V DANVILLE. ii Mammal *t?*-tlaa af IB* Tfrtaaec* Asaaaj-le'laa BtvsV M?*B**ta*M a?mr**-Caar. k Beast* * tare*, aa. "'"? tOwie*r*tai?d?no?orth* Rich mood PkrB**oh-l tr**TOBBK 0, l*tfta At the annual meetingof the Tobacco A**ociaiion yesterday evening; Captain Thoma* J. Talbot! was spain elected I** lidia!, Captain P. C. Venable vice pmie'ent. Mr. I. S. Kendall secretary . ead treasurer. The following rorntnit t**K weir appointed : Kxecutive Onto Baitt**- M. I?. Joreion, T. L Urown. I. ?. Acre*, R. S. Arnett, P. VV. Fee-fell, .lobn O. Kedd, J. M. N**l- ?'? 8. l*cBK>olfa*hl. K. I.. Hibrell. Commit tee ot, Sates?J. 0, U*, J. A. Crad doik. K. h. Jones. V. ii. Moselrv. ?'. K. I'f tm exler. Han iel Coleman. 0. W. Deattey, A. <-. Fuller. Arbitration OoBiai'iUce?H. J. MdJer. J. R. Hatch? ing-. L. P. Ursa-ford, J. P. Taylor. G. S. Iliifthes. Char)** Noel, A. C. Ro? ber- ? h. 11 e irport of the Mi reta ry and trea BBBet IBBW4-4 rsvh recetptaof 11,257.75 and rxprrnl'tun-- of *l.lUt.'.'9. Captain Islboltin bis report (rives'. along *? nh nnn-h Malistica, thc salo* for lsat yan* st 17,017,904 pounds and the art race st 113.64, aad ihe .ale- for the profiling sear ol 'J7.'.48,014 pounds and ibe aversive at $13.07. .Thc Br*re?e for the year jusl closed war. higher lhan any oilier average ol itu- last ten Ile' e'etlin. ? lo ? -.off soy opinion as to lin* \ BM '??? rop, *a> ing it would only lar ihe opinion of one m?a. If tbe ame.mm <,. uv p in hi - - th ?' bore aol pa--. il through the warehouse?lili? as ri li..-. - b t!y from the pl Bini lienu 'ther narkal ? aheald ba Be'ili'l to tho sinoml of tho sales re? ported from thc warehouses, then be thinks the Danrille purehaaei of leal tohscco will run up to 40,000,000. In reference to the sab-nf primings. Captain lall.nlt Baja thst tho non le Bfiipt stuirput Upoatbe market in thst form rBiiiiot ba nunnuvtur-.il into any de-iiahle i/oods, and -tumid he- allowed to lie upon the lind, and the sale of it has Baye**** a growing evil in sercral ret-pfclR. 'Ihe Heetbovcn Association ga** the flrM concert ol thc sea-em lani night, and the in usn isi.s met with a I. reception, b Tbe mercury stood at 42 decrees em the- hills ycsli nisy moruini:, sud is st 52 degrees this nu ming. Some ilstn age waa dunc in low sui damp | Bight before last. slr. W. W. Droara wa- alected eoBB* silman yesterday morning in place of Mr. I?. A. Overbey. resigned; Mr. I). A. Ovctbey na*elected peile* ooa*mi* storer in place of Csptsin l?*tu?'l Cole Biaii. rea ka* il; Hr. H. \. w bbb aaa era*, sjipointed in thc Huntings Court an lusgit-trate in plate- of Mr. .1. (.. Tyaik, who had been appointed in thc intcinal-reunue oilue. Captain J. S. Redd, general deputy collecteir for lbw * I i -1 r i - t. - eapturirg leal week near th* MThlte Top inoiiiitsin. in ('i-ayron county, thi ?otorious mooiishiiier Calvin Woo), and aJaoJoakua vTatai a,ooo *f Wt) > Pb ans is ts i i ts, with the- distillery ari'i ap purlt-iiaiice*'. Wood wa caught while aslnp. Ile is said t" haw bee* a Bnist, a raidir upon lb* rn-!i' I. his neighbors, sud the terror, in a gen eral way, of all thc e-ountry minni. Csptsin P, W. Farrell, in bis hi-tory of the l!s| ti.-1 church read Sunday inoriiir.g last to lb* i emgre gatioti, says thal Um teiwn ol' danville was incorpn ratxd in 1798, and that lhere, was then hen no chureh of any denomination of Christians. Thc Baptist church was organized os tba 28th of Jun', 1834, i?y tlder John Jenkioa, with twaaty five ?ectafa, sud arorakip was hell in thc old .Ma-ot.ii' Mall (loag sift anoved)OB Craghend ttT**i. Tho th-n new boor* ara* dedicated in April, ll IC. The- lue ol' pastors is a- fol? lows : Ja?pb S. Dakar, Hartwell Chaiidlcr. Isaac S. Tinsley, Jacob Tinsley, John Kerr, John 1.. Prichard, "Williamson M. Ferguson. John ll. Lacy. Job* B, llanlwick, C. C. Chip lin, 'Iboma.- linnie, Jr., J. V. l\. Holli is, S. A. Goodwin, Tbe new buildirg cost 132,092.10; the lot on ahi.h it Mauds, $8,000. Thc number of members is now 4*8. "Old Aunt Katie Hoss." a colored woman, abo was bora January IS, 1781, died here em the 4th instant; aged enc hundred and two jcars eight months and twelve elat s. Thc u Uandi k House," a frame building, is being restored. Du the aile will ba ere. ted for Mr. W. P. Ho 1 nett four brick storerooms and a ho? tel?all just about thc post-otticebuili' int'- A I.ill.v. CHARLOTTESVILLE. raltliral-Tito Mealings - A (ouirast. [Correapoinleiiceolthe- Kir-lninuu! Dispatch.; Oe leiitKIl t'>, 18!<.r>. Yistcrday war* County-Court dsy. Pohttih had the largest share of atten? tion. lU.th parties held meetings, and to that (act is due a pool result of the canvass. The division of crowds showed tbe character of the two par? ties better than nay description could have de.ne. Colonel Horkclcy, who two yearn sro spoke herc as a Demo* Brat, making one of tb* most violent anti-Mshone snd anti-ne^ro Bp**CB*8 ever heard here, addressed a crowd in the court-house, which your correspondent counted ss well as * crowel of the kimi could ba enumerated. There were present about 1J0 persons, tweiity-fi\| or thirty of whom were white, and of these whites not more than fifteen or twenty were Republicans, the others being Demo? crats drawn thither by curiosity. To this crowd Perkeley made a speech in? tended to stir up the rae-e which pre? dominated in his audience. No doubt the nrgroea will take more interest in voting than they did in their meeting Iealcrday, and the Hoiuocrats roust not ank on negro apathy in Ibis light even If the colored troops do not turn out to hear their orators. Turn to the other meeting, on the court-green, lhere no seats had been s>ro?id?v",, and Ibu lUditors had to st;,lia jflaroofhout th* ?P*^'lDt*i Kotwith* ?twaatip-; mu there waa a very good Bodicnca at all time.*. K. S. Thomas, of Isle of Wight, made an elegant and chakte addres , giving clearly an out? line of the abuse of power by the Ms honeites when their party was in pow er. Dr. Moflett made a rollicking apeerh, which it is utterly impossibli to report. He kept his audience in i food humor while he fare some verj hard blowa at tte pretensions of tht . "Republican party. Your reporter saw but few negroes at this meeting. The audience wai made up of farmers, mechanics, profes atonal mete?in abort, of men of every dasi and pursuit. How any whits Baan could hesitate yest.-relay to say te which crowd be belonged is a thin-.' peat finding out. 1 think the meetings ?bowed how th* white people aro in thia cou*ty. It is only necessary to ase that tb* whole white vote is regis? tered in time and gotten to the polls. The ,ole will be cae! right. On yesterday, aa 1 have already re? ported, the jslahoneites brought out their legielatire ticket. lu weakness ia tbe chief point about it. Later in tb* day Mr. Kailey with drew froa (be ticket, and lt. llemdon fifo waa aeJectod to HU the vacancy. ,Hr< Fill bm Jaakot-e'a postmaster at 4he Iniversity, and wa* suspended by Ut. Clevelsnd and Mr. A. P. SW ap? pointed in bia stead. 1 he ticket will bs beat n by a large majority. Ibo Charlottes!illa Lodge of flood Templars were visited at their last meet? ing I y the (i rand State Secretary, Q. W. UaaaburBt, and Orand Chief sw abai boluy. _ Qon*. NEWPORTS NEWS. Serltns fatima ASsir-A B-gre Mlaiiwtr susi hr il kt Oas ef Ills Owa t"*l*r. ; Correspondence of the Richmond Dispauh.) OCTOHKRu, 1885. Much excitement wsa caused smong the colored people herc to-day by the (utting of Rev. C. H. Cooley, pastor of the colored Haptist church here and editor of the Caret, by A. Randolph I'utlin (colored), of Norfolk. There was talk at one time of lynchini* lt afc tin, but nothing waa done. Rollin's enamination took place before Justice Kord, at 2 P. M., in the umall frame jail, which was crowded to suffocation with men, women, and children. Muf? fin, who w a very good-looking mulatto, plead "Not guilty" lo tbe charge. Kviilence was pro? duced showing that he knocked at Cooley's door about 10 o'clock lv, i.\ km, Ihe new hlood-purt.tli'r, to keep tin bleoe cool tin* |K'rs|i'n\tion pure arni uiiirrllatlng, the hoadsMea, th ? l.'ver and killin 'ya BOM ve, will speedily cuii ? Ti*lU-r, BlngWoriu noctgeB*, IiWaBS l-ruri iu?, H. ?? HI-He. it, Ihtiitlrurt. Hit'le- ,-ty ama ?, , of Itching, Beal v. and Planet* limn,.rs wt Ute Scalp and skis, ,,'ieu the b**t ptijsi. elana and remedies fa!!. EC7.KMA ON A 1-Ull.i). \ our most valual'\>i*,n, , ,;A Kumsintgi have dom- B/ralMaoniaeta ?oi-l thal I feel llkesaMuir Ula* for th* baaaal < f ihoae wini ?re troubled with skin disc***. Mv little g't'. asa troubled vi Uh Keseiua. mid I tried nevciBl doctor* Btu! Ineil cms but ilid nol do lier any good until I u-miI tbs ittucka Rsm kui ia, which speedily run l her. foi which lowe you many tliauk* urtu immy nights of rest. ANTON H088MIKR. Edinburgh Iud. TiriTKIt OK THK SCALP. I was almost perfectly BaM csuted Of Tet? ter of the top of Ilia walp. I used vour l'r rut ka RaasniSB shout six weeks ?u they Bated ruy sc .tip perfectly, and now un halt tsomltig hark ss thick salt e\- i mus J. r*. CHOICE. Whiuebom, Texas. COVKRKU WITH BLOTCHIX 1 want to tell you that your OPTicpai Rbwuivkst Ib itiHgniru-i-nt. About tm iimiilhs ago my face waa covered willi I ' blotch**, and after using ttin*e buttles o lla.sul \ km 1 was perfect v cured. IRKIihtllCK MAITKK. ga Bl. Charles street. New Orl.taus, ia. BEST I OK ITCHING DISEASED. I * (>ne of our customer* says your Ct ri cu h.* 1 Hr a Milts are the best ie ian Mud tot itch : lng of tte skin. He tr ul all oilier* anil found no rellff nulli he tined your* F.J. ALDRICH. Drugg ut. Hising Hun, 0. Bold everywhere. Pricer Citkika. Bee, Boar. ti;. ; Kh-ihvknt. tl I'rrpatad Uv Ute IVrrss Dbi-u ano Cbbbicsl (??*.' nm Boston. Maia. Send for -How to Curt Skin lUseasrs." IMniIil?*aB:a'? ?"d Auctioneer*, 1118 M?ln street. ( KINTIM 'ATION Of JJ*. _ V> 1JIBOE AND ATTRACT! VS.9ALB or POUR HUNDRED BCILDISG LOTA abo r.BVEB PLATS PIWB* TWO to pou? AI'HKH KACII. ALI. IO?* OPFKBKD TO HE BOLD TO Bil HIST HI MDKR. WITHOUT LIMIT OK REMKRVE. THE BACON TATK BLAS. THAT PORT!??N OK THK CITY HKTWhhN NKVKNTHKNVI1 ANOTWEB TY-KIKTI1 STREETS, Aur BETWEKN VENABLE STHKK.T ANO HOWARDS N, -Uv request .f IBs eeasr we sli*ll seil hy nubile; auii Lui, on Hie jireiii. sea- on WKONKXOAY NK\T. Ot*TOJBKB 7iu. le 1'. M , the BhOVa-B*. I iiwl'. localed And de?lr*bl* VACANT LOTH ? i ? Of wittel! trout 81X1*0 f.-.-t **eb, Hin! on; 80x180 feel, h;i\ lui; BOOntmOB alley 1:1 BBS) uiile In rear. ?j base Lota offer Banana! IoObi sppciiiatioti or for bu I ld lue for rental par* poses ?t the low pr le* al whick tm-r .u.?y oo purebesi d. 'I mus; nu,, third eash; helene* bj ne. BOte* Ml S'\ Bti'l IW*lV* mouths. B Uh Itilf-reKl iulileil, hii'I *, rure.l liv h deed of trast, W. ii. i.v.ni; * co, ity i-uniiMi Tapper, Ken' Ksliite An-nt ii lui Am MOB****, IOU .Milln street. A TTENTI0N IS CALLED TO SALE d\ Bl AUCTION OK A NICE TWO BToRf I HA.MK DWELL!NO OS WEST CANAL MUK'..!'. No, I '... HI I'WKi''. JEKKKRHOB A N O UKI.VI I,KKK BTREETS.?1 will *h; i.y enetluu, an ins premises ' 'i WEDNESDAY. OironxH 7, la-:. st B o'eloek P. M.. th* abors PBOPKHTY. 'lin- house contains foui r.?? - n-. baa boen new!) Minted, snd ls In gi a ul orriei u ?':?? rally, Th* Immediate ne Khborhood ol this lt.. erly bSB Im-ti L'r.-iM.i \ery tnin-'i i.n proved and other Improvements bi* on ii injiiHti m. The int ls ampi* aad nuts beek to un sile]. Ti i.?i- :eine fourth cash; balanes In six, twi re eighteen, and twenty*four months. 6 percent. Interest slided lei deferred notes. ll U.M.VN 'TI'l'KR. nc 4 Auctioneer. RICHMOND BAZA AB, ^f^ Nos. 14S8 ABB 1440 PBABKUB si iii sr, LABOE AND UNRESERVED BALB o* BUOOJEH, rn lEToNri, o vvi'.iN WAi'.ii.N. \ ILLAOE-CABTM, 4c. OK U I Ii.NI.SHA V. 7111 INBTAWr, nt 11 o'eloek, u ? ?III sell, wll tiou 4 NEW rULL LEATHER TOP UCGU1ES latesi sij les: l > EV PHAETON- latesl atyloi 1 NEW DAYTON WAOON. four seal* fin? ished itt tie natural wo ni --a most eon \eniini rebid*; I \ii LAOB-CABTHof latnnt nat!*rns; l NEW GHOCER'J* WAOON-lltrht nm! Will bal t. Thc consignors and manufsctnren of the above having Riven us positive ordi ra t > oloss wliboul regard lo prloe, *nl tb* vehl iii s being of Hu . j :n i las r ant ii sttsnd. ?min and TOP BEOOND-H4.NU BL'GOIEB, 1 i.i little, used. '.; E, i; i"" IK, Ancl By 0< -"">' w. Mn. .. Anotli neer, (.ino B. Laughton, lr.,Balsaaaoa) No. 20 Nmi i fciree-i. pOSE WOOD-CASE R0UND-C0R lt NEKEH IMAM) HODY-UIltTB" Bl l HC CRUETS, HOUSE. iii.1.0 il i;sii! . ftc Ai ,. AT AUCTION. 1 ms DAY ni io o'eloek I will coll al my aucilon honrs 1 ROHEWOOD-CAfE PIANO?four rouml coinir". ii.mle by w ? - in Kooil order: 2 Hm \-lilU->s>]M.H CARPETS! 1 LAKiil. A.NTii;ri, MAHOGANY I'K I'iS'l Al.'I'AIMM With brSBSClBW reel; LA lie il H'KlNli line Kl.KS and BABY* IllAIllH, MAH.it.ANV and I'AINTKH WAltli. Ki H'IS . ORQANETI i: 1.1 A<.I Kl BOPA8, KKATIIKltltl I'S. MAI iUK-sSKS, IO- UBI KA UH, I KN Ol MIS, MAH"!. \N\ "I KICE-lll I K. WIM'oW-HHAUKs. LAMHKBQUIN8; III.I SKKl .I'.l'IM. Alli iii.Ks uenerally. ??e 7 OEOBOEW.MAYO.Auel Hy Jus. Mt^dowgUj Auction ? Bo,IBB* Mum slif-iM. 'THIS DAV AT 10] O'CLOCK I A wliln-Mai m\ atnie ii large nn.l gen? teel nason neut ol HOUSEKEEPING AR '1 lill s. embracing l WALNUT MA ie mi' Top BUFFET, -.- i,u..|ir|i.\Mi:i lt BUITH, WALN1 T DALL-HTANU, WAKI'llt'tO S. lil UKAIK, H1.HSTEAUS. WAMIMAM's. IliAlies. MA LIU.L-Te'l' CENTRE and other TA HI.ls; MA'ITKl W-BB, lil KHIr. ERATO RB: KXil.l.IMM COOKING-, BELI--PKED INO . I AT11DBE-. ani otherBTOVES; 1 full 14-borae-iMtwer MOUELENOINB; BBOB- BOX K>. LINEN t.HM.Alts fte., fte, r'Hle posit lae, .IAS. MACDOUGALL, eat- 7_, Auctioneer. TDK IIMoNI) BAZAAR, ~JZ1 Nos. lea* ABB 1*40 Fbankub ('ur n L'lilnr aa le Wll 'lu. DAI Bl lOe ? ?'... '.. Kpi clal attenl rt* ? III r Mile B< ll o', la I., ol M'.ll Itt ...ll. I'HAKTONB, ? DAYTON ' w xe.iON. ftc Bs* Bftverlissnii ni i>o iv*, - ? . i '?' OK, Auctioneer, pABBAOI.CABB LGE.?1 will sol \J Bl Biietlon TODA1 WaOBBSOAl , Ul K.l.ki: 7th. nt bo'clock ni Cbeaapeake ami ohio rail loudeleiHil. 1 em Ji\ rKA CABHAOK. L. I'uW KKs. Anent, oct 151fi Main sire.-!. TA I Ma*. Ar. LEAKY ROOFS Of ALI. KINDS repaired and pnluted with AHMITAOI A BON'H WATKK-PKOOK PAINT ANI CKHKNT (iiiurnuteed tlve yenni. Ualn shipped to all p.irln. Beud for lieut city re ference. Cut adverllai-ment out for futun reft-reuce. Adelre** AKMITAOK A BON Bsehaaopa. Va. _lya-aaa BlNsWANI,ER & CO., WHITK LEAD. COLOR*. BRU8HBB VARN1B1L 0LA8B, TWBPENTINE.GLUE Tl'HK COLOIW. ftc. BAfili, IkIORs. ANO BLIBDB. 1127 Malu ht net and 810 Brum! street RICHMOND, VA. lae 18 ef-elirnl PBOI1KMIONAI.. ALTO E. ADDISON, A1TORNEY AT LAW, No. 2. HiiArr.K'o Brii.mitu, RH-HMONU, VA., will prscllee lu thecourtsor HUI'mond cit nnd Hitjoliiiiu: eouutlea ear 4-su.W,4K*l w TAI LOBB IMl I IO I HI ERM. i;all ti odds. 1 JOHN LATOUCHE. MKKe'HANT TAILOR No. 4 Tenth kt he rr, respectfully ?ollclU a call from alt tn wan of atylliata and durante Karnienls at a modf rat* prtr*. Kntire BatlalacUou Kuai-aulee or no sale, se 0-eod DINKOLI TIONB * rARTBERMHIPI RteHMoMi, Va., eictuber 1, 1885. D1SS0LITI0X.?THE BDSIN'BS heretofore conduoled by E. GATH RIOHT ft BON was dissolved hy the J.*?t of Ihe senior partner. Mr. E. OAiiiBii.il Bepiemljer'JO, 1H88. I will continue th* husltiea* uud?r th r rui-iiBtiit,of E. OAiHKii.ni a.sun.au heps hy a atrlrt attention to husltiea* I i merit a cont I nuance of the klu<1 patrunaa Bollherally bestowed upon my father. All parties havinBeislniaaKaiiia! tue int finn or thst are Indebted to Miine are n HUtBteil lo oom* lora ani stonie amlaett:. Keatxclfuliy. W. H. UAI'lIKIiilll'. ?c l-lw BOOX AND JOB WORK NEATL ?seemed at th* DISPATCH PBIN1 IBChaHOCBB. AtUeSBT BAWaS-raiare nays. By lt Meldon Tar kw, Rael Eslata Agent and Anetlonaet, eorner Eleventh and Rank stree!*. A UCTION SALK Of THAT l)lRlRABLi:THKKK-8TOUY-ANl).UAMR. RENT BRICK DWELLING ?S, a WEST UKACE STREET, BETVYEER POl'SHEE AND ADAatS, OR LO NO CREDIT. At the request of the owner I will oS.?r for -ale. upon the premises, on TUESDAY, OiToriflK ?. 188S, Bt 8 o'clock P. M.. Hie RKAL EHTATE as stove located. The hon** wa* built of tbe be*t ntaieilai and m lae Msteaiafol man? ner, and contains ti-n *?>????? besldea bath room, kitchen, and llin-e si-ryanN'notus. I de LUI froiil?ioii Du- iiorih side ur . . street .11 feet, sm! rtuik Im k 180 fee) toa * nie alley. The fact that thin property ls si, ur,i hui! i-oMVi-ii''iii ly located ami rna ilelitihtftil neighborhood ihoul I cnn nend li to ali M-cking ii really aoslraBM real* dence 'iKitMkr One fourth cash; the ha'aniv at ?ls, twelve, nm! slahtsea rsoitihe; or,eas IhliS sash; balsBce st ooe two and three v*nm. if pf* fe ired, willi Interval added aed k. i orsd bl ? deed ol trus!. ii. BBLDUR tai lor, Anetl ? POBTPi INK MENT. Ino al iBesvmaat weather taa abor* sft,,. maa pe* pone i until SATURDAY I UK ld If INSTANT st 4'* o'clock P.M. II. BELDON TAT LOB, I v . ?. ,11-,-r. By l'uiriiHu 1 flpfler, Ilesl Kstiile Ageni mid *? No. IOU-, Mainstreet. TBUSTEi'S 8AJJ <>(?' A v\i.r ABLE LITTLE KAHM OR I HE UBR* MiTA'.h BOAH ABO! I I '- ? v \ 11 THREE Kui Kill* MILKS Mtltlll UK '1 UK CIT! "I RICHRONI1 Hf \ li im '?( s tirtii'ti deed "f Mist, executed by R. Rf, Powell lo tbe uiuiT-igiic'i. ttPHriu? date on the 18tbaf Joly, lsaa.aiid reeordad ls IB* ? i tn s oflice of tlenrleo Coast) Court in Deed-Book 111, psae 848 dental) barlas in en msde in the payment of eertiiin note* net-cured aud be! mr repaired soto do liv tin- iiuii-liii i!i-r, I abell ki-ll by auction, on nu' pu ila . on SATURDAY, Ocrosas 17, i8~*i, at ll al., 'tl al i artaln trait or PAtV i i i, ck i,\M' -nt.nf ii in Brookland ats* it.i. ntheoouotyol Henrlco,on tin.n tlnsatloa of in.' Usn Bboal tvo ki.ii lb rae toort b miles north of tb* eit-. of Kiehmond containing an area of Ki| '?. By i ; m ti ?? ex, ???..(!,t of the late a M. Pteeaeaia sa will sell ni section, on tbe premsas*, on THURSDAY. Ol tobi a IS, ISSI, I al "' o'eloek P. M . tbs above-deaerlb d VALUABLE BTORE ARD DWELL! NO, convenient to hotels ? 1 ? t - >t - tobacco ware 1 houses, and inarBel honer*, suirnitii- For any I kind oi being la the very centra of I Mslu street. Loti'-xr."* feel los wide ai? le* . Otu third cash; helene* et Bia nini twelve menin*, f.-r negotiable notea, ?ni ii tl addi 'I s. , in,,! Iiy lt u-l-il-i*,!. A PUERS* i's ?-. ''(> lind JOHN T.i.olil'IN. 0 I _ Auctioneer*. / 'OMMITTEE'S SALE OP VAL1 - V> ABLE PERSON AL PROPERTY, A RU PIRE KAHM i-i di ki ir i be under l, aa committee of I he estate of Jamse il. cv, will, on 11 KRDAI Octobi n 6, 1SSS, at4o'clock P. af, offer tor sn!'1 si pnblle ] auction, on Hie premli ? ?knott I tbe resident** nj isld Talleri the fol owing , pto] (iii lo all: I j wu HORSES, roans * nd ?f superior qna . ! due Hilo* iV, nearly nev.: Al. iii tori barn is of cults;, with 'sf ILK rn il I * .nHKiiii irked In the Hold. : Also, all Un- HcOl-iKii.u Rmi Kl r.'llKN I i RN1TI UK ol . ley, '. PA RM I NU IMPLEMENT*!, Ac. .vi Ihe Kline time and piara, the P VKM of mn! 'liri.ev, With lite Kl.SI HENCE ni? uo', ni ibereto,will I- oifen 1 PUR RENT im the ensuing year. 1 11.vs ol -sack i a.li ns m all sinus un? der 1100: umt tim! amana*, ut ninety days, v.lill appro rede or ty. .1. VV HOUTHWARD, Bherifl Henrlco county. Hut us Men Committee, ' BERT. Owing lo lb* di mit of tin- tenant of tbs property Uti abovi Mia is postpooed to FRI DAI. * ' rosea Sra, nt ihe same hour. _ _ a I AT THE REQI EST OF GEORGE DURN, the berfeOetery Bade* ideed ol irtiki executed toms ns trust** by n. s Parkina, *f il?* eounty of Chesterfield, Vu, ? ii a ri-riaiti t rn- I nf 'uni located on His a Mox rh er in said county i lng KEVEN 111 NI IRED ARU K1KTY r-i yks AC REM, mora or leas, sud known as "WOODLAWN." Th's property contains a fine pmi on on of rich river Bottom, whleh han been re? cently ditched ul (or .kid1 rudie ex] ? dered u mow desirable property, Tlie buildings consist of a dwelling ofseyan or t Iuht rooms and tint usual farni-liouses. 'ihe dwelling ik bsBdaomely al toa ? ?< nsiderabl* eminence, surrounded by ihade-traea, and atiordinga tim* view of tba surrounding country, located on I mond road thirty mihi, from thal cltjr. ti?t iniles fri in i!e|Kil on Klchiiioiul niel Dan vllle miiroad. li BJ a: Cash a? to |1,loo and nu! of sale, .li il IN 0. U Kl K KIN. Trustee. N. H.?Eur further dekci ipi mn or particu? lars I"' ' JiUIN c. ORIFFIN. no 7-lnt l*ud Broker. I'eicikliurg, V _. Bj B, B. I'ltik, Auctioneer, -. i Ifflatta street. II 01 SEH0LD Kl l:N!Tl RE. on TUURRDAT nt to o'clock i ? iii K.ii ur NO.XB01 Prank* i n Btresl a ueticrHi assort ment of heh STEADS, M ATI RK8S KS, TARLES, CHAIRS, I'Kui'Kl.ia nini 1.1,AS-VV MIK TINWARE, si'uVKs. nini tour Bets POW LER'ri PATENT BfRlNOB. liooilh to i?- removed Immediately. rn- 7 E. H. COOK, Anctloneer, CM0KE THE SCOTCH-CAP, BIJOU, BB AU 1TNK-CUT (nOAJUkTTBBh THK BEST IN THE WORLD. Por sale by ali dealers. Manufactured by 8. BUSNITZ A CO., Blohmond, Va. RRHOVAI. ^.^ss*. I? B. r i t i h d c, ii , ?*? ATTORNEY AT LAW, hus removed bis office lo Shafer's Iwlldln ROOM as. Ei*irancs from Bank and from Teni Bimi*. fleie-eodlia Al ITIO* .tMA-minr, ?*y*. Hy (leon-* B. Vasbon ft Bon. He*lE*t*l*AKeutaand Auctioneers, No. 7 Tenth atreet. * UCTION SALE np HF.SlRAHI.i* WE8T-ENU liril.lUNO l.oT.-l. HinATBON THE ? 8t)I TH LINK OP CA HY KTBKEr. CoKNhB Of WABIUNUTMN BIRKalT. 148 8 12 BY lao KEET. By refine** of Ihe ownpr we wi'I sell by auction. On Hie pismlaea. nu MON HAY. 0B1OBB* 18 IHSS. Bt fi o'clock P. M., the nix,ve DBBIBABLB I Ri PERTY, cfiualatlhgnf a M)I' fronting Vi feet mi ihe mihi'i I i.r ? ai pet. corner of \Va?h!n?"oe. slrwet. ran iMik lack u ullin parallel lias* I'*') feet lo un alley. I lila property will be Mib.llviil-d Into five lot*. TrRM*: I- bhv. and announced .it aalc GEORGE - V IBHON .* BOB, of fl_ Aud Ionisers. I y '..-orge BL Crawford. Real Katata. A runt Bini Auctioneer, ie -. Baal ni. i;on SALK AT~AU0TIOH LU I ATTRACTIVE ANO 1)K,S1R*.KI.K BUBUllBAN RESIUENCB TWO MILKS Ni.iu tim THECITi -UWELLIBOW1TH elX llD'iMS. -Ml.lint SUED HY A I KAW81 YAPU FILLED WITH 8HA0E-, Hedi-Till I H ANO S H K I' IIMKKV; 1HI-KK AUK (iNLY Kl V K ACUKSOK Kl-Kl.li Willi THK ll 'I SK. THOUGH M.-BK LAND CAN UK U'HTKN IK DE? BI Ht. D.?By r*f|*e*l of lin- oilier I will "i.r for anle nt anet on, "ii the premise*, at I P. B . OCTOBEB IS, I*-*-, ti b a bavs-d escribed tiroi*-:ii. In--: BBOO nash snd 1800 In twelve ii "i.'h-; balance in taro years, or longer, if il.slreil. GEORGE K. ? K \ U KullU j _ Anctlouoer. By Bunnan Tupper, Ren! BbBBIS Aiseol sad Au. I ioiie. r, lulu Maui - "TRl'STEKS* bali op a nice 1 TWO.sTiHlY BUICK DWELLING.No. lill ll iHS BTBEET. BETWEEN POUR TEENTH AND MAYO BTREETS.?M In* of a eertala deed ol irn-i sxecui*d by N ' ..?!nulli, iru-i.?.? Kim, Goodman, anil B. Goodman lo ths undersign! I, b ilute iii o.e "Mi of B ptember, l---^. i i l recorded in the clerk* otho*of Hie lie i ii.rn il Chancer] Court, Deed-Hook 181 K, p. :e:,7. ii,';iiiit barina been wada In ths payment of certain notes therein secured, sin! being re i ii neil s,i :.. Mo by tba not* hoiihr. bi- *hail n-u h> anet loo, on IBs plt'llliM!*. "ll KUI DAY, OCTOREB 9 \r*b, at4So'clock P.M., ? thal LOT OP LAND. uMii tin- Improvement* therein, lylngBnd Being In thee ty of Richmond, on it. .-? between .Mam ami Fourteenth itrt i . on li.-*, tiree! 18 e -t v Inches sn I running back i*-'?e*-ii parallel linea 110 I. si lo un ala y in levi ? id*, ' and fully described In thad.I relkrrsd to. '1 nc i , i...i i s bsstdna bel li? te -? '"-.ii pilnt*d I maid ooi and a in portee! order, and ls ta-cup -i -I - im le nan I at ?i- jht mom li Tula properly reuts well end wl'l pay aaa ai ng i.u ?? Investment or sa * i hoi e. Tr km-: Whllat the deed rs I ! tn expanse* nf -ni. ami B note tor it . ! v th in' i i cst fruin He pie ml air T 1 ? -"? *l-? n Dot* i"r | i7 BO, u fi Inti xi (I 7. 1888, ionic h.'1.1.-i i'. ti i is may u- au Demured gi? i ii. WAREE Wi..liam LOVESHTI ? Trustee*, Pt* kmax Tr prut t net lo Bj Georgs Wi . Mayo, Auclloi (.ii.... i . i sughton Jr,, atalesman,) No. '.m; Ninth itreet, rl*j;i STEE'S TRADE SALE OP 1 CROCK KRY, riLAHnWARK I WIT Le Ul DH. \ Kl.I.ow Vt AKK, TIN WAHI Al lao? MAIN -1 KIMI. 'Hi lill KHDA1 . "? i"ii >: --m. at io o'clock 11 I ss ' ota to i trade. Hu latanoe of the stock ootmlBtlagof tn * ..f I.BANI I K W M" Ol "iSBVt uti; 1 I- LLiiW WA Iii TIN* KTllNI W KKK. '*JI i'll Vs m 1,1 KR*, l.A MPS LANTERN'S IiAMPGOOIH B Mt l ? 1 I i.i s and BAB i.i.'.ss.-. 1 ? !.. wbleh Hie i le ia Ths -:i > nf 'I' ell l;lit alni > \I s'ii.|;i i -\ i; ki s m . ? on MONDAY Hu lictta Inaisnl ai i.- - ? \s ii 1 CKEI li MILLS A s.\ 1.1'.-! i,a,I..n MONDAY Ni '? , " ; at 1 o r ...M.'!'. M.,si the | i, lu b s tbe HW ii- i :. ' k- in li ni tim est. UltEl hill ol HI? P. KU for wheat isl] i III. ' C'lr i' nliuat.il on Hi* Richmond snd Pen pike i lin . miles fi i ? BRU K STOKE and Mii.i.i.u > liol >i. hil In ton d li I kt rea lu bb t in rt ls in Chi i i with rt r; - ? da ni in goo I re ? Ti i nt: Made knna n on Mae oi sal*. ? \''4-.i H WI Kl. ll Junks. ROOD AMD lOSL. 0 IXTHERE TO GET COAL.?3. P. V I LATHROP .t 00- s-v.-u'eeuth street, BtDrawbridi-e. offe-r BEBT SPLINT COAL on the murk*!, BENI' ANTHRACITE OOAL on tlie market. Preparation uusur ltisa.,i. 1'urchaserH lir- Ited to call. ly 4 B, P. LATHROP * 00 D BOB Kt.XT. fN'i: KENT, BROAD-BTREET RTOREH Ni s. i I.. ANIi.11 i KA.--I HHOADHTRKKT Till. eiNLY e- ll A BUB I" BEt.'URE FIRHT-ClaAHB sT"KI s IN THE CENTRE "1 TRADE. Ara l-l Alli.KS a Mi ci HOY ik- 8-31 1218 Mun atreet t**0B BENT, rou REST,*** SMAI.I. B0U8I 8. ? No. SOI north Kifih sir. et; J17. No 684 north Klulilh street ; JIU 8T, Ro, :i"7 Beaervo ratreet; li I. ^., 8618 bbs! Cns Itrecl ; ll-..10. No 818south Ki.nilli s'le.t: 118.1 Lombard] between Mum ami Cary; llo. No.'JOS weal Caual sheet; lin. ? u, si i'm slteet ? JU.el. .n.i -ia,!,. BB'' wes! Ia gt) it re i ; 19. >o. tot south Cherry stree!; ?-. 11, No. 860* Let --it. No. ii wes! Usual ilreel; ie No. j iiiiMi street: Se 88. No. |07 acel : 57. Po 1724i ssl Hm v air** I i stn et 18 ' , -Heel ; |A. .it iii-nr Oak : M. i mun-, 'inhiii Mint between ii and 'i **atj *??-.. nth ? : ami BTORES, ? No, nu I I ? ; No. Si ? N?. 9811 11'-' Mi natreei A;.| HUMAN ll IM'KK. Vgent, M , Q ,lr...M. t'i K ;.! M. rOB l.i.NI'.f* DBBIBABLB DWELLING*. Bui .No. gu sooth si, oiui tim -. No. 109 i ns' ' ?!'.' . - No. 41 . No. IIB south linn! ? No. il ti HM 1 riuiklMi -:r Ni,, lui ,ast .No. 9S4 west Clay st. .;. north BJilu s'n-et. No. gil if,.', Leigh alriit. -No. 7 ..ji.t Mhiii sire, i. Ivo lief W*Sl MRlii - .No. mis *.c*t Baraba!!strrat, v,i cur. we>t Msrsballstrs*t, so. fi2i northBlathstreet. No, 810 west Oar) ? Mo 7-jI west Mnri-liall street. Ap,.:\ to Pl BRAN TUPPER Hl ' Real 1-JilBte Agent, oci-3t 1016 Main street, r*0lTllENT, A VKRY DESIRA-eJ| F ni.K BBBIDBBCB In Ashland.?" Within tl.iee minutes' walk of de??i(, BOB> rainiug ll roouia ibII sunny ?. witu arnon i.latin* arrangsments, ij*jci..us out-tiuti.l luea. lieaiilesatableand carria?e-house; alac a nm- orchard. Toaeiireiul teiuint. Bl N rib a rnoiith. BraBsaslon glvea immedi. Bt*ly. Apply to"UX-." nure Puetmaater, Ahli Bini l.*-l-0ltlC*._OC4-31 F*0RR1NT, THAT COMFORT A- An l'.I.K OKTACHKI) BBBlDEBOBaaB No 5U8 north Fifth atreet. oontalnlug I riKUii*. beanies kitchen. All modern ooo. lenience, .nd in ,.^-,.,,^^10 Heal l-j,late Agent. oe 4-81 Bank and Eleventh si r>*w. I"ToR RENT, TWO DESlKAl'I.Kfi KRAMK TKNKMKNT DWKI.I,-? 1N08. No. 321 and 823 aouih laurel street nve rooms, Ac. Rent very low. ff, H. LYNE A CO.. oe l-?t 1113 Main atreet FOR RENT, THE SI00NDg| PLAT OP WOOD* C?iWARDIN'BBj KIJITH. No. 407 east Main ?tre*t; all mo dem i-onvi-iilences: rooina lsrse au 1 btv Alao b KK'iNT BASEMENTPHYSit'lAN : OPPH'E lu same building. Apply lo WOOD A COWAKDIN. 11-BuAWr-t st the Mats. FOR RENT, THE TWO VAIA' ABLE FARMS, BPRIN0P1ELD sn PAH.-'uNS.owBed '>y the Isle GeorKe Wall iltnated In the faruoua trucking region t Hanoier county, near Cold Harbor ets-li milt*from Richmond; convenient toBbOfl nilli sm! ch un-he*; uelKhborh.K>d pleaxan and healthy. Tlieae Ianda, under tue ??*!> ful iiiBiiagfiinenl of Mr. Walt, have bee brought to a high slate of fertility. Th tao farms cou la In 480 acre* Apply to UKOHOK WATT.JB.. at Randolph Boa-Bactory, Franklin street, o**r Thlrteenlh ; or MANPRKD CALL. xi >Vstt A Call's. 1518 Krankiin atn-e' as ye-r-BAWIl Richmond, V s. AM rio* RiLHa-ruinre r?ar?. \\'KY.\N?;KE FOR HV.ST AT PUB* *~ LIU Al CTION-AUCriOR rt.Vl.Koi-' THK FAHMINO IMULRMENTB, BULBS, ec, Sc?In pursuance ufa deeree of I'm Hus! maa or Corporation Houri of I ti* etty of Manchester. Va., entered on the l?r d*v <>f iteo,lier iMa. in tin-ault of Darr*'*osage foi* and nit. vt. Robert Alvis and al* . th" utiiler-iiun tl. ss Ipeetal commissioners thereby appointed, will on ROMiAY, OrmitBR 12, 1S85, on Ihe premlii**. commencing at ll o'clock A. M., rem out for one year, lo the hiKbcflt. hldiler, that well-known and exceedingly ferllle Bud valuable firm WEYANoKE. situated on Jesses irvsr, in Charles City aonniy. continuing 1.080 ACRE**, mon* or ie*s. havtt.a thereon ? ( (>MKi>RI'\iO,E bWELLINO*HOUSR am! nil neceaisry lams and nut-buildings. The rent wi.1 ix. pav Bbie st tin- end of rite term, and lt to he secured hy flood personal security. UK TIIK SAME DAY amt nt IBS name it'ace. Immediately after tbe fm ii, mullein! furn nt. we Will prow?d lo m-iI nil tie PERAOBAL I'll ll'tRI V ii) on nani farm (except tlie crop. . BCaaSaS* iii n i sri of I i \i KLLKNTMULER. 1 HORSE 2THRr8HlNO*MACHINRM. 1 HEVPER, 1 Willi! DRILL. I ROWERS, IS PLOWS. SOU LTIVAT0RS 1 DR Vi H. a VV AOONS, 1 Bl OOT. 1 U LEAN ER, '_' B ll KA l-l-ANS | COW. i ' liRN-HHBLLER. and HORS asl other !? VLMINi. I'TKNSlUl, I ' - IBO and under, ii on day of sale: seer mst amount, - Mme fur negotiable notes with ??> proved endorai m. mid Intereai ??? t?l--? 1. LOUIS u. WENDENBUH I. A. lt. COURTNEY. Bpi ? i ( " iiiuls.s'.uner?i. ls thi Kcerntna Cb or raacrrrof MA.ki him ur ASDSBW 1'1/,'iM li Ac RXBC1 lo l.s. A''.. i*; ll i li KUI' Ai -1* AM' Jt LS, l hetsbj ern 11 il commit hi i.in i. bsT* given bond *~ ns, ur red by de? ere* entered on the 1 of i ?nioner, nuder my linn,! this 1st day of ll. K. DU VAL oca _ * . i. ou a Adamson, i i-k.mi* Auetloneer*and lugan lien to. Sis Hall street, Maneneet r. \'a. pOMMISSIONErTS SALK OF TITO ' \ Al. (Al. I. F I R VCis Of LAR CHEM KKKIELD < lil M"> \ ? Hy vir? tue ol a decree af the C reull Cifuri oi ? i. ri eld count* entered bi i he -*Lt > lt tire Miir oi Poa nea ? t als, i Ja nen lr .lout-", ad ni in tatra tor, the tm'er signed, speals. commissioner, w ll sell nt c auction, nt *'ne*: erriei-i * 'ourtbooee on MONDAY, "? ro isa IS, 1883, Mimi being ??? 1. Timi TRACT "I LANI.iteln Ai'Kls. kr im n ns " Paddler's Iv mg near lirewi \ - Hlud ats! ? ri di th- it r I ml nlnlng tu,. Milln of Thoma* i I John Irwin, I oal * ? mum tesol cord*wood, t, un' . . Mu iel.). ai d at trustee In two ? ort* n in. in Brinn lin;*- on the lsi ni Hu. 1- ? record In I . b, 4. |* ... Ri 1881, a I of n ord ti ? i: i ? TH CUB DA* - l.-i.i. .v I I'l' UH i, c. lt. t-r n LOT OP LA ND. with a rv,' ? r-l I i I, , Vi l. DWKLLINu llalC I Oil Ihe e l . -? te,I- nut) ml Iulng I ? snd nit nu x '? nek i- .. n parslli i ? IMBI DIATELT I HEREAFTER, I nil! A ll ll( ... \ ALI Al LL I'ROl i RI ? il s l.?. KU kl I HREE-STORV. -LurJ' il s sud olin I ? iel aiel g back wc ? ? n n ore eilt ndt ?! no! ? e, snd - | I ba ll I > 1' ii, .cr.;, ll , Mai i bi iii r ;..i mi pur i ? - and iseldotu thu i \ ? :- | Ul lp '. ' I.I ' i lue in ? ? ut d ? . '.ililli! i be entire | ey la paid and -i . : i ?. tlie Court. tl. *. vi ? L'RDT, Tia*' ? uer. - v.?? r. p. Wi boh who nu bb, *?'? V.s. Ll i T J, II I -I.I 1, Bl Al.s. I ii reny i ertlfj Mist in* bond re inlrsd of I ha ape lal cotumtsslonei under the iecree ililli ?! un tbe ?":ii '!*'? ; - asl ruc ted i"r comfort and convenient ?. sud eon! i i looma The lol front* SB fee! on !?? il ir slrrel, timi tins ii depth Of l?"i (Bet. I i ? Cir exe? cuting thia trust and t'i pay fl 360 duettie Bth "f Keptsmber, 1- - pg ,!; Hinl Me balance, If suv, as Hie grautor In nih! deed may direct i I . - ?; "allure of ouch direction, then a* tbe trustee may think pro|?-r. ? INNING C. STAPLER (ic ?' i.y Qua risa a Mocardy, Heal Ektatii AueUonesra, nix Usia a ? TRUSTEES1 SALK OF NI*E, COMFORTABLE FRAME DWEI.L IRO. No. US NORTH TWENTIETH ST UK KT. BETWEEN KU A SK I. IN AM* ORACH STREETS.?In execution of lara certain deeds of truBt from William H. Cog arni Mile lb* M*l U-arlni; dui-- OB UM ?tu July. 1878, io J. A. Richardson and john Dunlop, trustees, of record rn lbs Rlebmond Chancery Coori, Used-Book t"i C. pac* ?*. snd tba BBOOnd tk-ariug dale on lum-. W4. Lo (ieorge VV. Thomas. trustee nf record la saul court. De* d*H i... loac, papa if>; wawUIegRw for sale, apoa the preini*'?, on FRIDAY. OiToliKK 9. 1 MS Ht Sociock i". M.. Ih-iih: reqelred mitoduhy I he hollier of the DOtaS seeureil Iheri-hy, default havliiu been mad-- lu tba pav ii.ent of Hie same, tin* abova-mentloead lirotierty. Th- Hu! HE liss seven rnaaaa whit .vc. ami is ima ovupled hy a ao?l '-nant at a fair rental. The jut trout* gu '-??? 1 Inch and runs hack IS* feel. The title to the lot ls perfH-r. Tr.KMs: Willie tue deed* rein, ft cash, yet mora liberal terms may be announced al _taai,.. J* MN DUNLOP, Surviving Trustee linlei K'.rst Di-sl. QEOROI Sf. THOMAR. Trustee Lruler Sei (uni l>eed, Ijr-AKi.BH A Mi Ccbov. Auctioneer*. se aa_ \-KKY VALUABLE PROl'KRIV > KOR 8A1.E.-Uy virtue of a deed o trust from Hugh C. Preston and wife 1 wil sell at public auction, ou the promisee, on HATURDAY. iMToiiKB H. l*iH5, the -BEALE l.ANDM. cattai nt og U? acrea, being part of tha --Smlthrield estate. alx'tit one and a fourth mlle* west o Hlackshurg Montgomery county, vs. Tnli ls an exceedingly valuable tract of land well watered, line sod. miJK'??! Umber. I ls near the Agricultural-College farm, am la a* good or better laud. I "iii al*., aall an UNDIVIDED <>Ni EIGHTH OP nih: DAVID FRICK TRAIT ol' LAND, about Hire* and a hal miles west nf Btaekshutg, winch aonlSVlDg ? tfi.nl villi of coal. . ? \,lllui.o*e'l 74 HU A HEM (IKHT'VCK P THK HLACKHHI'RU M I NINO AND MAN UKAlTl'RiNOi'HMI'ANY and other 1'fcR BONA I. PROPERTY. TtKVk ok Hai.B : Rea! eaUte. l'> |k-r.'.*n! cash; residue In three eF FRANKLIB AND NINKTKKNTH STRKETH. l!y virtue of a decree of tho Chancery Coiirt of the elly of Rich mond cnta-red on On- Olin na\ ol Maa lh"J. In the cauae of KnlRlit. .le., rs. TsiUiU. Ac the under? signed , ie ppolntt .1 for thal pornos*, will sell at public aucOon, on th? jin uil?< a OB THUBSDAT. OrroBBB fl. 1?>??. St VJ O'Clock M.. the alvon- .les.rilw.1 Pll'l I'Kll'l ^ . now lu On- oin ujmiiey ot H. P. BB* . I Tbs lot iinnta 118 fea-t fi iinii.>* on Frank? lin street ami extends back l?"> f.vl on Nineteenth street io a wide Ru?y. Upon Hie i s THREE-BTORY M \ ciMNK-.-lli.P. with TWO HTORY WINO I . .t LA RON FOUNDRY Hui ll III. ER-BHOP, extending tbs t ilWfro*! of ii ai on 11 hi, Kl n si i.et. ai Mil ii pl* yard r?> I'ii. Ac. Ihe buildings ar* of tn* most BUD* otHiitiai cbsracur, tim lag b**o ita Jame* M. Talbot*. Possession erf tin- property, if desired, c*n be bad on ths 1st ?r Jaauai ? Ta aaa: i rna third cash: balnur* In e<|iial Instalments si six. twelve, and eighteen months fmM, day of ssl*. pnr**aasr tciviug negotiable Dotes forde ferred payment*, ant] the foll pun ia paid sud rooveyanca ordered hy lin? coln'. '1 lie |.iiicminer shall hav* tb* 0(i .on ..; i h.- lug Hu v hole of tl ? io eaali ll l.e io deail I J OIM PLBAHANT8, JACKSON e; > J. ll. TUCK EB Commissions!*. RbiobtAOo., Plaiutirrs, soAimrTaL a ? , i -ie. ? s . v -. ? s CllAli* lin i ..|'ur nf i ii : '. Bel Billin ll. li, oi -.ii.I "..! Ihe hoi il r.-.;'i r.M of tue ?peplal ci ot May iv lott sn duly glVI tl. i. adel ' ' ' ijr of I itt IN IL Bl lt. K. Om.!;n .. Co . (teal Estate A meei* No, 1 lentil itreet. Bli id. Va, \ UCTION sai.i: ol' DESIR vm.K . . \ HANOVER t IBM Ci IN TAIMNO I AlleM I 4-i. A' IO K. W l ni O ' 111 i ? I.I.I. ' INO Ol SINE R' "11^ LtB'A'l KO I n V NICK i,|li.\ K. ASH THE l-l' M. li I I I. I' I N ., -- W.i i il \ \ i ," ; , Hit'-K. TICS I'K 'IM.i.r, I ll,III Mill s I Mill H.-HM .-. ns I HI ni l' CHURCH ROAD, IN ii \\ COI NJ") . At the r. -,?.. ? ho i b non-realtleni auction, on ihe pre nlaen on Till 11.-1'A \ , I ?, to . : ai 18?8, st ll odo. k. tin I. Ila l.i lill,, ---,,!. , iiBiile hs it iruck tn' i . i may al lend ? ii bargain bi Uk ob tu i ?., , m- - Afli ? out fl! ofHTOl K HORS J. ? mi u - ma l I ll M I N |s- u I .-i ? lourth caah: IM (.* i.s, n in, a | r,', nt, * ired bj ? Coi ? . of the Hm I loni. ts al |U ni I. . .il VIM IN ? CO . Au.' ll si Lillis li LIMBS. KO Il MOB'I), EREOEKICKSUURG ANO POTOM \C KA1LK I n i " ii \ii.'ii l. lss.i easlero H'm.?' 1:00 A. M., leaves Byrd-Btreet station * J uni )t Land H soper from .?sion to u ash lng ton. 11:07 A. M.. Ie*ve* Hyrd-Ht reel station dal? li ,'\,''(i| -Illlll.lV. 7:lfi P. M.. If '- - I-. rd a n .lal? ly. to New York. li):S9 A. M., a | lo lacksoi ie.18 p. M., arro dall) ; si,,i g at I l ni ri; M ' ' ni lo . ? 8:4* P. M., S , * Ba I'M I. . K\. I . I - I ... 4:08 P. M. ??? ive* ll ?, l i Ita.tl.l Ht fi H M. B:C I P. M.. Lax es 1 es at Al land M ? ii iv M. 1:00 A.B iv . ' til i \. v. IA rn urn veg at liroad-Hrreel si itloo . - - i 1 n: - \ M c. M.. srrivi-Bat I , i ? s Ishland si ?? i c. A. TAI LOB Oe \ rent. K. T. 0. Ml > lot. Ol PA Blt BB ?l RTEA8IBBM. OLD DOMINION STEAM-WffB BHJP COMPANY. .Jtamuumm FOB NEW VORK. Btaamers leave Richi iond I VERTTUBB* DAI . lr Kl DAI .?? I si NhA-i . Biesmeni leave Baw i'nrk for Richmond KVEKi TUFhDAY, TUUKBDAY, and RATCHDA1 ai I P. M. r ? ? passed. Cabin fare to ami berth), 110; ? te b i'u eui.-, Hence, ii; willum: sill*. - . I I- re him forwanli .1 and Mn i ol lad i *. -?? ?? ?! for point* (New York. . Hi 8 P. M. Manlfesi close d on talllng-dayi ont* kooi belora Mei urture. pBssengt rs 1. riving Richmond by the t besapt ska rind U it 8:18 A. M. i. ei Newport's Newsj and the tli.-iiinoinl n:,i| Iv. raburg ral naid al ll .0 \. M. on MONDAYB TUEBDAYH WHi.M.sDavm. THlTlsDMs and HATl'RDAYB will make connections si NORFOLK w.ih tho Steamer* leaving.ne days, s '.1 LINUS mis WEEK. BOAN 'Kl I, Bl NDAT, Oetobei llb al 18 ?? clock i nl.O ix ..MINION, Captain smith, TliE.-' 1>AV ? P.M. WTABOKE. Captain Hi i.i-mcits, fri DAY. "?'? ie roth, al * o'c ? -? k P. M. GEO HOE W. ALLEN BOO., Agent*, No. roil Main atreet Kiel OC 1 Coin|iany'a wtutrf. Rieketfs, 0 SLY ONE iM'LLAlt NKWPuKT'S NKWs. OLD POINT, .vi" POLE, AND PORTSMOUTH, AND ONLY DIRK' T ROUTE WITHOUT TRANSFER OH CU \Ni.hoi- AN1 KIND. ONLY81.10 TO VIRGINIA BEAI ll, I9TO \n A8HI SOTON D. C. .vv.-r. VIROINIA -Tl'AMI!')AT COWPARI s .1 IMEH-HJVEH LINS i i H NI.WI', mu s M..S - OLD 1' OLE, PORTHMii-*uier leaves Norfolk, r.irUuioutli, .Newport. News, aud uM I'oiui on alternate da> ? arnvlau al BicliiiioudalKiul 4 P. M. Tiirough llcketaon *ale on BtSWTBB*al Okrhera Agcucy, 10U0 Rain aireet. Il ig SSKe cheeked thPiiiKli. BTATE-ROOMM ENOABED KOK DAI* OH NIGHT. FRKleiHT. Erelght received .lslly for Norfolk. Porta mout, smithfield, Hampton, and Waverly, Va.; Washington. D. C.; Newborn, Wash? ington, and Tarbor!)', N. C.; all slallonso-i Ai.aultc and Danville railr **d, Hxahoard and Itoanoke rallru*.!. Norfolk Southern railroad and Eastern North Caroltna gene? rally ; also, for Eastern Bhor* of Virginia, and all regular landing* on Janies river, at LoWEMT RATFB. and through bills issuad. L. B. TATUM. MuperlntendtMlt, any IB No. HOB Malu street ami Bmckett*. 1 MHLADELPUIA, RICH? MOND AND NORFOLK BTEAMBIUP COMPANY. Appointed sailing day*: Rvary Tl'EHDAT and FBI DAI al lg M.. aud *very nCN DAY at 8 A. M. Freight for Tue*d*ys' sud Prid?y*' steam era received til 11:80 A. M.; tor Mundays" ?teamer till 6 P. M. M*lurd*y. Freight re? ceived dally HU B P. M. RM** mmmm^gt Mgj^ General Paaaenger Agent, orrie* Roekelte, W"P I'LYDB A CO.7 BOBO UBueral Agsnia. ' BlliROt:) l.'N R R ICHMoNli. FKI.Ur.Rl KsHl'llQ ARO POIXlMAC RAILROAD. rilBOUOH A LI/- RA 11. KAMI rKKMHl "aNUEAKIKR^vm; WBAtT ORLY TWELVE HOI Tl** HF*tVkeb BICHMOND AND BALilMnRE IN BACH DIRE'TIOS. OBrmrpondlngly quick Om* to otu*? pointe. Through bill* of'.a-Li.g Uaoed at fow rates 0. A TAYLOR, jjr I Oeneral I'a-kxeiu-er Ax.ul. ICIIMOND AN I > I i t N VI LUI RAILROAD COMPANT. SCHEDULE IR EFFECT st'NDAY. HEP. TKMtlbH SO, IBBB, LEAVE Rl( TiM'-Ni'. B-00 A. M.?(TliroiiKh-r*4?k?'iu.?r Ma'! .lal If)?'"r Bi-., km I Richmond Sud I'Hiiv I ncctlng Ml ... nab ' r Ralstan. Uddah *i. . mi >-a ? .' i ? ville and a:: C. t and \ V local point, and at i i foi I', east : b!m> Bm Orleeoe, a- d Pullman I ll tollu . ? s . !,, \0 . fusta al! tanvllle t.i Rsl na ?*. i eli um Bras P. M.?CTiiniugn r fl sroi?,ii ii? in ' a' K' ?- , . ? on K ' -i iiurv ru;. . .Sunda v ;at I ? ? titian jsilntH ou - Hallklnirv ? ..Ni roadj ? v ellie, Fie., ,v,.* ? eener thin. Ville I i V Ash-" ?? u> Nsw Or lea ni > I g:45 F. M.-tV-or* KlVei - !*!ly) Sto|i* at n , , ? "? ?. eepl -i ' ,,, - 6:00 P. H?(Bo a ? * MSA. m. ? : ? ajoea .-t aaaa ? * .imlay) tut W . tl r AliKV B -ND. 7:00 A. M. Fl n Alls '? uro-, !<-< - gb, .I intermini ar* I- k ' i ts il A. m. i I Boa Air layi. 10:15 A. M r rom Was lally) Bal. timora, and i-uiiii Nort *i . exe, i ' - B-45 P M.-Kudu ? I, Atlaia ta. Raw Or ? tua sad ll ? wear i ' *- i F. M. Kliiirlir oin .v ' scegt Hil ll il 4 ) from w . - Ti CK Bi Ol rn ***: l""" Mei" fltreet, i t ? t im- Rlebm.l ami Uaavllle railm.,' dep.,t,Vl,g'..?k.p..,.M g . ,m!k Oenera Pi Igenl, hol. hvas. TrsiTlc VI , A. L. KtVls. HellelHl Ma ? '?? 1* / IHESAPEAKE I S IIUR Ul VJ WAY .-SCHKDI'I.E IN i ' r BEP1 vi H I**'.: LEAVE RICH M 8 tl A. ?!? Pe* Ne* oim ? h. and v fo, k. Daily BXCepI Build Hire* limiraai ?! ? efl Rich* ' 1L30 A. M. I i. Kv.. I.- ? iiuutg. v\. 4:00 P. M.i" ? amodstlom, -siop, it TrgOP.M. I l i"ricinn*ri, ?ii ms Weat, ? si. Fast ? sup mr , .. men i 'i Cincin? nati ?? - 'i and Char - ? .LoolavUlB, M'.ki v kl RICHM* ?1?. ?:8SA. M, Pram ( Ills, except Bunda). 11 15 A. M. I i Point, and Newport'* Rewa, except rt.m. daj. 8.101". M, From li i''nc!mia?l, am! .ill local I v pl Hui*. aa jr. 7.05 F. M. r rum Norfolk Old Point, and i('lily except day, i< BO P. M. From I md Clncin. natl i sal Commanelng Bunda) Jun* roi. excite. lion nam for Nt a |nh' ? Ne ?? i I Point a ive R ISA. M.. audra. [tuning ? ;i arrive 7:18 ** M i,.|?ii. s venteenlh and H adatraeta Tlckei-C!...-. ?: 101 I i iud Clrae* nivak'r and (Uni* Rh > i ? v PULLER, t.. treni! Pan** '.r.er Agent, c. w. s?? ? h. ? aei i ' igsr, my - \ Tl.AMI* COAST LINK. RICHMOND AM . KO RAIL*, ROAD riM - MILE. Commanelng TURU I t inna, tra! na on thia roaif ai ll ran isl iga ritAINH - Leave Ar' -***? Richmond. Pea ? B. 17:00 A.M.' 8:0(1 A. ' I Irs la. IS. '10:40 A.M. Hi a " i iron - i train, 84. ftliSOA.M. IS.S0 I', vi Icon '.? u. 40. *S:48 i R ? JB P. vi 8*. !6:inr I'.M 0 82. B:S8 1 M 7 4'. V M. -'." 1 y I ag. 6:4ft P.M. 7 ie i'. M nundy Aooom, _TRAIN- N"lwl il . ! ? . Ari: - i'ei. p.!.'.?. Bli li mond 4i. ms-A. M. v ik A. M. Fest Mali. BS. |8:1B A.M, wm a * tccom'odst'a. BS, '17..mi I" M. I SO P. vi v oi i ods! tl. ' 1 i P, vi | ?,-, i-. m. ininti ii i t. TiOOA. M 8:10 A. M "lund'y Acoota 4:V.U |\ M. 5 BO I VI - ,a.l y Aroota ?Dally, tidily (except Muu I , BTOPP1NO-PL v Nos. 40 and 41 pa N'*. 47 and 48 stop univ onsignal at Cheater Cen* trail* ami Manchester. Noa a, BS, SS, SS, and, se stop at ai stations PULLMAN-CAR MERV I K. On train Nu. to ?>?. - tween Washington and Ctiarlsston. ou Urala No, 48 Blaeping-cara her., en Weall ngton 'tn,: Jacfcaonv !Ue, Fla. On train* Noa. 47 ead49 ali ep ug-uaib between New \ urg and Jack* TUE ONLY ALL-RAIL BO :.. I ? M'lia. t'>\.K Leave. ve. Rle hw dill:." A.M. | Ni:., a g:S0 I'M. Norfolk...il- v vi , . ii i P. li, Norfbl I P.M. I R I..8:55 P. M. Nus. S4 snd I Hinl fluilt Kn. illulia, aili! aeatern poll i tba bi I W - rn . i tad Th* cnn ? rn.ni Richmond to v>rf..:k i rn by Nu. vt. ev.eui . mig connection Will lie bj N". 1 " I KKNLT. Bmpsrtnten ' ipoi lal on. T. M. Iaiii-'V Oeneral Paaa*nger Agank DIOUMOND AM) ALLlOHAlil li RAIL!' HCHEDl LE OP l BAINS IN I- r rl.i'i ? il'i.'ll.L I. ISSe, TWO DAILY TRAIN-* (EXCEPT Ml N* DAY) - l.L> RICHMOND AM) Ll NCHBCRO. TriruiiKii Ac ??> n- Nig .t Mmi. modailon Ri 1. INO. i. t.Nn. B. Ii*ev* Blcbmo'd 10:J5A.M S:S0 PM 7:40 PM BcottSTl'e 1 il PM T:0S FM IS cr PM Lynchb'g. * ?') I' vi .1 00 A M Laxina'n. i OS PM nsA >i CPfionl- n 8:00 P i! ARRIVE RICHM 8:55 P. M. MAIL daily u-x. .-pt Munday.) 8:55 A. M. AOCOMMOOA lio.N daily (ex cent Munday.) 7:05 A.M. NIGHT EXPRESS* dally (eg. crpl .Mur-ila) .) BURLAY ACCOMMO' ATION !>elwi>eo Klciiinoud ami Seo: k l RlsbSBOad r*:i 0 A. M.; relurulug, arr wini Rlcbuioutl CdNNEi-lKi.N I. At Rlebmond wits savio ta ind railways sm! Rlebmond. Fraderlessbara and l'oio mae railroad; at ].yncli*itirg with Virginia Midland railway and Nurfotk and Westoru rallnad; st Clifton Purge willi ('besapcaka and Ohio railway : at Lexington with Balli* more and Ohio i.inroad. .St"*vtnu-cur ottmhtd r-? .Vi(/*t| Rrjirrss tm l.rJUMJltm. Train* marked t dally (except Bundey). Ticket* sold lo all polui*. Ortlrsa: HOS east Malu street, lOOo M in. and al Rich? mond and AJlegbaay depot, E'.gtttli Bud Canal street*. J. H. M ACM 1 ROO. General Paaaenger and Express Agent. N III MU SS OI'I'OUII VIMiri. KWSPAPIB rOR SALK. An OLD ASH WRLL-EMTAKLIHURL VI r EKI.Y BEWBPAPER, with argecireu latlon and adverlutlug petronnga, ami lo? cated tn one of the moat Hour suing towna In r'aatrrn Vlrgluta, will be sold on reason? able terms. Fsay ooiumun'-atluu by steamer with Kaltlmiae an<1 Norfolk, stu! br rail willi Richmond. New York, snd Philadelphia. Fur oartlcuiar* apply to W. D. CHEHTERMASr iH^ttcK building, Richmond. Vs. aa le eodlm BAllDllOKtriOVI. ar. \irALL-I) ECO RATIONS AND TY BUADEOOOIW. REFINED liEMli,\-? AMII PERFECT WOKE. JOHN REONArLT ELI.YBOR. fl* IS-lu No. 6 nortb Ntutb street.