Ta* Rie_??B<l and Wen P*i*it Taratine!
Compel? Tba Fight for It* Cor.
tCorrewonrten-e of tha Rt.tmnnd Dispatch.]
li ? i 1,1 BBB,
Tn trie domain of finanoe wo often sc
apposing foreea engaged in hitter war
faro, tnt (tn re is t, .dom SOth n betCt
financial l>*tilo, aa Hist n >v% in pro-rca
with tho pljoct of ni ta ,,| ni
Ihe Richmond Bad Weet Point IVnnioal
Company, i ho dominaol railroad |?
of tho > ? . the st..*,
great aorporation on
miles of railroad snd B i ?' na?
tional reputation than in nny other nut
road 1-opii.nt, its
rr. ? ia nm|naationably Al*
fra I Bally, n ahrewd, wide nv.
nor, who bad already won his spun
on tho Bald of finance ?_ aiaooiation
with anglia Corbin, ai whoae invitation,
indi od, h?> entered financial life, il"
-.ti,>a of preaideat ol a ond
haI is aim* '
that of President of tl,,* i renell Ki
In* -timi ia, t?<? 'Im,elora ol the
I.Bvi* the coDtrolliog c< ?? .t, ah the de pu?
ttee in tl.-- In nch Aeaerably have ii
i be poaiuon aa pr. aklent
in st all lunea ? eon
*4ents to be n Itatber
than play that Hr. ti
juli at be was oppo
thewaya and methodi of ammo:
Die directora, sn.l hinting tim; they hud
? i many pr.' to labeerre and
loo little rcpard for tlie real
D R '?*.
And now John H. Inman s'ops on tho
?tage ol ' rst time in a po?
sition of reaponairtility nt of
tho giant Richmond Terminal. Ht- wes
like the w dow be did not require i
courting, altbongb he i cl a
ht: - reaarve for a tim.*. Iiu
ws- ,',? rk fr i ? Con
IBdarata anny, came to Ni ?? v, rL ait>r
t a wnr, and maetering tho intricac
tlieoott.m buaineaa, ancoeeded inmakii g
hi* fortuuo. Hen tofore he ha-, alt*
more particularly to large private enter
1* ? waa a boll on cotton nt the
Die time buck and held
on persistently. I".. ? recent heavy de?
cline in cotton, it is understood, caught
Mr. Inman heavily long of tho mark.t.
Bad like ri...nv other big operator! ho
mu-t bare Buffered tbe oona* quencoa in
'Ibo fall ni ootton was
it of a clear iky ; it nus
to a raiaii mates
of thc crop n.t. r tl i tn
1 y a c.nunn rout! sheet
in Now Orleani which published t,:i
uixurJly low estimate, in windi Mr.
I'. of tho Agricultural Bureau
at Washington, practically i
A m phew of Mfr. Inman, one ilario, of
Atlanta, failed, owing to the deo?ne, nnd
pulled duwn two ?*? <tt. m houaea here aft.*r
d np, and
is now charged with baring om.-,
bil to another peraon with
fnudulent intent. Mr. Inman is rdill n
\ - ipitahat, and he will proba?
bly keep out of big cotton upi dilations
for some time to coo
l : r.
Behind Mr. luman in the Richmond
Termina n ia George S. Bcott,
i bbb Warwick to let up and
Be i*- a man
kith, is ho, after aweat*
? w.tii the Richmond and I'anvil!*
i ; v for I ree or four yean, fit
that como. ?' I
imond Xi rminal for
an l iermmal ni
adroit manipnlation be
huv; lent of tho
l od and L ?.ville road at tl.
tion. Hi* next move waa to bring
forth John B. Inman fer the preeidencj
? 'J ermina] < bmpany.
irtiea anxious
onfroi of the ? d are
itbei by buying th>' atock
- <.f wat tit the next
' D
An > ? ide to arno
? IptlO
ed tbe board of d
< to promote their j rivate
ol tho borneta ia
*. [n S, i rice, who, by a happy
Ho ia a little lawyi r from
i' ., kb, of Chic
thal the way he got into railroad
? tie in
conducting lawauita against nilroadi for
raf - tl.o linea thal
New York. Lal tern Com?
ly picked hun up i I
ii., baa an exceptionally
ination, sud some of bia finan?
cial fiction would mein to indicate ti at
hrne li* ld ia tliat of it novelia! in op
j - ,.* ii t , ;;;;* r Haggard. In hia best
manta Mr. Briceeould a tale unfold
tha? would make any one elie, from a
to Co ne] Tom
, pale his in* tel.
ral Samuel T-OT?ai isadiroetor
n d 1 with Brioc in the Terminal
-1. mi* : u- i iron manufac
?. i.i Columbutt, Ohio. Be an i Brice,
is b t hi* equal by any dm
j,,... who turo buildii
?us " Ntckoi-l'Ute" road, which
e near swamping theee a
?pints. Luck, however, atood them ia
i I, and teat at the i
I .to william H. Vanderbilt
? ? I ardene,
i* tull, well built, aud
joriai, and at the lime jocularly de
a I tba 1 Plate to
Mr. Vanderbilt as merely a burglarious
oj-eration on tbat gentleman'a sate.
..f hi* colleagues afterward! pre*
? . leaeral with aacarf-] ii
iriir mai with a dark
; i a'm" S. Brice
certainly ar J enter*
EUpon tin ir a] ita the
>u uth, Booth Shore and Atlantic rail?
road, in which tl ag 'ni*.**
fifteon to twenty-five millions int
or to hf inveatetl. In addition, they
hare tl.o Lako i.rie aud Western, tho
i al ai.d ii. n Company, tba'ft Tenn* I .ma and < I*
.'ham, noa
oom putt-J, beaidea other roe is ia dif*
forent parla of the United Htatea ?
hi-me ia understood t<. be lo
make thu giant Bichmond Terminal
let t*> tha Eaat T*
othi-r v. | rathe tail wa/t
ilis ? .??? charged wii:
"uni* in the(
| ? ! laiiroaiis, BLd
control tho Richmond lorumittl in order
to make a big combination, but a
lar fact concerning thia matter i* that
Alfred I? - lapproveaof th*. itu ht
Bgajnottha I'neeparty, ib. or v.
? owner ol I outinl
property, sud that Preeid* nt John li. ln
iuau n? the next lari;' -t owner ol l
.-.-h it is trim he
ia fa"iug both naya in tho i
aud i, | U'liicbaluutly on the
fence. Mt* will Lot niuiBt lu'emo-ing
out tba bornet'a a eat, nor, <-o far
rh appiuni kal] lo .'.ive *>fl
the atuokiufl pany. lt ia I lad bj
William Libby, formerly a paitner of A.
T- Baawaii aud now a retin*.I morcbaot
of considerable wealth, With hun sr\i
B, W. Clerk, of tbe Philadelphia bank-1 <
inpbovoti, and Isaac L. Ruo* a Bebrew i
lawyer, who waa formerly a sd..
tiWhar a irrb nf Ttatlraa lasigj. '
hind these are BL Ii. Hollins, the New |
Vork i Hiker und broker, lom., au aeao- *
ciate of tbe Vanderbilt* and now con i
Booted witb them in many buainoog
transactions Looming up back of all
tboae are August Belmont, the American
rapreaentetive of tbe Kothcbilda, and
Holier!- Colgate, hankers, with a reputa
tstion in two li,-miapb**?res
Willi fllreit is watching the outcome
of lins ti.-rcfl financial battle aiih p-a
uino in!
TIKI lvl'lUOtAIi PaVRAlMlXjBai
1 Iud a jiloas-int trill. With Hronson
i th* i il t-r evening a', ths 1...ins
i His '? llenru Hu" ensdy
t tim lu s-l oi ? leflaton ,'f
i.* anUiorship in t
11 Milli
preferring t** (mend in i tim*
? .;? lightfol company ol
Howard n<.w L
able forlorn and live* in elegonl style,
try in:iu, ivisv-f-o
: .'ii.*. ;, .
. arj i ?? oliffe.
htlire nt m. : i" stn loni
; :.-? ie. h ..*?.
, ie v< r fr. t' it*; himself nt In's
to l< i tim csre*
- fi!: ! lil] .'rt
j without Riving him mr trouble Ile
leila ve ti al ins plan in working >* ii:..;
? ' cn! I I-i' Roenea, which grow apios
Milli ile- ato*** le ::i s* it-.-i.-i, Uteaction
following tl kituationn nntirillr.
? i ; ? detail*, after
? .
liit-iseif t" the composition of tl
i ' "i, ant]
' tu work, ainl
Uta) !.' he .'? i s 1 .
...i I doomed to
' "ii. ll is rtoobtfn] if any au?
thor fi aa does
How. rv author
lilli-.!! tl.:/ be i- work
1 plan.
S, >, r . lit w.-irt murri,i) ii sis?
ter of Mr. Charles Wj II ilium, tbi l'Opll
'".lis-t. tie ha* a I raise in Lon
1 a " it in this pity, aird divvies
his tir. , thfl Imo. Wi.:
ing \iith Howard ? *> iwerfull* -bu I
with un iron gray besi
? Dtered the . a -vat
rear os lt waa Colonel Thomas- Vf., wbo write* ao ?neof-sifolly for
boya, ami whom on* wonld fluppose
to be a fimily msn ind fatii-i- ofi
nnmerotu brootj ol Ha really
ha* no nome except his club. 1'
j ties two roon.b ni the dormitory of tho
l.otos * i ai,, adorned with sou
rcnira from all purls <,f tbs world ainl
tbe appearance i I n museum.
Ther* aro no little ones to crawl upon hi*
knee* nml interrupt his work, and no
? ist t.ri punctuality at
be ii nly a b-Hobe*
lor, but hs h.t.* taken refuge in a place
where women and children tare not ad
- ons ol the
original warcorretrpon lents, and wrote a
- hi ti xperii net a in iii'- South?
west. In!'' l,boy-trsrellerin
he bas tuLon his boyi ill over the world,
John Cl. Clarkson, ol in* Boston
4 I uh.
John Ci. Chaki 'ti -Aili p'ay for Bos
:, if 1888, a*_il
tbs N expecti to
i win th-* pennant, lu anterpriiing
club paid 810,000 to Chicago for lbs
of the gr* t i tcber, and is be
! ? .i i to nay him $4,000 a year salary.
Clarkflon waa born nt Cambn Ige,
and hts ueiv eng igi ment makes that city
actually, as he has always considered it,
his home. Tho great pitcher iii st at?
tracted attention with liio amsteur Ben
con Club, Boston. In 1881 he wa* offer
, .1 and a. cepti 'I h position at* pitcher on
th, Worcester professional team. 'Iho
a ni* year ho Merit to Esat Saginaw,
ind pitched for tbst club in the Hummer
of 1882. Tbe nest year he accepted an
oller tr. mi lr. st-ii vt Spalding, of the
.. whi !?? bi Ltsaremsinsd up
to thia ?
It ia nol cl liming too much fer Clark
?on in Baying that us a pitcher he I
aion, and n ry few
equals, In forty-fonrth'
kting, with an average of 533 ina
field of Berenty-nine. As a pitcher be
ranked aecoi i. with au avi rage of .775,
of the Philadelphia Clnb,
irpassing hun. tn 1885 ciark
it n hms thf crack twirlt r of the I
aud rn the gain*, a pll*j ed foi tho world's
championahip of tha season of 1880,
between the Chicago** md tho St.
I occupied thc boi in f"ur
ont ol aixol I McCormick pitch
. ivhiie VVillitunson and llvtiu
pitched the other game between them.
<if these four gan on won tba
to bil club. His st
last Maaoa in sixty-one gama wi
snd ont of twenty-four league pitcher*
be rinked No. 5. Ho pitched in more
gsmea Issi **esson thin any other lesgue j
pitcher, tbs number being fifty-eight,
leading Keefs, of New york, ly two,
Clarkson isa m-u-ried man, arni, as al
re.dy intimated, has alwavs hsd a Loiao
at Cambridge, _
Ta Ile Mate fruin "Sewer-lias.
[B ?:
There is a widespread belief that ben-?
lined from fluahing pipea by
: run at faucets, Fluahing
rinsing by a copious ami rapid
Qom ol mi U '? 'lie a*trt im Iron a l iuc< t
ia too Alight to accorni'lisli injthing to?
ward cl, ansing thi
forms on the inside ot timms, aid is
merely u waste ol wal r to allow Buefa a
feeble' Btrssm to trickle through a soil
Colonel Waring's "Perfect Sanitary
Formula" embiacefl two injnnctioua:
I ii-t, t<> allow do orgsnic decomposition
ftithin th* dwelling cr within dram*
unhealthful conditions; accord,
lo sllow ao drain air to enter tba Lona*
ni I. r :iny cir.-'iiiisti'ii'-':*. I would add
? following: Dnin, purify,
hint !
,1 dsmpiesi from th* lit* and foun*
thing cspsblfl
ailinn or about your
twilling ' ?o thingfl -1" i
relied ; nfl* ph oty of bo! wut'-r, soap,
ind elbow RI '"? aud i
nh bo tli* -sceptre* of do
ii,s!.<- s ipren.-icy ; Uki nothing ior ,
?runted, lld ' thlt eternal vigi- j i
ance is tiie pi los ol Ik nlth, us of liberty ;
imsteur advice on matters of
naltli ; test all thinf/s, but hold fast to
hat winch il v-o'-d and iu accord wah i
:?ii,iiniu M 1
I Le I .est plumb:*)'.; will not int for- i
.1 Lf'is periodic*! inspection.
I tr?p may fi, (?zo IR January aud dry ' i
ip tn July,"and'deep fronts will break up -
Imus and cause leak-.. 1'ats tuay bur
ow, gar-efl will corrode, valve* become i
eaky by wear, and carelsss servant* 1 i
leglect to keep fixtures clean. Hence , ]
leriodical inap'-ctrou, especially of
lon plumbum wolli, should bu an iinpe- j 1
stive duty u->on the householder. I J
rould also urge every one not to bave i t
oo much plumbing, and further il ora to | i
ODceutrate and iaolate all fixture* a* far ' t
tom living looms aa posaible. 11
?M iran;
Maennhy in hhtfaBBJ entitled "Cri'i
! oii-tiiK on tho Principal Italian Writ. i-.
cixstluit "OthelloMperbapetbe grant*
. t mnL lathe wi.rid." Wini" this dt'i 'ii
i iv inriiioiital lo hf aeaolay'e casey, il
1 is. nf coane, pmUe in the I -! form,
. .iiy emanating : ,, n aa d tin*
,"?111-11.??! and erudite u Monroe. Othello
belong! to tl. t cr* on ol tn :? Hes con*
Mi tuted liv Hamlet, Macbeth, I e:>r, nnd
itself, and thia group !s an|
tba literature of nny ago or country,
Tba ci itic, bave nol agreed aa to whal
irattvs position to aaeign othello,
bul m power, roblimity, aad atrength it
ia thee* ualof aHberoi tha three named;
and in the perfection ol it* dramatic ac
? ti<>n. eompfeteneea ol plot, or what i*
tecbnically called construct teena . V. ii
; th.-ir superior. Viewed from the aland
point ol purely dramatic con tructioo, il
, ia b perfect piny, No (npematura)
I agencies ar.* u'eii in [fe movement, and
iiom beginnifig to end its airnatkma aro
RToduai I by the employment of thc paa
| aiona natural to humanity, and nil of its
cbaracten might ba even al thia day of
eolign ? nd pi omega tiring ex*
ii. ociee.
()n<* of tho most freqaently-dieen ed
qi" tn ns in regard to < Ithello ii trbetbi r
bi waa a negro or a Moor. Mo leea ;*.
person than President John i
Ailnn.h. a maa of wonderful erudition,
baa attempted to establish that Othello
wa* n negro, and Retzach ha, made bim
so in his outlines. Bildebrandt, alao,
i?i bia oelebnatodpicture of othello and
Desdemona, baa painted Othello ns a
For this contention there I
Borne rapport in the text One of these
i* Bodengo peaking of Othello in tho
I first soeae aa having "thick tip*." in
! Act 2, Scone I!, Iai;o ipeskl of him as
the "black Othello." In Act8, Beena
8, Othello says of himself "/br f um
black " ,- and spoin iii the aatne scone in
? the same act he mys, in talking witb
j Iago, in speaking ol i>ef*demona:
" ll"i- nain*, tl ar -a? a. f-nh
| Aa Diann'. vi?ac'*, ii m.? tinjritiieil and blaik
I A* linn/ lu ti .lair. '
I think, however, that these tenn* are
used in the play in a qualified or eom
; parAtive *?? uso. I think that the name
i that BJ_akeepearehaa given to this play?
! viz., "Othello, tho Moor of Venice,"
ahould deride this whole question. In
the lin-t folio?viz., tho 16-9 edition of
Shakespeare, published by Hemnunge k
Condilli, and, as I lmvo stated iii pre
viouBCaaaya, is tho only admitted au?
thority for tho text of hia dramatic works,
thc play ia pul down aa "Othello, thc
Moon ni venice The story of Othello
waa taken by Shakespeare trom the
" Jin calommithi" of QeraJdi Cinthio,
an Unban novelist, first published in
Sicily in 1565, In that story Othello ia
kuowu as the Moor, timi lins no Other
nam'-. Shakeepi are may or may not have
ever Been a Moor or a negro, bot, an
Richard Grant White says, "lie could
not fail to know tho difference be
tween tho p .sition find tho cha?
racter of the nation which built
tho Alhambra and tliat which fur*
niabed their atock in trade to tho Eng?
lishmen, w'io, when he wrote Othello,
wire anpplying the plantations in tho
Weet Indies with alaves, and soon after
hia ih'Sth introduced negro slavery into
Virginia," Tho negro race has never
produced such n general and military
h. I*, ns Shake ipeare portrays in Othello,
M tho .Moors ware ? warlike and
civilized race, and to such a race Othollo
would belong. And, in addition to this,
in Act 4, Scene 2, thc following couver
oeours bot ween Roderigo and
Iago, which ahows that Mauritania was
the native land of Othello -viz. :
go: "lc thnt tr,i?? Why. than Othello
an.] Do* lpmona return ?Kslri to \ onl. ?*.
? o, do; ti" h""- Into Mauritania, ati'l
ay with tba fair Desdemona, uni.*.-.
?? I.* lingered hero Lt ..tufa
, none ceo ne t<> detennloot* aa the re?
turn iu ?- ul I "
Mauritania was the ancient nime of
Morocco, and Morocco waa the country
of the Moora. I think the evidence
stated conclusively determines that
Othello was a Moor. Tho fext also shows
t'rnt othello wa.1- of royal lineage, for, in
6i? nking of himeelf, be mya :
f ,-j (M yet tr. know,
Wht.?.. whan I know that boasting I' un honor,
I -h-iM i . ???. ? , 1 fetch my Ufo ami he lng
From men >.f royal si'*K?>.''
Hazlitt mentions as ono of the eriti
:*it baa baan made' npon Othello
. view of the atrocious villiany
ju rpetrated by [ago, that ho (Iago) acts
without un adequate, motive. I cannot
for an in-ttant see the justice of this criti?
cism, and 1 think it supplies absolute ig
n in ice tf tho text ol tho play. In
Act 1, Beena 8, and again in
Act 2, Scene _, Iago's motives
uro fully act forth and explicitly slated.
In addition, too, in Act 1., Scene 1, ho j
to Roderigo the bitterest hatred
-of Othello because he has thwarted his
promotion. Assuredly, in all of this
tiiir.* is adequacy?infinite adequacy of I
motive. Iago's revenge ia low and gro-J
veiling, but Ilia cause for revenge is un*
? d, and his methods thoso of an |
Italian of the Middle Agaa, when almost
any depravity r. reived sanction.
nlay Bays, in speaking of Iago :
? the object of universal loathing.
ire inclined to auapectthal Shakes*
baa I" > n seduced into an ex?
aggeration unusual with him, and haa
a monster who has no archetype
in human nature." I cannot concur in
tin-, estimate of Iago. In ingo Shakes?
peare has unquestionably delineated a
? r, but ho is a natural mon?
ster, and tho world's history sup?
plies many parallels to him?many
that wiil readily occur to any his?
torical reader. That Shakespeare de
id the character of iago with ex
ti. ino caro as to its naturalness is bent
i by tho fact that in Cinthio'a
original story Jugohasu littlechild three >
yours of ago that is greatly loved bv '
Desdemona, and Iago edncatea and
bribes this child to steal tho handker?
chief while Desdemona is caressing it.
Tho uso of a pure child in this way it
i by Shukespcare as too monstrous
even for Iago, and iu the play tho hand?
kerchief ia procured for him by hi* wife,
Emelia. This fact shows thal Hhakea
peare toned down tho character ot' Iago i
na it existed m the original story. But
it waa remarkable indeed, iu view of
.'i-i.i of Macaulay's upon Iago, ;
[hat tu his essay upon Machiavelli the
following pat-sage bhould be found?viz. : j
" In iii!- respect no history ?ti|-reats more im
ii than that af die 1 u**.'an aud I
I commonwealta*. Tln*<.'>i*raft.'terof tte :
Ita Woo stat (em*, al Bret Bight, a col leo-1
utraaictlooB. a o_anio?i u- noastrous
tresa "f I.ell in Milton, half -liTtnlty, j
aalf Boaga; maj. uti.' ar. I lieau'.lfm orme, groy*!
Ing and | - >*.., . r? a mau aho'i j
ca a ird* bava noooaaociloa wita oocB '
, ne?er herIlatea al au oa'.h wti'n li".
w~:.r. to aoduoa, who aevor wanta a protest
k>,v i go ls laeliood to batray. liii eruolUe*
? nit- baa'.ot blood ortl.elit?aiiity
>t uncontrolled powor, bul from ii"?p aol cool
... Iii. iia.'.lonalik^wi^l-'raniertt-rHj;.
in* imnetuoui bj ru ?. am in their raost beaa*
iiy aevor forgot Uw i_i**--ip!iiin towhioh
, u-tom?i. Uti wh,i> -c..; i->
; au 1 luncaaite exhibit
i meal modeiatiou. Hutt.-.:
I? eat mt" bis baan; jroi ?
i ordlal emile, every gesture * familiar cai-i-e*.
ft a iii* ?ii_>[)i,';,,'i,,f ta
? i tua, Ilia purpose lr dh
ICCOOtpllthOd. Hi* fOOl la llli
,ri--I. i eouitonaa, lill flgi i
..irt a-.!*"o,.. lill n rita] point I- ex ri,*...!, till a sire
lim ia tatton j aod thoa Be strikes for ibo Aral
u. 1 la-: tim" ''
I thi-k if this ii not an archetype of
iago, I do not know in what lauguage he
voiild lie portrayed. Dedaring lagoon
txaffgerataM, -Macaulay has drawn hia
ot trait with all of bia graphic power of
Every critio in every language has
igrood in prououuoiug iago ono of the
rery greateat of Shakespeare's creations. ;
lc ia tho quintessence of the aubtlest
iud iRost powerful intellectuality. Hie j
uental ia absolute He outward- '
y allowa only the calmeat moderation,
"lthough hatred and rRVBSgB conaume ,
ns iiourt. lie never provokes auspiciou.
lia juirposo is known only when achier- !
d. Ile is all tranquillity, esme, grace, and
ubtlety. fte is Ute. master of finesse,
md of pregnant matter embodied in
ubtU suggestion?a vary Mephieto
pheles in beguilement to wrung. IV. ti st
is not more snrcly led thin he lead*
Othello, and yet Othello, tbs victim Sa
hil l-ep-uilement, calls him "honrst, hon?
est Iago," and again :
"D, l.mvtt lair-., lu n*-t ?'? '. )ii<'.
That Bahai hitch a nods sens* cf Bk** friend'*
? r 11/
Thoo tr * be t ma "
And even iVolcmooa praises bini,
"o. -rood l*c<\ -lisii I
(o,., i irk i i, ;jo i" i il '?'? Warn
A natl >r etil ? ' -t bu beei made
on the jo: \ "f otiu-1:., ia inst Othello !?
t..-I';,- deceived, and tlmt he is be>
I info bu anger with rereige ipon
ind Hind muru--!- cf bte wife bj iwtde
qaate testimony. En .1 Ha** inlay -
of "the i.u*v*i.--i-t:'i.' confidence '
which he liaten* to hi* -vivier lid tlie
folly witb,which be trusts rh" friendly
profeaaionfl of ? men whoa* rsf4>aBotion
be bid ol't-triict- *1. tho credulity with
which he takes nnsupported uae-rtiotaa,
?odtrivisJ t*Trcumt*tsncea for uninawer* I
abl* proofs." '1 '.is criticism j deem ilso ,
ni.isl 1 i 111.i*.t, and involving nn iriooi-rcct :
apprehension of Othella I his -mticism
un analysis ol Othello necessary.
Ilgo cits of him :
" 1 lia Moor |?. of n ff-a ai,rt riprtn muirs.
-a?t:i to bs so.-'
And main bl siva in speaking cf
him \ i... .
?? 11 ? loor?howtssl bli* in r *
Is of * constant, los ir*."
Othello, alih" n.'li he has been in Ihs
Bervice (>f Vt nice ss *. aoklier, **as
f*e:iii-l).irl;ai'i- in his cliantrter, but was
bmve, aoldierly, high, lofty in hui
nature, loyal in ever- impulse ol his
luart to Desdemona, oul notkkilledin j
-races, as lu* says of biinself, in
tho Council Chamber of tho Venetian
" lind* am I in my spee. h,
And lillie bleea'd with th- *.: phrase at |
I Ikea* ann* of mien had reran year*'
Till now soms iilne moona w?.||.|, they Have
Their dea. eat scion in the tented flalil;
And ictie ol thia croat world ? w, I -(.i.aii
M ti pertains t , fa*t.( of oroi-. ;i:i.) hattie,
,lnd therefor'* lillie shall I grace toy .... ?
lu speasing for niv?"
And let it be "remembered, too, in esti?
mating Othello, with what infinite sub?
tlety, with what Mniummate j>ower,
iago dec -rea him in those immortal
Menai in Act '.',, Scene 8, beginning
l*7o : "My not.Is '
Othello: "Wha*.fleet tlion say, lifef"
?Mild Michael L'tasks,wbsa yea wooed
tn* ia.iv, know ..( vour love? "
: " tl- did, from fir" '.. ls,-*. \Vbytl-*?t
' ?
I forbear from quoting tho wholo of
rsl eena t il would oecupj too
much apace, but of their type and cha
they ire withont parallel in tho
English langoag* in Ihe anbtletyof their
strength, depth, and flkilful hypocrisy.
Lei ii be i*4*dnembe-rsd that Iago had Ins
absolute confidence of Othello, and that
this play Bnppliea co fuct known to
Othello until the denout men I tbst juiti*
, fies the breaking of thia confidence, and
[sgO t ila him ths! li" knows ol I' di
11,ona's infidelity to him, and tint in
conformity with hia prornise to Othello
that be will make Cflflflio tell of his fa! on
with 1 'eedemons he hus 1 rthello cone-:*!
himself and caiv-s ClMM to talk of '
his afTair with lli.incn, Othello overhear?
ing the conversation, believing that ho,
ipeska of Desdemona. Jn eitiinsting
this phlie, too, of Othello's character,
we must not forget tho infinite skill wi!h
which Shakespeare makes DettdemonS I
urge Caasios suit, and in Act ;!, Seem
1, when Othello ?sko Deademona for the
hsndkerchief f-ho deceives him, and '
Othello teswareofthe dseeptioii, and
that Othello <s'-cs this handkerchief in
Casaios poaamioi, und aa bearing njion
this inslyflte of the character of Othello
and his deception, Bhskl sp< are, with
that sublime power which le- alone pos*
sessed, in Act5, Scene 2, make* tbe dia
logn* between Othello and Deademona,
wh. n bl kills her. confirm Othello's be
lief of her disloyalty.
I think, therefore, tbst the facts cm
bodied in the foregoing tintern''vt were
rmi ie csu** for Othello** comjilete de?
ception. Tlio earlier critics on Othello
esteemed jealousy as the motor of his
cutline;, but Coleridge presented a new
phase of Othello hy declaring that the
passion of Ihe Moor was not alone
jealousy, but was the agony of I
forced to hate tbst which be bad d?*.o
tedly loved. I think that in f/ii.< Cole?
ridge dot 1 ic' go for enough, und that
thc great motive that impel* Othello t*
not jealousy, but revenge upon the
woman he loved jor having, as Ito be?
lieves, betrayed him, I think that
every event of the play establiabe* this.
in proof of this, Othello sajh?viz. :
"Uhv, wey |a thia*
Tl.lnk'st thou r.) msia ? life of Jeslon'y,
'i'o follow still tie ?hanf-M of the troon
. ij loll- oii-'e in loul.t
1.. tie 1 (.-solve !..
? ? ? ? Tis not to make rna Joaloi.s.
Tosar my wife is fan, (aad! sell, rora
Is fi a.. ,.f ipeech. flin**, plar*. aad dam-ei well;
M M*rr virue i-, !!,..-.. ate ni.n.t t:* tn.ii. ;
Nor from mv < ti e. weak meritA will I .:riw
'I he smalli'-l fear or iloiibr of her revolt;
For she Had Byee, and rim-* ma. Ra, Iago;
I'll sea before I .'iiiit.t, I doubt, pro-.t;
And. "d tv.- pro, f, then I* nu bot* but this;
A way at oui-e with love or Jeii
Othello's actions spring/rom the heat
af blood, fired by a eft 1 /* at nee of urang,
working upon a aemi-barbarie nature,
ami An/,, Ih 'i by un implacable iestre
?IO jr.
There is no feature of this -Itv 10
beautiful and ennobling as the gr at de?
votion ot Othello's lore and Desdemonss
parity. If iVsdemona hid been gu il fy
it would bira flnnihilited Um tender
lu linty and sublime pathos of tie play,
and in this is tha highest expression of
Shikespt*srea genius.
Another ono ot the criticisms that has
been mado upon this play is that the
love ol 1 ????!'h."vu for Othelb il uuna- ,
t'iral. Ono of the autlioriti*? for this t
criticism is tba fierce denunciation ot {
Othello by Brabantio. Demif-conu's la- 1
ther, as well as the antagonist), involved '
in the roughness, bluntneas, m>l soldiar*
ly coarseness of Othello, ?? compared J
with the gentleness, reiineuent, and
delicacy of llesdemoDu, who was, as *
Br.'bantio dedans, sought by all ?
?? the wealthy curled dariingsof mirna- ,
? ion." li.deed, Br&hantio pois so far t
as to declare, after denouncing!Ithello in t
the bitterest aud niobt uimeasured 1
terms?viz. : '
"That ttoii hast'-eJ on her with foul
Abnsi.l lie.- delicate youth with dnif-s or min?
And again, declaring in speaking to
Othello?viz. :
" I tii-tefoie apprehend and do atta-h thee
Por an av OMI "! th! ?orld. a pra.-tr.-r
Ol arts Inhibited aud out of wiirranr."
I, however, cannot concur ia the force
nf iccnracy of this criticism, for from
lime immemorial, ever since "ted buttle
**tsmped his foot and nations felt the
shock," geutle maicleuhood las been
aou by the ro-igh and knightl} soldier,
tnd the principle involved iu tlis is tho
principle that applies to thu lovo of
moos for Othello. Put this anta
"BoaisSn may also lie explained by the
taw 0/Opposites, which, ?ieeordin'* to
Ihat eminent Hcieutiet, Franci-i Halton,
r* 'h, tam ?" hunton affettion, and
Deademona therefor,' loved Othello be
?au-e the found in him all ot those
iiuniy traits which were so loreign to
ur own gentle womsuhood. And n<>t
inlv in real lite ha* thi* prin-Jple tletor
innetl human affection, but iu all ro?
nan e. from the Hector ind Aldromache
jf Homer to the Othello and itesdeuiona
if Shakespeare, it lias been ijiplied in
he world 01 fiction.
But Othello fully explains this love of I
Desdemona for him in his speech before ! a
bi Senate, in Act 1, Scene 8j in which
ie tells how her father loved hint and j ?
nvited him to tell the atory of hil life, j _
ind how ho did relate from year to year ' "
he battle*, sieges, fortunes that he had
msseil, aud of
" Uiaastroua ebal es,
)f mo*ina aceldsnu hy flood and flaid; tl
)f halr-nreadih ? apis In lb* deadly ImnlBsnt M
brea . ? fc,
nd all the other danger* through which
ie had passed as a soldier, and the in
?sn eagerness with abicii Dwdenor*
would liaten to all of thia, how alie wonld
go oT to attend to "house affairs" and
'"-tia'.! '?oma again, an,| with greedy oar
flavour up my duooiir**,"*
and h .tv Rh" finally asked him to tell all
ry of Ins lue to her, and he did
" Mr 'orr bel nf-.lou".
natal a worM of ligbi:
wa* (Vsagw, 'iwai passing
Twa. plnfji. 't waa wondrous pitiful:
? : "ha WllhUl
' li earea bad matfohor su.*n a man; aha
' :?? ir.1* If I h* ,' ''.rod bar.
i . bi to n a rat (torr,
?:: on- Lint I *p*k?;
lor id,* daagon i bad pawed,
Ai 'i i i i .lld pity '.!""iu."
Bnt there is a blemiah in Desdemona.
hood ii/i her tips,
luring in answer to tlie inquiry of
.a.- "(Oi. who ha'li done
? rgy ; I myself: farewell,
a.? io my kimi l.ord;
?.. farewell."
Of course tlij? faaehood proceeds from
her exalted love fer Othello, and her fle?
ur., to protect linn fruin Ins crin,'', bnt
re ahould have raved her fr?,m
thia blemiah. rb* drauuttte contraction
of tie play is not enhanced \>y it, and
muy of Desdemona's character
would i.-,v.i, complete without it.
Uer death ahonld have been con
willi tbe angelle purity ol her life. Ali
cnn *s agree in declai ing that there is no
rcreation i'i ali dramatic fiction.
'o it1... noble, pure, beautiful, and de?
votedly loving, ahe is the highest em?
bodiment ol perfect womanhood, and
/. cindi ii lu/ the frost
from pun denote, and hang ton r
11 avery interesting fsct in Cicthio's
nu i, on wiiioh this play ia I ned, that
Desdemona and Othello lived happily in
Venice and until (rtbello was put in com
ii 1 Int he took witii him
th* re aa i align to whom he wai attached,
Be was a man of Breat personal beauty
and became enamored oi I 'f-dentrftria.
Sin* looked on hun disdainfully, and he,
in revenge, charged her with lutidolity
to tl..* Moor. 1 i.o Moor's jealousy i*
aroused, ami he and hiecnaigndetermine
to kill her, aad ahe ii beaten to death
with a Blocking lilied -.wt!: Band, and the
: nnd * .tin Ho conceal the murder
by pulling down tba ceiling, and an?
nounce that abo hus been killed by the
fall of abeam. 'Iii" Moor becomes al?
most insane with grief over his loss, and
drives his ensign from him, and the en
lign n '.? i, s Himself by disclosing how
Desdemona hud been murdered. Othello
ia arrested, tri* d, tortured, banished, and
finally killed by Desdemona, relatives.
In all ; lei peare'l genius
limply guggeation for hia immor?
tal W'.rk.
I Irici, the gnat ('crrnsn critic, with
ir critical perception, says -vi/.. :
".Cut bow touching is Othello I appeal
to Desdemona to pray nnd content ber
sids to Heaven, that ba may not kill
ber soul with ber body. Here at tho
al of tho mos. inteoaa txcitement,
in the desperate mood of a murderer,
bia lore still breaks forth, and again we
ae,. tho indestructible nobility ot his
soul." It is in inspirations liko this
that Bhakeapeare'a dramatic jxiwer stands
by itself and illustrates that genius that
is bestowed by God alone.
Tba Hear that Niiot a Man.
[liverpool !'
A singular occurrence took place at
trading menagerie in Karie street
nu Wednesday, A group of six white
bears from thc Arctic region! that have
been starring tbe country and causing a
ion have just returned from a two
we. rift engagem* nt at HulL The daring
Reformer who bsd travelled with them
Lad been ailing for some time, and
B few daya ago had to (.'ive up his en?
gagement and go 1 eek to hi.s native
i ountry. The dd?eulty then wm to rind
a mau who had the courage to enter the
largo den with these blood-thirsty crea
t ires. Richard P.eitTenstuhl, a celebrated
bon ami tiger taner in Mr. Cross's i m
plor, volunteered to undertake the teak,
a:, i" with tho late attendant, J. Trotman,
made all ready. lie entered the den
ind soou found himself Burrounded by
the ft.i bean milking (orhiminalldireo
After tho Braal set to there is with the
mimals, resulting in a coat aleevo being
torn com pleb iv i (tbe coat and a
little Woo i ipilt, Richard considered he
ivas the matter ol the beasts, laughed,
ind put his Int on ono side. Then
-ame thesocondpartof the performance,
ii which ono of tho brutes mounts
i stool and tires a piatoL Tho piatol
was k0*' ready and thc bear mounted
;he stool. While Richard was talking to
ihe rest of the keep rs outside the d-n
-te U'.ir pulled the cord, bang went t!i?
listed and shot Richard in the hand,
ibo blood hogan to flow freely, and it
sits soon discovered tbat the nail of ono
inger was blown entirely off. Dr. Wil?
lam Pugh was immediately on the spot
iud attended to tho injured man, who,
-though be must have Buffered inteuse
y, made light of the injury. Ho cannot
nale np bia mind whether the shooting
4as wilful or accidental.
yo iioMi.strorr.n nr. without
i'lI A Mn O-ILY I'hKM'itll'lIliN*-.
? with btifine**
rhlle taiclue. No daugor .'n.iu OXpOOUTO attar
ak.ift*. gs i. I I -on* will tl ii il
I the in I Ide. r aporloat and louie they chu uno. A
ItUotaken at night loauroa ruff.mug sleep and
na'.ural ovneiiatKiu ol th* bowels, A little
Kin iu the morning ibarpo?i tho app-*tl;e,
leanne*, tba Moina* ii Bod swHittn. OtS bretitb.
?I tia\i h>,en I,
, PHYSICIAN'S medicIno lett tweatyyear*and
OPINION. bave aevor liven able to pul
a T?ftnbio coapouad that
wald, lik'? BlfflOMBI liver Kegiii.uoi. promptly
od effectively moro tn., li?*-to n.-uou,a!?l at
M ?*rui> time ail m.toad ff weakening thodi
(OtlTB anil aaainoilstivo power* of the ays
mi. '-I- M. liiMi'N, M. 1)., V. i.i.'-ou. Ar*.
Lxatniuu t? MO mat you tret ibo (oiiuina, >ll.?
iugul."h.'l from all fraud* aod Imitations by our
(<1 Z I rad a-Mark oa front of wrapper, and on
so si le lb- seal aud signature of J. il. Zellin A
o. *l- _*-F,au,W*w
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
r*.f?di-(l (liri K?(bRBB iki- ba?C Int aolTod th*
if tbe lon* noo?Wi c,. .lhlne for tbe nsr.
rou., d*;bilit(ted, (nd ibo aatl. br oom blaine- tb*
ieot oerro tonic*, i?ry sad iVn-a, withi other offac
*.\- re_ed:e*, Which, 00?M g?ntry but efficiently
,n On. ki.lD'-ya, Wost and bowels, re-nore di?*a*e,
ec.;r**_(ag_,and itt.(w vitality, lb?modicine?
**a_*_a??T J ,
rt tlTIt o plica onetntnre -nooonr?''' ?nd marks
btw tis ui the tr,-*?mci <t oinova BoabRa
T^rwork, anxiety, diena**, lay the foundation of
crroii. prctration an.l waaJnw?r. and extenesre
m 'bown that tb* mata, r mniioeik' oct mend tbe
rain and j irdy_( of tlio mi-otu (yrterc
Rr ? mm-ndM by prufsaeioaai aod b-nneaa ?(
ind foe eirmlsrs.
**?? Bl.00. Seid by druit__.
/ELLS, RICHARDSON _ CO., Proprietor!
LIMB, (EIEM, fi vi ir K. (gr.
* tbe rbr*p**t fertilizer known, for deter,
rothy, corn, and tobacco-plan? lt cannot ba
nailed. It 1* worthies* unieee fr**n, gound. t
ne tbe only mill tn tbe etty, aad (rind freon aa
Lime, Pla*ter, I erne ot, I?tba, ac
foot *f 3*f*nleeuih (treet, Sbocfco* Milla
A 4 *nrtnrt*r or " 4'nlrbaw."
I Boston K-srord.)
He is rather a distinguished.looking
, man, his whole manner and bearing
sscming dec uleilly out of place oa the
rear i>litform of ono of the Back-1'sy
; horse cars us a ringer-in of fires. His
method of announcing streets is one pe?
culiar lo him alone, and his other re?
marks in the ear to Ins passenger freiiflit
?re s?>t_?'t:m?s very inui-ing. The hia
toriau esme tiown'with him the < flier
i night, and when the car renr-in'il Arling* \
lon street a bevy of young lube*got on, j
: some eight or ten of them, all on their
way to th,- Cecelia citicit.
"V.'ill tho**) is thoceilre of the c?r
he Lind enotagh to pass ti|> forward?
There is a greut plenty of room, if you !
. will only appteciate tho fact.'' 'lln-y
: moveil. and the young ladies smiled.
" Now 1 will collect your fares, if von
have them ready." livery om* recognized
his polite team .--*, mid acquit".*-'-, tl.
"Tins i-* tin- junction of rollston snd
i -? Park, Oli t'c, ind Roi
lis-Stn et tlier.rres." Might people ac?
cented the informstioo and left tho car.
"This is West tttetA, rad th" nearest
trtopping place to tho Hoston Theatre." i
I More got Oli
" New wa have Temple I'lsee, on<l the
next i*.top is at Winter street, if you |
the London Globe nf March 29th
Mya that lousia has jus' pat n stop to
Ihe ope ra tiona of the Amenean BibleSo*
in tin- Baltic I'rovincs. Thc society
i** not allowed to circulate any mote
Bible*. No reason for tho intolerance
is given.
How a Dying Child
Was Saved!
Cttxna, TT mr ros co.. Ive, Serf.''
TIM following la a tnt* ac* I yoee
s s stusdoaeforowlltt*a*inihfasr,Ua*el
now four yean old. Wanna* BtBlotd*
ls*spsppsaredea Hir beet, which slow ty grew
largor. The family phvste.'sn iHoogHt lt wss
emits* bv a, pi*re of broken gls.'l or Bat
Hal lalted t.i luina anything to llyhr. T1* >
i lilld tin nino feeU.t-r allthatlme, >- ?? / I .
lo** th* uso of her leg, ami finally quit walk
Im e:i'!r,.l_T. Tl.o n.lddlo flag*** aad IHBBsH
' ' > liherhitnd l>*r*ame enlrtr;{?-il, lha tv,!, l>a
V The hip j,. . r
rd. SO UiVt when ** | bl Old la*
emil itt- ? Vrit til* tua ,,t I ? ;
ami inn. Partial curvature Of th* aplm al*.
f'.Vi.'.-cd. 1 :?> i-p-.'v .us sys-f-n WBSWn Asl.
Bill -rsl
v.?-< irs ol fl - i nd ' i- I*. Al - ,i r-.-ti
months of ega she wa* , r -hs
trsatasntofaproaslBnt phyilclaa of - i
, I i' at ll.r) 'ii 1 of teri RI laths*.
ha<i de* lined toeaea adefre* that aha ??-ruin
* iv Thi, waa in april, ?
We took tbe child eway aol knowing what
to dr,. In thi* dc
... ar pa-.-t t ' | 1
Ito" ef awtrf* In inc, which wi did, i I
i ' ft ill bean taken we saw a ch*igi
for thi better la hers mptoroa, Wa kept ll
up, amt have done so to this div. snd will
ki ? ', :t nj., If the I. mi .:;:., r..,- many dw,
tocoana, tor lt has brou* ii our .!.*-vi< H
to Ufe, lovt|*or, toatrerurthsad beal lb Biala.
1 I ? rv.1 ? Bl ' it.
ni e.-tint. She ls sl-'n to Walk anytvhere,
Her laafoot nd Btelaaeboty time ph-a-i
away, and bbs le Bow a blithe, cbeerf .1, hi.e
py maple* child. BhOuU * ju wi.Ii loll
create ymir testimonial*, i f pro | of tli*
virtue of 8. 9. S., i ur names sud nhtt it*
h??e *alii to bat ? port] a of tv;, it iveo'v*i>
you, shoald tn tv'.*i to uso Una.
Vat. v. 8wrrr.
OiarsirDi. E. swirt.
r. O. Pr-.* ct.
Traatlaeon Wood and Skin malled
TBB*wir*r8rieiricCo.,Dnwer*, tttoal
liF.I'AKTl Mt. Ot' NI IA Sit KS).
Bteimal lp**< ITT OF KUM R"fron lari ri
May loth. June Uth, .July Utb. '
it nd Dnetl , tm ,-t-a fi na!.
im, isl i is ion ; ae ond eiass,
Sieanirr-t ivory --'ii ii lay fr. n Hew In-t tn
Cabii. pissa * Liver?
pool or De last, 130 ... j tr.-.,- -.
ino: stein*.iwturd n:jo.
saloon lieu ? ?? i.i ?..- i r ve..
. ir levers 11 i red
dr itt ? fi r suv uno nt las ted a*. I -
nile-'. Kor book! of I i, or further In?
formation, apply to BENDERS >N lil-'.
New York; or G ALLEN I CO..Old Do?
minion Steamship Coi anj ? "? L.AKCEtt,
MO Main atn.. t, .,1 AM)!'. VU WI 1.-11. s, Uth. ru
Express . i.nipsuy, Kichmond. ai' :
fitasmers toaveKi HlBOBd h.EltT TCE5DAT
ard PKliiAl ut 5 iv M.
sieamtirs les**. Sew York for Hii-h-iond
W.. arr.Tin* ht Richmond MUNDA! nd 1'Hl
UAV Murnini.-.
rasse.ig-erac ? itnmodfltlona
Cai ;u faro to >-3S7 Tori rta Jimee-rtver
r.'t.'S'l.-iciii'llnit meals and ler'li ...- . ..|1 -l)
Bound-trip ti.leis, limited to u.v ,
after dal' ot '."tis. rt
Steerage, win. ^uoslsten *. B Of)
staei-age. wi'.ho *. t>m
CaMu faresn tbesap-a.e aad Chlo rall*
road. WOO ,
CaMn fare rut Kicunion 1 aud i'otersburi,
railroad. IO dd
Ttoket*can bi- ocairiel at A. W. Oarber'e, 10M
Mala fltrnti Ctenpeaki *-.i Ohio ai.J ii .
mond nd Petersburg depot*, nt .it <->.;npaiiy s
offli-eA. 1301 Mam suest. aud w!:arf rtockltta.
Kret*hla forward*)'! anl thru'iph bills of .ai.uf
Slued lor pom!* beyond Ne'.v lurk.
Freight received dally until bour * f sailing.
l'aa.-:.r-f rs i'jsviii<? Ki hmobd en MON OAT*,
SATURDAYS hf the CheaspesSe nd Ohio rill.
way [li* NlWJDOtl Maws) *t s \. il., *nl ey
Hlchmond aid Pifrsbura railroad isame diTM
it 10:41 A. M., viii make . nnection ai.Nott
t'OLK witb staamer leaviuj? iLese day*.
Otu Ki, li IV. ALLIN A co.. **?;''nte.
No. HU Mah. atreet, and
BOTI Comi.eriy'a wusrf. hocselus.
V TOMI'* Si s
1 IAN.*"Ki: ORCiUMtKur
At NORFOLK witn al! lin*, for Old
Faint, baltimore, l-biialelpbla, and Now York
?ama afternooni also, tor tia.tern Norla Caro
' Ai'NEWPOHT NEWi for Ol 1 Pena!, Uamptoa,
anddm'.thflelJ, tl
And at CI.AllKMuNT wirri th* AVanric sod
DsuvUl* ratlroail f..r Waverly, i!l *ks:oii, Ai.
JAM Sal OWN, D! Ti 'll OAP, AND WAR.
CHEAl'l-.M liolTK.
Th* slcgsut end lui noam sr
?Tarrying IVu ted states MaUj
CtmiH DKYo,
Itavea M.miuouti everv
a. m. atiirr-cAifl connict in fli.l
riMK) tor above-uaraed pia..**, arrlvirj* st Nt
lois aouiii MOP. I*. Returning, tbe steamer
.eaves Norl*l|, Old POtUt, snil .Newport News
>ti a.ten.aio days, arnvtiis at KiohmODd about
UO P. M.
Thro'tsh tlcrka'a to abcv.> named potass oa sala
>n .teamer and al C&rbe.-'e Ageaey, 1000 Maia
iirssi. Uaggsc.t ..-ntx-^ed toronga.
HTAlli-iioOMs KN'iM.liD *0tt DAV
OR M..-II.
Freigh' received daily for Norfolk, Portsmouth. ,
Imimeld, Usmp'.o,.. or 1 .'u.:it. Waverly, aad I "
iioaaford, Va. WasbiagtOOL D.C.; Newoern*. I
A'sshlngton. and T.vt> t" . I, I ., ail stations on ' ?
Ulaou- and Danvi.i* railroad, scabo*.-.; au 1
toanoks railroad. Sorfoli s* uUiero railroad, ; -
md lasteru Norm (rareuna generally: also, for
"salem snore <>f > .rgttr.s, and all regular land
ut* in th* .laines aud Kappahaaao.-k rivers, at
.ow Eal KA ntl, ind Uicoigti bllU Issued.
Lt'ClBN ?. IA IT lt. Vlce-freeldent,
No. HIT Main .treal aud Rocketu. ?
lavis WBi*i.Ba,rieigutaul P*.?ecgerAgeat
mh SI
Apr-otnlel ullin* diya. Svary ITFsihy
-.ndrKlDAT alls M., and evory KUNDAT ail
Freight for Tuesday*' sn I Frilays' steamar*
ecslved UH II.?SBA. M.; tor Suuday*'atsamer
.11 3 P. M. satur lft*\ t reiflht received dally itu
i P.M.
For further Information apply to
l.en*raJ Soulb*ra Agent, OOcs Ret-aatta. i
W. P. CLY DI I Co,, i
?el 0*a?rai Asea ta Phlladelpbla, , j
That Tired Feeling
That extreme Ure* feeling which I* to dls
tre-sinn amt often *o on.ic?ounuble in ti.e
tprtng m n-th*.., entirely ovm-on-ie by Mood'*
Saraparilla, which tones tho emsu buiy,
l"jr;.r,.*i tim blood, curr* scrofula sod all
bumer*, curra dyspepsia, create* sn appetite,
rouse * the lirrpi i liver, brace* up tho berm,
and clears the mind. Wc solicit a comparison
of Hood's Riir<a*ft.irlUa with any other blood
purifier in tho market for purity, economy,
?tnngth, and medh-inal merit.
Tired all the Time
"I hid no appetite or strength, and felt
tired all the time, I attributed mr coed it iou
to tentskmt humor. I Iud tried several
kinds ot nieilleme without be ti e.*. t. lint M
loon ss I Iud taken h.'if a bottle of Hoed
Sarsaparilla, my appetlto wa* restored, and
my stomach felt bettor. 1 have now taken
nearly three bo;Uev and I noter was so well."
Mr*4. Jr.ssiK F. L>o..BEAtiF., r_Koag, R. I.
Mrs. c. w. Harriett, Lowen, Maia, wa*
completely cured of .lek ho.vla.he, which alto
had to years, by Hood j .Sarsaparilla. I
i Frerytvxty need* and ?rwil*! take a good
?pring ined.olne, lor two realms :
l*t. Tho body li now- mure loieeptlhl* le
benefit fro--medicine t han at any other ?oi *
2d, Th ur.-..oi vii,.'! hare aeeumubt"!
In tho hen/. thenM bo expelled,um! tho *yv
tom given tone sud (trensth, before tho pr?v
tratiusc efforts of warm weather aro f?It.
Hood's Sar?aparli.a 1* the best spring BserrV
! ettie. A stag!* trial will you of Ita
| tuperlorlty. T&ke lt beforo lt ls too late.
The Pest Spring Medicine
" I take BBRfa Rampartll- for a tprlas
RNBRRBB, and I find lt Just the thing. Il tone*
np icy -y.tem and make* me feel I,ks a differ?
ent man. My a ife take* lt for .iyipepil?, sad
slin derive, gre it benefit from it, Sho asy* lt
I* the best medicine rita ever took." F. C.
ICBMS-, Hook*. 1-i.der No. I, Rexton. Ms**.
"lost (pring 1 waa troubled with holli,
caused by my blood being out of order. Two
bottle* ot Hood's Sarsaparilla cured bo. I
mn recommend it to all troubled w.tb affec?
tions ot the blood.' J. *-< uoca, Peoria, 111.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
SoM by all drainrlsta. *I: 4:t foi *'.. Prepared I Said by all
ag C. I noon * * -.-..w**!. bf C. I. BOODA O
i. fl; Ml f-r gt. rr?T?are4
A .rr.. Lowan. Maa*.
100 Doses Ono Dollar 100 Doses Ono Dollar
nan.ttoan t.iwr.o.
10:M A. M. PsMy, i i tu. hmond ant Potontrarf
railrca.. Arr. .oat pete?ih i
A. M. : arrlvo at Nor' .Ik I! * P. M.
9 Ci A. M. Dally, rm rtiebtqonU and Koie-nun
railroad. Ar ive ni Petenb i r ?
A. .M. Ro . leavre Petaraburf ? uiS
a. v. for Pai unlit.*. . rii' Koo
BOkl .. 1 ??>?
point. MUt lint W< i
(-.Ot r. M. l?s . .ersbure,
railroad. Arrive Peters-care- ? <
M.. te+ve PeieTOuric 715 P. M. lally,
a riving '
ear Hld mon I lo Ni *
ROI*. M. Rally, *ta Rich mona .ti Petonburg
Id!' I
v m., coane. Ung witb 'I rain
leaving Pel. i .rc ai t 0 P
Pan ire. Roanoke, ft na.
t. ' -Boxvt * . nattaoooga, and a,i
?points oe llb ani hh.Ik
1 lo ...
Ma 1? Sleeplnjr-enr iroea Petersburg to Hrtatol
I yacbburg
So. i .'< iso ft* lo Raw Orleans, and Koa
stta >.
iggai - *. sud a 1 iti'ortnatioc.
caa Bo obtained at Kicbmond and Paiaraburg
railroad depot, A. V
ant at ibu Com pan
-to-ut. \.. Ii BRVI1 L,
Qeaaral raesonjer an l itckoi Ag*Bi
CH AB? .. * ' ?* 1 r.'-l Lot.
UeneraJ o.:1 , Va. noll
rs ' ' IAD
two daily tua i n > txckpt 6undayi
_RICHMOND IND : .Ni lim Ko.
1 ? tatt a.
!. i V, A. II KOP. M. *I0 P. M.
A rn va
'. tl 7 44 P. M. 1!
Howsr.I'iviiie 11:11 i'. R.
| . i*. -I.
. ? MOA. kt
Clifton rorie. MO P. M.
4:4.', P. M. Vs Ldailj laacapt BuadayV
?:5H A. M. ACCOMMODATION dally (except
MIA. M. Moil. Li I'itr.ft'?! daily fteicep'.Moo
AtCllftoa Porgn wita t :.?>-.peate and OMo
railway . ir th weal
At I v *ltb Norfolk amt We* ^rn rall,
road forall | ts H
???'., m. . i railway for ali
>..-! ih sud bouta.
Ai Kicbmond with Associated Kail-ny? for al!
points ii, i.m..ol, fredericka.
Lurg ani !'.??? o, i Monk.
At Lei i re and Ubi i ta?i
ros i, m ak inn > at Harper**
Ferry to and from Httteb?rgh aod tha Weet, ai4j
?. ;'..' hxyir.t
Bleeping [to Memphis, Nowue
'! r-ftln ? n .? ?-? ?? .. - indar*.
? Ml 0(41
Main "fee:. : .- i st, and al Rion?Mad
sui AIL-goany uv!" . " ' anal straeta
*. lll'ttlMI.
. sr \c?_l
RICHMOND, li.!.!>;.UiChbilL K'l"
DELPHI \. f* . ALU
RABI'I ? ? ?'. HST
rrrT*s;,on.!ingly qui-It time tn ether point*
Tbruuiti Lill* of lading Issued at low rai ?*.
, . A. I At LOK,
no! ' aa* i?i Knight Agent
uki.i.\4gt? e. x r TAXES.
In pursiRn'fteof an nri.nan.-e of tbe city of
., I I svo pie, are,1 and poeted la tho
City Kail a llatof Dtltaqaaal 'laxes on Kcal
Katata (or Ut?, subjoct to imo Inst*, tion of all
ft'Oii"om "?.
??.in purtuaoeoo( ordinauoo, aetlcoti
Riven ia all the dully papers of tb.s etty iBat ail
Hal Heal Ka'ate will Le sold I
lieu ou tue flrnt day ot tho May terni of lt.- II,.st?
art (being th* Till Jay of May, I1*
?ai? eui tensity thereon me been
" r eld.
I am further rotpiired by arfUngari to diiMI?*i
in one or nioreof the dally papers of ililsetty,
ie t lee. than ten daya pruv;,,,i. t.,ei,'ti (ale, a
list of red estate so .leliiirjueut for tbe trevioua
rear. Ia conformity IbOiaWltB no*i..e la hereby
riven that *ui-b Hs: will bo published In the Ki b
_0-d a,.,/ou W-UNt-ftJlAV, Apiti ?, la***, ?nd
honiuy.mat:. lyjsrtL,
[?fcoll between the hours of Vi M. ault P. M. pro
eei to soil, lu front of tbe City Hall, on Broad
.tree*, between Niutb and Tenth (treeta, the real
'state BeRBBOeal as aforesaid. Including penaU
f,i . W. II. CAKlX)ZO.
April 1, lK3s, Colls -tor Delinquent Taxes.
lap l-tMyTj
18, Na ic*) RORTH sEVE^?^llT^r,*
. rRIK 1. Insert sets of tee'b for I,'., Ut, and flO
ie. '.nt. Filings from fl up. leela *i
orM,'. OoM work a specialty. All work guar
?ive anttre Mtlef*
mb B> tai W. H. DORSRT, H. D. ?
to? Ban Mun itrkst.
V. B-i.?s administered (or tbe palotes* ex
racnlou of teetk. ap lyeoao\*
r\r..s. okoro e h. .u-iiARLEajn^
1/ l.fti'LHI.. l-l-,K7
ns Maim Mstir, Kicbmond, Vs.
BURI K. M EEL. D. 0. M., AMbtaai
_ ap l-*od
J OENTIST, ?"__?
ormerly Wayt A Mahony.)
Orrtcs t.K.i Main*u**l, between Sixth and
leventii, Kn nmouU, Va. C?ic* hour* from I A.
LIB? P. M. 3*-.eod
M tai %rr. imms, _c.
AT u>wm HA IFS,
ml return* made to BRR tl I wu?r*. Liberal
advauces iaad<\
DEKDs WK HT EN and a-'koow!od*;in*at?
AU kinds of COCVTRf aa-Ctn REALhB
,'A lt for (ale. Mjma lo exchange.
non tb ly la slat ir ants.
Apply tor "WKU'.NIA LAND 0?J1D?.,,
heal Estate Agaa!, Auctioneer,
Broker, aud Notary I'ublle.
]a (7-eod.lm ltfun bank (treet.
bi ai tm*. orpORrA-NiriB*.
I 04X10 WILL, sod Kl.ll ItXW of a WBO>
CRY AND Liyi'oH aTOHR; oM eetobtiaBod
itaad. Party leaving tha sula. Address ** P.,"
ItsrsUA offlce. ap ti lt*
ram i.frtra.
AMi POTOMA* RAll.WOABt ".bed ila
romiwoaclBgI I oin. aKY ?*. ia*i?eastern (tend
ar 1 tim*:
TtgS A. M. leavesHyr-i ??reet?l?tfondnlly; ?top*
al A* U"u, Miif.iPl,
, Bleep** i)
Waa e. Wasulugt.infir
K. ??.
ll CT A. M., > s in a dally, ot.
. s.Mugu afar
Raw '. . \ t P. M.
HOP. M., i.i itattoa daily.
io Now York.
'0-TH A. M . i ?*.??? h statlva lally.
' . . .r\.
LUI', k. , rei * . ft: i -I it .tatton dally:
i.r. ire, MitfoM, aad
... *. BRM*
10:411*. M.. a (tatton d?:iy.
CClv i\, .rr |
BMP.M ? .*M fyrd-street
(tai .as Liiand at I P. M.
-OtP. M? leave* Ki ls srrivoe ai Asbiand at
ir. 4 M , <? muov lal ?'.. arrtve* at hyrl.
i Manoa l'?... Ashland all 31
.4 V.
fc! ' M. s .- ? a? Lita leaves Aahlanl *4
OR, oen-ra! T' kel Agent.
* ? HBU, mulei* tout ap|T
. . .
-? ???.* (DAY, Ari ll 17,
trait.*on ttit* r* st * ? ? ?.
ll: \ '? n Mu-._
, ,t
I A. I I M -inlay Accom'a
i ? j ? ..-. nain.
- iv v. issi nail.
. ' ? ? n.dato
No. Peters ?ad.
- ? .tattesu
oday A *u_'u
? latieia.
% ? train.
Noa. 17 aad ii mat n *wp*
only ot. ligualat 1 ir. Na
rs mot* alia
ani Maarli-ater S l Signal ain't
il at all
, a 1 I', .rt
*. '. eat 1% will (toe
at all (tati. o* for pa
, . -. rilli _
Ob Train* No*, lt and . - -??-??,
N..w Yore ? - -
ft . -.ft |
?? Y -rfc
ni, I J.i . ? -:. ? ' ?' ia
* . i
?r* between
',. aablndon and '?' a .
I (*4 I. AliSIVB.
WP. w.
an.) all emu. ' ( aad Weetara ran
; a for
. ? lu ? no g-'ll
AM. train int B.M.BCLL1
I . -i latoiidoaW
I. T. I). Vtcrs, *ien?ra! '??ireniiteudent,
',' v Paaaaafsc Agent. ii.-, ,i*i",' Manager, np tl
tUlL.-ft.U!. \K i. AN I - (IHIH ROUT*
/ BCM-OI I ?: .AM.*,.. EPflOf
Alli 1 i, i.VM.
l?*ve a rii-OMO:
sn AM. f?r Nea ? Point Cairn.
V '. ,i 1 Morl ilk daily. Pullman
. ""Int.
11:08 AM. 11 > * uga aad I ecol Mall ta all potnta
Weal i iday. .*? lee per* CHI.
ii .,,n g om,
USM p. M. I tai and
tgOODt -unlay. Pu,unaa
1 .. ,- -ar Meeking! . i ? OM Point.
f-00 P. M. < lai?' :..'emit, Accommodsucn, es*
RVs*. M. | -. I'ln.-innatt, i"bl-ag'\
>i. Louis, Memphis, ant New Or*
lean* Peat Fxpreoe-wi?i throngs
I * .'.illy, unly rene runulug
i l Weet ft tn Kl hiUytiiL
taaira ia BioBaem
t.% A. M. Cl ' A'-voiuiao-lstton, or.
- i.itlay.
hiss A M. f '? I. 014 P Int, and Nea.
port N twa. except lui ;ay. ?"ii,mao
I . . . i.t. ?., ? asblogtou.
t:10 P. M. fn ni local etui* and tb* Weat, es
?? , ' - .milty.
1:10 P. M. from! I lal,,ft.riNew*,*nl
Noif . ll ly !' i.liuau Pale.*" mr
Old l ..;;?' ii., univ.l au i Louie.
WOP. M. fi"':i I. ui..:i!eaudClnctnn*tl-ra*?
hi press?dany.
Depot. Baronta) nth sud Broad ati????*.
ilea*-st mw Main street *uJ attn* depot.
ll. W. Kl LLBK,
General Passenger Agent.
Wiima*. Ml muk, He, eu er Chesapeake
and Ohio railway. nih*.
?;ur. borra.
8*h*d*ile In BBbM TRMR Train
Bpnl-L, RMR '.V.. SO. 'Na JA
Leave Klehmond. RIO P. M. x:? A. M.
Arrive Danville. HIS p. M. 7 ?> A. _.
.:y. UM A. M. tl:H A. M.
Arrive t b?'..,i;-. -Iti ... M. 1140 V. M.
A.rlve Augi?ta. 1U:SUA. M,
Arr:Te Atlanta. I Ol P. M. Hr.*?) P. M,
Airivo Now ti >an_. MIA. M. r:*4UP.M.
Arrive lilrmi'igbam. _*?!'. M. AIM A. M.
Arrive Vi. (ceburg. IO:*) A. M
a.. ?? Nhreveport... ? *
Train No. M mace* cviinevitoa at Rey*vi!!e
for cboas i ii/, larkavtiia, a i i ara, a*
tireen*:-"., fr I).-kain *o<l halelgl dally *B
capt ?au:sy aol *<< p^inta on Norta*.arollaa
Du isliiii, ai 1 Norlhweatorn North Carolina rall?
iradi No, M maka*eaaaeaMaa a:uniinhaaa*
for llolelgb, l? io*.!., r.a. e'ld -oreboad 4 Hy; al
ba.-i.ury lur AMbarUla, Hot .-.tringa, BB i *l
point* in Reatarn Sorta CaroHaa; *t ('fcariotia
?Un barieito. Coi** snd Aug'Kta railroaA
lor ? o amble., Aiken,'.eateu, n*.
v?mah. 'i l im_(viiio. ea.. ,l.-i,(s nvuia, aug
otber Florida potn'e. a,-.), witb Carunna Caa*
Uai railroad for Wilmington.
ira.n. ' . ?.-r.?* ai RiahiaoaA
IIS A. M. aud lt 43 P. M
ai.'Klft.-Vl<_.a _CCOMMO_ATIt)N.
Uave R|aR_M "1 .T*:ta A. M.
Arrtve Mancl.eeter. ... rT:dU V M.
'^avo K. i.m 11.|]MP. M,
Anice Ben A.r . BMP.M.
Arrive Aa-?l!a i oirtbousa.TJ6P. B,
Leav. Amelia I'lyiriiiouaa.T ISA. M.
Lenvo Hon Al.- .0-.1SA.M.
ArrraHiehm >ad .. (40A.M.
Tb* favor'.te rout* to Hail .-nore, Tbettaauiore
on tine are mode* of bea tty, eiegaaco, aa4
ctn rt, Leave It'chmonJ 'JW sui 4 > P. M, {
arrive ai Baitimor* s < A. M. leave Raiti
more at I P. M.; arrtve si Ri.-ma?4'*.?> as-i
10-41) A. M.
(are Ki-hn.on.i to Balli mora: FiiaVelM*,*A
?. i -ie.*,
Tte \jiw-K *.?.? afford* (up^rtar advai*.
i.\4*s to I'iimi'sm men ta auaj.lug lhasa ta
leave Kuhnle U near tba cloae ot IRa dapa
u-en**- i-uii- ai. l a^ al B-ttlmore early nail
laorntng. aftor bavtng eajoye.1 a loUfhiral
nigkt'* i -si, lr..* ii .ia* in* -i?(4 and aetaa ul raMs
way travel.
Lea** rUohatoail *rweaiy*-i_ua
street depat, . H A. Hg
Arrive hut.mond flwealy-third
ntieei depot). Mil P. SW
*D?fti.v. tDally except Huaday.
Der-i and ticket-oflka ? foot Vtrgtula aariH*.
I p-ww* omeo Caroer l'aau ?_<t mtsmittmmSto
JAift i. taTLor.
c*nerai .''?^??oasirAgaai.
J. fi PO
BOL RAAB, TreRto Maaagar, '
tt\ WR KANMWLPM.ttaaaraiMiaaR
*? af