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kM'HMOKB DISPATCH. rrr*?> ?isTaTgit company. fare BA. ii hum atvw la aelivtws* ie Ba**ertb*r*at ripsaw ow wt* **?,r w*aB. pay* abt* ta ta* earner w***klr. Mailed at ie per aaa**-; 8* for sis amulka; 11.10 lew tar** BBOetha: soo. for on* maota. TBeBKM l- WKKKLT DIHPATCMal t* per anaaaa. oe ti aw six monti**, Tbe WBr-Ki.Y UIMPATCB at ll per an ?BBBBrtB>H.a? In all east* pareta* In sd wane*, ead n* paper *Mnti*n*d after lbs ss plrauoB of lbs lins* paid for. sw?nd po*t ***** monet .aerier, eh*o*, w r*?ri*t#r??8 let ter. OBireuey sent ar maU will hs st Ina HS* raf lliea.-i.,ii-!- h*l**-nb*rswlBhln8'he,r BX* nfll r-tianae* mast a*ra lh*lr old ss 'W*MB*tb?,'n",wpiart-t*Bos. Bampl* eople* APVBRTIHINOBATI t Um**. lAl.* I*elB OB LL I Um*. .?.??* ?' 1 00 I limes I time* .. tausse* ... 1 monita V ..?.?.? 1 BO mmm. a 70 _. I 80 .?. a ii B months....-.? ?* 00 Bas*MW n..nem In reading-rn*ltar ly**, B Hobs *e les* Bl; >n nonpareil leads*. TB sea ss, Oat* af rai es for more spaa* furnished en aoa-llsallon _ All leltei? an.i tclecra*** ron** b* address *d toiiir DBVATOB oom TA RY. Baj4*tra*d aoramnaleaUODS will *o* b*-r* l*ra**.__ WE]TnESI>AY.IKTHHEK7, I**-.*.. Hnll-tHivornment. vTe reael the following in the Index Appeal ot yesterday, with pleasant feelings: " At first the feeling here waa bo in? tense that' ? "vernor Kerapcr was burned in effigy, and tbe Richmond Dispatch lost hundieds of subscribers because it sustained the (iovernor. Il was not long before the people realized the dan-tar they had escaped, and will bardly concent now to a surrender of self government for tbe sake of filling a few petty olticcs." Yea, the Dirpateh applauded the Governor in that caa* and angered many of its best friend's in Petersburg. We never for one moment regretted having taken the course we did in that instance. We have never made any apology (or it. Tet the negroes are taught to regard thc Dirpateh ai a ne? gro-hating paper because it denounced another (Jovernor for having appointed negro trustees for white schools. Hut we are wandering from our subject. Our Petersburg contemporary when it made the remark we have fajaatd above was referring to what it bad styled the undemocratic remedy of so changing the city charter as to take the power of appointing subordinate offi? cers from the Common Council and place it in thc hands of a board of comans Blotters appointed bj the Legislature. Mow, this "undemocratic remedy" is just what Richmond will experience next winter if Mahon*-: carries the Legislature. Ile will rule the caucus and the caucus will rule the Legisla? ture ; and thus he will cease this city to be ruled so far as the Constitution will allow by a commission elected by the Legislature instead of by offi? cials chosen by the people. That is to aay, the charter of the city and tho laws of the State would be bo changed aa to provide for a new set of police commissioner., selected by tho Ma honk Legislature instead of un now by tbe City Council. Then woald return the rule that became intolerable here about lr*r,9 and '70. We need not dwell, however, upon the dreadful results to this city that would follow the eic-tn ui of a Ma hon r. Legislature next mouth. We mention thc wrong of putting a M mi-im :poli ? in charge of this city as only one of a number of measures that might be re? sorted to in order to gratify Maikink's desire for vengeance upon a city whose white voters have ko solidly voted against bim and hia at evury election that has ever taken plao here since he rodo into power on tho debt question and the shoulders of tho negroes. A word to the wise is sufficient. The people of Richmond have a greater in? terest at stake than perhaps any eitaers of the citizens of the State. They will not only have to endure Republican judges and Republican officials in every place not protected by the Constitution, hut will have to sutler unimaginable inconvenience!, vexations, annoyances, and wrongs at the hands of Ma hon K's followers. The Genymander. If Ma hunk carries the Legislature this year, he will no doubt order tho State to be redistricted for the eloction of congressmen. He has precedents enough in other States for such action, though none in Virginia that we know of. Here again Richmond would foci tbe weight of his enmity. Her vote would be swamped by that of the ne? gro counties Mahonk would cause to be put into the district. In the bill which his House of Delegates passed ia April, MS, the following countiei aad cities made up the Third district namely : Henrico, Powhatan, Amelia. Kew Kent, Charles City, James City Not to way. Williamsburg, and Chester field, tied on to Richmond and Man chester. If you wish to live in that district aad to be represented in Congress by Mahon*!**?-John S. Wise, for exec plc?fail to do your duty in this eau paigB. H yon can't find time to wor or have so taste for it. and prefer thi other* ahould do it, you can at leai belp thom with your money. Ohio. Tba contest in Ohio is becoming highl interesting. Neat Tueaday tbe election there take place. The articles in Hai BTKah'b paper are so scurrilous, libs loos, and intemperate, that the reade Of them is almost forced to the conch sion that although Ulaink received majority of thirty-one thousand in thi State, laat fall, yet Hoahly may poss bly overcome that immense majorit next week. Certainly, tbe people o Cincinnati must be ashamed of thai leading papers. Tbe Enquirer does not mince it worda when talking to or of the Com mereial-Gatette. lt says i one ar tiela i "Hal*teed doe* not represent th people of Cincinnati io anything. Then aa not a bosineea-manm tbisconuaunit wbo doa* not despise him for his course toward tbe people of the South. II* h ?jWaouaced ob titty head, aad by aoa< mora baai-tily than by moa la hia own party." Wa Khali be better prepared to credit thee* Btatcreenta if ws read in tbv pa? pers next Wednesday morning the an* nouncement that Hatnilton county han eleetsd thirteen DemocraU to the legis? lature. Th* jreople of the aouthern Slates would he perfectly juetiflable in boycotting Hst **rri:Ai> if ever people were justifiable in doing such a thing. They could ruin bia advertising busi nea*, lie has hsd aa much to do with nighing the people of all the northern Mates believe that thc southern States are in a condition not much better than one of barbarism aa .John ft. Wihk bas bad to do with creating the same impression on their mindi in regard to the condition of things in Virginia. let ua return to the Ohio election. Dr. LiiiNAiti' is still in the field.,v and Foiiarf.r sre to have two discussions this week. They meet each other on Thursday in Cincinnati, and on Saturday in Toledo. Hai, sii.M', wc repeat, is furious. It is impossible, however, to tell whether his ravings are the language of despera? tion or thc foolish words of a min who puts hia faith in billingsgate. A Building Wanted. Thc Young Min's Christian Associa? tion of this city are making a thorough? ly erpanired effort to complete thc fund necessary to erect their proposed building. They already own one of thc most eligible lots in the city for such a structure; have $11,omi in band and need only $20,000 more. Thin sum they propose to raise by general subscription. Tbe movement is one that should command the hearty co? operation of our citizens. Aside from all other considerations it appeals for support on business principles. A Young Men's Christian Association building such as the Richmond Associa? tion propose to erect would bo a good business investment in that it would ad*l vastly to the at? tractions of the city. In all of thc northern cities of any size, and in some of our southern cities, such move? ments have elicited liberal responses from all classes. In Atlanta, Ua., for instance, over 970,000 was raised for a Christian Association building within about tao weeks. The Atlasta busl ncss-men looked upon it in ita second? ary sense as a business enterprise as muchasBnythingelsc. They appreciated Ihe fact that a well-equipped Associa? tion building in that city would not nnly be a pleasant place of resort for their employes, but for a large nuinlter of the visitors to Atlanta. And that is one light in which tho business-men of Richmond should look upon the pro poaad Association building in this city. 1 here are many men of many minds, and opinions differ widely as to what con? stitutes proper amusement. It there" fore frequently happens that the coun? try merchant votes Richmond a dull and slow place because we cannot give him just such pleasure ns he would lind in the libraries, reading-rooms, and social balls of the Christian Associa? tions of the northern cities. JJe fre? quently takes up a wrong itn BBB8a*B8B regarding s salesman, which impression would be entirely eradi? cated could he engage that sales? man in quiet conversation in a social exchange aller business hours. Wc repeat, the movement should command the hearty cooperation of our citizens. Asa display of public spirit alone, all are interested in seeing the building erected. Twenty thousand dollars is s small hutu for the good people of Rich? mond to pay for the advertisement the cojnpletcd structure would give the city. In arguing the question on so low a plane wo do not lose sight of the higher claims of the Association, which were so strongly presented at tho two meeting!, recently held in this city. A subscription li*4 may be found at the Dispatch counter. Tho Worst Enemy. The Cle\eland (Ohio) /Vain Dr-iln is a capital paper, as our readers han no doubt inferred from the articles wt have copied from it. In thc following paragraphs it hits John S. Wist nm BbAHORI and Vost and tho rest of tin howlers, lt says : "The worst enemies this countr bus to-day are John Sherman and tin Republican politicians who are ?.?oin. about threatening the country with i renewal of civil convulsions and possi blt- war. They don't care if busines is ruined and the workingmen starv only ko they may get into oliiee. " Workingmen and business-mc should think of this and not vot against their own interests. They wil do that if they vote the Republica ticket next week." Ci.kvki.arh's election was calci lated to restore a leal peace to tb country, but these unpatriotic inisi-hie makers keep up their insensate an wicked clamor. Vote lor Vam, Ma*-sk\ , and A YUM Northern Money. **F? D. M." writes from I'etershm to the Cincinnati Comntcrcial-Gazrt that the Republicians of Ohio ought' send money to Virginia to aid the M honeites in their campaign. He san ?* What man has sent a dollar to he rn this tight that if lost will close o the career of the Republican party fo ever ; or. if won, will ? blaze the wi to Republican victory in 1888';" whit is the way the Richmond Dispatch pu it." So we say to the moseyed men ' Richmond, how many of you have doi j all that you should to aid in the goi I wark of burying the Republican part' This same - F. D. M." Bays : "If the Republicans of tbe Nor are anxious enough for a victory in Vi gmia to help .Mahone in the despera struggle which he is fighting singl handed and alone, they can have it. not, they will sea the glorious old R publican banners folded away forever Virginia, and the aolid South more soli than aver, and the Democrats iiitrencl ed in a fifty-year lease of power." There is a prise, Virginians, worth of all your efforts, all your sacrifice If Lt;ic is t-lectcd and Mahonk di fested next month, "the ylorious ul Republican banner t will be folded a tea FOREVER." Is tbat not aomethin worth fighting for t ?*? The aolid Sout will become mora aolid than ever"-? you do your duty. The Democrat THK J!iV/ will, on tba Sd of November, tacoirt a flfty-ye*ral*?aeofpowar. What more could any Virrmian, aay patriet ask t If ihst prospect will not nerve your atm and enkindle your seal, you are not s true son of the Old Dominion. Mr. Massey. We are requested to state that Hon. John V. Mai-sky, on his return home on the 2d instant, found a great num? ber of letters from correspondents in carious places both in and out of the State, which it is utterly imposable for him to answer, he having since his re? turn been confined to bed. He hopes to be out again in time to lill his future appointments, and will certainly lil! them if possible. BRIEF COMMENT. " FiTZiit'Oll Lf.K is still riding round distributing chestnuts from Uncle KeiiiKHT's saddle-bags." Chestnuts wilh the burrs on, as thc Republicans who tackle them find to their sorrow. The Philadelphia/Ve-** doubts Gover? nor Camkbon's fidelity as a Republi? can because the Governor tells the truth. The Press should not apply to (Jover? nor Camkiion thc test it applies to its staff. _ _ A Philadelphia contemporary an? nounces as a bit of interesting news : -There were three colored men who took their seats as jurors in the United Ststes Court in the new post-office yes? terday." -.asa*. The Philadelphia Times says : " It is a consolation to remember that the man who doesn't get the office usually turns to business with greater enerby after his head gets well." Shkkma^ and FeiHAKKit will start a big business boom after awhile. '' Norway is certainly the banner country for chivalrous treatment of the fair sex, if the statement is true that ladies, when travelling, arc charged only half priee." If a lady is lair, why should she be charged anything on a railroael in any country 1 Thc Philaelelpbia Times says: -? There is a temporary cessation of hos? tilities in Ohio while Hals*'kau dresses his wounds." The Timct should have explained that his woiinelfl were made by thc kick of a gun he fired at Chant and LlBOOUI. Tho Galveston Newt says: "Sup? pose one of Mr. Clkvli,ami's ap? pointees had written the Halstkaii letter." Hot a supposable case, friend. There is nett a man in tho United States in sympathy wilh Mr. OLBYBLABO mean enough to write such a letter. >t If JStltlh. Michigan : A History af Oomnmimtt, Hy Thomas Mel ni yuk Cooley. Hoston : BoOOHTOB, IflBBLIB .1 Co. 1885. Price $1.25. This is one of thc series entitled " Auie-rie-an Commonwealths." It is the history of a State which came intn the Union in 1*37. This is an in? teresting history, being that of a State or Territory over which France1, Great Britain, and the United States have successively had dominion, and yet a young community now. For sale by Wkst, Joiinsto** Il Co. I'ersonal. Lieutenant Greedy says that it cost him more than aid to deliver a recent lecture in Massachusetts at an agri? cultural fair. None of his expenses were paid. Maddison Morton, thc famous li-h play-and fareo-writcr, is one of the Poor Brethren of the Charterhouse. He j has just completed a drama which Mr. Toole is to read. P. Vi. McMtillen, a Buffalo police officer, has been informed from Ireland that bia uncle, Hugh Blayney, eif Dub? lin, a rilli vintner and grocer, who died recently, bee-ueathed him $75,hmo. Ur. Sarah L. Weintraub, who gradu? ated at tho Women's College, Philadel? phia, and left for Syria in .May last, ia preaching and accompanying her dis? courses by healing in the Moslem schools of Damascus. A son of thc Duke of Westminster drives horses of the finest stock, and his cabs contain the latest improve? ment.-?a lamp to read by at night, a place for an umbrella, a looking-glass, and many other conveniences. Cyrus W. Fielel has had the monu? ment to Andro placed upon a new and larger base, and it is again in an up? right position, lt is now surrounded by a high iron fence to save it from further molestation. It is reported in Pittsburgh that Gen? eral N'egley will resign his seat in Con? gress and take up a permanent resi? dence in Cuba. Color is given to thc rumor by an advertisement for the salt of all the General's property in Pitts burgh. The General has recently re? turned from Cuba. Tho Washington correspondent o the Alexandria Gazette, noting tho re turn of Hon. George D. Wise fron California, says: He settled up thi estate of his lately deceased brother Tully Wise, which netted 190,000, am which will be equally apportioned among his surviving brothers. " A committee of women physicians including Dr. Mary J. Scarlett Dixon of Philadelphia, professor emeritus o the Woman's Medical College of Penn svhania, and Drs. Caroline Smith am Amanda Taylor Morris, of this city,' says the Baltimore American, ** callei on the mayor Saturday." "The selection," says the Londo Truth, "ot Mr. Thornycroft to execut the Gordon statue has been universal! approved in art circles and by the au thornie's on Buch matters everywhere but it has caused high dudgeon in cei tain exalted quarters, where it was d? sired that the commission should b given to another artist." Chapiu. the sculptor, has finished th monument to the memory of Monsigno Dtipanloup. presently to be dedicated a Orleans. Its principal feature is bronze basso-relievo, representing th great prelate surrounded by a crowd o disciples, and is surmounted by a sar cophagus bearing his statue in full length repose. Above is the figure o an angel unfurling the standard of th Maid of Orleans. On either side of th basso-relievo is a statue, one represent ing Floquence, under the figure of i father of the Church, and the other Pa tiiutiMii, by a knight. I have found out a gift for my fair It is not a ring of gold, nor Howers fo her hair, nor pearls for her white neck but Salvation Oil for her sore throat She's a singing bird. 11 J./ J./**** 'J-.-. ~-?-. rs EVEBY DECRES PASSED, Wets sr the Ple-*rv r*Baell-ArU*a *f lae Vsiirs* l?*a tb* W*th *f tbs Asasasblr. A Rome letter to the Baltimore American says: The decrees of the Council of Haltimore ware brought to Rome hy special messenger acnt by Archbishop Gibbons. On tha 1st of March they were presented to Cardinal Simeoni, Prefect of the Propaganda, which has charge of Catholic missions throughout the whole world. From that time up till Thursday the loth of September, when Pope Uo XIII, signi? fied his approval of these decrees, the attention of the Propaganda has been occu, ied almost exclusively with them. The examination of them was most minute and careful, the authorities here entering into every detail and expres? sion contained in thet*e decrees. Three American bishops?Right Rev. Ors. Moore, of St. Augustine, Fla.; Dwen gcr, of Fort Wayne, and Gilmour, of < lev eland? came over to Rome to sup? port and explain these decrees before the Propaganda, and after this length? ened scrutiny and careful examination they are now confirmed, very little changes having been made in them, so that they will leturn in almost the same condition as they were in when brought to Rome. Cl IA Ni 1KB IS CANON LAW. These decrees will do very much for the Church in the I nited States. Their intluence will be felt throughout tha whole country, and to a beneficial pur? pose, The canon law, which took its origin in medieval times, was a me* di.i val institution, founded on and con? stituted for a civilization that has al? most passed away. These laws and regulations, which constitute the body of canon law, are unsuited for a civili? zation such ss that which flourishes in the I nited States, and which is of later growth, of more universal application, and therefore cannot be governed by laws made for another condition of so? ciety. These new decrees then cut into the canon law of former times. A < banco has come over the scene. Tho methods of the past, the life of three or four centuries ago, have disappeared, and the necessity of making special laws to suit tho new circumstances of tho country was felt by tho American bir-hops at the Haltimore Council, and acted upon accordingly. The legisla? tion of the Church accommodates in the present case, as it bas always done in all other cases, to tin} state and con? ditions of civilization which exist in tho countries dealt with. These new de? crees will constitute a law suitable for the time. The education of tho elerey will be elevated to the wants of the lime. The Christian civilization of tho people wi.l bc made to keep pace with the material civilization of the time. Christianity will bc brought into har? mony with the education and civiliza? tion of tho prcr-ent agc. IN THK DRTABTMBRT OF KDUCA* TMN regulations have been made for the (Slal'li.-liinilit nf B liouls lor children, normal schools for teachers, and a uni? versity for priests and for those laymen who devote themselves to the pursuits of higher knowledge. It ia not by -- benefices"?that great feature of thc Middle Age-*, by which, while edtica cation was assisted, it was also ham? pered?that these results are to ba "'> tained; '- benefices " will not be brought in as a means of support. Tho Catholic I burch in the 1 nited States wants no subsidy from the State, and thus it will not become a servant, or rather a slave of the State, as it bas so often been in F.uropean countries?such as Franco and Austria. The Church in America prefers to depend for bur support upon thc free offerings of the people. This has not failed her in the past, and she has no fears that it will fail her in thc future, tin this means of support she has already progressed in a degree un? precedented in the world up to the pre? sent time, and thc extraordinary growth of tho Catholic Church throughout the I nited States and hat constant spread are the result and condition of this free-will offering of her people. RO l'VIIIMIl.S AMI PARISH I'I'.IKST-. in the new dioceses it is provided that no such thing ns parishes and parish priests, in the old canonical sense of thc term, will exist in the I nited States, These were founded on M benefices," but there they will not ti* employed. This, however, does not indicate that pastors who have created and fostered a congregation, ami Blade the desert to blo.svuu as a rose, will be harshly treated or removed from tba places they have built up. There will not be an absolute removability ol pastors. A certain percentage of them will bc declared immovable, and thi bolds 1*00(1, except incases where faults are a.-i ribed to the pastor, and the-*e faults and their consequences will be determined by a trial. A certain amount of liberty of action is required in the Catted States both by bishop* and clergy, and it is not advisable v remove or curtail that liberty. Tht progress which the Church of the (Tatted States bas made in the past is a fail ground for pursuing s similar coarse o' liberty in thc future. THK DIOR1TT ANH AUTHORITY will be increased and brought mort prominently into relief. They will havt their courts over those of bishop*, ii which appeals aili be received trefor* such appeals can be sent to Rome. Ii future bishops will have a permanent board or council, which they will a< seinblc at certain intervals during tht year. They will also give some voici to the clergy in the election ot blah ipa Another important decision af thi Haltimore council refers to societies oi associations. A stop is about to bi put to indiscriminate, injudicious, oi conflic'ing condemnations of societies Henceforward the condemnation of anj secret society will be reserved to a per manent board of all the archbishops o thc country, and all cases of such a na ture must be referred to them for thei judgment and decision. The greates safeguards will be thrown around tin contraction ef church debts in future The sanctity ol Christian marriage wil be specially guarded by suitable am etVective regulations. Much was ssid on thc holding of ec clesiastical property ; but as differen laws exist in different dioceses, it wa left to each bishop to adopt the mean best suited to each particular case. 7'hese decrees will form the basis o the councils about to be held in Austra lia and Ireland. Thus the initiative o the Cnited States will be felt through out the world, and the light of the nev civilization will beam from the West oi the nations of old Kurope. BIOKO, CONVICTS SHOT. 4 Bi-vsll *f r-rl*?!i*T- st Hork *i. a Tris Itsllrsad. A dispatch from Rusk, Texas, to th Calveston Neut says : ?? Yesterday, a the terminus of the Kansas and Cul Shore line, near Lufkin, in Angeliu county. Texas, sixty convicts made desperate break for liberty. The me were being worked on the railroad Tbe revolt occurred at .r> o'clock, jua as the prisoners had finished their sup per. With deafening yells theystarte up in a body and rushed for the neigh boring woods. The guards opene< fire on the fleeing convicts will deadly effect. The latest report say Ijust.-. *-*? '--**?. m. * w ? that tweaty-flva of tbe convict! wet* Killed or wounded. The prisoners rea in one large body, and the guard* ply emptied their repeating rides and i-tit*ll arms into the moving mass. Rumors of an intended mutiny in thia ramp hail been rife for some week!. These rumors a ere strengthened by the fact that many of the convict* were serving life-sentences and were known to Be desperate characters. Extra pre? cautions were being taken to avoid a ty uprising. Every means possible is be? ing used to recapture the thirty-fl"' convicts who succeeded in eludin, tic rifles of the guards. All avenues of escape are being guarded and posies are being organized to scour the coun? try. Tho scene of the outbreak ts some miles from a telegraph office. Ham Tim**. To the Editor of the Dispatch : . One by one are thc totally false charges secretly made against the Democratic party by William Mahone (who swal? lowed, it seems, the former '? Repub? lican " party in Virginia) coming to grief. That good speller, (one Mr. .Farr.) though a Mahone man. has knocked " as high as a kite " the chargj that thc Democrats were opposed to KllKK SCHOOLS. The healthy increase of schools and the number of scholars under Demo eratic rule Mr. Farr, in his official ca? pacity, was constrained to certify to, even if he was one of Mahone's men. The letter from Mr. Willis, of Ken? tucky, exploded thc false charge that the I lemocrats were opposed to TIIK III,AIR MHOOBJ HIM,, ami which, in fact, could not havs passed the Senate of the Hafted Stat?* but for the votes of Democratic sena? tors. It appears that when that bill wa* before the Senate thc senior senator from Virginia was a* silent as death. V>i>rse still, for it also appears that when tho volo was taken on it he did not answer to his name. With that fact staring the peoplo of Virginia in their faces, he now has the unblushing impudence and brass to issue what was intended as a kind of secret circular, charging the DoruocraU of Virginia with being opposed to such bill, and when it is a well-known f?et that all the Democratic congressmen from Virginia favored it bul oae, I think. How Mahone afterwards i ? peared in the matter was but consistent with his whole past life. In.steadof giving to the people of Vir? ginia sonic reasonable excuse for his absence, or his not voting on a matter of so much interest to the Deiii'icra'.i tax-payers of the State lirst, and a*** end, a matter of great interest to tinny colored Republicans who want th-ir children educated, but are not able tn pay themselves for aoch adacaaion, William Mahone comes out ai i cb*!*-** the Democracy of Virginia with being Opposed to thc Blair bill, lt' Mr. Willis's statement does not prof* that tba charge made by Mahone wa* (ala* in conception and fnlse in fat. then men would not believe if o i "aroaa from Ihe dead*' aad declared -neb charge Wal luise. Tho charge in Virginia were by Dem . crabs prevented from voting, has bein exploded by a recent letter from tba present REPTJBLICAB QOVBBBOB of (he State. William E. Cameron. Th'' last-named party doubtlee* knows an 1 feels that he was the irst Governor ol Virginia who ever owed his alactiofl 11 negro votes, and unless all signs fail I ihink he will bc the last. Tba fair**** ul our elections (so far ar- the Darno* crats are concerned) cannot in truth be questioned since William Mahone left thc Democratic party, ami which took place after he was aaiiafled (as I think) that there was no chance of his being honored by such party when he professed to be a Dem.leraland -- a power" in that party. I know there was some cheating done, bat sim i- he rpiit it tin- elections in Virginia bara been, as a general rule, fur ; cer? tainly so far as tba Democratic party is concerned. No man in all the Slate knows these thia** better than th*party who is io *v, to ali intents and pur, the "so-called Republican partyM of \ irginia. The only plank of any width that remains to ba knocked from nader thc feet of the little Boa* i. ii Mil' i nu:-. sud T,hi.-li he. witli his oana] disregard of truth and facts, charges upon the Democratic party. Every maa int a bom fool should know that loch a charge has neither legs to stand 00 nor bottom to sit on. Since Mr. Clere* land's election not one single law ha> been passed, either m Congre*! or by the Stale of Virginia. In other words, as no DecBOt retie d had even prescribed for the patient, if smh patient waa drugged nigh nato death it must han- bce-u .lone by Re? publican doctor*, WBO hal been phy? sicking him for .-onie twenty years, and with the result that BIB li 'I ' 'tor-; grew rnh. while the patient waa growing poor er in health mid pura*all th* time. To illustrate: BoBM Hine back capital wa. trying to be made in a nuishboriii' oounty by Mahone's white hoachm in that certain men were out of work be* cana* the Democrats had gotten possea sion of the United States Government. Yes, it was true that tv. o cotton-facto? ries near Petersburg, the Ettrick and Battersea, were closed. To show how false was the inference some of Mahone's white henchmen drew, I will just state that the Batterse* Cotton-Mills shut down in \ugi-t, 1 s-P4. and commenced work awaiti in October. 1885. The Ettrick factory (which heretofore COBBnnied far nure cotton than any other factory in the State) shut down in August. 1884, and commenced work again in October, ISl^'i. Thus under Republican rule such factories <]uit work, and under Democratic rule they have gone to work again. Does not that, with the general tendency of belier times all through our country, ibo* the falseness of the charge that tba "hardtimes" are due to Democratic rule ' I am getting to be an old man. and have always taken a deep interest iu political lights, whether State or national. In all my recollection I have never known any party who dared to run a campaign so totally regardless of truth as the "so-called" Republican party is running the present. It does look as if its leaders thought the great bulk of voters were either fools or knaves. mk. .ionBMv WI.Si. I already regard as -' a dead cock in the pit," and if my countrymen have ordi dary sense and patriotism they will work in the close counties as they never worked before in order to bury Ma? hone, who has done more to disgrace Virginia than any other man who ever lived in our State, and whose selfish ness is such that at** his own person has been unable to fill thatspaceamoua his fellow-man which it would seem that a kind Providence intended. Let me give you a fair wanting. Il Mahone succeeds, then his spilt sgaiust Richmond will be satis? fied in a way that will make yow people quake. Richmond has bee: to him for many years " a thorn in hi Ilesh," and if he can only get tin power you may look out for such i display of his revenge as will doubtless make "old Satan" him-elf smile, Do not think because I wiite bluutl) that my warning amounts to nothing. I tall yu in all sincerity that if the people of Richmond knew what they had at stake in the present comest they would work as if their very lives depended on the result. As I live in a section under his galling yoke, I apeak from experience as to what the fate of Rn hmond will be should he have it in Fia power to wreak his vengeance on your beautiful ami growing city. _C. A. M.' Thi* lansaaa. RtKiM.S State nmOfllHlfl] 1 BatOt*1 iv i I'nMMi'i i ki . ! Al.KXANIHtlA, Va., October 5. 18*5. ) The committee snnounce by authori? ty the following additional appoint? ments : ?OR, john w. hamel. Smyth, Friday. October Abingdon, Saturday, October 17th. C, T. o'KKItllALL. Staunton, Wednesday, October 7th, night. shenandoah, (special,) < > ? tober 'Jthand lmb. Warren. (Hrowntown.) Monday,Octo? ber, 112th (night). Hage. (Shenandoah Iron Works,) Tuesday, October l.lth (night). Craig, Thursday, October loth. Hotetourt, Friday, October 164ft, Frederick, Monday, October 19th. Flint Hill, Tuesday, October 10th (Bight). Woodville, Wednesday, October 21st, night. Wolftown, Fridav, October 23d, 2 P.M. d'reenc, Saturday, October 2Uh, 2 r. M. Page, Monday, October 20th. Albemarle, (special,) October 27th, 2?lh, and il'Mh. I. li. ItlCHMIINH, Huchanan, Tuesday, October lo th. Dickenson, Tuo-.-dsy, October 20th. Wisc, Tuesday, October27th, OROROR D. wish. New Kent. Thur-iilsy, October Xth. Luaaaburg, Monday, Oetobat 12th. llanover. Wednesday, October 21st. King William, Monday, October 2r'itb. Richmond city, Wednesday, >fovetn bar 2d (sight). A. A. I'lII.KdAlt, Appomattox, Thursday. ?'etobcr .*tth. John S. it viw'.on:. Chairman. W. W. Scott, Secretary. Major .lolm II. Hunter will speak at New Kent Courthouse in behalf of the I'emocratic ticket on Thurkday Ihe sib of October (County-Court day). t'ortj-rifth In Ills 4 lae*. Nsw York Sun.] Mr. John S. Wisc, thc Republican candidate for (iovernor of Virginia, has Been lit to suggest that his Democrat) I opponent ought ta ha defeated because Im stood forty-fifth in his class at Point. '? While (Ieneral I.oe wa? a cadet at Wist Point," according to a statement mada by Mr. Wiaa ia his speech at Ale.andria the other dar. ??ho was forty-tilth out of a class (,f forty-eight, ami hail 169 QSBlsritS opposite his Dane." A gTeat deal more important qnea* lion '" Mr. \\ iso is thu question arhera he will stand in thc State ol" Virginia on election-day. We do not know how sn h things are regarded in tha South, but in tins part of thc country it ia looked apan aa B pretty small basineaa to argue that a tuan is unworthy ol'political preferment because ha did BOt attain high rank in college. Although the Lee; were on the wTOBg side in the war, ther were BO 1 are gen* tleinen, and vre may he s::re that what? ever demerits wen; opposite tlc name of Fitsbugh Lee aa a cadet, they repre? sented nothing that would detract from bia chara' ter as a man of honor. So far aa bis rank aaa soldier is concerned, that has been fixed by a better test than anv wh'.' h could be applied in advance at \V\st Point, Tb* iieii-t.atv BaBloalaa. . ReW lora World, The OtrS*handred*ton mine of dyna? mite and rack-rock winch rm to have upheaved Flood Hock to-morrow will not I" exploded for some tune yat. The postponement is due to tba fact that some of the win- whi h form the exploding circuits have been found tc Le imperfect, Tbe defects will be re? medied as.n a; poaaible,and Um public notified two days previous to thc cent. [a 1876 the firing Bras especially fixed fora Wednesday, but on account of n similar discovery was postponed until the follow ni'' Sunday. After the explosion three spar buoy will be placed to mark tho eight o Kl.1 Rock. Should arty of tho Jfi6rii be thrown when- it may I aavigstion other buoys will be place* ale the localities. A via ii lac s -lml Sci. [Hy telegraph to tm. llawateh.1 Dbi innt. October ?'..? An v i special says : '* John Chamberlain, rc aiding in Hopkins township, on Satur day drowned his eight-months' child il Babbit river. Subsequently Chamber ls,in was found near the take with hi throat cut and the dead child in hi arms. Hu is now a raving maniac, bu will probably recover from the wounl Charles II. Chandler, ol Concord, X H.. has rounded out his lirst bundie j ears, and enters the second with re faarhabla powers of vitality. Hi mental faculties are unimpaired, and h pleads guilty to feeling as young as h ilid a ([Barter century ago. Ili-i ? loni' ? Acid I'd..siiii id . INKi'l AI.l.KK. l>r. ll. IL Alexander, I'linnetts burgh, l'a., says: "I think Hts ford's Pho-phate is not equall* in any other preparation of phoapho rous." ni: vni?i. dalton- l'itil. Tea-day, Oetober . 1888. mt 8:80 P. H., Mis. MAY I'-ELI HALTON. Funeral from the residence of nev bra ther In-law, Emmet Crump, N 1088 **?? I.rae* stn*.it, 1'lliS W. Iio-sliy AKI'EK NoONat t oi lock. Krli-uilsaii.! ant se Of tba family are invite.! lo alt'.'tu!. I'KKBYHHII'E.-lrieil. OetObet 1. I*1-' -.? I . cia k A. .M...Mrvril.VRl.ill'l'K KKK HYSHIKt, lu the tifiy-fonrtlt year of lie BBB , .. PaUeaea liwt ber pertest work, ami unt? iling and m-M-re kiirti-riug tito BaaasaaB* rame mn! fotinil lier "perfeel anti eulin wanting nothing, her lamp trliiiiueil an In,ming, kin- watching ami walting, au bet wes rr until reaily noil willing. ?? Mother, then arr goaa IO rest; WV alli ii"t ?ei-|. for tht? For rlion uri goo* eben oft oa earth. iii*. *.|-ir-.t longed to ba ?? Mother, thou url foe* to rent. rm teifc ena earea an o'er, Am! sorrow, iain, and sulTertng HOW B)ba!l ne'er distress thee mot--. Trie funeral will take plsi-e fr.'in lb* Plas atreet liapiist .-hun-h TODAY Weitu ilav Bt 1% o'clacS I*. M. Friend* awl ar ,tu*lnt*neeflof the family snd of li-ir *m lam's H. Wright, are Invited tu attend. ? (.REEN -Died, al the resldemv of Imlg William W. Crump, on atondsyntgbt. Oe* ber MU. Mr*. HANNAH ORRCR: Me elKhty-iM-ven \ears. An liumiii.' sud sm cere christian: a Hf* long faithful w*rv*u and trusted friend of the family. lier finietel will take place at 1 o lo. k I M.TO-l'AY tWrdiii-d ti fMin the Hr* lispllkt i-hureli ,colon 1 Fl NNV ?Maa In tills i-lty. at the rc* dence of her husband. Mn*. ELVIRA PRN vv w fe of L'i'lwi-il 1'i-nuy. In tbs Ball ?Irs! \ ear of lorage. leasing a devoted ina la tnt' snd sevi-n children tu mourn th-l Her funeral will take p'are TH!-* >.-.t B**day) ArTMlNOuNat B o'etoek Bomba irklilelirv ll- -oti'll I -HU l-l ?'"? _ ?" ti'-otil. of Ute family ste ISVllSfl lo be pty A B80LUTELY PUR1. ROYA t. UK* Gg%*w%wirP?min J rir rt w i.-no inn IE [no 11-171 * S S B INDIGESTION CURED. I miflVred for more than riv* years with lritllUPntion.Mi-sirdy ahlft BB retsln Hi*aim pleat toed aa riiyaioiiiarli. Tho burning sensation waa BlinoBt Intolerable, ami my whole BBWBBBfl wan deranged. I waa wakeful am! ctmii! not aB*8B> ami consequently iiium or le* nervous all Ihe Hine. I decllna,! lu ll. *h, ami auflered all tho usual depiv?wton attendant upon this U-rrlbla dlseaaa*. In* uord. I wa* BBB******* At last, failing to lae) r* tel in anything else, i aoa*a****ad ii?,. aaa i-f sw:n sBpaelfle, 1 aaa** balsa* provo al nuee. The medielne toned nptlie Moinaeh, strennthened thu digest I ve organ* and soon all that Ininilng c*BM*d, and I i-onMl retain f.**! wltlnml fHftli-iilty. BOW my Bealla is .ino,!, aril eau eat snyililiig In tie nhill*. "' too4s*Vfldla*Bttl without the BB* dlltleulty. I nioail ,-li*erfully hear this testimony, beeaaaa there Breliuuilrt-tls MM!-ri'i? hm 1 w ns, ami lam BBIB they^Bn ha ss readily lUmiam. tuon tba preaastfeed dose Biter eatl ng. lnsteail af be*****, jabks Biara, No. u Ivy ii ? JBaafti. ffa. Mbt lt, la**, KKKKKK'M MAI A KI A. In the fall of issi i b aatakea with a cam of inslarlal-fever. which | ? both body sud mi nd. ' Bas drugged ailee Ihe ole] faahloii with is. r- hiv ano olber tn . mix tares, bat with no good result*, My he*ith was shattered and nt< anare]* son*. My leo* an.! f**l would ewell, and ' what every Body theaufhl wasdropsy, iliwan ay nt ploma alarmed me and i wa* ready Ui icn*H|. ul iiny re':', ly suggested. A mead sd vised me to try uwins HpsalBe. I pro .-ii r. ,1 i hr.-,- bottles and oomuieaeed Hs ut,'. Tlie swelling anon BUhslded. I have taken tee ai ide a I ??'' ml eur*, arel I reel Ikes new man l.t-'lar. Th.-re never waa a more meritorious -nadi ctneoiTerad to suffer lng bumanlty. Ithss wrought wonders foi ai*. \v ii* aa -- * . ll. 1813. Kim aili by all di; ih? IJI'kkI- and Skin-PU****-* un*; If! free, THE SWIFT BPBCIFIOOOMPABT. Inrawi i I Vi int*, els New York. l*T west Twenty-lb ? oe l-lw N" I't'll*.!*-* BB*. CE. faJOTICE.?TO WlfuM IT M. * ^ riiM'iMiv : "ii Bay IO 1885. I ria v.,- i. ... ? ? .\ ,-n that a . ? i dav appointed I', i.. Hfl it o ir agent locon . i.l-'.M-.u.VI. UKIAH, STOKE ABU OIL-KAflHAFKAM Mill, al Bpiiugtleld, neal Mann'. pnBt-offlce in lue county of Amelia and Htate ol V rglnla, witti uu Iborlty to buy snd i*ll for i m< ...mi. i i. m. i. a oo Rii-nmord, v i. July ll, ians. ? lin._ I WILL BE I'll *8ED TO SEE 1 rrlendaatCAKUOXOBl oe il-81 il .CBOSM. M W d Ui Iii* Chancery Courl of the ? Killi: - n tc il i . M. \V. GOlMsEY. deceaaed. All pe wons In* ii.i.ii i! in ti,, - . ,' I mme diate payment to a H.Oulgon, aiturtiey at law ami all persons bs sgalsal Ibe . .--i>'iii them for psvment. I. ll. Ui WHEY, latralor 8. W. God Sui: ? \ i,Va, oe j-iw Vui I (.'E.?AI.I. PERSONS IN* 1* DKBTBD TO IIB. II. B. HOBSON d? wasod, ? ll please Bettie th.-ir seoounts al snd ' - -. wnne willprvs*nt tn.rn, properlyanthea* I .i Hied, im let!.. menl. ti. li. HOBSON, \ irwin* of K. tl Huh*.rn,deceased. Wis l a lil o , lllMTSB lilli. i-ot'BTT. V'A, - ? eodBI KTOTICE.?HAVING <,'i AI.IKIKD Ll . szeeutor ..f. win rn K. Q \ ni Hil ,n i .1.sssd, pereonsowing or having to I 1-iiM'lit haine, dilly |H"iV. d. for selll.t iii.iit. W. il. UATilKIUBT, oe l-lw_Exeeutor. X'ol IOEISHERI Bl lil\ VS Til Vf ?*-* I bav*quallflad In lha Chancery Court lt) ..r Blehniond as executor of th* will of Ji'SKI'll KOHEXBACM, dec*****. IVrsons owing aa ' il or bavin* elaina agalnsl it ma n s*nt I be saaie in-lit. M. KOMENBAUM. t lor No. IBU .Mum airest, ber tn, 1888. . lot T KIMI AMII-* tl.. IIB FR EN C ll AND GERM IN sClinn 1, OB PBOB*aaoa !.. N. HABBKLETF wu i. Ill "I'KN Sl.rl'KMIlKK 88TB. foi l url;.-ulm . - reel. 8u,W*l>'lui nu mt tu\ ? eur. ;>i: \ wi m. a. 13ICUM0ND \I'T ASSOCIATION, INCOBPOBAT1 ll B U'.'Ml ri, 1884. IB* Will open - ITI I'.I'AV ld. Inatruetlnna In r KKE-llAXM nu IVY. ? ? in r.MM'l.Si, and II ? IMi.S'l.S 1'Als leen IBs hour*i ; \ M. Appl) ii- >l i IM- i. - ? *i my. ia- .1 I I.ll.11-81 Ml all lil . a; i.i-i is ide, -I Jt TEACHKK OK VOCAL CT7LTUBE, PIANO, ABU UKO WN, Claaaea on i ii ' ????' tot) iwrati a ?' l 1 BSI QBACB BTBBBT. s.- l 8-eodBl* 111.LIM.Kt. MRS. B. W. sai NDERS-^*ta* cobby. %%\m in'A11 >l KIM 1'. ?*"Slr*k> BBW 1 AI.!. AMi WIMKU MI I.I.IXKltY. It ?ivi* bm .rev' pb saora to aanoaoea tc my old snd db - ? in-iaii> in-*', i . .iud tue lanena', and iiiiwl varied ttorkof mii.imnkky aooUBtnai ll hun I wt li Iii) DJeSSUI.le.ti fm i,liin trill-, hush a.-- Kaiuy li:rM* anl W uga i alii, h- ai.M tani \ I iitln *iul I Kurt Velvet* aiui Plushes, Behool, mel WatBlBS-Hat* to bv*v) ih*il* *nd quality 1 res* BOBSaSla snd Ila'* |.,r a eiiuri ii wear, tlrld*! and Bsurnlo Quality anti style surpassed by boos Him. li. W.SAI NDBBB-OMBY. N. ll. 1 have aei-nred Itt* ?i.|\:,-es Of lia dam* iiK.Mi of \. * York, who la knowi lo la-nu Brllatle trliiiuier. ..- I lw ll Ul*. arjBjrjJT, Ar. ?l wiu BARRELS i?F I-'RESli JT-sUt/T iii.CKi.AM) LIMB felly ex peeled i*-r *>iit.srQ*onils Harry fiir**., low lunn Yea***; J len Ir.irr.-l-, liiir'KM \> ll. -I M'Al.K I EM KMT dall) *x|*..-'?' f?.r acbouoer Kiig*ne tu. frotn vessel, em band Kiir.-tn A NC Ho I U mk t Kockland . alan, I'nKl' I AM' IMl'ulUr li CBMKN1 i AU'iHKl FLAMTKB, LAHLS, ll Mit. A- .ie WA KN KB MOOHB. I't.rn-Mi-a! Lump sud Grouiid 1'lsater Huiusr, and Hark. ,?? 7 -> (\(\(\ BARRELS I RESli ROOK ?|Wv LAM) UMB just arrive, tier ac 11 ooner Edward Lam*y*r, foraale lou from dock. 1 han- nunm ia <to.'t 'r-*: ?uj.pli.-* of lUMI.DKKs and I'AlNrKK* MATKKlAlx rorsmls. liOHKKl WKNOKNHCB i Bo. BOB Milo and t?nr 08 l-lw and HOB Cary aire."*. HAT! Hl>. Jt ?e. \\ Ml.'UESTllAT OIVBNoOa, " TK"l HLK. B| D . ll D 0 II A B A N , OossaraltB, 111 Uk.'An HiKBWr. nihill- dork on street giving ..1,1 sud u*? tim*. Everything warranted. I atilt*, have you tried one of 0. Huehsn an a Watches* They give no tr , bsvB all noam>vein*uu. Warraniani 111 Hhoaii Ht**bt. BEWOOLllHMlTllsTOllR. aa 81 IKIIIIK.IIIII.IH* ZW. Pk'KRELL, - ? 1 l MHCR UKALBB. keeps all kinda Ol' HUiLlUNO I.UMBBB TflBACIXUBeiX WiABlBA (SYCAMOBJI BiiiNOLKH. lATTii*. rxwriiao. ^^ ?JiiKJ*5TlirrJ ? mt***mi\s. Aay als* ? lena th fttnilatied premptly. Y*?* aMasBee. eoner Bruadea* leter. .tree* fca-**?li CA W****m ?*?*???"? *-i <J?*2(\ WORTH OF GOODS fOR <i CASH ARD fl A WBHK. ROTHBRT A f?., BOB EAST BROAD HT REIT B.ITIMHMi. VA. IR O' lt FTKNITURB DEPARTMENT willi)* fnund HKD-ROOM. PARLOR, sui niNi.Mi-i'.oo.M KiBNnritM. au g made and elegantly flntahed. tl! Kl'AKPLT UEPARrRRMT hssafull lino of INO RA I Nant BBR7RRRI 1'AIU'KTM; VKLVKT. MlH'IKT. sn* l \. phXTHY RLUH; FLOOR tNlVCLOTI MATT I NOW, etc. ihubbtl ?iitsirrri and uutbtsw We carry a larve line oftbeea g's.'., bs \ atc daily teoci-lng frtwh adilUloni. KJiould you wini! anything In attBei Basabeee depart menai, ki*"* aa * can. Will sell any of our gooils at lowest ? t, for cash or on tho Instalment pinn. Vol' OAR Ht Y S:iO WORTH oe' 00 *!?? FUR81 CASH A.NHII 1'Klt W KKK ROTHKRT B 00k, SO*. s?-*r B?"?ii> **Ti:?:ter. t*e 881 Al'K Win LD ANNi'i WOK TOA V V .,nr filenilM and Hie pub I U *' MB) we are (!*;,> nealvtng our trew f., ;/f| stock. emliiailtiK tb* Isle*) te.veiti.s sud styles of lil A grtl M. I AKI.oil. an.l I LR* IMI-liiKiVi HUITH. an.I urn pr-par ' n.n'mi i'ovji'I.HB**i UN tn ,.?,. w'al iiui. ami Ma* .many, llavug meda sihs-s* arrangement*, we cen o '-t hetr.-i \ menu tn FIRF. I'MiLdi and Wt'RR Uian Bl ? I maa 'o Niw York. ri (i ITHRIOHT .%?*-? se ? _Uaiid ld Governor sireel. | ARiii^A N l? ELBQA N I\A A' KALLBTOi K Mb fi; kn itu ns. '" ly wk tliriiikih our wan-rikima Well lt t ?nols Ui suit everybody e8 **efy Bra prices Ter-n* made U, .uk al ri?ikinklt. * lariim. ti. W. HARW i Kll> a H'lN, an I r-8in iliiTi-tiior sm-..r J I A. ATKINSON, No. J-sa ' J I * Go verse* -tree., tbs well-known Ua fiinintae-ileali-r, !-* ewnataotlF re /f| . h gil BtylBB of If KM II BK \ . lull lllAMHKH, amt HINl.Ni, i; u Hl'ITH- wbleb heofli rs aa lue asa in tb* elts. Call an.! exam I es l.-flire buying cl^wl:' aaaaue. mt mut kum .av. !hb a nnu ana k k B AS H lt K K K HB AS Ililli CM RS K AAA Ii ll I' h. K .. BB A A BBB KR! SK. FOR MALAWA. KKVKll. AND AtJI K Alan forBtnsgthenlngBnd invigorating tua system. UDntalnsao quinine or any metal? lic compound*. Ai drugi; ib!?. fti* coota BODf-KKR HKol'IIKItH. au 18*888 e/holeael* Depot. i; LAIR'S CHLORAL THYMOL la useful to doctor and patent When dif Hiiil In Ihr anartmntii ' itbeat* ? .tiia BS well ss tbe Bick, lu nearly ever) Instance tn wi ia been Dead In ly U has prevenii tl lpn ld of con tagloua d-Hi-tia- . '.thurla aad I ki et-fevi - Bl ck roofst, lt la tbe nmat agi Mot, snd af. B*ettve destroyer of bed 0.1,1m not disease Hernia *??' offered to lb* patsie, li u ia run ! hhooplng-cougb tu a remarkably kliotl ' For bs ?? nv druggist*-. Price. 80 eenie a bottle, s- J rpHE VERNON TOOTH-BRUSH. We have Jogi received a frenh Impeesa* I-i, 11 t.y the steamer St. Laurent. Tills la lbs flossi llrrukli sold, and ls kept by the rc. tall druggist*of the elly. Ask for the VKHN'ON. Jy IS PL'HCKLU LAUD A OTA rom.'.. r*?l ATIO*iKKV. Ai-. Af I All the 11 \ r-BOOKH need in tba M-ii cai I'ollsCB f"f s.ii.- ai publlsban puces? \am ijlaaniiiit to *' dents ? UKI'KW Hil V IV KU W!. ik- lilt ii"7 M un atreet. M EDICAL-H00K3. Medtralmllrgr aiudeotseaa prootantbatr IKXT-B DORR fro.11 t-sat ti,e lowatg ? - a A Ibaral da*. ot .m.tai.ow. ii to -st inL nts WKBT, JOHNHTOR .* CO., bookseller* and Stationer*, te 4 ill Vlain ktr.*i-t. y- r|i?H)|.-r.<.i.ks. NEW ANIi OoLll Wal ave all tbe ACHOO L* ROOKH t.~ d lu ' I ?? public and pi ? ? -.f tba Mute, wo offer al vim pricti I'.xwl Hy tl.. H?er ! of Kdiiciitlori. ni.!' rli'iik-i l\kl N IN KXCHAROl MSI) endaw BKCKVt 111! A l'Allll WI 4 1(('Kilt' ii K.M. ?? My fii li na g'?-s w nh tba writer at every kt. |i recognising eseh jptctun ead antlet* |,iil,ni{ euc!) ?.>??>? J ftunutt K. il -, * ? .ii',.-,.i ' ? li .... .V 1 . UTTBRDALK; <*u. IKX-I'Iiti UK-" OT FA RM-LI FR, sud ..m.-r |skt,is. Hy am ' i tytei I'r lt ?? --.?-, I'm !?> J. W. RA Mm-I.i ii 8 KN',1.UH. aNBBUVASl] W'lll.lAM II. M Til-. TV (? RLAROdlBORH lill-' - MHI1INU I N 1'Kll l'.\ K i: RR, 7Jt KVST Uai> wrKBifT, lui s?,?.?ti Mavsatb ami I, liSTi* a laive amii lim.nt ?t t-\Holli's, wooli and MK! VLLIO CAB* M.l-s CARRS, and CLul'H CArfkKIrt. al low |1 k foniiiry and telegraph order* promptly attended tu lay or night. ap l*lwaaew L\V. BILLI PS k SON, s VDBR1RBIR0 l.M'Ui-' TAKEtW, 1808 BAar Mais mukki (aadsrSt (iiarles lloi.-i). lllKIAL-CA-K-i MlltldlUS, niel KIT RRaVAL ( 0NVRYARC8TM farnUhed al all 1 "i.ik. I< I, graph orders at t*uded to day or islgltl. 1. li Uhon* .v.. U8. jy 18 LT. CHRISTIAN, . ______ ? n ll?'IHH!N(^^?**i^ I Nl-KKTAKKR, No. 1818 bast li koa n STaasT, RICHMORO, VA. TVlnnhonsa. I "*t-ce, BO, 88. Teiepnonea j K^,denc<, No,i9g. Orders promptly executed. Vnc+m mod*. tate. tun s-aod I niR*., ale. TRUSTEE'S SALE . t CHINA-. OLAMS-. ANHHILVKK-fl.ATKl' WAKK. M'l.sfcH KMSHIN-, OOOi?S ANHCHll.HKh.S -1 CAKlllAlit.-*. lu order tit rinse tip this trust as speedily aa passible 1 .rr. r mn entire ktix-g in th* store No. t-17 Broad ?tre?-t at ami Im-Iow roat. Thone lu want of fresh and ileslrahla K(Mkis win dowell to cati at orien before tu* st ix-B ls picked o\er DKI>lKATFll TK V 1 MX SK tri- andrHAMKKH-WARKliigreil variety : also. r-lLVKK-f LATED WAUK y every deacrtption. H. HKUDOS TAYLDK, eu 15 Tniste* fOf Rotx-rt Harrold. ?g?Ml?l?s. gre. pURE CIDER V1NBCAR AND A fresh supply of BaraOBal for pickling, r or sale by ?? ll Mi-CARTHY * HAVN >)(}() BARRELS FLOUR; a*W HI'liAK. TEA, and OlKr ii W HlSlCKY, I'I'ltK FRRRi ll HR4NDY AFI'I.K IIKAM)\ au! WUITK WHIHKKY for peacbea Foraalaby JjIIS M Hit...INS. ?*? ' near OM Market. 1111MV11.1 svancv. C. F. i'umi?. fte*. R.F. HUSDOWH.TT ikalabllahed 1848.) ?JUE BRADSTREET MEROANTILR AOKSLT, TUB ri KAI MfllKKT OOSU>AST, F aural btu na. RXaATt^nvB orrn-KB, ara. asi. asi> aaa BROADWAY. XtW YOUR, offlosB lu sn tha principal em** nt bb-* t'B.U- Hlat*. au* l-aaada;bTu^?V__* land; -mo a Ooullueutal Slid Atatnujai^ai*. r**i*u*>d?t>aa. "-*1"QQ" VOLLMrM IBHl'KD qi'ARTRRLY. BbeaU Of I taugas semi- wank.y. (.'oruttaat twvrUioo* aird prouipi niMiOaaltoo to ina s-nbMe. Naraaa of reliable stwyais waa Biak* oc-laei iona ssaaelalty. w,**,*? **ea Ita lawlHsatloaa ar* grsaler aad lat howl. it.m in ls* wudd eoodaeasd la eoeniiaraas aad ender eoe ?"tistmact, ^^ ***"?**** V\1 V* ,?f*$tma* tn vtted ta la vaatigala. sud if in need of say aasflaey to taeiTi ikH* tty ta earn yea. mm"^mmv ?*- ?*,,*? ?? ?"?? RKaMosuorricR Ra, Ito* staJJI RRKRT Tai*pbooa So*, asa. _ __ , J- eL WHIITI, ??T Bupwrtnteodaat,