hi - butt I of the 11- ol. kimi i.i.I,- bim .ditii ? >t ?-,.-. : ile v :i- kno* le il si u- li -? I ir .1 tune, bul I Igl'd tO li ll' ll ililli tile ll I- ?. i" .i mg a renew il of hottllltii i tbU meit,in . fl mehi ii bough) a revolver, uml while t--1 ii ri.. ii borne mot Bmel i Ht lie n iinis ibelr weapoiia l Dcoutl) an*l biased away across Urn b otb i, when tba fri bl ned ' lillis lied in 'I din elli. I-. 'I li ' ind ie Ith. r ? in bstanl w i. Injured. Thc bout. - in tb* rn li bier1.1 si;i|,red considerably from flj og bullets, r.o11 lu n's revolver being ? nu Mid lu hurried int" hi- bouaa, am! ti: himself in i, loaded tbe B io m.' to the third awry be oprnsd Hw ob Un "bl man from tba'elevation. Tbs p - li . by this lum- had secured -Min bringer, bul lue) had to break leveral barricaded di i is la-fore Boucberl inrrender I, I two men were n lean t on bail. Tin ?' mi ?'.'? i" now e.. ti'' s another tanta? llon bi declaring thal ibo willdn away with !'i-'i( if -lu i- not allowed to marry li' rn bert. Tbe two men vow vsugeancs on iiii'h ollur. A Mummil! i:x|torlin*iit. A curious point in diamond lot'' bbs just lun established, to Ibu d ill bl of amata iii Tm's, w lure Hie exhibition of tie- < town lewelsal tbe Louvre bas mads the subject vcr) popular lor the iiioineiit. lt has long I ii n laid down that tba diaiiiond his the power "f retaining li^-iit nnd of iifterwurd emitting it lu the (lurk. The tl.eorv h i been well butt resat d by rastaaa. bat tbs proof bas not bean aatrof test. Ail, or niariy ail. the peat diamonds?such mt the Kohinoor, the ttetatat, lbs Onad Mogul? einnor, for public reason-', BS iiiiuic tbs siibjeet of experiment, and stones of a lesser size do not always giTS satis. f.ietory n-siilts. Happily, a private badi* viduai. tba owmr ol a gem of ninety-two enrids, and estimated sj B value of H'H).'K)0 francs, bas hut bis diamond for MsSBflfk) ii,m lUgBtlOaS, These have been ino-t tSk* i-f:utory. and (he " phosphorescence" of the stone in iv be WgBHaSn ai proved. Tbe diamond was exposed for an hour to the direct action of the nun's rays and after? ward removed iuto a dark room. For ?ora than t.vciitv minutes afterward it emitted a light, feeble indeed, but still aut tieienllv -Iron,' to make a sheet of white, paper held mar it quite risible in the dark. A similar resell was arrived at by a very dil" nut experiment, and llirht was gen? erated by rubbing the MOM with a piece of hard darnel. Ali Editor4* I aitvrteiiei . After trylnir numerous remedies for rheumatism, but without permanent relief. I WBS advised to BBS ft, fa *-.. which had arina psnaaasat reiiif to shasta MBawtag from rheumatism. After taking half a dozen betttss I found tbat the disc-two wat entirely driven out of my system, and a permanent cure secured. This was over a year at'o. and line*'then, even during our mott severe weather, with Hidden change*, 1 have never suffered a return af the old attack-, which disabled me fi om edit.trial work. Blight attacks have yielded prompt? ly to a fen doses of B. S. S., aud disap i'i arni in forty-eight houri. It Bfw] scldoii), indeed, that I reeom luer.d an)-thing to tb*- public iu this man? ner, but I fit I it due lo your valuable pre? paration, tbat bas given me tueb long-de -ii i d and much-needed relief, to stats- these facts thus publicly. I am sure (bat but for your fspeeiiic I thould baie been laid aside from Journalistic work, at the teverett at? tack wuk in my ri.-ht arm and hand. At thousands are now suffering in a tlmitar manner, and many ol them hesitate for "cr tain reasons to usc your preparation, I am constrained to address von this voluntary testimonial for publication in their behalf. Sipmiv IlKiit.-.ttr. Atlanta, Us. Treatise on Wood- and Ski ii-Diseases mailed free. The Swift r-iteciflc Company, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Um., l.'il) went Twenty-third street, New York, and 1200 Chestnut street, l'liil ndclphia. LETTER TO TUE EDITOR. WWS* Prepntwaane hrs Vt* MaklM t* st*** Um Arrir*l *f t?* f B*l*ra I To the Editor of the Dispatch . Tb*- choler* ta making lu way *^**? bv thc usual route, nnd rosy M ???"?*-" thc I nit.d Slates hy tbe nib die of Au? gust, perbsps so-iar-r, wn*blerln.' the enomous fleet of ll ??' P'TJ0' '? ta ern this coimtry and all points o any ectnuirrclnl hni-ortance ?? Euroi***- ? ?"5 on Mill OM blt eyes in Richmond, wlH Dot 1, nectary for the Board of H**?l ? to lnf.rnihin.tli*:tbit?-ltvMnn*)co.idlh Hon to meet and smcessfullv i*ope with this dreaded scourge. -uh-* While our (ouneil ls ready and willina to tpen.1 a targe sum of money on the uew i!-v Hall, lt ls singularly nlganrdly ?n "? sppropriationt (o preserve and improve tn* sanitary condition of tbr city. ***? hw ?f .mr allays arc reeking with tilth, whl* h. utid.r |.r.*-p*r sanitary arrange menBS, u rermiPid to accumulate at all, would be rromptlv removed. The slaughter of ani? mals to supply thc meat-market Bf B BOT/ hui mg as .arge a population ai hi* BWatTSS a verv large amount ot blood and *H?*-r offal.' Thi- -HM, Instead of being **onvert rdby appropriate dryers into a shape to nc r.-turinal t<? the card ss plant-lood. ls pour cd out into the on the ed.-e of Uk etti. win rc it festers in the sun and poisons ei ci i lireeee blowing from tbat direction. So far from |>ern)lttliig tM city water to le used freelv in our houses, we arc flncl fer usii.K anv in..r?'thin is nb-ioluUily neees s.,rv to merell deanta the surface. If ? trtraiaa the purni)* at the pump-work t o do more than preserve the n-servolrt a Ut'I* over half tull, whv not keep tn continual terrie* ..Iso Hie W'ortbin^ui steam-pump, .specially during Ibe tummcr moiiihs. \\ ith such a provision every hou-elioldei would have a full supply, and enough bs 1, ft over to the sewers, nt least twle a week, lt will not do to walt until the ., otu. ls BOM BS, and lay Ihe bur.leii of om folly BOOB an inscrutable,**&*"*' kXmwsapsAwM ?rKogtua Woitainir*. As weddings In the ? F.Bgilsn styl-'" .ir" a I the rage this season, If may be inter -t Int to mention a few point- regarding what 1.;,,(:sTder..drlec.neetfo,n, sid,-of the Alli-ntlc. After the d.partur of the bride sad bridegroom the pirti m oneebresta np: sad in London it ls not customary to have any festivity la the eve? ning. In tb*- toimtry th* re is oR*B B dance lo amuse those staying lu th* bon .. Nether -ards nor cake are Md iveepl" .Hoover for th.iu seli.s when tb.- vottn.' .'uple return from tl "ir weddiag tour, and .-all al their , oiivcniei'ce. WI-* B the bride sppasra f;>r the first time at a dinner in any house alic lakes i nc (lenee of .very tua. ter bow bi.-h hi- rank: provided such BB nTirunc" is within three months of hei murri re. after wtkb lime she is no l**n.'--r , oiisider.d a brute. This custom h. h..w evcr, begiBBtBg ta fall into disuse, except? ing i? rural dbitrteU. Tbs i.nii.-'*-*.*-''" doei obtain any jwsoedMCB. ran bj ide often WOSrS her weddin:.' dtWmtOt bet tiri lana dinner' aad ptrtics. TM oi Ttl..- lilossouis iniisf bc reinovcl, as they ur.- onlv permissible "" tb' wedding-day. I>Icasun-? ror Kourtli or Jilly. Lunch Baskets: 11. vii. d liam. Chicken, and other Meats; Large Tbbbm*' *-!ir<li::' I I Cornell Beef in cans; * reekirs; BV st Brittled Barr j I UH" .lillee; Raspb* rr) Myrup; (?'lag* r Ah-; dbl Whiskiys, allow prices; ? i; Ac, Ac. 1-. i * bv JiwKi-ii M. Blair, docer, l'a.e BlocK. 1 iilou-Mati-m MooiillBht l?iMtpon*it. tie moonlight i-xeiirslon af I'ni ui-Siv Hon Miiid-i) school, which WM advertised fur tOBight, bat been itos(|)oned on BB> i "lint of tb rainy w.ather. it will BB given during tin- latter part f.t the pr.-scnt Th.-tuoonliL-ht exctir-lon tobe given Bf tlc voting Indies of tin- "|.'|,ir:il Mission" of the Retreat is postponed until further notice. A tifbHi-dollar cheek has been reeelveil for I."-( amp I'air, fhrougli llrckwltli A Parham, from N. C. Ryder, form- riva eui /an of llichniotid, now of I)|ii.ii(|ue, Iowa. When you need pure, reliable liquors of ?ny kind go or semi lo ?n old-c-t .il.lishi-d concern like W. I?. A io.'h. Hi mast Main wrest, Kiehuionil, Va. Ali :io*? MUM THIN DAY. j ll. SKI. I ii -N 1*11..I-. M.. (tiree Imll'M'itf loll 'ii < .ny Is'i-visii Laurel anil Cherry "??. ? f.. I JA*. M \( liiifiiii.f. l""in v. m. Ra, || s. i. nt,, ii i li -I i, .1, ('nilli lin 'I vile ol e'ot li Oi/ I l.|( HM'iSI. niZAAlt, ld A. ... 1*1 in ina*, Se. U, I.. ST AI'I.BB B 00,. 4 P. MH ******** on lt'-?r )? lr -ir-, 1 in ur ter ml rt Bl nt elly railway. ,IM'. 1 . I \i i.ll > n\. .lr , Iii: li) A. ll.. .Uir*> nlxt e. . fbiiiU'ii..ks, li hti-n Ai 'III ME. Se. I'ORMAI.K. 17011 HALI. ONE SECOND-HAND I -I'll.M.t OAS Mm HINE fir BU*) llHhla . ? ?. ?? -.-I lill Ul-. ."M.lsiliu ol' I'i"..ii:.ul-. Blackett, lime: li r.. Qlatl ..lot'.-.. Artaud l.iiriei Br, Twa. small lB*oe*a woe* in* ordrr. and ar* disposed or fer tbs h-i ? n timi we hale stiliitiiiiii il ihe ili'-r.e Iml: 1 for tliein. Ai 11) i" 1 ? 1. v iv. ri it. .siiisrliiteii'I. ut Miller nc Intnl. fr Bra SSI <*r.-. 1. Pm. IIO-HtllFIIRHOItNIX HORSE4-)' TAKEN TO BOABDtsV-j-. VI \l lill 11*1, where Uley will ia->a*axB . Ive fha -mu. e ire mid sitsntioii aa ol old fi mn Mr. .li,l-l III M. I-lIlKIVsiiN. wii? .nu baa cl arne or tl.e farm. T.i'ins mo. li rile. ly J codM TOMA ITO. iKsAKM, Ar. YOI CAN KIND TUE ?? WANORA." '? MARITANA," ??TWIV Ul.ol MHi.-* " "I.II.I.-. iik.sT," and "tii.-i- 1 rinds of OHKvT ISi liillA.*'!!, lotu-tlier wtln ;h? lineal lirands ol <-|i,.Vi:ssiid-.M<'MV(i-T >lt\<( o, at McCABTfrTV ?* BAYltRB**. ???'-?S liJi a.t lli-...idsir.a-i. 1. hoi r.KU.-t. Ar. CTRicTLT rana .NOttTlt CAROLINA KDE 11 EH RI NC, M. CHOICE V1KGIMA HAMS HM-t-T MISS MACKEKEL, I.IUIIT SIMMER WINEM, IsKrcstvsrlity, st CHRISTIAN 4 WHITE'S. -.11 E ,UKLTltIC-LIGIIT SOAl* 18 TUE BEST. Bo robbins re-|olr*y*. Will not lajun- tbr fabric. Orders and Inquiries will have prompt attention. ELECTRIC SOAI4 M.IMHi I' ludttnapolla, lost. JOHN H. URESHAM. tp-J7-MHlly Rlcbinnnd. Va., A*-*al. /^KOCKKlE-i. 100 tiarn-U REC1NEO SC* il US. 500 Ixgrt RIO ana LAO I AV RA < OHEE.50 1taKscttole?.JAVA COSFKB, 5U rlietts TEAS. 51)0 barrel* par* si HI'I's, SSH hntnheads l'ORTO RIC*) MilL.vs .-E.s. 1.U00 barrels KAMI I.V ri.OI'K. >c. I'OTTs, STOKES * CO. nini is s. -sta 110-1 r R V. at*. THK LAT! BooKS.-Twenty Yean 111 Conirres*, by Hon. .lames... Ulai ur, volume 1, SS.7ft; >eiunie H.I ?lll ?s,u iw n-a*y. Tiavelsof a of l-hy-lc. l.y Or. William H. Taylor; new clieap cllllon. .Inc, The Clime nf Henry im, tl.ii. ArclUiald MalBiiltnii. by Haw? thorne. 1 ftc Lady HuWe's Lnir-LetU-rs, hy l'axe McCariy.Vlftc. gm.-l,sauna, by Mrs. Tl.r Aieiatt Man. >iy limit, Sl.ftn. Tlte Kuduu Sliuter. hyCtawford. Sl.KO. ?'nnci-xa N'aprnine, by oulda, 40c. Tl..- Kate of Maii.ttcld Hauiprirvya, byK'd-.raat-tMiiu-.SI.'JS *~ '" Vi EST, JOH.V9TON S OO , ie 8? _ VII Mala aus?i. Bf I lt A , a novel. by MU. MaKIB LaMklS HATCHBTT, or ut,ur/ \ v I'rlc* SI, or bound SI.**. Just publlabed by j* gS-d*w J. W. RANDOLPH S ByOLlSH. ORDEHS ARK SOLICITED FOB AN V desi! llitliili ol BLANK-HOOKS, I. KOO tit-, .lol RN.f.S, UAV-IUH1U8, CASH-BOOKS. CHECK.lloOKS.4c. We.-in- rrvtiaresl tVinal. thc 11 t-i shnrt aotlco In oar Book-HlndarT sud lllaii*. Hoot MaBufaetoiy Alto t*atwr Boam nf mv na I Ur ru timur Rut V sr lori. t* lB-?odSw BEl-KWl-ntJIJPAaH lM.^ f.H)R THK BE8TJBLANK BOOK!* AT r THE I.EA.tT MONET; for Uv* CHKAIr*B*aT LETTEK-HRFssEs: fa- th* OUCAI'EsT I.bV. TEll-roI'VINO HOOKS: fur MM HKsT WRI IIM. I'.ll'KII ni'l JorBMAL HTATlONKay. calton KVKRICTl WADOCT. Mttiouir, Prlaiar. and Bia****, J* 80 Ula Mala ta-*-. ftu-oRT or the Msvmysvr li th* VtAaxfn^jiKiwssxnsMfysr UltTtMOXU. I^TIIJE *rtATf. Of VlWIBtA. AT THK CLoSM OF BljHlBKM ?IL'MB SO, 1M4' itasova-'BS: Lnana t*a dlioo-Ml*.**,'74i*51S ul o..rdraf*s .. ..??....?..?_?__??_-.?_? ?rl!B B*a tn.'.-.. Malts bouda Ut st?Bt?clr- M cilvlon.?? BO.UWI OO Cnltrd malta bustda to attar* *?' -najyajaj oo . J? ??!???? ???? ? V'.Vl*'"" "1,, ' '^IVil Other .locks, hoads, aavd a*-#v ft**.....?????.?. Har ftnai apsrots* rrrrr* 1.180 0*0 "tssaia"? """"'."T...;..".:. Bl.US 44 pwnjMi?iB?ir aalimtai bask* . iJAOi IS One fiotti Mai* b**kt astl BbBb* r< m4 w H3*?? iSSS? "i: mi11*. ('wm rt|*?ssa and latin |s?taL 1J-?J1 I. Pren.lam. paid. i ji?? 14 ll-rcka and oM)--r raab llesia. ,J?JJS7 lit ricl.aiis?-s..-rclisailB?*-*B. 2o'22j tfl? I'llis ..r uilicr hanks.??? ? oo I raritonal .w|>*r?*rrt*<7. aH-k-aa, . ?,i ,rs.C.;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;::: sails sa L^.';?d-iB*^.......-..----t?-, ??? <*? laataMSjaa f??d ???? I'-utrl Malta Trcaaarrr (9 prr renl. ol _ atn ? rtr.-uliiii-*!. ?. ,,aw w Oae fmin 1 dllrd Stalea Tri- .turee, SwasaT.5? *'-THit."t0"* dMt <*? Total.^tlSL n san maa: {MlStf!?"**'?.:* I^SM "initlua(sad...... ICiXas 4S t ndlvl.led pm*U.?? fa Taft OO Nalioinl hank notts ooinaadli*.. **V 40 OO Iii.ltM.liial deposit. , ,ub|<M-l I-check .S1,S40,4S7 SB Demand i-rilBCBl*? .-,,??. riWiC: W?S % *-?8 JU CnlicdM.iUta-li.-pit.HS ?. BO.000 1)0 Uu" ila el laltr* **?*?? *?**>*?*?- . 1 oar ..meera.?.? ??? ?. ..1' Itu. lo.'Utcr aaltoastl ens**.. llj.l Doc tu stale banka and tsankrrt... ?? Temp r.t-y hs?u._ __ Touj.Si.4**4.41i3 7* Stat* or ViaoiMA. City or RieMMo*n?-?*: 1. Mann B. Osarles. rasbler mt l*t ali*ti--a-at-ist l?nk. do aolesinlT .wear Hint *h- ?*""<* *,:;',;nK,,l ls trustoU-ebcstol "ir knowle*** sod ***** ? ' ? MANS K.yl-ARLKH,C4aHlcr. sui tu ..1 and sworn U> *-**'n**? "i*"?M*** ?J2t?r****y ..jun, 1NH4. ls . ? . '??' or jun*, mBt. Notary MB** com cl-AI tesl: I A ll I'-- lt I'll'. ) i l. wllirMH'K./Dlri-cKtrt. X M. KOtSLNRALM. ' 17 1-31 i:OI<4TIOtAl.. <-J\VAKTIlMOKE I OLLEOE. VoR BOTH SKXRS. Cndrr can- of nuisl.r. of tia- Krllfl'-Bs I "-K-tr of l'rleii'1-. Ihlrtv inliiiiu-a .rom l*ctad--*.i???el atailnii. FCT.L COI.I.Kl'K < ol lt-IN ? las.leal. iir?ufl' I.ltcran. \l- . I-IIKI4 ? KA ntltY SCHOOL- I.ocsllou un-urni?ed tnt It^ulhral n.... Katmai*!- ar< rewind ooasly ***???? 1? .. ,ii,I iturwralus. A.s.U'i.l. year .simni'-DCft limb montb-3r?T?aBli: >K I****. v-y>* #arlv iii BB**** admlaaiiiB. Vue SaSaBBJJ*-- *uM ?^? [articular, a' dress ,. ? . 1 I'DUANIi IL MAIill.I . A. M.. I'l-eai't-rnt, V17Siii wwarthmnr.. thlawtrf county. Pa. Il A M P II E N-8 I 1> > E Y tOM-KUK, ,-l-I.IMK EDWAKO col VIV. VA.-Thu lot-lti animal mvsIoii nf ihla tn.tltu.i.ii. will Iteain ol >i i-i i mih'.i: m. i' fi' '?'??? ?'? a. Apullcaau tor ri'trance. neill tofu-l>rw" ?l ??''''?? prre*dtmd ?Uv. KercaUI..?u?s and furthrr lulu; .id ?Ire.s Ihe Prs-sldent of Ute rntlea**. K'" ? HICO lKl> Mt ILWAIN*., U U., HaiuiHlcn-si-1'K-y c^Waw. WAIST*. WANTED, A LADY BOOK-KKliBKlt. One sub ciH-rH-nce r-r*ti-rr.d. Perma? nent pnal-loa lo .uiu. iv party. X*Stf*f- "j**1"* sulari dsslrrd, BK ,l","{Dv jy | ma_car**rwM- Pupates. WANTED. A WHITE BOY TO URI vi: a MILK -WAfiOM sud l-i Biaka hlniaclf uni rally asfful. rharsctar ntl-rs-1. A |.i 11at 41 * north Bl nh atrcrt._lt*-U*? TITANTE1). AN INOU^TKIOUS AND IT WKLl.-KOt'CATKDYOCN** MAN*, irk* ha? mimi-VnowH-dse nf IIOOR-KKLPI ><i, and la w.lllns tn utak? hlra-clfseseraliy u-e.ul. A snlt ahle parly can svt iivrnianent vmpl.'ymeiu, wllh ti ".I rhsin-es f. r ad\anreiii'-iil. Address t)..cari of lim 11 ^rliy._lya^a* t WANTED, AN INDL'STItlOUS. TEM 1-HtAfK. HONEST AlTIVK. AND AM RlTIOI's YOl'TlLaliU-cn to twenty yeer* otes*. who lirra willi bia pareuU and diwa u< I eh?w or i.noke lu attend li. m. orllci- and do rolled!ur. Salary snail. Ador.-aa. with reftrtarra. A. H. 4^ care IHspntch nnVe. Jy 2-1 * A NY ONE WDJIIINO TO ?ELL ONE !\ oil MoKK Yol'N*i I'lllM-ri.l"; MILK ( nil s.. ,111,ur pure-hloo.l<.<l .tr srads.1 aiilmtlauf Ile Ji I- y or i.u.rus. > strains, sr- ll luforiu a par* ctij?-r wi,ere ib< y can lu- seen hy -s-ndlur their addnas lo ItooM IS, AMKRICAN HoTKL, HICIIMOVI). VA._ll l-*U* WANTED, AN EDUCATED I..VDY ai 1* to wort all day. to do OOfTIKO. Ap. |ily iM'taerS 12 -ind i nchek. Mo. Ji Oort! K Intb sire* I. Room 4. ap alair*._Jr-J-lf VT ANTED, OCCUPANTS FOR A rr HftT ol' DKBIBABCB BOOMS *B*ssaai flo. ri I'liaiiiil oui-lis.k, and wiU. ft- d 1st,rd, at Mi-, r. I.. WH.LSO.Nt-, No. 4c 1 norUi Twelflli sir. e., Jy -i-41* W ANTKD, TO niaUtaH TEM OAIXOM I'liti: rHK-*t( MILK I'kii i?a*i. A pill jr at jyi-.t* I... 1 iii MAIN BTBBBT. AI'DOK-KKKI'KK, TWKl.Vi: Yi:AK.s' rxi'iTi'i ie, c. risspoiidi-tit la all tbs ia'-dorn Imiai.aifes, willi A Sn. . r. len e . Ir .un noille-rn Bhalaa* rt ****** aa* city n-iail li oust, laniH-n fur m. . iis4.. im ni nu Aiu(i.-t 1st. Adlra-a J. >. P., ..oe fi, ,,.?t, ??,., nu e._!Z.'-U4L \1' AN'II.D. To -KI.I. A ILVNDHOMB AM) WILL LsTAIILIS|IUlI)Rl.U-HTOBB. now dom*- a very tc-od ba.lue,.. Raaan.ia ter h-II. ii a a mu. Addi's* Inti ?...Isl'. J- l-fil?_TH,, ?, tr li i^jre.. \\.\MKli, TWO 1IUNDUED AND ll KIHI Kilt lt-HAR l-n-ls. ,iw~l. si Indus .'ilium i?i'd fi li. i louti. to i : , 111. hu,etui. RICHMOND CMiAlt WoHKs, V- aW^Ht_Hlcliin.mJ. Va. WANTED, HARK ASH si;MAC. Addriass A. H. (,? >< Hill VS. . ,? .. I '", t'?n -tr***-!. Js 13-<(k11.ii , uni. \ ?. SOK m:MT. FOR BENT, Till. LARGE ANDaM KI.Kl.AM ?.Tfcc. iK11 l!--s.||)lA-, KaH N". 4 I J nert], Klrlitl. 'r..|. .ii- .loir,.- a|?lssa "*-"?? .? li. i. STAHL*--.* i it.. J) .'.Ht OppOSlIB Sd s.i-- s.?|. .,-,,? F"K BENT. THK NEAT TWOUEk S'lOll-, liHH-K HWri.LIN-ii V... ?/ TsTi .nulli tsieoiid stn-et, conUlnli.4 sis to..rn ". t^ui *:i.. and wu, r. II. I . > 1AI-I.K-. JC l.t.. IT * ?***l H_oppotH-. tk-lKSn4! *jstda-l''"i'iis)ii. I'OR BENT, 8! 'IT OT WW* l^sn MlfAIILK HooMS, with |u and wau-rafcl U'{j2.'li*'' A,'ply *l flU '""* N'ntl* ?,rf'''* VALI ABLE (IRANITK-'ilAIU.Y ros ii\s'. 0|snrdwttb r.illroid trii.-k rmi lia i lt. lin Ul. h. iiicud aud Allenltaiiy rallisht., ni ile from Ricb i..' iel. Ap;.Iv to I). A.* VIV. ii '-ai_aoatasi mila a****, FOR RENT, THE RESIDENCE A N". 216 >tn-rt. npr>naltp il-rfjoi t,.oenior-? luaiislmi: nine roowa, wl|b Ur*-* itu Len, and i-niiUtDlnx all uioib-ru couvcul?nc?-a. tarsi: alaMi-. Sc. Piaas^slun ai oa.-r. Kcal ii-.mIm. "yjjPUM QIARI.BH* MlCl'KOY VOR HKNT, THREE IlANl?OMTiiJ r ."vvm-iin.. k.'oms ?? u?. ?,,.?.,fa Saar. < all Ix-lwrea Hie b..uraor lu A. H. ?b*I ????? ? r. M. ai 14 *esi CkTy SmS, nmrlfint,_ is ID-lt pOR RENT. THAT I.AUOE STORE aaa , f4,20 '*** Mu" ,lro4t- adialralilT wsllH .ii lcl r,r .r-sornr and lk|n..r, aa wall aa ma7r oUier kl uila of b ualnraa. A y al nc i-? Ut * 1? 97 Bl URI'IUT.. * AI'I'KBSON, >r ?}T'a> _Bra! Kital* Aarala. IPOK BENT. THAT W KI.I.-.-.I lt '.sa lill- HW Kl.|. IN,, No. ,1,, ,,.,??? k.-uruistrcel.beiwreulira. aad tfriukllt?r*5o\ c. nUK.Ius lltht ro.sBT.,1 a,,J klu-hru. Apply iT^ at ,.^BKNJAM-N M- UI'IM-OMH, le 87-1 w" *? **** rrMlll,u mttm*. ?)WELLIN08 FOR RENT. ****** Wt 1!2 w''?l !>*ttkllB .incl; S roomt-SSiKL V>.817 wi-ai Malu ,!??.,; ft roome-Oieo. v o5 "JfljB'* ?I'4*' l 1 looma-MSn. 8?: A?, ?o**lli l4lnr itmi; 7 rouina~a?J0. v at ""*? M"B ttn,i' * "*"W-s| i. ->ao. lia-ae b"*s?a arr all lu ?'->d nr<1*r. and inor.or SJ* Oil IB SJ UH-tnosI,-,,, ..,,..r?v^ Lala^Ai; P'TUt FRANK I). lUl.l. a c\T, *^ it- 'ju^i.. *?*' rtslf AueiLMtsssra, ?aB-**48l _I IPS Mal* sUssm._ FOR RENT. DESIRABLE TWO-am .?.|yl(!RY BH;' K I>\*HI1S,. N. 21 WA toatn Adami ur.rt. Il u-e ia iboruiili rvDalr. loaaMWuBBlieuJuly l.^-^^4. Apply -.. K. U HOYl-HKisji, ^o^ *.. *-"h?t*Pr*kr aad ohio railway. J*Hl!!^!*i_rianih sad Mam dresxa. FOR RUNT. hMALI, T\Vi>STORY am HRH K DWKI.I IN*., .'.isl br. ? tworn Alis'inarlr and Spnusr slrceta?bait b-auaa Itt tow ava.rai river, wwi aldr. Apply 3 ^^ { HirtCHaiSS. * tuaaprakr aad Ohio railway _ I* a7-*od4l yisb.l^aiidjl,,, ?,Uu. pOR "RENT. THE DEsIrXbLE I" TWO-STOKV BRICK DH KLLIMU. ?ssi- Ki uii. ns .1 v monia, ba!*-,-roon., and tsaUap^Ti, 55 ? vu esaist ^,^Ww?^ ^owh-Pmm^m. ?I'UNESMI I tl 4*11 r.a. OR H A L I . I Tl HILAR BOILBR. loo iwrfas-B-war at f i*v1 aa -nw ; ??,4*,? ** .-'Kr aAt^*\ T1?"1* CCTsOBt- BM UINB.Saaii**.! by aro; mJr*tdyittaZ^bu!b ???"4^-'? P-iil a ? viii BbtoaaU nar l*oi N'Dati in -av ai i ? ThuuaawediBBiaVl?7 -iwrS-Ziti"^ poss*. Llhrral arraaaauwaBla csa ka^a^P*f, watar-powrr aad mhec pHrllaa-ta, ""* *** AU BM tbor? eas br sera al oar oM dlr la Baa-. ^rSSs-AS M,CIISI0Nl? C?(UAJ|r?to-ai*,,' r m. F