Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. MT THE DISPATCB COMPANY. Titer MM' DISPATCH I* deliver-** la *"**> trrlber. al riVMIH (I* vs psr weal, pr.yaMeto tt |fl -isr weekly. Vllle-t at I* esr annum lifvi slr mnslha; ll.*** '** thies months. Csa. for ems m'STiiH. The sKVtl WrrKi Y MspATtll lt ts per auri'im, IT ll for ?li BMS***_L Thr WKKKI.Y DISPATCH at *1 nar amt-ire, n,*a\ DIS A.* il ai ll..'*! per annum, e>7**. for sn mr: ^pitons in all ea?r. revs Me In a!"r-a, , BU U*d sflar the etrdratlnn ot the tim* va'd '? : ' " aa flMflfl** -! tottan Cairne/ sent bv msil kV! vf th* **udar. autt*?-rl?t*r* * ?in*! g l ?aloa, baan le oe; >. * nu . . ' .I 1 f? .1 l '<i . .$ I 'O 1 Imonlh... . .1 ImoeU * . t *Haadt*| i Br.*** . r le AV * 1 oa er> l Itt ''???*. *-? len i ' ? ? ? be re? lume 1. BUNBAY .WXU. 22, ' ? tile l.viii"}.r*.r fiat of the tit? ree! tai r collected in Vii is DOW ' | ia 1 -'i t , ? - -. ney wa I part of it a inch of it ai 1 we have no donht most ol war. Il -. ail 1 (' i tr- is pi I in tba An 1 il tbst I States *t ? i tbst I ( I imf ht to pay il ? ? fi bon aa te i .lt i that tho i I i Las beei 1 ?ti.. law, We *o: S tion 2. Ths! t I i -- ?; StStl * ' I hereby i 1 Yir I l ': | 1 i : s I 1 I ? i tly ur 1 1 < r '. r . I f a by the I : lo exist Sgt f t of I ?' 1 . . Al: I } I ihall be J . ? Stat'j , ,01 attoi traet f ir f 1 ? | (stive of sny SI it cr 'ir: loy attorney or a It ti tl at ii 'roi i lng just wi Mys ought t I 'ni, and also tlmt do "lobby" should get any of the mooey. 'I" t ko ?Hie bill Mit] * la d'tl to <!.' in crier to the full performance of its duty in th* j :? :?..->*-*. The question of refunding the rjotton tax coulal have come op flepsrstely, though it would bsv* beeD a waste of time to coasitler it. The House wonld Dot have passed it; and in the Senate it wonld have been ?!mo*t boote 1 at,. To Ittarh such an amendment to the tax bill would have been lilly. 1 wonld better bil I out of bund. I A Denn, troon Bnbjeot We would say to the (iordons*. il gt 'tr that if in its article touching our concern for Mr. Him.all its \ remises wero lound its conclusion would bo cor? rect Hut we do not agree with it as to the fart njsiri whub i's article is ln-nL We de net by any means admit that '-a "revision or reduction of the tani" is ?"?the iundi*ncBt..l principle that dj the two parties." (in toe contrary we koli that Ul*) rn'iKon d*itr* of the I>*mecr?tic pirty -tho one reason that toora thin all 11 fnitifies its ems', nee-is the fact that it *tandi for the ri/iiU of the Stutts, ind fer th* right of th. -southern pi to m**a**e nanua "sn kffmrs witbonl int-*rv*ntion of th* strong arm of I ni poler. Coat pared with th i life and deatb rjuratian IhaqneBlion wh'-tber cus ioms-dulie* should average CN ot 88 *>? r eeent, ad rnlorrrn r-eeu.3 to ua to bl sm iailgsrillcant one. If the giber* Stator'.iil (?.-?,r*u:(,n wen P'-mg ou now, would the Uotftt'' f*\ fl t ?? f> ID"crato -k? divide upon th<? tan ll' qui "tion, and all tatttm of them who wars I ri fa ctiou iata to vote for the Ilepublican candi adatas? Jf n.t, why not'/ If the tari:!' *-flJB*-*.tton is r>o iiBpcrtBBt ss to be M the iondaaieutal priaoip'-* that divides the ^are panieN" wuM it ri >t IoIbTjw DSHi ?sai-rilv th.-.| a'.l rV.'<.'t,.;>ni-tH ought to ToDi for the Republican candidate V We do uet often touch the UrilTqaes tion, beliering tu we do that to make dal the c.utrolling i*x*ue iu Yirj/iMu Would be lo provide for tue defeat of th* ilemo-cratio pAtty. We agree lully Willi akit our t,e:/_bor of the Al fha chaasstio.'i of the auti-I'roteetionikta' ibeories ind recently on thia subject. Wi quote from that paper a* follow* : " It would be aaadaei* for those who differ only on the tn iff queitioB, and neither ciaos of ahem sre extremists on tbst qufhtion, to firs victory Ly their eran di vii,.obi toni enemy with whom abey differ radically, not only on the tariff but on every atber question. ()tir j r emily oo?t<**t with tli* 1 rotectionibt* | the I'eruocratio party in Yir-'iiiia is j fljjmply to meet) them from seeming too | "msn y oonoession* froai a majority of the partv ??conca-fcsiotia Hut would comiiiit till IrtfliucrsoY ul this bute to I j^iicy] antAjronistie* la that of the Democr.itio parly m Ihe whola country, nnd that would inevitably result, ns ii la Paaaayframa, in n-afcing thia State largely Hc|itii'iicttn." There is hanHy a day in the your thr.t Bi ma is ti ?? Intrigniaf iaoaeorai or nil of tba Balkaa states, aad the fir '. evi.lenee that "agenta" Bia I wail BRoeaai d buri featationaol diseatiafactioB ano *-. iii. thar* fore, -i ore thea i i thai vbea Dm bottom ol tha ' riots in Roumania i** reached a lol ol I .'i emissaries will bare beeo i..1 corercd, The Kins of Roumani! ia a u, un.I recently Browed openly Inn i with the ; .?dro-Hungary touching the Bul would ba his ona ? . ueslum, parti* whirly a-4 ay would necessarily be involved, nn.l e .'il pal aboul 160,000 mea into tha field, it ia natnral that thc Czar should strive bv Iii*- DBOBl - ni tho little 'I he : The Bolton /.'? ral _ aft* r t :.'.?.-, of Tu preai .1 eleotion of l**7'i his enliat* I of that body as pnrti i ? ?* hardly ai thrown npon tl ?' All tbe Raine, a woree Bet of pi .scoundrels never liv. ,1 tlssn thi comp "ii .1 the r* turning board of I mia, nnlen ;< ? of I li.ri.I". nu 1 it m ta tl '* . I ba ;n their power tu nonie an An ? True, Fal whal about tl o " i i.ii I ? "nine * believe thal even thc ? ' ! ? - ? lire rote in J.'i '. lt waa oren ri rote in Vii, i i a i i . two or tl,rec ilays n ,o, u i gspeech in 1 in eacli I south? ern Bi not allow* 1 to vote. Mr. Hal i ? ft i.u ft vi ry as h t . Tl o lamb ii wolf always will lc . I ? ? ? . Why try t.i for Mr. i w _ork -Vtfcunc?to Un appointed a eon to fir npon the number of votes thnt each State in the South may give in tho The number 1ms In Louisiana ? gentlemen, tell o tea Vir* Mea '. Hambleton JkCo. in their circular fur this we< L * "Vu re t j d\ in our market at j>r* i nt, except thr* . which Bold at 64j and wi re niter.*, u r at 64, to 65, in sympa? thy with the j mr..* ii _st a by the State < f ; Virginia for the purpo i ting ita r< .iu?t i.j. Let the bondholdera loam of it- -namely, tb I tiny fund :-' act I ter for th Tho ' I insists upon it that Mr. J'i.?.r._ wi.l not be tb ? n> xt Iii publican nominee forPreaidi nt of nited Mat', a. and to prove ita aa* : aertion true reprodueea .Mr. i'i unb's Florenoe letter' Tho Hep a i'i.aim: man "in every leish." Illili T COMMENT. "JIarpt r's Weekly apeal ? *.-,: aa 'bi :t? t than bia] arty.' " ? i 18 to I -' 18. The Philadelphia Inquirer bern election! ami rerdicta am ei-uuily honeat." And both aro rery A St. Louia pa] "Th* rc are atill no rente in the aolid South." That's ".i.e. I.,. ?. . here doesn't ? lives JU. The Ohio State Journ ?' ieyi: "So other State in the Union will oroanaeod aa delagatOB at largo to Ohioago loch , . ? , MoKlXIiBT, and V> I i.'' No Mate except Ohio would own it if sbo could. "Al : ot a county i ? ? d inatructing under the unit ml*3, aaid ti.e. presiding officer need a borae-plBlol for a garcl and that coi_ nitut wns anneoeaaary." Who wanted to comment under the i tea . .New Mao-. Tlie Study of Politics. Anlntrod lore by William P. Atkinson, Profeeeor of English and Hiitoryin the Maaaaohui tte Institut nolo r. Boston ?ak iv W_ST, Jorrrior k Co. John A. Robinson, a wealthy ? mun of Kenrich, Conn., who died re? cently, I* ft a remarkable provision in his will. This doCttBM&t directed tli-t his aaahonld ba kept tot three Uara ? "fore I placed in the grave, where the Ii i to th- cullin wns to be re mored an! tho grave ao closed tbat a person could readily gal out. It als'? provided that Wei iind water be placed iii the cullin. A li hui mer, too, was to he nenr hi* right baud, while a lamp was to laura in bis sepulchre for three days and three nights Erery one of tbe prori bious was rigidly enforced. An old fellow who had evidently seen better Hays called at the Central t-t-tiaa, in Cincinnati, t_c ?th?v day and apptirii for thc jMivtinn of fu.-n-.Unt. to the turn key, bis dutiea being to aid in cleaning the cell-rooms, ile was given the place and allowed a col bed te sleep on and IMO ill Baal BMall ?fccb dav. While eugaged in Ins duties tho other morning be notieed a woman in om (if the edin ; aad after a little talk with her learned ' that she wa* the iwtMheartof his yeuth- ? fill daya. The apark of love waa kiadled j am w, and the two agreed to ?et married, providad lita charge of druukennesa, for which ahe had Ucu committed, ahould bc ailhdittrtu, A GALA-NIGHT. nrArANT loaots nam Tm- sbiat OX.OUD CELEBEAllO.f. A Grand DlsjiUy of FinwarUi-s Bill ?nd i;*rn:in- The Daacsr* - A Dinner. April 19, 1 Tl-c coi the lion of thc Oxfor I rm I < !. ? ? play. HAM, * lt nat." .n,| VI ? I I ? I 1 k. Ill wlil. li . ? Ail:, lnbow ?.i ? < : 1**01*. ? I il umi, bul . *?- or vt : ? .1.1 . md : ia at ron on it-i, a Wye-be of 1 ... : 1 and Mrs. S, Vt. < .i. s. Hunt ' ' Halifax v ? . . !,-, fer*. ! Vanco I ind Miss Lem . t">th of A. S. 1 Mt** Mary J. S. 1 . ?-,- -st 1 ' I.', fa 'I . ", tOth Of I IV. II ll. ' . Watkl - ol K. inn" I-' la:! fl la nd JJ c. ll. i ?*? ? In, both " i Laud is. '.. II. ii ' ind ' ?.--,*? ll ? ' ? ?i. i. t ? ; ',. V. V !,.!\|' - ' \ Burwi ll a.. I i. Ii. I, I ' ol ? and V mer. - ? ? *. II. ' I > - 1 - I i ? ia Lull! Henderson of H*n - ?-Ls lt. P. - ' a . I '. I . torten ol < Ila '*i ? Hattie M.i-s ?n. i if thal '-mts r. I an tba ? ? -? ".I -!i? - i ? a o*| stars I '? -i-:-* r nerii al resident *f iv. ? IlisnsiOB opes:- ! wid* .'? Vt guest the genial Da er bal i BaaSi .', rr s Bia* BB I a Blea-in! * i ia* meet comple ? and S [( rd. rwareheusi " rle* * *, sold < efl :;. w. I . 1 ASHLAMD. Annual Public llebala vf Ila* Frank** lin Maelelj. [Cori. . 1888. if thc Krnnk rsry Society ti ok place i I last night at 8 o' i -d ivis crowded with u large andi t itndei v.llt-.'srs, ami ?? ind thi * xerciaea nf v rr by Rer. 8 r. J, C. Martin, pr< lidont society, in s pleasing snd brief a ilcemed ths andience and intro* Mr. A. tt, (d Yirginis, n Vies " - very forcibly ahowed th" evil ? wi ich fo lowi 1 froai t1 ting in thi ir righi to do thing! )t chum- tiley were their own Dil ? a illy in tbe case of tbe drunkard, wi -I thinks thal none bare ti - i I I rith bia drinking, us he h ti . i no one bot himself. His oration i u well received and fully !? i be subject for i I. Ih,*. tb ?ne ) has received ir. intent it the banda of tbe I :aa the Indian." Mr. J. H. llsnsome, of T* 11 1 on thi - . tive witb u neat . -, idicted on the negro ilavea bv ih" als*,c-traders in bringing them to America, their I"*.- condition in Hlsvery, md the a ?< s they Is ? ru raul tbemaeln s to their i t hvi 1. Mr. RiDflome wm fr.: i . .1 for his many bright snd * si remarks Mr. Vf. A. Christian, of Virginia, stool np for tha negative aida of the ?bowing how t'.t- j ni.- In* ddiu -si Dees rob ad of hi-r country, drives fro ? post to post to thi ir present limit'.d re* nu!mhv and hos,- the fright fa] mssssorc* by tue Indians had ciiii-iril by thc injnatioe of I ? dr. H. L. Moss, ol \ irginis, ablj emi? li.e sjurraitive side in a well writ? ten snd li'^icsl sddrew, tmfortjing tbs argument., of thr* Brat apesker snd sdd ilg htrong ones of his own. .Mr. J. Turner, .'r., championed the negative by showing that slavery had i from tunes long gone by, also the rilv of the red man to the negro, av I ths! ina ciieroa'-liiiieuts of the whiles had otsllod for the deeds of rerengi by th.* I Lilians. Mr. Tamer's Hpet-ch wns Wi II cii'ip .sed nnd gracefully delivered. . ..-. tared the house adjourned, and refn??.linienUweref-urve-l in the n ar of the room. Tho music was furnished by the Richmond Tremer Baail, and Qm ladies and gentlemen pr i.menadfd till s lats hour. I'EIlKOVAI.S, A*'. Mrs, Moor* *nd her daughter, Miss Mary Moore, of Kichmond, are visitin;. Mu. (/arr. MiasLi/.'ie PflstfrM. of Uichmond, is stoppiag ut th* hotel. .Mii_o3 Lillis uud Tinkie Lyon* left to-day for Wa-diinRton, V. ('. Mr. Alick Tatton has returned to his Weena in Los Angeles, Cal. hov. Mr. Betty tins returned bom*. Ale-ctassttrla Natta. , 'Special talefrrarn to the IMaasWatVl Alexandwa, Va,, April 21. When today's early Midland m-iolit stopped -.cur hrmtot) Mit vouductor, w ?.v'Ub.' off in tba daifaM ?"*. fell through a tr'?*t!r, injuring himself ' nv nty t'n I obi! lr n btir'.nl Boa* i ight are d : father, mo* ? .<d, ia Ul B | Thiii j*'il n' ; nra* d, Churchill, ii pr - in* r. I bed in I for, of ht . 4;. t EflTOy ix* ' ' ?>? ? ? ? Plea ... i from : 1,,. 'ft. tl.ei I .ril-i. otlii r 1 : ibi.ut I 1 ago. Jn V . ol Leyden, . .. cldii rlin 1 :i!.t, d the iii] ' .">>.. - ^S\i r ? ? I - 1 ' ' ' ' I ... 1 toot ? 'ettnael ( barge - - ? mainer! when he : 1 I ' ' t I I . jrfattbcn Arnold ou American Rewa, pa jut*. ' newsp. ? : ?. ' i titi.1 r . .... le, an I I impreagioa and effect ? iculd tay that if one ? : i ition . .' for wi at ii e.. vated, 1 not de beti* ; apera. The 1 "f trath 1 ? .1 re* ? bera w. arriving il ? ii we are to nnder ii g" w - v _be ee ? I : I expre- ration f* r Mi-s t b ii wai ton, * ? 1 ' ? wns Riven 1 ri arri "pened it a: 1 found nnder a iar 1. ' I ?hes." : - unfavorable [wi ; kully a-id bospi ? that 1 bad a Iel ? of Sci Ich 1 tl editor ? wipapi r in those parts, I ... lum, and a I hud agkad, a a criticise! i ? hwe I ! by me 1 Pali-Mall ameette ovei bere. lt wa* a 1 poor hoax, h,;t aoanv p 1 taken ' m and w* rc en n*atoly a*i?ry, -'r dill, of ti. tia.* numb* r. A friend telegrap] wo to kn "A- if 1 had writt***n the cTiti- ' I, of c inrs*-, lnatantlv telecraphed 1 written a Bjilslile of ?icago paper is sent to rue, and wind i i laaore of r* ! as the reeult of my centra lictii a, ia thia: "Arnold den,es; Mr. Mcdill (my old friend) r arnold's dis r , tays Arnold is a cur." A few days bjjo a very Btrange-Iooki?g aunim .de bis B] . 111., just. Ber... ft tha riv, r from Peoria, He look) dla ' Rum, and tiinrc who saw bun 1 ? wit.'i sreat BUrieeity and not a little f*:ir. ? bl 1 partislly cleared up by an old who baid : "That is tho old nr.-a of Bini toWR. He w**, once a river-msn. bnt about ' were tidied with by a giri Ha*, heart waa iiffect. il nnd tba ? arvad lo hts head and he is eregy. Ha livea ia Ihe swamps over theta, and awns a little ciitiiu up on tha hiiL 1 am am none el van faina ever beard of the ? wild man af Sluet-owa.' fits aaa* a ia Billy De Lilly, and Ra .-staya in hia cabin all wia? tt r. Thin is Fha irst rt ate he has ever been about the country in tho winter for twenty-live vi sra. lie will tako lo tba nd will not bo Sct-U at-aiu until ewrlv tuniaivi, I IT IS MALTY. THE WATER II TUE ASSOTEAOUE ULAND sBTssTlI WKLL. The Wjrk Not Acreptart-Coniirtarabl* Dil r itaint at Oiaicork The ? if r. | ->; ? at****.' 1 " ro ' , and report the 1 with r n e. i he odrcd feel ? a . . ir A sro ' ?' I I ty ? uril'ss lu* . I i n ancccsfl pointmenl talk of ? tl iwn. I ben -nit "f ??iii be ? ' ? ' ? ? ? alien it * i i ,-, .,. of all kimi* ii f'sr i ii rs are be i The mer* r here than to bi ing to raise a i itbe ? : warm ii ,-r to e a ahi eton ? I . i 'i li* i< until l ? in I ll t. lr. ? ? travel s ? ... r . ? . t ? ? i -i ] ? issi A f . 1 ? ! ap THOMSON CEL TRI) p n n c r^o u U tl j Li 1 u, t 'J: ' ' *ke ..ever. FIT i , * ' 1 ' '? THE ? ? '/a li fy. I B'.h n *, . - ? > i ?a i a.rtiAiai ht, .Mr. ! ? Murry, nap. Peter J I ? ? by the wives," Miss S Elnnter'a * ? lr s Wil .: ? I alli He wi. all, and Hwo a good _ Ii CADEMY. TH Bl rr: (. U A .'. I> iii N c THEO. THOMAS Un\ \ stra ?<IXT) : ICIANS, MnflBMIJ . ItANDOLPU. I IDIX. \ I :T.\i tloncelllst. rs.*-! riinF.-iS-n.:-; . ItaWO-II I m kll-U'f*-:.CiariueUsL ll ?- ri* will ta-.-ur FKIIMI .i , ? (tog, ssa -, si***aiava iso - ..ON I HT -Nu\V OI'EN li MAWLTh RAMOS! I vs MUSIC STORM, Tiir (.fm- kal salk o. rn kits will lOMMAT, ST Ul . ID, .Vi b s. M. Ivenloir Meei.|l to**2.*?l Matliic" pi k.-s.'. V. to li [spill_ ICHSOND MOZART ass. TTOM. TU* -**roJsr womklt aalrea win tsks piiei st ?HHOW (lis-irtay) kVk.vtsts st ? ?> -yciactr. Ad rai - .. ?sty try m*.nssi?aip *r i.ivitatiou cards, wbiol ar.'I* ' r , , lisi st tk.t d,?,r. Jlan,bera faa . Isoa aoplit-aii.iu te 0 I. DiU'li 4*1 H titi stree;; IUnlv H. ftiMOs A '.sin Hiroet; er Wiltes 1>. liosiu A Co.. s . i Its ii tai s*ats fer tint tatalar ,ii">i,-sVi of tba Ma/Aft -iss-asiausm ess k*s ka* at Messrs. Hames I Caa lr**. srt*r tb* sa.-*ad bois tar en ihe Kef-Bioni* seat* thai are then ?a*v-ei|tie*t will 4Bflau te ali. t-tesei vina ssits baa u*,-n *p ?ea Bilby *. ,w. tut in* Board ol Governor* saut ?ut cards I., ali thu si. :ni.^:-A Baking Hera prsialbelrvtatsaou Ui* laHaet ucl .tv. ry Ilise mujwiiY < tlid il ?? J U-.-dJiiU-.5ii , li RQUREAN. PRICE k CO. Important Announcement. ENTRAORDINAR Y BARGAINS. WE HAVE PLACED ON SALK TO-DAY 16 SPECIAL JOBS IN Bl I DI 3IRA BUCK SRKS, SATIN BOADAMES, SATIN DI ^ AND SOIABS, BENTINCl TO Tm P BLIO PRICES THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED IN THIS CITY. wi Foar Nambers-Faille Francaise, . ' N... . iCAISE.?' So. I . . a.- FLOUENTEEN. ' . ILK. . ' AS BRING OHRAT INDI Isaac Sycle & Co. lt ft,n,. . .. ... navertrs- ? * inter* Are Ovcrjloiuing with Good Things. Wa have ki lay to th* people ll * - soevldei ( -I aro SELLING BABY-CARRIAGES. Wawtl) ifr*' call your all ' I ana!*... * I A Li - FOR THE PAKA 10L. A, . ea aro BARGAINS IN STRAW MATTINGS. - . . , ....... ? . Rail : - i ?etty lu , - - I Isa?all i another lot of thal lei?35 nt H??'T ' I ' ciel l :?l!l ? .' : - ? ? ir i la*-*i ' ? ... ,, : ? a . i ?. n '. ( - Waar* ? ?? od a d< ' ? 03 EAST BROAD STREET?NEXT CORNER THIRD. NOTE LOCATION. IMMENSE CEO^YDS. GREAT SUCCESS. [UNDREDS TURNED AWAY THAT COULD .NOT BE WAITED UPON. io wtii ww,t tn atti irs SI- ARRU IOXALH '? . WE I ?'. COME TO STAY, AN!) SO WARRANT OUK GOO hat at D. vf. FLATAU'S MA Nfl'A CT UR H. RS SA L E, EAST BROAD STREET. you; ile pai b op shoes at wooli tween our prices ani wtist are usually i uBareU ' i - Cat- i >, rut ftlilR.ittoD Boots,silk worked hutton-1 Isl .? yi rsi " i ? - ii ? . we ava . . . i ia? York tip). . i 17 I . , 1 ? - . ; . R OQ . *j 17 Lilli's' . t LaBlee'Kura-Hine ti each?ld button. .... . as . i?i . Beaded ?>p.:a Mlpaert. ?>? ? : . 1 (1 M's. las, epitnf bee ll . 4,7 1 - ; s I aavl. . I ? i . ?_ , i , -id itu usa. ti.iiKl-.awaa'. - iii*-Heel Bn ? ?. li 1 ;i to 0. . ( hil.I < s 1 ._. I - .. 1 Men's Sewed 1 . 1 ?% ? -?#? I I seas'. . . , ?-??. ...."_ i .. v Amlass sawed Ruttan. . 1 . _-n's SasralOM .'-"wad Lacs._.......... 1 1 . , ,, , Men. -ura-Kiaa Munn.. Miwi. I 1.7 lill-. Mi.>E IS A RARUA1N Mr-n's Sesinl*". Bullen, Op?r.i *.-9. t |i| Ran saan?a ' ? >-. Opara toa. 1 <?? Men's Seamless Coacrsaa,*Jpsra toa. 149 ???*?**?* --?? ? . velvet Saibroldered Slippers. i 1 1 . rd Tie*!........ _eu'a tint- ?-' 'f-. In all itvlei ut ?., rj low prioea. liARUAlV- - .4.1' FHOll THR MANCii'TI'l: D. I. I LATAD'6 MASCEAOrtmi KH tr. ! \>r hkhaR sTKKicr <B*-.*t Winzil-, hld bTAWBV nNBROOT8,8B( ? ?-e t at wb?ue(?le prt.-e- ipi 1 ..'I 2 mi . BO 4 .Ml I I . 1 : . 9 fi 1 ? 1 ? . I BO iii BO 1 1 : . 1 t . I i ? 9 si 1 ci *-4)K ki -ir. ?C.OB RENT, 1 DNKXPIRBD TIMMS AT -*-* HQ USDUCTlUM. DBTACHKDBRICB UWKII IN'}; Srooms; liejUernimpioveinenu, lumwes;lloyd sri**.. A i, BUICK i OTTAOb\ SOS west Mala atroel, near Meiiio* Park: s riKiias; alia order. For u'liar properly rall fur rt kn i mst. J. illDMlsO.N BIIOWN .tr CO., t_ Ult) Him street j, or. rent. BRICK i?w.:Us*? 1 IM; N... .--X-3 *a*t Main fltreet. LibbyBB_ lilli, contaiulnc eleven rooms, I iih-reem, city waler, anl l.atr.>l>r) Hot* lu the lieu-o. On* Benara from Marshall Park. Prt e t-,#| per waaia, '. uentiiN. ap Oe J it 8Tvrfi* Lester street i;OR RENT, I, AK (IF, AND** J SMSLL DWBLUIQS tn all paru ef ihiH city ; also, sr***.",'-. I I My BfllVT BI LImB', Just -rotrsa rut, is nw ready. Call aud set eu*. N. Of. HOjfK, ap J0-.I Heal Ketate A|*nt aud lieus. Fui: BENT, THAT VERY r>K-?| SlftASLI MO OK UN T.Vli>T<>|?V**a? Illili Iv KK-tlDICNTB, f*n:?i?lru? uin* ree ai a. No. lei uoiih Him. sue-**, opstesil* Uottit Uull. tt_.\HY l, SlAiS-i SCO., ap ?.V0-P.*t!"u2t_HOS Iain street. l^OR RBMT OR SALT. I..UU'(.:,*| 1? TWO-STOIT BMi'li Bl ILI'lN'OouMayoaaf 1 s.iita.l and rouveoien*jy l.s-atutl lor conducting a aiauufioturiug huila ap iaV-k-AhuiH bU li OS-I CO, ' a OK BBRTT. pOR RIA P, THAI .1 ANO ( r.N1 ri.Al.LY-I.Ol'A ; . .j i'F.SI-SB DBMCR So rm ea***. ..--tc* dre.t, e. twahra raaaaa ana ail moder* laipts .cinema, .'.tiducaairMA ti> an ?wnadiBU * ? POIRD-XTKR A BIROO!!, ap H M _ 1??8 Batu eira*. i;o\: him', a SMALL parma ? Bear ta* .tit*,, en Kt-c-ail -Hr**t road,-** eaaialtOag ~v, aaraai ??i?ii dwalltac . mm* rrasi nai^.e io a geol tooaat \*?:'Iy Ui KW. ? i Ks(?la Ifant, ap.': I'.l-'east alula siroat, I!X)B KENT, HO PVR MONTI, A LABais Mwr-fi,(jt anb? Al'MlrVABLY-LOi \ ,_? rt-BMltWRR 1 Bl4 emt riay Kraal. .-*alalij*a_ fenn*** re*ma, ail noir ru lm?i?i*aamis, aa* i? soo* rerair. JOHN i'. GliOBtN, Itnl i*-:al. A(wi, au?}(ft48i Bau-aud tlerentt au?..*_. ?,tX)R BENT. THAT I>E*SIRABLE? Jr Ul M LIA I BL Y-I.Oft'A riDBH KI-ftlHENi-B-.Ne. !A> i*4imt Bnm aad .t?B*r *.ki Kraal c*eta(alnri ala* reem* bendee kitchen. All m*m,'*? t?t*-?i.?a(eal? JOKN T. liOamS, Rmi t"ton- Anent, ap tl n Bank and BteveaiB Mreeu. Ul,KU POTA-VOAW. Ora?i{tB**N mum Mew, aud bu kuark*. All oba?ie oarrBeea |-vwu sear? ai low lurk**. URMMA.N UOUaU, IMC- COO*, RL-CR aad RLACKKYRI'KAS. NWY UBA.N.\ e4-, eb*, t. Vf. WOOS .? *"J.\.ft. -ao-l-eu. Nc 10 ininti 11**i t?*uili aa*ae4. or-uee aixih aad Mai (-a- saraau, aud 1711 eaei i riBBjiii Kr**V. I w ?ir.rriat.i A CALI ? ; ii", . | - . . ill AITKft. .% ' 41. ? ? ll a , f l K ? V? ? 11 "AHT liKWU WA*, i 14,1. I o i ipili nd, i | i i rsl st . . '. Kl ? w a i.r i ? T ? '?: - ,?. . . 1 : ? . yo i - ; I ? ? ' - ? I I V ? V A - . ' ? . I I ? the ties ? - ? : ? s Dy ti v / \RGE WHO OE. . SPECIAL SALE n ru. GOODS THIS ri EEK ECIAL ITJCES. <?? aaa.: - I . "Bl I . t K*r*i*:' t ? ? ? till,, a )? . A i ai uaic a th t l . . . . ita, *i ? ?'->*, ttl ? l? * . ? viot-fl, ai \ * .ard, i l a., sa aaa a v. ? far*j AU-Weol H^o 1*"* ei-ia.h .*.'. s,oi ii * vari: a vaa-d, :. ., . -.rt: H.. ii - H lian 1ISc a turn si-e-i.-u.of'PSitivoc' -di >*AA m-av, a ra , Al! ?">?.>! -t-sshsasro ai . . t i *..i flaar..??:*-> a .staid. : All-Wool --iaaitt'la- sa av, a jaar*; .* . ? ,if ui pr* , av i vij-i.r*. ni ia thia sal** VI * want of uni* I ss?ar4-Mtlaf ? "*., he?ev*ir, (Hal I ? ?*? wtl. cati and -?? ti- -'?* sa_\,ac>l a****-"-**- **? **?**** pe skvalia ira II ***?*?*( s\t**eia ea J Wv-ny ar*.** . f OBS-s,,,, ...s ,?-, ,,.MI,t ttstaiaaBl drv-feodssteie. aa I ?? -.-. trill pr**** at* : ss Us g.xSj tneta**!-.**. HELD & CO., M RROAD 81H.EKT. len ?l _ TOnN B. CAF? A ttl USS ki,;* secs ii HAMIL KiKHatW-W IsTM tt^l^syfltsaX*! COaV I'W\. f tSB'IllMiaj. (le^^ae***-,' * ? ^J. *?" HW VstrfWw*-**. .I..A a. l's. '?** SJ**-***-** i KA,NCiJ Cwairsri'.. "Bf I?>*>iaBJH*rj?HI